The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 23, 1885, Image 7

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The TCpn1lvriirM ol I)rnnkrnnHK A
Vivid Iinturc or hii Intoxicated .linn.
Intemperance is indecent, an asser
tion that no person will attempt to do-113-.
It is not within common experi
ence ever to see on the streets as inde
cent a sight as a drunken inun. If he
is cleanlv he is still indecent. :mi! niici-
ble because of his indeeencv. It he is
not cleanly- and the rule Is that he in
not hii is still more indecent. lie reels
ver the pavement, colliding with men,
women and children, feared by the
t;:nid as if he were a wild, de-
j-pised by the majority of tho-e who
xxitii"-.. the ehir.ti:tn. as if in- were
anything but a man aiwUhuun-d iv ail
::- it lie were a leper. lie dcliheratclv
elou i. and oison his intellect, make.-,
hiinseif an irre!pon-.i!e id'ot, and
make-, a ubli- exhibition of hims-lf
tn it i repulsive in the extreme. If
that same man should see a hand di-
tigur ur a lwautiful Mud costly picture
In- whole soul would b aroused. Ilhe
shtmtd see a rough foot pressd ujvm a
i atiti'.ul liower he would remou-trate.
and yet he ruthlessly di-tiure-, the
lrij-ht.'-t and iA in the world,
'he human imcJh"L and lnirly i;iini.-.
it in Uie mud. It i-. an act tiiali so in-
d-c nt as sehl in to find a parallel
e- among act, we UMinily U-rm
uuong art we UMinlly Unn
(in. lint the indecency of "int- xi-
i-alwavs apparent enough with-
o it attaehimr an uxm-ual nicanm-r in
liieterm. A rlnink. :j mxn ia literally
? He i not onlv offensive
:. the eye, hut l.e i, offcut ve to
lie-j:o:riis. The tMTfiime of rt:m and
-ld cigar the u-ual fragnince that
come !roin u drunken, man is more
than an ordmarx ise of miicH can
bear, and the average drunken man is
a po..tive and r.iKpmlilied irii,ance. far
Mirpas-ing any cet,pool tiiat mav of-
lend the Miiell, for the cc,,poo can
be .nvi:ded. but the drunken man can
not aiwavs he. .Now cxccul a man lie
almost bevond hope, he will reeod from
lids d'.cri lion ol him-elf. ami vet it is
a true descnjition of ihe drunkard.
hether he j, dies-i-d in rag, or broad
cloth; and the rea-on that many a man
who gets drunk occasionally does not
break the habit, is that when he is
-ober nob xly tells him what he was 1
when he v.a drunk. A man's 2ruuk-cniie-s
is .-ouiethiug that he iloe- not
are much lo talh. about, and his friends
do not care lo broach the -ub ect. ,-d
1' ere are men who go through life, get
ting drunk now ami then, and never
know wha' ad -agreeable nuisance they
make of themselves It is true, they
-if others, and know what they are.
liu. a drinking man is alway-suflicient-
self-opin ouated t bclee that he
never act- -0 !.;!Ih a other drimkar-is
do As a k.ud friend t she oecas"onal
drunkard, therefore, the ,.ttrn limn
lias deemed is it.s duty to siftK whisper
to him that when dnink lie is a verv
i ad mii-nuee :unl iboroiijjhlv inileeent.
in j:ool or winch w appeal to every
man or woman who has ever seen ium
Hut il is ni home T.-here tiie exhibition
4if indeeencv is the ";reatel "J'he wife
and ch.Idivn may sa iiolliinr; about is.
ami probal; w.H not It is loo linr
rwinr a suliie-t for litem to discuss.
but the diinkinir iuisiiand and father.
who jroes Jiome mtovn-ated. may rest and crim.u.ils who have imii develo;ied utesi u air an 1 aiso or. vnt iu wnui sij-t :ij,, lower .skirl, a:e at
us.iireil tiiat ii-'i makes :m exhibition of bv the saloons, at an enormous co-t. ami now reachineor afiectinj tht-m in tnched to it periminentl v. coverui" .1
inoec-ncv llins shocks Ins ioeii ones
lar be;, ond the ower of lan";usij:e to de-
senile. Jl ihere 1-any liviii"; man that
an co:icc:e of a more indecent act
than for a husband to eo home lo his
wile or :i father to jro home So hi.s ehil-
dren in a driiuken. helido or parliiillv
le lpe,. irrejKinsible condition we are
a! a loss si know what it could be.
The child nf a father who is worthv lo
---- - -.
Ii;- a tatter is never mi happy ns when
be iitwrs the lootlail ol the jiarcnt ujKitl
tlie tiiroholil of home. A father ouirht !
to lie ashamed of hiipvlf. who has not j
the loe and eontideiice of his child. ;
Then what iiiut b" said of a SaSiierwho
pie -nJo I lie presence of hi, child iu a
condition that makes him rsde,sinille
a :i companion and le a ro:cclion to
the child than tlie doir that lies on the
mm on the step? I
it not the tcrv
iiejeiit of in iecency. to call it by no
wor.e name.-' li ; liitrau
Intilil ot 11
Tlul Are IlliMlr tne-.
Ilelji. to Muukooc! ISoj-.
('Illy a fOW day aO
ltos. lofk out!
1 heard of lour bos who were oil' in a
siecludod art of the town, smoking
-i'-arsand diinkni"; beer! b ys whose
..i-.. il hnl tiil ?ni iiie:i what lh-' weiv
.... , .. ,1 1... 1 .1 . t ... ..
ioine-. j iue ihv& nan uau jic il-i 01
iramme; irom . tir.stian iar.':s. aim
were members of the Minday-sciiool. J
would not iiavc believed it. if I had not
had the jntormat.oii Irom wic. oet
aiilJioritr. lieu the were nskejl wuat
they were doni";. and remonstrated with
for such conduct, they said they ere.
iiirninp:l, be men"'
Oh. what -a. mistaken idea Not a man
who i add cted to th .' habits it w.ll
lell vou. if Jie .speaks what he know-,
thai su-h habits are a hindram in-
ttr:d f a help, to manhood.
If xsins c strauire coincidence, that
while 1 wa. pon.icrinj:ovcr this orrow
ful tle 1 hail hea . a letter caitie to
me fivai ayoutie; ma-a away out on the
"Western frontier, and thi is what h.'
wrote. "J feeJ that Mime of the hel
vcar.s ? uivllife have in a measure
wasted. 1 thought when I was a bor
Don't tcselt :i drop of liquor, bov.s.
If xou onlv knew th- insert that comes
4...i .... ....... ku ..... 1 ll,..- .....t-
Ai..ti a mi.' inmi. j.j
low manv meu
have been wrecked l
it! Ik.wv main
heart: haxe i--okcn lotaiJse the
loved ones
nes woro slaves to the -Accursed j
r i the step that tlis; re-
cup. I
member that. Don t do thiutrj- that
Miu wntiid Iti ashamed to ha v-? your
jnother know.
Ah! my boy, you wall iind that your
mother is your truest, pest friend As
ilu? years ;o on. on will find this j-
.section to bo a true one- A bov's
i;im,ii , t.uui. " i.- m-- tuuiii-iiui u
Ins cmt-iiani ami 1ns iiwle-i 111 n;?itt.-r
m. . j-j Afe t i..k It 1." m - m . w I I - m.t m 1
j j
liable id dtshnnorabla Culttvate ,
those tracts ot character that will etiabt
vou to atisin to a hijrh and noble man- .
hood, fetszid linn. ICQeeitieu. u lien '
aou ate asbri to do those thing xvhich
yo;x knoxv ssq not rglit. say 0xo.' : ;
!l)on't be afraid of theV'st? aiid scoffs ;
niusal. Beside, x'our liecision on the
side, 01 right xvill be the cause of others
Df your companion saying no." Oae j
that lH-rnman was to Icani to smoke - " , ,JO .,.... , ,; ilrox kalV mak. e-juis telv d(tie. Uit little adapted th.i; rr"- ,-,,-.,. I'i . "- - It
in.1 ilrii.L--Mnil leiLn.ui-K to iiiv ti-ir.'nu .is m t u in .lo Oiii . man in uaiva. .1 i . ' h.u. i- , Ht-AT No i red .Kft
.nt! .InuL u d ii. k no vc to n .u.n And At.t u.-0 aItJ Im.H whrt to tne ganrh litrht of day. and mcon- . -You drive softlr now. eh?" Notre -fc
1 acquired the, hal t-. w h u 1 ooj -M-rnal lim-rti." and "t.-e ?nious withh.r -ay i,air.oeun -Ver-- ,fsl-.. irl Tuem'.s the orde- mlV '- t
iks tinii smoking ami ilr Mik:nr neer '-",. ..,.. ,- , - - . v Ti- i .1 . .1 . . . i-V-v v.. x-S
-, ... ... .-i- vrouht bour and potatoes and comnlnm , ... TT. IT , t e hare to keep to the r jrnt. tum out '''" - ilTt
made a tesu, but Jias saauv manv loot . . . ,. . . Bathinir in Pubic Scnools. , , ., . .i . 1 1 r ( -hacr. r-K-.':.... :s i
r ,. i fie injustice ot making the saloon for treet car. irive other x eludes a j wir-' baJtU W 5
inai oe 1 mcoiiioeicni. vj uccuic. jur 1 - , - uiuc aau a. iun im.jieuuiiciv rriiim ic 1 -,..rtrl re..r iX.e finnr
1.:... ...- 1 . mnniiini'tnre ot larger iner. jhov -re .v i.i :.. 1 .. ., . s catereu ov.r tne i.oor.
.1.... 1. . r :.. .. ... .1 :.i . . 111 i:ii"ii :ii-s rv.i" iiu. orti 111 .lit" H .. M.2 - .1 : j .t . .
jiiui-ti. , - ---- ., - , ; mc .euuui-tvuiii auc rcsiiiue. uie:r 1 . . . .
DoB't do anvthinj: in antttidcrhandetl , sr-- treated with sulph r.e acid, xxluch j j0S50as, uo ri-k of catchinjr cold is ever ' " lIea5C- ra- m?n 1 hse
7iiamus. It will teach von to Ih imp- coavcrL them into uexnno anu men incurred: xvblle tln n-frfshin- .nri.ienee. ivtpa s hatr. 1 want tt 50 bad.
ot xour companions. Aithouli tiiex- aax-ocates. sua are cxciani: entnustasni : .-v runaaeipma arasx-i nas lorry-' vhat do Tan want the hair lor, HtKts c.oo4 to rhto-
xvill not admit it. yet in their hear w a. public speakers, ot even the xvar four pnisenpfons. received ia six Johnnr. risked Mr. Petcrbr. VlFivS&ta'"
thov resnect vou atT the more for vour , itself, xvith if ovcrwhelminjrntiinent, months, in which every one contains; I want to tie i: to the "taH of rtr whf. iT-vTffvd "1
straightforward, fearless, manlv oo
will have a great influence for good
over a large community of boys. Try
it for yourselves. Evangelist-
The Foul I)f fortuity of Driiiilcenne Often
lail Attractive In the XVrltlliz of I.II
retry Men.
A subtle source of danjr-r ari-c-; from :
the effect- of the literature of inl-'in-
neranee. Po-trv has ion" m n -tered to
this dread vice. From the IJa-ci.ic des ,
of the Grecian Ana-reon. and th-jrracc- j
ful xviiie-?ongs of the Ilomau Horatius.
down to our own age. when Moore :ind
Kyron have lent their mighlv povvers tc
throw new ciiehantmeut around tne
foaming tankard or the iy-wreith-d
cuj. and make more attract ve the
slavery of sensuality, jioetry ha battled
for wine. And even pro" ii far from
b-m:r pure. To lit-rtry men drunken-ne-i-
-eems ut a venial in, and wh.le
many of th"in have fallen. I ke the
cfiiniTtf.ti herd nf dnmkxrdh. in-lVire 1
as-aulu too manv hve nrostituted i'ieir
j.ens to make and svnov.- j
niou with : 11 that is ireneroii, "noble,
whole.,onl(tl in huummtv. thi- foul ie- .
fonuitv. -which to he hated needs b:it
lo be seen" -not in poetic glamor, but .
a- it rexilv is.
When the highlv wrought iWs'-n'mn
of the drnikin" scene 1- lwni-'H-l irom
the pages of the modern novel, or ii
menlion-d, is sigmat d .n btiiin
menlion-d, is Ktigmat d .n btiiin
letter.H of iT-roliation: U'hea the dnmk-
art! hun-clf b de.h t i. not a- a good
leliow. but as a "real -inner airaint In
own ami others' s.ui-: wheu the
song eelioe- no longer from the parlor
an i the club-room, and poet. ter. to
In nr.est of the Hacehic orgies- when
hi.stn. fa'thful to her trust, tells of
d'sMoat-on and luxu-y as among the
Mirc-t source, of national ruin: and
ethic, redeemed from the fear of man. ,
pomts out m pure ami hn!v '1 emperaneo" ,
the antidote of ver much of 011 -oei;il .
an 1 nditica! mi-efy- then hall a great
-tep hae been taken to hi"ld our
outh Irom danger ami ire- our land
from woe. For a it wa of old. wi'h '
the ballad. o i it now witli the bfoks
oiatiitiou. I ney nuuld tti plastic
mini of 011th. and theirMlent influence
i- mi.'htier than thousand. f living
orators or cimntless words of deinmc.a
tion and appeal. - Ltsliop lmj.
The Benefits of Breweries.
The Milwaukee Srn'iiicl show- how
the manufacture of beer has benefited
that city a follow-:
"At least .six new -cuool building
are immediately mcessarv, but because
there are so many salo'ui the taxpay
ers iiiti-1 htipport polae and courts and
jails and charitable in-t tutions with
their moiie There are hundreds of
ch.ldren ol -chooi age in the city who
are denied schoal privileges because we
can not allord to iut nj more ebool
biiiluiii": "
--. .-. i - - - r
llelerriiiir to tlie larjrc
number of
aoon.s. the Scnttitf says thev
render it ncci's-sary to .sustain a
id:ee force to jire-orve o d-riu lliecit.
The) comjiel the city and the countv
to support court s.and all tlie maehmery
of tli law So take care of olVeud' rs
wiio-e oll'eiws e;j-ow out of li ,uor.
Tliev make us support a l!oiie of ( or-
rc 'lion tor the ecluion ol drunkards
l he lay upon the city ami coiin'y the
burden of u;pirtui almshouses, for
the care of per osis relueeil to pauper-
im bv drunkennes; hopiiai for t he
medical treatment of chrome invalids diease cm be traced to whisk;
insane as. luins- Sowarl the lillinir of
' which in einperaiice contrihiite.s a lare
share The t:ipavers bear the irri-aiter
ni.rt .' ili..,e l.i:ril"eTi, r.'siderei! ' ni'ces-
j .
sary b1 the .saloons."'
Military Total Abstainers.
A laudable mocmeut has been ?et on
foot to establish :iuionr the National
(Iiiardcompanie.sand regiments of total
:ibtainers. It is beliecd that the
otiieiency. csnril tie ''. and general
stincr.oritv of su h companies wotih! at
once aliord Io;h xn cxamjde and an u-
cetiti.e to the:r comrades ihe .Na-
lioimJ (ommttee o! the ore;an .:it on
Uvill lifst trv to obtain the support ot
I ihe r turnout militarv and evil oii'c.ais
of the country, and ospe-m!iy New
1 ork htatc. 1 lien at the mi:itarv fil
ler o. eacii ."state there wili i" formed a
,..,,.. 1 'nmm!it,,,i .ft.r tln tii:i;uir of ihe
ational ( ouunitte. ami auil:ar to iu
The complete plan 1:1 hides n-pmental
, and enmpain com 111 ttee 1:1 the same
lahnn. 1 he as- cial;on w il 00 caned
1I litarv Hureau of T
ll hmiMWIIW;,
!e orm. and all men iiumr Jt must
. abstain from al oho! wnile in
uniform, under naiii of dishonorable
discharge from the mildia. Irish
I il o:iL
The Liquor Debt.
it evtrv saloon in Illinois was rom-
Illinois wa
polled to pay an even .l.u-K liconse it '
wotihl not one-half liquidate the debt
jumtxally ae.ed ujion tcis-r ta-pa .
..- JO vtumort the piuuhts and protect 1
-ociotv from the cr m.nai which live
.saloon educates. .Jails and station tt:ll,
tusa t.-ntiaric-s and poor hou.-e- would in
a -reat mca-ure in.' tenantle. were it
not for the demon of ur.nk Kvcji all this
i- a small jeirt of the distressinir picture,
wiica vve see tie multitude- ol .homes ol
poverty. thtJiUHrr ami sursct chii-
f --. !'.-.- - '- .' M'
: iiuttf iiH.n she j.iiuha-Cft
1 . .. ....:. .. !.. iH -. .... ..
vTTm: hnal ovtlon pjin is workinr: iw
sCOcssfui:v in t.eorsia thai it i-'pr-
dieted that in three exr- al tue longest
there xviil iul In a ineje retail shop i.
the tato.
. , ,. ,. . T. , n ,.
u;c udm: no (.terxnan or Italians I'r.
" , . . 1 . -.
wnnox wuar nJS w.ire iiaiuin
that the 11-e ot altMiiioI and tobacct tn
- -i . ..".. .-. -..
mto pliicosc t-s ux useti lor iuaicm-
t.c. .-.i 1. nuwn "'"" ;." - UiU51
v,'no -r UK 1U
J ke rmmu-innia jragrr say5 tna:
the caui-e ol i emperaneo is mak ng it? .
xvay courpicnously amoni: the women
of the South. -Many are becoming its (
brought the Southern women
n to the ;
plattorm more eaectivery than
pentnee causo is dome.
.V- ' . 5 ?- .1
How to Halld m Vmnltrj nonte TbJtt Af
ford Cunrltr I'rot-tlon.
One of the mot destructive agents m j
a poultry horn is lack of ventilation- ;
Fowls, more than any other animate .
J tli:nr. need a large amount of pure. .
j fre-sh air. or tiiev wnl not do well in
,aua,CDl uur" ",,: """ '"
- - - ..... .1 . . i. . , . . . 1. I
V. e believe this, to be tne cause ol more
uuiiealthinesa iu Hocks than all other
"' combined. IJy nature they n- i
?luire thti P,Jre- unadulterated fren air
01 Heaven ami when they are deprived
of thi in the lea-t, fo- any length of
time, they begin to droop arid lose their
interest in things about them. The:r
eyes grow dull they walk around a- rf
it were an effort for tln-in to move, and
they .-eem to take but lutie interest 1:1
life. While thev mav aiie-ar to a aual
obsen'er in full health aad vigor, the
egg basket do not wa -rant the belief
t at uch i- the c-a-e. and we wonder
whv we tret .-o few or no eg-. Fowls.
to lay. miM be iu perfee? health
wh-u they omit trii- iuona:it part of
their bu-ine-s. ou may know there
-omeUnni: wrong wnn tu.-ai. ami in
mne ca-es out ot ten it i-. th-want of
re. frch air. l on m.n feed them all
kinds of gr:i:n. give them a warm mah
da ly. pui tonics in the food and iur
fresh water sert-ral time a day in their
cup-,, feed -heh. Fine and irra-.el. and
take the very bet care of them in every
take the very bet care o. them m every
t '''r respe t. ei 3 ou don't get the all-
luportant re-ult taat you are kec;.ing
them for. namely, eggs.
I'nless fowl can oc made to lay dur-
ing the. winter, when their iruit brings
the b : prices, and when every family
in the land ne-U egg, unwt. the prn-
lem ot ke jku try for protit wjll.
a at treeiii, remain u:i.-neu. mere
are thousand- to-dty in our Ian I wno
are Mruggling with thi. problem, and
many of theni are almo: di-cotirage.l to s.dvc it; and tie J:l1 thing
trial enter tiieir mmd. a th- caue oi
their non-.-ucce iu getting tiieir fowls
m uvj ":n' ucn goo care 1 una-ii m
th"m i- imp-oper vent lat.on
e have
not the slightest doubt but that lowls
can be -o cared for in w nter a- to iay
ciu.illy as well as in summer, but in
order to do thi- we ut"t -mdv the r
, na-ures and conform to the.r natural
habiLs. Instead (if doing t .is.
we are -onslanuv trvmg to
their original and natural habit.- to
corre-pond with man"- idea- and iews
of what he would li.e t have them do:
ami just :o long a we continue m this
line we are work ng again t wiia' we
are trying t.i bring aln.i.t and tuwart- !:,., ,K-ca.-ionalh een on t.-c-e co
ing the aecomtihshment of the great tume.s.but the I icncli modi-te--till give
end for which we are .-tr vmg il(,. .,t ,.,1,., , 1... ..,1 ,. leneih at th.-
I lie suti.ect o: the veutil..tiono! pout
try-hou-es has a traetetl a great deal of
attention, and yet we are lar Irani
reach ng the de.-irvd goal, as there are
man; things to b- considered. It
"',1 no do to leave ng- , that a
. .. . .
, dralt ot air will e me- npon the lowl.-.; il
we. do. they take eold. and that br :
" r',,P "" ranker, if we icave an
ojienuu' v. here te wind can not n-aen
theni durin-the dav. it iu:t. r .ntiu in
thejiiiuht ami blow d.recth upinlhem.or
a storm may come up and in the morn-
iniT we iind'oiir fowl burie.J in a -mow-
b.nk all of which are ery luiitlul.
as i -11 a destructive of ee; product.on.
How. ihen. .shall we entilate our
holi-es o s So jrive our fowls the
tlie lea-.t. no matter winch wav it mav
blow or f nun wiiald rectiou 1 -e storm of
snow, sieet. orra.n ma tone-? We have
been us. ii"; the following m tiiod for ev
eral ear and find it So be all that
can be des'red: Suppo-e our house to
be sixteen b twentv-tour feet on tho
ennmd and four to e.irat f.-et to tne
cave. At each cud and in the center
l" the lloue rim lmll )W ti:ke ten inches
square on she inid
from w.thiu ten
inciies of tlie ll
oor. iti-riciiuii-iiiuii
throtiirh ami extend mr above the roof
- I d. .
two Sect. Thee tube act as chimne.
iimi nre eoiistantlv lrw:n' oil' the im-
juire a r Irom the mside of tin
iu coui. free nir
Uea:;er, ckip tlie
houe a lihllv as jks-uic. anil H10
cum nt of iur winch are cons'.antlv
pa.i:i": up throi:j;h these wood-n c-h i:i-
nev keep the air m de in n pure and
healthy ; state. Ko matter how hard is
; miow. mow, o - ranis, proees ..1
chnn-z n the inside air is puujr on co:i-
tmu..lh : and whether you are asleep or
iv.av from ho'iie mi liae the satis
faction ot knowing that your fowls arc
comfortable and that no snow or drafts
of air can reach them, an! that
the ventilation : complete. J'ouUry
How Eucenic Lives.
. I
iheox-Kmnro-.s Kujrenie hr. retired
.- .,..,.. .. ,. ..,;...,
' p -
on the irroutnis 01 tier res deuce a u
perb uiauo'eum lor Napoleon III., the
; rrincc linnprial anil hero.f. Sin Jiej:
in the ame r'.tomv -tale which was
kept up at t 'htM.' iiurst. he occupies
her davs in read. 111:. wntmc her me
moirs, iwei ins -tu-li accre.incd -isitor
a may p o-ent tntmene- ami pay xi"
occasional vjiL to trie tomb .die pre
fer walking to dr:vnr. and i- alwavs
loliowed by a doe; he carries a cine,
and ne oberver Shis-. that she u-es
it with as juiic'i real jrrjfc-e. thu:h it
' wa :i -Vr- rs tne weisiii d
3'"ir" :uu- sorrow wi.tiirni;-.. tor
l"" rl ""'". "" '.". .. 4
OosmetlCi-. V lttJ the ratae ce Uetrv
ol a fpannuM who i ecamea s arisienne,
1 u enic cn uot submit to the r.ixirc -
of time on a comp.eion once wboljy
iitimirab.ii. ami hi
Bathing in pubic raools i?
the latest
jtcdagopo. innoxatsn in (iermany.
wnirn nas re..veu nu.- Hcir.y appro?-
.... , , ,
al ft ir. ivoch. tne i ro:e--or
Ilypiene in iMjrlin. and of IVisce Al-
brccLt. who th.nk this urocetiure "has
trri'it future." The Itiirrotu.xsvr oi
(ottmiron informs the Herhn latreWac:
that wiien bathitir: was ir.-t introduced
in the vublic s,-ho.l of that lowti. onlv
a tew tt the pupils av-dc i thcmejve.s
.-., ... . , . ,
01 the nav-.lerrc whereas novr t;e-han-
,. , , -. - -vnn .,,,. ,, . . .,,. ..
tire lout of? vcnhundrd rfatilv tskc
parr in it .several times a week ll;
ciuidrcn are bathed m sM"t,ons of six ta
-,. , . , -- - - -- -
of tx bft.h how j.olf - LTealet
' enonr aiii ttconiii to siniir. Anri
in the homes of the poorer c.-.iidren.
too. tneir new hamt o: cieanhnes ere
already eercisit;r: a mo-t bentlcial ia-
such errors as to serioulv menace life ;
in case tiiey had beea frfled as the dco-
tors wrote ihem. Pfiifodttehiz jfc-csi.
?r CtMintenauce I. :i ' dmnp-... 'I hink of the .mnmlenf-. d nKis5Kl :o choice h-iavr 1 SS ft
Salt Worn by the leader of FUIot
Noel fuiiiMiiatJun-.
-- .j, are mo,t ZTZIJr jt-
al :hi5 5..a.on becani-e the "taste
r....... dirtates wool for street
?u-; Tee . howeTt.r arc in .wo
.;nct . from j,
combinations of two fabrics, with wool
predominating a the over-dress, and
the preference b-?inr for smooth cloth?
while Kngii-h gowns are entirely of oe
material, xvhich is usually homespun.
-ergo boucle or other rough-surfaced
Tlie taorite rombinatoas for Frenrh
co-tumet ron-iM of the :noolh-iinihed
Amazor. or" cl'th for the basque,
drr.perv- and jacket, w;;h a -kirt. ve-t.
cidlnr and cufl of velvet or of plu-h.
ir el-e of lij'ured cloth, wool, with
rouirh boucle or Astrakhan stripes or
border, or it may be lripes of velvet
or pluh on a wool ground. Tne new
est drs-e- are without lkuu e-. and
have vt:rr few inait? ia the lower ?kirt.
j';ain Telvet or pluh -ki
lo worn Mwj,.r noih c
irt are revived.
or camel's-hair
oer-dree. The plain .kirt 1 ab an
two yard- and a quarter wide, 1 sim-
ply hemmed or tiuihtl with a braid,
aiid i mounted on a foundation skirt
whi-h U entirely rou enls. The full-
ne-s of this trxglt sk.rt is ma-Hl in
the back, and in manr asc the -v.ivet
onJv extends haif-w ay up lb- fouuJa-
j pj,r x5 the upjvr part is mu-
c(Jald bv the owrsktru 'Die present
fancy, however, j for showing the el-
vet quite high on the hipi. or at leas;
on oue i p. makng it visible all the
way up lo the belt If nn idait- are
ueii in this -kirt, thev are laid in the
Imrt tjs -iej by the dranerv and alv
m the back. ome skirt are three
yards or more iu widt'i. and are laid
smooth ami plain in front for the -pace
of half a ard. and then turning back
ward in large .-hallow -tde pia.ta,
deeper folded m the bu k.
The over k:rt or
ura:er oi
f l'rench
dre-e i- mad- very long in lrut and
bu'k. and ver -hurt on the .side., be
ing romclimcs omitted altogether 0:1
th- d -s.s! as to aIiow tic- rih fabric ot
the lower skirt from wai-t to fool. Tne
apron ; festooned ami wrinkled aero-.
or t..,4. it iv i:ii(1 in ,!:U k j. .ll:ut, in (l
inU, ,... Very faneifu! cord- drape
tH.t. aprons, r e.e they are orna
mettled with p!am;e-. or there may be
braid or bead ormarneiits set ever the
open space on the hips, or the cords
may be festooned aero thi- .sjia-e.
The back dmoerv in -trab'ht llowm"
top down in Hedonist folds
and in otl puf.-. Sahe- ananged in
wide, long loop- and end- are ad. led to
many dre-.-e-. especially if the ovcr
r.kirt i- in straight plait There are
aNo sa-h elTecls mad- ol the materia'.
------- - -
u-,,.n jt 1 Mt and not Icki he:iv. in tlie
v.-as dnrinir the summer. 'Iut steels
umI :l ftihiosi pad area-ain ned ncros
ti. mcK of tj,e jower ;rU jul sjH.rc
:m t.fiurl to ,1.0 awav with the heaw
,h.on and ue a "third steel in it
piJlt.,., ,,r t.j,u plait'.ne-, or wiiririnare
M.u-,.,'" below the Im-1s. Xlpaca is
morc-ued everv eaon for toundat on
j.j.ju;, ;,e low-price! silks do not
wear as well a.s the Mjonir wool of the
,ir. thi, ,kir: Mii.norts theover-
thoroujrhiv. but without beinjr douoled
upon it iu an part, as the object is to
make the shirt of as lijrht
pobible. liurper's I'm utr.
The Irl-r if e nT Th-e ll.tncrriiu
X.hiili T1U a U1..M1I Tule.
' It was on account of the paper.-'
raisine; uch a fns alnml lis," said the
... ,. , . , 1... i,i.,.. 1
UiMLI 'l .1 tl4iVIIV.t I ... t. ..I 4. i iltl.'.
the stnli of a ciar and leaned against
tilt Wall
Ve.' he continued, after a bit.
f,..,r tlie e-ood old davs Intve 11:1 d for-
ever. Time was when 1 made it
a j raet'co to run over two people every
day m the week, but now if 1 hit one
once a momh I am considered in luck.''
Ku-r kill any one?"
l'!es you! but 1 don't want to
bra! It wouldn't look modest n me
to pull out a diary and rivo you names
and date, or to risk on to come up
to the cemetery and behold the
irravetone ol my Von may
infer, sr un ou may infer that I
de-olated my full share of the hearth
stone ot th s cSv "
Mmished li of ohic,e. eh?"
Mr! I trust ou will believe, me
when I tell you th..t I 1 ave taken eifrht
wheel off in a .s.nle morniiir, ami I
wasn't feel in"; my b-.t. either. I hud u
forenoon's drive of. ay. tifteen miles,
and it 1 didn't rub three or four hor-e.
smaii into live or s: v. itie and leave
.-onto old man or io.:ii'' ch.ld lvmr uu-
coneioi. in the irutter. I drove into tlie
lnrti feelin" thrit the tune had come for
llu. lo hecome a wo d awvcr.'
Lver arrested?" '
"Yes. sir tifty-eiirht times. The re- j
su't was always the .same not niihy.
I never had the least trouble proving
that it xva not my fault."'
"And a ch.uifre ha- come?"
"Yes. s:r. a mat chamre. Tlie
pape-, irot atter us. the pdice lejin to
wat.-h. and the ; uniic irol to te-
; i;..r;.,n- f.,nt we hnd no nMiti nbir r.V
; orer .,..- drivers. Si. months ao 1
, MUahed up a prvate catnap and xu
. j ..uj So ,,av iv0 hnndrefi dollar-
' .how. and xve dan't let a wheel touch
t a j-cde-tnan. Ah. ir. imt ;t a sad
uli'inm fnr iii.-..f-r -i! f? i- l.r i-
........,v.. ..... .... ....... . .7 .. w ...
' in. - Uu. who,M u,:cher b;n.. and
nlremiv lh mann:v o: 11s ii-iv-r, hav
committed -uic'do or :oih to ork at
other trade, it how. sir. how a .r-
tain da- of men can be xer.-ecatod
and kni-cketl aloi:t until they are ao
loader anv iruod." Isziroit J-ret Proa.
An Emotional Nature-
Sirs. Peterhy xvas besy cuttinjr net
' husband's hair. Their littie s-a Johnny
jvet,-! m some o' the htir rhi w s
' y
a iockoi
-Ye, mv ch:id- Jnst w there.
(rione. what an anectiosalo. little lei-
waat an anectiosate nzzie let-
L. Tnat cliild lias more hex
ir child of his z.Z'i I ever saw.
low he i.
than am
He wani to keep a lock of
& keepsake. He is the bi:
' is."
VOOr hair a
. 1. T..
A.SJ IU A u.v-
hohbv horse, his tail is too thtn," xi-
pljed'the atTectionaite little creature---
- cy s . - a
Tezas Sijluigs.
A Boat tSuilt in Alaska.
During this last winter on the Yukon
Mr. Farciot performed a winca it
will be hard to and emn.Hed in the his
tory of mechanics. He Uiih & bot
and an cnpn w:th which u propel iL
having at his disposal only the wood
obtainable in the vicinity, a few
lengths of ga. pipe, taken from th?
citx to Le itsil in mining operations,
on- or two nl- and a ratchet, with a
few wKd-cuiting tools. With ca
and tool he constructed a
profiler w hch cam! h at a. tW raw
of .-eTca knot. aa hour twelve hundred
mdu. and which can now be tiea in
the machinery department of th Mechanic-"
1'xr iioa. where it wa piaf-d
a few da ao. The enre c m
jHi w noil) of piece p gar-pipe, a
one ran .ee by it The r 1
inder i, the rwt himI all th
iron work xre sa-pipe. excjl Ue pr
i'Iler aad itr center, the forufrer ln.aj
beaten iron and the latter iron nuts I:
! a lugea.crt. a piece of wechaaJti a
wm eier built, ami ha proed a- ?-
f"tie a it :s iag n:ous. lie tateodfl
to ptace the engine n a bark. ean..
hut not b-iag able lo bu"W strong
enough, he coattructr! a wiiodeB boM
abont nitcn feet long, to which i.e
maJe the descent of the Vokoa to !
mouth, and tben-e around by wa to
iu MirbaeK Ihinng Uw trip ox ea
h-em-ounten-d a st
old -a capta a who
shed tear, of alarm
he encountered a storm which made an
accompafeted h rn
sned tears of alarm a sait as iae pra
w th wi.ieb he was deluged, jiut the
little propeller brought bth afe t..
jrt, and wa .ubepiet,th brought
down to San Franci-co In Lieutenant
Monev.- - u'r-c lin!!tn
The Incroae of lii.anltj.
FkiM t:jj'orl.s s0 iaiier .rs Mr. T.
It. ?utjra, not T. of wtitiin vfi reuvir!
Ti.1 i trih: ul! laeaaur tins in
cronsrnl 40 mr te:,u in a tlecads aud uil
of the ca- are lie urittiio. V'tt-v r th
inthvi lual cause nmy li-, Uo fnrt re:i.mits
that Uric Arid UUtwl na tl brsiu 00 tire,
destroys t tissues, and thon cxmiu o:ae
form ot 'aval Iuiiqcv.
Nothing id u pi:iaLlea.s a nimd dt-nod(l.
Jul bruin irouUoa lsiu la ;u- httiuiuch;
Mien if thr bl4s(l is lillod with uric utn.l,
cnu.ed by tailure of Lidiiwy action. iid tho
consequent d'-.strucUou ot the bhxxi lift
altiimit-n iu Luvm the luol and the t!ani
uiul a ' ram in lull hlueu.-, when oarae,
or iu slow com! u.stlou, a, in mildor furmi
of msnnity. Kev. E. I). Hopkins, of St
JuhiiM.ury. Vt,, n few eors u-o was cun
fmd in mi uhvIuiu. lie took u t-rrlUe
cold while aiding iu putting tut 11 lire in a
nei-hUir burning fioUs.-. and lor twenty
live yearn thai cold whs low!v tiiiui his
biooti wbh uric aeti and finally the deaulv
wort wai done. The ease iiKiked lneleiw
hut he huppilv U.sed anier1 Mitt? cure
and recovered. Thut was three ear no
mid hnvin- ridden 1 i 11om1 of nil mirpnia
uric acid, he ha remained w!l until thu
da v.
It is indeed a terriMe thim; to loe one's
lind. but it 1. a more terrible thins; to suf
fer Kurh a condiMoa whea it can be bo
auiiiH" iroveuted.
A XlEXTXNT ;ttiv.Tt4l'. ""IVeih la-erf -1
without jwuii." Tln shiw,ni" iMrV.l
riisrreri-.. h-tuM-u a ileatist aail a rio
A". 1". (tMI'hlf.
Life In the Parht SoTTrm
is jiossihlo, for n short time, to,
hut the uijont of rutined persuao u-uuld
prefer iianedlute deaih to eiLstete e in
tleir roklii atuuisjihere. ibw iiiucii
tnor" reV4.1tiii to ! 111 one's self n iiriug
irirr. itut thti is iirttMilly the ns jtn
thoe in whom the inuctivitv of the liver
drives the refuse matter otr th UkIv to
escape through the luns, lirenth. tho
jwres, kidnevrt and bhuhler. It i atoa
Isliini; tliat hie remain- tiMich 11 dwlliu.
Dr. I'lerce'K "Go!d-n .Medical Dineovurv"
restores uorinui purity to the system uiul
recows tne whole bem.
"tTriAT is the thinjlKiit ricii"
nskel the Sij!nlHv-i-rhHi SiiK-rinteMdent.
Ami Hi n- ly aid. "Not having uuy."
llurt'tU I'u.ti.
Her face po fair, on flesh It fmed not.
Hut hoHveiily portrait ot hrteht aairei s huo.
Clear ii the ky. without a h2aat or .!.
Through y.o-jiy tinxturu of coin4eilon
And In her cheeks thevenaell rel dldahovr."
Tins is the iKhJt'di-criptioinif a woman
whose phvsicnl system wa in a perfectly
I .sound and healthy stafi, with every func
tion acting properly, and tne enviainr
condit-on of iu fnlr patron.- prwlucei by
Dr. Pierce's " Favorite I-roacription."
Any druggist-
I.vor'KrK asks: What must 1 doti niiki
m liBiiu hft? Ii nolo it!". llvsl'.H
t i-ii r.
Throrr Away Tras-c-
and employ the rndicnl, new method,
punranteed'to ix-rmaneatlv cure th" worst
case? of rupture. Send two letter stamp
for references. p.i::n-hl-t and toruw.
Vvorld'j Disi'n.strv Medical Association,
Mt Main
ain Street, Bullalo. X Y.
A TAejtTSVAV wiin wfiit to wbnt
romr the uind wa. foe ml it W . A". Y.
l'iKi:.sTooTUACnK7)Koes careln t ttHnwK JT
tifttn't SmJtnr Stm? U'-nifi- urd UmuUu.
Cl'.HM.VN I Olt. IlUMOVCK till C'oiTl.s . ItCtJOOA.
BAsr-n.M.i. is a ct:riti- rnm". So on
ns a player pets out he is oitiiotl to cw.s
The iest cough iadlcin? i I'l-o's Cure
for Consumption. Sold evurywhuro. 20t-
Whv i. n baloon vovnrer zr.itty t" l
favie!' iJe-u, h; ri- rafMtilr in tt
worid. and hns most excellent prtjw-ta.
Tnr. tVomaa Question ".Sow ia't th t
n prrtty tim of ntcht for you to et
ftoei-" y.iUnnal tterklv.
THE GENERAL MARKETS. rrrr. fH-totr 1?
CATTI.K sh'pn'nc terr Jt s; ft
3 1
1 irs
a so
Illltcher- -eCr .. 1W ft
: J
Ul TTKH ' ar.e crorr .
t HKB!-yn crtmw
M.; Cao-ee
iKr... .
x- ! Msiirt uarofcat
I OT AT0K5 New
CVTTLE ?Wt?r W5 . . . .
Hnira-K-' tcs, .
sHEKP i a r to cSmmc
riit'ft Choicr
xx HF T-N :ro
ttICX Na. r -
4 tn ft i it
3 rrt 4 ii.
S3i ft X
r ft x r-
4 m ft 4 a
3'-ft :s.
6 ft rt
t.T-N S
t HrK No. s
riSeitCx3m ":::::. ".
: tillf n.i
! rATTLB Siinatar r. . 3 fc JW
, SKEBjyR.rW,rtlkw . . :m ft jw
FJjfirK xvu;: wheal ... . ( ii 4Vo
"" v 5 S ,
t. prar
vVi-: "" " ---
N. r iDrirur w t
-rs4 r-t
ai if. ei
U fe rs ;
SO & ii) ,
Z S &. S 7
4 03 fc 141 j
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sma 51 x
rriitt s: 1
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iUi it 13 tn !
IltTTEH Crw-ua-irT..
, iUKK
nkxv- TOltK.
1 m-
o.iitssk. r
.T Wetftrn I2Jlei.
j IJUTTEK CrvAxaerr
; rnxr
- Men Think
they know zll zbozl Mustang Lin
iment. Few do. Not to know is
not Lo hsvc
SiifiTs Ionic Syrnj
The prcri'tfi" of th:i tt If ra'.d rsedicisr
jmillr cU.Zi fo- it s. tip nor:: -ver xi! rra
vtiti txer ef.r-'tl :a Mse psh !r t SATE.
; FcTrr or Ci.ii.ia.a-l?r -xtttV
r f ihor: or ieasr txa4:a; H rtUrt to tae
aurc Wrtlera s.&4 Stttarz caaat-r u .?
a: ut;msy to :t tmU ti v& &ckrua
tatt la a ca atTer nll it fail :? crr .f
tad.rct.oajkrt itnciiy foiiowe-ts.aicame-4
cv Is . trrei: a-s ccii uaf -c tfe a&i
bees t.acic: tor 1 care. s.a4 rkci iiauwi
have teeca tnrti by x tia;it bttl ".'Ji a per
fect rettaraaoc of tA- faer.l ht3 ll .
hff-acvtr.prciett.2ii ic tvryca aitets
taia to e&rt. :i i.t u u eoattaad ic rLxlir
cois far a wttk cr fxa tfwr the (tii txi X9rt escil.y tauneait&ajt
loar-.iad:tr tiii Uaaaily ttu aiAict
v:il not rc-jalr - aid lo kc t p t& !ospl la
prood rttr Sa ..4 the puti-st Iswrtx r
qairaea.ta.rt: uei:ria ztirrt'-:n;u.kta
tar?- or four Cnss cf tir Tit.c s. wai date
u-iU be $ U s.o other
The Hrnx-dlc o? ttie D).
Trlnclpkl IIBff. sS aalo st.. MM ! II S I, KV.
tl- U liosTltotir ktout
bt..u M. C
.s . m stcck r
1-1. O
ilrp '!t(JSta.!
t .1 r .- fr
"Zttm jr' I r
I 11 rir ! ffn
. Ii
m tt I. .K. . .4. ... ...
m a .- ' r't . 1 f eru . 1 ,.. .. t
u'ti't h hr . n t .'"... i r
rC" 1 n. n . ivifi'm a.1-. . 1 f-- M m
tkf I rf drr M .JJW..IL f- . (IH.... 1N.
Iralc-il t I.llcr -1 J... y.t't-r 1 . .1 tn -
vwto((:i,.,- mf.(j : 1 nj, 'Ann t, K
Siuffing Up.
Tor ii !!. 1 ' t ti
ratarrii wit- r f, rr
lrjw f ' :
itsn wltt '." . t:
tmwjIj ft-i! Z
ap." t. 1 " - -rtclmi
r '
t: Kr. ' i- iw l.
-a IlOr.C" A'1
CM.-r. M It . U.
o-mI. K u
Holnc a tutl'T tru
ChrwnK c'ali. vr
rvxtni' . vj
wfeverBS I
Darlns il- ' ' j-rs
K! ll I fa pt-iVl ,0 v'"
h iiLi:tN i-n., CrT- rtricrn
SlruarnrT. !-- fc-i .IwCf
A paMI-lr r-.l,!li- n t -tT '"C"
U fTjf-'txr ' .,. OrjjJ. J. hr I J
ctrecur. M.I t,Tiii.lih, 0--
Sorolola of Longs,
1 arr n'w 19 tfm '-1 JsO'Tf r." r ' -r , tt
f.fl'- Vta- !;;. xlxi'.e T" ,' , . ' .
ran IxTJ .- iu mint ," f. t
I u: .-ni r-irr -r :rf u. t'. . ' ' , t w
U&S X fc;-!i r. al hU.f r . -- ' - .-
Hn.sjlT " "r.o- lit j ' "-lf v il fc
S. S . riB'm'-.r ll U" aln T html Im-to iT-:'t
lritrS' -4 s. Us in la 'I' iac lr wtiosv. I t-4
t'7 ' Th f"S w"!1 My trms lk
Iff m m r! a ri-. -! 1 '. !f
poar m-r- ti,n . - J'j . . t if 1 I
tl.' r )irit. - ' r ,--' J ! t f 1h fr-.irr.ffc.
bu ', f I,'" r, '- ' '- ' 'C-. " ' ' -
fc i r ft,H (. u. . .uai . ' tH
.: 7 j h -.t
M . -8 rry j . T 1JT.
II ' '' f I' . f -
7.- r -r r ( . 'r. - A'eii. i.,w
,-S.I ft i sc k ' .1 t -r
DB" ".l - f rt jl,. t . fcfcf
W-. rf ta I'tvavu . alprvT4ri?tc
to tr? wr tx.Tn Tar xjtts srvr w s rrr :t maxtx.
r nr :"''' ' "- ; '. a "p
; V.ip DR. EAHFORD'S- ! , .' IC
! r-r fw 1t-t Cts -4 S r if -
fl-nrl ' -wl"WK.. 1. jrr-r ltrv
xt i -m - w . jxt. :r-ir -i-
n-jrvbf -!
a DRuseisrs story.
lUlua f.r Ut U.n. , . "
yri '-r e-i,ttf . j i t .t I .
' ' -' i
' -,rt, a
-- -S---. . 1 1
rEEDLEsT7 -.-
115 MORrniXE fI.lR!T- 1 t
I 1 rJ -m - . - t-x-t-i - r
TftH.i.ii. iiraAxn
aiUMJiai ia.ur.r'M.i--.
Many a Lady
is beautiful, ail but her skin
and nobody has ever told
her ho'.v easy it is to put
beauty on the skin. Beauty
on the skin is Magnolia
(S r.' M 1.1 r W-
--r -mm j . .
v r. ttrv ti.s3s. v
1- A-kik$iA
-X VxLrs T
i yw l
Kaak2f -R ijUcSvljTaMrJavaarBalalav
Listen to Your Wife
ciiap oi rrtktrr4ro a4 cnxt i3A
of ilay W!Tr Tfccrr jl an latcr
c4SM cn.
I: uximlod ww tJk U4 X?am i -CvAUsa
iptMMT.'' !: . swrw
Tint he wril ly lcar to 80 Is a ma&
Tlii rttp to nv eav
1 a eA Athkwi l-xtttc, JW ao
, a r mi Tj)r r rte
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front I fir market f !! eTltt. IV
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jMi. Jfrjrlfull ,
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