Ja3V ir. ai!.i tCKfcjtfij jJ)ilttiiimiHHifi ' .' m?F' - i i ) J vsSjr.-. iJ&: ra " rfa. rati -r.- ! f : A A tr3SJa,sr"l nJSiUh.i90VbiW3u J s; one x Sfm 1 Lj(J) u i Ik PH fi s L.1A&J A, ; . "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE'PRICE OF LiBERTY," AND $1.50 A TEAR IS THE PRfCE OFTHE CHIEF. RED CLOUD WEBSTER COUNTY NEB. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER d3 iS85-' "Mjr inai bluhmjuj i.m ujmmx'im nui xn man -' iv &iFir ; HI f. V "-,' .mmmmml " " '"""" "V ' Hi ; IHHMHHrkaaiMM.aMMBiaHliBmBRRItlJ' tet TUB"." v - -" . - D J r - . - - '-I VOLl&II. 1 AT lrmVv ' ' V ' !J"0"C3iEE! o J s TO sL 4t rfe 3 .. ? - '. w .? 1 (f .?' s V ; r-- a." .r.- i .? A .. L" ? T: t 4. ' 1 i . 500. lbsiCjOtton We will sell you We will v s el I RED CLOUD CHIEF EVKttV FRIDAY BY A. C. HOSMER. i MO. I. STAJSER, UCTI05EKR, - - MCBRASKA 1CM UENRY ANDERSON, 8URVEYOR, Orders left at the Alwtmct oflice will ieiv prompt attention. EED CLOUD - NEBRASKA I. W.TULLEY8, M. D., HOMCEOPATHTC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Examining Snrpeon. Office Opposite nrst National Bank Red Cloud. w ' " - TR. L. H. BECK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA Office Over Henry Cook's drus Btre. Professional calls attended day or night. G. E. VcKEEBY, M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Orrics. First dw wet of Cook's 1nijf s.torc e bears from 8 to 13 a.m.. l lo4, and 7 to p m. Jtosldenc 9 blocks nest of court ouc tBI CLOUD. - - - NEHKASKA p DAMERELL, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Sed Cloud, Nebraska. mrttTOiT th a noffic. .t D. DENNEY, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, WED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. OmcK Over Coot's drug store. CftlU promptly attended to day or igbt. TR. C. SOHENCC, PHYSCIAN AND SURGEON, Cowles, Nebraska. Professional calls promptly attended Ovfick : At residence Cowles. 8-51 T QILHAM t RICKARDS, ATTORNEYS. Ked Cloud, Nebraska. Office In Smith Bros, law office. i W. Kai.ky. J. L. K1LF.Y 3ros. Kaley B A TIOENEYS AT LAW- RED CLOUD, NEB. Af nU for the B. & M. R. 11. Lauds T CRANK R. GUMP, ATTORNEY T LAW, BTf CLOUD, - - QsYFiOHver th Post Office. NEB O. C. Cask. Jas. MoXesv. Case & McNeny, A TItJRNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW A Will prrtl In all courts of this state GsMection as mil as littptfed bwlnes carvful yaad sslclently attended to. Abstracts f urnisb- W&SKr-Wwt .National Bank. Red eb. WILL P. OVERMAN, jlTTORNEr AT LAW, BED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA. Omciv-Over Ferguson A; Co s drug CoMetlSMMBivlrj attenled to and eorrei- - m i i m 4 '1 ' i 111 - - t'Mm & i. nf interest. Ho commissions (4tfi fc l vJ . 1 I h.'J . iiuMU ii- rs.fiii Batts IScts per i A A new line of worsted plaids, stripes and combination dress goods Sood (strap) horse blanket for 85cts- Men's knit cotton socks, 3 pr. a go you .f w Ki'i Vrt WT'I m.s Ai rv?J b w is i Camr ! Hi Ut and we have I In.Xlothing, Eats, Caps, m ha n a ' POOS 4il! i-i . iiij. W&W& E AP (m H Fs IJSF w&7 ir.i r in m bVikb 8 BaByk f HEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. With Kiffh I . -i i CWL1S 3 Nebraska 4" I i I LUMBER, LATIIllSHIXULK I' RED CLOUD,. DRY LUMBER a SPECIALTY, . t S3k3 4TTSaLa5 - iff ' Furnitttre and I Parties wlishing: FurnitasB xrlU 1f W .ll. I mmm OF I II xli li, M': & 5a -Br teli bbL iris K AT FOff r a -vv i am mg MEW Wm &MT NT1S Arriviiiif every day. In connection with my fumituro I have a Inre supply cf all kinds of notions with Prices to suit the buyer. Such asTinwaro, Soaps, Glassware, Towels, HandlcorchiofJ3 fcc, and will bo stdoMaper than at any place n Bed Goad. PI ;' - tf 3? l.tt '?BEdLERS IX COAL LUSER Avenue Wiener's rt. 2 J. J. T k. rnnrv. ritf b.ivh pound (clean nice). Men's ladies Eassa chi Kzsi W Rm, IWi" Y IWfl" A 1 V c5 dksias tSbr&sl per cent cheaper Than iar boagiit !!i 7V. al WOOIj .KERSEYS at 81.09 eaehUiitllj sold at ftrivc tltv s7 4, FALLEN fbargains for Boots, Shoes and Groceries. t ir . V Mai Wf trVBB i 3V.V1 IkivJ 1 MLato ED. CrlLFOBD. Cowles, Xeb., it ? :fc Prices At f 'NEBRASKA. GiLOfiD, Salesman! 9 ILumber RS IX- SASH, DOORS. BLINDS AC. NEBRA! THE BEST IN THE MARKET. AND If ji.01VJSSiTj?aiC"S2S. V! AT ESTER'S oney by examining ray eooda i cj JltfiKffazarj purchasii:ff elsewhere. iRJ i 'S'i ir k. 2 Jbs-3L 3-V !U Em 8 old Stand Red UPflE AND SEE U -. mXZ.. .. . X n -- rv iim.j. .mi'tus mm nuiuiiii La. uu hh. iit- vm. C9IS19I T OTT7 A T0"n n3 JJU vv iinx- POPULAR i i J o o o T O S C CO 2. ' o n p o S 2 s "a rt CEDSSJ 9 VaLJ I y !J s o y gg T- Cook&l iiiua CsVv'les, Nebraska DEALERS IX Dfrugs, F faints. Oiis. ooks. Stationery. Harness Shop, j. l. miller. DEALER IS ARE-NFTS COLLARS, SADDLEa z:ROSBLANKETS. wHIP.-. COmRS. BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL and cvorytliing usually kept in i as oTa shop. Awo doors north of 1st NaL Biink- EED CLOUD. NEB. Tru nlss&lTalisss R, E. ifoore. Pm't J. L. iltccr. V I rr Jcn ileore. Caihier First National Bankj rijcu lluuu JN.rs; Capital, - 75,000. DlRECTOIi' r .Etc., Jbitc. Jbtc. ; Pvg:ir,!VSJ3ii i$ row!.a r " p ' li .TPJTs.Jc -A'!LiI--.'!i!b3 dunkmir ten itiarlc of beer a diT. lie I'rortottot-? oircMilv coaipo.mae Eti t:i' lTr? &.' fit would o thk Mar in acdvuarout and arcamw pi a as '. w- z:, . - rr - - ja - - ' An u , . vi a1.! ltoura ; U;j vj k VA rfg Tie J tfa tf X'A k'P Atoadiir at hu work. ISotlin Cvtr I ..AV. "c-r.a5xc1 Pacific. Donvcr & Rto Crer.do one; : Yanf? y .,,-,,- - . - . - - a " " m--mmmm - w w an and Schoot Diith. b'eadi. Cor asd dl I all Other principal ralhvays, end , ynvteU -te.:.. r. . i-.. i- . v.. i. . J.B..M w r . n r .-i n.. i ritrrAi. I- 0" Hei. uw ...j.t ttMMM, J2ra Jor. w. C.Msshsr. K. C uztetlt K'Kiei'aij Cloud, Nebraska) vayit ri K r-ot --v .-. J and children's underwear m white, :3,2 ?, '6J? refers The Red (J loud Chief A. C. KOSP1ER, - - Propiiotor FIJI DA YSO V KM BEKr,. 1 U.',. (5?&rs 3 i .kJ Vi T !S K"J ?4 cnrriA? i .iir-tba B '.-N & u "i4 T?, H K t' U d? V'Ciy -i d & &J 5 vj r trniiirr i! t tSTUACT W Tf r- ysA8!irig MOST PERFECT WADS Ii;ri-j r.'-'l 'I'M' "il N'utunl I'n't l-latoni. Vain ' x. f .'. : i , . ' ..J. Hjw otcn tlivyrs.' .t.'ya-!....: :.. . .. . lltv f n.U. PRICE SAKI.'s'a POWDEa CO., cn:"Aco. . -T. xxiuit. rEST YOUR BAfflBPflWDffl TO-DAY! cowryviw AaiaiomiA. THETEST: riciievn t r 1'"'i " kut t nit'1 htI.tii rtw"UiMrMi)iii A i-'Mi -iii 4jl K f? 4 i DOLS SOT CwXTAIS ASIMO'IA. its nuL7incui33 ias r:c7tR -i wiTra. InrolIU'7n -. fir a i-iaf.rT-tt craJcrjr Jt Lii THE TEST OF THE OYEH. g:i4; e - OR3 Jui. &v5WC a ircaju. I; " y.V : i jrV ?.H -J f j. .A li. V V "A.J. 'H...vt. ." - PRICE I5AKIX0 POVDEK CO.,!1- i'110"'- "V- hfcr .l'0,4'' nam cr and so th-v kej it ttj- utitil tiwr oreti ag Dr. Price's Special Flarcnsz Eilrecls. j Tkt'T.t.il..'Vti u4uSanlliwlMkl Dr. Prlc-Vs LupuIIn Yeast Gemiiman:;i inciilbor,o , rr Lijit. nio,, nrrvj Th. r,t rr IL-, "" wh:it th -"- rtmA a "w. I- Yr.-. ia ttr woru. ! aad-chso eaqcni'.T.' or a "follow- FOFf SALE BY CROCERS. Uif-fl Id carjwuter." that k. a carp.ru- CKICACO. ST. LOUIS, ter ttrrio hn tu rw-fllar ioii id hi nWH. ' L- rir '-H'j.m.1. j.rMfcajM figj Denver to Chicago, Denver to rCar.sas City. Denver to Crr.aJia, Cmaa to Chicago, Kansas City to Chicago, Omaha to St. Louis, BEST LIKE FROM WEST T SASTI SURE COu?:ECTiOK3 . LOW RATES BACCACE CHECKED THROUCX. . -, -i cots over trto ourilns for caic by L'la Union Throusfi Tickets ! ton Route aro for caic by s...a SWUt For further informntlcn, appTy to i nu ?:. . r'r;sj - srriTL- 'As. ,-, u?iv h-r R-n.fttn.i. liSlv! Q lauf5B25rf58 r v c- r fr.r.u,'-.hfirr- Ltoak it, o I g-&eT3liy go mrtom rgft3 XVifih iS&ml Mr' ftniaKor' 9f Mechamabars. j sie t tr, thtek. Thr- !SiitMMJliJli 3 S.jES Pa- trniG3' " mctod ;rHl Juc;? j osc vJocc I iow whew fur a a Ij.H fever and aiKrf on lung, anl reduced acr it a tliiek that JJ7o ami A pk iSffaI11'! to u wa!k,ng l:eIeton. Cot a free tnal !" .wr foot-n - &t t hranfa I-SiSfeitil of D, KmDcorcryfor f f Kff SSS I sMssajaisrrrT-r',7Trra'7 rj:rir,T -i --"l J i.ifrifi.n ?"fT.s; in this week. for 25cts-"Csus Ik money. 1EP1IBI 1011 ycicsfi's c&m house. Hrcr n:nl tfn Mrltlhti I al rcr. In iho count) of Hrw I ."'.ojiih t , talk uith a JnriiH-r ho xva rutUO" : ilunn hi- tn'l. lun!" !! hnv ritk no4 i I.Kuhni: i htt bnv for th l:itioti warkct. I He was a lively, projfnivo ttzl of u i limn, who hutllNvu an emigrant U Au?- : triwt, nnl. after a )n naiItcf tinrc. ' hail acniti n;ttirti'fi to Urn 1mu farm In Kwirlautl. and hka ninny others who h.t'l lue ynt away frum Ktifl?in, ho li.i-l n-t'.;rniI with tunny hri'iwFiiitfa H ' h' in;tiil. jM'akin with him of Shu i b. I Ih-4 r-tlrinWirt habtUi of tl KaalfeJi Ik'-.-, r, ho si.I t!i jrtvnt trob!o wan '- would wot u Um Imnt in tiii.u-tit tuiut in. u-ooficiai to v Uwr h Uhih. I ' ".-. . -i nun to ten nw wtai nu n-a 01 nv-'i' riiioM in this rrg.irtl w.. !! rr- ' !!. i tw.it in hsrtnjr unH. whicS in ol as .it NVw Knjflan't U a priJ wiei lhi j (arm-haiicl ta '.pectl t work its)is ti;il!v linnl. a laifurta matt outfit Vo b aoif to t alonx un a pailon ol ur a rt). If the iimu u4-l ot up with, .tbout that quantity br wmtht mt bun VtifUl. Tb"ii w-n- asUal"ihio;,,t,tttpirc" vi4wj I af'rwaril hn! ttdvutwoi! by other tiiti inteUi:t Knglhih farmer. In ivin thu latnHMit of th vat tnunlK-r of arnsaV for !runktM that are minnallv maJ in Kninmi. an A:nriean ooht to reniitnler that Inwn are tnh.il,ly rooro Mrwtly sforrwl iu Knpn(! than iti any other cjtiiry on the fare of the ourlh. i fount! that tunny Kn;;SLsh lalwrer ec:ntwl to livo nlMioi entirely n b'-r. A vory IlltKi iren! kikI a hire amount of boe; tceiueil to makM uj their !aily tjW nancc. I rt'tiienilmr s"Uin na EajjIWj Inborur, who hal him,Jf almu'lotie! lt tin: hoNlin up Ix'fon; m a very Mnall Ior.f of brorA a loaf about th iz of a cot!eM5np and oxclaituing: "Set; thU, one or oir nart worKcra wm uiaKu a dar's food of thin, if von will rivo him I Inn-r enough to ro witJj it." " I tuvI fra qucntly to sec these boer-lrinkri it titti; :t thf! izprmn at all tlui of the day. but they were most iu the habit of warming into tho plapr at ihL It i- often the custom for a little cttqiie o! Uritbh workmen to ait dawn arouml Um plain j.ine Ublr In the beer-bouto r.mi bepn th veoio by ordering a (V13U powtcr (ot of bT betv.Ttn thuin. Tliev pais thu arouad from tnocth to mottu with a drinfc. mate." ohattijijr tho I whiV. When Ui niu fa exhatMto! it j is over. J rie 'junntiiv ol iwr an . ! glih workingman will gK away w h ! p-rt-vifdv aitonuhfn' A Km! lor , rs run wmii oki -w:i trii si ixm irai i.iil ti: cori?.f:mj?tKn, which did inn si much goI that I bought a dollar bottle. After U'ing three bottle, founi myteJf once more a rnn. comptettly ztsloz'xl 1 to health with a hearty appetite awl a sain in floh of 4JtSbj." Call at Henry Cook's tirog tore stm! got frco trial bottle of this certain c' for al! ierg diiOas. Large botUcs !- Thousands Say So. 3!r. T. W. Atkin, GirArtJ, Kxs. -wrjt "I nerer hesitate to iemcmraen4 your f Electric BiUcDt to my customer, tbey give entire fatbfactlon and arc rapid ' dfer . Electric Bitters ar the ptirtit ariti medicine kaoVn. and Ui ... ... . - . OTre kidney and hrr eonipain the blood aa Ijftgu!a .no Luniiy caa a. t uiuu. ukvu. iaef ntiav- m ... a a. T" a. uTtlT 4 "" ' urctl ol dtAhurs in doctor the ford to b jirftann- gray and scarlet Usually sold at 15c a pr VALLY. luvisc .rri:ic t dual. jurT l fuiurrt tlet Mrki Tlr lo tn ili 1tr.tri- r C'urt Tiv. To.. m.-ttf" riKiitt ft Conch, a he hi id tip a big htwcl of corai In tht) ratoj of a ;choNnir nar Ktllloa war ket. If vun hiHl to git it up yott vroidtfn't think u. Ym know," afct U roan aftar lint ?,iUl-w purchar hod crawloil up Um r"in'anWwT ladder. "Jtnm fIL jcS th- ulethat I hri'.'x Ojh tufT utt for fun. and jriif it away. I Air n U tlfty f:Ml tnr that pWxv. m1 tiftt ?hnj) wstifad Ui take it fur S3 frrnia." "Sjoudno for lhi ftptioknanrf' aakoi Um wriier. Va, th bit nro foUkd t Ust way." wa th nply "but a gM mt are taken with coral IkmiU. M ami toy brothrr tkc a trip AX and on. Uno of u clWcti Um tuu ajid Uio otloif ftik, a-l bMwatrti thti two. nud atiM a. rook fur tJM Ktuamor. wo makti it pay. s- Yr. w M ot nrk tight. out. wa git al U It. Wt ifo to what UutjrO- 111 il ilarkay. atoot forty tnde; 3pf M tw Wrtat'anl'of Kiy WoaU Yoil ran ' git crtTl arty Unit, but lh nuinttier th 11; "then thr U Mttl wind a-blowiti. and ytHi can ph? th Ujttom in furty f't. In thn wlntor vvu uo a boat wUhacina Wttofiu o we oti et ami drift alottjj ami look down through, and whets wti auy thl; lt over for H. Tlmm's half a down k)nda of coral that ara ccujumu, and tuontly thoy ruw apart and n eortaiu plnre, Whai " call braoch wiral ki foiunl ail OTftr th iai. where thero U candy llri. growing Mad of Jw hki but whm It jiu along townni tho igo of tl ehau u4 the. trachf grow longer, and hiofc. like regular braacluw of a tcr utnl matted o thick that you can't mi U intt.itn ir L'it vuer fut ?n JxTtWenn 'rtin. Homvtim, wheu w want to git ui tine pterw of branch, w dtv down In to th channel, and. I Ull jo, it4 a Uno sight. When ;oo git down Wilfiy fo. ay, U a4 Hgia x day wjjon tJwro'.t a gool jn rigflt overhead, and thrt you arc mi front of a wall of Uxjm ."iirai por:. a Ud front, alt oX a brownWi or olive color. 1 f ou gt way dwo t i. 1... ...... ... .1 . a.i4 i.i IHIJ UUMIIH1 IIM f '""'J vn.i"Mli' wavJn' to and fro. Tlor lire ttntUr tho roral. ami on top ami in VfxQm tn nlnck ,Kt aro big Naogg, wJUiajdue ti htchov long- IIoj coral i coTorc! witii flhrt of all UmU pnrret, o gU, yellow tails, and grunt. Tfco UaJii hav a doiwo r aww cobr. and onv kind that I thtttk bot 'offl alt U pura b!u from h "ad Ut foo. It onty abut iacle Wn. and I oersr w them away from tho Wg boa4e. Aftr pratco ycu can tZaylexn three or four rainotos. anii Uy &imm&ng along with) our eye opan yeu can gu a look at Uj lot. awl tiwti try an4 brtrtk, off a brsneh with a lx?at-Uook of lnu ijomt'timo wo baro u go down foosr or Iw; big. put a ropo arottad iL aad liai it up. Most of tlto anrall coral oea W pick! up vrtth a hook: that look !. tiairof oyater-kcA. Uk jt pt tp with gra. rfftht cir Uwr ciga' l ckaaniii. 2rt2 1 as :aia vtxt iu- a r -hr Use? eV caral he-ad that? ar fo4t aurtK nd ix high, iwtn b one wesgh over ote oruad. Wta ihey gt J - .if -,v -. ,.. --i ;- ana I rrrr A Irf V tV. l - B aagv! fib. cratyii.h. x. .. . .'v. ..- fcr ererv;Ji3g. Vcss fcjss'i !;vrw tecaw i nar tin, isl a r boiiien. Jn war tTrjrcty-vc f irt i pkc. what 1 them ut diru. cas tw: r ootbfeor II Tbr m &4 y ' mmk -err a mm oy featerrvwer. 1 any agcit, cr to i . ear. &!! at flAy ceat JK ssasisss i - rr. t''-r ' iw-i?--. t - j vz. Is-"' 4SKS-. . -'SrVji.- .? J j-sjn acs j5i Red Cloud, Nebraska.