The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1886, Image 2

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1 C. NOSHES, MMUfetr.
The President of the Birmingham
Liberal Association denied the truth of
the rumor that John Bright intended
to resign bis seat in the English Parlia
ment i g
C. C. Georgesok, of Denison, Texas,
for several years Professor of Agricul
ture and Horticulture at Bryan College,
has been appointed to aprofessorship in
the State College at Tokio, Japan, for
-which place he will leave as soon as his
papers arrive.
A meeting of the leading merchants
was held at Boston recently to take ac
tion relative to the alleged under valu
ation of imported goods by custom offi
cers at New York, by which importers at
Boston and elsewhere were placed at
a disadvantage, and a committee was
appointed to aid the special committee
of the United States Senate in its inves
tigation into the subject.
A koat's crew of the whaling
Kchooner Mary E. Simmons, of New
Bedford, Mass., commanded by John
P. Perrirra, third mate, was taken
lown by a whale near the Cape Verde
Islands, on November 29. No trace of
the boat or men could be found. Arthur
Ward, of New Haven, was one of the
crew. All the others belonged on the
Cape Verde Islands and Western Is
lands. The Echo des Alpcs publishes a sum
mary of the fatal accidents that have
occurred since 1809 in climbing the
Swiss Alps. During this period there
have been eighty such accidents, where
by one hundred and thirty-four persons
lost their lives. Of these forty were
guides or porters, eighty tourists, two
monks of Mount St. Bernard, eleven
were workmen journeying over the
mountains, and one was a curiosity
seeker. The proclamation announcing the
annexation of Burmnh to the British
Empire was received at Bangoon on
the 1st. There was a grand parade in
honor of the event, and a lanre con
course of natives gathered to hear the
reading. England cedes to China part
of Upper Burmah, in order to make
the Chinese and Indian frontiers con
tiguous. India advocates an offensive
and defensive alliance between China
and India.
The Secretary of the Treasury re
cently received a telegram from Cap
tain Hooper, of the revenue steam
er Ku.sli, at San Francisco, slating
that after consultation with Captain
Heal', of the Corwin, he had decided
to undertake the search for the missing
whaler Amethyst'. He also inquired if
the cruise should be limited to the
Aleutian Islands, or whether he should
push northward, following the icepack
as it broke up in the spring. Secretary
Y&mning replied as follows: "Take the
necessary supplies and proceed at once.
Officers have been directed to report to
you for duty immediately. Employ a
surgeon and use your judgment as to
the northern limit of the cruise."
While out hunting the other day,
Teter Hart, a fanner living near Al
bany, N. Y., discovered a letter secret
ed in a tree, which stated the writer,
John Robert Smith, and his partner,
Haley, had been engaged in a number
of robberies, which had netted sixteen
thousand dollars. While escaping
through the Heldcrbcrg Hills the part
ners had quarreled and Smith murdered
Haley and buried his body near by
Smitten with remorse lie buried the
money and was about to drown him
self in Warren's Lake. The letter was
accompanied by a rude diagram show
ing where the body and money can be
found, and Smith gives the latter to
the Under. A large number of persons
were reported engaged in a search for
the hidden treasure.
In view of the large number of de
fective, irregular and insufficient proofs
presented in public land cases. Com
missioner Sparks, of the General Land
Office, nas issued a circular to regis
ters and receivers of land offices in
which ho directs that proofs must in
all cases be to the satisfaction of regis
ters and receivers, and that cross-examinations
should be directed to a
verification of the material facts in the
case, and especially to the actual facts
of residence, and whether the entry is
.made or sought to be perfected for the
claimant's own use and occupation or
for the use and benefit of others.
Ready-made proofs, presented merely
for, pro forma acknowledgment and
verification, cross-examination or evi
dence of identity, will not, it is stated,
be considered such proofs as are re
quired by law.
Republicans were reported becom
ing troublesome in the South of Spain.
A band of revolutionists recently tried
to destroy the railway bridge in the
Cordenas Pass of the Sierra Moreno
Mountains which separates La Mancoa
from Andalusia. Fortunateh the
wreckers were discovered while they
were at work and live of them arrested.
They had cut through the underpinning
of the bridge, and the next train which
attempted to cross would have been
wrecked. As it was, the damage was
repaired just in time to save a heavily
loaded passenger train from the North.
This train contained a number of
Southern members of the Cortes, who
Tvere returning from Madrid. It is
supposed the outrage was attempted
-with the object of killing these Senators
and Deputies, most of whom are Royal
ists. At Ciudad Real, a few miles
north of the scene of this outrage, a
number of persons arc said to be im
prisoned on suspicion oconspiring to
make aTevolutionaryiTismg.
Gleaned by Telegraph and MaiL
M. Biusbox tendered the resignation of
the French Ministry to President Grcvy on
the 29th. It wa thought that M. do Frey
cinet would form a new cabinet.
Pnor. Maukice rUnnE. has been ap
pointed Mexican Consul at Kansas City.
TnE will of W. H. Vanderbilt has been
admitted to probate.
Mkh. Geokge Augcstcs Sala died at Mel
bourne, Australia, recently.
PiinsmEXT Cleveland held the usual New
Year's reception at Washington. Members
of the diplomatic corps, judges, Senators
and Representatives, department officials
and others were presented.
Goveunor Hill was inaugurated at Al
bany, N. Y., on the lht. In his address he
Kpoke extensively of the patriotic career of
"New York's first Governor, De Witt Clin
ton, and the work of other Executives,
The King of Jlombesa, Central Africa,
has seized Bishop Hargington, who has been
engaged in missionary hegvices, and will
probably put him to death. No reason is
given for the King's action.
FiTznciiGii Lee was inducted into office
at Richmond Va., on the 1st.
The Walt Whitman fund in London
amounts to 115. Among the subscribers
aro Rossetti, Louis Stevenson, Francis
Darwin, Mr. Dowden and Henry James.
R. H. Hakims, n prominent citizen of Lcc
County, Ala., and a member of the Ala
bama Legislature in 16S0, committed tui
cidc tho other day by shooting with a pis
tol. Financial trouble caused the act.
T. D. Sullivan, the new Lord Mayor of
Dublin, was formally installed in office on
the 1st with much ceremony. The popu
laco was very enthusiastic and turned out
en masse in honor of the event. An im
mense procession, composed of artisans
and laborers carrying green banners and
bearing other emblems of a green color,
was one of the features of the day's cele
bration. MHCKLLAXKOrg.
Ax Italiun orgun grinder, in New Or
leans, recently, was leaning ogainst a tele
graph pole when a current of electricity
ran down and struck him dead. Another
organ grinder, who went to his friend's as
sistance, was seriously injured. It wus
supposed that a Brush electric light wire
had accidentally crossed tho line, cuusing
the fatal result.
The story of the attempted blowing up
of tho Southern Pacific bridge across the
Rio Grande was denied by tho railroad of
ficials. TifEiti: was a lively scene in the French
Chamber of Deputies on the 'i'Jth. Several
members charged that an inaccurate
record hud been kept of the Tonquin credit.
Shouts of '"liar" and "swindler'1 were
raised in nil parts of the Chamber. The
official record was voted to be correct. The
uproar was repeated in the lobbies-, and
two duels were likely to result from the
A nor fourteen years old, whilo playing
marbles on tho ice on Archer's Lake, near
Denver, recently, fell through and was
Maxv people were asphyxiated at Kings
ton, Out., the other night, by a broken gas
main which filled several houses with gas.
Two or three were fatally injured.
The convention called to consider tho im
provement of tho Missouri met at Kansas
City on the UHth.
British troops recently attacked the
Arabs near Kosch. A heavy engagement
followed, resulting in the defeat of the
Arabs and capture of their posttion. Tho
British and Egyptian loss amounted to
about fifty killed and wounded.
Tun anthracite coal trade was reported
greatly demoralized. Another cut has
tuken place.
The London Slnuthml says that the cred
itors rf the King of Bavaria have united in
a petition for the distraint of the goods and
property of the Imperial household. Prince
Leopold, uncle of the King and General-in-Chief
of the Army, has forbidden the Bailill
of the State to take any action to carry out
the objects of the creditors.
One of the boilers of the Gulf City Oil
Works, at Mobile, Aln., exploded on the
20th, killing seven colored men and wound
ing fatally and seriously several others.
An indignation meeting was held at Cor
son, Nov., the other day to protest against
the closing of the mint. Resolutions favor
ing free coinage of silver were adopted by
the meeting.
The President has approved tho recom
mendation of the Secretary of the Interior,
that a portion of tho money appropriated
for tho relief of tho Indians be used to'rc
lievo the immediate and pressing needs of
the Souppai Indians in Northern Arizona.
These Indians are not suffering at present,
but they will need help before tho winter is
The Pope wok reported about to issue an
energetic protest to the French Govern
ment because of the alleged persecutions of
priests and tho church in France.
The Rangers who have been in pursuit of
the hostiles have returned to Duncan, Ari.
They report that while on tho trail of tho
hostiles the Indian scouts refused to follow
it and defied the officer in command to
compel them to obey his orders. The chase
had to bo abandoned and the troops re
turned without accomplishing anything.
AN Orange mob recently attacked two of
tho released Rivcrhead (Newfoundland)
prisoners nnd fatally wounded them. There
was great excitement in Harbor Grace and
crowds were occupying tho streets and a
riot was anticipated.
The Kentucky Legislature convened at
Frankfort, Ky., on the 30th and elected tho
following officers: Speaker, Charles OTfut,
of Bourbon County; Clerk of the House,
Green Kellar, of Nicholas County; Door
keeper, Robert Tyler, of Gradie; Clerk of
tho Senate, Harry Glenn, of Carlisle.
Tnn Archbishop of Canterbury has im
parted to the Bishops of the Church of Eng
land a scheme for church reform. Lord
Salisbury will approve the measure if the
Bishops approve it after considering it in
private sittings.
FATntn LoBiETzni. of the Penn avenue
Polish Church, Pittsburgh. Pa., against
whom charges of drunkenness were pre
ferred before Bishop Phelan of the diocese,
has been suspended by the Roman Catholic
Church. It was said that his followers in
the church were very much exasperated
over his removal, and threats of mobbing
the episcopal residence have been made.
Petek B. Sweenet, notorious in the
Tweed regime, returned the other day to
New York.
Ax order has been .eccived from Com
missioner Fink to reduce the rates on live
sheep from St. Louis to New York to 50
cents. This is a reduction from 45 and SO
cents, respectively.
Andrew T. Cox. a wealthy dIow marra- :
facturer. is sunnosed to have drowned htm- :
self at Maysville, Ky. His hat and some
letters were found on the river bank. He
had been in poor health.
Seckktaky Edge visited the farm of
Henry S. Kish, near West "Willow, Pa., and
inspected the herd of cattle sutlcring from
pleuro-pneumonia. One cow was killed
and thirtv-four inoculated. Other herds
in Pennsylvania were also reported in-
The Postmaster General has requested
the resignation of W. B. Gurley, who has
fopany yaars filled the position of chief
of the free delivery bureau in the Tost -
office D'epartment.
Biur.iiAM Hampton, convicted of con
piracy at Salt Lake, was sentenced to tb
maximum penalty under the law, one yea
in the county jail.
The guards at the tombs of Garfield ant
Grant were withdrawn at midnight on tb
31st, bj- order of the Secretary of War.
W. T. Wakxeh and J. Henry Work, in
dieted for complicity with Ferd Ward, r
cently made a proposition to the Govern
ment to refund to the Marine Bank credit
ors the amount charged in the indictment
against them, Their offer was declined.
Ecgexe Scuekuei: & Co., West India
merchant, of London, have become bank-
rupt. Liabilities, :jOO,000; assets said to be
The propeller Pequot crushed into the
ferrvboat Alaska at New Yorkrecentlv. No
lives xvere lost.
Valentixe P. S.vtdek, of New York, has
been appointed Deputy Comptroller of the
Currency, vice Langwortby, resigned. Mr.
Snvder went to Wahington in March last
as Private Secretary to Secretary Man
ning, and since that time hs held various
positions in the Trccsury Department.
The Cork Steam Packet Company has
declared a dividend of 2J-; percent., which
the directors stated was nil that was war
ranted by the profit of the company dur-
ing the past year. At the end of 1M tho
company paid a dividend of tlvu per cent.
The difference in the profits of the two
years is due to th boycotting of the line j
by the cattle dealer;.
The shipping of New Brunswick has
fallen off tho past vear 20,000 tons. Tho
tonnage of vet-els registered at St. John if
the lowest since JiTl. Thirty St. John ves
sels, valued at 230.000, have been lost dur
ing the year and only twenty vessels added.
With two or three exceptions all the s-hip
yards in the province are idl.
Wh.keh'aki'e, Pa , is excited over an un
expected coal discovery.
Five Lebanon (Ivy.) business houses were
burned the other day.
Ei'iii:iM Beaslev, a well-to-do farmer of
Wilson County, Tenn., accidentally killed
his son. aired sir venrs. Mr Beaslev. who
is verv iipnr-si"hted. wiii chomiinir wood,
when his son came in front of him nnd was
struck by the ax. splitting his skull.
The long strike of tho river coal miners
wns declared virtually over. The miners
of Walton, Hayes, Rusher nnd Miinhall
have icturned to work at tho '? cent rate,
and now almost '2,000 men are at work at
that place.
TiiKitE was a rumor that Stone Calf, tho
Cheyenne chief who died n short time ago,
was poisoned by members of his own tribe
who were offended at the part he tool: in
having the cattlemen removed from the
Tin: Cnrry City ( Pa.) flouring mills were
dest roved by lire tho other morning. The
. "-o t j - rj 'i
building was a large three-story brick and
was equipped from top to bottom with the ,
latest improved machinery for the roller
process. The loss was 75,000; insurance, (
The fighting recently near Mier. Mexico, I
proves to have been a battle between a
large band of smugglers and customs guards '
in wlncu one smuggler wns killed and sev
eral wounded. Customs ollicer
captured '
a valuable lot of silks, laces nnd velvets
A tekuiiim: fire occurred in Detroit,
Mich., on the morning of the 1st. D. M.
Ferry & Co.'s seed wai chouse, White's the- I
ater and other buildings were destroyed,
involving a loss of l,:"i00,000. Captain
Richard Philbert. of tho fire department,
wns killed by a falling cornice. The insur
ance amounted to about .rJO,00O.
Pastei'k has undertaken, at his own
cost, to cure eleven persous-, bitten by a
mod wolf in a village in Western Russia.
The annual report of the police depart
ment shows that during the year lSi:?!',
604 arrests were made in Baltimore.
TiiEiti: were !2,."iOO fires in New York in
1S.", and the total loss was :j."s00,0u0, as J
against 2Aw fires, with a total loss of
$3,474,f47 in lS-'M. The cost of l.SM build
ings protected during the year is ."Vl,
000,000. The wholesale dry goods firm of Bates,
Read & Cooley, of New York, has been dis
solved. The Kdgar Thompson blast furnaces nt
Brnddock, Pa., five in number, were closed
down for an indefinite jieriod on the JJlbt,
throwing out of employment 700 men
Tin: St. Petersburg Journal says thnt the
negative result of the Halkan conference j
will prevent Russia from joining another '
limit Kiicpt has united with an influen
tial London syndicate in issuing a Loudon
loan of i::i0UO,O0U to provide China with
armaments nnd railways.
It is stated in Constantinople thnt Rus
sia insists that Turkey shall fulfill the
article in the Berlin treaty providing for i
the execution of religious reforms in Ar
menia. ADDITIONAL, DISPATCHES. Fisum, a young man of twenty
two, is accused of cmbczcling $75,000 be
longing to lm employer, August Eern
hauer, wholesalo clothier, of New York.
He was brought from Canada, whero he
was fownd hiding.
TwENTT-Fivn Poles were crcommum
cated from St. Prokop's Church, Clove
land, O., recently. They threatened a dis
turbance, but were overawed by the police.
Sixtt cases of typhoid fever were re
ported on the Sd as existing in tho Albany
(N. Y.) penitentiaty. Tho ollicials wero
reticent about tho matter, bur admitted
that four of the inmates had died.
The Steulitr Afc; a Frcethinking organ of
Cleveland, O., accuses Colonel It. G. Inger
soll of keeping back certain funds belong
ing to the local association received at tho
late annual congress held in that cuy.
Emctrok William celebrated his- twenty
fifth anniversary as King of Prussia on tho
The inhabitants of tho Island of Crcto
have petitioned the powers to libcrato the
island fiom Turkish domination.
Thk steamer W. D. Chipley sank in tho
Chattahootchee River near Savannah, Ga.,
the other night and two white malo pas
senger.?, three negro deck hands and a ne
gro child, names unknown, were drowned.
The Tecl ran into th: bank on account of
The public debt tatcment shows a de
crease of ?l-,050,0t0 for the month of Decem
ber. Mantel hel Campo, of the Chilian Lega
tion. ajain made a nuisance of hiaielf in
Washington on the 2d. This time he ran
foul of a man who gave him a souud t irash
ing. CLvntxc nocss returns for week ended
January 'J showed an average increase of
1'J.y. compared with the corresponding week;
of last year. Tha returns were not consid
ered so satisfactory as for the few previous
week--. In New York the increase was
16 S. Decreases were reported in a num
ber of cities.
A TEKKI3LE cyclone passed over Villa
Maria in the Argentine Republic December
, at one a. m., doing creat damage. The
railroad depot was rated. No buildings
escaped and manv were unroofed.
A lirtpr,rr n'rumn fA bm r-n-rr, fh
toxvnof Tarcntnm, Pa., was made early
tho other morning. The fire was Srst dis
covered in Esseler's livery stable on Gaines
street. It soon spread to line & Jones
grocerv storv. Zimmerman's shoe store
and Dr. Volacr's residence and all wers
destroved. It was found that the safeguards
'against fire had been destroyed ana the
ropes of alar-a bolls cat. Tb-J loei
. amounted to $30,000.
j Pcsr petroleam has been struck near j
Park Hill. Ont., at a depth of lw feet, i
i There is tjreat -exdtsaient ovir the Iis- j
Aixewocra boil down it immediate
needs to a creamerv. court honse, water
works, a division station and another rail-
raiMt. . .tvi-aii, rnvuie mr
Inspector Hall, in the military head
quarters at Omaha, recently took aor-
pbinc and died, because anothcryoung tnan
declined to receive his extravagant gift.
nd to aoci.te with him. Adam, wa,
' well educated, and from one of the best
and wealthiest families in New York, and
1 facts brought out at the inquest j.horrd
j him to have been a young man totally
oid of truth, honesty or respect for him-
' self or family. In order to save him from
i bad infiuences his family sent htm to Texai
' some yeari ago, but ho went dcejmr in
crime. Securing good pOsiUons by bis
plausible manner and good education, tie
invariably abued ever trust reposed in
him. His cxtravugance led him to forgery
for which he served a term in the Texas
Penitentiary. After this a linn in Texn
tried to help him and took him as a clerk,
which deed h" repaid by stealing Sl.fiCfl and
absconding. He turned up in
, uud commenced tho same life, which
finally ended because bis f:t w ays led his
acquaintances, who knew uothmg of his
past history, to shun him.
P. F. Mrjsniv, ex-Mayor of Omaha, died
suddenly the other day. Too doctor in at
tendance declared the cause of death was
the result of eating chicken which had been
frozen ami then allowed to become partial-
ly decomposed. The other member.') of Mr.
Murphy's family had similar attacks, but
with no fatal result.
Ix the eleven months just passed North
Bend .shipped 20 car loads of stock, and
eighty-seven car loads were received.
Hoi:-e thieves are operating in Saline
1 County. George Robinson reports the loss
j of " teii-year-oni sorrel cnesiiUL norse worm
, several hundred dollars.
: Tiiiskk letter carriers were discharged
' from the Omaha post-ouicc recently u-on
an order
from Washington for making
false charges against Postmaster Coutant.
A GekmaX named ICieigel, living near
Chadron, was lately fined $'2. for shooting
his neighbor's ponies that were trespassing
on his premises.
k A iii:ki:mn was thrown twenty-five feet
and lauded in it creel: at Firth tho other
day by a sudden bumping of his train.
The house of John Burgess, in Fillmoro
Count, was destroyed by fire recently,
causing a loss of 1,000.
W. H. Doi.x, a brother of Senator Do
lan, died suddenly at McCook the other
An Omaha dispatch states that United
States District Attorney Lamber.sou has
received instructions from the Attorney
General, upon the recommendation of th
Secretary of the Interior, to conimencecivil
and criminnl proceedings against some
eight or ten persons for illegal fencing of
public lands-. The pints in his hands show
about M),000 acres enclosed. Other cases
aro expected soon. The largest enclosure
referred to in his instructions embraces
,nore than .io,WW acres. Jn some 01 tne
cases civn proceedings were roxniiiciiceu
borne time ago. The present instructions
are to commence criminal proceeding!
where fences are being maintained and
have been maintained upon the public
land since the act of February ','.' making
such enclosures unlawful and since tbrs
proclamation of President Cleveland. It
is the intention of Mr. Lambertson before
instituting either criminal or civil proceed
ings to notify all such parties to remove
their fences at once, otherwise he will bj
compelled to proceed against them civilly
or criminally.
Om aii vs record of marriage licenes show s
that 071 couples were licensed to many ,
during the past year
A TnMiT.UANcr: wave struck Sterling re
cently and .".00 persons took the pledge.
Tiir.m: are :x' taxpayers in Dakotu Coun
ty who paid . 50 nnd upwards for the year
l-'sJ. One linn paid ?,-13."i .0. Ono man
?'V'-.'.r.O, another t.VH.O'.
Tin: e.ttnsive flouring mills at Salem,
th" largest in that section, were entirely
destroyed by lire on Christmas day, to-
gethcr witii .l.(XX) bushels of wheat nnd
rw.WM pounds .of Hour. Lo-s $2.",000, with
nn insurance of SKJ.OJO.
Miss Lvcv M::ti.n residing nt Green
wood, was fatally injured recently by be
ing thrown from her horse. Hr foot
caught in the stirrup and she was dragged
some distance over rough ground. When nrrived it was discovered that
her skull was broken and her face .disfig
ured uud lacerated beyond recognition.
Calvin Uall was recently thrown from
his wagon near Juniata and dangerously
One c' th gable ends of a large chimney
of the chemical laboratory of the Siatc
University at Lincoln fell the other morn- I
ing. crushing through the roof and carrying
everything to the cellar, doing heavy dam
age and fntnlly injuring William Smith, a
The Indian who made his escape recently
from arrest for nn attack on a lady school
teacher, near Valentine, has been re-arrested.
A paktv of thugs at Kearney recently
plied a negro jvith whisky, got him druuk
and then proceeded to do him up. He was
very seriously injured.
The other evening the scholars of the
Odell public schools gave an entertainment
which consisted of eighty selections. It
opened at evcn o'clock, but the time of ,
closing wns not stated. ,
P.scr.NTLV Uartholomi Gydeski, who lives t
on Oak Creek, went to Elba with a load of ,
jrain. On his return, after nicht, nnd 1
within two miles of home his wagon upset, J
wlipr tbe noit mornine- he was found nin-
ioned to the ground by the box that rested
across his neck. It is not known whether
he was killed instantly or suffered the tor
tures of freezing and suffocation for hours.
He leaves a wife and eight children.
Upon the prospects of the Northwestern
Railroad building through Wahoo next
season, real estate is on a boom in
that towu and has advanced already from
ten to tweuty-five per cent., cccortL'ng to
Osceola's flouring mill is a success. ;
Lon Vacchan, of Blair, who was crip- '
pled for life at a target practice la? t fall, i
V.K r-.Al TnlSi? AltnVnlrt- tVA '-i-oa
cause of his misfortune, for 3,0 dam- '
TnE ice in the Loup and Platte Itivcrs
broke the other uigbt. taking two spvns c
the Loup and one of the Platte bridges;
also three spans of the Atchison & Nebraska
Railroad bridge.
Coai'LACsT has been fi!d against tlFrc- '
mont, Elkhora & Mustouri Vdlcy La Iroad
that it discrirn.nates in rales on the vari
ous clashes of freight, In favor of Frf mast
and agaim.1 Norfolk.
Caultsle ;-s" the name of a cov pos'-oSice
in Dawson County.
The contract for boring an cxperii -entai
mtll in the salt basin near Lt-ccu ha
b-en awarded to a Chicago Si a for
$10,125. J
Eoldeege citizens have been invstigai- ',
ing the subjects of high prices foresail and J
low price for grain, and Insincabi that .
freighr. rates have mneb. to do s- Oil the i
matter. The liatlroad (Jomniusicnf rs wiu
bo appealed to.
Iri said tbst stock thieves arc ucc:a- J
insso nnaieron and familiar fa 5--x-ard
County that a vigilance coniaiiui-e tcnld
pT.- nan effecttve winter work,
AxT -j caj-bt rfdins ca cars i tht
railroad yards in Blair is g-iaraatecd tlirtr
i-,rs i-aisocatnt.
Smttarr Munlac' tUMoat forCtll.
llontl. lTlcultHrt Statistic.
w.smviiTov. Dcmbr 3L Treasurer
J Jordan said to-day that the Secretary of tho
Treasury was moved to Issue yesterday a ;
.j jQr jjo.OOO.OOO three pT cent. IKHlUS in
order to prevent any uneasiness In business
circles touching the present movement of
. .... , . ,.. ..,.,, .,-.
!l to tur0 f,nd t0 f.he
the Treasury will use It gold tn supply
draft mad uwm banks for Mrori. It is
not apprehended at the Treasury Department
....,-,.. --.- .
. .,... ..-!. ...... .tll fnni. r.miln
uiai wie u.tnw. ". .,.... .bicbmMsi.T.te.d.Aip..
,,,5 lhat ti,0 Treasury will do whatever h
ii pruueui in mc muvc j u.t v-.. .
demanded by the public interest to prevent
needless alarm and panic over tlie tempo
rary adratico In foreign exchange. This
may be otic of the causes that
, Influenced the Secretary of the Treas
ury in l.ssuing the call, but it N
not the main cause. It was known several
days ago, and before the export movement
had set In. that a call of bonds was being
considered, and It was stated in these dis
patches last Wednesday night that a call
would he made early in January. The fact
1 is that the larce and steadily accumulating
cah balance In the Treasury made a call of
bonds Imperative, and tho action of the
Secretary was hastened by the d content
with hb'jvolicy tn this particular, which he
and the President daily heard uttered by
Coticressmeti, and which was finally voiced
by Mr. Beck in his recent speech in tho
Senate. It is pretty certain that a call for
bond-, would have been made had Mr. Beck
not made his speech, but it Is doubtful if
the call would have been issued until ike
condition of the Treasury after January 1
was ascei tamed. Upon that date nearly
610,000.000 became due and payable for in
terest, and it was originally determined not
to i'Siie a call for bonds until there should
be slcns of the return to the Treasury of
this January output, but the public agi
tation alluded to. and the steady accumula
tion of the Treasury balance, and the pres
ent movement of gold to Kurope. combine!
to induce the Secretary toj tissue the
call. Of the SlOi.OOO.OOO of 3 ivr cent,
bonds now outstanding, tin Treasury holds
for the National banks SH4.000.000. so
tli.C of the bonds called fully seven-tenths
will be surrendered for redemption by the
banks, thus necessitating a substitution of
other Itotiils for these surrendered, or a cor
responding reduction in the.r circulat
iinr note?. Secictary .Manning holds
that tho sinking fund requires for the
current fiscal year about S:N,()00,000. In
conversation to-day the Secre'aiy said that
it would not be prudent to call bonds for so
lare an amount at one time and therefore
he concluded to make a call now. This
would indicate that the Secretary intends to
issue font calls of S10.000.000 each in ad
dition to that Issued yesterday between now
and June 1. The condition of the Treasury
at tin close of biis.ness to-d ly. the Ia:
day of flit mouth ami tho year, will show
an improvement of several million dollars
over December 1. Tlii receipts thus far
have, exceeded tho expenditures over Si,
000.000. and it is likely that the dtbt state
ment, to be issued on Saturday, will show a
reduction, ''so called," of al least 0.000,000.
A(.i:icri;rruAi. sTATisnrs.
Wasihxotox, December .51.--The esti
mates of the Statistician of the Department
of Agriculture for the principal cereal crops
of the year are completed, and the aggre
gate hushels an as follows, in round mil
lions: Com, l.tK50,000,000; wheat. r,.V7.000.
000: oats. ti-iO.OOO.OUO. The area of coin is
7:5.000,000 acres; of wheat, :M,000 000: of
oats. 2:5,000,000. The value of corn
averages 2." cents per bushel, and
makes an aegreirnte of SO.1,000,000.
S.'i.OOO.OOO less "than Up value ol
the Inst crop. The ilea ease in tho pioduct
of wheat is 20 per cent, and only 17 per
cent, in valuation, or Vi7f,000.00. The
valuation of o its is fc 10.000.000. There-
duction in wheat U mostly in the valleys of
the Ohio and In Cillfornia. The States of
Ohio. Indiana. Illinois, Mi-s.iiui and Kan
sas last year produced 170,000,000: thl
year SO.OOO.OOO, a rednct on of 10.000.000
bushels. Tho production of all cereals ,
f:5 bushels to each inhabitant, and the ag
gregate, volume is larger than any found
Washington December :;i. Tiea.-ury
oflicial.s express tin opin.oti.fouuded on the
fact that the lecemt-i have been very light
I , - " -'
dtinng the month, while pension pay men:
nave open inane 10 a C'insidenuiieauioutit on
account of ast mouth, thi.t the public itebl
statement will show an increase of neatly
S-'.OOO.OOO dtirinc the ciirieut uiynth.
Cln- of the SrIoii ut Topek i I'.iprr
Toit.ka. Kan., December :u. The third
day's ses.s'on of the State Teachers' Asso
ciation begui at nuie a. in. yesterday and
at once icviived itself mto the several sec
tions. In the common o!inil section the
first paper was on "Preparing Students for
Citizenship," by F. W. lliddleson. The
next paper was on "fico.'raphy." and it was
discussed to considerable, length. M ss
Goodspecd. of Toieka, led the discussion.
Tne next paper was on the. subject of "Se
curing theCo-operatiouof Parents in Teach
ing." by Mrs. Nora D. Shiwer, of Troy.
In the college section the lint piper pad
tvas on "..KstlK-tic," by I'Tof. G. W. Spring,
of Lnv.Ttjnce. The next paper was on
"Practical Instruction in KugHh." by
Euricc A. Lyman. A piper on "Original
Work on the Part of StudeiiLs' was read by
President Wood, of Ottaw , and discitscd
by Prof. Canfie'd. The meeting clocd with
a papT on "The Flection System'' by Prof.
McVicar of Washburn Collezc. The
J f. Wj ta;iI5 o'f u 1! VwwiU on
"Mcclunical Pedago.-r." Mis, Ida All-
liltrtiilt uOArtntt tt.-.- -t ! In i, t tl- (i T r
born of llaker rmwrslty ncx tnad a papr
on " hat Is TeacJliz.,', Prof. Ti!hiioti
read a paper on "Model Ifrc.tat.on.
O. 1L Marvin of the SLtte Unhersity
feail all eXCOi.enl patH'r Oil "liilt
Warmth nnd Vent tint on.' The session
, was c'oscd fry Miss Ktnilie Kuhlrnan '.f the
State Normal, with the subject Kti der-
garten Work." All the different sertoti
' completed their programmes In the fore
1 noon, and 111 the afternoon a union mating
ivas held. Resolutions of thanks were
, adopted and the c.oin:r seju.on was held
last evening, at time an address wax
delivered br Chancelor L-ppmc-jt, and re-
mar made on the National .ssiic.atton.
.11er tins a lew larewc.i speecnes came
! and the association adjourned sine die.
lire Karin--
NAnvi:j.E. Tnyy.. reccmber 31. A
M& OfSge has Just been recire.1'
irom iyeoanon. irnn., saying s o.sasaous
fire has broken out in the center of the
town, and asking for aid from this city.
Engines- hare ren forwarded by pUl
train. There is no telegraph o.-2ce at Leba-
non and telephone connection can not now
be hail, on ing probably tn the oSIce being
burned. Tl.oagh tbe town Js thirty mile
r . ., . w. , j
from here the light o the rUrnes can te ,
ihstuicUy sn. :t will Ir itcosjible to
eet a fuller account of tie firo this Cora-
- v
Trobabty a KtK.1 Ilant.
Ai-nAxr. N. Y Decrtaber SO. While j
oat bsntmz yestcroay, Pctrr Ilxxz, a fara
er living near Kaovt ersv.lle. dicove:ed a ;n .- l.t.k .... f ... '
"" -" - cv, iutii s-iici me
rriti-r, John Robert Smith and hu partner.
lla'cy. Had be-n enrase! in a niabrr of
roabjr.c. nhich had vMUd S1C.QW. Wbise T
ij -4lT i
escanutg 4?irocrh Uie He.oVriwrg IltiH ibt I
f partners had cijarreled and Sraith mard.-: !
! . - T
i-Un.?y aiu utmI hi co.1v nr iUr. Smt
i fwn criffi TwnrmM m K'
.arkii tue m tu ami
hirasf la arrwri
m . i-i . .
- - svr 4- s V
was abon: to drawn
lait- The letter Is aectrta named br 2 ml i
dja-ram -hotriag nherc the bo-ty anrbon
an be foantf. and Sa'tli rri th :r ; I
the Srdcr.
' ' z- w -w t
Isolation A4opi.J ,jr ! Ml-'' f
ConcnUn-Tbr Srxl VUcm ol -Ielrate
t' Vhlnstfn.
Ka5as Citv. Ma. December 31. Al
10- o'clock yestenlay monitor the IUvci
Improreni-at Convention met at the Boaid
of Trade hall for the second day cion.
At nine o'clock, before the rneetin of tht
Convention, the Executive Committee held
meeting In the Board of Trade Hall for the
purpose of determining the plca for Uto
next mcctinc t the Onvuiioti nd oilier
,-..,. i loiter nrcAitifu. v
main -- ..... .. . .
. .. ? t It-tL'-r ni!ftr COOSIUCr
Vt " -"--- -
uituiuii u. - '- ..-.. - -
"rr ?M
lnSentetnber.10. I ne ccreiaiy
" - Teohlloi wr,lch m adopted.
.. ..-.i thrtrfltffrvntcittc and Iann 01
Trade on the Missouri River, from bt
Louls to Fort Benton, for the purpose of
defray ing the necessary expenses Incurred
bv the Kxrcutivu Committee hi prosecuting
the work in hand. The amount needed
was estimated at $1,500, and the Secretary
was Instructed to rail tor '25 per cent, of tho
amount minted. ateiy. A resolution was
adopted ins;riif ting the Secretary to formu
'ate a call for the Omaha Convention and
to make the basts of representation the
sme as the Kansas City call, with the ad
dition of ten delegates at lance from each
Mate and Trr tory. and to request tho
liovcruots or each Mate and Territory bor
dering on the Missouri River to appoint
delegate. in conformity thereto. The com
mittee then adjourned to meet at the call
of the President.
run i:noi.CTiox.
After the preliminaries of the opening
1 he tirt work m the order of bttsiiu was
the rejHiit of the Committee on Resolutions,
which was as follow t;
To the Pre ilent mul Members of the Mis.
ourl ltl-r Valley-Convention-
Your cotiitiuttn respectfully ubmlt the
foltmtiuc tewlutiou for jour coiu.duru
Wiinitr.:-. In view of th fBct thnt appro
pr-tv nn are t'ciiic aWst from Cmij-n for
the Improvement of the reat w. estern wter
A. mid that thl-. com ciitiosi ha l-ron
called 111 the interest of the ten Missouri
ltiver idle ; therefore.
.V..iel. Thnt it e tin enrnet wlh of the
people or the M Mitiri Viiiiey in convention
n.seniMed at Knn-11. Citv. Mo. thet ruth
mul .-Jth dns or llccctiituT. lsV. ttiuf Con
fcres do at one iippropriutt for improvement-
or the Missouri ltiver one-tin if of tne
it in mint tisked tor lv the Missouri omiui
fion lor tin war endini June .M. s.s7. in or
der that ihls couitms.. on mar ti tihle to r
Mitne their work n earl- in the spring a
economy demand-, mid that ne nW ihcs-en-utors
iiikI lie tc-fiitiiiivi'. of the Missouri
Vttlley in Congress thnt thev iiiuke tt the r
foremost rnisine? to secure Mich tin immedi
ate appropriation
llfftlvttl. 'Ihat th convention ln't thnt a
member of t onrrr from the Mirsourl Val
lev he puiced upon the Hotit I'ouimlttee for
ler nnd lint Sor. n nn net of potent Jus
tice to the people of the valley of thelurKuet
river m the Nation.
litnAi'fl, That we ncoiiiuieiul the etnl-ll-liuieiit
.f the lii.'ht house system from
Kansa City to Fort llentoii. and no wle
tjiuite itpproprlat on from Cunifiv for the
purpo-e of e4tMlil.sblutr and uuiiutaluintr
niieii system
lonlc'd. Tiuit n eommlttee eouiit 11;- of
two inenilier from e-ieli of t!i, Mutes of
Missouri. Iiimii. Nehraka. K:inn and Min
iieotii. and the Terr.torn-s of Dakota Hint
Montnmi. be nppo nted ty the ttebvute pres
ent in this coiueiittou froi'i the Mi'd ttaU'P
nod Territories. hose duty it shall Pr to liv
hefore Congress in the mot etfertuo uiuit
ner the ilemanil ot th etjiiveut on its ex
pressed tn thee reolut .us. 'Ih name of
mid eomm ttre to he reported lo tlii con
vention before adiotiMimeut. and thnt
the respective Hoard ol Trade In the Ml
soiiri Valley he reiieted to udd one mem
ber each to thl committee.
Vfdivif, Thnt tt J the wish of thl conven
tion thnt. the committee heretofore up
pointed co operati with the llxeciitive Com
mittee for the iinpiovenieiit of Western
waterways', and th eii'iiiinttee npixduted tv
the lute nuventioii at M Paul. 111 a. I their ef
lort to secure the results they i ere charged
to cek.
iV.'olivl. 'Hiat ni" urfe upon all Senator
nntl Coiijrreuieii irom the .Misourl uiitl Mn.
sitlpp Vnllevs to heartily tin te In order to
ecure proneraud llheritl npproprl itlou for
tin imiroveineiit of V.'eterii and North w'st
ni water wny. nnl to 'ieiiiu::l such help
from the N'atK iiid Coxiiniueut uthctct
lntcr st of ;ln-e eetlon Jii-tlv demnml.
lefore volley the nppioprait'on of puhtic
money lo- oilier ami ie Nnt tnal ohjeet.
and for sections n our tountrc which have
hitherto hceu most rnxored h the dtstnhu
tiou of l,o erniiH-nt iiHsis'.aiiee
Itrntlvfl. Thnt we vmii ith turpr ie nntl
fiolleitiide the oniHslfin of all mention of the
necils of the W trrn water wuyu from
the iiicftontre of th Pteldent or the
I'n tcl Mates nnd that we. n retire
eutnt ves of tho people inhnbiting
tin entire VailiM of the yitoiiri
.. .. .
17.7. i.l'" .7; .!M.u...?1?-.V.,,."'.,::u.r'. nrr."Fm
Kn. , m.cIkI mtiixe, to the need-of
these section in Ho mntfei of iiiterunt'.'iunt
improvement, ami ivutitist thnt lhi oruls
on wu tiiu'le wllb the View nf tim'ln n
more emnhatlc nnd ehihoniie i;uttioii
ty a spec hI menue tit n niter dnir
j Viifrrii. That vt( reomtiieiii fut(rres to
pa 11 In tlicmiiiu- the Knna Itlvrr nn.l
ralif Irrmi Port Itiley t t the luo.ith nt Wyan
dotte City That 11I iirt.ll mi otitriiet.on
me iiulnui'p- r.ti'l a ueh mnt he removed
or so alteri d thnt hev no iouv r .lt a im
peil meul to st nmie,ats nml h-mi cour
unr said river, that in wce.rttie with
tin reeommi'iidntloii of Major C It. Hotter.
I'tnted .state cnif nfi r. nn onprotr'ntion f
S4Nj,l"if be llliicle nlld expnli-i to lltly rttl'I
proncriy Hibipt s, d Kiuits Itlvrr to the more
micceful trnnit of commerce,
Ur.t,lrnt. That the ntteiiliou of the MMtourl
ltiver '"tmnlf .ofi is hereby r'tfvl fully
cuiIed hv thl convention t tin tfrent'lMtn
ai-e lnnr ami threntntsl by the Mlotirl
ltiver at u point nenrlt nppos tiKmil'uriMi
worth. Knu . where tie reder! (Jovernraent
bns larj-e irrp,rt interest', and wherr XUn
Iron bridge Tt-hirh pan the ntr Is In Mn
inirieiit Janr'r of lotin t- connection vlth
the Mi --oil 11 shore, thu- letrorln the mini
limr.iilinte cotnmiimcittlon liet'rrrii that Im
ixiriniit milJtnrir tt and tho !"st. ltciect
ttilly nubmltted
I). If .Mc;-Trnr. chairman.
It. IJ Wimumm. Secteturr
The diffcrrnt delegatioiis then took a rr
ccss of fifteen muuito for the purpose of
selecting dc.eats Ut tltC meeting to txs
held in Uahlnsrton January ncxL On re
tnrn.11 tho follov.'in: were reported as pro
vided by lla resolution
Nebraska It. D. Windham. C llartman.
Iowa Judge Jamr, Council lUutTs; F.
F. Even, StnaCity.
3Iissourt-iL IL W. JIartwig. SL'Joscpb;
W.J I. iliiler. Kansa. City.
Kansas j. v. jiarxer, tdrar'i ; in. r. r.
Nealy, Ixravcnnortfi.
3Iontana T. C. Powers, Helena: T. A.
Cntnuiz-i. Fort lithtou.
Minneota Colonel W. CrooJti, St. Paul
Piatt 15. WaJkcr. St. PanL
I)aVot--W. H. I-adIe. Vankton; W.
Thompson. P.imatck.
A hearty welcome was asnied the delc
rattoos on Unir tit u Omaha at their
next mating by Mr. Chax. ex-Mayor of
The farewrll remarks by Jud:e Cole, of
St. Iyui. were touching and filled wltli a
dunning vc n of earnest rn:hn!4n.
The convention fhrn adjourned.
KtrrlMjr Itrtrne.,
Jr.nsr.r Crrr, N. J December 3L Dor-
.ng the progress of a Crc a: oll nofjC
o. Iyircbard. Ayres ,t Co.. at Cbnttahf
tfriV Mil v..-.!.. . r 1 . m a
" .. ' MW,n Jbnon, agJ
? 7K, fa' cattJn ? rhooar, u
7 A small btrai brtonnc
V ? cho'mr' Mch -sas Iylnr o-aj- xUt!
XSat "rt:t and J-3 ptangiia
lJJ J' . l.McWJr .
esraped frrwi the tank cwinth-r.
wMtnlr lenited johTC wa
vei04ja thsrrameA. Bat for the aor!ir
hTing sjxdiir bcrn-d oat be woM hire
"' " o- Jiair-. . cmj- of -rork-
aitn 'ticced Mm a Uv was aboct to jiik.
.lroholtu jtniJ Cid,m,m 1
llA.f-.xnAt, Mo 2y8t?r 3LAI
Iflufls. Ill, Iat ercBiar. Frxnlr lt--.-, .
VOUDiT r;rT-rt sy1- t--.t . . . ,
- -. iu itxeuy axiiTwl la '
caantrr. -- driBkiaj. -,-,
friends at tbe bouse of tl-ten-, wt,
. . - --.. wvvm-;.
!ra4 'f1 C'0- l7 'or
."" bicii h- drank a qsart
t, l0 H.,:fc5 fctQ of .
rmmjir.A.m i - dk ,m --r r r -.. i . . r
Irr- RA tja . - a a
,foc;5d to4-r W0 lft srr of feoce
La -"y "fel caedi-iou and tak '
I 7" . - n ns nom lie wx$
-isr3je. a pb);cin wa ssmsaoKtd. ytho
8?31e - A P-)cin
V"? "-- proccjd him tJcad. f
- 'nraice; was held to-dar aad U verdict
- - - .r .(. - -"-.-
-D-alh fr alcoholic esJioa hJ i
A ChpT -Sw " Krrrptlon. n
WklSto Cy Tim a- the Win?.
WASirisnTO. Januiry 2.For th
time ia mrverai ycari New Yr' l ,
dawned c:caV nnd beautiful. Tw.e , .
froi was joon dl.!p:ctl by the r ...
and long before noon thv tcmp-ntu'- i
like that of a spring day. The . x
was ob?rtcd here as In fsrmer t-
grncral calling. Kosinsss was u -to
considerable extent, and all U.
tlve dcjartiucnts were cIod. At
,. 0 ijje unite no
Si- i '
tho hltc Hou-sc &""
crowil i
erct at f
iotn ciulpaces of the diptotna'
high officials of th Government a; i
distinguished person.
At eleven o'clcck. to the accost; n
of "Hall to tho Chief by U
band, tho rrc-ddutttlai :.
pvartn! in the reccptMm rt
took their station in the W;.e ,
Mrs. llajanl leaned tipott tH an
Froldent; Secretary ltoynnl vc t
Cleveland, arwl the temalniiig nr
the I'abtnel followed with Ihr
Secretary Itmar being ttie m .
Colonel Wilson pieceded tltetM a
tenant DuvatF. with Miss iiavatl
up the rear. The ladle Ioh1 in
on the l'tus.dcnt's rtjflit: MN (
Mrx Hayard. Mrs. .M4tunr. Mr, w
ami Mr. V.Ias. Owlus to a . . .
Mrs, Kndlcott was no; prasei:.
During the diplomatic rrrpption
retary of State stood at the left of 1
dent to lntnxluce tin tneutbor of t
eign Levatlonv Cototict ".Vi.-mti 1
sb.ncr of l't'bbc Huildltir and 1.
stood between the I're-sulBiit
Cleveland nnd lutrodiicctl tb .1
and their fiimllles to her. TUe f
countries were ropro.ct:el : 1 itritaln. Uclirium. Chin.
Mexico, Kus-sla. Krancc. .Swlttrri-i
key, Spain. I'etu, toa IIkii i1 -s
tin"' Netherlands, KcuaiMr. C,ri:
Tinted State of CoUnnWa. Jap'
nnd Swinleii. the Argen.'iB I.
Itrazil, Denmark and Vchxih .
meinVrs of the diplomatic cup
those who rupttrseut rnih! .. :
tlueut, were In their court naifotii .
all of them had been piefu-.i
Wilson t(Mk ecietary Itaatr p 1
intriMluccd all the other otHrU. t
the incinbers of each arr.ved I-
l'lasldcut, while ,Ieutn,tnt Du
army, made the inliodtit-nou to M -land.
The teception of the uioMtbvr '
preim Court and tin imw t mt 1
lowed. Of the former ibn wei. ,
('luet Justice Wnito and .lw!r
ford, llculnii, ltradtey, itx. Wmu1'
er, I'leld.s and Mrtnur. acconipaii1' '
ladle of their fiinh. Ar!
tin Justices were Judge IUim . .
and Mr. nnd Mt, J. II. Mr k. run
The luatols and Hcpijentatn.
to arrive eat. v. Mt CoMi-re-MM-n i
wives or other ladle with tiiem. V
son icpresented the ex-MiMivteiik
Slieimau wan the only c.v Cabinet '
At a few minutes to tw!te .
long line of army oillcpri Htitlil ; .
fioui the War DepartNieHt acts t
'I be line nuuibured near y ikie t.
Although only forty olhcts ai ' .
In this city, between seventy ninl
tiled olllcers le-ldo In WailMiiK"
who were able to be pro out .
Hue. lU'shtcs those from tin !
hureaus of the War Department, t 1
racks ami Fort My cr, a niitiil-r r
from Fort Mellunty to py their fe
ami the force was larcely lncntal f
number on Icaw, who ate st(p :., i-
(Jencral Slierldan. wf , .
headed the line. tirrmmKi tiled ) f nflr
Mrso:inI stall. Adjutant Ceiteml
Df 5
followed with the ollicuts of the A- '
(encral'h depattment. Then Ju uule
the olllcers of the corps of ei.
iieadcd by Colonel .Mc( otiib, rc4;ii
Ninal corps, by C.rnetal Ii
cavalry, artillery, Infantry, medica.-. r a
pay corns. There was no lutoriir
tweeti the atmy and navy reccpUoii
Hue of naval olllrers followed in ! '
steps of army oRketn. It wns ii '
Admital Ptttur, and bv hm side wai
--.......--. . -...,... ...... ... t.-w
miral Warden. Foiinninc
CNIIlit th
tho N
,,' Mn-f of J'.areau. of
inrtiiieni and many othnr tKal i.f?
prominence '" fct. like the t
navy wr.s rrprMnt4"d by n-ail ef
, ccr who Is at ptnsent in Wa"fitgl'
Tin new nU)cL from tho vim
pertinents wete nearly all pr:if
Civil hervlec Cotumlssloiifts, I : -Trrnhoiin
pjul Kuiton. and Coitiml-'"
1-Mucalion ICatnti and Prof. HalnJ. I
by Prof. Powell and all Hi h. '
specific depirtiupnts ll In thl pi .
'llien fid'owed all the heads of b ; -the
dnpttiiieuts who are Pterin..
jHiink'tti. .l3tit Secretary Pair 1.
the Tiea-tirv iB1miIi.
Tim Mcsiran Veteran AorUl
well represented, the iiieuiburs nnw
about .tt. file,! In and psKl lUrtr t- ,
Ut the President. Following tbm r
oldest inliabitatils. numbering aUm
TbeJr appearance va venerable i
ptrjsive. The O. A. If. Weatr
Jowol. The pfeu.ant wrstber -
brlni. out nut of the largest No
reprejentalions for many yearn. M
te:e In line arcotdiug to thclr jmmU
numbrid about, 1.000 in all.
The Kate wpre not i)j-nvt to the c
pubbc until tr tins (irand Army n
was rotnjdete.!. Tli cruAii of waiUt
zen wa lmmene. It etteticbsl frr
eastern tab In a wild matt ir it
atrnnr, ornpyipg tho middle of th-
When the time an 1 vd for tjJW KrfJ,
crpiioii the ge, r.ere o;iictl sim! :
patl tbrouxh th Whltj I- -
NolwiihsUud tif, tho Jmm4i
the -. bct of onb-r p
and' pxv.l Kf 1
mvhest po?iUfi manner. Dr 1
rrccjiiJon ail ths parlors t-xvK -room
w?iff darkened nd "wbn V
mat. the army and nty aiH!44cr "
rnvrred the bfanrlful worn tA '
most brllluni. Th sun 6 b t
tlirough the southern utodowt. -.4
spleivibl landica-xi vWwr.1 I turn '
aldil no Hub- to tfce tbr (
scenr. U h ejistnt Ii
5.000 wtfr fMt-A J4l ""
President The fttnUUsi r f
rrconl of hand?ialg tm4mn7
Iht rainub he shoo M - ' '
person, or about thirty-fr a mmrt
f lnti''r.
ificnuo::-'. Vju. Jaoww; -r-t'f
Vitt,e - h rl-.,.iLitl-i sAa j
,n q (, AMJtr5
ht -i... .-..-i m totsi n
'm .
in w Uoaw of Dtexte: -
and e7 cry la of ar-JUSte t
IkIot ocmped InUmW nt-vr
jacjB,jir- sny -dbr. TV r4 '
approver. rtto rr a --
f Z1 ?? f-L
Ioa Ut tbe kst, tt b H S
L .-i TVta..
" a- T,a s A'
IWI at Vlbt irten - --"
oectjprU a mh a. tw w? "
?. -resented lo iftr Wh ?tvsmA-
llartaat CVtll-
-s-M. J6eary L Tt& wt Ixt
preslicted (sat CcttcrsJ ltAitMl't ,-
ruM a' f.?.,-. .! .'' tatjdnifZ. 3T
""- '- - -
iU ab5rpiitsa laU ttrltlsis I?sa r
aorri to fc very mcch oat te tivrir '-o-latloa.
Today the Gavrnua-t t
ilfttLlze the Strvt Vear by Imnaz jc'--
ficatioa slgxy?l by lies ifa;s:y. -i a
(ti ot
f f sei
IjUsd asd Ksxptrot It,
a4drcd to th leh-ibiUJiti of Wsi.
Britaiu aad Icdia. sifytug Vita
ttstt tJsfl terrtto lattuvtir tT-
lK , lZT
lry KtaS Tt0aw
ars c. Ictti'tt usd
feS rek tm lfci,fB fc-3 P1 ""
i a
a .t ;" -..
V V?.vf .vs'-.
& f
i'fe.1. -. ,
, fr .
,...--... .
d- S.7-iJ
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