The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1886, Image 5

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The Red Cloud Chief
a.C. HOSMER, - - Propiletot
To the Fanners.
Farm loans negotiated through W.
P. Overman can be paid at the end of
any year without a bonus. Rates as
low as the lowest. Money fnrniahed
promptly. Office over city" drug store.
9 Per Cent Farm Loan.
The Nebraska Farm Lopij Co. wil
make you a loan on you farm a
straight 9 per cent and furnish the
money without any delay. Call on
them in the Red Cloud National Bank
The Pwod-Hcirecl GirL
We l.iui iLjit Iijt jiat Jrc Is lltry.
"Wc know that lier tnijcr Ir quick,
'hit when she's in love she's in artiest.
And lores "like a thousand ol brick."
R. K. Orchard was in Exeter this
John Parkes Bays he is the boss show
Mus. Harry Pond ha- boon on the
aVL lil t liir. vi.!. t
The trains arc. n.ii'i ron-iini after t
jtioiv blockade of over a week.
Alderman Mo-jhek has been on the
sick list, slightly for a few days.
During the last few days we have
had a very tough spell ol weather.
During the storm of last week A. J
Means had fifty head of hogs freeze to
j death.
J. II. Wilhelmsox had a cow freeze
both of her hind feet during the lato
Charley Winfrey faced blizzard No
1 for 12 .miles last Wednesda', one
week ago.
Mrs. T W Brewer, of Saltville, Kae ,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. A. Cupp
this week.
This week The CurEF comes out
in a fine new engraved head, the finest
in the land.
Henry Newhouse while coasting
the other day had one of his legs put
out of place,
Mrs. Geo. B. Gates and Mrs. Mary
att wero in Oxford this week on W. C.
T. U. business.
Mil Lovell, one of our Webster
county iarmcrs lost 30 hogs by freezing
to death, last week.
Personal taxes become delinquent
on Tuesday, February 1, 1686, the
tax payers will therefore take notice.
Mr. Moody, living on Indian Creek,
lost eight head of cattle during the
double headed blizzard of last week.
Wi: were shown a handsome picture
by M. R. Bentley of an ice castle at St
Paul Minnesota, made entirely uf ice.
CM'T. M.unell lost twelve head of
fine hogs during the blizzard last week
that was so general oyer Nebraska and
. The tax payers or Webster county
will take notice that Treasurer M. B.
McNitt is now ready to receive all per
gonal taxes.
Tui. JtnA f!lmi(l naners were in a bad
fix last week from the fact that their
patent in'ards' failed to put in an
Geo. Weiib sallied forth like a lion
on Sunday and climbed the snow
banks enroute for Cawker City, doing
j,ei vice for Uncle Sam.
J. II. Smith, deputy grand master of
this district, No. 29. installed the
various Odd Fellows lodges in his
district. He is an efficient officer.
Ice cutting has begun in dead ear
nest, and every fellow who has an ice
house is pulling up the congealed aqua
pura. It ought to be chean next sum
mer. T. O. Baker, the genial proprietor ot
theBakei House at the depot has
started a fiour and feed btore and is
doing a land office business. We hope
he will succeed.
Ik.v Sleeper, manager of the Red
Cloud carriage works, has gone to
New York state to be present at the
final settlement of his lather's estate.
He expels to be absent 20 days.
Dirir Gray. deot police, lugged two
men before the Folic Judge on Satur
day for plain drunks at the depot. 1 lie
Jrnfec fined them five dollars and
trimmings. It as on account of
the blizzard.
There will be a singing school start
ed in the citv soon under the direction
of Geo. M. Plumb. A large nmber of
Mm. F. Braderook has been very
sick this week.
In some of our neighboring towns
they are having coal famines.
Last week Mrs. J. D. Leach received
from her father in New York a New
Year pit-sent of -J-JO.
The Chief has a brand new sign
"The Chief Steam Printing office,"
Visscher is the artist. m
Two rooms are finished at the new
school house and are taught by Miss
Cone and Linna Owen.
Two traveling gamblers put in the
day at the depot Sunday, doing the
boys up for their change.
Tun interior of the postoffice ha?
been remodeled bv the new P. M. It
is rather more convenient.
?.I, Uucm.y has a new office and re
I pair Mm!' at th. r-and hnii-e to re
place i!ijm; ittx'c.'U y btt-iied.
The C'H.j- iu!i!.-iied a very inter
esting letter from Mi-a Eva I'. Walkei
in its hist irisue. PI ease write again
Miss Eya.
Daniel Tharp. an old Clinton. J Hi
nois, boy is thegu;t of C. A. Owet
this week. Mr. Tharp will make Reti
Cloud hi? future home
Wi: neglected to mention the return
of Geo. W. Lind.-ey from Illinois a fev
days ujvt where he spent Christina
and New Ycais with his family.
J. H. Ross ol Cedar Rapids, Iowa
and, family are to locate in Red Clou
soon. Mr. Ross is a brother to oua
fellow townsman, Henry W. Ross.
Married, at she residence of bride'd
father, (A. Garber) Guide Rock, Neb
on the IJJlh day of January, 1886, Mr
A J. Hayes and Miss Ida F. Garber
It took our new I'ostmaster, his as
sistant, and Treasurer McNitt unti
twelve o'clock Monday night to distrib
ute the delayed mail for the Red Cloud
The Y. W. C. T. U. will meet at th
school house Friday, after schoo
Officers for the new year will be elect
cd and nil members nro requested ti
be present
Hakry Pond, our nice looking city
marshal, has purchased J. P. Uayha's
vacant lots north of Mrs. Reigle's.
G. R. Chanet and Fred Bentley
have formed a co-part neaihip and
will in the future practice law as a
Our worthy friend L. H. Wallace has
bought the building and lots occupied
by Will Houghton as a tailor shop,
from Mr. Henry Cook, and we presume
in the dim future we shail see a fine
brick jewelry store erected thereon as
a monument to the energy and enter
prise of our young friend.
The Guide Rock Signal coacs to th
front this week in a bran new dress,
and enters the 5th volume of its exist
ence in good shape. It also gives the
business interests of Guide Rock a
careful and well written review. The
Chief takes pleasure in noticing thess
evidence of enterprise and prosperity
on the part of our neighboring ron-
t temporary.
List of letter remuiuinr uncalled
at the Red Jloud P. O. for the week
ending Januiry 9, 18S6: H. B. Hillock,
F. J. Howard, Mrs. H. Norri, Samuel
Pennington, H. D. Smith, Herman
Schrvary, Mrs. Virginia Stoddard, Geo.
B. Tyler, Mrs. MollieF. Walker, Anton
Marybricky. These letters will be sent
to to the dead letter office February 10,
18S6. A. S. Marsh. P. M.
We, J. A. Tulleys, C. F. Cather, and
'J. B. Crone, committee on valuation
of shares, respectfully submit the fol
fowing as our report, to-wit:
Premiums $687 1 1
Interest 5j 09
Fines 50 70
Transfer fees I 50
Wc are pleneed to announce to our
many friends and patrons that this !
week we received our steam engine j
which completes our facilities for run
ning by steam, haying rescently put in
a brand new power newspaper press.
We are now prepared to give you yery
low figures forll kinds of printing.
Our outlay for .new machinery has
been heavy and we hare the satisfac-
Headquartc-rs Department of Ne-t
br3ka Grand Army of the Re
public, Avz't AdJ't General's Office.
tion of knowing that we now have
without any vanity, the best equipped
printing office in this section. We
have an abundance of new type, (both
joJ and newspaper.) and printing ma
chinery of all kinds of the very latest
designs, and we therefore ask our
friends that when in want of any
printing, of an kind to get our figure
before placing your orders. We guar
antee satisfaction and lower prices
than any house in the valley. We
cordially invite our friends, Mid all
others to yill and see ih and take a
locik through our office.
Total 4800 40
Number of paid up shaica, 632. Val
ue of profit on each share, f 1.16.
Miss Bertha Eiiauqh, well known
to our Red Cloud young folks, was
married last .Sunday, to Mr Elias Goble,
manager of Jones & Goble'a ranch near
this city, Rev. Geo. S. Davis saying the
mystical words that made their "two
hearts beat as one." The young man is
a nephew of our friend F. E. Goble, af
the Traders' Lumber Company of this
city, and his bride is the sister of Prof.
T.-1 1. 1 r r 1 ... ....
Ox Siinilny, while the trains were de-UB,V"ieo,ea UOua' Ye WT
laved m Red Cloud, some of the trav-j -'"- ' ' ' -' pi ie joj
elim- clergvmen preached to the trav- PssuJ
cling heathen three times during thL th- lssufc of The Chief we pub-d-iv
in the car articles of incorporation of the
' Revival moeung are now being con! Jincra' and Merchants' Banking
ducted bv the Rev,. Aik.nan and Da Company who will commence busi
vi Tbi'i wtrek the servires will be a ness pnl -8S6' The incorporators
the M.E. church and next week thrc bilas Garber, l-raident; W. 3. Gar
Conntionnl ehur.h. ?"rlhj. Z' ?: " B'
Crirr Evinv ha. contracted with thlnIt,, Hnd C'eo- B' llM' These
.Kcnweinen are an wen Kn own business
U .. M. to nut them up 1000 tons
i e at R -I riouil. Norton and Oberlii5mcn of t-'tI Cloil(1- Tl,e autnorized
He commenced the rut on Monda11-1 sttock ls 00,000. The Chief
with a uuo.l force of men. jw,shcs the ncw bftIlki"R h succoiis
SiinisiFr Scott n-id Deputy Smitr-nd prosperity.
are now comfortably installed in thci Qs asl Saturday evening J H Smith offices. Mr. Scott will beputy gmn(I magter for the j Q 0 R
one or the bst Sheriffs that has evcij0(1;;es in Webster and Franklin lodges
helil the office in thi- county. Webster and Franklin counties.
.V. Ri i:-ky and Ed Highland hallslaleti thc o(ricers of Rcd c!oud
1 1 il...;,. ;....i,l- full vitli rtilrral' TTiat . ...
n.ui iii-ii '- -1 douge as follows
N. G. Roy Hutchison.
V. G. Oliver R Downs.
Secretary Will Parkes.
Treasurer F. D. Hummel.
P. S. G. W. Dow.
Warden G. N. McDaniels.
Con. J. S. Parkes.
R. S. N. G. H. C. Scott.
L.S. N.G. W. B. Roby.
R. S. V. G . E. Stewart.
L. S. V. G. Chas. Johnson.
Chaplain Rev. G. W. Hummel.
I.G. T. E.Hart.
O. G. Ed. Metcalf.
The above officers are No. 1. and
ters durinir the last few days, as well al
all the re-t fttie boys who are con
nccted with the railway se.yices.
,1 It CiuiFrirr.- formerly of this city!
and a member of t'e firm of Eustis A
Griintts ranehmen of Rutin township!,
bus been s-elected as chief clerk fto I
S. Eutis. General Ticket Agent of th
15, A- M Ky
Tin: next thing on the docket will b
Ground I iog Day, February 2. If thj
weather i- going to be like it has oeer.
in the pa-t few days let us hope tha
this famou weather prognosticate!
will remain in his burrough and con
our people with canary
bird inclina
tion have sicnified their intention ot
becoming members.
Ed Parkes found one of his hogs on
Monday, where it hatfbeen ever since
the first commencement of the first
blizzafd and had subsisted on the hit
of its "in'ards" and that solely tor nine
days. The animal apparently seemed
alright from its fast.
Glenne, thc five year old daughter
of Mrs. and Mr. J. N. Pope, which has
been sick tor some days past, died on
Sunday and was buried 00 Tuesday.
Rev G. S. Davis officiating. Tnc be
reaved parents have the sympathies of
their many friends, in this their time
of trouble and deepest affliction.
Some fellow who did not have the
fear of the Lord in his soul appropri
ated Geo. M. Plumb's fine and costly
buffalo robe last Sunday evening
while Mr. P's team was hitched at the
M E. Church. The fellow will do well
to return the sarae robe and save him
self the trouble and disgrace of an ar
rest. The relief committee of the W. C
T. U., consisting of Mrs- G. B. Gates,
Mrs. Alder. Mrs. Wm. Gates, Mrs.
Remsberg, Mrs. Ballard. Mrs. Dennev,
Mrs. Cox, 3 rs. Graves, Mrs. Lossing.
Mrs. Brewer, Mrs. W. W. Gardner.
Mis. Visscher, Mrs. J. Warner, are re
quested to meet at half past two o'clock
on Saturday afternoon, at Mrs. Alden's
to perfect plans for work.
Jfss. G. B. Gaxbs, Chairman.
1- 1 r, i:..i:i..i
tnme 10 mu-k m nan ... "-jjuring the next six months we look
tor a few days longer. forward to a great season of prosper itv
C. 11. Potter, ha. purchased a thiri 0Ur brcthVen
interest in the Amboy flouring mill .
and hereafter that firm will be kncwi She was a remarkable young lady
as l'ol'.v Bros. t Rotter. Tiie mill wilrho mado the request of her friends
soon be fitted up with fine roller pro-hat after her decease she should not
cess machinery and in the future wde buried by a brook, where babbling
hope the firm wdl meet with succesfvers would not wake her from her
in the mi l!:ng business. Jrcams, nor in any cemetery, where
Wi: understand that people who arluzht-seers conning over epitaphs,
charitably disposed, can find severanight distract her, but be laid away to
places in the city to bestow alms tke her last sleep under the counter
peop'e who are in actual want for tin f some merchant who did not adver
necessaries of life. Let the good saseinthe newrpapers. There, she
maritans of Tied Cloud seek out thestdd, was to be found peace surpassing
persons and bestow aid. This is soniejll understanding a depth of quiet
thing the people should all be interest umber, on which neither the sound
ed in. f the buoyant foot of youth nor the
Mu. C. E. Wood, formerly of "thes-cary diuffijc of old age would ever
narts." will nlense accept our thank -trude. Ex.
for the ihoiidav) Red Cloud, (Neb. "
Chief, a mammoth sheet printed or Report of school taught in Distric
tinted paper. In the local "holida-;. Cloverton, Neb., for the months
review." five columns, we think we car -K"ning December 7th. and ending
detect the "fine Italian hand" of "De nuar-v 2d: dumber of pupils en
Drop." Skamnoo VnUcv .Vow, Green ,lled' 46 William Eck has been
,- j,n iitherwabsent nor tardy during the
' IIowVkd Cather has gone to Ohio onlh' Jessie Rced has been present
where he was married to Miss Amu er-v da-v- l wish to -' to the P"
Kalev this week. It senmep nip anc ans of lhe scho01' thRt X need yr
tuck for Howard to leavp Rcd Cloud 'P' If the pupils are lardy, and ir
imt Hnallv the storm abated and USu,-,-1I c-nnot do tnem justice. They
took the first train for Blue Hill, wherd;cd 'ver5 moment of the time from
ho awaited a regular train east. iie o'clock till four to orepare their
took to manv cigars to keep the bov on8 properly. I am anxious to as
quiet in llJd Cloud. However, wt them in their work. ParenU. are
take this method of wishing the happj u ot willing to help me? If they
couple a lone and joyous life of wedded lb-ti.of Punctuality now thej
. -' 11 follow tnem througa life and in
' M PnS. Cnmmanderof Die Garfield!" "" the-v WU tmU-kyouia their
T. n a if Vn 5ft hn-, r.H:fiird n ordPJ rla that J0" tufibt h b '
from the Commander in Chief of tbf s pot of duty at the proper time.
department of Nebraska, to detail from
w much better than to have them
this Post one officer of thc day aud one
kback over years of wasted life,
officer of the guard and twelve guards
for duty during the coming encamp
next month in this city. Our peopld
should not iorge: the fact that the
.-rate encamnment of the G. A R.
rause forerer ''behind time." Upon
5 may depend their future success or
ure. Hoping I may realize your
erest in the work, I am yours truly,
Addii M. Terras, Teacher.
meets in Red Cloud and should re-foa Sale. A small pair of Howe's
spond ireely when called upon by: thf4nter scales, nearly new. Inquire at
k office.
A. O. U. W.
Tne Auei'Mit O'der uf United '.Vork-
nen isg-o'.ving very rapntiy in iiiu
State and from present indications
Nebraska will soon be set apart an a
grand juridiction. Plattsmouth Lodire
No 8, has fifty-two candidates for initi
ation at its last meeting. E. W. Mc
Donald, lecturer of the Grand Lodge
was present and conterred the decrees,
alter which the lodge accepted an
invitation to a banquet prepared for
them by the ladies of the W. C. T. U
of this place. Shoi t speeches by Grand
lecturer McDonald of StLouis and Maj
G20. S" Smith of Omaha, and music by
teh members of the W. C. T. U. added
much to the enjoyment of the occasion
Slate Journal.
Grand Lecturer McDonald writes
that he has been snow bound for a
week or more, hence unable to be
present at the las meeting of Red Cloud
lodge and is still farther detained by
reason of sickness in bis family. He
will be in the city again soon as possi"
ble, due notice ot which will be given.
Some 25 or 30 candidates for initiation
are in readiness, and many others
have signified their intention to apply
for membership in the order.
Loesos by tho Storm.
As far as we have been able to learn
the damage by the double headed bliz
zard of last week has been quite exten
sive over this county aud in the ad
jacent counties in Kansas. Thc fol
lowing are a few who have lost as far
as we could ascertain:
Mr. Moody, on Indian Creek, S head
of cattle.
A. J. Means, 50 hogs.
Capt. Munsell, 11 beau of hogs.
Mr. Lovell, 30 hogs.
W B Roby's los- was thirteen head.
Jrs McKinney a number of sheep.
Mr Chas Besse six head of cattle.
Mr H A Iloward one calf.
J S Parkcfi lost two heifers and elev
en hogs.
P DeLaney one hog,
D C Smelser lost nineteen head of
Robt Rownds five hogs.
S Lindsey lost seven head of hogs.
Jerry Orndorfflost two or three head
of hogs.
Winna Palmer lot a cow.
Ed Farkes lost seven head of hogs.
Marsh Parker, of Salem lost a large
number of bogs.
The above is only a partial list, but
we presume that nearly every other
larmer in the countv lost something in
the way of stock. It was certainly the
hardest storm ever known in this sec
tion of Nebraska, and wc are not anx
ious to have it repeated. The ls?es
from the storm will in all probability
foot up pretty heavily.
To School Officers and Teacher..
Your special attention id called to
the following law passed at the last
session of the Nebraska legislature and
now in force, viz:
Skc. 1. Provision shall be made by
thc proper local school aiithortics for
instructing the pupils in ail schools
supported by public monny or under
state control, .in physiology and hy
giene, with special reference to the ef
fects of alcoholic ririaks and other
Ktimulants and narcotics upon the hu
man system.
Sec. 2. No certificate shall be grant
ed to any person to teach in the public
schools of the state of Nebraska after
the first day of January, eighteen hun
dred and eighty-six, who has not pass
ed a satisfactory examination in physi
ology and hygiene with special refer
ence to the effects of alcoholic drinks
and other stimulants on the human
The law states plainly in what
branches of study a teacher must be
examined in order to obtain a certfi
cate, but this is the only instance
where it comes to nay what shail be
taught in the school. The terrible evil
of intemperance has become so preva
lent, and its influence so baneful on all
grades of society that our lawmakers
ee the need of educating the children
as one means of its overthroA. hence
tha law. Every examination hereafter
will embrace this subject. Teachers
should give oral lessons where there
are not books, nd make a general ex
ercise lor the whole school, drilliag
the pupils on the manufacture, nature
and effects of alcohol, opium, chloral,
tobacco, (and possibly those harmful
drugs and powders ihat are used to
stimulate beauty?) Text books are
plentiful, Steele's Hygienic Physiology
is used in the country. For reference
Dunglison's or Brand's might profit
ably be read and studied.
'Cms. W Spkisgee, Co. Sap't.
Jun ata. Neil, Jan. 4, 1S55.
rr the purpose of securing the lc
cati-'ti of the vighta annual reunion of
Nt-h.4k4 soldiers and sailors to be
held in the year 1SSG, at such time a
ma be designated by the ninth annual
em-ATupment, Department of Nebraska
G A R , I .i!l receive tested proposal-
ai my headquarter 111 Juniata
Net until February 15, 15S6. from
citi- - town and villages of the state.
Propitious must be accompanied by
a wr.tten guarantee endorsed by five
or j. .ore responsible persons said
dm tiinent guaranteeing that their lo
caiify will furnish gratis to the G. A. R.
the filowing:
First Ai least 240 acres of land for
such reunion, suitable for camping,
locate plat, stake out the camp, and
prepare same for occupancy.
.- Seventy-five -on of bay. fifty
ti: - I.'' hty. UK" cords of wood, all de
li "! to the qnarterma-ter of the
iu:.ti on the reunion ground, hy on
or M-fire the lat Friday prior the
rem 'n.
.;r.f Furnish suitable guard for such
property for a period of nine days, said
gu.uuio be under the order and di-rei'i-
n of the commander of camp.
4t:. A good quality and t-uffi'-ient
quai.tity of water to be delivered in
bain Is under the direction of the com
mander of the camp for the needs of
SO,"1 "J people one week for drinking
washing and cooking purposes. Also
en Jiigh stock water fur 3,000 teams of
horc.. mules, etc. one week.
5th Forty tons ot ice to be delivered
during the week of tho reunion op the
order of tiie commander of the aim p.
Gtii To transport free from any
poitit in the United States and return
ami, any tents, camp or equipage,
munitions of wr hired by or loaned to
the G. A. R. for such reunion, receive
alt material from the railroad com
pany, haul came to camp, pitch the
tent-, strike same, repack and reload
all material at close of reunion.
7th To furnish a good and sufficient
amount of advertising and distribute
the -anie, the expense of which shall
in total aggregate at least $350.00, Raid
ad ertising to be out at least six week
befote the reunion, aud doue under
the direction of the reunion committee
for JSaG.
rib To insure all Mich property at
mn have to be insured in some reli
ab! insurance companies for thc full
pe. t of tune the property may be in
tnr - k to, in uc at, or in transit while
be 1 ; e urned from the reunion.
'j . To furnish under the appoint
ni'' i of the commander of thc camp,
iii .1 pay for such services, a sufficient
muii'er of guards to protect
piotect property and aid the Com
mander of camp, to carefully police
the c.mip, and maintain a proper de
cree of order during the reunion.
loth To furnish fifty saddles for use
of the cavalry division to be turned
over to the colonel commanding paid
diwMon, who shall be responsible for
the -afe return of rame.
11th All expenses incident to to the
reunion in the way of amunition and
mat -rial needed and in carrying 3ut of
program of parades, sham battles, etc.,
to be bore by the city or town that
sdiidl ccure the location of said reun
ion and all the rights to maintain and
re::- accruing from the sutlers' stores,
booth), dining halls, and all busine-n
firm-, places ol amusement, shows, etc
to be received by said city, town or vil
lage. Provided, that no gambling or
plat e-5 to vend spirituous liquors, wines
or malt beer, shall be allowed on the
gr.-unds of the reunion.
l'Jth In addition to the above the
locality must give a certain sum of
money as a cash donation for securing
the reunion; fcaid sum to be paid to
the department commander by or be
fore August I, 1 86, for the use of the
Department of Nebraska, G. A. R.
1-Jth All bids must be endorsed on
cover as follows: "Proposals for se
curing the Eighth Annual Reunion of
Nebraska Soldiers and Sailor," and
addressed to A. V. Cole. Department
Commander, Juniata, Neb.
1 4th All Posts of the G. A. R. will,
up n receipt of this onler, at once
bri.-.g it to the attention of thc public.
5th The Department ol Nebraska,
right to reject
11 II 1 41 IHI 1
Square Dealing,
Golden Eagle.
Clothing House.
Heavy Boots,
Woolen Scarfs
Woolen Socks.
And will continue to give the 20
per cent discount on all Ladies
shoes from now until Feb
ruary 1 1886 to
all cash buyers.
Wiener's New Block, Red Cloud.
Artlclos of Incorporation of ihm
Fanners and Merchant' Bank
ing Company.
McEwa.x.Tk.vs., Jan. 'J, 1SS8.
The winter no far has been very fine
In fact there has not :cen any cold
weather, but h.vro had crern! mini,
which is rerv common hrre in thc
winter month.
about thc first wc hare ecn, and
melts ks frttai it tails. For the pnt
two or three weeks there has been
very little done except to prepare ome
amusement lor me hohCnys. there
is epiite a variety of amusement. Some ""'".tlwt r." " ,?Mt "J? "oh
" n'Tiotint) ami ;u twU tim m ulrcotrtt ! lit
uance; omen go to church; the port-
Artlrtr 1 - Wc. Uii umlrrMcii'.!. tin lrrby
Inrori'ontif ourlr anl nil iwrvai wjo may
l''im .tocctiollT tit'r--J iiil tlr rorr-or
nt tor 2nnil t'tinkltij- l.ujtir. umW lhjV lnririHn.tlitiL-iM ot !) :ni f vlxlJi.
Artlpl Th ri.inif uf tli mnwirillnn ah&ll
Today it it Knowing, f 1 tho Fanner- anl Icrthatu' limiting Com-
i .rtlrl5. Iltr oirjKir.-Ulon htll if Jcjtl tn
;ru . ijuj. ruurtly hi rJitr, jril U1 ul r-
Article I. Tli InmrporuUnn t lm tor tt of n crnrmi hankttis Iuiimm.
Article 5 Ttic n-lk of the rrrr
thm shall If hii nttf !ioti?r-t rajillal uf rni" huo-
- li uw,.-m,u (- lTiiit-v iiikv (lr- mj
Utrt-tor of Hlil roriMiratlfin
A rfirtr Mf1t Mtrrwatlittl h.fl 1.m faurura
man Kouudt hi-j bugle and calls hi Apiiistit. t-f. nn.l iin 'cnniuiu ir immij
hound-i together, and ofum brings in a hrnA ""' " "ux Uwn UTn" lolu
deer, or anv quHtititv of rabbitu anil ',?,",r."1, '?':,rrn?. rot,l,r10 n ?'rr!r
' - I mtit of all afl'tlr .-wt trajnaetim hall trM
quirrels. The colored part of the j 1Uj tar.i of thn-or fir fHrrcuM.ib nam-
. . . , , , "r to l It t.rrtiliir.1 atitiuAll bj majoritr
population go by them.-jelren and ecrn Tot i.f ihr u-kbtMrr a.tniiirJ la rutiff
i i I n llir tirt VrJtila) altT Ui 0rl Xutnl
to have aa much sport anyone i Aj.niof V. rar' itawair fotio"i
Their weddinc dav is gcncrallv oni,rrr!l.ltVwta.tM$t'
Jit for Uf rniulur jrr, aut until tblr
! c-or an rHW aod Qualified i ti- (ntartt of
ljfTlor IiaII riret nor ot tln-tr uumlr prvU
ilpiit anothrr .lct-prrMdrnt. atit ha!l Wi or
tt For Sal. 70 head of half breed gal
loway calves, balls and heifers. Apply
F&wnec City, Nth.
G. A. R. re?erves the
any and all bids.
loth All bids will be opened and
read by the Assistant Adjutant Gener
al at thc meeting of the council of ad
ministration, at Red Cloud, Wednes
day, February 17, 18S6, when the se
lection of location will be made.
By command of
A. Y. Cole, Dept. Commader.
5. J. Sujeley, Ass't. Adj't. General.
The following is a list of stock
iu the late storm:
James Cooper, 1 bore, 12 hogs,
Jic'c Brown, 12 hogs.
J'.mes Grave. 11 hogs,
George Moantford. 3 hogs,
Thos. Ryan, 6 bogs,
hn Hamer, 2 hogs.
Mr.Crable, 2 hog?.
3Ir Cameron, 2 hogt,
H. Steffen, 1 calf and 7 hog,
Vm Barrett, Z hogs,
Wea Paine, 100 hog,
Parker (Cora) 100 hogs.
L Franrii, grey hound.
Bom, Saturday, Jan. 2, to Mr. aud
Mti. P. Leaderbrand, a boy wckjctuac
T pounds. Mother and boy doing terr
The eat and west roada hare snow
drinks 10 feet deep thronga the draws.
Cottonwood Bill's house was covtrcd
with sacfr: S&X.
Chri'tmns. The girln have very ro
mautic ideaa of ptyludi droM. They
braid their hair and tie it in little knots
all over their heads with red ribbonr.
Their drew is black or purple and a
white apron, and with a finger ring th
outfit is complete.
Dried fruit is very cheap applc two
cents a pound; peaches, 3 els, nd they
are very nice. Peanut, fifty cent a
bushel (24lte); Iri-di potatoes are fifty
cent a bushel; sweet potato, sixty
cent; flour, 14 75 r barrel; pork f 4 a
hundred. 1- A. A.
Plenty of ?now.
Cold, colder, coldest.
Corn that i no: gathered i fate un
der from two to six feet of snow.
Married. Jan. 13. 1SSC, at thc resi
dence ot thc brideV parent. Mr. S. J.
Chambers and DiarlotU Pmibcr. We
extend to th happy couple our most
hearty congratulation.
The ice is broken, and look out Mr.
Editor for more news of this kind.
Where, oh! where Li the mild weath
er prophet of Elm?
To the citizens of Elm Creek: Why
not get up a wolf hunt? The woods
(prairies) are full of tbem wolrss)
Mr. D. Orr lost two hogs in th lata
We have heard of several of the Eiro
Creek farmers who have been losers
by the Ute etorm.
Jack Front played havoc with the
noses, toes, and fingers.
The coal merchants are happy. So
are dealers in stores.
The point did not exactly freese csT
my lead pencil. XrsGxa.
Shirt Factory.
Mrs. G. N. McDaniels, of this city,
has determined to open a shirt factory
ia this city. She has had years of ex
penene in the budntas and ieek coa
fident that she can give satisfaction
She guarantees shirts to fit as perfectly
as those saaaa in large lactones, rat
rocixe nosae and give Mrs. McDaaiels
a trial At present site caa be Je-nd
at her resjsdcace m the sooth part of
aj'jKiint a ra!ir ami juwrli otl.rr f9Wr aa auj
ri-riHr Jiiau cirigaj the (rruinar
fiitirUons iiilirrrtit in tttf tKrltton to wbJcb
ofarf r I alefl Al all hM-tInafi f
liowrri raru ukl)oidrr thai. lx rntlU- S
nn- vote for rarli tiarp tl Uk wt4.
Ktion by th tKMtika of corporal km. Osrty
irli to-kboWr a art bottaSaf wr C
Ira harr of rajiluJ u It ball ! tHglbl tt
Ili ofllft of drrrUtr.
rtirl- - "o IntM't'tlnr tbaJI t-evntrmtt'
rd hjr the corjumuioy ttltrr Ifiao lo:t aM
co!l-rtJoii rrwltrfi In th rrmUr cvcrr ot
"Ulu- ami Uie Jra ac of rxeitBf
Article 8. For Ux? tnw-ntalnj: tlnir frna um
cowriMTiwwnt of IIm aW rnrpunsifm until li
animal mftlnr of u:kl)oUlcn. Hi el-rta-a M
dirrrtory. amt lb- rrrtlon ttt art oinlH-a:
oScrrt, a ;--iarl tn artlclr r?tlt Um
liarfcer 1I1 art a r-lfl-tj:f anJ W. H UrSr
halt ucX j iahlf r. wttlt full i-otr to da all
Lhlnc fnlVTit wltb ihf imn-t tSSBSS)9Mrsil
of Umt affair of Iht rortx-ralton,.
In wuix-i hrtrof r kn hTumtB trtSjr
baadttiM: Hlh darof JAnnsuy a !).1SS.
(Sia-iu?d) Mu OAKMBa.
K. Jl. MttTN.
lw., It
a a. .ai
On ibr Utb &f ot Jaaaarj. A, t lfc.
vk, w. i i r rrmw. a auu.7 wWK. jirw
?- ill iJarWr. E. K. Smith. 00 O. Y
rro. rl. llonand aM W . Oart?r, ;--raar to
a? kmnrn to Ut tfe- Jdetatlcat jrra aw
teamr ar a!5lid ta It xlxrrr wrtti&x a4
arktcvtl 0e titraUcto ot tb a tor tM
latent aadj r)Mc nxSr4 :brr-ta.
Wlirv-M rsT lumi kstj ketartal r.l,
W T. OTKaaiAjr, Smvj ru.
Isappmeyou know wehadastorsa.
Quite a number of hogs perished
during the recent snow storm.
S. White tormsTly of Pntnam, HUsosb
but recently of Bed Cloud ha-i pttr
caa.ed O. E. Con r id's farm and is
comfortably located on the sasne. Mr.
Conrad has moved on the farsn re
cently occupied by W. Miiner near
Owing to the inclemency of tha
weather, the yoang ladies attendias
school ot Ked Cloud, from this Tidaity
were unable to reacn that place SaW
hereibre enjoyed anacher week's s
tioa. Hex. J. G. Walker, ot Blae HHI, sHI
preach in UieXlsa Creek school
next Sttndar.
Married.- At the residssisjt of
bride' paresis oa Ws4asasr; Jska Mk
Praihcr, by the Ser Pace.
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