THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. A. C. HOSHER. Publish. - NEBRASK ED CLOUD. CURRENT COMMENT. The death rate in Lpnlon for the week ended September iiO was only 13.8 per 1,000 annually. This figure is the lowest every recorded. The plumbers of New York City re cently made a demand of their em ployers for a reduction of hours of labor from ten to nine, with no re duction of vage3. A movement was reported on foot, with fair procpects of success, to pro cure a pardon for the Younger broth ers, now servinjr a life sentence in the Stillwater (Minn.) penitentiary for participating in the Northtield murder and bank robbery several years ago. Attohnev O'Hkien, of New York, has issued his decision in the Georgia repudiated bond case, and decided that the .State of Georgia is in default, and that the savings banks of New York are prohibited by law from investing in any bonds issued by the State of Georgia. THE WORLD AT LAR&k A. Summary of tho Daily Now A si'Eiae from Laredo, Tex., says a rumor was current there that the sec tion men on the Mexican Central Kail way, between Laredo and Saltillo. had fctruek on account of their wages being reduced from seventy-live to lift v cents per day. Much curiosity was mani fested a to how the Mexicans would conduct the strike. A kecext dispatch from Merlin says: It is understood in diplomatic circles there that Austria is secretly support ing Servia. According to advict g from I'hilippopolis, the report that Ku-sia wishes to dethrone 1'rince Alexander has Tcatlv anjrered the Koumelians. The Prince, it is said, was never so popular as he is now. GnsEi'i'E Lomkaiu'I. formerly a lodirinjr house keeper in Milwaukee, was committed to an insane asylum at New York recently. He had converted his possessions into a draft for twenty two thousand live hundred francs, which he was about swallowing under the impression that he was beset by thieves, when arrested. PERSONAL AD rOMTICAt. Marshal, of Spain, was re ported on tho L'fith as dangerously ill. Lccics l'AHKKii. tho oldest cotton cloth manufacturer in Connecticut, 'lieu in Mans field recently of Boftenin of the brain, a-,-ed seventy-seven. He left an tstat of The following ticket was nominated by the Massachusetts Greenbnckers on the 'Jinh nt Boston: Governor, James Surnn-r, of Milton; Lieutenant Governor, James M. IJuirum. of Lynn; Secretary of State, II. W. K- Eastman, of Lawrence; Treasurer and Receiver, General Walt:r Harmon, of Hostou; Auditor. A. H. Wood, of Lunen burg; Attorney General, A. F. Hall, of Hudson. KiciiAKD Howei.l succeeded in lowering his own bicycle record for a mile at Spring field, Mass., on the '-Oth, making it ':."! -.'. The Hon. Lyman A. Cook, of Woon socket, It. I., has made an assignment. His assets are unknown. Pl'.OF. Aoassiz Inn found it necessary to decline the office of Superintendent of the Coast Survey because of duties already resting upon him. The decision is greatly regretted by the President. Vice President He.vukicks addressed tho New Jersey State Firemen's Associa tion at Paterson on the !0ih. Skchetaiiv Man.vino has accepted the resignation of Horace G. Jackson, Assis tant Supervising Architect. The Karl of Shuftesburv. the well-known English philanthropist, died on the Nt. Gkant memorial .services were held in the Metropolitan Church, Washington, on the 1st under the auspices of the local com- mandery of tho Grand Army of the Kepule lic. General Logan delivered the address. The Pope has approved a decree of the Convocation establishing an Episcopal see in Nebraska, and tho Itev. Dr. O'Con nor, the present Vicar Apostolic, hus been created ISishop of Omaha. It was reported in Washington that the President and members of the Cabinet would attend tho Virginia State Fair, to be held at IUchmond, Va., on tho 2M inst., if tho pressure of public business does not prevent. The President has issued nn executive order directing Dr. E. O. Shako-penre, of Pennsylvania, to proceed to Spain and other countries in Europe where cholera exists and make investigation of tho causes, progress mid proper prevention and euro of tho disease. leen ftrre.sted. IlCHHtiTix! n nln nf 7U itV. IPint gr-ums? tli i.miwev nt W.Hinm tl rh ... .. . ..!. . .s.. ... . ii--r .'T-tif-'- l.-.- ii..',,,i- nt-il . . , . ' -,.-,-.... ..i-.-... u muow upon .1 an oner . wo- " rrnwn: comnMa-aexs u - , were struct u iig.Kmug ana ttnun- t m? ), fi? .s.-. 1 ... ki.r. n z. ..... ... ... ... . r - - - " ''" - v. .'ir. .ijwrw-wii .ijsmi ;ne amua-t .; were pUvu;: an I smzw;; upon the op- ttrugtl of t&e.r rrrUvm er. drink and .( Ine th- articl-s in n In rev ,.,.., -, k-v, .1... ,, ,.(....... ..,. -.... 1 '. " . k. . Miu.i.ii.iaj. e Bbkwkp. in the United State took .,,.., f ,.' ... , .i.- .... V '. """" "-; ' postie !- nMh street, -mere 1 ZZ'.ZlZ'ZrS'..mTr at St. Louis grants a decree of Iiquo, u.a " Vrfllsh sendee iTlT " " W-"'." TrZ ZZ . 1V, sure and sale in the .. of the St. . ait ; r ,..r ,., ,, ' .r mwaun oe,mj,mM nra.n . vu. -urw . ,,.,- , thf mKia: ttU e. J., ,-.., (w, IWk. Hannibal & Keokuk Itailroad. Th., voun . . . " " 0 B. i1 lo hw ,ra''. a,MJ that the on: detnt -, ., arou0tl ,tt bl, chf tB A wrvou : War. N 4i.w, .: I At a meeting of the New York Cham , ler of Commerce r solution wre adopted I requesting the President auI the S-cretary I of Stat" to mnke public nt the enrli'st np- propnnte tune tiie jrcnaions o! tae new treaty with Spain. The Stockholm (Sweden) Ser'riy.s Til nimj has been confiscated for citlumujating the Princ- of Wale.. At the Migar plantation "Aurorn." near Jovellano. Cuba, recently, four workmen, who bad taken refuge from the rain under a cart kill..-) Juno Court foreclo: Louis, The public debt decreased during tho month of Septemle-T I'2,7.7,t.,t.'.,i". The Missouri Pacific Railroad Company has lens-d tho Central Hr.inch of the ITnion Pacific Hoad. Tho is to run twenty-five years. The rebels Salcedo and Estrada, belong ing to the pnrty cf Lunbnno Sanch-z wero shot on th -"Jib ult., at IPiltecoa, Culm. A DISI'ATCH from IJerlin of the 1st .say.: The re.Milt of the recent interview letw.--n M. de Giers and Prince Ki.MiinrcI: will be to restrain Servia, Greece and Montenegro from attacking Turk-v. Otherwise Aus tria would cerramly make a !kM strike for Salonici and po-sibly for Constant iuoiIe. Disjmtciies recivedin Indn on the 1st from various European capitals indi cated that the crisis resulting from the I.iilgarinn-En.stern Koum-Ii::i Union was daily becoming more grave. The English War Ofiice has issued the report of Colonel K-tchner on the fall o Khartoum. The Arabs, the Colonel savs. entered the city bv the Io..ri gate, uhich was not defended. He acquits Faraz of treachery. Faraz was charged witli hav ing allowed thcMaudt's trojs to enter tho city. Tm; Naval Comnrs-ion apjiointed by S-cretary Whitney made its report on tho 1st. 1 he report was devoted to the descrip tion of vessels the country was thought to be most in need of. One thousand dervishes have advanced to Hufir, which is within eighty miles of tho furthest Iintish station on the Nile. Nonius fc Co., of New Laredo. Mi-x., undertook to transfer a large quantity of goods shipped to them in bond iroin Pied ras Negras to New Li redo, recently. They NEHKASKA STATK NEWS. A BIG COLLAPSE. With uncertain s;p and nhakv linit-s Antr.-r lira,, r 11 tire In .w Vork T.! young man entere,i :h Police Coort nt b"u,r Nrl' Two -MilH-n. - ..ui.t Oirtiha tho other day 1:1 charge of an o.-.S A '" ,h X ,r,,n;- .'r. H'lm, niWl'i J. I ill- UjnHll of William HcaUi A Co. was AitKMiiH-t-.l on r. He was -ell dre mI and gentletnnnly opiK-armir, but there evi.lenccs ot d-ep dijiipation on his face. The young lt,e Stock ExcIiAiigtf etrrlay appearel bef'tre the court to Alex.Mider V Green. .v cmsd fr (.wunn. answer to tLe charge of stealing a robe P., to-day obtatnel frtmj Jati; blrccl JaM nut haxvi from a Lu-gr. for which he ha I Donohoe, in the Miprewe I, an attach- be-n Rrre.-.el. POSING AS A MARTYR. rTl "rU Tllnk ll lf ltrn ltriJ nml I jutlr .luilced ! t'rtm- tti I'uMir U U K ' Ilw t ! Aln-r UVnl D.l Mho (J..t It II I'uUy :nnTtl l.tlrrl ;rn New Vokk. Srptcmiwr 29 -Kcr-liwnl WarO sat 'a a hrs car clwlr In h' tom.'orUbtr fnrni-f)ed room In Lodl w i looted In a ! al b- rnt-tnint!d Mkin -ot of th grited A BAD 7URJC. An Ott"W Vf hn rmlnihtltr TV , f-r ltl t,, in ni, Co-,aol,KpJe, rntn-fl j neon, m- t'u'lii r- p?r:U' In odrtel eifa r ; Kni UjvfnYrjr jost atatW tri Vxib. tie ww .!iM.T tf Wt ai.'T net rwBc tat'trtl!1! In l r. Ailt 4hwb-lar- Hrrrd vii ihf3 that could properly be uuui aga.n; th: amount was for U,.t'0 stare. of the capital stock of the Manhattan ItaiSrmd Coo:jbt, of the value of SP.2,W. mm! twotitv r.. econd mortgage UikL f the Metiopwl.tan Elevated Hallway Coiu;Kiny. of the niuoof SiS.OOO. which he tad (nlerel the !irtn : eighty b.i-mess house.s, incluvling to Nr.- purehtisc for htm. making an .-xgj:rr,iti of lioual banks. tJl't.000. He c .miiis tho arm i tn .!eM to having b,-n oni in that city. Three or four years ago, by the death of a ni:i?e. he fell lieir to a fortune of ,o.0, but h: prosper.ty , too much for htm. Hr l gnn drinking nni in a .-diori time Muan derd nearly all of his inherttance. St. I'al'l, with 1..V0 ;opuIntion. ha- mxncKrr. he contlaiwd, "No on UI ever know t& load thai I Have bewu earMlg .or tac mtay long. rnry ruontlM ttai I hiUT bee 1 wtlttm tlwpse wall. I hv hen nl atnl rrd wtor iitrmri! tifcat tave bn made in reference U mv defil ing In the flrci of Gnxat .1 Wni ttat hx4 rejected hi i ost diim- A Kansas capitalist i.- talking of -tart- " S2V.0iU in cft-h. and that it iIm. b..'.t tgng chnr- ing canning works at Hlair. Ho is feel tug for a luius. A IMM'ATCH from Chadron ?nys that Jrack-i-iyiug ha. le-en roi:i:uencI on the Hi.;-. Evt.-n-ion of the Fremont. Elkh rn t Mi.--. iiri Valley itoad, which is Uriu builr under the auspice-, of the Chicng-. ,'c North western itoad. A crps of e:im,T-. hux-e mtikiiig the tin! survey fr-m the Chevenne River north for sev. ra. weeks. The rd- tontntct has 1xmh .-.ub-let for grading .-ixty inilcs north of Chad ron. rind one bundntl trains are at work grading on the west s.,j. of the Whit River. It i.s pr;w-,.'d to complete tie gr-.d b-tweeu t'hudron and Rapid City, a ih-:ance of 101 mil-s. lntore winter, an I r i not at all improbable that the rails will these stocks and bomN fw him. Mr Mor- sini decl.trrs that he cnMul at tite other .' I lenth tV Co. yeten!y for bis mneT s:u! se-Hr;tif. smi tecenvd in reply that tl.e coi:i;mm could nt deiiver them, a the st-v-i,ritie- had l-eii h M;teeatd or sold ainl the money been oi!tere il. pocd of. He avis that he nrvr at.thor ied H-atli .v Co. to make ne of his netiev and seeiintic-.. and ciiarge-. ttat the he nsigtHtl ami tliHel of the property Uiten: to defraud Inin ami their cr-l-iUjs jtencrrtlly. Charles E. i,utney. .r.e of the nirnibers of the tinn. Mr. .Mor.tii s'.ite., has been In IC'iroi.- for seral months jst. He Indict r he U not a resi dent n tli, s State, but of some couuti -a iiuro(K- mtkiior. n to him. ami a!o atUrhis! hateer property he may have in tin-. -tate. The principal crcUiUtr of Wi.Itam f.. I t. .1 .1... ........ . 11 : """ """ '""l" ""- y--ieis o.-,oiiwiK . mmermaii wa.s taken 1 efore tie- United 10 me iransfiori iraiu securely ilea i States Coiii-ni als- belaid the entire distanci- in the samf H!h .V Co. Is GtoMinni P. Mor.r'ttt. i period. Thieves raided the slaughter of RhLesy itro.s., of Cotunbu, the other niKht, and carted oil" ' worth of hides. ZimmeI'.mav, the murderer, who as un der sentence of de::h nt Lincoln, recently made his escape. His attorney. IC. Utirr, had carried his case to the Unit -d States Supreme Court, -u here it now a units it hearing. The accused was in the cu-t dv of the Shenir of Kearney County, a habeas corpus was served on the Sheriff, and Tim: question of the admission of half-breed Chinese children to the public schools in Little I'ock, Ark., was decided recently. A number of tin; half-breeds, with Mongolian fathers ami Caucasian mothers, had applied for admission. The Superintendent declined to decide- whether they could ntcr at the white or colored schools. The Hoard was in favor of admitting them to the white schools, thus settling the vexed question. The Chief of the Uureau of Statistics reports that the total value of the im ports of merchandise during the twelve months ended August ill, LSSo, were $f7I.L,:!.,!M:L and during the twelve months ended August .'11, 1SS1. do7, 871, olb. a decrease of 2?So,f.:5fi,:57o The values of the exports of merchan dise during the twelve months ended August :U, 18?vr), were !?7:?:.7o".4Gl, ami during the preceding twelve months. .7o.,U18,7y2, a decrease of $i;VJ5:i,:i:ti. Tin: Government of South Australia lias made overtures looking to the ne gotiation of a postal convention with the United States for the delivery of prepaid correspondence without addi tional charge ami for the establish ment of a money order exchange sys tem between the two countries. Tlii special convention is required because of the declination of the South Aus tralian Government to enter the uni versal postal union. The explorers Capello and Everts addressed the Lisbon Geographical Society recently in the pres ence of the royal family, foreign diplo matic representatives ami a large ninn ler of members of the aristocracy. They showed that the Cubannis is a tributary of the Zambesi River, and that the Luapula is the chief tributary of the Lualaba Hiver. They said that the natives on the Upper Zambesi com plained of aggression by the Hoers. The explorers were presented with medals bv King Luis. Theue was a dramatic scene in court at Muneie, Ind.. recently. Hishop Scott. Andrew Oney and Frank Poor were on trial for the murder of William Hayncs on March iM, at Eaton. l?isliop Scott shot Hay ties in trying to frijrhten him. and Onev and Poor were his alleged accomplices. Scott, whose wife gave premature birth to tw ns. and whose father has gone almost blind with grief, was testifying when suddenly his mind gave way, ami he became insane. The crowd surged around. His sister screamed, and dur ing the wildest excitement he was re moved to jail. BIISCKI.I.AXKOt:. A cousin of Itill Jones, tho Indian who murdered Mr. Roulden White at Caddo, I. T., a few days ago, killed an Indian 111 P.Iue County, I. T. Wilson Jonts, the father of Hill, i.s said to bo the wealthiest Choctaw in tho Nation, and is terribly downcast be cause of tho crim s of his son and nephew. The Cuban tobacco crop for this year will iKjnot only larger than ttiat for many former years but of far better quality. It was thought tho Texas fever line would be established south of thu Texas Pacific Railway in Texas. Point, India, which was thought to have had the best harlmr between Cal cutta and Iloinbny, was struck by a storm wave September L"J, and swept so com pletely that most of tho inhabitants per ished. The mercantile failures in tho United States for tho quarter ended September :V) numbered 'J, IT!!, against '2,"Ail in the cor responding quarter of 1SSJ. The liabili ties showed a remarkable decline, amount ing to ;s',:;.S00,M0 against .";,' WO, WO in the third quarter of 1SSI. It was stated that the riot in Montreal was due to the perverseness of the Hoard of Aldermen. The better class of French Canadians were disgusted ith the work of the unti-vaccination mob. A disi'atch irom Louisville, Ky.. says: Tho Jeffer.sonville plate glass works has assigned. Tho liabilities are not known, but are said to bo largtly in excess of the assets. A it.N"i of Mussulman and Christian tree.s thirty miles north of New Laredo, while the most valuable portion of their goods had been carried away by robbers. The Sherman Hous, Fargo, U. T., was recently destroyed by tire. The business failures for week ended October I were: United States, 171: Can ada, 'S; total, !': as compared with Iso the week previous. The Western and Pa cilic States furnished over half the casual ties. The Protestant Episcopal Convention of the of New York declined to adopt sioner at Kearney, who re leased him on .MrJ bail, which uas promptly furnished by his brother, and he immediately 11 d. It is stated that Attor ney (ieiiernl Leese has instituted proce-d-itigs in the Supreme Court at Lincoln for the disbarment of Iturr for unprofessional practice in securing the release of Zimmerman. IMirtner of the uetl-knoHii tirtn of W. K. t outior .V Co.. who !eM!lie fatuous bv his connection w;tii dotitd. Ills c'tiirr. acnuist the ttnii Is xtnti.t $.V .now. for he has no seruritv of ai k.nrf Among the other large creditors are Jay Could. S-.'W.HOO; James T. Low. formt-riv of the dry i.-iods tirm of I-ow, Hnrriiirtri .v Co.. f.t titer of the present head of the Jirm. :doiit isOooiH); Add son Cammark. 00.. 000. and Wdliam I Scott, of Erie. Pu , S-iUooo. In aildti.ou to these, the firm of otit:er it Co., which f.tili'd on Tti-sI.i. s Mil to be a creditor to the extent of about S-.Vi.0w). in coiisi-iuenre of its dealings with Henrv ..'. tiutlt. The imbdities of Hc.ith v '. can not tall Mimt of Sl.Mrj.On), and tn.iy ece,-l that um. 'I he asets, excepting the claim ng.ltist ilenry N. Smith are unknown. The '"'aim atiioituls. it is s.iid. loa'Mut si..'on.mM. wbile the bulk of bis liabilities is to the 'mterige Jirm. It is Uoown that he owes c. T. iliidson .V Co.. mi-re than Slou.ouu. rnnanrr on my actr. Under the most criticism I have kept stilt and nothing In n-ply to mr accner. If the inunr things thtl hnv been 'rtld were :ntt, I would and could bv no wortl oi CompUInt to utter, but from my own kaowetle of wbtt I have dott It hs made me shi)v!lrr ml times to read of the Uebistng xttd mean thtngs I aui sr.Ul t bitv dune vnteatf nts vb c'l have not had the slightest loumtiitioa tn fact. l'b time Is coming when I will teaM totto.tttd sty so ire thing for rnr own Netwnt Since inr imprl?onent I hstc Nren Iatxrlng all I knew hoT for the en-fJt ol th4 creilitois 0: Grant .t War I. Fur wight months I worked ty day am! Wr nluht to make- our .1 sutte'nent thitt won d show the condition of the a'fiirs ot the nni nt the thr.c 01 the failure. like slate men l that I H'ttd. . w-!ilc the uw) wa x;aMit eotrr 1 tx- fcirre miui of mn--y vitrl f jniTpp were osel In othf s v , tiMse for wh-rh ihpjr -ere aMr.t t Im levpAleil Aat Ifc-- . arm), -nhirh wi oppse4 tn lnn;. cimi. n naif h: Tile !i.c ho rw Br-tWi- : . lew. fbe rtkvw'.Tj fr ur.t t.. in? u ksrh f rmr it r.e rMtornrv Four h(mlre4 h - tntlng -2.P041 nvn. ho hA hee tail; r Htter-rnl M'r' ejnler In n notice, four rt-wjew mmrt. wi f-r , i -it t- rt999mU& : . t n!hV. mhI their defMftnr a be 4rlvi on th4 eeewo " n Turkish t.-ootM tMNfe a tu - . ne io outpooi nt 2!-tMW-ah 1 t Mimei twenty tmneni i AfiroMMp'). rio ot,fti weee relnfj.s, njtj,j a sltirnt.eil en.. the Turks were d :-! mmI t.. Vrmi. rmnyitui U thew m i. HtM4si. FICKLS VVOJWA.N. I ! , VUH l.itilj ft Nri lt ri ll llliT 11 NIW UllOtH. ,r . Oct, cint wn R(ttale4l Ne lloeo Mhny -r u Mich an extent olot-cHX-fft of Mi ..dr I. 11: obowesl )wnf1 !' vt Hmw. I Ma. !! is :l so In V....ri.lw.l!..r A- I'.. A i.ahi;k number of new buildiuKs are i,r a suN larc-T amount. It was cstimatci by good judges that Mr. Smith's Irubil ties bciu;: ejected in Stockville, Tin: city authorities at W.-a Point re fuse to ".rant to peddlers. I.aiick number of Indians tool: in the the name of rverv p-rs.i ntin hnd anv bnslut s with (;nni ,1 War-i, themmonni o monrv thu wis adv.mcetl by hi at and the amounts ih.U nere piid t htm s prouts, w.-is-iven to Mr .loftnson, r eelv cr of the Marine It-ink, nnd Mr Iate, the receiver lor Cmnt AWanl Th statement shiws wbl wi- don with evcrv pennv that citm to my hinds whdi the ilrm d Cntnt 4 W.ird eUte,t Mr l)ivies has wrtltcH thit thr t nde (: ! of the rlr-tt uis ;K.'0 s)f ,im vht Sll.otKfo of tbts am.-nut had benj nan!. U-iivni': n t.n In no- of S3 OuO.OOO These ore round num tiers Now the Im pression has y.,n forth Ihv I n'-orh-d the -;:;,oon ih; that It cnt InUt my pocket Jor mv tudh :dnil Uenelit ' 'It ltiy desire to did anvof ibecrr.lltors ot A Waul In tne recovrry if tutMirr thai mat nve be-n iitt-iwhi:iv paid ott! I have work d dillentlr to nrrorupllsh 1110 auieiiumeiii 01 ine jiraver iioofC pro- r.-,lf. -....,.. f . t ,,,.,.., . , ivtiox t ouiitv fair win e in progress. HkltJ 1 111 111 ltfllli.t-' l.lik X.tikdS.f III' .. lOo. A committee was appoint d to lay the matter before the Cen-ral Convention. I.v a trottine; race at Cleveland, (., Het.ry Wilkes defeated Phallas in three Co.vsiiiKitAiti.K smut, is reported in the cnrndelds throughout the State this year. H tStti.To.v County will have a corn crop estiiiint-d this yen- at -,,.V)",ot bushels. Ill; Sticl- if I'.-.. !-.... I'..... !.... .. 1......1 . . . .. . A1J. ... ' "1 " ..lira. 11 i.u.. uint a 111111H tents, winning the. -r!.0X) purse and to per iv ,1 111 n ., k ,.. . ..... . .-, by the accidental discharge of? u cun the cent, of the gate receipts. lime, J;I, ',. otherdnv TlIK schooner Wheeler foundered on" Til.: horse thief who had been nnernti,,- vn. uui .tiarais, .ineii Would Hot lull below S-JtM'.IMH). His assi-ts Hie supposed to be Sjieaking of tne tin. ure .Mr. Mintii sad- .! operations en I II th idernl claims nsnlu-it bavedtagged Wd.iaiu Heath down and I (Irani A Ward were pred the am more sorrv for him thrtii mscif. Hut utnouiit of ind.-htf-dness might reich I have not deifieil him at any time and he ;.0.)in.o'Mit i,. th-re r utanv pvoftse has not deceived inc. I supposed tint he uho wi.l to sttate a lonjfilme bffi,r. they would ne able to carry tne through and he wdt prc-ent their cialms u ibt icn vet said he could do it successfully. Ken this nd ask that itirv he pii I hive ,een, morning he expressed his cotituleure in rtt,d am now. co.'i.etnrl teaMsf I Miv being able to pull through. There is noth- -. ma,.. )llbIir ,tt,. .utrtnt-tit t'.al I or--ing in Hie rumor about Joint account be- ,;tro(j. ;i ,x not 4,, . ,.r .,, , ,,, twceti me and U oetisboiler. V. ,. did have ,,,,. ihu.t !-. it ...... ....v..-.. .. . '- -.-. - K --. - -- a iri 1- II At wood teetar ot Tr'nlly 1 r I), ami Tf-iroMt lleningw-i. ! Cijr. Th tni-le wvtre ibetttsd . In Jer-se ',; Mts tlafol - , been nart.i-l WeUiteeda) n-xt in t U Mr. lruets a ywunc feitten.i Unoy. N. Y.. whitj is r-rpuriwt! u e sJ.iioo.ftOU. Jjet t-eiru-rt for the weiilim:. Initt:. .' j tsiued, auI uthfr siert-4 ! c-osttinies wifv wwW Ho- pronit-s to be Uw mtml aih! md'bU thaj b Uhen ; j thi Hiv tm mf. Itn litUe t i Mr. Iti-mlnfi In th c.le H-- . turil) in ordii an nrruntatanre- 1 to ln- reentijr inlixiit'Mt IjmOu1' )ers ito Mi'ss HuiHil sipent it.- with her fntnity at jiount 1.-Mr them rhe u.-l the ft-mlt. h- with her In this allaii. Ttos ou , twenty two )i-his i uf en4 ha crriu fniorii In Neie Isen . t the et-r-nioT "wtetrUat . tne t t.t this, and it iiMikes od,j. retire whit trnv .......n.. .. M. I ..III ....u.....u ... ..I ...'. 1 . . . . . .. .... ... mr- 1 i'-uiiur- to iioni m 1 Mteo-4i ri ner Mwtxr lo her Jrtlhei, in Mils ewv, mm lo ttottte!, 10 AliMtn. U-clh--r with iiouiM-ement thu! ie i her hn' U Mid lt Kltf'" tM tfe itMUiK! of the Hri'tnrn linn. tr. mM V womI are -mid to b jHowttadeti ilnuxhlef Mtaiiife nx Ikki. v y 1., recently, m forty extensively in Holt t'ountv was chas.d into a jomt account 111 Heath's oince. but It was , ttl, ,, .,.,, tt,nt 'K... ,r u, llo ler crew was saved, Dakota and overhauled. ''us,',, t,ar'' in Ain;i.s. I think my mis. Th Mulemeni -I.mI.I ne innde imi. fathoms of water. I but there was no time to save the clothing. Wii.mam Hi:atii it Co., stock broker- of New York, suspended on the d. Liabili ties amounted to newly -r-'.O Mi.t'OO. Henry N. Smith also failed for ?'J Kl.fM). The two linns were partly connected in stock oper ations, and the failure of the one dragged down tho other. Thk (Soyernment cruiser Chicago, the hwnvte-.t vessel ever built at Hunch's ship yard, has settled on the wAy.s to such tin extent that workmen have had to shove her up to prevent accident. KnwAitn McSwKK.NKV, the Iri.di suspect, who has been an njiilicunt fir a position in the customs service nt San Francisco, has withdrawn his papers trout the War Department. I.v a recent prize fight at Pittsburgh, Pa., tiepner was thrown into the eyes of one of brigands, near Smyrna, have captured n the imgilist.s, who was getting the b-st of young Englishman named Fred Charnau I. They demand JDMK.K) ransom. Hkavy Hoods were reported recently in the eastern portion of Switzerland. Much damage was done. Ixkoiimatio.v received nt Prescott, Ari., the contest, blinding him. His seconds raised the question of "foul,' which wn.s allowed, nnd the affair broke up in a gen eral row. Skvkxtkkx men and boys were fenrfullv scalderl by an explosion recnlly at Clark Tub Ainsworth AVirs Is authority for the stati merit that a ISrown County ranchmaii paid STW.) to a neighbor of his for a quit claim deed to his wife. The exchange was made and all is seieue. SfTTOX steps to the fn-nt with a new hotel, water-works, elect! ic light and other metropolitan nirs. A town is to be laid out at Coose Lake, Wheeler County. The townsite is in the hands of a company, and they intend to make a summer resort and watering place of il. AaKo.v ItKNsnx. of Waterloo, has beep tired out. of the Reorganized Church : Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for tin reason that ho came into .he church iimbi false pretenses and is also guilty of adul tery. Osr.n Tm x.i.. of Ant-Iope County, h-ii received a back pension amounting te :'!,("!, with u monthly allowance of .". a mouth. Mr. Troxal is terribly crippled eiiced by rlietimati.-m which was controctel in the service. Tm: other day Mrs. Vincent Kittlmer, of fortunes are my own, but I shall be on in fect again, and jcrhaps ery soon.'' FATAL EXPLOSION. I'rlirlitf ill Aet-lilriit mi . ritttoir-;li Iron .Mill i-lMitreii -. r-oii I rittlnlty M-llMfl. PnTsiifm.ii, Pa., Oe ober J. A battery of the Isulers In Clark's Solar lion Works, at Thirty -sixth and Suiallman streets, ex ploded at 3:0.. o'clock this morning, with tlisastrous clfect. Seventeen pcrsoiis were dangeiously scalded, three of them known to be fatally burned and soiih of the others will p:obabI die. The men were till at work be bv ih- 111 no-, ttn l I b-rM-vu that II Is his ditti t do s.., nn. 1I0 not under s'uml why It his ml bn done, but I have been given lh- cri-ht litr It. There In one thing certain, th it the statement Will hlVe lo le lOH-le pll'ilic. I Hlfl X!- tlng tmd Ifi-re Is a stain np n rnv nan e and Inmliy thit mud tie retm.ved It i- beltevesl hv cm tv one who bus no r quaint -nice with the facts thai I Hind hi II ton 1 out of the tt-m's transition. I did not. nnd to-dnr mn not worth 11 dollar I am mule tie M-ipi-goal, nud everrlblni: Is laid at tny door. It Is not rlgftt. There ire oilier who must 0 held renn !?.. II the statement, which, ton Ur-i et ui 1 AimiTIO.NAL. Ilr.lTCIIK. Soiik ill Df'Ki sjieeiai cons-.iiilps have b. ei sworn 111 at .Seattle, W. 7.. to nid the r-uthoiitie.s in pr-v-ntiii' an outbreak !l --! 1 11 t til.. f't.ITt .k.k Ax accident civnrrnl on 'he Canadian irom Linton or tho Indian depredations ,fe Co.'s iron works. Pittsburgh, Pa., cans d was recently so alarming that the t'ov- : l)V t, r,,-ur,. 0f n .iriim. S-vernl of the cnior issued n general order calling out I i,,jMrt.,i, it u-ius thc.ight, could not po.s-.tblv im.- iiiniiia iui i--iive ser;.e. recover. A si-KCiA". from Warm Sjirings, Mont., of the "50th, says: One of the buildings of tho insane nsyluni burned yesterday, and three inmates perished itt the Haines. It i.s not known how th-i lire originated. Mnssits. SocTTKit Sz Co., bankers nnd brokers, doing business at No. 11 Wall street. New York, made an assignment re- Pacific H:u! near Knuth-Gps. p. C. by cently for the benefit of their creditors. iwhicti o-:e wl.iu- man an. I live Fouty Sl.000 town Uiiids of Mattoon. III., I were killed an-1 a number wounded. A were found in the possession of Tom Davis cow threw the engine fr.iin the track, after his murder by Holland, of Texas, in j Tin: tieai?..g hotts.. teturus for week New York. The Supervisor of Mattoon 1 ended Uctob r .; .showed mi average iu hassentto Coroner Levy for one of the . cr -as.- of ''.n co-i, pared with the corres bouds for examination, stating a belief ! -onditig wo -j; r.f ;.i,t ear. that they are counterfeit. Fivk men b-longiug t H-.biusfin's circus A coxvkxtiox of colored men assembled were killed in a recent railroad wreck on recently in Lynchburg, Vn., nnd issued an ! the Fergus F.ilis branch of the Northern address declaring that the time hnd come , Pacific H.-.ilrond. seven miles we: nf St. for them to break from old party atlilia-1 Pnul, Minn. A -;r..-it number of others tions nnd think niid act for themselves. w ere more or less seriously injured. Tukkisii troops tirinl on the Houmelinn Kktcuxs of the census of the eitvof Bo? outposts nt Mustapha Pnslm. .1 town in ton show a population of ImUOI mnles and Houmelta, twenty miles northwest of -j. .;.c. female-, .1 totaiof". This is a Adrianople. on the 2t)th. A skirmish en- U!(, nf -J7.Til. as cmm.ired with lsN). Schuyler, attempted to st irt n fire with kerosene while holding a child in her arm. The oil exploded and the mother ami child were burned to death. Mr. Kittiidir's hands were o terribly burned in trying tn extinguish the ilamcs that they will hav to I e amputated. At the recent Stat Fair a genius from the country, who had evidently rend "Jack of the Mill" in his time, sewed flh hooks in his pocket points down. He then exlnl ited a roll of money, s. undated intoxica tion, and .-hovel the money down imo the treacherous j ocket. A thief made a dive tor it and was caiuht in elegant shape. A I'.viN'Ki't. and serious accident occurred at the roller mills at Wood Hiver the other day. Mr. Crow, one of the proprietors, -lipped or staggered ajrattist a w h-l. the spokes of which struck him on the frontal l.onc over the right eye. eru-hing the skull in and throwing him several feet agnitiat n 1mx. breaking a rib in his fall. Thk Pope has approved the decree of the Convocation stablishing nn Episro- cut by ny me iron, when the explos.on occurred. 'I lies- who ''nt ! n jusUOritlon. is not mml mi- lie ' wilt be coihh.-i to give It lo oil. In the Warner Mitt I c mill roil bring It out. ud In the crimlnni -nit Hint has been brought against m I wl'l not b m'!u to nhmv my real pstfon I hv lh-eti n-idrr .1 ootid long cnongb, nnd It Is oiiIt Jtl-lice to tnvrll thai It hou'.J le known wtwi shtr d the pill With l.rmt i. Ward '1 h Umnt of the firm snow evry lninnrri.iii I here 1 the -icconit of Mnvor Cnr". lie used to di-counl no4 ol linuti 1 Ward lor five r-r ceii , nnd In al l Ion was piid Ni.MtOihtil be lritie-d. llt got In n-tin-l nwnMrrs. I teto- n-r It Si"-oO in's He .,r, he mmU tiothltig out of the Arm. Mv tatenoen' taken from lb Jxx-iks will h e that h' holds nots of the nrrn for ?y.flW. b'ti lhl tlocs not pproncn hi prodi " Did ttie Urui of (, 4 Wrd nret have invtJiliig to do with th fn .d of 8-5.0O0 given U Onernl (irinl nml wete latadv hurt were taken to their hrie, whi'e the others wete taken to the various hospitals. A slight report fol.owcd the ex piosinu. A utst crowd congregiitifl at the mill. Ditst and dirt so distiguriil the in- jtiied men that much ditbcuity was ex pen- in ideltif)llig them. I he glcires-. cotlilt'loll existeil. len. women and clnldicn rushed tntntlra'ly aiioiit. The iiio.iiis of the 'ujuted uiiiieleii with the shouts ot the frOitened. The Miijor was proinntiy not t'u-d and policemen wete hur ried to the mill. The srenes nt the mdl after the explosion were hcaitn-tidm;. tie by one the victims were carried 011L covered with as-s ami and bleeding from their wounds. The ar rident was catted by tuptore of the mod driuiL No theory has jet been ottered wli eh would R'lopm for the snd catas trophc. ,s srrm as the confnsinn j,o tn a measure subsided it whs ascertained that the family mjuifd were: Clmiifs Ha. wood, tnarriisl. a j-cddler, in jureii by tijing ih-t'tts. Thomas powery. (loy) caldcl: fatally crn-hed under the truck. .lames C:o. fatnll) scalded. The seriously tnured were: ') heUl Pi trust by il.ur iorj;iu. Hojl 1 June.?" "Yes. hnt no part of ds mutr wni losu Mr. Hurt at on- ;ln loaitd (Jtntit & Wanl .tboiit e7.fji on jili Frank (iinnl. (bo scnlded bailly, cut .i-ilnst which be held "cniiil. eort! al-out the head. William Orth. roller, badly seilded. D. Lavender, shear miiah. vahhsl ami In jureil by Hying lic-jri-. Pat Knnght. -cnided. perhaps fatally. I)a.c liichanls. scalded and rui bn-kert. William DAtii-K buy, Kahle-1 ami ludly sued in which the Turks were defeated. I A veuy heavy Host tell at Bedford. Iowa, The late Turkish Minister of War.Ghozei on the night ofthe.'ll. Ic- froze a sixth of Ostnan Pasha, was reported guilty of such J nll j,u.j, thick. extensive embezzlements that the army was half crippled. The special delivery system of the postal service was inaugurated in the various cities on the 1st. The Kansas Grand Army reunion closed at Topeka on the 1st with an immense pro cession, which took nn hour and a half to pass and was witnessed by To. 000 persons. rREXCH Canadian mobs were reported Bki.hicm has withdrawn from the mon etary convent on. The f-tfect of this step is ;u iou-lv nwait--l m Gernianv. w here a severe bltilt-t.ll i'lllgg'.e is fca ed. S11: Dii.k-. Bart., about whom so much exs-fd in London a short time r.o. wa.s married to Mr. Mark Pattt on on the til. Hon. .lasejih Chamberlain acted ns gr-ximsuiau. pal Seem ebrask. and Hev. Dr. O'Con ncr, the present Vicar Apostolic, ha.s lieen crenteil Bish-iji of Omaha. TsiK Bay State Cattle Company has a farm of I.i; 1) acres on the PIntte bit.'om near North Bnd. D'xlge County. A pas ture of i'lO acres has l-en fence-l in, and 2.IJ ton of hav harvested this fnll. It ts inteudeit -o fed l.U") head of cattle the en suing winter, .ind 2.VV'0 buhels of corn have been crtblied for that purine. A Dave 'Ihotna. 5hearman. badlv scaldcil. Cow ley Mine. l-oj. Undly or-slde!. Biilv Harth. boy. bruised from the heavy fall. J'ratik Halt, boy. hcidly wcaMnl. A I Maclvcn. caidiii. Lngineer Steiner. badly brni-oil nd MiguTly cut. twewtr jwr cent more than the lonu. 'I his, I understand. ws rwrt of th tru. mouer. I be loon wis pill o.T b(or-i tn failure of .ranl 4 Ward, and slaoi then we r-vrr held .1 rent of tac money to mj knowledge. ron Gritit knew nothing alKnt ije bu !- id (Jrsnt L Ward He no knn-ri elge of Us sff.urs. If I cunt' bir sone to e blm alcr thf sllnro and eptan"d to him tli na-uri of rnanv lr3nc;l n hn wroi, be w-Tf, bavr Itofti -itl0 I and r.i; wot bar record-d te wn.'ivorih; ,,f, ( ion oj m that be did. p.nt w, i--rrri e rie, n ntaiws-. aw ;r 'hi2 tnl 1 i.c inju.-ei; were -onaii lymc in an rvi- j Merer dk! I.'sh'. however. il. -uov: tions. .-some of them were . far away froeu r later e thrown u mr tna-aeUo the bet tery of l-nb-rs that I: xmM tnt;osi- 3nJ kt,anse thing. l cleared n I anir hie :hat they roaJJ have bei n innrt by the b cru,.! ts-t r .- - .-,1 , , ..., system of water works has U-en built, nnd c1tJ"",on- ' ne nzZ nnmrr o, tne fcors VvfHH it- hvi heir h n& I hare f . an olevntor with a capacity of 2o,lJ bushels is under ontract. Sruo"sBrRo i still lioomtng. Theoiioki: Nex.s x. h')- home was in Tttr tiiivl - ,.. !.? t, v... -nr. Wi.emsin. Ihi: whofor thej.ast fexr wet-fc - -k1.1 - . . ----p-- - H l HIV ' , " 1 Ol A on tne .win rearing down smalt-pox pin- ra 1 Chicago Ba-e Ball 'ub- t..oc place nt ,,a(t U"a v--'tJ,:, " t4 brother. .vm! hurt Is arcottnteil fur by the fact that th-y were cniph-irrd to handle thr n-i iron winch wsj. 1 oiled on the mill nearest th; boiler. Vrrrliants ll-clnninc to Shake. I..t:r!Hi. Tkx.. trUjb.'r n. Osier I lil. hot the' l xm ntl to everrthlar. rntf Krln4 ward vrdl be hcifd It In his vwn nrhi3f " . l!oiuiiwtt r h cii rlo . New Oeijt-., I. . Jirirt-wnbrrr tt THE SANDWICH ILAMDS Kotrletlon ! tt.. liiiirli(iH l t I. llltt tanrl Jmttt WA.iiliM.rirt. )eU-fcor I. In -' Mlnbder han ent Is the t-; of Stale copies of til!tl.n lrr ntnl-pitwl by lh IUwaiin Km,-' UotitiHT the Inint'irimUoti I t: . . sulwUnei they Am nn wltote N . 1 will b- nib. w ml u Uixi nf- l' . ' Uf tnnse iMtsemir nt nn kingdom. ttniewi Um yn n . nri- of that nnmbrr are : r with e-itt-lM eutiUln U-. enter. l'sts, inN)te-C holders to return U th UtuiJm. irrnutrnt to --- nf t AMm t tHw neihlmi. or wni may Hrrt- ' lejuhlenla uf lh U -inl. -rwt-l mens have lll tftnttl-l In lil .r ' eNMiurtt lmletft4 enteral imc at lt a ymi of their re-!-' . lettirn fieyapuito will to -(iretr U Iwootf-e mh me the kefuo-l. I" will he -rrotM.1 t in frei-i nio by ID Mnjrc's I m:f eeri at I lone Ki. MmhnC n rrtMtrUew t Miy tThtut dealt In- t" fMM t Ut Mfto! j hin-e rtiiutr-n wt-mm pmtrmtmmt " In the li Uflnm X Who MMIf txt ' thin rm ynr nt ce. lMatfto th hoolo-r iu the hinfhn I't-nnii mt the I or . (nW tu . mm of ( h tv lmmmlity am tW M ol Foteign AflalM mmiv fUiw It f RftMiit to the kinziUiiu. A LIGHTNING lUgPUCTOK A ltrrl-1 .!! I..... lMrr tUf It'' II I e lift ( ltll l(w.. Wa-.ii. 101 s-s-j.mtwr an. A sent Aifc-o'Mii. vf the lUn,-t i n- . M-ent, hai re4nrner t . lMTr for .1 few 4a) n eoatt t, 4mm fo-omi-aaionef AUI mmI Ijimnr. onerl ,Ktmltmt -h r lite I Min f erntney nt lt Um !.'. Men wre xifH ntt the -l. After hi had piintmt lt m weot mpul y throh a tnnbr o4 ' h-w-et.H- tjtml s-r-veti .nl4i af Im H ij-f nt resaof-4 nwM-te4lii-ot i roei)Kehiinai-i-r t. the iMpartnvMt. bwt -vmf- . mIy t4 tie In their fwtfnt i. , Hitr i1m-m ztmin -"e.fhu iumtm Uac w4. fan.: wl'h th- raat-ni - -m4-. tn the irarioi W certtn z9' ' ibir eirtX; l the ftths-UtM -r ioen -aikhoot rimimt t-r w te '-Mfwinltief th 4Cs4r r"r to nrh jdasr. o f wiHitii - ' itrnetiun tt ax-nafc r rtaet. ipw! Itfi. nM rsm ?H lh Iwuf, ml I limn tho vtao an fmimml eta -. l$tdiami tm hg na&nnfeai. ll mAia In of otht 1 1 nnnBti4tla), , n( yet em fUr -.m(mL mah viith b-n h tnfa-ite hr ha-et-ef--4 npmm ttn- lf.r- noi, llr m anfl Wn xsmit la ehnrt wttk) t UM tw pnmmrd MK efmUt-!jr. rierr .Isetnt. A.. '. L-. Thk Prcstdent has issued the followr-itne-: -Special rule Xo. '2. .tpnrovcd July 18. ISS4. L-s hereby revoked. All applicants ou any register for postal or customs er'ice who, on the first day ) November next, shall have been thereon une vcar or more, shall, in cards in Montreal and boattnp; isolated mi litiamen, but no serious riots were ct tompted. The epidemic was increasinj-; in virulence, about ') deaths occurring in the city and suburbs in tour days. SECttETAKV Wuitxey recently said he :;l. tirs Ne-.r Vork won the : victory out of the Nehon. near A :. ludt Conntv. r.-een:lr Irvo Cavears armed In New Ijtiic Toe iora pnesl w .-str-ij -igt. Iin Pj4milim. Art.. f. Fr-' , ra-t h's death by the aceident.-il discbarr- Wwin-sdny nlchU dfr-t fn.m the City of sl slthoash to water to the iifce t C on the natch. S-Mit lis four -:.-mi-. of a rev dver tu the hands of a yoong man t tli- ..,..,-! -.m . , ,u nnmd Simonson. ... .... ....a...... ant, .lill- an mv l'. ilte Athletic flub : N,.,v Votk on th- "-1. I K. ltl"er rllme! ih '' e.uwieil I.i- .. . intended in his forthcomiaS rert to ,.." ha,f.niI- hv oli;.,t,-:h of ; ,ecfMiL recommend to Congress larsvly incree.I uint. l!r? touc inUX?:, The irack approprmtions for the Kquipment nnd ....... .,.,.. Ordnance Departments of the Washington -rj. Tur-j.n Qt Navy Yard, with a view-to niakiuit a ,;. ,,. enerat rej-ort'! on the 4th a-VhrilTW..-..!..- at..fAf.t l... At. . j ., . . -.-j-.. . -. ..a.'. ... - ceiiirai u-i-oi k. iur suuinies. i lie wort oi ...;..,. , .... i i .1 .. -ii . , isaniati inurcents and banr;el the tuo-t consirue.iuu nuuui w cemereti in oiuer yards. A recext dispatch statel that the mail rt-e runutn-- between San Ancela and continuity of rule 1G, be no longer Abilene. Tex., had been stoptei arid robbed eligible for appointment from such by highwaymen. promineut of the leaders. Till: other day Ms Mind JIarijBr;:. lj?ins near Tekamah. drere.n tr&utp a-y .1th a revolver. The tramp b-i-itr re'eed a-!m:ttaice to the h-xts. exreseI h .. terminr.tio 1 to enfr. twt wbea Ms M-nxi pro'uceil :be six-.'h'ot'r he suddenly r -nrtnlretl an enjacement in anoth-'r ir-i:bborhood. A bkctal. xvornan at Wymor- recent. v rejrister. .,1 The special rule which is now revoked provided that the names of those persons on the registers of the Commission eligible for appointment prior to July 16, 18S4. should not be taken off for a year from date from eittg entered thereon, but should re luain on the registers as eligible for ap pointment for two years from that date without further examination or notice. Steady rains tor several days were prov- b-?at her six-year-old step.-wn to death, in-; very disastrous to the cotton crop. Ke- The body of a man. supposed u be th.: ports from North Georgia counties indicate of Herman Polewil.s, of Wot Point,. Neb. that hundreis of bales of cotton will be was found on the radroad track naor Catj ruined; that farmers are sutTerin-r verv kill, N. Y., the other rnorntntr faornbiv with his emmmiftia n-i ron-aiaad5r of th; d v4on of the frontier. laxil the troops RTroned :h-re a4 the rmhw ". 3om House Goanlti mMer hi oenW. A military -tlcU; iran. imrf We4n-ts-lnr n.;U: tn bettor of hi nrrfraJ. nd res :er4AT tnorniac at :- o'c.ata ihc m:-.ury J:rer- rn imv waitr-j tm h.m i his m and rnte tn-ti their ctnrataiaU-. The ritueus of that cttr are very Btach k-;4r-l. ni o-ne of the mnrrluMt who are kMowii to be enjred in sennltn,; its iceii2 t!XJ ihiiv. ie;j h rh and a co--klerth;e urns'. i the rior of i be cut l stU, C-jiA4, th- Tr-rt l vrz, anl iSr r-aier vUt t,iOm v r ilw U Snencn at ts! wnur. TW bieas la the LovWitiie A. 4e,k haU ;d brt-rn vti- m4 Mohtte Ce! y-uit!xr mnriz T a torae Imxr. It nt.. ce- an:tw4 by UAlmt: : cish-wofk t.f ttwl-yr yUz thn ec ti-rr :ie ort mashb-et. rnchx'toc uaii Netv llirkt-ilt-arti on IWt. Voiijc OciaVer J. A Imden Th sf- UrtHxtrj ytnn. V,fji-crro-, I). C, Septcasfcer ?5 T-jc I'Mt-Sce iH-pxrtaest -vroa-ei to 4, a cutaea mi tr, ifm mains. mmi e4 mm- i0-4 by tMawew jaarty aft a her lh wnms. Jit e, tht " ysimm aknft hi ;?,, emmfimflf M mms. a -" . r-a)--4ar immmmg ke4k left hiiWM. 4 r-an tsim,4 y a I'y-nett rmrm ht 4- . mtwtz. nl ateorU; afh---w4 IjJr in the - rrh U. In hte hwrh. H- .w, w i h -staVntj pnrf&M tn afi'e. Ci-'fl-l a ajtotot tot umAf. A large tire occurred in Iquique. Ecua- , . th.rnilrrtnii .- . M " nintn,ri. lU-n,SMMWMihAt. Jt-tWal cable o the IJerakJ lay: Tne jrtc&- Inc a circular !sich 1 Inteaded la b nt ? ----- wu J (kiV -. - - -- - - - . -w w - --.-! . v - nor, me oruer ntj nna xue mu.s. i.ur- , Qudr luU.rferei with Unlic :raja oa th, Hctl$oa n,ver Railroti,!, ant quarter of the town ra destroy L . tt.ape ,!fferenc between the PiU-s- i it is Lelteve-I he was come to Bc.-a-Very few- of thoconunercial estabhshmenU Durgf ( la) ,rindou- Klass nianufactorrrs ide. Uraage Conatv, -ind that he fr free ecaptti. and thr workniM hr lwn cs-;fnnr.t.. t!ii train. l't ,t luJIUInx. r In dke rear C ri md Ctarl rt ewiM-4 i jm &. tarmttkC. The W-Btt m.i wi i-i "riin vrt oi a katteey. aanl ter -HT e-a,rU tfce?r hmd a mmr The kns it rsi .t $ ea" "v-ifn ?! .e a. - a riv-ont convention held in New York to , ... ." T." . -" - - ". ' , ' 7 "- T .r" T JTrll T r. TSlZI ".1'.'. 'c P- h-ttees dt.-rc.-jas .eft fe e,'SM tmimti e . . . . ... , i.-i(.-4une "Ul u!kf place a? OOn a.s ice t Jia. irveu.iv uuuri jjiu.k. jias .j i - ..-.. - -iwtH n: .'J JeltCTs r t Tun window gl, trade wasVoported at .tM aad a .j 'r f j nv u. ArRn. - - a :ri At .-A.s..e- s -.-.. IiaJH in au t-r- tn . ripal topic in jcllcal circle to-dy i tac I-:cch of sr Mehae! Hleki-xleach at Sis btiry. It is almoit ttie &r: pohjtc ntterance io this cam-Mien 'mm a promiam: Try icaJer. aac tras hxtzeil 'or --ma &plec:rst,l to ti- taimcUnns airadr pcWIiSd ta re-rani t t? j-cal de l'ry .i-rrTjce. whfeh r--s io orx (xrtrier :t. The crrtt-ar r-vlnt :t. moor otter r tbnr. the lmoo:ur of -. f - u f . . turnace can t-o j-ut tn condition for .vo; Itlt. MIIU 11! IUC MU.C Ui tf l-u.i iauc.juu, ,.. j.j. f . ".SE.a ...!'.;,. i4J4iVtiiilVl -ia TVBS i. ont. He toIe some n-te from hi noth-r- H03. in-law and neoliat"si thcra. aad left to F. Ilas-aurek died in Paris on the ."VI. Has- . avoid l-in; procated. at Amesville, Athens County. O., 1.1 - . - -- :i-. 1- inown open ny ourpiars e "., Uanrek bad been for a lone time principal The nromlcni squash at the Wafciir from -xhtch they abstracted over a Lwer and editor of t! Clnctcsatl IWfcT- '' measured eishtv-oa tscits 1 cL cash and $2 in bonds. . tncao-s anc enemies irom its vacneaes-s. iir Michael nx$ 'y ont"r.rn m r'-.-'-arii to the llocme.iaa enesUan. which has al ready c-0fe to r? re-carded z. a side-soo-xT in Kariisli rJb: TTie sfT'Jecs a ptt'niT aad rxpiiciljy as pi. '-Z- hettatc i M -vi .. . . r " " 'CVT It C3 D-f H(MW th tir; snd ttmmz hoUI he siti. Vftefe thU t kk iKTkCtacshiq, :m ooccpntWei l th- ad Jresc muM he sIt-ml la UMt b rafefr bfocT ue ..:' rzzr-i. " u . k a . tkft irn - i-u mmam , wm, prnaiae) mm t wxs litatrd with imm. tt Vs, Ounl kurf .-rhla vtfp tlh i etxi's-et xn4 tW fnrth Dc wm tvi manafacatwi mi mtf'C wmHm 1- : I-aradSr-n. r " iiiauP.i-a MM? mV lli !.. iVOKhtS. r