The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 04, 1885, Image 5

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    Oil -.-
t .J. .. ., ,).
KviS 1
i i I
1 k
I !-
1 -K
tB vB)
4. Ji
iiit.VAVc Y. u-ko:, tnc pos'.olu
.i "rrc aud npwp elfrri i-c fitifof;
Call a-j - jui.
1 1 1 i
i' . i r
jprsfii JUiu uuaa yuu
r j n.:r. .-
je-t tock of Catm
a until vou have etn
perfume at tbt City
N-v w!f ,cr t J. A. Own&s', and
we t.j. . lic: Ac-re that have ever been
brou; ,5iJft Republican valley.
ThrV.- w i. ;jui to paper thftir bouses
tl-in fslj fo:jj6t the cold out, would Co
well 1. - x St.I- ivhII paper cjd print
'--"., Ml-n urn !i.v ;'ri. uvub
ljtLe pLa'-C
All pnw;fl to
C. A. Ott'LTf.
S lSiTcnt 'J?ana Lean.
!ra-va rami Lovt Co. wm
,ijji -
.UfMtio-u on vou 1'z.nn at
H 'pe r. nt and furuh.lrtLe
.ucut jf-jv delay. Cdl on
j r- .. i m ..:. i ? 1.
ij.u '. $
Jczirr hews.
T:... !
Lo K
. ijjp.n.';reji meets to-day.
:;ittuic about played out in
la-GiLL id putting la a uflw
'riBL.'o'Viii b&i been aJck. with
' j
M;i, Liljrpfr hfta bcn quito eick for
a. it-.: '"5l j
A. Ji. Stoic's father, of Ohio, in i:i
'ii.i: 'wl v house Lta.3 huon very
:jct'v j.iinied.
A. IIonTiSfcT Jind fnmily
wcro m
2i'.v)r'oi;(tbif week.
A uiiiK ;lrl of r. McKiuaio rras
h'iri-J uaTiChefday,
Mus !. l-ft.'iiVOT is yiblting in I2cd
Mu-i I f ifS'if.' day.
V r c5 loans at tho If
Kebrtsk &
rf Fa ui Luvn Co.
I'. IjiifZwe in ihu city this week
vi:ii),r at
. D. rorrbtor'a
Clip, v.-&a vititing at
A- ''ic $? part of thi.1 week.
i i .sWt gErirea paid for ono
- k
I . '. j bl jru ut ilaly L Spokesfield
.led (Si'jou market report, v,'h;nt
. ,'OuV?l5?,rye ?.5c, neve corn I7c.
: jL C .TiUUH, diUht.'T of Ciiiult
itli,'boen qwite iii for uouie
il .ay1 WOHT and J. S. Rotbrock
fee i
j tv j utj::lfc2fl si an crpenso of about
r- it Jhir o school 'uouko has bfitn
! v. I wit;ju the city limits of tnat
F ,lf
' ' C
ti)nx'f! new storo is cow
. if"i am
' ,
"i t? jjresj a nanasomo ap-
lfr 2,. jv-? ".'- "T"
ftmti.XT ftiul brother wer
.-triUri u thcao headpuartsra
r-rtk. I
v. GElkinv7N r.ill proach In Use
.-: clutch next Sunday morning
.x " i ttAulcev,' (iTTcUinrs havo bacn
r " . .. 'imi'd'c knt fow wee
-li :i&xlm tb.e city.
vccL'3 in tise
' - LviFk's children have recently
; it lliiphirh a alight reigo of diph
i '.r x hn'!lro all v.cll.
'- . Hi; .ciiah oft:. Stnhens claim?
t bftvejhtl i 19 lohn from him in
("Ai-4ihjothpr d-y
yv.. Dhcker father of "our
a ,,B ' ,n 's v,n quito fick at his
itoriiO i J '.c.l. Illinois.
'' 2lOfissAKhftd a
fino pair of
1 v
chos prceented to him
(lll.'rt;8 r5ativcs.
Eli. Eluot of Farm Ridge
s, ijfti'uUhg her ptrc-nu Mr. a;ui
!$oaS m:gh
ij.vrJtoJhf tho ifaxonic Lrcthrcnf
c o U)-?IrCooc Tonduy on 'bust
couTcicd v,jth that order.
iUPii ii c'?lng out his etoek.
amSMM him if ynu Kmb irraitis.
.. .;,i
4 r
ou f k-euro to s;el them tbre.
' bs. J k. Mxli-or of Blootsington,
N -fm Mia E. F. Hogoru of IlUnew,
r? VtslCne rritb Itrs. B. Y. Brewer.
xt ?b U::iSKStruv)aK prices Siiu v.ork"
. t.)p-.p ri Uci a or no
1 K t-ucrfl f,'ti arc s!l 1 sviog a
run at prc-m, nri qiu:- a
uu;lrr of our y Jung men arc ictrnii-.g
io ride the goat.
Kkm?bkr The Chief's Krsnd c:s-
tri"UMrta of valuable nrir-cs Jan. 1.
Ii-i. and cH in iud fir up your aib-
,.-'n;Min hi once.
K !cr Kowcotnb, ChrisliNn preacher.
wiU prcsr:i ; uie ut.iijMi t,uiJiu
ctiic.i wn Funoav, DeoembcrCth a:
tie oMook cnd nt night.
T fri ;n, A. Horhart, '.a; mid
'ic ijv-r day by ft present of s
M I Hu HOrbQ .'.rJ.", M-
bin LroUier iu Missouri..
, ,- ..a
V.i ,
: l i. Pitv M WUk V"
iiiiii r "t t f i .
llV iZ. O.?. et tbOM-S
c-icrg are inviteu-
is' v;-1 cw!:r.g of
lkl ,
1 h A. U.
Dicct. uc
ck p. :n.
fr wor
all ia :t..-i ttuuuiu are m-
J. H. rinrn. of this city has
elected v the grand master of Jxe
iTftikt. t. deaty grioiu master for ail
Odd Fi'!!t locgoe in dietrict 37. A
gootl FclCjCtioa
Xuuc-te! to meet at Mrs. Yv. w. Card- J
iJU.i"i-. ti. sli.t.oe ..f ni
,, tare hiKiscu io-m-- . raun
tv tre-isurcr to which office he was duly
elected iu Xorcwber t
oii'L r jiivjl
a - .jl.'-. i
il . : ma . is a
k ' i'Ku
; -bM
i Tvk members ofthe Ansiilkry ta
'the P'-me uf the iricndlosst and all
.'t.-tAl in tho f;d work arc
. 4 m . ftrt?Av. C.CO.H. ifavrnV i U! . uxs-aKcuic ..v....
WLa. m . I - T I . I-AA - ' .1 , k Al lll 1
k r :J"-1 ".- ... r... j-,..- .; . , wpauicr tne nouse .is uoi croucu cua:
- fe!loiMdap: -. w i'Sorrf vet fair and appreciative audience
on last Satarday l)r BgJJ .' 'were present and were highly entcr-
throat and could uo. tbcbGeafayorableth opera house
out meoicai J". . wo.,ltl lsy(i lBCn cr0wied. Owing to
I B McXrrr who has been s'.jouru
; "Inch vondr in Ohio" lias returned
toKcd Cloud rfadiojret Wk to ij)e
" .. .! . ! Mo will t.,!...
i iiiv .- --... mi i
"iarrsay for it
Tnclo SimVr hamccs oil in any
quantity, x'- ltlir'.
H. V.r. DlTrCi'-'V 13 aais J3 our i
ttrtet"-. JOOkii.t; ;iic:v' net'rr.
T T'l.'
description at the city Pharmacy.
The Kebraeka : Kansas Farm Xan
Co. nave plenty of money to loan.
Hit. William Ducjcee's Hula prirl,
Befieic, ha been very tick fpr a few
The larsreit and b'et selected fetock
I of Drug) ever in Ked Cloud at Lu city
Da. J. S. Ftaon's Ht'.la girl Iim teen
quite eick for tome day pswt but U
A. W. JlutT of Ohio, a. nepher of L.
H. Rust, the trtc xnan, is in the city
visiting his uncle.
K. A. K'atsok lms purebred from
Oni-.La a han'lporne transfer vrngon,
t(i ix now prepared to do a big
btmneait iu that line. Henry Cook' new advertise
lneut iu tins isnuu anl the jjt your
brir,taaas prc-jents laid iu, Heury u
il:zya in the front ranks for Xmuti
Thy Golden Eagle clothing tore has
just bought a bankrupt stock of cloth
ing tt !e! than 50 cent.5 ou tho dollar,
ku6 will we you a benefit o: low
CO. Wiixou, president of tb hoard
of :ounty comiuissionttH Tra? iu Itcd
Cloud last Saturday putting hia John
Hancock to county for the
nt (itn c.
iln. WjiTEHMAJf hal ouite narrow
e-Acapa tho othyr day. lie sra3 throvn
out of c wagon and vas run over but
fortunately tho team wtx stopped bo
fora any serious daruwue was done.
It in no wonder tliat the Golden
Egle eendfl out ao many large bun
dln, when you caa get a good, eorvic
able uit in men' Birew, for 23.50 and
upwards. ' Overcoats from $2.25 and
Ta'sVxdies of the if. E. church gave
an elegant dinner and supper on
Thanksgiving and wcro bountifully
rewarded for their labors by being well
patronir.ed. The net proceed were
abftut 40.
Mas. Vf. K. Owe, of this uty re
ceived nn the othor day of tho death
of her aged mother &t lioppors' rdillfl,
lllinoii, at the czirorac o!d na of
this i3Cor" sad ten yoara. She haj tho
sympathy of her u:ny friondtj.
Dxcz. Gmay hs boon appointed by
tho H. & M. SuT depot police, Dick v;iil
make a good officer and wo uow give
warning to tiio trrnp?, and "aich" that
it will he ?elt for them to move on or
prc.iare to bo "taken in" by Dick.
Oj: lact Saturday night the Odd
Fellow of thin city 'elected the follow
ing ofSccra for the ensuing term:
N.G.K. P. Hutchison.
V, 0. Oliver .Ooivn.1.
Secretary . rm . Parkfj .
Permanent Secretary. Q. y. Dott.
Trea&u&er F. D. Humrneil.
lVusifte4-J. H. Smith, Vf. 13. iloby,
A. C. Honmer.
CquTiKO, ca, innbf.8 an olegaut
diepluy of holulay r.ood?, brautjful
pl:i5u album and toilet cases,
corc.R, travoJjng cas.?, etc., itnout
U.oul,t th0 largcfi.t eloof. bock e-i
Mjro02rtvni -vuioy. l nave over
COO volumca of bouiu! puhiic.ations
rf-prcentinj every field of literature
It will pay yon toaxtraino my stock no
oGenfo if you do xfet purchase, call and
330 ua.
JooKimi" CxiTCKncLD, tho "Eough
Diamond" of Indiana, oncof those rare
U'mpcranco workra v,ho can treat the
subject in a Fty'o that is pleasing and
iiKtructivo to all, hw been dniug.
elScicut trotk iu our city this n-cck
iitj ia witoiu himself s. "'whole hoit
,tid caravan coJnbined" and gets light
down to busir.ot-5 in a wiy that Lringi
conviction to the hearts of In; hftarers.
Ko w cmong the wail not2d workers
in tlie temperance cause, und being a
uian of "iron nerve", vc wish him con
tinued prosperity in tho canc ho baa
On: genial friend A. N. Patmor, the
milk vender, is kept moat civful buev
supplying the people of this city -with
milk. Ho has a very large dairj and
by giving good measure, and sell
ing the best milk, hs hs gained a
patronage tht will ba hrd to beat in
a corn unity the fiiza of this city. Mr.
P. in a practical farmer and under-ftau-ia
his hui?nws. .Wc take pleasure
in recommending him to the people
generally and by eo domu we feel cer
tain that all who tra'lo vith his wagon
"A'lll bo amply repaid, besides getting
v.lue received for their money.
Kr.MSJJHE that The ciiiep's grand
pnte drawing only continue'? 30 cL&ya
nrtr unA if rnti want a phsnrn in it
yqn:Tniouii!! caU -vs3mttt'Ar c?nade1 withnu,e
jsalcr.rt'on accouiiisliv Di -.mVcr Farm Loan Co. can
lSb. lluTCaro tt'ree premiums and
th-y vill rosiTivrtiY be given away on
tl:afrtdny of January lii5. First
premium, silver vratch valued at 15.
2d. silver castor, valued at ?5. 3d.
premium set of piker forks valued at
$4. ome one wH draw the premiums,
remember all who py up arrearages
and one ;,ear in advance have a chance
for one of thee hand-om o premiums
Jtemcmber the drawing tskes place
January 1, 1S6C.
Qs Thankspiving. Nov. 25. 1F5, Will
He Jackson, son ot WT. K. Jackson, of
tiiis city, becoming t:red of single
b'c?;cdnca. decided : jrn the larga
"iV ot ocaeaie: snei rnioy uraveo
tho st-rm. became courascous and
opped the question, aud being an
ev.vred cnirmatively went straightway
and s:ot the matrimonial knot tied by
vedding Hi s Cbua Reed, of this city,
at his fithcr'a residence, the Kev. Fnth
pr Cii'ry, of the Catholic church, ofiici
ating, making tho happy coupie one
by the rn"i imprcssivo ceremony
t;sd by that church. We extend our
congratulations and wishes for an ex
tended and happy wedded life.
Ok Iset Wednesday evening tho tire
company presented to the people of
th: city the heautiiui drama u titled
Past Redemption" one of the niot
interesting temperance dramas cvor
wntten. The entire plav is gOOvi nna
was will acted bv each and every one
tiie diasrreeaoie suj jiiciemcit
t;te gpacc taken up by our business
men in thi weeks issue we of necessity
have to bs brief, lbtitlsaiSce it to ssv
Uiat "Past Itolemption" was as well it
not better rendered as r.ny drama that
h:i3 been presenied by amateurs to a
Red Clotui audience.
B r. sja'a.rf Eoci Fa3, laaa. it la ttc
f.dr Wlikor ti la cjsrtyd fat uotIvi:
iM Trteplo Stilus vt3 is &cu. Jls oitrt b
."5 . f. . T;'.t.
ii t W S:iriacri TVThipFr.
I:" a rfrt
u u . .ciil. Tar- lU.t u otnc -
'I't Isfw'v I,' l- lr. r TrtrfSf.-k hffjH.i
M '-J ' - - 'HIMW ..VI. . " .V. W ..Vh..
f.;cl-jt?' "h'
o J . a.i rfr'Vnt cT tar f,'tbVfr -
. ar -u'Ji?:, Ua fee. t tiXtcjtiiU a
. , ,', zzd nplurwea ht e it.
Jy js t left fior Hie ny cra;-i
;'f-r. ie iUi Ituutu I H. s.
- j ii C; a uAlur-l A3 li.'.
j-.c-t ..- U.t taarfcy: rf lis htIiA
jr. Iv Ir. AI Oxr, Ji", .c U. vt
i. j" fc rrtT-l ;ns M-:ti'j(s, -udTi
F'i iUcirj injnait, Uriur t-n
i, fc . iXv-w rtJijr"' s fi rt.' ;a 5i)iii.-
, .j ari? Mcr'.j crt. r api.tU
.- .. 11. Von 5t,i otntjr 'Wc
' -i o! -i-ct. a i;.- rnij
0i; &i.1 inKkj- cSItT.
. r li?rrrnr;: i, ..!-oiii.-ta a
j. t '-All e ;... . ij. .,.
, ' . aoa oi or lr.-i.I. J. S. Tyr.
' . j i.--. k'.'A ; a jriit i fj.. r t
- . . titr. j. . l.jir ii urc
- t, uuj Ut.cL ti U.e Um&
r t ! or three --.
j a i: vnz imnjij : iuc? ni
; i-i.w, rit li... . "otmirtj
s:"' Kel Cm4 tii-t!ir, tbi &-
i, ..r . W?. Kit lire. HaUuiif Vt
w.3 k3x.t Iroia Lit -AUr, awttr.
t. .' Consr--ilevl. Is to .!
. . r tm tvuuVrf in ttt Sni .'(
. . . a .4 KiU!uu 1 riu I.ui t .n-
, ij.O'ii-oi oar .ul.d iiiM.ut.ou.
.ji 1 1 1 Ki. F-im l):it.i, hi
Wg S' . f.if I'ftoJ'MT.lV ! It !:ia,
'jl, . . i suir'mrj ci-r t:M.-u.UcJ.
Ii";iijM. ...i.:.i mid um.- ma; rrr)frH e;.n
Ljt Mi- '- ' ' i'-i. h !Vit ii-stvi.
"r i.
r i-
jy -nvjit iiii-J A. 'A, it.idoj.-t. of
', K i uiiiU.lMt'Ht. Wrir i'i iiw f!(-.
t ' . pa? tmt-v.,:-iibz ti..1
r. : j'irt tin? u..r. A clt act
,Mi .!-. it. nlurttf-i ItVM. ji Dr
r i i ri t tit tU.., cor'.l
. a tirrd thtjin t le IWk.t wi:b
l ill t UfViUMik Cruu.i? oatr
i j4i A !urM Wc.niK.u to
i v ha aIv) vzanitt. but :. t. 4 i.t
' '-. It SCIrt tliat fcHBsf f
ti .ier ami ft-me tr'W tr;I-J
J :- ;.i'ji uKr tariinri .rs'
i' -. . '(iniic.irirtf to isntt iu t..
Kit. r- .t.J iirui iu '
:c a . i vt.te Ui wo; ie t ii;if
v :. .r'h .1: U.-irvto. ?fb.. a a
,- . n-i u.ali." a st 14 ta
. i i-v.'iii j;rat.(x 'iv Ui-'-.
. .m. -ra I. tt.-ir--4 .riu2liiti ai.-
. y.- 1 ir' ' LU i.ic iiuu S iw3
' 1 - ; illfj. i5n icv.K-u.en ftr
; i. : j?ii:.Ij.4 as i- xrtr du-
,.. ' i .ii w3..e r. iaaunt call u.k-
1: !::e dr.y last wek Capt.
i ?it, ono of the aleri-.'aij
r a 1 J a. member ot uio Join
In, .. iveii a shred of tho old
t I : iif. boys w victory 'many
i is... l.-om roi old rtomniLirtr
"f rtn of Iowa. Th? catf un
i.) p. "co of buoltri! itevond
',u it brirnrs hjck to him
Vy tt." ic'trj aadtrta'Hof in,
n ;v v in umcu h pnrtic:n?rJ
'.-(-il. Owinirto our col'.iPin
fcru;- t.'.i we srn ur.ahi Jo jtve a
l'c ii' -rv of the re he.
. .
iVr 4:.-1 Ciond U:u rrMwrrd
1 :' ! :r , ii 4f,UiOriiVHtj-irM-ei w;
; 7i.Mning u:nt may is o ia
u v , Ji" !. I'lick to wu tWo iat
i "- nc idea or aiiicle arck-
. r 'T, li.! Chjud has KAinet!
- . -r !oV,nt ait iittdiapuitnt
ia . Ills th; fajrseturfg and
- ' if -;.tiit whivh hi" made
othj m ' .:y y pr ?imous as u 1ns
ufiMf f r. In finerdire.tton also
7vidtK . J nut surrounding country
hati;M '1 1 .v. trd it) apnrecii.tin'r ujw-
i , at.d reUsblc enu?rpr'nts.
-v 1 .n r'.ih7intf that time
'. r.-incy i not In le
. . i. b-vc Aoui,'ht for thw.
I t .-.(: the bft; ttv r(;d the
t-. tr, Tub Ciiicr. and in
i. 'j.--! ?uc:s in life thej
M g to the' Chicago store for re-
c I- sit tre- lowest p'scc. run
ti c Ji d h r.n ioimene buti-
..'iMi'f cah from the b't:
tn '. i. 'riivr., in "grat quiniilis
5 r 1 i.;. fiOnM. With nil those
i !. ! irnf. i-rn !ir!iw
; '' cf our city aro and ought to
l - V
fry pp buying O.j WOflil Ol gOOkl
P st i:i s necva U"po: wul receive
t e.ri: nq them ? a chintar in
.-.Iic 2, 18S6, fur n fir.
:'' a.');ni lt urerniutn. aotl an
ol.-iit.t rl j .'i toilat case 2nd prixe.
B.!.:it! & V.'iencr
iai'i'"v by tttine vor larm
iV-"u W. I'. Overman. Jlonev
I j rntitlv.
b irjina in dry goods go to 2fra
H s.
Nebraska Si
be paid at
Buyim: 25c worth of gooda will give
yu a chance to got an album and
toilet case froe ol charge .it
Kl&max & Wei.'CKK.
"nc- display of christma3 goods at
the City Pharmacy h fine it will pay
yoJi to call and see it.
Toys for boys and girls at the City
i'h irmac.y.
Bosr.nko's Cough Syrup the host in
the market at city Pharmacy.
A WroTKn. county former ?ed
sixty doibir? by gelt.xg his. farm loan
from W. P. 0 erman.
Just rccaived a forge suppiy of Xise
crseys of ail aixes a Mrs if ehuac?.
Finest line ot dona.-tic xm import.?
cigtirs in the city at fVrguaon k Co's.
IVr all grades of unWrrar, go to
the Golden Bugle.
If vou wan; to sve mocv Imiv your
g xhI? of the Golden Kapha. You can
mm the largest stock aiMt always the
lowest nric?s there.
Evans Perry wish to s&v that tbej
are prepared to movo bcildia.
Parties vran tluc too-lwy pianos k
organs will save ino&ev hv seeing J. 5.
Etstray "otico.
Taken up on premises leaped by me
oction 24. township 2, range 11, on
set. 25, ISS5, one red and spotted calf,
white face. The owner can hare the
calf by proving property and paying
es. A- t.or.LMAX.
Eed Cioud. Neb. Nov. 12. S5.
DiE33lutloa Notice.
Notice Is heresy given that Walker
A-Brakefield have dtsstlvod partner
ship. .Mr. Walker having sold hi in
interestto Palmer & Crawfor.1. AH
notes and accounts will bo left with T
Broketield for collection. BrakeUeld,
Palmer, A Crawford will carry oc iie
business at the oM stiUid.
Wiear rx wr eonL
Uew. 0. n iaa-11 prSkcd &jt Stfar4ay
sift a' Hr. Wrri'
jifco Wtr.r t. mjd lafi MetviMMtta.
0-r.&ftl-rr U . 8xI ti . cittr.
Hr. i.-aa iter bvt n.rJ ;
Mr. iita-T h1 torir S e-wsr 5et Hjffl-
PVst7 f ac.'w!"! G3i4- Bort toiM -jv.
Tin r'etrrtof i tu.i srr aox utt tor
ir i'.
K.-.t trtwt t9 1- ai&i.. lu UM ; afc-1
'jixv fcoitrt f;r rxit.
j - 'a. -y t. .e u .
J BiJl
! fe Ue A Ur- '.'J' vrM
Majti. ue iint- it.-X brttj rain.
r- LKrrHM xt-'c U s2rm Srwn ar rj
ij-tlaa. ?iKi..v
For trp paat wjrc our com.w:ri v
h p!jyei a gru-io-i revai ' t-.- .
f-t-rsuue. Kv. V. li tr'atith kws '.
witu u ;nd has done joo1
AilKrt toj eoir cHniWUttiv i r
plde 1 to Urtai io:jn',ac atida ! :.
ol 0.xl Tctuplara hii ic-rn rg .., etter cuirt-r m.ini'xr. j
-.uiih tutsal0 heJ erij;-f ";
rfteeti:4 m' rfx power uvd .. i.
alJ Oip-'iuiehavf si. wen iu
p--:atJno f ir. H;i. tU' vroiJc
J5vir.g tii.;i t,'V larj aid4Mih-
K.')i k liberal costributioA. J. if
jf aAUTAlia 1 " M9 -a v
Alui'irt rt'JMty lor snw.
IUwJ Ulrpy ha commenolyi to 4 t
a rtv hottaa on hia farm on il ..
While bu-kirigcom S. I. Kox'h t-t:
went over a btn about Y&n,rten '.-hi-'h
into the Tobiug w
da-nage-l except the harne-.-. i?. P
ays he. Mi a cfteap load of corn in V. .
creek tor
Tarockuurtint Ilr.T". utsrlwl for Ar
k'anoi on the 3Qlh, with the intf.n:;un
of locating.
Thre ;n old uun t Jk!i' r.
woflrod allaummer lor a tair of v- r
Lincoln Beut haa purchaat! :
Packet fatrm.
Our worthy P. M. h& pn a a'-. -hii
ttorefor the bfuettiiUf hia to
er$. ' - Tiuri .
Fino wsatiisr for husking corn.
Iho carptftitar wo: on the- 11
chnrcu va fi:;hel the week 1 c'
TbPra was a nHtumal reform co -tion
held in the cburcn the P.), L '.
N'ovttmler. Toe following l -
wre atiiy iitaid by Un. N;
liaalt. of jJasiifthard, io?", R .
Mirrwon. "f liuide KocV, t.Rcv. ' .
lUitoa, Uv'.uUtt, iot. v.TJbrf
Hivr may a ;er obtrvanv t ;'.
ncurt'-J. ' ThiJ rrohibtlhn .:
wv.a a'nti dic'i-l. Tbedang"t .
o;..g the republic wiH treat s
And :be wuy tlieiH? dargoi iu. 1
aVM-ied wj poilCHl ttlt fJBfff
l'iirA will c1rt"ichinif jh . f'i ' .
.fvrillt K.inirln in nhufclt .
tlffxjkfff "iff Iffvri'eTs con
sabtjith !. lit, l, at 11 r.,
Die p-ibl'c are c-ii-ii.!lv il. ' t
attftid. There wiil te a t?huat. . ji
et cry eacwiiu atormng a. 10 .
i'4.i -
Have, been unah'e fcr e .'"
ons to write for tue pao-r ;
Sorry to have so many x 1 .
get worth it.
Our Ongon fciend. Mr. S ;
I ut his aid in Atarim a t-i'r .-.
t;amxniion by dcli-'crinv. '.
njch. He ako pre;. ;. ! ..'
int feraton at Uv etvuiu .- ..
A accond tniper:Ke uk.'.
Ueld iart Friday night.
Our aid hoc i a ty ia gelt:::? (
right trail:.
M.s Liddie Blanktr.lm' : h.
ic tv ah iVvcr.
if if B"jto who Wftj t-.u :.! .
in district Xo. GQ, hru r-v .-.
mother being very iii. Mr. J.
sort k4 taken her place in th
iir. and Mrs. John MIV.-
:i 1
i- !
7 4th
cHbol '
. nabri
bvt thrir HtUe girl
'iht-v J a1
deepest sympathy
i ?r ia .u.rui-' i .. t. I
wf T
, a.. iiuMatuudati . 1 ' twuiMii
froxn loiwa at ttoeir hoit-. . .
Ui niak'j their homes ha fa:
re- 4
Tre Virginia people ,t:e f.j
Walnut creek to a e thi.r - I-an :
buy laci. Sime arc ? l . r ."ester
home nnd all urc pit . I .lift ot
Prtracted mectit.:.t c ;r.T:
acr-d iJ
ir- . c j
the stone school hviU'V N v ;f .-tt f
O. W. Httmmeli i. laaiddH
by Mr. Ktcaardaon frot
Wo had a bit of snow
2LM enszs:.
Gooti morning Mr. Editor
Where oh where is Lr4
cone, not dead I h;. "
Uncle Joe Ctiam! -i has :niic'l
hi new hrmse. Tacy hiejt c
mentetl with a tifchtn:" 4 t ijLr
end storm indicator. S
TUeladiee of the m ( iJ
C.fs caye a snppt-r u! t al I
lor the benefit of :. - :tHier.
tok in b-u: ST. clear :
The lecture of 2:.:r
was -Ute young mi .i
sctvea by ge'tio? up a :
We undurtiaod v-.'
of lightning and t: .
a fraud from begiam..
Look a little out t- r
will is the next word.
1. Thoaasi haa yu:
I. Tbomaa sayi t;.. t
com sheiier thi e .
UuU waateoa ah i i
E. Acdcraoa t.-
wliicli to ttre Ur-r
2kLiife Thowat. -!..
are attesting cb. -, .
iir. Wiiliauw 1. 1
T. Chamocnt hai t - '
PrwchiJsp every t
J.G. Waker at 11
school At TO o'ci
momicg. Prayer sk:1
day nighL Aft are cr
Cvra haaking u t. . ..
and don't vou Krg t
com in tku cotinty ar.
A Card.-We dai-a
tportfcLitton sad rati
friends in Tied Cloud u
their svmpathtcs aad
sfiiiciions aiid bercsv
(M!r M
WtSfr j3
cMcx. 1
Ba3 m
ljBlv& K
mm - s
ssasK-.- TVK.
-m: u
mtt- - I
Kt. I?
t '"3 . . ,
Toa narncj nswr.
a1" goiMi swro room
Y;1! vjira.
c o n'm jmt oosi-
y y t J.ur;er (iJ
Ij iS5 HiaTCT;
- - .! .
Ci fiiRinu RTippe 4-ar-
k.- . j . . -. .
3V5 Ot Ua:tr ta5
. wriTEaa rm rt k-hvv-
1 1'titt-J
.... M L -
a naxnisomc
!ht 'p. V
4 M.n-TAfrt W r4I
Di& 3csrrc! on Monday
ithot "' cn.-c ia vrk.
le' n-i afi;r.. ai qaitfe a
tifl 4t-:t tfi-r' on thj
irib 1'it a, we were no
f e U -vyc i giTc r t w we
'id ' U niias of Ui yjnori.
ate ekijnng no
bil Jwas in our town one
ek tho tn'rt of the
. - n.. .t . i. ....
in l - ired h. )rvioea.f.r
f'i iroiit va'.ieutan, and
$k i; :'. of !nr-Mt
vir4lo uc 'Ai.-.ii SMtv-iuag.
'2 yo.i thAt the paper he
iMLa if t'-ij'u .jroiu:. broy.
i t ic'.i ;iatr, sad docs ji
rtpilcl ag in m5 uinu., ym
tai V er iumi tie naa iwbo
Ti m.- Paul keen a k1
iiit 'CS'u,ar. ooiectiouary tc
( d in C.m'4.
i jf'i t1 tia e Ut week, nnd 1
;lkl d - K-otler term Ufgicniug
-9j of January. Mr. B ! s ycry
. nil -iher. L. H.
? 2.
fe 3
T s,b 'Ji htntod that BoLy was
fi ' Jkiuong th thtagn tla:
ul i ?me teP vou iu the Wvrd
5 iu '.forUl Daniel WeUter -I
i1re. j
iliriK '? tn te 'ou aomething
jtit tb -.vth of our town, it in-
. -sefj. ;gb but uridv, every week
tiro t r9 is a new Imilding added
1 ijaalt I)' wo arc beginning
i.jEen .ibii.". Tlie tint cry of lire
.ttHc '! our .;r?ts not long ;i,
J it t, fin tlWiivo cry for the fire
-JMOf 1 iiXUUgiU"ue.I.
110 ;;s of inavaio and v.cmttv,
a i atr social at tho residence
LyV L ( giit one ovrning laat week.
imlio 1 v.3 tiibI to overflowing nn 1
.jerei t w.-v, a y pwinut ciiceao eciu
-the Jtnc lor the friendless at Ian-
in. ;
Tbe i't death ako occurred lwt
ljfrfk '.- a htle child of Mr. iiutch
aeon ntcmter of one of our btiaineaa
f"vVe "jwie that a temple of learning
;fCirA" hir thii way and intends to
Aacc ur Ni'iHge with iw aticust pr
f.!e; Tli'8 school h.)tno waa built
Jjree yya Rio by district No. f, which'
ptr; v ui iig il mili long by 3 or A
-de '.?d iia-i cn-t us a good deal O'
tfx f?y. b:t it is a gocal honse and
jt:t .- .. ..t .. -. 1 .. i 1 . ..aa
ow rt iccl i here it vrilt do we
U.'-2i KtuJ'JtoUifl Lrea'ejl number. -
ft W'l rvinpUiiae with the one
!irjd 'r.r.i whom the &ch.ot
;ydS i bai len rttmoved wo know how.
kq'J tb h iving IbAm in that wrao
co tiyU f..r th pWit twelve yunrs.
'VVjc a r ''xul' with iho man who ia to
irA-i fl aHi.'i: it because he an 1101a
r ;-Q m :n.- peop'eot taw iwe at-
B d $ ' " sociable cocial oa Walnut
: .iird iy night every bxly look
xiqu in a lox and tbey were wrap
in p4tK-r and piVd up. and at
zip caoti goitibrnavn marchcl
iecu-1 and bright 11 Ikjx. Uuhi
tell l-ifido and itiiid a Ud" name,
r nc it tu ok ivat to find the hdy alid
'ft! 1 to hvln htm to oat tho content-
jUe box. Tne exctiettuntt of chance
tJjuade it interesting aad i; pa.ied
lCr.noot close thia communication
(lout ir.f utioniui: uie xckkI titno t
& ( io'id laet Thursday nutn The
ii W K. C. with its vittota a uati'm-
irjucr.r and a department olficer
.'! wnh the O. A. It. and enjoyod an
J3al cmp tiro, overv one scented
r l wed with iL
V p.-axuBD room for rent Ldy
1:1a 2nt:crian preferred. wttli or
. jguhoui board. Apfrfy
to Go. il.
i a'"u5c.
,4 Par'.itt wiehing bergiUns can get
$vn by ctnsog vn W. D. Forrester.
AeliLig out hti fnrnituro.
For Sale.
1 A new Phaeton, used only a few
-limfs. fviu lea'hr Ur asn curtaijt!.
U teet A.xlc and tire, and every way a Ko
ll article, J. G. Aifcman, Btd Cloud
New rxHls arriving dailv at ihf City
fpharnia ' every thing new awl prices
it;e loweet.
Citing has tho moit- elegant gift
book.i ever shown in tnis market.
Keduc4ion in cabnoia and card Pho
toe at Bradbroolt's Gallery uatil after
II o' "days.
C imeand see the new City Pharma
cy and bo envincod that it is the bot
place to buy Dniga and Faticy cr'ides.
Call at Bfadbrookrs 4th avenue Gal
lery and have a. negative taknc at once
s as to gh c me time to tlabh them
and not bo disappointed.
Tho City Pharmacy ha? titc nicest j
hae of Druis and toilet arti&ea ia town
or county.
Cabiaet-s at UX) 0? doren. Card or
$15o pr rlraen Ttnttl aitr tHc Holiday c
at Bradwok'a Gaiierv.
ver thing airkoa at can prices
s.sH li.weat rat t&C&y Pisamracr.
Kamember Ktak&jsnht and time
to make Pitotorajw.
D. B. Boai keep! on hand at tbe
elevat'jr, btiikiig u:ie which be tH
tell in Urg or tm til quimitifci. I5e
l&hc Kotlco.
The Traders Lurnt-er Co., of :h
city. Mr. F. !. GcU mnnHger, is -5w
fatty prpard to ftmi.h thepeon! of
theoouctry sdace,t U liftdCiouu ith
tutnber. btnUhnghuteriiiL lirac, oatr
cetnent, hard nod soft coL etc , ift
a ay quantity desired aaI at the xr.ot 1
r oaoai)k rate. It -nU pay the I -eo- 1
pie of WebsUr, mjth and 3stAlA
cotiuues. ana in ?aci scy aa everyone i
5n a. nuitas cf ity csuta of Ki Uottd
I to tret Srtrfts ro the Traders itrabcr
Ic-Mndany btiyd, al the
alt baxards. "When yoct want arrj thing j
In csnr line call and ssv us httJre hay
ing claswhere.
A CAEtxThe kciea of i Crigre- j
national chtirRfe 4 Cowle dssiret
through thia mediale p ifcarik t T
u ot juo?cts ac Tiam r ic
laireparijtxyihiakiriaj iappv
1 aakingit a cris2 accceNU.
i ia cut runt54sr a sotsr so iw
the f Mall 5-nL a ik his tSw bttii j
eccde sm e wws.Ttwca- f ,
F r " "
p'. ?
' r. M'M
tfl tgfl
r.i . -1 .-Mfe
!. H' T )
acil v . - -d
rv i. : '
waj a ?
nufr. r Mm
-"r" -.-
t.H r-
rai i .; m
K... :M
L Ji
1 . -' w
. . -. . i
t-. r.. . CT vv. , " at
rv vwwmm, wjr .
xx?u sic pqr?ui sv?wjo 3jr v
A snnfctm picket t ft aa iur1
r Ha; wjw w oxr t . uu.
?. -. kIl.u aA- - tm Tl i m M. A A. a. -
ujbwibw t i jiw! w: - iwr
.& it T4ut s .v. fm jr . t Mt- in t m ja. ji
'Tftr-"' " " SjT " ";
J ia iwA'T j"-3r oi C"
X rt-.HW' C It liJT 4. -- fj - a Jk T - A.'
s i i a 'c ., i -x. n r , & ti auf - i v .
c&tsautun 10 re&on lac ax: icg
i:ariatnt:. .efiB .jrrpw vatt aa
husoes, a j. ftwcnwur u. u. r-W4i, J
J. . . . . . 19 t
v.'. xiPsa ao i. x A(.i!iws
Hean- 0 iott, sherliT.
Cvreniua tjehenrk. eotoue-
W B Cramer, trttujicr Batin tOT?n
fhtp. F C Busehcr, trfiiarer rSudaui
Ac;jtsx Roatf, tre.aiarer ILtd ihI
Intrtifhuau f
coaasy Bupxsacr' my&mcat
Cjaaite m Mu ts report- t,fri . Xj dwft
ed ,aad report 4-H4I. ApM iteg of- $l b Ytulkl g . T -
W A HcXeban, cotia y Jdft.aSft. ?f V.
TAter cottnty. Net. -J,. t, E . i .
ieo K Brock treasurer Uil Kcrjve
Kd KeiWgg- cierV Red loitd tp.
Yr.iiAM J ktchardistin, drk 1 ke
ant Hill tr.
C II P.udt, eU& Batui tp.
0 L rlidy, dor.: Inraie tp.
John R Wttlosn juiiioe ot tlse ptcc
K-1 Clood tp,
John Hancy, justice of the peace
marat.) rp.
S H Kiacr.juatica tf f pae Wal
nut Crefc tp.
K G LcnM, juitiea of tho pace,
Cathecton tp.
-ames A. Burden, justice of the
pace, Harmony tp.
Oftmnel Woat, jtuth. of the peace,
Re.1 Clcud l0t
H LUray, justice vf the peace In
rale I p.
Ctisa L Winfrey cotautbl Kwl Cloud
Lcouard Aultx, coaitablo Bed CUid
Allen isleU. coumblo Potfcdam tp
IMtjah Kirriek, cjiiatable Carried
Wm Montgomerr, coutAble Gtuue
Bo'k tp.
Aathonr Arncson, constable luavale
Oito$kjclvtr, sesor Cither too tp.
Joseph T BrooLi, &sec6dr, Iaav,e
Samuel He.itot awotasor Waiaui
Creek to.
WB WorhyOH HI) X-L
G A rarUu 0 H it D 9 37.
G UltiiKtcad 0 H P. I) h'o 40.
Jame BCbf. 0 H H D Nt T,
H 0 Fulton 0 1', II I) No 16.
Edwatd Kel' gg 0 If R 1) Ko a.
Oo ai-Kk'h xbt offlciai bml of Saat'l
Wert. ju-tl.'o of th pence f'-r Bed
tloud tovrshtf!t onlered return rd to
htHi for ftdmtfcjmtl se'trity.
Commit Je-e m accuut roportwl. On
motion rtpor: acc?tted, and e.l ac
coun4 roomneuded,,by coinuutieo
a. correct lU"wd m follow
J I Ka Ua. fi f.a. iV(atf aaa rtcr5
NwetSS... ..I. ? It
I Vf Tu". h, X i. trtrt- - jijiiviar
Hi?at "UKl T 1V' (46 .Mf . frr
I. l-K-t -t;'s naaena.&tr Is
i.iil. l. t Iiry-r
J UijUav-t sieitiituriMruaitrtr
-.; irrv. H"wt tr ...
i l'HOlia. er5t, wtwr WYWnfeer
r:rt.oo, I -.
L I! rvt, u.iwp!f r:ttoa ).. .
K0KciMW '"..
' ttietKw.. trsu.. poita4..
J L K:ur. Mi 'drJHcaml Urt Ir (mt
t Oi
tM hv ... 1.. ..
t w
J.kW VViiffrt. 1 Ire..
.. 1
A "! KnMe. ia 5 Wiit .
t ,r & J an . Ma.H alQ atlmHtry W v
i. I. Tli'ker. !n:fli vtiau rrie il tf
.'.. L S t.trpy, joitabir e;(1e ea O
i lJir. 1T U . 6 IV
.K) RirU-tt v.taeu tewaottT mo u u
!vr i J
Wi-an Mctou. 4, as tonwiHy e-J
: C IavT .. ., 3 0,
Kt'r? H rtt, r 3ffcA laialtj rasa II C
iKnrte 4, . t
JfcHirrar, e tNr wt
It It viKrf. vi niroaer LooLhAit
cH4 J-.-.
It H il nc. frkoj reniner 4 tru.
joni:iirjjr:i , .... . .... .
J WTVantt rartff IJ Jafeo Cttna In-
ttMt J
A. h. WArt Jurer tueutst Joiiu CWws
C S W.xnl
Joa H.'Jnr ' "
Jfa .ijrr " "
W MAv.
JVixtrJtiZLr.GTl'rx. .vovaMata I, tMi. a
SI , 'MlM.I ,
EO Pvrav i ...... .....
O VJ,i .
J A iiAl. f ....... ... .w.. ., .,
MllU'WH ', '.U. ....... ......... ..
A Wl ...
A fl ilT. Jaw.. ........
auua y .
f Js rW- 'Jsapfr.,,. .
Ja;. ,JaFta ....
JD W ttt ......
F;.Jti anrtfeoH
TioiJ W-rrt....
F. An w....
I. 111. ana....
Jrha HanMi..
J (i i Ttt.
At 4 IlaBfcow ....
w j .amrr ;
lb4f Taytor..
V It jBBMay...... te,
A J Seuny..
J I Kraa.....
Jya ratoleicy...
I stit Mav.. .. ....
MA rifliCT.
K r?re ...
olta fiwT'cf ........ -... ..........
.. u wa i ..... .. .-.. ............ . . ..
. sIasc ....... ... ...... .. .-
Wr JiiraarHwa
J 1 3PW"fr .4s
rLr.a or auwarKK Ar mrrcaai.
Kic3, MA.
ATSiaja Rytr..,
1 J 9"4V&9
J ed .....
A . Ca ....... ...n..
A J li'Wi)'-.... . .... .
? H v .. ....... .......
W A IlrAwiur. ..
Ds rwicsa ..,
C ro..
WJ itsic
Aoac"!. ---.-
SA-hAni "Taca-v .
LsMtes IIieln5.. . . .-.
JU Irtd .......
TirtirT .vtarrjaa
irea-J tJwluat. .
r.-a Xay. -
Vxstorw Kan!.
Tts(4 X8lJ'. .... . -
J JJ tstaci&rtf. - -. -.. -
HE X&Oq Jt-.
41. ITEtsasisy... . ...
i&Eswss ,
fill liwrte. ... i
Jt3tm&i&s ,
5 j.
It t f JK i .
BU Jfrsace......
W B ShirJey . ..-.. ..
3 A Baiter 5s , ! " 1
X a FnMer.
' if
9 I'i 1
loha Danhir.
i -. I
Wm rent
mm tawt
Amos DiUin-.-
-" .
M Cocferta...
v., i
AOBa...l -
to j
Jo L Grani?tjiitll.-i
A It erarr...
iG fJroote.
, ,
w P xSlQt
Thoa YaasgkiJ
'Of Cat&ar-..
C '. i' It iw wt rtv.... .
7 01
-- 41' ttirr
lflSlfll(44 S " -
aSk. . -4 . - - , V nX J '
. B "' ttYfr
..' S 'itiHi
r I &
....... ... 1 pltf
. P I "A.
, , . , w ?,
aaa' - X Vi
f M'
f 'oar . n-!
.... iw Jh
at" tJ
T a fI
. . ' e1- '
X 'a J M
t 3t,
SV J h
a j sw
I s
t iis
A....... ............. S -.
i aw
' "T" a a
- 1 .
...A i
I- .?
,,4... 4. -:'
v. if at a-
. . X 2- J
. ?-....i
f , " '- :
.3. . --1
X... AU
9 J. A - .
j ?Hviif e , 5
i jax?i sT
taiK! f ,,
J, jty
151 -t rf-
i J f,. J
a, C !alci
ir.Jm tj
t " .K
1 j , t0
II ft TruU
tenl a
riCf ar
. r nf 11 . ..
. .. t. .
KTrlrtitn -
v f .'Re mjilr
at Ua I.
- Jt""if f.-.
H -
Kr.ejjrt j
bfvlre- jiir
nft r
hf injlf
i55 J5
oSr w - )a
3T; ti-'i'i t.
'gn teta ft,
rihsV uktr
' ' rtk tuairtAt
i .... .
-ia .
t.ict.v X laatftTtat
n ,e .
J 4inJf.:it ne4er4 rr
f! .iiWi-i .TcTir MxlktMie
I- :'-
a.t,-, ikn(? n-
- ....v.. ........ . . .... Ml w
LflilbC. . Hfld2 SM&
uvJfUe mat cria! ts jH
'SitHiicI rt'e(, J f? 1
r $i i r April rS. )&,
li. '-i.-ot rrftacu-ai
atjit-C4vt of John 51-f. 2
rj i'tyrprrtaet, dfxrri mM
Kiueeut.. Or 1 1
On fcihiOn ita .o.-rt. wiotststnr us Ums-
bo&rdoT tup, rvi. . w tettr4 Ik
vte 9t -ery o iw; n rjim).
Oaittr.ion - . :-cJ uattt ? 'ci.MJi
p. m
(hJlll 'W5I1- th fi 1.1 twvxl SUbO
eStft uorcbr a:- ' .? I
O.&a UUM .'.l U coairmaA stftlMt
bosrl o.i ta i'i.f i.rti b'
lrdOMraWrirat ft till attop$
m.An1. rw.ifc.: . .w.. . a... ml . nn m
v '- i.iiiii v ift aiiKMai iinvB
Clialrtuan B nl riwairw
f. itiyua. r... Clrt
y.-.saran t Iuy ror4tiair emsl
l?e of ad hi ak.
mItcd v sy.M tr ea.tfits feir
' . 1 will :.i tt .ale tnm m
'I ' a. T. tr.
l Saj& ; t j ..' -tiMf.-
t t 136 f bwlM. bfi! itkt.
tif-. ffOl. i 'h. m IO1 U a.
. m K x-1. ajtwi oo j ivruw tpm
f;t atitt U c.l't nasvTotr,
h'f snje '-:? u.. evrfBttlaW kt
l GOdt : o, r Cl iii. tUsr IP
' afK u bM1bmtsmt'mtFtk at
;v mcf l .
i.r hof'- yaena, liarahnr aittttsiga
in i4ccs l-- lo Nn. Aw:uMia
'1, htii'-. hair, tie, a PUtt ircart
Udrt' taitMt wates at tku
i id 4f9S0 SKlrU4 !'
? .fl,fj
"-a, ysxua lKtfi, llsi-
rg laCr
1 "fflr
apstr lbi rejr ak Wjf.
'non y coalai IlaitA Pna.
. a-l a- O. A. 0li otifani
a ;rn '. a.t ppr aad bunltftv
A n v -. . of trull pspsr tjMt
v nm44 by C A. Omm.
w luolerweit t So cassis
'. at U Ooiaat Ifrfifo
' f
e HtM u tot in
ffaefofa y oti t. n e
A Free ruaiber eotafvity,
" HTVii.
Mpat from the wMfWp
'.rK of errillia! MsMftw
a J.rH cbas drua; lr
&cmm 0t
:. A Fr LtcUttr C
' Aryan in ait anUa of
j.-a. UtvaH. Ac nr d WUr of en
.- at Krtfci A WndaovV t
- -- :. ce4 to tt gnuMt ii'aiwafc;
-- t.V-;.t priu
or r,. bug cart bae tl ar
ri,.vjuid, at A. I. Pajsfc.
I F' t its ruisNfniWJl i a,
f wtus thai MssBa W ali
,r. totny daya.
V. L Funk 1al Hartfdat, .jr
t to Bed CVud
"w'fjtiit IfllM tsd mni&! aft
It.- (, 4 4t.
P 1' kwiat BOM" &md otadb "7fH aft
1 M.t ti ormm e Ui V.ftaftt
Cc i fc.. 4 ay i. a JPoii
V -'( - .:( tH lkH OcafJ mW isW
: v' ra :. v. of J. It Ifoll.
" t.ttee Plan A Fe liiwliay Oai
t. '--x ikTsot eoL h
k Ai
v IVlV.
UkV k: st bn &4 bsdte ha aatfas
t-.t.; a? M fljs.. -lit,
-" ;- 'd Ja ai C. A. Owasi 9i
- iv. 1 brjjits, ajao a aa-
-. aVic Of ?fc0ta &st
rt ,..
W ! ja X9ewiiesl
sa f
ttrtoerr s aaa m
as aaa
... xry c.t. alloeauaa A
Ti4,ci H a aaiejiecW iilkO
f It ii !tti-'5f 1 ' 1.4. A
- - a - mUTii 1 -
' rder
2 a ca
s i.l i. .
f wiihl'
f Jow
: I wmic
Jr. i.i .
j jelc :,
iv s jvi fiaqrai tf, C A. fast Ji
-t ; csf wiaa t9wr M UV r
4R vrvjKJcw lumic jhk; sur rj
t w ao'i iat?oA, a oneoi issai
ft Ten ta eroieie ke&r.
o... vt. a a-i.. ,
"-.-! fcw , -wt5i-prap3a
H aJf "'J wwaj pas-jaa If
iv aro oaiu)z arr ifcir
! af Trr aov rioss.
CM mtl
Wo&trr Jfc
Oag ao4aw tta estTi aioisi lr
t lw -ro zirey si Wraadw aji.
t .-t. ... c . .
rar ;o ss. cwk sm xttotfa lor"tKi
ea sad chrSdr:, -o the Co&Ua
i i naie.
I Asecfcofgtfi! maskti& Spr
; Uls Svt rscaWa IHrea r' ttEcdajsaa
5 3;
OC rlK. d