SSEZWLWKiMIMLWLW&b- n mm,,. ... . . -,f .... jVi. mmimmi1P r i P h i if s. K- ISj Jarly from iho post oHice. wi.eth.r.lireeieif to fs rr yilJ'n , ,,lh.t;r ,,c Is a cribcror U is icf ponsihlc for the pay. J'he court.- have leei,,.,i that rrfiis.rie to take newspaper jrm ,;. t .. '; : ' niovlnp and Joav.ii-j tiicm tim:,lle,l'jv,r. - THE WOOD GIANT. "From Alton Hay toHiitiilwich Dome. from Mml io.Sr.eo Ittver. Tor palriarchrtnt the primal wool HumiukIiI with vain endeavor. Ami then we paid : The plants old heyond retrieval. Thin p:;niiy growth the axe had spared lrt not the wood juimevul. 1 Jo.c viiore we will o er vale ami hill llmr idle are our nearuhes Jor liniad trirtlictl untitles., wide limbed oaks. Centennial piuc-i and blrchc-: Their tortured limb the aw and aiv Jiuvo eli:ititreil to beams uml trostle.-.; They re-t in wall", they on neiii. Tile.) lot III MiuUctl vet-els. Ill's shorn and wasted mountain land Of undcrhrii.-h ami houMer Who th.uks to Mt it.s lull thrown trc-o Mu-t live a century older." A1. hist to us a wolt:iml path. 'Jo open hiuiHel leading. Hevciiletl the Au.ikiiu ot pitie-i Uiir wildest wish e.ceel:ti;. Alone, the level huh Ik fore. I Itemw, the lake'H jrieen i-lim'N, lletond. in mihlv rJi-tiineedmi, The riiiKtil Northern Highland.-. Dark Titan on h.H Sintm-l Hill M limeiuifl ehatu'edeiiant! Jlowdwarled tiieeoiiimoii wooilland feemed, Jielore the old time Ktiint. "What marvel that in -linpler ilays Of the woild'n early eh.ldimod &!c u e imvnctl with :ii!iiin-. toft-dind praise f-uch moiiim-hs oJ I tie wild-Hool That Tynan maids with Ilower ami f-onir Ilaneel throiitrli the hill "rove n spacer. And hoary-hearded Druidi IkuiiiI Jii woodH their holy places.' Wjih wiiiicu'liMt of that I'airanauo Willi Christ -;tu reveicncc hlemliiiir, 'e -jiw our pun- live ml-'lity aiind Aliove our Ir-wlt extendmtr. We heatil 1 f-. needles' my-tie riinu, .N'iiiv riMiiir, and not; tltln;r. As er.-t Doilumi s priest !- heard The on k leaven propiic.-)iu,r 'Was it the hull" iineoncIoii.s moan M me iiplll t Mid llliltoie . The weannessof iinlioinl power. Tie lonclinc- ol' O ilnu ii- and Him-ct lend to him Your lieauty and jour wonder. IShthe sparrow mug thj Miuiiiier sotijr Hi.s roieiuu t-hadow under: I 'lay lightly on h.n leiiiler kej.s, o of wi miner, waking Kor hill Ilk the.-e, t hit son ml of setts On luroll lH-ttchc- breaking! And let the cuglc mul the crow Itest on hihntlil gieen hratiehe-i. When winds uhake down hlH winter snow In .-liver iivnlauchcri. The hrave are braver for their cheer. The htrotiKcHt need ii-Hiiriincc. TIim mkIi ol'ioiiging makes not lew The le-iitv7 of eiiduraiiee. .. (.'. IV hilt m; in A. 1". Inilriicwtcnt. .ouiTiug" salmon. A Happy Consummation. Brought About by It3 Cupturo. It was no ordinary .salmon; not one of us can speak of it even now but with bated breath and a tendency to retell th .-. story. Several of otir friends think it lime to e;o the moment that ginud Jish thrusts its into the conversa tion. Lord Duller even departed in a huff yesterday afternoon because we in a final ;o.s.ipupnn the sub let: but he is devoid of all sense of f.ilher romance or sport, without which i jiicongruous ingreiiieiiLs our saimou can not be dished up for conversational purposes; or perhaps as I pause th" others accept the hypothesis with many voiced acclamations -he was in love with Kthel him-elf! She who ought to know best denies this, but her good nature in sheltering rejected lovers from r.dicule is proverbial in the fam- iiy- It is perhaps the most perfect hour of the year, viz , six o'clock on a .Inly cveiung. ami especially perfect because we are just going to have tea, an event .-which attains exceptional importance owing to the fact that luncheon at tins Milling hour of one was a fa ret;. Wo Jiavo been out since early morning, a .state of things which has obtained ever .since our arrival in Wales ton days ago. suid arc grouped in picturesque atti tude, such as girls naturally adont "when in momentary expectation of the return of the gentlemen, round the head of a rocky pool soino miles tin the river. This spot has, after an exhaustive e.x--nmhmlion of the entire neighborhood, been pronoune 'd by the family the beau ideal of romantic perfection. The mur mur of the fall soothes our ears; Cap "tain Croft e.tlls such music a "ceaseless tlin." but men of his stamp have no business outside hondou; in fact his -adverse verd.ct alone would be enough to decide us in having afternoon tea here. It is pleasant to lie on the rocks viaring down into the glittering black ness of the d- ep nool, while the pre--ence of the heavy saimou which lives sit its lower end, and occasionally siartlos us with a loud splash, is fraught with ceaseless cxe tement. Dick and Captain Croft have often tr"ed him with everything, from a .Jack Scolt" to a "Silver Doctor." w thout getting the ghost of an offer from his majesty. They will soon re turn, surly. After the bootless fatigue of Jong wading, and, if we know anything of a fisherman's nature, try him yet iiga:n- Meantime, we light a lire of dry .stieks and arrange everything in a way calculated to cheer the eyes of disap--pointed anglers. e are uisgusieu to seo v..apiam Croft returning first, and more still to see Kthel with him, for Dick has long been her slave, ami wo did hope to find that he and Kthel would be together ..and that something would occur to pre vent his threatened departure tomor row morning. It this afternoon turns out blank, we givo up hope, for Dick is lue in India in October, and will not get another chance with Ethel. This morning Captain Croft killed two sewin, anil Kthel was the only one of us civil enough to congratulate him. l)ick appeared at lunch with au empty -creel, bron.od and tired, but as usual, -cheerful. This cheerfulness of his, ad ded to a curious habit very curious, even unique, considering his se.v of thinking of ever) one else before himself have 1ic1mhI to mako us worship Dick as an elder brother. I wish some of you tcouhl be a shade less sisterly," I heard him mutter the vother night when Kthel said with a -guileless smile: "We all look upon you -ouitc as a brother, you know, Dick," Captain Croft and Kthel. whom we re ceived with dignified stiffness, throw out strong hints upon the subjeet of tea. bnt we request them not to be greedy, which is uncivil, and declare that the kettlo is not boiling, which is iiatnip. Possiblv wc rather astonish Cfcptain Croft with our rudeness, but uZrw im nbout Dick, and our enemr -- rfeas often enough disavowed all surprise t the vagaries of our sex. jpfcjLi tfc aagler, finding us too dim- riVH cult for conversation, turn ovr the leaves of !fw lly-book ine ihativeiy, Ktiiel recline- anions the .se:t of brake fern wliteh ne!ops our ramp. I ob serve ljer from iiebind a book, ami re lict ted for the iho'i-amlth time that the multitude of h -r con ,nf-ts i not to be wonder d at. Who can v.ith.-Larid .-ueh blue eves and j-oii ctinv nair aim uie , . . .1 dimphs which come and jro a- .-he sieak? Airain. her voice is like the i--irhle lA ?i i!rlitill'.l!e. atlll but -i-tr i.s...i ;- .. tiw.tiii. u-lii-li t'roui It-fvcecd-! .....f.''r.v.'...."-v - ji.i tn mv, v .t --.- - -- -- - i in attracts eness, I must label "Uan- irerou Dick comes in si'ht. clambering over the rocks with hi Ion"; rod over his shoulder. I fancy I detect an added lihl in her eyes, but she only remark-. ea.-ually: "Now you irirls have eit your hero back aain. perhap- ou will jive u-i -onie te-i." "" avs Diek: "not a fin. Mi'ht as well throw a lly on on Ihi.T jjm-elear water drv "round a- i lie 'its down, and we recover our spirits and temper a little. lint he i-' not him-,. If, for beiti"; really anxious ' out him and Kthel. I o!i-er;e him c'o-elv and not the elaboration of ef fort in h s mirth. :I wlh was not so h umbli minded. I'robably he will not even a-k he'-," -o run im thouiits. After our paiiistakmjr preparations tea is not to be di-m:s-cd in a mom -tit. Our coiilfiuTilative en;ovment ot it. however, is broken in upon by a loud shstl' have a chance." 1 declare to my shout from fourtecn-v. ar-old Hella. .-elf. and ponder a little while the others "Look, the saltn m"1 ami she points to the curving which mark the spot whore tin; bi ha-, risen. "I'.y jrum." say- Dick, jumping up in ha-t". "it's a " icular -ockdolaer. "Take my rod. Croft, and try for it.'" "No. no, it's vour turn. I had the la-t." 1ii t ood-natttred I)i'k thru-ts the rod into hi- fr.enil'" hand and lrao;s off his own hat to examine the ilie- in it. Our loud-!onjriied entreaties are to him a-, the idle wind; but a gentle, iow voiced from Kthe' veers li'm round in a moment. He takes the rod and rIide- caution-l v down to the wa ter's ed'e, crouched behiuil ro.-ks. and with beating hearts we watch every I movement of Dick's linirer-. " I .-hall show him a Ijiir dark 11 v lir-t' hii words seareelv reach u- thiou;h the nois-of the fall " 1 should nevi-r land s-uch a 'whopper' on a small h .ok." lie -eenis an aire a!liinir that 11 v and then wetting it. A- lie lengthens Ins; line out aard or more each ca-t, and j the black win;;-, and silver body lloat j nearer and nearer to the spot where the ; I'sh rose, our excitement ' reaches almost to hur-tinr, point, and little Itclla has to be held down by force. " There, it must have been riirht over I - .i . . t t i . ...t . ms nose mat time: i aimo-i wouoer, nosi that Dick has the courage to goon working his lly at all. Hut no ripple breaks the -urfaee. His maje-ty gaes unmoved upon liie black and silver. Two or three more throws and reels up his line. "Try him with a .-mall '.lock Scott' now," Captain Croft, caught by the pre vailing excitement, speaks in a solemn whi.-per. "All right. Throw me one over." Ajraiu lhe wetting proee-s has to b'j jrone through and again seems more r r O ondle-s than before. At last the brilliaiit-hued ".lock Scott" is almost over the big li-h. Dick balances him.-elf earefullv for the next ,.nsU -pj,,. nj curves back, swing- for ward, and the lly, delivered straight ami freely, drops gently on lo the wa ter a couple o yards above the salmon. Hardly has the line sunk an inch lie low the -urfaee before there is a heav ing boil ami swirl of water as the great fish bounds to the surface. There is no' one ol us girls who would not at this juncture June thrown the rod down with a shriek. In a moment .lack has struck. His rod is a hoop: the line llashcs through the water; the whirling reel makes mu sic in our ears. "Down to the b tto:n of the pool, and drive him back if he makes tor the rapid." Wc ol) y D ek like children, except Kthel, who stands beside him and views the struggle, so to -ay, from the grand stand. The lirst rush is straight toward the dangerous rapid, but a strenuous j N-iil.-isliin.r from us drive the lisli hack -i o I in time. " lly Jove! that was th nigh," and Dick wipe i noar shave his forehea 1 hastily. ltoth Dick and Captain Croft after ward de dared that they had never seen a lisii show such spon as this one tlid. One grand ru-h after another seems 14 ll.'l- lilt.. 1C ffdl IC it-.t ll.i 1. across the pool! down the pool, under i the white water at the top. and almost under Dick's feet all in a moment. Again and again he hurls himself into the air ami his great silvery al-mo-t da.des our eyes with its glitter. Little Iiella po-itively cries with ex citement, ami one or two of us would fain do likewise. 1 have that strange feeling anglers have often described to me, which makes the burning reality of the mo ment blot out past and future. Tne fate of the universe seems to hang on this one fish if he is orce landed, f feel that the struggle of life will bo over. For tlr.rty-eight minutes does that lish keep us palpitating round that pool, then he begins to tire. His rushes are shorter and "shorter. Dick is get ting him in hand. One hu-t effort for freedom, however, he makes in spite of a shower of stones froin us. and the strain put upon him by sixteen feet of green heart, that gal lant lish struggles into the head of the ranid. Dick comes running down the bank, losing line even then.' for the current of the narrows is furious. Through the neck at the bottom of and sets his teeth. There is a last chance, but a tiskv one. "io:i u iick: you ouui eeurowneii .fk . 1 1. . lit 1 1 to a certainty. we Shout in Chorus. hthel implores him with tears in her eves not to risk it He looks gratefullv at her. but shakes his head. It lia-hes ' across tne that if the expression of her face at th s moment does not give him hean. to ask her a certain question on the way home, why. he doe-n't deserve her. Nothing short of cart ropes would stop Dick now his blood is up; he steps into the hum ing water and is taken ofF his legs in a moment and washed against a rock; now he regains his foot ing and staggers on a yard or two, now loses it once more. "No lish in the world is worth su?h dangerous work as this. What a reck- less chap it is," thus Captain Croft anxiously. While "making a short detour round Ike rocks we lose sight of the angler for tll tt.lill Ibwhits tb l.l-. llrrtit- . """ " . "7" "7 -"- 7 -- , iMilla. bvwav of creetinir. nine;. I he snrht of bowlders and broken t ...-. j..- ... i... t tr. . , . ,.. , . "t.,orae ouisiue. jrins. i water renews hts coum-e. Dicks i,r,athiesslv, "and I'll show von some-! miiniitilnti'n tni'im ic i r.r..f li- ', T . ...... I iii- - ....f--. . v.. p tiimg worth a tmnureii salmon. rock; lis line is run out to the last yard. A - wo eme from lhe ioor 1 his prince of fishes will escape after lv.msht sho 11S lhe VTettit ic:un. .in. iiii k iii.ia, iiniiii ii r kt ii iiii' :i..'i a moment: then, ru.-hinj: bre:it!i!cvsly dov.ti t' the water aain. lintl him lyiu 110:1 the bank, much shaken. and evbau-fed, but holding on to ha ro.l doedly. "Tlie hah' i-- snlkinir in the lower pool." he explain-, emptying the water Irom hi-puceta. "When I've had a ....- ... ..... w.tta ni rnii: fiir?i titi . a-i ym iuh wiu -u ..-. -r ; wit i stone-- ....,. .. , i This rc-n.te :s bnei. That i;ame li-h is soon c:ireeriue ro'.uw t.iu m.- uun . - . - i .w.. .1 i . ., nool. but the ellort is a li'ial one. cry . . . -oon be is hinLr in the siiallow water. aimot .i-sive. We have no iraffwith u- and "aplain Croft'-, bi lamliii": net would not even hint at inclosing such a leviathan as tlii-. Dick leads the lish steadily shoreward until it is almo-t aground: then apta:n ("rofl. warily circbii"; around it. .-coops it tin in both arms, anil, behold, the rr-at -almon is irlittermi: amonjr me in mil hea" her! loud eh er ari-es from the whole part, and little l!ella. in a paroxysm of triumph, kneels beside the .-iier mons'er ami ki e- its slippery .u-. Thirty pound-, at Mi-l." we cy. "Xo. twenty-live, perhap-." say the ov-iitjein.n. .And a irrand liah in per let condiiion."' The excitement of the sport has com pletely driven all thoughts of IMck. coiiiin depatture from my mind, but thev now return with force. "He are sieepe i m n-!ti-wor.-.nip. "lJ:ck."' I cvc.a m. authoritatively, "you must o home at once, in-tcad of loitering about here. li-i j.plriir like a Newloiindland dee;. Kthel and I will wait- back with oii '' C'atchiii"; Dick's eye. I see that lie understands me. "Come along," he -ays. Kthel takes my arm on the side re mote from Dick. She is remarkably silent, and -how-; a tendency to blu-h about nothing, fearinir jo-s blythat her anx ety about Dick's danjreroii- eapade ju-t now may have betrayed lier. Dick, feeliujr that lie is now. as he would him-olf phrase it. "in for it, maintains a no h-s impenetrable diimbnes-. Never have two -.ueh leaden , compauioii-. fallen to my lot before or since It is a relief that the beaut v of the wiudinniourlaiiii path, stretching away belling u-, compel-, me to stop and take out inv -ketch-book. "I'll -tay with you,'' says Kthel, ncrvoii-ly. "What, and leave poor old D.'ek to jor home alone?" "Kb?" says Dick, looking at me with comical terror. "Don't let modrajr, her with me if she want-, to stay." "Noii-en.-e. jrt away, Kthel. I can't have you lidjretinjj about me while I iT. :.... " am uinnuiu. Their a-siuuous gootl nature in pre- ( paring my water-color box and block j lor action knows no bounds; neither ful-oine hints nor cross requests wiil in- ; duee tliein to dcpatl. At length, when 1 am busy with my lir-t wash, and re fuse wiin .-ulky stcadfastuc-e. to answer ! anv more fiic-lious. or to offer any turthei pretext for their moving hand or foot on my behalf, they stroll slnly oil' toget er. Kthel s eyes on "the ' ground. Dick's on the distant hori.on. Craning round upon m camp-stool. 1 watch them down the long slope of brake-fern and heather, straining my eyes as the; grow indi-t net after cross ing the stream, and finally disappear, , to leave me none the wiser for all my t Anxiety prevents inv sitting still for ten minutes together. My sketch i- a ' curio-ity a phenomenal specimen of the kind of daub produe bio by the con- ; vuliivc dashes of a hand totally unas- t sisted by a mind, whiA is too agitated to do its duty. My eyes yearn to pierce the small knoll behind which the twain have dis appeared. Are those two heads any nearer to each other than when 1 saw them last? ! For years we have looked upon Dick as a brother, to-morrow night, when he has departed, many tears will be shed which he will kuow nothing of. His go ng to India, too, is a mere freak, a decision reversible. 1 really Mieve. by a single word from Kthel. Again. Dick is his own master, unhampered by that lack ol gold which quenches the hopes of so many oling fellows. Well. I t have done mv best. and. now thev have , -. had a clear hour with their fate in their own hands, may as well collect my paraphernalia and follow them. As 1 pace homeward and gaze ove the swelling hills, the sun setting "be yond their utinou purple rim. "saddens me. Solitude and the gloom of even tide, melancholy a a long-drawn sigh nature, settle upon my soul; by the time I have reached the la-t bridire to be crossed, the castles I have built con cern n: Dick anil Ethel have crumbled one by ono. Sutllenlv I stumble upon them among the rocks, and my hopes rn-h to the surface once mote, the glow of happi ness upon these two faces admits of bnt one evplanation. Yon old brick." beg'ns Dck. clasp ing my two hands with a fervor which I tni-t" he will never repeat. "If it hadn't been fr you. I should never have done it!" "And Lucy." adds Kthel in a thrilling voice, with her arms round my neck, yo.t're a dear old thing; if it hadn't been for the salmon an I Dick's gmg in after it, he never would have - " "Done this." interpolate- Dick, ki.-s-inir her again and agaitt. with a cool indiii'erenee to my presence with h bathes her face in criui.-on. "Hut we haven't the courage to go in without you. ue anus wnen ne nas ipiue uuuu his whispers in her ear. 3 "You'll have to, though. Master Dick." I replv, dashing onward and t into the nibr-t of the astonished group in the inn parlor. It s twenty pounds ten ounces. we have ever looked ttoon; and the happiness which underlies the shyness I of the one tace and the siiarkle and tri- ---i- --- , mm,h of tne other wake- an an3wer.n. limp .'er.n'' -,0nl in nur hearts i we nmrmnn -Welcome, brother. . , ....w. - - - - LomltUi foctcfy. Tint llntish mnnns !xMili!o th ..-. . . . . . I riehest and largest forests in the wond. , exteniijng overmillioas bt s-mare acres In India alone about WAKJ s-,uare miles are atTorestoJ, and the forts-ts of Canada. Australia. New Zealand and Capo Colony are second to none in ue and the variety and value of their pro ductions. But there is no knowledge of forestry and no school of the art in France and Germany. Consequently the acreage under timber there and ic Great Britain itslf is small and con stantly decreasing. Of the SO.OWUOC square acres of Scotland, only about 700,000 to 800,000 acres are woodlajed. J I Teacher. "Dehne snoring. - Smai ' boy: Letting off sleep. TE3rPElAXCK KEEP THE HOME PURE. V on'i OKnrr niel a lotlier"- l!pimrr ISnt for tli Wine m tuir T.lle I Sboiild .Ni'irr llae ll-eii Here!" J was a riH?t once at a beautiful ,om in one of the lla.-lern Mate-. Nothing that wealth and taste could . , . . . , ...,( i ..roiuc w:ia v;ijji.ii t.j uiwhiim .mw adorn it. The falh-r was a man o: tis'ne-s. an 1 immer.vM in it- care-; the mother was a re lined and cultured a ly, who moved in tin; lirst circles of ' - c etv. They had two children, one a young girl of "some fifteen ear of aire, ' aid the other a yotmg man of more .ban eighteen years. who ua- alien ling j the eo. lege in the town, and whom his fin 1 par- nts d -signed tor the profes sion ol the law. 'J he home was a hospitable one. and ; l.o-piiality had 1m en conducted ' on th" oM-fcvdiioned line- of what was called polite .-or ety. No enterta u 1 men -, were more elegant, no table it. ore daintily -upp'.ied. and non had ' i o-llier wine-, than were to Ik? found in ti.i-s home ol a lor mo-1 Im-ine-s man. 1 The latter were u-eij to no excess in the pr.vate life of the family, and were di. peu-ed with refined hospitality to the .amilv gue-t-. I'a'h'-r and mother. daughter and -on. drank of them with t.'ie.r gor-t.-. ami. -' far as could be ' -ecu. ura'ik of them -pariugly and pru dently. Once or twice the oting man i had been noticed to till hi- gla more ; (halt once, I. ut neither father ie.r ' n. other dreame 1 that eec would eer , mark hi- comlm-i. He wa- brought up ! to u-e wine as a gentieman. and would l far forget himself a- to allow I it to ma-ter hi- self-control, m thought filher and mother, if ever the matter i e- me a subject of thought. i'.w; who e. n an-wer lor the con-e- itienoe- when once the subtle spirit of I drink ami the warm blood of youth ate j mingled. The fact- un-een by all were ' that the wine-cup had already fatal j charm- for liieouth. Often, when no ee-aw him. did he quaff tile extra i ' a-- or take the half empty bottle to 1 hi- i hambei. And often, when lather and mother lh tight him with hi- stu dent companion- bi.-y at work. wa- he to be found with companion-, not at work, but j laving the exciting game and drinking the still more exciting draught. I had r'sen earl v. ami wa- readinjr J in the pha-nn: little hbrary. when au :'Uioti-. burred step was heard in the d ning-idoin. and through the half-open door" 1 caught the quick tones of a I woman's oiee. saying: Where.- Tom? His bed was not touched la.-t night. here can he be?" J It was Mr-. A.'-voice. To it replied t'te -lower, more careless words of the i nii-bai)d. "Do not be anxiou-, dear; Tom's all right: lie ha- likely gone home with one of hi- iriends. He will turn up pr ntlv." U e sat down to breakfast, but the whole atmosphere was d .-quieted. I could not ce the listening ear and the glancing eve of that stately mother as each step sounded near, or a form pas-eil the window. Hut no 'loin came. Hivakfait had jtHt ended when t"c -ervant brought in a no.e and handed it to Mr. A. He quickly oj ened it, turned a- quickly pale, and then, with a hurried, anxious look at his wife, left the room followed by the frightened mother. A half hour later I learned it all. Tom had been arre-ted the night before and taken to the lock-up. ami the note was fiom the kindly keeper, who wished to -pare the respected fam ly the dis grace of a public trial. I shall never forget the face of that mother. Pride, shame and love chased each other over' it in vaning light ami shade, but love conquer, d and lighted it up with a sad. pitying, merciful glow. It was settled that -he -hotild go to the lock-up and that I .-hosdd a company her. We alighted at the forbidding door, we entered the -till more forbidding ta age-way, and were condin te 1 to 1'oni- cell. Wnh a cry of unutterable love and mingled bitterness the mother Hung her arms about the neck of the boy whom .-he had nurtured so deli cately, and wept hot tear-of shame and pity. "Oh Tom. my son. my son. how could you disgrace me -o?" she uttered between her -obs. The an-wer came, slowly, bitterly, nltno-t defiantly, cut ting into the conscience of that mother with the .-harp, rcmor-ele-s edge of retribution., "Mother, oh my mother, why did you teach me to drink? Hut for the wine on your own table, eur-e it ! I should never have b en here It crept into my blood, fastened upon myw.Il and chained me fa-t. What I did h'-t night I know not. I wa mad drunk. Oh. if von had kept it from in" ear ago." That mother's face is before me now. Pale as de;'th. agonized beyond po i b fity of de- ription. everv line of re proach for the wayward boy turned into i deepenmg furrow of self-reproach. She -poke but once " me. my boy I oe it all now. and may (od for give me." Tom wa; taken home. The di-grace was not suffered to Uvome an open one. That night a lengthy and -olemn conference took place letween the proud mother ami the wealthy father. And the next da no vestige of strong drink wa- to le found in the princely home. The evil sprit was i.n-t out. but. alas' not lnjfore it had well nigh possc-sed the only son of tbo-e who had ,-o thoughtlessly harbored ii- I have isite-i that home -mce. Wealth j an,j n..!hH-ment mark all its- appoint- merits, as o: old. hospitality reiim-- as royally, but the lesson ot cha-u-ninr t to be read in the absence of all that can intoxicate, and in the tender c:ire anil cou-tant prayer that the Ilc:ien!v Parent may repair the error wll irrevocablv wrought by the earthly parent-. Yes. detr rea ler. keep it out of the houe. Hstv no de ce tftil allv within, working hand in I hand with tVe braza confederate nith , out- Keep i: out of your kitchen, away 1 from vi.ur table, make the fannlv circle I xei-i!n ; j. rnar lx? that s-ine mi . will fall a iet:in : emb-r of vour iJltltl 414 kit i.Ufclla V k.l- a'i.. V -. .-v .rwKlA i .,.,-,.- , ;,.. ,tn-v n....t.t.. ... n-K- i ..:.;.-., i -?.i-. i ,i.t , -. IMllLfli: liilU-. LLt,-r2iLl. U.l '..'..- ... -. inougni x vottiu t.t to iaeni von ior- ever, if ronscieace accn--d von of mak- . - r .. t .!... .. . . .1 . .! ,... If tht. lihtnin" mt-t -t ike v. nr home, don't, fr oitv's sake, tre are the rod which draws. Le descroviug bolt upon Vou. j " oer. b.r. yr.n. mav sonnd and a harmless. bt alitbesc contidn th subtle spirit of destruct on. the farai alcohol. They are th- easy steps, vie alphab -t:once allow them to be leanwd. and you can Dot stop the goings forth and forward toward destruction. M&k your homes pure. It U the cradle of youth, the refuge of middle hie. the j ksvlum of the ageL WhateTc the temptation and the dang ateTcr may m temptation and the dangers with out, give no place for thwn withia. Keep the drink oot of Uk homes. fro: L. & t'O'ter, M.f A BISHOP'S VOio. Krtnsr!. r Itltliop tnlMH? rfi :Im K c-ut ulliolic TVmi'i-r.iHce lnt rtliiI l'-n. III. Tit ainual convonl'oa of the Catho lic T :al Ab-tinenre I'uion of t'.e Matt of Iliiu ..- wad recentl- iw2d at I'eor.n. K:. Hev. .J. I- SrpaUIing. Ifisho of Peoria Dioe-e. wa cho-en 1'ns-uh'Ut of th" Union for the ensuing yer. Alter the iMi-ine- of the conT-mion wai Jmi-hed a public westing whs held and Hi-hop SpaWag delivtred an elo quent address on Temperance, from which we make the following extract's: Tl-- Tetn'rnc i- on h b t he . r 4 II tjue-t.utt eoitmwrids hhi to b.i who bare tne txrr im1 !nrrr-.- ot miuin.Ut b-trt. 'I toe Iium-s ot nil hMiiucn i.aifiui- i v.r.m- -rlih ii inluet- '!' I- ct rttl t- tht moml Ihh ot wh eh tv miv all coa-e.ou- t- lb- t-t. W Imtt t t-nl- l" roii'M in-i uioiv ern"t a th? r i-h luct nJ norr- lle U i-HK-lk" what tne. ; reaeti i -" - mt- tix i srrtwrmi pr n.- e v t ! tt -lre:y temtKrattc iiiiiteerm m -i-rtkt In liuran tifu. Tu- tetnH-rimv jue-ttn i-oo of th aU sort trii.e-t.''n-l UI-i. t.;rt.l-lne ha- -hh! that inu-fRt-ranc has " wrt h-i . it w run iijhmi uiMnKiml ihuti war, laintiM- nl jwu-l-i. e..iil. !-!. Aim! I am mtn .tut-! : Uu. 1hTt-1- ih -vit to l.e cnurjar-'l in it 4n-a4 au! I.ital iit vr th the v.--of lrnukr-ntH-rt lk-ai n "!. hdiUMUi huniHn i tiH.l. 'lh - ! BBUut Oil. but if !.' tll '11 oin i.a in ! f t-ho.crH. everyt-lr talks X-l.llt It. Hint lieoj'le Iwt'llle MUtrmnt tu.U- -ai.'i-t ni n-um It ttlt or tr t- lr Hit-W le-l in a ra lnad act-. .lent th- le'a 1 ei - tirw tli- li s v i.r 1 -.rtih.!iif -urimi- ! attnu't ot.r atu-titioit. It I- o w t!i inte :.w-raii-e. It i a .ni-' r. hi uio-r ut nttii liiU-ehM p msf iJnr a l ru u lUt..-jijV- It vri.rfc It- wa. u-uti It .u cu I gather :nn- uue Vtv troiikiirit- of a .itv r stMte. Mint eittiuittcit.fl th hi-lnr tit tiiiice ltii;liiel lit-. jutl e uttuitl -tutal Hha-i A kiwi "f mrHi iiinl. Mimiil take jHt -ion ot all Um 'jjht of It Ifoau-e It tt4s m.t inneittu I W- h j--tileiK-e. iii an hour, t'lit Uy siww aut -ttuitlik Htlaiie 'I't.en- are tne-r. very trw erenof :he who hate ItJii; emace whtnlt. nif-I iH-bt.t lin thetr eje- io the eiM,rmtt tf the ev t. T..Te is i' i h'fti t me I- - n-jHilte. that ii it eel- ni-in -tt tititieu-Mii: a nay. 'tht-rt ai e other ve-that may U-wit-" -hkI Vnt.t Hut tti me the mtt-t jlt wl-ie ot a iua - Itroiiirlit iiiKiut t. tlrtinketii.e . It -t'ins more than any other v.e i. m t control tf a man t etnir-e tliete are -time left-rautt ili'iiakattl-. I'lii as a rnie tht-v 1 e l.y the htin tiretl thtm-aim-aiitl relttrm b ton- Its w i rs ar.- althtt-l a.- tatrtl as tne Itirce tl jrraw .ta tittii thai the s:rtiintj. It weakens the II hi !( than all the other . The tiui-t i.l rk'-thiitir in a man .- h - tree uiH. a'iu-'i hiin ulatve othi r cieutule- Th tentli m o! ail,; i- to weaken th s ill nii'l tirtmheiiiie lm- thut eitcti more Until um tlim--1 l-e Mt t.otititi .- that men il not love litjtior lor it- luea-ant ta-te. hilt !ir the eCft t tt pun ililt-tS ami the till eet ell. ft 1- to ! ,tlen ettii--cieii-iit -. It makes man tor the t me forget in- Ialtoi. In- troiO It, the t-uc- ot lie ami therein 1- the itatt-t chnrni ot i-lnr Hictt lml.e -tunalaiit- lint n-the halt.! vito- ujtn i.uiit t hrlinr- alunit the 'e fimic ot .ll n)wer, ami iiitliiit nite In u.itl aiut ithy--nl It is iintttirtht of man to cea thi iniiiatnnil uneoii-t ion-tits--. It i-utovraitls refime trom tiie n-al.t.e- ot lite, aii-l re-nlt-iti the iSttriieta n ol th.- man. I liatea -iireme l.eiiet in the l'imI n! lite a- it Is ir.veii lo ii- on earth. It I- a lnnl like pn ilirze to he ahle to think, to love, to work. , ttx-on tie. to -t-e Mti'l enjoy the heatltie- -omI aivnnt;u:tt ot nature It I- a euine in any man tti It en tin- (terlt et t'otttlti'--- tit h:- I te. Much I think i!iunkeinie-- tlm That I- why 1 hate it late i--tt eter. lomler antl freer lo me a- it total itti-ttimer than a- a ntntleritte tit- nker: -o 1 -a it oti vant to fet the iint out ol hie. it oil want to t iiiinitSii.'e with imr feliow men. to It-el lhe true tureen! otir Itemy. ith-ta it trom alt oholie -tim'ilant- I am t iiliMlict I that even the tno-t ilelnatelv eoiistitiitetl man i- liable to eiitlnre more as an ab-t.itiutr than u moib rate drinker. It i- aravt- mi-take to .am-' m- that tlrnnk-eniie-- ha- irrown mnrtr veneritl m nnr iue than in ih1 iiKe-t On Hie contrary. I urn t tni viticetl that in tin- eoniiti flml in Kiiiojm' -o-bnet) I- on the nit-nii-.- Kriinkeiuit s vh.s even .ij'j-ro tti ot one htiiiilre.l,'t ll wa- llnii).'hl ui'i e to be a eiitlenian like vlt-e. I 'tl I'l ..' op I! oil tll'l not t omlcmit it I lent ell. w hat pro. re - nee then! Ami tin- j-irr; ha- Imm.-hi ubonihv thf Iminol pn I'lii- op.inon It I- oiietit li.t ;lorh of thu i.-oimtry thai It h to ta.r,y Xtmpetamt m.. elc-t e- They irrr. tslni-atniK puli' e ejliiioa o.-i thl- tpn ttion. o! t. m l.lti the "'.ipie to realise the aw ttn te-ti.t- ot in ter.ipeiiince In th I'mtetl -tntet we han mine true 111 vrty than 1- enjoyetl by ptiplo inolin r .jnijs W th thl- -t mi ami relic oi:h hliertv it I Mtime tiit-niiM. riant tti etlin ate iiiftl. In tineh tin III tt control them -ele- Heie the people are all III all. ami since they iroxern. it become-a iintterol -u-prcnie iinptirtanee that t fi pt-opU -hotilt! be wle. -titM rami huve -elt-ftmtrol. One i-eit-oii wh I mlvov.tte total abt tienre Is Ins .ne I lielieve it I-the nm-t phttalithniple workttf the ai tn thi-roiiinr ilr.nk prevent-ninety men out ot a bemlii-1 f rin i leitv.nif tlietr Ini-lrt n III a better citiitlltioii than that with Uhh-ll thev -Ulttetl. W hl-kv. aifoliol unit beer are the .' Invlnellle t-.n-.ines of women The lake -eiinptvt trom tbtt cliihlien. till tlw hi-iii" w th the, etli of nicer. il"teuiit-nt anl wret-lnttm -. wlitai tliey tnu'lit Ih fall tit huppim . h;rht kikI cheer Wc i an not nefleet takltik- ti.!. . m thl iie-tion. It i- of tiioie tm;Miitan-than anr IMi'.tictil tie-tion It i- a m luOtl with all we loxe ami le-il-li ami 'lory In. ( oneln liiiiT. the speaker arjrned that Temperance 5 th- poor itian'-cati-e. beeaii-e If i- at reat d:-aI nu tate in the -tntjrle. It i- not only hi-catt-e it i- tne cause of the sold the eaxL-e of the Kterual ioii. TEMPERANCE STATISTICS. A ;ntl M.uij- Iliintlri-'I- ut .Million- ol Ilftllir AmiiiiiIIv. When we an.-inquiring a to the act ual lo-s to the count n through it dr.nkin'r usage.-, thery nre -til further reductions to be made, particularly in the item we hne found dc-enbed as di rect co-U Nj much if thi- item a- rep-re-ents the amount paid fw ta s, to gether with the profit- ' the bu-ine-. remains jn the country, and gites to em ploy industry and to Hiilt,. pr'lue tin and trade. Buu u ti;r supK-Jt:on that alcoholic drinks on the '-vbo'e ib; ju-t a- iii'ich harm a gooJ. the whole 1kIv of tne niHt-nal product-that ent-r into the.r manufacture' i- a d ad !-. Ten- of m of bu-hits of grain an nua ly. thou-ands of car-Uad- of wood and et al. milhon- of f-r-t of lunilwr. qttantitie- of brick, ".line. tntal- an'I other materials used ia bn Iding and re jiairs hae all gone into th' prxluction of drinks, and. on the -uppo-iLun now lefore us. noiliing ha- out- out. 'I h - material- have b-en h-t. t rec.-efy a il th y ha I per.shed by lire fr ri'Otl. Thj same i- true of th annual n-c of th. capital inestetl. The ---inie is altotntu of all the Wl-or employed in tranform ing the-e material- into evcrage-. ani in tran-prting and Tending t . iwto?. age- All the-e materials, lab r a.-l capital w,ip capable of be ng hm-1 fr human oinf -rt. A: ih- -tint wfcertf tin- apabih'.y o-a.-ef. at the.r prciwr valuit on at thai pfnt. they went oat of e.rnce a alt-. ami ao-Jjog came intt) ei-tenv- ta retorn for them. The miti were paid for thetr labor, to 1 -it-. but if the hd nt hi-n tam ing the r It ring n this kv.-. th-y rouW have be-n earning :t in -om- otr war. We have - abo'" st it wocilL have been fa.lae--m- s aht thi- co-t ti ti relad co. b--cnte it is a part f tla: eo-4: bt that dcj- not prt-veal it- gerstar and uiar lo---. We hav- ao mean of drtr nning clo-ely :t aaonrii. bt w Kiw- tla; it is m--3.-ure.l by bna !r-.i Cv ni.lln-of riobar. Th ca.t of iJr cv-t at rcta.l di.!er- from t- sj f tlwr l.fl ir daaiage.-. in thai the .ia-of ie lailtrf- are al of the natnrts of io-s In tfce 2t:er ttf evi.- c-ul ttr inienit erancc. there is n pan that of the nature of an aiilit-o lo ta wtil:h of '.he country Tae amount of tisannal h- tan ran.y.-tl e c-a si timate with acrnracy; for pury-J-o cd close Heaurvn:nt. te -tat.-tx- now lefor ibe pn'olie art? worthlf-f.-. liut tbey -how that, in th-two department--., theabsolute lo- to the country through th u-e of alcoholic tevera.i amount-. not vy My to soas hu. 'lretl? of mdl lon.'' 'Mla-i. but to a good many "' siHUona sniually. .Vcria .tncs. HOWE, FARhi AKD CARDED. - lhe gat!.-n -J W.I n. b ak-ete4 in t-e- rn-ii tj tt'i-r wors. A l.ttle Ura in th water for vhni- tiinn:. in.l knit &rOki-ntJ( M far pret. nti-ie to og.--l'ktemgJoH . The valor of a btr io hi tW at pld I a gr-at rUtrat uM th trttroet.t tt recr. wh U j ooag. 4 44fT 4im4 tltt.t'Ur Vrm V-m WMB- - li to mv for a -uc4oti ia tar m taer. n the tailor kind af lw ia tvftittrug and Hiiing out th.- podv Truy ittMt't. f-i. l.v.-r . ..;.. . m. ,mi tK. 1ai-jrar IV- Thrr pal ol narjar. two tKnfuuoi mur. a-apra Kme. two third cup of water r litU wore, one cup of sarar. a tw rauiaa. , little butur. KlTor iJ to Uke. Rural .Vtjir orir. Mirror -dioul.l bs rlraBed with olt papr int4 ol rhiU. Thw aOviro w at.; aew. but may nvrrtbi- pr u-xul. peeins ttat cloth it il ohn used, with it- uu&J accispantnvnt of tint and tronMe iWnaj trtbun. hda Kit.t ift into one tnT oftlourtwo it-.i.pKtnfuls of erratu tar tar; half tatpunful uf a!t aid U it fMir taldt ptonfiiU of thick ream or (if ou have not cream t one labia spoonful f lard andtheante of bottrr. cup and a half of -wet t mill., dissolve one teat-poo'ifui of soda in the milk work well together. n:M into bt-usl with the han-U Ike not let them touch a hen in the t.tkitirtin; bake in a juk ovcii. - ff'.' 1 U ad. -tce (.! lie take Two ciftil cold U:ied r.ce. one pint t!ur. one ten- poniuI otigir. one-l.alf ttt-pmnifol alt. one ntid onehaif teaiHutls baking ptwtlt.r. ne -jfj. bttlo more t: an one-half pn( milk. :fl together Hour. -ugar. -ait antl powifer. add rut tree from tump, diluted with Itratrn egg autl radk. nr lntt m:h butter ilae gritbiie well heat ett make cake large, bake nuelv brown. er Uiaple -urtip. lhe HuHrkaii. To ftrlen ami glae ellar. -r . melt a lump of bora tn ball of ht.t water. an tt i etld wb.te starch Itae tbe thing- drr ! brt- -tareiiing them, llien -!areh well oc- onl. I'btee the cttllar atttl entf iuglv in a low I w th a fold of it l twe--n en It row roll up caeh whirt t.ghtU. have n box-iron ready and iron at ont-e ers tpiickl. The better -bollM b retl lol, and. f kept moving tU:ek!f. will not -eirch. I-..iih article a t nhed to In pfoxvd do-c to the tire ;-.'- ttibt. THE USE OF SCRAPS. tiillli' I.eiil, In . lilt- It'itlt KrtllMHH t . ll....,fh.M A IVt-neh wmm will prepare a gol IfntM-r from th- remaiiK tf vetertliy'-i tin al. that the average Arnt-ncar. hoti-ew ft- wt mill nte n a Aian hue h or a !.de-di-h br breakfast. I hnt n TerhiMie Ilerrick ay thht the eatfoj waste is due not much to the astray aginee of tiie housewife a to tke igimranee. She a "The da nty ut:li.ntion of scrap i a uKi-t that well tepiiy- th tht.itghtful ttu ly of anr ho'i-ewife. ami men the b-.t-t orig aal cook can often voUe fnrni ileir .noer etiiisc'ottonet-' an aptMtiing bh from i t-bl lnigmenl that at tirtt t.'git appear utterh uiiorotiii-ing. In th.- matter, htiweer. the mi-tre-.-. mu-t tft-norally dejit-nd itHin her own lra.n iVw hir- ling-have th-kH-n .uU-r! m tbnrt-m- po r-t' welfare that would nrgt- th-m to -ave n eottp!e tif penne - b-r- ami ntn or six there Iewer t'dl. ih bi4 inteitttom iii th" worhl. know how u do it. nr ttppr-ciat' that it i in bile in nor economies that true njf e" .-ist-. h t difft'renen d it IIMtkr if tho-e -traps of cold han lft from breakfa-t are Mimu anlr di-pt"! of in the sw 11-barrel, or if that bit of orn 1h- f ttxj small to upon the abh again betitowctl uptti tlw tr bti-ket-bt-ggnr who pr-onti himtU Anl if thee iHteatM- lht fnfe from the. extra con-eNntioii of tlt- littntM-v keeper. tbr arr Uhj oir-n onvrt -t into ttif uttt!linii hn-ti. lleur how one ra'ftil hotitw-wiff dipo-ed of vm- ilar remnant- T tb-e ra bf nd Imcou. uiincotl ba", ho added hail a- much obi inahet jt tto. tf raw eg-, a bttlf i boppIoni n and par-. antl w thert-piett m.fleoftbtwte. r'jJIt'd in fbtiir ml fried in nic dnpp'c pto b-tl an dib that wat quite vuttieit-nt. wien ae ompane-d t tttAwM jMtTatoe- ami bread and UtUor. to HMkf a btneh fr thr- f-ople Anotoer dmnty di-h. which app-r-i upon n incod" t.u.le. w x form--! fiiotn -tn Um pria- wsng materials HfT d-nowr ! !a lufnre hail ben a tulT-l rhieken btl--t with r:-e. KaaNkinition of tw peotrt r- veaie.J the can a of too bwti. wlh one le-attacb I t ft. antl a'M) t f -M:nf it! of tht old nor. Xothtai; ilaunUnl. howerrr. the ahntK au- he-wr advaneet' to tn ehars ami, with the net of a Mnail. harp kn.aa. re- i'iol ntor meat from the bote than one wou'd aX hrt hae brheff f- - hie. Thi wim cu; not vbopped in -':all p- tti ami t aeb wv th a'l half of thf dre-ttK. wAiM th tin p't o' th Mttfftr.g an-l a little tntne-d on onwrr pot o th- in two m of oold wat-r W'hea a slw. iidy itnm; of a. npo of ho'ir- bad rt.iiird thi- oao-btui. it w r'l 4raioHl. kjmiod and d jrhtly th ck-nel with brown-! f!or. then r tiimd io the firm v.iU V fragrs-at ol mai. nrt. ete. . brooar to a bod prmrHJ nv-r cruetb -ut.ffi- 4 friwi brt-aI IjvhI on a hoi plftATer. aad jrar ni-iW wiih ;ary la roott wa r. -arerr v!ni. naoi- -.rmvpy oripo no one w idd haTo tct,i.t4pd Mr MeasurcrJert of Hj. Tlo following arw str r"W HmU g:en for ih pur? and jpplwd with jodioieat w, g; proiaairly imp- rrn ;tT:u I" and tho nm-r t ton -a a aow mdt-lT fcog-nhr the VCth. bht and m yanl aol db de rr t.n-n. ii tV hay hr wrll inckt-d ll the SMbor fcj haim an! $e hav f-cntlv ilbt-od thefnn. Jiede in e gheon. ani j user a imt-tt inm t ien v rVeo. vKdx i tae ha i- veil p -L "! prottvrt w U b the xa on: of hay ta too. T bad tn nu'i.oor l oa u nay tn t wkr nr . -toct. ciutadv 'he rti J vbe . in - nri ar tor width .a ard. -ad tint by UH iW" b.ght .a yanl. sad drrxS a hfva. Ta tat' too xtnict uf Iam .a a load wXAoot -Airch- ixg i mnfckdj toy-U-r the Jeagtn. lf.Uta iad artgat m ymrtb .tad livd th prrKltje by v4r&ty. or. a i mo- r ia n-t.-.nji iLd thh Wnsjtl ?uT t- --- r--r ' . - eior!. pskd or -'t:,! f banr rmW zzr Jot li-tri UraoUiv. r aa rh:e3y coo.toi tf Maaoth, and may aa-er for ordinary porw br vrt-igtiiag ki Itaprat.ijtsabie. A roo ablj clo-: TVisnat of '.tat amount f bar :n wisdro--f i oracUmr mad rr i rsulLphia: 502r4icr the Itngih. bmd:h aad htofet a varij and cftitd- srrau.n lg by : wcaty.fiT. IhZrfm ItiU tvjjt.f IMPROVE THE FARM. -r TJZ ai . . V- .A fMfrihA m IhAA ii. Yxrvvr want me-r 3tlIB P ,Ht4rl wilt -i an. : - hmf thtr howdary imi r:r- urn x wary acr a p- io th nk Uaii lb ! 0y mAr hnih; ' ri--i0a' tr of s ' i ' w nt I ! ier w mattr. wh c wa aVrr ihry had S" n : ' ' gil a pk-aty hi' o r gytsrA aouiCfi t 1 1 tua; ihy t : an a tn mn . T t mhj: mg cfc,, p,im ot l)Ur, .L-i !,. ?Ln ... , U rrMg'i r Vm -i r - X tl . p n a : di! ,l tud Ahr-tt. l t, ,t farm. t tn thrw Utmr " a1 ! "' .Al 'IT,-.. tf rf -t rClttttmkSm Ut. t ta. iae uw ts ... tw,t p ..: - k.-fl tt ,:. .. ,- ,j, r . have gttrn a h'.: ut- r .df tfMiig tl ir n ;.,- ; fokrm. ! !' f t i , .ie 1 hunie Ike. put S'J t-:i t at and t tw: tl-.e iii-. . p.t iur -. !--. -.t. s wa"'' " la h fi.-.r httt-ti,4. t stop' i- n- Untt t f -"jre . - true, an-1 '- t "? v. I I" - -! t id I '.- o -.. ,"'. f f . tr u- 1 -". w i ine . I - : ttti-t t , atl , -t-ml '. at- ly t i I- O III ! ' ar i i i otlt -.1 1. i' . it t 1! i t k tv J r.r-- ..:, that wn a U a Yt th- r. - unit . ,t intent m tht fir t n - a rule tnjr I ir- . - a, l'r Thtt' are -o:i t ( At ' -U-.sf fan.:" t' " ma m ad u isl t mi, ; farm- lo run ti'm nr rv of : tir' t prtttitahH r r a c-p '-i that Hut f a-rift at' ' mt - , ,.r an t rarviv net th in m am it,V id-. tha anv ftt.i t ,u ant m giving aw - ?! hi the -mar farm- f'1 the tn. Wh it wi'I i- ud aii-l .!i to -ti-efulh niAitae . t i .. farm on an int.- o.e -! t(U rr Man to b uttetl for h. - natural endwtnnt au ! !;.: tl reparatMn rroi lrm -onH-t4 .i ,'o ara MMmj; lh- moot i...... uuf m - iwnuu i the aife 'I ! - f i-. wrUl for fool and -ir- : n ivi ng Thr' mu-t ! -up;' 1 tl i. tb feruirr. Mid tn tlju t.- , .attt . . ir thi-rv Miitrrtnjf. io im t '. manti the farm-r mutt l- r .tuppe- I t . . that be an Ur c nlf't 4 .tt 4 happtlt. h that h my in .t nn awl iiuorvre hi lakdlrctual n 1- em. JtAi J. n.iy krp Up WlUl t iMWjrll m.trvh of itibiitlkH Ilttt whit- b tttt to lr- ttu rwm'naHi bm pnlu t luirti t gti to tht worm at o- i pr es n will enable mankind to bo 1 . ait omp twh the end wilt reMH more rnvfii! v4mof farming then have t.tjrn wont to entpim. It wl( ti at 4 no wrt.-t-4. nad call fur thr u-t ..; ail ur rieiturera We ft, a w-oU hate been fea. M.1& ovt r this tont.nnt at ort a rate tht then- ttwi to If hut etmparat .ly litMe UaI Wtt fir tM-cuual on But wo are pr ael tliin Ii the ..0.ii ol ..tlt of tht I nttetf State w mtv o- ewpvmg le than halt thi a:ra thr, are aow. and ta agrtniturnl and ntaiio- fai-turg ref4Mir'aprt,p,ny j tt.,;M-i. the wh!.I be better otf anl th etotav tr ''xonhl bt rtrber "fhe m t.nM- trom ur farina n.uM ead. doubled, anl jtt 4omr that lh r taitt- woubt l:rg-l te-rtM-d While ton. r r it.-tt.ring and t'lmg nmrn tf to th r farni. tbf Htm o um aff ttt al- rat br m aal t-no b"-n fne mg r patinir t:i n tor y'-ar. It uhafd'y rMibie tt gt onto bhrm. wla-ii i!it tOtl i rii all broken, without hii.j m-ri or ! laud ling alb whin might be natwttf a t"fi abh m tty ttii the farm ' th a bttir etr worh. If a itftugh ran tbri;ii a tield. t u allow mi to tn. it wml n-. bututoe rourtw, ateewpT a tr p t,f laa-t lrm on to ihrtw f-U witb- tn ! r.i.ti lart of wW brbl. on whn-h aMh nr but rank, ! nd er 'aarttw. Sueh a lt: d Uad i unathtfi it t a ancwr? gr-utl for ?h rp. edition ol notion U tt ff rd a bartf-r for u-tro-ti m- ttaml ..r mm. and ut mmh t-- ' a h ut part of th fir'd. u tr.j hijfti. at.d to- ioogn d not a;-.? th purpo-oof a wfrr way a w. i ,i mnrhf I mad- to Ih- omro ! tho rn ahon d kt mtr a urn .tl TM a po! t at a ion ra o frei, aioa; .f.. r if tfc. (al) M B,t ,,, grrMt. ;be run n fo wjmI brtd mh! hatfwn m tnn d -ia o'f tt. 'lha if t t JI with rvdt r bio &. mil wabinR nlt be prvitt. Th Umgb tti t rfo ' truii morn better than when it cmrmr o "tttc ani rbdid wp -wnh oU. and aod mA wtp than tour or ft i of Uad hVMle thMti iImo may he aeoay oti man farm. prla of brohr jprv' . w.rUjiro- t-r any porno, hot atct.j 4 tu un&mmtg uV grtxtml WonU ii aot br wU. tad hy- toz moto Un . to trt and impmeo m1 ma arulah e tbt n whteh infteroot aaf tatoa r ng pa-l Ken d o nx A . Ut he "iwghi B B"rt noubf b mod" to nvke tb- farm a paying aa povMbiv by having l ,jj ltMt ' . aftter taw 4flar work 1 wz pot to men and loam at wra.oo orh impr-wnaa It w II pny t fe. irm u td. to he Jiiui. aad it '-"U ta tf H ? So he oahl. o- mutn. iLr: K'r t s . , - fC3t hopr wr onttwrtaioed a tmr .-ar ag thmi tl 9 iu.'i $ d jTt-' lotidwr a - . a U t? ff- 4 lnrifar th w nr a-mUw o d r-. lutaw tta wb'de bu.nw d - r h.k tlamp proraj-! to - -. t ' lehnff of vMir ; eW Ty'. a. nrpra nan MBibi a-.rfa - m ne w:3tT Ha othr kroa ; w : u. 1P lor r'xh'i''m& Wt dM ri-.t - - ... p"'ta-. -et4r ai fruit UJ i - ta fotijf VZJM- thr- KMhj4 trOJlJi ' vr WMk th fideer e.'ood tmX in air vobi awA ft X" a, . . wa futtad mat a t-i tmjrt ! .-. ard ti- jilk. battic and tfco tbin ! nm tho row taatt hd ud t Mr lorg Ir ry ha wrcran a boot t - how m-he can ntad ifid . titrt and fre.h. lnfr h. 1 i ntA. ekd r', and too fr-t,-- i,n m permitted t faa li-' ' o hird ap to l degr- w. '!i t. tho t'Sttrtma, aoJ tara ta i- r ' a,-l &Hri tm mJim mmm i tf t-l ttru a 1 . -- , . .- -.w - . ujnarr time. Tht i a aaat!r id li r:c!a aun'. to ait rgwtJ tb rarvh trher ittr ttratrr -a an? ' aj aad trrm. jor with ntUce i t can i- fared nd ivtrft in tfru rrp m on is pla.ti wf TrxjL.4. Tka ul roiie;ie tw a- ratdng mi larwrfy tngnea tha t. f aorthcra atrraoeittrra! h.2&ulxtn: I- tTt Mvs&lPt I r t i i -A c5 i Rfe5ss-a5--v ,. . FT C???-if-!T " " 8 i2i&We-LJ&?3fi $ -