I -v . ..;- ;t - '5 -Jr ' t tir-iTi re s ' 'u:,& TAr-i . -v 4 fj " - ' 4P-"-"' f !.-. ;--. m ..ivj mm-'. xv xr F?. i tv .y. .. ..jsfix - "5- . "V "Vfwsr s' Tfcwi ? F W'-rVt 'I BE3 :- -v-r- $' :Yy ': 3t' - - ' I. -V - Mo Words wold xpro Ihsacor.yl :vinri fro-n IlhnrtV tism. nd It sj ell 1 -nuM ! to endaro it. Cni plod, DotW- to u&llf or lr-;, I tV lo.h'l of a bottlo of ATHLOrnocoirnd .n a frviia.n (rswell " T. E. Ciumixo. r& li:h Ai.?au, it Jc, W j. Boay ,J1 t.bo bar..' wo I ATHLQPHOnOS vhich itbo cnlr tmrJj (tt rhiaitijn that haa ewtr bad a (ucrW nl r,J tixl it t!U bocaoy h li uri tAfo, rrdj cunj. Athlon hcroa conuu-. no opium r clirr cUrrroc r fcijcricrJi ir.zr-iiu.ci. Ilia absolutely eafo, end in to jrr.n....3cJ i, leaduif pbicUij f U. cMititry i tx t p m1 :t tnguUtly lor iyrt?r' n'l rl. Miutiinj. If jiki bstecar duubt n t its me.. wri o tho r inufec turns for mail"! . jurf is in yx.r owu J-rjti who Late lc3 cured f licui.-iil5za t-J E-ilfis b lUUM. AAkyoordrasxlit frr Athtophoroa. irjoecaa Select itof btui u will iviad it-i;iri ;ii J tn rurij t cf rerJr iricw-g .00 ;kt b tlw V.' j.r fr tljt Jxa boy it from jour drnjjif ft lut if b I i-s't It do bet be pentuuW tn try r"iuclii.g cb , -rf-t crticr At ccce from n aa dirtxted. JITHLOPHOaOS CO., !!2 WALL ST., KEW TCflK. A II. BK0 Proprietor. -I'be Engineer :.uia concluili 5 :tn nrti cleTiir Uritish and Ku.-sian ltuld artil lury: 'Altogcthfr, tJj.'ii, in material we ought to have .-onus advantage at fint over Ktisbiii. XfViTllu-less w niasjjtain that it is by 110 nivalin trie condition of things that ought to xit under thy circiirustuuvvh, hvcauie (jreat Jiritain has Jia(J tin; jieculiar need as a practical question before J.tT for seven or vi,rht carij. Jjiin 1 three hie;v iiioiintaiu batteries, one elephant divioedgun. anil & few doubtful and dangerous roekts, which we feel are very umikfly to be fired, are not an adequate result to show lor the unhindered eJlorts of the Gov ernment di'j!iitiueni.- of it ricii and Sowerful country whovj mind u set on oldiug her owu :c India." .. -- tr "if Brown's Mabjeand Granitd Works G-oo'd stock and fine work is our mott: and prices to suit the times. If in need o anything in our ine do not fail to call and examine onr specimens OFFICE AUT) YARD. ornor Elm St. and Fourth Av. Lock box : 22 , RED CLOUD NEB I C. "t. LI s. Ior::ia I OKA?;. RTTRfTFrnvc T,-aH, r -c rr,-.,T . .. . . I "- i 'omW . - . msjzujjsu, v ico-i'rosico J t Hobt V SHIRSY. Treaenror. VALKER & BRAKEFIELD, PUM PS, dealers in Windmills, Pumps, Well Tubing, And Everythinfir In our line. Wh6n wanting anything in the Pump or Windmill line it will pay you to see us. Our Prices are the lowest and Work Guaranteed. OFFICE On Third Avenue. Opposite Miner Bros., Btore Red Cloud Nebraska. Don't tail to see us before buying. i L-"ta - a . Mmmmx. -m y PAPER A.OWH5 HANOER wtj way v ww Mm i1 in www f n t j rrr - m m in Wk Tv ' -. . .-. i 1 9 ewasi,iabt - Tailor NEBRASKA & KANSAS. .FAIK& M) A IX iR T( - - v, u i CUJJTJL'o0J00. R&D CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. c t a i!nt . : CLOTHS, CASSEMEJRHS. MELTONS. &C. Custom xi-ork neatly done iuicI after the mo approved fashions. Cutting and rimmc a specialty, prices reasonable. OW Sinai En.; SM Veb:rStri. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. . ru k Errors . wtw-iuwu, vr-i 1 io:..wiu. J' M. i . ill, t,o J U nrreil MONEY LOANED ' n imprhved lannb m -N'ebr.ka n I K-tn-:i Mi.'.pv t"in-hed a. o.",n tl.e ficctiritr ! appr.ri i'rim-.pl ami mftJo-r p.tvable in Ktd Ciwd OFFICE IX Kh. ULOtD.Tiu.AL ILUVK Hl'ILUING. I r WILLIAM GATE. Proprietor of the Red Cloud. MEAT MARKET Piles! Pilosl! PiloBll! 8ur cure lor blind, Mcedinj; ami itching piles. 0n lox ha.H cured the worst rase of 20. ve-ars etandiujr. No one need culler five niiuuti.s after ui-e-injjn'illiam fndiau Tile Ointment It nb?orbh tumors, alla3'.s itching , acts as poultice, K'V,JJ instant lelicf. l'separed only for pib's, ilclnnjf of the prnate parts , iKjtbinjr elfce. Sold by druiihtfl and mailed on iccient of price, $l. wim.i ms MfV. Co. Props. Cleveland, Ohio. Tc-Yoimsr Ladies, If your life is made a himlen oxving to'blackhcds. pimple-; and other erup tions marrimxyjur beauty and causing ho much cha'i'.n, :t is noJIonj;er nere-s-ary to end-ire H. Dr Flng's Famih ointment will certainly remove all inch blemishes and leave 3'our .kin soft smooth and beautiful. Sold by all druggists andj'mailed upon receipt of price 2jc. Fhi::i;.-iON' fc C" The Jvcv. Geo. Thayr.r, of Bourbon, Ind, saj': "Both myself and wife owe our lives toShilo's Consumption Cure. Sold by Henry Cook. Dr. Franior'c Root Bitters. Frazier's loot bitters are not dram fhop beverage, but aie strictly' medical in eveiy sene. 'J'iiey act strongly up on the liver and kidneys, keep the upen and regular, cleanse the blod iul system of ever' impurity. Sold by pruggistSl. House and Sign Paintre, Grainer and Glaizer All kinds of Fancy and Plain wall Decora tions Promptly and Neatly Done. Get my terms before yon have your work done. Work guaranteed. Are you made miserable by Indiges tion, constipation, dimness, loss of appetite, yellow nkin ? Shiloh's Vital izor is a positive cuie. For hale by Henry Cook. Stop that Coughing-, By useing Dr Frazier's throat and luni; bakan the only Mire cure for colds, rough hnaiscuc"' and soar throat and all disease of the throat and lungs. Do not neglect a Cough. It may be fatal. Scores ami hundreds of grateful I people owe their lives to ur l'razier s mroat ami inxisC lialsam and no family will ovt be without it after upoing it, and discovering its marvelous power. It is put up in largetfamily oottles, and sold at the rmall price of 50 eta. Fkkouson t Co. fa, Ml S. M;.r., Contractors!! Stone and Brick WORK Estimates and mater ials all furnished. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA Fiual Proof Notice. Land Office, Illoominglon, Neb. .Sept. 10, 1S8T. NOTICK IS HKKKilY (HVKN THAT THK followln-aaiiivit .settler h.w filcii notice of his intention to ui.ikc liiial pninf in iiipi'itrt f lite chum, ami Uiaiaaiu prixif will le nrnhs ln" fore the juile, or in his alisenre the elrk of lls trli't court Wfli.ter county, at ttetl Cloud, Nta. on .Monday, Octobers;, IssTi. viz: KDWIX MOI1LEK, On I I'd No. ur., forthe ne l '-"J-l-10 W. He naines the ftillowinj; witnesses to prote his con tinuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, said land, vu: .lolin w. Tost-y, Henry C. Wolf, jHnict W. llryaut, Henry Hull, of (licks, N.t. 7 13 i. W.SWUZEK, Keglitor mimi&mw&w' &A Why will you cough when Shiloh' euro will give immediate relief. Price 10c, f)0e and $1. Sold by Henry Cook. DrFrazior's Magic Ointment. A sure curs for boils, burns sores cuts, ilesh wounds, sore nipples, hard nd soft corns, chapped lips and hands Price 50c. Sold by Diuggists. Williams Mf;.'0o., Props. Cleveland, Ohio. Shiloh 's Catarrh Remedy a positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, and canker mouth. Sold by Cook. "Hackmetaclc," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by Henry Cook. Shiloh's Cure will immediately re lieve croup, whooping cough, " and bronchitis. Sold by Henry Cook. You may not be aware of it, but it's a fact that many of the medicines Jec comended for croup contains either chloroform or opium, and cannot be even to children in the large and fre quent doses required, in case of croup, with any decree of safety. They are dangerous and should be avoided at all times. There one preparation how ever, that does hot cor Jiin a eingle in credient that would injure a child, and it is certain and positive proof for croup and that is Chamberlins Cough Rem edy. It has cured thousands of cases and can always bo deperded upon. Sold by druggists. For dyspepsia and liver complaint you have a printed guarantee on everv bottle of Shilo's Vitalirer. It never fails to cure. Sold by Henry Cook. Your mediciue. Athlophoros, has ivcn my mother considerable relief more in fact than anything she has ever taken, and we have spent hun dreds of dollars in ditreierent useless remedies for rheumatism. W. G. Twitchell, Anoka, Minn. For sprains, swelling or lameness Chamberlin's Pain Ban in has no equal. ITeidache, bilious dio rders and con ptipation aie curee by St Patrick's Plli Tney are ahe most pleasant and most effectual phyMc in use. m m i I. . Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for constipation, loss of appetiie, diz ziness, and Jail spmptoms of dyspepsia "When you can't sieer- for couhgin' take a dose of Chamberiin s Cough! Remedy. For lame back, side or chest use Mitloji porous Plaster". Price 25 cts Thi: following is an extract of a sermon recently delivered in the city by Rev. Geo. II. Brown: Suimkct: Consuming Ore a symbol of salva tion. Text: "50 lie drove out the man aud he placed at the east of the (iarden of Kdcu. eher ubins, and a nuniing sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tre of life." Gen. 3-21. F.DKW. Not a patch of ground fenced off, planted, adorned and cultivated by the man. but a tract of laud planted and brought to perfection by the Divine hand. It was God's coveuant hall. court room, where man first received aud first broke a law of his God. CIIRRUBISIS we know but little about. The Bible has not much to suy about them; the evil spirit is talked of more than chcruhhut. Seraphim and aiicN put together. In .Moses' tune we find cherubms of cold on the mercy seat; in Solomon time thev werecollossal limires, fifteen feet high In the temple, also pictured on the curtains and various parts of building; tliy signified holiness or tne immediate presence of "God dwelling with iu the midst of his people. AUT1IOU1TV ARSKKTrn. The gulltv pain not sorry to get away lrom the presence ol God. conscience drove them from nis proence. When God walked in the Garden in the cool ol the day. look ng after his tenants they were hiding among the trees. lam In clined to think this couple were glad to get awav lrom the holy presence of him whose command they had disregarded; glad to esftaix; v Itii their lives: they shrank out of stent as the sin-wieck- en oi KMiay hide away lrom the clean and pure in heart, fhey received sentence and fled as criminals tlee to-lay from the law they violate. Guilt drove them. consumimo Finn. The world has never I'cen without fire woa shlpiers, and all people regard fire as the symbol ot purifying; the element of nature to be feared; and to he honored. Fire destoryed the sacri fices of the Hebrew people: it was the sjmool of God's presence in the tabernacle. Fire destroy ed the enemies ot God's prophet ;lt was used else where to defend and save his people. When the sin offerings, or wave offerings, were con sumed, the people rejoiced, as at the dedication of the temple, whea are came down from heav en and filled the house with glory, so the people could not enter, and the people could not euter. and they fell w it a faces to the ground crying, "for good, for His mercy forever' 2nd Cbron. T. ft?E5Ki.KiS:??ff S B .2ar fiit t.!i:e iJ'i'Ii 4 0DA inthoWoi-W. Wb!!s Dirceiorv First Dooi South ol hhcr erS Dru Stor. FRESH AND SAL, MEATS, FISH 3POULTRY" Oysters, Sausage, Bolong'a, Alway on hand. ctn ivtiu Bor tiiera w enovoi yc a want ho est and tho swoo o meats. r y IT O O- w V r r n . -i . 3 y n 0q - C2 O v C SI Ui O o r. " f. m- - " o r- 6 ? r t r. tr. RED CLOUD BOOMS jMEW BUILDINGS! JMEW EjN Best NEW STORE EMPRISES But notwithstandiuij those important improvonionts JLJORHART FULTOM THE POPULAR " Hardware M erchants OF RED CL0C J). Havo tho LARGEST and Moat Oomnloto etock of Hardware, Sims, Tiswrs, Gutlery, Sari Irs, Nails, Rope, Window Screens,:&c. the Republican Vnlloy. W jctop only tho BEST eooda and poll an chonp as thoso firms that carry an inferior Htock. Got our prices before vou ouy and vou will buvo money. O W J - o o r 7. 2l o cn X r. Z u. . n in -r: - - c co V o c a r tn r r. a c o -1 r: cn c r. - tn 0) (l) SI (0 r-- o 0) V, 1 23 (Si fluff A 8i-t Ax&pfrT.x$M fit WHO 15 IT ACQJAtNTCD WITH THC CEOCRPMY Cf THin CCUHTny, WILL' ICC Y rXAWlIN HQ THiH t-r. TMAT TT Western Iniplement Co, Dealers n nil kinds ci 1 1 tt & Fulton CAVE KSTAI1USHED A Hardware store, AT WELLS. Forthe accommodation of the people of that vicinity. They are fullv prepared to give tho people of Wells and" vicinity Jusfw hat they want iu the tine of Hardware, Tinware, stoves, Iron, Nails, And in fact everything can be found at. ur store thai is usually kept In a first-thiss hoi.v:. We would be pleased to have people call o. us when In need of hardware, (it.r prices wi. always be reasonable and iu .."eping with the demand of the tunes. Wevery respectfully solicit your trade honing bat It will prove beneficial to hoth. MORHAKT FULTON. And would ask a share of the t rarie mmm 11 mm, nun Is tZ'' - l : : -. : m M m h SEWING MACHINES, ETC KED gI$0UD, rv ' RSB CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC . v' tu t jiIm-! J io't. nil jv .i tton it Jir: i. i t . t"'.i r.r "iro tuton tr k-. . mvl tr .'ic ltm-ri RAILWAY vr ' : ' .; .:n Kn.itt.l n- t ' t. f i n. r ii, 'tr ,i u,(j jfjtj. "i ri-rr tn. n n'hl, r t Hful ffKi)l- r .. AtiK.-".. n.l ! j ( In Hlio l?i fn-. ! iin'l fii ro'ii ' r.. ;l rr- ;i .u r t N t';,nwt ntu oouttw.vu. una r'-jr;in tynnm v i.t, ;sruwtt ntMi fv.t, mi Ttio llok I lnnil iita lnl iu" tn it it-mn l'n ! ;mi f fir I, II Tf a A SWORD. from ancient day the instmment of till now has Mumm$ BOBTIC UliT UBIST AXDDRalKRIX The sword been the instrument of ww. so death. ItssMnhol is vengeance, the Instrument ot execution. "Uird on the sword." prepare for battle. God means by the sword that justice must be vindicated, took at Israel's transgres sions; they might han their harps on the wil lows and weep, or prostrate themselves by the wallandwail.it they allowed Baal. Moloch and Ashteroth tn remain In craves and hhrh nl- it would do no Rood. The sword of Justice nnist do execution. 2lt chapter Ezekiel. Hoar (lideoncjy -The sword ot the Lord aud Gide on.' THE SYMBOL ' . Cherubim and a flaming sword at the Mat ot Kdcn meant: Adam, though in sorrow ywb aftd your helmueet mut till the soil and i'T.r hm. out thesarden. ever tempted and tried bv Satan. enoinissio;you may return with sin offer ings and stand in the presence of mv holiness without hm t. The vray of the Tree of life i kept not f r-m you hut for you. Matthew Henrv h '(vd foupht apinst man, for here was a drawn sworo. and that he was to man a consum ing fire, for here was a flaming sword." I do not so look uiwn this mbol. The it.im u-rw wraimod around the destrover. not th nin- th instrument of justice waa telng consumed "here in (Jod's vreiice. and not that terrified trat;-! pesor b. iltx-mg from his preface. Tlicy w s ! H, E. Jh'oore uittiK Mifirwi-auTC vuj;r:mce was ieuig con sumetl. So In this symbol we see hope for the outcast, encouragement for the kuIUv. Come hack here, bmld an altar in the presence of this fire, aud put your sacrifices on it, I will consume them aud save ou. GEIVEKAL Nursery Stock! NEWGROCERYHOUSE Where will he found everv t'unj; in f e yrfH-tirv Jim, Ktu-h uh Sugar, Teas, Coffee. Sirups. JFruitf ItiKoti. Jiam, Dried Mieef. Cheese and CrackCH, Tol:u-i"-, (,.ira, Flour, Feed, Ghiss and (hieeriBwart and Crockery. Hoping by fair (leulin- to merit a share of tho public patronage. IN FEATHERLEY'S BUILDING, Opposite 'he Chicn :o Lnuiher V ard. S.V.LUDLOW. JoIioL OlW.vii. L.Atlf I'twlt Urnoo. Mo.' ftjvi Ufk N.'m.ft. tn Illinois; Uiwunyjr, Mi--tiin. WnM.ittnvr.nl. tlrtUiii, tjttimw iMUu Wnv Liberty, lowu Cy. t :At.u lnikxnaln. V.'Jnlt.-.t Atlantlr. Kuotvtll AU'lutKin. lln'Uri, Oj'fiH .tm n.:il (. i.ur.l ltrt Jn town OrlUtin, Trenton. Cnzwrvn iurl K ir.H,i Citr In J.t'-vur1 1 rvimwor.N ut Alctlnn. In Kf:inis: Alfw-rt I-i Mint:- ': n 1 ft !.. I in 2'm.wtn '.VAiorViwn a DultoUv. nnd lm:i tr"!-- f uuniwiti 1tl v . I mm fml tJtailon. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE GunnvnU V te "" t.nt Tn ot thoroJ4..v J.;ln. l r-Mwl - r,tr piantulv b'i'lt cl'.rrtM nKl ' 1k. liunian ftjcllt mn mn': :.: U '.nil Rlr-trnfe". ni-l tt at xv oonnitton of ml It tri'tn. (v rM M vr T'y tiZon bfn kU rvit t t i iom k:o rfeil, tib- r.!.. I-ik hi rw twrrrw-yon mm tn.u-n piauorrj rrt- ua Drtw?tlcl t tT trft:itvtn mt tti't iuriti titufnrim m.ntl rotn- Htwn Wifn :! ti" Mlroirt JtlTr hoinrtil Ur "r" smco'jjttiI JTiItnn f m wnicii Riuntr oil C'.ty n4 "Miff' HpJ 'Imi r .' ;n-nt opnmuon or mi in trvn. jtr-'tr pnHitH or tf ? r"'' nil connT,Mn rjint n nkn i;KUi. ni liS'Jrt?' of It I'.v-r wqtiiprnMfJt. Ttm rt Kxyrww mun rood of woll vnntli'Vtxl i'.nir I'liluCM SlM:xn ' 1 i.vU '- 'rn iwil tirr;'i, Ir'oif dit)orRtly r-K'd Hii m I'i.'Mirf'lT jUi t- I .., v Atchison, uro nto ra ti." l.TTftti H a :.r -"brr '5ir THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Ic tho d'roci tvr.'i '.vvortM lin frmii r'h'Turo nrt :-nnpo'' an! fit Paul. whT ronn' -i- vr mfwl l ' ;- .-i Ih 'j 'vr m . 'ti't m Trj TnrltOrt rid Irti r -.. !.' v-f ' r y u Kx! ZnOiw r ruo vo thm trntr!3rf r v t n.avr rir j,m jrwjtn vrnitti anI h nttnir ami ffe yij rounl oft j s i I Wi-jriM,'. ; iiimi 'fjn j , f;mir routn u Uim rich xhit fl,.j hfvl jTr I i .)! f TrVr lst ' HU!I ..nob,r T- ':.-rr I-'N. -n-x Hncn al T-rr.cA' bv -wJ -pc tvifvoon :.'Tvp'ri Hvx Jlrtyitul tnonnntt lrHtKrpl(. tu Ifytn and Ucnnl Rlu, )ltf.'.m ;tr. iJ.nnwnli nii: Bt In .1 ant lj;trT3;ui t-otnta ?or flot:ft lntornmtlrn r Mnp nnil FolJm. rrtnJnb! a wfoll TJcct, nt r.l yrlr.aptU Tlc'-ct OScw tn Uk Untu-1 bt nX iMnmCm: ur by tuidrtjjudr.t; R. R. CABLE. E. ST. JOHN, As I have had some experience In tn S'nnm Business, I think I can furnish ou stock to auft our annate lrom Home Grown Nurseries! Drugs ! Drugs HENRY COOK. - si. s Drugs, Paints, Oil Notions, Wall Paper, Ac Red Cloud - Nebraska. Per Attention Teachers. , Iouce .brv'r.r jjv-u t'otr I 1.! f?.r:rv fl o person ran oe so utterly lost thai God is not ready, wllllus and able to save. The iwor inebriate may ask, can lie save nie? Yes, doat I you eenn wrath m the name. The vuung moralls:, the niy haired slnnvr whose track of desolation can to traced back three core ears. f the raitnicrer.Uraav 35k "need he save e? w a- e save t:!vv can ae save me? les, jts. e. be K keen'.uz the way; come to tb east of Men. build an a.tar. lay xour tn upon It. the f r iftVto s-.i.ji,.- :.VS r ,i ir'y piwtl ' " Pits': J. L. itiser.V John Moore, Cuhier First National Bank RED CLOUD, NEB; rspilal, - 75,000. rratuact a seaeral bare !&? basist. bay sd fell Cosaiy xorrt5. Alo Coacty. Pr unctxod School Diatnc: bo adj. ar&ciU rasca Exchoxe Ul RECTORS: B.Sloor. Jnha Jfoor. ". C.Xeihw. K. C. OstctJt V X RicfcrJ W 1R WAR With High Prices At PEOPLE'S .UjinEER COMPANY f C&WLES NEBRASKA. ED GILFORD, Salesmam TO ANY PARTIES WANTING WELLS. JAMES DILLINGHAM, of jii.ri; iiiiJi, m m i mi nm .5 T.r inK- - tnjtiu r Jul k4 4 kj j. u- . rr. 9 .- -- r-t. 1$ s... i br. -. ,.-- Pin n.i iti " U rtpeT jA. Uwiije l-r- w rAUATIiJ: cj ?r ; t r.u. - Yx . XiAj In j-r s Vj Vri , Out field cV Parhrs. Mac IIULXrh., Hardware and Windmill Merchants. Pr. ICES HAVE FALLEN and we have bargains for AND ALL Piatt & Ite 51 o ? DEALERS LY ONE C6AL LUMBER ETC. j -1 SmI Ciotfd, ihr:-t- If- l v -jpgr OOW rZ& s , AKTl- n f.- r r- ) T? .. ,'-!i t j:'- 4 ' Lir :l PvS fMrtor c c-i o ; ft --" i. --s. c , wis eosa. Wt ;. i-i .--. .. . - -iiss.iv .. -. - . nnittai io r-s t . . .tr - fc .. if -. . . ? v - - j . .. .. j:r- . -y --, - ..' . rrwSSS,Vr;Twc:; ..'. ,; '?z?s.. - ?i v.-.-r . ," ; - :. , j -"1 3a1w" " "" '" i' ' -J " ' l'-V-?--mriTf-r''TTr"J-'--r- '-' r-T--- - '