The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 01, 1886, Image 5

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S555K'' I An Ia.alt t lsmnsnm
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The Red Cloud
l, I886tnd
i i 4 had
O Par OntFarm Loan.
The Nebraska Farm Lo.n Co. will
raase you a loan on you farm at
traight 9 per cent and furnish the
money without any delay. Call on
them in the Red Cloud National Bank
A srLKKDr rain Una week.
A little Bnow storm Tuesday night.
J. L. Millkr was in Kansas City this
Fior. Picking is taking a rest this
Vacation this week in the public
Jon Youko has been on the siok list
this week.
It will now be in order to pay your
personal tnxc.
O. R. Ciiakky was in Franklin tnis
week, on Immc.".
What a hlefing it would be just now
to hare street lamps.
ThrCiiikp will take warranto on
subscription at par vulue.
The holiday trade ot our merchants
was very large this week.
The supervisor have approved M.
B. McNitt's bond us county treasurer.
We arc pleased to learn of the ulti
mate recovory of Mrs. O. R. Chancy.
Tub prospecta for an encouraging
change in the business world aro
Liv.NA Owes will begin teaching
school in the new school house next
Probabilities are that we shall
havo a short and mild winter. We
hopo so.
Mb. Hay, route agent for the Wells,
Fargo A Co's. express, was in the city
this week.
In another column will be found a
list of uncalled for warrants . at the
county clerk's office.
Sam Dyer, our new express agont,
has had his hands full this week. His
assistant has been sick.
Mrs. J. I. Stilson, of Afton, N. Y., is
in the city the guest of her cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wood.
There was a little amusement on
Christmas between some fellows who
had indulged to freely in tho ardent.
Tiik quail law is out to-day. The
sportsmen will please take notice, and
hereafter, all quail shot will be called
There will be a free musical at tho
M. E. Cborch 6aturday evening under
the management of Mr. Plumb. All
are invited.
Onb room of the first ward school
house has been completed, and school
will commence Monday, Miss Linna
Owen teacher.
ThkB. & M. are making a survoy
through the north part of the county
The road as surveyed will run within
three miles ot BIjc Hill.
There will be a musical and literary
entertainment at the Congregational
ehurch Friday evening, Jan. 1. Ad
mission 15c; children 10c.
The annual meeting of the W. C. T.
U. for the election of officers will be
held at two o'clock p. m. on the first
Wed-"day in January, 1886, at Mrs.
- ,3f G. EusTl8,!one o! Webster county's
legislator's, was in Omaha this week
pending the holidays with his brother,
P. S. Eustis, general ticket agent of
the B. A M.
Married, oh Christmas eve, Dec.
24, 1S85, Mr. Thomas E. Graves and
Carrie Price, all of Webster county,
Rev. G. W. Hummel officiating. A
gcod time in general.
The city marshal should report to
the city council any evasion of tho law
in reference to closing up tho saloons
and other public resorts promptly at
the hour tho law directs.
The revival meetings at Hummel
school house are a success. Twelve
converts were received into the church
last Sunday. Bro. Hummel is a dilgent
worker in the cause of Christianity.
Information reaches us that the
wholesale liquor building at McCook
belonging to McCamorin, of St, Joe,
had tumbled down. It was a two
story brick, and the walls gave away.
No one hurt.
Turn other day bonds were voted in
Hogeman county, Kansas, in aid of
the Chicago, Nebraska, Kansas A
Southwestern railway. The load ie
certainly a fixed fact, and we hope our
Red Cloud people will not let it slip
through their fingers.
The city council hould pass an or
dinance prohibiting the erection of
barb wire fences within the city limits.
They are decidedly a nuisance and are
actually dangerous to life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness. If wire fenc
es are to be put up let them be made
of plain wire without the barbs.
It is quite an advantage to have the
express company's office up town. We
hope the company will find it paying
change, and one that will be both
advantageous tathe company and the
people. The change can be attributed
principally to the affable an courteous
route agent, Mr. Hay.
There should be an effort put forth
on the part of our citisens to Abolish
the vile den ot iniquity that has been
. allowed to run full blast just east of the
city. A house of prostitution u any
. thing but a credit to a community, Aad
it is high time that an energetic effort
.- aheuld be made to force the occupants
of the den to leave th city. It is a
disgrace that it should hart beeaf4 al
lowed to run to long without having
,5m stopped.
I . 1"
a woman
lated rootf..
7U yos t with ma
Center iie 0 the gutter?"
dowUs-.itazlag at the mud.
oeplled 'w-w-well I sboold stutter.'
Swear off.
We expect our steam engine next
The prospects are good for a building
The Christmas ball at the court
house was a grand success.
The Chief wishes its thousands of
readers a Happy New Year.
The prices of corn and wheat are
steadily advancing in Red Cloud.
The fall weather has been very bene
ficial for feeding stock this season.
Special attention is called to the ad
vertisement of J. P. Bayha for a bar
gain. L. H. Wallace receive word from
Iowa that his house had been eon
sumed by flro. :
Rkv. Bijshnrll will preach in the
Presbyterian church next Sab oath
morning at the usual hour.
We hope the next twelve mnnths
will he prosperous ones to our readers,
friends and mankind generally.
Mrs. M. W. Dickerson was made
happy Christmas by a fine present o,
a gold watch from her husband.
f he prospect are good for the or
ganization of a Uniformed Rank ot
Knights of Pythias in this city soon.
Read Ducker's new advertisement
carelully and if you like it eall and see
the gentlemen They mean business:
C. TKiKKER the Golden Eagle clothing
man, has some mighty interesting read
ing matter in another column. It will
pay you to read it.
On the fifth the officers elect of
Calanthe longe, No. 29, K. ot P., will
be installed. All members should be
present if possible.
W. M. Visscher's children have all
been down with the diphtheria during
the last few weeks, and two of them are
just now recovering,
John Moore, .'cashier of tho First
National Bank, returned from the cast
Thursday morning, accompanied by
his little daughter Jessie.
The Red Cloud Chief has a new
team press and engine, which argues
strongly as to tho prosperity of that
excellent paper. State Journal.
There will be a New Year hop at
the court house this evening, Friday,
January 1, 1886, All aro cordially in
vited. A jolly good timo is anticipated
With this issue we present eur sub
scribers, each and every one, with an
1886 calendar, which will be found
useful many times during the coming
Evidently the school house steps
have been turned into a court(ing)
house, if we may judge from the young
couples who plead their case there of
Athow fc Young have a few words
to say to our readers in this issue of
The Chief. A careful perusal of the
same may givo you a pointer where to
get bargains.
John Ducker is expected to arrivo
in Red Cloud this week. George will
remain in Joliet tor the present as he
is, by will, made administrator of his
father's estate.
Will Brown has closed his school
near the Red Cloud Mills, and wound
it up with an entertainment. Will is a
good teacher, and is always appreciat
ed by his patrons and scholars.
Our friend, Joseph Saum, has bought
the herd of Hereford cattle brought to
this city by Mr. I. N. West, of Iowa.
Mr. Saum is to be congratulated on
purchase. This will give our farmers
a chance to improvo thoir stock with
fine blooded cattle.
Tub probabilities arc that the Pres
byterian chapel will have to bo utilized
s a school house for the south ward
untill the new school house can be all
completed, as two rooms will not .hold
the pupils that will be compelled to
attend in order to relieve the second
ward schools.
On Christmas day our aged friends
Mr. Henry Fulton and wife, mother
and lather of R. B. Fulton, of Red
Cloud, and John Fulton, of Riverton,
were happily surprised by all the chil
dren coming home (with one excep
tion) and giving the old folks a genuine
family reunion. It was a general sur
prise for the aged couple.
In our business review last week we
inadvertantly lorgot to mention the
following: Dr. L. D. Denncy, physician
and surgeon; Mrs. S. F. Spokesfield,
millinery; Mrs. Letson, variety store.
Watson Bros., transfer and draying;
and we nad also intended to mention
the various religious, secret, literary
anil other societies; schools, churches,
etc., but time and space forbade.
Frrd H. Bentlev, who has been por
ing over the pages of Greenleaf ana
Blackstone iu the office of G R Chaney
for some time past, is now entitled to
write lawyer after his name, having
been admitted to the bar at the lart
term of the district conrtonthe 30th
instant. Fred is a well informed young
man and will doubtles succeed in the
practice of his profession.
People should be very careful about
how they set out fires in and around
barns and houses. This is the time of
year when a very slight fire might
.terminate in a confiagaration of no
mall proportions, and the loss of
many hundred dollars from careless
ness. A person can not be too careful
with fire at Any And all times. A little
lire the other .day, had it not been
discovered in time might have result
ed in a Are of some importance, but
but luckily it was quenched before it
did Any damage.
It will be winter time by and bye.
The week of prayer commences next
Area to-day Marsh will be P. M. of
V Vtffv Clmrx nsn.rvafaw has mnnw.7n wmie..
1 r,-v - ". u w" ,..,
nf to oar city.
The A. O. U. W. will bold their next
meeting on tne Tin
The Methodist church held a watch
meeting Thursday night. '
A. L. Mitchell presides at the or
gan at the M. E. Church.
Morhart fc Fulton have a revolv
ing sign in front of their store.
Mrs. Geo. H. Brown, we are pleased
to learn, is convalescing from her re
cent sickness.
L. Baum and his estimable wife have
returned to Red Cloud where they will
sojourn hereafter.
Yearly subscriptions taken for any
paper, foreign and domestic, at the
post-office news depot.
Rev. Geo. S. Davis preached a very
interesting sermon Sunday morning,
subject "The Star of Bethlehem."
Mr. J. H. Smith received a gold
watch for a Chrihirua present from her
father and a fine chain from her son,
Will Smith.
Judge Gaslin held court in this city
this week. The Judge is a jolly fellow
and is known all over the state as the
"Cowlioy Judge."
J. A. Lor km an will go to Guide Rock
in a few days, to assist his partner, Mr.
Haginin grafting 100,000 trees for
their nursery in this city.
J. Q. Potter, formerly of the Red
Cloud Flouring Mills, and now of
Mound City, Mo., was shaking hands
with Red Cloud friends this week. are some parties in the city
who are doing a little petty thieving
now and then. It would be well for
them to cease before they are detected.
' All pupils of the Red Cloud public
schools in the third reader and below,
living south of 3rd Avenue will take
notice that they are to report at the
new school house next Monday morn
ing. This order has been promulgated
by the board of education.
We hope our correspondents will
give us the news from all parts of the
county. We now have our power
press, and from this on we shall give
the people the best and newsies paper
iu the county. We trust our corres
pondents will aid us as they havo free
ly done in the past.
Tiiebe should be a .'meeting of the
business men's association tor the
purpose of seeing what steps should be
taken to secure some of the railroads
that have surveyed lines into our city.
Now would be a good time to
discuss the matter thoroughly and go
the sentiments of the people.
In mentioning the firm of Gilliam &
Rickards, attorneys at law, last week,
we stated that Mr. Gilliam waa ex
county judge of Webster county. In
this we were mistaken. The gentleman
is not an ex-judge but an ex-state
senator. Hence, a law maker as well
as an able exponent of the same.
List of letters for the week ending
December 28, 1S85. A J Hclvcring,
Thos Killion, W B LaniuR, Miss Delia
Miller 2, Thos McCrary, David McCall,
Wm B Padgett 2, Miss Laura M Reis
ter, Ira L Reed, Edith Van Dine, I J
Wcckert. These letters will be sent to
the dead letter office January 26, 1886,
it not deliyer2d before. Exit,
We have every reason to believe
that the Rock Island railway is figur
ing to come to Red Cloud, provided the
proper assistance can be given. This
road would be a great boom for Red
Cloud should it determine to make a
western division here. We hope tney
will so determine, and we believe the
road would receive an abundance of
aid from our people.
Err the next issue of The Chief
reaches its readers we shall have a new
steam engine In our three story wig
wam. This, with our new presses and
a large amount of new type, new ma
terial, etc, will furnish The Chief
with one of the best book and job
printing outfits in southwestern Ne
braska, and will enable us to fill all
orders with neatness and dispatch.
John Dccker, a well known resident
of Red Cloud, has returned from Joli
et, where he and his brother George
went a few days ago to attend the fun
era, obsequies of their father. George
will remain in Joliet, while John will
run the Red Cloud store. The boys
have three stores of their own. John
is a number one salesman and business
man, and we feel confident that he will
be rewarded with success. We wish
him and his store Drosneritx.
It seems almost impossible to get
our mail through the Cathcrton and
Wheatland post offices, and we have
complaints from those two places
every few days. There is no excuse for
such negligence on the part of officials.
Our papers leave regularly by Satur
day's mail and should be delivered
promptly by the postmasters. Extra
copies are always mailed to each post
office to supply any papers that might
have been missed, and yet it seems
almost impossible to get the mail de
livered correctlx.
The foot bridge over the draw just
west ofMcDaaiels blacksmith shop,
on 3rd Avenue, is in a fair way to be
come a veritable bridge of sighs, or at
least notorious for "barked" shine and
broken bones unless it is repaired
soon, or a street lamp placed in that
vicinity. By the way, speaking fo
street lamps, we btutre il the rity
peps would lock Arms And take a stroll
through some of the principal streets
andayeoumof thecHysome oftheea
dark nichts they would discover sever
al places sorely in need of light.
A short time since a gentleman by
the name of Martin, and his wife, came
to Red Cloud and stODDed at the Val
ley House. All passed along serenely
apparently, and the husband was en
gaged as workman by one of our busi
ness men. Po far, so good, bnt A'
multiplicity of "family jars'- soon dis
rupted the serenity of said family, as
alleged, and, on Christmas, Martin
becoming disgusted, decided to pull in
in single harness hereafter, and conse
quently bid a fond adieu to Red Cloud,
bis wife and friends, packed his grip
and, taking Horace Greely's advice,
started westward, his wife remaining
in the city as yet. It seems
strange that people can take
the solemn vows of matrimony and
treat them so lightly. We know but
little of the unhappy couple whose
lives are wrecked upon the breakers of
the sea of discontent, but "wad some
the power the giftle gie us, to see
oursel's as .'ithcre see us," there is no
doubt but what there would be fewer
conjugal smasb-npa between man and
wife. Mm. Martin bus no idea which
route her lie;; lord took in his flight
from her presence.
In the matter of railroads there
should be more energy displayed on
the part of our business men and the
citizens generally. If Rei Cloud wants
more railroads she must do more work
and that effectually. The matter rests
with our people solely as to whether
we get more roads here or not. As far
as the roads arc concerned they are
not coming to Red Cloud unless the
people want them to and will aid them
Red Cloud can not afford to lot these
opportunities slip through their fingers
As far as the B. & M. is concerned we
have no doubt but what they will dis
courage any project of the kind that
may be put before the people, but tyat
should only be an incentive for our
people to work the harder for new
railways to come here.
A Serious Accident. On last Sun
day while Henry Powers, Miss Grace
Ferguson and Mrs. Will Ferguson were
buggy riding they met with quite!"a
serious accident by which one hors
was killed and the other badly lacerat
ed by running into a barb wire fence
in the west part of the city. In the
meantime Mr. Powers and the ladies
were thrown from the vehicle, and
Mrs. Ferguson was quite seriously in
jured. It seems that they were driving
with one of A. F. Lock hart's teams,
and in trying to turn the buggy around
Mr. Powers' foot slipped, and while
trying to recover his balance dropped
one of the lines. The horses jumped
and started to run, Mr. Powers was
thrown out and clinging to the one
line he pulled the horses enough to
cramp the buggy so that it overturned,
throwing the ladies out with the above
results, and the horses becoming un
manageable ran into the fence and
were so badly cut up that one of them
died soon after the accident.
A Little Fun. The other day one
of our fine haired young gents who is
quite a lady's man, determined upon
making a mash on a certain young
lady living in ths suburbs. Every day
the young fellowjwould ride by the
house, either in his buggy or on horse
back, straining his eyes to catch sight
of his g'rl, and if lie was unsuccessful
he wore a cast down look the balance
of the day, when he would on the fol
lowing day make the usual circuit of
the various streets on tho same errand
and S3 on day after day. One day this
week, however the said young man
was on the same errand, and looking
very intently for the great object of his
life, not heeding where his horse was
going, he nuddenly came to grief by
running against a tree, which unhorsed
him, making him feel a little bit fool
ish when he observed the neighbors
gazing at him. He got on his horse
swearing vengeance on the confound
ed tree that run against him.
A bit of a ruction occurred in Judge
Yeiser's court en Tuesday, affording
no little amusement to the spectators.
It seems that Willis Rounds, a '.newly
wedded man, and the family of his
father-in-law, Angus Mcintosh, have
been enjoying all the felicities of a first
class family quarrel for awhile past, re
sulting in an assault upon young
Rounds by the Mcintosh fAction, for
which Mc was arrested. The case
came up for trial on Tuesday, while
the lawyers were arranging the prelim-
1 inaries the Rounds and Mcintosh boys
held a little slugging soiree est the
sidewalk. They were promptly col
lared and coolered by Marshal Pood,
and a few shekels of silver procured
their release from the bastile. The or
iginal case of Rounds vs Mcintosh was
then paaceeded with and hid nearly
reached a termination when Angus, the
father, and Peter, the son, became ex
cited and kicked up a rumpus in the
court room that wosdd rat done
credit to a Donny Brejok Fair or An
Irish wake. Angus coll;ded with a
window which yielded to the presmue
and went out. Peter went ts the cam
boose a second time where be remain
ed until his rasVd plumage became
smooth, when Angus And Peter were
brought before his Honor who Ihonght
a 120 fine a fair equivalent fqr their ec-
enntrie conduct. In the aaeasdt
the defendants plead gnillj
placed Attder fcond. tort
mietWAs effected and a
won. Itktofekmjdfortasekeoi
all concerned that tney wffl s? sntnslly
amy si a neaoeffai scansion ot their
Mst oT Count Wi
In County
rjndy for Dttiwonr Dew. 10, IMS
warrants. 1SS2.
A A King .. .. 4 2 00
J l Harris...........
LD Parks
A Walker
2 00
2 00
2 00
3 20
J L Vance
X7 y AvUfl
J L Vance
Xavier DeMars 1
Angus Mcintosh 4
Louis Genereux 4 00
Henrv Lafore........ 4 00
N H Thorpe - 2 00
John N. Brown
J H UObSrt.l.M.tW.MM,MMM
4 00
6 50
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
3 20
2 00
12 00
W A Brubaker
M Wilson
Eugene Hunter...
Chts W Fuller....
EL Grubb
Alfred Naulteus. -
John Moore 2 00
j w fuller
J 11 XiOuasTt. .... .
It 31 J011C6. w
al U&VI&
it it 1 1 1 ncy "
Sol Mandelbaum - 1
J oh rk root 1 u I
j kJ aLsaWBOu "
A. X Xll IvOlJ J
Thomas Munce 1 20
Sohn B Cook 1 20
Edward Dunlin 1 20
Wm Schulz 1 20
Otto Stoff-egeh 1 29
M W Bird 73
Wm V Schaeffer 4 00
R B !Thompson 2 00
TC Laird 2 00
Cyrus Mackey 4 00
D H Mitchell 2 00
E H Keeney 2 00
A Saladen 2 00
M P Kurd- 2 00
10 E Ramey 1 0
e.ugene Hunter 2 w
D S Helvern 2 00
J BStancer.. 2 00
o ljinunuist a vU
M Wilson - 2 00
J H Fisk :... 2 00
S B Pierce 2 gO
William Gray 5 30
A H Watt.. d o
John Berenzen 4 30
Joe' T. Alar tin
3 00
11 40
14 00
Nelson Cone...
R B Fulton
Sylvester Day - 2 00
Fred Huppert
12 W
2 00
11 40
3 00
KB Fulton.
Nelson Cone
James Campbell.. .... ..........
A A Pope 2 w
John 8 Rothrock..
2 00
E V Rudrow
2 00
2 00
25 00
8 30
4 60
4 60
4 90
Philip Zimmerman....
CC Cox
Alfred Naulteus
F N Richardson
H C Wolf.
C C Cox
John T Robinson
L F Munsell 4
LN Edson 4
Mark H Warner 4 50
Henry Maurer - 4 30
it j Uavis. ....... ..... . .... "
Frank Smith 4 iO
Stephen W Coon......... 4 10
U&YlCl AaCSIwI" eeaw W
Leonard Aultz 2 00
F Houchin
2 00
8 65
10 00
5 25
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
14 00
2 00
2 00
6 50
6 50
4 00
2 00
4 00
10 70
6 00
4 20
11 00
J W C Thierman..
Philiph Everhart
W M M'Clure
OetTmil If Cflteeaeee
Henrv Cook ....
u m newcomer..
In os ore icetlelo. ... .
T J Mosher....
O R McBride
T E Hart
John McCowen
Mrs S R McBride
4 v uiiuer.... .
Charles Kent...
John A Coon...
John Street...
J H Hobart ................
W C Richardson
rkenyon siceen. ....... .
D F Trunkey -...
C W Fuller
W C Laird. .......
E MeFarland
Fred Huppert
A A Tope
Henry Wagoner
d xl Wray .. ...
Austin Riley
8 50
4 60
' 00
5 00
6 20
2 50
5 20
CC Cox
M W Dickerson....
Sylvester Day...
j rticEarus.. ............. ......
Edmund O Parker.
J B Potter
A W Choate...
H D Rannty
t j La iru. .. .
D P Newcomer.
Jotham Martin.
John F Smith..
Karris Noble
O E Ramey
Svend Lindquist ..........
James Anderson.... .... ....... .
M P Hurd... ........
CC Cox.
Ezra Conrad.. .m.....m.....
josepu DM 1 k ................. m........
Daniel H MitcbeU... ........ ......
j Xf IT OOU"
Marion Isom
2 00
4 70
2 10
24 25
R B Thompsen
Austin Kilty
Jehu Hansen.........
M W Bird
jf oucmn... ...... ...........
ssoses iisoo.. ...... ......
W A Brubaker.... ........
jt Ap jscsweeoy.. ...... ..........
T H numo.... ..........
Marion Isesn. ...
Durgen Douglas.............
G E McKsety
J L Miller
Nelson Bartlett....
William JfcDonAld
Henry Boyd
AS Marsh
CE Wood
MM Morgan
5 70
2 06
2 Of
C O Parker.
6 M White..
J A Bailey..
C ATed
John Blaine.
AnsUn Riley.
W Baker.
RM Jones..
ThnsJ Wnri.
I fensi ,
nnraennr....M sw wawriwiwwiii- tewnincne. OmmssT
snanr ann n r -.t t-i it. wut iee va-nwAwmn astsnboa. n
sHcnnswAnn. .. . 3 was BanrBev? awsnwBwnwwemAsu rjmAi ihiap a,-
Kmrosm nessnMlBnAnsjnnAwBw nrsns. WAxnnTtfjPrng iHtAntlam.I&W:
Andssnen ."-. 2 itl .- ,-- - . -- ssxar-f. - f - . . asnwAnmBU.. tm ,.
wrn i m jatBa M nwnnnfnwnsnwav smssnv mnnnwjmwnjj nwmm sawAnnwnnF nwn wsjy My'j,at r. wswFm VmWBBBHBBBHP'BBJIiv
llAnsSMB...............' t wAnHntfla mmtMI-.AtMtK-immKKmimK:i' -.
Serai Afloy 1 Clonus S,ile
Square Dealing,
Golden Eagle
Clothing House.
Heavy Boots,
Under Wear,
Woolen Scarfs,
Woolen Sacks.
And will continue to give the 20
per cent discount on all Ladies
shoes from now until Feb
ruary 1 1886 to
all cash buy
Wiener's New Block, Red Cloud
JO Burgess 4 00
Theodore Taylor 2 00
AJKenney 4 00
JH Smith
4 00
'1 00
1 00
2 00
6 20
2 00
2 00
5 30
2 00
2 00
2 90
2 00
2 00
2 00
4 00
4 W
2 O0
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
4 h0
2 00
J L Frame
John Polnicky..
James Anderson.
Itac May ". . . . .
B R Pierce..
Hiram Hodlrege
R D Davis
I U Holt
EQ Mcsvtl6
RT Payne
W C Richardson
W G Kinsey
w K Kylcer. ........
RB Thompson
James W Kobinron. .
A W Chsate ,
A J Hawley
C H Jackson
W A Brubaker
DS Curfman...,
Lucian A Haskins. . .
2 00
2 00
4 00
& 19
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
5 90
2 00
2 00
2 00
b 70
5 40
3 00
Henry Anderson
Thomas Anderson...
Geo May
Washington Reed. . .
Thomas Kennedy. . . .
J M Stoddard
Noah E Harvey -
Henry E eidig
Oscar it Ramey
Samuel B Biercc
John Stout
Benjamin H Fraace..
Georte E Coon
J A Bailey
John Dumbar..
A C Bon..
Joseph L. GranastarT....
nV vcsBsf
John P Johnson
Jacob Kindcber
Is another column of to-day's CitiEr
will be found the report ot the Red
Cloud National Bank, which i in a
most flourishing condition. AH inter
ested should peruse the statement.
Second annual derig sale ! The
square dealing GoMen Eagle clothing
store will snaAc a big reduction on
overcoats, heavy boots, underwear,
woolen scarfs, woolen sacks, aad will
enntiane to give the 20 per cent, dis
count on ill ladies' shoes from now
until February 1, 1886. to all cash buy
Stop And look at CI Owen's wall
paper and borders, Also a new And
fresh stack nf paints And 'window
SDost'T yon forget it, C. A. Owen has
e inest line of wall paper And bord
ers ever brought west of Linsnln.
Wabtbd 30 wed steer calves for
which I will pay a
cash. 4w
price w
saying 2Jcwerths4 good
nt the
tws Aepot will meatve
them to a chance in
Jaanary 2. lM, for a is
WBSsswnsn. nnslAa
mi phmh toilet
mmM ! fc ! ; ! UMf mn n. . Iji
wmB -T .tr. i - ie sneoratea swKwrAM
SW mwww nww dtstrAAfw, BiSSjJm
- ZZ vissrens nannes wmsm at in T."WT ZJt-Tr'MF1 -i- .? ,,-i
2" tlnHsn ffssls Orders I atjmnsJsii sssWiiac Ctsur i fy
m n . -.- -- .. . r wruui w rra i aK - sr-
ssi . ra . ' - n nwna nmnBssBBsm AracjM im tit
2 Ml Omr trisnis ssmensnniwy mtussl an to he swsnv , nWhtyHiy hi hfsS9ftAt!'
- 'MrT """" . - - ,: SQl1smT, ? t .sr j&rW&i MBS&v
' r
. P-V
Joieph Grave has motcd Ins ofllcc
to tho room ndioiuiiic the W?ll, r'argo
Ce. express office.
Wook of Prayot .
Commencing ;?iillmU wenlng, J:ul
G, 18SC B.ipli't church Mrvic bv"J.
G. Aiicrmin ami Geo. S. lMvi; MuiltOd
mt church ftcrvtccs, I.ov Yci"ir nnd
iJuthnt'll, Mondiiy uviin, JaMury I church, uddrrM ly .lev.
Aikmiiti, Tu us Jay cvemtii;, I'rcliyt.jri
itn church, adilrcM by Kcv. lMvi;
wedno-dity evening, Htudmi church,
.iddrra by Kov. Huhi-h, Thurrdny
jieimiK,.Muthxlii church, uddrcftihy
Uov. Jmihnd); Friday uvjjninjr, Con
Krcgaiiorml church. Kov. Yeler. Thjo
service will commence sharply m 7
o'clock each evening. All ChriitUti
pcopla are cordially invited to uWj
pari in theno meeting rHramreM nuh
all people arc oarnoally romtenUftt ui
be present
Co. O.- Yxiscb,
' J. G AlKilA.V,
H. K. HtfiHXKU.,
Gw. ii. Davj.
roi.umiso i.- a I.i of the Juclcy iudf-vidu-iU
who hold the. -Miming numbers
in the pnzo drawing given n holiday
presents to their patrons by Wright k
Wallace, jewelers;
rat Mn.Jc Iwt .....
,lU J, Hetirr
11. t tfesfer
TA. fierier
T-Knlr . $.
1ST -Ttls jjou
I-Te tTrm ,
Committee on drawing, F It Gumr.
J R Willcox. Sam Temple, M S Alar!..
Mw:, Wright k. Wallace arj well
known far ami ne.r for their fair deal
ing and liberality.
A good old deacon in southern i
braaka, who lou I hii hv drove of
swine 17 ho-,j cholera, took the matter?
50 lisliUy thai his wife felt call! uvn,
to r-prroch him. Deacon," nul jtie
I muld tiiink you would It) ahnmtjd
ol yourself, Jt looks to mo m tHouh
it was a judgment nt on vou by trif
Lord." "My dear," H thz old !rniii.
"if the Lord want to take out hi
judgment in thro cent iorfc, into
which I wouM h?io im pejunnjj zotA
18 cent corn if they Hyed, let u not
' n i
Rnd Okwd OperA House.
We take pleasure in aanouuein aa
a pcial ew V'ear' aitractiorf u
Akbt, rriday, Jau J. of the apparaee
Of Miss Ana ya Fay and r;r com
pany of KngUth mctliuiat. This m
theaame company that appeared ar
Gillfe Opra lictic, Kajmwis City o
last, snooay to an audience of i
people. MUn FaykA4a world-wide
celebrity, and her en!ruiaisvfUe'
dored by the limiinz ciUi ef
Europe and this eonntry. Jwrsas aad
faces in fail gas light; btjaqpflol munic, .
and flowers naMi to tW.AhdxNtor.
The aeTebrated
hncpe. the
coAvrsiawt a&d
T a
1 i
I A: J
1 1
n I
L- .":
l "
';. i
L.5 '
fy ,jai?j&
-; i fi ' , ".atr'L
JsS ifcjaKK-,
fr ,1,. a . Jt. X-J-,. T :.Ji"f.
- ' i r--rm
i 1 1
;- f i 4lPi 4-M.IIIWrl ' m- .
- - jfflUEawwjSgKgSgJ -'lltjmy' nV- f ''i'
-"V-? a-V"!" '-tyOliiL 4JiimswmwvI.jk. " jammmmmmmmmmmmmnP -r? m .-- r - " JBMSHSBf jtF 7T" k - tT
Bwswawawawawawawawawawawawas-a. : -"- ?- waw -t