The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 06, 1885, Image 6

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Should be
Author: not b
as an vldc?B(M off
tbo writer. Write o
per. Bo particular! r
and dates to hava 'Jkm
, fei&iu and dfatitwd. y
a et i
t&Ji yblicatlon, butj
iiw on we vinun
ot Bno aiae oi iiic VM
if aam !
iters asa njiuraC
Senator Mill-r Able Effort Ilefbre the
New York Convention.
SKY days.
Her lovmjr-cu
r mi beams one
The honey froa
WPh hopes cm i
un, m la
For woolnir. i
Dear lad. -the I
"apple blossoms
ib Drcwinjr.
dews and winds that get,
tho violet. i
Ich .he heart Is set.
imc for woolnir.
d for tu!nr.
mo for wooing!
When Atifrut Jails the locust
To Found ticf year unuomir,
.Anil, like Kotaf altar drohsed of old
In ilrnnerv of cloth of colL
Hhrh nastu row thick with broom unfold,!
ih, then a lao urao ror wooing,
Vnr uoolnc. and for sulne.
3)car Utd, tho tlmo for wooing!
Vlien brown October pauses. t
The ripened woodland vlewlnjr,
And all tho sunny forests spread f
Their fallen leaves, as heart's blood red,,
Jl carjct At for brides to tread, 4
Ob. then's tbo time for woolnj.
For woolnir. and for aulnir. f
Dear lad, the time for wooing!
urry of ra departure T had neglected
o take my pocket-book with roe, and
hj ;ho cyclone was taking an easterly
aireeiion, i oegan to womitr . . , i,,. iinn Wir
ahnnl.1 rem in rn I landed some-1 ,c speech dclitcre 1 h Hon. W ar
...i .. .. .i.-.:.. .. i nor Xllller nn .VSIimill? MO UUilt'a
itni'in till i.ii: .'il iiiiiiu i w.kzrh. -
"Then I recollected that the fiing
haI no brake-, and if I stopped at all
it v.'as going to be mighty sudden, and
I had not made my w IL
Thee things alarmed mc f oniewhaL
Suddenly I saw some huge ob;cc. coin
in'' toward me. It whirled riht un-ler
of temporary chairman of the Republic
an State Convention wa? wise an! tem
perate, touching br.etly upon each im
portant issue pending between the great
polit cal parties of the period. Mr. Mil
ler took strong ground in favor of the
me and I grabbed it. It was a mat- principles upon which the Republican
trea from some poor feilow bed. 1 . organization i- based, and after brietly
wad.atcd! sketehini: the his'ory of their appKca-
I gave myself no more uncasincs8, tion in the practscarconduct of govern
but laid right back on that mattress, nient. and the results accomplished,
htruck a match, lit my c:gar and pro- proceeded to arraign Democracy for its
ceeded to enjoy my-ed as well as possi- numerous delinquencies in general and
ble under the circumstance. , jn detail, including its suppression of
Aft'-r I had traveled j-everal miles fn.e elections in the South, by means of
out into the country I began to think Vhich minontv rule ha be n imposed
about my wife and children I had left imo !,. Xut-on. This feature of the
behind. I concluded th- cyclone had situation w:is dwelt upon with an earn
done wrong in thus tearing me away Cstne-s which shows that Mr. Mill.T is
from thclMjomof my famdy, and 1 said j fun ,ymi)athy with h s f.-llow-Sena-as
much tt it. tor froui diio," .Jolin He
"I explained to it how worried my Vaved no "bloody shirt." ncltncr dil
f 1 1. . T 1 X .. . . .. " . ..
Oh, liton. hsppy lover. f M W,I(J wo' r ocause i nau gone :iw:iy , c 5,.ek to intlame sectional an.mosuie-:
Your happy fate pursuing: M $ without bidding her good-bve. and that or f"ht over aain the battles of the
When fields are irrepn. when woods rtcre. . nim.i. 3 i .l.lliri.r.;.,f,.1i n ..:..:i...,.- tT....i ,;,if .-;!,
WIi;n stonns anri wliltn. when Star ie atl:ir. " "' : "I'l"' w V --- - - v;iii ...i. . twrnimi-u ...... -i... -.v..
. .. -.. .. . , i," i it i i -.i.r j :r - . . - -
cieiv, i wonm ieei e.irenii'iy ou.iguu u a protest airamst tiie in ustice none to
contribbit to the coz two-thirds of the
?3.5U wich I Iwrrereti uv a l.ooiv,Uu
drummer wich wu. so dnink that be
mistook me for a solvent ctlzen? Wuz
;t to keep Lubbock in the po-t-oOi-. at
An Inrsliiaoiblr .Minn of Wraith Miftr An HUtori- iuttlrflrt.1 Abat WMch tJt. f The 'kull 01
t On t v,.t . , ,,,,K Indin war chief, is " ue do you roak- nf your .Mranr. f.iLHn .wtMv .rr,i th N'ew wetht hv the nhur of va
f.iidin:wsfilir c:wrl on the New
. "- -------,-. ..-
T. iVmiip.- - ....... : . i,.. .i.. ..t an I Whn: vnlm itn vti ..... ,..... ; - ...... . . . i - ..-. l.Ot rw-
un, v viwj, u. "".uiunt. iu.u juare .v y. ..,. lt. n.r. t ersi ivauroft! aaa mwwi. ww . - . 1,,
, MHinU?!!1 '..,.! T. -.- .
my-el so that I cood pay voo. ,v A n :. "tiie lut.c foxe that spo 1 tho Uifc. vUU-o( lr aar.U, OmM( oun- ' VW 1 Criit
d-rCkm0? tei f9"0;1 the negated Utth, ty, a tnU ton a ghK.nn, Miltnp to..
flayltt and Kernel Mher on- ?" fA lhftl P01 l' to u.c Hht tI.i by. The rmnmiuhuX , :rtt,; .urtlto -
to Injtanv fur and there vote the Dane- "u-4i,c" l'om -? a la r prvlit. aoU j., :o (,Mera: Ilorlnndr I th ftrav , Aa av-sor oi Jv '
krat.c tikket at the rsk uv the n. n.t,-n. oau of lhe wastes more conunao th n ptriL of 17TT. aa! U nmrk the V, bn n mW Uv mhuhj. !?'
OQ .
t:irv? Wuz it to L-.'Pn Pollm.L- ! 'V.. Ierhat anv othir i-s th.. !in,i...m..n Ori kno bttthtrirUi n wlL !le wbo.i .. ,.,,n in PinittMi. t
pe-t .loo U.gler in the othVs they nil? of the straw. If -vott w.U w ;h mc rTKn " ' I sruftml V jfot out ,sfciitjfv Jlow Hint to kat b
Not much. Ueare the oenthat trol tbron-'h the ea-t.-m o MtJ.., of r.? ., OI lM? ,nw. .V ,lu " ..- A L Itwif'.
On cunh swoct clay of each swoet year.
()!i, then m tho umo ror woolufr, jj
For woolnR, and for sulnjr, ?
Deur lad. tho iimo for woolnff. ? n?
Harriet Prucutt Spojm-d, in Harper' Wkzar.
Colonol Kirk's Story or His. Xfcrill
Ing Exporienco. Jf
For several days following tiisjfiwful
-cyclone at Washington O. IL, Milo, it
was the all-absorbibg topic of Cjversa
tion in our town. M
Great crowds of cxcursioc)ffc went
Jown to view tho wrecked cityXind re
turning told of the terrible etrm of the j
devastating storm.
These accounts were listencito with
reat attention, but as most them ' disgusted toin( "why. th:
were inclined to spread it on s&ittle. it , e'.c'1 Mtem to describe it!"
was pretty hard to separate lrsth from
a protest airamst
it would return me again to my 'native States in th" elect. ve franchise is
vine and lic-trcc.' i earefullv guarded ami maintained in
Well. boys. I never knew a cyclone ' respect of ail who are ent tied to its e
had such a tender heart; init that cy- ' rrci-e. adding a warning to the South
clone somehow or other took a return that perevercnce in debauching the
sweep, and before I knew what was aufl'rage must necessarily result in un
which, I and my mattress were lying ' dermining public virtue. Wrong-doing
upon tho roof of my residence and not ' ju respect of a f-iir ballot and an honest
a hair harmol. J count is cei tain to involve criminality
'I opened tho scuttle in the roof and jn other matter- relating to the niau
descended to tind my wife nearly dead ' agement of governmental afl'airs, and
from fright at my sudden departure. finally end in utter decadence of moral
She said right tht-ro that we had to quit een-e" among the offenders who owe
that town atonco, and so I've come up their advancement to it.
here to stay." g0l I The question, as Mr. Miller pointed
Tor several minutes a horribly in- , out, is not one of loyalty to the
tense silence reigned in ouroflice. Then I'nion. Nobody imagines that the bull
one of tho boys sa?d gently: ( do.ers and fraudulent manipulator-, of
"It must hate been a pretty stiff the South contemplate another attempt
brce.e. eh, Colonel?" . to overthrow National authority, in
"-'" I -... IL . I L 1. !..- . -
out me corn, ana wat sez the Mcr.nters? M, m!i , . . .. .- aa. au .u;ci iwk ss , r, Iorti Mcmitos. I
- i c ,hcl not muzzle the or that 'tread- if 5 ' 1 J " ?" f . ;"w ?& '" '' ha- mA .-Tukr U- fir rr
ctk out tke torn." fu Vhi.S"" ? '-'- !Trrtrv,to.r. ur ,
V at ort uv men does Grover C!eve- lhe ncculrri r on of wm 1 ll alon rum! Ise L. tho ht:;iway u h.ek j f WilJC w, ;
land take us fur? Does he ikk, tnat Sey In" Scd h " iTio" f "? V' " nl ior a
he wood v b-en elec ed hed he an- ,he f,. th. w. ,o: :adn"dV r".Td T "l fnVMr ' irr " f T
pounced in a Ivance that at the c!oe and no u.e ot an k.ud ,,J1 '.M M "m t - . ! f . llMW r a jrrt lyrtetl lr
uv eight months uv hi. adminUtra.hen I ,irol.abiy : la a h.X- v du, "n h"ihM talta l Ik (W- ,,A r JfwW.
ther wood hev b, a Republikin -a otlis J- lhai n!0,: do or I bl- ft-.rtt TJ Irl nX ' A" ( "! S '
from Mane to le.vts? heye that if ,t 4. nun.v.-l a it should the IZ lr JZZT JeSiTLT uc twi, u tw .!-1
MyfremR he wood hev stood no be. ,t will pav all the euene of h .u'- llK. l 7 Z .aterf, ami. .Irtl
more c:iance than a muskeeter m Ice- in th- J,,;,,, 1 , i, V ! hk-h b.-ms immnrkwL w wM ha "z JL' , ' J wd i ftd! i...
. i n i t i i "r v" "neat ironi tne ?n ck '.a..i . .,...1..,..i (..- ttr.t. c1jT a
land J led be made a annuunse- th Mauy ctreful te..U l.a,e '.""l b -rh d!be.U to do.or- I ;.
xnent. Llane wood hev kerned h.-n- leer, made at our' .;nt o-m MfZ .. .L. ...u. ' :tJer ren rhildrt-a. A-
iiiCKv. i in ii(il-"'iiii unnn cvi rnMMa. . .1 .. . . . -Mf-i8. --v- iu.t- - -
-- - r --ww -- . ... wf vi i t ! ,rm ni I p T-i tuu tt rn .
:iiiii '-.! .. ..Hak . .. x .i i
- t' r' ii:itt iii t : n nun :m.m knnii
till" breee!
fiction. So when Colonel tf'otn Kirk,
whom wc knew was a citici of Wash
ington C. IL, strolled into ooi'wflico, we
felt certain that wo were about to hear
a. true account of the great b.oir.
The ooys all gathered arosnd him,
gave him the scat of honor k the rail
ing, presented him with ajjsigar, and
settled themselves -down to Isileii.
Well, boj's." srtid tho Onsnel. afler
n few preliminary pufl's, "yff want to
hear about the cyclone, I sfi ifose, ! J"
We told him that, cntcrtrjfjing as we
did a firm belief in his undipeaehalile
veracity, such was our uaiiiinou-. de
sire. 5
44 Well," contincd the Conel. "let
Tii e tell you lirst that I h:tw coin" up
liere to stay. I've got enolli of Wash
ington C. If. You know when I went
down there to Jive, peopl'i
me it was situated in an
sum tne Colonel, in name at lea-t. Nothing of that sort is
.!.,.,. . . . .
mat uoesn t , or has been inipub-Jl to tnem. Jiiev
do. however, bv means ot force and
riien ano.her of the boj-s recovered chicane, usurp powers not rightfully be-
and said: . longing to them, ami so long as that
i on saj olonel. you laid right continue-) th" Republican party is bound
back on that mattress "
"While you were toarlng along in tho
mid-t of the tempest "
"And vou struck a match and lit a
Ves!" well, er that is. vou see
I "
Then a small cyclone seemed to
to protect and resist the outrage with
all the energy of wh'ch it is capable, in
the trite interest of justice ami din o
cratic in-.titution. There is no tlavor
of -ectionab.-m in tiiis, unle-.. it shall be
held that the North and the South are
at variance in regard to the subject of
honest election, the North contending
for tin m and the South opi osing. Are
the UemocniLs prepare 1 to accept that
strike tl.e Colonel, and his place on the as the ground of contention? In order
railing was vacant. 1'cck's .v
sacrc all told and wi
flieii country . the ne
nd liable to heavy stonn.jbut I never I of tu. ,,.-,,, Iialuro ;)f llc.uu fro,
vlbjtencd to their Lilk. lavish I had , , -. e n ,. ,
-Bbw-. I never knew suaga town for I hiWSm& wh,1 ' rof- Haughton. in h
Ic;illi from Huiiglni; S;ill to I
rroiii iiIVitIiik t tho Virllm.
Dr. Taylor states that "death from
hanging appears to take place rapidh
thout causing any suffering t.
person." Riof. Tid', also, speaks
.stonr,2.a thev wero Bti'ditv oncer
ones looiraseen all salts of storms,
from typhoonssid toraidos to, ahem!
... .. ,rv&
tiomestic .storms, uutajfAcr saw any
act like those.
" Why, if wo would happen lo leave
our clothes out on tho line after dark,
along would come a miniature cyclono
and sweep my best shirts oil, leaving
some worn-out things I should have
been glad to get rid of. And strange to
say we wouldn't hear any noise, either.
It would slide around and do its work
so qu'otly that when I would ask my
neighbor about the storm next morn
ing, he'd declare there hadn't been a
cloud in the sky the entire night
Then, again some morning I would
paner read before the Surgical Society
of Dublin. -as thai "the old system of
taking a convict's life by .-.uuoc'ition is
inhuinanh pa'nful. unnecessarily pro
longed and revolting to tho-.e "who-e
duty it is to be present. Those who
to do this thev must lir-t concede that
elections are uot free in the South, and
say that the North has r.o right to com
plain of tho disadvantage- to which it
is subjected in consequence.
It can not be successfully denied that
intimidation, violence and fraud are the
factors by which the Smith has been
made and is kept soPd for Democ
racy, becau-e Southern Democrats con
fers these to be their reliance in sev
eral Mates, and seek to justify tho
wrongs perpetrated by setting up the
plea of necessity. They say tkey can
not otherwise protect them-elve from
negro rule. Rut that affords no reason
why the ote of one white man in the
South should count for as much in de
termining the political complexion and
from the nervelis hand uv the Mi
Dimocrat. and the eleckshun wood
hev gone by default We shood ucvir
hev enthoosedover civil ser. ice or anv
other kind uv reform, on tiieia term?.
Fur wat -e. tke Skr.pter?
Yc shel not muzzle the oz icich trewl
tlh out the corny
He. Grover Cleveland heerd from
tne a-
erage to P-- about t.vo pounds of traw
to one of gra.n. or a Ltt'e over mM en
bu-hels of wheat to one :on of straw.
I utilize eery pound of my straw,
either for food or as an absorbent to add
to tne bulk and value of the u anuri'
pile, and should ;ut a aoon think of
lilnni' I'firn fir 1 nv in fl... n-i.rtJ.: ..Mil
Oh-o? Wat wu the matter hi Ohio' having it to decav as to do the san.o
Why wuz Coal-Oil M Lane defeetid. with straw.
i .neh fcurdr Wiar ait
of .tj-ivii. ihootkwsivtTH:
It is Mud of e- ir.rorhl
' nibnl llawtim thai lnijf W I
lit- carwr tl vuMtKntliW rt-n
Wen !rt Ma.n t Wakir
rrtMni on liMmir! tinur r n inr Mnte in U I fl
'retfon, al b rrfcl lhf
notwithstandin the nionev lie spent in
bnyin votes, and why wuz Iioadicv (!e
feetid? It wuz I'ost-oilis that dfd iL
How cood any disinterestid
wich bed waited hungrin ami thirst.n
fur twenty-four long and dreo.y ycers.
go into the canvas with anv zeef when
he saw tho l'ost-ollis. wich wuz h.z.en.
Roth chemical analy s and the ex
perience of our nest farners s ,ow that
wiieat straw, if saied in good condition,
has more than half ti.e leediti" alue ot
average nav. and tint it bo
combined with other fords. o :n to fur
iiisn not only a cheaper but a better ra
tion for cattle than an liav
in posesiiuu uv a iiiack Kepubhkm and I mean by this s mj h that an
no move being made fur histin him? annual mav be fed straw in connection
Wat sort uv incentive wuz it fur work, with the r.eher nitrogenous food-, oil
when the provender fur wich they wuz meal, corn and brano that the cot
wot km wu within site, and even will be less and the gratn and cond.tion
bla-ted oneuvem with a miizle on? Mf 0f the animal greater than if it was
Rhine lied bin electid we cood hev fought wintered on ha alone, l attle run
on and fought ever, fur we shood-nt to a straw stac'-v an 1 are fed i or ei..t
hey expected anything Irom him. but pounds of the a!) e-naiu d:oo I. mixed
after hevin eh cted a Dimekrat I'resi- each day w4d w nter m bett,r coudi-
deiit, to hev the land within t.on than if !ed all the ha they will cat
s.te and reech, and not bein permitted without "rain is too much. No Straw pas .n the adt'it.onal comfort
wouoer uie ivimocnsy uv unio wilted.
''; thd not muzzle the ox that imul
th out th corn."
Wat will the harvest be? We a-e
muzzled and Grover leveland is the
muzzle. He stands like a ndnmanticc
wall betwixt me and wat I labor, d lur.
Don't he know that a Deinoi rat cant
coat nvoo a Democrat without a i ost-
t was foughu oa the i-de d a shnrp
I hifT t nbot ihte MoJiawt;
adrv. oh a jd.-t ot hr -,eriof mot!w
pun ha-4sl b, tl o a-Oi- atMti tor the
j.uqosc ,t j, t MajjK- jranitt. oihty
hvc feet h h above tho !ns-, w Rich s
ot t..o I n.iJone On ouch idt
o! the dio oi the pedi-tat h a tablet of
lTin. e x fe. t w dt and t .uraiid a half
h gh. Two of the bronyes are im tor-ai.
.... i . . ... i ..
.! I repn-sfot. iienrral HrK imr i - Ji'" "' uih m .t
! reetin'g the tight aft.-r iee vmg his i eJ m al hit trao!s U mnr !hI
m.rt tl wound, the other a jwoneer and u tm.n or a bot when nn awi n'
Ind an in tleadlv struggle On j eurreI.
"in- of the 'eiu.i. ii . t i tatlr:s js the dedt- i Ko:th ha gone to Um '
i ath.n. anil n t collier a to-ter on- it now transpire tlwil h w '
tainitig the names o( the patrwLs en- , thre bv hs piwrty t
Tared in tilt t;ehL a !:ir a thev isjttd.l .uuir old n.ildser h.t Ua It.
iv icarneu out wo tiiinorHi ami tilty
out of ei.'ht hiindnil l he dcdicali.-u
was wntten by 1'n.i. Kdwrd North.
Hattiiiu.ti Lee. ami i in exeolleat
t.i: . It .s as fol.o-.v-.
1 t
jiecnrMni sttiMir in nir.n
lug tin Lnglt.h lrnr,. w I. .
and intiriuMv now empl I.
nhandon. but hw wb, who '
farm n the Alps. hjtr fivn
home and will tnk jrwu-l ri:
- Mr. TheHlore Tdum. t,h
known to tiuro ta afty
katd Hsl ihr i !.. b.-.Kj .( mar. tiMN ! Uw n. Ir errr js" ni '
j airti.t ni.ixu. muU ttl tui. .-mmimJ Mirrt-.l oiu of tho frwfueMl Mlktr
n. Mnnumit .. built A i 1-sHi la iJh Cliene. aim )Mnur-iMpH .."
lb-rr tta. J. u-M ta tmtt f OrVi on
the WImIhi t itt,Mtt IT:: ll.r Hrtlfcli i '
t u.-Hn hu rN krl tMl tkwHrttl it's. ;
erui .Niih.. !. utrt-Mtt nu.t, r -T i
l! ir-i tan i,n-wv tit. wcU m..rtuUi ..!
l ,.pt luii.iiu.: i-f lh tteUt. t tl la -u
of the stock. Our cattle needs a lutlo
out-door e. rcie each dav.and it .s
not a gotnl pracr.t-e to allow them to
roam over tiie larm or stand in the mud
dy bain-xard. and by stack n' the straw
in a small. well-drained ar-t lomea.eut
to t'ie barn, so that the waste from tho
mangers can be seatten- over it the
waste Irom the .siraw--ta k w.tli tins
speak of the painless nature of death by policy of the National executive and of
strangulation arrive at this conclusion CongVess as the votes of two or three
from the fact that many cases of sucide white men in the North. The point
are not completely suspended, and that raised now is not that the colored oters
if they wished they could easily relieve i of the South are unlawfully deprived
the constriction by assuming the erect of rights guaranteed to them by the
posture, and in other cases of recovery Constitution of the United States,
from attempted suicide by hanging. ' though this feature is worthy of i'rau
there is no recollection of any suffering, coiisiderat.on. For the momeiitr the
It should Ihj remembered, however. . isme is- narrowed down to the rh'ht
that there is a great deal of difference which white voters in the North possess
ollis. or. at least, tiie nope uv one.J I u- w:il keep the stock dry under foot, and
:lur my weary feet is the corn wich I h-v in bright winter dav-. "tiie cattle are tne.
trodden out fur him, but hq he, put a p.eture of eomfoit a- thev stand to the
1. evvard side of Mie stick. Then t. n
J.strif Itflrpr.M!. n I7 bT ltuWmI lrli
v l:i tiit. !( m k V H.l . Htxl. r tio dlrwtN n
i-f llivit!- .la il .' k-uj h-.. rutt li) la
jSt..i.Hl n nmut add Un MhIii at Ne
The tlrst mover in the matter of
erect in: th s uiontiiuent was th ( out
nenial t o':gr. -s, of 1.T7, w bieh pa.!
the following r-soUimtt.
"Ilmt tli .i.rnr uI Touitrll oJ ?
Vork ! .. ir.l ?n .-rret it tiMrtmincitt nt I t
ton utaj i-i,.. ii i.f lYtv a!ti,,i i'ltttM
iH'.m.irv l I it .! Iliaa4l r Mrrl Mrrt
tu r. L r -iiina. i.u miiiltii wf Tr
bath nvinu. nti ft lurnr
pondeut Shdr.M.-t da ..
neatly. llr hnir U iron grn
inak ar hom w-ilb Wr (
A Ike. wh U now th wH6 i !i
din. an Lttgi'sfeman. Pjratr.l
Firat Natow l Hank a rrrei'
- -arjwf'i .urr.
-The nine tv bior s
wb iirv ifiiMtii er of ttM l'ite.:
S-nt at the ' otatt ng of th
who lotk lhir rnis at the m t
muzzle on my mouth and I can t git a
u p. Across the way i. the pot-offis
but it is not fur me. J'o tl.ente is lias
loin's bar. but it is not fur me. A little
beyont is Mcl'elter's Dis'illery but it i
noi fur inc. in the White Houe sit
Grover Cleveland, put there by me and
sich ez me. but he. is eo'd and linmova
ble. Wat to him is my empty stomach?
Wat to him is it that this miuit 1 am
without a shirt, my sole one bein in the
wash? I thot 1 wuz a ox methinks now
1 am a mule. I trod out his corn and am
ho.-sc stable will be comfortable and
pleaant if the horses are turn. shed a
generous bed. and the untie, instead ot
escaping through the Poor, will be an-
i . mi . in ih- stm,. ,,f ,.,, t trt. MMtt h
k i -I flM n.- fc: .u, in .u:.nH.i nut- trl ..,jM f ih Thtrtv-a"
lint th. iMi.pie were too poor to givo fT, t,fl ,,"v 4 ,s ' Hrr 1X lar '
etleet U tin. tra .i-wi.r'hv r.-.olo!.m - Wir. tlf Dplawnrn LlttiMl li i
and it slmilfrd unt.l "in 1wY tin;
Oneida !lt.ria S-ety was ( riu-l
at I Men. when it ailvelv iM-nu ihv
W'-rk so lonir ite.aveil. I'uulie meet-
Never carry ver a straw-stack utilesi
you liuil th-re is likely t- im . fa. lure f
wheat and a sin r age of straw tiie en
suing summer I try to get all tiei
straw under foo m the barnyard be
fore tiie hist of the st ck g i to i .astute.
muzzled. Wat a viola-dico uvskripi-h-r! and if I find tne stock are n .t getting it
sorbed by the straw and add greatly to ,n, vvetv h- hi. th- pre. ei.!istt. Co
the value of the manure ,.r, , ua, a,,,,.,ij,.4 p, sl,d at leiigtl
i i
I between the mental attitude of the sui ' of exercising eiiual influence with white
wake up to find that my melon patch j t,:(,c :ilul nu w!, H Jdiout to sutler the voters in the South, so far as the con
had been isitedba cyclone, and the -,1'"trcII,,, lM'""y ol the law. In the dud of Nat onal affairs is concerned,
rinds wero .strewn" all over my neigh- fonm'r ase he is regardless, and per-j If the agitation of this question is sec
hor's vanL I would call his attentTon , "!ll,s :lUo un V,T.V 'n.-itive. of a little tional the Southern Democrats can eai
to the" fact and he would clasp his hands ' sintering, while m the latter every nerve ly put an end to it. either bv allowing
and sav WondorfuLW underfill!1 that he ,s ot":l(-'t'.1 "1 ' resist the inevitable re-. colored citrzeus to vote and 'have the.?
wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't M,lt- Moreover, in these cases of re- j ballots counted as cast, or surrendering
-een it with his own eves; but that . rvery the loss of recollection of suffer- , such portion of the representation now
cyclones were queer storms, and that "g does not prove that there was none, enjoyed by the South in the Klectoral
he had heard of just such occurrences. Il m "ll :l'lll( as well be said that. ' College and in Congress as is based
Then my wood-pile commenced to because in many cases ot recovery liom upon the suppressed franchise. That
cks iiieiiiicgius mere was no lememorance is the position taken bv Messrs. Miller
)e shc'l not muzz'e the or tvuh down fast en. tH'h. I em it ii..un with n
Irccthth out tin' corn.
My breethrin, ez I am martered fur
yoor sake. I implore voo to take up a
subseripslien fur my benefit."
(ioliah Sanison sed that ought to be
done, and gitt n a sheet uv paper thev
bed Pompey Gavitt, wich kin rite, put cumulated diinug the winter into , at
down ther names, and 1 wuz delighted piles four or live f.-et high, shakin.: it
to see how promptly they cum up and up and mix ng it well. We then fe-t
our hogs for a Jew days .,n ih.-e hen s
:nIiifiwl to vol" the orgiunl sum ot with interest am tint ng I tI.1.
to which the -la ii rf of ew Vrk
added irV" e- lid t ot:al to a JiS." sum
l-:g raised b, pr;vat" mbscrlptM.n.
'lh iiioiiiiaten! was .-rectiHl m iiKi,
and tied ea''d well apprpr.ate een
uioiiies. in 1 1.- oicsence of n larvn nil
nay knife and throw i.i.ti a part of it il:.-n.-e. on the t . of August, M. the
at a lime ami scatter it ver tin- i.arn
vard. After tiie cal'le have gene to
pasture, when theie comes a h-av.
rain, all hands n, to work and toil; thi
wet straw and manure which has ac-
..iie ininorei: ant -ev.-nth auniversaiv
of the battle- 'ici A. 1.) Cvr. X ).
disaonuar. As inanv ils ten .stick
would blow away some nights. One . ot :u,.v sffcring, therefore there was and Sherman, and its "fairness is un-
da I tried the experiment of weighting . ,lone- iNo ,'!i. t" pain in hanging J questionable. Troy (A. 1.) Times.
soino down with about a nound tf c:l der no circumstances be erv
gunjiowder inserted in a knot-hole, but :lr,Itu- vt when we see a culprit heav
that night they disappeared just the ,n llis C'K":L :iml almost raising the
tame. j whole body in his struggles for breatii
"The next morning I got up early, i Wc' st conclude that there is at least
jjusl in time to see a cyclone strike niv i :l considerable amount of mental tor-
ne ghbor s kitchen. Honestly, cvclone
are the most curious storms in creation!
it never harmed the roof of the
kitchen, but swoopod down through
the door and boosted tho heavy cook
stove right through the window in sec
tions. ' I never sow such a wondorful
thing in my life! Then, after wreck
ing the Move, the cyclono quietly
moved on and disappeared without iii
llicting further damage. You may not
believe this, but it is tho truth never-
ture. Hcicwc Monthly.
Salt Lakes in Afghanistan.
Sir Peter Lutnsden's paper on his ex
periences in Afghanistan, read before
the Koyal Geographical Society, in
Ivondon, contains an account of the '
curious lake upon which the Tekke
Turcomans are dependent for their sup
plies of salt. T.:is lake is six miles
square, is situated at an clcvatiou of
about fourteen hundred feet above the
"- , ' sea-level, and is surrounded on all sides i ' -" - '--"' '
"Nell. I could have stood these bv a stefii imi..nit,..u .?..., ... cloodid every man in the Corners am
l r-. T . .-....' ' "'"""I "--ss.wi. A...; , ,.....
He lracliPM a S.thk.ii, from the Text
W MihII Not the Ox That Trea.l.
th Out the irorn."
From the Toledo Ulade.l
In a HastekTh 1
(For takln pos-eshun uv the Post-ollis.)
Wich N In the State uv Kenttiekr.) j
October 1!. "l-s... 1
Last evening a rumor reached the
Corners that the President lied relented
and that I bed received my comi-dm ez
Postmaster. Immejitly every citizen uv
the Corners, wich I owed, formed into
a perceshu and cum to the Pasted to
assertaue how 1 perposed to arrange
fur payin uv em off. The perceshn in-
make ther marks e. lie wrote cm. rsot
one uv em subscril ed less than two
dollars, ami 1 felt that I wuz agoin ti
get throo tiie fall in compaiit u- com
fort till 1 red wat every blast d one uv
em lied affixed to his legle signatoor.
It wuz these chillin words: "To beer d
ited on account." That settled it I mii
more nni ..! I now than ever. Wat good
duz It do me to "ciedit on akkount." I
would take ten cents on the dollar, cash.
smllilr si to lr-f.'r.tlf ! :iit jrr- llr-.l
A ret, l. ! .ir.
A few words as to dotiitvlie architect
ure Our ror tl dv d n' are. ahit
so as to make the surface tine and to
pack it enough to prevent the i-'Cap-- of un.veis iU throi ghoii' the eountry. of
ammonia. In ti- m two to Joir w. cks
it is ready for a second turning, an I
the wetter it is at the tune the I ettr.
This second turning r ts it for top dress
ing t'ie wheat or giass land, as it will
be hue enough so as not to interfiro
with the Use of the dull.
An' ther us.- i f straw which I think
tvood. In consilience, it is lilteult to
overcome their Im app.-uruno'
and .deutdy ?h"m .ith the laieUeape.
An average -. Jl.ige. tml. .ho eiuln.u-
of Ill'tto., J aim. !fir!n, f I
Samuel . Purv. rf Kis !
M Ku M rtn N ftKkr
Mititi.'Ui I mi!l t lark, ol " i
llir .lohii liTWti. J fh
.Jnmts IL DoohyK of U
I. TrtlMHi.
Lilhan Spenror h wriUffn i t
"Attrr AIL" Sottn wormrti w.m?
imi'tJi. trth4iHl irnvcUr
Parlor riffni"t has lva
bv l..i-l nd at anl to U itbr
w mav ..iot u bTr f ( i .
tbi ILllfUl." ttUUnrih rU,'i
- A Pomwiyl'TRum mti who - fT
taking utiptllriu.i live t ar i-. i
Mift.'Buijt of th I rnJn, w i ,' ,
ht wvdj br a ifghln.n- rtt r.i ,n I
ha. kfout i".iicJii.oI ih 1 Um .
hipee. Cturtf9 L'il r.
Two huts of UHttvinif at it -t
( otut ti; to tr;vcviMl It4i L- s
lul i-Jf. t. with that dl boat la t' i
grMwl. " iHSalt "Y, b- s
in n gMul ut.iUm t irtv. hr a i
cal of point- A. V. &nl
- i'anny -"fn't il ino bad that
1 1
have a f
fur that subseripslien. I kin postpone would be prot'table, is niu'ching th"
my dots, out the cravin uv my Dune
kratic stumick for stimulants is to-
WUllst- PKTUOhUt M V Nas'.V,
(Ca-t-down. )
wnea iL li
vvne it winch has
ercd a to eoniN-al itMisotitrurihiu. l(Kki ' Dean U wjf ! Jt "ing b.
tio much an areiintiihttiou of drj- lnrr ! fnrkl " .ltd In f Joi i
g.4it erate. The ii"art approtteh to J"'t to fre kh. " "(j. tmi ' ...
hariiioui;tiou w.tii nature i generally "No. "o4 w mi thy mm u
b be found in old. weafh.-r-l'aten other girl's ." tk.UnU fJ
farmhouses. nelime in th.r helilis "Thuiibr " eIniuMal a f
ma ie grotn ,u,iong th? otehnrd- almoct as naturally broker on bntr! nabt in ft!
.. ...I . I. rr
euiiuguiopioieei nieioois. ami .niveau x, the great Ix.ulders m the p.nctunM. !m V"entn aftriiwu. "brr
o d straw stack, the utst luiiet. e ground a iuiid-cip photograph inio vi,m h tt.o aiiiuu'' '"ibn I mm," .
"baby cyclones, and in time, perhaps. yield of salt is practically unlimited for i sum from tlic tlyin destricks. and ez
have got used to them, but when the the bed of the lake is one solid mass of 1 knowd I shood never git m nianv
old parent cyclone came monkeying level rock salt, covered onlv bv an inch people together agin. 1 couldn't let slip
.around the other night, 1 concluded it ortwo of water, the depth of the deposit I the occashim without enlightenin uv em.
was about time to pull up stakes and bein"- unknown
A second lake fur
nishes the Sarvirs ..f Pimo.I ). wttli c.,u
"That night V was sitting upon tho This lake is much larger than the one
steps m front of my house en oying my just described, and tiie salt in it does
even ng's smoke. I saw the storm not present such a smooth unbroken
gathering. The somber-hued clouds ' surface. The salt is dug out in l..e form
had massed themselves in awful ma.esty of tiakes about four inches in thickness
.above i ho horzun. and come rolling ; which are pacVed into ba and carried
along like horrible monsters hungry for . on camels to market without any kind
their helpless prey, while mingled with of preparation. A. 1 l'ot.
inc uguiuings oimumg giare came me i
mighty roar of dove's artillery, causing
the stoutest heart among us to tremble
iinil to c wer!"
I took for niv text the passage: "Ye
shel not muz.lo the ox that treadeth out
the corn."
The Ohio KU-etlon 11, a Mean
hiK A Kloiv :tt the AiiniliiUtr:ti..ii.
In the first place it proves that He
publicans have not lost faith in the
party which has shown its trustworthi
ness on so many occasions and in so
many ways. They still believe in its
principles and are ready to sustain them
by their votes and their efforts. They
saw it thrust from power a few months
ago by unworthy means, but that defeat
has only brought the liepublican armv
into the Held again strougcr than ever
to win an inspiring victory against a
party which sits in power at Washing
ton as well as at Columbus.
The result in Ohio proves also the
strength and vigor l"nt to a party in a
political campaign by good nomi
nations. All the candidates on the state
ticket were unexceptionable in every
respect and worthy of the places
they have been elected to till.
Judge Foraker has .shown in two cam-
i reeves enough to near uie team, scat- average turn intrude, J,, a eeutJ.Mna,,. "Well. I r. Cat
ter a light coat ng of straw over it. and .,nij how trjlng to natural beauty Uv,l u, lit n v.-rr Intrurutr.t
m. liiinn. Mm ..... ...i .k .. iiv.i.t.'iv .... L, lt4,. iiiuai aiKHse oi man in uus, eoiin
to use it. as it not only probers Jrom trv Well-meaning effort have been
free, ng and thawing, but also fertii-' ,"ade to n'uieilv tnis uglin" bv the
zes to some extent. In conclusion el add.tion id ad.rnuj"Ht. which, how-m-
say, uti ;e your straw in sotneway. ,,Vf,r i.,.,g (r th,. Int,t rxtrt tHirKi
Thore is a mine of wedth suffered to go j,. a, to the cost ,itho-,r. any
to w:tst(! by neglect. ng iL H'tiMo S. r,,rre.i.ondin' ixejit. onlr aLL-ravaU4
the evil. The i,g-.nvred work, drops
away, th" gav pa nt wnshee ot, and a (.iulib mw enu. Ku
wnen sut li a hoiiip. is ke4 in smart r
pair. the change of fash on in "arrhit-ct-uraimdUue
y make ,i hok ridieuiou.
' Show me the like a woman with a iityenr
bonnet. Heady gO'l architecture,
how. v.-r. ItKiks a well s flv T!n hearu
i if tir.MA ti it'i t whfitirr tli ir. !
we not apply a s mt'ar rule to th" farm- , in ,lv. ljtv ,p lHl,Uiu ft hott,4.
er as regaids th" conditiou of tee high- ln,. trti" ar in Hi make iu plan
lirown, in Indiana Farmer.
Th t)i;nt Cr.:-.l r ( tr-I.-:jr Kjit
f' II-.j.U.
It is an old saying-
company a man keep, and I will tell j
you what kind of a man he is." Can
Mijje (in- toy jKrtn-r. Have .
UfiVphoii on IxMtrd' .V. J. 7,..
Prof, lilekinor.i n to in
"How dooa a ty fij ' U 11. j,rol
if oii Mined ytr htur wo.l a t.
voo'd t itmf Jt Ale iu a elrr ?
alwT maviM to gi bart; U tt
UiMt Ht a bald h"H4lei idrii'i Imiii.
reverenee in jul ol eflh of a li.
aft'r it ha lnri rUiste.l tarat'
prrwfcM'. Tltr e, iv duu - ti'
(. otter.
Her reply.
We -Her .laiHioir ao?m. !r tb. tnrnHmb.
AnH I rhHmil artpw a 1 utfr,t Urr
T, ! il j hr itt v.Ht ji, tun.
way along his faun3 A farmer who ; convenient as p-.4ible. and let its i-t-'
keens the roadway free of stone, cut. ! tenor conform Hereto. Sv nimetrvaH
all fo
.- i . t r.i r ,P a gooo ami succe .snu larm- tW. wlch , lVM ,,.. or n uniAtut,n
er. un me oiner nanu. a man wno n-g- ,f,.:lf, rtr fc,' .aV.r,L
Tl-n l wfr-t liT JmmnI r. my V4rr -
Y.rrTf jhi!- t tn Uirtll.! at Ur L,- t .
Uwt U iawl mt fct hi fin inrte .. .
wu t'rNMt.Ur 1-B-ijowfrMi -... i.
I Wit I ...HI n il I tl' 'J WI 'kUUV, ViUW-T I . .s. v.. '. ... .- ........ .. r ... It I
,ulwetsls and tln-tles. s ,hat lm.s and goWi proportion v a bou ' ZaZZJTZ- P"
. .. . . its artistie ckaiarur. not it or- ""' '""" aM Hobby ,., i itT
of them go to seed, we . -it once . . .... . . , . of tie rnimt'r "laaai-v iw. .
s namcntat.on. Iha Ufl boo.- ar , . ,. .. '""sv n. tr s
'1.V .II . . .. X L fe . -,. ,
... iwu, je tt'
A -no. I rwr, not . . I
Tl'fI'TiwriwlllBTliaa-alaaritaiTvnri1 Tfin - 1. . ...1 - H. 1.1 .. t a.
1 did not give em the chan- : ;7Y" "Xr , ;:."o.;-. ;:':.. bets tne woe. is. i,- rnr yw-n go to thogh t"fui featirP-.Hk- tt-randa. "mw7- . rnlrr ''r'-?' H.e n
and verse, ez I I,c7d forgotten ein. j ,' ! , ;r " Vh ' c f. ?' an1 Ul0W "VPr ,n: hs " ' dormer,, ami ba-w.adow. mj m.., lrr "-; f " - 't
that made no ditTcrenJe, ez narv l maio L'uis mnr Pelin ?9hUm l T' ""' "s1 '-va . ; th- purp.. of ornaineautiorw iua hJCJ aJl w b.nd f
uv cm cood hev found it. owing to JJj, fehSJZt a.Mner. and a failure at th I WJ t,.,,h mn AU, r; be vhL "11, r.' fW,,-.l
pcrvulin to reed anmn ' . i i . i ?- V?- know men who are. g-nrav ) : , t,rimt)1st , K and plniaV' U the V "I omh! oi th4 riol ,, e
vlt .nun to ret n among . j0mI debates proved lu ability to cone nrrttv ol f-ni'r. who do to: -ii "" r,,m tmt w "" ,. ma , Jf auitt ti. ,J. i
Dmiocrsv uv this vismitv. One ,.:.i, ,m nf .i', ,ftJt .,,.. i..,.c ;.. pretu f-owi i.m. . no ao no. . m H4.. can W ders--l than n wu '"a a" ". .T'u !.-wr I
ocrat did learn to reed last vear. ; ,.'.;. ,. u " .-""T-. T. " .1. " taiC: a Par;,ciV in:.;re;. , ,0 m 1B rKi ,)r,,rii, .tothoHl wrorn-- n. .wu 't tor u-iuor-
and the cuss immejitly turned and votid j let wonnilv followed hi? leluh U , taru ," fi'bS' !?? ' U8 "' ? " 1 ' ""'t U a . ,
,-' ..-.. -m. i.s ..7- iiomu'1,1, .i Ul- lt,J" I " ifinn hn ..l rr a- !... - --. . . . va-' - - - w . - --- m9 ,- .-.,-. mr .-.-.
A Serious Undertaking. n. 1 opened out onto em thus : to'aaav "of having d "tinct anil wVll- 7 lZ nlenwk" ' T Ur T '" tV..".1 ' "
"Mv brepllntsn T nm cnT-rv- tn cot-! .-.'.. . ?. . . . Iie .KOu. IU inULn Hill .C.V Hi .n in, irfir4rj- -arii Mtill nut. bwmo " lirimttr,' feKjatr f 1 Innih., .
' -" --.. i4ti .104 t w2a ri(iTTfin V"si rs.. , a .. .! .. ,. !. . -. a -- - - -- .- -vvv. . - -wm - - tap
hnrnn .., ,. : M....t .i.. .." . t 1 ' , .- T ".-.""tu iimiiiu-. 11a n.iumiiiui ui-. a- iir.-s a .onv.el na r.T" s tin" Q i . vv. . : . .. .1... . ni W 1.. . L . 1.1
.v.. v.... iu m.iii ..j .iu.mvj mat vou ait; neer unuera error. 1 vvisn 11.: i..i.i . .. . 3 ,.. .. - . :" nauor. n.e 1 a.iik. uiv m" jci-e - -- - 'ii j- iri.. r
Kight here, the bovs got up and is a somewhat serious business. He that "wat voo hev heerd wuz troo. that i forch-the nol J brck-;.r.rd. 1 nv g : on tliM rw . , e. !h..wt., eA:uer-I-ttie -ri. .ot J -" c" " Junnt llia,. .
fanned the Colonel ugorJusly, bring- must be three times married, twice in President" Cleveland lied relented and Ihr niz-itSn Tnd Sey'wjJ maK- rr exacts and particular aoon: tmd hmfmMl.H .-. Ur nrr)K prv,to of Uigv J. . ,. .
ins him back from lift soaring .light s.n-,h nmI on"iyiuZ sout thecon mhslnm wi(;h ! :l, eutIytl i " n SV no , X trie time a-som-d to K- worl and ncc..r to lhf. frt j W. Ta KUf'kwWiK -it. . ;.
of eloquence to cold, cruel ear lfagiiin. Z..X , L , f f- ' . T- tv' bnt he "'- The n5r L"bb 1ck The- wno u'em ?v eioTn5-- "l lUl ? T u rAnt' . : . h be IrM. or - ot U,at t-.A 'tlw,
Jn a short time ho recovered amfcon- i' Tr "V"01' i ini" is still postmaster, and 1 am kcepin a . ih " e : ' iluV orae- 'u- '? '-dow: thfJ hu wb mlng other (fay - . b. r , .,
timicd: w t fS'w" abu-ietiutoard chare warm in a Uasteel. ceptin when. p the vie'orv no-e- ih,- thP .lh5 dut-r- " hrl I? lh: l?7?UC l-" w hav We . 'Ul aUer gu h.nurti u, -.,
"Well, you fellows may think it . ."" ?" oro he ceremony, like a caged lion I paoe mv ween- cell. ! i"inV iMheTAan n- ng farmer, wnn ha, no: had h. pa- :Ubrh . kmti urh. TVrx. k '" ?'' 'x,a H
wasn't a storm, but it w:k M hv the ; ,1,lw;Bb,a!a ' ct cf:vn Wat I owe the Corners will stavowed l?unbroken Th . SnS?- who'so " gf lh 'TV h" ' via. rlawi-rotin- :bc walk. ai lr graudmatr -I a .....,
ky was as black as the record of the f ,r5mi"d t tlI-Pa-x,ne if a till jtstl is done me. " eV'lv T such men? ia: w mon? d -pMt it? lbnMtr -ir up rdabc ' "hmr." wa ih prvn r,.j. -
opposing f",?1 .monir-v- bnt :l ? e Jf of ovo The text sez "Yoo shel not muzzle o'iTniaVTCmfo '? any ""i.0' T' i fos'Jw"-r fxom vt t,'.4 t bon 01 xajn lhiVr' Umr. 3
"I remained outside until cook-stoves i'", ,blb .wre the ox that treadeth out the corn." It fAxCS aIon? w"ch- 7 T rharar x a im. aud UmmZxnc
and such things began to Ov around ? t-1 n , C" n ,- w,,z l"c rackk 5n " o thrash : X n V S nT wew aSn ",1 -nd "?w ? V & Jh , ,, tho Wr uf t&v delier tJ.a. Th Chee Uania-,
Loid of lively l.lce, ami then I concluded V1 a 5-" :h c p wheat and sich by makin a floor and th "i?X m. n-J n W fences aloas wiwcj :h? pwwacd. juaMe.
-. . - . - ... reeoirnied bv law since !-.- and tiie v..,..:.. . .. ... -. i .. . . "llB an "'"" .eo corruptvori tusu .n , ,, ti n''pn ihe ca.e. :h? o-vrner of Jh ; - , . . ...
ii w: a-ioui time 10 go in anil WKcmv.,, .,,7... . , , - m-:u o.vca ircu uvit ii, ano me u-vt in- the hinds nf ? mnf,n..n ,. -.V , - i . L i C a iwra' whk-h . -?,.,.
wife and children down cellar. " "1"a bt l 10t W7 church service, is.ts th:lt lhe tredclin ox hl be , S f u gg? -n."o t r n'' '?' " :,h ?tWT ?'-. A Fearer m Dr.'i Cap. , W,d and Si &-JT ' . "
..?., tufr. T .ri.i -.;-: i, ,,, The i.rt two n.ust take phiv-e befoe a n, 7i,.,i .u.i,,,.,,... .. )lrt . .. f.i.i , Inetl ,l r0-' unbroikcn. u. ,-; .vtention? And wh.-i toy speak to . wir3aa.Pa,M(,). durfwj h- 4,",
door don?cHme the hof, o , m nf Jn and 5 presence of at leas: ! a hwt nt the prolvSe? maii1 " fr0:a lt "DetV'?' Thl h ra aboat ' be 'avs l"a-ad ! A eraR-anc. mv or. e.b.b.tSon -xU okUi ,, .. lWvit
t four witnesses mid the American Con-1 C;rover C levemf hi violated this o&Urtr " - "--"' 7 a h , -rO.-wU aWw a4 fel Vh
inidonli could savawbrd in remon "L 1C,V-1 ranaS J thtJ ! plane injunxen uv the Skriptein the mv-L ever 2ven td 5 CSSS . S"e tme . -Jf nwir fl which : i- r,-anled a, !,. ,k in 3 ,rry anomaJww.tL L
str.mce.1 was gliding along overthe lr I -c: lh-lf rcm "'T ot croocl tl onjestifi1 Stmer. , SoS dUwfyth-vn -ih'TZ chRCCC-..u.a er. I wdd . fa,n.t He hi Wof Jack .' iw. .
housetops like a" meteor, llow me 1 J en,-7n S.Jamsb- ,Mo"ed- Who wuz the wen that ut Ms d T'u'S",- l 1 l that kr, alioWto vralkaJnt are honpboao aSh !n -
couldKethe house, being destroyed. I JP f colmne I by a church ser- corn, ,et me ask? It wuz mTJnd yoo. ? e S Ltm o ?T 7 rt rT'rTt r ' Iwelt amoos: tbe : Tae other ' jpnto. urza o TZuonl of tha
tho people flying for their'lives, audi -ra. It wuz the civil servis DimocrXv t,v all ? Eat ot' the - a d.yrnitdb tc thennmbcr of ratuad
ivnr r.iv. nivself uo for lost. I hnd " the btate, .North, and the noble Dimoo- v...: tt.-.r-t- ni... .icmun. , . ... u. j ib cav otaer tr. . to a Cidce, -.-. . t.. ..,... .
iePn struck bv the center of the cv- "-tne smallest look in the world.1' nsy uv the outh. wich. shot-gun in
.rlonn. and was bein borne out into the M ine '0;f'on Journ icarns. "is nail hand, refoosea to hev the ballot-box
vonnrrvatlio-htninjr-exnresstra n speed. , the size of. a postage stamp, and is an contaminated ard polluted bv permit-
ut bein"- on the top of it, I exper enced edition of the sacred book of the bikhs, tin niggers to yote, thus carryin their
o more inconvenience that 1 would Belonging to tne fcan oi uunenn. Mates triumphantly for the Dimocnsv.
have felt in a Pullman sleeper. I5ut
iftet awhile I begin to think what
rould happeu when I stopped. I con
Silas Goble, of Ocean County. N. J..
has twenty-three children. afteV being
Jetss I was but poorly prepared for the j married nfty-ooe years. The oldest
trip thai was Xorcod upon me. in mm uiu. a icny ana ue ounces t tea.
And what scz the Skripter?
"c$hcl not muzzle the oz thai tread
tth out the com,11
Wat d d mc, this pertikler ox. tred
on the thresh! floor far? Wh? did 1
m m . i -'.! ii.'-m v. .-" ... w . asw; -... 4 mou innrc.lO!i trw !? trkf.. i
Papa, dear." said a Hartford girl j To prevent the splitting or bcrsaag j aac prrcsi.f jaiiZaaB;)j. but a. he Ia fc. ng tlwre arc a!r four ot '-S
. .. ia. m. . aa.. -.W a- , -- xftr a k1 . Till' in ?ti. ....!. .V a a ""
-:& 'jrwi; "rs ?; i----F i-u
at breakfast, "are you to use the horse of cabbages. J. J. H Gregory rcora-
some au-1 mend to go frequently
io-aayr i wane to get
mmn leayes. "iso. m
if yon will quietlr tell Rignold
brains not to call again" it will be an
autumn leave that will be very agree
able to mc" There was sorrow in the
maiden's heart, but it won't las; long.
but in th .o4th !ho who arc taowli
. , . . . -.. . i . ., . .. .mww.
over tne; vrxa teddeniv ttrown at tne cctnn!? trr wjcu rnitlcr,!.!,...!.-. r.. ,-!
v dear, but ' groend and star: every cabbAje that ( the tn nke -'. VhUt the ladr ajok- or morw. I; l obt.ouf that wfcerc tho
old de Small- J appears to be about to mature bpuah:nr z L she fonnd that Ivz haad:crch.ef. a of word dnd.i oa uch a n en
u over smeniMi neiyi inus iiarvra I wnica nc rrvt n-i on; a XEorocm c5- acii0Bj M ij toze of the la
are said to grow to doable the ixe they j fore, wat gwne, ut. The mni.ey hxil whieh it u uatrrL the opportuait.e
bad attained whea about lo burst. dU ,wln i: w-Kc the naa maj belaf I lor oakiag hlocdera tecoaw bouftdkaa,
tan oantoi. j uzc&l .V. J S-. -Iefe Uistnia-.
fllE4k X
IsW -
HPffM"'i"innBJlaaanaMnnnBfnnnnjnnf "' "utaawmnjnatam u.
.iiwi..Jv.-;:ife5ri' v " -Vsiav'-