The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 30, 1885, Image 2

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1 C. NOSMER, Pibllskir.
A called "Mack leg"' similar
to Texas fever, was recently announced
as breaking out among the cattle of
Ax illicit st-11, operated by Alfred
Trey, a fanner, was discovered in
Scotch drove, Jones County, Iowa, re
cently, the first discovery of the kind
that has been made in Iowa for years.
Atlanta ((J a.), having bored over
two thousand feet in the vain effort to
have an artesian well, and having sunk
twenty-six thou.-and dollars in the
hole, lias decided to give up tin cflbrt.
Fi:eii:i:i"K Wauxek, a professional
hall lo-ser, formerly connected with
the rin'ladelj.hia Uase Hall Club, was
committed in that city recently for
neglecting to support his wife and two
Tin: I'ope recently called a meeting
of the Vatican officials to draft iu-true-tions
to lite French bishops. It was
believed the coalition of the French
Radicals and Moderates would lead to
the abolition of the Concordat.
A i:i:n:vi special from Forth Worth,
Tex., say.-: Isaac Dak man, of this city,
has elo-cd a contract with an Kngliah
Kvndicato to deliver on the wharf at
":iIvcston fortnightly, for the next Jive
years three thousand carcases of
beef cattle. The price stipulated is m
cents per pound for beef and nine cents
for hides.
A staimmx: illustration of the enor
mous extent to which not only food
and drink, but almost everything eKe
in use, is, s.ystcmaticallv adulterated, is
triven bv the publication in Cermany
of an "Illustrated Lexicon of Adulter
ants." Tim Jirst volume isMied does
not exhaust the letter II, although it
consists of one hundred and sixty
John I'm., aged eleven years, who
Jived near San Antonio, Tex., died re
cently. Several days previous he was
bitten by a rattlesnake, anil although
prompt and able attent on was given
him, he continued to sink. A bile of
this reptile so common in Southwestern
Texas, is said to be more fatal at this
Season, and deaths from it frequently
Iskaki. Ci:i:kx, of Mitchell, Dak.,
who has been appointed an Indian
jiirent in Dakota, is the Lieutenant of
Clarities who led the linal assault upon
John Ilrown's tronghold, at Harper's
Ferry, twenty-six years ago, anil struck
JJrown down with his bayonet. He
was afterward in the Confederate army
and at the close of the war settled in
Lir.rir.NAXT CM,nuiAT recently
returned to Urussels after a three years
stay in the llangala country of the Up
per Congo, and tlatly contradicts the
reported massacres of Kuropeans there.
He gave an optimistic account of the
African International Association's
progress, and declared that cannibal
ism was dying out. and that the na
tives were friendly. A special survey
ing liartv was at work tracing the route
of a future railwav.
Tin: Illinois timber is full of nuts this
5ear. The hickory, black walnut,
butternut and oaks never .supported a
greater load. The branches are
Weighted down till they appear almost
ready to break from the trees. The
frosty nights cause the nuts to fall in
torrents at ever "just of wind. Thev
uro gathered by the wagon-load along
the Kmbarras ami Kakaskia timber,
nd further down in the State they
Are .shipped by the car-load to the city
A special dispatch from Pittsburgh.
!'.. give details of a plan which is said
lo be on foot between a number of
r.ipitalists in Pittsburgh and New York.
The scheme is to carry the natural gas
in the lie-ghhcrhood of Pittsburgh
through large pipes to Philadelphia,
Jve-.v York, and perhaps other cities, to
be used for fuel and illuminating pur
poses. It is also in contemplation, by
the use of a series of tanks, to furnish
this gas for fuel iu the running of rail
road traius.
Philip 1J. Hickhokx. United States
Navy, who was sent lat year to visit
the principal dock yards ot Europe,
has submitted to the Secretary of the
Navy a long report, which is said by
high naval authorities to be a work of
great practical value. He visited the
yards of Creat Kritain. France. Ger
man and Russia. He describes
technically and with much detail the
shops, docks, discipline and working
systems of those institutions, and the
vessels lately finished or in process of
construction. His report is illustrated
with photographs, charts ami liue
AitcnintAcox Fakkak paid Ameri
cans the following compliment:: "I
have been impressed xvith the warmth
rand universality of kindness that I have
received on all sides. I have been
most struck with the enormous power
of life, energy and vivacity iu everv
department. I have been deeply im
pressed, by your educational institu
tions, especially by those for the in
struction of the deaf and dumb. I
found that instruction is carried to a
far greater degree of perfection here
than in England. In regard to your
Jibraries, I have been pleased to see
the great improvements that 3011 have
over those in England. The same is
true in regard to the small libraries.
These great advantages should make
erica a nation of scholars."
lUTl ft UXlllJJ ill JjiLLlUXli
. , m ,
Summary of tho DaJy News.
The New York County Democracy and
Democrats of the Eighth Congressional
District nominated John Galvin to oppose j
Timothy Campbell in the race fur the va
cant chair of Minister Cox.
Malcolm Hay, er-First Assistant Post-
...-.. l A'.. .A . tl..l....-..l. r, I io., at. tt.,..-,u.K.., . ...,
on tho i0th of consumption
Ho was loru
in 1K42.
Walt Whitman was reportel seriously
sick at Philadelphia on the '.tlth.
IlEltlt EmTRUI'I', the Premier of Denmark,
was shot at by a youth named Pasinussen, a j
printer, in Copenhagen, on the Ulst. One
of the bullets struck a button, the other
missed tho Premier altogether. The youth
was hurried to prison. An intense feeling
of hatred was reported working up all over
Denmark against King Christian and his
unpopular Ministers, originally due to the
JCing disobeying the wishes of the Dani-h
Parliament and taxing the people against
their consent.
The canvass of the voted of Hamilton
County, O., was completed on the -'- I, and
the total footings unolHcial),exc!ud;iigthe
precinct of the Eighteenth Ward, show
Hoadly's vote ::i,.V.27 and Ko raker'-. .'tt.teS
a majority of .7jt for Hoadly.
The City of Poston did ollicial honors to
tho memory of Uenernl ('rant in the Tre
mont Temple on the 'J'M. liev. H. W.
ISeecher was tin orator of the occasion.
Is tic- Democratic State .Judicial Con
vention held at Little Pork, Ark., to iill
the vacancy caused by tin-death of Judge
Eskiu, I!. P. Pattle, of Pulaski County, was
nominated on the ballot.
Tiik mother of Kdxvin Jlooth, the trage
dian, dud recently of pneumonia, at the
residence of her son, Julius pooth, in New
York. She was eighty-three years of age.
SizciiETAiiY Massing has requested the
resignation of Assistant Secretary Coon,
of the Treasury.
Mn. KosiiiiiA, Minis
ter to the United States, has been ap
pointed Vice Minister of Agriculture and
Commerce of Japan.
Jl'itcE Dklsey, ex-United States Consul
General at Shanghai, has accepted the
position of foreign adviser to the Corean
Government at a tnlnry of . 1,000 per
C. S. West, ex-Justice of the Supreme
Court of Texas, died at Galveston sud
denly on the 'S.'A J mm apoplexy, aged
Too T.SL'Xf! Toncj, the celebrated Chinese
General and leader of tho anti-foreign
party in China, died September 4.
EiciiT TliorSANii per.sons were said to be
present at the Republican ratification
meeting held at tho Madison Squaro Gar
den, New York, on the ''.'5d. ?.
The people, of Perber, in the Soudan,
have declared themselves independent.
The Governor has ollered his submission to
the Khedive.
James Stephens recently issued a man
ifesto in the shape of a public letter to Mr.
Michael Davitt. Tho ex-Kenian leader de
mands thnt the Irish National Democracv
of both Ireland and America be united in
one confederation, with n view to enabling
Irishmen to unfurl the Mag of revolution in
the event of Mr. Parnell's effecting a re
storation of the Irish Parliament.
Chas. A. Dana presided theother nigh!
at New York over a large meeting of the
Irish National League, held for the pur
pose of raising money to aid i'nrnell in Ire
laud. The action of the Montana citizens iu
petitioning Lieutenant Walker to have the
Flathead Indians ordered back to their
reservation tor committing so many dep
redations outside their bounds was suc
cessful, and the Indians have been or
dered to the reservation.
The widow and other heirs of Kohrt
Trent Paine, who, by his will, gave VKK)
to Harvard College to found an astrono
mical professorship, have filed an appe-il
against the clause on the ground that Mr.
Paine was not of sound mind.
Advices from Tonquin to the Tnnps de
scribes the .situation there as very gloomv.
Sini!( the tie-'innin ' of the summer '..)
, , ,, 11 1
I' renclimen have died from elioleta, and
large numbers are daily succumbing to the
Tin: increase in tho visible supply and
- - I
other causes linn n very neunsu eueci on
the grain nmrkots on the 0th.
Two New York customs inspectors have
been suspended; one for wen ring n coat
with a large open pocket in xvhich a pas
senger front abroad xvns seen to drop two
guineas: theother for receiving money for
expediting goods through the customs
The United States Court at St. Ixuis J
has issued an order for the sale of the St.
Louis, Hannibal it Keokuk Hallway. The
sale xvill take place December S.
mm, J. . - t
1HE xvtte ami uaugiuer 01 .101111 i.onaj ,
.1 milkman, were brutally murdered 111
their home on East Eighteenth street.
t ...- -.. .1hs 1 I iw nnniii nr :
the murder xvas one to an attempt at rap.
nnd that the culprit xvns a negro.
Four miners xvero killed and twelve
others fatally injured recently by an ;
. . a . . a. -
plosion of gas in the mine of the Dolaxvaro
fc Hudson Company at Plymouth. Pa.
Br the collapse of a frame building in
t-r-i.i. r-l.: -.,....!,- tl,Ml au'iiur, v-"". ll,-"., " v-
men ntiu a woman xvere uu leu. uue M
tlie men xvas k.:!ot aim uie outer persons,
xvere seriously injured
Judoe Vax BitUKT in ih ew York Sn-
preme Court dismissed tne complaint in ;
the suit of .Mrs. Mary Maud Watson, grand-
daughter of the late John Anderson, the
millionaire tobacconist, to establish her
claim to more of her grandfather's money
.. . . - - l
than slie xvas axvantett uy tne xvru.
The St. Louis jvolice rcc-ntly claimed to "
have discox-ered an infernal machine
placed uoa the street car track, which
they allege,! xvas done by strikers. I
The English Privy Council on the M
rendere.1 its decision in the appeal case of 4
Louis Kiel, the Canadian reliel. dismissing 1
the petition of the eomlemnetl man. xvhich
requested a commutation of the sentence. .
Manv descendants of the Huguenots met (
in the Church Du St. Esprit. New York, on I
the 22d. to celebrate the It-centenary of the
revocation of the diet of Nantes. John Jay
presiding. Among those present xvas Sec-
retary ot rjtate iiajaru. 1
A GliE.xT lire broke out in Mocow, Rus
sia, recently and caused enormous losses.
seven persons wore killed and four injun-d. .
AT ircgton. S. C. recently, fire
caused a loss o V.K4. distribute.! among
the following business men: J. A. Pierce,
.1. x--. nue, a. .xocnmaa, s. Jtiarco anu ji.
The English Farmers Alliance has
ndopted n resolution stating that to avert
iue rum 01 toe present, raw o. .armers, ;
1 .1 A. m it 21. . L . I
.t. . .. . -r r I
lanu oxvners must lortuwitu rcxiuce ms
formulate a measure xvhich xv,U prevent
.ut? roiamj; ul reuis ua vuc iujpru trwcuu
Ui "-3n-- .
A 3.03 attacked a section house near
Kockbpnngs, yo., on the night of the
21st. The Chinamen yrcre driven out half
naked, and they sought refuse in the
neighboring; hills, nearly perishing fraai
ivnusas v.u, extmn. '- o.e..s s.,ui and illintn Ciement.s were nrn
tnother and child xvere liorrihly lMfnteii llHjIW ajIll klIlwl 1enr xn Ponil Mont.
in xvith a coupling pin. It xvns thought somerv County. Ga.. recently. The men
The contract for atone masourvon the
. Federal building at Louisville, Ky., has
' b-cn awarded to Oman & Stewart, ot
' Nashville, Twin., at -4:J,107.
Tn. oth,,r CTeninK lbe Montreal autbori-
j ties discovered a v-ry pet holt? of e tnall-
xox in Notre Dome street. In one room
,.:..!. 1..1,1.-,..-. r.t ryrta'lv .- fniltlll
,, .",..
suirering from small-pox. In ac atljoin-
in room, separatcl ou'.vbv a thin parti-
tion, three other cases w'ere found and one
dead hodv
A ssweh excavation, twenty f -et deep,
caved in recently at South Bend, Ind
; .. -p. n'Hr.Mn l-J.nrls
ruui ""UU1, huumj ..-..,
Deroke, and John and Mat Williams, were
in the sewer at trie time. O Prion and Mat
Williams were killed, the other two es
caped. Is consequence of the ending of the
strike of the cotton operatives at Old
ham, Ens., the mills at Ashtou-Under-Lvue
have resumed on full time.
The otlu-r evening, near Prdford, Pa., a
boy aged thirteen years, son of Joseph S. I
Smith, started to the woods for cows. In '
the morning his dend body wn.- found in .
the skirt.- of the mountain nearly devoured
by some wild animal, supposed Vj bo a
panther, which had boon seen at various
tizne.s. ;
Moktos C. WaHI'.es. importer of laces (
at -JU Green street. New York, has assigned.
The liabilities are upwards of s,?,iJof
mainly iue in Europe. Assets unknown.
Giant powiler was oxploled under a
street car on the V.'a.shington avenue road.
St. Iouis, reci-iitly. No one was injured,
but the passengers were terribly tright
eiied. The car was cmiiderably shattered
No clue to the perpetrators.
THE Second Comptroller of the Treas-
urv is making a thorough investigation of
the accounts of the Indian agents, which
are reported to bo in a very bad condition,
ami has elnady referred alout a dozen
cases to the Solicitor of the Treasury for
suit to recover balances due the Govern
ment. A native of Allnnia recently made an
attempt to shoot the Montenegrin Minister
of War. The attempt was utisuccesstul.
When arrested the man coolly avowed
that he was a member of a conspiracy
formed against the frontier dominion com
mission. At a meeting of tho directors of tke
Wtern Union Telegraph Company at
New York. Dr. Green w-as re-elected Presi
dent, and General Ecker General Man
ager. Sixty Chinese cigar makers in tho fnc
tory of ICoenigsberger, Fall: Meyer, San
Francisco, struck work the other day be
cause the firm refused to discharge tle-ir
white workmen. It was learned that the
Chinese union had ordered the strike.
Two men were killed and one fatally in
jured by mis in a Chicago sewer recently.
T.E village of Loaudcr, Tex., was totally
destroyed by lire the other night. Lenti
der was a station on the Austin A: North
western Railway in Williamson County
and had lot) inhabitants.
While takin
down the large front
stairway of the State House at Spring-
held. 11;.. recently, an arch cave way pro-
ci itating a gang of workmen among the
criiuibling walls. Patrick Flynn's skull
was crushed, killing him. Seven others
xvero injured, but not fatally.
The Rttrmoso Envoy at I'aris handed tho
Rritish Ambassador a note stating that he
had sent a dispatch to King Theebaw ad
vising arbitration. "
There xvero ftx-o deaths from Jcholera
among the crew of the United States vessel . TemiIar, Anna M. Sntiniler.s; (5. W Vice
Ussipee at Japan. I Templar. Rev. P. Cooley. of Valpaiso;
A mketim; of citizens at Stockton. Cal., 1 (.;. W. Councillor. L. I). " Wells, of iluni
tho other night adopted resolutions for the Inildt: Craud Suporiuteudout of .ltr.uile
leinoval of Chinatown from the city limits ( Teinplnrs. Mrs. Sulla, of Umnha: W.
and containing a pledge to x-oto against Secretary, .lohn E. Hopper, of En field;
all nominees at. th" city election xvho xvero t;. W. Treasiinr. Lvniau Elwood. of i'avis.
not pledgol for thy removal of China- , u. iVaiik.I. Sibb y, of Lincoln. J.-v. L.
town. ' I). Wells, of Humboldt, and Aim M.
A farmer of Wayne County. Pa.,'namod Snunders. of 1'nadiila. were elected leb
John Hoxvell, the other afternoon, killed gut" to the Kight Worthy f;ran.l Ixxlgo
four of his children and then committed ' nt Kichmotul, Va.. and the follow in were
Miteide. ' cho-jen as alternates: John H ippei. E. F.
lkMNKSs failures during the seven days s. Templiti, and Mrs E. M. J. Cool...
ended October -J numbered: Tinted States. TI. ot,lt.rny TIlomns Whitelvan : Josie
I.V.: Canada, -Jl: total, 177: compared with ictcher xvero married, and Ko.n - t
UK the week before. co, t,py BnVt. n r,.(.(ptIosl to tIvfr ,. wU
The Chinese (iovcrnmetit lins decided to at the Commercial Hotel. The next lorn
maintaiu a standing army of f.Od.OO') men in as they did not make their appe -once
to lie increased in xx-ar time to l.'Jo ,). nt breakfast the bell Iw.y xxas put ov - tho
Four nexv iron clails have been ordered. iraitsom and opened the door, 'vheii
A i.iir:v" Ior.l of mus owned bv i. Snt- Whlt'I and his bride were foiT.wl ol-.Ml
' . . . ,.
j eusteiu, a dairyman 1:1 U otoheter Conn-
j ty, X. V., xvere retvntly discovered to bo
suirering from pletiro-pueutuoaia, and si.--
tv-Jix-e of them xvere killed.
If. nJJ
nual report of the Gulf, Colorado
Fe Ilailroad show.s a falling oiT in
-.....:, 0r -.-.0(M as comnnred with those
of the previous year.
Three man xvero arrested in Chatta-
nooga, Tenn.. rec-ntSv, charged xvith being
the leaders of the lynching party that killed
Charles Williams, colored, in the county
Saju'ei. N. Hrooks. of Hvde. Eng., in
terviewed the Preller inttrd-rer in jail at
st. Louis recentlx. and recogniz'd him as
ui on iIi;., ji. Hr0oks,
Two JiEXIVputy United Stato Marshal
. ... .
" I
hnil ..-arte,! out in a buggy to make a raid
nl night near Long Pond. "and when near
-,. .onij th..v u.eri ,Jre, pont their
bodie.s bun - rid lied with bullets.
The clearing house returns for week
ended October '1 shoxved an average in-
! crease of e2.."i compared xvith the corre-
.. . '
.spoiultng xxe.-ic of lat yenr. In exv orK
the increase xx as W. 7.
TuE . h . u- knp Io.0a,nr
case at Emporia. ICan., on the tilth xxas
commenced by the readme of the liyivo-
thetical cxpirt questions presented to I)r.
G A Hi,i.He. K. II. McCandhs. D. F.
Loncnecker. J. J. Wrisht. T. F. Foncnnon
a,.tj -,,-. W. Htbbatts. Their answers xvere
s.ubstanfa!iy and to mo: of the questions
jreraiiv tiie s.inse as ilp answer -iven bv
1)rs V.anlner, Jacobs, Frost and
j.., Thiir cross-examination did not
iacllJ,je anv ,,an as Xn whether
tllcV hai rtfa(l n(1 aTlsxVere.l the ques-
tions iK'fore cotntn-on the stand. All the
piVsiciBn that in their opinion
au-arnJCJll an.;.j0,, oa Frsdav. the
,iav iforc, yir. Wallop's death." xvonld
have had notfTec.. though th- conceded
,n(slcal nracttce would have calle.! for the
aiimtaLstration, if onlv as a protection to
the ,,nv-,icittn himself, had he been then
i,,) thnl nrienical iots.aing was the
c c of :ke tc-caes;;. Other evtdeace xvaj
,,..,J-T,..; ... t th ?:. t.- resl th. Mti.
Two further attempts to wreck str,
ears xvere made sa St. Louis on the nishts
Qf :he .-ul anil tlh Tbt. oatf on ;he HriIe.
tonlaiw roail shattered part of the car ami
tfarevv .he ,lrtver aud a pasaj:t.r olT their
f bt thev wee not 5enoUi-v ,njurctl.
Th -.1, 0tira-e 1
The other outrage took place on Jefferson
avenue, but the explosion was harrales.
The report that the Servians had entered
Bulgaria was con
. . . skirmish too
garian and Servian
hf - Tas5e
implicated ia a plo
A FURIOUS -water spout burst in the vt
, c-njtr of Carrera. Italy, recently and was
f0u0wJ bv heaw iloods- The roads and
raihvavs lvere tora up cud acch property
'was destrovexL
' " -.7
firmed ca the 25tb. A -- olstfii7avm feii!iJ br them. aI eTt-a tbs tr iHxi de ttaa m a . ai v--, .. .-. -'---f ----
k place Utxveea the Bui- " ToraiH35, -o-irnpxm-ti uv craop , i- j 4 occaB3l!T bUjuJ.-J 1T I f;a vm biwv... w- - - w-- ISZTZT rZJZTm.
piCKe.s. ,... j . -.rx. . ... -, : IiJe ala-icEfi. (.,)..' ii. A t the lime of talt dl- Jjrf the Dtard.
f tce Serviaa Stepts-, - -. - ..: " m9 ! -j.".Urc fcs -rat ia xrai dxetui of hit ttOt r'm
oa SGspicioa of i. j.-.s-.ur.-o iwTcuwn u oy ia swlUnss. coat ajrs and tr .- '. I -J - Jr,. A a4 irri: to m?ODr.KAX.OeltsVfS-ic M'
t to nnnirr thA Rnr. ! ..luui,, ic-parues cau trauHi ,.'..." Inti! lb.- yet.-.! m.sLi1nf w. k-fek-'t .! i.l a. ax .s-ft.t f fl f atkeu ("harcb ta: to it
- II 1 1 1 .L . .1 ..-.- J m, . .C rf " "- - "-
The Hepubhcan Convention at I.
ulopted the fo'Inxvfng platform:
1. That the .National Itepubhcan pa
Insr been r phi on nil inportatit poitie
9 of
I'' ts thlTt It f ' I"1' '' Ct
jn' : tn- lat iconlt .onof it- ttf
wfjo ,,.,.,.,,,. acfcrH'wirdse that tl
W-xi un lurtnlv nm; on the -",
, XtI
sutno ent brain's nn.l c n-cieiive in
I4l'H de the .VtUoti -aleiv thr-'Utf-i
Inim nent iSanr Jhtt hnxe l-e-et
public sjnce.ts fouudtitjun 1 a l-tu"
memlHt.on than :he reconl o! d '
w.-dom anl iM-rs strut tdUUderlUK l
stituKsthe pr.ntjpnl i In tn ot the
Iiemocrac, to the .iirtnu'i- ft the p
2. We u- Heput ican- tvtKUilce
I Temptitl renl .f the timber eult
pre-emption !a. l-ut di-tnawl the
lorc incut : the ias rui.t.tii" th
i iind that iMr as jm-!? b.e tfce acq
ot lanre tract b noun dents ai
j vtldieilt'S milt be preelltel
". That w.-nre in t.!i sj mpitttiv
declaration of the :st National He:
, lonxentUn "that the lui!Kstloii
1 on torc.Lrn intiHtrts -hud be iiiifie
ll n-con-
IiimI tin
lor. S
' t r
Btf. ,
ti. a;
V .'
' I'ti--
fliee 1 Its
t c ,
ft. -
I'm ttl
I tle
Ih tsl
, ueii
I heir
rut os
4v in
i ice
re emit' oi't . Nut :jch dut e- shall t
as to alt on) wunty to our dn er'
treaiMl protect on totn rifi- '
of iUinr- mid ttitit we iiimr the
ot ad sin h tntllu dot c a- Imnleii t
cU'tural titer ts ot the Wt t
( 'I hut wt- .'enounce the doiil le t!
the adiit uisTratioii n the matter
cut lit tlie cixil service laws. It
i tended to keep It !tles to lell o
, to the stMtut. but has. a vio.k'h
' lti!.r aii'I sjcr.j, renov-. ihoiisiiiic
t per ciieetl and la-thtui otjiccr and t
! iroin the lu i-rillll' lit S.T-. ice l'l.-l!
er iltsl I a on t-teraiis. i:mjer cot
phrae "oa. n-. mi: un. ' and
Tiifin a iiiMrlv cu-ry instance, m
uho ole recomiiK ihl.ition !ia tc
, at:v ty tn tho Mr ty of the I
p-ir;. or the r ui'l't'iry retnl in th
I il ii!ileriici. ttciliilir
i tl.i-liit t l( seimtois t
coiinni.M.oto .M"
law -.
'. That in cae the a-'tlon of the .j.-iln-
1 tore at it la-t ,.,,, hi o-tabll-hi . 4 ril-
' roml commission, u it ti Hilvir p-i . tor
' tiio 1 t-'ilRtloii of traitspot tation rn.l.
prov inad-Uiito lor the pro.i tit el m-
tortiou ami iiujiisi .User nut. at. on mi j-t 10-
: iliv. duaN and coiiiaiiiiiilK-- In tho 1 .ti!
1 si-rico or rate-, u,. p!m5l'o our ts lit
aiiK-ud tlio s;iie until a sii!mi til r sly is
piov:!ei solarathe power ot the. recall
, tic coil-t tlltloua.l eleliel
5 We taor Nat onal legislation .r thii
reirulatioii ot inter Mate coiiiiaeice
1 7. The Itcpubhcatis ot Nobrii'ka t ind at
the liemls ot ( nuKiess tin enact nt if
such laws looking to the protect n t lo-
j entie an uial. as. uitli the co opci - mi of
1 the several Mates, will lead to the i" e-lv
1 extirpation ot coiiiairioiisand coumi cable
diseases uiiioiiir sm-ti an niaN
s. That the meiitorv ! (iciionil I' S
(Intnt is do r sliisl liv o orv Itepubl n nml
jiuliiot. ami that Me iScplorc hi- 1 tinelx
death as the lo ot" the . -Kte-r
I eouimattder ol the aire, who con buteil
most to the preservation of tho I 111011,
it in! ot the statesman m hose honorc areer
has added luster to the auniiis ol tin 'V.iil
! We most heart!. concur in h s 1 - mr..
safes ot pi nee iind 'ood Mid to t oni
Miiinu 'I'ctlmis ot our common li Mtaire
iiikI Melcomo tho enl ot all biitern aiis-
, in- out ol the en il war Rut as he tic renst
the mantle ot his irieat chartt o !iand
nml iolenco m hue it Mas prexatet!? i tho
' html, we i!i-etlt trom the colnmol liemo
eratie opinion tliat mutual toiiriveii -. ami
otiliMou ot lnluros iiivo!-- th"
comlonciiieiit ot tho lrauduioi' ititd
cruel i!is!ruufiiitiiioiit ol the .aus
ol lotrul voters in the sn i
South" to ilnv Auain-t tho practice
1 lot box stnilitijr and Inlsiinuir ot 1
r hut-
' returns in unv section mc most ci.
1 .,, ,,, hiitever party to unite mm!, us
pioii-si, nun i-jin iiiiiii c.erv iiiiiiurai
. -niipn-. turn
'.' tiriit tude ami justice demand t : all
houorablv d schnred I'iroii 'old er- ills,
aided Mtnle iu the s.-r Ice and in line 'dutv
receive pens. mis trom tho date ot d i -. 1 1 1 :
mo therefoio asK the H'peal ol the hit tatlol ot s:y.
Mi'i-ellaueoli'. of the f.rand Idge
of (lood Teiiijdats at Lintolii the fol.- wing
ollicers weroebcteil: Crand Worthx Chief
. ' ,
in each other's nrms sutr ring from lYon.
xxh 1 h empty bottle.s. showed xinsmor tine,
Medical aid was summoned, hut lud do-d
during the dnx It i. stated that W it.-lv
uas without money and out of a sitntioti
:id bad -aid to his friends thnt if In ever
eommitted s-uieule ho would not I ir. n
xvife to .sutfer. It is conjecture! th i he
took tiois u and indiic-d hi bn I.. ?. rut..
j it by deceiving hr, and further th he
1 Ige.-o.l her into marrying him by tl'eat-
, of poisoning htnis.lf if . she did n. ., A
ruriotis fact is reported that her m tjier.
living twenty nub's awav. dream, that
j inoruintr that Jose was d-nd. This t Un
; pressed hr thai .she prsund-d h r hu
j band to get up at four o'clock inth-ioru-.
i 1 and take her to th de-nit. Sh- had
1 Lean! nothing of the nlTair.
, PosT-oyncr. changes in Nebraski for
1 the week ended Oetoler 17: Establ. bed,
' Mi lx-als, Ilroxvn Coiintv. Evan W. El-
ward, postmaster; Miles. Eexa 'aha
. County. Frtnlerick Hagene,?ter. ost-
, master. Postmasters appointed.' .-Inir.
Washington Conntv. Mrs. CnvIorn
! v'lark; David Citv. 'itutler County . E.
, Wilson,
' j0,i.v IUrrett, a thirteen-yenr-ol son
nf .1 u t?o-... ..t u.... .1 "... .u,
""'""'s ninui iwo mi's
west of Ashland
accidentally shot ami-
; self through the hnnd recently. Tho tan 1
xvas pretty badlx- shattered, the , ..n-
t.-rinc just abovo tho hule linger and wn- i
ing out at the center of the hand. Tho
charge, after passing through the Iind.
j!tt tni.s.sH.1 :he lail' he.i 1. twu of th Siot
lodging in th nck jost undr the k: -
A rri.LOXV named il-nahan. living aear
&t. Paul, drove his wtfs and throe ch. Iron
cut of door.', the othr nisht. and f rol
taem to .eok shelter a: a nd:hbor's h'Ue.
W.vY.'f: has a street car line.
A BOY sevtnteon years old. residiarloar
I Hooper, recently took strychnino and Aon
inform-d h s parent' of x hat he had aas
' - bt. a-c ut --
A doctor wai
suattuonod, bet be die lie--
for his arrival. '
Recently xxhile Archie Watt wn at
vork xvith hi threshing inacia spantoc
in D- dg Conntv i::i of tfct; jeariar-.
came w 000 1 up xvith straxv aiwl th :fie- 1
tion ttar:-ri a blaze. A light xviik! a i
I lowing aad so qn.cklr d.d the tNstes
spread that the haro had 10 U? ! to
' pet th hars-5 on: of daorer. Two tci:
of sriin ia addition to tbs separator xr
destroyed. j
Siierk.v.v County prodaor pta '
' weighing two poo-el fraet. .
Avecvllr raslady -eddealy atiacted
J m persons xvho were eating at a Iits-
j vllle restaurant, the other day, and tfee
trouble continued natil fome ttreatv-Sve
disease mad its --ictinn very sick.
ilrss DcNCa.r. a pretty aad popolar
young lady residing aear Mellgh. dlei
insJcenly of paralysis of the heart recaiir.
a"i''. z. , -7 " . . "r" of which i th-i wrrw: xvoni pant Cr m of th fiaUr. ncxl vxica h U ercatez. Tbr- otr
oi iLnjki. .'u uciiui occcirw. aaaosr: t-ae i
riAtfortn .lilnptrit at llir tt Cnnvrntloi
II -III at I.lliruln.
The Democratic State Convention av
WMiibled a; Lincoln on the 15th to notai-
natcJinlsoof the Sujtrctne Court an.l IU
pen't of the State lnier:y. awl adopted
the follow mg platform :
The lk-mix-rat c tmrtr of .r.rns. la en- '
vt'Utioa u-einti,,. t-ocw. ihr ioitr of , to tac cons'itut.on ik1 itr4oo
trtnes tauxht by tbr il.u.tnMis mon . j, ,
ere it- luuixtrrs arxl mii upon tho kal
utx! i'inwin adm ni-tmtKM vt pubUe
utTairs. :! mi. s.ftU. atKj ,,(,,,
e c-ritrratulate tbu M:tl: of tfce coumry
tijH.n th- f.ii t on ,f droxer ;rr.i! and
ThomK' A !lfiv4n.i.. U .-W f tu.: U:tb ia
the Prcnlent, in a hi... caut oa. hs
sMfc-HCit. ii.uru;c. armoo-s nmtilvtor
tnitutt.on to a:t.-iln..:.-r thr ngiurs ,.f Iikoth
utetit .a thf .nltnsisuf lb- ho.- . c.
uihI hi adbriviK -to tbo fundnux-ntx. pr.o-em-s
of the .Nut .tiAi DrniiKTHO. U t.r that ubtb-r ht atimni trt.on r
ruforttt rcju rel to ibhKo ta I iox orntnea.
botje-t Mm tM. curnett uiio eUtsrl. U r tlHru
tort? pieU-o the nittM H-truluu
our Knf.iitenr.jr
The deu in nuii.iin.- from itwtohc tXUce
the liHuml-i,:s iheistf Mppotntiil by th
prec-ilin utlr :i.:rn:.on t' one.a.! e-tn-iuen1,1.
m that Uelny is utt.i-l a
Marchtn the personal and pxtiticw' rsctnl
of uppsit-ktits f,,r tbosf,na that re U
!e Mcatl. ,, irotnl. ctttapetent, litmet
c.tizcn tun bo hartntd t- the mliont tuxc
ti.'ut.on of (K-rsnna. and hi. Ileal cbarnetvr,
a. Mi no bttii uiMii can ! adxami't thon-by
It is tetter f.r xu ad mm irt.on of tbw
i.oerutneiit ot tbe I n.tott Mntes in tile be
K'.iiitiHot its term to -rnrcit tbr et.uatry j
thorou--ht tr iotnM'tcnt an! bor.ot hj 11
rsther iHhii t .ts t.,. to -tn; o, a -crt
tlel ctn e ferce ,n catt bill? rKM't.. bt. hao
robbttj the o-rm nt and i.i!n r iv ut-r-ej
pul-hc ;-,sitK.u by mul feasance m
Wt in-i't that Fetleral tnxe bo rcdtirod to
the U.Hest p.,.n. cons :..nt witn em lencv in ,
the pitbi.c -rx:-e. aud HcUt-iiiar.i a roviMt.11
nntl rclorni of the prex-m iinjii-i ti.riU o
taxor uch an Ml;u'inieiit ot it- j.r..v:ion'
as wU s,, Hr as mm1i.'. th
inctsarie- of hje jrom taxnt on. thai mu!
onus.-, the pnt.c.pal ntMouni f rxorut,
tor the siipHrlot the (.oxerntnt til ict nixui
cmIij xdtirn ster.ti. to if.lejxetl irin luxu
ries, .sucn tani: -hould he H.Jju-ls witht.ut
li.vorit.sin. s.i r, to tret'til intnMl r.
thu- oltei-f.vci. proniotno.-iKUr am! tbtfin
tcrestsot the .MtHirin tH-..e tf the t'n-ittl
Mali', ami e iicl! that tho Mirpiu
revenue -hall hit laittifilllv applied to tho
Kii:tient of the public debt
The licmoi rat.t mrl Ihmii; of the people
audmrthe ieop,. . invor .mb !;.-. iattoii
as w,l! ciiHr.ttitve the bioatlest protection to
theinteicst, rui-t ueltare of the indiitrial
niH--es It rux'oirti.O' the tmt that the
luhoret I the jrotlui-.r ot the wealth of tho
uitt-ott ait irts phoul I tie o tortnetl nolo
eiieoiiriu'o uud promote the interest', pio
iri'' nnl prosper.! of em h nm! er
branch ol 1 idutr It Ihvois hii adjit't
tuent ot thoMse ..! pri-i'ii and reforiii.lor.v
labor, so that it mi.1 not compete uMh the
labor of In no st citioii' t 1I1 maud a.
Mrict enfoic inent ot the laws a. nt 1 hi j
ni'sB iitnii.ffrutit 11. and tieh leM- .mtinti !
t oimres-as shall eltet t t inexeiil the ltn
pot latluii ot m .-sons under the contract .
teiii. m home lnoiiht hero with 110 puriH.e
ot peruiaueiit t tt.einent or rcsideiici as
telllMlnch retllices hhkit ni'.l deteritilllten
tin chnr.u ter ot our home iud.iii ,.--
We recociue ttie riirht ot all nun lo urvitii
ie tor or mu'eruil advam 1 tin lit ; the
riht ot Maire -i.rkiT to use :n Jul no nits
to (.rotect themselves ai:a list the 1 n ro.ich
tiients o! ii'otni l moiiopoiii-'. ami the r tik'lit
to tlx the pi It e tr the' 1 hi!. or online lisuiali)
with the Moik n 1 11 1 oil ot them, nml w e boid
thntexerx 1111111 lias a r rht to dispose ot In
om n labor upon such term as he mat think
M-ill . st piouiote ids Inti rets. u niton: m
terfi'roiice In an other person In tho re
lations hetMeeii can. ta! and hthor. the lieiuie
crntlc purtj tuxors -ueh uieM'tire as Mill
e.imilv the riK-hts nml tiiteryts of
iromote hartnoii in-tMetu mem and miii
We hob! It to bo the duty ot our t.oxern
inent to proti ot. in ever part ol Ihewor.d.
our natural .ed 1 il..ii-. including those mio
have dee.iiied their int. lit on to become
Mich ncoordiiur to our Ia. the -ame us ...
would to our iiatix e horn, am! to ie-1-tMlI
improper claims upon them l the (.ox.-rn-lliellts
o v Inch tlu' ll lonifei nue alu-'i-auce;
and our mpathies ate unh all oje
pressed' people in ail parts i; the Morl.l. m ho
nie stiixnnr to tiee Ho uiselxe In Mil rurhl
tul and jiroj er ellort Iroui oppiesion. ami
parlicularl do we s mputlile Mith 1 he peo
ple ol I r-ln 11. 1 in then ellort' to establish
Win ni:s. The colnru'o of the silver dol.ur
ha proceeded uiiuiterruptsll 'inee ls.
and the amount iiceuiuu!ai.H tarexceiils the
deuiiiuds ot the count l V nn.l
has h eome a bunion to thctrinnitry Kiel u
ljse,es expi lse to the;
;....(!' 'I. That the comwKi ol Mixer tlollat
should eeae mil II the loi-uos .; tlf mull
trv shall demand n renew nl of the same
Wltr.l'l. s. 'I ho nuxj ot the I t.ited Mates
has been -o Im 1. 111. ! lit lornn r Hepul.l tan
iidiiiiuistrntioiis that it s toil to le caiUsl u
mix x. and Us inel'u ienc am! toeiiesnesi
fs regarded lit lorotn nat.ons n et .lenceof
m oak in s on the part of th s 1,0. . tutu, nt .
Win. iik ts, Th- coa't leiciu-- are totally
iiiudcUHto Iu the event ol iiri!liniij tli't
clrt1' power, and
W tll.Kf. is. H will tllfco jears to provide
coast def.ii. . ami toustrmt an m.Isumi.i
tiavv-oiie w h 1 It s,oii,. In. inter or to Unit
of no of he " jHMer theretitrv
;...Iri. Ihtit the exijronxes of the (jnr
erniiieiit demand that the I'mtid Matt
shad enter at oneo iix.n the of ctn
-tiiictiiur coast (te'eiK-.-nnd bmulinir a nart
seiH.nd to none that floats on the e,s ol thu
1 lie railroad couii-l!o:t c
last .o(rs.nfiiioi.t ih-rttii.
I'tie railroad etiiinist!ou crtnle.1 by the
an institution
'tuplx to pri.xide more piH lr Keput.u
nle.Vho'i.v I'contdaiui'd 0 "' H etber"for
denuimi such b-r siat .u as w-iii ore tent ni-
tin Mate a will be Jut tothcrowl and at
to the in oiee
The Democrats of Nol.raaa nnh profouwl
sorrow. iHineiit thediatb of w.Wier
ol the I'mon. I'it os .- 1. taut h ho-o drttic
uiossare should I 1 aii for his nauiw h.fia
reveroiic. d throutrh i.oninjr aif.-s.
Illdc Noonnfi, of st. I. ...lis, lliir. Not Cim.
Iiler . .tl.-ie Kei;ioll .s..ic'lut ion a
Sr. Lori. October 20. In fh caes of
two women of the town fed with tnain
taiiutig a bawdx hoiiM withib one hundrotl
xards o! a buiidtm: ontin.irih u-'. as n
church, the heidiit.irters. of tin V. M. (X
A., iK'iiiir situated uitoti the sim block,
alter citing many aMthotitie ilettmug a
church. Judo.. .N'oonau conelud.-tl a fol
low: "The V. M. 0. A. is not a rhurrh
xxithtn the Iga5 iininmg of the xxnl
church, lint sum jy a rebi:Ma .Twiatk-n.
Actirding to Webster's defin tion of U
xril church, it is ih ch. Tho snrs
inent must be pcrfo?tnd tfre the build
in;: can 1h lestlly oVtoned aa a rhutrh.
The iMVader has ad.lnl the noiil chufh,
but this j-. an .isK-tAtun of xoong iit.'
men for relicious jut.e. If it was oly
necessarx to erect a teat and hold rHitrttn
.-ervicfts there, ch xxouhl t- the ce ail
OVt'r Xh'' Ci'v' lltmkt' ,: u'' Utnl th" vror'1
churrh means norh.nt; mire:han a t 'ic0'
nieefmc 1 ti.etet'ore hoI that tn view of
thrf uJxe aatbi.riUes a ehureh (U net
mean an
?.ral the hi:.tinr in
whirh they UM tftolf
; a ctoorrh nui-.n tho Ik. tfa?
1 l,"f the !. the vHUHS Of
a bawdy House nithm 1W yard i th
bwild.n hx m.: a fclonr azd I .hill dt
cnai'e the defendants.
ChiraEO frequently receives JQ
rbhe of rrin m a sinsl- Jrt.
"- -" '-" , '
carry tnat amount' . w iis-wr
bu;ie! ol rtitn wech ufu-sit powads
A roJ'ion bfi-heb woyW thurvioce i
it.,ioi.i.o pitt.l. Allow. z lot
(..-.) potunls to v s ciw. it wti.
ukr . t-ar. There are -iJ rods lo
tho mlr rut! two fTeisjbl rsr U h
roI. I hXiAv ?.'M ear- or tbr iuO to
th jbS had too have a train 17
Oa costs a: 1 rips to ib North
Cpc" j3 MUken WtlKn,
:shi juxb frequeaUr fc-vadt-si by
stranos ai iaos.iuiu- si trrerr port.
I a Ahvska thrv form clowi -o A-ase
that U i' Uk sport-moji to
atm at orects fcort3i. Native tios are
MUi-... n Vkw wJL is zallil - a'
,UUPU5 "l ,-. - V- 7-r Jr.
cuasi oo41mi &s care j Hi mvx ujcj a
s SBliix. LJkc i not "posLstnir-i 5"
-x j,w-' ;- --,i.r Jw. Zt, M
TritU of -Mrs. Wnlkxip. Chnrtrod
With Poisoning Ilor Hunband.
.Inry of Old KrMntt. Trtlnny In
troiltird ty litr 'Ul to I'rt.- Ilia
lurcha tf I'lilnin-Uij-rta
on tit MaoiL.
F.xtronis. K.x.v.. October 30.-The tolil
af Mrv Minnie Wallace WUp. fr tlie
UU-tje,! svtxsottte; of hr bf4m! Am:
il. xa taXft up In tbt IiU: Crt )
erdax. KoOt ttoe Stsio r.i,l ltrf-o :
8etl their rt:uUnT for trt.xt iil Jt.lse
(Imvc ordercl the 4-fend.xo: btonrht iu
routt The foilowic Jurors w-rte accepted
h1 xw.irt.
J. C. Coloy. farmer, f-0 ye,ir tl:
Charles J. Jtth'n'ou. SxxJ. farmer. iO
er od, ttattataUxeti . 1). C. talr. fjf
rr. i jiw 4t; J. K. Prtrrman. V )'
a'd 11 t Adam', armor. V je-r- JI;
II. T l(oinie fatmer. IT xitr o'd. J. . iannnr. IS )r ..d. .Mith.x. .M-r.
fuiittoi. J.'i ixrs nM. I J. . 'tt.l. fftfir,
Vs jrxts cid; J. M. ll.-tin, farmer, it ier
fltt. A. W. lluibcrt, fanner, VI !. .U;
W. A. U .xy.siuicr. farmur, l xtr L
sroon.l Iay.
Fmimiiia. K.xv. rtobtif l.-The WaJlt
Uji rnc was le! at Moc v'tiaek y---!ed
HMMbtn: with a full court tvotn.
County AtUtrnu) Fetfhnn, m behalf of tfce
5ta:e. ciiinsl its :be urr th tborv wt
anst,tne .tlleics,j against ttw Jfnsat,
ind what th Mate en-rts4 Ui pnrt.
Ilie hrst witne" eui!Url HM Fnnor
IUMMin. it lwrt-nrv. He te:iiVd l
ae-tua 11'aMrc with Mr. WalKup. that th
lattet h 3 hiue. isw k'I taiy tmilt man.
oer mx feet h C"ti. ttMut li.Hi.ders and tf
rbeei Jul disptwition. lie aimI Mr Wa.Kitp
Went to the New Orleiwi K-Ji.ituni last
IieretnlHT and Ilc"l at Mr. Wallace'
house ami tieenmM tf-pia'iitetj with the
f.Mn'lx. itirttidtne the ilefemlant.
Mts' l.iuie Walkup. daughter tf J It.
WaUnp. testinisl that he wnit to 'oN.r
mU ft'o d.t)s alter hoi father returned hme
with his new wife, thnt 'be to till lied M the
1Mb of August, nml next dav cmltl not
find her sist r's tmuitle ami her own dtt5h
rliwiW and Jefev wnt. that -she arrttM-d
Mr U alls up of '..odinx tlnmi away hi a
Ih, Mts. Walk up had the box brought
itoiu the express ofilce to the InMt'e and
asketl l.lie to s.e It opened l.ilile did
not tespoinl at om nod win !ie did the
(mix was o j --il and ntil a sheet ami cup nml
liucoi wete in It. A few hoiir alterwnid
Mrs. W.tlkup told her the servant oul.M.ry
Mosv hnd found the wt.tpn iu a ii-et thoj
weie thcnoii bet iLiie") bill. ,he r
ru'f. Ii. W.ilkup of cimIii.' her tntdher
a silk dies'. Mts. U'nlktip d.iiiisl tbi'.
I. W Caller testllled that Ml. W alkiip
told bun that ptoviniis to innitlage he
thoiu'ht Walklip well o!!. but ntter hi'
loath she di'tMverisl all ln property wa
Utfttoai-il. tleorvo W. Newnmii te.i
lied as to itoods sob! defciolnut
on her hiislKind s nceouni. lr. Mort
testilied to examiiiinc a powder tl
cea.eil lud, whirh was ijiitnuir. Ill'
eb'tk testilied to examining the ame
(Hiwilet .it me l.tpiesl l tJie UeieiHiailL. il
was .limine. IN'Xeta! drm(iU eto il on
the stand ami totiiid that drfetulnnt ap
plied at their dnig tore for ami
'trxehnme, repiientMt; that she wanted It
for a piownit on. 1'r. Jacobs L.tlnial to
W;dk np's illiiass ami dmitli. and Coutl ad
iounnfd. 1 bird Hitr.
KxtroittA. Kx... OrttdiertW. The Walk
ftp trial was r.s.Miiie.1 at nine o'ebwfc m
tenia) mot tttrig with a pncfeoil cmtt rixHH
Mrs. Vickery. a tiei(iler. Uxtel that
just prior to ami niter W aikup' tlonlh. she
had eonvettttioiis with Mr Walk up. in
xth.oh site c'aiuiis! to !. iiinoccot . imil she
did hot know how people I' bellexe the
topotts iiImmiI her. that a child lwilte year
old would unto had unite '.ue than to
have hoiiifht po.sort openly na 'ho i if
it Hiia to he used to p...soli aiitb.l.
Mr. Julia SotMiner. Iivnu: next hw,t to
Walkn's hiMte, tostifletl to I enii
a routers tbw about dreams with Mi.
Walm.p the Numlii) veniis; h-t.Me Mr.
W.ilkun's death, when MtK Waikop nv
Int. si a dream 'ho ul of L e Wa lt.
dteaaeal in crape and .ixni; "l'trll of A'"
wh. Iii !a)iiitf the (Haiio. Mr. Wa fcup
xt.iit inM town the T hut .! befofe
Walk up 1I01I ami cd the stet- am! jp
he inaisie.1 mi having
Mr Pa'., dnisi:. priHl-eit his lan
rTld botik. He be had fle.;leiilly
Uiled ihiI tiie hiana to sbev tl.e ott'rrt nf
us-. He J.M not till ont timl of Mt V.'U
tip's Hirrhae lasranoe 4e had U ahr
would and had ih: loM him tl ma.
Tho Uk ,'howi"! a dvu:t such uniui"l
a. .!.-.
Mr HII. deUllo
Tbut.ay aihI Kit.
Ulmd tlM ooMTetaatlOMi. of
Uf wworlinc Mr. WaJfe
tip's tb-alb. In wlorh Mra. Walk op -Keui
hun 0. hlor: wii ry rrttl in toiitl r
ik up afie had p-at htm. Nbe
krrUol hrr IniMw-.ttr. iti 'Ie hat no o.
jort; v ws tb lal ttitmri are. bwi on
earth. She admitted tho pirpH e.'
lreI.n,no ami i'.mir, aa i.datit !. tke
l uc at, ami sahl , w f t, 4tjth
mi e U take the 4!m ftti of rloUtlnc ami
the ar"-nir a a rmri.
I. Setorj :-siim: u taitMt rwad.. to
httn bt Mr 'Walkap Iki mxy llntr .jr
Walk ip dod aa b. tNrrbaaix sir r loo
to tke s ,) tnl of hr rloih n. And ar
en c fur her romptotto. M u'A of an of Mr. Walkup ..hut :n .Uys l
i"i - fnfi nimw-ii in - uiMi m fHe.
qumie tti 4eidiex of inlitd rafj"s Uy
a letter frmt h 4uht'r, .Mt Harry
lb.! or.r r-xiaittr h.ta Iwwnniln;
Mi:mi" Uallare. Mr. V.'aJtap th" mmh
iU UM iir. .sex.ry tKat lb tfrvulier at
tS arrWIotjtaJij .j tHmji -i, tm in the
ld. Wltnos, d.rritnl Uf b.o Hi th"
wall mad" by ih rerW"f H.t iw tk
crr--.-xaNiaUn .Wa'I tKat th- Uai
cold hit- b-.-i- mari- trr Mr W'jUs',
fan.ifr up to -t h H.-Hf la th- he. If
be tl wher ho had mtimittt. r hy h
nun-; w.n mt ;e rl u hw.t hiiwf
;j.f..UJft tfte !-OJ. Vhf XHg.e f th- it4
" '" tml "' " 'he aerMetI 4i.
rharro of Uso i-(4fr. e;r ta-4Nt. r
,u - ' - ' pd rar b hxil
W r-NrHjr U -W' nrv U?6p
"-"" th' T i-gt.- K. .f.d j
'M aU'r "" ThrMr. Aam! .
l!w Lrixie Waltvp tosAr.l . Ut Mra.
Wiluj' IU- on Friday at b
ehars4 -'.U: vHalrr and fcer 4ti al nt
li. Mr. Wxikp t4d kor h 4M mrt ay o
km ;Mty b: th- rirt"f k-'i.'si JJMt
nay wrr irarli. Wrlrs -cSc"I mp Un
box ai anM-t-K dmil by Mrv m
Ue potrU aM oaraArf It.
Ta- tt. W. t' Nitrto, yUK ! til-4e'b'-4
s- T-pimtofml Hrh. swot? taat b-a-t
Kn Wa;t!t aa lb- Ur a- h-f
baair a Uo iros.'ij tlltwmt jirmr V
Walty leath. .'sb? -atataa-r4 ttukmt
uthim: ad Mr. W- a tfrntu- r
aaal err thai ihr ta.a-Crr baofat nul at
the fawu Ma4ay a-rHk m xivtmm ax
&o xaatii fmaiiA. w U- via ia trsac.
He -xl to ttr xom- t a- if-paiatea tio.
Mr. Walxa a trtirz twt -! sea- ia
tw-x-a. Mra. Wa.iaa d tta Hi. ".
" oVJ-r acarbtor ha1 wnUi-a bum ao
asrry IUt. aotl thl hrrer ta let
ix a taea:0kKi Mr. Waitaa vm-4 to be
iao oat bi mmd. aa lMtl be mi
jvmiAl b aa4 talkfsi of aatt-r -
Jar, xad a ay t-ro t9S liasl b: aa4
icird the ex-aaMoa of x pMtol i
S Jti oa soiog op Mr. Was t!i
x jl-i a tafr.
i roartu iy.
-j 'Hfmgt .-. v fkrce"SL--Th' rali-
I - uiai L ". ., -.- -., i
9 tavl jrcvtcrdxy iJx Johs
Th-hr. memo-T 01 w uny vii- -the
tint Witney, lie trUSed tn meet .
Mr. Walkupon th Satiudxy and Mr .,
prcviosit to hU death, and that h .. i
tob-lnffoo.1 hAlth. II" pre,ld.l at t
Council Monday rvcninc-
Dr. Jeob then took th ?rltt- c -and
Ce a detailed trTiptUi of h. t.-i
mrnt of Mr. Wxlknp during the Utfa- 1
IHnrs. H tstimony svl ains: x
actly with that which ha fare at the
ncr' imjoos. He attrttxitoil Ue
to actito im!grtio. a;rv.xtol ty eat -trehnlac
In vtn.:r anl drtnktwc j--
Tbwr-lr. MO11 ftrr ko &j1 '"aj
by Mr. Itl.t Fidx. slnc I -!.,. t 1
sit-. 'V a '. i p h,d We tmy C ' r " "
thu coo'-ldcsl tba' aro t-al p.ialr w
the ctt si l", ". "" Ult '
suxn xa connMi by U iw
xrrty of the ireT..u Tpl,- H
not trtvxt sjwv rVal.j for arsen-r-U .
i. He adwHhhtefod an a4' I
(bscrttetl the Jxt ttrtem exiIWt. 1
touxxinc atsi-mral jw '.Mtlns awl d
hi jwlc.ttt, Ph ots.t;ns xra t
raoe of dath. Hi Iatwoa x . r-
exxrefuth glxeti aiI wiv nt etfncio.!.
Imm-i whett the nmxt tlioumt-i II
ruptwa tf arsenal p..-of exidwfiied
matter eleaity. ad h ' twttni
U'4onetl to xxith ptl' d tntrst
The 'xfU-fBi- . ejveMrd w th X
tinoaiUto hy Mr. .! of the or
tnnlmo of ll. Jarohs. I he .He
.i.iL.1 m lalaiutti.Mt .if h reat. f-
sMb-nug until Kitdy Uial a .. '
tHMt wa.s am arule altacs ( !" tJ'
'"he lmtn'r"''tx of alwaxs ixii x
l.t din-fiH-a i exp.a.n.1!. la i-M x 1
tion ol hs teixsttn Un U naHir M. .
was p.M4N4 aftw M Bill had s'e'.
h'M. th tt a.-l "Il ia uul l- '
hie f..t il jtli'slrian U 4tC,iK!,'e i -mntltl
of a -ftthnt hy Se. s.Bii-ton' '
VHe fwl"t at any mo Ha iNil h ' '
e;;-cxiit ul thstse wii.lnia dial Ihe .
CUlstari- f.tef bihtbev exist."
The Ooebtf atfMt on to cUo a- lwft
l) tlnlti erein rtvses li ulUol.a!- '
bletttnt. His triiRun w.v lni' '
jfjxe In dotntl hi tteliit f th .o x !
full evphinaii of afeoal i '
Nth'n; In Watsup'x .'. he said e
lacking t foaoim tho theot) of nrri x!
t'n-or, and It uimiM Im ahiiltT ll '
ble for an)- tbtr inler the rlrnti
to 111a so a dlnMsis of the c' I !-
rtoss cxattilnalln Dr. JaaH Jetiftt 't
a oih! tuant 0 the t suri'laitr than ar
or It' iiittltiuMis Mn wotJt im-hr
deelietatMMt of the iir l"be ar-rat-! ; t
of the da) xxax taken up with hi ivan 1 a
Dr l.atdner. chemist, toatifh-d a u f e
cmhIIIUmi of Wnltun.' simnrli attt x .
oicitas. Their roudttloti utdtrMtml ar.ti .
.i'OII. PetMlitlg the exntIMuUMI f t
witwivs. the 'out t adtttnel.
nm. it.
Kxtlimi x. K xn , ifetnher t. Dr. .i' '
nor tesoMiivil his te'lliH4e )i';edny in i
nig and was cts eiiiitel by Mr. soit 1
nv.wil to the arifems f yphlllllc alfet t.
IImiii the )t.tll as CiMNptllipt xxlttl the a.
Mataitce r&Ult4toil l) thw stumiich, '
and otiier xieeta of Mr. Wnlfcuit I
witness tr.xtitletl that iHllltk aHr.
roid not, iu hi opinion, h-tvn -ii..
the nppeixraHcia. .Nt ti.xMtlNalUM In
panl t s)phllltlc rimii m twull 't
Mi' do by ai j one ex.-ept Mtttaelf. He
IHil dlset.xiir .nldotwes tf p4tl!ls f
is.iK-eded that iM.itrnl ptatM'. p.:.I
rases of ittonWal H4wnlttg (h the lii,
tialM.n of nutidoi". ,t4t ill a I had he ' 1
alleiebnc Mr Wa.Hup he smi1 haxe -, t
(Ministered sh anibliM un rtltn I. I
en4-!uilt)l aratmhral wtMittlMi wm )
t ilble
I he next wlttiea. wa Dt. HartUnn to tattiiti: the lvi, ItNlveris'
hiii. b) CKner Float to Kanx I'll) a
thete dob vet IMS the faeaa Im Jtd f '
to I'lof Junes, of the KafMNM lily M,
trid t'olbve. for aHni)tv Pmf. J- m
was next railed atwl .nieted uan a
tilth"! sel.ttlAe .Ieri-IMHI l Mm !
bv which he an.x ')) tho rwmelma iblii-
m nun py ir. uarrivm. im hmri twu
that lis the feMIt Of Ma -.( kV (..
ar4nlc .i ftdbiw: In (bo rnUmrtttm of
stomach. 3 iw trra. in the ,
itself, 37 lOtfo ctani'. im U10 Umr owfe.
b'.-"!. U lOuw rrai. in the Uxm, T 1
Slams . ,-x total of I i lOV -rrrttiM.
'ft. Jii ftMMJtttd bia lmlimmf b
lulutlug to the Jury eryaiMlla-4 ar-i
uixler a mler.eefm. ( rrMO'eain
Ut w.- letclliy.
I r tHU".l that Uo rnal f
Dr .ntilnr attt irt. ts Dt. Mmttwt
larka;o rMtotitol to cutitant Hot:-,
of J. IC WalicHf. In Im UImi Ha
l'ly (nt siiatt!iei. "lite man rt '
Mofiet na tscrtiil ly Ue rt4.nk '
or let of hp4iieto it 4 in l4.
Drs. .ai.lnrr. Jm-iiIm, Pae m ftwH
wiU thoir ropel x .iMaiw'wta mawt
ntut t aMln.xt 'oh.
'Ille lllsUrtll .H WWHt at i .
aiul the cwurt adjuttrtit.
ll.i.Iali 'rM.i.r S..,t sl.ll
1 lr I.M'b l!1 1'..,.
''orrxii xt. IHUJbmt Tl -A Ami'
alttwt wm Mal l 8ve uVliir- yKr
affrttoon U a . net. rrab-r It-1
by a youth wommhI I
UMM-Maa. m ei,
ttor. Ilaanir flrd Iw ttmtm ttm -xStr
at ti? Pr-njirtr Wba )a tb a ; '
Brit? a laird bai, U w-att.a aa- .
wa xm by a eio mt itt-l.-rtiwa. a 1
bur of b(MN lae waaaUmHy Wa b 1'
titlallOe m tbo !imainr tt trm- bar t.
In u the trxltmn balml ai tlo j- .
lao tonard bim an4 A ' -'
tnoMhnra ttl Xhf. t'atfhwri. Ua-
on wa bar: .or! y latum in trtmm. o
'jfiteials fo-rm; thai a aUesaat
wnubl -m HUfir 1 lo IN Hwi .
batUtri on llrrr K-lrapa' mI aa4 trm-
nC. Tb- eeHfw K9i -wnl mm4m af
imrV. !Uat-oa 4rla laai ai
tlten -rero f-s.t4ai, a llrr JL ra'
dact In the p"sM: tU(a4 mtvm)
I)Mmar i ilMt4ral U 'Jbe ttsttt.
fnrp.ln tlm1f, N tsrrls!. r1
l."i.M !. m 11 I,
I-t.-srocf, Sck. Olobqr 30L M
lar Ts- U'M-- -. I ..-..
r rr.rl at PtUie. I.xU asM 0
runp'v isj be -at jjr -. renvac
IMHt :r1-a4 at lb-- C'miaw iff hi i. .
A bt la arbiet lb aaniac f.MIac ,
eme to btnxif ai ar tax c to lb mnii ..
MX Uy -x tt vmr' -jhe trwa x.
j'Si lb- oaor. WbMrty an4 -braie
mrif famail irt.--fc la
Uw xa', xa6r-ae itaaa m
aay b-l- -asr4 ra
Ifcyeia- flt-4 nil Aaf. IC
ae- b a tnhtf la e.-ti-eral H .
-f wwbl- b tot bi?ax- Mars (: .
Wft'totr IfJtie. Jar A- xvcar4 4 -TaaafMay
af Jw Ctf. tts a -baa
fcooa a "atuitor r rl ai tfe a ana a
VVHJa.ty n m aa aa i-r. tt 'bt
b" sM-aaae4 aeJe ac toot. aa'artb i,j
ivmiml to anrt ti
St- Irs. 'irtotwr sa.TTa Vm.'
iivxim of Ibe iinat Maa aaaai. Avaai
Uaa lit -reaag -.itoyOrt m aiilraaa b .
aaMae. Z (ortk lc -.rt af tib
vf;riittoa, tar ekutm tT iar-al Umtx
ara rrct:aitoa a l ifat-'T4t MBti la
eit7 of rtetj cttlra K4ta4 ha
iojr rniaon x nreHi-i by IM JfcsT. M. ?
Trosett. of Xiftw CUy. TJu Aotbtg Irr.
drU, who wa ebe.i4--otty tltxtoX lnca-
tkoS tut ti coffltai: rir.
iltol to aaiaa. waarn aam im .ia-
I i f--.. -. II f..k s; -mm M vmim S IF
tj .s