I? '!$ -"" j .--p41 rre ( - . tv rcfc B-Vi .. v vrfi-i&K ' wf V I. ;fe L1SF -.54. . Tr. s "IT !.- J-' 5 v 5 " fc -s -t -. ---?fJhi rrsr The Red ir? s.' "WSBSMSSCSLM -BL!g'i' mm' ii ii i'ajBBBT '' -Sf -Pi'- ? po.d tV1 1 i ii T ' II..HJ.I 1.1 ! Jt M 1 5 Hb A Ktia11 MmM ?aw "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.50 A YeJrJISTHE PRICE OFTHE CHIEF. H VOL -XIII. RED CLOUD WEBSTER COUNTY NEB. FPIDA" I&ECEMBER41 i885- $ HAVE YOU SEEN OXJR. zJklTTUEi IF NOT IT WILL PAY TO The people say, "Oh, how pretty" We have stacks of goods for holfUiy trade as well ts those more substantial. mm i ii ONLY EXCLH DRY DS 1 Cloaks: We have the celebrated Beield cloaks. We can fit any bod Market, h eavy long gray mix cassimere or camilet with plush trimmin black Beavers, Brocades, Jersey cloths, StocKinetts, Ottomans, &c. in trimmed in Blush, astrican and fur at 6.50, 7.00, 8.50, 10.00, 13.50. 160 deal more money, To see is to be convinced. We will willingly bhow Ithem to any intending purchasers r PUCKER'S CASH HO JBT -L t RED CLOUD, N (I ! , . i t r Jf NO 49 1 ' ' S5f?EyjMMSBa.s t f - PALACE ! If Eh II I I I I . ml fti -- - " " " VALLGl JMV NUT A-- Sc H. a .. - c ii i body or price! We will sell yaw. a long New for $4-60, and ethers in diagonals brown and " MARKETS aai hort WALKIITG JACKETS 17.00,2000, 22.00 2500 dollar worth a good I,. RED CLOUD CHIEF KVKKV KKIDAY KV A. C. HOSMER. il M KATES ok tfriisriiiiTio.: opj-oiitf'jnni IHi nopy. alx inuntlM .7i ()u copy faur uiuiillis M Kutvivd lit the m oITiec lu UvA Ooml :is m:tt -ut- of UietwoiidrhiSH. plCKRY AN-DEKSsON, SURVEYOR, OrUora Irft t the Ab.-tntct oUicc will vaueive prinnpi attention. PitllrSilJI and we have bargains for I fiTl 23 las tka a ia . I . XKUCLOfJD - J W.TULLEYS, M.I)., NEHRAKICA hom(Eoi;athio rifYsciAx, U. S. Kxjiminirc- Stirjcon. Okfick Oppotite Kirbt Nsitinnal Bank KcdClom!. B. L. If. UKCK, D PHYSICIAN' AND SURGK0N, EEL) CLOUD, - XKHKAKA OfI'ICK Over Hnnry Conk's iliop ctoro. -rrofcciionul calln intended Uny it uigbt. G. E. McKEKBY, M. D.. PHYSICIAX AND BURGEON, .rrirr. Fin? do-,t of t'ook'nilrugxttirc ttc Leunt fruiu tt r a. hi.. : tn 4, nml 7 to . nuairtenco S blix-ks west o( court ome lD CLOUD. - - - NKHKASKA ffbELRtf wrack a 1 : J 5Sf fli j i a a a ittcUa.U ii yg ,T? Mu ww fs MM" Br38 Br 1 1 rr " " ,-vV .7 V rr; : A o$c 'TSaaeaajifiBjjjjj-j. !l-vt W i Sl!;t.tg;,l KnSit. V J no KS In Clothjh, Eats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Groceries, --q J Kf?T GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVI1TG. s,4 a -s I Wilt ED. GTLFOHD. Cowles, Neb., 1 14 lr -si.ln:. , jit I r lift'. ( is'i;.. . ." A i-..i.t " .'iTtr. tal $50,000 Attuntlon Civsn to fry ,? .. ; )Ilectjons giz') DIRKCroR ft All -i nji tt DAMERELL, M..D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ' Roil Cloml, Nebraska. -A,Fcir-Ovr thn iisflrc. J- j D. DEN KEY, ( PHYSICIAN a SURGEON, RtD CJX)UD, - NEBRASKA. Jkfick Over Cook's drug store. Cs uromptlj' attended to dy or ;. C. SCHENCK. ITHYSCIAN AND SURGEON, Cowle. Nebraska, ional cllrt promptlv attended At residence Cowles. 8-51 " i HAM & RICKARDS, ATTORNEYS. Red Cloud. Nebraska.. pice lu Kmitb Rro. law office. Kai.ky. J. L. Kai.et Kaley Bros. tlTlVO 1 w . in,7j RED CLOUD. NER. jr0 gents for the B. it M. R. R. Lands P oft With High Prices At E'S LUMBER COMPANY ik)F COWLES NEBRASKA. ED, GILFORD, Salesmam hir.'. W. K. S rt-v It. V. .Sliirrv. 7 1 bin I e!l "Ex-lMn I .11 ; . . ' i-iecuons aim at, a tiff unniciiig isii5imvs. (5 le-L allowed cn all rp'its w Drug Store. :o: Successors to :R. R. Sherer 2 !& AUtbpTdd patrons of the City Droir 8tora are cordially invltAd tn oc?tt!f ue thir P"tronff aa heretofore, we shall endearor to you. Oar stock or evexythinir that pertains to the draff trade will be kept up to the HIGHEST STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE We 0aii have new announcements to make soon and new stock to exhibit !rcha RED CLOUD, ;:loths, cassim stom work neatly approved fashio a specialty, )ld Stand Eatt SIdo Wobatelj ft jjr In e t i 3 : SLJD A - MHH i .Z- J fc . i h h Vl - ' -- r ' o - " " " Li ,. s SaasaiBBWBH ISPh5rrl 2 SS" sVJ iJ"vv T P5 C F t - co 5. "w -H'Ifcl 2- H 3 e-- ttauwmBga. 3. s- e . s MrlHSGfiisTttaS 2S K ;jJK'sss5.-ff.t -Ma wm y . MSWB-t-ill ilSii -S- ?! 2 BKgHafcSSSfttKKI " uS 5 'v- 'gn-raiarinirgi,Tgvrr-a'Mr z. smmk & t wh: av'vni jEaa nn' ju u jv a ri kiv wj h '''" "'" .---. - .- jij w.V , ;m :4.vi.fc;. rH.'.'r--'crrrr7a.4 .( i.v ;.. uiiic-rfT r mlbb m iv:,'wf fr?MinmkKkJtki.i.i r'UHiiatx m- . . r: m mM-v&w&v-ttmi:7m - n aa i r1 .Jasa?iKsrTi3iaff ) ,.uu i w a i r rBBBB7 BfBT. -TVflV VVLJIWITT' rTT..Ml BincmtfrtaB F A la P1 BBk -- tlmmmmm -m i I - . -.T?sBBwaW6&,ac?" .!'Jf!lc?vS3 -- i f f kjCL2CK2Kr2aMiSSBSBSV m n -'yjja1"!,., , q , c- -ssBBJssj K I nnislJl..M.A.. J' I 2. L 3 ?T ft glliii ff IIHI r ? T a aBsfrwai ura . .. ..u,. . -. 1 r t, "''' r-sei "' I"" r'Kfi .b- t. I, m , '3 e EtYf f? -i w - kJ m mB - W . .m. . - s -" X S tf I NEBRASKA. , S? f SI 1 nBsl 9s o line oi . ff p- f I fif iJL MELTONS. &C. L75 & A ? I MM i - SJBJBSSBJI I lt)ne and after the most I'l 2 tf) C9 I nJS'ttttine and fittinc: hi P CS f ij4joc loasuiiauio. ' 2T ST "-e t LJ JB "T " J relit. "ail I .fc . T -m l i T'!d Ey RASKA. di,- - .. .-r ... I T. S EMIQEC si tMIXTrnTarri :-rx-xi HDl, w EMCiDUD NUIIASKA. OxlBBE i2pl ece Work a Specialty. tawalwayaon hand. 0ce rer xrd I Cloud National Bank. I 11 w choVNK R.GUMP, ATTORNEY .IT LAW, JjCLOUD, - - .. no Over the Post Office. NEB "ASK. JAS. MC'N- XV. ,se & AIcNeny, KS AM COl'XSELORS AT LAW ice in au courts ol tbi stale ell a litlratftl !iiKti.K ..p..fni. TV attended to. Abstract f nrih. lion. rer First National liank, Retl iw Jsvelry Stor1 thing new and fresh. No old shelf won goods 1 eudkBBi-VArlBtv. XRrtit ma .wt rnub. a -. . r -o-T"vvj-Acrrsy,-.' """? w IIZIrm7J.w' wvauMj, viiiarms, xsropones or smic MMiMWHiMBntmuH. awoMoai insjsmeiita of aa hwi. xtepainnfi PZla5 Hck now rprlv for 1 4 T A V '-'-irs and exam please you ei & YARDS 5, Props I v,,. p.t't J. I Miner, jfthr Moore, Cahlr First Motional Ba RED fcl-OUD. NEBJ 75,0 r iBrtaaJ lk . T.. UfcICa if DIRECTORS: f tLS. Xoor. aHb Jfrf f X KleiarJ rmaaltml bbb aa A-aail Wbi 1bm LataAaa Waaa IMMtl""4 w-B "--' itll crstr varraau, aio ucsaty. xcaaac- .-.v.r, --. -r H ami ifw'Kil ImAct b eal. Say aa4 Iaw aW aft A Intrrr.tlac SaMcrt lyr vorl n. tilus t.tt ihoro haa bo i-cutcldrralilo nrunuMit ntuong thntwpapor tf Ncbruku on tho curj.t of usury. 'Ilio accH.nivc rntr 'f',f,t k' frcqttcnlly oharjjctl is po. il to tn'ith for finy hvtn niati 10 $Kt wi 11 bus licun a gruitt n'hndvr ioUt why r how or ro mnny rtp c inlet on jmj jug iho n. Hut lolth west hrt moncv is KCftreo. ilm -- --- nrililty loaniTfi hnT Iho advAtttaK" "1 il Uieir tnoni'V a- a man would aril hi J veutock, to tho man who will yivrt tl' mdft for it. llorrcrcr tho ntiirdy m in tho Imnda of ti orrowir to u hirj;o oxtmit, for if tfeio were no borrower there wouhi 1 0 tnon-y Iondor. but an tho coun- y cc0ff)ca more utlim! nnd ruri h hocosit' b tlor. a tlwv are nil tho m ; t!io;oor mnn will ho able to jrrow money nt living ntf hut a VZ s pco.!o pemi.-t in lnjin tiaury are will nW ty bo idonty of men who i'l take ndvantnqc of their ncciwiilic I ether it he riht or wronir. Wo ope tent :t will not ho ninny yearn- iforetii dorimnd lor - Hill ho ud at'Uj make tho legal rate of ntareatitmtd? rmy for lonn made. It t cortainiv ruiuotm to imr hlch mim u? " :! IntSftst. and unlc a man it actually 0 nipl!oI to do to our advice Is to wfrain. By a jnitod effort of thin kind n tho part of the people, tho r.ult will he brought around much ooner than by other mean, m thn Kiooty lendcm will be obliged to -educe rale in order to negotUUi Ata9tacUry loan on Mptonal aecurity. Jn irrt r !n ronl catito cirit money n W had in H-d Cloud fw nine per cent, but on doubtful and pronal -security the rule h higher ami many ttmSi exhorbltAnf. .Man's mrm fn rkse. crojrt out, not only in money loeaHig out m many oUi reape U, asdi lbt unwary ami .utfctinf pSSflc are made Ticttms of thoae M Hfl liulm;' nil ofTnrt In All ..: OWi roller at the rinr-nar t r.thr TIbIbc wronxy can never be righuxJ milil the people take a derided aUnd nst tlicrn. I "jr k mi 1 r 'Home baKenv DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY GOOl ARE CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. 1 vjonsuu ycur own 11 1 ... t ur work. It will tfile cas o( ib j. ole. ' t . .O.Teissr. &D.Ta OecW.. Baa, Geo. O. Yeiser & On Mrs S POKBSFIELD And Restaurant m arm Maa At All Hours, Counter claim A wife' nhoppinjf tAtb ififackmeUek." a latim anrl fra- flint perfume. Price 25 and SO cenu. 3el by Henrr Cook. JA coat i a gool milker, bat aeccd betr aj a butter. IjBtidh a Cure will immedia'cJy r ' froun, wfiooping cough, nd Sfoochttif goid by Henry Cook. JA low match Stent A ten year engage- frdynppU and Jircr conrplaint fu hare a pnntl guarantee on every ottle of bhilo's Viuliosr. It nevar P to Hire Sold br Hcnrv CjvJc. Hardly oo5c Marka Dirty fioj(r. bllcn' Vitalize.- it what rou nr! Kr rnti nation. Joi of anrtij l?i- fzr:ei, and all ptnptornv of dytpepua rrJth Mrure! by rulon Cxixrrh Jlemedy PricWc. Natal inlecio trc. I a I Cook&Meacham CowIet.Nebratka. Fresh Confectior HA t-i V-i' PnALERSIN '4 H 1 Ii J m i- -t 5 ' r - -j wwavn 1T For Milliner: ff-:T- f Drugs, . children's iesan ajr t au4. caSMUji OVERMAN, iti j iPaints, Oiis. Books. ! 0 Stationery. !? E. s TTT"""" " & i JOB 3 ALE OTito tb .!.- .4 fORNEY AT LAW. r, nTi .-.u.1 furnshini fani I witli to to oct ef binaav )VD. - - NEBRAS1 . Sks-. T-S.' -'amSkiBB , W - -' a A -' , i-Over Ferguson & Co s druj '- -W.ll -!-- -. L- sstaUiittascttt foe aals i?t v .. '--'f"'J.-t.''ivV -S i .-f " Sf " -- v-jrv?j- ,.i-&.au. ?... "- . ... . . Call -i-j Etv-f' a . utiViti?v'-ueHuea 10 oa cottc f-y V?--L ? intMMty ui itiinicj 10 iuaa a ? 1"'. V.. juttek.tl.fMnM BS3EV-r fs: VJJt!cSr f X; xjLurjve. JBiI lv.TCV.tr.- "" """" ..4 ' k S--'- a..' ,-" r v 7.,. xvu,; "t. t i. .? anlf .aar i.Wla HO..IS? -T. ifrf RED OLOUD, 5 7 --a w w msb) vn - - v S -kJ:CUNC, I JtnpSom cartlulry fiw j5 ?: - s- i P"5j il . .5 S2.. IV s,?-; '& L- 3- '.v.vcr: of - "j?"'3 fee-' ".-' "V . r?'m-rtvv.rf ra fcft sT e?i ", ; 'h "? - .- 9" J .wijCt ' v. hJP EAL EST AT '- ..- .Mm'S BaVflaffaBaal XjBaffafaaffl afAaSaBafaaBaaatk Tataal "-'7JS''-;S-'?K"C-?iii SxVw-' - " r5 aaaaaBaCv jt