The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 09, 1885, Image 3

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i C. HUSHES, Piblisliir.
ppyrltfil Secured. All Hi0nU ttumrdj
iven From Sea to Sea:
Busrren by PnuMipsinN or J. v.. Dottjcxt
&. Co., rciiMMiuiig, Chicago.
CHAiTTii XA'V CoNTiKrr.i.
IS'ie ct, .M ,U11 5,,.f. ft j;te Jifitance '
roti,-, d..e;,en.n- gloom, nnd -he
jsrk -n , U. xvater had cut bits of
il4. "l.Xeea tll UOtatO TOWS, nnd
ilT- the st.ibble field below had the .in.
aranet of lur.mrr become a lake The
. V' i
Inn. to msi- ad of decieajsintr .m the
n' in, xvas. if jos,j!,le, fiuhn"-
hh'er than exr and 'he could hear a
nl roar -o'ii!iis tip from the ravine.
In 1 I.' xx th.v -oon the x-:ar would be
lu-' nMir'ih it in sreat volume, and
f i '' tnat xx'ntiid ox'erxx'hehn anv
ix n
tJ. n cautrht in it-, path: and
d fen i.u J. ravines crossed i!n-
i l.:;
rfr ' r xv ,ie, l,t.r hu-band must pass
bc iii ii r IrMin 1'liinifsbui".
isn -In -tiered as sip- listened, and ;
t'lriji'irr :r.xa .xx-ent and -at down b. !
Jo i '.- crib and tried to interest him '
bx r ad njj a l.ttle story from a child "s '
j.:r r I'.ul the boy was too hick to
re 1 li ar nir her read: he xx-.-mied
!.-.. er -iikI kept askmir xvhen he'
IX O" 'J oiii . to xx-1 icn .-he rould onlv
r ' x 'hi t-iey uiiirtit look for him anv
.c-n-il nou, but that the rain nrht
til-. . h
in lat -. and thev inut be pa-
And so the hours wore on and the
r.i n continued to fall, xxiulo cx-erv mo
iii(n; the xxeijrht at her heart rrexv
beixierand more oppressive .)Irinx'
I ? trful'x. xxakmjr cx-erx fexx- iin
ii ir. and itiwaxs ;iki.' "if father had
n i .!!! Xft.'' er if his mother
thought father x-ould conic home
.iet soon ii'w."'uiitil the sudden clap
t jf ! lltltlfl,! f!iftll lt 11 I. Ifll 111. V4
s. .-1 xx J h an awful fr -hi and scream-
! . .ra n and a-am xxith all the forec of
f XX e
f' l tie
xxeal. ill .-s liven his ue.therv.a,
1 .uto ail inxfduiitarv i'vclama-
t di l. the -udde"i..Hs of the conciis-
h on -.ii 1 fo- an instant he tiiouglit tlift
.., ,,. i1Juj In-eu c-aught hi aland -lnSe.
Sin rfttit: oiled hers-ef nl the sound of
t ii Id s erx. and iM'iidlug doxvn,
l f, d ttiio teiMlerlx in her arm-, cud-
' ' s hi- pioi vi.i1(h1 form toher bicast
.1 i he h-:d b-i-u but a babe. It xxn
i x xx .in d fhmiltx that she checked
li erranis, and ex-en then he xvas si
1 Jul .tnd nervous, and sobbe 1 and
bi'ed m piteou-lx for his father, that
.' xx .is mth bx calling to her aid all tee
i Hide which she osessed. that
I tha I'ar-oii4. wa herself euabb d to
'. fnmi breaking doxx-n
1- was an hour before .lohiinv xvas
' ' ei-ntlx caim to b- nirnin laid in his
As -oou she ro"ld leaxe Ins
1 f'i a inonten: she xxe ! to the
. ndi.xx and tried to pee- out into the
I ii.ue-- she had placed utie of the
. i'!ii- in the xxiudoxx- some hours be-
1 .. hoping mat it might r.xe a ben-
i-i t . .u de b-r husband it he xxa- still
I . i:g. xxhieh she xvas a most readv to
1 so ulterlv desolate all tlungs
te uur b,.r law rlo-e in the .'l.i?s
dea'xorcl to nen-trate the axvful
mi Hit muld onlv .see for a fexv
1 i into tin darkness Ti.e lays of
ul Irom the lamp- nail pox .-rto iene
! le no lurlher. it M-eiited to her. as
-V stnul iheiT. straining hei exem a
x neSlottloric that the darkness xvas
i xmg thing, aed that it dexouied tlie
tx-oi .i'li! umIiIx. or contend' d xx.tii
m ami -lexx ilieui as thex strove to
n .ke hexdxxax ag:iiu-t the tight
U hen the bxnip" burned low tor an m-
nt, and tbe lig!i -cut out through
tli. xvmdoxx xvas less -tronr. she xxas
nui.l -me sjic -a xv the darktie put
on t-lintids m.l grasp the ravs of light
and straiigh them.
Mingled xvith tic sjeadv sxv sh of the
fi.iitig i:t a the roar of the xvater rn-h-ii':
tiuo.igh the raxiii- noxv came clear
Mid disi in t, and knoxviug it xvas all
one- J.if wa- xxotih to atteiii! to cioi
il, -he gaxe hi a'l hope ol seeing her
hu-hnnd that night, if ever again, and
tin x p axed that he in gilt be m a place
fsafetx. and out cd the ic-tch of the
elements that appeared as if about to
xx all xx up the tuouuta u
It xv a litlie p-ist midnight, and
lohiinx had again droppc 1 otl into a
ligut sic j. xxhen irom the d, rectum f
the gateopening into the mclo-uiv came
the sound f a horse nu.ghiug. I he
xxateher xxithin listened ntcnllx. and
"xx, th nexv hope spring ng up in her
breast W as it pos-ible. alter all. that
p .lohn had leturned. that he had pas-ed
safrh through the darne-s ami the
Hood- and reached home at last' Yes.
there xvas the sound of the horse xxalk
mg past the xvmdoxv at the upper end
of the house, xx here Mr. Par-oti- was m
the habit of riding through lo the
"Poor dear, xvhat an axvful time he
intisi have had com. tig through the
Morni," she said, softly, as she ro-e
Jiurnedly and xvent tt light the lantern,
Opening the kitchen door she held the
lantern in a wav xvhich she hoped
xxould atlord her husband some as-
Mstvince in putting out his atiliral. if
not. xxould at least help lum m g.timg
to the hou-e. She heart! the xxhmnx
with xvhich the hor-e in the stable xvel
coiued hi- returned mate, and expected
exvrx- moment to hear the stable door
open and close, and the foot-teps of
her husband as he made
his way
toxvards her
After xvaitiug several moments and
hearing nothing further she began to
be lightened and linally called softly:
"John! John'"
(.citing no replx. she caught up an
old garment of some kind." threxv it
about her shoulders, and holding the
.lantern anove ner head made ner xvay
through the r.iin to the stab e. The
hor-e xx Inch her hu- and had ridden
Mood at the door xwnittng to be let in.
hut she could see notlrng of his rider.
Mie listened a moment and then again
called-loxv at nr-t aud then all
her might.
John! 0-oh dohn!"
The xx eary. drenched and mud-be-
spattered horse lifted his head and gave
a low HU.HUV. uu. uo ansxver came to
lier call.
John' 0-o-oh John"'
She listened: but only the swish of
.... ..... ........ .n mciiii sucfk.N :vun
the dull roar of the sxvollcn waters in
llie rax-:ne beloxx. reached her ears,
And noxv she noticed that the horse's
bridle-rein was dragging. Had he
thrown his master, or had John dis-
mouuted in order to better keep the
road, and by some means permitted the
animal to escape him?
She examined the bridle-rein and
iound it broken, and she felt certain
tbat tho horse had thrown her husband
T Fl TO.T. T. 111 r. ... 1 mm.. 1 1. a.. u.l
and afterxvardc stepped upon the rein
nnd bioken it-
Then .lohn was dead. Tixv father of
hcrei'ppled bov. her companion Jor -o
many year
ivt. itfiurifn. it m rfit he. i
in the angry v. ater- that even now won
pouring through tin gorge with tne
roar of a demon. Or he xvas Iving :n
the road, cold and stiff, in- l:fe"e-- i
exes -tar.n:uii into th-blackened hcav- '
- .. .
I 'arsons as mh- .stood dumbly looLinsat
the broken re.n by tne dim fiirht of tne j
lantern. 'J he .iiijiati-iit p.v.vmr of the
hor.-e, demanding to he let under
.shelter, recalled her to a knoxxiedge of
her .surroundings, and quite mechanic-
ally --he opened the stable door. The
ie rnt.-re i. rnw-! w, uo- aga ii-i
.., ,. .. ., f.f',.f , Mr..
I'ur.,.n. -nllr.-v..l turn ti rr.nw.voM '.
si!ii and bridle, and takia? the Ian-
----- - ,--- r .
lr l""1 :llt; 1Joor wir h"' a1 sCt ,l
r.'tra ed her .-tejih through the storm to
the h(.u-e.
I ortunately, .Johnny had not xxakened
Miflicenth' to note herab'-ene.-.and xx-a.
unaxvare of the return of tne hor-e
xvi thou t his father, and she could Sit
doxvn anl think xvhat to do. What
could .she do (ver and over aram
hhe a-ked her-elf thi question. It xx'a-
txvo ini es to the neaict neighbor-, and
betxveen ran th ?;&, in allemptinc
to cros" peihapt. .Io!m had lost
hit life it v.: 3 too dark to .-e. more
than a f-xx feet ahead of one. ex en by
the aid of a lantern, and if that xxere to
fro out. it xxould leave her in utter ina
bility to return. licsidei, there xva-
the .siek child, xvho would j-cream him
self to death if he xxakened and touiid
h.mself alone n the house And just
then he did xvaken. and slie went io him
and jjax'e him the xx'ater lie :-ked for.
aml "I"c-il lnm to a-ain rlo-e hisex.ts
and -le-ji, dom it all xvithout -hoxxni";
tfse ternbie a''onx at her heart, or sa'
m a xx-or.l about the r turn of the
hor-e xxithout his rider.
When Mje thought .lohuny asleep,
he aro-e and xx-ent into the kitchen.
Miednl not dare to reina n in the loom i
xxith the child lest he snould suddenly .
open hi- eyes and - the agony wh ch j
hu felt she could no louder J
Then- xx as nothing she could do for her '
lu-"l. :r r dead, ev.-ept to keep
''"!'. l'nimj; in the xx,..ow as a
WS'Coii. in i-.m-. as v. j, j,., m,.
lie nail Iil-I-.l Jlliuv, ji iim. xjis-.ii cij'-
"orge. and xvas noxx- wandering about
in the darkness.
P.ut for .lohuny she xx'ould have set
out to folloxv the road back tnxxards
lovvn. hoping to lind some tra-e of her
husband, but to do -o and ieaxe .lottuiix-xx-hen
theie xx-as -o little chance of anv
go .d et.ming of it. xvas not to t e s.-ri- (
ouslx thougiit of. She mibt wait until I
imx light, anu inen exeii 111 11 xvuai
rould she lou Jl the ra 11 -hoiud cease
it xvotild still be dax-and may be xv -ks
before ativ one xxould be likely t xis t
the cottage Mut this fact d:d not
change 11 alters '1 here xxas posrixely
nothing -he could d cep to wait and
keep the lamp in the xvnuloxv burn ng
as brightly a- poss.ble.
Tor many moim-nts -he cat motion-
le-s. and Uumi stole met y to tile s de
of her child, xxhom she found much as
he had bi en for sonic hour jue-t -leep-
in,r une:isi!v atul xxith considerable
- - ... .
fexer. As s..c xv:ts s'ipping Irom tJie
-sick room agan. siie heard a noise as
if ome one xvcre fumbling at the
kitchen door .11 .1 xain end. axor to lmd
the latch She listened xvith a feeling
Ol return. Ug hope, tliillgled XV til a ho--
r.ble. siitieist t on- dread;
th- latter
ami lhe
born of her excited rondi ion
terrible drearme t)f her surround. nj
The .sonn 1 t-oiit nued tin ii sie could
not be mistaken, it xxa- -otne one Irv
ing to onen the door, and xxho else
could it he but her hu-b nil? lth a
feel ii j- of fa utile, :is if she 1 ad -ud-deiilx
been caught as -he xxas about to
drop into a horrible abv-s -he ha trued
1" lift the 1 tch As she did .-o a torm
coxered xxith mud. hat e-s and xvitn a
look o' death upon his face and m his-
eve-, circled Koran u tan' -he did
not tecognie the form a- that of her
husband, but when he staggcied for
xvard .nto the J-ght and sank tinon a
chair, -he -axv that it xxas he. and m an
instant she xx-as at bis s de. -tr.xmg to
lemoxe his -torm soaked gatmetit-
' Tell ne xx li.-re xou are hurt .'ohn:
tell me xvhat to do. quick.' she said.
"Are you xvniinded anyxx here, or only
tcrnb'v brui-ed bv xottr fall? Tell me
qu-ck. mi 1 can help you
Mut he onlv stated at her and made
no renix.
tohu. .John." she cr ed. noxv dotiblv
alarmed "xx-hal is :t'' xxnere i-it? tell
me. dear Is it xour head that hurts-'"
He tooked at her so strangelv that
she thought he must haxe be mi crared
bv a b'.oxv upon the head
.Moxxix ve raised his hand at last and
drexv it :scross hi-loiehead.
"1 d'liiow. Martx." he -a-.d. in a
lies tatmgtone. "I re kn 1 d'knoxv
ex.ictlx xvhat is the ma'ter "
He -'ill sat ga'ing at her xx-uh that
strange lo k in hi- exe-. a- if he xvas
not certain of xvliere he xx a-.
Mrs. Parsons hurriedly pbced the
tea-kettle back on tne -loxv. xvhere it
iiistantlv began to sing, and a mo-rent
later had a cun of lea inciiared. Then
she came and put her arm about her
husband's neck, pax nig no attention to
his lilthx garments, xvhile she held the
cup to hs lip-.
lr nk tin-, dear." she sa-d. "and
then l'h get vour xxet clothes oil and gel
you to bed. and xou xvill teel better."
He took a s p f the tea and then.
looking tt at his xvife a- she bent
oxvr him. aske 1-
I)o you think they'll let rs stay till
And Martha Par-on- t-" ed to keep
her xoce Irom ttenibling and make it
sound ehe M-ful as she ausxxvred: "Oh
yes. dear, the -a d xve could s.ay until
Hie saxv that he xx-ts out of h":s head
and knexv that the better xvay xva- to
hiimir anx fancx of his bra:n. and
hop iz Hint if she could get lum to bed
and apply hot draught- to hi.-person,
he might recover Irs mind m a fexv
She bnallv succeeded in nmiteng
him and getting h:m into bed. xxh ere
he lav -taring at i er as -he m.-xed
about, pre her hot diaug'nt- and
jdac ng them 110011 hi-head and feet.
:t!,d aeio-s hi- c!.e-t
Johnuv had axxn ened xx-hen h s father
came, and tr.e i to call h ra. t nt b-ng
:-'d bx hi- n-o- er that hi- f ther had
1 ilien Irom In- horse and xvas hurt, atul
tnat he must keep quiet, he hati done
su. thougli hi- eye- xxere big xx-ith tear,
and xvith the fex:er. xxhich hid come up
I 1 1
niguer man ever
Occasionally. 21$ she worked over her
husband, charting his limbs and chang-,
ing the cloths and vessel- of hot xvater
xvith xvhich she had surrounded him. he
would mutter son-ethiuc about -the
mortgage,' or -the nines." or alout
-Lucy 'and Era-tiis.' and once sne
thought he poke the names of Jennie
and her husband, but she gathered
nothing from what he said of the loss of
t their home, and supposed that his con-
ens,, the pitiless rain neaung npoa m mi omuii on or urromiu.ns-. ui oaiy - M. ,,. ,.,.,-..,-t.,,.. -
face. io - -tout "campm' Ar.e0:.T!! I inTJ";"
hueh were the thoughts that burned i out " and "the mine-., and "the ehd- memro nurunn: n tie- re muswo mo- at
their way through the bram of Martha dr.-n." until jus; Leio-e da;, began to j lUM '' AuM l''
diiinn wn t,ie re-uU of a fall from hli
horse, and of -o long expo-ed to
. ' !. 11 t)A
me ;. iijii iiis i jiii n;it- u'Jiu .v.iii
she feared he xvas coins into a nervous
..... . A t ., t . . . 1 iiml worKi'J wi:n all her in. r .1 to
ie-:ore t e c.r-ulat on, but in -p:te oi
her effort le corn mi-d to .-.nk Hi-
exes xxould c.o-e for a few moments and
then ow-n again Middenh. iut never
xvitu auT sign of a clear perception ol
, .?.-" - t . i
nrjaK,xnen lie ar-u-eu irom tin- le.nar-
sy into xxhic'i he xvr fast -mkinir. mude
an effort to ri-e. feil baefc. l:ir-i about
me room, anu az .onnnx s crju. anu
then with the wild look iii hi eve and
... , . . . ,
upon lu face chanirmr to one xvhicn
shoxxed tha he recognized hi .-urround-
iiL'-. hf ajram sank nack ujion hi- pU-
loxx- and made a sa for his xvife to
come c.o-er. As sl.e t'n: oxer nun ne
stroxe u speak, ami linally said,
'Tain't no ue. Marty. My
my--leai is -s worked out. and our
our claim"- been umpd a"jn."
He struggled for breath, hi- eve-ball?
turned upxxard and he chokel. but
seeuieij to rally nis exp.r iz euerries
for a fa re xx ell ine-sage. and ad led
"I lm gom' go.n" over the range,
to to -take out a ne.xv claim, an xou
an .lohuny an an' the rc-t "vv Iii nnd
hud me xx-aitin xvhen xou come '
A great shook In- frame, his
brejst heaved xvith a long-draxvn -ign,
and the spirit of .John l'ar-ons had
gone ahead to pro-peel for a home for
his loved ones m the other coun'rx. of
which xx-e knoxv so little and hojie .so
rilAl'TK!: xxvi.
Davl gnt came at last: came -loxx-Ix.
as if i: xx ere forced to contend xxitii tne
unxx-.lling darkne-s for ma-terx; and
ex-en then the cloi.ds did not lift, or the
rain cea-e it- .steauy down-iioii-
Martha raron- nexer km xv xx-hence
came the strength that enabl-d her to
close the eyes o: her dcnl hu-band, or
to coirmtie existence xxhen .-he had
done so One xx as dead, but one xet
1 . ...1 .in.i 1, ,.;,, ,,4.,.,! i er
xvi,,l'.. i,m: life eont-rnied -he felt that
hi.r st,,,., v.tuld continue at-o. and
llf.w1(1 tj7al vny w.lU(,r thought nor
c j.t.( v,-h,.n ui f:ilht.r inl tOGk its". and afterwards xvhile s:e x-:tt
cannir for the dead body- straighten.-g
out tne Inn -is and ioldmg the arm-
i across the nreasi .jo lh. lav in n:s
cot iiid xx at died Irs mother xx it 1 0:1 : a
xxord or a crx, xxith a loos, ha t ot
axve and half of as if he had
seen the flight of the spirit an 1 under--lood
xx hx and x hither it had gone.
. And "hen all xvas done and tip- ,: in
xvfi.rh he lax had been xvhee.ed into tne
i:iU.I1(.lu v.ln-re the lire burn. n in the
sI(A. :iv a i-tt j,. ,ui,ri. c, 1 ok
to the roiui. he -t. II asked no qtiestio s
ami made UO co'i plaint
His mother found htir-eif xxondering ;
if .lohuny k iexv that his tntn 1 xx s
ded lnt could th uk of no xv.i of as
erta.iung xwthotii her-elf .mpartii g
the iiiT"ormat on if he did not alie dx
po-se-s it. and th . she lear-d to do'.e-t
it should cause his spirit to folloxv that
of his father.
"It onlx xx e ciuld both lo.' xvero
the nords that Kept .-xxeliing t:p ill ' cr
heart, and -e- i. g utterance at her
litis Then remember tig Lucy
had xxTit en that if po-sible lier ni"trn r
, ,... i. ... i...f. ,i. ,..r- 1...1...
shim d cue to th -m In-fine her babe
xvas horn, that -lie in gn! he xvith her
in her hour of tr.a'. -he tell auexx mat
slie mtist live for the sake of ner chil
dren. Mut xx hat xxa- -tie to do? How
cotbd sin-obtam hdp to burx t,,;de ul.
or a p!ix s c an lor he sn-. chill? 1 h-
ram night continue or a xxees. ana
alt eady coiniii 'iin-atioti xxas cut otl xxitn
all xxho 1 xvd b -low. if no, xx.m th--ii
on the other of the mountain, ami
-he date i not 1 axe .louiiny to go for
lie'n. ex-en if -he cv tt'd make her xvay
through th Hood-. She did leaxe 1 im
for a levx monient.s. lo:g enough to go
to the stable and thtoxv fee I to the an.
inal . he did not milk the cms, d d
not dare .eaxc tin- cht.d long t noug.i
for ti at but the hor-e- she ititi-t feed.
lor -he iiiieht ii" d one to r dr for help.
tud he inns; be -tiong to contend xv :n
I the toneiit- xvhich xxou'.d haxe to be
I crossed if she did go.
, About iioxiti she made a cup of tea
j for iiei-seli and tr.ed to eat. but found
I it almost impossible to do so alkongu
I she hade ueii nothing for txxenty four
j hours, and it xva- only by tell tig her
s It tnat .-Iii' inns', cat in order to keen
up her strength until help came t! -it
-he xxas ctiab ed to sxxalloxv anx thing.
ise dated not think hoxx long it m
be before he.p came but. come il ..tie
or eath. she inti-t kteji up until
time. Hie tr ed to th nk ol -otne xvay
of ho -ting a sigr.a1 ot distils-, a- - i0
had read of sh pxvreeke.t n aritn r-do-
j mg at -el. but i oil Id not. She -i ed
the one pi ee in the road xvhicn could
le -ecu irom the k.t hen xxmdoxv but
-he - ixx no one pass. .No o:i. en ilil
, pa-s the gorge, noxx a roaring, no sy
torr-nt. xxith a dt nth and nower that
made lording it a matter ol im oss b h-
ty. And so the m nutes and the hours
dragged sumlv bx.
:ght cos mI in eary. uxving to the
darkened heavens, ami she lit t e
lamps, placing one in the notuxxit.t
tin1 dead, the other on a st-'tid in-tr the
I or
cot of the living, and sat d xvn by the
j side of In r c.nld to xvatch him the
That he xxou'd the befo c the nurn ng
came she knexx. and she xxondere.i t
' her ability to act cool! v. or to act at a'l.
All thr ugh lie-fore pat: of the nig it
f -he -at xvau hing ex erx mo emc:: of
the hands, every ri.-e and fall of the
' chest, ex cry trembl ng of the ex elds,
utlerlv um onsc on of any xxear tie n
her own fitiiue, sin ke -t a tire i .irn-
mg m the -Uixv. and eve-x :tb-xxh le
gaxe the thing child a lew thop-of
some Ii u.d pr paration xxh ch she a I
made, as the only tlrng she could d to life. Th c!ii;d slept alum-:
coutinuakx roxx. and xviien h axxnke,
mad- no e.'ort to speac. but the i ue
t onirg look which had been there -inea
h s father- death had not leit hi- ex.-.
' A- midnight anproac' ed -'re sa n
crea-ng e.iden-s ot approaching
tb-ath. and ku-h bx the -ide of the to;
xv. th on aim nder the pt'.lovx on w d
' her ch Id's bead lav His Lreat ng
xxa-le regular noxx. aad xxeakM. com-
mg m iittiu tiu.xerng - gis and a.l-
fo.raed -o-. t.e axvake. and ad
, been for 5 iw in u ert.-. A: b-t -
eye- xxere open ;.m! lie -e-Mtied to j..
looking at Iter. . nt xxhcu she a-k d mi
if "there xxas r.tixtinc mo h r ro -'d
do for her -mor -lck darling ' h- oulx
m m m
snrieti the la nte-t 1 tti suiue pos-obl-.
ami lunxtc no ctiort to .-peak
j She remained kneeling for more than
an hour, noxv raisiug now loxvering h s
neau a iu;ic a -eemeu to nr Ke is
. breatiifug easier, until jtis: a- the c ock
tmc-c one. a look of -urprL-e t xer-
.spread h - face, and s oxvlv raVim- one
arm. he placet! it about "his mof
! neck, allowed it to rest there for an n-
tant. then slow.v remoxed lu h, ed
loth hand as if toortie one tm-ee b.
her. murmured faintlx: "Take ne uu.
' papa!" sank back into his mother t
arms, and wa goue.
I fTO cosTixutix
.1 J-T..1 . .
, .
CrltlrUm. Kevlrtr nod I.alocT the
l.lfr- and t--d nf (.riiiral drant.
At the rerenl ra 'ft ng at Chicag of
the o: in- jeancMcc iteaerai T-r urn-en Miermtn del.xered j
llic. following p-eh am d rejeai -d
,.,. mi nii11.r.p-m'i!mn. of it.
tj, ., ,,ur ,-.rh'-o:S cmnal rtHiKn.
tb-ii-fa :tMi: -nt:ui er- hm.-iruw
'j""' "'t lJ??,,' tm thT.t:,rt-xpr.w.a
thai uur na' : srdm? twaocr. iir r
v. bji-r srrf thus 1 1. h, . bt " j-i'
mrd v hict one- i.dla unrt aubi t :
:rum.i , muimI now v.ia mu! a- ttwurli oo
m tle Jaie ot iinnr Suv iwrn. iri'
jo tit. pl(tfHM1 ,,,. . WVt, r. uZ whlCtl io.-eb-r t.-l-in:.-
'n..ii,'i i wBr dtti wji.- tb' t::.-a U
th- horx--i et In !fev be tt- li'u-.y u
lis Ad" tlie inot -cfd jirewu-e-
bCtC Ibe IDlHX-ent ble. th'-f Ue ?etlt l l-
titr w.'e nn.:i. tb ou:b m lu-tr iun.v.U(-l.
at.4 tne Kins on b tbnifie. lur u; Mir ul
aeU be Uu.' -trUVn troin our 1
:nmt-n the -r beMl uikS in-nJ. .imt.
I i,,-.- S .nint. tbe nu' kjh in tie ci-l
m. the jnuraim : ld nm. ai ut ihn
.iit.-r: i-j; 5r:toer"n uwinrT.i r.
tip Ie i eiiiif-..- nnT .11. imnr auu
Itbert tbe Ann) f tbt Te- - um,i. b -
UllUi leni- u' eitrttl tit - - 1 lu 1. n tbe
KKm:ns uf Jul. -4. 1-JS&. men !outi: Me
lin-sor. a -pur ot Sh- Ali-chen e- .11 ;-uiu
j-w iii the li! -!:-. lMtttit-beut of 4rtMnt
He bml nm-bert bi- l:le work.. kiU bau In:
qm-ih-l to tbe worM bi-eXMtttJ'W
The j hlniti? ISu-h i-izru-i tbe sj5 tuiiin,--to
at. jH.rt- oJ tbe eix 1 in! -artb. and I doubt
u lietb.-r since tbe Iwtiii'' there e-r unw
o fcH')tateu- wh if nef l. Imir i t -
u i,.;r-l -j. rlt aJ h e-.u-.trnnrn a ieul
It. 1 on :. t r 1 iicai c . inn' lumiKiuii iiuu nti
XX b - r.r-t war eitnrMle eotiofi.- jo tb-
iiixiin tb' ir-uMTior r-ht-. buteiHiir. tb t-it
j.iace In tbe t-rand pros.- ton ot xuourtier-
XX"o were with btm in b s ilaP : a'wrrr.
a well a- jiro-jMTity w d were as true to him
U- the lHs-lle tO tbe JKle
XX'e bun4l witn n id the trial and tribulii
i,.-on. Huioh, 1 4irmth luu ui xK.-
bur--, when that trun-eenoetit h:ki tn.t ih.u
hi. 'e .f a., victories turti.-t tb uaiver- ?ae
or our !-ewjUIere eouritrvti.en to the "new
S'nr uittieXe-t wblrb plainly for. i-.i.S tbe
niHii wb" bad di-to!led tbe e.oud wh n -low
irrilnvr our hou-e." and wu to 1. ail u i,
tie- triuini'tiuiit icton-s of IsftV, ad to the
-table, endurlnc pro-jier.t ol lv-.'i.
HuiidpHls. jen l.u- brait.
aid eu-are now tr.:i to 1 tiitelieiid .lid
de-i r.tH- 1 iii- limn win. uio -o mucn in r
-bert u t trie to tnue the ia-tenou- cku
of hir mo-t w-j.aderf 11 rareer. it'irt toMi-eouti:
Hir Known re-ulis "lhe. 1m. to u who were
lii-d.ulv KsK.-iat 111 that rntirai h t
unl hk m :ti their tominetidaMt work and a
vour l'reidjnt I inu-'t on tin- ik-cii-Ioii con
tnbi.n a lun Inthv jtarWM wh-u Ur-t
elu man .a the l'mte.1 Stati M.I tar.
AeiiUemj- at XX'e-: po:ut. a ti-.t .n o! junta nexer nut-hed - nee. tl.ont'h reuo:.ablx
t.ucce--tul 111 III) 11 ml tber JijiKHre.l m the
u:-:.- ol the IihI m old .S.-rth Ilarrui I. ' a
list ! new nde- ntnoti uliuli wk- t" S
f.rHiit. t nib l.ritut. " -mn drant.'
ami sum i runt ti 1- t dax 111 the tradition-
Ot llieom rounn i nm-i .-uue- uiiKii;r (
It utleruiitd trHli-l nil that his itunie wn- I
acliiitdv l"l is II intlii l.raui. and the ta -lake
bad been made bv '.eneriil Iloiner. the
meiiilter oi 1 onrri who noiiuuiited htm li
the iid t It out In- d -tnef
adet nint tresl to eorreet tin- mi-take at
the ! -' mi n- nnd end (d h s eadet - 1 te with
out -ueee . atul to bl-tr h - umiim inut
exerln-l ( 1 loinemiN-r his per-tmai
iiijienin-e a: the time but the ;ruil of -ej.
him:. n between u 1 .r-t la tun n and 1'letM
llt We-t 1'oetuits. and m.11 i- de. jmt and
wider tlian between the l.ei.eraJ-in i loot and
i private soldier hi the unnx. -o that l hunin
1IW -THi !
(.i.-at a-wereh -ufterarhiexetii.iits. I -hail
ci 1 1 nit.- tli -e ot iienrv ami lion i-oii amoac
I he best, xet h. on. of tho-e ui ei.b lit--o
common hi war In bud inclirr.-t! the d -plea-ore
ot In- super or. nenil llHl,.-ck w lioin I
then esti fined it- the! ruling ui:d
d r iinn: the m vorul urine- cubjeet t his
onlers irom til-h iiilfiimrli r-in st I mn- so
that when. In Mun li. W 1 wu- pejin to-1 to
lake tin tie'.d fr 'in I'adue.ui with it new d X:
ion I tfiuii 1 deiier.ll I. runt lit I ort lle-irx
und-T onler- lioin (.em nil Hulleek lo reman
then mid to turn ox r tbe itmiinml tr hl
nrmx.titen tni-beil xntb xietun under b - un-
uieibate leadersiup. to (.enerili ( 1 -iiuth. h
m-xt m riuik It - huppem-d that i.en
end Smith had U-.-n Adjutant mid tnm
,.,,,.(;,, ,, XM.r,. cadet-at
xx.-t Point, and h- wa- unixer-ally e-teemed
l-the tlHHIi I -ol 1 er oi hi-(lax lie luel m-o
iusiuiri( iare lame in the I tub exeditHiu
mill in the then reient cii'dure or rort 1'onei
mui m that l.elieral (.nint it'tuullv loo-e.l
...ohm .-. .Jh-r. lt
eonun .on Not one word ot
(ami tro.n him unit imeaeral xpre oh ot
ii'iiri't that lie liHd bis n uroiit'liill. unit un-Ju-Mx
iepre-enlel to (.etientl Hulleek and he
iidx -i d me to inxe to(.enenil Mnttli tux uiot
lorn, -uppor;
i.ctier. Smith eondurtis'l the expedition up
the line ee Kixi r to Saxaumih. l.n-ti-oil
mid !' t-htir.r I.hikI n?. imx-e alt the onicr
and lu-triietion-up to xx it tun a few dux-i.l
the Imttle ot -hiloli. when hi- health, -hut
tered ! the mere-1 at e'detit. eiitiiiM-lui! him
to rel miui-h tin command ami u to (. u tui
(.runt, xvho iiite:lx lesuunsl it xihere smith
liu.! I:t ot He accepted the situation made
text nr im i'liuiii.'ci and touubt tm the viouiid lieen'ed by (.elieral Muith.
tin- I.IimmIx batlie ol Mi loti
liurltiir this tiercel ciiun-,iel battle hedi
l iii the cooltie -. the jier-ou'ii i-ouriL-e.
lorethoutrht and d litienitioii whc.'i nfiet
xx art made him triii.ou- huioii' men i el
xva-he tnuluciii sliuidt nil and w roueetl. not
onlv bv the pre-i- mux er-anx. but l- tho-i
tvhn xere in hi-tiou-id inithontt oxer h m
Xou, however xthowcie at the Imtiie
fnint -tiKHl t hhn true and loxal iiIhiu- nnd
to In- diiiur dak tie lox-.-d the Armx of tie-
M ... . i........ ... k. ..
li'llin rr HlHi.t n MMiiri- tu ilm-iiii in liir l
loxaitx to him in the-e the darktt da.-of hi-
exenttut 1 te
Nor xta- the end x et
Alter tlu- trn'iit bat
tle three treat unnie- xxeie a eaib'in! on that
hondv licitl Illicit -. I'opi 'siiinl (.rant ui d
itetieral llatlis k came m pir-oti trom M.
I.oin- to s uiinam! tiie xthole the de! tiurpo-.- to a u-ne the I o d otten-'Xe
I w-f iitii e- xv en- nsirjran .ed: lb ell -nrtnv
liecnme the "teiiier. ' I ope s the "lclt."
M'l.t l.ruiis - xxa- liroken up One part under
l.'iictMl iicprci' II ISiotim- xa- -txbsl the
rieht. xvhile the other, under (.eneml Me
( lermuid eom,K-i"l the "reserve ' i.cnenil
(itulit wn ub-i. u elx left out in the eo.d.
with a title -ii.-oml m lommaml ' unknowti
to Amer can law or h'-torv
Ailuiovisl lorth to i or nth. con-tiniin? the
xx hole moti'h o! Xlux.and dur tur the uioutii
became eemetce 1 the per-onai friend-nip Ik.
txxHn n xvhich ta-ted t.l! the etui
Not one xvonl ol ctmielaint came from hhn.
noer.te-tn on theliu-t- of h -iipermr- or
(.overnment x't the tn'mb hif e.ehd. tin
- ii-nt teitr and nxcrtisl head tout that hi- hip
In art xvc- tn.n.ded
11.. knew Hint t vurv ntlits-r and -old er that
tuid toiiowed b.ui with -tich m hie tounu-e
and s.umlc ta'th nl Hi imont. Hear.. Doiiei-on
and -b. oh ten lor u m. n-jweted h in nnd i
underst o.l the loud ot tnvleet, if not jio-ltive
:u-ult. he was cnrr.msr
It . -.! 4oi lhn Wn n In ! mm. w n m
Iir Kill unu . kn kiv " -. i , . . iL .
the commaniltn-- c.e era,, n- it wen-, n fl'th 'which xxcars the accoutrem nts used in
wheel to iv couch, with no real Miithontv no ;je war bx (.eneral Ii bert K. L e. The
comtnatid no j o-ulx ens-tit to onler .ir even t),.m,l(.rat;. 0-itnr- t ilk o' (.ener-xl
iidvi-ehl- lonuer -ulwxnluiates. but I mn -ure ''imicraii' o..unr- taiv. o. i.imrai
be knew that we undcr-tood and appreciated . HoNirt h. Lee and hi follower- rcije
h -rutin' -tuat-on ... tiearm". and "naint n t ic "orv battle-
Mnitejrj ol the whole war Thnt nnurniriretit
Tt.j.n mviirnv the innvl ni!ctlnmvti e
annv of ne.r n hundred thou-and of the bet
men on th.-continent, who could. If lin ted.
have marched to ick-bur.- or to Mobile xr.
del.lenito.x -eattercl .nenv. Hue.i. xr th
tne Antiv oi t .e i uniN'rlaxid wh ch Taoma-
hit! n o'li'tl. wa- -en' eu-twanl toward
hnttaniK.ya. nnd the other- were -catti nvl
defen- x-elv from r.atport to Mcmphi- en
eral I. runt wn -oit To command the I) tr c:
of Meinrii'- and (e e-n.1 Ha.ieck h.m-e f N
nc -umnior.ed to xx a-h neioii. cast atKut tor
anew tommamler lor the Arm ot tne Teo
ne ih. heoUeretl the po-t ton mot worhr
yuarten:ia-ter who had pot-l s-ne to d
rbne. and h tu- if be nr conn . cl to .etxx e.
the smtiia.d ol the XXe: de.t. 1 on Lew
em. Cnuit. not bv -.ectior, but b. virtue of
h- -uiht or eonun on
Th:Keforwan! h - ei-eer w a-ever onward
micht) M ip. wtn: to th" --a..
the who'e countr. an -. niil nxsi.n 7t-il In
!i:m the a;e. t w ,0 wa- denned to :rMMle nm
.e.d u-a.l to tna. v .et r m d ph The-e
e re ms-:ne'- were ' knowr to ou at tm-
tine were lot!- ..pprts" at d an! were in
truth the are-de-ine-lu. I'nwwleoee t.v tet
theabiitv coura-c and endurance of fc m oh c; cl in hi-UH-i wa d-t.iied
tlbw!,not yield to the temptation to true
the wotvder: u" t'lm-nt: oir ctMnm-le tbntth
bt- later hie. wh-. b in t- jrta-e- -ur3----
anvni wheh b - o-x anc cnt or imnte-n rr-
cord- --urejx 1 luMn-h rtv- :h j-araUe.. nor
dtH Sparta To com ran dru'tt w.ta Alex-iinde.-.
Ha-ci'bu C. - r. Napoem or xv..
liairton s-etti- to nte lo , for ue Wi- not -im-liar
to anv one of tarro. nn more taaa the
a ted
tiay other l.vlnjr mas. Therefore, b" will
tand a the tx-j'cl bro ct the rreat (Jr.l
xx ar la Atnanca of the n.netccntb ceaturv.
let. to -trew on h:-prave a lox-inc tofeen-of
our remembrance If tbe p nt of the dead
hare the pnrlece of conteaiptatlny the roan
tomb, tnn wu i;enerat Grant ! conteat.
forfromther-le-taa he can ioolc upon the
old revoluuonao ort- Lee and XX aa mrton
at hi very fee:, the bcauuf ul I'di-ade- lut
acrx-MS the river. Tappan ee and the Hib-
J2-2' lT?ve Jh5 VS5Hr cttr :r Nct or$ it bu-y hart-or below, and Lo&f Iad
-susa across ac j c.i.i.-.uik itiswiuiiur:
o: time In which ttevcKedrr-embled in the rabun path xvnh US mouth opart.
the Amer can character ot 1-til-S than ran down Iti throat until tie wolf
that otnor our cotnradef e-ciit-l an prr
lTTt-l xx nb.njrton C tr Ce bril uit r.r
our dead (ipnr, tut let taatnlnc c fcu
ttnd precetJcnt.
Prr-dent WthlPsrtor 5 tniri-t at Miwb:
ernon. Je--ra lit !--' tb" dn-
at iju c. Jci.a At tb H- rm tus: lt--HiH
ui North ib-ftd. Vv-bt:ir T r
at ItK . Ijnco.a al !-. s&Hi J
at I WriamJ nod til-? ot - srai --
r tinel a: xx i frKa: xj i t -b.iJ'
pbu. TWofwa- nt Trt Mrllif a at ("Ixl1
uoiir aL of tbe- tr fro.tir a... tetp taor
rr but- . tb- .ViiImmm. (Sii4tjt; .-.. scay R
l wlta Orant. Ka-b r t . U atxJ e
txtjBlrt tmi hare s-rer tmaatmi Umt
are w t. .nc U- t-n-et. bJt I U. w l-ec-that
nl. -IM .id HB lr ml bw'M a -tnmi. Miid.
lUtatH- BHmuwii: ebarar1rrtir of U- taj
irr b' :nic "on thr Naw sir liMtwta,
al then. 4 i -bkeN-re. inrb- 00 it:
tltreod !wJu k forUcarr
To dwr aie dut oo ma bsr
iUft Ik; vt san jrt rr the (-,
.'u rur: be y tuux tuy Ua-
Gnat Bei-i nt to srj.rtaasr
tbe niemorr ol bl 5rtue li iiiti--H
!: brwl will bs- boos Hut f 0m or BMf
rn.IHHMlt- f V to i- erfTted 1 rtul'r te
hv.ui- Je ise U I fce b ?: tnms. -!.
dumb- Hod nt v"-4 tatr MrKU-r laat
l b ewpn- "Arrs-pc Un tuJott
atKl Twt "Ot rd manutu'-tit. &n tbFbaAln
of tbe Hud-'-n. i-r- be o- bfr bund Jtl
IKSire, and ct ret tens a
(lx1!---rxirr Kr(rui and II. r Attacl.
Xldr ii pon It br lirmwrU.
1. i- i:nM Ible to read tne I taorat:e
paH?r- x:ti.out m.ti'iag-. lx bx day.
j a growing antipathy to thet'ird-erxie
lAn. 1UTUUI.I iilll H-fc4I - ic
come more prououarud and wu'o
aiircad. The fa.lure of toe 1 lemocralic
platforms adopted thi- ytr to iodr-e
or cfHintrnanee tne laxv apj-ar- t haxe
enitKildetied many that heretofore xxerr
di-creei'v' or tn..d a the.r cr t -ctsm.
The - re on- ot tate co:.-x-ention-
are taken Ha indications ol tlie
dominant -entimeut of the par:y ad
the neee.-- tx for concealing the r ho:ie..
oiitiH'ti of an obnov.o- law i- u longer
recogaied bx the lleiiioerat c organ.
1 he lletnocracx never had the hght-e-t
enthusiasm for t'ie C ix .l--rx'ice re
form mea-ure. They hax. vicwetl
xvith too cv d nt impatience every
that the Admini-traiion xxa- di-po-eil to
obey the law They have n i.ctiled am
intimation that the .-pint as xell n.s Uk
letter of the -latut -hould ! ' serxl.
Tho-e apK nte.-- ot Mr lex land, like
l'o.-tiua-ter .lone-, of Indiacajxdi-. anvl
( olector 'irotip. of New Hax en. xvln.
haxv hai the courage of their opinion
and declared bt.ldly their jntrpo-" to
distills- K. publican- becitu-e they are
lb publicans and appoint hemo.-rat-becau-e
tnev are I)emoornt-, haxo been
the Ik'tiMK-ratic ln-roe- of the hour
From a partx atum.ite.l lv -urh a -ji.nt
no -.nrcre mforcemenl of the laxv can
. ., i
lM ' v'Ll " "
The tactic- of th democratic ene
mies of the reform noxv appear to be tu
arott-e ami sol.d fx 'he party' ho-tilitx.
and bring it to b -ar xvith -o min-h fun
upon the 1 'resident tha h- xvill in o:n
jielled to abandon hi- half-harliti ef
fort- in fax or of the laxv On - method
to thia end is in gad the I'emoeratH
mti auger bx aertitig that the Ovil-
, -,,.rvict. regulations put a stigma upon
i -
i even- I'emocrat, and by pointing to
the li'eiiublicaus holding onice which
bx right belong to their opimneuta
Another iiiethiMl is to b- ng the C.vil-.N-rvice
eamiua! on- mto conteiiijn bx
ridicule an I by la-ieatunng the com
mission. The-e are -hrexvd means to
accomtili-h the purpo-e m xiexv. ami -o
succes-sfui hax-e they la ni thnt the sa
gacity of tho-c xxho pred cted that the
President xvotild be compelled to
abandon the ictnrm or antagonize his
party htt-s been prox.-d alreadx A. )'.
A Titrtx XX blili I- XX.ixhi'j It I.lterullt.
mui Not a- a Merc 1'inre of -j.rei b.
The I)emoralic party, in the princi
pal Mate of the Mmth xx here a State
election is lobe held this fall, is xxaxmg
the blood x shirt, hide -d. it i- trxing
to carry the election by waving the
bloody -hirL It i- waving the hloodx
shirt hterallx. aud not a.s a mere figure
of -pcech. It i- arming and r lling
Democrats a- eaxalr tor the purpo-e
of making the shirt blo'nlx. m ca-e the
election ha- to be earre-d l the u-e of
rifles and icx-olxer-. TIil- is in irgmia.
where gh 1 .. the otifenerate
axalrxuiMii. is the He nocratir nominee
br (loxernor. In order to elect him
companies of red hirte.l caval-y n-e
foimed hi i'wry county to ril" about
the ctiuniry. attend llemoea'ic meet-me--.
and xxith t .eir a mi and organi-
' i i i ,.
. 7.atlotl and kuk.UX Ixepilb.K-nti
voter-. I tie Ivichmond c rre-pondent
of the New York raid de-enbed the
situation a- lolloxx-s-
some of i'itbULh I - frtend irotKie tbl
thev make it a -nsl--hlrt i'mr (stiHiMiiun.
-imilur to that ot Hampton la south (. Hrobwa
In the palinv dax- of 7i x b"M le- nle
thromrh tin.: state at tbe head t.f bns-inlo of
iiioii'iits'l 'nl sh rt- Tbe den me"t with
i.emml atu-roval Mich prooe- march
mir uu" the blk'hw.t - and Iijwbx. of tbe
Miile. to the iii-ti rliix inn e of
' IS v ou want to haxe n iro! time.
Join the eiixu.r.. Jo.n the cavalry."
will haxe it xx lioh-omr eSecr on the mltnls f
the tiei-me- Tie -iK'iM'h w u,
ltiiMsin nnd wj.i ! rendered doub'x i-Sect
lx e w hen e it h man d ;dtx -inrt; to hi- ludt.
the niii s.te number ol pl-ln for tbe make
up of an ' lAmf tle.d s" I centleiaun." wtneb
i- nutner eallx lour
Since then this scheme has b en put
llltO nr.lCtlCe. J 110 "b O .tlx-sjurt CttX-
I alrv" areorgani'ed and active Tnev
J ' carry arm- and bann r- xxith mottoe-
mtended to en the colored x-oter-.
1 iti'Ugh 1-rf-e h m-eP nde- a hor-e
' . . . ! ... "...
Held- of irgmia bloo Jy lei
i V-e. th llepnb'.ican eandal itc, ha
, .,.i i.: I r t.r..i..niMl if hi. snexfc. in
, .a hi- Lie t.m a. mil li he SW ak- ID
several prices. Jtut the No tiern Dcm
ocra:i(. journal- which, at the fali.te-t
, . . ;n-pii i .umi .-o.jvhc.u
r mes aga nst the oail t tx. cry out
1'i-tdv again-! 'waxing t:.e Woodx
sbirt.' haxe not 3 xxord to av aga n-t
thi- actual bloody hirt DenMK:r3t.c
ciimpaign in Yir-iiia Iftroii l"ot.
A chart -hoxvmg the di-tr bution
and positHin of the ice in the Atlaar
O.'ean diinnr the carlv tmrt of tin-
t-en i-mni by the 1mm-
( -rirrf. 1 he x-e etale I an nnltal
' dts'ance to t"e - with and ea-t. nd sev-
. . , , . .
' erl oeberg- app .r to hare r-t-a fnd
in the dull NP-am. I-ucii t hrt- -hoobl
t lrtl.r,.,. n,. ., .. ,!iu!,.BN of drift
" "rt-..n .c .e -.U-l.Ol-O. uru
deposits ant r!ac ai pte nieaa Jor
their oa of the Jt-tr.MtMi vi
Arctic ice t- harden of nV le-
br- dumiKsd St iRtttrxal- mwiS ihn Sj-
Jk,m0. 1 luUtiftHiett'
W'-- -- iea
About the b-: xvo'f -toy go;ng 1
one told bv the I' oche J.'ertrd It give
the particulars of a laoe xx olf that lav
w m . ,
, . . n . . . ,
i he Atnenraa tiar :ortaon ca-
dL-covered. af er careful investigatioa
-m- ,hcVnt -.-Mf h-lhal be law-
anu uiiip n. rc-earra. taa ae law -
delav is mainlv the fault of iac law-
Vt;r;i: x,Vt. J- .mrctod W much-
-, '
Moslon 1 ranscnpL
, -
w Jcrscv law prohibits the
ovf front an .f.. tt. Mlnt
a Knot Cn-r' t7 lr-' rt Husk
The fj,ra i r !'n. a'ltwtue! -4 4nbtng
1 j.niNsjsJ by rotor ooxt. a. rtthrr
arretllc or otbr V A. Hir.
Rhetorics, p. -7. TV cirrohrtory t
Wm. co-iUg tf heart urSen-. x-rta
aod r . a r. - --rplw! xilJi acrrr
tn the -TiajmtWt-e Tsteax. hn
tbr aerr- ar in thr.r normal c-nad-uoa.
th-y m. aux.a a ocrtAia tasMu in
the mtt-cttlar waii-. of U aru-n &al
rna. If fi-oso aa cao-tr lh 'yaipa-tat-uc
aTTc u par?v4-U. kb lroa i
tetuoxed froiti the ho.Kl-f!4 -hxh
:t nwl tlw rcMbi w an u-cr-a-t-d
fioxx of bkoi la tbe art-n. o
that tbe na.l! capdhxrii- Im-coib
Corrfd 'ith biiiod ucb at tbe ca
w ben -4o -tHldea etacUta uVe po
-4-vtoa of the m ad. n hot ftu- w frit,
tb- k.n ?row- r-d. XKttmt t tb-
rbaatge- are eoalaed to tW cbek.
oalx. or th-r itrd 10 "the rvoW of
the hai-." tr "all oTttr."
A.cobol pmdtirei- lb mud rpanlt-.
Wry -uoa nftur leor4 1- takea tat
lhe sT-u-m it paralytw tW s v mptbtie
aTe. Tbf ;-B-io ta Xim xvaU oi Unr
bloc! Te-sv-l L- ka. aa itirrrAM-d jfow
of bio-Mi bo4- it way ia:o tbe mall
cipillarie- which gif- tb -kia of ti
larr d nrck e-.fitfrialJ . a flush! ap
p.-araner' Wbra alcob-l t- babunaltr
takee. the ela-twux td the amiular
. xli- of the bil-re-eL, im. ia it larre
uifwin-, lo-i . that After tbr tutm-iH
ato effeev- oi tbe alcohol haT pv-ssl
ax the bhKl-TrS's fad t TfujiK
the r nr:nal mux, and the ihiahwl up
earace of the face bec per
manent. Now . tin heart 1- a purap. till ag tbe
artene- which icad trtm it with blood.
W hen the norma' teas oa t rrmfnml
from the-e art-ns an 1 they ueeuMe
ul.rel. it takes n?oro blood u bit
them. .- that. herea(, :a a healthy
state the arier- bx tnr len-.oa- art
a beck ujkmi the action ol tbe beitrt
tin ler lib diseased condition ponduc-!
bx a.e .hoL that che k i inniOTcd aa 1
the riabhx xnlis of the aru-rM-a, cry.
fiK- more uUmmI. t.ff-r no rv-ltaa",,
the action of tbe heart. In a bealtby
per-on the ht art beat r-enty time
per minute, or about l.i ta a day.
Careful experiment -how that two
oume- id alcohol, the atnnrat a t-ry
moderate ale tr whi-ky takes
daily, .acioa-e th heart beats tm i
twenty-tour hours it then th heart
of a moderate drinker bwats l(i.
time-s. m-ted of i4),o(K tinMaia a Jay.
The force exerted by tbe heart :a beat
ng i..-ki times would lift a weijjht oi
-even toas to a height of ae f k". Put
ting the iuult in autber form, the
heart is drixea to do extra work equal
to lifting bV.( )Kuiid one fo t hth each
' hour. I- it any x. uder that a f-el ug
ot languor suecsfds. or thitt reaction
j tollow- xvhen the imuied ate cflecU ot
th ab-ohtd haxe pas! off9
The ef'tet of a rtincd upoa albuuiea
I an readily be hh-r by dropping aa rgg
nto a gla-- of alcohol It i imnnite
ateh ct Hiked Albumen form a larg
i part of the ii-ue of the Unly Ak-olMl
harden- the a bunten m tin t.soe, ;ut
as h bar h u- it in the az!: The very
tlebcate xvaU- of the a r cells of th
lungs are thus thi krjsed and hanteae :
Win n the impure UUmhI t brou.-bt to
the lungs, to exchange it caro-doc arid
and other wn-te produrt. lor oxygen,
it I ads b txx-eca il and the freh -ir n
thickened, hardeni-d uietabraae through
xx h'. h the exehang can le made but
-lowly and imierf"ctix. 'lhe blood
must return to the tj-f-m-.s of the ltody
-ini tii;vd x .th impHiitMMt. Tbe cor
piisclOf still charguti with carbonic acid
aie enlarged, aad thn- tbe bkod 11
made thu-L
Alecdnd ha a -troag afliuity for wa
ter It dr nk,- up all the niot ure of the
binrx and cnu-e. inordinate thirst Al
cohol beget- a st?ong appetite for it--ejf,
-o that lb' tlnrjit vxhiefa it prtxlotv
is generally lak d fir tlie time Icing
bx more c: jpioti- tlraugbi.- trma sown
druk coutaiu ng alcohol, thus only
augiiieuting the exiL
Ahfihol is not assimilated by tin
ikhIv. but mu-t be thrown off a arte
matter Thi- is the opinion of wan
eiiiMient phys ciaii- oa both aide of tbe
Atlantic 1 1 ts true Uinl a tew jhyi
(Man- of acknowledged authority utaia
'mii that a small mtioi-n! of aleobol ifiay
be inerjimtil .nto the hodt Yet 1a
the a moo 11 1 ot ab-oboi that n very umhI-
rate drinker takes da-h. this can tx?
but an excei'xlmgix sin 1! per cent. I'n-doubl-dly
ahiio-t the eatirr aintmnl of
ale ihol taken into te yitm remains
a foreign elesneat until it k thron a ai
bx the excretory organs Alcohol thu
enta 1- upon th ecreUry o:gaa- aa
undue amount of labor which they are
not calculated to i erform
The inTeei- of ah ohol uj-ou the braia
are fore-ecu nhon we rrrtec that
the brui i t oinpft'-rd largelv ot aiMt
' men. it 1- wot a matbrof -t"ctdaioa.
ImiI of actual experiment. Tbe hm as
of drunkard are tinoa exautiaatioa
fotiml to le harden! 'I"be uVbc-a;
structure i- de--roreI. Ihe mental tif
fed produced! bv a eobt-l le-uiiag oa to
the mo-t drea Iful of a 1 diier.-- of the
nerves, are vxelJ knoxvn
The exhilarating eU"...ts of aleohrd
are on'y apjiarent. For a h rt time u
produce-, as we have seea. aa iare-oU
ac'.iv ity of the o rrulaUiry orgia-. but a
1 reaction tolloxv-. I'mler it- eMtBUd
u-e the ton of ta -tn 1- bw TfA
1'er-on- addicted to t . n-e of alcohol c
lMjuors are in more daag-r from ej-dtMii'c-
than tompraace :(k Tho
-y-tem that 1- cgi I bx alsrohol. o
that the heart - orerwo'ketl. m -bieh
the lbs-lie- of the a-r cUs ai tbe Iwag
ate hnrdea.-d o that tb l4oil i at
npjrfetly r tied in the hag. i ha
no coadit oa lo rpel the .?.- of di--ea-u.
Thi- ha- uur a e.cari jbowa ta
c -s f e;tieTJK-. la o towa ta
K-aacc chol.-rn provtd fatal to Trr
dmakard there
:'BE-IIEVT 1 JJtrrW n xva. na duy ti
iag xvith a party of fr.-rl- wbea oao oi
itt.foi aSor"d Mr. Ijeoia nam 'm..
and rather rodei . trc4 to force H pos
btm- Mr. l.rocola oraTcly r-ijl I
hare lived iit'y T ar mtkktnm Um r if
mtoxieiU'ac 1 uors, aad 1 do m ihmX
n. worth wbtle to dxaaa my bahct
aaw." X. '. ttcrmd.
!R. I- II V.' -Hr.i.TN y 'Ji.
wbea paenroonia attack Jr teir.
-ptrr: dr 3tr. one u ao cutn. tmn
Iariy h pat to a tftaart of wbi-ki dat!x
the trcattarst cosaw cxciiiveir uader
the domain of the andrtakar. a.- th
tirt ca of recovery ha yet to i? re
ported. Lki Cicr-Jrncr Cocnnnt -ahl
lately "If we conhl make F.a:land
sob-r. we would -but up nine testa of
herpr-oa-. Oiief-Ja-ticc Dsr declare-
that the iiqoor traffic i- rcpoa--:b'e
for eighty per ccat. of the cntse
of tbe L"aitJ taii.
Mjlt W. C T. Union are being" or
gxstzed ia Wahingtoa Tenitorj.
HWt4- aaft
Tbf "''rtXl
llcrcx . a av
ar t.rr N a- v
ba from on. ', '
voar. a-i th
be a wo wp '
of tlae tarwa. i '
bold ta b-or of ..rn-- i
gxa. tkoufb iat al
Uaj taiMT- tbjojrt f ''
voder wit. I tbe aa
tpeni day h catWdr. .:
tbroAvd "witb tal rj:
m hiu '.-, mmmmm Iad lUtt
tbouxbt of Ibr bwrrafU". z
tike rct oi lor ttJ wek tb- v .-
a tf rn .v. Umi smti-'pti
vHi blaaXt.
No tc-la! day sa b hcv half
the pleYurra for tb? U that lb -
a fo tfc ftaJ-gna MaiMi Tb
purr whit eWtBct V- little part Bi
li, iMpt to maX awry, aasl lb f
per 'a ha -uHa .,a to do itii
H rarei u loot oa f or a iit'.ia wb.ltc
but ftr the lalova. th half Crv-i-d .!
tbe p orw xahitas. il t a-rarl. a'i thnt I
aortti 1 ttiag for. a tb ag tal tike -
ortnc ol ad ei oa i-Mrta. Hu0r-4
af n im tbe d caa oltea trnrrl. to It.
iaM:.n- -.b b uaoie luaily
mounted aa dotrk??. o a one af
tae io.lnia n-earl ?- I a tbf
Haciifa la. rr tae tb rife!
j-.tiirru k- are aaTed t ra.e ai'Hatr
to i.aaat4e with tbe fear pg c gunl 1
aacT beed. aal a tbe taat J rat ,m.
except pepfHtr. aa be ior...ttl.
Wbea be reacba to-ra t! Mrra.n
rntp aayabete :a tae atreet tr oa t
uicwa,!W.'a at btm b--, aad tarai
bi doakcv kaj ia toed wa inx
ftkuas. oraar teel af tbe auaMrtiat
cnotawat Ta'- of aa tied unc
caae. a cb b-re take ue p.a- atbi
bv tbe praoot ol tbe Aa-ent a e rvm.,
Nf people who bate M.mttbtajr a
eell cr-vt Uvitha of tha v lolb t- bronb,
wbieb -tflCxe atoa far ata aad re3tu
raat aad ut oa of tbe-e tbe aK
taatt t hre. eats aad sleep, lacludtac
the taaidT !. wb cb, of iwirw. ji.
Hiuag to tbo stboa haMae m iortuatvtt
or raerjjetsc premd taatr wms bottle-,
or prtviMa a tbe jrrooad u;oa a at
of mat aad aleepat aifat ur.ed ap W
ide I hem.
t.awbliaif le erar tbe pnac.pal part
of the nrtn. '!& Cbtckea gbt. tan
bii-b;ht, tb daaoe or t e t e er ut
cupx iut a small part of tie da; aail
ttu aefe r pplee oa a coai-uoo enr
reat o! famioc Ko aiattcr wbat
crowd max gather al t..e bo rity tlat
ehoerx rattle of the rttlette table aerttr
slacken, and around tbe mate gn
the eaeer fwe atit! bma oaceaa a,fy.
!ns baes o' booth aarroti ad the piawta.
in a ateh. aa Weil aa upoa :h- t,rtonJ.
t?T?rr ctace. Table de rf-r br brtt Ug M
rmtiyd. from art-t cliy tuaov aarv
rhtne that c at tau-h tuoot-x d a
aa lataaoaal atck with att-:aate srtdn
of red aa 1 greea. ''r li.llr bo t
of 6e year okl bH their cooper ta tbn
c tbtr tu-vt wdl be upward o-a tbe ta-t
t;a rH af (lotoale of tbe eaa
bhafr b."tb are !e 1 ae of portablt
aalooU's. jfi-aeraUy coa't f r
thre bttle of a ' or Ujti
atron ; ltiiora diatiHed frtini ertain
variet t. of the Spnib tu uu'. icn
or ma jut xvith txs or tbree aanll
gtxMie. Thesw mre aotaet ae aiouateil
a a ma I tand. -.oetiie kept .a a
bn-ket. aa! oftn jr.-ad apoa the
grooud Ma Kamtliiif; -fnnio
VtJoeH" (WH etVM MOt atfopU a OiMllll.
The whole my be jtre tied oer by
Mian x!ar.-xe.l dime, ith a ..k,
kie': tnaat slung ; a abaw. ovur
her bak.
"lbcrtirb tbo Hemic- rod iati-1-ciaaa.
taey rarel abaxv it opoa awah
occakNt aales tbe brti band jrat
on tbe p aa lut tbi- h dt rH.n bn
the eaae eeitiafr ia the la'er r tia.
wheroa- the prt nt it boet t -a br mi
only ' a the untri low. 11 re the
ijiataai wail ol thai Uog -iiJ.rtog mr
tx r. th- vioba. the br.a ml frraaa
of a torture! ciar tet aad tbe ttttfffe
lutag UBfe-tae.tniii f t jrtiiUvr
Wilt he abttt tle oalx oiinl. that been-:
the aoft murmur of m odMMi SpaaUh.
r the gv Uuffb'r of tbe jo.'Jj birjnr
at the jramiar table.
Liko an otd-tiaae l.afflUb fair, ihn
xiexicaa ft tbe ocaHa when
exe-x one who ba aar thuir u )!
I rag it 2irtb Arauaa tie pUaa anil
fr a httadred yard or are down tint
street Ut lead to ti are lute of ant
prad ujio i the groaad. heaped with
al! ort- pro oa. tm u, riob
ihct ol Oifar-ae rak ami Uitv.
-boe. rfltia clta, jMitlerx tiaco.
pepper, greea coca aad p not iay
il be hir aJe ;a the wa heap ual
the howm -bo ofe.ij., tbe licit
upiare f ground my dal ia Uv. rhutk
o. coab hoe-atr-a-. twtt.. iler
Sligroe work aad old earrde-.
,wo if vlitr 1 woald bt 'he a. wwij
)n. l.Twrx Oae cwk eata aid .ip
kie tbe.Uk of good, aad lb :o
vy drc-e, vbo motiev ware Um rarl
u dibs f fttnd that aro it rMfc
ng. aad tb corwHM ebanrj: Ur
arw aad iBlercbaa.-e. f (vtp4itetiu
jver a aarew a of a "w 'at -a xatun
jiat.e lb- whole a ceu t .ruxk wb.oh
ae loag y wander x- ith lit le ! ol
Tnu- the o oa fr two or
;hree daT, p -rbaj- with aaabate! x-ig-r.
the ramiag table croxTd'l aearlr
ill night, the trt and U jla.a
-rowdeAl by dy and ailed by ttigbt "itn
latetretched slepr-. About th f .art a
.iartHe crowd IvHsoaa i tdr Jx.
The Wetr bo ran no ojr borrvw.
ihe pt.r b-i" w-bo iu ocev3r
taki b - -addle, h' doakfnf, bi
trrun aad wife' ba-l. -4n4 a-xjr
n Jot. a oag vrjtb t peoa cho hai
lo: hi- oaJi- ta a wajrer xhtx a
-i-vp"oce oa tbe wfebri mi a t-aad on
pa.atud dial, aad ova aot aad a tak-r
tor 'At tcatpaag o:1nr af hi b rt again:
iif4d ill eetili !a dar or two
morr tie rfe tu .' by c-java md tA
tbe artbodo 1 ae ad r. crowd -eau
ter ?a b o ! kwiiuag boff By fr
wjd to tbe a-it at mm" oiac toc
an lucjv ' or .V Y V-t
A Novel f.T.e-Tr-.-u
A reaactabi- crrrtKB-caace J rrpr.rj
aA irom W unstable. La; by
local nataraiiH. te-atit two tr- Uwrw
oylerJ we-e put aa ta aa cr-.
paa xad d..neg tb a-cat a r'd of
loaai ai4-e f aixl ot tbe da aty d-b
and tavervrd le-r bwar. jaowtfc wjti
ia tc p- -be . aai of ta btTals.
ia the ia -ra ag they ".. foaad ft
hHi by the cMrd ajil of th oy.trr.
aad of cear- fu-'te dead. Tb ojtT
coctttjccd iu lirza 3rsld oa the intrad--.
and the tro hax-ing b--a haaded to Mr.
5.&rt Saoader-. a raeniber of th- flat
Keat Xitural iif ionr cctey. we a
oace imr3cred ;a pmt. aad a-ill la dwa
conr be pacJ :s ti. local tsucaaa-
X ' foiL
Cfmnaa geoioUt etitaate aat
Tie Dead Sex ! be ta of dA. aajt
a thocaaad ycart beaca-
HtBavtar-Mi. m
C 'IHa t.Tr.
Hk '-a
01 i-BBt'B
a iHBfc
'.1 ffiawV
Lao 'Bi