fTv j ," a- J Rf- JLJ& sffa1 4 v ,; ws-w , ' -r j - - - .. - & i JTT . -..,r frIB --- - : -ii f TO LAST ONLY F . S'- -' lu --. " Wl C up 1 Lr tv - . -. , . . c. 3&,o- To Reduce our stock before invoicing on the 1st of February, YOU THIS WONDERFUL - - --rV GOOD FROM NOW UNTIL THE 1st OF FEBRUARY, fljPiifrj mm gii mBmmM . On All AMOTJNTir::, te $5.0O or MOKE. -a i ---ir Our goods are all marked in tlain figures at the Lowest prioes and with this big discount besides, enables you to buy at less than wholesale cost 9 6 worth of Goods you only? pay us - - - $ 4 10 " 8 16 " ' 12 20 " " 16 25 ' " 20 30 " " 24 wag g .a 2 3 n a j3 & fe w A o o (D W P Q O O CD CD 'This greatlopportunity oaly happens once in a life time that you can buy first class goods for less than New York! Wholesale Jcost. miss it. Come early while the stock is complete. CD CD tJ p W p pi P CD , pr jr CD CD fi S3 goo ? 0 K You can not afford to n Q i M lllifi ran Cii In, SS2 ESafiJ Fl S J CJJ Um to"i T71 CHICAGO STORE. ? C1- The Red Cloud Chief FJUDAY. JANUARY 15. 1S86. Us TuEHf.frU'ill be universal aatisfjiftiinn amonJuTnest nicii of all parties over tho assurance that Jhn Sherman, of Ohio, will bo ills own successor in the senate at Washington. A united re publican caucus has so decided, and as tho republicans have a clear majori ty, notwithstanding tho iniquitous rat ification of tho frauds in Hamilton count v.by a democratic supreme court the nwult can confidentially be dis counted 111 advanuce. Tho election of last fall in Ohio was the most disgrace ful political opisodo of the year. Th. prostitution of the ballot by the demo cratic -rifurimrs" of Cincinnati was boldly devised and brazenly carried out. Exposed by a non-partisan com mittee of ifie best citizens of Hamilton county it was defended and ratified by the supreme court in decision which orevor damned its author the eyes of reputable men and lawyers through out tiie country. The c mspiracy whose snlq object was to defeat the reelection of one of tho strongest ax:d best of senators has happily failed. Senator Shermau'H broad and subtle intellect, we.l equipped mind, and long experi en:e m national legislation will be at the disposal of his state and the nation for another six years, while his reck less and abitious Lilliputian competi tor. John McLean, will continue in his k attempts to secure notoriety through the columns of the Cincinnati Enquir er, ome of these days when age has j-wnuqis 010111:111 wtsuom. experience ami moderation, McLean will discover "that the public distinguishes between refutation and notorietv in political as uv' ;,a u usm css, in public. t:fe as in the social circle. Bee. For Sale at a Bargain. A desirable residence in the city of Red Cloiul, Nebraska, being lots 13 14, 15, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20. in block 18, origin al town of Red Cloud, with house having four rooms and good cellar good well and pump, 115 fruit trees on place, various kinds, nearly all bear ing, also small fruits bearing; 42 shade trees on and surrounding the place; blue grass i n front house. A delightful residence and good location next square north-west of court house. Also three lots next square north of school house. 2nd ward. All can be bought at a bargain, inquire of J. P. Bayiia. County Clerk. Take Notice. Tho Traders Lumber Co., of this city, Mr. F. K. Gvble manager, is now fully prepared to furnish the people ol the country adjacertto RedCloud witn lumber, building material, lime, hair cement, hard and soft coal, etc , in any quantity desired ami at the most reasonable rates. It will pay tho peo- llll of WbKtr Smith unl Tmvll 4 ... .. .w., -.....,.. ....... UV..K.I1, counties, ami in fact anv ami overvone I Evans & Perry wish to say that they are prepared to move buildings. Maple syrup at Ballard's New York store. Parties wanting too buy pianos or organs will save luoncv bv seeing J. S. Noll. Go to Forrester's for your colored glassware. Cheapest house in the city. Cranberries at Ballard's New York store. Seothe Western Cottage organ be fore buying. For the best organs see the Western Cottage, sold by J. S. Noll. Beautiful yaces, dolls and toys on the 5 and 10c counters at Forresters. 9 per cont loans at the Nebraska tfc Kansas Farm Loim Co. Itch and scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Wo'olford's Sanitary Lotion. Usl no other. This never fails. Sold bv Ferguson tfc Co drug gist. Il2d Cloud. " 23-ly Fcr line confectionary and cigars go to the post office. Clothing suits j rtW3 x& 1UI JLLLCH CLU.UL boys, overcoats at bttom prices 1 B ft I Dry Goods and ji Groceries. jFurnisliing goods. j Gloves Mitts, Hos- &c. G Second annual clearing sale ! The in a radius of fifty miles of Red Cloud j square dealing Golden Eale clothing to get figures from the Traders lumber store will make a bij; reduction on comdany if intending to build, as the company are bound to sell lumber at all hazards. When you wantanything in our line call and see us before buy ing elsewhere. TltADKRS' LU.MHKR Co. Per K. E. Gobi.e. at in anv well as SVSNTS OP 1HE WEEK. The Xelmisku Kansas Farm Loan Co. have plenty of money to loan. Go to Ballarc's New York store for line groceries- Stylographie ink, ihe. only ink fit to uso in the Independent pen, for sale uy r erguson tt uo. SSir t , The c"ost oysters at Ballard's New 5 a York Store. Senri-.-t wool underwear at 50 cent and upwards at the Golden Eagle clothing store. rf you would seeyouoself as others see yon, purchase one of tnose elegant jVonianieuted min-ors now" on exhi bition at theCiiy Drug Store. omnBRjajTos. ivV- foKru S.1UM, having purchaned the I , thoruugh-bred flerefoni cattle o! L N. ?- West, iiv j jjjlingbeni for aie. He afeV hiia 3!TineThofouah-breu bulls and.1 is . " . . ..- .- - ... iniiMis:. grades ana alw..ttire.i'-UpTnjrftowTr , . I.tie.c4inc9iyr larmer lrumjive I -" - ..TVEr Sim k ji ui t wi wvu.cw niiii iii. Uloud.ik.. - 23tf i1- n .LLu!Bk...kf,.i ..j.1 Tift K7-ttcujwy?-25lr 5- -- iili 1- -::mfA-?j: - - aoe ai cue UHi' TOU ltJCe.MVO rtci ? vp?. Call at Bradbrook's 4th avenue Gal lery and have a negative taken at once so as to give me time to finish them and not be disappointed. For Sale. One six foot oval front show case. C. L. Cottixo. Cabinets at $4.00 per dozen, Cards for j $2.50 per dozen until after the Holidays at Brad brook s Gallery. Simons' auction room is open for bargains at all times. New York buckwheat iloui Ballard V New Y'ork Store. uncie cams Harness on quantity, at Cottings. Call at Simons' auction room on 4th Avenue and secure rood bargains. The celebrated styloraphie. sejl feeding pen, the hum. 'convenient and desirable pen ever made, for sale bv C. E. Worn! Red Cloud. Price $f.25. urders left at tne office of The Chief will receive prompt attention. One of the most meritorious articles in the market. To be appreciated needs but to be seen. Seventy-five now in the city, and all giving satisfaction. if The Golden Kigle sells the bes man's boot for $2 eve- sold in the county, and their Selz boots and shoes in all grades cannot be beat for quality and price anywhere. Call on K.eeman fc Wiener at the post office f jr choice, and always fresh, imported, Key West and domestic cigars. It is no wouder that the Golden Jitgle sends out o many large bun- uies, when you can get a good, servic overcoats, heavy boots, uihlerwcar, woolen scarf, woolen socks, and will continue to give the 20 per cent, dis count on nil ladies' shoes from now until February 1, 1SSG. to all cash buy ers. Delicate and lasting perfu nies at the City Drug Store. Boots and slioes coarse and fine. from 50cts. np El I 1 I iery ur-icstd j t . ' ..j W IP22 d I Baa fiQi rif,yH hit V.Sr 1 1 ii 1 ii v-1 "". 1 i. wtmammmmmm mum mn o i RD Western Cottage Organ ! AND W Mason & Hamlin Pianos. ro celebrated for tlu-ir beauty and fininh, quti-k nponce, purity and volumn of tone, anri marl; of tin; bent material and by the best workmen thai ran be had. Kvury iiiHtmment it fully warranted in all its parts for live yarH. Vleao call and examine these instrumentri before pun'h.'Lsing. J. 8. NOLL. One door north of Argus offiee, Red Cloud. Wool boots specialty. t ?23S I will positively sell goods for cash after January 1st. j fc j All those knowing J lHCLLLd V CS 1HUC U L- ed to me, will please call and set tle by the above I date. 1 !ks -?Zj ,ml-vlA " I MuUnnml Bank f HtPiiKsser JTWmmmmm-a -v. 'XT srm. mmmm'rimWmm& lalTS tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i tffHk -T,mmymmmm mmmWLmWmmmmmm' mWm m. mmmmm -mm i-un IEl 11 ti" .mjDWmV Home And Restaurant I HI Jill !.! 1 III I 1 nil I III n 1 1 Binmtiwm,l0mm WmmmmmU mmmmmmmmmmM 3rx Moor'. frfsliJrnt. . Ua;rbr. VIcr-lT'-. Kobt. V .Nhlrrjr. CjvIiIt. (Capital $50,000 j Special Attention Clvn to Colloctions mn I I JA - sm-m J t r l m w. it si " iT . , t?y iCi .n.WIZi c fi" 'A irzyz ll --,-- y ZZ-l mTT- J fcjl't r 'r4rt "r -. -9JT T r AMK'iril 1 It IN fiIEr?3322AI. Tarx ! Nursery Stock ! ar-Tn rSiKi i?! "-'CT1 l? rr1 0SET f&mnim. able suit 111 men's sizes, for $3.50 and upwards. Overcoats from $125 and to see the ileraL lino n Ubnms nt Perguson &, CoV. Por Iwrjpiins in dry goods t Mrs newhouV. -THE S5T70H!S. -ais ae!ic!nc, cnr.hinlng' Ircn with p::rj vegetable tonic?, r.iirkly ny-i rr.ir.t.lc:e!y 1 ure rTpp'J.t. I.'tilicfailoR, rnkiirvs IwpnrpnioMl,.lulurin,Clil!ai'dIvT. nml Xriinilsln. I: is an unfilir? :omci!v- for DirciJC of tN? ciiilncjm unit l.lrrr. It is inva'uabio far IM5c-o jxviiljar Uj Womrn, ani all who lead mkntarv Uti. 1 1 doc r.c: injure the tcet h , cans hcadarh c.or produce constipation Kt Iron nsdiavrtdo. ft enriches snf pf.riries the blood. $tinns.:c: Ihe appetite, aids the ninilatlon of foo.1. u--evca Heartburn and lielching. and itrenjt! eas the xntucles and nerve?. For Intermittent Fever?. Lasiitxde, Lacfcrt Hnerjrj. Ac., it has no equal. & The jrennine has above trade mark a-f trosscd k& lines en wrapper. Take ro ottj Mi At All Hours, .1 I A f fe li rsi-rieflc? in tne Nurvn littsimt. l JhJuk f rait furnish J on st(ck to sft our ciiiHtit from Rome. Grown. Xurscrlcs! Attention Teachers. DIRKCruR?: Ia 'Inriwr. R. f). Jor lvl Moor. W K rtlnrrr R. V. atilrey. Buy and .-ell Kxchang. Make co'lcction. ami dr. a General Banking Businc. Interest allowed n all time depoiitA Fresh Confectionery Probate Notice. ELIZABETH tCHAHN JfASTHfSSTIt day or f )e?cmlKr. IRS. tiled her ictitIou tn the county court of Wetettr countv. Xtb.. Rhowiug amon? other things that Johnathan I. Cnapin. fate of Webster countv. Nrl.. ii.i on or about December IS. Island asking that letters Jaauary the Jt-tn. l&s. is apjKil!itel at office of county judge, in Red Cloud to hear said petition. All persons interested will Take notice of titue and place and attend if they .o rlesire. Wfmess my band and seal at office in Red skal Cloud tabtSXhdayof December. 1W5- 2Sw3 Gkq. O. Tkiski:. County .ladp. DiMOlation Notice. KiYEKioy, Neb-.. January 14, 1SS6 Ike copartnership heretofore exist- Bread. Cakes, &c 1 Always on hand. Call aw rm f FOB SALE On-ins fo the foci fan 1 I wish to go out of buine5S, I o2r the above establishment for rale on J Xoncr i K-rrt x r'H'H tltat f v. ill cxamw aII peixi- urtj ja 4-re ! o-T.-r th-mHc a rAisttK'at- J'r !iariiT f tV omimon r!ooL . . ; Ht :-t ).nt jJ n fGSr in IJd Cloud a Jiiirt Sa;irU. f -rlr rr.!h. Kxamlnati'wi ..! .(s: r .a x. x. Iw tux ak for pvrlal ex ; xi.-r '. V. rittxt.Ki:. ftun't. Shop, act! terms. Any one wishing: to o into '. business will do well tosc rae sooo. CLINE & MYERS larness BV -i L. a5!LLR. i IFARX SSS COLLARS, SADDLES A V W iMl V A. m KJ ler Lo.in mmlA wit Ii .. V..l.-,1- c. K:uisns Farm Loan Co. can le naid at t 7Fn A - I0PC upene Hun- home. ' iScr.iemher ittnkes Minlirht and lime j tokPtKHogrf. "" I Holiday confectionery t the "pwt r the firm name of Hunter Jc 'Ihla dy diolved lv mutual Eunne Hunter collect .ill Cklns,aa4l Mtames all liabilities. A.A.PCPE. I - ItMWt WTTvrr KP.WMRKr ' IP ! wHiPS. COmBS. BRUSHES I HAKXESSOIL aad erArrthini: u.naUy kept in 1 fir t cias? h' r. ' Awo il't ayriti of 1st Xau Bank- ItKD CLOL'D. XKB. srfgei indemnify. A HAPPY NEW YEAR I take this method of thanking my customers for the past year for their patronage and good vrill, fIiall endeavor through the coming year to mak' my stock even more com plete than it i. now, and uh; every )recaution in comjound ing prescription. and dfcpeiiHiiig rnetiirine. My aim in to to make this a first clan store in every particular ai an in ducement to cash trade. I now iw a 15 ca.h card to each customer when thi. amount i traded out the ciu$torncr vrill receive 11.00 in goods free. . I- COTTING. F. D. HUTCHINSON. & CO. INAVALE, ; - MSBRASKA. GE.N'EH.VL DEALER IS Groceries, provisions, dry good and all article tuaally found in a first class country store. Produce taken in ex chance for goods. Cash paid for grain. Store in Cheese Factory Building, I .i v a St.nr lr n r 1 c-ati - ? .- I ?ef Yert. M tarsal. Mntsrt?.;. rtsatt-i. as4 eral auctions sr- 1 2 "5!rf,,, ? aw: .vsocjuett m . ?iMA. Twt.a i:rrr J !i.J i na y -Kcd orue uiii. XNdo.f ., -- haftxit. ill jPVB xv j. S KMtG DENTIST, VCOCLOV Zme Oce mr a Specialty aaMc tjfrM haM. om 5!" fc?- v vn -V ,-jrK Sfc "S,. J3S& -j s - .'v3-'i sJSh . 5'' ;dftj in".w.-- Kfc&iJ - T -- 1 ': 32 'c . - . '' '' -" n i i SL i " ? , , r . n 7 "!rmt . II M I 111 II . .. 'tsv W " '' HH i- . " J sr-aa -? V- rjtf : : 1111111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiwr-'. -a.- nr. m iiiOtf rlfTWf-