1-5 i-a . -- j L". .7j ? i1-: ' . '- r. . -rzr i v- .m -. v a ic ts -. . . B - Mm V I "" im-nuciJjgfTgsaarrwuAi.! C4'.sgg-.i...-'uiJ 'tfgrT.m'ivf : rzmfiwrsarsrr CTJCCT 'jKnijrB.iz?trc:M-'iraBn T1-. '! m o Si J rO 3 "" 1 IJ I Bt tl' a 2 LiUU XI &. J I i s. "" Til- 'LJU jiyi- L- ? ,g . - iMk -v. Hh Vfl - jug, Tfit S rl tb B tt H 8 H.H zi 'i f 1 1 i ii i i "" - ' """ " n l f V if . 4 I k f 1 i f 'j r &: - VOL XII J. SE??rT Wo have ' ! "W'o have 5000 P $ i M f ' J r k,.1 A XK t4i iH ra ia b t fES HIebTB KSjSB' JBtt TfeBf, tBBB TSft' wB Tiwf )ln 3 jMt s ' 3)T j 4 J5f tJ? E 1 T Jersey Gloves 50d RliDCj.OUDCHIEf t i.jiAir ry A. r .OSMER T Kt). Lv. :-1" : i tfiCES OKSiiV A 1 1 Onl. : ' . nr.i . " vyD - MCBRA5KA von, TJ ' ' t'-'ift Juce will ; (-. n. K!i!;SKA t X? T 1 ' ' ' ' v ' . 1 1 1 . !'.. Oki-u-k-( TS Mivt N.itior.fti lIUU. ltV.! VHI'IU.JI -j!L UII. Ji:CK K ED CLQV I , - N K It ii AS fc a store rmfctsMon! -jilh nttenltsi :y or nifjiiL G. 15. McSCEERY. M. IX. 11TYS1CL!C XD FTTnGECN, tltD ni-KJt. - Y - - KKtiKliZvA n DA3IEHUlf.tOL, kiTsici- aki wnanffi. P. I3vXET, i. ?nY.-unA Af?UREON. .UiliU V.I.AfVi, - A..!)KAflA4.. Okficic- Over CSook'is drug atefc. Otllj proingUy ttersdod to liy or night. I'HYSTIAX AND SUE03S01C, Cowl. Nebraska. ProfccTitlr!i pnmpt!y mt longed Gmox: At ns?uleace Oowies. 3-41 QlUTAiC RtCKASBS, ATTORKEYS, Opk?!! lu 8mitU Broti. law ofiicc 3 W. Kaijct. .T. L. KiLRT Kalby Bros. a 7TQR2COT5 AT LAW. TIED CLOUD, NEB. AoJijg for tlie E. A M. S It. LhihIs pTvANK H. GUMV, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1ia0T)UD, - - 2D2B 4Omtcs Over the Port OHioft. 1 ' - O. C. Cask. .us. Stf2TyY. Cask & McNbny3 ri Will .fMrifotj i w' ii;rn of this gate tMkvthm as wrtt H'-ieal.-.J Jw,r.ss wirrfot y 9HH1 ctuacuihr tt.a in. AtinJ tuntls!t- m applicattoa. Ownrit-Uixr l'ir-i Xttkal IttM rd kel. Keh. "ILL V. OVERMAN, ' A -ITTOR'NKY AT LAY, -' BED CLOUD. - - NEBRASKA. Office. Over Ke:oori 'c Co dnvt j store. Collections nriay:$y r-i.H ti ai-irr iMiidence Mrixntcrt. IVt i aww) t tpav at .. jou ratcK trt ir.t-n v wni .ftiwai. ' etortcdtlicbu-iTawtr. 1 "KTJERNAL RED t!j-i .J .ijgresprav Pa SBr"A P-5, (4tii r'l ' k4 & rM Y fc-2 Ki ' Wv Hfe Ki m?5A Ut-i ,jgz:s a Sine line of 'black Gashmeres in Also in Ct. G. silks that we 6-4 Ladle's Cloth, (all wool) full 15 , fe f8 vds. calico at 5e Bts. Lady's fancy Oashmere hose Hffl II I 1 " II" " ! 'ir ,- ' TTT-' "' I ' " " I '-,'7'"' -im'jj'l'"l'w'' saraaPSi imi 11 ess and we have H b 1 In Ciotiung, Hats, Gaps, Boots, Shoos and Groceries. SEW GOODS cOSSTAHTLY AX&IVIHQ. jjj fH3fJl iV, fJon. l KaKrn lJl ,av ra sci.h; With Hierh of cowlks ft VI9B bSbI- 1h h( reef Lfe? Lvlfefefelt kMmrm 1 MS O I -" i Hebraska 4 DE 1L.EX8 JjY- HTKSg, LATH. 311 INGLES. SASH, DOOBS. BSIZDS vtC. m ReD.LOUD DRY LUjiBEK A SPECIALTY, SZiD A7S TUTEIiWSSST sS:Eff:K8. IOI1I rurmiura-ana nm-j itonon isazef9 Partios ribbkiar Ftiruiraro will se7 before purchasing aleevrhc re. HEW )SS .4N K1PI.' m Arriviuir every dr. y. In ccnitecUon -with ray furniture I have fllaro supply cf ail fciuds Prices to suit the buvcr. 3t:di SMBSluwaro, Scepa, (Knsrwarc, vriK be soWcoapor Ihaa mM m V aW DEALEBS IX IbUfiWlB&aP A.NCE IS THE PRICE CLOUD WEBSTER ti-jusa vrtaen-'j jxuu'EiaaiiieiULaumiaM i '4 VIG1JL Avenue Wiener's old 3ta: fast colors the beat clpth and nice bargains foi sMlk Ti--.-i lir-i cr .3 K-!. SLD. GILFORD. Qnrtcs,A'e!., 117 a rajrn wm m m a. '- w? w . as Prices At nivBr;-.:;ka. ?W iv a Saiesmam. Lumber Co - MeSRAKii (o)-- THS BEST fS" TIFK wAUK'ET.ANDI & j8L1i J ffi. g . ,101 !- money by osatninirg ray foods of aotioas with Tovrole, HandkerehiIij pjjd &t ay pUice n Red Oooti. 1 ?:t -- .a i-,N: ?-l A IF rv( 2 w i vtBi nauej n?. . Mt'XK L l1 SJ. .tS. 4I' OF LIBERTY," AND SL50 f COUNTY NEB. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER f Red """b unions and ell wool all Fr enoli goods and perfectly can s-we you iuoney on ii in need of any. 54 inches wide (The finest line in the country.) 35f-ts. Come and see us. We will save you money- I sryrrtrr c ai lo' CD n O CO O O r. CO j,-: 5T.CH f" n r c .Ia u o r 1 v ! 3 r --r- 2, m o : 2 r -: r. r. Z. - o "E o 1 t'f 2 Cowes,ebr33:av 1 dialers rx Brags, faints. Oiis. ooks. . Statioiiery. Etc., .fttc. Etc. !.-r,.-r.,i"'i- ci-efiliy co:n,ojo-.lo vi a'. hours o s4 q rrc 00 n n fildllldot) HuUi J. L FILLER. DEALER IX AltE-XFTS' COLLARS, SADDLE.- KOSBLAXKJ5TS. wHIPS. C0BS. BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL and cverytliir. iwaally krpt io 1 fl-x 0T5 shop. A wo doAr. north of 1st Xa Dunk- RED CLOUD. XE3. B, 1L Jkfoore. T:a'i J. L.Ma:r. V Ic John ilcrct Cuiier First National Bank RED CLOUD. NEB Capital. - 73,000. A 1 ell C aatr Tirrisv.'. Ala Oastx. ??- actsJ s- i.o! bwtnt&aat. Bsr aad itfl J r? " K123pi73 15 vj - '' ff. C. Hciajr. F-. C. Uzvnh W S Ii!rJ A YEAR IS THE PRICE rti S? Cloud Nebraska) at 85cGiits. Others ask $1.2.5. now styles- Tho CoumIv (.'omnji.ovioucr.s. IlJtn Ui.om. Xi:b . Oct. Hih. 1S. liHnl met pursuant to ntlj:ir:imvnt. Full !o:uI prtMunt. lleporu of the JoUowinjr jHticts of tiiu jioju'c, Kitiuct Vt'st. K. U. 1'nrkor. F. C. HiiAchou'. H. Hol(ir.:dj;. :uul j John Poluickey were c.x.niiijsim! and p nrovoil. ClitJin were umlitnl :iml r.Howoi on roumv ;r'srRl fund r fuliows: 'liirl VV. .sjirinupr, acrvirmi Swpt J T) 00 Hr- Kr.qU'-j: i .' ror! took J iilbi.in & Hit i-mrd. t.-iv:ct Co lUtnTUfj 125 CO i: A Yoarw. bottrJ ud ciuns Hwlieut fm- li ! .( t 2109 W u Iiru. t-jwt for i-aurr- (I M V. ri. ,(r?i. gKtH in 'tTty"t two bl!l 5S 1$ r.r!i I'akiMt A C., :nHirfDc tar imr t. M. NewuMjxr. piMuhitH: JoJin It. Frvr . Wiitiii 0...i i:.ick lr1dt J frt'.im ? U 1 1. il nK. I- ru-'M:.!: C. NrLiMr 100 10 jn Mffl J tin S . Marsh. A Ct, coal Uf pntrm i: ti VntfT. rrve uvtritM-r imr Ai i; ion If to. ctrlnw Jur J4iti AiVo II (X) U A SO j J. .'in MunH)t."ar:ngfrJo)in Allvu l9Qt '.'OR ' Juri, it A ;ii'.i;U, M14.1 b tMturrr 7 jooii i'!itii.nnijiarjhc All'U woo to 3'J CO ilrh. II. .clmuinit- Nmnlmii, n-nl HUlert ! Ji4m A Hon wj.V) :o t I. W. l"rrr fDoil-. U jujn'rt 13 JS .1. V". Mnrnnil. iifxlicit) frris3T 01 to ai W T. II Hpiwii. iu-i!W!iU ifrlcw ' ro H .5--r .'. Jinr- n tei fcr jjmr, 9 I. ( r) t:"i to iKtnpkr T Claim. auriil'jd tiail nilowed o:i comity rod fund: ttpvm iuiijrnn'. io,.ai;wn crvJ e tw"i; hl..n :!... hCJft. mi JHl C-tUiUUM O A. f. t-J. twUarw.t .'or Urt4g U CLVimof G. U. YtriiH-r eoimty Jcd of -"?c for jwstae r'jctd. C'.ahn of Samuel We-t for c!0 or- vireii as overseer of tho poor rriectml. C'.aiinC. F. MoranrilipM. I)., ordered I ret urn oil ;o jn;ice of piftCf for ft report. 5tr.e claim for lKntrdi:i iaano for Si.l.SO orilereil to be addoil to state 'lew for I8. Application of G. 0. Tetter judge for fall ,t of Nebraika renrts for judge office rejected. IVtition of C. F. Cather dated Jan. 13. 1SV&. relativolo a4vteS!nenl of April 1SP rjectd.. .! L. Miliar reported having pur chased fifteen road scrapers to bo de Hvred to and in tho road ilblrfcin where rcquirw! txi the board ordered ?aid scrapers to be d!ivarcd U road district No. -1. .',. IS. il. 23. 30. 40, 41, 1. -53. 4-1. 15. 10. Ordpred that $176 or so much there ol r may be necesrarv be and ii hereby approprintwl to road dl-trk't No. 1 for ! replauking and repairing (laid Rock ; briie acrois the Republican river to be j paid nhen work i outnp?Ud- Ordero! that ?i7i or-so much Uwroof as may be neuesr.ry be aad is hertby appropriated to road district No. 3 to n-plnnk and repair Red CUhuI brittle across the Kepubticnn river to be paid when th rork is completed. Appropriations !or road dtricXs wcro mede as follows: mi. AjoIwt NN IIm.1 dMriet.yo. 39 tJC M Iitea Cnmlc os tors to w: TZrm& IHrtrirt Mc 15 brtfc 91 WomI ihtwet Xo.gi for VrfaseJ SOI Clerk ordered U mske inquiry as to amount repaired Ui boiW brvisj and cireri3 on road asked for in Mrtiuonof V,. E. Kiaker aod o4aro of Oak Creek predBct- Cierk ordered to fnrcbh county jade a statement of exoenses is the Don. C Dwyer e.'isc while being cared for by the county s an insane patient. Clerk orderctl to find or procure the J UiaF:ykl nots of Webster county, i Nebraska, if he can. Coantr attornev reoortcd that on .the arivk of nsrtaberi cf tic board they bad cceptod ?4C0 la scitkrscutof tlsa eosts in tho Via. O. Cox case is OFTHE CHIEF. 6 d885- &H ffl fe " i" . rVJ Ji H.V.4 -ITSTVi1 ria PtVJ itj fMin t?3 lill 1 ;4 LBS? finest line of notions in the city DUCKER'S CASH KOUSE. 5 - distriet oourt. and board ordicd thr fiiri!.4 to b? paid ovr to the eouni tn:i5urcr and credited to thu gntmI fuud. It is hereby orderod that tho bound ary !!nu ot road dutric: No. 1 bo and h heroby o.lfndd to and along thu south bank of tho Kepublierui river from rniat to west, the snmo bing the north lino of road litnot No. S. 1 1 is hr ruby ordrNi that Uo bound ary line of road district io. ." be and is hereby extendcl to and aHnj; tho uouth bank of the Kcpublieun rivor from eait to went the aatno bt-injc i"" north J:m of a part of road district No. IS and n part of K. I). No. i). it is ordered that ih boundary lilt of II. I). No. -i be ami hi Hornby extended to and aloofr lite south bank of the ilopoblii'nn river from oal to wt thu same hMn lue north l'.ao of road dis trict No. 1Z awl 10. Following report of Cwns. HnschoT trcR'tirur Miimittd and appro'id. Hed Clouti. Nebrf.kii. OeL I, 1&. To the board ol rounty e-niimnBnorx of Webster conn y Nybranka. Igoost respectfully .Mtii)m it to 300 .1 wport of fa col!rcti by me as trNUrfr for the quarter ending Sptemb r ., l'. C t.Y ilta 7 rrlH)ipUH tfvrUfkuM i n IK vis 1,-77 wrrni rrc!irfJ . a ,- -f.. !. i BWJ J CwbmU-mj tor eUrUa Ut bww U.t mint-" !. i4-Mt.Mt Ctmn.4lM for jrtu lundittt btil 1 varUflcate of n)jttnUtun: State of Nebraska. Wobtr cmmIy. I hereby certify thai, the foregoing i a true and eorroct acconnt at tho feiti re ceived by me m treaftiror for inld county and state aforenh! for the quar ter ending Si'pt. 30th, IS86. to tho host of my knowledgw and belief. ('has. IJuschow, traBurer. Snb?ribed In my presence and -worn to bttforw me thi 31 day of October, 1S85. J. V. Haviia. Clork. Report of C. V. Springer count superintendent public inslrnction. In acronlancf with th school Iwa of Nebrnaka. I herely mak rny report of mono)' received and dUborxed (or the 'piartor ending Sept. 30, lo. Asrott, IMC, irnm tr r wznifniiou t"'M t4lUktlt4ltiit tlA Total zT 5eolr Apivt?l, lf5, yald Co. ttccisitr $ dpi Oototr5, 12 in o 7ta! tT , I horeby oertify thi thft above re port trod and correct accordinj; I" nty jnIgmm. Kad Cloud. Xdb.. Del- 5th. J8?S. CIU5. W. St-KlCJEIU Sopt. Subcribcd in my prcenoo and aicora to boforo me th: 5th day of October, I6. .J. r. Hatha. Oerk. J. S. Gilhr.ra ngacc raade applies tka to th cbainaan of the board for afprftiatn-g school lands a followa: The northeat , of tho SAOtbeat 9f ecLion 16. towe-kip 2. rano 1?, forf the parpos ol ?a!c as prorided by the law of !&&. Dat6d at RchI Cloud. Ac;ss; 10. lSJft. J. L. Miller aad JAn McCallcm -xnzn appoto:ec a ooaru to nno xm apj praisement- Iteport of appraiser j- V tie ustJcr stgad members of the board ilo hereby certify that w have carefolly ezaralc4 the above described load sad Had tb following to be its jast aaJ fall rxler X. E. frcf S. E. I ct!oc IS, Ujwa ship 2. raagc 12. vaiue per aer $7. J. L. 3CCXCK. JOK.T VcCALLCJaV SabirigKhl and jworc to before tab leihdsy of October, 1S5. tfIt v, - wtf.1 t s m j. j wiji " NO 14 fast colors, J. !. ltvritA, Clerk. ;Oottbr 16. IS5. J. I Hatha. Clerk, J. S. Cllham aigncx? maile applica tion to ehatnnun of board for nppraia lugchcMd lnrnU a follows; The S 1 of S K i and N W of S K J and ti K J of N K i ocUon ir. township A rang? IS, for the pnrpoo ol snle as pni?ItlMl by the laws of lSf. Dated Hcd C,0! July 10, IbW- .1. L. Mlllorand J, McCatlum appoint ed n honni to make said nppra!uunt. Ueport of appraiser. Wp the under Mailed tttember? of 'he Iroani crrllfy that wtf have oarufnlly oxatntnd t.hc above dooribNl land and find the fol lowing to bo iw jut and full ra!u per acre 7. "' J. I.. Mi tun. . Jvu,v Mi.'CA.t.i.ru $ubribtd and awo(ji to lefre m thin Wth day of October lw5. J. I'. IUuia. Clrrlr J. S. Gilbnm Iimwij made application to board for appraising Ln"r.l) in tut, a- follow,.: Tho W i of S W tcetun ,h, t.t i.. t . fa -. iu iiciiji -, range iu, iur iii; pur pow of ale a provided by tho iiitfatof ' 1HHA. Dated Ked Cloud, Sept ldL J. L. Miller and L H. Hampton wm appoiuted a board to tnako appraise ment. Wo thcrnndonlgned membcofth tioard do horeby certily that harp earofully examined the above dSf bd land and find it jimt and fall value Iq be 7 per acre. J. L. Mu.LiUfc. I. IL UArttrr Sbcrlbctl and nwor to before m Hoard jMljotirncd U ct. 17, 16W. Ren Clock Xkm.. On. 17lt J. Hoard mei. puruaot U adjowrnmeftt. Full board prewnt. The following claim wer audita and allowed and warrant orkrwltol drawn on county road food for earn ii.tfV n!i. Hoi uirkt wst am ( w. i Ut MU$41 A XmtArt tgM. .Jltriet Mmtit i5 ft: rr o l 11 Mftl . . J55f It. I'ftXKt&tft&lCo" A. o Wtr A I Ml'lrrvq Cl H Jir rr Um (irvtt I'TVt I)Cif3 Wat. X i'tAUt Di-t r.A F. Vr.3-t - tio Claim of Goo. J. Warre for pablUli ing delinquent tax Ht fer I WL odfir4 by board to b returned Ut ,feit to re erfvc pay from the tnsarr ?h f w colleclod for pnbVahin dcdliifjtwrait. tax Ikt asd tho Ireaaarrr 1 ljrsi ordr!.d to js.y aM clatw oat at J4 pubHx Ms;; fuod w collected. Claim were andited a4 aow4 o gviiferal fund A3 follow: 0rdrd 1t ixrd that tW trwafrr credit the collccliowi to & &Vffat oadfeitricw tfcy bow Ajfta thu record n and pt. OnIerI tirat f2 or p sk tlwtwsof a rnar bo oecary h aj pr'frS4d to K. yr Xo. 50, to kiiW Iri4j(v mi rctics Ha lwtr jtlo5 Z 4 Id Ordered tat warra4 b lm all aadiird ss4 alfee4 a4Mtt . .OT-tr4.1 hrvlm. a&4 rt--! ict to , ". " . . -. ' R-xrd mew mijftwnml tOusdk J. 1- UWLSU J. V. Hatha. Chint. Coaaty Clrk, Tras? rewc atttT-f3- ft- 4rm t bop lrra, K qur?0mfefcei iaeTatj Mwt. Ty96ty jh n tb fiver s4 taJtoty; fc th oren atl feljr. iiHwnHi &t aiood t wi ajfw ( f iwyyk IW fc ?"?i - 13C HTVE1D w J jSl - I Red Pfoyd, lebrsska & 'Z ' V'-'i?S !? qtMHSSWJfiqipMMRgBdtsa -, 5- .fofS - " is - teH k 1.? ' ..-?-.A BISVi.' f - &3BkvnM0 BlAmm f -3 n aw .asa.v.. -aa -i. W BBBBBBa ,.t !'' I I W' ' ." &aBBBl