The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 06, 1885, Image 2

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JL C HOSMER, ftMsfctr.
STRurART, the Hudson Bay observer,
whose fate was in doubt, arrived at St.
John, N. F., safely.
M. de Fueycinct received consrrat
illations from thirty thousand persons
on his escape from assassination.
General Von Moltke celebrated
his eighty-fifth birthday on the 2Gth of
October. He was enjoying excellent
The skeleton of the late Jumbo is
now at Prof. Henry A. Ward's natural
Bcience establish ment in Rochester, N.
y., where it is being mounted.
At Montreal the other day a custom
house officer ei7.ed all the sewing ma
chines in the factory of the Goodyear
Company, charging them with evading
customs duties.
The Roumanian Government has
expelled a dozen eminent Jewish edit
ors. This act'.on is supposed to have
been prompted by tin: attacks made by
ihem upon thu Government.
The monetary conference at Paris
was reported as being agreed on all
points except those relating to the re
sumption of free .silver coinage at the
end of live year? and the compensation.
At a meeting of the general agents
of the Kastem railway lines, at Chicago
recently, an agreement was made to
rigidly enforce the rule discontinuing
the ten days' notice on export freight.
The trustees of the town of Rrook
haven. Long Island, have commenced
Mist ajrsiinst Egbert T. Smith, of
I'atchogue. to recover damages for mi
lawfullv selling ami leasing lands un
der water in the great South Ray.
. The .small-pox scare over the border
and in New England has not abated.
In some-parts of Maine lumber opera
tors are talcing strict measures to pre
vent the appearance of the disease in
their ramps. They will neither em
ploy men who have not been vaccinated
iior allow such in their camps.
The Surgeon General of the Marine
Hospital Service has received a report
from Surgeon Murra, in charge of
the Gulf quarantine station at Ship
It-land, that there were three cases of
yellow fever at that station. They
were taken from the schooner Indian
la, which had just arrived from Ha
vana. It was expected two of the
cases would prove fatal.
A dispatch from Vienna of the ,10th
fays: Sensational dispatches from the
Bulgarian-Servian frontier continue to
be published here, but they should be
received with great caution They
are in a great measure fabricated to
serve the ends of the vast stock gam
bling operat'ons which are now being
carried out in an almost unprecedented
scale upon the Vienna Rourse.
It was recently asserted that the
Americans owning Las Cruces mines.
in the State of Coahuila. Mexico, have
lieen so harassed and worried by petty
Mexican officials that they have taken
the oath of allegiance to the Mexican
Government, hoping that by becoming
Mexican citizens they will receive at
least some protection to their interests,
whiriVthey claim has been denied them
yAy the United States Government here
Heavy rains recently caused the
greatest Hoods known in the past five
years on the western end and the Lex
ington branch of the Richmond & Alle
gheny Railroad in Virginia. The tres
tle work at South River was washed
away and a mixed train on the Alle
gheny Road was wrecked. Engineer
r r
William? and the tire man were believed
to bo killed. All the passengers es
caped. The Shenandoah Valley train
was reported also in trouble.
Two young men. James Hallcr and
Clayton Rucher, visited tho hills behind
Adamstown, Pa., the other day in
tjuest of quail. About noon several
tiirds were started. Hallcr raised his
gun and tired, missing the birds. His
companion drew his gun to his shoul
der to try his luck, when it accidentally
exploded, blowing off the back of
Hallcr' s head. He fell to the ground
and expired in sight of his agonized
friend. Haller was but twenty years of
age, while Bucher was nineteen.
It is estimated by the authorities that
the daily expenses of Montreal are
about three thousand dollars, and at
least three million dollars w.ll be need
ed during the coming winter owing to
the ravages of small pox. Business
seems prostrated, and such of the poor
as are not ill appear to be preparing to
wove south and establish new homes
in New England. So many have al
Teady arrived in New Hampshire as to
give the people of that State much
concern, and the State Board of Health
ras recently in conference with the
Host on Board in regard to the matter.
Under a provision of an act of Coa
jrcss, entitled "An act to authorize the
appefctment of a Commission by the
President of the United States to run
and mark the boundary lines between
a portion of the Indian Territory and
the State of Texas, in connection with
a similar Commission te be appointed
by the State of Texas," Major M. S.
JIanslield and corps of engineers have
been detailed as the officers named in
executive order dated September 2S, to
act in conjunction with such persons
as have been appointed by the State of
Texas, to ascertain and mark the point
rwhere the one hundredth, meridian of
.gitudc crosses the Bed River.
A. Summary of the Daily New
TiiOMl'HO.v McKinney, the Secretary of
the Choctaw Nation, has been nominated
for the jmition of Principal Chief of his
Nation. He is backed by the present Chief
and nearly every prominent mxu of his
country, asd in aure to be eletL
The Secretary of the Treasury has ap
pointed Robert J. Mayfleld, of Indiana, to
be Chief of Division In the otllce of the
Comptroller of the Currency.
Jamks Hodges wan elected Mayor of
Baltimore on the iWth on the regular Dem
ocratic ticket, defeating Judgo George W.
Brown, the Fusionist nominee, by a ma
jority of 2,090.
General George B. died
at bi3 residence in New Jersey ud
denly of liesrt disease on the 2ith. He had
been under a physician's care about two
weeks. He died surrounded by his family.
He arrive homo about six week previ
ously from a trip west with his fain ly. He
was lorn in Philadelphia, December 3,
Gk.vkiiai. John B. Clahk, Hit., died at
his home is Fayette, Mo., on the SDlh, in
the eighty-fourth year of his age, fiom
cancer. General Clark held high rank in
the Mexico, Hlackhavvk, Mormon arid eivil
wars; was u member of the United States
Congress at the beginning of the civil
war and a member of the Confederate Sen
ate. Adsiiua!, Dkciiaft died at Washington,
on the 20th. He entered the .service in
I." II, and served during the war with dis
tinction. On June -, 14M, he became a
It"ar Admiral by tho retirement of Bear
Admiral Upshur.
Noam I'outeis, for thirteen years I'resi
dent of Vale College, has resigned.
Secheta1'.vMa.vm.; has maile a decis
ion whieh t is expected, will settle the
loux existing diirereiices between the pro
ducers and importers of rice. It is in
ellect that the rice imported by the Fow
ler Kice Company, of New York, per
steamship Klba, June'!1), shall be accepted
ns the standard of assimilated rice Hour,
dutiable at L'O per cent. al valorem.
UmtkdStatek Consul WiNOATEat Foo
Chow reports to thu Secretary of State, in
replj t instructions from th latter, that
after careful imjuiry he is unable to ascer
tain that any adulterated tea it? sold t
foreigners, there being stringent rules
against its manufacture and sale.
I'lioK. IIcxi.EY has resigned th; Presi
dency of the Koyal Society of Loudon on
account of ill health. He will be succeeded
by 1'rof. Stokes.
Sn.VATOit Stankoho has given orders to
deed in trust his three immense rauche.s
known as the Vina, Gridley and I'aolu
Alta, for the endowment of a university
and schools to be erected at 1'aola Alta.
The tine" ranches comprise S.",J0'i acivs,
and together represent 11 value of 4"'v"WV
The stage from Abilene, Tex., was
robbed by masked highwayman th other
night, and tho mails carried away. Tho
driver was made to hand over his express
packages at the point of the rille.
It was rumored in Rangoon that a rev
olution had broken out at Maudalay and
thnt Iving Theb'iw had been murdered.
Released polygamists in Utnh declare
their intentions to keep their "covenants"
hereafter secretlj. President Taylor,
Cannon and other heads of tho Church
were reported to be still in hiding.
Tun steamer Plowboy, a small packet
engaged in the transportation business be
tween Keokuk, Iowa, and Warsaw, III.,
and Alexandria, Mo., burned at the wharf
at Keokuk the other night. Loss, 1,000.
In tho Ferd. Want trial at New York, on
tho l!7th, ex-Banker Fish continued iis
damaging testimony ngninst Ward. Fsh
laid all his troubles to Ward and said if he
were not such a contemptible, hypocritical
sneak he would have killed him.
The case of the State against Samuel C.
SchuoiTer, charged at Kansas City with
obtaining money from John I. Blair, of
Blairstown, N. J., by a cheat and a fraud,
was concluded on the 27th by the jury
finding the defendant guilty ami fixing his
punishment at eight years in the State
penitentiary. The trial of th cau-e oc
cupied over three weeks. The affair origi
nated over the sale of land.
The ship building trade on th Clyde is
genernlly depressed. Over 70 per cent,
of tho workmen are out of employment.
Soup kitchens have been opened to relieve
the sulIVrings of the poor.
A dispatch from ltio Janeiro says that
the Kmpress of Brazil had fallen dow n a
staircase and broken her arm. Her Ma
jesty's condition causes much ulnrm.
The rumor telegraphed recently that n
revolution had broken out nt Maudalay
and King Thebaw had beeu murdered was
not true.
The steamship Great Eastern was re
cently sold at public auction at London for
Ahout l."0 feet of the bridge of the Pleas
ant Vale & Atlantic City (N. J.) Turnpike
Company fell recently vhile about fifty
peojde were on it. Many were thrown
into the water, but none were drowned.
The cause of the accident was the eating of
the piling by worms until it was honey
combed. The schedules in the assignment of Sout
ter & Co., of New York, show liabilities of
$1,712.2.Y, of which J'.Wi.Titi are secured
and 7.;,477 unsecured. The assets are
nominally worth 18J,07J, and actually
worth $l7n,U2.
Edward Stokss, of New York, and
William King, of Minnesota.ex-Postmasier
of the National House of Representatives,
are about to build a telegraph hue from
St. Louis to Puluth. The estimntod cost
of the plant is placed at 3)0,000 and c pur
tion of the construction is expected to be
done this year.
TEMPor.AHY coercive laws have teen
published in the olllcial Gi:ctU at Copen
hagen and a force of military and police
have been formed to assist the civil au
thorities in carrying the laws into effect.
The Servian Government has replied to
the collective note of the powers and re
fuses to disarm Servian troops until the
equilibrium in the Balkans has ben re
stored. The Government was angry be
cause the Balkan confereace is to be held
at Constantinople instead of Vicuna or
A DisPATCn from Madrid confirms the
recent statement that the Aia-ricau Gov
ernment has iuttmafed to Spain if tUe lat
tar's sovereignty of the Caroline Wands
is recognize! the American Protestant
mission must be respected and. freedom of
religion permitted.
M. de Frevcixet, the Frenck Minister
of Foreign Affairs, was shot at ia Paris re
cently ,by a man supposed to be a Corsican.
He was aninjured. The would-be aasai -sin,
on betas arretted, claimed his motives
were not political. It was thought he was
a lunatic
A. J. Burns, a young man, shot and seri
ously wounded two young women, sitters,
in the hallway of R- G. Dunn's office, Chi
cago, recently. He had been discharged
for insulting the sisters and took this mode
of revenge.
Thk conspiracy to murder Mrs. Vellea,
for which Mrs. Coclidge was placed under
arrest in Boston recently, was alleged to
be a huge scheme of blackmail.
at Kt Satrinaw. Mich., rec nUy
Tuimher of nersons were precipitated
the river, caused by the railing & 8
bridge giving way. Several pron werf
drowned. The people were watching a
fire on a tug when the accident occurred.
AN inquiry haa been communed at
Chicago into 5rregulari:l?s said to exist in
the Cook County Hospital and the Jelferson
Insane Asylum.
Fkp.u. Wakd was convict-! in New
ork of larceny in tho first dejrre on the
SSth. The s-ntt:nce was postponed. It
would probably be ten years' impnsan
inent. Henp.y Keli.en, in the Missouri peni
tentiary, has confessed that he was con
cerned in the Coolidge. Kan., train robb-ry
in 1S--3, and ibal Abe Waller and rrl A.
Blunk were the other par:i-s.
The steamer Hacken-ack. of the Hobo
ken Ferry line, came into coIIi-ioh with
the ocean steamer Servia at New
York recently. A grent panic prevailed
on both vesseli. In his fright, JoIjii Mai
loy, a sailor on the S-rvia, jumj( over-l-onrd
and wa drovned.
Two striking coal iiiinr. named Smith
and Johnson, who uer trying to persuade
non-union men to quit work, were arrested
at Pittsburgh, Pa., recently on the chargo
of conspiracy.
An exprs train on the. railway fn-ni
Lisbon to Madr.d recently left the rail.s
while on a bridge over a river near the
boundary between Spain and Portugal.
The truin fell into the nverani k'jveral
persons were killed and man injured.
A fiOAT containing a whole family, father,
mother anil child, wa capiz-! in the St.
Lawrence near Montreal and all were
H. N. Pi.nkvev. charged with aiding the
Atkjur-as Valley Land and Cattle Com
pany, an corporation, t defraud
the C'lvernmeut out of the larger pHrt of
t;jnjX) acres of public domain in Bent
County, Col., wai arretted in St. Louis re
cently. Pinkney was formerly n clerk in
th Pueblo Land Ollire, and he and S. C
Bl'-omlield, manager of tho cattle com
pany, wtr charged with fraudulently
conspiring to acquire the laud. Bloom
field was convicted, but Pmfcn -y forfeited
his bond and ll -d.
A dispatch from Dallas says: Colonel
J. N. Simpson, President, of the Texas Cat
tlemen's Association, declines to call th
convention to elect delegates to the St.
Loins convention. He sus while theslnck
men of Northern Texas are unauimoiiily
in favor of calling a convention, those of
South and West Texas do not seem to
want it.
Six or seven employes of th Roberts
Liuudry, West Twonty-sixth street, New
Yoik. were seriou-lv cable(t the other
mo: ning by the explosion of a steam drum.
The other morning a lire broke out in the
fiour mills of Bush t Co., at Seymour,
lud., totally destroying them. Th Ohio
fc Mississippi Railroad shop.-, and two
dwellings ueiv also damaged. The loss ia
$WO.00O; insurance on mill. itM.'JO . 7
On account of "the pn valam e f diphthe
ria in Mt. Veriiim, O., the publie M-hontr
were closed 13' direction of the Board of
Iit. Kimuai.i., Director of the Mint, hna
reduced tt:e estimate of the npj ropruition
for th mini service for the next fiscal
year over ?2I'.iMj. compared with the esti
mates for the present year, and over .OO")
as compared with the actuul expenditure
of the last year.
A feap.fl'i. explosion occurred recently
in the mines at Colquechaca, Bolivia.
Several persons were killed.
The monthly oil report from Pennsylva
nia shows the following totals: Wells
completed, 1211: new production, ."i,m1 bar
rels: dry holes, forty-three.
It is charged that Nelson Crist, a real
estate and insurance agent of Niagara
Falls, N. Y.. uho was recently killed by
the cars, had defrauded persons to the ex
tent of $10,000.
Bi'siness failures of the seven days
ended October til numbered: For the
Unitd States, 171: for Canada, 27; a total
of 201. as compared with 171 the week
Whim: J. P. Myers, a painter, was rig
ging a searT'ld ab ut the spire of the Meth
odist Church at Clinton. III., his foot
slipped and lie fell over one hundred feet
10 the ground and was killed instantlv.
W. L. Smsinxs, a gram ibal-r at Sand
wich, III., made an assignment recently.
Liabilities, $t,00: asst-ts, ."0.0 o.
Tin: half-breel prisoners at Regini and
Stony Mountain have forwarded a peti
tion to the Dominion Government begging
for mercy.
The remains of n lion tamer iinmed
Stewart, with the dead body of a lion he
side him, have ieen found m a room at 0
sm&Ii hamlet just outride of Paris.
In the Walkup trial at Emporia, Kan.,
on the .".1st, the State introduce I testimony
iuiptiguirg the evidence of Dr. Scott, Mor
ton and other witnesses. According to the
State Walkup was not nt Scott's office, in
Kansas City at the timo mentioned, nor
was he in Dodge City according to Mor
ton's evidence in April, l.vit, as the Em
poria records showed thnt he was present at
the City Council on tho dates covering tho
time occupied in the so-called "jamboree"
with the witness.
The Missouri Board' of Prison reporters
say they have no further choice than
Louisiana, Mo., for a site for a branch
penitentiary. Governor Marmadnke, for
various reasons, having vetoed all their
previous selections for the prosed addi
tional State prison.
The Post-office Department has been in
formed that the interchange of money or
ders between the United States and Japan
began Octolwr 1, and nine orders were
drawn on Japan on the first two days of
that mouth.
Tun petition of the celebrated song
stresses, Lucia and Materna, to have the
pitch of opera at the Vienna Opera House
lowered, has beeu rejected by the Austrian
IH'rino a fire in tho two story frame
building, :t2 East Thirty-sixth street. New
York, early on the morning of the -Jd. sev
eral persons ho were in the bull linr.
who were unable to escape, were burned
to death.
A Lacedo special says: At Bustaraentc.
State of Nuevo Leon. Mexico, trouble h.i
been brewing for several days past over
the coming election, and the other day the
opposing factions met. aud aft-r several
hours' indiscr.minate shooting the result
showed six killed and fifteen wounded.
Vice Coxscl McDonald, at Bauzkok.
reports to the Secretary of State the death
by Bright disease of tne kidnevs on the
-TOth of August of Krum-Pra-Rajawang-Kovara
St. Han Mongol, Second King of
The cleariug house returns for week en J
ed. October 31 howed an average increase
of -t0. compared with the corresponding
wek of last year. In New York the in
crease was 51.6.
The French force ia tfce Tonquin is to be
reduced to 12,000 men, with Si,000 Anamite
The students of the University at Dor
pat, Russia, made a demonstration against
the Government recently, which was
quelled by the police.
Four mea were killed by a boiler explo
sion on the tug Frank Moffatt near Detroit
recently. Three or four others were se-
wvrr .... 1W, ,,...,
rERD. ARD, ine --apoiean ot t ail
street,' was sentenced to ten years' im
prisonment at New York on the 31st-
idle 1
The late decision if the Supreme Court
regarding life insurnce companies, u l-
stated, will work a r-volu:in in tho life
nsurnnce business in Nebraska. The court
nobis that ail htuMI-ut advocations or
other corjoratK:n vho issue Hjlicies on
the life of another an- life insurance com
panies and must conply with the law of
the State and obtain the Auditor's certifi
cate leifore doing lousiness.
A Gekma.v named Flohr, sventy-two
years old, recently hanged himse-lf tt
Omaha. He was in toiufortable circum
stances. Mil-. Taylor rceniy sueil Thomas M.
Roberts, a B:t Countf saluon keeper. f"r
V'jyO U'C filing liili-or to her hualiand.
The jury nwarde-1 her i'rO.
A parmep. living northwest of Holdrege
recently killed thirty -three rattlesnakes.
They had fken pos-isslon of an abiii
doned prairie dog to n.
A kaii.koaI) surveying party i.s runuiug
lint's in the neighlorhoil of lndiaiiola, lt
the residents are unab.e to solve the mys
terv. IIenht Semmleil of Torfolk. has gonet.
Germany to attend the diaiur-d webling
of his father ami mother, which octir
soon seventy-five years of wtddel bliss.
II. F. KoLLi-STEii. wbi e recently fishing
in Salt Creek, near Wiverly, Lancaster
County, fell out of the Ut into the water
anl before assistance co lid rerch him was
Ti'E assessed vnluation'of Dodge County
is 5I7.7I. nnd thnt of the city of Fre
mont fol.'V. The cit v is free from debt
excepting the water bond which tire nlout
to be i.-i;iel.
Nothing has been heaiidfrMn Zimunr
mnn,the HisMiabeas corpus
r-'eae, and the au'h-iriiJ. nre as ignorant
of his whereabouts as tli'liih he had never
A ijp.akt forJ.'.'ot. sigiu-I by one of the
.1...1.... 1 .....1.-..1
liest ImilKIIIg IirillSMI liiei.itt .inn ei.iui .-'-
bv the partv to who-n itlwns 111 ide pay
able, was picked up m tlie street at Fre
mont recently bv Ed. Lnxyrenc.
Dcp.ini; the past few weeks .street cars
have been robbed in the outskirts of Omaha
twelve or thirteen tim s by a solitary high
wayman, who, on each occasion, has cov
ered the driver with hs rev.-lver and made
him hand over his c sh lwr. Thu other
night, however, the robh'T met his match.
He demanded a driver's cash, but instead
of handing over the box as ho had
been ordered to, the driver pulled a revolv
er and shut the robb-r dead. The dead
man was identified as the highwayman
who had committed all thoi- robb ries.
The robber proved to be Charlie Collins, a
notorious chnracter. and the driver's name
is II. S. Woolhridge.
W. A. Clarice and wife, of Columbus,
celebrated their gobln weddi ig recently.
Seventy-five guests attended an 1 .showered
valuable and costly gifts on the venerable
Little Allie Bricker. of Ashlr.n 1, aged
nine years, while at .school the other day
told her teacher that she was snk and
wanted to go home. She started, but was
too weak to walk, and in fittetn miniit'-.i The cause was m doubt an
atlliction of the heart. As somithing re
markable, it is stated that in the family of
Mr. Roberts, Allie's grandfather, consist
ing of twelve children and thirtv grand
children, this is tho first death.
The two young men uho drugged and
assaulted Nellie (Juackenbush in Columbus
about a year ago, have been a-quitted.
Tho victim was induced to bave her
parents' home, some six miles in t le coun
try, on the pretense of taking h-r to the
home of n relative in Columbus They
brought her to the city, took her to their
room, drugged and outrageously treated
her and left her there in a semi-cni.sciou.s
condition without food for several days,
u hen she was taken to her aunt's home
to die.
Hoi.t County lwasts of a potato veigh
ing four pounds ami ten ounces.
1'ost-okkice changes in Nebraska 'or the
week ended October J J: Established Box
Ii'itto, Dawes Count v, John K. (Vlkins.
postmaster; Dover, Otoe County. Klfrd
E. Lee. Discontinued, St. Joe, HnniBon
County. Na mm changed. Autelop -villi,
Cheyenne. Coiintv, to Kimball: (e.iild,
Dawson County, to f'orad. Postmi,
ajpdnted. Altili. Keith Countv. J. J.Cort
right; Barnston, Gage County. (.'. L.
Smith: Delight. Custer County. Harry E.
O'Neill: Genoa. Nance County, Jovp.i A.
Willard; Kunball, Cheyenne Connt, C.
A. choopley: Edith, Blaine Cointv.
James W. Spicer: Lmc-dn. Lancarer
County. Albert Watkms; St. B-rurvnl,
Platte C'tmtv. B-inard Schro-ler: Wiy
land, Polk Countv, Frank D. Hodgkimon.
W'M.vis are getting Ix.ld in Johuion
Countv. Thy are making n wholesale
slaughter of h'gs. I'Oiiltry and young
stock. Farmers were talking of a gra id
hunt to exterminate the varmints.
It is stated that tlo meanest thief of the
season struck Atkinson recently and stole
a set of false te-th.
IVrtions of a human skeleton were
found on a sand lur in the Missouri Rive-,
near Ponca. rec -ntly. The skull, some
ribs, a porti n of the tup liones anil other
piecs were secured. The skeleton i
thought to be th-it of a young woman who
was drowned two or three years ago.
Fre.mnt has contracted with G. C. Mor
gan. of Chicago, for the con-truction of a
system of water works, ali but the drive
wells, for iVM-T- The contract for the drive
well was bt to C. H. Godfrey, of Fre
mont, for sl..7. He guarantees to furnish
l.jV'O.OOO gallons of water every twenty
four hours.
A r.A.Nfi of nionte mn opnel a gnm
with the youngsters of EH wood the other
lay and fieeced them of evry penny.
The upper .story of the Fremont Normal
Schoo! has ben fitted up to accommodate
the increased nunib-T of students. The at
tendance this term is nearly ninety. From
applications made it is almost certain that
the winter attendance will exceed one hun
dred and fifty.
Genoa wants a ber photographer.
Near Ponca. Dixon County, the other
day. James Alexander, an old resident,
was wheat with a hired man
named Bnggs, when the latter shot AIx-andt-r,
kdling him instantly. Th mur
derer then told the w:fe of Alexander he
had k.!id her huslxtnd; that if she ral-il
n outcry he would kill h-r alio. He then
took a hore and rlL Bnggs was cap
turel the next day in Cedar Coaui.
Four inches of snow fell at Indianols.
Ilssl Willoxv County, the other day, a
thing unprecedented ia the experience of
the "oldest inhabitant. '' remarks the
The Catholics of Arapahoe ara buiJding
a church.
Wah Lee, a Celestial from Deaver, sueil
the Burlington 5c Missouri Ilallroad in the
Lancaster County Court for &., said to
be the value of goods lost in transporta
tion. The Mongol's trap consisted of sixtv
sdk handkerchiefs, twenty cans of opium,
fifty rings and a quantity of gensiag. The
jurv gave him a verdict of K.
A man named Myer. Bring near Kesx
nov, was recently thrown from a baggy
and among other injuries one leg was
broken below the knee, the bone protrud
ing through the skin. Myers died from
his injuries.
Stephen Donsoy. of Sherman County,
has been arrested for perjury in connec
tion with a limber claim ia that county.
Progress of tho Emporia Poisoning:
Aftr Clcriijijlns: lt l iy In !.tnm!:iliiz
ATtncse lh Irorcullon lt-t
Mr. Wultoji" Attrnoj Sl.tktnr
Vlj;oru Icfrar.
S-enth I)1J- Ttl- Hrfene.
Emporia. Kan.. Oc.oo-t "27.- When the
. Walkup case opened esteiday mormtu;
the State anr.ounced Uut it had no further
e.Vidrnc reat and ; x fof the de'ea".
Mr. cott tb-n .Hii-ireel th .urr ui rx
tdanation of the defense which his rt)r:
was prepare! to mke. He spt,ke fur aver
an hour, during u he a:d he fi-prert4
any ci.ticjsiM of the ded. but the prosecu
tion bail been such Xs to couipel the defence
to rxbib t Watkup's prtate charai-ter and
habits as they rca'.'v had been. His .u!tir.s
made a marked uiiptewston.
Et-en Ba'ilu n. of Iawrence. was the ftrst
Mtite-s csliet by the defense. He re!atd
how l-e uent with Walkup !at Deeriutrer
to visit the New r cans K portion. Walk
up bought inrl. me in a Ml. us iro
store. W 'ne.s Jul not know whut it ws.
Wiilku'i becime Mck vutni me id
ctairpin: pauis in the stomach on the Unit,
be'ow Mempiis. sud was two itav.s awl
did no: eaL His condition on tle seond
day was considerably worse than on the
first- Ho was 111 bed during hts slctnes-v.
Witney attended Walkup during hi ill
ness. There was a phsician on the boot.
t'Ut he was no: cal ed in. as Walkup aul
he knew hansel wx? the matte', and
that he would "pu.I throuch." Th wit
ness s.i.d he did no: notice rrnuipittg or
rigidity of the limbs. Wa.kup rvoet.l
be!ore the lK-t arrivetl .tt New Oro-an.
The vtiie-s rehtteil how the jwrty went to
Mr. Wabace's hou-c and made the ac
(liuiiiitHiict of the fiimb). the daughter
Dora an i Miniiic. and the tHy Willie idi.
J. II. H itr.son. c erk m the Minta Fe
depot xt Kiiij-or-.t. dejM-i-d U a conersa
tion between himself an I Mr. Walkup 011
r-viudai, August 15, In regard to the lat
ter" CUlldltlOlL
Ktctnii nr.
Emporia, Kan., October 'J?. Before the
opening of the court loom jestcrdav there
was an iinpiecedented rush to obtain ad
mission and secne seats.
The first witness called was Dr. Charles
W. Scott, of Kansns City, who tenoned
suL-stanti:ill in accoidtince with his Atory
of last September about Mr. Walkup. in
com;au with another man, coning to his
otS'.ee in December last and alkup te at
ing sniptoiiis of i'llieal'.li and how he had
lit en and w:is tis'mg nieuical and iiiercur-al
pri'parat:oiis ns 'oim-s anl vittl stinnuaiit.
The ne.t witness war Natliatiie. It. Mor
ton, an elderly and sick y ll;ing num.
who claimed to reside a: Vul.i ja. La., a.-
editor of the Vidalia S'litimi. He wa
the man identified by Dr. Scott as being
with J. R. Wa.kup. and he testified to the
inter, ew m the otltce substantially as re
lated b Dr. Scott. The witness went on
to reiato aileged debaucheries carried on bj
himself ami .1. K. Waikup at Kansas C.ty
ami elsewhere at arioiis tunes, hi 1-M.
U. Parkhain, of Emporia, a farmer, tes
titled to seeing Mr. Walk up at the lattei's
house 011 Saturday. August 1, ami that the
latter told him he was verv sek; that be
had hc'cti s.) Mck with ouitUiig. purging
and pains on his wav down from Topeka
that he 'thought to God" he would die Ik
fore reaching Emporia: that he whs very
sick in the carnage. When he got home
his wife exhausted herself in rubbing and
ming to get him well.
Gideon E. Mi Ier. o Hutchinson, formeil
of Cottonwood FalN, testified that on th
cais last June Mr. Walkup told him he was
not well and had been sick the pscvioiis
winter; took aiseinc then and it nearlj got
away with him: wasstui taking it.
Dr. W. Filklns testified to hiving seen
Mr. Walkup in his otlice Saturday after
11001. and when he said In was sick, as he
had been when the doctor Heated him two
years before. He said he felt "devilish
had" and very sick. Two .enrs ai:o when
the doctor had treated him tin svnip'.om
manifested by Walkup were vomiting, purg
ing, pains ui the stomach and dtmiess.
Harry Schmedbnrg and W. J. R.ggs tsti
fied to having hcatd Mr. Walkup say at th
depot on the arrivn' of the train Satunhu
morning, August ir, that he bad come
home sick. Mr. Riggs' memory was other
wise verv deficient.
Mr. Kleetwort. a colored barber of Atchi
son. fonncrJv of Topekn. dene.ed to hnvuig
taken Mr. Walkup. three .cars ago. In 'IV
, jtekn. to a loom of colored p'ostitnle-, at hi
' request and once in Atchison. He. had
never seen Waikup use arsenic or other
Dr. W. C. Hand:: 11. of Tojeka. tesjlrle.1
that on August '.:; Mr. Walkup cam. Jo hi-
ofiien and a-ked for treatment for blo-xt
disense. He sn:d hi was using ar-onio, rud
the doctor otdercd 'mn to ijiiiL
Mil to ly.
Empokia. October 2'.. Court opened at
nine o'clock and Mrs. Waikup, her mother
and Mi-". Maty Jay came In and took their
respective place.
Whitatii Jay, guar Ban of Mr. Walkup.
' the fust willies, declared that between
July T and 10 Mr. Walkup in his oltice took
a dose of white jiowder. saving to Inru tlmt
it was arsenic. On his cross-cxatnination
by Mr. Steriy the witness safc h had not
reineiiibere! the Incident until after the
Coroner's inin-?t, or sjKiken of It before
the tiia! except to the counsel for the de
fense. B. Graham, associate editor of the Iitly
Ilrjnih'ir-m. deposed that he -awr Mr. Walk
up the uvoni.iig before he dttsl and bad a
conveisTtior with him. He av him sitting
on bis porch in the summer of li-t. He
sa d then that he had no appetif and had
pains 111 lis stomach a'l owel.
Dr. H. W. Stiver test-fled to bavlur
treated Walkup twK-e for a private d rx.
once iast May anil over two year before.
J. B. Moore, a painter, of Kutpnm.
pan,eil Mr. Walkun's house le: Jnin-. and
s.v.y bun .ck in hs p.-rch. He ad ! nai
taking mrd c-ne that wow'd kid a dog.
Dr. S. A. linpliear. of City, was
ca.;-d as ar exjert. He had made a pt
rra? simly of toic!ogy. and taken Irr-.ures
at the Miort MsJicat Cidiege at l
I'iiis. ansl gradua:eI there. Ariic
taken ? a tonic kept th Lviy mrre nosir
lsie.1 and incread the ei:nl rx.-n.
Tie -yr;t' us of chron arstea; roson
inr awl o' acute gavrtUs wosid b similar.
H rare an elaNora! statement of the ef
fet of arscn-c iipm th sjsjm. He i;
ex-a'ned the blood d.scase in R stages
anJ dec.arwt itui lb last issojn-l tl
yrtptonts of a Htot erery
the htJHMiM sT:in was babte
to. It often attaekti tke hiix brra; and
in I bone. Tte Hwrjnclaoos rnsfct be
fosst! in ny ;art of the sj.;em, xid mt&l
i ulcerate the digestive ttttt d jr-iorr
casktna. depfs.t in a cfccejfsjl o.-v-t:on.
A xaaa of ccei framr aad as-tit- -who
had Je rfiW"a-e wiMtkt tr- nel! rMcrcsaed if
he t' arfic a a Unlr. Awuk- eo.Ui
te et c.fje! . th asiKUs of ti s'oMarh
avl rveatuiI'T rrsiie mrrsted Ujrre ur
wam in nie.-nt'e Umr. Case -r aiL
. The ! ;: : cat jprs::os -evi by th
State o .L experts were read to Use wltro-
' ami h. anviers were that i: was ;iii!c
by having been encjs:; r.d envelop!, for
the arvmc found in the stomach to hare
been token a long lira- before. K -was no
i a to Klrnintstcr an antidote after thj xa-
Uent bid reached a :ate of roaps-
Uent but reacaen a :a:e ot ro."aps-
I Ir linnhM' r Tamlm inn tras efvn
ticced curnr the !:nrKon. He said lira:
a man tra.s tn coILxp when the hfazi" ac
tion wa feeble, the pulsar almost la;-rr-ceptiMr,
the features ptcosed, the eipre-5J0.-1
Iiidsrating fer of irara'neat irrL
The ri:nsji decrited a: grra: jenrth the
cundtionof a ratxeat In vrions stage of
collate. what ar-rnc 1 and tt ceci upon
the . stria, and what tlie books jay abcriit
It. His cro-e examkraUen cosinpi untfi
CoTjrt adrcnmed.
Tnth Ir-
F.MrontA. K.v.v.. October 30. In tho
Wa:knp ilsonng cae yesterday. H.
TibbaK f Emporia, was called and five
testimony " little nnportaoce.
Mr-. W.2:acs. mother of the defendant,
ras next sworn. Sh' s.,u she hd lived
twenty four jearsi In New tHIens; that her
daughter was Um ttwre and wnnd lo
seventeen ears old ot tLe eommg Jamiry
14. She was Mnralcd at the St. 1 uis In
sUlute. M,e then gave to detail the hKtocy
of the me-ti -g of Walkup and her daugh
ter, thnt Walkup ww sijuUett with Minaie
aad verv antiLs U m;rry brr. She
-are .V hts:or of tin mart. and why
ctJebTUd x: Cov'ngt. A rigid cross
eix:uioa::nn fa:led to shakn her testlnwoy.
'Iti! oVfe.-HiAttt u-rself wa the cn.trd
and s-wotn. l uner Mr. FVn.' '. exam
inat:on ptv--desl to rapidlj and hmc freely
Mate sUtsi!an:all wbal her ier hart
do abt'Ut ths a"qualu'ivu, ccmlshlp aod
mairtage Mr. Waikur Mae said :JmI
ljtbe had f-.varrd the nuirriage d had
always trealed her vir kiuul;. and tha:
041 the Jol) vis t Mrs. Hood had cal ed ami
invited her t go ot xtml visit at the hum.
Everything happy ltwen hrfsolf
and husb:id He had u-ed 1mt .rry kindly
In .erv .. He had -eat for hur ruufn.
Will Willi, hrcait sb, was toaetv away
from her own fatmiy. awl acthn hd o
curred to rear her mamed hpr . Cum
mg U Mr. Waikup's s:e.tM.s ttt fair
risnti'tr sid that h ennte hsBe m sck
trwm Topeka on .Saturday nn.rnns, Aust
13, that she had to take oft hi lot awl
clothos and ruh hint. He eomi!anMd f
hiving bien very 'lelc and of omK ng 01
the car, of pain in h had and epeeiaHy
In his hips ami Iigs, with draw.ttc (wilng
in tti em. He wvu.d aot let her -nmd lor a
phv tctan. .she- tlid all sin cimld for hi.
In the iiM.riung Walkup felt um UlUr
and went dwn town and CAinetek srfrJ
tiroes thoogh rmnp'Kiuing of grt weak-iu-s.
That night he had a atio-w
but he snhl he knew what tho matter was.
He had been slcK that wav bWore and
v 011 Id come out all rigtit. Mse insisted n
getting a doctor, and hiving beard Dr.
Jacobs woll pokun of he telepliomvl fui
After thr noon recess, Mrs. Walkup :wk
the tand once more. Me saWl that when
isitmg her aunt near C nciiitiatt. hei cousin
gave her some Mts-iwriaHe tor the cumplei
ion ant she jmt it into a patcr with ait;nei
pjrr in lm bail calomel, bought in
New Orleans h put loth tdc by idt
niil wraped them in a thlnl iniMi and put
them 11 her atchel. and when she cme t
Us the calomel In Tojka, could nt tell
them aput and took them to a ding stirc U
tiud 'it which was wheh. Mie purchased
.some strjc'iitme at Bates' drug store in th
altiviioon ahont August l.l. Mie did not te
iiiein'jei w!iethr Wa.kup was at home or
not that day. She wanted the strychnin
to make a prcpirntiou of .strychnine and
wuir to tike st.tms out of a drrs. nlw
s tfiit-d the ls.ok which was hande.1 to her.
She di! not lei! Mr. Bates she did not want
to tell what ". was for. On getting home
the found thst the strychnine had gotten
out of her hand njchel, wheie it had lieen
p s.cesi. Sie never found out how it had
been lost, Witne had no further ur for
it whatever tl.sii tie reason uieii'iotied. Kite
sent Mary Moss Mindny inroU!r. August
Id. for . some mote strvchu lie. her a
note to Mi. Bate-. She nevei Mary
Me.s to av she was going down for butler.
Mrs. Walkup sild she had got arsriue
twice, once 011 Sundav at Kelly's tdxmt four
o'clock. She w noted to use it for her skill
to lemove some hiofches. On going into
Ke'lv's store she askwl for twetitv five
cents' worth of arseiuc mid receivcl and
signed the recoid. sta! ng that it was to bo
used for the complexion. After leaving tho
store she went to sec Mm. (Mu-irt, and
after stav ng fifteen or tvtenty mniitcs
went home nnd prej.rtl njij-r and thru
went up 'ii:i. aod took the artnlc out of
her satchel and vsas prepuug to. eiiipl)' it
into a t when Mr. Walkup came in and
.he emptied it Into a slop pad to prevent
him ftolu fi'ilij it. Aftcrvvaid. on
Thiirsdav, she told Mr. Walkup abiul
her cotnp'eviou which w,s sutletlng from
eruptions, and lo gave her S'2. thr only
ni'tiiey he ever gave her, to buy arsenic for
it, as she Sold la til that wa what a Indv
friend In New Oil.nns look, and to get pop
for hint. On letiirnlng to her house, shu
found Wnlkun lying on the cot as she had
left lion and took the ar-emc and put It In
a box nnd p'aced It In a bureau drawer
near Walkup's cot. Walkup drank two
iKtttles of pop and immediate!) commenced
to vomit VK-'eiitly. Mis. Walknn then rx
pin'ticd the dry goods affair and the upset
ting of the arsejuc ,.
The w. tiles as subjected to a rigid
cross-evamltiatioti, nod was on the stand
when Court adjourned.
Klr-tei.tli Ilr.
EvtroniA. Kan.. October siiv, -.j
Walkup was to take th" vvltiis tu.l
to conclude her cross examination, thoie
wa an unuua'Iy large crowd of .mc
tators presynt at an early hour yosttir
'I he cont'tmatlon of Mr. Walhiip croioi
inmriAtiofi by Mr. Storry erupted tin-
freiMen s:il.
The clnef trstim.ny In the afternoon
was Miht f Dr. Parr. s a Hietlejii e-x-
Jer. Ttl" (lot-tor et"l f'Vrri r,1M,
rerordel in ttuslkcjit annia, in whefc
at sonic hl brroHie nvrht'eI hi the r.tot
ach. nnd in otwy f net th lttir th
sHtwe c.ted by Dr. l.upber, and on tin
ti-nTth of these last he gave It a hi
Ion Mitt the nreiir fotiftd in 3!r. Walknp'i
'imin'-b hl jw-.bly laid mxttn th"t
for a week or let: rfy-, or pryti for
y-tr. He regarded It difUenli to dstln
gu-sh between syphilitic ami arsenicn! Ml
re.-ations in the sUHtmrH ih )nt-tutr-s. s,mj
while the ;-shi;i.v was Uwt 31 r. Waliiif
died from p:w.u a-lminisicr-l duruig the
wceV of his Ktckiiess, he could not bsj
ab'o'ntHy certain a. ngsmst Utfj
encjst-J aiwl enTe!o;eJ r-t. of arse c on
record. cHinty Attorner Frighan m
examinM the loe;or nidd be found a Vir
tui af'a-eere ' in lh. op n'm ptofeid
by tlie Mate's tledxal rxj-rt to x
caus of tint airl the time of Ailm nisU-rlng
the arenc, ami the prob-vble eic,ry of an
aiitiil"!.' un Friday trie day Vfore devh.
"llle liiUlT sAVel hit ereJtMr, at u the
o4b bty of a cyt. and UKk oie of hn
S.utes eXp-,t; an stithUit houhl ha7
b-en given a long as the patient cocld
'Ihr Stat- wa well aUfiM with th
c7i--et.AN)iit)n. The d-fen- pu :M evi
dence a letter written by Mrs. Harry Hood
to her father after iH.rnagr. ;ptoirMn;
hiHt bitleriy. and hi ansrr thereto. WHIM
WjUiv th- ouir. t-tt4nl to th t'4
ot feceurrence. aod sd Mr. Wx:kef dl
not sp-aic to h mi IWor- gMig uy--t r.
tint h rrnt p of hs own arcorJ. X s.
Walkup a tw asicril as to ho-- if .
Walkap got up-itair in his nppnrtl cot-las-st
stte fn Krtday. ami aW hr waJl.:
u. sti- adt ra: on- arm ! IMm t f
nihTZ. 3!r. Soott .!Kwirsl tint aitntb-sr
il"i to ptwvi- Mr. Wlkp' trx,ic
of Saturday. Awguvt iv. and o e
jwove hi a- of a:ntc m iltatxrj
were oa tfer way. which a b-i.eTnJ
mtmitl & th- U-Ummmy for ijk-
feas. TH Jorig- dsri4ed to hrt xpp' -tKBs
fr fmlher t-vtAtr srhrzt U.- vk.
rv-s,- -?(,. an laid. The Haie brg r--bot.l
tet.aait U titat Mr. Vt'i.i -was
mAl at T3i-c. aatd tp to eierr
o'cx Frtdir. A ; J, sad to m,-
tteu nr'.lbr; $1 M"rVa or Mr. Walca;
were ai Ix-dge City at Ue rattle oouWi
in Apr., as ttaTvd by Mr. Mortfro, 1: caiied
Mt. Hankie, of the Fifth Atense Hoti
Capum Warrea. of Emporia; J. H. Has
rin, of Kstporis. arvt ABn HiWerbach
for thev pur-pf-t. Mr. Haakl-' XJ.
iDOOT Jocad Mr. Walkup at Toj-eka, Aw
iTsist 13.
Tt snttfo Hstilnc.
Piaor, 5ertia, Oct&fcstr ST.Tbe Ser
vians are mass ng on the f rosiIT in fall
force,; throsgii lh; place. Sots
ejtprct decuite aftuon -srhen Xtus Milan
arrived with mre troop?, both Infantry sd
cavaJry, frsm Nivii. Tasr Kin U etlsJenUy
hs eraWs: aal! za IrxscdUIc crilU -3C
generalJm'CLEllan dead.
Thr Former CM,mr,.olrr of the .""" "
,hr mit-i .-w- !" ""''"- - k'trt'
,.f III. I.Hr- Anors to th !''
ouvsflr, if J-, tvtotwr so.-fiwin-(.(..rec
Ik Mcr'-an. rx Command.' o. tr
Army of the MaV, dwl .nddwilr
yostcrdav mminc at r. 10 ;. frn
f5fc.i.s.stlrHtTKcd by tcpeafe'd
of ncuralrUof the benrt, at W hMa
os Mountain, T1in:h K. m. rty
compb'ird !m Mix ninth year, h kl pr
vrrcsl m.t only buoyaal stint. Iwtt "T'
aal. youth fu' agility. Thcdn. wracB ac
l"xsn .lml tlurs weeks ao t !
! Un rrtrt. netlwr hi n-r hfcs Bwraterul nlr
ten ank Ir. swanl. o innMjs. w f '
his fam.y. i.adl tho mtttt-rr an
lie and every o? . brt eved mt
tlttv that ihc trtmldstsotr.a mady t"J
at Irart for UhK Urm-. In UraU badW tf
lleotinl ordercsl W carriaso ia matn
Jug aad drove to rnmi- m-esMtt iwtswl hj
His only daughter. H mi- -iT-tai pm
Jon.nn mi btane.s, aJ radt at nMta
nf-nt f jf iifv a. m. ay. lie !
turtMd ho m vrellit s-.utt, a brnf te
Uy at hi tni hir aHl rM"d t
About lcv o'eUrfk Uo pa'f4 '
and a mrsuetr horetrts wo
pnlrbrd down tJc hul fr thu d tr. w
rams buck with the lest polh. t4ay.
Wm he ent'ted thsc bdrMO of th -etat
be round h. patlt in r-tttrem agtj.
'l"mf fMMsav) runrd w IU a rU thniistivf
frUieT that wts alarmtrf. amt ihc
homeopathic remsstus which th shut ei
Ihs tltifhir s-u.Tpdol, wnfr bowmh MlVlmi
than lhsse w hast ort p;td br
Inl.dlicent affect hn d C.ial Mc-tMBN
wlt and iairM'r. who had miiualafnil
U bun uifeiv singly f" wi
alarm. For for hurs h nlf ewi th moit
ecTuciatlmc nuy. Abut thr 'ct
theo was a change. Th.t i)s f tho ?'
ba!.in U grow brltftiler. ami his fc, that
had beon whits with pan, bian to rcT
er Us areMsttmd ruthtv liw. H cravf a
long, derp .h of toticf. s4iilel fuintly.
niidMtii: "1 feci east now Thank Wh1
I have pulled thrmneh." Ihtn be an
iKiek ujm tl.e ! ow as if ehas)tcd. -Ing
his eyiw The doctor, who whs '.
Ing hs faro with cvtienie s.!kltitl. saw
the uimrrttu signs of npaoarhtn csUn(Hn,
and whispentl t Mrv M-l'ifilan: "I fnr
be is dvliig." It wasbwl totruj. tuieral
McClellan raised htiiiserr nt on hl hand,
half opened bs e e., rild fell bwk dr4t L
ttllH.IIAI'tllt vl
tteonte HrinttMt M.r;ellaii lnrn In.
l'hilndelphla. Drcomher l&. 1 1 44ltT.t
at the 1 nlvetsity of l'tuit.slala, ami III
lSJg cut. rrsl the itnlihtrv ncad.m at Wt
Mitt, where he graduated ernl In hlS'
ch-e, In 111, and wa nsitfn-il U dtv a
Brevet ml Lieutenant in tht t"r.s
l.nglntwts. He seivetl with di"dlctH!
luting the Mexican war. and was wucctw
slvely btivettsl as l"iti I.-eulrtmnt ami
Captain. In IVit J he was nitJMt enei
tieer 111 the cfiistrtM-t.m of i"rt I .lawutt;
In !.. chief etiioe-r in lht diftattwiftit
f Texas, having in ihrt'e the ') ef
tie isosi,s of that tn lHVWi emrlmter
for the tpirntitn atot survey of th wratr
ern uivinlott of the piutMKMtl 1'aclOe llall
knuI; and In ts.Vl '" he vsnn Mfetnal tot
x ..... to 1 .,!.sritng rnllUNul latUtco (or tlM
War Department,
In !.. V., having leen made Catdaltt ill
artillery, he w n mmWr of the mil 1 lory
ComiiitsrtliMl to lit the sent of vsnr III th
I'll MO. He resigned his oMMtlsoM Jtaiw
1. t-AT. to lane the post ot Coin! KhglwotK
of tho lllliuos Central Hivlitoad. ( hffi
he was chosen Ytru l'teiltnt In ts.V, ami
in fsHt he Ins-nine l'residont of tllx ML
Louts ,V Citirltittitt Itallroud.
At the opening of the evll tTjr lw '
coniitttsoioiiisit as Major t,eiernl of
Ohio volunteer, ami was plnem! i
comutaml of the DepntUtient f lh
Ohio. comptiNtttg the State id odws, !
I'Hha, II. loots and the VMssiern srtt of
l'tuiiltniiin nmt Virr(lnla. lie w us loade
Major .e,eral In the regular army May It,
lMtl. nnd cotntttaiidetl In sever. si entrnjo
mentis tu Western VirguiU, tesMlinl
In clearing that tif the 1 onfitlersto
for rest, for which he received, on .Inly t.
Ho thaiiVs of CiHi.-ies. On JmIy JJ. tho
day after the i'edrrai defeat nt I toll Unit,
he was siimtttoiirtl to Washington, nmt n.
placed lu coritioaitd ot the Division of the
I'otomnc, ititd ahorlly aftr of thw Arwy ot
the I'tdoittnc.
I'jMiti tin retirement of Cenrral .sft
lSoetilMr 1 1 hi was ;tptin!il litNtemttar
Chief of the armies) thu illxl .SfcJ.-s,
lie txik th field In Mnrrh. D-oi. .'tt..! halt
ing ill til" IllC'llUltte Oetill rel.etttll (d Ujr
ciHttittand of all IIki ftnctm mett tl mimf
of the I'otoUl.tC. he et Mll for t) tteM'ttrtMln
f Vneliii.t. ami IhmI M'go to V"tionk
which was abamlortstl by the I ''u(eUatJ
31 Mk.ll M 111" bflllofies OptMll B't.
McClelinn moving k-yjr.' rtv t"4 the
Cbickithomiuy l-t May 'iO, attd wfusawl
the mtopaJgn ngamst ittrhriHmd, wh.rh s
bnotght t a virtual close y th batt of
Mnlteru Il!il t July It. after which r Ml
I Mt-k to lliirnson's Inntllitg whofw he
trfifclosl himself. O-tjernl llaibwli. haxtinc'
In the meauwhile 1-oh made isntfa.ri
Chief, ortlertH .rCi..; (Augui .n In
return with his v.lwtte nrwy u F'HUdrao
Mtoiroe and York town
'Hit result wa the doffatof I'te a, (fall
Utn. August TSt. .0. Ii at life own rt
ttett, W'ts lelieVe.J frott the rrtnn:nn4 ti
the forces at ami alxtot Wshn;toM. whirh
wx rnferrel upon Met ielljwt. 'fa- Cata-
fet' thej HIMJrftoolc Uie int4tof tiZ
Marvlaitd, which ws brottght to rp. Uy
the battle of Autieitn Sptetler tCt IT.
I her thn crsel the i'-.toM4 and fril
leisurely Uic' toward the BaptdaM.
lircat dissatisfaction ,, fi ( itl-?
ttlownss vsltlt vshtrti Mrrlrilaa UftUrnml
tetn, and chi 1. wle h- ap
Iaretl tol-- mil. ng pfctraUotM for at
lark In forcr, he was wipefrt!l in torn
msnd br C-rors IhirwtUlr.
The Irm-7alic ,S.t:VMal rTrton
h!d In Chicago. A'tgusttl. 11 mfnhtan
him for the I'r-tdrcy. of tho i-pt-!sr
to .3i.03 ' Mill itore lann
Ml --r cm' hit- c.i for IHsoia, ami
1.HI1.7M ia JlUlc lest than . p ct-m.)
for McCMIaru Th" laiU-r rorn!d h
comtnlssjon in thr army the dxi nl lft
lotou. ?s"os-eMh-'r , li. Uok p h rrs
Jdertre in New 'lofS, ami ailorvrjrjd wnt.
U lUtiop-.
rin recrptof th- rwstr at Washington
ttn I'resKtJrnt orilertsti ths tlac to prMtc
tMtthtitrgs : ! it(ayri at lif-ml arstb
the Secretary l War tnsAn an oSrld an
rtomrmcAt of cntid MeVlrtt' ieth
In the .twy and ordt-frd tax', tho stall
l-Miiun U: lht u hss WHaHMtcy.
Jli f rv W.
Mi-sitiKJKX. L T.. Oc6rr craff k,
lottg time iCNstraMt and f latd aa audi
r.-grt f the CressJt .Natl ,, 1.,
lmUmi !a ak! married la, imI Uic
re prtwp-roar hai:-btrk ami h- fas;
tascl a bdt thrtmgh Ihr Coiil
aiaaw-d at thent. It it a tai ail rat.s, ftr
orcr l-wo lm4irl h-d ? eaiile 31 r
Tdrs:l Un u ce-s. and n p;-irni
lhc frwio hrkargjfkc In any mor- W grar-r r
tr i-Uh.c dotjuia. Thy ,! Ui at f4r
etgn rvtUe tujpMtd frtMn Jtaoe lt to p
iKttttt 15 at ;rt hntd. a.vl Oswrift 5ii
rrasaiRteg nutths i-t Jri. Tmvs- nun
hare wotkrsl vi aceisoalrti gtl lxcd
Lcrila a;e naturally rij Huliunt.
M ttwfi.
Ixjrtsviixr. Kr, O-jotrr . A ,
is ajkUnixl rLit ana'oxoi to lbi row c,
ebrated Waiiup exw. -mt. dreIoiri la
IexlnV-'. tAU Statto-nUh, try in. arrt
of Mrs. Mary and Jobs Petit 00
wxmcjt charrln; ihtta wjjij the ratuder el
James Iascaitcr. of the- xora-in.
by joison. Ij.3catcr. who ra.s a sign
painur of rosst!crabfe IcraJ repr.tJsa,
di-d last, wrrk ncddeaJy. A hy tartan wta
atbrcdtrt htm in hU drath aiT. pro
noHcwi. ttj datii the rtslt of pxsater'
fiAunu and th xtraatrit Smrttl
stitout ant MjsplcUua o fcri jrlay
k-(a eiyjriserJL
. v.
&&' - - r
Btf -j" -. S. .
Es.w s. - - .