. & r- . 5 , ' .-.:- f-j Cloud Chief. r Phe Red K J 'ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." A. NDSloO A YEAR 15 TH E PRICE OF THE CHIEF. RED CLOUD WEBSTER COUNTY NEB. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 9. 4S85. VOL XIII. Norw 1A I 11 .HIT- f NO 1 cr t ES bhbhbhs bbhbjbhj 1 sst AND READY FOR BUSINESS. Knowing that there is nothing the people appreciate more than REAL BARGAINS, we offer the following, and many more, to be found at UnnloiA? Gash Dry Goods House! FOURTH AVENUE, WIENER'S OID STAND. 3000 YZJS STANDARD Fast Colors and Good) Styles f PRINTS B2 cts 2 000 yds., yard wide, 3eavy Sheeting 5 cts We have a fine line of Ladies' and Children's handkerchiefs, that we ofilr as follow: Lot 1, 50 dos colored border lc each. Lot 2, 30 doz. at S cts each Lot 3 25 doz (in hem stitch) 3 cts each. Lo a 20 doz ladies' handkerchiefs, 5cts each. Lot 5, lanii33 pUin and colored border, hem stitch, and slk. " at 10 cts Lot 6 men's 24x24 inch, Turkey red, (fast color,) 5 cts each. Lot 7, men's 28x28 , ' ' inch, Turkey red, (fast color, very large) 8 cts each. Our Ladies rilEW I MARKETS w Fonrcli Avenue, Wiener's Old Stand, Red Cloud. a. i arrive soon, it will pay you to wait for them. DUCKETS (CASH SOUSE. 8 NO. H. .TA.NSKi;, A I (TH NKKK. HICKS - - M-IiJiA.-KA jjKNKY AN'l)!-:i."l)N, SfKVKVOK, Oi.lcr- l.-lt :it tin- Al'Mijtct utlir. will ridiv f prompt :itt'iiti!t. !:KIM"L()UI) - - NEHKASICA j W.Tt'I.MCYS, M. P.. UUMdCOl'ATIIK- PHYSICIAN. I". S Kxiiniiiiiiii; Surueon. Ornri OppnMtr Klist X:ttiu:i Kml; Kfil Cluml. i!. I.. II. ItKCK, PHYH'MAX AMI SHUCK V i:K! ci.orn. - nkii:aska ((imi:-ihrf HiMjry CnkV lmn . I'rolVioniil ialU atUsuloil 1. ' ni;;ht. ( I-:. MrKKKS'.Y. M 1., PHYSICIAN .Ni -M7KCF.OX. j hi r. l'ir-1 tlmiHi't ot ...oV linic Mor "u Irfiurx lixitti "t t.'K.u.. : lot. ami ' Jo ! , ii . i.isi'.iitn'aM'.'Ks t: dI 'tt ium uiu'ioii. - - - m:;:aska. ! DAMKKKI.L. M l. i . PHYSICIAN ANP SUIJCKON. Kett Cloml. Nilntk:i. )irtc.i0cr tho n ftoiticc. f P. DiNNEY. 1'HYaieiAN a- SL'KIIKON. U-:i CLOUD. - N'KUUASKA OrncKUviT Cook- dru oro Ca,K pnmipth :it'oml,l t -y J" J-)K. 0. SiHlKXCK. rHVSCIAX AND SUUGEOX. Okkici:: At ri- .:' ' v . S-;: "IUhM .t lilCKAUDS. G ATTOKNKYS. UctI Cloml. N'lrsik:i. Okfick In Smith l?ro-. law ollico. 2 W. Kam:v. J. L. Kaley K-aley Bros. TTOUNEYS AT L.WV. A RED CLOl'I). NKR. Auents for the H. A: M. U. K. Lands pKAXK 1!. GUM I', ATl'ORXEY .IT LAW, LKDCI.0U1), - - - NEB OmcK Over the l't Cilice. Nebraska Lumber Co -DE ILEUS JX LlTMHEIt, LATH. SHINGLES SASH, DOORS. BLINDS C. RED CLOUD - RISBRASKA -()- DRY LL'mRER V srECIALTY. THE REST IN THE MARKET vl M84S ,tT T23K iiOWISMT ivKICI. a!t Motit, Frosh F;ah, Oysteis, Pork, Mutton, hickon3, fcc, fcb. OLD STAND, a . . UD, N33 lUUVb Tn Kiidles Variety at O1 .rrf o:a. xj iki ts aB iwJiiiCi IVWWI Ladies Dress Goods, of all varieties, Fall Drv Goods, in all varieties. F.lccra'U Line of White Goods, rimming?. Sc . tiij slaughter in all Summer goods. Now is the timetogst cheap lawns. -A ." - JOHN BOESCH, Agent, fcpe Pulverize; tlarrow. not rnjsticr ami Leu-Ivr. -ultjecN tli ?oi: til Ilu actl.ni of a u-rl f ru.!irr ani! I:- clfr. ami the citttnc. i:tnc. rurifu ,lrotft' of dou'uj.- c.imc o: tfl ul- iter. tlir jitx-uliar hajn' ami ar- nuifiue:ilof LchpItr t Immense Cutting Power ! '- Tls thrve oir.Uion t crulnnc lniJi?et!nj tiii ground, ami tnorouKhl piUvenunc tin- o air ir. iiinrm; ai iiu vrinif iim. nnMid,i eace ox piko ir ;riitc ttvth aTiiU j'uUIac u: rutibbu: it N )itvlally adapted to inrriol ! and lian! clay, whexv'otber harrou. uttrriv U'.I S.itbf oure!f gixinj; the ACME a tiiaL AM BOY. NEtt. Sola in Eea Cloud by A. "A POPE. T. J. "flOSER, Prop. Ml MEATS, JIL-W -w "jkiiHI KjflC5tTF s s zl B 2 O S TTIK LINCOLN MEDICAL TNBTITL'IK A5D WATER CURE U ownM controIlM.and raTW CM by acompniij-of ph)McimnJ uretoni whohre hji jcn cf cip.'rtrnce m r-rr nlt In their respective department. TUf bull.line U one block from th- Ca; Ito! nd on trc-i enr ilue. From iu toner cn bceen nil thciUte intitntlo' . tubllc grntm !. the vn'lrr citj of IJnrotn nnd urroundinscmntry. It is the Urxet. must tnorou(thlrju!piJ.n JconvenJent'r urmrcl bulldlnc In the West tor the tr tment of dtear. It costmint tiflj-nx room for th c oTirifKUt.on r r tlents. besides parlor, offlct. reading room, and laboratory. Kveryth ng to tnVc life pavtnt ad jnJojabled'iriiKt treatment ha been provided pleant rorapnr. m'iic. n-ndi'i? rrm iatic and btidnK. For the ranemcnt of chronic ones which hT Ior. rcl:il t.V ortitna-T cotir of treatment, new and improved metbo-'t hve been ad'Ie-1. There are thov.nltof Mrwtns whohv ten xallona of dnifs and ptent meiliclnn without tnef.t. and a time with tnlurv For ur h jrt the bejt reulU are obtained bv MASSAGE. ELECTKICITY. MIVKRAL ANf MEDICATED BATHS, and the SWEDISH MOVEMENT CURE, the lart of which U the wondr-wnrklnir curewhlch has btx-n ao Rratefullr received by naticr.U. both In Europe and America. In dlea.v of women a ajTClal derartment ha been provlIexl, and patients will find hrrc a ho ne where irratment it con ducted with t aae. both to phvslcians and patient. With large parlor and airy room a patient mat enjoy either Ksilmion or aociety. all under the npervision ot a ladv who know, how to entmaln at 7ii.lJiJiii.h?tl.,.!5r?n' n th treatment of SI'INAL rri'A'ATrKE AM) DEFORMITY Of THE FEET AND LIMB, our I rtttute offer special adrantagM. DLeaju- of tho FYK KAB. THROAT AND NASAL CAVITIES are under thecae ot a speeUIUt of year of exr-.ri"nce 'and CATARRH, that terrible disease. U treated and prmanentlv ci:rcl bv an en'Sr!r now p'ea HEKMA radically cnreii by a new operation, without pain or'danjer. i'lLES e3cctuaUr and iwr tnancntly cured, and Invite correspondence in thia particular. Lincoln Is noted for IU MINERAL WATERS and hrwpitable citlrer.a. it j, 0ay of arca f-om all poinU and will cost you nothing to visit our Intltute and leam it worklnr. Orcular and rd IBC matter on special diseae sent free on application. Medicine nt to all part of the country, after examination or otherwle by letter, wnen It can be dona natlifaciorilr MBbin oi th.. -- wilL la special cat, Tialt patieaU at their home, out of the city. "" l&EnDTGJTj ST-AJFTF1: CHAS. 8. HART, A.M., M.D. Surgery If. H. OAfiTEN, B.S., M.D. Disease of the Eye, Ear, Threat, and Nasal Cavities. i' PJJFJtSwJPiS? of Women and of the Nervous System. J. VANCE BEQHTOL, M.D.,-Diseaae8 of the Cheat, 8kfa. and Oenito-Urinary Organs, and Fhyai- cian in Charge. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO Lincoln Medical Institute and Water Cure, outhwaat Cor. 13th and K Sts.. Lincoln. Nob. M OJfSlT SATED ,4T FCPESTE S Furniture and Fancy Notion Bazar, Parties wishing Furniture "will eave ionoy by examining my gocda beforo purchasing elsewhere. NEW 4NB ITINS An Irin s everyday. In connection with my furniture I have a larjo supply cf all kinds of notions with Prices to suit the buyer. guoh aTinware,Soap3, Olasswaro, Towo!4?, Handkerchiefs d:c, ana will be aoldcneaper than at any ptce in RedClcud J-iIlTCOLIT Medical Institute and Water Cure. rr"C r. O tr m I n r. c r d O - T; - H- -. 2 n a; ri - 3 . o,:r Li X C 7T r .- r. - r. ij M O 7 tjr. O r. n, T C9 An ontorprtMlttu' rolinblo IIoumu, !! ur t'MK i ti mIw v tl i lir; r 1 1 tt! iikm) to mry ;ii lt k iim th lnrl of r thiriv liit l rur tirb nrti' tilt as hu' w.-ii k:i-v u mtil ti r M)Mtl;ir with ti jnpji thrtiy itxittii th" H'l.uUlion nttu ni ; wMjiH intTrtiti mi! m!tx ioJmUI i Hn itt urrl th tuctty ftr tk Cill J l.rittfd Pr rCmtfi NVv Iivi?rjr ' W fci!i it r a jH-itir u njiij It will) ( stiffly i nr nnv ani t'Vrrr tlVrUM) !' j th ttir'Mt niid lii(v 1 ti -Vm. Hr I rouli !im r tfJt; you t CIJ AMI 1 fcet Itta! lwttU fffM An Anuwor WantoiJ. Cm anv tm Irin;' tt ft nt ( cW tif j or hwr rnf,J nut tnai Klrtiiw ' Hiitr .ill .t Hi" W .iy thjr ' not ni thoiMitn l o( ii.i' rflfovl' mrtietit v iipm! im! tr lailv r" , roiiir-iijins K -.rj. rnttr wiU pr. i Hn,;lita ili-M ie. ttwuk , or t !i-. !... o ti urin ry irv . nirl j i'iMv Th"r urtfV t!oh rxtili th l..wt' mwI 't lr.rtir ttn U til-- mi (Mrt 1'or -il ty HfHtry Jam .' c it r x: I .... . 1 T ir 0 Viv.r f IfiorlMBti, f I .l - .y "K 4h mwlf .11 n(U ii'ir ! r t r"hi' tip on QlirA .-.!! liy IIcirr '' j Art yro n lo Hit..riWw y !a,c ' tion. rnt.Mti. tUi"w. It ( u-rn iut ctr. Kir lt ! ir- Otk Whr -a1I rw riitfS uhi .hWh' . - will si in r mHT. I'ri . I fc . & ml II. r4J by Hnr CU j siloh rr'.i Hh!j jr?iti i oiit:'r ttMiU. rj t ,. iU-K'i4'l;." a t-ttrts a4 lr eruil (Mrm. i'rij i ucm! 24? twalt. Sli br H5irT CV SHtk4i Cfir til trrtwoflU'ely f hfjr; rrtt HfiMiHj cosh, .mnI irvcuil 'M iy !-; I4ir. For it-viA nl tTr rf.ftMM f4i h- nolHl jjoa'-'W-' aeir lxrttl" of 5liU- Vita:ar It wtr fi! Uj cttf. .vt! r Ur7 i'fc. Real Estate 10CCO Acres B. & M. RlwavLni- Webate: Cou z'.j at frcm to clo per are. lk-L C- N. 4 iv-fr- w vvit- V v ?Wir3a?)9?3 I.Tjprovea and unimproved Fanm. on easy ternu- Several Well Watered Stock Ranches at bargains. C. W. EALEY. Agent tJe:-- j rK r-r . wx. - C t- 4 "t .. , J i if n n rjfi. Vnr !.! rrtSrr tr-r-t tw- -a vr zxarC t sitt ts.J srta4 rOf Byr ATHLOPH0I0I it r trrt U i aDovtaV mH a4 iic :! Uftrr LJ-. Atfoaftcro rsr If-i. - i--l rf :-"!- Ijk ITjI -aJ w rCTc3-vJ a. -:'.-ts fitorw Jk yfsr drtf r JtMosta". frJ exsatyrt act is t3&-m : juf o rtn ef rriw rrv-Sl9 r !. w trr Gas jva. & tt f rao ffinmt't-. !S IT lia&aKriada td rrrlef tT t.w Srrt e.Vf ; s tra rtala. t5w- i i rntr5w.tcan !. jr fer. t it - . xzL. jr 2S, j.?? -t; r ms vrts?5i