The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 11, 1885, Image 5

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    .H. "
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urn niMi, .who sa -fci
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" Jr. JK Jf. fi&b "-
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in i i!5?S5S55S2SKrifc
IE Red Cloud Chief
'.HOSMER, - - Propiletot
Our New Prose.
About December 25 1'iik Chief
Cflice will havo a brand now I'routy
steam printing pros 5 which it has late
ly puic based. Wc have been compelled
to make this heavy outlay for pre-?C3
fiorn the lact that our oiHine-M has so
j;reatly increased over our greatest an
ticipations that it has become necea-iary
to put in better facilities in order to
accommodate our trade and please our
ftatrnna. . Otir mjerifs
n has
years, and at the rate w
new uubscuberfl we antii
1500 within the next ti'
he l:i-t two
e rcceivmir
ite a list of
tt month",
kindly to
We hhall always feel vcr
our friends who have pat
the past and hone (haUth
i7-l ns in
will con-
and in
tinue to do fo in the fut
turn we shall endeavor J
the best paper publiahcd'i
During the coming year
i"iv them
he eoun'.v
hall make
a great many improveine
Chief and.thcreby kecpU j!
in I!IK
the front
tuiiks oi journalism. i el
- r M
A Shirt Factor 5
Mrs. G. N. McDaniels, -vffthis city,
has determined to open M!$H factory
in this city. She has hai'fikrt of ex
perience in the business an liels con
fident that she can give i satisfaction.
Who guarantees fehirts to fit imperfectly
as those made in large tacV ris. 1'at
ronize home and give Mrs. Slf Daniels
a trial. At present idie can Ife found
at her residence in the soutKipart of
city. J
9 Por Cent Farm J. 0n
The Nebraska Farm
make voti a loan on
Lt4F ',vi11
voor jflpirm at
d f. fMsh the
Btraieht 9 per cent and
money without any delay; 'Call on
them in the Red Cloud National Dank
Kalkv Bros, have a newlMo;
. ss, - r . . .. :c 4
John Muku.vy has built a arpenter
Read our new advcrtisement.yjt will
pav you.
ft will nay you to sec the Ch
troods at CitV Rtiartnticv.
Gimikkt & cave tl
t yesterday evening at the rinlc.
Seuvicks--4, the Fniscopal,
r pot
Sunday, 1 1 a. in. and 7:30 p. mi
Go to Forrester's for your Hp
brackets and lurniiuru. renin.;'
Tiikim: is talk of starting Kiln'
S OI i
1'ythiii.i lodges at ll.uo Hill aijuide
Rock. ?lt
i Tin: father of J. II. F-rman HvHu' at
kileasant 1 1 ill. Neb., is not exie:tii to
Uku Ci.oL'D should have a
;n.uoiuw?u, i.n) iitvii milt uiiiibi
combined. 1
Gii.ham it Riokvkih have mm
their now ji:uih:r.- in Cook's,
i'hannacv. y
F.'lN'. Ric'HARnsoN lost abou
vorth of feed during the wind::J
:lsi. r i luav. s ,-;
L. II. Wallace will erect a
in the north end ol tle Cityii
HiiriiiKimciis. J
M.rMnloMAs. of the Iloldrege
publicav, was in Red Cloud the . t
iiY-n business.
Joe CRiTCFir.Ln.the 'rough dianp.;
is lecturing in union uock. jiu:
power within himself. i
Vandkriult the great railroad I:
nd monied prhico died at his Hi'
in New York this week. h
UriiK weather of the last fewdaviV
been pretty rough on slock that H
not eo" properly sheltered. "
The suncrvisors will meet in aH
days for the purpose of approi'J
Treasurer-elect McXittV bond. l
Ut?4 Jn.VTn hnnirhL two vrv II
two very li
steers from A. Lambrecht, of Cathi
toij, which weighed J515 pounds.
" ! l 1 r -.11 SM.-21
Liauies inoKing lor a muihuiu u.uiie
mas present to give a gentleman w
do well to call at the Golden JCagle
John Tomlinson lias moved to W
city and is now located one door nort
ofD. G. Walker's in it
north end.
Jim HuimELL of Fairbury, was Si
Jled Cloud the. other day. Jim'
friends in tho city are always pleast
to miit him. V
Several hisihtoned marriages aro oc
the tapis lor the next few weeks, anol
the indications are that Ohio and Ne?
br:isk will again iom hands.
Policeman Gray took a tramp, who ,
was laying around the depot tho other
night fpr no good purpose, to me nea
... .w........ ...... --- --
CloJ cooler, where he rested for thetjHH. B Simmons has rented the room
.. j, nighu" i-'pe door ea-t of Henry Cook's drug
Mrs. Daniel CoNover licd last Sut ro on 4th avenue and will hereafter
iirdav after a continued illness of sevVW'l aucfon thec every fc.Uurday.
-.,i mnnt.d o.wl I,rtr hnHe con ,l"'' " n desirous ot having
1C1.41 UAUKU.IO, .. - ." -- J-
m iHCiiowing. She leaves a husband audi
smiiMi tt i tin innu on uiu cuiuun'
.(JIIV CHUU lUJlIUlllt vi ivc".
. .I....1 4 . ..n.w.. lt.i msc
Tf tho first three davs of Decembers:
rc any indication of AVhal UUk AUrwmr-
?.'i!.u.- irr-ne, tnen"we win
liavffi'nne winter, but it the weaitier
later on is a criterion, then look oui
for polar waves in great profusion, with
blizzard trimmings.
Cm-knthe lodge No. 29. Knights of
Pvthias, will in all proba Mlity put on
the boards that beautiful drama
"Damon and Pythias" within the next
few weeks. 1h:s would inueeu te a
charmint-play. and one that would bo
Jiighly .tipreciated.
sj As usual The Chief will get out its
Christmas edition next week, and all
tvlu. wish to take advantage of our col
umns will make application soon as
Tuesday. We shall print several hun
dred extras, and they will be.-ent to all
parts of the United States.
TiiEencampment of the Grand
Armv of Nebraska will hold forth in
Red Cloud the 3d Wedne-day in Feb
ruarv. There will be about live hun-
dreddelegaies here and if the people
tseat the boi-s right the state .-oloers
will probably be held here m
bllowing. On behalf ot the
Red Cloud we can assure the
.ides that they will receive a
ome from our citizens.
kaney was quite seriously
Kr-ilav d urine me winu-
.:.. .," 'nn c?rlnvnllr
lilnivirta-,A I""" " 4.""- ". "'"
-V- -. ..-
in the ac
JRnd striking him
He was
J9lfixinr UD some boxes,
w.n ajfc-rv.Ang "P
Lijak"i:ilp"n!rked un a section
ilroW?ilaVic,is203 pounds., and
iwa M- v"", " V.rSfi'u,"lxlw.,l",k
' .kl1 MIIXIMV .. -!-.-.
It. D. Jones is in the city of Chicago.
John YKifcER has returned to Red
A. If. Linerarger has again located
in Cowles.
C. J. Poi'E is now rusticating in the
Mi?s Sadie Becker is clerking in
Docker's store.
E. A. Stowf.u. and family will win
ter in Ked Cloud.
Or it friend, K. Skcen, has returned
from a trip to Mist-ouri. 4
Remember th reduction on ladies'
shoes at the Golden Eagle.
Complete line of holiday goods just
received at City Pharmacy.
Mrs. ItoiiERT Fi'iwt and baby have
arrived home, and Bob is happy
Mrs. Lew Ci.ut will soon make a
visit to the eastern part of the state.
The Argiu will move under the Ked
Cloud National Bank in ?. few days.
I. N. West, of Iowa, an old friend of
Jos. Stum, of this rity, is in Red Cloud
W. II. Way may be J-nid to have had
a corn husk fence after the storm last
Every purchaser at the Golden Eagle
ofSl.r worth will be presented with a
fini clock.
Prop. Picking has mowd into the
property lately occupied by the Rev. J.
(I. Aikman.
Mies May Ducker has gono to Ill
inois in consequence of her father's
serious illines.
I. PuiuiiN and Miss Ida Roecrans
were married on December 1, 1SS5, by
the Rev. Geo. W. Ifummcll.
Stylographic ink, the only ink suit
able for the Independent pen, for sale
at Ferguson tfc Go's drug store.
Tin: Ladis' Baptift Home Mission
Society, will meet with Mrs. Brakcfield
at U o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, Dec.
Divine Fervirc willl be held in the
Catholic church, Red Cloud, on Sun
day the I.Uh instant, Joseph Clery,
Mils. C. A. Owen was picked un by
the windtorm Friday and carried
nbont 20 feet and .sustained some slight
Tim: packing of ice will soon begin
in Hod Cloud. Our citizens put tip
metre or less ot the congealed liquid
every winter.
B I'M ness last Saturday must have
been good with the merchants of Red
Cloud. The Gulden Eigle Clothing
House sold seventeen overcoats that
Ken vror; John Sherman, of Ohio, has
bpfnel-cted President of the Ij. S.
Senate, to fill the vacancy occasioned
! bv the death of Vice-President Hen-
Now is a good time to make your
friend-' a Cliri-toias present. Call in
and yuberibe for The CiliKP for them.
Thi- would In; a present that would be
Pirop. Picking the worthy supeiin
tendent of ine R -d ('lend schools, is
the hajipy jirent of a bouncing baby
yirl. Tiii-. piece of news will account
for hi-? profmioM of mile- during the
iat few d.iv-. P.-ual weight.
Kev W Alden, a relative of our
frit iul Uncle L'.vi Moore, nresident of
tho Kd Cloiul National Bank, has
moved to our city md is now one of
our citizens. The C::ihp welcomes Mr.
Alden and family to Ked Cloud.
Ov lnM Friday tlie wind got on a
rccular ttemler and for a time strung
things up in irrcat style. The wind
b'ew, the dust flew, and outbuildings
w're everally ovei timed irrespective
of who might be the 3wner.
Tin. l-n'.ies of the Congregational
i hurch will give an (tyMer supper next
Tue.-day evening DecembiT o, 1SS5.
Supper including oysters 35 cents.
Proceed. f.r the benefit of the parson
age fund. Eveivbodv cordiallv invit
ed. For the benefit of our democratic
reader.- we present them this week
with a life like portrait of Vice-President
llendrt -ks which appear.- on the
m-ide of to-days C'hiep. along with a
notice of this funeral obsequies at
Indianapolis last'l ue.-day.
') hi-t Fi.d-iv a b-iard came living
bnv:i noilh ebter lreet during the
tie. and one cid of it struck a plate
!a- in Morhart it Fulton'- hardware
tore anil scattered it to piece-. 1 he
ic gale blew awav tise awning in
root of Mrs. Kelson's store.
Prksippnt Cleveland has delivered
is liit ines-ai;e to conjiresv. 1 he
iKiinuMit is voluminous and is a fair
innpleofthe average message. He
,oUsf py the the way, that we are at
.ice with -ill nations, and m the
ijinmentot peace, happiness, and
ir goods sold will do well to soe him.
e is a No. 1 auctioneer. All coods
igned to him will be carefully dis
d of at highest price po.vible.
rm isLW'i), Lincoln. IJeatrice.
Fremont, Red Cloud.Seward, Kearney.
McCook. Wahoo, St. Paul, lloldrege.
Norfolk. Chadrn. Bluo Hill. Blatts
nKfiith. Kalis City, Nebraska Citv and
Ashland will be the principal railroad
center wet of the Missouri river
inside of the next three years. We
have arrived at this conclusion after a
cu-oiy readimr of a few exchanges.
Yes. dear friend, any one of
the towns above mentioned will be a
railroad center before Hastings is.
The other day at the depot while
one of the passenger trains was laying
at the station a sleek young confidence
chap tried to work au old man for his
wealth. Policeman Gray noticed the
fact, and ir formed the old gentlemann
of it. and at ihe same time gave the
confidence man notice to quit the
burg, whereupon the fellow drew two
revolvers on Dick, but concluded to
put them in his pocket when he saw
that he could not bluff him. Since
that time the fellow has flitted the
Samuel Dyer, for the lust year driver
for Wells. Fargo & Go's express in this
city, will receive the appointment of
express agent next Monday, vice Mr.
H. F. Kin-ey resigned. Mr. Dyer has
shown himself to be a careful and con
scientious employe of that company,
and appreciating his honest endeavors
mid integrity the company have justly
promoted him to the Responsible posi
tion of agent. The office will now be
moved up town and after Monday will
Over 100 varieties of gent's mufllcrs
and silk handkerchiefs in all qualities
and endless variety cf colore at the
Golden filagle.
Rev. H. K, Bl'shnell of IIalings
will preach in the Presbyterian churcli
in this city Sabath morning and even
ing, December 13th.
Van Apken hu a good 'bus, having
purchased the Gardner houe 'bu at
Red Cloud. Elsworth Webb brought
it from there this week. Orlmni Ex.
C. C. Watson of Wail Lake, Iowa,
brother of II. A. Wat-on of this city,
has concluded to locate here and will
engage in the transfer business with
his brother, the firm will be known as
Watson Bros.
A. S. Marsh and wife have returned
home. Mr. Marsh will now turn his
attention towards learning how to
shuttle Uncle Sam's mail matter pre
paratory to taking charge of the Red
Cloud postolfice January 1.
Married. It is not often that a quill
driver gets left on news, but once m
awhile "sicii" does occur. Tins time
Bradbrook, he handsome 4th Avenue
photographer of this city, who has
been making love "lo! the3e many
days" unbeknown to our reporters,
very quietly took unto him-clf a help
meet on December 1, by the name of
Mis Thersa EgghofRr, of Blue Hill,
tho ceremony being consumated by
Rev. Geo. 0. Vewcr, at his rcHdcuse on
Seward street. This is the first time
that we haye ever been fooled on a
fellow that was about to be married,
but Brad explains matters by saying
that he would have reported the fact,
on by he was a little too modest. How
ever, be that a- it may. The Chiep
takes great plea-jiire. in congratulating
the happy couple, and hopes that their
joy may never grow les-. Here's our
editorial first, Brad., for a long and
happy life of connubial bliss.
Tho G. A. R. Encampmont.
It is anounced by A. V. Cole, depl.
commander of the state of Nebraska
Grand Army of the Republic, that the
next encampment will be held at Red
Cloud, commencing on the third Wed
nesday of February 1SS0. 'I his is a
meeting of groat importance and as
there will be representations of all the
different posts of the G. A. R. of the
state, also of the relief corps and
camps of Sons of Votrans. Our city
no doubt will be crowib.-d to iLs utmost
capacity and it will require tho coopor
aiion of all the people of the city as
well as those of the country around the
eitv to take care of the people that will
attend thi- important gathering of the
lioys in blue, and as the Grand Arm)'
post at this place is few in numbers
and ot small means it will be
necessary fur the public at large to
take hold and ar-.-i.-t them in the way
of preparing .-leepui", places and also
lo furnish other nece.-artes that will
nece'i-arly iuvulvu expense, and xvo
nave no doubt but our city will re
spond to the cull and make everything
as p!asant for the visitors as is in
their puwer. Tic following committee
havo hceii appointed to take chaige of
ihi- matter and we. are atir.fied thut
iho arrangements will be propeily
made and ibe programme fully earn
ed on : J. L. Miller. II. B. Fulton, J
A. Tullevs, Jos. W. Warren, M. B. Mc
Nitt. "
Hui2y n.-nciiirt.". '-
Mawied, in ihif city on December 2.
lSSf. bv tin? Bev.Geo. O. Yi-er, David
JSoughman to Mis. Aimis Pettygrew.
On December 7, by the Rev. Geo. O.
Yeiser. May to Miss Anna
December I, by Rev. Geo. M. Yeiser,
F. Bradbrook to MiasTiiersn Eggliotter
One Hereford cow.i red. with white
Jace, stampeded from my herd. Any
per.-on giving info. mation will be ie
warded by katm won! at Gardner
3ion.-e. " I. N. West.
To.s of every deception at City
Phammey lor your boy.- and gins.
Call at Rradhrook's -1th avenue Gal
lery and have a negative taken at once
so as to give me time to fluiah them
and not be di.-appoiuted.
The largist line of Fancv nnd Toilet
1 articles in ihe citv at C:tv Pharmacv.
Albums! albums! that will please
eveiy body at City Pharmacy.
Coiling has the most elegant gift
books ever shown in this market.
If you care to save money buy your
ChriMiuas presents at City Pharmacy
for they aie marked low.
Reduction in cabnets and oard Pho
toes at Bradbrook a Gallery until after
A full line of Papcterics in latest
patents at City Pharmacy.
Parlies wishing bargains can get
them by on W. 1). Forrester.
Selling Out his furniture.
For Snlo.
A new Phaeton, used only a few
times, full leather top and curtains,
steel axle and tire, and everv wav a No
1 article, J. G. Aikman, Red Cloud
New goods arriving daily at the City
Phaunasv every thing new and prices
the lowest.
A fl'knishei room for rent: Lady
and gentleman preferred. With or
without board. Apply to Geo. M.
Save money by getting your farm
loans trom . L . Overman. Money
turnished promptly.
Loans made with the Nebraska k
Kansas Farm Loan Co. can be paid at
Inlying 25c worth of goods will give
you a chance to get an album and
toilet case free ot charge at
Kleman Jc Weiner.
A Webster county farmer saved
sixty dollars by getting his farm loan
from W. P. Overman.
Just received a large supply of Misses
erseys of all sizes at Mrs Newhouse.
Finest line ot domestic and imported
cigars in the city at Ferguson t Co's.
If you want to save money buy your
goods of the Golden Eagle. You can
find the largest stock aiid always the
lowest Driccs there.
Parties wanting too buy pianos or
organs will save moiicv bv seeiug J. S
Noll. Everv one huving 25c worth of good
at tne posiomce news ucpoi win receive
a ticket entitling them lo a chance in
our drawing Jauujiry 2, JSSo, for a fine
red plush album 1st vremiuin. and an
elegant red plush toilet case 2nd prize.
Kleeman fc Wiener
Etotray Notice.
Taken up on premises leased by me
ection 24, township 2, range II, on
scL25, ISS5, oue red and spotted calf,
while fice. The owuer can- have the t
calf bv proving property and paying
churges. A- Coleman. J
Red Coud. Neb. Nov. IS. 'S5. I
Orffanlzlcc for tho Purpose of
Proapoctinjr for Coal hi tho Vi
cinity of Bed Cloud.
We understand that the following
gentlemen, A. J. Kenney, Silas Garner.
J. L. Miner, Joseph Garber, R. V.
Shircy, John Kellogg, J. II. Remsbcrg.
and e'eral others, have formed a
company with a capital stock of $.5003
for the purpose of prospecting for coal
nnd oorinir far an artcaiun well in the
vicinity of Red Cloud. This is indeed
a move in the right direction, and the
gentlemen whose names appear above
are a guarantee that the work will t
soon begin.
A Heavy Vind Storm From tho
North-Wost on last Friday.
On last Friday morning about 3 a.
m. a heavy wjmI .-j rung up after a
ve-y calm day on Tour-day. and was
quue destructive, ttiougli it did no -.-.
ious damage hercabouta uitu ttie ex
ception of blowing d'jwn out house-,
Mii.iil barns, etc , ttiiit were n-jt well
anchored, but m thu country the newly
stacked hay as well ua the" old onti
"took a fly" and were strewn lo 1'ie
four winds, and the f.irmeia are talking
ofgetting out search warrants to ti i.d it
At Inavile the school hou-e that
lecently moved to that hurt; wa- blown
Irom its foundation. It was nut verv
serious, but considered by the niW,st
settler as being a rather "coll men
tion" for the openiui.' of winter. At
Alma a bruk lore wnich h id recently
been erected, was blown down. L'pon
the wnoie it mis a ccrioti-j storm and
one that vdl be remembered a a ter
ror. On Tuesday following there was
another wimUtotm, and we presume
now that winter bar- set in. No damage
except the above has been reported by
our special corru-pondeiits in the
A "Worthy Entorpriao.
During one day lax', week, through
the kindnc-s of our friend, Dwight
J on os, a Chief reporter had the pleas
ure of going through the larc,e and e.
lensivrw flouring mill lately erccteJ and
equipped by the lied Cloud Milling
Company, of which R I) Jones, Dwight
Jones, K. jSkeen, I. Fnsbie and Mr.
Iliugham are prominent stockholder.-.
The null prupeity i- located on the
Ilepiibhcan river, two miles west of
Red Cloud, just norm of the old Red
Cloud mill, which i- one of the relic-)
of the early days ol our city. The new
null i) four stones high from basement
to attic, ami is supplied with all the
late-tand nm-i perlert mill machinery
to tie proem ed in the I'liiied States, at
a cost of something like $:.0,0w0, and
within itself ! a perfei t and as com
plete a mill an there is in ttie state ol
Nebraska, with a capacity of 125 bar
rets of Hour per d.iv. For the last leu
weeks, Mi. Lailelon, the giitllvmanly
agent of K. P. Allis fc Co., of Wi-con-sin,
the firm who hud the conttacl to
put in tne machinery, has been m the
city with his gang ot millriuhts putti.i
in and perfecting the machinery, and
so perfectly was this done that when
tne mill was started up for the Jirsi
time there was not a piece that did not
work with perfect ease and without a
stoppage being necessary. The Chief
congratulates the projectors of the Red
Cloud Milling Co. on having a mill
that is so perfect in every souse of the
word, and wishes them the unlimited
success that they so richly deserve, ft
is a Ked Cloud ard Webster county en
terprise and one that will be the means
of building up our trade and encour
age our farmers to grow more Mnall
grain in thu vieinit. The company
propose to work tne plant for all it is
worth, and to that end propose iu work
the mill lo its full capacity, ami are
making arrangements to snip flour to
all parts ot this state and Kaunas, and
will make llour that wnl compete w'lth
any that can be made in this or any
other state. Dunne; tne first few days
the mill was in operation a perfect I
stream of wagons poured in irom all
parts of IPebsit-r, .Smith and Jewell
counties, and for awhne it looked like
a new town had been started at the
mil:. We UKe great pleasure in re
commending the mid and us owners to
the people ot the state, and feel certain
that their pair ons will find them cotir
icons, obliging, and honorable busme-s
men. Success to them is tho beat Aish
of The Chief.
Bowaro, Ohl Bovuro.
There is a certain geuteman if gen
tleman he might be called) has been
circulating a ftatomeut that there is
no such thing as the Red Cloud Nurs
ery. Wo wi-n to a.iy to tiie panic- )
informed that it la a low and under
mining scheme and not worthy of the
notice of any one interested in the
welfare of Webster and adjoining
counties. Our nurseries at prc-cnt are
located at Guide Rock and Red Cloud,
are small and young, and hope in the
near future lo be anle to compote with
any business of the kind in the state.
At present our stock consists ofCVHK)
I yr apples and a uood assortment vi I
yr cnerrie-', I yr ptutn, snnll Iruits.
V!iln flmvrini' kt)rTlj iirnrmii
!i)rft ntii! nrnaniiinti! !rn nti- nil nf !
... .... w w.. .... ..Uww, .., .... .
which are guaranteed tFiie to name as j
represented. I'.mies purclnising of u? i
FPl P.T.irilv siinh !iVl n.. rirf.n:il !
and at the very lowest living fnres.
Beware of all traveling agents for for
eign nursenes, and tree dealers, from
the fact that you seldom get what
you okdek, and many times have in
ferior stock given you for what you
wanteo, from irave'ing agents of for
eign nursenes. Trade at home where
you know what yon get, and jH etock
is guaranteed. LoVzslxs &
-,-- --,. - -..,.. . .,,.. www-..w, ,
Cabinets at $-1.00 per dozen, Card for
$2 5') per dozen until after the Holidays
at Rradbrooks Gallery.
Itch and scratches-of every kind
cared in CO minutes by Woolfcrd's
sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This
never fails. Sold by Fergu-oa & Co drug
gist, RkI Cloud. " ' !-Iy
Hkaikjuaetees for lumber, cxa!,
building materials, Ac is at the Flail
tt rreea Lumber Co., Red Cloud- You
can tt bargns.
Seethe Western Cottage organ be
fore buying.
Gei yoar turkeys ready for Thanks
giving. For Salo.
One sbc foot ova! front show case.
C L. Cornxc.
Iveracrnber it takes aunltrht and tiaic
to make rhotcgrape.
Evans &. Perry wish to sar that tLey
lire prepared to more building.
Tho Baptist Pastor ?.nh;-ad.
A crowJed hou.i likened m
farewell .-errnoii of Rv. Geo. 1! Ho,n
Sunday evening. We wuu.d be KU1 t.
print :ne sermon, b: naie iio; tK,u
He jokc of the omditLKv. u sucr -on
the part of chui'h mcmlH-r.t.ip ,,.t
the line of practical Chn-tumtv. -.
a brief review of the year's wurs. -p.-words
of cheer to tbo?e bu tt.l .,
nobly and faithfully Umiui-uu. . ; .
chriMianit , ?aiost Hie . jr
iUPjKirl u!lbesHlmu. l!.. J, , .
card uible ami the tswiw , .
ofhu ministry io said, I r.- .-
vou thu churc ttidard t: .;
placed in my huiui.- ett I. I--;
have no consciously lr.ui 1 ,; :,.
duat by false preaching or
trine. It has not Ixrsii iii-:i. . ,
worldly ns.-octiKi or sin: .! .
h has "not been brought im : -:4
U? liMbits iu public i or home . ,.
inet.ta! to "hri-iisin tr.Hri'T
Ciirtntiail intitience. Kv-r. a. -,
u'tiib and abrond each men. v
fjimily of adult agt. all f w . ;,
memoers oi iuu cnun '.
(Hic-poken and acting for ti.
w nd it in Jesiij. lnere.-'r v
back over the record of the t
think the cuurch and the pu1, c
ber me out in the a-sert. i
tiiivo not citer.'d to the t-ui
but in 1 1 if -ervice of Gh1 hae
had an nve single to hi
-tAodard i hand baefc t i rn-
lthed in public or pr.v ite . jinn
wortny hands bvar it on : i ' ol vie
tortus "in gathered shem l uke
mine and go from you sum t , jrifto'
tbe-alvatiou of precious sou.- iltf t
encourage the wunk; slid to j,jg5al
-ii.fui ways, stiil to stand wi upa fcr
the truth "and the right, in oftting
aloft the banner of the cr -) 1:1 cnncc
ton with the P.aptist chur s J.tlu'
words he thanked bis href re i DfACi
iCmuh, 'Il4)s. Prakitu-'.-l and J ilr.
Wolfe tur their coun-el an I killdncSr',
al-o the noble band uf w ieil v. tiv
er stood by the right a's mem1 U
of the choir who neicr dtserUwi 1. eii
pool; the W. C. T. IJ. j.r meir o i
deuce and approving word-;busi !
men for the r favors; :t i prm fiv
favorable criticism. He -p )lc"of t'ie
valuable help ot Mrs. i'.i v,u in cbiirch
wrk, and thanked all in molkrg'J cir
cle of friend-, for their I. ptftrilies,
and benefactions. cloMi.g w.iiitli-Alol-l.r.vuu
beautiful thought A Jrittle- Mne
statts up, it make-) a rap.f?gii.anier
growth, an early fr'st withers( the
plant; . inter passe-, sjirni't-inin conies,
the root thror.s up a nevfjttall.. it
make- igorou- summer grbwth,
struggling up to reach the lunl'j'lt iu
a hit'iier atmosphere, rinlefcandi spoil
it. another season o-,l. Bpr Outline
co:nas aam, it throws upA branch
mote ugoroiis than eeJbefore: it
spread.- in beauty, tne tt iidrilli of the
root are drep tlown in ncllJHfo giving,
soil, the vine blooms anil' sweet
fi int. So. Chriitian frlcndsl'if now and
then checked back, tnvt to rise high
er and higher. IJe m : iontont with
present ntt.immn's rSyel liot with
earth, stiwc alter hoy IhingNf .mil in
the emblem of the u.otrik( lie ten
drils of Christian loo and boCK- deep
er into the pure sod f- G ntft grace,
aiid with Cod'- he..i diction 0 will at
las: attain ( hri-:ai:i pefecti nl faith,
and hoar fruit for nlfi gainjr above."
May Rev. llrowns lt-be t m a
pler.sinu phi-e. ThiMlfrtnjilj will re
& AS
mam tor the pre-cut FRe.Uf Cloud
Horoford CuXtm-toi Salo.
The undersigned Ma 60 bend of
thouroue.h-1 reil ami ttjh ijratle Here
ford cat tie for sale, consisting of bulls
cows and heifrri '1 lMtitraes arc I and
' blood, ami the wliole It. umber are
from the noted herdjof G.f. Rurlcy of
Mechaiiusvi.le, Iow. iiey can be
seen at McAvoy 4 Fnlrreli's livery
stable lor about twiredl. For further
information c.ilf on fa afcfc'io Gardner
house. Red Cloud The Horough breds
arc registere 1 m Amcriili herd book.
I N. Wist.
Iautiful acc, dCiM and toys on
the.'i and 0 t(.uhterh m Forrcfttors.
FoKAl.K 1 sqtJom & jilfca, origin
al co-t . ',.). rasi; bc.ujE bras tude:
weighs Horn lb to lC)fj lbs., size of
platform lGx'J4. ICleo Hno 2 burner
gaxdtue -love u-HH gl Me reservoir, tin
oven, si le snelvet, ctC.5:V imple in good
condition, tir-t ebt Mu. Either or
io:h at about ftrat 't. Innuiro at
this i.Jh. e.
- ... ki -
-9' m ii !
ForSaloJat gf Bargain.
A dt'fcirablc rUe., in the city of
Red Cloud, Ni-liMk3 being lota 13. 14,
l,r), 10. I 7, 1-, lau.Jn block 13, origin
al town f Riii1 CJoud. with house
having f ur riom.3 and ocd cellar
d wvH and
Trlitt Imca r).. fllr.
iimii v
nearly all bearing
h.nng; 42 shade
ilso -ma. i
.o-WM, .-..-.- w
tree? on an.lSMirr
bbie t,r.-.s io fr"
ndn.g tho place,
of louse. A
nd goixl locUion
t of court house.
d,iu"tlu. reaideiu?
next -j lan orth
Al-j t.irt-e hiflirn
scnu d in i-i?2nil
square north of
rd. All can be
Inquire Of
bought at ajbargi
j. jr b.
k, Cmtity Cleric.
about 13 or J 4
vears i J csn fie
Fjteadv emplovmcut
by ca"!mg ftt th
" H iv y :ir bov
I'.. i M. eating house.
uit of clo:hes for a
Christinas f
K.i:. it
at. at the Golden
myplaco 2 milea
Iill on Wednesday,
one roan marc three
dun mare four years
nort'i of
.t'irr a
' "f fJi
ters on, parties giving
al UK J
as to the whcrea&ouu
ot tnese
's will le line.rallv re-
oankrupt stock st the
ine p
G ol Jen
ireoJoWthat none go
go awn
t buying ajl theur p.urse
will ajhfefc
T..e iSM
Eigle tells the bfi
t'l ever sold in the
mauV hu U
conn! 5
eirSelrboot and shoes
in b.
mnot be beat for quality I
j an 1 ptk a
&1, etc, u cheap aa any-
iv tier
aty, at Yltxi i Tree'
choice candie? so to Klee
ner's at the pct orlicc
3 cke owt the reninsaU
ffer a few patterns of
i d. IU ana. VI cents per
eciun jfc Wienr at the
Hjt lu-ce,ARil'siys fresh
avey West auHi dotaes;c
e tJe elcsast .jnotsc box
a away a4 Wrkat k. Wal-
r w -
j .... 1- . .. -
KMni erctiaHit lor
'KjP9'i Xaac
k. i ia " , m . . A J-m
? ??k J?.UT v . - I
'. 'AHlrSft
C iaL'JfaM jm&. . J5U
- - . V . , .-
v ' -
"It 1W25 V
Ihe JWmmk h
.. -
.iru .i::.u, -.. ... -.
-0"fc- e ' r " l
A"? 3
As usual but thaviil not
interfex-e v5tfa-
m Ge
ey &
I Kal
Un KPira
Pj ,-ii w UliUJL 111
Boots, Staes, Hats, Care,
KOOTH i.Zl uric! up. KhJt3.0O Up.
Roir.ombox wo soil Uio &.DAMS boot ove:y pnir wnmtHl.
r V r,
YSTe Ars closing cut a lot of OVEB.-
HMG foi? L,SSS than cost
Good 1 ruiuirom -
G inn haws Gets and un.
Jersey Caps U'jts. and up.
Nice DrcsJ Goods
.Ladies '7 no Coals
All kind of Blank
ifciueuiticr wool goi novor wr ao cnanp m now, wa nav a I
stock of Hilo and Dww, Roota ami Hbooi Uku wo ara
.... .
eCPOK cheap, ; Antl
will bo paid ibr produo. nf
Co:no one and Jl nnd esnnilno gixxk iul pHcus. Romomliir &h
store on thcut -ido comer oppmite th Rud Clotxd lMink.1
t I H .
F J-' KlvK) H
Order fill rvci-uf m lull ,tlttM,tiin
Arti1re 1 Id tt ( l.utl. NrlrKa.
"An Educational Rovlvnl."
Teacher's assojiatioii meets at Kv
Cloud on ?atiuJny next, a large at
tendeuce is oectcd. lhu ruadmg
cirib- have rJirhl vyry favorably.
Red Cloud o pimed with thirtotfti
Guide Rock He. lnaval tivo, ami
Rhie II HI six, ither points unknown.
upermtencVnt Springer wil bln?
the citizeiw if Jhstrht No. 20 ami
vicinity iu Wpontland on tho evening
of December Ifr.h. i'rof Picking will
speak at Gu Jo Rock. Vru iy evening
Ijecember iSth, nnd .Sriitttdan
Sprumcr n? district No. 2$ wt of
Cowles, I) comber 22nd, on tho od
ucationnl i Jtlonk in our cMily.
C. V, Si'RiNo'KK, County Htipt.
Lwrr. On lt Sumlny. a doubio gray
pepper aid ?alt shawl 3utw-f,Hu A. s.
.Marsh's and the bridge. Thu finder
will bo rewarded on leaving anmo Rl
Chicago "store.
Make your wife hnppv by gaUing
her a new tewing machine fer a
Chrintrnw prtsont. A. L. Kunk keep
the bus;
Tnko Notice.
The Traders Lumber Co., of thi
city, Ur. P. K Gvbl mxnager, is mow
fully prepared to fnnmh the puota of
tho country adjneo' t to RcdClottfl will
lumlr, building imuatl lim, hai
ceme-U, hanl and oft coal, etc , in
any quantity denire-l ami at tbw moat
rciuoiuibi ratH. It will pa.y tha pth
ple A Wehstvr. Sinitii tuni Jewell.
ccu ili5. ntul in fact nnr awl erytia
in a rndiu-i of t'.ftr mile of Keil Clood
to g-'t figures from the Traders lumber
coniduY il intending to btnld, as U
company are louud to ell Inmber nt
all hz.ird. When vki wnntauvikitic
in our line call and cc us betore buy
ing oUewhere.
Teaokr-V Luxhkx Co.
I'er K. 1 Goble.
Before purchasing preenn o lo tho
5 and 10 cent counter at KorretrX
Baliirioax boso Ibr lr.diad in ertdle
quantities at Mr NowHot-ai 'a. 4 St
Stop nnd kok at C. A- QweaN wail
paper and brdar, aiso a new aal
fresh atcck of paints ami window
uuriiiis. i
e nave jastrecivc a line t ot
confectionery as tine as you will xn
in 4n ctti, kleeman fc Wienr
Dox't you Sorget it, C. A. Oxn b )
the lintt line wa 1 pApr sml lrI
era ever brought A'est rf LincuUi. '
Western Couaae n& Sier Jig orsaa I
and sterling ami titwA? pancr, fur ,
sale by J, s. Noil.
Yar birgaitw in dry gootb so to Mr
We arc i ec4 ving erery d&y holiday
goods rf every de-crjpfta. Gail iJ
examine them. Wuasirr k Wau-uts
Overcoats at L24 and upwaru &t
triT Golden Edsfa.
IlMflrrrfusai ilntr .tm1 mriil r at .
For the bel orrin e the Wtstn
Catace, old bv J. , Net
Ydu can et tit lot orcan Ibr tW .
Ifeirft rnoney, of J. 5. Nor.
I!.. .N fl.a liit .i lr. T l
-..r. ." : r. , "irrr.
wu;n you sav uui, mzawr iui .
shinslti- Ac. at itrictri list r tv
voa to bav. t
Goto Forrester' for your ciiortrd i
houjrfj in
xf no wder Osat tbo Golikn
EaeIi!3erHlocr ?i !HnV ifvi baa
' .. " . ."
t' rtif "ft5 vM fiz nrtnti. t
!, when rtyx caK rei a co!. .ervu:.
iyi.;?trT r. rtn -
-t t i r. . -j . ..- v' J. .-
i aiKftjaiL in r-tcrr aazrJL, ior 3jO x& t
' i. .. ,..-, - . -, - .
wxmd. Ovnscutj xes 5-X iU
wys-- i:
4W M WJU k ft
fl TW
i-J towels, and up
o. S I OeU. and up. I
J. arui tup
bis jvom$l and JJ
. .
Hi htgtiihA prtco .
Webster Coiinty
( i fu! .- r.uc.i.i-t init A
UsMurr lhr luiW t dt,tt '"!
i i. i n i ii ,
' y
CoTTIso, i tiKUiil, RiidMD li k ml
display of hoiiday goi beautiful
pbiah lhiim uim! tirtteC rtsc, mitii
cures. trvimjc rm. 4( wilb-ut a
duubt lhu U'tcent kU Sf !lxwki er
brought Uthw vlry.r1 b4V ovrr
&) vuluro'N if lmnu.f jmblii uu
rpprtecung irvery fivlof Hu-ruur.
It will pay yoi toi5fimhjvy wk m
o4fent if yoti k nut pijdihuo, exd and
co . jn
I?or barjja.iw in drrf gtKHl, drai
llannels, jry. yarw J'lootls, Jlnm
burx Uc .heicr ibVt ovur t Mm,
.lAwhotMoV. f
Ottooti City cm I JAU & FrnuV
Call atd 'A TottV Hefemt
pattern '! ppK Jul lorlr
A mw hU k .di'H pT n!
Ixutitin jo-t r- .vJ 1. C. A fwtn.
Srarl ; nv.; undiraaar nt Vu nrnVt
iil upward- At trj CioW n K,Ui
doihing torc. 'j
lino so; and rVf JinctfaJ Ua City
Ihrmacy J
Now i the tinvl'to Imr hi yW
winter rjl Hefiroj -ou do mi e0 mi
tba PlaU .t P'rnr-jj Ijurnber comptmy;
4wt W4iter trJB
Nxw gcnU j'iu frpm the intumS
Uirer. cowintuig wJvjryti.ij( uttMM
icafti in a f.nt cUtfg'rur nwr .
V Fei. i". J& Co
WarrniH- 'jo gifl tc-r lTf fip
whidt I will vy J '' '' prle i
cnh- lwv A. 1 ait'r.
1'or bood. ynu IUm -tr .tt,'
aawl lrM . t ftp. Nn .
C-iaJ. lim.harMlr, at rttA hv
Itxmbtr ranla J
Children' U!mel iU i tii
Goklen rMde. 4
KLXCHKV& Mk&tPK, lb fMrta&qc
atauon&n iol i"fs d?- mtm liuta
up thetrtJ)re yjti an 'nmotmrnit Bw.j
of liolwlfir sar.I of a ' icrtifu
C;tll nmi -r .ln.
Uoa't fo.l jfairelf
have ( MjrvJ ttit t
m4 Kd Mti tit.
IjVo .uu
E Vj
1 'ii'Tlrtr
114. NA.
Attjncys at Law;
f'-1?isl5'f' 'l J--t. g
v" Jj""TT tC.
. , Jim cri
U-r ind
-r.i farm
. vu
I ' iT
If fefed
- $,
r iit
, mrvmtt i tmi
Ifc. i'
7 MMt. nr M
J- fjci v- a wH
3 il iwsi -mn
't - T"
i. ' " T
ft f& '
tfia. !- m -. - -- -.-
rare, 'iurw&iuKaw
fr- wr .
J0 - 1 -- 4teriM mMT
(. r,u t-itmtx Ia.
" " f
i S - : Jas hot yr
f a
f rf Sftlo Uader ChsttcJ i3
ii 4t mnu
U i
Ct, T -
tm 5
C .V.
A L f Xj?2
. 4ir '&&? .
PBBC -ZA. ,Vt .
talr f F JWW
"' "" - IfircirrH!..
iyw '..: ".. :.
- .
I TJ - .mi;tn .
tisN tm f
at ni
ook5?.Ps, I
gJitlL j iUcil ill
SW v-
9 il
ti HB
r --j
I-3T - - :
fc:.. ?. - f
lv-ff -