T -& J '7 JIM Ji-r ilniHK ue: : ifc v It r HI K V 1 1 V s -- -. - aav? , i V Nr T5 fsf tf .vXfc-2: ZJmss-&&s s!WH V- ,vtet .v i . - W3g'7rrfgr" . J. . MBM-fM- T Mlllll' "l"1' Wrn'ii , , ,rTr',f-B!5reL d"iTl?w -'? w-'' ' p .. - "f v-T f if J I t ft .W The Red "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE .Qr)T7 - 3&- "-$5F .m? m -r Chiej1 X . r e ERTY' AND $1.30 A YE AFp -CHE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. VOL XIII. fcw t r ftf. fc- RED"6C0UD WEBSfEFfcOUNTWEB. FF IDA Y, DECEMBER 4 1885- GOODS FOR NO iS Ea- r& HE !i- '- HH H JM 1 1 dlidLa y . X V DUCKER'S 5ASH DRY GOODS HOUSE ' RED CLOUD, NEB, Scarlet wool Cloaks and New Markets from SI. 60 up. worsted plaid dress goods Ec worth 86. 17c 20c 25c 30c 35c. Brocade dress goods 6c Wool fifosade 16c We have a fine goods; also ladies' cloths. Ladies' flannel suitings, Hosiery, Leggings. Mittens, Hoods, Nubias, Fas cinators, Underwear, Hand Bags, Ribbons, Laces, Fischua. Cuffs and Collars white and colored, &c, &c, &c. U We have nicest line oi hpaderohiefs ever brought to Jown at 2c 5o 10c 16c 20c 26c and up to 82.60 each ?vs el. i m oraress 16o In. Corsets, Buttons, Yarns, COIVEE AND w:e RED CLOUD CHIEF ZVEUY FRIDAY BY I A. C. HOSMER. J MO. S. eTAKSJCR, AtTOnONEER. RICK8 - - NEBRASKA JENEY ANDERSON, 81JRVEY0R, Orders If fl'fct the Abstract offlc will . rMT prompt attontiou. 'IJiRd CLOUD - - NEBRASKA J W. TULLEYS, M. P., H0M(K0PATITI0 PHYSICIAN, U. S. Examining flurceon. - Office Oppotito Flrat National ijfuik KcdUiouU. t ll-J- TR. L. H. BECK, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, RED OiX)Ul, - - .JtEIUSKA Offi'b Ovr Honry Coot's dnip stoftf. rrofofhionul calls attended day er'nigUt. PRICES K AVE FALLEN and we have bargains for ONE AND ALL "n Clothlzj, H?,ts, Saps, Bocts, Sises 0.11J Groceries. hew acras KST-iirrLT .iap,ivi5?ff. D. GILFORD. Coxcles, JVsb., Embroideries, BuchUte, Ties, & SEE XJS. : CAN SAVE w vj Jli rHR ttEi' Cloud Chiep CD . f - - FKIDAf: DECEMBER 4. 1885. JSTl IB01CKAH8A& rw we have an endless variety. I q B. MoKEEBY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Ornrm. First dx)- wit of Conk's druf tor OfQc hours frota 9 to 12 n. in., l U 4. and 7 to PJwl KtsSdeuo Wockn et of court ouw aXDCfcOUl). - - KEURASKA O . DAMERELL, M-ID., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Red Cloud, Nebraska. rcitr-0r tka ftoBe. r V. PENNEY. PHYICIAN SURGEON, BSD CliOUD, - NEBRASKA, f OrricE Over Cook drug atore. v Calls promptly attended to day night. or QB. O. BCHENCK, PHY6CIAN AND SURGEON, Cowlea, Nebraska. Profe.ional calls promptly attended Office : At residence Cowlea. 8-51 is i t J TM i I .3 towKalky tfe " 'axr II mr QILHAM & RICHARDS, ATTORNEYS. Tied Cloud. Nebraska. pick In Smith Bros, law office. J. L. Eaucy aley Bros- nowr: --' Ag nta for the B. A M. R. K. Lndt pRANE R. GUMP, ATTORNEY T LAW, BCTS CLOUD, - - -; (Sficb Orer the Post Office. NEB A O.C.CASE. J AS. McNekt. Case & McNeny, T.,lSfirt. 1 mil courts of this state aims aVwril ai lilted business earerul- "Helently attenaea w. w -. tiwSE3Si?' aoaal Baak. Bea SMa. Aeo. LN WILL P. OVERMAN JLTTORNET AT LAW, vn PTinD i- - NIBRASEA Ser'FWo Co'. dn ' tojspaeorra M MHS WAR WAR With High Prices At PEOPLE'S LUMBER COMPANY OF COWLES NEBRASKA. E. GILFORD, Salesmam O a o r1 r ffi !t o 8 n n ra r 3 3 n o- y o 3 !J1 3.3 H sfc-ica City Drug Store. j- FERQUSOJMdi SO., Successors to :R, R. Slierer AHth old patrons cr the Olty Draff Store) are cordially invited to continue their patronage mm heretofore, we shall endeavor to please you. Our stock of e verythinir that pertains to the drug trade will be kept up to the HIGHEST STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE We shall have new announcements tomakesoon andnewstocktoex hibit ! I 1HHMH r1 s m cd 3 rt g f O 3 Q3 M STo 125. hi ?r ' """ r-T-l c O ' S.S. S a e hi 9 4 CO Nevsr Jevsrelry Store. Everything new and fresh. No old shelf worn goods Sino In edlees vmrlaty. Watohes and Oloeks. ABSletaBtllnsofsIl" r ana piateaware, e-oa onains, onarms ucooooe 01 uniqu patterns and Bezant Finish. Hueioal Xnrumsnts) of aU kinds BepalrlaeT a Specialty. NEW DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY GOODS ARE CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. -' iMmWiHtoR Tf$ sMsbbV ssf AksBHwMaW MswsWPllBfcja,'tr I 00.0. Tatar. ' Ctoo-W. Ban. B.D.Tlan Geo. O. Yeiser & Co., REAL ESTATE AGENTS Bed Cloud - Nebraska 30,000 'Vs.. v 1. 1. oon. FtM'l J.ISIU.r.vrK Jokn Mout, Cwllr First National Bank RED CLOUD. NEBJ Capital. - 75,000. rrsastvet rratrml aackiac avsiass. bmy m1 a sdl County vsrnats. Ala CcmXr. rrs- aaet and School Dutriet b oaai. Bit sad Mil ratca Kxekmaxs- DI RECTORS: R. E. Motr. Jnaa Jfoor. 7. C. lisshsr. E. C OataU W K Kieaat) Home Bakery And Restaurant ! m arm Maals At All Hours, Fresh Confectionery Bread, Cakes, &c Always ealua. Cilaaiseesa. FOB SALE-Oving to the tact thai I wish to go out of botineat, I ofler the ahofe ertabliiiBurt for sale on eaty ttnni. Any one wkhisg te tP hito buaineswUldoweUteieesteaeea. YOXJ MO Y CoMir,3Kuo!i.j Co., Xas. Not. 5, '85. We hate rt ashed our deatlaatioat and are wtU ijleaacd with the town and counfv. .lie laud about Oberlin it rather roifch ami eandy on the crcojo and in tVjk' draws but souttiweat of there in mom tie county it is very level and Btnoalh. Yon could plew scrota the -iiairateesatir and not Bnaee a poad or creek. If.CelbyT is tpeken of m niuahroosi tovdut we dont consid er it eucit Lfit May the first load of lumber sMa idled on the site, there being nolailrini within twenty milea. Now it lsstvkood stores, three ha tclri, two'Jivar barns and eeferal land odices. Xaet January Thomas county had 161 Inhabitants. Bhe now has l!250. rtiiCColiv is a town of nearly 400 iuhabitufita. The county has just been organize! as 1 Colby i& the prospective county sjlat. There is at present 110 rnilrotdlansl the prediction is that the town mVgOiiewn as fast as it went up, but Jfed nt think so. The town is MippSMel pHecipally by the home stederexwb )when tbey prore up their cljpraa. ' will probably abandon them usjftil t!te country will produce crop. Jpute.di the town there is noth ing to swseciibut an occasional sod hotiric.WJt i65 miles northeast to Obcrlisjthe cibnty seat of Decatur coumvfen a Isjlinch of the B. k M. K. Ky. (Mr wi.tef in Thomas county is as softisd iifl at r n be fooad on earth .pad osl people are the most prorenHl'. 9lby k substaatial town, d at pescnt k making as rapid etridesMsrWiirsVas anr town in the west Here awnprorssnents are Derm an en L Ine ocintry surroundins; that stepped out of the boll pen aha folded er arms and looked at bis honor, than at the crowd with a peculiar defiance .hat can only eotne front desperate smit lortnae, a klod of braTado taat huaua wrecks assume when so frkmls ere present to witness their degradation. "Stepep to the bar of the eourt; Siilty, or not fuiltyr' ifaia casae frosa s lips of the clek. Guilty of what, you please P" says fane, marcbins; up before his honor. The judge eyed her through Lie glass is for a moment, and was preparing to aurl a scctioa of his peculiar wrath on ear bead, for the contemptuous masaer la which sne came before the JshUoUI bench, wbea sosaethiag ia bat brasem isiaes see saw a was fral tw bis ae sssleneWegre., k wse Isto baie eeuabe nee of a Midonna; is a aaoeseat the judge departed and the am leaned ever the rail sad said: "My child, 70s are flaying a part thai aatsre sever la leaded yon for: yon are a stranger te this court and should be a stranger te the vocation that brings yon here.'" At the words "my ekild" the atae eles of her snee relaxed and the qnlrer ing lips indicated that the J ad re's words were carrying the salad of the away from the ear of abe looked at the Jedge, yet, far beyond ifnMea, and her p Portia itsisi woulrswDP)rla town of four times booffht lota . hire wt ejpect to make Colby our Having 1 some and would sar - . rtiie inenos: ' it;M4 ef eera aa4 wiae. f ere : aisrafs teeklnc las. r eriTysa is toot If seer. tor eTcnswre. eaaaaasair. Bteeeosaaera. taeriara wisaMaefsrala. e we aaeaeeeees vesn ww nnvasa ways 1 tuuirarrrasna iick: C3 w jiiwaui frSBne it mk9inume9t 1 iSKaniiKiM AttfMWlJ.ctV 1 uvjHsn spways ssaj ae seen, MsjnsccfinBB4seniec &. M sKetl encaavsaSrs esaTW Thaait lessrsis ta a sea ear. 13 JidPwM tisfWtMaesrieaisw Smst ' '-3nV wsaaadHTsean, T.M - wt -ar si time. 4snfi -'Jaytastlaed teataJTv stZ" ff9 MtnnnnnnB wssnjr jBHsnnnnnjsBBB;BBBBy4 our eelBtit a police eeert; rt, far beyond him, as be coetinoed, her line trees her parched eyes were sunplv ing the water that bad been a stranger to thesav Unfolding her ami abe pressed bar hande to her burning temples. The fudge was becoming affected, bat eon tineod: "I baTe no doubt chair stands like a skeleton in the ilr circle that nsonras yonr sre taat your eauaaood gave that Taeaat chair. Hke n dlssneatled per epet, plainly indicates the ernmUiag away of that fasmily circle. The foal Bias of a mother " Hera the nnfortnnean cnlprHgrueesd, at if in the most intense agony. At the word "Mother" she priest d bar bands till mere to her head, tamed her faee suited mm m jpot me u return bis is dvloos lorfc nature rrollrti. I naadc a codfdiat ef my mothrr. who la turn toldley father. Ill mlml was nude ap asmke, ae ho wa In ao con dition to scfsi the dUplciMura of the landlord, hibif behind In his ront. and knowing wat Jiat a simple villi him would end p'jrarerty for throat! fsm ily; feariasl tnder such ciroetustncre that I wonsn b ia danrr. he tlU'r mined I akltj 1 leave thn rouotrr. In a week I wassrevly; In thrrj wL I was fa AiladelBslw Tln wurM fH,mrl so new so me mn I knew nut whether II was grief offy that throbbed around iy haen. CniOoa got iu chare of tha 1 ' hotri. or n LWatBappy; I had waekly My father was pre- the faniilr to txiUff3" le prafriofjr f tln hot Us snarkni Ktninr. ia I did not diatitipiUh trua enVsamnsVV KM treated lyfai some, for thai Invited to ether kindP I u tion tliat wnro paid )Mthat wrrn hid behind Hi thoughts of that family so doubt 1 oocaaioenlly clinging to the bones t your childhood gave birth to. bat k U wbealai the heai rooes, I Ike teiastei ererythlai 1 rplon drril. Im otio nlhu I weal; then. God. what onhfed wlue. I riraasil. 'tad frarin I would be tie, I tatrl would thai Frem Ui.nl moment uo- 1 knew not what baiipcnM: k I fetni tbn sun hirb la and I In a rtranro Ul. ltd nn? tvehin hcl. and ir of lsi hotel hf Um! the cur- to ns. Jn a ruorurnt iiaaed,tbr'jt)Kb my niiuil; at a saapiJar wnnUon. tnf .ana 1 cuuui rjui enwards, eosraJarraly raanlaf her ia fsra Utrengh her Mowing hair, abe aneV wnly palled the hair erer end pressed k close Whir faee. as hf te bide k frees sosaebody, then bowed lew her body and wept as thongb ber heart weald J. G. 0. 17 A Croi tWnnsneefVaneLe ahsnath the dOena- of one ef ear nahee iiag jsjc that i ion wui nal oetbnrat of feeheg . bnt the weeds my chua eonucg from your nee the al hosne words I hare beer eight yean; Itheaghlnty heart against una werea, aerueauariy sesn seg from man; bat sow tbey have teas opeathe ernat ef ertne that eaensed y heart. When yon anrad the en eant ehair. the breeeh kn the fasaUy en ele, all! all! eanw before me ike a bet enflrr heart. my faee, ead like a bean le t the wownded, n stirred ns Ma barriers, my been eat tears hare Usenet mere acUschead then it has a year. Te ee IwMtewhetlai that I -rrosn the beesesn ef aw anete that I S ef arroui manner. nainfal triad to myfnmut it. devil hi of rirtaei andeof knew. pray; Itl weight 1 be ef nryfa eaeay rkdedeh alfbtl waaanc eiry.ae' the object in an imSUUnct ri-iafjj my hand on my J alia and through tho mUt Ice the Tola that lay botweee laid ana. d ae though tome wlngm) mo from tan aUle I aensratriJ m by thou fresn tbo i hcrvtokre 1 wept, I couh! aol If on tar hurrm im r; 1 t-rrM that the )e antratrru virtue mishl cessstlcDo? asd bo to mm ftgenmarn in this ami the Tet a whibi I was his Uty 1 of tic. I bal loot track y. yckln up tho papers r Slat mr father was in looking for me. That enmoe fif .. Z, -. 1 .! eed. These ! eeee te aVssW. anewn fen t eas eee snjsjsjsjed nrnsa sew sag iMMt I aawedl greens ens areaar BhsBjeafj vern ataraed he; inn t9t yeenanc sasnswsshsna? an eeee an Cresx aafl sssm safcr "FyT r staaaw a asanas yasaaa. rv nr easne aVaaa. nanse eenld- thm aeneass ssrahaai asaasav BMamast whsne kleehed MsnsMsnatae's enehi nfewwerde, tn trnee she eanrfi aaa I t,miaVfcaSl ka. ymZTrMSSi W Csaesnne aaneehpn fmmjlmSlL. Mt f 2 pm enkennnBr ajggidKsBBBBBSBbasBa dssBassanav enaaapssnv swsnw eBBBsisBBBniBa essnesw y J a - m - m ..fr esaannnei aaanw a seal ansae nsnsnn an se J Bssnan nae ewer saj sns ana tsBaaalae snatsnanattasi asant na ana tar anansrsl n f,f-' w r I. aBBjjaiiB- v , aswnssnnsny sneatsjl nsynatrae ajsnjpnjsv nsnatasl MMMiailiiwk'B1 wnm naaswasW' nawwany f nnnnnnnnj ansa wsnai an I3rfeneas' nBansBasanansnT aW T Fy3yyfSam' .B' flJSJw LsMKTSasaSsw CMemeaWfJshaassBBannalatasBta anssnan f nsBBBssaBb anr snaMSaVsnansBBBssaa jsLgjgjpagjgajen) . ''faweanannnnaBBasn esnnnnnBnaBBBnannBBBBBBi enananasa "BIBB'B"Jr naan2tBn 1 .'anssna J enBwsnvBnrasBBMBTsf nsTjsaBTsnsHsw -aLjl iBBm ennsaaBBBSfc-aBBBBnnnBna- aBBanBsnnnBnBBBnbnBBncXnBBBB nsssssssransBBBBasaV eVfasssssssaW fjbBABsjjjfnata . WtassapWaJBp nWansal smaWPssnssnsssnsy WmmwmJkmrWKfjlffff SP.an, JTZ VUsapsalsnlMsnsnj -, w iJ air - " ",w " " .- 3anBBB9BBBBBsaF' ssnl i.tSJt . ji . jtjj, . k'iSjx.-- sawTS .. . . ' ..jeKiatjaBnnnaSEjn lfnej the city. Uke one that aV siwantWisd from city m IjB ht)Bum of tirtoa, and fhnl nachaa- wrrr path that car road of mlnfortuae tn uoos was to nae a it is the botttet rea- I tried to drown hot ssldowa. Oh, God! U I e feeilags of my aotU yoangasd virtaeaw would Us tempted by bedached aamriadiag ceai asoer tae gaisw re them really live ia I tried to rst ctef & InrWbl-bfloice held wtrocuoa ioa4ei be- 1 1 dared not. 1 drank to make a V4 that I I tu mad. aaii wkt. n'i mWp of eirtsM. In thii ht jvxru O. air. haen sae from myself hi to aeene aiaee aff a man anil net sea iTeoedd aide sne frosa ank5ag te the adfe eags:aen.a awneaa So absorbed beat in her Heey thai it he4 Saiaswef thai be 'Ssr f i&t 12, fi aUeev laacediisai? r tne erewd had fash- ; 1 Janet the earned a f tasaL ha gteakaiflaeaeBa . V I 8BSW J&h wnn fnsmf' anTpelaa eamssaannnBnnBaBnjY jf -emnjaaemnnhabaasj m. nsssaW & aJaneUCrdaiwne am -f 1 eaejwsll 0ej19ssaBnanaa enman essTanTsW ash bb, nana j-s sea wan snmweai aaaeF warn aaar jbbbbbs i ii" samrtaanftnaht saa w&& -t'P wernt ef eaaase-eami s.r V 2'Tef SSeSnfpf LJJIllntiT .'JZlll Ir ,3 ?,--; .Jv-'-LJ' ?-5i?-'E ZJ. i -,: V . ) . 1 , V- 4. kfc & tS-A'f.'- r- 7-rTw.i-'SBBhr?1V . Y'Jt",