The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 06, 1885, Image 5

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? K"Kl
f - -. L.
The Red Cloud Chiep
A.C. HOSMER, . Proptletot
Our Premiums.
Our friends should not forget that
The Chilf offers to all new subscriber
for one year in advance, and all old
ones who pay back accounts and a
year in advance three premiums, viz:
one silver watch, one Kilver cavtor, one
net of silver forks. Either of the pre
miums is several times the value of a
earn subscription. Tbe drawing of
premiums will take place January 1,
., 1SSG. Don't forget.
- -mm i
Ca-cfu.l? corrected each week.
nun; (butcher's stock) 62.32.7S
viV ?.:&
il,V 2.7i
i .1'fh.uus, lcrtozi ;u
Juut jr,
rt;itocs, per Inisliul 2.'.
VUii'.'it 4!Vf.V
"its l&itl'J
. ' ..................................... 3
Mulled corn 1
Kaily 2735
Acwearcuni 10
9 Por Cent Farm Loang.
Tho Nebraska Farm Loan Co. will
make you a loan on your farm at
btraight 9 per cent and furnish the
money without any delay. Call on
them iu the Red Cloud National Bank
"Is the battle over?"
Court nets on the 17th.
Stock feeding will soon begin.
Corn husking has commenced.
D..F- Scott has moved to the coun-
Ouvi:k Down will stick to tbe well
McKj:ighan ran well lor an anti-
BusiMisa is picking up and money is
more plenty.
Tn nksgivino will be here in about
three weeks.
Ei.-Smith was down from Bloom
iuglon Saturday.
"Mac" Waison, of McCook, was in
the city Thursday.
W. M. VissciiEii'd littlo child in Bick
with diphtheria.
F. .V. Ha.makkr, of Odessa, Kas., waft
in the city last week.
Tow.wmr organization carried in the
county by GO majority.
McNitt was elected couuty treasur
er by a majority of 844.
Mr. Athow, of the firm of Athow &
Young, was in tho city this week.
8am, while fooling with a
pistol, shot his hand the other day.
Tin: Nebraska Lumber company
ivu refitted the interior of their office
A. ki:. 1'. ilicr.v, brother o
tracen a position in tho Fi
of Anson, has
position in tho riret .National
1$ ink.
R. V. Siuituv and A. J. Kenncy were
cted members of tho board of super
visors. Tin: yntirc republican ticket wa
olected last Tuesday, with but ono ex
ception. Winter is coming on by degrees and
ere long we shall have tho season up
on uk iu realitv.
Pete.Feffkrs, ofthi city, has ac
cepted a position in tho B. fe M. K. Ky
yards at McCook.
Land buyers are again coming west
waidforncw homes and new farms.
Still there is room for all.
G. II. Chanev has purchased a type
writer the iirat
ono that has ever
f been brought to Ked Cloud.
McKi:u;hax will wear tho Judicial
ermine, and hereafter he will be known
by the appellation of 'Iedge."
Swkezy has "climbed the golden
htatr" atul will continue to read Black
stone at his office in Blue Hill.
K. 8. TinuiTTs, our democratic friend
from Batin paid theso headquarters a
pcall on Tuesday, also J. L. Frame.
Mi:. Corr has been appointed night
-watchman and merchant police of Red
Cloud. Jle will make a good officer.
W. J. Vance ol Inayalo come down
to the metropolis Tuesday to seo how
the .people done their voting in a
f city.
M. S. Marsii has moved into his
new home, which is certainly ono of
the handsomest and cosiest houses in
the city.
Tn sue will be preaching in tho
Baptist church next Sunday morning
and evening by the pastor, subject
"History ot the year."
W C. R. Pottkk, fiom Harlan county,
is visiting in Webster county. He
owns a farm in Line product, and is
having a corn crib built.
The new school building will soon be
enclosed, and when finished will be a
building that is a credit to the en
terprising spirit of Red Cloud.
4 Aujert Wilson and Miss Mary
Robinson, two Webster county young
people, were united in marriage on the
2'Jlli, by Rev. G. S. Davis, f this city
C. G. Wilsos of Blue Hill will not,
although elected take his seat as com
missioner, as township organization
1ms done away with the commissioner
If republicans have not much satis
faction over reports from New York
4 and Virginia, wc can crow over Iowa,
f for she is always republican. Let's
hurrah for Iowa.
Members of Calantha lodgo No. 29,
M are requested to meet this evening
November 6, at their castle ha.ll, at
7.-30 sharp. Work iu second rank.
By order of the C.C.
Our democratic brethren are feeling
somewhat jubilant over the news from
New York. The Chief has no desire
to throw cold water on their happiness
but in 1SSS bovs, we shall havo to do
you up.
OA slight rain on Thursday.
Mrs. Herrick has- the diphtheria.
F. E. Goble is rearranging bis lum
ber office.
I. O. Marttx, of Blue Hill, was in the J
city Monday.
A. L. Funk and wife were in Blue
Hill this week.
Mrs. CnAXEY is convalescing wo are
pleased to learn.
V. II. Walter, of Rirerton, was in
the city Thursday.
The firemen give a grand ball on
Thanksgiving night.
Miss Mattie HacYek has returned
home from Brown ville.
"Shack" Proctor, of Chariton, la.
wm in the city last week.
R. K. Orchord goes to Exeter for
a few days visit this week.
Tiijs Piatt A Frees company haTe
completed their new sheds.
Pat McGuire, of Guide Kock, was
doing the metropolis Tuesday.
Du. Emiqh has built a new; fence
around his residence property.
M. V. Dickersow is slowly re
covering from his recent illness.
The BcventtiDay Adventiits will hold
a camp meeting in this city in the
Mr. Exos, who has boen in Bloom
ington for a few months has returned
to Red Cloud.
Our friend, G. W. Lindscy has had
the front windows ot his meat ehop
handsomely decorated.
Our friend, F. A. Durrio, is now
manager of the stock yards an well as
freight agent in this city.
The straight republican tickets in
Line precinct were written in red ink
and numbered just seven.
II. C. Scott was another lucky man,
having received a majority of 800 over
I-ovitt, democratic candidate for Hher-
The next great event for Red Cloud
will be the grand encampment of the
G. A. lw which will meet here in a few
Harry Feioht and J. S. Rothrock
propose to light their saloons with
artificial gas similar to that used in
lighting the opeia house.
M. B. McNitt, our ex-P. M., and I
county treasurer elect, is now rusticat
ing iu Ohio for a few weeks, after years
of confinement in the postoffice.
The Chief can not observe much
consolation for democrats in Mc
Keighan's election for Jjudge. He was
elected by republican votes, and not
by democratic ones.
Red Cloud is always ahead and this
week is paying two cents more per
bushel for wheat than any othor town
hereabouts, and farmers aro taking
advantages of theso facts.
Two tickets to points in Texas were
recently stolen from the B. it M. ticket
oflicc in this city, valued by tho com
pany at or near $100, by a party who
had recently worked in tin city and
The Helnui is mistaken. J. P.
Walters, was at ono titno a membor of
tho Nebraska legislature, and not of
Iowa. However this was in the early
days, when tho citizens of Nebraska
were scarce.
Mr. C. C. Johnson is making some
necessary repairs on his residence
near tho Red Cloud mills. Mr. John
son is one of our enterprising citizen
who has come to Nebraska to make it
his future home.
The Franks' combination and fancy
skaters who were here last winter gave
two exhibitions of their skill at the
rink Tuesday and Wednesday oyeniugs.
The entertainments wero highly ap
preciated by all present.
Our friend Henry Scott, who was
defeated two years ago by a combina
tion of circumstances, camo out this
election with flying colors. Henry will
make a No. 1 officor, and The Chief
extends its congratulations.
Peoile who havo never before come
to Rod Cloud, are now doing their
trading here. Wo hear of people
from five aud six miles north of Blue
Hill coming to the Gato City to get
bargains that our merchants are offer
ing. The county treasurer Chas.Buschow,
wishes to announce to the people that
he" will commence issuing destress
warrants in a few days for delinquent
personal taxes. All parties who have
not paid will do well to take notice
and pay up and save costs.
Rev. Brown is attending convention
held at Beatrice, he was chosen as one
of the delegates to represent his
association, and was invited to be one
of the speakers to addrcas that body
next Saturday but has conduced to
return Saturday and fill his own pulpit
It will pay all of The Chief readers
to peruse the advertisements in our
paper each week, as there are special
bargains offered that can not be
produced in any city within a radius
of 100 miles. Goods arc being sold
right in Ked Cloud as cheap as they
are sold in Lincoln or other places.
List of letters for the week ending
November 2, 1SS5. William ,
Zuedord Fuller, Jrs. Anuie Haton,
G. G. Joslen, Frank Kincaid, Elias
Little, Simpson Long, Mrs. Nellie
McCullough, C. A. Stepsen, S A Shaf
fer. C H Workman. These letters will
be sent to the dead letter office No
vember 30, if not delivered before.
The following is the republican rote
by wards m the city of Red Cloud, and
in Red Cloud precinct:
Ovv juu vvsru ! o()
Bed Cloud Trecinct 99
Tho total vote including republican,
anti-monopoly and democratic is as
follows: Total vote .. 463
Another year ot peace will now
follow the election of Tuesday.
Read Ducker's new advertisement
on first page of to-day's paper.
Kaley & SroKRSFiELD tire taking a
new deal. Read their advertisement.
Court sets on trie 17th and there are
83 civil caes and two criminal cases
so far.
Geo. Gartier, who has been lying
very sick at Benkclmsn, is slowly re
covering. The ladies' aid society will give a
grand dinner and supper on Thanks
giving day.
President Cleveland has set apart
Thursday, November 20, as Thanks
giving Day.
Western Cottage and Sterling organs
and Sterling and Stineway pianos, for
sale by J. S. Noll.
The members of the building asso
ciation will bear in mind that pay day
comes on tne 2Xh.
John Tomlinson has returned from
Colorado, where he has been on a land
inspecting excursion tour.
Willie Brewer, son of 11. W.
Brewer, was thrown off his horse
.Sunday and broke his collar bone.
Elsewhere in to-day's paper will be
found a complete list of supervisors
who will govern Webster county in the
We take pleasure iu calling the at
tentionofour patrons to C. Wiener's
new advertisement iu another column.
He has bargains for all.
Four hundred and sixty-three votes
were cast in Red Cloud precinct last
Tuesday being about twenty more
than were cast a year ago.
The corn social at the rink on
Thursday evening was quite a novelty.
Something unusual although we have
plenty of that commodity in tho west.
Township organization was duly
carried throughought the county, and
hereafter Webster county will indulge
in tho costly luxury of a board of su
pervisors. Mis Minnie Bailey", wiio has been
visiting her friend, Gertie Brakcfiel.1,
for a few daya. returned to her home
near Cowles Saturday evening, much
pleased with Red Cloud and its people.
Our democratic friend. Joe Walters
had a little misunderstanding at Roth
rock's saloon the other day, and con
sequently wears his eyes in mourning
for the lost cause. Time, 2:40 on a
plank road.
R. V.Shirey, R- L. Tinker, Judge
Willcox and several other gentlemen
were in Guide Rock Monday night to
assist the Masonic lodge in that city in
showing Mr. Proud fit how to ride the
"Masonic goat." The boys had a nice
One day this week one of the B. it
M.'s section crews toDk out a hand car
and were caught ou the fly by a wild
train, and the men barely had time to
jump off when the engine knocked the
car oH the track. Fortunately no one
was injured.
The C:mi:f takes great pleasure in
extending its congratulations to A. S.
Marsh, who has been appointed by the
president as postmaster of Red Cloud.
Mr. Marsh, wo feel assured, will make
a good officer, and The Chief wishes
him success in his new relations to our
Mrs. J. C. Sawyer, of Columbus, O.,
and formerly of Piqua, who has been
here visiting her father, Uncle John
Tomlinson, for the past two weeks,
will return home this week. Mrs.
Sawyer thinks that Webster county is
a beautiful country, and tho climate
E. C. VanAuken, well known in
Red Cloud as former proprietor of the
Valley House, and now proprietor of
the best hotel iu Orleans, was in Red
Cloud Saturday visiting old friends
Van is making moncyat Orleans, and
wo aro glad to hear of his prosperity
and success.
Miss Inez Harlan, a lady belonging
in McConib, Illinois, while enroute to
Red Cloud from Bloomington via the
overland route, fell from her buggy
four or five miles west of Red Cloud
Tuesday and broke her leg just above
the ankle. She was brought to this
city and is now at Gus Roats' residence
and Dr. Hall is treating her.
The roller skating season has come
and our young friends, Mesrs. Gilbert
it (jorreM have leased the Red Cloud
rink ami propose to run it in good
shape during the next few months.
On last Saturday evening the first
skatinir was indulged in for some time
and the rink was full of pleasure
seekers. The Chief wishes the boys
Ed. L. Hosford, who for the past
few yaars has been serving the B fc M
in this city as manager of the Red
Cloud stock yard, h been promoted
to manager of the Union Yards at
Nebraska City. He will go to Iowa
for a few wqeks recreation, after which
be will resume his duties. Ed is one
of the b-e-h-o-y-s, and a faithful and
courteous officer. However, we wish
him success and prosperity wherever
I he may go, as he is deserving of both
Mr. Lixdset, proprietor of the Red
Cloud packing establishment, is a
gentleman who has had soaje fifteen
years experience in that busiucss, and
proposes to work the plant for all
there is in it. He will make arrange
ments to slaughter from 40 to 100 ani
mals per day until he perfects his bus
iness arrangements, and as the demand
increases he will increase his facilities
This establishment will be one of the
most important institutions in Red
Cloud and is just what is needed. A
few more enterprises like this one and
Red Cloud will boom as sue neycr has
yexr goods I new goods!
Wright &,
See the wonderful Carter post augur
at Morhart fc Fulton's.
Evans &. Perry wiah to say that they
are prepared to move buildings.
Thc.Nebrak'afc Kansa Farm Loan
Co. ha0 plenty of money to loan.
Don't fail to hoar the Farlow Family
Concert Co. They played at the Mate
fair at Lincoln and dotibtle many of
our readers heard them there.
Monet! Money' Money! Call on
W P Overman'for your!arm loans.
Cranberries at Hacker's.
The Farlcw family band received
hither nmnifndation (ban any of the
40 bands i the reunion. Their con
cert program is equally ns fine as their
band music.
The Hastings Gt:e:tc-Jourmil goco
into ecstasies over the prospect of a
new $2."iJO0 flouring mill io be eiecal
in that city soon. Red Cloud "ases
that, and goes them 10,000 better"
with a new $35,000 roller mill, already
Ju Dso.v B.ulet got the county c lerk
ship by a majority of 951, and F. 1'.
RomI took the survey orship by 611
majority. Springer's majority over
Downs was 350; McKeighan rurrjority
vcr Sweezy, republican candidate for
Judge, was GO. Dr. Schenck s majority
over Dr. Elliott and Houchiu for
coroner was GS2.
Rm'ort ofcbo in district No. 75
for the month ending Oct. 30, 1S5.
Number enrolled. If.; not absent or
tardy, Maude- Reynolds; not absent,
John Mcscr; not tardy, Jessie Mc
Keighan, Pearlie McEeighan, Charlie
Reynolds; tho.-e who have not whis
pered during the month, Maud Rey
nolds, Jessie McKeivhan, Pearl io Mc
Keighan, Maud McCune, Bcuuie
McCune. Clara M. Wilson, Teacher.
Railroad Prospects
There is talk among tho Mi?sonri
Pacific folk of extending the Wash
ington branch to Red Cloud. Nebraska.
That h a sensible scheme for that road
for that road, lor th-y could operate
the branch a hundred mile just a swell
:it seven, aud theyjwuiild go through a
tine paying territory. i'a.ihinijton
(Kas.) iVvm't.
It seems by the above item tha. Red
Cloud is becoming an objective point
for railroad building, and that all the
large western lines are looking to
wards RcdCloud as a prospective city
of importance and are heading toward,
The poor ignoramus who presides
over the sickly looking ehect styled
"The Lincoln Daily News" for Want of
a. more ioeigniticant appellation gives
The Chief fits for criticising the hotels
in Lincoln. If the AVrj is a specimen
of modern journalistic ability, God
help the balance of tho papers 'jn the
state. Fresh plates by fricght adorn
its every page, and the balance is a
rehash of tho Jotnidi's local items of
the day before. In all probability the
editor of the" Ncir spends too much
time around tlie free lunch counter.,
to know how or what the hotels of
Lincoln arc doing.
Last Saturday niglitwas Halloween,
and wasjduly observed by the juvenile
citizens of Red Cloud, who carried out
the usual program of tick-tacking the
quiet, peaceable citizens of our city,
and all movable articles to be found
were promiscuously scattered over the
streets. Webster street was pretty
well strown with dry goods boxes,
grindstones, washing machines, etc.
A goodly number of our citizens were
surprised on arising next morning to
find they, duiiHg the night, had be
come possessed of someone else's gate,
or perhaps had no gate at all. How
ever, contrary to the results of all
previous observations of that night,
no serious damago was found to havo
been done by tho mischief-making
TiiEGeorgie Hamlin dromatic com
pany which opened tho opera house
last week with a season of theatrical
entertainments is simply one of the
best companies on the and
desires success where ever they show .
Miss Georgie Hamlin is certainly one
of the best actresses ever on a Red
Cloud stage, and in fact her ability in
that direction does not come far bv
himl some of the more noted members
of her profession, she has that case of
action on the stage that sho.vs her to
be an adept in the art. and if she
should eyer return to Red Cloud she
may feel assured of receiving a hearty
welcome, as will the whole company.
They left this city for Cameron,
Missouri, whore they show thi- week,
and will return to Rod Cloud in
Red Cloud, though not as large as
Hastings, is becoming somewhat more
popular. Men of means are now
looking upon our enterprising city as
a "future great' and are preparing to
locate here. Railroads are keeping an
eye on us, and it now seems that Red
Cloud is soon destined to have from
three to four new roads. We see by
oisr exchanges that the greit Rock
Island route is talking of Red Cloud as
aterminus, as is also the Missouri
Pacific and the Chicago, Nebraska,
Kansas & Southwestern, besides we
have a Union Pacific survey into our
dty. It simply shows that people seel
the superior advantages that Red
Cloud has for a city, and consequently
are heading this way. Very few towns
in the west can come up to Red Cloud
in point of enterprise and natural ad
vantages which go a great ways to
vards making a city.
After Eloctlon.
The Chief at a great pxpen&a hni
procured the following engraviags of a
the candidates wlx took part in the
late election.
This is the candidate who put on
airs before election and told wlAt he
would do aftc being elected. He now
smoulderth underneath a deluge of
i tw
'Ihe-'e are the candidates for coroner
on the anti-monop and democratic
ticket-. They were deflated but still
fondly hope for the hi reafter;
This U the candidate who felt as
sured of his election, full of milos ami
happy as a laik on r hi prorpects
the man who carried the votes of hie
constituency iu hi1 pocket:
IT -.,
This is tho lawyer, sad and forlorn,
who bucked the man that hood the
corn (near Ked Cloud )
This is tho carriage that nau'ed
voters to the poll- ti e!e t tne republi
can ticket last Tuesday:
"Of all sad winds of tongue or pen,
the saddest are thco, 'It
been' "worse.
Tit for Tat
According to tho Omaha Herald,
Will Km,, the abnormally suinrt
young man wno formerly figured at
the head of tbe Yellow Spring.- Re
view and other new-paper ventures
is in a neck of trouble m Red Ootid.
Nibraska, to which he betook himself
recently from Ohio. He starl'tl a
'two-for-a-cent" paper there, but ow
ing to his abuse of citizens. Km.;
was not very popular and in a wrin
glo knocked a man down in a mo:
cowardly manner. and the
chance is that Mr King will "go we.t."
Xpriwjfirlil Ohm (inzritif.
It ?ecms that the dense smartness of
tho Ibbtifl is also appreciated ouuide
of Red Cloud.
The following is the board of sapor
visora elected lat Tuesday:
Red Cloud city. 1st ward A J Ken
ncy; '!& ward R. V. Shirey.
lied Cloud precinct, Joe Garber.
Guide Kock precinct. I U Hampton.
Stillwater. Jams Groves.
Oak creek, K 51 Jones.
Pot'darn. C G WiUoa.
R.itm. C G Ku-tis.
GlenwooJ, W W
Harmony, S W Fulton,
lnavaie. Max Hunter.
Walnut creeic. A H Rinker.
Elm creek, W H Ifor.e.
rieaeant Hill, F' Richardson.
Line, Carl Gut.
Garfield, John Street.
Beaver creek, Wm. R. Rykers.
Catherton, J C BruoV.
Headquartor3 Garflojd Post No. 80
At a special meuing of Garfioid
Post held a, their hall Nov. 2, 1S35,
resolutions were passed expressing
the appreciation of thi Post for the
services of Comrade Geo. H. Brown on
various .occasions, and especially for (
lua very able strmo.n on -ignai3" and
that thw Post regard Comrade Brown,
iS 4ue comrade and Christian gen
tiCK. By order of
W. B. Roar, P. C.
Samuel West, Adj't.
I ! - ,
To all whom it may concern; Fees
on all deed, mortgages and other in
strument filed in the county clerk's
office lrom and after thu date must be
paid at the tune of tiling, in advance, i
Red Cloud. Xcb., Nov. '2, ISi5-
J. P. Barm. County Clerk.
Parties wanting too buy pianos or
organs will ave tuonev bv feeing J. S.
::ii& JM.
New goods at IVab it IaUas.
DtflOf Harvf-y m fttrohbiK tbe
Cow lea market with lots of hay.
Mi. A. A- Peak u vmiitifc m hVnafc
Jin rounty with her relsurn irad old
Rev. I'ace atiwdfd the Slate Aori.
iUnm of the CongrgnUAoaliat hi
P on ramnlay an I &mdy bu;
Kv. Geo. O Yeb' rtcearhed for bim
I a: ibis place at ! I o'clock Pindar.
He.. John I Jean, o mo ii. rs. rmtrcn
preached M 3 p. J. and will pre-h
very two wck at this place at that
hmr, until further notice, bssiuj
Nor. 1.
Cok k Meacharw keep ful! hoc of
wall ,oipcr of the Utt tylcs at Jon
Tbe Poopie tanner company ar
having a coweUnUv incnmMis trade
Cuttles. Lod-Mo 3jrt. I. O. G T.
recently orsnixe! .i this place, ha
memterahio of utr &&r. Rr.rt?'ar
meeting- ery Fndar cvcmiij. Visit
ing members re cordially invited.
Mh. Juri-ph P-ui! has s?ue ;r.d
ievrral week wih hr parent. .Mr
ami Mr. .Stoddard, (l Waimrt creek.
Mu Mma Conrad gave w n. short
call on 51 oud Ay last.
.Mr. W. T. Kv:iu, railroad agent, and
bis wiiV. nrr uecupyimr th rooms ad
joining PeaS t Iilla'.- slur.
LtTTUI Haitket.
Com hu-kiug ha begun in
nnr, ntul ia yirkhug well.
Farmers are all du thrc;hing in
Pletiritut lldl. wa- not aO !
.ts la-t year, but o it- beUr.
A young gentleman living not far
iV''n here, went to call on h voting
.Hily of i- nNU. imtanco u w; upo
?.-t runday mormm;. nboM -ix o'ebn-k
The young lady upp-tnt; ha hnd comu
to ree her br-rth.-r, laitel to go
mg. he bad not gone ftr, however.
u!k n tb? young man eicurtwd hitn-tjlf
-.lying he bal to go tr another plac.
tn.t Hhi'ii be overtook the iady J" rgl
i.i-re be His going, and fo. lowed tur
a: I day.
J I. X. rorev xiul J. II. Sabuieu have
!ugiii a HiU Hiigtir, and are m-inc
into tlie luitiM-i. Anvltot'.v WAiiiing
a little made in the Krot:nd kiiJ imve
not time to dig it, nj!! do well to call
ou thi-m.
Charlie Hull found his boot.
Polly Hroi. will have their n&v mill
running in a short time.
Quarterly meet: ,; w-, !m 1 1 at th
51. K. church in tlu- pla- U-t Sttiui
Toe carponJiT! an mw xi work on
tho iiwide of tbe m'W bank building.
Work on the now elevator ia going
in as fa-t n. po!hlt;.
A. i 'raw i- budding a new house on
one of his farms.
Concert at Talbot' hall Thursday
evening by tb Fanow Family.
5Ir(uir t Hdtu and John Mnr-di
have i:nteI in the purchase of inw
fire proof and burglar proof safe.- lor
thir !tors.
Dance at th rink last Fridav even
ing. Tho band Ttas cut aud filial the
air with fine mu-ic
Wliifday. Nov. 'JT, a girl i'oru to
Mr. and Mrs. MobiiiMm.
.Mr. Waller and Mr. turnp have
bath come to Guide Rock from Iowa,
u locate. TntAiu.
MKwvv, Ti ns.. Oct. 3.). 1-5.
KniT:x Cmikk I'erhrtH a fu iim-"
about our trip homi would bin orv-t-ing
to our manv wntin frifiidn of tb
N rth. W b-ft Iel CIou.l October
15, reached Kansas City tbe nuxt
morning, and a. uuaI wen compell
ed to lay over all day. We tried to
make tbe let toille use of our time
and took a look at the town. It i a
firat-chiM town aud bid- fair to be a
eond Chicago. In the evening we
started again and nrrtvud in Ht Lau-
on the 17th. and as wj were getting
tired of traveling t deuib.-d to go on
j. boat to CoUimUux. We wmt nM.ard
of a brge packet, the City ol Vick
iuirg. 1he river wm wry low ,tim!
they had U uc a grct deal of can
to keep from grounding oi ?nwl bar'i
We struck on one, laid lbre -i huiir
aud thru hal to get r. tug lit to pull
them lf. 'n.' : t. very y and
eoixjfortable wny of traveling wi.n the
river u full of water. We reached
be evening of the 2th and found
evorj'lhinc looking vory prnapepm
and weather. Th fir?: frot fell cine;
our return from Nebraska. L. A. A.
Tako irotioo.
The Trndem Lumber Co., of thic
city, 51 r. F. K Gv-ble manager, m now
fully prepared to farnth the people of
the connt.-y adjce-t to RadClotid witii
iuxnl-?r, building miterial, lim. hair.
cwi'ut, hard and Hft roai. etc , in
any quantity dertred and at tbe no:
reasonable ratea. I; will pny ha "o-
pU of Wobter. Smith aod J- dK
counties. aH in fact any ami fira) mo
in a radius t. dfty uttiet of It! ( . -ud
to get tliire frtttn tbe Traders lumbor
coui'ny if tniendtat; to bcihl, x the
company are bound to il lumber at
aU haxarti. When you want n rifting
in oor hue call and aeo ns beJore Uiy
ii,' el-iewhare.
TittoEns" LcvaaiCo.
Per K. E- Goblx.
New wiill papr at C. A Owne', nl
the niee bnbr that hare ever hnm
brought in the Krpubiicnn vler
Thoio wilrtng to JiapT thir hne
ihl iall to keep the ld omi. wmtki d-
wet! to call at the wall paper and Mint
hon& oppnei the new opera hou.
Don't iori, tbt place. AH pricw to
sot: the t;ir.5. C A. Owis.
Tho Knowing thent'elre? indel!ed
to Mn V.t- Ttfl fir tvii' uvmiq ..
qmA Ut U1 ao! 'tide the Varne
at ooce, a. I hare MJ$d ray meat market
to Geo. W. Unoyf who w:H conunae
the bo&ine-.- a: the ok! . triad.
Wm. Garr..
Kslxcka?? it Wke proprietor of
tho pM?t-ofnce news dpvit hare the
finest line of imported Key West ana
dont?;ic cigar- m the " Reocblican
Valley. 5p when you cet yoar mail
ami give them a tnsu.
Coal, lime. hair, etc, at Piatt
, ,. "
r ifW
j lvxniter rarthr.
Lnmber. coal. elc. a chean i m.
J where in the ctty, at .rtatt 3c Fretss
1-w.u-j from W. I tirercmi- Mnnt-r
thmi5bl pr-n :'.
U err xt,i Am at
the Gvldcn Kaxl?
Rucknl cat tjj
h.'p aJ
Tor the lcl orga
Cottftge, ? yj J V
V-tj can'get the J
n !xk, the
Umi mottev. of J 8
the Wctleni
So orjan bc-
t 3I and rf the elegant I ton fit bor
to U stven away ;at Wright A Wal
le x
KArc lectivin.r every day holiday
C odi f orrry description. Call and
ftr.min Uirm Wkioiit .t Wau-tCK.
Remember. rcrr dollar of caali
par-hac at Wright Jt, WalIeV you
rcceivoa ticket In tho grand drawing
of thu elegant pnic-
Get our ridmg cart before tho car
Uul CAhamtttl, it A. L Kunk'a.
A L tVsc hfw a oomugnmeni of
cur of UiRjnci that mu.M be tohl
wttbin thulj day9.
The Wt M-hr:Ki for the money wero
iold by A. 1 Funk l.vii Saturday, ever
brought to Rod Cloud.
For the beat booti and fhe-ci for men
women and chddren, go to the Golden
If you wamtojavo money buy your
gooL- of thu Golden Hile, You 'can
find the lansrot stc-ck ud alwaja Hit
iowrtprictM there,
Wmd ock- li ct tid upward at tho
Golden Kagle.
Drrvptodaat 5o, 10c. 12Jc, lie l
Tiik rheofHj.'fhctorlcs Inithc-ounry
arc clo?el for tho winter
Double fold ciuhmere lie, 2?o and
u ,i Docker? zxth utoro.
Dont y.Mi forget it. C A. Owen hft
tbi hne-t line of wn.l pipcr and lord
vsrs over brought irct of Lincoln.
G t" the Golden Kaglo for fur car
g'oe nl mitten , nl pne that will
lou.ah even tliu chronic kicker.
Canon (!ty coal t I'latt A- Frc
Urt your turkeys ready for. Thanks
giving. iuw ma Jn with the 5ebratk A
Km-a Farm bwii Co. can b pah! t
Cll aid ee C. A. Oitin'i flejjam
pattern of wall paper and border.
A new i-iock of all paper and
bidden receivel by C. A Omen.
Stub t wool underwear at .VI wtih
tn. I upMtnl Hi tbe Golden Kagl
clothing fttre.
Smp ami look at C. A. Owen wall
paper and borderf, aNo a now ami
frr.-h -tcck of painm aad vuwlow
JIonkv at Ilackor'i.
The G.i'den Knglo clothing ator Um
jtut IxHighta bankrupt tock of cloth
ing at losi than 50 cent nu the dollar,
ami will give you u Ixnctit of low
Kvaporatvd and dried fruito. at
Forjliargaini in dry goo!s gn to Mm.
The fluet and cheapest line of lamp
at Henry Cook's.
9 ivr renijloanw it'thaNebrMka A
K maj Farm loan .
For hootN. yarn, Hambnrr'dfnfpi
and lam Mr. .Vewhomm'.
Foh freh choice candle go to Klea.
tunn A Wicner nt ibo Kt olico.
They are irnmenu.
Hal;' hulking gloves at 65 eta a pair
at tbe Golden Bigla clothing tore.
Tin: ! place to buv fretb pint bj
at C. A Own, to doom north of
KaTey ,t Hnokfield ton. Hm hist
before you buy, a he ha hargniuv.
Fc r all grade of undrrwntr, go Vt
the Golden Ka;Ic.
A Wi..TKii county Unw.r Have!
ixty dollan by getttnjf hi farm loan
from W. P. Overman.
Children' flannel wainM t the
For bargain in dr t?ri, drret
Haniie,jery. yarn ho'xl, Ifam
bnrg la rbeajM-r than orer at Mr.
A tine hue of fancy KmU at )fleo
man k Wjener i pot office naUnd.
CiH and examine them.
Ii ardiT to e!ro out the rmnn
Henry Cook offer a fjw pttruf of
wi I iper at f, lu ami 12 Ccnu per
double roll.
F"R Hu.k 100 town lot for -aln in
Co-a-le, A'l In gooI location. Apply
Uj Win. 'Tapp, Oowle, Neb.
10; acre imprnrrd railrmd Iod for
ab. 25 aer- broken; frAtni hoie;
wimlmill and lrg hog corral; fjOMi
an aere. iKirt dunn; 7 year on remain
der at S p.r cni Apply to John
Flward?, Catherton.
Bine gra.. tirootliy at Hicker'.
Jut received a large upply of M ioe
crjey.4 of all size at. Mm Vhotte'.
Fmc-t line of domestic and imrorteI
cigar In the city at Kersuton A (.
Ittj! and cratche of rtvr kind
corcl In 30 minute by Wnoh'ord
ramtary Iytion. P.e no hcr. Tbia
never fail Sold by Feriton A Co dm j
gv:. Rrtl CkKid. 22-ly
Hiurxjcvf.TEa for lumber, coal.
fecfidi material. Ac U atjth? rltt
k Fnrr, Lnjnber Co Rd Cloud. You
can get bargan.
Now i the lime Io btry in joa
winter coal. Before yotj do o call on
lb Piatt A Fnr? lornber company.
it Webster trct.
N'ew gc-h jmi Irxxn th mannfao-
UiTcm. conit:nt: of Terytbing caoall
kept ia a fim cta drujf store.
FEr;rojr A Co-
Tue Piatt & Vw Ijrjmbtz Co., r
siring bargan in all kima of lumber,
door, ahe. blind. Ac
Money to loan on chatW iortcK
F. IL Byrtrr. Rd Cloud.
Cora sad Ctea WuM.
Lodlow & ?on will tak corn and
,oU in escbangc for bri;k. Ait per
'wvf WMritniJ t mak lh excfcMf.
".n call on theuB at their yartto mrth
of Red Cid.
Wool WaQt4KL
Tlc hi-hest ma:ket price m crtli
pzid for woo! by D. M. rLVtX
J 'y.
? --? i
3 9?