f RtD CLuUD OHIL is. C. uKi'U, ?ct:ls':er. Irjiirj.jM & - i All Ki-jhU i;rrrrr. at all com rehend what he was ha comp'.cd wta no portion of th' FEET "IN" AND "OUT." terms re mred in thi grant, and lhat , d;d no i-avug -he hud no tbougut but thai h-r dear ones were bctr oil. Her mrd thev did -o they c uid Lave no husband, die knew, had been an urighl legal or u table rights tin re'o. They man, ami had followed hr:t'.. teach- had de d d. however. i obtain the :ngs in tr.at In alv.av- preferred to -t:l- land wit ul romphui with '.'. t-mji ' fer rather lb:?.i oo wronjf to another: , of t.if grant, ami the.r po':cy was to j and .lot.mu Mirclj txiuld have done no h arrays lit se.liers by threat-, ami iu j nv on- h roirr. : everv wav possible to ineil them to ' .ri T r , n i JNo. she was not fearful of the.r con- such act ol v oieuee a.- wouiu unnr. I I III I J "I f TV"! VA.Ta'fS'tl.rWfca -. . - - . . ,--!. c . . t. U l i !M! l. ! u,lMm " ""' 'Mn which they hau Uexn m conmet wait uie wwr 10 a. indicate was the rirfit fool, and it wa wUAVwl4 tv uvu, , ,.,itcr.'U. but now that the hour was ap- autnoniK-, wane me oiiieur- oi me . , , .r,,.,,.l.i.wf . ,.-ltt..l. .... o,nl1 tin lie. ' rmnrv smiI ri'JIHV li 3t ?l! K-:i-l- it'IV ' - ii 44 41 41 411 4..4, ..vr 4V w.a " . - ' . . -.- -- j-j- - Or, JUST A CA.MPLV. proachin ! moi'i. oven Ttf Aw lew aril MirnT in Whirl. Somr 5n anil Vtnm-h vv.4IL. "Look a; that bllow.. f.o' The n.-n.paper u:n i' kd in tie direction indicated aad bebeKl the ob ject of hi.- fr.end's r'tuark- "I he fxl tv- attached to ih k' of aa elejraatlr dre hI youn rnt'emaa. 'l"he fintt the ri;iit foot. raU jze. hut it made a WEIGHING WOOD. Tl; trrnrl f Wrimi Kb1 at yMU JIow many ptlo know thf wfh: of inmoB wvid or lh":r brlIm', 'D- hanlt of ail wood . the fchi litrl; atefcory; Ue lott nerd of woods for ordinary n-e i- wbit finc Nx; b-low hickory come oak aad h ia hardm- Cdar U 3't very hard. Wild cherrr coute? about half-war b- for 'th.-ir dead bodies, rile pudie .ut.ment that uiijrh: l- -tirred terrible imprint in the mud which car- t worn hickory aod wh to p.oa. A cord 2T C C POST. I flt her -l en;lh givm; way. and when up against lhe:ii-cle, b;. a.- rtiai' their pe 1 thev had been laid jide iiy'sid-in their j readme-., lo suhm.t to arbitration or j xw LTSIin I' 1'rtruti.ufriv r.r 1 T? T.r-. . Oil' .. ..... ...... - ...... .rr j. m-. irifM.lbl A. ( O.. I'i 1U.IMJKKS. ClIICAOO. ' H T'I !: xxvi - rv.vTisfrim. ''."i i tj 'he daylirlt came, two . ' J . i:i in tlie iiel room ".' on the inounu n side: Ki . i:Ij h tin t v I words dti-t to the ded-ion of the court-, am: it wa diit ami a-he-j to ashe- hud Lcdi , in iinr-.uwice of this hIu-v that tbey neighbor- pre-ent . made no mimedtate atiempl-s to enforce tuni'it aw a v. they aw her tallii:; to the.r onier- to pay or arnv. the earth lUH-ou-eiou-, and kindly and , When it beeaxtie evident that th-y Ifjvm-Iv th-v carr.d lier in their" arm I were to be lorced into a l"ijr and ex- jrrave, and the pokisn and the few lo the lieare-t hoae i twiisive conte-t m de'en-e if their -I o Hf.forn r.Hi-li!?if thern -lie hc! n- honiet. the .-ett!er- had lormed them- . .. j. ...i ...:.i. .. ...i .-. . '" "- "" ." '. ------ - . i,. ...... f4ii ,i Tun.ie comiv ; vi.ed. and im-i-ted on lc nj: ram;d ! e!Ti! into a Jeairue. lor Uie iiiqo-v ot petcd tiie plaee? where th cro.'ainjj ually ei-t- at street coriier- 'ilie left f'Kit wa.- of th" -ame size, hut it mad a jtriat oaly about one-half a4? larjre. aud a vt-ry neat impre ioa it w. The owner of the pair was as before reir.arked. handsome.;.' dre-ed. and would have predated a ery ?U'lih appearance but for the rhi foot, uhich wjt no; aelinsr ia a rht manner. lliniutv lion. thiu.t', tlo ."' -a d the of hcktrv wirb "Tr fort -four ami- dred pound-. whil a cord o whiu oafc wejh bat lull oer o.rhtMa aulrd oumK uppttee .u arc j!oias u ship loialfjr on lb railroad wb.r they may charge ;ou -o much per hutdr.J pound: u i-i importaat Jo kww tb we j;ht of the lum er vou order. For e.ery thottsami ht of wj-otd iumW'r in ah you hare 3.J.V) pound-. In oafc not much more, or 3 tr. pounds .v. ! ! 111 it. and one m the 1.....1- in tn. -n :.... vt.i...-i. li.r l.ehn-ed etnTiiovm" coiin-ol and takinir whatever ...... "i. ,. ?,... ,. .i, .; ,.-..i- iiwkorr. aoweer narvl. aes m : ,.,.. .. ... ...v. v.. w ..... .... ..w. -- -w-- ,-- . n -- -, L'MllI 1112lil. fk. i;iFJ14- H. , .ti 41' . Vi -- !! iu a white roK- of one-, had been taken, ami onI the late- other :'- were i.o-sibie for the pro- " .... ... flf tilft ,vh.h i.nn- "eniie- hen aMiavd a much as pitch p.e ' . i .1 .!.. . I -t :' '.ii-e worn b the ? hi" '""' oS lt-' J"r alul Uie uaneerous j f( ion oi ineir ri-m-- -vu h(j.i as .I i-iiii nun f.ri if'iK. i "' ! eondiuon of the ro:uU after nirht-fall, j made to (. II. I'.mwmni;. then ecie- ' . ' ,M"- im. .-n-1 idfHj hlr ruiln.,lll3h her' design, j tarv of the Interior, at ashinirton. for - lor .ear,, and which the , LvJJ lh5. w ,,.,.. ,t iavp ,e:erred her J hio'deciv.oxi rerzardm.' the cla in- of the h .n 1- had fashioned inU a ' j,ad lh-y not made her fuel that s-he t company and of the ttler-. Mr. ii-.' tin- itoiir. which had in-' would ri-k oth r lives than her own. j Urownmjr eauniied t e matter careful r. x-.tf-tul wki, tl.e look , .since they v.ou.d not jienmt her to ;o J 3y. Is -.tened patieutl. to the arjrumeut- :- thev !a there- Ail alone if liothm: eouid induce her to re ol the attorney.- of the railroad eom- ;. mr aud care had fld . mam. Thu. urired. she coii.ieiited to ! liauv and decided that the comimny i n i In lit' 1 lc . , .' lo " i.u. F. .iV t. T p.ae- iff. P man "Inat younr leliotv haa t tt learned what a c'uild ou-jhl to have done during :ts lir-t war on earth. He ha-n'l learned to walk." Tlie whole trouble with the young man v. a- a p -uliarity wh.ch the re porter .-oon learned i- quite tommou: h" turned the r.jrht foot -in"' and nan aired the other one prpr!y with the vat a look of iest remain until morniu";, but nothini; that i had not builr their road ujkki the line ,Jt, turjKH -lijjiiUy "out. ' "-Nowvou t " . 'i I. ! i tl . j.i i ii Jl. ho l ...' v ' I i l'p A. l,.-.. ... ,l.-.l.. .. -.1.1 1 .1 I.I I !...,.. - . n-,i.-v4, mi 4i.u"iii. louiu uu hnu I'liuiu uiuiii e jiui ij --uii .'. .nr wotiutn. who, 1 end- longer. No offer of any one to make - I. .. exh in turn, felt , their house her nome until -he heard mmrted, alUionglihor heart i fiom Kra?.tu and Lucy would &he ae-i-:n'. "" cunt. 'i.i v .:.':.! had fully com she! Knu.t'1- v.ould come as ori as th'y ' i and f.-d l5e anim iU and jrot her letter, she knew, and she would i!. I iii !: i-d tltccdv.,, having the wa.t for him at tlie old place on the v. . r- 'le-v Ja, ami as her own mountain side, o the, took her there. i.nd e.ued for them She felt and two f the neighbors remaned .i- I t . do tin-., partly out of -vm- through the first day aud night, and u itii the dm ib brute who must tvli'-ii tlie v went :iv.av. thev sent an elderly woman of the neighborhood, noted lor her kimlm- iu -ickne-o and m death, lo remain with her until KraMiis hhoiild come. This, he told iiiem. wa-. unm-ce-wary: --he did not fear beiii". a-oiio. and ai quite able to tlo what little there was to ! done in tak- i made an thll'e eiiee. he would in r care of the -lock and poultrv. mi le-r lo care lor l hem. When j ISut they iaoU'1 not liitt u to it, and .t- done -he rcturii'ti to tin house, j-o tli- woman staid. and every d:t oth- i cup til tea .tut! forced heielf tt cis camr to wc if theie wa- anj.th.ii"; iit.le. lr her work wa. not vet tha tie- two needed, but there ua- el- snecihed m their charter, hut had m -tead built one huudretl and lift, inile.-di-Uint from that line, where they had no authority for t.uildimr. ami con.-e-quetitly could have no posiible claim to anv jiirtion of the jrratit- At the -ame that he rendered th;3 dtH-i-ion Secretary drowning ordered the Land (omm. -iouers ti eon-itler the latidi in ( ali forni.t claimed U the railroad company opeiie 1 for M'ttlemeut, and to allow tht-.u th'iii uiiiier the iioine-.ieai v. bout human are, but more :t l- l.n tiiat.bdiu would h ie it. 1 or had -.he not alway-. cared .' animals when he chan ed to be ind tnen; v.i- no one el-rt t at t ttietti: And now that he was never tti return, she did not fel ju-t not.ee. -aid the in"u! man. "how many pefiple mere will come alonir in the next few minute-, who walk along a- civihod beii.g-. ought to walk." The hr-t man who came by the watchiuir pair wa- a short, lat one. He wa- hurryini: alonjr, breathing -hort and tier.-pinng freely. He had a very black ci-jar in hi.- mouth, and he blw out a -hort. thick pull' of Miioke, with even breath averag'ii twci ptnls to every step. He turned both feet s tuare that the not wttrrv ii .".a- the knowledge that their chil !.' we:e to be til'iveii out as they 1 t i-eltes had so olten been that had k I doiui; thai and some trouble ;i i i! ti.eir own home, .she did not ki v what thi. trouble wa, but lintl- i 1 ii i.ii I . led. an 1 .she must have -trenglh dom anvthing lhat thev could tlo. she went alKitii jiuttmg the Mr-. I'arsoiis had learn -d iroin tthers iu order, and in Liking tlovvn , the full extent of the mi.slortune legard- ti.es which her husband had on ing tlie mortgae. and knew lie came home wet :tnd iK mir, place must gu. but th s - letivr hll out and she picked it ! her. If .she s ill jo e-i-ed it, Krastiis ud lead it. ami reading, under- and Lucy could have com and lived all. or thought she did. 'Willi her, but since, she did not, .she would go to them, tluit was all the dif ference. And if they were lorced to leave tlcir own ranch, vvny. thev would Mill shelter somewhere else: it did not great h matter where A part had gone tin ahead to the country b -vond the grave, and tin rest would follow before very Ion. All her thought., were cen tered there now. and it ma'tered little what becalm of cirtnlv inter.-st-i. It was a lull week before Krastu cauiti The letter had been delaved a few I'.ut nothing now had power dnv.s on ai count of the iu id. and then hud remained an.ilher tlav uncalled for in theollice. ftir while the dead were being laiti :u:iy upon the mountain s tie, a new life was be ng Ushered m at the .-lt nigh Tiie -ame day on which the letter was received .-.aw Hra-pi- -tart. Lucv and the b:ibv. bolhtif vvli.un were doing ki-sed again the cold laces of w. 11, being left iu the care of Mr-, .lohu- sim and another neighboring wtmian. He reached l'lrppsluirg b. the morning boat aud had no tliitcultv u t ml.ng means of getting out to the cottage, for the calamity which had I etalleu the Parsons family wa- in every month, and there were numbers who were .he deetl in his poeke she knew 'He place had not been sold, ant! g that knowledge with the words . ted bv her i.ushand m liis tlelm--lie giie-sl that some one laid claim tie cottaire in which .she watched i. r il.-.td. i i.l lo her -unermgs Iler cup was . .! tdv lull and t ouhi contain no more; -o ie. added wrongs, whatever they j. 'it prove to be, could not make In'r is greater. v i put the letter in the bureau er where all letter- Iroin the clul- u were kept, tin shed tidy ng up h .L' n i d ad antl went tint, catelulh clos- ' and fa-teiimg the door behind her, I going to the -table, saddled a horse v d prepared to ride in -eareh ot help. i . - st 11 ra mug. but iu a mild k n.l . as il each part cular ln half V tid ol hav ng tlec detl tti fall upon ic.dv water-soakeil earth. I be l i - up u ti e mountain side had been tie tied aud deepeiie I, ami new ones ! been cm through lit. ciiltivatetl c .lid below. The grape-Miies vver t 1 ileiiudeil of their ltd age. ami what r in i. ued hung listle-s, n- if drowm-d it be flood "Ihero.se leaves lay -c.it- ,i e i iH-neitth their draggletl bushes. ci..iniiiig them and pre-emption law.- to prove up and y o'u ahuosl ,a r- hl obtain their pateuta Jrom the Govern- ,- . ij f - "Now he goes Its with his ready to oiler a-si-tanc.- tti tme who came Jo care for the lonely woman who had endured such suilermg. Mrs. 1 'arsons saw him coming up the lane and met him in the van! in lront ot the cottage, l'p to this m imeiit she hud not shed a tear, and not a -oh had choked her utterance, but great black r.ii"s about the sunken eve-, ami a f fru.l ttee.s drooped their .slender stoop ng ot the torm a- sin went about i ii t :i t it and all nature seemed a- il i siir.e t of weemj. The waters tl the ravine bel-w. and overllow- nad coveted the -tubbl'-tield and ii'ld ha.t way to the collage. A "urhevs, and chickens, we.irv with the hou-e ami vaitl. told plainer t an tears could do how heavy was the griel at her heart. She had her-elf won dered that sh could not cry. but she could not: and when -die vvoul ! have lone .so, 1 er eves grew hot. hut no long eoiitiiieinent. were strolling tears ever came to quench the Haines '!' m a d scousolate kind of manner. with a .ook that -eenied to-av that were tiled of lilt and ready lo be ! if anv body could get up an ap ' n such abommahle w.ath-r ading the animal she had chosen de t a bioek near tlie kitchen door, mounted him ami rode away. At mst'.n road she turned to the right, wing that it vvouid be follv tt at- t Mil. lord it :.i 1" t! . w- r 1 i e.l to go turther up the mountain : !rv to reach the cottage of -time thai seemed to con-ume them Hut whin Krastiis came. and. putting his arm- about her, ki-sed her cheek ami h'ow. ami sjiioothe I her hair, in which the gray had grown .suddenly promi nent, she put her head unoti In- shout tier ami wept as if she never would cease. Ami so. with his arm about her. and his own tears falling fa-t. he led her ravine, and hav ng gentlv into t :e cottage, and when she grew- calm, told her ot the birth ol her grandchild. Then they talked of what it was best to tlo. and a Kra,stu wa determined not to yield up iu place at the .-lough without tii'st exhausting every cfWt iu defen-e of hi- r ght-. it was 'decided to 1 -ave every thing which Mr-. 1'ar-oiis did not wis i to take with her. m care of a neighbor, t - be uid. while she returned with Krastu- to the slouh. and to Lucy and the baby. Accordingly, the wvar.ng apparel and a few hou-'f 'told goods, including the little wheeletl cot in which .loliuuv had lam mi long, ami which Mrs. l'arson couhl not bear to have go into other I'le living on the other side of the le, reason ng lh.it the higher up -he '' the less would be the volume of cr in the ravines, she found the . i almost impassable in place-, and was nearly carr e.l away by the iv t a stream which s e was eom- .ied tt) cro-s. but finally .succeeded v !i .tit in airy to herself or horse in tc i n ng the -hautv of a ettler. and loni the object of her coming. Hie xv.iitetl help to bury her dead, und .-he "vvati'cd some one tt go to the neare-i post-oiliee and mail a letter t- Kra-uis ami Lucv. and another to Jennie and hand-, was packed and loaded, and the her UsSand. tu-xt altcrnooti a neighbor drove them I'lie-e letters he had written during to the Landing, aud 'the cottage upon the night alter Johnnv tl ed. sitting in the mountain Mile was left desolate, the TtHMii where her dead lav. Thev xv ere brief, lor no words came to her in xvireh to tell of her sorrow, or her aw im lone! ne.ss. but in a few .sentences -he hail tol 1 what had occurred. he foun.i heartfelt svmpathv and readv he'o 111 those ot whom she had e'p rilATTKIt XXVII. ros.--rv.MiTi: vn.i. mny. When Krastiis and Mrs. Parsons reached the Slough, they found Lucy very sick, the shock received at learn ing of the tlea'li of her lather and ment- Th':s decision wa received by the -cttlers at the slough with glad and grateful hearts. It secured them in their natural and acquired right-, and was accepted a.s pP'O! that the authori ties at Wash.ngton were beyond the power of the corrut t oni-t-. and that the (leneral (lovenimeiit would contin ue to respect the r.ghta of the humblest of her eiti.en- pially wilh tho-e of the wealthy and powerful. With their love for and pride in their country and its m-tilut.ons .strength ened by the justice of th.s decis.ou of one of its officials, tho-e who were iu a condition to tlo so at once prepared their paper- for proving up. hut before they could secure the.r patent from the (Jov eminent wortl came that Mr. J.rowiiing had withdrawn the land irom maiket and that they would not lie permiUed to receive their patent un til turther notice. The cau-e of thi- action on the part of the Secretary of the Interior was tin receipt of a request from a prominent politician, who was a Ma,or-(ieiieral in th" 1111011 army, whom the ra.lroad compauv had induced to interce :e for them, asking that lurtlier opportunity of presenting evidence to show that they were entitled to tie land in ques t on be given t em Tin- was but a trn k of the con-pirator.s to obtain tune, prevent the settler- from at once receiv ing their deeds trom the lioveriiment, and give them-e'ves opportunity to learn where an influence could be found or piircha-ed sutiieientlv powerful tti -ecure a permanent reversal of the de cision of the v-ceretar. The I'residen t al campaign was coming on and they hoped lor a change of some kind that would enable them to accomplish their to au extreme, re marked the gruff-voiced man. "but he errs on vir'.ue s side. He'd better turn them both out than walk pigeon-toed. Il he d.du't t.irn them out, with all the we-ght of fat he ha- to carry, he'd probably fall down pretiy often. Now look at thi- ' He reterred to a tall young man whose coituni' includetl a pa:r of verv short pants. Thi- young man leaned forward, and hi, long body rocket! from side tti side a- he propelled him self forward. He turned both feet "'n.' Hi- pedal extremities looked like two very young lover-- pr uneiiailmg along a moonlit lane and trying to look into each other-' eyes. While the sentiment which the feet e.vpre ed wa- beautiful, the practical part of their normal position had it, unpleasant features, for the young man. happening to meet an obsta Ie in his path, sudd-nly tiirne 1 a-iib and trod upon his own toes, and a grimace ol pain and annoyance tli-t irted his otherwise beaming countenance. He recovered his balance in a mo ment, however, and along came three voting ladies, side by side, ami all talk ing at once Kucli one turned "in" a foot, two of them the right fool, and the third, apparently "to 1e odd." turned "in' the left. I'pon the "turiifd-in" foot in each ca-e was a crooked boot heel, while the other one was all right, with its ttny bra attachment smoothly and evenly worn. They were pretty ladies, a id could only he graceful when thev walked b-a'ing .ipon the arm of a other, or when they were dancing or s.tting. Out tif twenty-live people in-pcted by theself-appo nted committees of two. there were only a half-dozen who walked gracefullv. and the cause of the lack ot dishonest purposes The settlers. althoii''h anxious and 1 1 :...i. 1...1: 1.1 :... grace m uue;is m uii;;i uiiiiiis, uturitu 111.11 uii; ,... ,-. . l .. f I IU tae.l mailiMU 01 Hiaii.iuii. iiieit i.-i:t. The habit of turning "in"' one foot the other cases was onlv due "ov eminent would ultimateiv deal just ly with them, tended their orchard- and vineyards a-iisual, ami added new lields tti the territory already irr gated. '1 he election came and passed. Gen eral draiil wa.- elected l'resident and ' .1. Ik Cox. ol Ohm. was made Secretary , of the Interior 111 place of Mr. ISrowii ing. l'o Mr Cox the officers of the railroad ' company applied for a favorable decis ion upon their right to the lands in que-tioii. bringing every intiue lice po s hie to induce him to tlo so. but with out -ucce-s. Mr Cox decided a- Mr. Iti owning had done, that the 1 ompanv had no r.gnt whatever to the land, and ordered il again opened to pre emptiou and homestead, and this dec.s on was sustained by the Attorney -Gem ral of the I'tiite I states, Hon. Charles Dev-an-. It is probab'e that the lead ng con spirators and owner- of the railroad had anticipated the nature of the de cision and decided in advance upon their course of action. ly means wh ch inav Mime tunc - I e better known to the wa- notie d to prevail espe.-inllv aiuiiig ladies. "That s all owing to tra'nmg. said the gruff gentleman. "Most girls learn to talk before tt.ev learn to walk, and Unit's why the minority of lathes talk more and better than tney walk." The grutl' gentleman was k bachelor. "The people who train them think of telling them how to carry th ir heads and their hands, how to smile ami to throw their shou d-r.s tuck. 'I hey show them how to manage a train and how to hold their fans, and they forget all about their f et. excepting to 1 caution them about wearing -hoe Surge enough for them, unle-s the girls have corns or are go.ng to dance.'' licnrcr Tribune, A Young Doctor's Dread. I In conversation with a doctor said tome "Hovouwish or even mume sum'- vu mum a emmaey jd wwtt u know toe number of brick- 1; wil! take. If your cbisiittey i- sixteen inches s.pmre Ritd the Jl eight inche- -mare. it wdi uke thirty bncks for every ftnl of be ght ia tb chimney. The large-; timber- reju.rrd 1:1 a hou-e are the sihs. and the str not often larger for ordinary hoo-cs t:an seven niches by eight- lot to cori-5jKnd may run four cbe6 bv six. the tie-beams ma about ftiur by .-even, ami the raft r? four ly lire. A great many jip!e do t know how to estimate lumber m any form. The ba-U of lumber b ca-led board m.x.-urs. One foot in board measure t- a b ard on lott long. ou fool h-gh or vvhIc, aad om inch thick. Therefore one thousand feet of itimter can be imag.ned to he a board aa inch thbh aud u lo t wide and long, multt dietl by one thtni.KUtl i'lunk measure is b.i-et! ujhju Uard measure. od a plank differs from a board in beiug of any vv dtli whatever. A bort! twt-uty le't long and one foot vv .tie will contain twenty feet of lumber, but a plank tvvo inches wide and tin -ame leng.h as Um lmard will contan forty bet of lumber. When yo'i come to hew e 1 timber that is -old by the -olid cubic foot, and if you look" at such limb, r m the b ard yard you will I'm I it marked at th" end in lfonian characters to eorre-pond with tiie number of cubic feet in it. If vou require p eee- of timber twenty feel long ami two inches bv te wide ami thick, -uch as make girders, only thirty of them will mak" one thousand feel "of lumber, hoard inea.uru so if you are buying some of the expeii-ivo woods for hard-wood joists, for exam ple, wiiich co-l, perhaps. ?.'.U to p r thousand, you may estimate to pay that sum for" thirty joist-, or. say. $'2 a piece. The Vt.ilest lumber is American oak. wh ch is 1 1 per cent. -tiffer th hi 1 ng! h oak whereas in -treiigth It is four per cent, weaker, and in reiistance is thirty-six percent. wchK er. The most res. sting American wood is beech, and i is aNo vfrv strong. Imii for -ti'lne-s it counts below elm, or yel low June or larch St. line is that quality in a gird-r. for example, which makes it hold hrm. however weak it may be or incapable of stand. ng a sud den shock in .short, it is l.ke (.tiiTncsv, iu a man. who may not be able to strike out w th hi- arm or re-ist being up-et. The least .still' of our building woods is cedar, but it has a very high power of resistance, greater than l.tighsh oak or yellow june. while m strength it falls very low among the woods Referring again to the weight of lum ler. a cubic foot of water weigh- over sixty-two pounds, vvhi.o a cubic foot til dry oik onlv weigh-th rty-nine pounds. A cubic foot of water weigh- some live poumls less man green oak. It i the water iu the uu-easoued lumber which makes the weight. Drv mahogany weighs only hfty -three pound- to the cubic foot, or about nine pound- less, than water. This i- minutest beeau-. dry mahogany will iloal in water. A circular saw cutting lum tier, if it i twelve inche- m diameter, revolves three thousand times m a minute. It is Mini tiiat the r.m of a c rculur saw trav els two miles a minute. Whib water weighs sixty-two an I a half poumls per cubic foot and sen-oned pine only weighs half as much, brick weighs just tvv.ee as much. If you want to bmid a fence live board- high, a quarter of a mile long, it will Sake thirty-three hun dred feet board measure. Liulh, in Cin cinniti EtHjtr.rcr. LIME KILN CLUS. T!ir ITtt i:T-r. ef Th I f." ---ll A Cut. I ri-tM-AllT lUt(rti.fl l-y llrwtkr t.4jl4r. "Am Kum I lUrab--. 4 ha 1 inh b .11 if, earetaji .'' bkhad.-J mqwrni BrKbr iar4er. a the nfpfcar -aWklT wxf-eUa ofMd oa Um jjrty-trrrntb irre. :a 4a aad regular ahap. The "KurauP aio. Ha vm '.hrrm. some tfea a$v h inreat the thury thai Caanda Uiwtie- could he CttlUralW to bear HMtolard -.4tU.vrv aad hit coantcaance now btmyvd the fact taat be expected u !x pattad oa Um ba-cfc Md oroVred to late ta ate-ol ol hoa-ar, nadt-r the I-ar Trap. "Knrael .lobn-a a ill pie4 step & wav." cuoliau 1 toe freatdea!. aad the K urn el advAnred t the iron. bevw irtg a look ed three-ply cosUapt oa Hon Krn.ttts Forioae . ha pftaed him. rdd..-4ohnoa, " id tha Pre dent, a the Vict-m stood before him m Ufa told i arms, -i want to fKhe u you ia de piaiaest agl h bctgumg- 1 1 arn dat you feet utT-mied a thc t.rr ' "Ye. sh." "It ha b:a s. kag ttam warkin np tc 1 climax, kann't " 'Hoot a y'ar. h." ! thogat mv It wtw "boot a y'ar urotlst 1 noticed you quit work." ' tx-g in to sot arooad oa de curt-ttH You didn't cot hoa Sod theory widtut a hard struggle dal yoo?'' "No. h. It jtt aUaoaa apeot my mind." ! thoogbt ra I reatetabr wbea yon gin up de rarlattoae for Mdooa -eery. Latar oa you brgaa to play vrap aa' policy. Toward de Ut agony of yoor strusxfe yoa begua t shake dive an buy totter? t'ckeU on de jnney ytmr wile aimed al tne wah tub Iaventia a theory am powertui hard wm k. liraddor Johnson, Ves. nh." -It am so hard dat ysor wile an chili' en am now b " iur hread an' oh- clothes., while you am fa ttebt to evert bniy who'd trunt you and your landlord am gwine to frow yon out o' tie luHS-e " -I-I i -orrr. sh, but I couldn't help it" P.rudder .lomaw" said the Pr--dent. in a vimv which made Elder Totts shiver hke r. faded burdork in a winter s gale. -1 want to aav to yon an to ail other members of dis 1 !ub freu you. dat no cu I d man in America has anv bi'iievs wid a lhiry an unginai theory If whi'e fdk. ha pt time nutl'an' lit ney 'aurt to loaf around and diskivcr m deir own minds, -dat de n.oon am full of jiicw- which gallop up and down, or dit the Norl star conta ns n race of people who walk on de:r head- an' feed dtm-elv wid ile r t"es, tlat's all right De problem wid tlo cull d man am. fust, bread aa' butter: second, house rent and raiment . third. Men eddica-hun a vvill enable htm and hi-'n to wr.te an' receive iet ters; keep M-led on tnTeat event. tiggcr up how much a week s wage coiiie- to at a dollar a day. realise dat tie Atlautic nin upon one side of u aa' tie I'acihc de tal ler. an' hi de nenm to go to de jttdls ant1 wote fr bon-t. de cent candidates. 1 shan't tine you. an' I ilonn't watu to eel ytu, but you will retire to tb anteroom with (ie ntlaiti .Ion fur tie space of ;n miaita. II you hold to any .arl cular theory arter he gels freu wid ytu it will lie Mmlhin' you a'ii perfeekly w-lcme to"' When ihe Kuruel'' returned to thj hall after the proceeding" be wa a changed man. One eont ta I wa en-tir- !y mis-iji . th- other batllr l-attore.t, and his general aptirante aa tha' of a man who had met the tail end of a cj cloii" in a count rv where there waui nothing to han' Jo 7a 'rmt t'rrt Prts . BIRDS IN ARIZONA. A MAD HEBREW. he to know the greatest source of vvorrimeiit to :i young practitioner? It is that he will be called to save a poisoned p-r-on. public than at pre-ent. thev procured There are o many .-oris of poison, the tlie introduction into the I'n.te.l States svinptom are so intricate, ami tne an-M-nate of a jo.nt re-olii: on author ng , tlo.t 0 varied, that il is a'mo-t im- Tiio ruiironii Ojioiiiiiiic t ti iimiih it - fn.ii IIIV ttllltlMll V V'Utiolll I IU 17. 1 1 44 Iir- 1)'.1 a- near a- mav be 1 ;.. .1 1.. .' ....... 111.11 ill liii: u.l.uii 1 ii.ilil llll -l.ilt- Ui - 11 l at. forma, and providing t ia: when the "i' "" 1 ... J- .. .lr...tr.?- nTi.l 'in nlil mimi iii "leeillim. ,,,v .v.. ...Ii. .... -... ....... .... .. ....... t late I a stock in thai way. but the votingsters don't have it within sudden nml '"i .... :.!.. ,n 1 .w... l...... ... ,n' l....l l... ... . IIII'.S: lilt' It rv. l II &II1.4IA 111 1411 . 44144.4 4. on the line -peci- jnin,lv lheon..:u.al h.nili Al.Slla Coop-r fnitm roau -iioimi te mint in compliance in other re-i'ecLs with the law making the grant ot land-, the ecr-tary of the In terior should cui-e patents for the same to 1h issued to the company. 'V-pres ly saving ami reserving the rights of actual settlers."" Tins resolution was referred to the Senate Committee on Tactic Kailroads whose chairman was friendly to the road, aud who iinmed.ately wrote to secretary Cox. -uggeting that he withdraw his order permitting the settlers lo prove up on their cla in un til the eomm.liee couid report, and i he senate and House act upon the resolution. Mr. Cox complied with the re quest, again withdrew the land- from market ami again the Mu-sle slough settlen- were refused permission to pre sent their proving-up paper-- and re- co ve a title to the r ho.ncx No toner was this acconinIish 1 reach, timet ice come to seek n i hey would have had .k;.nnv. while in her feebie condition, her remain there while they, with ha. ing -.till further prostrated her and other neighbors, pared for the dead; brought on a low fever, from which hut she would not listen. So long as her reroverv w a low. anvthing rema.ued to be done tor her lYoni the hour ot her arrival. Liter's hived ones s k- would help do it. She mother became her nurse, wait ng upon ! lhau the attorneys for the railroad com- ''"!'' H'1' leave then: even to the care and watching h.r with all a mother . - I those who had known and respected solictude. ami the new demands thus th- m wh.le living, and. despite all thev made upon her atVeclotis and svmpa- c u .d say, rodebae, alone, while Uie Ui.es force 1 her n a measure to with- ne ghtmr went to -cture other ass.t- draw her thoughts from the dead and :i.ce. and h sou prepared to make an 1: them :inn imnn tln...- of ihis life i panv. in tie Senate, in the House, and :.. ,t... l-.i.i.. i .v. . . . ..- in im- ni.u. 4-;iu iur norK vi secur ing enough votes to pass the re-olu: on. The settticrs protcste i and t.tioued against it- pas-age. but little at.enuon was paui o meir p.eauings tor lusiice. ft rapt tt reach some point from which ami 0 Vt. y jifobably prevvnte I her j '1 he member of Congress trom the dis trict through which the road was being constructed was either incompetent or in the pav of tne road, and made Im: - ..... iiiisatlttled lum and feu both him and pas-, vvouid have slowly consumed her j feeble efiorts to defeat the scheme of - . . . ... I...... i . - -- . tiiiiiiu.iii-H-uuis. irtuu sinking :nto a con itiou where Wnen she reached tlie cottage on her inorbi I watchful. noss for death. a the return s.ie put her horse in the stable, on v release from the memories of the hi- mate, and then went into the house, lit A few moments later scvera ne ghbors. . eauvvhile the contest between the both men and women, cam, and re- railroad companv ami the settlers cou- zua.ued until the next day, when the , tn.uetl. Although having notified the i otuie- ot her iiustianu and child were ettiers to va -ate their homes unless jdaced in vehicles in which thev were . they were prepared to pav their full to be conveyed to the little burying j value, including all improvements, tne ground on the other side of the mount- i company made" no immediate attempt am to torce complian e with the.r demand's. The gray-iurred minister who had To tlo .-o would, bring the w hole matte Tuarr.ed I.ucy and Erasius two prominently before" the countxv and year, before, again came to the raise .-uch a storm of indignant protest cottage to -ay a few words over from the whole people as" not onlv to the bodies of the dead, trying to ; force the company to relinquish their find language which would convey a ' claim to the homes of the setUers. but little comfort to the one lone mourner ' to the entire grant of nianv mdlions of who was o tlear to them while living: acres. imi he scarcely heard bis words, aud The consjiirators well knew that thev In the ordinary routine of we can delav treatment long enough to look into a texf-b ok or to consiuf with some kind old chap in the profession, but when we are iiasjty summoned to the side of a patient with poison iti hi- stomach, the nature of wn.ch can only be determined by symj toms. and who e life can only le saved by quick dosing with the right drug, tlie responsibility is something fright ful. W hat do I tlo? 1 carry in an in ner pocket a thin book containing a summary of poi-ons. symptoms and ' ant dote-- That is a common practice with voting doctors, and a few old ones, too "' The liability to summons as a witness in court after attend. ng to a pot-on -tig ca-e make- physician- ad ditionally "alert and anxious. That lends terror to the risk of mistake, and the remark of my friend was doubtless sincere I'd rather hire a -ii!titute at five times the fee I am go ing to get every time I'm called to a poisoned patient. " I tcn Ubftrvcr. " Mother Goose." Al! may not know that Mother Cloo-e wa- a real ierson. imt it is -aid -he was bom in Charlestown. Ma-s.. m lfiOo. and married a vvx.ower by the name of (loo-e, who had ten children. Six other goslings were added to the flock, and one ot the-e marr-ed Thoma? Fleet, a printer by trade. In cour- of time Ciraitdruoiner CiOoe -went to live the corporat-on. and the senators from California were equally derelict in their dutv. Finally the .-ett'ers raised money among themselves and son: an atlomev to W asliuigton to plead their cause for "with lh.s son-.n-Iaw. and from morning them. He" returned with a Federal aj- till night she made up the now familiar ; pomtmeut in his pocket and wahout rhymes and sang to his . hildrea. much having accomplished anything for those to their delight. "but to the annoyance who sent h.m. and the resolution in of everybody else Finally Mr. Fleet j favor of the railroad companv passed conceived the idea of print ng her dit-: both Houses. " j ties, and the boot was Issued in 1719. ! Fto BE COXTINXEu-j ' with this title. Mother Goose's Melodies mm ' aad Khvmes for the Nurserv. so the Mn Komi tin VVrltltiir on tin Wall l.iist II i Tnir. The maddest mnn I ever see was 'on mv post last night.' said a police man doing duty on the Howery. "He was the mo-i all-hred. rij-tenrm loon that ever was loo-e He cutn! till the lamps around here burned blue, and you could smell -ulphur from the tti Chatham .-quare. What started him' He he' II startet! him-elf. It was his own pri vate and exclusive racket, and no one wa- to blame. 'Hint's vvx.at mad' it the harder for h in when he -aw the dirt v fac ng hi new f.,H overcoat had got ant! looked down at the paint that had gormed all his cutaway aud lovv neck ve-f." " Who was he?" Oh. a '.aiior on the Kowery. There s a lot of 'em strung out there, you know, and t'ley don't like one another pretty well Well, this felr. who's a kind of a gallti duck, wa- out last night to a partv. and com along prettv late and feeling pretty god All tif a sudden he fetched up in front of another tail ir's shop aa opposi tion line, you know and got looking up above the doorway. Ihere was a white card pasted up there, aad the fel.er. once he sot eye.- on it, say- to himself Ha! ha! Maype dot Chaycobs ha--oom drable got. Chimm'nny. mayjve tlot fellow- ha- liimself croaked. I-cd me s-e." He weat up to the door. !'t it was dark there ami the -ign wa a good way -up. There wasn't .i word on it iie cou'd make out. I'm the chance of okl .Iacob-J being out of th way wouldn't let h:ra go. .-o he hoved one hand against the wall W steady him-elf. put oo hoof on the kntb and squirmed up by the door. Down he came before he reached the ca-ti. but he wa- up again - "'a and spelling out M.e writing for all he wa worth. You iw it made him ?ck." " What was il? Deatj in the fam- " Sot ruuc). "What, then"' 'Frtsh piim.' " X. J'. Herald. Ivy the cat on lightly, please" aid the Delaware Wifc-beater to the Sheriff, who was about to apply the lash to his back. "lav it on iigntlv and One of the most magnificent peaks annovancc to the old ladv's grown-up you will oothe mv angrv feelings.1 of the Kocky Mountains" is th.i of the 1 friend.- has turned out to be a joy to ' "Soothe your angry feeling? aid the sierra Hlanca. in New Mexico. It is i thousands of children for more than a ; Sheriff! "Yes; a soft tar.7 sir. tarneth v over 14,464 feet in height j century and a half. CQregationaliiL away wrath." Uoiien Courier. PERSONAL AMO TulItKAKT. -s-ti I- r-. i- . ! t Mrts pjrwl ' i- .z ' 0 e fcta trod te titir - Ii-ie 4a.iy p a Near l"atl lat of! ..: .' . . i -A - J" ' - '- ' - v' - GUhrru -a IV Moi I', tab.- ior hrota utt. we.ht . tl 1 - - r iw! ! . .i . U tKa- Si km A . r . ra ftra ri.l' oi Vrr-n " ' Irrca ta hartf-ae - of hi larm oaar W a-r. lleary Ward lsj- tret pabiw- addra-M tu -: oa tMa-- at it.: while br - a t trtrtit Iwfe. Tllf .ir.ll .VtHllllrr III VV'lllt'll tlo lt.l- llniiti.'r I-trii -.Hul.". Altliough nt e-pecsaliy aa nthaii asf iu regard lo birds, my attention nn 1hoii allracttnl to the great vartett here, tme tif the mimt remarkabl kinds is known by the uapoetie tiUe of road-mr.aer. 'Hi" name is certainly well deserved, as it b a veritable tramp. but uniike the human ipeeiei of the same profession, it ii neither feared aor dete-Ud. On the lontrar-r. thia f'atiiered tramj of the dMl U re -peetetl. aud it- p-ra guarded, by all , cla-ss. Tht Intliaiii regard the bird a sacred. ami to la'ure it would be ilifintHl sacr.lege. It- great pora arit is di-r ved from it- in derate hatred f reptiles oa which it agrs relentjVs and -nccesfMl war 'Hie rattieaaake and a!i other jooaou kind- are iu esjc al arer-iion. It mode of aitat-k on its enemy is ns tecur a the dit bke it exhibits. !V?ing erer oa tba alert for conquest, it VdUhe it game napping. and -.eldoia fail to eura an tasy v.ctorv. Th ciilomary kierp ing hours of the -wake are when the scor h:ug -an has r-Mder-d the roctm and aud to hot Ut allow it to trawl w.th etimfort. seiiig it- Ttctim ia i' half tu p I cod from wbertee it t aot ea- ly arow-e.I. the b rd et-aametaee cutting ttT twig-. tf th o-t thorny sjecie- of cactus, which crow rrery where ia profusion " h-a a swltbrieaf number of Ihnb- w eerd. Uwv an rajadly earrhMl aad qae-tly ilrp4 in a cire.'c about the revtiie T:t work t- continued mild the feaee eoniid reI strong eaoogh to srro the iotad d pnrpo-'f. aad orh lb dread at the seqMjnt for tb sharp prirker oa t. cactus limb- aa i teaVes that it m -anl to preier death frm tarralira rather than to mi-nipt to ra-e through the cirrio of thorn, whn-h bn-tle ai it from etrrr dreei on Al tbooga th nake i ireoaatl kaows :ji die ia th-- eae'.o-nr- :r-iia bet mn-i fiuaiae it more frvasiy fali a prev to hawk- aad eagb who ta. ad vantage of its helpb--.-o- aad carry tt o'l in -rue the road runner i a ari: t wire a- large a a pijteoa i- of a dixrh brow- coWjc. ate lraat is. wita mmt beaV "U adaHed to cutting off twj. aad a rry hag faabke tad. Uabke iie crow ami .-oae ataer brrd- who perf ns a god er ie to th farnaer by dtt-trovtat: worm and hng that make iarwwd- apoa h ens aad taaa tarn aad eolle i thtwe. thk- er-pemt hniag bird at- aotaag m riura for -ervioe-. Ii - no d-ihe cotaro3 of hav. a j- d'Hic a ood te-d. aad t -hvtl w.th hamg dooe ft duty i"be uirge - 4H-d n-.jtrng-b.d b. al so we'l repraed atnotag the 'a4rd tribes that eoagrrte hr. ra-ie aad whrfe-tailed pigroa- are aat-ai nbk. and their aa-al ooac-erts are eootta-nou- tbroagh --e day sad meat. The note of the forsar. aowerer. are by vox the mo-t raa-vi. tho-e of th- g-oa Deing taore a wail than a 4aag Way o many ie-auuftil birds shoald cuagre gatc at such aamvuiag ifttA, "aaer timber and water are -caroe. aad th general mean- of ob--;ice apjxr'i v meager, a a fioat'Oa lor tbo-; Tersrd in ornithology to decide. Jrsm- 'jc (jl r.) a.-, a. r. ?. tt-tui r.- wa bv: 4 .rant, ami ' retb.- 4 It n. i t f'.e li- b the i-- '. T tJ. ?, J ' wno r to res work - ) l ti f.CO t!' pOpU.!." " . UeOk I i .mi;. ; tr.i.. .. . - UifoTr CT A tram :. ' l'etii -. v . enjir' f dur n. v t M... of!C" the J I-i. 1 ru i a a. er ' ' th" r er: Ho . L ' u: a w Im 4 I. , . ,. (i Mi .- W r j: a ta "On L- tt e ' e ' -J-,. -1 r i .i a sf, f Tr 1 i . p - .' B ) - li.- . a . h.-s t berzn t i :. vdie. I. . . t . IU it to S and ti r elope! -: er iil - Tl.e ' rv : al 1 c.ev! -. ' r " fuaeru . r . - 4 t : -erattr -t...f . ..!: dentett 1 '. ' er'.. i -lt. New: i- !. t U' t natter ol4 - t iaar k.n r t. :. tactful tiTBij ;. i Hugh wav wOall Well I IJA-.4 wa a Hr.t"l ti. te-e i lea of hi cite : wr.- i rentleruanlv. i. at;e: : t -bumiiis. who e. iilu- : i vatuetl their furniture ? author of the graeetul Utte cler thetche aigaed wif de plume which werr to magazia anf uw papers f - - 1 ;h if ' . ) i: - TT '" I Bat. .: B .r. ' rti. . i ki 'i :r ' . v tb.- m .: f .11 . il-t' r a Hi- ! i .t .1 a-- Ut - U m i ld ! I . .. -f . t i . HUMOROUS. - When a photaj-rapbar, th- ci-a Of hji bui! ewt ue a ' rk dues he do tn ordei ' aai camera octira - -. - How do pneta lit' aaHHta inquirer t as- temporary. Kwt i! of t-na wtrh tha fr other aaw wood. . Auberiti-r auk M a peraon w;th a g n- ? fore vou deem htm -' ' ' Mudv.ng ihr art of te." Tb obler tie u . beanl p-op.t atag ii ;M-t(xoJ titer mu. three or lour year a.'t- - -. -tudetit a iatruii to know on what io:u'i. score a tt c Wf ;. h m to .eg!-i wrth -ii-work- j hi lirat '. mpler -a.racter ' for riaiB?4e, wtHtld t- far. il hr arraafftl " "pull." aad gae t chance to oa lat "lv Mm i 'le Kafflr--'Ti.r. .- liar odor. Jodjfe. thi - crevice ta tha hank a tiuak it m aaturji' -Why don't yota t--' . know ai aay eoaia r a hgbted match to tt. - l? might exploit are! "Well great St' b. . atttr cnav.ues8r proof t a - "Ait Qnad ab u t . hod"' a4tr(' a t".-. abont to rrtrimr a' a I .- VL "Va U ' awd tie- aa indulg- nt amile he a antxaaee Tr that he can't throw a . toaat oat of the tmrn tin.' -four or fire tat qaad hf t o tdaall Im doara oa ' bow the jpeafiaaann " ; a ) torn -A !eofeh aaintrter - - dterad "fteW tea," by b a ; aett 4i the pattaa-t eomp . aaade htm ate. "Why aad the dtnetor. -VU ivy mjmW .. fmg am akJIlet he 'fruwail it aad mm ater it wat e-Mw'eat awid the miaMir. "w that the wj -awp it" "What tVr ay lKMdd amiptt ft tarailawt. I aay tta ai4- It may he frude thai way. darter t try ft "a'f th eream ami aogar. a' try It wr thtt. aad Ihew aaa hew ya IA "U taa't Uwe In a" aahed lt4fc.. a ha ha asd rcadbtf vTh Tmd far oi llamelia " " m'i tear that 1 -eoobl play oa tha pt aa that ta swr wowmS so o5 aad draw a thcmaelTaa' "w;l. rrpbed Rolio - iattor. -fdwa t kasw ahoot that, i th ah ft aaa? traa. Toor rark Hitarx eaa fkmj li'. ,tlate mv thai tt will leara a fww art t: i rrr aad drive all aha do& ta tha fr ciart hfywitaf cray Tent, 1 gawa l poaaa m trae " Aad KJJto life iorga wa o amad b rsuda t aaa. aa ! he b4 hiawfHr tra rht ta iiroa oft h aad ratad cbsar ihruafh i iooev' rtiBfja befor ha thai ti waaa t aa areuM ot M4vtiKi! -Kf4 - f hi. 44s 1 rJt. " ' -- m " w n - - f. .: 1 it i' ! 1 . f 11 . mr . i . u ' ' X . .. at I-It- ;.- t rrn I J '. ! i t. 'I . ! ha .' --- r ' ta i r' .. Ml v W ' i. r ; r A MX -- i d " lift .:- " tb '.- far a ta-! " - Vaimawte pJU-C?t-tJ lAmttumXrimZ. Ia tha Vnawa n4b.Umk tmv i) a parchmaat M.S. wrtttaa hmtwrntm Ua ymmn lii aad Ut'J pr.ram arajaw kowk oi th fumtprrm l"hmrtm V fa knwrv the trac oi Itoac taw. la aaw pi- oi the taok. ta po whava oW t ataror" t"-t.--r-i-elea raaad U Iw a rhmrty aaarlurtd. awd la other piaear wV asar ui -oat mi ha aewr r.a.Ne arc Mtecribed. i aj Aaat ajKrgaret. law Oetttpr Joadk am. of Braadn ttwrg. aad others h w adcoed xh lfatial ia antare or s. Nfihrbad .h araoa. Th bos. -, irvmtzx th pevKVr a the dwewNcd Jwait I .lbg ta Vjesa Newitadx. -ht5Ce t Sea! Vtz. Cp. aiac IS1Q.X. r. rut.