The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 23, 1885, Image 5

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The Red Cloud Chief
FBI DAY (KT015EK.-J3. lbSTi.
For J unlit c of .Suj.n-nrt- Court,
rftriUwt-utsof;li UV.iwrsity.
ho:;. ciiAiiLEs ii. gei:e,
Kepublican County Ticliot.
For Otur.t nuiHiWHur
C. G. V.'ILh'ON,
For " 'mii:- CVrfc.
.irjJ.-fOX BAT LEY,
Fr ( -!iiit v ; w-stfr"r,
11. J5. -McXlTT.
Kr Ri yMir f l!
Ii. D. KAN.N'EY.
I 'or Cuitnty .1 Mlp,
1 'TSltc.-t.
he shy c. scott.
r k Sdjrrw
nu;ri.I-ii: of j'ubli? Instraetfri.
For Mirv-iftr.
Off r Ireui iinas.
Our friends -hould not forget that
Tick Chili- oir.r- to H new Mibmber-
f-r un year in advance, and all old
ones who pay hark accounts and a
year in advanc- throe premium-, viz:
one silver watch one stiver ca-tor, one
mi of silver foj :. Either of the pre
miums is m vi-ral lime- he value of a
ar? siib.-t.ri pi ion 'J be drawing of
premiums, will take place January 1,1
jsHG. Don t ion:-!.
9 Pot Cent Farru'LoanB.
The Xebra-ka Farm Loui Co. will
make you a lo:m on n,- firm at
itruiht y per cent and lurnish the
money without an delay. Call on
iliem in the Bed Cloud National Bank
W. V. Gjkdncu wad in McCook last
Get your progrissivc ouchro decks
at the post office.
0. C. BoTsLI.l, of Bryan, 0, in m Red
Cloud to look for a home.
TnKi:n was a surprise party on Miss
Mattie Bullaid lait Friday night.
Mn. V. W. (Lyhdmik and .Mrs.
JotiSUiVii nie in Denver fur a few days
J. J I. Ki:Msin:nc. and J.! S. Noll will
go to the Finite river hunting t'ccse
this week.
AIasjtei: Willi n Snm.v is suffering
with a. .severe attack of inflammation
of the bowels.
Thilvls are in the land and there,
fore it wili he a wise action to lock
your doors and winduus, of nights.
Service a in the. Baptist church next
Sunday morning and evening by the
psj'tor. Strangers are cordially inyi
ten to attend1
Ma. Jamks Yoi'm;, brother to our
John Young, ofiie Chicago Store, was
downrfromKiverto5togdt,ira,td3th ex
tracted Friday.
1lifr.ri.Mi covenant meeting at Guide
.Rock Saturday Afternoon at the Baptist
Chinch. Fulpit will he tilled morning
and evening Sunday. Everting topic,
Signals." Jlowe Fost, G. A. 11. is
Tut Georgia Hamlin dramatic com
pany Will open the opera house on I?
L'Gth instant. This company is highly
spoken of and we believe that the
puople will be well pleased with their
Fou a city, the size of Lincoln we
should think that it ought to mpport
at least one good hotel. The general
grumbling for want of attention by the
guest of the hotels in tiie capital city
isjicaid on eery hand.
Tiik tax paeis of Walnut Creek
procmstjiaye abandoned thtir pro
posed suit against the county commis
sioners for the alleged purpose of
making that body adjust the recent
assessment in that precinct.
Dl'UIm; last week Miss Etta Sanford,
one ot Fed Cloud's well known young
ladie was united in marriage f Mr.
Endley, of Guide Kock. Tiie happy
couple have, the besUwishes of then
many friends for a long and happy
On last Friday afternoon Miss Mattie
Frisbie, daughter of Mr. I. Frisbie, of
this citv. was united in the holv bonds J
of matiimony to Mr. Geo. M. Chase,
of Minnesota. Tne newly married
couple departetl to their new home on
the dav following. Tiiev have have ;
tlie best wishes of their many friend?
for a pleasant journey over
troubled sea.
The Miller-Kovd wing of the demo
PRitic. imiiv in Ke.l Claud were dter-
...... -.i ... ..i)........ii.. .:. ,in...., A,i tw3
Morton wing and lrom the ro:eedings
of the democratic convention a few
days ago it would seem lhat the Miller
Boyd fellows come out best having
made a dean scoop of the Mononites,
and actuallv sacrificed the local
interests of the wirty in Webster eoun-V
tv in their eflbrLs to stand in with the '
administration and dispensers of
government patronage, .he question
simply being "who shall control the
Frank C. RusCHow, in his declica-
tion of the nomination for county
treasurer at the harms of the demo
cratic party, says: "My friends were
advocating my uame for county clerk,
and I believe that I was unjustly de
le ittd by malicious and false reports
just in circulation by ctrialn democrats.'"
Evidently Ero. Busc'aow has room for
had feeling when lus own party will
play dirt with him. But that is noth
ing, the democratic leaders in this city
propose to sell out their entire party
if ijocussary in order to promo:e their
own selfish interests.
Canon City coal at Piatt fc Frees'.
Anothku heavy rainfall lasf Sunday.
Mr. FoRT.vas on the sick list this
Rev. G. 5. Davis has'tnovednto the'
Mr. iL TIIixd lias been on the sick
list this week.
Election will occur in ten days
from. to-day.
Miss J3h:tha Eiiauch is again in
Webster count;.'.
M Biknky and family iiave returned
from their visit to Crete.
. A. MaksH will titke a position with
T. .1. Moeher.iiff book -keener.
Mk. G. E. McKiiely had returned
from her vi-ii in Wi-Kronwn.
L. H. Iir-T went to Crete Tuesday
morning to Jill his fall orders of nurse.-'
Liny Huimell and wife have goue
in Iowa, but will return in the
Gno. Maxcei: is now the'proud Jpo
sensor of one of llic handsometponies
in the county.
L. C. lion: a fellow and Geo. Hile of
l'en-ylvania, are the guests of our
friend W. 1 ) . Forrester.
Olu merchants are doing a land
ofiice busine-f- at urgent. .Every store
is crowded with bu-ine-.J.
M. W. DicKF.'tsON, our commission
merchant, has been on the sick lit
thi- we"k. He is however, slowly re
covering Tin: Waterloo that the republicans
were going to meet in Otiio didn't pan
out 'Twas the ether fellows who met
it, from latCrC reports.
Tin: Ked Cloud mills have shut down
until November 1, ISSf, at which
period it is hoped that the new mill
will be ready for business.
Oru friend, Frank Hatch, manager
of Duckera Cash Dry Goods Hou-
has rented one of the Kev. Hawley
hou-'es and gone to housekeeping.
H. M.U'itER hsm received another in
"tallmenl of black lv and German
carp from the state. fuh hatchery, for
his new fish pond.They arrived in good
Makiciei), at the residence of the
bride's father, October 14, Mr. Anson
15. Endhv and .Miss Ella A. Saniord
nil of Webster county, .Kev. Geo. 11,
IJruwn officiating.
I'm: lumber yards of Ked Cloud are
selling lame quantities of lumber and
b'jildini: materials, and one is therefore
led to the conclusion that considerable
building is contemplated.
James Hogan a genial gentleman of
Scotish descent, and a remarkable
phisique, being six feet and eight inch
es high, with a noticable breadth of
beam, was in the city on business last
Orufrienl, V. E Gcbie moragcr of
the Tradcis' Lumber comjan', ha
fitted his yan! in this city with a fine
pairjotwHowe scales, andjhas put a
not fence arround theremisos, a'id
is otherwise enjoying anFeason of pros
perity F. W. Donn a t)lea."iiig. newly mar
rid young man, from Titlln, 0. has
accepted a position in the drug store
of Ferguson $: Co. and intends making
Red Gloutl hi future home. We un
derstand Mr Dorr is a thoroughly com
petent drnggi-t and cordially welcome
fliin among us.
iV , ,r . . , ,. . .
... .i.uoLTa lemperance icciure ironi
Decatur, III., has been giving the
people a few suggestions on that sub
ject this week. Mr. Holt is an able
speaker and has boon h-tened to with
considerable attention. He speaks ui
der the auspices of the W. C. T. U. and
remains in Red Cloud ten days.
Chvriie Marvin, station agent at
itiis place, is down with bilious fever,
and Mr. R. Nolo is handling the keys.
Oxi'oni lirfjittrr.
Dr. McKEFr.v went to Oxford on
Thursday to hold consultation in Mr.
Marvin's case, who we are sorry to
learn is lying very low with typhoid
For some weeks past S. 0. Biker
has been loi.ig chickens, as he sup
posed, from cholera, but lie has re
cently discovered on tcaiing down his
chicken house that their death was
caused from bed hugs which had
crawled upon the poultry and natur-
illy sucked the very life's blood out of
them, thereby causing them to die
from actual weaknes-. He found
nearly a peck of bed-bugs in the coop.
After cleaning the coop the chickens
got along nicely
Device his Leg. C. T. Crone, one
ot our well Known, citizens, wnue i
w.iikmir on 4th Avenue Afonday after
the Tainfall of Sundav, accidentlv i
slipped when in front cf W. D. For j
rester's residence and fell to the walk,
. s. . , ...
breaking his leg near the tun. ms is I
a verv serious accident for Mr, Crone
as he is alreailv a cripple. However
we are informed that the acctdenr
though quite serious to Mr. Crone, will
ifcr'ninr.te nvorabiv. He has the
symuathv of his many friends in his j
DrsiNG last week tce grand lodge of j
Knights of Pythias met at Lincoln and !
was largely attended by representatives J
from all parts of Nebraska. Ihe
reports lrom various representatives
show the order to be one of the most
flourishing in the stite. The njember
ship is increasing rapidly, and new
lodges are springing up in every
quarter. During their slay in Lincoln t
the grand lodge was royal 'y treated by t
the Lincoln Knights and made to feel
at homo. On Wednesday a grand .
banquet was tendered the brethren at
the Commercial House and, jhc same
was e'.egant in all its appointments
The next session oi the gram! isoege
will be held at Hastings!-
Gin your turkeys ready for Thunlrs
givhig. Ex-Gov. Gaebek has returned from
1). yi. Ilighy of Ahnr. was in Red
Cloud this tv eek.
IJaunks, of Omaha, is sakl to le a
long winded lecturer.
Harry Foxri's little ohiW ha been
on the sick list this week.
Me. Adam Morhart's Hule boys
have been quite sick t:as week.
A. A. Pope's littJe one- are suifcring
trom diphtheria, bu:&re getting better.
Loans made witli the Nebraska it
IiTansas Farm Loan Co. can be paid at
Mia. Cha. Wkthkrell lo.t her
poekethook this week containing near
ly $35.
A pleasant surprise party on Mr.
Mrs. Geo. If. Drown, Tuesday evening
Oct. 3.
I). F. Trunkev's new house is
finished. Drigga and Hummell did
the work.
Miss Effie Mili, of Streaor, 111.,
is visiting with the family of C. L.
Cot ting.
TheM.E. church are raising subscription-
to build an addition to the
C. L. Cottixg lias bought Mrs.
Fowler'-: building and will fit it up for
a drug store.
0. 1'. Rek was visiting his brother
and sister, Dr. L. II. Keck and Mrs. W.
D. Forrelcr, thi-" week.
J. II Smith is building a now barn
al.-o Mr. Graves is doing likewise
These gentlemen's barns were burned
fair week.
The new school house in Mr.
Jud-on's district has been completed.
Crawford, Palmer and Ferman were
the artists.
The county commissioners have
ordered the submission of township
organization at the coming olection
November 3.
A great temperance rally at the rink
every evening this week. Come and
hear the great temperance revivalist,
Mr. C.J. Ho't.
Ed. Kivker has taken a position
with 11. E. Moore in Lincoln, and I5( rt
Krewer has taken Ed's place in the
Fir-t National Kank.
Don't forget that the new opera
house opens next Monday night with
a week's entertainment by the Georgia
Hamlin dramatic, company.
The republican state convention wa.
Tory harm.mio'H and reeleete I the
present incumbents for regents whose
terms soon expire and also the supreme
judge whose term expires soon.
W. V, Chandler, from DeWit
count, Illinois, was in Red Cloud
Wednesday in search of land. He
paid The CurE? a pleasant vi,ir Mr.
C. is one of tlic prominent farmers of
Weldon, Illinois, and thinks Nebraska
Monthly "Retort ot the Red Cloud
Public Schools, for month ending Oct.
9. lvs.v
lot' numtcr ''urolled
VintM friu IiMrlrt
Total r.Hiiilifrou roll at prestfttt..
'.!-. of truancy.,;'.
Tanly innrf;" ..-
'.;-. rnir-il ptuutltmi'itt .....
ArnKtmi!y AtteiidfO
'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' 41?
........ 7
Geo. Valentine, S. T. Van Horn
and Mr Thomas Pardoo were
rai-ed to the dignity of Oriental
Fringes at the last convocation of the !
Order of the Grand Orient, Aladdin
Council, No. 500 doinp, the work. The
"mistick' rite was very beautifully
QrvRTERi.Y meeting Saturdav and
Sabbath in the Methodist church.
Consecration service Saturday at 3 p.
m. Sermon by Rev. John Gallagher
at 7.C0 o'clock, followed by quarterly
conference. Love feat Sibbath morn
ing 10 o'clock. Sermon 11 o'clock by
Prcsilir.g Elder, sacrament following.
Sermon, evening, 7:30 by the Frosidihg
Roi.n burgnlars worked the town
Wednesday nlght.efrecting an entrance
into the store and afc of I. W. Crary
and alo going through the safe in the
post-office for money and stamps to
the amount of about $200. There were
alo indications that they had tried to
get into Marsh's hardware -tore, and
Nate Doudna, who sleeps in Temple
ton Rros. lumber office, had the pleas
ure of shooting at. but the misfortune
to miss someone who was trying a
window near his bed. Mr. Crary's loss
was about $75. No irrests have yet
been made. Guide Rock StffmiL
J. W. LtNDsEY, the gentleman who
is about to start a park packing estab
lishment in this city has been enlarging
the Gates' slaughter house and
equipping it with the necessary ma
chinery to do bu-iness on a large scale
He purchased thU.wcek a fine wagon
from the Red Cloud carriage works,
and proposes to run the business for
all there is in it. A packing establish
ment is an institution that has been
much needed in the Vailev. 'and Red
Cloud is ti be corjratu'nted on the !
securing of it. Mr. Lindsey is an
enterprising gentleman and his
prospt-rity is assured.
"The Helmet characterises the Artu
and Chief1 as unprincipled competi
tor,M etc Helmet, Oct. 14.
For sublime cheek and a kettle of
gall the Hdmet wears the xnedal. He
attacks one of our peaceful citizens in
an underhanded manner, runs off.
comes back again, publishes a half
column of vindication, next week he
takes it back a-.;d says he's sorrv, and
in the same issue wants the Arzu. and t
Chief to deny the trutn and say ; that
he never did it. The Chief canT: take
it bnck st present but prefers to leave
the matter to a tribunal of justice"who
snail say wno is gutlty and wno xs
Honey at Hacker's.
No oW goods all new at Dticker's.
Buy yoor school crayons at Calling's
Lonsdale and fruit ef theloom 7c at
Evaporated and dried fruits., at
For. bargains in dry goods go'io Mrs
Ihe Golden Eagle has the cheapest
overcoat- in town.
The :lne-i and cheapest line of lamps
at Henry Cook's.
0 per cent loa ns at theNebr&ska k
ICansas'.Farm Loan Co.
You can find nil kind of dove? at
the Golden Etjle clothing store.
For hoods, yarn-, Hambtir.tedging
and laces go to Mr. Newhonse'fi.
New line of clocks, Jerseys. N?w
Markets and gloves in this week at
Halloween next Saturday Tgh:.
Beware of the average Young Ameri
ca. Tiih'W. C. T. U. will give a grand
entertainment ere long. Watch Jfor
the program.
For fre-h choice"candies"goto Klee
man 'c Wiener's at tho Ht o"ice.
They are imrnen-e.
A new -;oek f short music and
limbic !rfok at Coiling'-. Orders
taken for anything not on hand.
Cottinghas put in a stock of Halsey
Bro. Homeopathic remedies for the
benefit of all uit2 those remedies.
The boss place to buy Ires'n pamtsis
at C. A. Owen's, two doors north of
Kaley Sc Spokefield's store. See him
before you buy, as he ha bargains.
The Helmet say? all ii now lovely
between the Morton, Miller and Boyd
faction- and cries peace, peace, but
there i no peace in tho bourbon camp
W. G. Hills the affable blonde wire
tickler at the depot, has been appoint
ed agent at Hyde, Col. Mr. l)a'.i,
from Benkelman, comes to fill the
aching void created ,by Hill's depar
ture. Pi. r. mr Bros, brick, half mile eat
and north of the liberty pole, are the
only brick made in the county which
will bear flumping from the wheel
barrow without breaking. Doubters
please make test.
Blue grass, timothy at Haoker's.
Ir'is now'rumored that in order to
appease the wrath of Frank Buschow, Tempje's withdrawal from the
candidacy for county clerk on the
democratic tirket was induced to make
room for Frank. In order to make it
all right with Sam he has been pledged
the pjt ofiice for making the sacrifice
Newmarkets $4 at Ducker's.
On: democratic contemporary says
''Hank Scott smokes a cob pipe while
hi w:Je milks the cow-." Poor Helmet!
pitor logic ! poor political buncombe !
H. C. Scott is one of Webster county's
nort intelligent and indu'trious f.irm-t-rn
and will be our nexl.sheriiT. . J'oor
Lovitt, if anyone knew who he was he
might possibly receive the votes of his
Ll-t of letters for the week ending
Octobi r 19, lSu. Jno. R. Cooke, .las.
Bird, Gctrc Gibbons, F. A. Hackley.
J. A. Johnson, F. S. Long, Miles Lee
kens, Harry Merson, Mrs. Manving.
Mrs. Cam Morrison, E. C. Pumell, N.
Serson, Catherine Schumann, Mi-s
Mary Temple, Edith Yandine, Daniel
West. Win. Wallace, A. J. Worthing
lon. These letters will he sent to the
deafl letter ofiice November 1G, 1SS5, if
not deliwrit" before.
Tii Georgia Hamliu Company
will close a week's engagement in this
city to-morrow evening. Their enter
tainments have been quite well attenJ
ed and have given tho most pcr'Vcl
satisfaction. Mis Georgia Hamlin
carries her p'irn with perfect ease, and
neer fails lo awaken the keenest in
terest oi her audiences. While she is
superb in nP she undertakes, her forte
is in tne character of M'Liss, or the
Child oi the Sierras, in which chc aj
pears at her best and in every act
bring- down the house with round
after round of applause. Ch.f-. Dal in
court is almo-t if not quite the tqu il
of Mis Hamlin, and together 'ith
tiieir strong support, among whom we
might mention the names of C. H.
Cuveit, Jaints Marcus, Paul G. Ham
lin, Miss Clara C.nett and Miss Ilattie
Wcis, as arti.-ts ot more than ordin
ary merit and deserving special men
tion, making a compauy of uiui'uai
strength and merit. All cl the mem
bers of the company are pleasant and
agreeable people to meet in every-iijty
lite and never fail to win a h st of
friends where thev remain for any
length ot time. The management is
ever on the alert to please tf.e pub'ic
and stnye h.trd to give more than
they receive. Their plays ar all
comparalivelv new and are introduced
with costumes especially designed lor
each occasion. All who desire to en
joy a pleasant evening should not fail
to attend when this company i in thir
city. Wymore ll'ymorian, Oct. 2, '5.
There were several articles at the
fair worthy of premiums, but were not
entered. G. M. Plumb had some very
nice brick wed spoken of by the judges
Mrs. L. H. Rust had some fine canned
goods displayed, but not entered for
premiums. L. F. Munsell bad some
white corn. Tne ears were not very
Jong but terrible big around. No entry
made. John Moody had some cucum
ber seed- that grew in the bottles. C.
H. Rust had a good specimen of timo
thy and sheaf oats. The ladies de
partment, class 7, in bread, cakes, ami
iains and ie.hes were all verv fine. The
! -&Tm Piw5 all the way through
were as good as thev grow in an v state
Class 7 Superintendent L. H. Rust
Awarding committee, Mrs. Dr. Daraer
eli, Mrs. M vers, Mrs. S. a Dixon. Mr.
R. D. Dsns, Mr. Chis. Putnam. Mr. D
I R Snancgle.
Just receive! a large supply of Misses
l jerseys df xll frzest Mrs ;Newhou"a.
List ot voting pWe? m the erai
precincts of Webster couaty. Nebras
ka, for November 3. 1SS5.
f ;id- KivV. fK-rK E. n Fajrfcf r3h.
soily. jt pcvrify, M-3u-a- d m. BV '
a I tk ptvrmtl. Katmry twal boot. S D
IVavint Hill wtiw w-tvi lr-.s l u.
In(uUtn Pfrttiet. Mr Vitaarf hatt Htor xltai
ftlmwwJprvrrjrt. I"nrt. iMvin
. wni v rr-i prmciwx. lvomwy
lnir rtnrt Hrr ' (
CxibrrUttt prr i. mH hm& llVi i.
iianuuujr :r urt. v- Sk-s 4i?teKt K.
A FifAL Tise Hehuet last week in
a very coaardiy nmi abusive inxnoer
devoted aUut a ha!f column to an
unwarrantable atuck on J. L. Miller
withont cau?c or pruvocitioi , and in
it character j-tic manner al'ow. tJie
whole dose, ant? a;olzes .us follow?
in thi week- i u
"We have bpen informed -since our
lat is-ue lhat J L lliil-ri?a cunpe
tent and mperior tak-keeier anl an
expert correspondent. Such being the
ca-e we probably pa-ed too severe
jutigmeM aiMi we therefore bh-er-fully
and without requr--t dn the
amrTidr honortitU Wchmc no desir
or inclination to misrepresent even an
enemv." -
A nti :onoimly convention me: Oc
tober. 16. W. A. Reynolds choeen
chairman and F Houchin secretary
Treasurer F. N. Kicliardson.
Clerk F. D. Hutchison.
Shcrifi-H.C Scot:.
Superiutot.dent O. R. Down.
Judge W. A. McKeighau.
Coroner F. Hmichin.
The conveutMn ftcl that F. Houih
tn be authorized to place in nomina
tion on the ticket a candidate for
-urveyor. The contention appointed
three committeeman to fill vacancies
in the ticket in case the nominee-refu-ed
to accept. The committee i-a-
follows. F. Houehin, C- C. Coon, P.
C. Hubble.
The "GooV as the Helmet dnbs
itself this week.devotes about a column
and a half of double leaded burgeoia to
our huines4 men who feel fhposel to
sit down on him for his cowardly
attack on Dr. Denney, of recent date.
He evidently feels that he is deserving
of this treatment and the "shoe peein
to fit ' altogether to closely for cmifort
and con-eqoently his ravings abou.
what he has dor.c for his country,
party and the world generally. The
Chief has never published an adver
tisement without authority. Can the
Helmet say as much ? The Cuirr hai
never abu-ed a man from purely per
gonal motives. Can the Helmet say
as much ?
Opera IIoi'-e. For two years past
Tt'E Cup e ha" been urging the nec
ny of an opera hou.-e in Retl Cloud,
and finally our enterprising men,
Messrs. Mrhartt Fulton at.-l B F.
M er concluded to build an opera
uourWU...tiie ...lieceasary - luiues
rof)ma undernea,th for thotr own u.e
Thi a comnifidablc enterprise,
and one that'should be duly aporcci
ated by our people, which we feel sure
that they do. The new hall i now
about completed and on next Monday
evening will he opened for the public
use by the celebrated Georgie Hamlin
dramatic company in a series of one
week's entertainments. ThU company
has an extensive reputation and will
be highly appreciated. The new hall
wili be lighted by gas, ami otherwise
equipped with all the. modern iin
provements, such as elegant 'new and
costly scenery, etc.
The coming November lect'on i?
one of vital interest to every republican
in Nebraska. True it is an oil year,
but none the less, important on that
account, especially in Webster com my.
The republican county convention
nominated an excellent ticket through
out and it is the duty of every republi
can to see that every man on the
ticket is elected, llii can le ca-ily
accomplished if each individual mem
ber of the "grand old party" will but
tollowhc example of their ilhutrions
brethren in the Buckeye state. The
results in Ohio are particular! grati
fving and clearly indicate the election
of a republican president in c5. Every
truly loyal republican in Webster
county is expeted to endorse tho
action of the county convention by
voting the ticket straight, and the re
sult will be gratifying aa that of
The Fair. During our absence kwt
week mention of the successful ter
mination of the Webster county fair
was inadvertantly omitted, but we
must state this week that as far as the
exhibition was concerned, and the
display in the various departments the
fair was a grand succes and oug that
will make a good and laiing impres
sion on the minds of all who were
present. Fit ral hall was well filled
with all sorts of exhibits that "ere
indeed a credit to man' ckler institu
tions, an i the people of the county
deserve thanks for the interest mani
fested in ibesotcess of the ihirte?tii
annual fair of Webster county. The
Tne racing. b$3e ball playing, the fine
dsp;ay of thorough-bred cattie, exhib
it from the herd of Webiter county,
were fine and would haTe done credit
to many ea-tern states who pride
themselves on their iuperior stock.
The crowd i larger than ever before
and had the weather been desirable,
would haye ben greatly in excess cf
what it really wi. The Chief L
unable at thi? late date to give a
minute description, of the vsriou
displays made by our citizens, bat will
say that it eclipsed any fa:r eTer bald
in this section of the country.
j ioUT.At n rrp.o,i j
Wefaiei coNuty iMKiid b avdfel fcew
tbrr vue at ibm camumt -rictiott.
The doornu art srbemioc to tltrt
their .cVndil4 if jowabl bjr bir
tnen or othrrwi. ptIIt w hm
o on county judf-. Thrjr hop to b
ab'e to ran McJCnchan into oftc by
crying dwo ibc r-pabiw3iu rndiit
F. A Sry ITw rr-pablic-kAft ht
nothing to mat by iOpjrtm; o
electing d" . lo oOc Mki Tut
CHttr hopM that the rvpabUcaai wt!
CO nsider i-itir ta-am pBTmmt t
ihcHeoftbe democrary Th rtpah
licn')ui'S an rnlit mad wail 4eetoK
uckK, and Gfteh aod ery aaan thre
on t- c.irW of filimu Um cune'
i'Bceei with crltt to tbSUv am'
; Ur j, any . rally. Tbtdtmteb
imx nuaiuA!-J mttk. who r t4
.j.on ycarct-ly ut io lbf
jwucincu. aJ4 are;aot wen aatjtta
fr.r t.ihrir on prty, who mmi
to bavt loeijsirhi 4f evary ibm t
ihrtr conttion ficopt wb ahwu'.u
run the Rud Clood pOstoftco."
Tuf democratic bemWIiol! ba
exploded. xndUte sUndard bwrr f
ihe -;;; ftterrifid imrty ha.
r-ii plared i l&m itkl. h name 4
w hoxn w rave to or tPa4er .t
ek. A uTuaU. h already irau.n ;
ovrr tha tickH, Milii not tiiuU.r
to a po-Uott who dair to run the
partyjin the county. Fpoo tb b.!f
the tick ftw -Wided'y a wr-k or
-careely a man utinatod hmag
known out-id of ftis own frrctti-t
with perhij-1 the except'01" f Franks
Buiehow mitt W. A. M Kcibaa, u4
v und ersUnd tlat'.Mr.illtt9clio will
not "H' U-. a candidate for county
trea-urer The uckes uotntaaicd will
not receive the support of the Mty io
Web-ter conn it.
W. A.
Mc-Kwf.HAN, the aooI'
candidate for jiidue onliid a a voJ
tintrt rut the 17th Illinou iniantry h4
the begwmit: ot thf mr.wn aterwaid
irHtifern! to the Ilth Hhnoi cataln
and went thruii with Slierniati mtn
"Manh to the -en." Ho w must'rel
out t the clo-e !' h? war ! but of
ably di-chargetl Where rt yimr mt
leader Sweeiv Presumably at how
robbing farmers at aixty
Hie Helmet is full of bugbears
Sweezy was born in b(, aod coma
quently wa exactly fie ywr okl at
the bnakig of the rabellhwi. U
will nowb3norder for'thu Hftlmal to
make on apclogy in ila next taaue.
Me-sra Frit Coat ami John Milch-
ell have daughters of a tender ."
Therojw a good roil dirartlr west f
the -tone -chool hoifcc tbj brittge btang
M;-w Linue Hlankenbnkar t recjar
ing from an atuck of typlioyd fer.
Mr. Frank Jm s' brothr-i-!awand
family lire victim; him
Mers John Jvne and TA Ftw
imore, old ''Uerajon VTainut Creek
paeel throu'Kh !xt n'etrk frinn cVuRiior
Co. Kansas, on tboir way to Ktaroty
where they intend to gel liomoa.
Mrs. Samuel Ilwtfon a..d her oo
SHinmv hare reUrnal boma after
makimra threw moot! t visit with her I
mother in Fonmylvania. Utr acat at
cnurcti has se-aied very vacant and
now the nearts of the "failkfot fow" ar
:ejiciug bocu.c of her return.
The fuiniera bavAJaA Haakiag
We have plenty of rain.
Cool and cloudy.
The republicans of Conla d
vicinity are going to rota tho straight
ticket, "and don't ) fcrf-H it."
Ifceiglas Terry aod wife haa rotnrn
d from their kit in Iowa.
Mrv IL L. Foa u vuiuog la Ovrm
thin -eek.
Charles Folly nl hw tr Jwm,
of Franklin caniT xra -vtntiiitiF with f
their relative? in Amboy aad Oowk'.
L. C Bennett H hang a ? at
tack of sore eye, and Mr. Kiai Qmooa
is toacbing in hi stead for tha lima
M. W. C Sciieack of JCanac Ctty
is visiting her relatives in (Jowta.
C. B. Birack i- patina; the be
priccji in cab for grain aod h peep
ed to buy alt uutt may route to hu.i,
if be can secure trMpvrtaitom.
By order of the board of director
thete will be a raeeiiavg of tha iock
hoklert of the I'aOfde's Ijantbor Co. mi.
their o4&oe in OwUa, Xvt. -d Uk U
purpoe of increv-Mag ihaar eafNtal j
Iatvlr HaTcmrr.
The republican voters of Plea at Hill
pr.jciaet me rerutyd to aMHa zt tb
school bouse in cbool rfiatrict X IS.
on Saturday Oct. 31 Jt ax 1 o'clock p. aa.
for the vk?iq of nomtaatkiy cxa&-datc-s
for the olBc of sBjHtnriaor.
tos-a-hip clerk, and towakip treiaorcr
and for th UAOiactw of odi otiaar
basinet a may legally com bffara
the aeefciag.
Chairmaui oi
A Democratic 1A& 2TeBod.
Gviute Kc-cx, Xsb Oct. 21, ISSo.
To whom i: mar cooronr It fcavfag
come io oar knowledge iht rwaort
has -ea cjrruliud to tho dfect th
Mr. Jdon Baiie cannot tmrrr GwiaVt f
lock preonet f-r tha oAco of macy
cltrrt u Rnurij U wa rcaUr nam in
avA by :r repatiisan i
uon. tne ioc-rMenn occ p iwwc
stiUnc ihat thy bctx-ve aki trpott 10
h entirety wabout itwsad&taflo i e.
and r ounfideat ihU tb clactMMi
return wid xrds ta predaeOai &a.
Mr. Bley can d w ?oB e :8
strength 'of the pnw in jro
I precinct. iiayir arrrsatsj.
JfUl rT99 m atafo faaa PalamP way 9
ber; tfeit V him tUmm aw JHwhw
it, sni MrK ! rrr fw
Tr- tfc arrtal rt a new 41
Wr h hv 4 fVs hm W
hm&tr aB,ctcd U3i tirmaum m
Aaabny arftooJ il jdf td :
Wmn th Pksrl Hill
fnvOfO mfaf& tkirfr aka a tWlaW
Tir MaMr. tortt mi. Aabr HMk
fj!y hf frpmxtmA fr Wao in.
Thtff ira-rr wuy wmrm tntrmm m iw
ST thmt oaaanort.
Lt afrad or frwatf-a. a
I -mm " Kmlav rtttT lt i
!VHmd;mi iVa h
P?o wtfer aw-J Mt of rain.
A. T Aftm hm auM ail ba coa.
bete and cspM-ia W laiam to T
Fruit in a-u ba bon iolMl--ir.f
r4t ftr Hm.lrr' nnrmrj. of
Cawker Oty, on of born ilainsjkt Ja
mi W r ifw tho 4lptia of a ?s"a
well to mf a Kal nbtrh .IWo
trotiic lh-r kad WafUd U lb
tow Alter nnpg a n j f a
b eot!v rd rM.t!r oWo4tl to
bat Bttt Bo vama the work lo gnu
tha top cit AA r wurXUaf "aal
weal i nc t..r tioatw um trytim t !aal
th rif4 h: tftmgth fat'd.aMl U lbr
Uvtlm hr went Altar a wbtlft 0Mfefl
'tarti? ram t Kia raaeee, aql Hif
irit) in U. w'l liul tbra rntttfif hui
a!n 'iht -w air,
Mr I .a bu.Utiftc t
Jlrir irajne boo oo Ut faraa In
twn 21 6 Cbttw
For all gradea of ODdarwttaV
thefiuldao l&mmM.
SimaAi. CTudxtatx war in viee4tj
U.ia mmk atio op lhtir pwlaiat
A Wopnrni ewty tafaaif jcmml
,xiy doUara by jeetung bb hii law
frf! W, P. Otermao.
CVddren' tbtmvmt mrnxmU mi dbt
f tou'.eo Xafl
KtxKyus A Wrmna propria of
lb ;naw-oAci turn depot, hw Hl9
Aton imm of ijxwted Key awl mtml
&i'!ie ciar tti tb fbrtMablbaaii
Vallry Stop when yoa fd jo Maf
and give ttiewl a trial.
Fur hargaina in draw tk. dMM
rUnrte,traif, yama hood. Wmm
buT iacett cheaper than erwr am lAm.
A hne hneof fney goo at Ivlaa.
mesa, it Wiener ' rt oficw nms avtwd.
Cat! and examine thatav
'" In order to ckwe ow4 tho rtutaw
Henry Cook oiar a mw pattaratg
wall taper at , 10 and 12 cswatt pwr
doab'o roll.
Fo Saul Iu0 town lote for Ik
(?owlea. Ail mi good fetation. Apft
to Wra. flapp, Cow lea, Hah
IftO am impiot ed raihoad lad mr
sale 'Jf acre bfoaan. frame b44a;
mdiodi a-.d U$m bog mttfxl: UtH,
tn acrt, Dart dow;l jTawr oo roaffnk
tier at ft per oarta. Apply bo Jotafir
JMwur b. Catbvrwo.
Ilnaat Hoe owOMii ood iorporWal
eicwra lo tho city at IVrgwaoo 4b t'o'.
H. F. XfZM. tho popttfor Omtu
Htm grocer, who ie rmw Mtaotao fat
bit new bnrk Ur-, riling grorerte.
jieefiwar, preitoa, etc.. OOmo oi
led ruck prieew. A'.waj t mn hifO haforo
ytu hoy year grocre. aa il wfil pop.
you M(rog(ula Ux o MhjP tibow ary
other booae.
Itch oni eeratchee of mvmrf kio4
cured ia 3 :nut by Wtmdiumtm
SMtttory jAtnn. I no her 'I"ha
never bah. iUI by KerguaoO 4 OoawOfT
pal. Rd CIom.1. g.
Iteoaawahor tho old Hty Dm Saoea.
Freah gooOa ooawtaotly arriving, !"
prkoa. owtrtooot treounent. Colt amtl
e oa. Fmora. Jk Oo.
$9W food are tn lag darr ot ilie
Coeo Eagle, and arw oarkl a MMaw
I w figurw thai ttvoo woaw 90 avoy
"Do U U. M flout at CliiaooA r
be tu IWJ Ckmd at the Holloa? Slo
Tueadaj. tJcVber il Hat litnin
1W roptoro ta goaraniae cat,
out pperotKin fe t!a aid uf av
truaoaa Krfrmwv 10 Bad C3ool
(!, how. hair. ele. 4 Fbrtl A l.e
lumber fari.
STaep yoer hw ard oar bf
buying eapa at tho loJ4n Kaglo.
The eeMratwlrV!s bona m4 j)haW5'r
tK aan. wnaieo aad chtklrom ijk
(tOfiten ItogJo.
Iwnmher. onai. ate. a Hhoai m aay
whero io taw cty, Maat & lhiW
Ijuoatior Turda.
Saee aaoney hf fCtiag joar maafl
tnnn frrioi W. f . Qveraaoav aowy
furniabod promptly.
Car-ffT ia the art A aan jaaOaaag,'
baouly down WeijOev et ymUi4a;
juttroeted th- mtimtxm of Myhvdy
hai ata ba waa m esploiaoi, m
00 W4 oa bu wav to porrbaao latnv
Zmitm at Wright Walbiea'.
Foe S0J0 or WtB IfxcJatacii Ste
A coodtowaBof ayawa-owt iMHaWft aW
wod e-wM&Uua; alao tin ngnjj owiwaoa
aad tw aewiod epruaj woooa AaafjT
10 Sjmhfj Bona. 11
Tboeo SCoowtac thoal, ofo kaooat'al
t to am Vy awo or x aooama at
reyeae4 to aB aaoaottm tike mm
atoorw ihoOvaowfawyaMW rtet
to Own. rr. Liaday. who will aamtm
attaoold aland.
Wb. Oascatw
lAaa&we I
TWTraoWW LawaVor Cooafwotj -'?
avniri th-It-ed Hawley in? of
f Htobor. which tMy iwroooasal a &
or a aato. on to wotr new gpoojtitQ r
; Fourth Avenoe. wfero aoY Smo
saw arda. iuom mm! o.t
eoaaw,T a'.4 wH heorOmraB h
g3ak0aaw9e BmmmT fc -5a O On faairaae Kwwaa aat ara
j f(f-. te ."; f ;, itirmmfy y, 3.
1 arMw ''- bnih auHnfai.aauI
art ! toai-er. UuWog
etc Thwy wdi u a larg rk of
coa?. aad h alre-ady 4to &t mpsui ml
loatibr on tho road for t at r yard.
fo sfeo Trader Ltm&ot CntSksi
ran dboo ewar faedaru 1mr &t-.?arf
j Woaf j4rc jott l-vwt thr iM; toy
' jtr.3.
jp - .