'w - 1 r I Z CAtl'GHT A-r- . -' - LAST. A Convict HakKnrilIlf , "i Frniwov r" v J " ,t,,,,lM,r Scomber ss Ctobr -On rob an . Ws car , T' at,c,'''t"' ' A. ft.nxa F, r, . At'I"S0,,' T,,'Aa . c l,Jla):ul iii.ar Pf.ni,,,.,,. .-.. flt ,.i . r and conductor were boM, hlm. ,,M'W y tic Jobbers .,., .... I UU GRAND ARMY GLEANINGS. The first carnp fire ever held in Kepcb lic County, Kansas, was given in Wayne, on Wednesday, Octolxr '-:, H, by I'ar.son Hrownloiv I'o.it No. .'.".J, G. A. IL K. O. Powell, who was a member of the -! lown, rives the following interesting THRIFTY IMMIGRANTS. That succesi inspires envy and dishon- ' i est competion is well known- The forcvof CIalm5..Kt., H;.r..V.I.,neraBa.Matt.rof this m,.3t hav0 oftcn j lQ :ho I.cono.ny. I Charles .V- Voider Co., of Baltimore. cu,m.-F)Mul,ui,i mov. any more . L.nsl year In LoaJoa, En on unscrnpn wherc they're gomthari atlend man."' lous dealer sought to place a so-called St. said an a;eiit yesterday who has had David V Oil in the markot on the strength ' EPITHELIOMA! OR SKIN CANCER. ",r L-i Tss Due cnrcfcat ' lis i- f . opposite . fides of lll i . . . ' r f .. -., v....i i - . . f w rai i r "rf vfi . .-.- - . -.s7r-s- i ifkittv iva-m!-!. .. ... n . ... ... ;. r ui i.ui ri itiil ini:ir:ir tt i r in t r . r -rM . - - - r m,' -- -; ti? r r m.!- c . - . . I information rnling the late reunion at J . " "- V" "" a,.,, . jOiL ii.nS to" En- SSffM?'? w! B. H. J0UCLA33 SONS' r.oiisy wonnded. (JrAt "" V'"" Thcrv Wfr" fonria mnV of j J-"""' ' "-' !-- "-" clish law, the hihcourtof jEtce prompt- ;- V i.. ...V ' .M 7 :,,,8Mf W1 ,. ,T" r. , P ocensmn,.,! i. .. uxcitcnent was i 'he 2.1 1 pr-se-it all church members -- ' fore our present svt.-in waotab- .. , . , . , - , '""J" u- Tt- h-, , ;., m, -.cu,;.:,, ,,' f-( -C -4 anl Sors Throat. a occasioned In- the robberv -,.i i - M.. J - !, cnnrcti mnnuers e -.,.,. ' . , , lv iasul a perjwtaal injunction aaiu e''' ''M-x-.tafTtuiL.v AI . . 3Jfc AunpUon, and or crcat Jav-is :iK!)m, in , 5,. l"1 ha'1 ,I,C ; C'-'J'',' '"'-self, on.-of the members b.ing l:-hed. ' . ront.nu.nl. "they u-d to the defendant and iimed heavv dam- siTW'Th'JV'7' L ' Jl &w r . 'M-MhwlnvulMtoV111 iU":"-'ftl-3pel. s;vr us a reat dea! of trouble. b..t now S. Soaioyear. aSo he U. S. dcrt a: feriiS?""-' - ' - SSJffSi- w .-i.j,aiiy as w, au ,- i i,,"nii!r"'u ! ,h,s('lAnuyloys of Bertram!. Xeli., ! evervlhiujr run, Vkv clockwork. A Cleveland, O., in n similar case a wardel -riot.'.f, ?TV" lVXr5 if?cr- F r CC.COU Jsra.iA '''ry:i.oU,o.Is,1lI'?,C,?,,tt!l0r,,i,'S rC7'KnVy,i,t-a,,M,I"I''-rwh,r,,Vva3ntl,J,an J,a l!j'-'' 't; inooinhnj " Baltimore bouw $I1,(W) daaaRw. The " :,u w -'- x K"N Vl umil'pwSi-tr aslwfo 1'ov.iuic to obtain a duo . tn!w: by comradex of n.ljoiiiine posts. train before it r-ac:, th- eltv iiu(C Cuarles A. Voreler Co. luis asain Utn AtHsnuO.. i,.tn. ;ax ,v" Mjo-1- , , I LH Tak 7WallU V Take all tlM JliooA J -TUte all tW tf Talc aU Uw i la all. Mlim "K.VTJTY rv t... .. b-j '. ',., i.. ,. " ": :fJiJ.i:i - "ill, I llrr iiniiTi - f I w.l ll 1 fc r;.. ii , .. ... ,, . ' t... .!-,. . . - '"'"h" ii- Jnoinas j'ogt o. ", o: Kansas um. iioni uie'r ueK'l.s wnere the mini CfT- Mr. .. 1.. ;... 1 ,,.... ,....... t ... I .1 C t i'imi ii f l ' ' - '"-' aiioilll I a i-iiiiim.nv!.- ,-1 .iiit- .1. j iini. nii'l UM'.l r:'.e tii'-m rnll...T ..n. .1-.-1 I.. t. t I 1 "'"' "ia j u'.iwi j;a rints aifi ci ! r'eatlv inntitutl snit in ?!.. rirn?,r X. i '" 5K.l.r(lK:D4.-.iBin', li? M . il iHTrst ime nirr -riv-ino c T..r- ,i,. .., . ,. -- - aMNM, M- :i it 'ie Uiata niuiisb'r of u, ., , ,"",,,S,-,JJ of Comrada J'lmn Thorne, . colon-d card-, inilie.itinjr the deiioU to L'Mil c B:uaKsre citr for ir. jnc-tloa and c ii .;r,.- uniavej..,! tint mystery ainT"mo- ' M ,',,wk r' H- F- -vol, C. W. Wlutvli-ail. , whi-h they -IiouM 1m- tTanN-rr.-d. damans. Xa douU th best evidence of t ti- lV-' '" 'i a"'1 w,u"s'-' to suborn- ;,'or;:" Ji- Hor.-eand J. W. .Inkiiw t con- i "Wlifii'tliey nvieii the station titer tho. wrvclous btUcaey of -.S. Jacob's Imc'i iilrii7-ij I lh ;is'"'"rl""' vonid hsr.o f"r with 1,ke 'oitmti--s from ot!. r porfis ar' M-paratedinto di.T-ivnt rouj- and 0il" ia to ' foc:Ml iatbe many un-uccesa- ( e i till llt n',v,'ll,,H'"-s stub u j,. " ri'-rnrd to prf.curin a regular iw-t room each lot i Jaki-n to it proper dej.ot. ",J "ompts to trade cjwn its reputation. ' ji 'onnty" CiVIi1'"1"- !' '?"' J "" ' f lh0 '" w,,k'h "n lh pOH5'5 of lh- cily ca" "u'"t ' 1,ilir :l !,,i ,,:l"-.iKe. by I'ariiiidee'a bii-ei i m mi..." H.-nrv K'.'n!!. , '"l a -Vo"!1 Comrad-W. A. Cebhardt. of KlUworth, the road reeivinr the peoj.Ie pavin"- Tmv-IU.ur-Ivsjnn-OrT i th nniiMfof -Ma.ii,- and " Il.;Mll.C,',"Vi?W, 'f Kn,,.f lo,t a val.s from teat ;;.. .71. Sixth tla-ir bus fan-. Tin:,, when our eon" ""!"JU" llt "' ,lk " VJ1' 1 "'-i-ry ?or tonr "'1" '"vWonf at Camp (Irant, duriK the To- skmn.M.t arrive, hen, for instnne,. I lrLSn-VVltf " I'M -4 - V ' li- II1H :".r. 'I at :i"i;t'!n! i I'-nit'-i,jjarv !w... !,. . . . .' '' " iii.ii.- aii.-nt ii 11 pufca reunion and will be thankful to .1:1 v uavetosott tiieni all over airnin and 'oinr;ub who him n xirnv vali.so to corrs- Xvc tliin jji-w slips deii'iiaJin' tlie'.r A0'!!1?-11'1" "ruttswr vr itm Brr. ?V'iCi ijjr -13 R. lC : - " -. ' lft0) Xm Whulr PKturr Gilli. Lf ih f.fjr -T3H. SANFOKD'S ;-,f) i-P? avra W h-urriZ. " " -f Lrr C w.tAaaTt. i3J , .. kc ly M-rouatW raaRlljr ur. TclU how to . rmwwites 4lsCiCT-tJl CttfCK. Tike all tlc vln Fnr a4 Wtsai orJkx Xk all tlx Oral lU Jf yve tor rrrMs. Take all th (?rmi halM wo : .Vjrf, uts all Oe UM rl,u ot alt Umm aktd th' -55 Ouilxir of all lh bnA tutr a Uw workl. and toq will &bl lax. li v -- r? ctTHUv cnoK u : nave uu t4 tf uvc jniitwi Iut4 Sept. rnntl .Mkrtk, , aaJ power of ail OOTlOTMlrolAl In It-vm, ttuytmr. -i--vn , j Aad tiuu ih'y will tnrcbrti anj o? 3.SOO UtutrtloH : A fhomn-h tiial Wl J Cl.t. til lar . f 19. V ornj! f ;.tml I' r . AN. INVALUABLE PAVlLY MEDICINE -. 1 j I- . - M- . -;, ... t t .. x- - . ..'-. Hardened .Iivcr. SaTISFflSTORY EVIDENCE. 1 ;: hi: 1 lit uuinv t : -. fjissS'ia3t3?rUKcs-- rcv?aaii 1.111 ...-, - , - - . --..--,-. ifvT't frir r ii " 1 ta cms -. 1 iiitiin --.. I t.JlMiIM-r 1,... !!....: . ...n...l . ..:.i. 1.:... 1 tfiwn ...-.. !,-. ... Af....f . :. -'--.... -. - v...ir. ...;. -. jir (,,... , f,v 'i'.ui--jii.y. j;. v. , ' '" . , - .. . . --i-u iu n jritH .vlniir .s;. awaistmd 1-mmiW. S. ( "11.1, ,. .. ,, ,'1 !,,,l,reb,iii tliHt-itv. is ' BI110 1'ohi :;o. 2.VI, of :or:h Toneka. Is ,,,!,.! "M'h !,:,rt" ?f'N aboard th right Cckmas Lous Ilcxuvutiiib Corn &uaifiu. , ' 'lolusiiiHm.i.V.. ,,ar? "' -l.il,i.r . lukiii" tl, pn-liminnrv step toward " ',"" one w Jl, tbe.n. , -J - v. ,., frfiM of t MioHirc fw.in . ii, "..-... I'lKnui.m a vomanT.s KHn-r Corps, 10 ; ', ' ii"i , 1 "" or man wno UKfltawI tn h iiii.i -iivim i" - M inadi a foil V, ' N K"' '" '" composed of the ilniicbt.jr.4 of soldiers. n a ,: -'r::1 " ei.ty that u-ed vaccinal on th- Kro.tut tL,.t l, w, ir.t , ; ,. " 1 uuh wen-lb., partis wimatt.-mntt-l ,,,BI,Ui to Kv rii.ii of social entertain- ; ' ' , ' - , , ,: '"" "'." l ' :,'M" . . U! J"!' ' iwiii at Cooli,!::,. I , '. ,i mnta .!,.rl.. th, win-r. Wa? !IM "- '"'"' 'an-. , I. root... .. .... ,, , ,. ' ' ' wis mad. in viiiiiV.r... 1 i . -. , r,n ,. V .. ' even utti-wtne tii-woinrn woi.d . -''"-' 7 l "' - nim.- ' - ...,z.,, and IIS ' a: .J.."" Vr::'" Ar C.nmmb,rlai ,- into a li,d,t and ,uh up to n,v d,-k a. C ,,c ,:ero.,tiur r. i.-d ,-, ,. 11 3!5.5.I v. -il iron, thet:m..of ther ,,rL.-ii.- V?' ''' ?U T .ry: , ' . ,a" ' '' ''"'-'ht sen-am-n-: "I put tir. pot B i fe ft WM ,CsN - ''wii. This Ma!,,,,,,, ' : .l.lr.Hl,y (;..,ri.l John A. Logan, his fl1 lir.ir ..she fok ;.. . . . 35.3 J . OYi J-GW r -df W -T .-. -LM - - -- - - tfia feLtia E7. LCrau ' -s '--,.,, .,.... - - -v -, -' r 1 -J.w- m - - . ....... orttrr, :iirri rutl ro.t ufrvry- vc yvar iio Wtwii? UBa Xim XWOjr t!itc ymm'i. rit. tlrink. urar. or 1 WW JlVCT MMtMviOl Jlnl :hrumltJIIHL Uatf f ABt.K. Xlirw I X AI.VA UL.U ittHX tl-H l k.-4VO U WtVah3t Jv atMSt at oil -iy aver lcramt hu,-u tike wa4; ny limba cro uUl up and 6111 "a'IN water. Alt L1 lv-t phvaJolaiM arcvd tbt Mill ing ctild cure unc, I roeolvnl to try lip Uittr-; 1 lato ui m-vtm butiin; twj ItardnAKt lm all poc lrwn my tfrw, Uh MclbtiC froui litv thits athl It U r4t iitiii iir.rmmy ea. ottwjtww 1 wual have beesi now In my eraxv J. Vt. iloiu;v, BaffaltJ, OoL I6SL i;i),)KS 1 '"-' Uforratlovi clrautt from UifirVct of llic orlt!. W'r m i-j r tpr -'-'- r J- tlir.a ; ii-Tljit of Zl)ct. to tlrfraj cxj.c j.c mt 1 all lug. Irt Ui Itiar fruiu jtiu. gl rtrutly, MO.NTCC MERY VMRD & CO. 17 A J0 aku'b .rour. tklrao, tU. A-ri v .r RUB H 1 made a le'iue-t of ? in 11111 -... .. - ',""- "is aiiiiionit..4 and jj.y W''U'vs-.Mi.,llbatitw!l,c,;rief.t. TllJ. - mm 01 iva,i.ai then ff . -i r Mar.n.idtilce. , ! ,,,N' ""Mil TIM! ai:ovi: rwia :j'',:iiK,;":ft,,atK'-- '' l.anlon.,1 fi'o,,, ,.wi tmtiary . otder that his t..t,m,,v U;r' V r""v't!''K .e ., mo l.iiti..Nl,il of wlioin aic nud,r a.n-.t. n, ,r .Maimadiike. arcoid n-iy ura-.l.-d tbj- 1 -.1.1011. Iiiim,.,i.,tl.v :..,(.r k,.,,,,,, ree.i.. ir,:i lllf. ,M.im,.nM.irv ,. .. ,s artes'id by ( onstalile .ls-j.li Fro,,,,,,,. f "'' ,;,-v' " :i variant fiom ;..v.-mor M i- iiiajju. and lodged in jad until l!. arnval of tli- li.iilinuht ain. when , was tak.-n i.''Cr r';'' W,a" "ilTL-ins atf-nt for . Mat- of Kansas, win. ,.t with his prl.- -.. .. ii; avviiu 01 ins crime J,j.-.-i i,.-ii,s i.,.,eral (.raal." diffi-rent l:ni.r.r..4 .,.,;i .;,i. ; I he 01 1 Soldiers' U'imion at f'lnv Cjii- aki-ilio. tir, whirl, cl.iHfd October .". u as larj:dy "There mh to ho a rrat deal of . altndi'd and a r-at .sii'v-.is. (ieueral huinbuirirery in tho-e dav. ton. Von CaMwcl), It-.-. T-nny, of .Itinetion City, .ee peopi"alreadv ovr hn would , Comrad.) IIokiii, of Ibjlbvill-, and othtr write back to th.-irfr.ciuU. tell ii.m1kmii , ipf-;tki-r.s wt-n- i.n-s-nt and mnK- int'-n-ht- to-.uv that :he had no monev wh.-ri thev iiiHI c-lifs. T. Clifton Dram Corps fur- , reached Chica... and that M.in.-bodv niihed the martial mu-,ic- and crowneil would tak- can- of h-iu and .-tid th.-mselv-.s with slory. Tho ex.rciscs tlictn on free. I reiiicinbt-r f.no nr. ilosed with a Krand camp lire in Central w.-j;ian. for whom I wa iu-t about to jr-i a pa.-., wlicti a man who earn.- over -v 3 TRADE j.tai MARK. " ffffJBgtfssji URE 1 SERIOUS DISASTER. Park. Tin; Bobort Andr-rson Post of the C. A. i It., at York, N.-li., has r'-.-olvd against tlie nbusj of "b-ttln out'' tin- b.eation of re unions to the hiyh.-st bidd r, and ur.-.s the Dcpnrtiiieiit jiotits t f.iid.-avor to si-cm.- a Ir-riiinu-ut loeati'in for the annual re- ' union, and r.R.lv.-d that this Mihj-ct be' l-ron-lit by their d.-bvates before the an on tin- h w.th him told m.- i!.-.t l. had a bi; ba-r of o!d. The Xoru.-jrian refu-.-d to -w.-artbai he had uomo7i.-v. and I then jrave h m jn-.t tine i-noiiLdi to ..ret out of the hnli-e. The net da heboii-zht at-ei.et andp.-iMl buit mi i;o!d. "Theneati -t ea'rli I-u-rh.td ihoub. was a woman wh husband l7a.l Alisohitrl Frcr fnnii Ojiiutcs, llmrt'ics ami l'ut.ion. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. AT l'& , t I Riiru. IHK UUK1.M k.t, nt K f o luLTistonr, n. 2K5te. f I.-.S.MH r -r-,l,,lfit..l I,,,., , Ji er. I- v;t.Samaw, .Mich., October 2'.K At C-.ul. t eu-niin,' lire broke out on tn. luir -M. Ii m ,:,f yjIIK . ,,,. (!(d. .lIwt JtM Wvt hiMIi of the Ceness.c. avenue biid-e. A laijre nunler of pe,,I ut.n. i-nni.-yated ."!i the bnd i ulu.fi 1.;..,... ,.r . ;.i ,1 , -. . .. ,. ,,lv,, ,,, rni,-i,iov .III uiial enfamimient in February in-.t, and written a letter to her Jier. couldn't read, and mi h1 . She O H,e aked me ! read aIoiir untd I that all posts J,.,, requested to send six del elates to said encampment pledged, if jos j lead it to licr. I .sible, to .sei-ur.' this iiitirh de-oreil end. came Jo a sentence that m tde me slim The Laili.-s Auxiliary to tho C. "A. IL ' wa-: 'When v.m jr,.t lorhieao. -av fave a i;rand -ami-tireKiipjer and ball at i '"at 011 hav.-n't "jot any inone.' "j Armory Hall in Denver th- oth-r niht. ' s'l.ed her if sl,e Ii:tt! any tuotii-;, and A novel feature of the entei tiinment was ''' ''plied that -die. had. Then j went the rails winch were .soumb'd b tw.-en all "" w'h the letter not without re- . lances, and an excellent drill was iven 'uarkin to her. however. -.Madam, our n.e liu.lqe five teet wide and fortj live f.et by the Continental under Caotain Pitkin ' husband is a scoundrel.. u?s'5v.-: -ii-j" . mm . 4 1 1 t j v Ii. -(.' V A 1. 1 1 A I i 1 i. 1 . t ' t " t t N vr . u ' 1 u u "-u.- s. 1 r 1600 Pounds TO A SOIAUi: I.M'H. TWO fiOLD MEDALS. I' "m 1 . i I r T - r -t ,-: . liL.s.stA LLaL.VT CO.. Gloucester, tit. cTd't ' eB iaa! iitk...,ka.ROCS l?or WT,WltlrMl. XlCTnf-9ti. s, V 4,. MMtff4tei taar.'nipio fascinating. New I rf 14. AGENTS n . a' Mat.- tVPMBEMTzl nairu. miih Priceonliiai. 11 incttcearntt. JWO. C NO.TT i. CO,. ti Mi,s.,niU4Uk MllTiaatrrn MBmuav-cWi J'orrrtff and Sufprrlns, "1 t 4nst tfa rtt ikt rrfif w rs. t (r x. uuxj r -v tutit i ui Mi. I ur.illr) tU-rsl uotli ... . l'4i-r'. (Ul Hio mtwh n Krr4 All , mm - I oruUtiPMSrttlCV d kHrf. 4 I MMm H . . ,vir i-- ti r r ur f jujiiu-s. , w ta II r.utr. fur K 1U0 v atu iit n PIAM08-ORCANS s Ja4 ' .r ir -;nr!MVM)V.l-IIAM. I IN 11 Jiftll- i-IJ l.y Xh. m Ktgl J uJI- 4af k- tf- el rf:ite K Brt r n.i 'rfl. r :; j lrt.r.ir u lNtsOt un l.t i . CVT fr'r'n I -w I l)-ifoe.fp-v of Jlr vln-e ltt. ?iun tfcu trrvcH tai f 6lraNH,Kil to SIMM, ijr '-l.ir'r.iMltliUiUnwtr'i-Uf In' z.c&a r:.url:cc:l. (.' .r. u I h'W ler Ibe rmu .mi u. ub a 1 I4G Wabairt) aVe ,Chlcago, III. , i.c. iri mm an r.. .,K..h .i,; lioiccMfr f.ir Stciiitiierm::: lfben w C4ttrrltoniUTlarufe-s4Kra; lonfc', onaiiiinjr about .skty peoj.i.., Cav. nvv.r, with a crash, and piccipitated tbeai int.. Ilieiivcr lifleen to eighteen feet deep w.th a strong cnrieiit. Tho niirht uas '.'o:idy and daik, iiiiiaeiiloiisly lh.; fcie.t.r mna'.ei were saved. many !-.v bruised. The river is now be ur; V -i.-iii-d and the body of one bov turned -V. .ev F.iBiiii, aired ciuht vcais. has ti.-cn bi -ht up. It is thou-ilit several peiisln-d, astwcai. ,,r thirteen are iiiissine;. .lames Tvv.uts was rescued, but is badlv hurt: . --a .lot 11 Botbciibiiii:, injured about tin- les; reunion ever held in the country. Thefi Neat bailees wen- worn by tho committee , "W o don't have much of that sort of of lady iiuuuiKer.H. Tho hall was hand- '""'If mow. It a man p-Js .stranded somely decorated with fine;, and comfort-' here and hasn't much monev. we ,rivc able dining tables were scattered about Mini :l 1'cket for what he ha. If lie's and supplied with .xc-ll-nt home-cooked J-'o-njr t a place where he has friends .dibles-, anions which baked pork and w' l'd.''rajih to them. and. if they de beans had a prominent pb.ee. ' p"'t lie- pr ce of the ticket at the other OverlWiold soldiers have enrolled their (''"' '.lf l1"" ' '"' w'' M'",i ,l"" or!- mimes on the register during the reunion, '"'l'i,t '"' l,!l5 "Shiiiir but some bai'aI'. and it is estimated that then-are at least u''' -'V'" '',"" :t l rkv a,,,, n"'M 'a- .ViO present. It i altoL-.ther tl... ..r....ai l'v"'-iv over to I ,e conductor. OEy or! 2&J&. GREAT' m LaflE23P53aa5jjwrj23SpcGr5SEf3 liluuljli No Rope to Cut O.'l Himb' Wanes. ( r r' -a rj II I I IS I A 1. r- I l( hihI ItKllM.K unttrr-l. . t . ?t.r H ' i t - i a. i t , Hi r'.. 1 1 r t rt S r'). Ill I" a s a " i :- tr- s t f r J I I. HI II i lie er I. ...'-r. c HI tf i ' ., . . t ' . bt.r jC-t.l i ii .. jb Jjr v ! a i v n MT'T VV 1A " - f 3, CONSUMPTION .... m . T,Q, f7 1. QV (.i.... irxt'i: u e m. ( 1 v ,. ! k it. 1 CJ .. ifc" - A fc.-1 iiorstrrjotft w Iru oo. CTRIMH A'TfAl.l.V tllVfrN AW.U' hr . a I,'IU; n, utilik.1 t uft,nL i-i , . BI6 OFFER. OIVKAWAT I v V f!-TUTHf MMIn XhI,Im I, )v v m. - J -r .VTWV f t KJtef bl,1atfci TnNaiionnlCo..t'dSre(..M. v. HAIR wi.-.lucioJ wrt.ntc.o t). jir. wl.f r. H lK!Mli.4nallrtWr-ttS.AV II t MrrhlA LU..I7J Vt&larat.UTMtfU. .. C cfu crikt'': ucuniBc r.rm.. i,. .t eiiiimu j l . .1 I a.i. .. i ai.mwiuu, M tf rival . m. It.. I . J ..-j T l r.-lUt l KIL l-,..k.r . i. f J l'lI.WMtiaUal.W :t-U.oii. 1. t.t ItlwMlK Mi 1 he k If-aqiirnl ort nri tciis mrnl hdv,Uortlk)cit Arr-M W carer Orcaa ltaaoCtx.Trfk.ia Ciltl U r. t iT:" (IVii ..v.. I -. '- C .. k.i I " " ,. ...,l-,l... ,..,- . ............ ... - . ,....... w. ...... i. i A. IiAA.t. H.II1 IHIICI., .1.1, I , ft Cures Rheumatism. Neural!.! .r U I J fi I I ""'" l.lir. ;.IL.rfc-, C 13 i. n I I I "pr.l... i:r' !.. r.r .. E Hl a IIIHI ' IJ1. SSI "" ' ' -T I r'N I-. 'AT lll... 1-14 IN.) Ill A,', i Tun en tuLij a. lui.LLi: to.. lui.Tir.iiu.JU'. CEO O. . r r. I u.i I.aI lie ur. .. U.r I - C J . Hl.tiP. f l r Iirr v I . - A. PRINCE OIf nrn !n t. P. llisr '. rirt Iron, i.irtorv fct.d ft- nil l i iiitii'ii.:'i . ii" . X : t. SI. IO. Iuti ("wn V-ar Ul'l AI.H..V . ran'.-.l IJ'-VVrllel r r. . .ir rt't JiKi.eoi' .:.r rl!riro(,'.f,l - a u. y .1 I w ,1 f ,t, r, t- -- t jC .1 .-o . o-cany tt.r r r.- " i, r :. ,:J tt,;; r tc 8iJ tit. , U r. h Alldru't:) Up. atJ,. ,r fc-r tcr. I u. c. la four Mi, . u at. anl u;iirU. i gore fits; V. ,nl v r I j i i in-all ii r tn .1 -p i tm It ORGANS, ui m m .a.u- .. . rsnifi i r u nt t r . r. .r r . - :. ---- - ----- ,- - HfKsr.sd a l.ftfl tie ;aT lrrUl; n i lin;, , t tr, j... -r. b .n.otr.rit In. f J,Mii,t)i, r r.,, " J1,.l'r;,:':.'.!.,. 'I'''' '", ",,,., '- W2 XV nn ;l..'UIll.4n..p r liTii"at,l fiul olimrr?uru afati. I mr.ri ai v c . ft r, I I am I'. 1st r 0 .if KIT-, hril.t.l V r KaLLIMI rlCKSF.sS a hltfl c faT lrrui; n pn!, t r - JkirA R. U. AWARE THVT ORGANS Lcriilard'o Clinii'is ?!n 1 MKTcrik,,Ir,,,,rfril,iJ"iii3 4Wi IJWtjf Rib "ar-..-0, ! I,y'.4. I- ar n- a rr I tin t . t at I tl ar.Va W , .. 'i?tJ4-.V'", ""! "i '.r,, Itnar l.ri.irr.rc ivUr. afjUv aCo. IWaw. Kv. XQJK Vitt r ( llpplni;.. a-. . Iliat 1 rl ir ' iiulla. Co am U-1 uui .Ik Ji at. ,oaittjr out., .t r J fTl CUSCS Ht Alt CiSt FAlt i?q; tavf IU-t - r ,i r1 i- i i". M i -r. w ,, t-ataii. (li(nt. I HI UPT,n i' ' c-,'l "Hr-wlifcr In r. Iifin ,r.n '" 'tn-ii in,i r,r um . ?nl3F',,' "'- ' l''la K4LlZ r.UnlC i K I ,.t Mani Tiifir jlVaN . Manilla HoGling K I) t-rr. t r .alttaw ? f. Hlllti,. Caaa4 Vl No itii'4a Epllrpaj-. Klla, nrrT curt it. Ai c frrr A M-iuru tut i ., to l! .falrt prr nrr 51 I k t:,Mt..s. tt;j. im r:v vvitiriMi to ,iivKiini'rt-a. I'1"-""! J'iumw Hi Ailivrtlaaiueut it Whii-h tiatitrallv :ives von the least 'coim; .. I, win, ..ln:htly uijiu.-d. K. I. tow.es, m;i, tuin- editor of the Cuo.v, was standin-r on the cxtreine f.uther point f IVc luidsc when it went down. lie cjuiu not swim a stioke. and 'Was dltaKed by the .stiiigulini; pco- I ie ro ti,o tiottom of the liver. tw. Jmt ot clear, and drilling down i uii4 to a piN- until icscued, sustaining but l..ht iiimii es. Dwim; to the lari.i number o. :nj. i o-i the hidi;i at ttie tune of tlie dis.is'ei. me diiikne.ss and the fact that the p p e ju,-,.. d up alons; the river were bur ned to their homes, it is impossible. o t.-ll how many ate missing. It is icpi.rte.l (hat theio sue tlur-t.-c'i. l'losecutini: Attorney Iam-i ck W is lepoited lllissjni;. but h;S t I'.ril up satf. Onlv'onc body has been i.''.'v.:.d, that of the boy Fallon. The in nt s ,.y win, and it is thou-'it that s e bod es may hav.-diiftcd some distance Ml sti, .,,!,. .,,, ItHsh. (heslei .Me.-i.-s, ' i . Miiiphv and a lad named Sharp aic -i . and s.ipposcd to be diowued. as it c in ! l.n-y were on the tindue when it i.cnt .1 ivvn. a .. . . 1 t . ! I dinner wn bi.',....! ..,.;,....! 1... .1 , , . Uoill.ic.' lie was asked. s...liersiniinens,.ly.-.Vod..sc(r,oi.)y.V.-' , "W''11 ll".' '"". on the whole: ,-.s'f r. " , "e .Norwegians and Poles ate the worst because they won t believe ativbodv. Then there are the half-;euteiiieti who have been behind the counter in the old country, and who expect vott to take nil vour hat to them. l"sn,.ak yeriiian. .-sweet sii. .Norwegian and Ital STOCK ITEMS. Myron Wool, of White Township, has two very tine pis six mouths ..Id, v.eili intf about IT.", p-tunds each. Thev are of the Poland Ciiuci breed, and of recistered ,:m lu" transfer purpose; but Pole-;, pedigree. .Mr. Wood also has .six head of I'ohemiatis. and Fmns I i-att't do anv Cotswold and I.-iceistershiro sheep. 7,7,- thinj; vvith -I have to ;et an inter mtin (li'an.) I.mtb'r. ' ( preter." (Jhicujo .Vcrw. .1. .M. Harr, of Auburn, reports the sale i ' of a Woodford iillev to .Mr. Snooks, of1 ood Havana tobacco is jjettiii"' Heading. ICan., for jt'V. A Mx-w.-ek-oId i scarcer every vear. Not more than ten cdtto .Mr. Steitikirchii-r. of .Newton, for percent of the tobacco crop of Cuba s7.i. and was offered jl,s),for a two-vear- ' ("111 be rated as 'iirst-clas.s" .pialitv. old stillion by Woodford, son of Woodford :l,M' then- has been no really tine-llav-.Mambriuo, out of I.orua (Doone. half sister ol'''d. aroni.it :e leaf harvested since to Monro and Coriander. Toprkit Com- 'S-1. The principal reason for this is )iKiHirt'itlih. -that the sod is "ctt'iie- worn out and lonk s'l.-irj) after tho weanling colts now and dou'ti let then, be-ome ban. Ion the plantations an the collai.se that has siill'eriiii; from fnllowed. an ex- hair.d and wormv at the beginning of i l' '-" Vl" iU' f miaiio. -A. '. Tribu tic. t-LHU WAKD. lip Li t'onx'ete.l ! Ctuii.l Larceny Ttie r Cs- to In- ,in llli"l. m oi:k. ( )etol.-r -Ji'. The features in tit' W.i d tual ye.steiday weie the opcninc fu t'..- . ft-nse by Poiuke Coi-lcian and the winter. If von do it, will take a good share ! of n.-xt summer for them to catch up. He- ! ni'-mber that the idea ot turvin:; to make ' tin m toiH'h is proven a fallacy. ICunsits t'i'H Lire Mnrk Journal. Association st -ck sales have never proved .successful. Itetter hold on to all the fe- a,i e uar -e on the witness .stand of William males and ke.-p th-m breeding- until vou get n good number for public sale. If your best bulls only are kept to sell for S. W.un.T, the alleged "mysterious pari,, r in W.ud'.s transactions. CuJil vesteniay W .mi rh is kept his mouth elnsHv -",ut a tia'IthtM- maltofs. .Mr. Cochran had cv i dent v e.uvfudy prepan-d himself lr P.. hv.i on. lhs anaii-'iinieiit of cx-l'ies -den' F;s')"s testimony was pirt.iMii.ulv tnJrf ,e 1. ainer picserved well hi- recent. v ae. . red teputation for Mlenccand mvsterx. TI.e in portant part f his tetimonv w.i. I s sending the 571,M)0ehtvk to tlie ban for i-ctMkMtion. He cjuised no liit.e a'tiusenien: when telling of his apoar-ii'h tl.Id like fa.th in the I'r.snt A- Watd "(io-ciniia-nt contiacts." The eeurt loom. a-J usi.il. was crowded. The white, c nps--like fa o of tho convicted bank prcs. .en wi-een in tlii throng part of the Jim.-. m: be was uotagdn called to the stand. I. S. Cr.int, ,lr., was also an in tereted spectator. After the ex.iiiiina- t on of witnesses tho case was given to the nree.ung. ani tao outers are made .steers f there will be iimiv profit than in acri tlciug to association sales. There are many ditliculties in the way of an asso ciation sale, where .so many are to be con sulted as to details that it generally proves disastrous. Breeders must make their in dividual reputation to command success. 1 1'. trrn . Vjricu Kit ri t . The losses from hg cholera in this coun ty this year are enormous, many farmers Some I 'rank Confession t "Our remedies are unreliable. ' Ir. Valentine Mott. " We have multiplied disoases.' Dr. Hu.;h. Philadelphia. "Thousands are nununltr slaughtered in the sick room.' Dr. Frank. "The scienc-of iiiedicine is founded on conjecture, improved bv murder.5' Sir. Astley Cooper. M D. "The m dical practice of the present day is neither philosophical nor common sense.'- Dr. Kvims. Ivlinburgh. Scotland. Dr. Dio 1'wis, who abhors dmgs as n rule and practi.-es hvgiene. is fraiik enough, howeve-, to say over his signature "if I found mys" If the'victim of a senou. kidnev troubb-. I should use Warner's safe euro because I am satisfied it is not injuri ous. The medical profession stands help less in the presence of more thau one such umlady." Anol.l proverb savs: If a person dies without the services . f a doctor, then a coroner must lie called in am! a inn-nm. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1886. Tho Companion itself hardly ncc's an Introduction to the render- of tlil pajtr. It nbcnl'r nttmtvr nearly "k'O.OnO. Thh l ll fifty eighth year of its. publinitioa, .un during thee year. it has found its way into almost cvry vill.-i; tkiottirlMMit tho luawl, Mtil It lia lioc tndr a tueuilicr of many household-. The pi,hli.bcr lme e"rcd for the ruining volume iiriunul urfc?;y tt rnlrrntintnic and pipHltr mUc)i, and iu Contributors already include nearly nil the distinguished Authors of this cuiintry and (.real Uriuiii. and oiac ot thoc of 1'ruwc and (lotttvmy. Illustrated Serial Stories. having lost every hog they owned. In some panel-d to imjuire and determine upon the instances as high as two or three hundred cause of death; 1 nt if a doctor attended head. The nuioun of monev thus taken j o-,t of circulation will amount to thousands i of dollars. L,uirre)icf (It'an.) Jlemld and , Tribune. ' If any class of animals on the farm is i... i. . i r t .i.- ... .... lurv. At 12 Mr. o'clock the jurv rcentet.-d , "" " -- """ '-- proiuce.i n , ihe court, and leturned a v.-tdict ot l.ueeiiv . undoubtedly the hors.-s. It is through in the tot degiee: penalty, ten vcais. w.th ) their lalmr that it is produced and taken in tlie d.scretion of the court. Waid cave care of, and if they are not entitled to the ev .deuce of a severe sttuggle as he Mood up '. greater jart of it. thev are surely wortbv to recc.vc the sentence. In t espouse to the uf the best part. r.i.a- Fanner. ' ' Veston; "nave youanviniiig 10 say. ne ,::eil: "Nothing. Sentence was post- IMH...I until Sfituninv inoriiiiic The i':ii' w.d be taken to the Court of AimeiN. The , H not only injures tlie foot nt the time, but the case, then no coroner and jurv are need. si as everv-Uvlv knows w)i- r d ',.,.,-. son died '.Medical Jlcrald. A novelty in silver is the d'scoverv of a process ,f clectro-platiu"; with silver upon wood. THE GENERAL MARKETS. Hurtling horses hoofs, as practiced bv some blacksmiths should never Ik allowed. KANSAS CITV, November 2. CATTI.K Sh'pp'iiir toer . f I 'S . 4 rtl -hi ve cows. . . lllltrhers" si,jrs HOGS Goml to ehoicc lit-nv- i. flit A CAriTAL SERIAL FOR BOYS, by IRON TRIALS, a Thrilling Story, by AN ANONYMOUS LETTER, by QUEER NEIGHBORS, by AWAY DOWN IN POOR VALLEY, by J. T. TROWBRIDGE. GEO. .AIANVILLE FKNN. M. It. HOUSEKEEPER. C. A. STEPHENS. CHARLES EGBERT CRADDOCIv. Adventures. Natural History. AP.CTIC ADVENTURES, by Lieat. GP.EELT. U. S. N. THE SLAVE CATCHERS of Madagascar. Lieut. SHUFELDT. AMONG THE BP.EAKER5. by C. F. GORDON CUMMING. CANADIAN ADVENTURES, by E. W. THOMSON. ADVENTURES OF STOWAWAYS, by V.'M. H. RIDEING. MY ESCAPE from Morro C.i3t!c, by a Cuban Patriot, JUAN ROMERO. A B0Y"5 ADVENTURES la Montana, b7 JAMES W. TOWLE. MY ADVENTURE with Road Agents. FRANK W. CALKINS. EXPLOITS with Submarine Boats and Tor pedoes ia Naval Warfare, by T. C. EOYT. INCIDENTS OF ANIMAL Sagacity, br REV. J. G. WOOD. NEW STORIES from the Fuhenci. by Trof. SPENCER F BAIUD. DOGS WHO EARN THEIR LIVING, by JAMES GREENWOOD. STORIES of Old Trappers and Far-Uoyon, AMUSING SKETCHES of Whalo-Haaiisg, PERILS OF FEAEL DIVING. b7 THE ROGUE ELEPHANT, by THE KEEPERS OF THE ZOO or Anecdotes about Animals, gleased from tho Ktopois of the Zoological Gardcss, Lcadsa, by r W CALKINS. A F. XYT.R&. 01. T. W. KNOX. V.'. T. KOXNADAY. ARTHU3 RIG3Y. Special Articles. CHANCES FOTt AMEIIICAN BOYS, by DRAMATIC EPISODES in Enjrfiah History, by GLI5IP3ES OF ROUXANIA, by A MUSIC LESSON, by the Famous Sinjrer, OBSCURE HEROES, by THE VICTLMS OF CIRCUMSTANCES, by THE SPEED OF METEORS, by OUR FUTURE SHOWN BY THE CENSUS, by ADVICE TO YOUNG SINGERS, by THE MARGUIS OF JLORNJa. JAMES ANTHONY FP.OUDK. THE QUEEN OF ROUMANIA. CHRISTINE NILSRON. CANON FARRAR. WILKIE COLLINS. RICHARD A. PROCTOR. FRAl.'CIS A. WALKER. CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG jVy fust Mood eight for convict ion ami four ; atlVcts it pernianeutly. and the practice is WHEAT No 2 rel tcr'ai.iu it, I. (n the .second ba'lot it wis only followed by tho.se who are too lazy to No.t ten for conviction, and on the third it was , prepare the ftrnt for the hoe ,u the proper COKN No2 .7....'..."."..".".".".." cieveii to one. j way. Kxchaioj." inprox ok.-l .'Vlnriler. 1oi;ti.vni. Okk., October -JU. Two In dhn.s have just been atieMed on the tJianl Ik Je Innervation, chatged with the iiim- OATS-No. llYK-No. 2 H.Ot U-Fancv. per sack.... HA Y tjitve baled nilTKit Cho ce crvamerv.. Farm Notes The fact is not o well known ns it should CHEESE Full crea-.n... be, that the grain of corn that grow on .1... ....-.-.!.- .alt ....... .t-Zn ,.. .-ni. ...... .. er of .lames sheiman and his wite and the i ,-,r ji ..-. .1 , , ,. , ! ten ditrering most widely fr.im the parent fat tl woundmgof an unknown Ce.-.nan. , uck it w letter to clect iho. from tht 'I he t:.i:nt.-i was eonmutted Mime time ago' pj. w!liell lu.aI. Swo or llsexv tnrs n. and the authorities have been tracing i!i ti,us the prolific habit may be more likelv inxirdei eis ever -since. Thy Indians belong te be continued. Kschaiw. to the reservation. Tlie murder was cm- t. to n...i tbnr fnnr vnr n,-. ., y. or Herkeley County. W. Va.. found two ' beads of oats growing: in bis field that had l o hulls on the grain. He planted the seed f the two heads, and has this vear inreshed 4X) bushels fro.n the stock of the HlTTEt: Creamery".". . , i . i uurv .wo uvaus. j The average yield of the wheat crop in (Minnesota will fall a little short of 10S t.ticlwiTc .irin- n total vield nt nlk-nit - charges which for some time past have been 3 000,003 bushels? curreiu coucenung incneeiect, oriitalitvand : nutted wttbeut the IcaM jirovocation. her uiau. his w;fe and the (u-rmati weie dra.i.g eaceablv along the public highway, wh.-ji the Indians oiM-ncd tire on them ftou. thi -k-ct timber and then lied. The prisoners confess their guilt. They are certain 10 hang. There is a strong talk of lynching. f - Chlr;;o'a Insane Chicago. OctoberJS. The extraordinarv Kl.(.S Cho,c . HACON-Ham .""Z: houMer Sides LAitn .;;.; ;;;;;;;; W'vXM. M oim unwashed. rOT.VTOES-New ST. UlIS. CATTLE Shlpplnc steers t'utctiers rtfcr. . HOGS-Paekiu- . SHt:::i-va rto choice"..;!;;." Fl.Orit-Chocc . . w 1 1 KAT-N o. rv.1 COKN -No.-. OATS-No. 2 HVK No. 2 if-v to which the 1 "w Jefferson Asybu the Cook County IU COTIUN-MiddainaT ...". rvrnir 5, , CHICAGa Vukv1 a?,! -hllV'i-- I.lL K W inter wj,eat . uHT-No.2reu;...!.:;:;;; iO.3 Tl,rt rrrsit f,imilr triii chnnld ?ilt-- li . . .. . .- fc.. . ..- . ... --. o imionunaie patients ot ,.. .., Tf ,.,11 i,.nr f.,; o-.-.. . No. - t;; .,. fr fl... I ... "'--- -'v. k ....-.... ..-. v .... cn. jv,,,.. ..-.--. - -oui.tr Hospital have been ub-. ' wlll t,lT?.the ,de: t!" ?-f li:::::."- jecteil. are at last In a fair wav to be inves- Ket'n lue Iamw-V w" sa,'P,,e' w"n mscioui 4ir.0' j; tigatu. on Saturday night at an imlignatton ' medicine. Germantmcn Telegraph. VOKK.......?'7 meeting of prominent citizens at the Slier-1 The use of ground boae. which has ber, NkVyouk: niau House, a committee was appointetl to dissolved bv acids is Mroaglv condemned CATTLK nxoorts investigate ttie mniinp-empiit of lh.. I.wn.n . -.?".. . .,."... . . HOGS Good to cho.pp . p. ....-., u j,v a sciemisiv who savs inatoniViuetintiv jiii.rn i' . " ':" -.". - - ..... .'.iiiiivrii 11, iOOU FliOt'K Good lo choice. WHE.VT-.Vo. 2 red ?'B.",,i S" lr::!!" " ? l-lverizcl article, entirely free ?rom acid' iwo o'clock U ftenn1 ll b? Make a note of it, felO; - vAiniuiitteeof the Countj- Hoanl coiuuieneed A ffttttf: uitiuiry couceraiiij; the tuattvz. 0--rn festivals in the couatrN towns 01 OATS WeMcrii ; ai'xed"..".".. Nebraska are superceding cburcb "airs. 1 y:TTEltCreaaicry...... .".."! 1 ". ti i ;:, r o a I2, : : ft 3 c g ft c- 3 g.-, "2:,'v 74, (X) v- CI', .s2 te ,., 21 ti 21 ."14 .M4 2 (V. si 2 10 & 5 a 2 fc 15 hi A 11 i' W 16 '.' ft 10 4 v. :. a t - ". fit 64 14 15 j 6 374 3 7T fj .1 Ol ;; 01 6 1 cj :: -. & 3 45 -1- i 3 15 01 r. i 10 37Sfi 37-. 2iVft 24sl . H ,; i- 6. r? 70 . S 75 370 ft 5 3 31 ii 3 O I 75 "f. 3 Gl i 75 & 5 ft) Si fc 55 2 Ct 77 X ii 5i4 0 ii 40-4 25fi 25S S 174U S 4 ft) ft 6W 3 .) & 4 ro 2 25 fc 4 0) 3S) ii SCO M'ife !V SlUtt i2 31 fe 2 7 J so a id a.) 1 Vi . 1 m ATivrrr- xr, A unv f President C. W. ELIOT, of ILVrvard University. rvTF7vA rnrrrcp Pldent NOAH PORTER, of Yale CoIl-c5. Por P, h 1 President F. A. P. BARNARD, of Colarsbia College. xour r-apers, oj (.professor MOSES COIT TYLER, of Cornell CoUcrc Useful and Practical. Entertaining. BOYS WHO CAME FROM THE FARM. H. BUTTERWORTH. VIOLIN BOWING- Buyiag a Violin, by R03T. D. BRAIN. LOCKS AND EEYS: or Wonders of Lockinilbs, H. E. WILLIS. SMALL STOCK-RAISING fcr Boys, by LEMUEL FAXTON. SHORT-HAND AS A PROFESSION. HERBERT V.. GLEASON. HOW TO FORK a YoTigg Folks Shakespeare Clab. Prof. W.J. BOLFE. HOME-SEEKING IN THE WEST-Hcmcsteadirg-How Land is Preempted Farmiag aad Irrigation-How to Secure Lasd by Tre Caltzrs, by E. V. SMALLEY. PERSONAL ANECDOTES cf Jobs Mariaall. J. E3TXH C00K2L DRIFTED IN A Story cf a Etcrm-Ro-jnd Train, OSCAR ZiXOX. EXPLOITS OF AMERICAN BICYCLIST'. b7 EE5J. Y. 5?ENCER. A RAW RECRUIT, acd ntil Xz.??i-i Hiss. A. D CHILD3. STORIES OF LETTER-CARRIERS, by T W. STARXWEATHITL THE PERILS OF PRECOCIOUS CHILDREN, Dr W. A. HAMK07TD. A BOY at tie Rattle of FredcncTctbsr;. by TH03 3 EOPXINS. THE -CRITTER BACK" SEGIHEN7, xzd Other Tales ef Old Campaiij, by AM05 MURRAY. Illustrated Sketches. YOUNG 2IEM3ERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, by AXONG CANNIBALS, by THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS BISMARCK, by LORD TENNYSON A2S0NG HIS FA2GL2AP.S, by FIGHTING THE ARCTIC COLD, by A2Z EDITOR'S EXPERIENCE IN THE WILD WEST, LIFE IN TURKEY, by the U. 5. Xinister to Trarlcey. TRICKS OF 3CAGIC AND CONJURING EXPLAJCrED, ITS OF TjsAVZI. IX SOUTHEKN CAHFORNIA svsd Sast Fe, br H. 'W. LUCY JOSEPH HATTON. mp.s. ir. 2c A2rns. liirst. SCKWATZA, J. L. HARSOUR. TXcu. S. S. C03C "FF-OF. EOPFXAJ.' HELEN MUST JACX90V. aTbcrlptlon. 81.73 Year. Sample Coplc Frcc. If yoa will ml oat tki !!( tad M-Btl Ittau wltlr. yor a l,ml).rt.d.lrt vni .'.Z. wHl end jott tSM COMrAMO.! FIl7Gn (mm tha time ttwp nWrHftioa U rit4 to Ja. Irt. ImtO. nd av fall jrs.r' alMrrlptkm fro or, ts-t tiaaar to Jia.lt!, 1.VT7. TbU offrr iacloJ-a antn the rdltleat ar rslvaV() ISM hOLELK THA5K5Gtrt'G sad CIIUI5TKAJ XCMBOU o( M PT ?ach. with Colorrd Cairn, and fall-pajre Plctarts iorpln;anj- prrrioe iaa. XooCrrrqaa to tkl Is aade by ivcy oly paper. x orr.cttt xguM l.. AcUrr pRRY MASON 4 CO., Publishers, 43 Ttmflt Place, B$tt5n, Utos. This will appear ONLY ONCE in this paper. FREE TO JAN. 1, 1886 J. T. TROWBHIDCE'S NEW SERIAL STORY WILL BECIM WITH THE FIRST ISSUE IN JANUARY. i 1 n ( f-l .4 1 iimiv.... ............ . lilTuni L'ru ,--.1. . ----- eBTKOLEUM-unitwx.::::::: i u iw 3 Xl aTararaTSR- - .i r.'i- jssssssk - T.