The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 16, 1885, Image 7

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Expulsion From Europo Appears
To Bo Inevitable.
I)iS-?itintIoii . Unci i;Ui..- AcT.:j
ItiKktn i:n!iri:i .! tlic ot!..,r J-.-
er. I'aUr. r,.r tlm I'r..nt
Jit :..ast IVi-sjoilitie-.
i- i 'NOcJo'icr 4 -Uiplomiiicopln--
un- capital is unanimous that ,
v iuu-1 yield. If the .Su'.tun give
:iv nilhont JlzhMti" he will hmv,. ,un
M-.f v uis, r mnn th.iu the caliph of 1877,
w' v. Jed a b!o!y wnr and los: all the
dthn-. v.; harriers of the Turkish Etn
I .r iii Kuioj.e for his jmi'mj-s. Another
c:i i. ai-n v.ouUl he tolerably s-ile to
Ji a- me I'otte w.thout an inch of terrl-
to-; m.-r.u ol ine Ilispnorus. 1 he .-itu-a'.o
i lhu deti.ied by a member of ttie
(" tmii nt w:io va active. v enae I
j:. ' limitary opr-ration undertaken Jv
I i z i-.d at the close of the KuH-o-Tiinc-i-j'.ir:
Ii Is nbmtutely certain,"
! ' K.nd, "that Husi;i i dir-ctin
t!i . i mvcaipjit. H.-r soldiers, iiicl;nam-i
u '. r.-er-, :iifcrossiiJ' Into I.'o.iuniiiia hi
: h-r ofllceis are alieady e ntroli
t'.e aiuiM-s of Hiijinnnia and llu:
. : her cavalry 5s st this instant act
on ttie nmrch throujh Iie.-aruii
. of p ssj!.:e war. She has
' i ! r tj n i!,!vn' Jiatwr iiioiii-v ii
i, .
I. - -r.a. Sij- i uioti!ti7.m ti4 povT
1 T!:iisuin2 ;s -enditi'' on im-ii .'iml Min.
- in advance. l:i-ir' anions like
tti- 1i-xvou:ils of ministers uo for
t .
i (
v c jirikct u :iut;ik-. K:iti mpi,,.,; lur-
ami .salsmiry a:il Wlail-totie ;illke
r. f'-.'niz the fuel, ltussri has onlv to
:' with i;iod:-Hlion to xvuk her v. HI
iv ... t t let or liiiiurance from ti - c..u..
ti liH-ie is one coutineiicv I kIr to
.i x . ve I.ul:itid, and ttiat Ih a JJu-si.m
( i;nlioii of f'ou.s'anlitioplv. This tho
j ,. si uin u-vt consent to. ltiisslti
-Cj !i iv- nil stie wants short ol (Vuisiia.
t '!. - Jnras lu" :iui i. cono-ine!.
1 tiii.ev Is an Asiatic p.wer and astind-
i : ft -list- ami menace to the peae.- ol
1 'iropi I.ei h rcio-sover tin- strai's
i.'l !! Kutrpe will breathe e'iMer. tior
! -in idea of a fiee Mat- of
i.s'autiuople meets a urowin:: tnvor.
1 mil woubl willingly ar(ju.f-ct
it. so obiou-ly mife a soluli 'ii
f tl. Kistt-rn European fiueutlon. As
lo- z :is Ktissiu s locked from Uie s a by
ill1 luriiaui-iics ami i nri.i'y noms uie
li ilM-r' must b iierpetii'il d mj;er of
wtr Th'-n- m-ht to be lrce navigation
1 i all th" woil.l, and the only way to
i r uj It h ml I- to place ('oiislmithionle
- I hesti m under a European coiHlion
U- yiuui siiid llie Dauiihe It will h
i i r ih much ol a ".oud tld'i ti ex-
ti.e Suilin: to uive in Ins ad!ie
lo such an arianemeiit without re
i.c -. To do litis would be t
an end 'o the supiemticv d
thi c:i iphite and all that makes hie
d i to :liniiiii cclans. The 'link- to
". ve tie 111 their ilue, are p-uly
n. I wi:iin enouii l (lie in (leiensu 01
ll't 1 countty and icliuion. With an
m iv iien-ury ih-y continued to brln
(, "iM hiave, well-armed men into the
1. Id 111 lt77. and "live Kussji all tie
woii. she wanted and her Uoimnnhiu
a'll Kuii-aiiin all es as well. he c:m
i' 1 the same auain and better, for Hi
ll ntiii. it there i- to he any, will be at
ii. eiv door almost of the Molruifiie
d 1:1 capital, mid lie taiia'.acisin ol t!i
Mo'i-iitiiuedaii rice will be anuis-d. Our
l mediate oiijecl is to c mil ie the area of
d s ui'mnce within lis pr sen; limits and
pu" u stop to Kussiau and Ausiriin ar
in iineiit-befop-w ir hreak.s out in ear
in si Cone itof action between (ierurin.v.
1' ii, F--4ii nI Cieat ltiituin .seems
the ot Iv tliinu p issibie to pin cut a !!n
miii mxir'i on Constantinople "id an
A list nan ad wince 01. Salomca. The
'1 U'ki-h piopos'ii to icstoiv tile status
juo in Uii'".sri.i s too lat. Who's t
1 sie 1 V The Mi'tau is th" man to d
1 it h- can. and it appears he wints the
in T.dale r.uiope. Enuland wxm't mve it.
l.Mi-siiiind Austna ceitam.y will 11 ',
ai.1! doi- the xiit'iu suppose flermany,
1 tatce iin, Itiity aie uoitm to take upon
! msehes the ic-poiis lit.itx i lheie
xi.l he no mandate, and Kutone i- not
o r: to attempt to icstore the spitus
r,uo i-v loice of amis, the only foice
mi ted K 'Uinelta and Uuliatui
are "likely to lecomiize V
-hall endeaxor to have an under-taudhu
x "1 lUissia ami the pveis oa the sjh
1 1 1 of oiistif 'linople. I am inc med t
think Kus-ia xxill be teasoiiab and a".re
to x otisiantino'de liiMii tunu-d into a
Jtte Ma:.. That juovided f r thev miv
i and diiv- the T;nk out of Eu
rope, lias and baraue, :is s on as thev
l:k W". shoiiid probab.v occtmv one ol
V e islands alom: the coast for a nnx-i
st :f 1011 111 the event of the seat of fn
(V toman power heim: tran-Ieired to As a.
W, are pledged t de end Astatic Tnrkex
uud mteii t to be as pood as our xxord.'
Tlere is some nppteheiision here :is
to the pos-ior.ity ot a c .Ili-ion he
tween Aiistua and Un-sia ail
iiu oux of the eon:l ctin am
biuons of both countries in Eni!e:n
j'mkt'V. The Seixiins aie leceivo-p
stinc icinfoici inents fioni Misiria. an-i
the :f iison. in Hostua and Uetz.e;ovina
iire h, inp rapi Uv hrouat up lo a xva:
footing "The Moceiesrins are aitam
massuii: troops t)n ttie fiontu-r aid in
risi-i m Albania is Mrcadms. i'he w r
feeling amonc the Chn-tiau race- is.
r.istc:n Europe h:i never b loie a--ii'iicd
sum dimensions a- the xxor.
tow xvitin-sses. ami the slightest arc
.lent mav act like the spark xviiich H e
1 powder mai:-'7. ne and spteaiN de
structionaud rui tar and near.
l'lltnl l.oc-oitiotie i:jCo-Ion.
Mimmiowv, N- J., 0:ti'iuT
t,...i,.f .. i.n-iinih-r draw-in' the Loti t
It-.rck exiire-s which left Ca-ndeu at
lour o'clock "vest, rduv afternoon, e
po.ied near ltp-wn's mtils. fatadv -ca..
iiu the eii'ineer. John Curtis, of To.r.
lVa-aut, and itiu:i- the tlreniHii
n-(iv.4 i . iv'v,wmvn'v -,- jH-rsons are icported lnjuied, mil
no fur her leiriicuiats. can ue outauiec
here xt pix'sfjiu
tau-lit in tin -lot.
iMUAXAi'ous, 1m.. Octooer 4. The
police an important arrest last
night iu the person of Isaac Koyuoids.
xvho xxr:- caught iu the act of makte
half-dollars at his residence on soma
Ptrcct. Some days ago the officers re
cc;xed a "pointer" aud last msht tiu-v
em rounded the house, aaJ peer.nj
tliroUL'h the xvindoxx-s saxr Key.oii
mclttug the composition aud raaaiui 11
imo the molds. He is kuoxvc u nsv,.
Iccn engaged in making hall,
quarter.-, dime ami nickels tor aoaic
time past.
Kiiini in Drunkm QuArrc ' Kcpubhcau xote of the S mill shall nut j of millions of enslaved men and xvoaien
Trjmrix, Ti:x., October 4 Harre:t' I be stippi essed. that th-re hall he hoa- nugs in its -ur. Tiij three hundred
circus exhibited here yosterdav, asd s xv-t elections aud unmeiincel sa'Tnige: . and rifty thou-and bnvc Union soldiers
"real sonny countryiaen"cinu to towa to ' :ini iai: onujred his protest against the j ?la:n in the Democratic rebellion point
take iu the shoxv and xvai'skv straish: 'inequality of representsti if in Con- their lingers at it. Tne r children. xv:d
Scveral 1 ilicnlties occurred, "one culn:i- irress and the College, which ows and parents breathe ihe.r indignant
Diting us the killim: by shooting of Darid J rix-es Southern State- the same number ' car-es again-t :t It is a hideous polit
Finlcy, a farmer, by J. Torn Wilson, a of tnemlers in each a Northern, ieil sp"ct'r. kept alive by do-es of free
well-known saloon man aud gambler. though their xote s from thirty to liftv ; liourbon xxh:-ky. clad intis. sure is and
who recently returned to this city altera , . r cent, small-rliian that of the latter. 1 natcties o: dead issues, xvaraied bv the
)..;.. - .tti .ttt i.-nrir.-. ..i.1 I, .i.r .-
.lur1. .. "" --- .-... v.... i-i;si xva-. mg uie uiooox- -a ri- xias , ixji-ou-eu virus o; irea.-on. nonr.-nea
Alexander Wilson is alleged to have bee . .i, anything to d xvith the war? It ' from the loathsome stench of decax-in"
present at the time of the traeur, ami . , aa -;.,, oi lvs-,. ot jj, lt Li a j5m. anj coucealiug amoug the folds
severely censured for not l'etln .t- t-!sh for hone-t suffrage- It is not an of iL- cerements the blood-stained flag
diajculivand thus vreveutrng the killlr , . . . ,. . . ,.-... ., , nA.,.. ..
rh i i .tir tTrttud ov,-r iVp -I -j'ty.-.'f ". '- ". " lw.y- e x-vuitracracv. iiwt-
fair e- .' predicated uon the aaimua which ex-. laud Insider.
' v
Iln I.nnumlM lit .IU n !hc Kfult f
1II Atteni'it t el7e t ! I'tiit-OXtcr.
VrwalhTAvto Made
'ViKfi irit X KntiiK. i '
(XX it'll l ui tlie -Mat
Mai"i:vK"miirkr.' ( j man. .I'ldge roraJier and other Ib-pub-o,.troi-r
i. i I 'eikrc eo from idace So idacs
The, blon- ht fallei,. Libcrtv and i
! jotis hez bin outraged in my person- I '
I am latigu'h:n in a BasK-el at the Cor-
u ith
..... , ...:,.. n .
UII U"4IJJIR 1 nt.-, IIJl.'H. :iu,
leaker (.avjli. kcmicI M Tclu-r and
De-kin I'oram. ami lo make the pane
more akool and thy sfi'TiJi more in-
teu-c. the blow whz hiHiciXl 1-r a man
xvieh I voiidfur. trover He velanl. '
i.--; - , , .i t, t .
x :shm to rch-eve the Pre-ident uv
She Ps.po:i-ibihly uv rcmorin the nig-
ger. Lubbock, wich hex xoo-erp. my
K' - l - oflis for the pa-i tw-ntv year, ex
: tin the one interval t'-at Androo
fo:i-on wi. 1'resid nt ly th Inek- r-
!uole uv that ror !er. Lhikiu." we
-..(! th plar--. piU-hed thui' rout
in tiie Ntrwt onto his n me. and took uv Jhe ofli-4.
I'o diy Uie re i.ovle vnz irrejjler, but
wJ wii we u .o? 'Ilie I'niiFent ii-!
one up hi to t ie Adiromlav. ti-his.
1 n n me out in th cold. r.Mhout the
iiiw m t oniTas-i:t a drink, and afur
hk return In- paid no attention u our
iitmiin uinw.rtlc
"." " a' . ,.., ..,
U at vuz wo to do? Why we d:d
w;t an fre m ii hood ln-v done. i"
"i -.-. i.. ai i
MM-rto 1 o -ir r.t- by for-. We made
no our mind-that the ' ':vi!-S-rv- l:w
v.tiz unnr.-Soo-hnel, and we a ,ro:4tid
xl!uz 2M aiiI d d it WV lotik
al vru . - c.Wa. in our own way.
Vmz tliat niiTer Lull' ock to cunt inner
in the iio.t-olli-i w:eh hlonred to me3
u i:i. p,.? ',v n Yomiited
ii. p
:ats Marind harin the autltont uv
the (iowrmenl cum into tin o.tis tn
da-after we f-co I it, re-in-tatcd thi
nier, and s.rn t"J the hull bilm uv lit
for Ius'iii him out. and we vu. iiki-
min u-lv taken to jale. and ae to be
trie 1 .n the oomted St .1-- ( ourt-.
with the tinnaut pro-.iecK i.v imiiristin-
im-iit for twenty jeer-.
J am willin to die and h gathered to
my lathers. Lib hez no rh.inn tor
me. and the linel ecinl (an not come
too Minn. 1 am wntin in my dp-ery
ceJl. Out d" the lit ! winder 1 km
,nIO tj. wj(,.r v the p.-st-ollis. where
Lutbock siLs -mil iu occa-Jnmlv how.n
to Tile ez he -ee-, my aer face thro the
bars. In der-lum he puts up im dem
ijohn in full site, and jroes thro the
mo-huiis uv takin a drink from it.
rritiuiii like a baboon ez he mms tlie
jiuu .sh on 1113- face 1'ollock and .Joe
l't ier cum iu ever ami anon, and thev
a'so jrnn a me, wisli a epre-huu that
drive- me mad. I -hel j.o iiisai.e el this
continue!"- much longer.
1 neier under-tood or appreshalc.I
the fable uv Tantalus afore To see my
dem johu 1:1 the h.iml- if. another man.
to hev it -o clost that 1 cood almost
hear the jrurejle uv the refresh in llooid.
and not be able to e;en smell th" ie
tre.siiin drink, wu too much. Tantalus
wuz -uiToiindiii with water and wuz
not penuitl d to drink. 1 think 1 cood
eiidoor to -ee Lublock foolin with
water, and smile -erem-Iy, but to see
him a di'ui.john uv whisky, out uv
my rcech. wu .siittiin terr.ble.
l-iom tli s cell. I. a n.arier. appeel to
the Pmiocn-y uv the ken try. We hev
bin lietrnxed. We lev not elect d a
luuioerat- We hev not :ot .xat xve
votid fur. Wher are the oili-e-? Who
i- holdiu em? Is it the -turdv l)mi-ocn-y
xxie'i bore the beet and burden
uv the day. or is it the elexcn:li hour
converts xvho-e no-es are not yit col
ored and xvho still xvare cl -en shirts?
(.rover Chxeinnd i- exidentlx- pau
deriti to Ih- b.-tt r el -incuts u-. hi
party. or i- trxintob respectabh by
contiiioo'n kill1 in otlis. I am
laiijrushiii in jale. and I.ubboek. a nur
er touunt1 d b". Crant. i- holdiu the
plan- to which 1 hev a prescriptive rti
Nascom s n.aee is hem run lx hi- xvit
and the I'p- hev gone out in
31' Teller's I)i-til:erv Mlrandv Tc gram
i- cuttin lire-xvoo J, tho -he don t com
plain. he -ez s c iln't keer how
long t hex kei p her in. her iu tale, ez
she liltds ii ee-ii I to for her
self alone than it i- to take ker uv iim
also. I persxxa.l.d the lieekin to be
M't'i h iix- her to sell -uihin and send
h.m the pro-eeds. tha xe m:ti prokoor
ever o little sii-tenanc- to -oothe us in
our a'iick.shen-. but she harllc-ly re
tooied. Mascom xx on" l -end fur a drop
lur 11-. M' Teller ivfoo-e- to adx-anee
ex en a jiint, 1 am dryer than a lune
ki!n. and the co tou I .-pit xvood -up-iy
a Loxxvll fa try.
Will the U'lnocr -y stand this? Are
xve to git xx it Inn site uv the nromi-ed
land and then die uv thir-t xvithout oc
cupy 11 it? I- tier no ileef to cum to
. . -II ,.1111 .
s.J Is a po ible that I Hie! hev to turn
1. ii . -. .1 .1.1 to git the p'nee that he-
long- to me?
Hoxv long! oh. Fate-! hoxv long?
" lt:ii:i.i.i m V N'.x-x.
Tlir ll.'inorriilie I am jk.I'i In Vlr-;iiii h
CnituI K.-U-I ll-tlr.
The lUmrbon pre, all oxer thi-cona-1 1 )0niocnuy in its broadest signifi
try has raised a howl agtiuts. Senator cance mean-atn thing to g"i otlkv.
S.iermaii for xxa iiir the hloodx-hirt. . Demoeracv remv-ent-all the nrinci-
becau-e he has demanded the enfr.ia
"h -emeiit of I.e ub ican x-oter- in the
."south, and has coute.ided for a free
vote and fair const in that section o:
th country, as well a- in th North.
and has turther d sanded t:iat a t'.our-
hot: xote in the South, or the vote of a
iv:.el - ddi"r. shall not Ih a!Ioxvel to
count a- much as ih vo.s of three
1'nioti stddier- in the North. This
j,owl ha- been part eu arly long ani
t.,r,,r t n-e-ma. xx here th" e-l on-
federal -s are rel xng upon the memo- t-hired tin- L tiion a t onlederacy and
res anil a--oeiation- of' the War ot the not a Nation.
Keheil.on to elect Kitzhugh Lee their Democracy xvas the enemy of Ahra
(loxernor and defeat John S. Wi-e. ham Lnooln. Tlx-ses S. lira::: an i
him-ell a dstingus'ned Conted-nf.e James A. Carlield.
otlicer. xvho ditler- from Lee. hoxvexer. ' lmoenicy means all that xva- in he ha- ::ov. lik a braxe xd- Jxohedia the terrible war agaiast the
dier. adai tted defeat and Kcome a I nion oi the-e suites,
local citizen of the I'mou again. Democracy in the city of Nexv York
"Nov.. who is waving the b.oiKly shrt mean- ignorance, plug-uglxisui. draft
-the lkarbon- of Virg-am. haded bx r.ot- and b.iilot-x
Iav. or the Kepubl' an- of Oh o. headed D- mocraev i- adi-grace to American
bv Judge Foraker. who indor-e the po i: 1--- iavery ha- jia-sied its hmhs.
kex-uote of th rampiign xvhich John orruptia ha- poisone! its blood.
Sherman ha- -o loId! -oundetP Tlie Vreasou ha- rot t ml it- tle-h. Jobbery,
is-ue xvhich Senator Slierman has itiaoe former. . corruption and hmtality have
has nothing-to do xvith the xvar or tne dxx -tried its conscience. Ignorance,
is-ues xvliitk xvere fought ont twenty j -xeophsncr and coxvardicc have dxvm
vears a-o. He h:i demamie.l that the . died it into ms gniticancc. The shrieks
.-..-... .-. --.
. t. l 1- t
istoi! in tho .couth or "orth during the ,
! . -r It J. i i-it-il irrriri-rit .ie-t!on
of to-day.
( V .mpare the method of the Onto and
Virginia campaign-, anil ce who is
xvaving tho bio nl shirt ."-enator Shr- '
and m t their fellow-citizen neari-fal-
It. without p trade or pageant of aar
" raw ,rte,t ' not MfMB!n7
them on th -ir lour-. Ue:ncnt:ic
t lo ij . r that ii.iu-e. or if thev
do th"y w.ll be Kilh-d. Democrat- are .
not in'-nace 1 hr bodie- of infantry, eav-
"" and artillery pa ing through their .
towns. Ihiap th- old war '-- aml
fc'M'ksns t' arouse the old war pre,u-
dscp Th,.rc fr4Ioia
or of ouin'ou ami of action
ex-e.rx vvhere. ami the i-sues of Uie day
are discussed n fiudy and fnirir a-
JHWer- arne a eae in a couri room.
'H:e I'.Mirlxni eiii:!:ii in Virjr.nia, on
th-other hand, is njHin two
methods, and two or:Iy. Hy oiij of
the-e. appeal- are :uaIi- Ut the etp!e
U vol' ajain-t the Kepiihlieans bocau-o
the liourixm Mate of Vjrjrinir. is -o
mu.'li ffrsnder ami more trloru- than '
any of lh. Nortnem .-astcs' Th" boast
is ioo sillv an I pu-rile to nee I discU3-
Hson. Mr. Vls. punctured ii when he
fca"I n one of hi re.-at ip-eriie-:
Wf, With bCT Itinw UI ! lo.i mim! II half lit
i-.j- r-.ul w-a.ta ml r.rli! dcif.tseti
nm-i Iky min umlmtr.urMi r.W
t--r- m. in-it-ou"'t . t.. h.vt-r iu-
'lu-try. Iiim jf'KKMtic fntfriri-t . Ji.-r toon-
Vrf mi".,.t pMd! m r -..... h.-r
i. i -t..ixl n- f i1uch: n. k:h1 iuu-:ujrar..
en,i n-iotTB.-uJ.l-ei turonjnnir i,
iro. btr wuudt-rful fnriMifidirrw-t ilkf
J. JffSpViSS
i. -...! -.-t i.-tn :h- Kun'.n r antn Lsm-li
"'jf n h h.t liinl'. pn jrn i! u tt ma
i-n.-ration. ri.J -t .-tMUHtwl ,.r. -n.u a-.
ir:nSa. - uuuimr-d with Ohio Th - - in
MHt- ii-m1i' mimI jw:nuti-ai It - ht'iHtzMiaS
unit o!api.ntiey: Jt 1-. in tnct. Itotirlxiui-m.
The -econd methHl is the foiifeder
ate or h oiuK-shirt method. The lioiir-l.u-
have organized thi-m-elxei into
red lurt cavaiiv couitiame- a- eort-J
J()r j-,.llM, j,:,. :lI( olher -peakers
-,. ,n,, ,- th . cavalrmiun an- ex
rebel-. They go fully armed. They
carry xvitti them the rebel llag- and ban
ners upon xxineh are inscribed mottoes
intended to arouse theedd reb ! hatred
of the negi-oe-and of thcXotih. At a re
cent T.oiirlHiu birbecne held at Uedford
the rebel -oldiers came in from miles
aroun 1. bring ng their war tlag-. and
headed bv .luoal Kaily, xvho xv:i -imul-taneoii-ly
adx.-r: sing the rebel cau-e
and the l.oti.siana Eoltery. Tneycam"
as infaiitrx'. caxaity and artilh-rx-, and
had a good time along the mad scar
ing the nero"s. Tin speakers xvere
Confederate odicer-. backed by the
rebel rank and tile. Their appeals
xxere made to the peon e, upon the
niemore- and the a-, oe ati.m- of tlie
war. and xver receixvd the old
re .e! yell. Kitzhtigh I.e. h m-elf is
e-cortx'd fiom cottii:" to county bx rebel
cavairy a thousand -trong. xx-aving their " ml -.ngng warsimgs. He
lide- lieiieral Kober h. Lee - xx'ar
horsf. caj a.-o:n-d xvith's old -addle
and bridle, and tin llag tloating at
the head of Jos column is th" one u-ed
bv tleneral TIckefl at Oetty-' urg.
'l'liii-. as the li.mrhon pap -r-entliu-.-
a-t'caJIy relate, ii" proe.-e Is upon a
tour xvhich inu-t aroii-e the ( onfed
erate patrotsui of ex cry"
Aril xet Itoiirbou- are Sen
ator sherinan of xvax'mg the tiloody
s lirt hecau-e in appeal- for hone-t suf
frage in the "south rn States, and of
stirring no sectional W ling hecau-e iie
jirolesls against the sujituessum ot 1,'e
iubltean vote- in th oittti! Who i
xxax'.ng the bloolv mi r! .John Hier
man. xvith h - hold' and in 1 gu ml de
mand tor fair election-, xxithout xvhich
our reput 1 can lo'in of government i-a
farce, or r'ilhugh Lee, at t-ie head of
reiiel -oldiet- thing rebel llag-. run
ning hi- campaign eclu ixelx upon the
ol I. dead .ssiie- ot the xvar. -eek:ng to
tvv.xe the old lloiir'.iou animo-.tiea
aga list the negps- and the North, and
thus, hx and shoxv of anue 1
foice. attempting to prevent tiic lb-pub-lie.-in-
from x'oting n Miilicicnt stre-igth
to defeat himJ Tin- la"t ;.-. a- the Ham
mond coriv-pondent of the ( incinn.ili
t'on.m ri-l-Utt ttft sax's- "All the
bloody sji rt waving i- done by th"
I'oiirboiis. Stuinji. jue and pulpit
join in xx.ix-iiig it. War i u- - are p
xixe 1 by xerv avaiiab'e mean-, tne an of th xvar rearou-ed. and t'.e
ch xalric heart of the Virginian lire.!
xvith the ol i spirit that -cut hi- fa'lu r
1 ul to tight lor tlie sacred I.o-! Cau-e.'
Here i- a rexixal of rat", -ce'.tonal and
xvar i--ii"S hexoiid an, thing exerknoxvn
in tin North." Ail that tne Eepublic-an-
deinanu ;- that exer.- citizen of
Virgin a. xvhite or ha -k. -hall be i'-r-m'.tted
to exercise hi- co-'-titutioi:aI
r gJits. It is all that .John Sherman de
illIH4-. 1- kill:
. . , , ,. .
shut. Lsrn 11 j
mands. 1- tin.- waving tne oioouv
Ieni-r.ev a- X'lrwcil from a
l)emocr:icy in the South means ter-rori-m
and fraud.
1'cmor-raev i- svnonvmou- xvith the
I negro auction block.
e- inai ix'c ami .itw-K-on lougni ior.
-1 .1 tr.i- ..
democracy it: the hi-tory of the
Tutted States means trea-on and re-iK-l.ion.
Democracy is syiionxmou- xvith
po-u:ou .0 uie emau -ipan m 01 slavery,
t'etno.racy among the ma- of
Uourlion l. mocrat- me;:n-: "I xvant
aa o Slice
Democracy doxvn 1 in Iie mean- de-
iraxmmg aegroe-t-i their ngut to vot
' iMr.o ni. x is 1m1
party xvhich de-
. I -: - .- , ,
llir I'rlilriu y.H - Curry Oh! HI. rTirtr
vpit Iilrn V., -ii- imr I.jMlIc-i:i
C Ivil-srrtlre Itrffirm frlnHftl"-.
The mu:ual-admirmtion cfrrpspond
rniv ltv.eea Dorraaa ii. ijitoa anl
Tresdnt t leveian 1 upon the puetion
of reforming the ciiii-ervice will d
cei no o xrbo ucderstan 1 the ori
gin of thtt reform or wbo has ialeili
gently yraurbH its progress. Iks ap
pearance kt lbs time, upon iLe he -1-of
tne riajnng rroltttkas iu the New
York Kenubii'xu platform, and jus;
pn ir to Uie aa-et'ag of the iVaioeratkf
onren: oa which ltom nsted the anti
i .v 1-h r ice-relorai -id machiiKs-can-didate
HiiL U mien Jed u hokl the
inr.gwnnjp vote, otherwise the rdy to
ilat-iitn .ett-rooid hare been made
last iii turner when the resignation wu.s
cfferei to the Tre-idaat. It wdl fad in
this purpo-e. for the mngwurop have
learn. ti by th t t'mf that the reform i
safer in the hands of its fr.eads than of
it- eaein es.
The relrispeet of reform
wdl -how who baxe b.-en its real
friends. The sirst stet towards that re
lorat was fak'-a m a resolution otlered
i.-, Mr. Jeaks (Hentbltean) of Hhode
Island in KIT. Its only encoarage
m -at in Coore s on the i-lepnb-1
can de. Iu only lulvocales were tiie
( h rt 10 Tr.O'tn.' lloston Adcertirrr,
ew York ir.lti'i''. 'It ma. Lnmng
J'ot. JJarr'a JWci-y. I iucinnati O'
zctu. Clex eland . and other lead
iu : Kejinhl can papers. The rank and
file of the Uepub.ican party gave it their
svoi; aibv au.J -upjKirt. and it at once
Iim nine an -ue a- again-t the jm'.U
j- stem of tia lictuuc'te partx. An
drew .iohn-on was naturally hostile, when ieneral I. rant wits elected
he announced his symp.tthx with the
refi.rm. and. in l-sTi, appo ntml a com-mis-ion
to make a r-fKirt of the rules
an 1 regulat a- nc es-ary to cam it
into ell'e.-l. The : d ol March. Is7l. a
bill xva- pas-e.l making an appropria
tion for the expt tis-s of thecomm.s-ioii.
and a month or txxo afterxvard- n was
apjHiitited. and a report wa- made n
J ceinber ol that rear and a commis
sion xx a-appointed shortly afterwards
to earn out the nexx s.-hi-tm ol reform.
(All thi- xxa- ee!tiixeiy Hepub'ican
work). It xvas put into -ticeefiil op
eration fo'-tlnee x ear- until Congre-s.
at tlie in-tiga'ion of Ihith-r, lai'ed
t make the neccs-ary ajjr ir.ation
for the supjMirt ot the examining emii
m. 'tee-. o that iu the la-t year of
Irani".- lertn it xxa- only etitorc-d in
-oiin ! the -malier depa tin nts and
larjer oili e-.
When Ilaxes Adm'ni-traiiou came
ino poxver .t made some xital recom
iii. udatn-ns for the ncrea-e of its ei".
feciixetie . and the leforni xvas re
ih'xx'imI bx the IJcpub'ica'is. During Admini-tratioti the idea became
more -trong.x h. d than on r in the
min Is of Kepublicai.s. and wh-n Oen
cra! OarSield xvis electe I il gamed nexv
-tren.'th b; hi- uihusia-ti'- advocacy
ot the nut: . oi: -xstetn. During
Arthur' mt od d ollice. in order to -e-cure
xxhatever Democratic -upport
co-i'd l; had. .Mr. Tctidleton xv.ts per
mitted to lather the present laxx-. The
Kcpui.I cans gave it almo-t .-olid -up-
ort and si cur d a fexv Democrat :r
v te- -enotlgii U the Itoii-e. colllto!hd
bx them, to .11 -ure ts passage. It xvas
fa thfully earned out by Mr. Arthur,
uud Mr. IHaine in Ins letter of ac -ept-tttn
e comm.lted him-e!l to it xvitno it
te-rr. 1. on. a-did hi- jiarty platform.
At least fourteen tho!:,am! clcrks'iip
wer eoutr.dl-d by in - law ami taken
out ol tli" -1 oi- sy-tem. and under its
proxi-ions l"emKr:rs as well as Ike
pub ican- xxere eligible to ollice. on the
te-t ol merit alone, under it- pub! can
me. All that Kepubl. cans expected or
:iskc I ot the Democrat- in case t.icy
cinie into j) -wer xvas to continue the
opera' ion of the ivonn.
ih xv has that expectation been met?
La-t fa', a eon-i legible number o! d s-ati-!icd
ltep:iblic::ns m Nexv York and
New l-.uglaud bolted from tie party,
a d bebex ng that drovr T !cx-eland.
iniiii -oine ague statement- he had
ii ade. xva- a -ineere ix ii-.-erx ice ic-for.'M-r
thex ho p d to dec. him. They
11.. xv j obabiv realize that it i- a dan-gerou-
poli x So dace sheep .n the cafe
of xxolve.s wholoxe mutton instead ct iu
th care of the shepherd dog-, xvho xvill
keep t .em from the rnxcnou- appetite
of t e xvolves. 'I he. have found out
th tt t ( friend- of t'.vi -Serxi. e p't'orm
are mop likeh to guard it and enforce
il th n it- enemies. Mr. lexeland iu
hi-reply to Mr. iatoti -ays. "1 Leiieve
in Ci il-Service reform. ' He n. er
once -aw ! xvill cairy it out."' Admit
tint he ie'iexe- in !. Adm.t that his
intentions are fricmllx. Of xvhat
value are I'd cf and intent'on- if they
can not be ' 111 into practice. Mr.
Clex-eland -tan is at the head of the
parly, nine tenths of xx horn believe hi
the spoils -Wem. It- leader-, hs Con
gr men. its nexx-paper organs, all its
iiiij'iu tanl appo.ntee- thti- far. are
.-noil-u en or beliexe in the spol- theory.
No Tre-idetit xx-.-is ex-.-r stronger than
hi-party. He him-eif in h.- letter of
atveptanee d( 1 ired that it xva- Lis
dulv toexeeutethe d"cre--of hi- partx.
and hoxv ie ha- ( .xec ted them the ap
po.ntmetits of H ggin-. Thoma-. Troup.
i ha-e. T.Il-burv. A,; .lone-. IIe..t
tie. Hcdd -n. ."sterling. Miere. I?iix.
the -e.m t.on of iail and pr.sou g ad
ii tc-by the leader- of the panx, iu
pardon of Mulien. the removal ot tr.ed
at.d SaKhtul puhl.c -ervant- upn lal-e
pre'eiise- of o'.eiisive p'r; mli:i and
their replavment bx men xxho-eonh
flam is d.-r -, utable ixditicai xvork
all these open x.olatiou- of the letter
and -p'rit of th" Civll-en:ctf law -Low
how cons ietioiisly that law has l-ov.
nd!iH(l already. A.1I this ha- trans
pired K fo re tin Admiai-tral.u i-
-ex-en mouth- oh! and lefore he h a
met hi- own Cong-e-s. The on! v mem
ber of l e txrsy he ha- encountered
are the -pod-me.i of the Ward and Ij.xv
ier and Higgia- sort, seekiug for
plunder. He ha- xet to face a
i.o-ti!e IViaocrat c Congees-. xvh:ch is
detenu. ed toxxipeoul the la-t ve-lige-of
C.vil-c-crx ics n-form and bef re
!i.- Admau-tration i-- over she fatal
blow xv ill If delix-ced to it. Tnerfl are
txxo fund iinettta! diffeicnee- betxxeen
t'.e Kepubl.can and Denera:r parlirs.
Tlie one s the d:lTerence betxxven Na
tional -overeigntv and State -ox-.reigntx.
'I he other .- tiie ditlerence
l.etxxeca the mer.t -xsten: and the -pod-xstem.
The UepublK-aa parly believes
in the aiiministratior: of in- ptibl c of
litres for the public goo!. The Demo
crat c party believe- in the administra
tion of the nubli otlin-s for parli-an re
wartL That is ihe ea-e in a nutshell:
and in spite o( a'd the letters the Presi
dent may xx-rite. and however strenu-ou-iy
he may assert hi- belief- or intention-,
he can not alter tin facts. H
i- tlie ageat of h-- party, and hs w.l!
execute iti decree-, as he has shown
already by h-s acts. In the face of
tho-e act- and of the loag-estabU-ktH
ikI ex cf his iartr his electineric2
docuaaect and bA tar the msrwump
vote in the Nexv York election this far
i!l b-a of ao zvzsL Ckiatjo Tnbtsxc
TT- llarrct I -t-aA 1 KatWrtn!
C.-tl-ntJ la N. rk
Six prize benx sal ia a eomp mouati
an a md. i-n jWi htvh. at JuIa-r'jL
Harlem Tark. and complacently
xvatebed ! tiiotuand Ormats cw'e-
brale their tweutx-tbtrd nai Vol-
Fou or Harreet YmtiTwX. te tzu
ahirhath ben coop, wwl indirect
eotnpctition. vai the frctiferms or
funt-uearioff entaain. eoTsred motix
w:th TffetaHJes m which Uie ut-h
nredom ,tL and which wa mount.!
by a brnnxe-colorea pias4-r tate of
buexia. U lJmiaii CVre. If km a
rrat dr for th hei: alo for tb
childrt-a drestsi in rav eIor a peas
ants. Uie jolly men and women, the
ubiquitous brass band, tfw coitnc
clowns who explained some bero
glvuhie. on white canvas, the wh;t-
aproneti xvanvra. iot i-mn. .
. ' . t . .:. .. - I A-
with aiaety-niae parts, water to one
part Icuiok peel, the comm tteemen
brtllMnt ia etdorwl. letter badg,
aad th- tt"trnor1' "
looked on and danced. I ne ieatnre ot
the dav xras the hphertl" race of
Markct:euiaen. TwentT little pe-
ant grls fuTlowetl th" bra- ban.!
", i ., ....t
around a r ng. The band aiurnateti
with Hirer box who tdaved a has and
snare drum and a life After the-e
had marched nntd tbey were tired, fcxe
young women id varied : and at
tractions took their place and ran tu-
around tbe rm The .lirome-! g rl
bd. the fctoute-t one ctm n in - i.
while the other thrc laughed g.-od-uatureiilx
or the.r defeat. Thtative
-tout pedant boxn tcH,k a run The
tallest stalwart led. but unlm k ly ,
stuooeti m- loe, ana wnue ne was iu ,
the dust the smallest lad aiade the
home stretch tirst. Meanwhile, two
. , , - 11 ,
inotlen-ixesbeep. done up inblmand
red r bSoii- and tied to a liag lole,
liMikeil on in disgust, and wheii the
rate was over thex were leI awax to
'," ""r ""rsjz
manx athletic exhibiiions. ant in tn
ex'cuing everxbiHlx dancI unl 1 they
felt sure the ppK-eetls of the Yolks
est would besullic.cnt for much hap
,. , , .,..1 , ,, ,
pim-s among the poor and in u.e
ho-pitals. A. 1. 'IrtiiUHC.
Forest Leaves and Forest Mould. '
The tree- of the forest, bx their an
nual deposit of leaves and ft'ttits. atid 1
linally by the fall and decay of their
trknks. prepare valuable betl-nf humus
or fore-t mould for the u.m of gardener-
and farmer-. All who an- wi-e
ax ail them-,lxcs of this derated vege
table matter, which is a wuderfu!I
recuperative agent aud greath pn11!.
-pc ally by market gardener nnd
tlor.-ts. Leaf mould, notablv that of
hard xvood trees, such as oak. Juckorx.
1m ecu. xvalniil and others, coni-tin
valuahle fertilizing material and is in
excellent coud tioa for the aindiora
Hoii of the so 1 It is not as a Irrtd xer
alone tli:.t it beuelit- the land .1 tends
also to mellow the soil xnd open it to
the action of the rain and the miii, as
well a to the root.s of plant.. Leal
mould ha- been found especially useful
on olo-e el.ix -oil-, that iwi'iX aerat ng.
a- xvi'll a- on light lands destitute
of the reipnntl amount of humus.
Forest leaves ihat are fre-hlx fallen
from the tree-, are also of use. and
xv hen the farmer ha- leisure teams and
his boxs le -ure time, it pax to gather
and haul th lor covering, a a pro
tect on against frost and to im with
manure in th" hot-biil. fte. Many
gtrdener- employ lon-st lca-es for
mulching their straw brrrx U-1- and
for cover ng ceh-rx pit aad hot-he I
frame-. Iu thi- counect.oo it max not
! am to rem. ml readers that the
refu-e around xvood-piles is a jjood
material for mixing in the comport
heap - .V. J". IUr'.
Fashion's Freak in Pnpor.
Mahdi paper- that scarlet abomina
tion is xery fash unable in Tar., and
four times the price it is in London,
l'rue, .t has a large gold wafer stamped
on the top of the note paper and on
the overlapping fold of the enxdop"
-t. 'leorge and the Dragou and other
heraldic dex ce- are c'lo-ea for the
-lamp, xxhich are hardlx m keep tig
xv ih the name, and .-uit better t'.e
"Dragon"' paper, ligured all over w tli
repet.t oils oi this fabled inoii-ti r .n
pale gold. or -.lvr. the head ng be u'.
of coiir-e. to corre-poml. St. (t.-..rg-likewi-e
appi a--in - Ivcr or gold
plain paper. T.ut if Ihe Mahd -'. :
cry is dear, the Tompeuati ou,ib..-s .
in th:- reelect, as it doe- in pre: 1 . -
Kach -heel :-tinted bx hand mari-..d
in vanou- -hade- of terra-cotta a- if
bx the act on of time and L:mp Let
ter paper i- l-o to b" had of a deep
Inpi lniilt blue, a oft ibi.--pnik anil
jlea-ant mo green -hade-, thick and
rough in the edge htltncnlar.
Oh!" exclaim! Mi DaubxreJl.
xvhat a clexer man that Mr. l'gg ."
He ' reallx quite a phx-iognomi-f. 1
xva- P-ll tig h m !a? evening I had
become n'oti pi'du ent in ptirvng.
and he -aid. I w -.--ore of it iii.niani.
our face -ii ..x- it h rn 'lu-
deed'"" .'fl'o'l '" 77J"-'-,;
K.N-.s CITY, (yr'u-r 11
CATTLK Fh pp -- -t-cr- fi SI a
Nat ve coa :a -i I r.
HutclT- te-r- X ) 3 1;,
HOG5 GeKl to choice h.r :?. s '.'
1. u-bt ... ... !!) u 3 1
WHEAT .So. rM . ... .si- S
No. J rl . ',.
Xo roft t t vi,
rnav-N'o : se-itt. x .
OATS No t a n n,
kvi: o r :, t-a
VUH K-Fancr. ;- -alt. . !M i t)'
llAV oirrehJi"l .... iM
t"Tr.-:K CbococreaaMcr.. 5 rr
rilKIb-K FullcfftNtM lt tt 11
kt,; oocc a m
UACU.V Haai Ja s 5
5hoaiilec- . ...
r.Aiin. ...
XtoiL -M --mrl UBtraahd
I"OTAToK-s-w J5 t
ST. LH-l.s.
CATTLE Sblpptar -S.r-. .. S 4
iCMcaer- -trs... r 3
HOT..S PacVIar
-HKRl' F r uebaMv ... . ZM U
nJU'iC-OMMM S ta
WHF.AT-.No.2rv Ki
QIKN' ? r .. w
OATS Ni. r Tts
UVll-No. r S at
KITTEK t reamer K
ItiHK .-Ts a
IXiTIXiN MHltJliar
CATTLK .-hfppiDsr ter-. 3 -1
H(K".5 pnefciar atwt -i.jjr "
HEFn Far tocboiee . 1 l fc
KI UH XViater witt . i 4 A
WHE-T-N.-nsi ... . w
X-3 -j ;
No. r fprsn? ..fc
COR.V-.Va. r f$ S
oatsNo. r rwii
lIlTTEH-CnwaMrr H
Is)HK 5 t
rATTLS Exorj 15 (k
Hk; Go4 tAohoae? t 4ft
sHF.KI' romoa -. c4 . m
nxitK-Goo4 u. choie S
WHLtT-.Varaj . WJ
OATS ffciarg as Jk
IirTTKK-CrwaaaeiT 17
I-OKK 9fl
VETiiOLECil-Uiaiosl 1 f 1
Vh ltrr rrta- H Vt'lw Tfcy
-aj Akst stajp Ijtfa.
Fr-vm ,r v "i$r.
MUt Emr-a aa rc'f
tMrwn w bora at BriMt ta . 8 )
janmi into pruouaetcxuMrtaatUi
H, n iUmi AfUtnm m k
Wr1 muwtiu ia fnci) i n
;l w"',r
Alwr ta trip h W-aMst -. titandrd
ttMur. S Prtuwrw Br lor ki'Sf
b t Imrgm' town -r
uiciva n mia.f. v-i- - w
wat lo Atr.Ma a,
ata, !, b aaa
ltea U ncv rtl
"huly a rr
fellow, aa
rioUfut state.
racittU) , awl w
j. t baaartt.
X S ".
Y, r. I hara tirarrUd ail rr
..u hart nrttJtarti irf-i
ta eoatact ita ail aart uf cti u. 1
bad 4 wru of raprrtoiMM. i aua
aaw a wwoataw Jw kKfci- u
ratl know I t.. U.r .Uk
tmLiir ajd 1 do. tat 1 t-U joicaaoilly
ihat ttb tb tin:al r'-.n. f 4t,
water aad fluiwto, u ial awt miBxaal
my t.-,or with rsHiar u a lTr,!
Sale Cw I K)ttis ha " i
Uorx H. PHmroav". bm tum 1
known ta ry aor'-at Ptrft ia
Am'nca, i fvmW riat.aue. t( pot-14-.
tbaa " JbiH Enwrarto. ta tain4a
Uoo of tfa" ta arto-Ja to run.: ao-l
trar-ua4 rnti f-eti4rail , aim a wa -m tt
La a rrt tav-srit -
Eui-n ti ba gr n rirh on ! Uar.1
and iobi rVimro'. kpraaa ttrt ba
not tuaad?ral the putbw'a tawra.M
lf0 fra j., t.u.-M ,K
'. -
Jssonrttiiv- rxi-dxt n Hr povc .xju-
W a w upon ioa. ul th.
pjijar frak dmmv natur octa. :iaUr
miaJi;rs is, oar mi!i rrart lu 'h-
owiti-w of man, fcoi fwf u' 1
j,.w ituiIaK and it.rowK' s' -
odjfc ci ta" nivt-rira b h U-ua' i
to prepe. bis -ti J len Xeh.-i 1. -
ary." wUn h i. .t,rf.ciliu..i !.. 'v
poinds and Mich a cro.'u.a. j .-
riB,l4,Hcbrt.rniptfca.wiltn..tu.. .
u!ctr r.n 1 fcindr UWw. By drak-l.
The mnn ill mk it furtan hi.":'.
rf nts k nwntal ..irkacrax' -si thitt w ill
t&b! lw ver U diaw a cwneiawi u
hhk IH. IU t THI.
ThkVoiti Hki.tC.. of Marshall. M-h ,
otttoatU It hrr c it-!Hi -' !
Taic H.!.T n.lUi-r K: k -Taic Am i .-onU-ial
for ' iv . t iien ir.n.- . '. I
aftla-t.-l with nirtimi drlMbtf, ..' '-
ity ami all kin lr.-Itr mi!.S VIp. f -t r- .
mattun. nural-ia. parnt i u 1 niftu' i .
cr ttargav.a. Cotupbt. . iati"tit- i ' n "
Tijtr. awlaaUiol .inrnii''-l N t -eurrrci.
.dax trial a e.. Ut.t
Utent nt oucc fur iHutrail pampt i-t. It -
' Can vob lU n what ni.l m. hit.-mad-B?
Y ior; i:' tha hiprr ul u
InUgh." Uold'H .
vSOO Vol ((.llel I'er.
It teems tranc tbi it la aaciiry tn
persuade m 1 that oo can ntre tb- ir li
ense br offenaw a nrrmittnit- the tuati
who fails to P-d-iTe heoflt. Anl vet Ir.
Kne undoulatiiv cured tlUa:i l- e
cf olMtinate ralarrli ith !.i 'CtarTti
Itemwiv." who wottld never bate ri.p!i- 1
: him.' if It bad not lu f ir hi . ff - -l
ihe alwre ira f'r aa iaenrai! rir. W u
Is tbe nej.1 btibh-r (or car.- nr eaah
A At.l.7-rhl ia aotn. wh' of a th..
N- le:i9a in :t. an t It
11 fit Mil i.
Ro!tnr. pil i"Tor. f.tu;a.
iiad all !iat-aM-a eseepi ' t
Juftr l"l rudieallv ear. d T. ! p r -tlcolartn'
-taatj. U r. I it.j-.-ary
MetiKal AoiaU-m, Hutfalo. N. Y.
Cf a man soddanly stru l dum
he ai t tnat lit m-laucb. J . 1 :u-.
ilufhiHgt-jH JJnlhL
. i
PiKr'aTVurrtiM Mtriiorc(jrnlni!r,u-. . -v
.Uim'aSm!tJ:mr Vt; h-a. at . )iiti'. -ajANCtaN
Kcawvioiiaiia. inx iiur.u.
Ctroaoc 34 audi mnvs 'hat Hpm-i
renamed and called f'bl 1 t r i-4
radjr for tia qtitwb -f.. '..f.
r af?e-d wib 5ofv F. t.- r lc
l"btiiui-ii'' I!fe Water. lr,-i .. It. 2j-
Bn n
L'l. j
n ' at--- -i'. r-. .. 't
run vpun
lid J
The prr-jnete- cf th: c,i-.rali Tr..-;:?
jatlly c'.a.-r. 1 fcrit a icpcr.sntT nrt- .,. -rru-cdiptevtrcf-'d
10 like pnrdu !r'.' hAFE.
ofArociaiFtTtr or Ctiiiitcd Fctct rbia
cr of isort crloasr i-irdisr K refr : the
stire Wcttsra .z.t 5oclr: eoiztry ; acir
bia '.eitizos; xt lie trntii of z. xttrrties
tea.: ia ao ae -xs.'jettr t.. .: U:t : tzrr .!
lhed:rtcuoaxtrtf.ncJj fo'!9TrBaicarr.ed
o-it. Is a ctsi: ataay tej a t:isr- -ax
uees ji.5c;ea: far t ta-? trTi,.ea.. n
have becr:red tjanorl otti :z. ;"
feet reforstioa cf iia gtsen! ta ta Ir. .
hoe"rer prsdes: tai ia trtrrei &' "i-
ua c::rf.if :U sx :j eoat:B2ei
, fL.
dam for x -xetic r .to after lae i-ifui t!
bttz cae;Vel sore eipec-al.r :a ..-- -.i
lo-ZET-ttxadsj caM-t Uisailj isi: -sec. .'e
Till sal r&qa.r asr&'d la V-a ike zcv.t .3
cood order iitzli. ;ae patent, ho-xerf- rt-qc:reieilhar;.jt4:t-
three or fiar oet e' ii Zst.z a ia. 4
izill z xariciiat. IT a-j oihcr.
7rvc Po-jiaf aenociic of fsa Oa.
."'riaclatt OS--. 21 Si.i t Il I-.TII 1 J XT.
TOCtrrastLrs the utic zrv: Kitmj.
3. &
I '(,r,:R. SAHFOSC:
t- Uf Ut (wfliar ,mi . '- 7 &
kCMa I MlMi. t - t v.
!- -. -.- m-n- -
i a- , i I
fc.rX, S--rl va
Many a Lady
is beautiful, all bu: her sk.n
and nobody has cvrr ioc
her how easy it is 10 pui
beauivon the skin. Braut
on the skin is Magnolia
i i .j.i.-p.i i wmi .imi
Men ihink
icxr.: ! c Jo Nt : w t
i. Cat lUtmbln TlUt ? ft:"'! i
- 4
a? . -s. i
If... 4 ; 7. . 4 - " '
? 4 ' - v
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Jt.6mr K--"lT 's 4 - I .
w IK IIUI 1 mw
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1 v 6.
;tam b
fltfHttt. '.-
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TUf HI i l-Jls' Ul lOfc l
ImihJ s.I. .l taltk.
roili or. 4 4A ri
. - til ll. III., HI. CH
3 xOO ni... -
I. lllll l.fctkfCj.
.1X I XX li..l...W lrle
ilir(t i riHx i i "II ! f
M-.tMt.l fMtllllj III'. 'ItlUllKM
i.rttrr i.l i;l- ( t..l wf ony
llitnc j mi ...r. l. .tiloi., .i, r
!,. t n Hli. '! !.... INX M.l
ItOilK i.iouiii li.f... i..luk. t;"1
rr..i. ll. tl.l. X n
.III ii.ll m. !') Irltl I l l
lir. il'.n irl.l of III I. ! lty,j
, lMiir .f t.inlltot; It ! ffftt
)llll. Il..w. tfullj .
US" ,V . I XX I. .! Xr M-tr , I l.k .. III.
Piease Reniember
There Is Not a Pariicle of Shoddy
Used in Our Factories.
If ,. .. , 1 l I IIOIH III M Ml'
i. - . x 1 1 1 k 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 1 r .
.H X IN ' -
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m m VS " mil' )il
f TK, M ' 'f 4a
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'hnJ SHoe.,
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PMR MUT5 K?rr''- -,f- '"'
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JliO. C. ITiT v CO.. I -- ic.M
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Ns Heps h Gst 0" Hif$' Uei.
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t 'il
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TK&&& --a.
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- Novelty Ruf( JWitchno
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....e. - -- ill.
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ptkis at-iJtn iniiii .C"'tS"-Sr7,ft"5a
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TficM3;'.!Cs 3rOJ T-
Mo;ti-it:sx tsn.:r r
111 lIllYi r ." '-"--- l '
wi iwiii mwLin (o.ur.j.H-.u
liniiC STUDY. &
uUmL s - , t ifaaiuc
Ulst.M.- Kit.k.ntXit. n.ri. . t.
' X Jvfr
U-tUI '. NMM. l-- '- -- MX
fcS . I- T. XI3rTI.
Tin r-4 -aa "
alt f p .
uiivrii. . waaaC ?.
U M;ti iusae-s. .. sasi-
anr. wxiTiNC to .ieKiri.tftsx.
w -r ik . ' - im' f
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