tr Ar C r i A r . ( Sf- t 1 Ik THE RED Qr,0"OT CHIEF 4. C. HGSME3. pilior. RED n.nrn. Tki,;:amca AT THE LOrM "'Lock, ho! lock!" the rowers W. as up the . Opcij your irutes. oh nut-brown maW, for my lady t, plcasine bout; Turnjourw.inUaf.s. okvii the hiulce and Set the water rifcu. My little lady will rest awhile und view the 8Utl.0t fcSclfS. Fair she Is as you are dark, oh maid of the HiintiurM skin: She i like 11V ltllJea that toll not. and neither do thvy sjiln: HersivMdcr f-'t and her languid hands have a hlh-tioni -rac". jijii -i c. And e. .-ii In r tia -oiiiluc-ts Sutuseir like a pus,' il ill Hi tlrarrti. Do your ,.- hhuk! her wistfully, poor toller l.y the jn' Whu.'f lirvad tnuit still wo won by lnhor .tr'y and hue' Do not murmur: remember thin that honest to't it hl st. And that worm most faithfully has earned the. sweetest iet. Perhaps who know? My lady's 03 es took Wistfully at you Ilefd.i-ss ..I r,uhenfd linden, or Toot in elumsy b!ioc; The. w..rd hieinove, in covers ill deeds with rirn (Il-ITUI-.. And the fiuiet aes sometimes mask "a 1 uitied house f lies." I'erliap If the hdden secrets of both hearts could be 10M. You would not clmiiee. with my lady for all h r r-iuk and; You would pitv the lovely creature In all her 'It uttire. .And Hie Lord Tor the sweetness of love at j ou r ilciire. lorluiv is the-little slstr-r that cllnirs about your jn-ek :o loviiur ulvvjt.s, und dentin, ready to run at jour l.-ei: And a Me,, :twy irom the river rises the busy mil!. When :ir vour Ve. oh uuMirown maiden. KiiiK'li'iil) woikrt with a will! Tin 11 vour wiiidlns, open the nlulco; the Winers rise amn n. My Indv'sdovnnd my hidy Hep Into the boat .She sunt.-ns her lover greets her who knows it thf smile w true' ISut tliconis :!:sii in tin- hiiiiI Klit, and they vanish tttmi jour view. :Solct thv wistful IoiuIiik vanish from heart and eics. And look what a iroMon lory over the rier lies' Fkv and water together equally overspread With a imiil SIeinIii,j,'or color, gold anil pur- ide ami ivd. Cold and purple and "cailet are blos-nnilng too at your I ret. Tiioinv vi own or the thistle, prlmiose yellow and swi ;t, naming eot.e of the .-iituitc. J arrow and jrold- en And a !i'iiilor of silken timsels from the mill.weetts lmrt .iiir pod. Kouinl them. scckins; lor plunder, hums a be- i.ltvd liee. Ami a 11. bin 1 witters a sleepy so:uj In yonder liin;.e tive. ion tie- lnv - tod w, be over: shut the I'.tieJ tor the ii'jht; S(mf.iiilv unit- to milk with you In the old II eVenuijf I Kht. Herein let vour heart be thankful; the sturdy -tn nutli ot join baud. With lovelo Hwi-eteu jour labor, is better th.m io'd or l.ttid: And I.vMvr 1I1.111 all is the truth In wh ch meek M.lll lil.l i't. "Tliat (Jod who t'.icsricli bis poriion, knows what lor eivn is he. .1107 JiimlU-'j. n i.ulr f Lvbfxl:wfc IUI..S. WILKIN'S DUTY. Sho Thought Belinda Would Like a Clmugo of Mont. She "always tried to Io it." she said. lu:t li!:v the kitchen woik of poor housekeepers it was never done up. Tim iii.i-loiI that there vv:is more tii:m livloiiv"! to one fain 13. "Aunt "l.i.:iheth took in a ;ooil ilval for other folk;" ami on. e he lyh elialketl :i sien upon the front !oor- "Hutv Done here." l'.ul then Tim had arrived at that peculiar ar;e wlien a boy has no rights ami h needed to run errand?, sind it is probable that duly hi aut:t 7iotiitsouii interfered with his eom lort even more than that of older peo ple. in truth. Mrs. Wilkin's duty was not : vonven enL article tu have about the hou-e. It was a bnvtlinir. ajr:esive :iU:ur. ahvay prmin up unexpected 1. like one of the dos o una.-i ount iibl jctld in onie iiou-cliolds for their ole virtue of ie nj; always m the way. Moving forward, one runs a;a.iist the creature and it growls, moviije; backward, one step upon it tail and it snarls. It lies upon the back p:az.ato be carefully leppcd oer in the Uavtune and disas'rouslv .stutn blcd over at m;ht. and haunts the front steps to bark at eery visitor coining in. and to howl after eery member of the fatntlv oinir out. Mrs. U ilkins kept no tlo,, but hrr duty snitVed an oppoitunity ami pounced out of its h d.nj; place when there came a timid little knock at the t lining-room in the early morning, and and iLs answer n; icvealed a small, quiet-faced, brown-robed figure face and dres both past the freshuos ot their vouth caiTvin: a basiet. (Joed mornini:. Mrs. Wilkin." "Come in?" questioned Mrs. Wilkin, with only half an invitation in Iter voice. Tiie acceptance was only a half one likewise. The little brown woman stepped in, certain v, and poised herself on the outer edrxe of a chair neatest the door "1 called to see if you didn't want to buy some knitted articles, or to engage work of that sort." she bewail, in a dep recatini; voice. "Well. 1 don't." interposed Mrs. "Wilkin, very positivelv. "I do all such work myself." 1 didn't know. Many ladies haven't time, and I am glad to do it." 1 suppose so. but 1 consider it nn huy to do all I can myself and set other folks the eample. whether they follow it or not." said Mrs. Wilkin, with a hlijxhl gesture, like her hands of responsibility. "If 1 was going to ie out work at all. it would lie some hard job that would be a help to get rid of. not the pek aud choice, little, easy tilings that I call rest and not work, but then. 1 ain't so particular as .some, ami so I do all kinds myself." A faint tlush crossed the visitor's thin face. She was not quite sure that site had been called indolent and advised to v ... "virv .mo l .11 u .u 1IU1ICM llllii. the worus onI had an uncomfortable asound. so the lips kept their timid, gen tle sin !e. though they trembled a liTtie i?he heal tirs: one hand, in its thin cot ton glove, and tiiea the to the lire: moved tinea ly. glaiirvd down at her feet with a dim thought that if they Jiad always chosen the smoothest path it had been rough enough to wear out lir shoes much faster than she could replace them, and then she arose to go. Wasn't yon rather hard on her, 'Lizabeth?" asked Mr. Wilkin, with a regretful glance towards the door as it closed. Mrs. Wilkin returned to her seat at the breakfast table and surveyed him over the coffee-pot Hard on her? I oaly told her what I do, and if that pricks her conscience and makes her uncomfortable it's not my fault. But you needn't worry; she iust said good morning as sweet as ever. She's one of the weak kind that can't say their soul s their own. I wonder and to Mrs. Wilkin's const raat.on the what such fools are good for? They'll order was obeved and she was a pr.s never make the world anviotter. that's , oner. sure. They haven't courage enough to ; Tip- bov left the o'her door li"htlv he.p put down any evil, it it wrs right ajar as he re-entered. A g varito: liht uuiici my riio;es tiiuv uoniy-tanti.tno smile. J ne ver 's'nt of em provoke-! me. I cons'der it mv duty to speak out Hiien 1 see things " so wrong. ,uim il1 " negiioornooti-peaceaose. orderly place two year- ago, and now i. ... !... T .T 1 tueie -, :t jhmv mui started auu all sorts of vagabonds brought here to work in it- If I'd mv way, they wouldn't have come, and now thev fre here enough, sna lined Mrs Wilkin .Jut "Xnu-Hm't he i .i........a.i u-:n i.:w .. 1 : . .,. .. :t. . sonienody ougut to ke.-p a siiarp watch There were a few -imjde malh:natic on 'em. teat s the trouble; there's 1 al problem, and then real ng. and the so many mild, u, folks that want to words .,p -He I out dillicultv "bv -om-. sit still and do tue Kn'tim work of life, tj-at ti.vie's jirvc '.us few lei t to take care of he good of .-ociely." " I dont v. as tnu inill folks have done an mischief yet, 'Li.b-th " "Of eour-e vou don't ee. and 11 bdy else -et-.x but I know there s something going on. when the lower part of the mill the old empty store-room back there, it can't be seen from the -treet is lighted up two or three nigli's every week", said Mr Wilk.n. triumphantly. "1 ve watch-d the twinkling through the shutters tsht as they're .-hut, and seen folks slippin' in through the door too. Its time it was looked alter, and I'll do my duty if nob dy else doe. There may be a ang of or counterfeiters .-tarting for all we know." A siijmreaed giggle made Tim sud denly cough anil put down his coffee cup. "Timothy!" exclaimed his aunt, severely, "if you can't drink eoSFee without doiti' it -o fa-t that you choke yourself, you'll hae to go without it I'll do my best to bring j-ou up right, whatever comes of it'" bringing up Tim in the way he should go was one of Mrs Wilkin's strong points He was the son of her n:eee, and 1'clinda had married 111 op position to her aunt's advice. Mrs. Wilkin protested and then wa-hed her hands of the whole matter. lint when the poor man wa o in considerate a to die ami leave Ilelin la with half 11 dozen children just when she needed his help, Mrs. Wilkin's opinion of his general "slnekne-s" was enlied. The family were poor, of course. She didn't i.eliev e in sending many ihing.s self-dependence, was a tlutv -but she otlered to lake T.m. "Having the boy to raise m.ikes me more careful about the morals of the whole place," she said, returning to her original subject, "anil :is tor there be ng no thieves round here, I've thought for sonie time that meat went prettv last from our Miioke-hoiiM " "Don't now' l,i." both, I -I'm sure no one's stole any," said Mr. Wilkn. w.tli a startled, uneasy look. "You couldn't hae counted the hams and everv thn.g " "An, I don't count, but I can miss 'em for all that." aSlinned Mrs Wilkin, deeidedh "I know there s more go than we use." "Auway. it's no dilierein-e I wouldn't 'I.i'beth there a plenty, you see. more t.ian we want." advise I M Wilkin, urgently, but rather incoher ently. Then lie caught up his hat and started for the biru. Mrs. Wilkin looked after him with disaptro al. "When jou w more than you want yourvlf, le.iw it bandy lor .somebody to steal. Well, thvt's a new command ment. I do declare." she said. "Not so on-adful new. either. Aunt 'Li.'beth." iiiterpo-ed Tim. stoutly, "cause the hi folks are told to lea- some f their ham st so tue pour could come and get it. 1 toad it injvli. only it wasn't c.d.ed steabng then, and was to be left sandier than all stowed awav in Miio vc-hoits s ' "Timot .y." began Mrs. Wilkin Ihit Tun suddenly remembered that the cli ck -Ha were uaitng lor brvikiast and choo-e to inlcrpict the evclama.ioti as an admonit on in that ducction. "Yes' m. I'm go ng to feed 'em right away," lie ob-erwd. seizing a basket of corn and darting through the door by winch his uncle had depai ted. In trutn it was not altogether easy to mold Tim to the desired shaoe theie was too much individuality about him Incasing him .11 Mr-. Wilkin's code of manner- was putting too large a bov into too small a jaeket. he wa- alvvav- bursting out at the elbow, or tear ng oil" the uutton. Mrs. Wilkin sighed at this new evidence of the number of thing in t!i- world that neede 1 her at tention, but Kngland ne."r expected every man to do his duty mire stronly than Mr.-. Wilkin expected to do hers. That cloning the mysterious 1 ght nppcared again m the store-room ot the mill. She could plainly ee them, for ist beyond herowu back gate an onen tield sloped ilircctlv and steeply itovvn to the build ng The road atlorded a public ami more c rcuitou mode of reaching it. hut from the hill top the con-p cuou store-room was d re -tly in range. Mr. Wilkin determined to take a more thorough oo-ervation than the kitchen winnow allowed, and throwing Ja shawl over her head she picked her way caivfullv down the icy steps and crossed the yard to the gate. The stiovvv lieid lav white and g.isten- wig in wie mooiiiigiu aim sianuing in the sheltering shadow of a post ahe watched the door below. Hefore she discovered any one enter ing there, she heard sounds in another dire ton steps m thevard ehmd her. What if she should prove bevoud all doubt that her meat was stolen and de tect the thief J With that quick th Jiigh. she turned lier head cautiously. Ye, some one tried the stuoke-iiou-e door and entered. Hreathiessly Mr. Wilkin wasted until the liguro reappoare i. pas ng along the shade of the hou-e aud a- it emerged into the clear moon light, she leaned eagerly forward to catch a full sight of it. It was eagerly recognized. Mr. Wilkin, beyond all question, stealing meat from his own stores. The revelation was a-tounding. In her aston shment she meant. ou-ly loosed her hold on the gate-po-t. took a step forward, and her feel slipped on the treacherous ground. She s it down violently, anil in an instant she was speeding rapidly down the hill toward her or 'inal point of investigation. ror once tttepathof out) was smooth before her -entirely too s.u- oth and iCV. She could not check or jruide her progress: her feet struck with fore against the mysterious door, pushed .t open and she slid iuto a hall. Th eves, gamblers or whoever they were, she must not be discovered by them. Hashed through Mrs. Wilkin's mind more an instinct of self-preservation than a thought and spr.nging to her fcot. she slipped behind some boes piled near her. The noise at tracted attention, aud in a moment the store-room was opened and a boy looked out "Guess it's only the door blew open; don't catch good. ' he reported. ' Lock it then. James, and then bring in the key,1' said a veic from within; shone into the hall and U.vT" were sounds from ' scratch. nir of tii" pe i. room beyoni -a anl a w-jmin's ui cour.-e whle vou wor: in the mill and can only study at 11 "ht you can' t get along u-it as -ome do who go t .school all day. bir what vou learrrmav he of sonie u-e to vou. Wv f,r tli,... - .... .. ....... 1,1. cure most were Jnble word.-. "Chanty -uslereth Jong and is kind. It vaunteth not it-df. Thinketh no vil. Hearcth all thing-, believeth all thing, hopeth all things." It wa- easily understood. Mrs. Wilkin leaned "forward a little, ami could peep into the room. F.fteen or twenty boys aud girl troui the in.Il gathered into a night school. Thou those wonderful word read so slowly and emphatically, seemed stidden'y to as-uine a new and deejiv meaning than Mrs. Wilkin had ever thought of their posse-sing. Some things do show more clearly in the dark than in the light. As the timid lit:..; woman, who would have been frightened at the sound of her own voice in any other audience half so large, expla ned in her simple, gentle way, the pa-sage read, it occur red to the listener outside that some one was keeping a "sharp watch" ou those mil people, after all, and that this might be a better way of doing it than might be practiced by any police force. It was s. very informal" school. One girl had brought her best dress to mend a rent in it, and another was try ing to knit a pair of rnlttetis for her brother. Kvcry winter has its thaw-. Mr-. Wilkin ha 1 a heart down un ler all the crust of opiuions that she hr.s tened duty .she bee a me interested, de spite her uu'omfortable sittia'ion. Tiie pos.tion was unpleasant. She did not like eavesdropper to this innocent gathering, but there seemed no help for it She could not eseaoe through the locked door, and boldly revealing her-clf and ep miiing her ab-u.vl .-usp.e:oiis and the remark able way in which she had come there was more than ever her thought co i!d endure. So -he kept her place, hoping that when the pupils were di-m s-ed she might slip out unuol ced. I'.ut when the lesion hour wis oer they parted so.. ly. by two and -ihrci-fr'i" 'opeii"" d .or HiJ41r'.'t liood of light out into the halL-At last only one lingered, and Nir1$YiIkin listened intently as -he caught lib voice. ".Now, Tim." said the little knitting woman, "I like to hare you conic, you know tint, and I'll help'you all I can. but you must tell your aunt about it.". "Well, you see, I don't know what she 11 sy " began Tim, irre-olutely. "Hut that shouldn't hinder you from your duty." "Don't know about that," .-aid Tim, still doubtful. "You see Aunt 'Liz' hcth's got tut awful 'mount of duty of her own. :ihd it's such n particular kind that other folks can't get much chance to do tiieinouly when hers is a-uap-pin'. Vh Uncle Ketib gives my mother lot-, of meat, but he just slips it off ami dor 't tell." "Well; if j you don't know what is right forytt 1 know what is right for inc." -:iid Iho little teacher, "with a laugh,"and I can't let you come again until on tell your aunt how you spend our .jTenings." Mr.s Wilk.u nodded a vigorous ap ptovd. but itt was evident that Tim de parted m'attate ol d.ssatisfact on. I here vfas a sound of a crutch tap ping ou t'lio .'lior, and Mrs. Wilkin re ineiiniereil'. Unit a little lame brother had sometimes gone about the 'Ihey two were left a one m the room, and went around shading out he lire and putting up book and papers. "(Jnlv ten clnts a week for each one - that - n 1 littu," said the boyish touei. nnis.ngl . "Yes. butit isn't so very much that I can teach tkieiV' answered the little woman, humbly.- "Ami then it's all they can atFon to pay, jioor things. Aud vou know wc bgan more for their sake than oitrcwn. though we do need the inoiicv. Ctrage, though oohuny! It all c iints,rtiflyou shall have your overcoat pretty goon now. Besides, this is wjrk tfca'J "blesses both ways in what we givo a well as what we get." It she i ouhioitiy pas, that open door. Mr.-. Uilktn vfas growing benumbed by taud ng so lojr in the cold. Finally the 1 gms were iVtinihshe 1 and the two came out. ? .kst then, fortunately, .lo.inny remebWeil they had left "a book behind thm; and :is" they turned hack the prison seized her oppor tunity and escape!.' She vvxs .sitting jone by the tire when 'I i m. who had itado liis homeward route suihcientlj dbeu'.tou- to include a call on his mother.f returned. He sat down near her, ta. ed his lingers un- easiiv. ami .ir.s. ni ciu jrue-sed what wa co in ui";. Jheie's tjeea an Aunt 'L..'&oth.' hu I undcrstan Wliktn. coolly. "Why. I thought- venin' school here, ooded Mrs. ceiran Tim with wide open eye, and then checked him selt with a sudden rctieotion Hi: it might no: be well to ree.i.l t..e convr- sat.ou of the moriiing I d like to fJ to ic tnat is. 1 have been once oj twice, ne sato. -i-act .. .uut I.ira-f ii l. ,-?,.... ..... 1.-...1 .i...... ..... ' . i:..' ...i. mui.., i t ii.ii iiwkiii tiiv river before ou took me. theie wan't any sch ol for me :o go to. and 0 I'm bt mini other feller. M:? KeUey -be make.- 'nthmotie o plain and help- ire with aud -o "Yoii might do wor-e." aid Mr. Wilk.n brie.y "Go ,i -ou wau: tx Only one th r.. T.m Jthy tone. '1 won't have any len-veat ihijcicjs abcot it. Honest iioncst. and it's wo:th iuor n ten cents a week to teach vju as I know." " f Tim forgot to be astonished a; iis aunts knowledge, and ovvi looked 'Jie ref ecttv n upon tiiniseii ,n the pie.isire of expres-iag a de-ire that he had vutr ished sev.t'et.y but hopeleslv. j ose wouiun ; tae any mor- ?av 'cause she'd want to -erveall alike, but oh. Aunt Liz'beih. if I could jtistfive her and .Johnny something c.ceffor L-ur.stmas.' s " Humph! I'll thinK about it,' not l SnnrrtVinrrlr 1 'Lu'teih'beeanMr. Wilkin.terv- ouslv, the next morning. ! worfdn't ' ay nothm to anbodv about Upeves or watchin' them mill folks, if i was yon- f "I don't mean to." replied hif wife, with an odd pucker abont her lij. Well. I'm glad of it I reallt am." said Mr. Wilkin, in a tone of grtat re- lief. I don't thintr nnvKnHr nix tn anytumg. and somehow it seenu to me as if our duty nowadays is a goid deal --.. .. w..w voice: ji -our.i; l wondertuili nke tlint U .' n - , - -,.. . .w i.'.' .. ..t. .ji. liil.ukfx zi:iri in" ne.r ini- iirifir lii?l i like it was wavn em Irjvii.e- took lencho only y j marching a"iin-t the bit of wall thtt's right in front 0 u. and lettm' ouriVigirs tae care of wi -t -. jn f-o: :if : .-m. It -.or: oi J 5e-ta that a. 1.'::." I Mr-. W.ik n del not answer, but she '. ik he, ivn.e tl'nt -fiun? iraen Mr 1. t.tlr-r.1.0 r i ri'i'iir-il IC.. . . . - . hnd.t d like a chaige of meal aa well a- other folk.-." .V. y. JionU VACCINATION. A nl.JTt Whlrh I! . rn Jrfly ;-lrr'-il in lh- rut-il st.te. Oppo-.tion f 'nccn it'nn ha- various foundation-, ou? none at one- -o mis chievous in it- tilects and -o reprehen sible m it.- urign a- set forth in the following extracts from acknowledged author.tie- on the sub.crt "What s I called vacctna'in is. in a vast number of person- m tie United State- and there-! of the word, only -o in name and not in reality." say Kl 3ha Harr s. "All per-ons amateur-, druggist-, old wom en, m dwives itc are allowed to vac cinate in any way they thing proper, and the pernors operated on are eoiK-id ered vacc uaj'd." -ay Mr. Mar-on. sjieaking of accination in KngiatuL "Medical inei are found to vary ex ceedingly in their estimate of a satis factory VACcite vesicle and cicatrix, or the reverse, f-ir their .standard is com parative rather than absolute." "This is exactly what have been ex pected." say. Aitkin, "seeing that med ical students are left to up their knowledge of vaccination where they can In tact, practical medical educa- turn at our schools of medicine has hitherto, or until very recently, been ent.rely nil m regard to this most im portant siibect. and no tot of knowl edge has ever been applied " Dr. Hen ry A. Martin, who ha- de.o'ed a life timo to .ins ,-ub ect. say- "My belief has very long been that in no country ha- vaccination been carr ed on le- sat sfactorily than n the United Mates. X'jt so tar as the peicentage vac mii ii a tee, for in the older States that is un Jonbtedly large, but in the character f the vaccinal on done. When we reflect thai even in our most prcvnt.ou- medical college v:e cination wis not till lately t:io.ight woith tea lung, and the prote - on of the peop e hail to b d m hy men woo ha t neve learn, d what a p rfect av cine ves c e wa. it ia iiaruiv tjr Oe woi derei wtt'uU :tfCln"al!o:i lii has been done very badlv." has been done very badlv." And nnffiouM till in au I be dr..w n. d a a;- ' '- "ol- ' " ' u'Ir,," nfv'" of the latest writer, on that .sUOi Mm, t 'o u-spirit- prudeiiih and fail j "'-" '"'""P-w than tni-r fnth.-r' I W A. Hardaway, M. I)., in "The ELTl the attempt to cross m thai uav uouM 'l"1 u,.,at '" , -':! for h,,n & ' (,,t sentials of Vaccination." mivs: "fSJ aha.d.ue,l th.-rc would b no i.tti- "m :. It will out them to sleep. doubt if there-is a civilized land where less is known of the theory and i.nietiee of vacc;nation than in America ' hi a ins pr.ideut i dctniciive to sue i iMnl-foot-note he adds: "The -.ub'ecl is titlidc- as pn-cludcs the po b.liiv ot criminally neglected in our medical schools. ' and. being hini-olf a profe- sor in a leading medical college, it must be admitted that he speaks ex cfitfiednt. During tlio late epidemic the State Hoard of Health reported that it noUirious that many otherwise competent and Miccssful physicians weie practically ignorant of many ol the most important details of the'vac - cinal poces. "Much of the alleged worthlcssness of virus was due to this Ignorance, ami many cases of compli- catiom woulil doubtles have been .sue- ce.sful!y avoided had the operator pos-1 ";esed the necessary knowledge aud 'practical experience." ' From the foregoing the deduction is n is i of obvious that the charge of failure of wccu-ition a u protection asr:t nat -' . " . - . J . - tion with as few drawbacks and objec tiors as d.d their operat ons. It is therefore the duty of medical pre eptprs anu teai hers to give the proper amount of ptactical instruction concerning vac cinition to their .students, and of Itidi vidnal pract'tioncrs to invest the opera tioi with the importune" and dignity to wl ich the truii5con lent value of itare su'is entitles iL Chicago Sews. PATTI'S CHAGRIN. Oat of th Unprilnabl Mlatak Com mlttait by thr Crrat l'rlim. Donna. hA German paper teilg a good story of h)w Patti made a miatake In Paris some years ago, She was called upon at a private en tertainmeut, to which sh" had been in ted. to sing a couple of songs- She did so. and the company overwhelmed ler with praise. Next morning the gentleman who had fiven the entertainment sent her a magnificent pair of diamond ear-rin"s. Il'hev were worth not less than e at .thousand francs. The prima donna expressed her itnanks in a DOt for the present, but she vuuunj ii, i. uv; IV. l.c liucuti Hl.k !UC added a postscript to the effect that he ha-I omitted to inclose her three thou sand francs, which was her regular price lor singing at private entertain ments. The gentleman was very much j 1 hocked, but he got even with her neat- He went to a eweier and bought - 9 pother pair of ear-r.ngs for eighty f. a3CA. He sent his servant to the diva with-iese cheap ear-rings and a check for the amount she claimed. The ser vant sakit Mv tuaer rec-ived your note this ai he finds yonr demand P'T.'eetly reasonable. "Here is a check for .t,He also sends you a pair of e:ir-r?j. but those which I lett here res erdayi-rere intended for another er.-on Tb'qL were sent von by m -take. Will you Wjr the kfnd ne o return them and "eSfcJook the mistase' x .ii.ii -.i, Tfifi n: i.-tt i.n nirvAiiu !.. ... i-. . ,. i . t -r a iux ftat. W.;h i face a rrnj xs 'Wf she retumeil th- magn'rien' d.amond. bat she -tgj,iil ea:lv a the, r.zftt put them unde- hi- arm and wen o3 with them. H J- JUL. ' Production of Plants. In some investigations made view to determining the cond dtr wh!cb raale or feraale are produced in the case o plants. Dr. HotTman has found that ia most, if cot all the cases be examined, dense sowing increases the proportion of the male nlants produced- and this results from an insufiiJent supply of nutriment. As a renersJ Imw th- rrw duction of male Dlants is nmmotrd k 1 th nrant nf in ai4un... n-1 I adeonatii nnnlr rt food when in an embrroaai coaditii Scientific AmtriconS ... ,. BUEuu.c buuuii us . ., .' ..-..-....- -.-, .......j .....-.. u.iivn ain . uiimnv oi iim mji.i. iias imm-ii iiiaKing soul.' eai- nhtO"taid lt i the wjfi.Jmie that to tins measure a i due to ignorance ardent j,.nu is intemjierance. w to I clatiotis on the rcu.l cost to cons,,,,,. ! Ll' aelo . co Ui 11",. and unreaoiiiug preititllce. have grovvn ' drink .-HJiodita'lv as of'.-n -is div- ami c i . , , , - no iaio on ir.e out of a cilpable negl ct of the-en- I tin,e)Si ":,-. ,,,' v f n, sU-inp - i '' "f wl,,ky a,M' U"'r ,n ,J' - COM,,lnr- B,,J-1,;n "V th"r hn,ul' tfHnf" tials of vaccination, for which the n.ed- tion :ind'is ' wh rh :ir" n ur hnX ,l' ' , 'm "' ', V IM,:ntor!m, Kr,,w ical profession and medical teachers ani ! It may not be for any one tn,,!. the in- m:i,!" h - huuitlc" of whieh St ! " , . ' .. ark ;:r,',!,, whrn tranv prin nrily, and still wry largely, re- temimrince of an.m.if or mental excite- ) c-.k -o fre.pientlv. It nv that " I 'u'l ?" "ITI !'r' . ii sponsible Wherever vaccination is , men't.Jbut it ,s an innovaton upon the careful canvass of the fact- reganl i , J JC- . v i,3mSu i.ow as skill ully and intelligently per-, sv,te,n atid the l,.gmning of a hab.t , to wh k -warrants the .ii.-Ih.h.i. ! J,ho ,iVrr i?t "r feniAfd and juiuervied as it was bv .,..Mnn,, r,.ii - i .i.... . :.. ... ., .jpnu o i. irr norr lenue.i to trraI. oiiio I.iv.v irtfl 4s. iihh.Ii if fl.. i .I..:i.J a. . ... . i ,.. . i i i ' i- . i ' "........".. f;'-i.n.-o.- .ie. inn. in.- av.-i.ige price i aio ov me con- a,d M hard v over fntnl It I. f.r . lemer and h.s immediate co-workers, and wi not be pur-ued by one hundrc I , muhit is about per gabon 1 hh 0 reason that in aU ,i.fe. Jo , ! J I itMcuroas great a degree of protec- men vf'.tliout iroilticm.' manv drunk. ' fo..t, ..,. ,,,,1 ..!r. .... .j -... . n . al ,ri " '"' u iba- TEiUILLXCE PiKAMXG. A DEATH TRAMP. -r tnMcti. trarrj. m t-V- tlruakanJ af M.nle..?-iw.T. l. . ILe jfi'ijr. tfce t t -ti ttw W an i&ecu. i la Itii nutiwf U o n tKLML. tu u.x a tMocwt: 1 u. &.tk r orv V bt mv taUe UWt cuam st toit. rmtaj. tr-ijj tnmn to a intulnt' ikxnn. tiT.-r tft. thi.jrhw lore aiwl Iuhmt I a. 1 '. ."M-. K ... 1. H.1 T1..V . . a.- . " -" - - - -' ' !. or wiiv ad ckuA. JvvrlbM rslipur !inr-iC-utou itethrvvi. aiirt MMtl iatxr ttjl. Trstnj. irantt :ram;. ua UmnV&rv! srraia J Cover 'h- ! n...-a Jlfeel hwh- -W b 1S tlv -i- r t t.rl-.t d md mv V.-t a iuiurv -1t .... itanp t.xt 1 elf u .l. ilr" a rrM. 10 l-ar ,nl irv t.. l. f. r . m .'hit tinsnr 1 fii l .!. u- t'H tin iii mkl w.ijrcr Slij. c..l uimt tluv it. the v ilor ni;' ! Ifciry T. iwvji "PfUDEiJT USE." Ilitrart from . -w.r,,, lnirniirr.iir"-, lirlltr-rtsl ljr l. iu.ll) Iti'orlirr. 1 . !.. .11 There -hould ? e landed through the (oc.miiii ly an all pervnd ng -e:-e of the danger thc-e is of fitihng into th s in. Infemperanct; l n disviLs.. :l.-, well as a crime, und w. r- am other U ease a- contagion, of as marked svnin- tom.s and a- morta'. to pervade the land, it would cretl univen-al con ttrnatiou: tor the plague i scarcely more cont:gous or dead! v. and vet we tiling. fearles-h with the di-ca-.-d. and in -l tc of admonition we bnn. i?j I our, the contagion, apph it to the li;i, and nceiTe it into "the .sy-tem . ...... ...... .....v .. ,, i.i.4 .it.tiik tn: i i.riii&' iriir rmieit . ktii .!.. ti ... I... t i. .i pnii.etit ue of anient p r.t,, jUi u,. ' .. . . . I ' k ' might as well s; cak of the pnnb nt u- ot the plague -of lire handed teri..ti- poi-on w II nil upon the vtem and thiv fangs ,f the erpar t w.ll in ... - . liict .l.-ath. "fh. re i- no prudent u-e aid.nt -pru-. but wh-n it .-o.-cdw.s medii inc. All whv icceive it into the .sy-t. in are not destroyed by it. Km if ailV t.-evi l' '. Were "... Mil siifwill. t.i ?i nuinv :-.s iJie u-e of ardent p r t- pr.m detnn t ve. it would be bani-h.-l troin t.e t.,ble it would not be pnnhnt to Use t at all If m attemj to cro li fi-ir.vcr up"ti an ebistie iMam as m .lent t t that mod. of . p.- n- Th- eVWt ,.t, tm.r i nl..7.. ....... prudence n the u-o of ,t. hen u. con ider, tl dec. .tf til natiro of tin s n. and it irresistible power wh-n it has outlined an acetidencv. no man can usk it prudently, or w" th .tit mocking , (,( dm pray wn.Ie he use, it. "lead us i no( into tetiljitati n ' There i no in- ; cecity for it at all. and that it i prelum p'uou to do -o. j , A Wakeful recollec'ton .should If imliiMa u.d of the dis'inctiou between inter ipernnce an I druti.en:ie-,. .--olun.' ' as men -uppo-e that there is ne.thcr , crime nor damrer in drlnkin-'. slw.rt i.f what tin v denominate drunk, nne theyhvill i:ist nlT fear and move on wan to fuiti bv a -ib'tit. eerta u cour... urn . r-- - "- . dchttuct.on come upon the ran lnot ecape. It should ' ran 'atot e-cipe. It -hould I e know I, III. aui IIICV : tin nuon- ml mltnittnl i!iit t.. ?r ..L i. h T s Take up Ihi'daily paper and read the reporu of tka&itt. iigi. 'ubb.n-. -hoot-' mgs. noU. iufiu... w,f aud nil tlti rs.l.ia Ca.fnA;n. nf . i '. . t S"'-"'H" " lWTan .ooi oruer, way ninety jwr CTil. oi lni sum total will fc' found to If occasioned directly by rinal Go throui, fyour pKr-hones and vou will find) llat ninety per cent- of the inmate ert brought'there directly bv rum. t GothrougUyotir jasls and tnt:cntia- r.cs and ou yril J ml that mactv jwr cent, of the cnfltfnai, were made -o di- rccilybyrumj Ixkjic over tl lit or execnUon for mnrder and ro w t nd that ami tv ! percent, of the fitIfo-t .egilovvswa" lurnuiiwi mnTJi ov n.m. Make inquiry a tot e can? of .-epa-' rrxons of husri an I wive-, and dr.. mrstic tronlSe.4 J.r . and yon will , hud that ninety m c- .. ot it "all may i- - be chargel dirit o nmi ixran the corgi matter, the ca n in governmental of m il-admiui-ira- N : oas aad all th-t t,. .n government. ' tion, corruption4. itsnerm n-cg 41 Sftt will r ni. n netv ler cent. of it ss chari 't to rnm . - ,,'z Drmai- ' it". ,0'ilfS ei:garr. rr.iae am! cor- l 1 ."- " I .. r . . . , r.iji.iw. in you w.11 twi tnat, more j than n:nty j-r o-nt of the awftd aggregate may te cbarged d.reetlv to . nim. tne Z00 e2ect of education: it w the ?ae weapon which tae lcvil vneldi that 1 M :rrtf st-; the one agency that ?Ua(is ia opposition to everything that " ocd and ? evcrv thing that m . It rs death to the fansfr. to Lusi- Cei society, to government, and to LLiO school and the rhnrrh It r,rr wa fstr than all the agencies for joodcaa bufldup. - - -.j llftltIV nriiillill nlllimc- l.i.vv.L.r f " ""' .".i b-iiw ,n .-ii ii tlilil po son taketi prtidet.tiveverv dav -or ""T " l T flTW ,UV 'f,' JS of v. p. r and M-rpent pru- ""1 J""""" u Mich a place as this'" -SK nd bread .-nimb. and try uaUl dentil int. our dwellmg,. to J,d, , 'M-t'W loin "J'-- hr.. In., mu- poUUm alH.ut'.is a ,tfr of courtesy :ovi-uors. ' ," H ''; l" i".pnprr wher i.jcl. ma-.h.l and arraaK on a nlco and o: amu-emeut to our ... mv l,i,nnd -,." d ,-or Mary plMter and nrv th. mt cl t. l.rn or last. sp.te of vour pru- j " U U',l ' ' i "l let ik,uum Have a brwwu ,auac U .. .i ' i.. .-..,' . . no man iHtt .ii!iiler ' -nd to talur with thrm. mKhi (tlmhr. oence, uie c. magion vv ni.iKc wieiii'al .. . ' , , , ,. .... .,,.!. u.!i i . i ti... ...; ,i... .i..i.. b.' took up the 'la .,f -t.lnt which uljrnt Diimnho -. Iak a pan of !-. at. " . iFit ill' kill i .,. j " - " ' " r---' ."'-. hihn. mn pays o.aa .ui on a tree if 1.1 t , , ', ' r . n'lin "'" ,:f",', l-r ' cirruJat.on of air In t. e , , lH,n .i, .W 'T'r ' th,'r'1f"r(- " ;r,rl ht'ti'1 Applving the same comparMonj An itiTe,e,ting llluvratwL of tha the Haahad. to marfw the -pot where as lWore. we see that this amount, to ,, thing I turn I hySii." th druukanl .be It ,u.t be i something like a dollar p.-r week ,r ,rnted l)r KrhirUon .. Kn!aifeJ! at the entrance of his cur ... proclaim-1 eai h adult male i the r,t.d State, of hl)Ij, that the vagraM c a ln mg in vvvbig capias "1 h.s : the way ; I h s is for whiskv alone Al ,,...,. Unl antwh.reaid to dcatlillV Over the whole terntorv low ng the very moderate a..,., of food any..or. rare'v rnlra.-t ronta of "prtHlett ue " ,t must wave and ' eighte-n dollars p-r barr.-l a the av-r- ,,,. ,,,.. , an., tUr ' ZlrPy warn, tar if we can not -top men in age price paid by the bow at retail, we tl,..m. ;id that. too. though thr r Uio begin T4ig. we can not separate le- have a further total of -G.i' .) for ...t., anii OIU,ri .-,.,,,,,. '.il(nt, tween tlfat.nd the end He who let, . , r ,,t i ,.,,, the conn-1 l?,t ''he io r't TlXnl ardent spirit- a'one before it i- m.-ddled try each vear " I 'tit the two together. Th .J.,,,, nT romarkablT fr ?mm f!tK.l!3 1' ?.? T m ' art '''"i "mUt iT''"vi!lU' , .;-- -Inallpox. though l.tth. protnrtn.1 br ll i rl 1 i ,M', al "WV w:,age of our people The Tnhun vaccination Ob -Mom find, anion J for med.:dp,3rpo-es only It -hould ad.Uanoti.Tit.-m that of lobars, ', iht-m dia., of a armfuluu. aaiurrT bclaljeicaivye abel laudanum an, all its form,, winch h-long, to the aamn I)r IWhanUon c-mrludr, that ;orty 2?Z2t ile n0t" hr;mUn n1' T"" ''f " 'Uutr- Tl" - - in it-lf ha. nothing to do wlAhe VZ fMuch contans it pi.. , hould study these hgure and com ,. ,,at frLh tr .. thr on mjht, WHAT RUrATr7ntHr l;r"!""n,!- r-ib ... tin rnorrnou? duxnft,nt. and that luxury and irtiL WMA, RUM IS DOING. dram -ijr, th- reourr. of the laU.r , ty of jKipulation are thr two bad .pirlu Th on Atacr That stnd. I.. ;,,h..i. nm' i,!,m, ui unr V"V, And then Wl,jcb vt)Xl ur u? lht tf. rat ph ncal tion t. P..7 thine Th-: i. cs.Mi . xi---niIit anot'.-r -.(.., 4,0f huraaoiU )wtUCs tbtpanion. rn Ktrrythinc Tlut I :it. I w " 1" to be rai-'d to pav the pub- . Wlin . 1. . -- ' . ' --- -- - --r ' - s rnm . tma nmi rrtx.. !.. :. jt . "- i rv mv . - . -1 r "'" - "" -.i-jo m. . unuer- OD-cene ana irnpurv Iit;r3ture. Iziii --" -v uv - v pra-jsa unrrm m ition un- it ts the one int!um- ws. ls.rr-.K w-,- ,i f C- .-fi.,. ,. ' a maa to to rcand oacw dar with a individuais ' that makes the "work of the church of . Mis Lccv J. Uolnu. Sxunasl s..rr?. wheelbarrow to colleci ihrtm a: hwt f diacions ava.1; it U the one agenev that kills ' intend-nt'of thai lis. iA rfnrm Vn.1 .edioa sd laicrout twctaW. T"i err :t enm' and pjtirrni ut In pr'prt q a tln arv bop. i fh rv s corruption n po!nKrTacUy in . , botaaiml jarda ha h?n rub io. orlt.a Jo V .ira uat of rum ron- Hh! bv th oi Shmkx. - t Th rif. with U lr n V of ! riw ho. ar i4c'd-l aal tax-n!- .stj! roiitJ hg Uif i- th. ctntatrr. h kieh U :rtK fnw it !ron.iuiai: rndti eiiee. Tmt' rum u uU" rn ar duuoil BJd a mia-purc a-l vW i sTer yrt rct for a oihI obiet. V," th thc-e gbavlT fart trag ct nrr do-nt mn m th fncr. w-y aru aVed to Jet rnm aioo. It t uith ram a is .v. with lavrrr. it - th oa thiair :aat most not l UtncitnL lt rtgn: to go oj dimrhiRff iwn al lrt and tiVno-a uaag th iv()r 1 smi: cot I- qs;.otni. .: rich: Jo ktl nie. to vvivck t ov. ami ruin girl-ii"t no be tojchMl lWr H fanalr in tb- l'atti State thAt bj a -t thi ilnagcr con-Utntly hTiB over iu TiWrr art tndhoa dollar ta-v Jfl ta a bo-int- th" proht nl v UtVh W)eDd ti-a : aumlx'r ui b that cwa U m al naaiitliv 'ITm ra: aaactid structitr s lm-ed npvn th ruin of men. l"he mure dntnkanl thi .atersi can make the grruter tt profit, and a there is no limit to htituun cu:hI tv. there i no 1 mil to it. etlort in thi di rection. J&cd UUuit. HOW SHE CURED HIM. Mr. Trru.ilrlf. llr.t n.l j.t lk-t tattlir lran-sm. "What Lr ng yoa here Mary'" sahl Treus.Jcll to his vw.fc, a. he vnler-d the lepior hoj. -1' v,r-v l,?',-oni- at home, and y'r buiae m-!1oui allow um to k j there." replied the meek 1ml rco!ut V .11' "Tn nil. th, n. i. no i fitiir.ntiv w... -,.., ... , I ki! niir nnit f tun i.m mJ iv.nt. !n . - - - . -- -v - v.ja , -- t - V 1 me. 1 mii.i i-..irv.. tn V...I I i..i. n s.,i i ri 1 1. -.,-.. ... r ........'.. . .. ..I. . " "u K"T,,r ,,,M- J"1 )om.l out lor I... 1 !.....! iinr riM.ii .b.i of "' m' - K'og to drit: a'lh!,t ":thI "". " ut..:u IritiV- h- liietr -v by not? Vou jjy yon drink U forget -orrovv. and MiKlv 1 have or roU." . ,u ,or-" l I ". "m14"' """. " no gmng V.'thatMilItothchildPii--nl loll. Ov lllt .'. 1U. ...- i. .. j Tom. as she wa pa-ine- th. kIm. ol , , , r r j l.ipior to them ii v not.- ' !l"" ,"'- w Wt that iIih are inJ.I and hungry. lirnk. my children tht is tire, and bed. and find, and o'hiug hnnk: vou -echow much good .t !o.- vour father " Wi.h seein'ng relin t nice. Mary suf fered her liti-band to lead h'-r Ikhii. and that n.ght he lung and fervently fiat (o.d would help huu tc brcsk an vil habit and keep a newly- lortneii nut f nn resolution. His reformation wu t!uirngli. audi Mr r- Treu,de.l is now one jf the h.t- est of v men. und witha I' me'ancholv t.leasure her llrt and Int visit t i the dram-shop. .ttnn$l M'. t T. l llulUtn. WORSE THAN WASTED. Th- it.-i.iit r...t , ..ii.iiiinr ..r vviii.h tl.lll llfiT 111 tlir. IiiI.m.I S.i.... I ... ' l" '.:- Tnl-unr. though not ... uhiiuIIv in-n to IMitMTnrM ctf t H " Uv nn'J l,nia!,, T4' S rrm" an1 ' ffJT'f T' wi r"'W " i all c..ndered we -hould e arMt foi .. ..fl!: ... . J u t -..,r- irfmnrton- wate of money, w th lh still morr J fornidabh attend. ng evils. Chxoatja .titndtrti. M. Cooper's Offer. It i not every tmntsf-r who would oul OI u,)aP,1Jon hi 'X hm --p-o'Jir to puv the var rbic eXT-.n- ' r3-?Ij" 'r"i ol adnc. aad It of a wboU .. l-:n..i,n,i .u,.. v... that is wlmt i!ev Jnmri It f r" ,w ... v ,. . (. , ; . - Now II tain. ( onn.. U ,ut r. -ported t "Aw war . oa alt n.i.tion. II the JH - opU of New Itritahi. he said, would fc - " dnaktag for nn yenr. and give "" " "n-j. e wwnu iwiy ail tn J -fc' -r them. mrltiiUnv tret. wr. tcr. i.olje?. ga awl ij,srircit charge. He w:d uo pay th.- -ch.ol ' &;& g tin? iati- ui the tch- . . - - er. and tmiblioir a n-ir hi'H-.Wil 1JW nt: ui a n-w hot. for tit Young -' br.i.s .V-.-ocjalioa. Sxl he wsW pay oJ toe who!-of th- c.ty in- deiswsda - s i$2.WJ). aa Utr' in a .ret 01 dor :o evcrv rwor faitT. and a .ni; of cloth t ..... m .. - e So fT-'rv n--dr ... - . . , . - . ' 'vl1 ,a w- r iwjw . or '!1 !'. tmt at LtMt adrjor the est- a" - - acceptoil . -a. .1. Jiitttx. - . The .ew H3mr.aire I-uLiiisrj hn - . 0f the heartv co-optration of th- W. C T- 1. The Legislature has ako p.u4il q act prohib;tmg the sale of cigarettes or tobacco in any of iu form, to aay minor ncder sixtrcn rear cf ac after Ldnir forbidden br a oarrat or f--ni. iaa. Tec.?, with 'the Slectifj-Tenner-' Trw-mrfT.n tw mw ? -: i menta for the csfldrea of the Graaiu Stau. SuJiorM W. G T. U. Bulkti -. mv,..vm .-. ig .. iuva iiiiiJ ;x. i;- iv iin.n.rwrinf 'n ami HOMt, FARM ANO OARDSM. , The bii MirJ-xor io: pfXilXTJ ,.,-.1, i- wlrt? fnrjj ,i,,,(WHr. It i oU.ntni tfc-at U qUaIltT of ;r i impruti by tx-.,x ztwa up-m To rnwTc wrt and tca apply aitw rom.ta a olln a -oi,nijat ti- a $ ly. and lkr dl l goo ae lid Uf Mr-M4 L A forrr-plnt mt th" Xfec -' ani yxnmr rlat- r where henry applkatoon ! V p- ?i tr- pwoai-d mt blight ftd grraUv improir-J tfcc .)ia-: s the fruit -A, Ht th CScwntrv fm'ft a h iVrcl thr i no 4xaxr uf amwth.? x-fKirgu utth maaar He apv! a iWary ! of raaaun- virr fail. Ai Ka iarjfily tncma-! jik- Ur And y .t : crop. Iai d Kgr N-arlT all frxtnj. pan with ttiiiaj wtr Add a Ittth -.4t a ad inf-ar lH-at "XS at a umn Into ct saucvr ip Ion thU upon urfar ot '.r Ui 'vrtv tkr- m-autsAs tat.r up with prforic4 fcim nier. Iny carrfuMy upon btil.rrl too.t. Kor milk evr in v. a now rctnetJy i one and a hlf kit ot frrh lanl svad iMi-Ualf pint krteap oil. tu bv givra n mdk. Th lard rt qu re to W tnctrd. aftr vtiVfh tSo oil l to te ti-re-t tn. 1 h. snake a du and it houW be repatl in lo hour. It I claimed thnt tw, d. - have wnuht a t!tfct cur la rnou oxct. Crtnrxt t nrmer Ktt'Oofcuit? cwd ine-it Takt nv vt.l .......... .....I -I .. ...... ..1..1. .. . !. . nun Miiii. .lie. i.mi inn' i-ii;u.ii i m ; . ... , ,. . , , niint.lV it fnttl lw.Jn.1 a t fvttrV tit! i ' ---. -.-- w r s9 - in lu or together er- tlifc S'von with .ll neitiier .snd a. .iune4e nf titiinn Inliro i i i - i - - j I a.l.j . . . - - !... nic. n-ni rim i,i an- teauv ivr im oven, and when jou put vour jwtatoo on for dinner, put lh boeut u th 'trtalner over the jMtitoi' ilhe aUT must bit bo ling) thy will bo dono in half .in hour crveil while hot llh wrten.l cr. am. la.itnwl .th nut meg. 1U un ind do uoi cut thom. Imt irar tl.etn open vv ith -; f..rk. lr-aiti trab.rrle. r any kind f taw.i! frii.t. are vorv nice with lhm. Th .. . Citiercr. AIR AND SUNSHINE. Tlitr IM.mriHriitiK r.,M.r Mtclitlr Than ItrilC or t'liariltlt. The ditn'"ctljj povvn of froely olr eulaling pure air I- now fully r.ich nted by aanltnrian. '1 lm emr.l of It la. in part, the rapid d iTuion of thu morb.d partu le., tint- greatl diluting them, as tttineml ponoti may lw rn dered h.rwJe hy d.lutlou. o cTfat Is tin dill'iMive tendenev. nrtlitg with the ontuit ctruiilatioti of the air In t r '. that, though every vari- H-v "f i:ir't,1 .' and iulaiii U In r,":i,,l,v 'htovvn Into tb" air of our Jaro c tie, no iitiiriic. can bt . teeted by aitalvi lx.tweiu the air of the 'attr and the air of our rural dU tnet Hut another ettdanatorv fact U the J artudl diitife- ting powar of iMUhlue i ami oxygen It tlm luhnled oxygen that chatigri the dark. Jtntuirr It . ...... .. ... .... . ... '" - P ,car..u oioou or tnr iiiii.iiiii iiimiiiivr-titiii)sikjkavftxr . .. " v. .... . r-. . llftlltfl fllflf rVav ... u.'.u.f..l -' f ' t - p riiiri iiii STALL THE CATTi r STALL TLCATTLC f !..,-. .Vn animsi can fitrht and rat at th- am- time All crowding at f Urn r - , should t AToid'd. Tre dc-im U nU-i ; Um1 i about tb only thing that tm11 ' rnak ordinary co tight Krp th-m ja'1 t remark that ?rrr rrowa animal on the farm should hare it o wa rn- Uait and all the hand fading Jt Mr ouW doop n th ,. aJL Manv frmer think it too much IrwbT to nt th" cattle tin Fi-rr Lau tW are fcl. Thi U a rautake " full tml- wz not only th wxt- of fol th: I Iot. tratnnl-rd down 31 mM-d OTr. aad nt'jttrntiT r'u icK f - i in th lot. bat ft srt fighUsg and pr - TeaU the -trtsg-r from grttifl th? 1 oa harr Stall or- htn m.U. ti,,rr srnU aad -r,ng- thm d rectlr nai the cinn vbratKa of the "man !a charge. . taat aaj mjarr. ickn or othr JrouW? BOttcJ. aad .! tivry DvrU In anr wit ihrr rn rrau ly s? gotra nod ot Th rxvat ... ..y ." pomi. sojrTr. is t4..og rattie i taw aormo aTixig of maaarn. ThU t. - . ... . r- . aion vnu zar zcocr taaa pay ior ait t& uonxle that U crcr lakea ia paUiajj h. ; srut anri cicasing op adtrr theas. TS .J .,- .t . I. ' . ... The dropping, that fail ta thr tflim rtVx'rKiK mot lira thaa ta dta - of a Ublc- If it raim. k thw a r01, mac tfc fmnt w-sd wJ or dried wm. tkU Uat ??w tiwJ9 -'-I partol itsro. TVtw, H -orbrmt fe kwC ia th UbI. m l . l w-t t h eieaaeit M aBt tww t tin timea a weak, aad auMt l the ralaahla part W ta riaii mt4. By all aaaaa ttoll ta. eaUa- r' slip 4 -- i j vai