jgSSgs- -f-pw- m ,1, ' Hi t -lfeM"; The Red loud Chier .' 3$fct$ L ' "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," i&JD $1.30 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. Jf Vjjpf I , . .. . -BaaaaaaS B aEa"-atf - -- HHManMM -. as wa mm. w.aMnM, mmrG3W B Jr. 3(0Jt'tot.' 3 vol xnr. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB. FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 1886- NCra, V&JV m i - V'VSSa.; 1 j f I 1 p h m RED CLOUD CHIEF A.C. JIO.SMKK. I'ro-.rletor. liet Cloud, Webster count v. Nebraska. A weekly Journal devoted to the Interests of tho world in pener-ll and Webster county and adjacent territory -particularly. The large-it and best equipped p;iier hi tlie great Republican valley. T1UMIS OF SCJ-sCKlITIOX. One year. In advance SI - Six months. In advance 75 Trial copy .r months) in advaut-c M Tin: C'niKr ha- tfie largest circulation of any paper in the all-y and is therefore the greatest advertising medium in this section. Advertis ing rates .-u.--oinauk-d with allldavit of -.-uvoni circulation furnished when requested. OIK .IOl: UKI'AKTMKXT. it complete in every particular and being run by " sTKAMjJstires work done promptly. ruicKri the vjsnv i-akst. ami woodwork guaranteed or no pay, t will duplicate large order- at Omaha inei s. and guarantee- work and stuek to be as good a r.iii !- procured in tlio wst. We are bound t please all patrons of our Job depart nit ut, ih ens a trial. 1. TULLKYS. M. D. 1 IOM (KOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, V. S. Kxnmininp; burgeon. Onin: Opposite "First National Hank Kcd Cloud. R. L, II. BECK, PHYSICIAN RED CLOUD, AND SURGEON, NEBRASKA Q Y.. McKEEBY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ol line Over City I'lianuaey OJOce hours from :to l : m., l to 4, ami 7 to 3 p in. J.v-ideiice ;t Idocks west of court house tlillC I.ori). - - NEltKASKA r.i.n Hun . j v"aj,'ons in' R. AMEKrEJtfy covcl.;, an(, 1'iIY G. M. Plwiii's barnfiv I 1 j .v", . i.iuL-ii wun snt- Cavnil in mi lite JL'A ... WI. iug dono however. ice. wife ertf frienv' . iTMfSlCIAN .t SURGEON, RED CJ.OUD, - NEBRASKA': Oi'iK i:- Over Cook's drug store. Calls promptly attended to day or niglil- D R. C. SOUENCK. P11YSCJAN AND SURGEON, fz ..,. Uowics. jeurasKa. lPoeion:il calls promptly attended j Off; ci: 'At residence Cowles. 8-51 kAMARlCKARDS, m ATTORNEYS. Rod Cloud, Nebraska. Oi kick Over City Pharmacy. C V. ICalky. J. L. Kai.f.y Kaley Bros. A TTOKSEYS AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NEB. Agents for the B. fc M. R. R. Lands pRANKR, GUM1 : AITORNEY AT LAW, -RED CLOUD, - - NEB Oi i ick Over th PostOflicc. . O. C. CAbf- .IAS. McX SV. Case & McNeny, A TTOKXi:S ND COrXSKLOUS AT LAW l Will iiractlce in all courts of this state ouV'tliMKawella-lItnnUed liusiness rareful- and eiliciei'tlv attenileil to. Abstracts furnish ed on aridteatlon. OFFiriw Over l'irst National liank, Ked Sltiud. cl yylLL P. OVERMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RED-CLOUD, - w NEBRASKA Officii Over Ferguson Jc Co's dms; store. C'olleetons roniitiv attenileil to andcorref iMjudenee sollt-itetl. I'leutv ofiuonevto loan at low nitcs of interest. No ocmuilssiou is cltarcc il the borrower. F. E. Jfoorc. Tres't J. 1 Miner.VPw John Moore, Cubler First National Bank RED CLOUD. NEBJ Capital. - 75,000. Jprwact a general bar cibk basiacM, buy and X sell Coftntj- warrant. Alo County. Pre :inctand School District bond?. Buy aad sell vortisa'Exchnnst' D1UECT0KS: K.,. Moore, nhn Jfoor. W. CMofher. K. U. Oatcalt W N HicharJ J. K. W tU.Cu. 1. A. SWF.EZV. nlue Hill. Neb. Willcox&Sweezy Attorneys at Law, ' Ofliee ia the New Oiera House IUock, Red Cloud, Nebraska. We have first-class facilities lor making S arm loans in Webster and adjoining counties. We have had several oejirs experience 1h the loan business iu this county and represent sexral of tiie test and most rvli:dde leaning cowpaslea and invest the funds 'of a number of private cavitalists, no delays, money on band. r ea v r-YeD.siiort nonce, ueiorenuutnijryourioiui giv iv& a call Mild zret oiu terms. If voh hare an W i!sg" loau on your land which you wtsk to reww ?.: give you n special raie. sW are aLso prenartMl to jnsarc yow pwytity St loss uv ure, iijuimniR ur kith aw aa ac iric reliable comnauies: SnriBtel laaur- t.Uo., of Massachusetts, riKriiix liwwwa. H-iirooKitn. lHtvc an fmcc in Blue Mm where Mr. v can be found on Jlonday aad Naiwuay week. k &Meacham Cowles. Nebraska 12:' ;-c J&ZS-'. 5-?? - DEAXEKS IN - ST. ErlBWWS'fr' ' -f.f 1 ' ' T3T- .TI S ..TffM-rt-3-TT j- . i , .j-i.-rw. aW21Si- .-s .--: v. "- x Xffialalall. .. -. -. k.Ei:T: r" UAJUfSJS CULUUBL SADOLMb txa cwiatiw warc the msmmxhrfra's -.-a?, --mmm - . jjjk; jn tit. - & HQLAJuam t-r- -m'mTjmhm. mmiZLMiJZ - JiaafXafXaaaaV ' --. . !. V wHIPS. OCHtHL BEDBHI8. tmrnk lire taeircoaa " ' -yit--:-js.w w. aa- aa .laaTTr.wgtfv.. -,r -aaBaBamv. - " -www- - . -----a--B-a-(B---aw irtaaTW lar1 ' J .--.- -T,- IM--..i.- - -.r - - - -s- s.:"'- . cSaaVlSlaffiBnQf LaEefafMRIIalafAatsu- FvmCMnctt Wsn:h.ri:Snrjs2lrt rytaia aaerfr laiat ia" v , j tiwt little aaoarr 1 ii 1 alalia asataT E.Cl -UjdgSlW TmMj 1:: 'PSa3OPty Lnm ',tVrSa- '- r- - -- j aaa ai n 1 1 anai - - re " mr -i- .- ...'v- -tl.--.-j a.t wi-xju-t -s , - ; - - t" vur;. i. :w.-irt ; "i - ..ri - - - - -- -" - " --- aaaaaaaaaaaaaa -ai - aiaai " - - aaaaaaaBaWMaafnaf niiaMaWTi!aTiiiMl saXaWi ''tiSfMmS-: ; la"Xa"Xa"Xa"Xa"Xa"Xa"Xa"Xa"Xa"Xa"Xa"Xa"X mm s There is to be some changes in our business and we wish to close out our cloaks, shawls and skirts. CLOAKS, CLOAKS. SHAWLS-Shawls, Shawls,SHAWLS. SKIRTS We will see that they are sold for less than so-called N.Y.WHOL ESALE -jnL-ififc-g- afct-, REMEMBER OUR MOTTO: WE WILL NOT BE UNDEB SOLD, COST WHAT IT MAY. Plaids,. Stripes, Combinations, etc, that we consider cheap at 30c, 35c, 40c, and 45c, will all be sold the Very LOW FIGURES of ?0c PER YARD. GOME BEFRE IT IS TOO LATE ! Ducker's .T B17 Reliable Furniture and UndertakingHouse Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is the LARgEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the RepuoLcan Valley and my prices can not fail to please. R L TINKER City Bakery andRestaurant A. LAUTERB AGH, Prop . BED CLOUD, --- NEBRASKA Keeps constantly on hand Fresb Bread. Gmkcw Gigmrs Tobmo Ooofctkery, Ac Bnad dliTnid to any part of the city. aaaookl meals serred at all T - - ------- ----M--a- -' i, '-a--ai-w-j-aaBB-aiaaaaBat--aH m SHAWLS f SKIRTS, SKIRTS, COST! Cash RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. IOVK GOODS AT Till; laaa Jaoors. Io Cream and Oystars i rs v "Sl; 9 ' - -, - J'3&U , "J" rJA?r---" rv ' : -' - . t i- Drugs ! Drugs HENRY COOK. t Drugs, Paints, Oils Mettene, Wall Faert4kc Red Cloud - Nebraska, Harness Shop, J. L. MILLER. -V SKIRTS! House '-a r The Red (Jloud Chief jA.C. HOSMER, Proprltt FRIDAY. JANUARY S 1SS6. Helps to SiiiImm1j-. Press the finder :ipiint the iijijt lip, close to ilw nostriLs. to prevent a sneeze. Strike a clock, then put on tlic h:tnil at tite hour .otruck.ln onlor to have them correspond. For cramp in the feet, pnss the hol lou' of the fixit :iraint something li.tnl ami round. A broom hamlle N the Im: tltino;. Add to the covered hriek itRid as a weight for'holdin a door open a strip oft!n coverinjr sewel strongly to the sides and mised jnt enough to admit me loot, then lilt Jt by the toes and .save stooping. ' An aid in making hutton holes in a innent which frav liatlly is to takn ph.'ci' of "jlm that lias a 'smooth and rather thick ed;c, dip it slijrhtlv in hot water, and pa- lightly over the mxnLs before cutting the button-holes, 'llie re sult will be satisfactory. In putting away Summer or Winter clothing for the season label all pack ages on the outside, and keep handy a memorandum book with the content of each trunk, drawer or dost at sperilied; it will prove a saver of time and vexa tion. One often forgets ju.-t where a bundle, or mHtau, or scarf, etc., were put. usjH-cially if the accustomed place lia. been changed. Keep, if vou can, a closet for the sole u.-o of meilieines and appliances for sickness or accidents. A narrow, high. I enmmey nie clo-el answer the pur pose aunnniiiiy, wjtn siieives iialt way down, and dep drawers to till the re maining space. Ihmdh's of old. soft cotton and linen pieces, a roll of cot ton batting anil tlanuel. the rublier wa ter bag. medicine dropjvr. bed-pan and feeding-cup. and everything needed in an emergency or long sickucv. Have every vial plainly label led. those marked poison place always on the upper shelf. Keep the whole, under lock and key. the key bevond reach of children, but easilv accessible to older members of thu fami ly. (food Homcl'tcper. Sum .loneK Story. As told at the Methodist church Friday night it is as follows: "There was :i married couple with half a dozen chil dren ami only one lied. The whole I lainijy Mcpi on uiai ueo ami were so MUick.fliiit"Ono couldn't turn over unlet nil f 1 111. ro wneu auvone goi iin'ii sleeping on one side hc'il say, 'turn and over the whole family went. They got .so used to it that even when they heard the word turn' in their sleep they would hustle over. One day the old man was fishing on a log bridge over the river. The mm was hot and the fish wa'n't biting.and befell asleep balanced on the log. One of the boys saw him and thought he would try a joke, and hallooed out 'Turn?' Over the old man went kerilop into the water. Now I want the temperance men to halloo 'TurnJhmtil the anti-men who are asleep on the bridge over the prohibition river will hear it and drop in.' AllniiOi Con-, stitution. The Merwey Tunnel. This imiwrtant undertaking. i)einj very nearly completed, is on tne eve of openinfor tratlie, ami liy the eml of the quarter it i? exjeetel that traiits will be running regularly ami frequently letween LiverjKKil ami Hirkenle-aif. tlie time-table's ami the fan tariff are umlergoinj: final revision. Ailvanta'ro h:w been taken of some umivoithible tu) lay in completing the ventilating ap paratus to arrange the junction for the. lines authorized in the last session of parliament for connecting the tunnel with the rails along the line of docks. Tlie ventilation is secured by means of powerful fans, which in the air-.-hafts produce a current of air at the force of thirty miles an hour. Aeccs to the tun nel for passengers will be obtained bv a stairway, an inclined way, and an im mense lift capable of carrying; one hun dred persons. It is hoped that the prince of Wales may consent to open the tunnel London She. m 1 a True Friendship. Hirch and Hertz, both Israelite, were partners in business; Both wen; rich, both bachelors, without any rela tive. They were moreover the nwt de voted friends. So great wo their friendship for eacii other that thev had made their wills, each ljequeathing to the survivor all his property. One day Hirsch ajqearcd. at police headquarters ia a very much excited frame of mind. He was jwle and trembling. He stated, in a voice quiver ing with emotion, that for three days he had not seen or heard anything of hi bosom friend, Hertz, that" he. HirM-h. had reason to. fear that Hertz had met with foul play. Tlie chief of police re plied calmly: 'Tbt premier way to do. Mr. Hirjch. i to offer a liberal reward to anybody who wilh bring back your frienL,r "I Till give live hundred tollars to anybotly who bring back roy ilear friend alive arid well." sobbed. Hifsclu "You most trrand brace un. Too must accustom yourself to the idea that your friend dead. -Teal, tcadf1 shrieked HIrscb, tevting his hxiv with both hands. jOfcr and ypa sbotdd provile for that eniergeney by oOcnng a rewanl for tae rcraraof n remain. "Mt4cr Police." Mitl IFirsch. fmlYin throiihTiS tears, "I dells voo vat. Yea ianyjBpiv?Drings nie e corpse of y 1 ''I0' a irwau urru 1 bars mux i.uw toiiaxs. oo toiLars am daa if fee Tas alhre.21 Team Sifting $. foaad an taraafatair- xoaraf derail a-ftalfce IrrwiC aitae S3! ' s trcv---j lv HOW HICKS noyirxii'ATK. Mr. C. U. Iike. v( Haltiuiorv, uriu.- to a local mjT that Jhi-. have a lan guage well understood hv tljemelves. and pretty well known by sua iwe-fcirp-1 cr of anv eten-ive evi-'rienee. 'Hje hum of rontfiittnent.the hum of imuMe, the hum of txniee. the hum of defense. ' tin hum of plenty, the buz, of na tion, the roar of grief, the hum of joy. the hiizx of the hivy laden, thn cr- if nain, and the music of their ,'ditilling" hours are will imiSertoiKl by the watch ful boe-keejrer. 'Hie en of pain from a bee within hearing of the htv will af fect the whole colony. I have often taken up bees into a honey-room and allowed them to Till themlves with honey and then ojmu the window? a little and allow them to go into their hie. In a short time i(m would return.) and before man minuter the whole colony .miil to made awaro of the, uootv at hami. ami uimiu eiosinr the window hundreds collected, buzzing ter ribly to gain admittance. To test the sngaeitN of Italian bet. I caused a block of honey to h bniken on the sill of a window; in 1ts than three minute.-lee tirst lnv made il.nj-) iH'annuv. it made three trios In'tore a! ... .. ... . . r LiiuiMnmii Linn- i., .uki niiiim mi j minute-- over twenty were feeding on it. . I then closed the window and tonnedaj amall oxnmg in one comer of the pane; , every ltv came through that opening upou the table on which the honey now i aid. and their number increased, the : ., ...s .-. "i" h jNi;iSr- ii iifixiifi-iiiip; -vun :iu nnjoiiiiiig ro-)tn: here, too. the ln'tss followed, and had to pas under the door. Tlie honey wa- next phuvd in dark elox-t, made tight, ec'pt a Miiall ojening near the loek, and here they found it a readily as iu the open room ami communicated to the others, ami for an hour a stv:nty stivam of bei was jMuring forth from the hive to the honet. nliue oth-r eo!H nies within twenty feet were quiet. The experiment was tried iu AuguM. when no hoitev wan eoming in. A year ago one of mv ai-tants went to a neighboring apiarUt t remove the Mirplas lionev, wnieli was taken into dark cellar. The adjoining cellar w-n liglited bv a window that had a Miiall iteee broken out of one pane, Haretlv arg. enough to admit the paxsige more than -one bee at a time. The owner, uon going to the cellar iu order to get .-oiue marketing products thu inixt morning, discovered a tKe or two going through the opening, but thinking no harm could come from it. went to mar ket, leaving, as he Mtpjwwd, UU honey safe. Imagine his .surprise iqon his re turn to liud a cloud of Ihm-s on the window and his honey gone; one or two had been left in the boxes whutl carried to the cellar, that had found a way of eseajM through the broken pane, "nttd communicated where their hidden tretift ure was. An early writer in an English paper thus alludes to a .similar occurrence un der hi observation. "A feu jmhuhU of honey was taken from a hie about six miles from 1ondon. and placed in a closet under lock ami key. The window of the room having leen Irft ojen, the Imi.vs gained admisston and. entering the closet under the door.rcuioved the whole of the honey. The cells of wax were left entirely and the honey was con veyed to the cent nil division of the hive, where it was safely debited during the day. It i evident that pii- intM have beeu employed to oliscrvt where thu honey was phuvd. ami that a .soon as the information, was communicated to the hive, the colony took thin vigorous measure for the recovery of the stolen proerty. It i remarkable that they should have .sueeedcd . taiiujdi'telv ami iii'jso short a time, mmcc the e!o-a wa.s entirely dark and they could only outer bv a crevice under the dour. Slie Sil a Queen. An Kngli-hman writing 'Soine Amer can Ntes," jast )tiblihel in .Vacritf- tnn $. iw of ( hican: Nothing I saw in America impreel me more than this citv. I had not en- ceiviil of am thing so fine. w n-ally in - spiriting ift it greatness and cnterpri. ocauiuui 11 is not. ior notnmir mat im-i craft or enterjrisj of man has reared ujxm Amerie:in oil is tnily fH-autiluJ; j but then i. dignity in the long line of .t. lit I i me iriis-iHinicreti aveuuirs ano ue . vemn-s and -Jie vistas , of the .sfatelv treets. Ami to think of I.T.. t- rt tlie activity displayed in the great re construction! Fourteen yi-ar agi. when fire laid the citv in ruins, a jx.pjilatian of 'KW.OQ') iMtiifs were renlerei homc Icjw; to-lav the populatitm of Chicago, with its Mthurlt-'. tnut approarli thn---qnarters of a million. There no one no American -who do-- not ake pride in Chicago, ami regard with as much nut? a an Amrricjin is cajmble of feeling, the sH-ctacJe of its pro-Iigious and unexanipietl de velopmcntJ And vet it Is not America alone which should be prond; for it wa not America alone, it was the whole civili?el world which raisel thb phonlx city from the a-he if the old. TV m lay the -o-rtitation of (liicago is not yet American; it i German, "earidiiiarian. Insh. Knghsh. louhear all Teutonic tongues in the ftrct-v The first person wno sjkmcc to me after my arrival wa.s a woman, who asked for a dirrction. and addressed mc in Torwcgian. Tlienasies nlrc the -4ore nre two-thirI German. Ile women have .still the rojind fnih- j ne and bloom of tin? Teutonic tvi-e; tlie sap of the. old worhl i not vet -Jrwd. out of the faces of the men. Tlie inevi table change no doubt will con. Tim men wDl .tn wither into American.. andtlM- beautiful women of Chk3go will learn to cat live meat meals a day. Bat at the inss--Rt hoar nothing" mi rnore amaang than tfci qoeen of the Wc aatl her inimensn and imwearied. activities. Thrrry trunk Haos, with tkeir coantk-w aAfaenUand tributarie-. ewp- 2 am reu iih-jt car m BCr HtjKH. in the day, of her awperial doajmioa aUiroe&iRtlierivinzetl urorld ksl to Jtowe. ao do all the new kaarv of Aaaerkaa dvilixatioa ka-I to Chicago. Aloaj--tiee xroa arteric of commtrot tacwemhkof a whole aatioa k powred iato her ka. The tre of the aorta aak kk her qaay wiaV tiatcr; taa all aai wawswaajBf aas aaj a-,. . . . aaaaaa-ajajaaar aan aaaaaf aVaVaaFar aaaj-Baaaasaj-aaj aimBHHHBa aitajraai; ta cattk fnam a tawMaaaV Attaaasai k UMaVtr SaaWaawaa& aaiaaa af -pta-wt-J ia hr jaraa. Har r-askja. aaasaal ate 7aw4aaataia& aaaa aaaa -a-ai''-HM MaM 'm -acM aaaaTaaBa. asV ' -.-- jiiiMis jt- ---" - j - -w. -P? a "aajp"j7. -"?i- 'SaBaaaVsaBaw .M -- , -;;- -;,s a. '.-;;.-.-..'.. - aEBaaaaaaa . m- s j '- ajMb7uBjfT jaaM avai'MK.fa ' 2SBBal -'9-' Ta'Ma-jpiii'tMSaM "saTJf faaw aaaBaHHaa ..j.-.v-.- 4P -'uaiaEs!LaM-aa-ap-MaNaHwaaavaHaaaaafaBBBBBBBBa ar.-M BV,Tfci tSiiBiTfiiiirw- ' afcawaa.Taj"BMTJraaaj sbbHHbbbbbbbbI aaBBBBaaBBBBBanBaya aavKii ';' jdM' '-& wJnlMaaMBaaBBBBBBBBBBBi fffltlBftaltaltalaHKJ'''. -atsalrSr .Saaa SaaaaaVaBBaaltaltalaaltal -----. Old-Tim WhUky. The niole of manuf.-wturinf whiAT in the tby when it wn -t ilown tM M-4-lAtpjd river on tint boat al mI4 at 1 . and J) tif. pt-r gallon. tlitfnvi m wiilely a-i (.ibl 1 mm that el tKe fm nit, sny the LiHii-ville lmtrrtimh 'Hie location of jiring in tliat !ar "Ir eilfl that of the dttHerv, fr !h ! pie rea-on that tlwv had no mark! orpumjiK, ami the wntiTrMiw-etl ed thrtMtm g Ute tkm troughs dug out of ak vtplitt; iwm' swum or romienxT. n HerrwciT the spring w.n. siitlleiently rbrlr! & ilow m the top of tlie tbke utand. 1T whisky of that day can truly !c aahl la have been ham! made, a rvetntkiNK. was done bv manual lalir. The era' was groumf at the nigiittrhM! hicr mill and carrifd on horM-baek fn tiMk distillery The uiahing wji done ila ll.... I . . t - JW . . i .nl Hvr or j,,,, w;i, ,-,rrj,; ju mA, mau inns, as now. reit tnat IM ets from the lill to tin tubv Thr mm wa- then put in and .tirrel with stick until thoroughlv roket into l and let stand alxxit twnty-fir hnnnM cimi). 'tlien rolil water wit put in a4 thonughly stimnl. Yrit waa ttm taken from tub' in a state of fermrMts tiou and put into the new tub, and al lowed to Matnl fort -eight or eentr lwo jIOHIS a, ,hl. u,,jSl.r mij.,t br 44 ur u-nnu the ladder, tho Km-r Ik thl. of fermentation, After the fermentation wa eon4H the mnsh Ihvmim lnvr. whhh traa tlh iu buckets and nm thr.ijrh into jniwiiajHii coiiint -till-, which wf placed 011 a nek ami the furnace m omit that tlie tire, iiiatle of wool. vrrat entirely nrouml the still ?-nne dUtattra alove the iMtttniu. the smoke rnmiftg out into the distill. r. Hut theditUlr, to mnke doubt v sure that hi still miaiit not burn bv the settling of the meal, which would pr-ent the Ui?r rnmlnjr iu etmtaet with the hated Mill. wmiM leVe Jf what tas called the cap and tir with a oIe until the Ixvr w,n nbiMi to Ixdl. when he would reidaci the eaj and paste it aniun.I with rve nwai. 'lids iHiiling process U calleil diMittlnp. Since alctthid btftimei vniMr at a 1...., l J lower tmlmtlln, than water India, tka vajKir that nris is alunst entirrlr al eohol, which giM't thrtMigh ciqqa'r pipec, or what is cjdled the worm, simnlv N. t eaut it i.s iiled nround the inslle"l a large tub or Hake Maud, which ia roe .stantU Mippli'il with -ld water intn duced'in the iHittom of the flake utand, the heated water overflowing at tin? ton. This, cold water eotideiisvd the vajair la the worm, which came out what wafl culled singlings. This w.n nilltili4 iu the same way to get a higher preaf whisk). In that day there wa no Mark thing as a thermometer, the dlatttlrr'a arm was the .substitute in teat in taa heat of his tubs, ami the. itrootvlal was tiser!iistend of thehydnnnetirr, aaltba ' nroof of whiskv wa decide! by Um beatl. Tlie distiller in runniar alt whisky from the -.till would -.hut it as7 when tin Injd of the worm dlajffapar-J. and would run what wa calle hark ings as long jih they would burn. The custom was to thtow them on tin cap and Ml tin to them. This was n-toe blei I with the singling. 1'nder the old regime the capacity of distilling wa- alxnit twenty gailoa-i.' H wa-i rare to liud one that nun In a l-arrel jmt day, and two gallons t Iu1m1 wm 01iisiden.1l a large viehU ami often the cellar of a gentlcta'an house wa kii wnrehoiL-. Heady customers were oa hand with their jug. waiting the raw. The tjtste of that la. had not bent cnl tivated to a just appreciation of l'-yrar old Ilourbou. but thought a little catnip and tan.'V gave it a fine flavor. Tha distillery 11-itally c-msi.fil of a !- eabint and often only a shed in theof-ea air. Iturnlnjc for Nln- Yrara. A eorrisj)fidcnt of the Chirar 7 une at Lander. vo.. write: Tk 11 men-e them in the coabfk-M of tW der River country an -till ragfag as fi'-rc-dv ha cAer. Thr? tln--i trrrc irat 1 known hi l.J"f bv the whlt, t tl. Jmlians aay that fr tuanv ir I , f treat Spirit hn kindhtl fin-i 'hm lor 1 lib rel children to warm ly ilnrit--' tba wintir. in tlie war reffrrr! tl Antin. a well-known tnifircfor miner, and one of the bit- IfNnaale tinders of flit- Itonanxa (KlSttnn-' U-l m. m ft .. - 'WW party of men thr--u-f- fh- YumA nmm ..wUilsM .l ... i .-..t,ihi, iiiKi n- f-xeMinfr iw aartr t'Nuiii iiacii in ine midH fit what -..-..-t ? M .1 ... . . L to tan outlet if ShrtA. Iiavr mac of rofikeflscr--! tbi? mm. Lm4 a-tju-. olstructel the war. marking the mo-Kk-i of broken heated pitfalls, and throtfj-a tk -natural ghtm -it-mte-t ami fU.hrs! j-Ha. streaks, and t-olumn-i of nam-. It wm f a coal-field cm fire, ami me of mam-wota projortions at that. IHcr thoaaaa-k af acrw hnng the palling aiaokr, aal far mtto the surromidiRf'rr-rioa by the glowing fii. ilillioaa nf of coal wer- m Kamca, and tae 1 Jes-. mpptr ha lu-wt tb? roaf nptoitsmaxiit-iafrjrc-criac-. M. Antm not km-j- iace j-aaaH tiiroo-;h the tantiaj; tiehJ. aal can -c no -Jccr-aj ia the ar--., to the o--tii. below the at-oatk af -learrorkof PowiiW Wtrr. U heavy Mibfcrrasraa coaiaj-ratka. 1 iKKigii aot o r-aSeaalrr aa tVe one, tfee aeat tarowa -at k interne Mtagie-! wka tats ijt ?rca-.y, jntcliy woe that widu -niu-s WJI 3 HOtTl-MC tlie air x ft-dott-nt of lae fnrnace- In thj iiaaaaw ajaf faff 1 x the lteal of wa.se-i j-srncra- are evertamiaf t in the .-Vi-rtt-t aiatrr 1 wiaoa are cnaataaHr aVmai la aau aaea aJccp aat wiam laerer--r--r, The feroa4aat' tn versa- tak fwrtioa at Wj cr-Mf Um naartkr aoaaw aaa-at fkow tl coaat coal-kaVre, T'fana a aaa . --" 1. fii .a --afta-L i w ww wwaaa aav vaa mwLrw- -cjsrti A-Ji:- aJi-aaaaf? xvaM aaaa T -? r t-'.w arar. .r . shsrz?. im aflaMaWVVaaV TaP aiMalatt " T- flSJHHEVI i-a-ar afaaamAaaaaaaaaBaaaaa -aaaaavaVaVVV M saMstl "--- "tf iBalalalalaFflBat TT MWWNaf Mnmi Wmmmr Z, W- & 5-a1a-a----a-P- BaV ' J - aata- ar -. a-a . aar Z teMtmmh taaiar fHanptta1aVBsT ra aijEt a. aaaar rfia at ifjWaBRB ----------aa-f----------: -aa--aa---a t---aa--aa ----a-------------r a-------------a--------a----aT aa&KH. - - ?8S m ' " f m V "!",,H?- U- 4 i.jtkfyf m H 1 .Jf yti - " -i!as : 3fi S-;. "P'.'&C.- 3 1.: J,rv j. ' "ill L-opaa9t' ?a ' rf" -. FvirrTS in utmw mi, j. bomb Kraaai m 3t..H - .APJrTai taa laaraaax. eaal fH. V-? --3 Wfataar watnai " f aaaaaaaar kaav JT ' 4''i-r' awanaaj aaa. --r , J.?& jr-aT - tlarfaal aaaaa Saaa'1 'vfTM' mm r waaa-a aa-paaaF .aaaaaaaB-aKTS -o, v-"; wesaaf a aaajaj bbbbbb) fta BBHaVaVaW - w -aapaa-jaa . v j . a-Ksaaaaaaaaaaw , SWjMKlJIaaaaaiaaaPfT "- aar .C'Baaaaaaaaar V --y- - 3-.i sa ai aak- "-T J ' aar rn s-c L 'XsTsaT - a - -r -t-rfaaa -. -s. jr aaw . C