'St" . ft , -4 I rw Any pe nion whe takes tne pncr mrn farlv from the jwjst-oflJce. whether directed to his rwmcor whether he Is a subscriberor not, Ib responsible for the pay. ... The court have ducidttl that refusing to take no papers from tho post-office, or re miovlnjr and leaving them uncalled for. i YOUTH. A poem lr Hoi crt floras, hitherto unpub lished, ha- been found in one of the iefs maiiiis-cript excise iKKiks and Is jdven to tho world by the iHiwutttc. Ifrviw of London, -which indorM-s it a- genuine. It la entitled "youth." and ih as lollow.s: Youth !s tho v.s or: of a rnorn That Hies the comin? day: It tiie hlo o:n on the thorn. U'hsch wild winds -weep away; It ! the SrniiKo of the -ky In jjla&Hy water- .v.-en, AVlien noL a cloud uppears to Hy -Across the blue mt'-iic. Hut. wh-ii rlie wave- ! trlri to roar And lilt their fnnmlriir h-nl. The morning -tars apin.-ar rso more And all the heaven l- tied. "Tin tle.-tlnu a.- the pus-ltur rays Of bright electric lire That tiuiU about with sudden blazo And in that biize expire It N the morn njj'h jrentlc Rale That an it -wltily blow.s Scare" seems to sih acro- the vale Or beml the hhl-hmir rose. Itut.-oon ih'nttheriri;f tempests soar And all the -ky delorm: Tlie Kale In-come t he w hirlwind'S roar, Tlie slyh an ansrry rtorm. J'or Tare, ami ForrowS morbid irloorn. Ami hciirt-forrenllmr Sirlte, And Weulcnt . pomtlnsf to the tomb. Await the Noon of Life. 3IIL PATTERSON'S MISTAKE. the green leave-, had draped the trees. and potted geraniums, which had come lo Ihj so bles-edly popular in New York, lent their summer frcshnc-s. "What .shall I do, doctor?" he -aid to llic white-headed old phy.s'ciau. "Vou say notiiing ails me, but I can tell what my feelings are better than vou can. I know I .shall be down with ' a.....tl1;,r .,.,. I r,..!,. ii..,-,ririili ","""'..,., V .. .. . a Chance. Proposal, and Its er iieckfe. took o.T her apron and then. l--po-ii- like tho-e of the Dover ; this b"--one a I -a'time -o remote "it" siH increased eloe.tv throu-h the hl-h,'r thl" l ,,,:ru"i:,.r- ' b,m trjmg f..r Uw pa.i .rty yr. t.. H-nnv Poqult walked demurely m. , CI ills KngUmi. are being formed at that we eau foriifno conception or it, CStilf of 1 lor da. uhere at la-t it as- to,Unr rat... in Alo-ar su-r lhn but out i. ufau U f Ut a rno n..ppy nosuic. "lie seated, ma am,1 sanl Mr. Patter- the bottom of the ocean to-dav; and bv ' (iratl() Hut even then intu-e iu .-times the name of the Cu!f stream I m a,,-v ulht"r lHrln -rman Kin. oi fooUh, ml hrn I Ami ot IU son. -Sit here please. Allow me to noting the ages of time it takes to raise obedience to tlie -real "overum" m'iud land ae-nnw, a velocity of from ! ,:v ' ? Jn "?:. rurnhTs t ktH.w." b u,JJ hu uJMor - Teter Patterson was ill at least he .sit near you. as i have .something lo a given area an inch, bv mean seven of wa- -torm"- up her ini-ure, lor tho ' two and quarter to' live imle r'-,lV' .7,,i I,,?r ,ok ml rrr, .. J. Tnimm. thought so-a:.d depres-ed; he had a ask which may rcquiru .-.ome consid.-ra- th fast growing coral, we can form beneht of n?.in. who eems the culm.ua- " hour. The width of the ?,--K lh" Io,w''1 niU in c;rmay !! hW, a m,t ,. nlaxr Mb-r lieadaehe; and he hated the du-tv Uon;, . . .4 . . , 4I l4 --omething of a guess how long it would tion of a Divine eclutiouarv advance- .ulf stream, aft. r le.ivinir the llond.i r-touud in . M..iti the avvra vv-k- ab-ml hb clRJa, wrllr a WaaJaj: streets in which the ,un,mer heat , M"C ' ??' ll B com,,,- ttl0llh take for two and a hall miles of aC!.il met.-Vo: a K Jlo Lr in UuUlcn :.lf av.-rag-. thirty-hve mile-, and IfJ; 1..!" ?X -p .ifX . , . , .. i i r .Mr. .Muntle. ( covering to form. ;uyAl ua-. Savannah at a di-tance of about ' . , ' '' ; '" " "A ! r?Ma ''y an R p.rn thaai lh laOMT of hi linriil :in:l the sinniner sun hoiii before I ! L..... . ,-.. L-. ....- l' o ....... .f i..:. .i - .- .t. . i- J -....,. ... l'i tul m tl... I m.ir.. . ki ,.. . u n:m-io.en ..1113 cuiiuieu .ue "uicr . ters.m, "but you know a bachelor M..M!UICt.s. I the formation of bi-.lay-to Ihe -mall po hopital. I j must bo 111 the hands of servants, if he tuminous coal there was a loss of three haven t a doubt vcrv red and nastv- keeps a hoiisjj. A gentleman floesn't fourths of wood and live-.-ixtiis in that lonkin". all of tJ;ni:"aiid while I was' wanL tbat; he wanLsalady to superm- 0f anthracte. There was a L'reater o ,, . , . .... tliiiijr 111 a .store down luivmir somciiuiiir 111 a ilroatlwav tin oilier dav a horrid old woman b gged of me because her hus band was -ick with tvphoid fever. So doubt 1 have cnugh. both di-ea-es, and it's the coinj licat.on tha! jm..les you. 'otiIdn't relish 1113' coH'ec tliis morning; left my m lk-loasl untouched. Hateful life, that of a bachelor at a hotel. Oh, .1....- .....1" liUill III. .-.tnugs. ion must jro to the tiieater and opera if .she is gay. and to church it -he i- pious. At nliy a man likes his .sl.pper-and dressing-gown and (hair of an evening. If it was ju-t .stepping over to the clerrvni:ins and ret:inr married, pulling triii'r on her linrcr ' and -aing or nodding ves two or ' V . ... 1 three times, whv, I wouldn't mind it, you know." Ah, well, courting is the fun of it all, iu my opinion," said the old doctor, but every one lo his ta-te. i And my advice to you is to get out into the country." "To another hotel aud more niercc jiaty waiters!" said Mr. Patterson. "No." saitl the doctor; "go to a nice, private home. I know one a niotherlv widow lady, who cooks a din ner lit lor a King. Kiver before the house, woods behind it, orchard to the left, kitchen garden to the right: no lever ami ague; no mosquitoes, lleav- enly! I am going up there to-morrow, and I'll see if; sheTll take vou." "Vcrv well. "saitl Mr. Patterson; !. I think 1 will trv it." ' 1 "And vou must drink plontv of mTk and cat plenty of nice home-made broad." "Yes. 1 will." said Patterson, over joyed at last . at hearing something I ike a nre-eritition. "And ! that sounded like a pre-criptio vou would advise mdk?" i ..m .. 1. ..1. .1 vi . 1 iu u 11 usi a- no saui no wouiti 11 lie 1....1 .f v.....i.. . T....ti..r 1 1... t .,.-. .,i.w...,i i Jiv utui 1 you many, men.- eaiti .. -. ,. .... . . . . ,,1 "-"" v ...".v. ...... .. .....t ,....-.... .. ll. doctor cer did. ' said the lady to her-elf. jt ,ust have been three hundred and .'.n.v .". 1 c, .... w.i. r,...rt;.wr ",.,;.,. Aloud -he answered: "Well. sir. I am sivtv feet thick. Imairine the time it Patters Jn. "Vou spend sKiuonthsor'so. I-'y fr.."'. it is Iruc. All my children . Would take for leaves to drop and :.t li.;i t. .lnii.rlm.r -,t ., ivoman's Miiri.n I lIV ,ll:irr,i;" WJ"- I accumulate in a solid mass over a great -.- .,. . , ...,.... .. .- .......... ., ...-.-... . "Quart of it everyday," said the thing, and would be married without much more carbon in the atmo-phere doctor. j any' trouble-ome courting. So he at than at pre.-ent, and during this time "I'll take a note of it." saitl Patter- once put his arm around Mrs. Muutle's it was stored away by the wonderful son, "anil if 1 should be vcrv ill .she'll ! waist ami saitl: plants that were so fitted for the pur- nurse me." " "Thank ou. niv dear. I consider ' !"? 'Vnl. too. purilied the air for "Splendidly," .-aitl the doctor, and ' myself very" fortunate." 1 the birds and higher forms that came went his way. j He wrote to hi.s good doctor in about later Mr. Patterson thought the matter ' a fortnight's time.' to tell him that he 1 The curious mineral oil. petroleum, over and thought better of it every dav. I had taken both his prescriptions; was a . was formed similarly to coal by the de and when the little note informing him ' married man. and intended to bring his composition of vegetable or animal re- that the willow would be williii" to "take him in and do for him" reached him. he had his trunk ami portmanteau already packed, and was already to start that afternoon. As for the witlow. the doctor had prepared her for her boarder's peculiarities thus: "Nice fellow; social; plenty of money; thinks himself ill, but "isn't; ought to be married; told htm so, but old bachelors are peculiar, generallv." ! The witlow was what the Yankees yill an ama.ir.g smart woman. She olV all her daughters, was well-to-tlo, buxom and happy. Her son and his wife boarded with her. ami she added to her pleut ful sav ings by taking a summer boarder or two, if they happened to offer. Fifty and a bachelor." said Mrs. IMuntle, looking in the glass. Well. ' cake after a fashion that would have made his reputation at the bar. Then, too. Airs. Muntle did not smile at his .aches and pains and insist that he must 3e erpelu:illy well because he had a fresh complexion anil dimples iu his heeks. She had savory herb teas and potions which she produced .when he complained of feeling miserable, aud she had that blessing for all hypocon .driacs, a homeopathic box in the house. There were remedies in that box for everything; and it was pleasant to find 4hat when there was a crawling sensa tion in your flesh, or a kind of an un easy feeling in your legs, there were daily little erlobules to be had just suited lor your symptoms; mac 10 nna v. " 1 a. .At.ZM.M !n I 9'ouxscii very angry aooui ouuuuj; iu- j he hates the idea 01 courting; marrv off, accountable breakages of iron bridges, tain places in lacu the total number . 1 1....1... .i-?4. : . ... - . . . I .. ...:i- u .1 ...... miiiic :ii, uu tur.jyt; -mil vou nave beams and "irders. He showed is the Ul iaiu ' 01 o uie protiueuve me?' -Yes.' Call in clergyman. Oyer. ro,ull of carul aml iong.Continued ex-, JS'-ISnS?1310 " m" erv peculiar old bachelor, but then ..... , . . 1:?..(X)U: in Scotland. LOX square miles; had married at sixteen, and had never ' above all things intermittent weight. ' contains stratified rocks of all kinds, failed to have her washing over when When live-minute triins are run over somcli,nrt shales, sandstones, con other people were hanging out theirs. I siriU.rs thev can hardlv bo made stron- "'"ca'.cs. But how, you will ask. Her bread always rose, her cake was enough, and even slow and infre iionl were all these layers placed there? always good anil her butter always movement wears out the resist.n" I . colog-shows us that the age ms: sweet. At forty-live she 'had married nn.v.r ti.. cni ii.. ,-. !..,, ?. before the coal was one of -ubmorgencr it seems a pity; but when elderly gen- Mr n..L-,.r .' nn , , p r'nMf.. Pr.ts called cryptograms were com- lie vvas seieneiy nappy, ami j etice;uv , iru-voung man cam- ;o rorrow mijH(HW( nJLaT pn(rrw - ". "n- '., i .lumen marrv it is to some hitv-titv" girl J:Jl t S ,?-" ,1 . . lf ! ? 11: nou a sort of ground pine. A Lyco-1 comfortable. Mildred bail given bun 1 d .liar-- from me. proming to ntnrn it uor4. a chmm nvzim to umpi hl" "r .. Ht IAsl it 1 tl,..r bviiU "tlmm i irriW.i Hf.." -7.i . ". M . mui wouiu t.Uiiu a inn- ,. , .. T,.,. .-. . .. - . ta.r thought, her energy, her time, her : in a day or two; but msP-ad of return-; .,. ,.u,..fr fb itwr . - - ,j rn-sr. J know. .)T tj ,. likely it's for tho best." . .ui;t.: Tt J 1 tl l ilS hisl'- iu this wonderful time was s..ttv endeavor and he was at re-t- 1 mg it he went to a ne.ghU-.ug mmii- crlrr bnu).N i(M ct triV. ""-r.?tt '" " Wy. Then she looked in the glass again: Sj ! K ISJJSS or .sorcmv foet high. One of the com- e awoke from his revtry, witii ier and remarr-H-d ion my money. I ' a tfja, ;wi. ehor ,,. Jhf " mn tm- for the widow was but a woman, Wter . ;or U Sicilian, waich start. was o:.o, cai.cl to a boa-e to , jn-rfo t: . cnj. 4fr. uu, ut. &T w td.-ttlwM.fe,: nil. 1 rSnd he owSn -E Jirowtoa aeight of sixtv or seventv "Mildred." he called. the r.;- of aiurn hat ngth- n- ! IHlcMtor ,rf a Un d f- -r a . v, Mr. Patterson came to the widow's bJill,,ex ?Jt i".;1! 'Vttlr ?w ' fect also- ar-J lh branehe-1 out with No answer. .... '" H1 "T'1" ,nut- mr - Al -uijWs-v omi-i. b- . ny. u . " -rw Viwaite nut! obeyed the doctor's prescription i,whu fno Him Inn irLo., h-i-i"n 1,,n?-naw tQi tk being He became alarmcw. a- it, then. hou-e the friends were all waiting, ta- Wfc d cnw. P.V. H '- V -" Sm carefully. He ate bread and milk. ' vi: - fo- to ! ? r I cowwl uil11 C11 ';! Thevars all a dream.- And was he to be rudely . uible wa, spread with a: ,u.nptn..B nxy-, ,asw.r. tvW bl. ,r. cawiwi. anl. - M". I Ttomij fleam &. robbed the orchards like a school-boy. I wfthout "ettimm eh awakened? , ply. U 1: vu- t M the ct-rt-, UK kry . JU a m. yiwu j1-wllwfc? nnd rerlinod over the str-.iwberrv short- ;.,, t"UI', XUUUl Attcntiou. A. J. trcniclv dan-erous. as thev hollow out. Alas, tor the mutability of human niony ih br de caroe forwanL not 1-an- 8IMK, u.r!w bu-i,ec &t. wio-ria.-. M PorthHM - Hl,x. i. f. T dicatcd pulsatilla, ami tnst. for even un requite.l love there was a medicine For two months ami more Mr. Pat terson boarded with Mr. Muntle, and happier months h had never lived through. Then he went back to the city for a few week-", returning in ur gent need of more pellets from the medine-eliest. and staying until the la-t pink ehrvsanthemiim was blooming on its withered brand-.. He had grown .so fond of h:.s little room with its white curtain-) and fre-h gras bleached linen, of the country irood tilings and of the buxom Mr. Muntle, that he could not bear the thought of parting with them altogether. After all, whv could he not btiv a nuii-i; uuu get. .virs. .wuniie 10 Keep n for him? Perhaps she would. Ho i i i n. ... , i t would ofler a high salary, and .she , could have plenty of servants. Then,. indeed, he might have friend, to dine I I f . if t .1 . I With him. and be as happy as poS-ible. Ji only lie could approach his hostess, j KlinivitKr Iw.r i In. Iil . ! f In. fin- :. .T , . , . r V ii fiidcred her his eoual and a lady -and all that .-,hc certainly was: a little c-oun- l"",' " lhi.t, urn jv- iuii .7 laughter and the widow of a country ......jms. l.wui.c ....-. ..... n, Jier-elf; "what ean he want. 1 lien she blu-Iied brightly, settled i . r wotii' iiwkOir ii iiivi t itt j t considerable mean-, ma'am,1' said the old bachelor, "able to buy a nice house, furnish it weil and live in it comforta bly?" "So I've understood, Mr. Patterson," said the widow. "And. of course, it is pleasantcr to live that way than at a hotel," .said Mr. Patter.-on. 1 -hould judge it might be," said . Mr... 1 1 in tli. "inf wiulv i "" '. ".' W'Y ' '""-' "ion jmige nglillv. said J Mr. I at- ' tend tilings lor Him ..,-" . , some one oi taste all that. Common r.stand his feelings. ( ..41.4 I Villi. lUVIIt llil till tlftl. . ..IlllliUII ; people uon t understand ins leeimgs. and merco nary .servants are a poor de - pcndeiice. 1 'I t. ....' tl.nl " .-..:.i m.. -vt..... 1.. ' . ....w.. ni..., .-.ii ..it.-, .'num.. "1 on are almost as much alone as I, aren t you. Mrs. Muntle?" -aid Mr. Patterson, coaxmgly. 1 "Ihe doctor knew him. lie's iroinir .' .' "I know inonev would be no object to ou," saitl .Mr. Patterson. "Vou have enough. Put if I was to tell vou that I hated boarding-houses and I wanted a home, I think you would have pity tn me. J buv a beautiful house. :,,u' -oU s',!l1' have complete control of ' li tuuig: oniy 10 mai;e niv -iiaw- I I . . ..V. M irr " uun Mioricnhc 101 me an my me. He paused and lookt tl at the lady. That is delicately put." lie thought "Now will you hire out for a house keeper. I wonder." "I ain't romantic, though," said Mr-. Muntle; "but .-till we ain't voting. neither of 11-, and it get- to be just that , with ihe most sentimental after 1 awhilt "Don't refuse me," pleaded Mr. Pat- terson. I "Well. .Mr. Patterson. I won't," said Mrs. Muntle. "I'm my own mistress:, ami though I've never once thought of 1 a second marriage, whv I think I'm warranted in making one. Ami no doubt I shall never repent, for I think you've a line disposition, ami I under-j 'tand your ways aud tastes." Mr. Patter.-on listened. He .saw what I he had done - proposed and been ac- ' cepted without having any idea of what 1 he was about. He looked' at Mrs. Mini- I tie. She was very nice and comelv ami ' ten vears his junior, at least, if she was fort v. He could not have done a better bride home about the lirst of the New Year. Tul-liits. Resistance of Iron. Mr. Pcnjamin Itaker, civil engineer, read a paper before the British Associa tion, in the Section of Mechanics, which goes far to explain some otherwise tin-' rtrmiL,m- UKlt ino !" ol ft n i.ar .. ."... ...I... r . ! to be:ir weight no test of its strength to endure weight in motion. Jt dislikes , bridge is safe if it can bear three t.nies the heaviest weight ever placed upon it: but this is by no means the case if the J weights move, and such a bridge would of twentv " . T Ii? mJIKP I ... , ... . glish bridges are unsafe, from th:s car. se An Elaborate Address. Postal clerks aud postmen in Arabia must hare a great deal of time to spare if they can read the full directions on tho letters placed in their hands. A writer in the Berlin Tagtblatt ives the following specimen address ona letter directed to him: "Jn the name of the merciful God. tho Beneficent, This writing is from one who serves his Lord, from X, the son of X; and if God wills it will get into the hands of our friend Sidi Musa, the son of Hamdalla, the Prussian, the Christian, in the city of Tharabolo. Tripoli, lb iUostrieu, 1a f avmrttlf " . wuvu After muc!, con-ideration he finallv " bonifero,s or coal age, was deposited -Vinong rio, animals of the J; iuw.nK ,n lo hr ho.b.J .f metered courage for the eflort aud twenty-nine million years ago. 1 ou ; ? ttnlt bZTitt'l tew " . , bnrkbrrs &vlu. ;W TJ? --- walked into the front parlor and sent will wonder how., uch a calculation can ; ,Ls .im, u amUn:ul ,. NllIul)t. degrees Kah. 'ibis veloiit; increases l'- fb-graph ..ralor. ?.. ojktr. mlfc wj. J.hjr tom. the servant toLsk Mrs. .Muntletoplea.se ;e made. The result is arrived at bv , of t.olk.(1 -heII collt:lim.;i :in ni-ai, re. as it pa ( ape tatoche ni Vuean, lnU'r;'r- -- 1W. l nvm .f niL-. J.,,... step there lor a moment. j;d hl' out how the dillereut Livers are i l,te,i to iiu ..mii.r.-i. i ..,n,.v on on.- -id.- ami C.ii... t. Tli..nt:i.. m I Wtf,,k, Waf- sp' 'r r. .; . -.I-h lttlli- te4 alaa-rlf at v ..- . t. V . ' - .- -- KV ..-w -.it - - w .....--.- ... .H.. . - I 11 1 riiiii ntriinvi iATirrnnriin md 1 . 1 "- w -'--.. .w - . - .t . . -- -- - w.-w --- - . -- .ii . FOE OUR YOUNG EEADEBS. A HOLE IN HIS MEMORY. I have heard of a boy who lived lorjr a;ro For ueli loj i are not fouud uuw-a-duj.-, you know Who-e friend-' were a troubled a Uiey could bo UccaiiMi of a hole In his memory. A chnrxe from hla motner went In one day. ' And the Uiy said: "Vc, ' and hurried away; Hut tie met a man with a mu-Ical top. j And his mother .s uords through that hole ! did drop. A le-son went In. but, ah met ah rne! , For a loy w;th a hole In h's memory! When he ro-e to n-elte. he wa- all in doubt; Every ord or that It-soa hud falleu out! ' Aud at lat. at lat oh. terrible lot! " "" .-"" -I" " '" .--- -- J-.. J... would it not t;e au iii:-"i to see A ; with a hole in hi-, memory.' II llluitn Arw llurr, in iuutht Comj'inum. ' rrDmiAT?ow nc nnii THE FORMATION OF COAL. Tli Immrn Time Taken to Urine About l-reiil r.eMiii4-iiow w.r w ... I Tlmr I Drtrrniincd. . i- . .1 ii.- According to the calcularon3 of prominent geologists, the stratum of r-irih iiifiT i ri ;rt!ii( nlfiPi i- Two linn; uud a half thick, constituting the car- .- - ... . ; . . i . -. ueposiieo, ami e-jiimaung wie larger ones by the smaller. As an example, the same agencies are at work now as cr.tes, the great beds of coal in Penn sylvania and other sections were depo-ited. and as we sit by a spark ling coal-liro wc are, after all. t watching a wood one the wood of twenty-nine million vcar- ajro. If vou doubt thi-, grind a piece of eoal down as thin as possible and place it under a i micro-cone, when tho wooilv liner w311 be l.laiiilv seen. : i i : i..i. .1 .... .uini-rai cuiii is uiitn'iy uiu 'iemeui f carbon mixed with other bituminous ,)5S ,y decomposition, and a reduction of bulk by pic-Mire, from above, and tnmi ti.;s ;, ;s n.smi.,i il,..r it took (.T Ollllv l)V I froln this it ;s .sum,.tl that it took ht feet of leaves and twiirs that clroppt'd from the trees and blew to- ..' ' ..... geiner. pacKeu cio-eiv, to make one f00t of bituminous coal, and twelve f,.ot to make one of anthracite. To niakl. :l iJt.(l (lf ro:li ,,irtv f(.,.t ti.ieL- lib., tl... one in Wilk..sb:irr... tin. sf . - . . W . . . W - - . . ... ....... '-.. . . . U area as high as the tallest church pire! Hence it is that seams or la vers of pure coal are rarelv vcrv thick. Olten- times the laver is as thin :is a piece of paper, but the average is auout ei!tit feet. The Pittsburgh seam, at the place of the same name, is just thi- thickness, andean lie seen on the high .-bores from the Monongahela Kiver. and traced into Virginia and Oh.o. over an area of two hundred and twenty-live by one hun dred miles, and even into Kentucky. It taries al-o in thickness as in the Cum berland basin it is fourteen feet thick. six at Wheeling, live at Athens, ().. and on the (ireat Kanawha from two to three feet. Coal-beds form much quicker under water, wliere the leaves were held in place and retained their ga-eou- parts whi. h would be lost in the atmosphere. The common 1 cat-beds of lo-da are perhaps coal-beds of the future at least, thev resemble iu origin the old plant-beds. Over one-tenth of Ireland is covered with peat-bed-, some forty feet deep. Iu Massachusetts alone, there ate over PJO,('00,U(.O cords of it. Trees are ofien found buried in them. and in Ireland a gigantic fossil elk is found. Vou may wonder whore all (ho car- bon came from that r-ecnis to be the prominent ingredient in coal. It is be- Iieved that in the coal age there was niains. either marine or terrestrial, buried in mud, in time slowly changm" into oil. or some materials that pro duce it by tPstillation: but oil. unlike the coal. Is found in the layers of all ages, from tho lower Silurian wells of Kentucky and Tennessee to the Terti ary wells of Southern California. Like other strata, that of the coal age only appears at the surface at cer- .".vw. --. ......... -,. v . . .1.111. 1.111 irclanil. l.SU.O0C. and in Knglantl. -'.- -J.'iO.fKX) square miW Then again, it is not always represented bv coal. It i:iai 1?. 1110-1 01 me lanti was tinner water: lut later, there was a rising, ami great traits of swamp-land ap peared. In them grew trees and veVe- union in tation totally unlike those of to-dav. - fns cvGn being trees, antl large I ones. too. ihe vegetation was won- 1 derfnllv nrofuse. Curious iWrl.. - - - -- j become Idled with sand aiid rock, and t when broken off below, shoot down upon the miners. Their roots are often found spreatling through the coal in every direction. The Lep odendrons were another form, and a tree of this genus was found in a new castle mine forty feet hiTh and thirteen feet in diameter. The bmnches were as perfect as possible and about twenty in number. With all thi luxuriant foliage there were few, if a.ny, flowers, the great scarred trees and monster ferns forming tho most conspicuous objects out of the three hundred and fifty coal plants that we know of. And" with all tils there were no birds; thfv had not vet come. Tha onlj- living acinulu were noarah- i". .--.. loving insects. sco.pions. era. s. j THE GULF STREAM, worms, a few Trilobites. (or three- I l"fed crabs), the curiou.s Crinoids An "trri.nn T..pic intrrttnciy iu andafew reptiles: ,o that prolab!v ' " Mmui-r i the onlv sound heard w:t the croaking ; from tlie low retile3 that lived iu the .' ne Iu-t interesting subject pr- bwamp.s. cnted on the voyage this way. is the A eurious reptile called the Dendrcr- Cult Mream Ic form a ne-.er ondin" peton ha; been found coiled up in the I trunk of a great fo?a igihana :n v ......... ei. i i ..... r. . t . .ova.-fou:i. ii naii a cunous .empi- ! tired hea.I. was covered with alcs. and related to the great frog-like Labarynthodout that was aj large :us u elephant. In the coal measure near Wc-tmor- land. Pa., singular iootjintiLs are often found, and one was traced tor a long distance iu a layer one hundred lev: be low the Pittsburgh coaL The hind feet were iive-toed. and the fore feet four toed. The distance between tiiu tracks wa-i about eiirht inches, showmir :t to current is then Mipplcmmtcd hy trie have been a large animal It was a ba- tlow of the lmnieu-e Ania on. th lar trachian. so relatecl to ihe tro::-. fiud ' river in the worM. wh.ch enitties . . . .,,... .,, .,-, , I . " . - . ' m tne Aova Scotia toal iiieasur: a ; - - !5 , . , . J,!IS j,, ftmti t ,h.4 t, to-ann. . Miit u"u tin i-i ..w.t.t rJ tli .,w....tp , ... .. , j .. Kav . ULlIk J fc - mA k .akkW sea. . . . other forms equallv ititere-tiii". j Such were -ume" of the inhabitant- i nmi tii. f.n..rMi ..... w........ ...... ti... .......i.i al.ll Story of an Intelligent, ami Noblr Xuw f.tiiiiill.in.1 I). Hero is a great, shaggv Newfound land tlog. At night he is left alone iu a large store to keep watch During the day he sleeps. Any one would think he was a very hiy tlog; but in tiie night he is on the 'ilert. At the slightest nowe he bound- from one end of the long .-tore to the other. One night the store next to that wheie Hero watched w;is broken into by burgiars, and the iron -afe opened. Hero heard the noise that wa m.ide. In hi.s etlorLs to punish the oflender- ho gnawed at the front door, ami tore great .strips of wood from them. In th morning Hero was puui-lied for mar ring the docr- Allcrward. when the reason was known, he w a prai-ed, pet ted and called a noble dog. He trots oil' to the butcher's every day for his dinner. hen it i.s tune lor him to go one ot the cbrks put- a .June between his teeth. Away he goes, de posits it in t'ic butcher's hand, ami iu return obtains a piece of meat. One day there was no .small change at hand. The clerk pieked up a piece of wrapping-paper from the floor, and wrote: "PieasO give Hero hi- meat and charge." "Now go alter our dinner." sa;d the clerk. Awav ic went, vv.th me paper wiiere ne u-uaiiy earned a dime. The next dav at norm the clerks WPDn , i,..ro.. t. ,. .;.!.... ...,,i .i,ki.k.. i ;. I c ". dav at noon the clerks The stream, tak n' as before stab-d. ' llu! lnr"v i'iu,' " th t'"ty ihur ut to" wanted hi- dinner, an K. N. K. direction, cros-iug the I IV v" "' or thiee time, a-much. were all bus v. 11 out 110 one attended to linn, lie was vcrv hungry. Soon he began to think he was neglected, bo be picked up a scrap ot paper, and vcrv tju.etly walked awav with it to get his meat, The butcher, who knew him well, rt wartleJ him rovallv for hi intelligence. Another t.me, wh.lu in the market, he became t.ietJ of waiting for the la dies to be st rveti. Without e,Ji a bark of "bv our leave," he -natched a nice Poiter-iiou-e steak and away he ran. leaving hi- ten cents: ilia owner thinks that there is not an other .such Hero iu tiie world. They are often seen together on tho stive.. Hero looks vcrv dgn.lied as he walks by h s master's -,de, sometimes carry ing his gloves or newspaper for h.m. His long, shaugv hair is clipped everv .summer, lie seems to ne ashamed 01 his appearance for a dav or two. At sight of a stranger he will slink under his master s de.-k, or into . f . a corner. Our Little Una. WEBS OF MEMORY. The ranH.-i ..r Tun MltnU IVIiIIe the I'.ir lor Fire Viis ioljr Coc.linc. "Mildred!" It was the young wife's name which was called, and the hu-baiid was eitting iu the cozy parlor of their happy little home, reading by the soft light of the Argand burner and resting h s slippered feet upon burnished brass in front of a giowing tire of rosy embers. Mildred!" he elided again. :is when a lover he breathed her name, the sweetest in all the world to him. Put there was no answer "All," he murmured, "the dear girl tloe.s not hear her husband's voice." ami he lay back in his easv -chair, and watc'ied the blue llanics dance in and out among the sparkling coals. At stub a time memory weaves cunn n webs of softened colors and iweet des.gns. and the voting liu-bainFs thoughts Hew back .mil forth in the loom of the pa-t- 'I hree years ago be had been a moth- er's petted darbtig. with no wish uu- , gratified, no comfort neg ectetl. no lux- , had llllod h:s mother's place arvl matle heart a tender longing, an empty vo..L ing the man rettirm,! and wanted the ll ?1FJ 'w -W- which, so far n h.s happv life, had re- marriage undone. ,ut all I eoiiltl ilo unnsranole a ti- hiero"Ipbrs on tl.. "-r"' ". mained untilled. Mildred Kay came, wa- -imply to refer them to a laww. " ,'j j " thrrv Mt. lb r im fj ay tr" 111 1U1LU.1VII. - '- n -.... ..,...,. ..... .......... uu ..... ...i, ,.i,u..-, . 1 ,,, ,.,.,w.ri.. r.f kMii tr-n t..,.r.. "'" "" ov".v.. - """ : , -- - - - -- ............ other that nprt'ni article in io- ' ." , , . T wife w:is greiiter than the im.ther. A sad. is where I one married .1 oung nKin tJ, aa nini-s urh -'w Tb- tJM vear pas-ed. and Mildrctl wa., h.s wife. - , onp!e. and when I had pronounced ,,. for, ftft fCrmiliD1r -! yrtii-s-r ? MWrl," wM h to tlentle. lov.ug. Ixatitiful. he t;ok her to them inan ami vv.fe the young loan jmI . j.tJfn "p.,. 3 jt. itbohv nl ia ? "lii ? rti Mtr t Ww?. their new home, and for two ear- ske me one dollar, ami exp.amed he &v,, " ,,"1... u.m .. u- , ,"t. i I.1'rf io nrtwlgV-al oMwirtlMM f i . - ; 1 .....a..i.a...L . .!. . : nomeatiei giiuui iubj. a iom-a... . . Para.lisO upon earth, yet far aoove it. 1 . --..- - afl'atr- Mildred. he. called, for the fourth ! time. Yes," came the swt-:-voiced aaswel , from a sofa over m thecorner. Oh." ho said, in atone of relief. "Are you there, darling?" Yes. husband miD.r' "Well, love, the tire is going out: won' t vou go and kring in some more coal?" Not much. Pefcev! I've been doing the loving-wife sfave racket lon enough, and if yen want any more cook you'll get it yoerself. You" hear rae'." Mildred's memory had been veering a few cunning webs, itself, wkile that fir was slowly getting cold mlcrahani Traveler l0ic of in,.llin. nnil SHHnialio. h ,, . ,n , ' . . ' , . . MnL-to te creaU-d and su taxied br ' the n'lan tn wul n thtr N. II Irtion ol the Atlantic, deflecting due west and by beng un.ted to :he . K. I tra,ic wnt oi :,c 0t, Ailanuc. ntn- ning to the X. ". wr.ere it Join the current formed by the X. H trade w.nd. making what is caller! the ep:atxrial current, increasing m wloc.tv a it ne:tr Tape St. Kowie. the N. K. point j oi the outh Anu-ncan continent. I hi into the sea about twenty i in ! South of the equator. There the Orinoco flows iu this equatorial curreat. alrea.lv h.uing ar.ntir.tl a ifuiiM-ratiire m nin t ml Avrrtili ivfi tk.i mii -- - . , w- -----.. - . . w . concentratl-.n its course through the . . . ...... vutu. on the other. I hi-m ght o. eiui stream i-here again supplemented bv riiiriivnni:n-.tu-lii..ii.iii n.l m...' '.I .Ml M and deflect, and -o it-. 1 v.doeitv deerea-e-. Tlie di-tance Ih- tvveen the ( Ju!f Stream and our coa.-t, is what i- termed the cold !elt. It re tains this average distant f between seventy and cignty mile-, unl.l r.-ach.ng Cape llattera.-. where the average dis ( v i uf : ii - tti n iwt'ii .kxiiA uruft i. :iiiu "u u i , - - ... , ,- . tance, irom un in-nie limn 01 in. iu the oppo-ite direction, accounts fur the lieavv -well oil' llattera-. which sea men dread -o much, and where so many wreck- mark the -pot of danger. The -ttvaiu here debouches further oil' shore, lend-, more to the Iv. N. 11 and .-o percept. biy widens its di-tauc from the -bore, that at Cape Henry, below Fortress Monroe, the inner edge of the stream i- an av rage distance of Uo miles oil' -hoiv. -till moving in an M N. K. direction, until at sandv Hook, the inner limit of the stream, is 1 mile oil' shore, the reader of this crude and and limited outline will understand, that from Cape Hatteras. where the distance of the inner edge of the t.ulf Nf Tl I M i i tft I V f (If rt V-llV Ttl t !. fill vll.il'. stream, is onlv about th.rty-tive mile-, i - '-' ' et down at any ,H.i It is proper to sav here, that the (;Hf Jniiith .rniuiiir on 11 wevk or Wn Stream, con-tantfv running in a N. N. ! ,,il.v ,,oU,,,- ' ,r:'u-' ' -K. and N. II direction, meeting a wind , "" ' ' '' Wi" t 'Idler- nil abreast of New' Vork harbor, where '!L''M;, b"ll"r- rl ...- eoa.-hwie,,. itis 1 -(, the eoltl belt becomes wider and ''"-J-'- ' ' ''" .-rnui..al wider, -j that the intlow.ng coimt-r -rvice. the higher po-ittons are much current from the cold north, running ' ,",U,,'r !"- "itr emn insi,!,. between tl,..C..lf ...-..,.., ,.,,.! t!.7.,tr.v. but t lower far wor-e. lohce- 1 shore, accounts tor the severe winter.- of our eastern -e i-bo.irl States. bank-of New Found land, ha- now at- tainetl a width of ome three hundret miles, but .till retaining its character i a river 111 the sea, warmer than .surrounding wean, anil having an 1 lie m- itial velocity of from two to time miles per hour. On its approach towards the Kuglish ami French cui'sLs this great (.till Stream -pl.ts. ami it is said, the norUiern port.ou running partlv onthe we-t of Ireland to the north of Scot - laud the other )orl.ou diverging in a S. W. direetiou around tiie Pay of Ibs cav. where the operating cau-e. as oil" llattera- the stream running .igaiu-t the wind cau-e a high, confu-ed -ea. the perpetual vevat.oii and fear of navigation. It is thought a part of the current dives under the straits at liib- rabar, but its main cour-e is southeast iloilg the (o.ist of Afr.r'a between ht Helena Hay s ml the river ( ougo. After it pa-ses that river, it becomes a stream current, formed of brought from a cooler region water y the prevailing southerly wind-. Juiyluu II. Jlunna, m I.ulinn iuoIii cntttuL - ODD MARRIAGES. Som or the Truu n...i Trii..n..ti..n. r.x- prrirnrnl l.y fltrj.- n.r... Key. I). P. Lowell, of the A-h drove Methotlist Church in Jhi- ctv. read a . . ., , . paper before a small but attentive gat!,- cnng vesterday morning m the lecture room of tht. Hutl-on Avenue Methotbst Church. He dwelt upon the different wavs that people present themv-lves for marriage, the cad re-ult- of mii. " , marriages, and the aniu-mg incidents , that occur. Mr. I)weII -aid- "All that pertains to the work of the ministry is of interest, and profitable to 11- as'vve exchange our thought- in confrencii Hverv mm -ier has various experiences iu starting peplu in married bfe. 1 Sometimes the e experence are plea ant. sometimes satl and amusing, and , oitentimea very annoying. "One of the Mnnif.- cases wa- where ' a colored man had become enamored of m Irish girl, and they tinally pre-nt-d theni-hes for maniage. After the cerumtmy had been jerfonnel ih.-y left. unable to pay more, a- t.e hd ju-t k 'i !'' ... . .I nasi ; luunr ac u.u In--.-,J. ; hort time afurward his wife dsd and contrary, -he- wa, smarting h m- lb j wa- 0 niU'-h under the inliuentv of liquor a- to be u- able to walk. At ray j rejtics: he wa. -eated and I had a tali with the intended bride and lan.t-d i that he wi. the daughter of rich and ropected parents. Her father wa to shower a clowiy of ten thoc-and dollar 00 her at the time ot her marriage, and she insisted on marrying this poor drunken wretch who tlA not own a dol lar. 1 flatly refused and kft the hoa-e, tak:ng the certificate with roe. a- I did not deem it right to marry a man that did not know what he, was about. "These are some of the few cac- that have come to my notlc. Often time 1 am compelled" to turn couples i m w - rm K. mrutr rr. ? r ? K .- . fc. . mt & ka wn-. t v" iuj. m.rm & j.a -- ., , , , away thai present thmvlr. for war - rijc. f,,r various reason. The fr.- rf inm.t'.ers vary tor periormins Uw er- niony tnettjncs tbey reroivv a h:gh .u twrat dollar. and m . and map- fnmUuit a low , on .Wlnr aiHl nothing t ;ftn:!e- - u ack in bnt the :-e lruul. which .4 alwar- don rnime fre,UeaUy ngr tua nvc, d otbT ncrr pa at all"- Aibmy Ks WAGES. Tti. lminrr!lHn Ki-rrltl fry t . "flirr In i;uru;p nil th t'nttrtl sui. The rnt of wapr ic forriga laad i much suialbr Ua in our own. Tao t hamuan of the Worimgmrtj'- A.w biy of th siaUf of Ntw V.rk iv- the foilov:ai: arnoag tho wmrs of rolc !y wag.- m New Vork City. v.. Itock layei. -'. tnrjK'aters 5 it; laborer. ? '. '.f'-raph operator-. li. Th S. rvi.r of tho We-tern lm!u:nal l..nptw ' Muot' ages in 'hicno a higher . I '1 . lrirk::t tr. : imrrMMtU li ? - - - - W - W ' iaborvr-. t1J..'i1 Hmi iot.ul-1 nrrn! tna-oii-. t..t; enrjenters, $J.1. la bor.' Js. ' .!. "aj;e- in Krauoe aro inewhn; W a-e- tn Italy are -till lov.r than in (ermanv. ( ne result 1- that Inrjr gang-ot luilian laburers tv broight into (Ii-rm.uiv when nulwnvs tr .tbr extensive works are to be (imstnieUsl. The -v.-t. 111 of uttiKtrtut.tm i- thor oughly ..rganued that a fon of tn in-jHnrii- wild Niiou in- nunii-T 01 hand- obtainable iu their several local -it..-!, atul ev.:n thing i- - -t in.ilu.l a in a coiict-iitral.ou and movement of troop-. Iu Au-tna the wages of the iu the ta Urv of I'otteadorf pttittfrs onlv 7I s.s jMr week ol v.ntv two j bour.-; the women'- averr.ge t--iajf but 5-L-lo. or le-- than two c-its mi hour. The railway m' hanie- of :emta. in cluding the highe-t and !: paid cl.i-sf- nf skill. l laborer, receive, an av.-r.iec wifkly wage of but ?.'. 1 1. 111 i.onuoii. noti-eiioi.i wa.'s ov tae year, average a- follows r-lain .ooks. . ......, .'.!.. 1.1; housekeeper. -?li'.IM w nitres'. .s and nursein.tid-. isi 7.1, barmtiMl-. ni' 11 ami leiier-enrrters in i.onda are ! paid from .. to -r.'iT.'i a var. whd in 1 11 Southern I liina meehaiiiet ru- . ceive from I..VI to ?"vOt a month; eiu- ' I" H,,". :um . . ' ,ro!" '"" ... .i..", num. illl-l i.iMi.niillKi. -l- plov.tl by foreigner", from 7 to .?lo.'.; while -ervants and country land laborer- etiip:oel bv native are paid ulmitt ?!..' per month, with thnr tiwul u liieh 4 worlli n tminli riwir. 1, .. - ... . .- r . . . "; -""" ''. ' - - """l"'- ' w " STOCK BRANDS. T. llllllirnx. Vrlrt I r li Ihe v,,riU llfll ftf t'olor.l... The twelve tltou-and or mare nUxk , brand- on tile iu the Seentary of; State's trtJire. alb. rd an itleri:uig Held of studv. The d.si.l.iv of iii"nuitv in the matter of forming .mbuintinn.i U remarkabb. 'I h number of coit.blim- .:. 1... :. . lJ,,!,s upon iinj. one ciM-i ! .injui'iiix There are. for instance, otr two him- ' dred and t.ftv on the Inter II. tine bun. 1 .ir.ui .....t hdv .,r t.,..r.. . i-.tl. I--...I . .- . ...... ..... .. .-. .... ....... ...... I); no le.t- than one huttdr-d m,li ii K. and mi on tliroich the !t)hii-L In ! "'k ug up the brand index bH,k Mr I Ivdwilpl Haltlev. AnO-tatlt STretrr ol State. -as the Denver lmc. hn'di. " l'1'"'1 ' ' :. J I'rami are tw c indexed .once bv the name, ol U. nWf.r, afl( .un lfr UrntuU ., lft.j,.r .(1x , the one "wlueli w to U! pr.ntetl and tib-d with tnj County Clerks of the Stale. It U a very club- or:,:, ""ir- ','1,, brands arc nrrnnxd .1-1. JI. ..- . .1 11. f . loiiit It 1 . i'. -' ", i euqirr, -ai MHtM oi M nriMM JMt- t a.prtaiieiiwiv or iiiiii''(f ht. jr a? i--"i; ii n mm- . 1 tmm i lH praeti. able. Tlire ar. hwv.T. etn-, arnl.itioq 'uongh to jjit mt"r mj iu binatiou- upon the letter I. the Jljun w.y." I!trpri Hii 1 and the bar. which can not v dutm "Hat man 'Poni.'T wim' Un WrrtMo gm-hed n the certificate, M-nt in. 'JTwj Mli. ' . th WiW i;u khmnt are all three, therefore. ind-xiI nndr . r "I Imh vni 'bm mm rdhir the Hurl. Ine I'-.U-rU. ui.t riprM-r. the (ircir. :h hlf nrrl- rind ounrer- v - - ' 'I h-v r all induxl tinder the letter jO. Tli.-r.. will U? of the iwelre 1 ln,ii..in.l t.rq-xt. tllinl mum iIimi . irri. in. .iift .iiii"wn.T.i roaiuiuii' " " ' ',. ., ' '.. ,. ', .;. " ...v. " ,:. . 1 ..,..i. ki. -. . ,. rla,, Aliwr a, ,,.t.,.r UT oumWAj, an. n,n., m MHm.. 'iw, W1 ,,nilmWr i. , thfMsnnt! ot thn iiwus. j ..---.-. .........t - ... . -v. ,.. itmwsb "' prootiMy 1- ow i!wii m m ,U. .i . . tlvl Ih r,V-.,tv. - IMI-ti'f.r'il - -- " - - - Mwrn--' UoB. j j. ,arvw, cj,nr.wvpi. a ww .j,ol....htflli . M iK-ir wirs. it ; hrv. bu:I-nag. ptUji. lamp, limp hiniix-y. arrow. -.Tn.a. ... o.. eU- ' Tlieju of hde.-g th brand wU pr-'te an -xrdinly kOK xn! UinM.4 one. Owing to tS natar ot tho oiu only ose man cjs wort npon it a. a urn"-, and. allowmg lht he worV. , bnnday. holidays and evry day. : wiil npi:re trariy lUr mocta u j complete the work- fvcUo Gkujiein. Mr. Strother ("Porte Cravoa"). , allndmg to the Mi cJare, o. amort "It H the r-rrpetoul spring of the poet." He thfakTlhai , tnanv American daring tfc coaaing f century will migrate thither to pM vii days 0! Ircts. I TLRSONAL AND LITERAHr. i ' M-ry Ad"rori t ti tiri tfcn fio rTrr tLv-l wivs ImhV j" ftm cho9L n. Prin. of WaU W a ( U I Jn fnrU.OJH. .trvnt r-mnr . . b1h ftV4 ka. j tf fc rt iv.a. o. tMnt W 'r. -Httgh llhmrv. k Dmbtin wtoa r. chaU ko rr-U &cd at ilk s ' autT thr. oifd to boat thai km hi sirn th'f oiq neat for ivty ymr Lawrear H Mm. f Clficin tm,U. ami Mi.i Cra Imw,o ! ton. u. m rvcvntlr mmrtit. thc aojttAmtaoc oh1 courtship fcMjf 1 Un (by toirsriipa. r- tWi w"fo afwrv- l-iltjrarr artltilr In Ihe Cmt--t SU-" t on tW inrrwv, w hjOt.:.l worv cofMincfcfct having twg jrf-l dur.Bg i"iiha at a forfHfKl -..-Utuc in I.-1. Thi iarffftoa h lrjr- . du to th jrrrAt aatular at nvtf ' . -tyo lrrj.4. - IN Ktj ' u ii Hontt. huo vrr(i WilliMit S, JarAoa. had any nt h-' trajw acrit-i! lo cvn u. ht ImiiaVr i:otr. mri'w m- aatHi&rrrari arf- imw knrv and l-lurd rv-va)tiv upti th Pr,a.ii)ti.. of I-if.." "I hat. ton-, h kjul rl MritM Wm m.t.J tl W .i around thnr top the Wi. "Ut. - bve tho Pr..drnf Nurbn bu!U i . b.dor. m.. ju l riun. " v i.,,-.i !.. waj. . ......, . ,i,v-v .WHW T'n iund a lot. mr.lt h wbmu k mr iio. r;iM av with Uu- pntt girl wi.. Ud fan lasted him. h krW up b roittAme .rr me. mud hr U , rJ though etatprtn ! vou. grmml father. 1I do.- pot. &tlr lls mmrnnrr of mitttr mirfx tvtmJ Ml iu portr to thr outtl HorW ainl frm tr j.ro Utr in dMtr rmpin mti(. 'ht mrr he h nt. kir. wif tmir Arl, fcl h H. h V), hi lltlrt Mill J-t kit tuil it ting critu'. A. . Im, Whn ihMt b-.irU- Um. Yrllir ,fa-k. lto proved .n trjtatly UkAH ..- biiliu. lrw .-nrnl 1 U.J there Hrr.Mt etT little Hi ll din without taiJtor or mothr Hl . t tb. .den ur lHii Two f ih ejev.-n died. ihI mu tdl tit thfaxt ii .NVw rba. an- i . A..nn, .14m . intiat .Nt-w Vork Citv, two Wch. 'V1.'"1 1 "T1 ""Tk! "'T' ' ,Ntt only hR. lh oriihiUM M.t hotue. Inn r luntl 4 i., vmmmA ..r them lrfnlr kite rs.lUf. Itk ihm trit. tn.n.il tHOAball l tn phib-opkf of tttrdt. inio n luiu uortk $P?7X - Snu.I Crren. ih mtmhI priafcr in thi NHintrT. w Lorn in l:glni in lril..; dirfl at Cnnttiridifw, Mm. J miii urv I. 17o. !! tirrrr.r4 I. Im lir-vt 1 nnlrr. in IM. Mr Crn b.l nineteen children. nd Ki .IvMMlnat w.t. m r- printrr i Sm lalnnd n! iu Mart bind. II pnftt-4 th ISaiter. trMllt Into ibr !4imi !aigiiajff bv I.llil tho M.ll4, mmI iimoy t.tb-r loli H . Ilr tlloUltlW. pr ttte I ,n Ai.rl. i:l. tho tir-t ii'wpH-r iir.r muim1 fa Amort . tiie iVMiHi IUgr, wkira w 1 tin lied br lirarH :im1' kL. 1 ttUn ft4Mt ! me ammtm- I ' HUMOROUS. I -.m. !. v llr. 4i4 U yn iinr yoor nifih-r tril ou w ut rgftt int'i tlW hott'' Will.- skM mtimtl- iu- me of It. 1 twy ng u loruVt M. '-fie n piuaip md batttat. iml he was wddir fol hr. b Itolvsi um, ou wotnnii Ilk. lo uaicu IIIIU II" Wtm ay. liiitthfr Mfprter. - .I...1K.. Hi.i.lK of pfcil4Jptia. hn. drldr! Ihitt tiiinv jt WfHWW ( . crlni'i Ww U! o.i. lw.r. Uwt ItU. ii' ts a thtMK thut cvrrjr wmnm htmUl .t hr taem tutunmL. Atltnhtmm Ckrm. - -A cr..HpTir tIl l Yiralii Ub" wh iuim.m-, ry tnmt h fc.r.. nn' blllU hilMA'dl to I1. !tM l ru er.r U, th )mnfirtn t ; "': ' ' "" J ,w K' 'r ' th od rdiU nrur ,n Fraww W lli.t. an !i mlnml mok. wn uiooninK rouud lh !.ukN tM'1, whou her rNiirra ak her If k dl. N mn'.tn. iki Vhr.' II..I-.. .!. . J 1 ff I s . . id nu-nitr and hwt.u n- 4 UMMLi ,11.' rbottt tt -wid n0itr I'mn h(n .l -.. ..ir r.,i ....l. v . . .. . . "-" ". ..w.. v-'i.ti ...j Tmi ttm mniitrj " krt hnt H-tvtim Afl Mimh ,vU'MlUV l . I . . iiir tt wr" M " nH't ! . h a .uw , j ubt i mkmmka t ntlllU.n tK!fi bIU-il A ran j. u W. ... -1.. ... t.btf . , t-.. . . Je b,u! TrmrutsT tl. ntt h-f . lw jj bsJ1 u '. "" "rj1' 'B,riW W Ibt t . a . m -m ,-m " 1 . & .-. .; , iV'J V, """" t u'-"i --r ttUfrm-A. - r - nanr v wrmm tiii -r r r-. t-tr i y mm w 1 im ia rrt p, rrw imntfhl. icr raa ot jr 4lArfcu t.ils. nerr maul lli' KTrMlj t mt, tlull Ut-utghl. and I kai oiif-i that i-. Z il a!w) Art oouT-t . Ko u w.JI htUm 10 jua : s!L"-s-iA,ii. ddjjttn CttiL He I !oJd Mr. Wni? hat ya id. C Lira, tha: vou fdt reailr itl.tdivrl that le huuUl oom 'mto v.jur;.rctKn in hi hir'. slfrcrev. s!wr-Ixn orry " w. T ",m .V8; " l awllc-u aat fVffkT'i t T T T fW hC " feT if,h kowa 3 But whit did he say? you r 1 .u iiw . . ,IloQiailav ":IU p eu ot trns iMtm rmnnjn V