7 ypssAjrea MfeVS.r AT t- .3 r A . - j 4 I rjMl ed Cloud Chief -pgAY. OCTOBER 25, lil J da.vs ;:oiX by th to .was often nl a ury from Ireland for :t roval nidencc but of late "Xo rovaltv need pply has uuou the jnvvaifitig' si.-nti-nieut. Tuerc may yet be seen the re mains of an abortive attempt at a rovni palace at Jigustowu, ne.ir Xaas. On account of the excellence of the brics tfie walls and vaulted cellar have conn down to our day. .Strufibnl liutlt it, deeming it izucoiucly hi Maje-tj aould not have a hotiv; of his own Lere." I'erhap Pri ucs of the house ol i'arnell may yet occupy it. Under the Mexican law a creditor can have a debtor arrested on the day when the debt falls due. The prisoner is chained to a pot live days guarded by an oilicer. At the -i:A .! :h- time. if the n:oney is not forthcoiuinjr. the man's labor is .-old to the (jovi'rumcui for 40 cents a day ior a many das a.. will be iiecf'iary to discharge tin; obli gation. The inferable debtor is sent to the silver mines, where he is chained to tt gaug of feloua and compelled to work underground. II slei-ps underground, and never nee.s d:r. liirlit aaiu until he b restored to freedom. Prof Ulackie is not the on 13' ccceutric master the oimir men of Kdinbtirg Un iversity have 1j:i1 over tlieui. l'rof. Chri.-linou - whoe son became emineut u tlie Kiliuburg Medical bcltool once having caught a .student winking ir hi Latin clan.-, ord-r'd liim to stand up and .-poke as follow-: "No Miiirking, uo .smiling, and, aboe all. no lipping of the wink; for Mich thing's are hurt ful to yourselves, bam-fiil to the repub lic, mjtl yill bring down the gray haira ot your parents with sorrow to the grave. Hum: by tiie way, that's a verf lirctty fccnteiice; turu it into Latin, sir PHob! Pilosll PilCBHI Fur' cure fr blind, bleeding and ilelnn pile.--. One box lms cured the woil ca.-e f 20 w'ni.s htanding. No one necil -nllV'r five minuter after use i ngTilliam's Indian Pile Ointment It nb-oib.4 tumors. silhiy.s itching , acts as poultice, gives instant relief. Prepared only for piles, itching ol" the private parts . notbimrelse. Sold by drut?i.-L and mailed on rede lit of price, $1. Williams Mk' Co. J'rons. Cleyelaid, Ohio. To Young Ladies, If your life is made a burden owing in black beds. Dimple?; and olbcr erup tions marring your beauty and causing io inueb chagrin, if is iHlonger ncccs ry to end-ire it. I)r l'lagg's Family iutmentwiil cerlninh remove nil Mich lemihes ami leave your skin soft moot!) and beautiful. .Sold by ali drugui.-ts and mailed upon receipt of price L'ac. Feucusox t (rr Dr. Frazier's Root Blttt rs. Fr!i7.UTMOotlitiri-Miro Ir:un shop heveraJio, but jim; .-trictlv inoili :il I :.. - rii . . I I ill i:tiv huiim:. i ih'v :u i hinniiy ji- on the liver hikI kidneys, keep the open mid regular, demise the blond nid system ofeveiy iiiipuiity. Sold by druj'fet2$l. Stop that Coughinir, y usfinr I)r Fnizier's tliroat and lunj; balsnn I lit only tue euro for colds, couli bttar.-eins ami soar tliroat and all diseaM: of the throat nnd iini's. Do not neglect, :i Coimh. It may be fatal. Scores and hnndrc'ls f :r:itefull people owe their lives to l)r Frazier'sTnroat and Lmi Hal.:un and no fa mi ly will ever be without it nfter nseinj; it, ami discovering it.-, marvelous power. It is put up in Itrjzu family bottles, and sold at the rtuull price of oU cts. FekoisoN & Co. DrFrazier's Magic Ointment. A sure curs for boils, burns sores cuts, Ibvli wounds, sore nipples, hard nnd soft corns, chapped lip- and hands Trice 50c Sold lv lni"uists. WILLIAMS Mf'o. o., 1'rops ., Trons. land, Ohio. Clevel Huiklcii - AruirnSalvr. Tlie best salve in ihe world f(r cuts bruises sores, ulcers, salt rheum fever sores, letter, chapped hands chilblains, corns and all skin ei options nd positively cures piles, or no paT required. It is jumnttcd to give pcr rct Mitisfaction, or money :etun ed. l'rico 25ct per bo.. A letter frm Mexico -ay.s tlie poverty of the country may be traced directly to the slovciMy M'slcui of fanuinj which prevails. The agricultural re" nources aro enormous. Though oul uue-ltfth of the hot laud in the grea't plateau is under cultivatioii. it supports millions of people with a style ofl'arm iu that would produce starvation iu the best section of New York or l'eim bylvania. The Mexican's sole coucep t"n if this utilitv of plowing is tc jwrnteli up euough loou dirt to cover the seed: iu a great majority of cases the ground is never touched after ulaut- U. You may not be aware of it, but it's a fact that many of the medicines Jec comended for croup contains either chloroform or cj lum. and cinno: be even to children iu the larjie and fre quent doses required, in case of croup, with any decree of safety. They are danecrous nnd should be avoided at nil times. There one preparation how ever, that does hot cor .ain a single in Ctcditfnt that would injure a child, and it is cerium and positive proof for croup and thut is Chamlerlins Cough Rem edy. It has cured thousands of caes - and can always be depei ded upon. Sold by druggists. Your mediciue, Athlnphoros, has gi ven my mother considerable relief more in fact than anything she has ever taken, and wo have spent hun dreds of dollars in diffeiorent useless remedies for rheumatism. W. G. Twitchell, Anoka, Minn. A nasal mjec'or free with each bot tle of Shiloh's Catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by He.iry Cook. Heidache. bill U3 disorders and con stipation aie enrec by St Patrick's Plli- Tney are alio most pleasant aud most efff etual physic in use. When you can't sleep for couhging take a dose of Chambcrlitfs Cough Remedy. Advice to Mothers. k. r vou disturbed at night and broken of vour re5tbva sick child sunerhn; and crinj: with STin oi cuttlns teeth? If send at'onceanp irt a bottle of Mrs. Willow's soothlnc nyrup rest by ?or cMArm teething. Us value Is Incalculable. nWnd upon tt niAuen. there t no mistake i!Cl,, it It cures dvsentrrj- and diarrhaar reg- KtEi the stoma"h au towels, cures w ind col.c Srtone anden-rc--tn thf oe s.vst.m. Mr fnSlSK ioothlBKayrop for en ldrea teeUiing i i?-Ja,fi mihettste. Bd is t'e prtcriiuoii Pnfof the lde5Sl ftwlliursea and by ftetanV ! tbeVBUM SOUW nd Is for sale stspr tcttle. c 3T nMHJ 0 FEKOUSOJvl & 60., Successors to All the old natron3 of t'i3 ity Dru? StD.e ar3 ;- d - invito! tOjMlliAlb, ffinthiiift tlioir natrnnp-ira as heretofore, wo si. endeavor TO pleas j you- Our stock of every thine thut p 5- ai is to tho drufr trade will be kept up to tho HIGHEST STANDARD OF KXCEL! EXC We shall have new announcements tomakssoon and new stock to exhibit A IJ. HltOWN. I'mjirlrloi. Brown's Marbl3 and Graniid Works! Good stock and fine work is cur mott: and prices to suit the times. If in need o anything in our ine do not fail to call and examine our specimens OFFICE AND YARD. orner Elm St. and Fourth Av. Lock box : 22 . RED CLOUD NEB Webster Count ABSTRACT OFFICE, CfTAS. F, OATHEB8, Prop. Complete and only set of Abstract looks in the county. Abstracts Of Titlo to (all lands of this county carefully prepared at SHORT NOTICE at Reasonable Rates. Real Estate bought and sold. Insurance in solid companies. JHoncy to oii on Ifc'i" Ktjtt sind 1'Iialtel Necurit-. Tajxrs ynUl 1y H4:2-eileiit.s. Roforouco Any of the business men of Red Cloud. Office, North Webster Street. West side WALKER & 1) E A L TT KlIMPS. WlNCMlLLS. - 7 -- j And Every thin in our line. When wanting anything in tho Pump or Windmill line it will pay you to seo us. Our Prices aro .iie I-owest and Work Guaranteed. OFFICE On Third Aveuuo. Opposito Minor Bros., storo Ro i Cloud Nebraska. Don't tail to soo us boforo buying. Cook&MeBGham Cowles.Mebras:ak DEALEKSIX Drugs, IPamts, Oiib. Books. Stationerv. Etc., Etc. Etc. Prescriptions cirufully c 1 1 1 1 ij vt ji'.I hours dU JL-W U.gS-f MJ HOUTlJ TU1EIMT AMIKAi.KK IX GEK3HBAiT Nurserv Slock! A" I have li:iI s(mi' exjirrlence in tin N'lirtrrj llusiiii'bs, I think I can (uriiNIi stock to sun our climate from Home Grown Nurseries! Ami would ask a share of the t radc rriu.ir XOTU-K jotickis iu:ui:ivyi;ivi:n that akti- L clt:t huHriN-tr:itioii haw Ikvii flk'.i i:i the proiwr otllff.s. 'l h' naiuf of :iid fori .oral inn i TIil- Xolr.ka l.uinluit'oinpanv lt principal Place of tniiiNai'tins lm-lttt.", Ited Cloud. Ne-lt-ika. Oruaul'i'd furthc purjMi-rof transact Iiik a 'cucml luint'cr luliu"s. ami iu liiivinu:n:i vlliin: all kind of good and ni'Tchanuie jmt laluiin; thereto, tui'h'iling coal, at the tow;; of Kcd ("loud, with bniui'h vird"and oftlco at siidi other town as the lKanf of dlnvior may des ignate. A itli a capital Mock of one hiiudn-d thousand dollars, to be paid in a directed Pj the Hoard of dim-lots, within th'rty da from daTe of .nlisrrihinp sane, and power to increase said capital Mock to two hundied Joiwaml dol lars, llielmsiiii'ss of vaid coipinttion to com mence on the 1st dav of Kehruarv. lsS4. and con tinue until the 1st da of February. lssl. The highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which aid corporation I at an time to subject litelf slmll be one halt the amount of -apital siock paiti iu. iiu'MiMtifss oi said corporation shall be conducted by a board of seven directors Frbruarvt5. 1ns4. It. l. Jonf.s. President. Harness Shop, m J. L. MiLLER. DEALER IX APvE-NFTS' COLLARS, SADDLE ;K0SISLANKTS. j wHIPS. COm BS. BRUSHES. HARNESS OIL and everything usually kept in ft o'l's shop. Awo doors north of 1st Nat. Bank RED CLOUD. NEB. Trunks Jla Uses Drugs ! Drugs ! HENRY COOX. Drugs, Paints, Oils Notions, Wall Papr, Ac Red Cloud - Nebraska, tt XT VewtiS'w!. s . XJ J. J. lid J o- :R. R. Slierer D. C. MVKKS. K. riim BRAKEFIELD, E U.S I X . . , 1'UMPS. WELL lUBIN'G. j - 7 w eel.; rv NEW STORE Mo iTsr Fu i tn -vi:i:sTAr.usm:i a Hardware store, at WELLS. Forthenrcommodition of th" people of tl r.t vicinity. 'Ihev are ful.v prepared fopht Un people of Well ami vlcln t j-ist what the want in 1I-" .'i.i.-of Hardware, Tinware, rftoves, i on. Nails, And In 'art eertl.ini: ca!i be fouml at urstoie f that i usually Kept Iu a ilrM-chiss 5ioi.se. We would be pleased tohaxe p'orle call o us when iu need of hardware. Our pi ices wi. alwajs be reasonable and in keeping with thedemat.d of the tunes. Weery res-4'tfill solicit our trade hoping hat It will proe benellelal to both. MOKHAKT & FULTON. . 'h.(V:- 5,?. cV A r At i.iri..f. .- x-4 7" SODA BestintheWot-Td. Attention Teachers. XotKV is herei y plvrn that I wUl rxsnune all ersn who m:i tleire to offer themselves :is candidate for teaelit-i ot the common m-1io f Wehstercouiit at tny oftire in Ued Ootid o thinl Situnlay of each month, llx.iiiiiuationno o n u euee at 9 :u m. IK) not ask f jr je "i.il ex:iratu.ulon. '" 'iKii.i Suprlntndruof publ.c lntn:ctl $50 REWARD $50 " ww r.- fir. CWUML. jr gaaag LORILURD'S LUWonMKEs. PLUC TOBACCO. Th W Cot J1 MTirtn Oicki. 0 A n4 at COODevTramv. . . . -. "" MA. Miner Kw. lU?d Goiid. Xebraska-A'S ilsrsa Ued Cloud. Nebraska; A U Kiley. Wholesaled by Kajmond Hros ft Ca Lincoln, Xi.c L-1 -S r" ' mjiii 4l. .. f inriiiiiiiHrii r -v rijwllf? Mf ? .'i Xobraski: Ilaresnives Pq)?.. LincIn yebras j i Pa xtcn : Gsllaphert) .roaka. yebraka:MConi i Fard A Co. Owfca hrzka. i WILLIAM GATES. Proprietor ;,of the Reel Cloud. M'- First Door South ol Hi-r-r's Urm: Store. FRESH AND SAL '.POULTRY" Oysters, Saus afro, Bolonga, &c, zc. Always ui hand, ct... auu eef them w cnoveryr a want h- - st and tho swoo meats. b.:k. loud Bj, jiEW BUILDINGS ! jMEW But notwithstanding tho90 iniportr.nt improvemonta JyJORHART Hardware Merchants OF FED CM) CD. Have tho LARG23T and Most Com Baxdwar , Item, Eon, btb j, Sari "Aire, Nails, Rope, Window Screens, &c. the Republican Valley. W Keep only tho BEST sr ,od3 . d sell as cheap as thoso rns that carry an inforlor sto . Dj. our prices bofo o voa luv and vou will savo money. Spancgle & Son Dealers warn if liim, won, m t 8EWINC SVIACHiriES, FTC HED&kOliD, LAN J. S NOLL, PROP- Red Cloud. OllicoWith A. Ii, yum: opposito t . P'.c.tt& Frcos Lumber Co. L 1 si mm In Wobstor county, Ncbrnskn, nnrl Smith rrcl Jewell couutien, Kan- 3P.o, on ronEon.iblo commieaionf-. lOOOO acrnp, jllrl . ps?ov and un improved farms for sals en easy X' j Sterling, Packard & WestemC cttage Organs : i Dinner. i. ,io j tot t.r . mJJ VXC4AXO CLJ.XVX l ill i ii r - f f t j r Stein way, Weber I wish to inform tho people ot "Webster and adjoining counties that I j have opened a music store on Webstor Avonuo, opposito Piatt ' Frees Lember yard whore will bo found a supply of Organs, Pinnc? and Sowing machines, which will be sold as cheap as can bo boucht west of tho -'3itr Muddy," either for cash or for easy payment. Eefore ouying: elsewhere call and seo mo. NEWiBOOiRYH : S. Y. MJM.OW. Where will be founii everything in tne srocrv line, such xa Sugar, Tats. Coffees. Sirups. JFruit liacon. Ham. Drietl JIeer Cheese and CracScr?, Tobaccos, Ci,,.tr?f Flour, Fred, G! and Queen4wrar ami Crockery. Honins by f.iir deilinr to merit a ihire'of the'public patrona?f. IN FEATHERLET'S BUILDING. Opposite h Chicsco Lumber Van!. S.V. LUDI.OW. ARKET MS! ENTEPRIS ES & FULTO n all kinds HEB A - Y A ? 9(1 s :: n I .- i TriTirT- ii j r t ti iilj K: W XXI L. XVXCtVXXXXXWO & Paris Pianos. I i 3 B IS oil. A e 1 w f?S MerehaatTailor, RED CLOUD. - VEBR ASKA. n I th J!no U:n oJ CLOTHS, CASdEMZKKS. MELTONS. &C. Custom work neatly dotie andafcer the mos approved ilisliions. Cutting and fitting a speciait, prices reasonable. Old StJiad Er:3i!e Vb:r StroaU JJ - J W A : ii r- ; S - a " 0; '- c P CL r r. - W - r zr 2 " " zT. y HI r. z: O r: i C O. v. L X """ CL- S. a A, r ' S E " 3 y r - c - C. I r: n r. - .: -c v 7: -nO-. -c ,. J. -- y zl. j c Z Z 'u O " w r- zz -" - w .2 zr- L r - - d. f -rjc:-J; ., V tl o - 7 - - - " e M- v-- r. kh - v- r" 'i " f c Hri ok " r; -j --- 7- 2 0 1! V'MO !S a'n-Q'JAINTro V1TH THE .cic r xAvnwi'ic sjaTV '? r V'f- ' v i s c o :: u i 4-U ;J :ZgXKr,&7xy. o. . ii :- i. : K o i up' ;,.-.,ll-.T--i:7-A"--;-' --.: !: , ,' .... .jl- CHtC.'iO. i?OCK iSLAMD & PACIFIC RAILWAY lv rr . " ' I '. . i ii; i id "?, : j ! ; r r Kju1? rl k'ot. it. : t .tt .:i i U?""r. i I ,') t l t t t r, t . - !-,iVVct. : !!. il 1 i .i ''i it j'vt a , t -j i i i-tnt't'"t 'Won . hit U lr.v ? tUl t&-tn-H : . .1 t :r!2 . r- . . - i - r t;- ru- tl- , ,; iju Ii 19 k'ho ;: f.wiu .-.!" i ; r -) p iFtot - tt -:. nmi 3o..tint,Mlcr pip. '..! '.' . - r - it rd .?? - T;i fl m !;:!, ' .. .. i. " hi nt r t , tWkKt .Toilet. u.:ijt I.-t 'f w ih, f . v - -fitiifi : mi..! i?. iTIikA. Uafinport. ..: . .V" 'S-'ti P'i"'.i tti :i i..'-ri V7m Lltfcciy. IVi. I"" i- W '' 1. ..-J.rrt A-, r !'.!itlfi AiUo. '... "i ,' KjfrqA t .: ' l V. .' , !i I-.-, h. (MiUAtlit 7i -nt ju. (' iO'. -j ; Kti'fCi- . ;.J . :,- rr f.i AtrhtMa. li IC"inJS, VJV-r ' ' ilintttKi , i 1 . .- .' .,!. in : )r - ,Vnrrt w tn D iltots, &n 11. t ' mur sodlt i t. t . hk- . -, :' :m THE CHEAT .aCK 10LAMD HOUTE . (i f-s-.tf- -!i r "9 tfea r"im of rA-ir'5. -OKWth th.ir rixbir b I! h'nr.'Mi Jall v r "! ?" H; luia n iw cr. . i t: tan U9C 6, - , r? n ? ,T-- i : .fw Rnl ri(; U t? .xx iH -!, "4rr- !. pmAWttl c;-v.!j?i at M .-ant Ofcr ?ru r i . - n irD'r n( nl rm,-it ;- .? lr U a! m n" . ..j t.j a.- j ii..fi,4 jwi luilM of lt i- - WBO!l'T;.9 t T.rF JttlBfcn.- T V-t 'V-m . ri ? ' &P - - tt .i qf pof" t .-f 'T.l r- . t r upoa;' i ,ftui,. li - .:nt COipwu r!hKriT dy X-iS t .iru. . "Of App'tta. 1tt 'loxlt . 'iot Bvtwe Atchjn. am v - ui w. C - ; .. 'J THE FAFtlGUi ALBERT L2 ROUTEI trh?r -vi """i i Tr '.' . i ymnn arjj D.U--'i t-o rc fT"'.svl'i of loxm ii'I JJL rrow . U in ti ' ?-. - J- ..-.. jf u th r cli ' hi r't nd p-u'.T 1 i :.dn ' f Irt'n'r - kt i fl;i!l no-hr D Rfxr ' UK vi flfwca. iti !' h" opAuvKi Co'ror 1 1 iH : .rjii rr -. in uC wt Jt. -. rj4 . . -utit aajuCi For dt ! ".'Tirvn Kipl sjki y4'r!. r'HkJi a U aa THMk at 1 i..-. .; T. . r. OCicn ka t&o Uu.tl nt.Mx 4l &rjb. tr R. R. CBLE. E. ST. JOHN. "recast &JC';J . Cv : 7-;; fenc! TScU a Pm r ,i$t. CMtfjLft. . O AfASY W NTIiVQ mn YZ:7t ?' of wn I 1 i jt m. I y irr II r I r - . - s va-fcLAy c,,a iu I'.t'ijn Cnnjlfhl fr rnrhrs. Khic IliU.X.I,.. Hardware and Windmill Merchants. Piatt fe Frees Co5 DEALERS LY COAL LUMBE Red Cloud, oshton CCOCf?PIIY IT THIK CCU1TRV, WILL this map. th'.t thc tirN a..l r r r K- r 1 ? a riKL tr ' U .r., r-it. ufe- 'f r'-t f'w ifrt ivn ' . t f v n itlnj ! r t m ,.-! int .- Ci!T nM itri.-.r ; ' .... aro ! '!". :-'-' rwvt ' - . .- "t j ' t i.i 7' rnikrVfvt T ru x ui PARTI ' WSLL3. L1LLIN0HAM j lii.i :; ifii.i,. m lik m '' ' at , ' vlUMtd Nebraska. ETC. 4 ? .A t, - ) -i r? r1 f1 f . n II f i M I "., . - ?-i " jV 3