PPJS II' L ,",T""TM---P nawnaTnaMnarTHmei i ir" T - - Lv - KS ' l..rj--J- -""" "iiTv-e! .- RHaPKmKnai RSSS - -" --gw r -r .'--...'-- irr' 2 'arsr Tv; rs&. ... " A ; - - .y ?T?,i V? TTTwrtrirufciMii iii. i " 1 ''"'H inifri-jiMM hwti Wa ljSiW-lMItdMMBjnaM . " ' ?5jafeV JSf lt Jta-w. V7?P( n fc . r . S . L. S 'j&iVS& 4 3ra -. : - .-: H' ! -"- 13W . WW? & TTjprm "iT - i- ,?? i nnmnionT bin ilia f . 3 "" -. .' V"x i v. " - ' I - - ie4rt . -a. ' flrMMBir; ' f ; -; . " "SC3l r - -. i T , .'" --p. v ,, -r . a . i . '- , . -., i : ? ' . . 1 TCi. & i - 4 rf Sfe 3& kAt .S. a s,tt. a- -i. f We- -s "'I-Nf. "i tU---i- ; r -jsm- z$ - c ifS25S 4 -V JV A ?-'Ji" ,&f. -HjgijBBBfeyi8jiiijiMB BwwfegS jt jKLBaBBfl BBBmBBbSIBBBBbBIBHPP?jHShpK'" '"ij'f5''' '"'!dL. 1 j'aiBPjiBlBHSBMMlBlBBBpJpJpJpJj- r;BMBBBBBf SFifcTWI I" "iP ImBWBHBHPi ' lBBBBHBMgJMB3BBBBBBBPfB8lrdHEiaMBBRhW -'?'?-5 J tCgiRaF?BJMBBBBBBBBlMMBBBBBBBr t TgLatQLigBBBBBBBBBBaBBBsy BMfc?V-L L I lBBBbBBMBBbBbBBT' t BBHBHBBHBBl'BBBBMBflBBIHBSSRitV i 'BB?iFBiPBBBBBBBBBBBBj:T tPBSflPB'Byi'BrnPBKi'Pjr tJ"BBWBJWbT1BBBBhIBbW'' Br BBBBBBBRBi'B9BHBBBBlBHBPLlrSv3BLHM e.-4- ' 1 '" -tmISksl 'MK.H9VIBhu!p:t9 HI i rTWl 7i TfHP iBB TBb" -- -HPWBBPTBrsnwBBiB w i'k.,1 KH?S jv'RLrr siu "" '-BEPKI&irvKlCrfiS" zm 9B9SVHHBBVr& AiHSHKiC BaiKto- - - ' """ " ?!?frliT"BihfciBBfcfcAi-M MV jfjKTv TX)vpI9jiF' sS 't 'fr jkT - & , i . j VOL XIII. RED CLOUD CHIEF A. C. IIOSMKi:. TroiTlttor. i:cl Cloud, Vc!)-jter'c(Uiity.elrask:u A ut-cklv Jounuil if 'voted to tJic -Intcrfts of I ! worlrt In" p'uord ami Vuota- county and :nlj:!wiit t'rrtirj- particularly. Tlio larot and liut ((juiiijicil paper m.tliu rc;il Kepuhllcan vjillt-i. y One 3;:ir, In advance. ...1 .sK nioiitliN. in advance... .?! W) "J rial eopv.iA iitontlis) in. advance. ..V) Til kTii iki" lias ihc largest circulation of any paper In tlicvallej and H X lien f ore the greatest ailerti-In iiu'dium in tills hi-ctlou. Aihertl1 liu; r.iles acconipauied with adldavit of.hunrn ein-iilatlon furuislied when re'piented. Ol It.JOIJ UKi'AItTJIKNT. Is couiplcti' In cwry particular and liolii; run liy j .vir. m iiiMires woik done prompuy. j'jticicsun: vi:m Miv.i'sr, and Koodmirk uanuiteed or no paj. We will dtiplicitelanje orders at Omaha !nei". and ir uantntfnork and Mock 10 he :t- i uood as can he pnicnrtil In the vest. Wo ar liotiud todens4 all patrons of our job depart ment. Cle us a trial. Businesso Cards. VF.TULLEYS, M.D., 1 IOMCKOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, IT. S. Kxaminiiir,' Surgeon. Oi i in: Opposite KIrst National Bank Kcd Cloud. J)I. L. II. BECK, i PHYSICIAN KKI) CLOUD, AND SURGEON, NKBItASK ii G. 12. McKEEBY, M. D. J'HYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, Ori'irj Over City I'liannacy OIlluu lmtirs from '. to I'Ji'.'iii., ! to 4, and 7 to pjni: Ki-tidcut'c ?bIH;k.s.tsl of court house tlJDTI.OLM). NKIIKASKA r! DAlEHELL, MtD., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . Rod Cloud, Nebraska ohce-Oi or tho nw posioflice. i -iD. DENNEY, PJIYoICIAN .tfeUROEON, 'KICD CLOUD, - " NEBRASKA OrncK Over Calls promptly Cook's druj; store, attended to day or DR. C. SCHENCK. PIIYSCIAN AND SURGEON, Cowlcs. NcGraska. J'rofcs.sional calls promptly attended Office : At residence Cowlcs. 8-51 QILIIAM k, RICKARDS, ATTORNEYS. Rod Cloud, Nebraska. Oi-vici: Over City riiarmacy. i v K.M.KV. J. L. IvAI.KY Kaley Bros. a TTOUXEYS AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NEB. Agents for the B. &, aI. R. R. Lands pRANK R. GUMP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RED CLOUD, - - NEB Ornci: Over the Post,Oflice. O.C. C.VMC " ,JA8. 1CN xv. Case & McNeny, TIORNT.YS AND COUXSKLORS AT LAW t Will practice in all cdbts of this .Mate olleelln. as well as lltiatel tmslncs5 careful- and ellleiently attemled icAbstnicts furnish- 'sd on appllesitton. Okkuk. Over First National Hank, Ued Cletnl. Neb "yJLL p.joverman: . - .ATTORNEY At LAW, RED CLOUD, - -?, NEBRASKA Office. Over Ferguipn & Co's drug stirc. JJv- Coliccton prrtmptiv attended to androrrcf .munlenee olleitetl. rlentv of inoncv to loan at ion rate of. Interest. NiT iKiuiuisMoti i. clian.edthe)orrower. , I., n. 3.'ooro. Prcs't J. L. Miner. V Per John Moore, Cuhicrj First National Bank RED CLOUD. NEB Capital. - , 75,000. rranfact a general bar tinjf bstiness. bay and sell County warrant. AIo County. Pre :;nct and School District b oadj. Soy and tell foreign Exchange- DI HECTORS: R. K. Moor. n Jfoora. '1V. C. Mother. R.C.Otca)t W N Richard J. lt.Wll.WOX. F.A.8WF.E2Y. E-JiulccJteU Cloud. nine HUl. Neb, P Willcox&Sweezy Attorneys at Law. Office in the New Opera House Bloca, Red , t Cloud Xebrasta, -' We have first-class facilities lor making farm loans in Webster and adjoining comities. We '-k have hadaereml years eaperkace -tn Ue loan busiueAS in this couutv aad represent several of f ' th.' bet and most tellable leasing, connaaies and Inrest the iHnds of a numttcr of private eauitalifcts no delas nmney u hand, or oa 4 . VerjortnotJe'. lMorewakmBj-warloaHgiv -..-. -.lt H am siirtuc If jIi mav ua ! :SSU - UttdtmMymar land Mi you wis to renew we ... -. . IL --" MBU kn EX K,aait mm- jw- vm . fttai vi vk mi a KoeMal rate. We. are ifco prepared to insarc yr yraferty a-jaliist.toi hf ire, IHtBtalag er toraadas. the folio wiHrn;lliteeowpBies: 8friafeM IaMr V -' ce Hik,M MajfynaseHa ruoetus lawmacc " .- -- 1.aAu -AiM yfftr hvt i i -9r-a-kiiu ...m. Im ah ! hn Iff .can tw JMttd Mwiday ami vBatariay ' VCMu " .Ti- rt'Z ' f A- :'-i--r- ?- -w v53f -S.t fcSj, .. , vt S S SS-m- - ?-. i'lTV fr '?$' I-A.'-..JA. . RED ira' m There is to be some changes in our business affairs and we wish to close out our stock of cloaks, we will sell you a 6 $15.00 17.00 2000 22.00 23.00 THIS MAKES 140 Ladies Lamb 40c. 45c. irsss v v DO A LITTLE FIGUERING AND SEE WHAT DISCOUNTS THIS AMOUNTS TO- AVe have many other BARGAINS too numerous to mention. Ducker's Cash House. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. P. S.-WE WILL NOT BE BV Reliable Furniture and UndertakingHouse Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, the LARgEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the RepuoLcan Valley and my prices can not fail to please. " R L TINKER City Bakery andRestaurant A. LAUTEJtBACH PROP. RED CLOUD, - - . . NEBRASKA Kepa constantly on hand Confectionary, wrmnacoam at nn s. A f uv ; .i4l. v: yAIhX . "i. km&&Mti&Mkfe& , i9wr4 Vfr - i-rx ;n T . S3 CLOUD, WEBSTER BY IJIIIIK M i w rs "J cloak cloak cloak cloak cloak for for for for for e THEM LESS THAN COST OF PRODUCTION. pods Wool Pants and Vests for One Dollar YOUR GOODS AT TitX Brand dtiTrad to nny prt of the city. noon. io ! r . .---i-i- COUNTY, NEB. FRIDAY. JANUARY HE 31 - 1100 12.00 17.00 15.00 16.00 A UNDERSOLD. is Drugs ! Drugs HENRY COOK. Drugs, Paints, Oils Hvflvvt HM Red Clud Neimtka ? g r, . "St e, i . ?kj -: ..T-Ji, . JTi- rx ntSKr:x:-ttrj: .3fw- T4i' -s n-- SO III i ttzvx&n4Zfi: "ns 3i-. vfv -r..-,rr -ijL'f 5 J?5Sj rx v. - ?- The Red lloud Chief A.C. HOSMER. ProDilfltot r'lilDA'i JANUARY ltS6. Siitis. Oh shall the svrnllow, when tftp dnr rrowt Ion;:. Swci'P with her rjnjr tmcanlthc lon?vI- fnr nnh: And 1 not an more, not one' airnln. See with mill" er the land tfiat brought in" U nh'r Ah! jet In dream how fair I thee lyiug. l!oml In tnf beside a sth er tht: Snht shiidoMA from the cloud are o'er then t! Insr. Wild Hindu arc woolnp every flower and bud. Ah! rou Id I jwilnt thy wood, whoso paths lire riNiuenei!: AH through ihc taring ith shenth tho budi outicrew. While overh'nid the teruler leave are sway ing. Green, with the sildcn yuullsht bhlninp throiiRh. E'en the dark laurels for the t-prliiff arc dress ing. Starry white splns arise from every tKnigh, While underneath the ground h "blue, I goMi n, Iliuelnthand celandine are blooming now. A. Oh, thoqtlear home thntnrt my home no longer. Springtide with all Its hop" Is ith thee yet: That Mill remulns. though all my prlng it oer. And 1 wjll f.ng It. though m ees be wet. Four Pictures fnm Life. oli risrrr ti:ki-. Mr. Stephen Powers, of W:ishin"jton cfiimU, Oltio. ha been examinin"; Mjtno old fruit tree iti his vicinity, and in a communication to the Country tfcntlt vinn concerninp; them write- as follows: A few da ago I became much inter cted in ome piach trees which Mirpa.s.i an; other I ever heard or read of in longevity. They are live in number, standing in a .single row which runs nearly north and .south, directly oil the western brow of a hill about J1.VJ to 400 feet hiirh. Tho hill is the edjre of the tableland of Washington county, where it break down into the rich, but narrow valley of Wolf creek, a tributary of the Musk'ingum. The wind, .sweeping up this valley, or diagonally over it. cut. with viLSt force across the smooth fore head of thi hill, right when these an cient peach trees .stand. The oil in which tiny grow is a deep, strong chocolate-red clay. M attention was llr.-t attracted to them some yeans ago by the remark of a pioneer, then nearly CO years old, that lie had eaten peaches off them when In; was a little boy, but it was onlv lately that I .et myself seriouly to Tind out how old they are. At my request the granddaughter of the. planter of them interrogated his widow for me. anil .ct down her reply as follows The houe wa built in lS'5."i. and the barn .ovcral years before, say ten rears. The c4t'h tree were set out by Walter Hart up on the hill long before the barn was built." This makes the trees -.av 70 year old. ami I have very little doubt that they are 75. perhap HO. A settlement wa madc within a mile of them as early a 1780. The prcent owner of the land in i Mr. J. It- Sheldon, and he ha lived in the immediate vicinity for the lat 11 years. He Mate that in that time, ac cordinir to hi bet recollection, they have only failed to bear once, and that was last year. They have every mark of antiquity. Several of them divide in to two trunks cloe to the ground, and one of thee L generally dead and all the branches rotted off. leaving only a f tub. But the other trunk is nourishing in even' cae. All the trets had some fruit thi year: one bore certainly a peck all fair, mooth, medium sized seedling caches. The leave are bright and lealthv. The trunk, where thev arc single, will not exceed seven or eight in ches in diameter a foot above the "round, the bark i extreme! v hard and roujrh. black with th.. frot and a centurv. nuns 'Jlie of three-quarters of hijrhest of them i not above ffitcen fHt in height, ami they are all worn away each to a little tuft of branch at the top. 'J"he largot one fork- alout three inches from the ground, far enough, it feerasto me, toentitleittobccon.iderel one trunk; and a .such I measured it jut below tlic fork and found it to be four feet five inches in circumference. Mr. tfoi)Ii Haward informs n:e that there v. a a .ecdling apple treo.tanding near the Beverly dam on the wct bank of the Muskingum river. Washington county. Ohio. inm thirty yi-ars ago, which'ncl to produce an aionihin:r crop of apples. Mr. II. L now nearly 78. and whqn. he wa about 16 or 1. snd hi. brotlier ncarlr the Kirne age. they pickeJ nj under thi tree fifty buslt els of app.es. covering alout two-thinl1 of the 5pace undt r it." Four-fifth-: of the apples liad fallen oJT (it was so latr in ; fall that Jic leave had raontlv dropprd off) anil a .mall picking had Lcen made earlier in the scaon for cider. He esti mated that the three Yielded fully one hnndrcd bttsfaels of apples that Kntson. He anil his brother tried to encircle the trunk with their arm, but coold not make their hands meet. An ordinarr lad of 1G can reach easily five feet; othi tnmkmust havebeca ten or eleven fcet in cirarmfercncc. kplitdowa aboot SO year- ao. It Is o known whe it wa S lantedT The earliest settlement on the Inkingum was jsode In 178S. It sees hardlr credible Skat tree planted w 1783 could hare, aboot 1823. atfaiaW the cnormoos mmt mentioned. It la, therefore omte probable that it wa plantci by that eccentTH; ptocerf Joh 2iy.jipleMCCii.WBo ww4 to go to and fro before there were aay indfenMat. and plant apple ateds and trees lor posterity. Mr. iiaywood showed nw two hiaefcr gjUiflowefs, sow 75 years oM. which his father proccred tram ,the rifinal Fotnaxx. aarsery a Marietta. Thn XarjEMt of ifcnnt nilnantw eigh. Jet torn incba ?nliiimliNiii It if ;- i r ""I tT.r II 1 iP i I i ' i -, J. j r- . -lne3a3-Jr-.tri jH J? t mmU&-&r&& fe-fi -15 i886- an Ateni tt a tunii i-oiutl enter it. ii could readily .stand ervet in th h4!m Still. lotli oi thr-n VOIirrtiMt' tre- are healtln in atitHarancv, and 4-ach ha- a !rk or si of iruit at present hanmnijon it.s tublv brancho. The nmm branches have all fallen oh", the top i nothing but a Mnall knot of .-pnuits. Mr. J-h' Vincent inform nie thai a fen- ears api there wa a Ptitnatu ru.ct tnv Mainline on the riirhl bank of the Mask- m uiuui. :UKit ?t nine aiKiv- ivern, I which was considered the larp-st apple tnv in tJluo. tn-inj: tlurteeii fivt ne in cite in einuiuifereiico He di. not n iiiftnberwha: ittcldel: but from nsioth cr rtisct in the '.same orchard, with a smaller trunk, but wider top. his father. John Vincent onco picked thirty barrels of apple. Un tho old Dana farm, at Bel pre. this county, on the north of tho bank of the Ohio, now .stand an applu tret? planted in 179'-'. Mill in Injuring. I (To not know it suv. New rrottlrnm r.ir t!i WcM. A l'uget sound iumMmdent writing to the le'land Lt'tiUr :s TheiHiv nle of the Tacit'ie (nit have on thrtr hands .;veral imjM.irt.int problem. to K)lv .sooner or later. One of the' is the question of marriage and dhonv. Unless society ih to Infomo alarmingly cornipt at .ome oiut.s it is already m. notably in an Kmncico -the church, the lawmakerM, and the better uloments if the conmiunitv will have f hi a Mroug hand on the ileep, ilark sin of liorc'. It would not be a bad thine; nay. it would 1k a good thing, a wis, useful, and lienevolent thing, if the pa.stor.s of the coast, from the Mrait of Juan do Kuca down to the Mexican frontier, would form a compact to preach mornim and evening even Sumhir for the ne.t .six month on the ectcuih pri cept of the divalogue. for onre in our hi.-torv letting tho people- know how f.ir reaching i.s that precept; how authorita tive in itrt language: how sum and how terrible is the roult of violating it. Ha ing mmmH two cnw on thi coa.t, thoroughly olemng the conditiotiH of society, from not very fur north of the Mexican frontier up to this latitude, I think I am not very far from the tnith when I say that from all quarters of our country there have, congregated here, in larger numbers than can 1 found anywhere else, men ami women who nave riNiciv aim cnieny aim wickeuiv . i i : . .:.. i . ' living in relation, which are violation in nir izi oi viuti. nun iumU!hj.iv tu- " nonoraoie ami unclean, inev are an lit r. affront, an insult to the God-ordained j institution of marriage, if an institution can 1k said to Miffer affront and insult. J I have not statistics at hand to verify j what I nay. but I venture to asert that i on the I'acilic slope are livinir to-dav rec-entlv-publt-hed statement, the ratio! of siieh nninn 5lirfist- In nerirlv iverv i community of a few hundred people! can Ik lounci men ami women inarrnil the second, third, and even fourth time. with one. two. ami sometimes all the preceding companions out of their graves. A clcrman of the territory dining one day last week in the home wherein I write, and earnestly deplor ing the existence of this clement in so ciety aid substantially: "Vlven the woman in whoe hottsu I am sheltered is livinir with her fourth husband, the other three walking the earth meanwhile. It is not pleasant to wound the feeling of jn-ople, but I have taken it jon me to preach against the rreat xvron." "And but a few rods from it, ' re plied a resident of Tacotna. "theru live.-; a man who ha leen rjiameI to ami JJ- vorccI from thre' women, one of whom j has herself be'ii lenllr seiaratl from two husband-". Moreover, recently thi man wa observed in attendance upon a church service at which were present thoe three women." A French writer tells this remarkable inciih-nt of the Frnnc-i'rutan war: A young officer of the French army was suspected of bein:; a spy. One "night his hoiiMj was surrounded by German soldiers. Seeing that capture was in evitable, he handed a bundle of j-ccret dipatche. to his tcn-vear-old brother. !,;. .iut,.W?- u ,,. iw...,i" .t. rwf tTu 1 f unit bw rilh at i..a-. 4 - mm a i- . - i. -. 7 l-'a- m anr-. r. a imiii -i s am - turn to remain firm, even though ther should bo killed before bin cTes. Xext morning the prisoners were frd oat to beexecn'ted. The bry till refused to tell where the dispatches were Jnt then an arnrcMJon of agony psu-l over his face. The boy opened hu raooth; a torrent of blood poored oat of it. In vestigation showed that he bail bitten off hi tongue, so great had bees hi temptation to apeak and aare h father and brother. The Danish Goremsnest ha created a medical cotnaiMion to investigate and report upon the can of cancer, and particnlarly the supposed ajeociation be tween the disease and the we of certain orts of food, the UniMnce oi worrr. anxiety, and a drjcMnd aUte of heaieh m jnviag rise to the mala.lv, and the atteal to which k i h-trvdiUr. InSMtthwi-Viriinin thWarelhk teen countiac where nWroar of the raiij road ha a5r-r yet bean heard, and thai people lire their aneoanf Hreain ha! raace of the creatf of the entodewcW.J JmL :cum ?? yft LIB, jumm nioru divorced and nmarnctl couple j rich, both buehdor. without any relaA ' than m all thn remainder of the country. tiv.-. 'ITicr wim morver thdmot.W including Indiana, the Western Htv'ne,: vote.! friends So givnt wa- their and Connecticut, where, according to a friemUhft. for meh other ihst il. l.ml with instruction to biin- them and un- nt T ,7" rF2" n der no circumstance to tell where tlicv iht,tthl M? ' VIM? .? V" were. Soon after the voun- officer w P"! ll W rt lw " p.n-.on of the prisoner, search wa made i V ""y , """ " r7L for them. The little bov did not denr Jwwjcaler. wtwld vrr h. e.ih.y concealing them, but reftiHl to reveal mxkft m VtU f ,roaJ IUt, "Tf. the place His father and brother told ' r R4 $: ZZT' ."r rS L r mmm mmlr CmfmVmt: J!:9' mi . i -mr mm nnWnawawn p nnVnvi w' HnNI WnvnHlvnH, flnlMPVVHeV- VjMfVwaT, "' A ",-. wanaiiSJLnl "-x.'JSim " Nfc a tii- l4IOalamannal nawnawnnnnri T" "7in nnf""'r' "J f vbBVH NO 24 A Mlillonalrt. Mr. William B. Atio. a rU.tt!y a the morning dawn. rin cm hitj-,tv ceptlng when !i- k f vwn dudnjf thu hottest p!U jiutr U vit wrni!lu hi way from UU home im Kiftb cnt to 'JCth slrtf t, tbetwv witwnnl to hU ollhc jut out of Brw.w-ay, and Uioncv, after an hour". tSn. df Brvxidwny to hi lower odlct and kwn town to nt W'ud to ht tiMn-rinrfrntkjn dutlrA. He alwat walk1-tr h( Hmlth'i ako. Ho it alwnvt wxll ilt! in n nmn of more than nx'mi !t-ijfht. with a wrv fac' and a heu knl., k ratttachti ami hair weil gra-. ft.l rvhntly o much preictnipl'xl t' a ! im( ofillri on to hi urrmiid.ns JVw who ai him. o hmhIcsI njl uhs.Mi.n- niid J tdainly attml. tfcc nt- m of jewnU oeing consjactwn. wtfuNl hnnino hint to lo one of tfao r. 'it uuwt In tht world. It i jrid LI- rj Iaew coiurt from gtnl lir.tt in fritiMe yt-ntv, but now hu is n j.t4(iTHtr in lit diet ru plum m ht ntt.r MMiMmtlng in hi way; nib- it tWiv ? tV -lenity in his iMiiritig tljt !.ts purtM . woiUd" na tural I impnrt. fVv oWi. hi hi em 1!ov attend d.-jth eWvlv tw lNIjicr-. IU ride i. tt iu--r. mH .31 lo-morniw that which oun b V-iu t-lv.--A" 1 Horul. A nw Hdotl 'tti-teikH 'ii urr of a wide w leotiie. AiCliMtrh tin? Kxit dr lighteil u ink his sniij.t friMn tho knightly and romantk? Mhhllo Age, when ieu. Ih-i wa ir'when' In foic. h wiu rtnMMit htlly n jk-'l at tlit jHpIo. 'llio rntwt?u King, WUHam IV.. ofleriHl hi in tin) 0rUtr four tia MtriU. with iltU-riiii; xMKs(ffn of tho ronl rennl. I'hlmnl. how'yvrr, d clfntHl to neeept It. ltd' hwu ox plaining to hi v.il H re"ii wkleh moved htni to ifa: tin diitnUon lhen wa a kinx-k a,' ts door. A working-elnsj. Kit! from U neljihlnjr IkhmI tnt rd. nd. jr-wtni4iig Utihtml with abttneliol iolct., fcald "niLiUtiu olfonng from m nothr." Vmir ;ni)ther, child," rrjdhsl thn vi't: "1 thoiight h dlnl lr. -4 nUmui." Xlmt i true, Ih-rr frjnl, ' aU the glrl,, and 1 brgj&M )i nt tlw tmm to mftke a little vnru fur hr jpran1, tmi you imoiu iu a lHMiuUtul jm, Thct. o tho fir-t vhlet wlduii huva, bhiiJHl oti mother" grave. 1 )m . jlucv,l tlitjtn. .Hid ltk ' to think that .-1 wfjl lh-m to ..,,,, .piti, hr gnetmjj, sJh jxm1 .'" " "..,. - , ,,, j. , ,, hutHo$)L xll (U l.t -mf... .n in niir. j I 'JTi.tv. -ar r.'-msui, U n(t that an order more King can glri ' ahiabiti than any Trin- friendship. Hireh and Hvrt, botJi Inwlltj weru partner- In mtoinest. lloth wcru iti lor eiteii oilier innt i im' ,-,.? iUr uilu. ! Imimmtlifti- ,t . i i . ' V Que dav Hir?rh aiMiixi iplearcl t tolitif heailqnnrters in a lerj much cjtcitcd fram of mind. Ihi was jrahi and j trembling. ) stafc'd. m arole4Mjulrr , ing with emotion, that for thri day h . had notKM-n or Iwnrd un tiling of hi , bo-im friend. Herts, that !ic. Illrch. had reaoit in fear that llialx hail mt with fool plax . Tlie ch W of poliee ra plied calmly" Tin projHir wap to do. Mr. Hlmrtf. to offer x liljeraf nwanl to anybody who will bring back your friend. "I vlll givii fire Imndnnl tolhir to anybwlywho bring lxck my dear friend alive ami well," nobbed HirM;li. Yon mast try &m braco up. Voti must flccustonMovn-rlf to tho Idea that your friend I ik'sd "lend, tisxiir' AliritrUti Jlirmh. multi" jjts hair with both hand Yx. and ou houll prorldu for that emergency hy offering a rcwnl for Ue return of ni4 remain." "Misfa- Voltco." said Hirch, smiling through hl tar. "I IJ1 yon Tat. Vcfi anyU!y brins- nw d corpj of rur friend llexta I baj him ,ji) toHar lOO tllar. tnvw dan if ha va found alive" Tan St farms. Thrj Lore Grvx. V.at Can Fla-M. 'Scaling the fnco?" tmkl afl oOlcer pretty high. do-n't It? But if It wtrc : - j a . tallion started for Colon o& of the awrA marked for active dctr wtrst crrer !Jmc walL He carry; bac"fc boJIr lntu i When I told him he eoM aot ro h rrkd like a babr and lged so hard that I told h: to brace tp aad wd dvt; h:ta a chaacc. -Hain't I hraciagr heaiM. limp a a rag. BntJe tntfhd hardi totfiflea. and two fr w.hepetl him narchto the beat. Srr4 thtMW I had to QKch him with ntr. nnrd and threaten Jo nl htm back In rder!o krp him goiag. Wht w JtmaUj fA -otfoa board the boatlatrer jwwa mug eouape so qsnciciy ami lAonrttgiux, wm - he wa one of ths he men nt had the kthnuM, and nerr drank We hare another caJer. nn kilt- naan, Tm witHn to lay a any c fceH 1 ovct ths? fntn lfM. TH he hj a v Ummmmm3mmS4M MTiIJ I M t f IAjSmL aJMI ImW tEmf B.M.-r Jkr wm9mmajmaxwmm mmwmTmm. a-iny nnra"! nanw BVwvSHat-p - MKlinAhtaiidrklKdMi Um wvefc wmk-m three aawu Bathe t heha nar;.7 X T. ifcraW. . s- hsaaaVleranaVk tveV!HPa ! .L I. t.. .. . -li-mr rm m w w t t t futv . t-j r. t m nn iish u1 l i tff fw. iul 1.4 iIn... 1 ..-. r. i vi i u; jo.14. iaho ttv w Hm (" (. 1 4 fS - M 1 il Sa pis 1 n8