The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 11, 1885, Image 7

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. Jk f - .
All That Was Mortal of
Thomas A. Hendricks
display Is at the' Post-office, where vridoTiy Liirht" by the choir, the audience
bawl of black cover tlic entire cornice
and completely cover the small frpace of
the story, leaving only doors and
windows visible. Not a line, not a a pot
of white relieves the entire building. The
County Court-house, where the remains
lay in .sUt: until Monday evening, and
the StaUj Hiuse are tastefully draped,
but In less elaborate style, oivi.12 to their
much more massive exterior. A striking
feature of the drapery of the buildings is
the almost universal use of white mate
rial as a border, or In bow.s or rosettes
upon black.
Legends are very few. One busings
house on Washington .street h.u the
the last words of the dead Vice-President.
Portrait of deceased, shrouded in black,
Th Fnirmoaat Park Awwiatlon at Pbll- An Expert Vow. nl ,
aik-Ij.hia propo". to erect a ?lM,ft Me- iwqttfutij
Cleilnn monumnit. Prof. C P. Laurie) ,
The nfn tonbp of Thomas County, , Olwrv.ntorv, hx- rvt
joininz. Rev. Dr. Jeackc, pea':n:r from
the lcctnrn,delivired the addr.Mi. Wlftn
the .speaker had concluded, Mm. DonT,
of Chicago, sang "Iljck of Aires." Tie
Bishop clodin with prayers and benediction.
Tlie casket was then lifted and birnc ! fdl under th- command of General Thorns
from the church, tho audience rrnsinlns
eated. The bells of all the churches be
Mil tollin;, when the remain were
Liken from the house, and contin
ued their mournful peal in:; during the
rites and while the pruce--ion wan on its
low: march to Crown Hill Cemetery.
There wax very IUtl delnv in the
movement of the column when one the
people who had compo-ed tlie church au
jmrnr i
aa?4B Day l
Kan , hare l-n nxin-d after fouller who t bnrjrh from Kuror mmlt mating re-
m It.... 1 ..i . li" ITI.... 5.,
at the brittle of Chickamaupa.
Mmvm-e Count'. Kan , has nine G A.
It. IV.U. v uh Jx Women' Itlii-f Corp
on camp of Som of Veteran, nnd one or
itsnirntion known a Daughters of Veter
It i ofilrfnllv itnnoannnl that the Catho-
i He Church do not condemn th order of
the Grand Army of th Itpublic, the r
:V f,
of h,-.
an- profusely him: In tlie windows. The I Columbus Barrack- band .vid the
dience hail been a-l:ticd their carria-es. K'"auon nut ! iuz clad anion?- iniiio-
The column was preceded by a mounted i i:1 "Wet vix-ieUe-,
jiolice escort, who were follawed bv Uie 1 The G A. It. of Laurence, Knn., reeently
the Allegheny
to PitU-
i -poLs up
mint. The
& spent at
in England
aUous have
Fro'- LanpJcT,
t conception
enend effect Mis in mute elorjueuce of ard-on Zouaves, who i.ninediiudy pre- i which was forgi-lv attended. It i p
'tin' 'lib respect with which the people.of j ceil Uie hear.e. Tw latter wa- drawn by , IKi to lnVe n .fit., 0 RUCB o..'lftI rci
Indianapolis regarded their fellow towns- six black horses w.irin black pampher- JOns during the wiitT
City In 3Ionriiing Carli With
Houmcrs From All Tarts
oi the Nation.
rricmls, T'rosoxit ami Aliscnt,
Attcsl Their I.ovc I5y Khili-
oratc Floral Offcria-'s.
The Tolling Boll and Mlnuto Gun
Announco tho Pasaaso to
tho Tomb.
ILe Ecmiln: Ejcortctl Ey an Impeding
aid Ecyreseutativc Ga7-,
And eminent Divines Pronounce the
Last Sad Wopd? Which Close
an Ilontrad Caieer.
The morla! ii'inainH jd Thomas A.
December 1.
I'ricfcs, the llft! iV'&'-PresideJit of the
United .St.ite- to die during his term of
nih'iv. wi-ie inieyeiJo the tomb to-day.
TJie event was l'ladc'miemorable in many
t rojects by the piesettce of a tremendous
concourse d people from all parts of the
Naliim to.wilues thcfimple rites which
pieceded tSieir iutenvent. The presage
of iui lenient r.-catfelcr on the day of
In, fiiuend, illicit vts given yesterday, vciilled only to'lhc extent of a win
. try leaden sky :td-jjl thick atmosphere
r('.uiiu caily hours, Unusual to this lati
ttidc. The heavy flti of the preceding
tdternoon still hung kver the city, when
day broke, but as th bourn wore on, it
lifted somewhat, and', became less im-yjjejh-srablc.
The NMiibreness of the
heaven were ivflcctuiT, even more deep
ly In tle appeanmcc ft the city, which
" v.itne.vsed the dcvcl'jpmeut of his ca
i,tT. lt ehief stra:ures were hidden
in their foNN of bln-j: drapery, while
ti tlie occision weir lent all forms
which people can obrve to show their
ro.-pect for the deads The business of
the city was entire' suspended. The
clergy without I'jspVfcto sect, joined In
the obsequies; tfccUhclls of all the
cJiurches tolled icqiiius, and the pres-
tnee of the populace it the column which
followed his funeral ar, or stood jus si
lent spectators of Li solemn spectacle
attested their fealty tikhls memory.
The early moruiug llalns on all the rall-
ways brousiht delcgiitlons from the Na-
tio'ual Capital and all tic leading cities of
the Union, together villi an Influx of peo
ple fiom all the interim cities and hamlets
of Central Indiana wid Illinois. The
Cabinet was repreeutM by Sseretary llay
anl. Secretaries I.anuirJ Whitney, Kudicott
and rostmaster-Gene.ial Vlhts. The Su
preme Itcuch was repsented by Associ
ated Justices Mntthtfs and lilatchford.
The United Mates- hete was reptt'Sent-
cd by Senators Kdmcds, Allison, lugh,
Alarfis. Coimei, Klair,l)olpl, Vest, Beck,
amden, Vance, .lotujD Voorhees, Payne,
A i tiavt vx $ m a nz Vllitlivv
representing tliellons )f Representatives
:k composed of Moason, Illount, Hcr
beit, lUdutau. Spr'mgiA Hepburn, Wanl,
1'helps, Kleiner and 'tHuin. The num-
Iht of active
of the lower House J
to those named was u:
!. of Indiana. Ohio,
uekv weti ptcscat.
jstaft., and uumcroj
Major-Gcnenil Schof'
ri'presentatje of the
jpiesent tA-Prcsi!
Cicuoral Miennan ,1
cuests, the latter :5CC(i
zation from St. Loaia.
other ollicial deleiralef
:iriial bv loail suImsoi
rjekets of admissioa U
d ex-members
.sent, in addition
;e. The Govern
Uinois and Ken-
ittvndctl bv their
State officers,
was tlie chlcf-
Ited States Army
int Hayes and
re distinguished
Ipanying tiie dek-
The officers and
ere met on their
ittees and given
t. Paul's Kpisco-
f pal Cathedral, to be pi Aut at tlie church
'hen ices, and w era asJkmcd positions in
the funeral coIuujm.
The Presidential spbo Baltimore &
Ohio train, with meinl!$s of the Cabi
net, arrived a few BAutcs past nine.
the Reception
Senator llarri-
rlven to the Hen-
clJohnM. VU-
isted with an an-
ddent Cleveland
:ssing his pro-
lolence, and re-
over which he
his attendance
:I Wilson also
design made of
ttory of the Ex-
condolence of
ic multitude on
pnt as to impede
Ihc chief thor-
itrect presenteii
hours before
upon at St.
ke passage of the
msiness blocks
fhose eyes rest-
ide which occo-
vaatage poiat
ling which be-
lud private baUd-
Jtity aad design
lay be said to
Ineton street
rokem line of
rery business
i:tke resideaee
Lea laviak
'.iga , l
The nartv Ava met
.- - fs9iiiitMi t'ittM-i 1.,
;i,v"""""-v "'um" wj
K:?;.. .....l tikiin...t;nAlw
lS.:ruii, iiiut inuiivuiatvii
Kr lrick residence. Col;
oll, U. S. A., was la-
tiratih letter from P.'
-to -Mis. Hendricks, oi
)und sorrow ami coj
ets that circumstanc
id no control, prevei
the ceremonies. Col
re a iteautitul Borfi
w ers from tlie consci
:ut"tve Mansion, with
liss Cleveland. '
jaTrain arrivals STtelle-
tlie streets to such aft t'
Lonlinarv progress M I ',
lumifares. asluaetci
black mass of huanau
iicsenice were ai
jUs, and long before
imn tne wmdowao;
tilled bv occnpaati
Eion a waiting aall
apnarentlv, re'
(.the broad tin
Lemblems of
rinpear on pi
r-.i... ... 4 . j
iuc tu vi ;iri
! ivi ermmi ! n i
Llhe wholealt-"
iiwmu irov
id n'r .iiimoat
man and of the ti-nder sympathy which
moves them to thus try to militate the
rriid oi her upon whom the blow of this
National bereavement has fallen with the
heaviest force.
i)ni' ftl Uie centra! points of attraction
for the visiting multitude was the mod
est home of the late Vice-President on
Tennessee street, a plain two-story
brick structure, facing the State Capitn'l
building now in procc-s of construction.
On the front door of the home was a
black rosette, from which was pen lant
a strip of black crape, which consti
tuted the only outward emblem of
mourning. On the strict, in front of
the house, were gathered a large but
ic-pectable crowd, which grew in
iiiitntiors as the forenoon advanced. A
detail of police and soldiery was able,
however, to keep the street clear in front
of tlie edillc" to enable close friends and
relatives of Mrs. Hendricks and members
ot the respective committees to gain ad-
niissiun to tbe grounds. Within, em
blems of mourn'mg and memoiial
designs were at hand everywhere. The
oil portraits of .Mr. and .Mrs. Hendricks
were almost bidden in banks of flowers
ami trailing sinilav. On the mantel, in
the front parlor, was an elegant floral
piece, emblematic of
"im: ;.ti:s aj.m:,"
Sent in by members of a Chinese class
of ttie Presbyterian Sunday school. Tlie
most notable floral deign was that of the
log cabin in which .Mr Hendricks was
born in Ohio. It stood at the head of his
colllu, and was the work of ladies of
Shelbyville, where he had formerly lived.
It was si feet in length and four feet in
height. Its sides weree imposed of calla
lilies, white hyacintlifs, carnations and
rocs; the roof of Kugiisii ivyitudsiullav,
nud the chimney of- red and whlfecarn:. J
uoiii. jh one miiu oi inu miiuaiure
structure, in purple Immortelles, was the
inscription : "The home of my boyhood,"
and beneath, "Shelbyville." On tlie open
door of the cabin was pendant a black
satin banner bearing in letters of gold:
nnd a second inscription underneath
"Shelbyville mourns her distinguished
Over a large painting of the dead Vice
President in the back "parlor of the man
sion was flung a soft drapery of white
Chinese silk, and near it stood a splendid
banner, presented during the recent Na
tional campaign, containing the faces of
President Cleveland and the deceased.
During the morning the arrival of addi
tional floral designs caused a change in
tlie arrangement in the parlors. An em
blem of "Gates Ajar," from the Cook
County Democratic Club of Chicago was
placed at the head of the casket. Per
haps the most thoughtful and touching
tribute was a simple wreath from tlie lit
tle village of Fullonham, Ohio, where Mr.
Hendricks was born. It was placed on
the casket, and along side of It were cast
the more rare and brilliant products of the
White House conservatories received
Uiis morning from Miss Cleveland.
At 1) a. m. Mrs. Hendricks entered the
room for her last leave-taking, accom
panied by her brother and Mrs. Morgan.
Tlie ordeal was most trying, and the deso
late woman seemed to be utterly pros
trated, cllnug to the last to the clay so
soon to be hidden forever from her view,
'and impressed with the life-like appear
ance of the dead, she desired to pre
serve this lost scene, and so, late as
it was, she sent for a photographer to
take a picture of the casket. Before he
arrived, delegations from distant cities
began to come and were ermitted to
pass through and view the remains
while the photographer was engaged at
his work. The members of tlie Cabinet
Judges of the Supreme Court and others
from Washington entered, and were for
tunately detained a few minutes by the
It was eleven o'clock when Uie casket
was replaced and the stream of visitors
again passed by and out through the side
door. Shortly after this the pall-bearers
arrived. The draped hearse and car
riages for tlie family and friends were
marshaled before the door, and prepara
tions were made for the final removal of
the body. This was done without further
leave-takiug. The police and military
kept the curious but always respectful
mass of people out of they "way, and the
little cavalcade moved quietly with its
escort through the dcnselv lined streets
to the cathedral of St. Paul".
The casket was borne into the church
at 12:14 p. hi., the vast congregation hav
ing already been seated with the excep
tion of the immediate relatives and church
vestry. The officiating clergy, four in
number, Bishop Knickerbocker, of this
diocese; Kev. Dr. Strtugfellow, of Mont
gomery, Ala., tlrst rector of St. Paul's,
and under whose ministration Mr. Hen
dricks joined the church ; Kev. Dr. Fulton,
of St. Louis, a former rector of St.Panl's,
and Kev. Dr. Jenckes, the present rector,
in their robes of office, met the remains
at the main entrance of the cathedral ou
Illinois street, preceded by a guard of
Indianapolis light infantry. The body
was borne up the central aisle,
the clergymen and members of
the vestry gopg in advance.
Bishop Knickerbocker voiced the opening
sentence of the burial service: "I am the
resurrection and the life," followed by
Kev. Dr. Stringfellow and Dr. Pulton, la
their recitation of other verses ased la
the offices for the dead, until the casket
had been carried forward and placed oat
side thechaacel. The great aadieace
stood while the impressive seeue was
enacted. Following the blcr came the
widow, leaning on the arm oi Mr. Mor
gan, followed by other relatives.
Thirteen pews at the rijcht of the central
aisle were reserved for the family, while
the vestry and members of local commit
tees occupied pews la front to the left.
The pew occupied by the dead Vice
President in his life time was the tenth
from the front to the left of the middle
aisle, witea facing the altar. It was dis
tinguished by its complete envelopment
in black cloth, ami was anoccupled. The
church Is a awdest brick stractarc, seat
la;; iHK) people, bat hokliag in this U
staace fully 1,000.
The church was I ally and appropriately
draped. Haadsome desigas, the gifts of
Cincinnati and Toledo dabs, were proa
iaent. the charca was brilUaaUr lighted.
Inside the ch&acel, addltioa to the
officiating clergy, were suited other
clergy of the Protest t Episcopal Chmrck
ia thair robes, the choristers' beaches
were occupied by other city aad vWtlag
clergy. Whca the casket was placed la
front oi the chaaari rail the choir aaar
tbeaatfeeat , T
"lori, un me xxow xnr -.?
The fetaf aW.aWwaa raadhr
ev.Dr,Jacie. Taiaaa tattiad jay,
Itich- i nve their nununl bnll and social reunion.
At thtr l&tu .National Convention held nt
Albany. .V Y , Hon f U Lou? of KiN
worth, Kan , w ilk el-drd ricond Lieutm
nnt CommaiKler-m Chief of the Union Vet
eran Army, u 1th the rank of M. jor-Genernl,
ami has command of the Weitern IiejMirt-
inent, with bvuilfjuttrters at KiUuortb.
nalla, won' by the animal attached to the
funeral ctr whlci bore the remains of '
Genital Grant to his grave. On either
side of the hearse tva a gu ml of Indian
apolis Light Infentry, carrying their guu.
at position of "Reverse arms." Imme
diately in Uie rear of the hearse were the
Kice Guards and Straight ttifles, both
local military companies. The funeral i
cur occupied a central position in tlie
second of the four grand divisions. The
Urst division was comp j-ed of Stale mili
tary companies marching Independently,
all the officers mounted.
Tlie I'usch Zouaves, of St. Louis, was
the only cjmpauy appearing In the line
from outside the St Uu. '
In the second grand division, following
the heare, came the carri-tgc containing
Mrs. Hendricks, Mrs. Morgan, Mr. and
Mra. I'ithugh Thornton. The succeed
ing twelve carriages contained relatives,
and very ne-ir friends. Kx-Presldent
Hayes occupied the next carriage, and was
followed in regular order by members of
the Cabinet, Senators, IJepresentntives,
Governors and staff.,, Judiciary, e-Sena- '
tors and Kepr"sentativc-, military otll- ,
ccrs Suite officers of Uidiaua. followed
by Presidents and faculties of univerl-',
tic mill colleges. M.-ivors,
other rlvll ninet.ifx. ifelnry
Tin. TMi-.l iiv5ci..i. - n.Mn.,.-i .f nil ' Association. This action, it is t.nid.
. IWII MM 7 .OiMI"OV.ll VI MI , - , , .
noii-military organizations. ft Wl3 ,,.. , expMiiio tne .settlement oi tiieso cinims
wiien i:ie iviee 'R-usioii inu nii nave io-
,-4arrhe as to
on the sun for
greater part
the various obs,ra
and France. !
convincxtl me." - i
, "that we have a u -
i of the color of sii,,
yosc it to U whiu. while in realitv it
. is blue. The del' -. J0-Jcnu toour
t sciie-. Lecau-. n sMTe r.eer beeu
able to .-e th.- tn,"iolor f the nn.
SupjM)5e a man w. had Ji -1 from in
fancy Jndr 'in rfg( t.f a cavern,
whe-fe the light ii'i'b Inferred only
. by tL f hndnw -. w '(hfoaght for th'e
first tune into th- ful pl.:t) lors of the
,stm, what would 'h pU -,o iccntion of
, the color? If aire h id been lit
, bv sunshine coimt Arorjt' a reddish
glass in the roof w nM &' perpetual
dweller evir hn Lad an iea but that
the sun w&a n.P Ilbw js he to know
. t t I
.N'earlv a hundred memt-TK of Lincoln t t gtas i colon I he never nail
Po,t, Woinsn'k Itehef Con", and others anything in h.- lift Oyoo:nj are it with?
met leeently nt the tVAidence of Mr. I'.o-s iiow can he ha-.i:qrjdra hut that this
Ituriis, Toptrka, Kan . to bnl ndieu to tbe is the Mini of all tbjafjun's radiation?
vet-ran rV.dier and pionvcrD II Horn, one correspond n to Ur.idta of white or
of the original settlers in the city, who h.i colorles- Ijght. Will. at the habit of
moved with his family to the Pacific Co-ut his life cc-nlirm hi-de th it the sun l
P.ichlnnd Post O. A. It, with twenty. red, and will hiM. thudc there la no
cuior in tne gias siom; as ne can not
go outside to .sei Xp, JUa) it U enualh
A - MUmmm'tr Lnrj.
"ffiral" cxcUlsMsl a raxa la th hcecelr
gmrtr of a tshAriJcto IUchlfa, Pria f a
Utr of France, a ni t-hUris-c fel 1-
ir, I harr ts4d!coTprr w-b
hall tao rich osd jrrrat tivo uxnoa ixh
a&all dTrlop i. Sirr, will yoa firs n-- a
aadirsc I"
KJcbIi coaaatly Irs-jortscTS. S-jj-onferrxl
tho M saiaB 1 -irtci. Eto
in fail b d& sot desu frsra dfrtr; hu
dclailw." xrhlh tne dy JLUrrtI ti
BtinSion of Knttei' oottiix&a. nS ferard
! Cativc tory, ra4 tlerljrpd hi d jcov
All eir l dwcoTcrf m ro at & ir-jd"!
Krrirny((NU- slo a Kuia yrt uixlcr t A -
ar, cnrfrbfJ by a bcafckf rn-l
tbe conuscai, frKad hteelf m . r
trictra dcrnn. WLt hi taj.a w i
rvcoTcry m ltar3s bt-. be vvl us w .
coTcry, vrhlch, Use l adraiK 13 -r
bad been prv-4 bitterly tr ti ch
xara. NcTerthlc, it cansi kim. cad o
of craUtedc tberfoe b caevrlJ a jm.' t
of hi srejtb to the jTcdiB5 of t ."nri'.i
bfor th word tsarfa io lmf i tfcc V
tory t f Wr-racr" tai& runt, naich !. -a,
acoordmj to tb tiur3Kir of Mnucnl )t
wjn, the eutdemsj rpirutatioBfo. s
conitsl to any known S'tHAad, au! v.Uirb
U fina.Ur winning on it awrii fix Vko
approval of the mot s- rvstt rrsctl-
tionenL lu famo uow bslu tho note
A metOH who can -at Arc l 'ttUy wt
fified. He t a hgkt oatcr, ju Iw 1.-
mas iMPOfrrco mom tac
t a - - M. a fla.
m --.
ru fti eta i it ah Knsspc
3kga wasi
TV f s
ft.a rrr,M -r k
4 aoo
tja itiu.u.
r - -
"2 rS COUT3
k A a v
y MTi
C'-TF Vti7. Xl
vv v-aK ii
rr. .i-. - C l
. , ,, m if
ih - .
--- . R
fcfk t.Jb-
i rm.' i hx f
lXC 1 Wtiipi 399- ? r
-4 .i-A m L C.
Coughs, Creep a IViig Cosgli.
la T
seven uieiulxTs. wns lntely ornnlzeil at
Kiehhtnd, Slmwnee County, ICnn . and the
following othcers duly instnll-d J H.
Itixlron. I) C ; M 15 bicky, S V C , C.
C. UlnU', J V. C , L. J. I'enii. Q. M . Til
liitui (Juvns, Chaplnm, K M We. O I). ;
Williiiiu Wiscomb, O G , if. C Hii;k, Ai
jutant. II. P. Allbaush, S il.; V. It. Snv
der, g. 31. S.
It is nnnouncea that burvivors of the
Mexican uur may now safely forward their
stronj wiui tis wnwaer ar uweii m a
cave or until r the aky. All men. edu
cated or ipi'-niit,iAfpe:ir to have the
cudence in tl.ur sense tliat the air is
eolorles-. and tliat pi. re Miiiliht is
white .so that ii I y nt'ire to fhow
that the sun is blaa and th it the air re
ally aeN like an caangvoo oreil veil or
.sieve, which pickf r tthe blue and
leaves the w lute.! do sO' n the conti-
amilications fur service neiision. aceonlm
, 'I, I to the form transmitted them by theS-c- ience that I am able t 4 rove the a5
oi cities anii( r,.lar.. of lU. j,.XICn Veteruns' National scrtion. as it Iris keen :if ,udy of mine
for a number of jjears. ' I do not mean
to s;iy that the 9riir.3l fctinliht is :i
pure iiionoehroiaaUc Jiluo by any
tious, followed b- maichiui: polltlc.-tl ' '""ie a 'au.ana it is expecieu mat tm uie.isis, ui ui;u, wku;;u jus r;u? con
clubs' which had taken nurt in""the recent '' "dl take plc during th presetit bcision tain red, oran;:,blHt', and nil the
Presidential campaign. I of Congress.
The Fourth Division was made up ol j At u Inte reception given 'Mother Klck
local orPratd.atIoiH, including the lire de- eidvke" bv tbe Womnn'ii Relief Corps at
ceileii l3' local Irish-Auiericau on::iiii7i
with their .steamer
hcavm t Halina, Kan , Sergeant William G nines
. i aid to Im the oldest soldier in the Union,
inarcii j a- preheat in a uniform given him by
tho MriiR's on hit pnntn-
!.-...... l... . l - . . f .... i - t tr..
tiie.hiMiLot tlif column c.tine within M-jht , . ., n.." , , ,. . ., i " i
i it... -i.. ..ii. n.. .it ...... .,. ... i. her-elf 1 he old Serircnttt "shouldered bis
The column took up In line of
... t.t.lC M'!... .. .!. l. .1 -
waituv- vva nin a. i ji T 4tllta tttivil
other colon, Uie blue, the vi
olet and the allied tints were oriinal
lv there in dispr aortiiriutc amounts."
. A
of the cDi tkgy, a mile distant, the Indi
anapolisil. ikt Aitillen be-m to fire mill- ?. .
utecuna vlftfeh was cjiitinued until the Ilte aNo -nn :,e "f ''" '!
hearse. im had the lt.ivc. I r thu war oi ltl2' '-
The llii' of a irch from the church
south oifJ liaai-, to Vasliiii''lon. east to
crutch and showed how fields witc won"
I mihtitrv songs
was much en
fTenernl Otto Ftinke died nt his- home in
HelawaA, iM!i 1 1 M irket, wet to .Me. J Omnha the other morning His affection
ridiHti. akl wth on .Meridian to Crown ( was cancer of the tongue, almost similar
HUI'C-Mifct Tjrl At the cemetery there I t that wnich cuised the death of (,'cuural
was an at uhh' conour.e oi noonle. (:r.,t
J lie Ileiaii' cm lot and moiiumeut were
The deceased was lorn near
--V. . Ikrn'il. i
A Valuable Hfatoriul Document.
Amon the afatoncnl letters and
autographs now akhilk'd in the Kin'.s
. c
Libran at the Uritinh Utiseum thcro i
r. Ieirerof Kdwitl VTto the I.Mio
in contirinatiotiof theoeof the Hook
of Common iTayer. Ci rtnin evil-ilis-poed
j Tsoiis fyn. the apprehension
of t: Itikfof Si rset" hain
im sed and irnted al rode that the)
rhoulde hae arayn. th-ir olde Lateii
Tonne Mn. !.! ThU
Titr Voltaic Uklt t o.. of 3Urhtl. ilfcHt,
cfTcrtoend thfirfl"lra:l Kt-criao-Vn
tajc Ucrraml th-r Kurcraic Ai-Lixa'-r-
on trial forDJ dy, to wn lycHtR or W)
afQIctcsl with nrvvo drU.ity, l' vt vital
ity and all UndrtNl truublc. A forrhvu
matUin,nenra!;ja.paraIyl,anf'r'Lny Litti
trdlea. Cotnflt.tcrtoraUoa to health,
vigor.and nianhocsl juarant?sd. o rlk In
currvd, a 30 iUt' tnnl Uallosl. V.'rito
them at once for illustrate! pa:rhlot, fre.
vVjiem 3llcnct rp-Ignt I It jVcrwary to
carry au umbrrlIo, 7'iMr ,y.i-iaf.
. .
DctlcJLlc UUcuii'
thoroughly and terniaaiitljCiirs.l. Soml
thn Ici'or l.-:a: for Infe ll!utrtrsl
lit tmJtt a
Il t 3. B a I
!? e5 yL ffP 5ft
Afi. -
Till lit t UB
W iVt. l.i tl
ra v
- j:
tlirvu lottor haxu: ror inf ;utrtsi hlu, n 5-,. A VmT, 7- . i u
trvatKc. World a Ulirruaf iltxllcu! A. Hj UwUs Xorfj 6l Stfl Sa ii &,
SwnrTueiTS Kuar-curetf bamt fr
.'wryCAnuf TtttyrafA.
Rnr.irr U ItnmMlIat, nal a
Puo' lUmtxly for Catancl. &'
cur ar,
covered i Iralabomtc floral offering's. A
white mar! h),f.iult had bLeii M-.nfc inti '
the rroiiil naar tlie moiiumeut for the ,
receptic at f Mic burial casket. Theinnei t
wallsof Ik' ai!t are completelv covered
with sm'ila aajtl roe, .so that the bare I
earth waft at a place visible.
The re5$, ")f mtvIcc.s here were very
brief nndi nfe. Dr-.. Fulton and String
fellow vpiVi najicin the .sentences. The
committal anice !,y Ur. .lenck.s fol
lowed, aid tM benediction was then pro
nounced Itthop Knickerbocker.
Before jtlia.simple ceremonlesi at the
cemetery aaie closed, many of the or
jranlzatiotn,, gfmilitary and chic, had
dropped fru a the line and were mak
ing for thol m-.spective hcadquurtcrs to
avoid a tfitiaicncd raiiiNtorni. Uy
aeven o'cloctmhe central part of the city
had again d4Med its cvery-day appear
ance. ''V momentarily trains
laden with 'fcinan freiu'ht en route
to all ac-.:as uc-re leaving the city.
ThcCongri.sfti:d Committee.- via the
Penusylvaal ifiKailroads. in ciiare of
Southca.itifi3fcsseiiger Atrent Parke, of
Washingtid. Ai Superintendent
Biirrie of tfc' nllmaii Palace Car Com
pany d re why 3 tf the eitv .shoitlv after
i Cologne, (;.'riimn, came to Americn , M'n ,f1' .t,1u'irco"i "S0 ! hn'mL a,ul
Hurt v years ago and wrvwl a term of en- y. wiui Maauia. va ne anil . super-
listmentin the regular nrinv When the Kloiis reriMlitJUea. nfU iouKb the set
war bioke out he went into the servlee and l,2" f"rlh of '' okv hiul Ih-cii
before the cIom-of hostilities was Colonel ' ,,H' ' ' 'f d Jithe aforenamed
of the Eleventh Illinois cavalry, being pro- ' )lk," 'i'hi letter, Hl eh U dated f.lih
moted to 1 u Ungadier liefore leing mus- ''eeinber. 1.1JP, gi eg oniliiatld to the
tered out. Hishojm to coHect :illl ooks of service
- ' the keeping wkcreof g diould boa lette
stock: item;. . me usnijrosme .sawi i.ooko oi com-
I mon Pra er.V anl to "deface and
Theannunl meetingof the Iowa Imported ' loHsh" theia Further, they are to
StiK-k Breeders' Association opened nt Des , l'""!- all forward and obstinate per
MoincKou the'Jd with a large attendance ' wf,S wh' "ilofelua-i .to pave towardes
A number of important reporu and pn'ierx ''"' fvndin ofWead, and wyne for tho
were read. I holyij Comminion according to tho
If your horses are spiritlcs and lifeless orilre pri'serild in flie said booke."
something is w ronfj in their treatment. It i
is not natural for any horse to be dull or I " J;,nH
stupid unless it is out of order in some wuv fa oner " X1' hara, yoa mtat al-
fciiystlie.VrM-M.iN. ' way flrrt catc It.
n,f,... ,., .ni.i ...i r,...m.i ! ltlsmucheaiiartoaaich a cold than to
.17. .?" ".."..".. ." .:. ".. .": catch a hare. 4 C
Red Star
aaaaai & if wBMa,r
IVre mm Vj'latct, Jtittlra utut ftilton.
AT lira.uri . r.iwr. .
iiiil riiiKLrs t mk rc ro riLTixonr i.
U.ll bkk -h '. m
KOi t5 - , - a i ii -.-
U Al.lilU A. I t lfU. ilUtt.. U.
for it can make money bv slauchterinc
their bogs nt home and celling the bacon '
anvthing at it when hogs nie down to three , S. JLBUr " CHPe- n"
.", v- n , v-j i -r Quires twcnty-Ava ccnM
cents. Tulhii'ijc (.rt.) TrJm.if. ( M 3
To got rid oCaeoM, aKy ue Red Star
Cough Cure. Si
"Ormr.n HLaTS iatho Infarllcioni ad.
rice utendadheoritarrtain coal offlcci.
Lottift dmuttrmL tri
Hogs differ as much as any other animals
do in their nliilitv to tnko on fat. Thriftv
slx o'clock Ai the llaltiinore Ohio i young hogs of tlie improved breeds will
special, wna- tw memoers oi tne l lunnct gain much faster on the wmio amount of
and the lajraft-utittivu.' of the Ctilted ' f(KMi ti,an (,, ail, mithrifly nnimnN that
Press un giHin charge of AiMant Mnnto no recognized breeds.
General PafMff or Agent P.ingoorn, left ,.- ,. r, n. t i
the Union .j3 li-.rtU- before 7 p. m. ' ", In"-,- I'onnell s Ranch, in
The Cablnot ifli reach "Wnshlimton earlv "nr'u County, Kan., snyn the cattle in
to-morrow VMoou. There i a very ," "-iRhliorhooil have gone into winter
generally o ajLcil regret here that I minrters in excellent condition, nnd with
President Cl-and could not con.siM- cvt'ry prtspcct that they will go through
entry attend. lkfuucrul, but It i at the ,th vcry "mall ifuny loss at nil. cent service aad fflaicT in all dicacs of a
same time fit calked that in not doin The .s-ti think twin Iambs from chronic nntufa, aa asalarial oiwning, ail
o, the EXikitMc obeyed what he con-, Merino ewe are. as a rule, n nuisance, and ' ?inJSlAL!aS?il,Id.d'UTV3
strncd to H?.tle de&ire of ids country- one good Inmbof this breed is alwaya pre- ' thou'seof anaJtawtHeremedrUiiMlicatd!
For Pail
Years Taatfc 7-1 m
Among otaar raljo lesnona iinpnrted
by this teachar ia tlJfact that for a very
longtimo Ur.Plafci-'f Golden Medical Disco-very"
hnskeaatfa'A inco of liver correct
ives nnd bload fenjbni, being the bou
hold physichaa of fto poor man, aud the
abl convuJliBff A,'sician to tho rich
patent, nna pcaMlty all for IU magnifl
F -U
The Pr
The absincai i
who have goatf
Mr. UendrldcO
the dlscussioa
President 4
cratic Senafa
Saturday nfei
tlicy will
ator Harris,t
dent pro I
Senators areftJ
who will be S'
matter of doa'
predion aeea)
outcome will
Kdmunds fori
Senator Cc
the opinion tfcU
chosen the lyi
lore ne waa
precedent lae
prouad that ae
an election) i
said that III
have alreadr t
voting for 1
of Iowa; Call
rerkias, of
noted cx-Coi
Hotel last i
Miss aad
texe ia tae
Kvarts. He
HarvanL BdJ
his district la
aereral terms.
he cast hisfc
Ceagraatt. U
amat aa
A ariCC
by tae U
aaeat. He
Va. Ute
the war. artdl
j f erred to a pair; but with vigorous ewes of
, ., . . me targe minion oreeti lwuis nrr oiien iic-
sirnble, nnd with a little extra attention
I). C, December 2. and feed mavmnkeiiuito large, early lamb
so many Congrcnien, . for market.
innianapoil.s to attend J lilindness and shortsigl,tcdncss is
Tnrr.c it eM fpr roam aat aroand
many a ngat harfr I. Mara'Jtot lndtiii-
mm.1 X
RITlysB i
VfffiU RMt
a . w.i . tj v. Jy
ImmmI l--. I . JJ .
v rcisiAV xra'jarJ'Tr-rir.
fV Y 4 fS
T"rc ' r "-i-!" W t w
h"ur 11 - .uu It Ttmt, -'.- t it r .
l-fl- T Hi lr .. If4f
rolilne rteS ljtt.iti. Jt t f
I Cures Rhcvmatlim Nturalfla
.... llMfc. TllM
hnlu, l,b- .t.,.1.
I'Mirr. riT i rT
at t'Uinn'rrs niUK
Cleanaet the
Head. Allay
In fin m nation.
Hraln ibeHorrn.
Itcntiircu tbe!
Kcnsca of,
Smell, Hrarlng.j
A Quirk Itcllcf.
A INMifiivr Cure. KAY -FEVER
A-jrt' l-!rr'fri!n'r-.;AbrM-.trIl lumok'to
''. .'r ''TV lJ T" ,rjT-: t'"ll.' Hrt It r
elrcnUr U.I lt:oTllKuMrjir.-.n.o.ra v T. t
Hkltilillia.ln.iiMlu-n . p.
(!. LX.& Ikva h. t m I H--- - .l
!'. I b. m inl T itrr
r rJlLIMl !Ci;sX t h..,. I.w - ,
ft nt4 f f f 1 1. t-.- f - ... .
r i f wwi'n tt 4 w ft g. j
ic. tj ir.'.. m r ft . t - .
rtctSj lil. Str. ..' r is .1 . i -.
ior T "J, 1 1?
imimi tt n . wvt. nt r.,r, t.
N3 Rope to CbI OflKirses' MaK. W
i j "nil
u nut in
t . ,i -i
' ri 'I
r l
v r -Smi J r.i I i f . II A I I
H M.U nKllliajMiatilifl
; rj 1' ri- i. l'i . X
1- r l
rr; it- Fr n t f ,! .
. fcVM I m' ,. . ,
xj &m
iv t ri i
i? i
r I
Ctorr. ( i.J",, t 40 -M ,.. -
rn'iJ Si.OOr.r-fMt. Sr.
to M WMNO A M S ilaliL'..
tula; jBfettlonen. Ki lio fit K.nnt ' m
V tJ r
l(l t M
r t - . ..
' -Kr
fro- noTr,,ver iniaa, acoouy ana painiewy
nnirMl. p.-mviw lull : n....nii ...! i.l..i...u.iimii..i,iin.i.i. ciirtsj niuoH Ri
" "" " "--. --. ... ...vw.v .iSui.rwuiii . nintmlnt
moui tne hclection of a isuying is kani to ie caueiijy!iiortAtghtea-
Senate. The Demo
ill meet in caucus on
when it is supposed
to nominate Sen-Tenne-sof,
for I'resi
Tiie I.epublicati I
K'et Friday evening, but
ciioU"" is much a
ever, altli nuh Uie hu
ll De growing that the
lie .selection oi Senator
lidem pro tern.
ol Missouri, expresses.
enator Logan could be i
I.... t .U.. o .
.v.... ui mi; fi-ii:iiu uc-
rorn in and the Kerrv
f", is taken for thu
kild be .sworn in before .
then chosen. It Is
following Senators. !
led their intention of t
Allison and Wilon. '
of Illinois; Sawver. of
r, of Michigan; Plumb, '
wycK, of Nebraska.
let! Ks-C.tnrMltratr.
December 1. John
Mann, age ixY-Ix, a
e, dieil at the Albiou
le waborn in Xa-.tJicr,
Muatetl from Yale Col-
tlass with William M.
m?o a law graduate of
Ihc war he "represented
laua In Congre for
2icn tbe w:ir broke oat
15 with thejutii. and
nes. and for this reason alone, entirely ig
uoring the imiortnnt qucntion of human
ity, great care should bo taken to have
stables properly lighted as well as venti
lated. AirAiniyr.
It is remarked as a singular circum
stance, in connection with the hog disease
which ha ravaged Nebraska in common
with other "Western State, that herd ere
attacked list year, that is. the remnants of )
them, and their successors, are generally ,
unmolested this year; while thoe herds I
that were mtvscd on tbe first visitation are '
singleil out for destruction this year.
There never was a time in the history of
the trade when there was such a stroni and
healthv demand for hors as at presnJ It
is vcry evident that the hogs have lein j
considered worth the money at late prices,
which have been abont one dollar per cwt. '
levs than in ISS. Packing operations can "
reprosecuted on much less capital than last
j-e.-vr. I-orexample: The GfO,0CO hogs packed
pnmpidft a
ter stamirs f
ileiiicel Ats
faIo.S. Y. f
Anvict to
pay his bill
, caustic, ribwir.or
toa Iree. Writ tor
aafeiticcs. euclosiBg two Ict-
ly. World'a Dirpeusarr
ow jaaia rstrcer, -ui-
If a man refuses to
n tact. CAcujv T-th
hDaors cure In I mlnntn. '
Snri.ij.'ikhaFSplicalsiirM! beautifies. Si
u iaii . CoitfrBttiaVEU kills Corns Ounloca.
A r.oK isj
is the tn-f
Tt AH Other.
5nit for onr T07.E.V rJCi'I
KEAKrNS" for our tUlm
vw-Fiif ii. , ii i-n., - - nt. '
MBWimdV:&jMSaL.tiL' .
a yrt. tluMiiT 9
aBgfi f - t ?A. aj j -ff - -"
l,af'i (y1 ...-, rrmt
u (m a- ' . .. -
itni; in tmi ur. m-
i:r . . -f i. i4.
ea t.'v
ntabab la taa hoass
rher yet.
ll'alainc Sawiaa Macklnal
ajaaiUs8ent ia this paper.
in October cot to boy over I,40,(XO Ies
j than they would have cott lat year.--Zrl-
IAS CTTT. Drceniber .
ters... MS S ia
AGurJT roR
Garden City PJovrs, Bradley LLstcr-Drilla nr Wtmltivn' -, "-ch-utlor
Waffoua, Corn Shollerj. Horao Powcre, I-oed Ctlitn, B . ' Kv-. r
Corner Tenth nnd Hickory St KAX A' CITY
rcr. J&rmiL
Farm Notes.
Half a million dollars worth of cct flow
er an ld every year in Xcw York.
The fiber of silk i the largest continuous
fiber known, as an ordinary cocoon will
reel I, OX) yard.
At tbe Fruit Grower Convention at
Cairo. Ill , a resolution was adopted Mnd-
c in the C uifctierate . ., xru" P"61 -o have nothing to
e close of the war. he i do w,th trait dmn-incrs.
I was nhh Kumeror Butter talis ffaocld be tkoroarhlvclr. h
e death of whom he 1 a"d then soaked in brine before packfn,;
.iaeoco extensively, uown oatter in teem, which will materiallv
et unou his head assist in nreTFtitin-fi.. .-,.. . "
States Govern- j tainted.
turned to thl t prkpr Kc -.?t ..-,.- .
r'ca aarr
Ir uck..
tr LOCI5.
tTf ...
r trs...
3 15
SO $
la tt
4 CT.
uaiiu-iuon was m tne ! v -j . . . r -"-
u7cr. wtcs to tnat tht
r: j
sr &
9 fit) te
ft is
& IS
4 HI
33) ft
Ma ewa
aeate, aoiaia4
troop?, he with
tire to his own
J.GvJ baies of cottcrj
fall Into the hands
Ii thing as limltinj
ausTu. une lejCH
etlitoriallr. a new
kvith wliich the odito:
In r, while another ia-
rt Bill Drevfuss, tkt
itrareler, h hd a
;v sre to B u-nr ism
.ntir.!. rx-- K .. i ..."-.. ' ?1
aad thus kent rsotr tK uit .-.t .u- t
root Ua thiVc ; -..."' CORX-
. "- -.-i.aucnD c permit xue i OA"
Tines to struggle off ten to twelr feet and KTE-
thss Itfave tl. rM-...r , i.m i..i CI
Jtrn if rar Gr&ter.
5 -3
Of all the Magazinos.
litgw. fhetmyrmrurrm mm4 Oil I'trZtm.
rt4 trrrr rt " lirttrnw"' Urctl 7 )luus
U.I TV. la IXT -f 11 Hi si Tfnt
f-&rTvUr. r lsrsarr s4tsr -A .-"st lt
t-rax let rm. sr- rrr-'t 1rr rr in .
rri -rtlrt. j- p4 Xtol tty bit jk:.
? ri'. JtrVSiuc ! t -. rsi ;3tm. t
itrtriVi fcr Vrr-r- fTjrf .Vrt
rt trs. Urm tU Ti..
Tj.n r2 vrv3rvcfEM-iA4rix-sk?t. "
iiCM Dues
I m Ur' Wbfr4f "' T" X ?
I -. i vif. t 1 mm
A t r - 1 fie. K
. it in iK - - 1 . . . -
i r .
ir s i
m -..I.
s j- ks - .
aat . , x
. i
.. rM.. .u
XAT I --t-
H-al Co . 3 Omr s.f T.
la& f ''Mm
Sod 5 aa txrelient protection to an or
chard in winter, ad khoald nor be plowed
under in th fan unless tin-crash acIrr.
IVben plowed ia th fall a coatinr- of xn
nare. whwh has been well dfcoaspowJ,
ihoUd lw applied as a as:x!ck. 2irA;
I an
t CQliR
iaal aikiar 3J it
CMC .. 2 IO te
aa its m.
red ..., ... t fa
fCUaf 25Jt
.... rs
....V -.... j I.
'rt.. ..-. 5 f9
:5 te t. a)
ta cae....M 3 9 Ut 4 1
... w a
1 -.... 36 Jfc 5-
WS CJM D " '- sr
aw I I i U L Tvf !
SHA laiw ay BAu . w-ohwjijl.
KiifcS B8YAHTJ TRmTTGS-S fe-r-J2?
E v M m m m wm .--...n . J i.
i1 Lr "u r .a Tunaz. bhbusmvs
T "" . -aw4. M-n-
4 3a
rL-l r.f
apicuni Con-jh Dropa l4SVi"il
iac yoaxzxr uua asi jj,-, zict. aa,an4loterw.. fnrn
bcnailt fa awwt cs ot Dxptf5i. 1 i ! -
- a.
f nrxM ar (arrirrMtj
a eK-9csx C0t?02 RrVT.T7TVi!T
Mmtmtt V i ( r rf. 4.
I A5fi
t (.1
1 ...aavs.
"i, i- rH
1 itimAf
Slk. . at . 1
iira-rr---rr- QTEHa
P -. . 4. Km
i x.KJ
Jyr'IJC!vSiOasv sr ssa
jfnrsr nsw
binc to 4f-nctt!' .v
.saa ut A:iu4xiji
m m wc a j a-i.saa, oaarara-
-i ...... IRUaHM
J fin (
KwJ . ' .". ,-11."--,
i t
.- V
" T. v.
j.-r'w -;
afe &S.E:
A .. . a. SUl r-Turf-l r " "
aliWJMa ifelifc f '
fcT" f rf '