i ySVi?5 i ..)-' -. v "i' "i 3 r y rsr -l Rd'Jf j& -WtJ f r ' - " !& " w?.. f v Red Cloud TTtT "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRlfcF LIBERTY," AND $1.50 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OFTHE CHIEF, "" 'isjsr V I . I L 1fi Chief I t f to. t vol xii r. WBBFSKfaS RED CLOUD WEBSTEHOUMTY NEB. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1S85 NO 12 Bsssssssav sssl dickers Gash Dry Goods House BLANKETS (4th Aviiie, Wiener's Old Stand.) FttOJYL SI TJ1 We have a nice line of of dress goods in WORSTED and SILKS. JA new line of Men's and Ladies white and scarlet underwear in this week. nice line of samples of We have aBBBBBBBBBsssssm .Bsssssssm bsssssssssssVabsssssssssssssssM aBBBBBBBBBBBBsssssM ILbssssssssssssssssssssssssm bbbbbbbbbbbbbssssssI sbsssssssssssssssI T wJeiEa l7S From cur et, 111., carpet house that we will sell glower prices than sold at heretofore. (Cut and Matched.) Ingrains from 45ts. up. Heavy Brussels, 67 cts up. In tickings, denims, jeans, repellants, sheeags, flanels, etc. we carry a full line at our usual popular TDriees. Heavy 4th Avenue, Red Cloud. DUCKER S CASH HOUSE. RED CLOUD CHIEF KVKIIY KM HAY KY A. C. HOSMER. . -T3 - " I SO. B. STANSKK, m AUCTIONEER. HICKS - - XKHKASKA fjEKRY ANDERSON, SURVEYOR, Ordors left at the Abstract offico will reetivu prompt Attention. ED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA - J W.TULLEY8, M.D., HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. ExHininint; Surjroon. OrricK Oppo-ite I'll at National Bank Ked Cloud. J)R. L. H. BECK, PHYSIdAN AND SURCEON RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA Officio Over Henry Cook's drai Ftore. Profe.sHonul calls attended day or night. JJUSrCOTJST -T T IT I I 1 YTT M meaicai lnsiiiute ana water cure. .... s End;e..;.,i;, 2 ,adies Dress Goods, of all varieties, O Fall Dry Goods, in all varieties, 5 ilegant Line of White Goods, rimmings, Sec, i$ slaughter in all Summer goods: .Voir is the lime co qsd cneap uiicns. Q E. McKEEBY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ornef . First ilw wiM of Cioh's druc store, Or bourn from 9 to 12 a. in., i to 4. anil 7 to 6 PC ni. Resilience 3 blocks west of court oine. Kim.OUI). - - - NE11KASKA J DAMERELL, M.1D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Red Cloud, Nebraska. rict Orcr th it office. S ' SHI IIS Plia 3 pq "SMimM P ..,?,. i ' c"n b,,.",,, A" 'tnte imtttutSo ... ruli'lo enmn i. tr? entire r'tv of LHr"iln rii,! cnM bJ i,irin ff ,,r,,,,,l,K'' "; .1It..,x r. .m for the p. .iimio.lHttnj .,r ; cffiJtem?Mi,IeVlln ux'mi"P'1 W-t"T. Kvrrjth nB o n li,v ,,JMwmt nnd if T3! .1 lrc"mcnl " cn prrnV.-pI-Hiuit ciunr-inr. rhhJc. n-nil:nr irrau.rwilcp nM .wittu. Ld,r,K1 ftn? Puteni n.M.cin-, wiih:t Jrj.nt wl a :ltn.xith f'ljurr. ror:mh .. Vii ""-" inrnon n) rainmii, Ola H Klir-Mx? dllil ,IH"nr III .Mien- ' iffimHn . ff-Trid wi'.hnj:nJLh,r,,,,ffl? rM1. ...l ,.ati.-a will ! 1.-.- . lc w hi ,n t wn U con cnK J-iThi JJT;. h t0 ,h',,V," !"? PMit. Will, u-irc. ;rt..r. n-l ur n -iitiVii" mat T lufATsn SKAI rrvi4ftn! n' "J0141 f-'tasr.. Mtm f tl,c KYK. EAtL w S-5 C1D ..i i . " M .a5air Acme Pulverizer Harrow, Clo'l CrushT anil l.lrr. vrtJ'ct the jo.; t thr action o( :i M'i-1 'rusl.fr anil Ivt- dor. ami th- cutting. Utt.nu. turniiiK jrrci'n of lo;illc C.HIK'' of vl"i'l roul- If r. the prcullar haiif aiu! nr- rausfin nt of which ui Immense Cutting Power ! JOHN BOESCH, Agent, AM BOY. Ni:B. Sold in Red Cloui Ij A. "A POPS. The thri ojiTau i of cr iviihk r'i..l-v"t: : tin Knninl. anl tf.or tuciu. iulrr -ir ;!'. m I are jKrrfonnt-rt at th snn tim Ih-i :ti ypact of jiikit or s,rii tft-th .I'voM. j.-j' . .c nt rubbish, it Is ? .. i. a '.i't I to in.rrtt I st! ar.cl h.inl claj. wl.i r oth r irrown ji?!t' I . hatlsfy yourself t k.tIm: tr A( ME s trial. mancntlTciirfd.anrtlnvlri'mn:: U Tk ' "JZ ""'"- - ectuatir and pc all ilM?,.nJrilJ?,ert f?r "" VIfAL WATEH-s an-1 l.o.plmM. ritlwn It la caar of nc from lnit matter on ipecl dia.sr vut fro. on app irntln. !it!ri,i. .0nt m ii: w,-, nf uT.. rn mr J f?r.r."",,n'" or orhrrwl. by letter, wnen !t ch be .1, VLsfnrilv "'VLV- ,?;,U.!7 TUli ptUlcuU at their homca o jt of the city. " vill. In apvelai L D. DENNEY, PHYSICIAN st SURGEON, BBD CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Offick Over Cook's druj; store. Calls promptly attended to day or night. D R. C. SCHENOrv. PHYSCIAN AND SURGEON, Cowles. Nebraska, Professional calls promptly attended Office: At residence Cowles. 8-51 QIL1IAM fc RICICARDS, -. 3SdIEDIC-A.Xj STAFF: SOS U. S. GARTEN B.S., M".D. Discono of tho Eye, Ear, Threat," aid T V BMn .. !"Kl S.1V1UO-:. J vScb 'SowtAt1 "S ?if Wa and "f thG Norvou. System. J. VAflCJJ DEQHTOL, M.D., DteHBKs of tho Che?t, Skm. and Gonito-XJrir.ary Organs, and Pbyai cian in Charge. MOSHER'S MEAT MARKET T. J. MOBHER, Prop. IS, mp, Bckgnft, n n n r. V tr cn - - CL n S3 g ,11 J1 CD s3-at3e3 EL r-T iP23- o vs-' rs The Red Cloud Ciiihf -. - .... " A.C. HOSWIER. - - PropiJotoi yitllUY IH'IOUKK'-'I I'.. A "Rofonu" Ailinlniittnition Sr- ;o:iIm CIO.OOO to Canttt 636.000 worth of I'nyor. HOW THE MONEY CJOKB. WamiiKhTo'. Hfpt. VI Htyn a 1 n!ctt!lphiA th-tnUh Him- t!ti JOii , f July !:it Alexander lUtftmr, a ttpi.r niniifiuiurcr, x- .i wtiatjtl in fultilhug n otrict mth th intorwal t rcrciiuo t!partni'it for tX.0J mmiimKi I of (np?r to h ned rTt;mij utiipi, o c n C J O t; jd l r ! - - c z: r. r. t "s V. H ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO Lincoln Medical Institute and Water Cure. Southwest Cor. 13th and K 8ts.. Lincoln. Nob. nit Most, Trosh Fish, j Oystors, Pork, Mutton, hickenn, 8z.c, deb. OLD STAND, HD CLOUD, IBB. 7a i V m VavladB At ;'r t VC A fr-T " aBff I I I I 2 ? V. ATTORNEYS. Red Cloud. Nebmskn. Office In Smith Bros, law office. $ W. Kalky. J. L. Kalky Kaley Bros. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NEB. Agttnte for the B. & M. R. K. Lands pRANK R. GUMP, ATTORNEY T LAYf to CLOUD, - - .. XEB Office OTcr th ToHt Office O. C. Cass. Jas. McXkxt. Case & McNeny, ATTORNEYS AND COI'SSELORS AT IAW Will practice m nil cojri of this state Collations us well as Hucrtca MulLci?1 wfl?. OFTiric-Over First Katioual Bank, lied yiLL P. OVERMAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW RED CLOUD, - .- NEBRASKA. Office. Over Ferguson i Co's dru" tor. fc Collertlons promptly attended to -tndrorrcu rMKtence .oUc:tl. Plent of nionf v to loan at WW rats of IntLnit. Xo ccxmnlsaions cltRTW t!c tow er Nebraska Lumber Co BE 1LERS LV- LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES SASH, DOORS. BLINDS AC. NEBRASKA RED CLOUD .(o). DRY LUmBER A SPECIALTY, THE BEST IN THE MARKET AND SOI.D AT THE K.OWJEST jtKIfvS. IE O IIHI JLl S? i l wSS ffll i City Drug Store FERQUSOjJ & 0., Successors to R. R. Sherer Al tho old patrons of tho ity Drutr Storo aro cordially invitod to continue their patronage aa heretofore, wo shall endeavor to ploasa you. Our stock of everything that pertaina to tho drag trade will be kept up to tho 1 IjlGHEST STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE e shall have new announcements tomakesoon and new stock to exhibit Cook&Meacham Cowlcs,Nebraska DEALEPo IN ! Drugs, faints, Ohs. Books. Stationery Etc., Etc. Etc. Prc'fipti-n3 cirefuMy com;yandj tt 'l hmt; m Webste r Cou n t v AT FOFESTE'S Furniture and Fancy Woiion Bazar. Parties wifchlnff Furniture will save money by exaxniniutr my ffoods before purchasing olsowhero. NEW GOB &MB NOTIONS AxxlTlni? everyday. In connection with my furniture I have a larae . supply cf all kinds of notions with Prices to suit the buyer. Such msTinwar Soups. Glassware, Towals, Handkerchiefs &c and -aiceaoidcieapscria-eatssy p:aoan3i Co;i r iaTi -A. MT r -TaTm SSPja, rjJI t-s-t-q x -, illJtsS 1 X.-V'w' 1 OFFICE Harness Shop BY J. L. MILLER. DEALF.fc IK j Koi oin day-i r,, lh nri hu bn pa ' (tltiKthMtl from S"iishjfcui, witfj .-v j t!Mrth of truutpftt uvrr thf vi ilnto 'ftlit? iiw .-iiliniiutr-ttioti, tiiAt Mr. j Malfour hinl Imiii "tlt.trctrtt in ftir ' r,.-hiir wikxJ jMlIp papDr MMtettd of 1 joitrr m.tnnfm ttir-l ift-rn rnR? Yw iTtlay th mutter . lrivtj.tinintl ntul tfic ft ! lowing fts, l)ti mt roiitnrV tiUUi lltirt li itVitfiHl in tctiru'ouuti wtt ihf work ol Hrtt.ry Mntinit. Ijirl:ujnt, wcro brought tu a. cvruiu Sgllt I I That from th- 'J.h .f Jtly tail U; 1st of Htmhvr a J'-rf f tv.nf. -ftttj prU ;it i t-r !,:) 1a'' rv. n 'mfUyjtl y tro trtTA"ur d tnrt,rnt Mr. i'a'foiirV lulii wi diii thr tttin trk , in counting ht uhieli i ijonu ly tAo ci;! id .Mr. Kulfoor'a ru;!y At j 1! Tht to mabit! ll 13 tovtfrn merit Kirl. to kticji tip rt Continue wjtlj thn two I Oil j;u! empJoyxl liy trie own tractor, the forc wm mcrf.no I to Si jK-rl. 3. Pi.il to wU-h tho thtrtr-firt; flJ I jirL kfp op wit! th two iJ X'' a force f rn',iit n;,uhm-ti. nlo vt J a. day -mcli, ha lrn -mplysl. 4. Ili.it Ui Wfitch tn- rtht r'fti m n whil th"j nrtj rtrlutii; tf.r , 3 jrirU. ft op'r:tn.lrt Iia . - cnt htt!ir fr nn W.i'huitHi !ary ,j liU n nNU, aiwl $" uidiilh tr inoij-rotai xporisi. 15 Tht on AH!ni tf the ok(j ltJi -nhu U thi thirtr-fjv' 3 Aih rrjfn, aw! tin trjj prjtiHlot t throujch th-ir .trk th rntrArt will (not. b omipltrtl until tii? jt of January, lr which Um t will hum . m,l it 'ovwrnmout, uu.lrr Tvfonn virninstr!.Ufm. tn rottrx! number. I'ii.CJ to count 3i,0X worth of p . ptr. j Promptly with Mr. Kalfour'i gtsrt at the contract in Julv, th? twrtitrfiTn prl, the cixht w.tchnc ih1 the icoriHrintcndrbt nrrirl flf th. ''. - '- -- --- - -. - w--, m. none h'i erer htf ?c :rn th uJn of a p.apjr rniil. hot hz.i or ffur hd rTr C"ontcl pApcr bofort. anl of t? baLtncf onn w4 on arms!, on! near "irhtrti, .in a fair share of thf rjrnatmJT o ot:riz that cvinun-j pt a. huntlrf wa. an irt4ltiiil fc-t of jrio mr.n ?ccomphb.'nent. Tho Ortitr'i wa.4 to hA? Irn UnA x 1 j OKIV. j "ixty day, n;l th contractor coofci j v&?tr hTr ri !rd it ;Kqoir'irtjU kai Knot Iftm for tt hjwt of tho JiroTrrnrnen: coon'.rn. who, twtr- ARK-NFln CO! I.AR5. ?ADDLf ttva .tror. mnsl o tell oif IjftsO ROsL.NJCKT. jpoomi- a Jay. at wreh rxln VTt dr n-HIPS. C)kBS. BRUSHES. wwW hare ben fw;il U cwint tiio entut iW,ioj pound. Tb ;r Slrj ( k'W "Ad n..ldH.. V. aa aft r .l.f-i J"i. t; jupjni jij Mie j 1 t I HARNK6IL xmi crarTthtn u.-mally kpt in i ni oT oho. Awo door north f 1st 'ii BanV- RLDCLOL'D. NEB JCHAS. F CATHERS, Prop. CoinpleteI!aiid only -set of Abstract looks in the $50 reward SoO,;,;."1 ----. . ty tot r.p thi equal -r v ' xrce.l of apmr wa wer I Abstracts of Title to all lands of this co-jnty carefully propared at ; SHORT NOTICE at Beasoxuvble Puiios. j irb haJ plenty oj urn u do tlietr Jrtrrakim: ami imitate th moduh : j lc .f thnr new iwtnd W a.hinun TrU nlxS&ValiSCS,n ?ai rocnd ad wxtcii Mr. t i'xiUxx two $1 2) watenrnen. and ir.Af-i that they 1o;wJ ;fc rjnx Tho mere hejr 'LOWSHAftr Real Estate bousht and sold. t LUC TOBACCO. -TV- -r . xi -. i LAfcC I ! COOP I rvu- rr-JTr- a.. fc. rnd a part, cou.tinr 2Xft) heu of ;:np, the !x?t record y. T.i uro(i t-erc rorth I4i2 and'jt sct A joTcrntnen: $IS5 to count thern- Insurancein solid companies.! money to Itonn on Real Estate anil Chattel Security. Taxepaid for non-reideiit5i. JlitsirBrcs Ret Oozd. KiraU AS ilins eC Octoi, NefcnuVi A II Kxy Icf2rcr: Arrc' L"1 w. Cscklra t AratwaXalr. The taKalTe tn tim worwi for eu brtsud. n'- nl.-r .? .;,... - - - .- - -. , - . . ,. .., . .,. , jvJ TTid ty-Eijtc4 Br t C Ljrrta. JTr" AOr tf:UlrH f-pjcd iiandt I chifbbia. corn and all nkm rurilrta jtMks.HA.5rifri?rjLi5f!aXetoTt.icnil t--uvrly euro ptffe. or no pay i tv"b t Giljri.o .ti, yferjiaiCfi ,Pv-; i 2nra-ed to c-c jr- J? ulfefe- CSaWSi