The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 02, 1885, Image 7

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IF --.
- " mim !! & . s
Tin- I'.illatl t.T il, Israeli.
Tnkf off thy stookiiiKs Pmuuull
Now lake Hi. -in oil, 1 iraiy!
Jtiiil iii thy lrn:oi. t-uimiul.
Ami conns w.ih uiu to pi.iy.
Thy clihini; t lc hn, k-tt tlic kiwi
Ail hunt :ili.i.slii.ioUi itii'l wlutu,
Ai.-I vm wilt Ih.uU u f-ooiily tort.
Ami iiuvu u troixily llfjlil."
Thi'ii hiiiniK-1 lie piillisl oT
li.h Im-f u !c.Ml't Inn-;
AnJ :-aiiiiii,-l hv rolu-il uj.
11..-. iucvcii;a biuu.
-Ami li:iiilin liuml siili MuginuM
lie li.iil lllltl lo tin; l.;at;.
1 a .i ii .si(;'l li.iJ,
Vnil !. u pull t;al cacti.
Tucn down upon tlit; MiliiSwr :.inl
U.vlit juyluny tht-y;
Ai.ii lir u, iii in- -.lulling Mintl
l-.toti li vl Ins tiioaltiriiinu(Ml ItaU
Tlnti valiantly t. viorl: tny but, -tuixij, lu'l- ami tnit;:
-.V". i limit: itn u Miti'siy fori,
'im- lii itial U.v niisjiit lu.
' iNn nit within ih? wU8,
v.liidi i.c our iiyul.
At.-: wi- Hiii ui.ii.i- ni auiioit-lxilts
Mi .-.lll'l, .1 IKlt'li IC.1'1."
lc. nth-. work!, t ? lit tic litrjff,
l ...; iriui lit ii-iii i aid in. nil,
1 in r. .u . li- Mitf tack again,
i'wy wt..ii ji count Iliiil.
'J .. -riphisr t Mo isuii" up t!io Mtnel,
1 ; what Jt ;i,lilt lo;
-"ii.'i ttj-ru n loiiii.l tv.nt.nmd-lirtinnsodliat.
V. .tn iiVIi'i- i s ami Ihuu.
Ami now!' Gll.ll tin- CTfi'ping tklo,
i ii'-s.- liiit ! ioiik. i trn.
1 i.i.-x.iiu.1 a nO .uiiii-::
I -.. Uiuin here lull ii'jw.
i '. wcwiw'.'' naUl I lie creeping ilc,
.uiitiiii'ti-rs uiu to limit
'i .. -t; iitti- out : tin liyn' nuinimii,
V. ilO f hMillilg '" n tioat."
'J in a up slt-i- -atin- luo liltlu Mmvse,
ii nppl nx Dot !;
'J . v Iniud up ttiM frat-lir.jnmed Itttta,
Vml inr- tiic-iil out to rll.
'J i c rlMwiiis nil ami r.litions IiIho
.-.1 Jllll.x: (lUlMlltl HUH).
'ii -tr.iM- Ii.i jfiiitr in tin; nun:
re :i vol ci all Mi j;ui I
iin niotlii-ro: tiicv l.Stlc Inrf.s
W hi T!uliiir on Die m-,;
Ami now M(n: i4ti;ftf t a;l now KlioSnu',
-Uii k.iio bo iiliiin- art t-im:
An I 'I.ok:" he hh1. "V.'hst ihlnjTs ho
'I lint c upon the Have,
A. '! HllUTniK ali! Kt'lti'lMI,
'ill J fpai .viiu no iiinvo
" !nv jow mi- ;ll. jou K-iHmitw K"3.
.itn iuh iiiiuitI'M'-im;
1 hi vi; Uill a-lm llli'o tut) iT.lft,
:.1 mm- uiuit tdoj may io "
'tin ,- iomih hi'i lait, limy itiViwl hor wi'll
linHi ii, Iiio.m- i.tlaml- I : in,
i .i vii.i-ii fcliu ii'.u'iml tin- hroart-tjaiinneil
lti-ri:t ui-li those liuts uiu kiiuw,
"' .h:" Him iTK'iJ, llll little Ull3
ii-lr; iii it in tin- M'li""
'1 la-n Ioh ii win; mimi. in iji-iully gwoon,
-. paii i Ji-- bin- iii.k'iI ''-
'IIhv iwwil liur well. thu-i'XnJkintSKliy,
iu-.' iouini ijir to i In- iamu
'i'i.-y iiiteii ii)i iii. ti ,ji'i jiiiti:,
.nm Imik-Iici o'er I in- fainl.
Itl.t M- tt't ImiIO Imt up tin- io3i,
!.' Oails l-'K'Ui to II.. ,
Ai i iut in -m; xaitaiito on tlio liuiu.
u I in; ttioiu in tin- toe.
', li- lMikl li ie, tla-. looUi- tkei'C.
'I,', -i-i- v In-ill!.-1 lii- itiitftit In-.
An t mioii 1 m-) 5-pn-tl h Mteij Ittrl,
l;t-Mi- ili-xull, ali hi-.i-
Aiil Mtratpl.t lioin out tlip ulatoly Tort,
lie hulls wii lliinjs liii:.
I uii Kuti.ail i iitilx : h Mii'tten n05u,
AimI eta; Ji.-i -.e luhneil ho.
'1 h -v l'k I within tin- stately iort,
l.i i- m Jio aiiiii-i wi vifl!.
n.; ti.i-ii- v.a.- iilliii I (,' Haiti,
,ih1 jinitlitul aiuui i:
. 'In y lila-.l up ilioii litth 1-oye,
l.u-hh lu iiiuioiy liHint:
. in! tin w ii i..--.hIi- that iuilv palu
llii- ilii-in.i'ii tin- ?n:m.
Ami llt-t tl'til knly whm-.I iiiou- jKtle,
A tut M lie flu- wii.i-it X nil nil.
(.t -.j ti! .. UiN-nt ii.-i- htileltoys.
Kilt IU.I a Ulllil 1-lH- Mllti.
- 'I ht-ii up aii'l ,!.. llio'i-r:ilhintsKiy:
i mi lliill-jlit little eiliip-f,
o. ii (mm. i iiiiiiiiiiih jiiuif tilgltU-ntxlsort',
A:iU niHile tu-r Hi, peiiuipt.
Anl it you ate not !it.en well,
iiul i: )im ate not -pMiikeit.
It uii! ik.i tie v our line. ;i laillt,
ii-V nceii noi no thauketl."
'i In-ii tip utiil ipoke tlmio 11:1k' luHs,
All Hiotli'llllll ll thi-i -.;t.
Ami er. "Ah: unolsmui
t i- hisi in v nue new hut. . "
TlaH up ami -poke ilutt liuH t'jtir:
.Mi. Hill', ill.. Iltt!.- lii-f.
i.n4iiiiiiiii-wiil.fl' -S fonto wiUt iim-.
A ml wipe:twn oar tear-'.
Tlieie 1 e ll"l-J ill ItiKtOll tOWtl
1 oi hlii- t-.. - to wiitt;
Aim! rt- lor tlio-e that toil llUVi! lost,
1 ihv tln-ir ojii.o le lair.
'"oi'Mtioe ! have tny lite litiN.
1 he lint.-, tuny ail aw a
rounii tiie w.ilii ami li.n-k a. villi!,
t ie er ami a 1. '
7.-OOI1 J.. l,Htl'illtl. IH lolltflV lMIIIHH.
Aunt Mtiijorie Piei-.-pt" IV1U What True
I'lilil.-in-.-. -pruii Irani ami llnw In
j:.-li!ie Well at lahie.
Th tv is tu pl.p-t; uluTi ";oml or b:nl
liiniui-r- an -i ijuicklv ob-i-rv oil -- :it
lite In Mi. '1 In w:i ju'ujilf brliino tltftv
ll.v. plainh ainl at uirv whothex or
not th' atv ttM'il to tJu- i-xunjiauy ot la-d.c-
:iij' p-titli'iui'it.
I.f.t u av livti- that ottr home innii-
rers arc bv tar the mo-l import.uit tori
. i i .,. i'.,. u'lm .. i-mli. '
us to cor spier, t et. soils who ate .iu tie. i
. , , ii .
Mli..h..o".tis.,g,eeal.le xl Lwueuil at
some tiwe hot ray thoo Uait, when
cl-i where Foiitettess spring- Irotn true
kun.'ne-ss of heart, ami mav almost be
letined as caftig a gixal diuil lor the
h ippiness of uthe.s. I uould give verv
litde Jur the iiol.teuess wwicn is -mm on
people wiio arc wen uroui
Jet tue what it mav. .-dtmild
.lack conic lodmucrin his -lnyi sleeves
A cm! of .s.uie kind evetv i-ULlelUHU i
must wear :U that meal. .lack, wiio is
. 1-ov irrowm-up t to a cnlK'niax
uf.t to be :i- particular about this a
.. .2 l... ..1 kl..l i .1 t. ...!. I 1...
' . . .
:ts circ'.ul as tticir UroIUeje
;ilvut the maivr of tuil-i .
lor tlnir meals. 1 re'.ty wlii:
4lrcsc-s. pn ribhous jnd a general
daintiness should like a j: rl ri- i
nible her favorite llo.wer. :uui del?'it
the eves of all vvh,, Jouk at her. An
;inti.iv iriri i" a false j:ote in n:usc.
.r a mistake in vntax siie iars upon '
illf lit?.. '
lo not lvin a hurry to Le helped,
Wait patiently until your tta'ti comes,
and then eat slowly. itayou rcin n-
lier in one of Dickens' i-torics he de-
"ll aaxa - m
lork is the proper Ui'ui"; to eat vvitij. j
Kat soup with the side of your spoon; j
it is not nice to thrust the. bowl of the!
.spoon into your mouth, a if you iuteud-j
e.l to swallow- ii whole.
Ihe stirlaec, and kept, use a arlv rmniinisl in In-; ilrc""ini:-:-asv lorn ir.elia have heen d.sejianresl from seiviee, :in. :i,,; tu j,,,,, tu. dc!.caev and
dress. Jurj:ic.'t oc-:t"ions. J lJinucl cap. vvhieh.-iie drew on h. " a precaution iv measure against the con- 0f ,1:lturc when firovvn iti dailv ont.ict
Vlctn i.ici&- aud hantls. i-U-xu linger- i ami ilowa to his ev..'rows; then he hud vevuttrof miiitary secrets t.i latkev. Tlie wUU mtM1 ,in.j ,j(,v an. a , ;o 1,..coin0
n:i is. v cJ. brushed ha.r and cloth njr. I or a ttcvv,paper sprcvtl on his knees sm - '!' - of the .Viim ,..,, uii-ier duty in.lM.uI,n,.. j (, not ,hink that
and a LLst,:i;,: appearance "fu.illy. i v N aud lumps of sn.r. after vs hid, ;; J'f J 1 attracted bv w.shv-vvashv vv-men :.i
s?,.,,.!.l . the tat.le dM.ivriZi wnn.' . ht icuiov ml li-iotw and liiv 1 his iaii n rm ,,,,., would p:....,b fra- - . .."
- . ... , ;. , . . , . i ... , .- . . .. leniire wan me uirKisij n..iei. I rince t . ..-.... .
erii-savery tlroll character, one Mr. . woot. A I'mmu t:-Au m '.re had i: tioti of the French war itMterial will ' , towa il ,va5 -ound by Hen
l'ancks. who always ate his diouer as ! charge a whinuinir lap-dour, which. ,.lvc Cot 2.170 O--' 'JJ fan . 1 Trink. in the roam of an old ho-p:t;iJ.
if he were ."hovel nu: in coals? jailer we started. hn took out of n ' , ' ,..', 7. n ' , ' f" " j hr. Thi" porlra:: iV men.ioned bv
ever eat with your kuile. A kaife's basket, into which it was stutVca again : ! , U'u , ' ,: to )re;id over tbe J Sohillor hhasclf in oce f his jt.:u.
proper use is to ct up focnl: it should ! as we drew near tc a halting-place. The i "udeLs o. l5i and lv. vidl be ns j printed by Kruckner. aa-J the pott dt
..... i i ;.. i .....1. ... tt i'i... i i. ...... e i t.t. t . t . i oliired toconmTeio :liere?...w--. jii. t -...i..i u -. n v.-.".-c.i..-j'..i ...: t...
mil n: I'ui in in.; jiiuiiiii .it. mi. ijiL- I'uui: vnii ul II.
JNiouiu you ue-sire 10 leave me taute .v n;cu ne can stir up inc tisn irom tho mouth older thnn the rei-n of Otk'ia aamong a in ;i.i. oi me iwrtralts
.-! 1 1 . " a- il . t 1
jf.'fore a meal is concluded, look at lowest depths of a pon '. When he ' v.. .;- ti.. t-. ... tv;..' ....i.t the poet; but there. " soiueiinavr vion
your mother or your hostess, ami liav- J gets tlwm moving he --quirts a srailon ! tu. throne dune "0 Ir at tlie a-e of ! denul'3 fcinatini;." -.av-? the under,
ing-ecured her attention, ny. pleas-; oftonie into the water. This liAnciu J cishu-un veurs. CWc-aco was charlered 'th ideal nd 'teich' expre-a on ,
antly: "hxcuse me, please, ami bar- their appetites aud makes Iheui. bita a-i c'tv "M-irch'n i5- I'hicaro h'cr t10 evei 3a d "' l&eayo 'lrib-.
iye; hvT permission, you may withdraw, j voraciously. X. 1', Suiu 'Ccz-ir.'.' ' " - jv IltA ur.c
When nske.l vli::t Fni-cial art of
nifat, li.-ih, or fowl you jitufcr, ri'in'in
lir that joIUeiie5 ic.uirf3 joti to
make a cho !- Rvcn if on lo not
can; very itntch ahottt it. it i better for
you Jo -ay whether you like your h:ef
.st:ik v.u 1 or tuii.Vr ilotie, atnl hclhT
the wing of t ! cltif ken or sotnu of I ho
wliite meal w.ll 1 c '.hi more :i";recaMe.
Takt jiart m whatever conversation
is oni on. moile-itlv, hetrau e ottng
..I.. ..1 1. . .. . ' I.
iteiiiiiu jjiouii iit put i .i-iii.ii-v;- mi- ;
wanl, hut not vi'h hlu-hes or eottfu- I
fion, a- though o;t were tongue-t eL
If you to he.tnl :tcry
ootl auecilote. or to kiiov.'of ionie fun-
II. ov-ni 1 tJII . IL 13 iirn l' -.1... m- -
,.- . ...........r. ;. ;. .....ii i.. i.... it.-, i
teiliti"; f it tintu you are at the la Jo, J
for a '"mi I laitn a":sl a hatitiv heart are i
, t, . , . j i i- ...
real aids to ilii-etion. Jlurpcr .1 Yvutuj
Mow Ant ":ir for "l'li-ir l:iili- anil IV r
lorui Tln-Ir A lilutloi-. A runny hliit.
"1 'lea-e don't .'top h'-re, tin Ie. I
can't bear anti, tliey are jo ugly sml
"Little girlt should be '.cry careful
how I hy i-xpoe th ir if:oranc" Ma
bel h ronip.t:iioii ntmarke 1. "Ants, tny
dear, are not on! . the tnoit iiiott-'riotia
iiiM-cli we have, but they are the clesu
et and tJtf tidie-'. '1 h v always thor-
ougldy clean ic llicir bxles aller eat
ing, sleeping, and when taeir uorl: is
.1. ....
"l' how do vou know thee
!.; .r '' '.,;.i ., i-..l
tiling-.. Ai.itiel .t-.Mil.
"lii-eau.s.s 1 h;te nnjin-ouel Uietn lor
iilis.-fv-.. .i-i in irri.-it. iili:niii-f-. and voi
., .-...:. ". t
V.OIIIO r lailjie Villi OjliJJ.OII ii ..on nt t
wilne-sed Hie hights 1 have Votir
mother has b'--n no more careful about
oiir balii.n than the-e aut are u .th
Uieut-eivi-, and each oilier. Thu-c tiny
creatt.res invar tttih clean-e t..eni-.e!ve-
ift-r nn-als and aller work. Util ihc
"rami Jauitlv -.erub nnri in which one
ant wa-lifi another do not ae.-m to oc-
rut- at iVL'tihii- intervals. I'.ut vou may
depend that the oper.itio.i ! nee.iil
whenever it is iierloiined. for anU
hae no time to waste in unnece.'-sary
labor ot jilea.sui'e."
"Vou don't mean lea'Iv. uncle, that
ants each o her?".M:tLeI impured.
.. ,:.i .. . i i
wiiu w mi jjn u -e-.
'J"iiat i-. evacliy what I m -an. There
.vein to entile limes when they can not
tiioro.ighJv elean-o lliem-elve-., and
then thi- work i- "ixeti to otheia. It i
aver. iti'eiesUtig and :m-rv ituuiy
' , no- I ...
Mgal. I i-.tu te.ll oil. linr- 'Miodout.t
llial the ant tiios the. perforinaiiee,
,or her are not tmhke llte kitty
wi.en ne.iig u n- nioLuei-
" Hut how ean one .s e hiu-Ii things?"
Mabel iinpnreiJ. " only e iii:.e ni.ick
Inks of I ohbitrr thitiir-' that, are alwavs
rutin tig up ami down and in and out.
I'.ut I .shou'du 1 know when an an! w.t
wa-hin her lace, ime'e, and luuii'tsee
how an; bod'. el-c tan."
r n
' We" haCe
:i .-U-ottg d::ss which
make-. litem appear iniuh larger Itiau
.. ... . .' ' ...
thin r.-ally are. and we e.i.i eam tie
them a-; much ease a- we can ex
amine ;t bird with the naked c e.'1"
" And oti have seen tliem wa.-h each
other, uncle.'"
.Many tunes, Mabel. I have seen
Ihe-e bttie creatures ktteel down belui'u
ihe.r coturadei antia-k. : plaittlv ..s
we eoit'd a-k ill vmii'.N. to be at!nd d
to. omeliiu tlie ant th.i- :rpe.ed
to will be too bu. or doe not l-ei :li-
ciiiietl: generally, thou rJi. ti.e ;. e ery :
obliging, and once m :.wli.. ad
..III.! t klktllll kltlf 41. 1 1 ll.t' 4 111
.n-rubb.r always lakes the ' ie 1 "S
l.r-t, then the head and tn-'-.. te ..
ide o! Hie hod. and the tel of the leg-..
'1 hi- sal'sfactorily accompl.ihed. the
other ide i-. washed in exactly the same
When ants perform IheSr own ab'u-tion-,
the.r iiioeinenl- are groJestjue in
the extreme. '1 hey take their fore le
in llieir jaws t:e.e jaws are ctlb-d
maudiiile-. - moi.sien them, and the:i
with their backs erect. I heir nccis
craned, so that lhe exacti res.enb'e
the letter t. I hey i a-s hrJ one leg aud
then t.':e other liom'lle head l.aekward.
exactlv pirlnriu- Iter to. let. on
ly the nimenieiits of tin- ant are mstcli
more wift t tan those of the a:."
"fan I look throu-h t!ii- glass soine
lime, titicle." MaS-l u-i.f J. appearing
er; much interested.
Certainly you can. .and you will
soon m that th-se tny hill creatures
ate not only not dirty, but arc et.tttled
to a ";reat deal of re-nect." lll&itivr
Kiru, in ( viiyrrjiiiiuiuiuZi.
An laiti-rtniiiiii? ti-.i-rip'lnn ufzi Ilhic in :i
fri'iiili i: itti v irrlitre.
In my run to Trow He Uiov so ir
dered thii'gs ti;at 1 lumbicd into a com-
partnictit in which there were a Jot ot
ailing pe ple. who hail the coiners at
the windows, and were mi ilile to keep
them open or .shut, as they jdeaseiL
They did the hitler, ami th- heat -v.-n-stuling.
Mv olfat t rv nerio-s wreas
uiuch tortured as if 1 were a prisoner in
a chemists shop. A bourgeois next mc
' w.ts iiouii:i ciiiet to nis luisciiuu iiasu-
. . h (jj) u orH H. Jht,
j aotu-corner of ny right, witij h.s inek
: 0 the engine. 'Lite muiute evre winch
j he took about h!- small c.imtor; made
' me long to bo ami g the Kalmuck or
J Fed Imiians. IK iirst. niter ne had
sntueu ins eiuer nr at o-u n u wi nuns-;
vvcr to be-iaturaled vjll) 'dia.niai-.! .
. . . - , ,
cal drops iroin swai.owtsu
A ladv on mv othtr Mtlc. who W2
; neittter voting nor olL had :i niraae t
liu-nervou headache. Si.c dotb-d lor,
iKUinci. ami. tohl njr a hatidkerch ot, ;
L. xt. ...I . t .Iitt .ir.iti'.fl .i..- t'.tri.! .i..i I
.-. -.. . .... . ? I
l lien, vtiiii a spi-..v-piotac:u np:-.r:.-f
tu. if clnmiuni her lieaJ ire pientiy J
with catsphorau! uud alit.liol.e i vv- ,
icr. A sr.-.tni ir dy. who v .i elderly ,
ami the awthcr o the one beside me. j a sv.oH.Mi check, to wiiy.h he ::p- ,
plied wad-Jiu- salm-atcd w -.', a iinuid i
i-ui'.a:uin' ch.!orofir:n. Her Ji.isband
- .. . . a
.-ucked pepiierm.nt h ctiir. t comr'or:
(lie cf.ifitM. ?i Mn. v ., M riV't-r Mfil ill O.T
- I
aa a -araaaaax IU aa a lit ' ' a " -- - -
apim whetlier Trou-sau's ilu icrii j
drops were not forirotten. l!er.".2iihi '
rcl:iliuu. to defend tluirear? r..tis '
co:raiite tfti'r, pltmed them with o"i I
.its. 4. ;Ull IIUI .
to describe in '
Zola. I shall not attempt
symptoms. Lomio'i In
A New Jersey fisherman carries
with him
::u electric machine with
nil ii:. evcr. ictv iiuoi.suiics. .,..,, .,. .-. lu.,, ,!-, .u,,,.., ,,,.., In- woiuanlv it .s ur vs.irv ;o b-t .m-
The I'lrltB In Uhirh tlir DiJT-rriit .Mlnl
frr Will I.ntior trie C'liumi; V-ar.
TJit- Ni-hra-kn Coiifcrrnrc ot the ilotho- j
dit Kp.v-opai ''litircli, rently In s:s5loti
at Fe-.v.tnl, was attoml'il by Vxo '
httmlntl c-rsymen. Follow ins wiil lc
fouii'l the a. t irmiient of tutn.-ter- for the
eiiMiiiu year:
I ?. I). !Col.ert-. I'. i: 1'o-t-otHce. Uwttrfrc
r..i .- !.
- "
i: uuipnMs-.
.. J.
... .1. r urr
( ourtltoM EHi AJaWM.
I lliw-n... .
-T '-'lUfjpi-wl
,ti. W M Jthwi-Il
-'- .....
i.,,,..!.. ,
T. il worii-r
i . .-. V... M .
Fairmont 1. K Maxwell
"!'Jrt i'"! J.:"J i4"
J r owl j. .. i hapin
i i. ml toil
i,iti-f y . . . . .............
! t Wi'll
.i: J. itnwiiill
,. j. i:r.-?H
......J. I UlCetl.
' ttu ..tu II I m th
MPoH'Jty JMwMnl Wt.. ti'm
I Tot.f. Z J. t;-re w.ker
I W lTi.t mI T loiHft T.
r ......... M. .. .... ... .-. .
' ' .:." :i."..ViMv; "
.Ifiliti (imWsKtwr. I. K..l'o-.t oiae. lla.tiris-
A UTru!r.a
' 15. Lenfff
t r. ..I.
! I'.Miy Hill
t arii-tori
' lietr
; ( lav Ontr-r
t otvk4 a4 In&vTtld....
K-n ohtui
i (in le 'Cock
... It. M. Mur'.imtii
...John. Wh'W'T
.... . Dm :i! Ft7.
. . .l'o 1 1' -i.ppl'iil
' he uppl iil
... To he upp''l
.AiMlrew Ki-r-haw
..TIiouih .- i.r.t-.
.. J. II. Wi odefK-k
C A. I.ewl-
I N Zook
!.. Morr wm
J. K l: pm-tiiij
W. It .Mine
, V.'. It. J i ne
Ht. nB.
J II 11 nut...
V.. .1 lioric-r
I,'.,.!....? Pa1ui .....hiIImI iTdttii.. X.iai
.s-lri "' be iupj;.-l A. l:
IIiil t ioi:J i.i-ntsi'S l)ii
!tno:nl'l Uvun:' W liui.mi-il
;:eytmM awl lluhbell y. 1). Asi.u uit
M Jo t. M. .Ione-
"MitnT'or rrmifii lel
hultoii r..A. MriIui
V.'. n. Miller. !'.!: I'ost-olV.c.'. I'trra
A-hian.l T A Hal!
I'.onnctl K Mollanil
t ! ir Illuifs A. .1 a terl
C.iiiaimhI Mmli'iu
llutet-akl I V.' Miller
( I reeiiwood 1! l'rt" on
!tn t-a unl Ucthel to bosapplied !. .! ; Intv
-y,l, fouih".'.'.""."" .".' . .'. .V Mi'iAl!
To buauppl.eil liv.I M W i: -
M: rii-as-sint
I'liltmni ...
i:av-ir.iiii!. ..
I moil
J. A Mcl'ii i
..... i. .1 ! t'l
V. U A'i-an!'r
To ho snppliei! liy I). V. iSmek
I. A. (Htiipiell
C le rte-in
C. M Miulitawnv
J.T l.'ot erii
To hi.' Sllliplleil 1 " S I i::hiiu
Vnlp-irx 3d..
Waiuu. .
WiopliiK Water W. H. Vuiu-e
.7 V Sti'wari. '. !:.. I'o-t olhei',
Auhuru I".
M !:ter!roolc
lhrain iaiiiii
..I V Swim
'.l"-iianl WHTM.Itis
i I l'if 1 Mil. til
-.,1b, -.u !:. C.
iluiuhnhlt I. S lln"!
, .' to ii,-I.iiV:-:" !V.. V? UKe
I'ltwiiee I'ttv ft.
ii: .i n-.i
l'.iii-.veo I'.ty
1'erii '..
!.f. H. llot.lw
... ii. T. lt ihil.auifh
li.C l-li !l:p-i
. .1. M Il'i-htaotul
.W. K l.ontlmuriow
S to lie &up;il!el .. ((I S An-Mtinli-r
TaTte iiik-k i'eti-r n 1 l -t
'lainiiut?!' I. W !!o''
Teeiine-i h A-aSleeth
i j.. ;,.p.. p. n ... I'ost-ollie... Vvk
i Annua.. :. II
iirnrn (lienit To I e Mipplieil
:.-1I'.mio1 1. 1. M. r.itekner
llrmNlittw .'. Mnrli
Jatri-'n .. To he upplie! hv I. M. i;tieki:-r
i iii-riitti!tow:i, to ue Stippl.iHl liv.I. !.. Iiteliell
To lie .-upjilleil hy P. S. Ia
Mnr ,uette .
M Until ...
I I(M.,'J . . .
Ifisiu: t'lty.
!llHlv . ..
I'ly-M's ....
Ft en
:. I.. Welti
F Howe
I'- S Mi'i-r
To iii'MippMl-il
15 M. Mori-)
5. S. M-ner
I. ' I.-tii:i
. M. oyliorn
.To !) supplied l. .1. AHteil-v
l. Miellev
(5. A. Hnl
!I.T li.m-s
-ro '.".'."'.".'"
AV-r !:iw
' '
Yol'K I'.re'llt I. il. ( artii ellitel
Kdwurd Thoiiipeon, Prevalent: William
Fee!;, i "lotemnr: !'. W. Ware, i'.naucta!
A sent: AI e-i Hartley. Assistant Financial
yeiit, Ne!itaska (Jonfeteinv FoUeye, ineia-
hetsof York ill.Uletlv cuttfeteiiee.
.1. II. Wot ley. niivdunarv iu Fliina; "W.
W. Van OiMlale ami F. (". ISoyhiti, utisstoa
aries in .Montana Mn-ion.
IL !'. Matcelltti ami IC. F. FuI!;er-o!: left
without api-iiiiitiient iu otder to attend one
of oar schools.
'I'ltey Alal.ea Dent. mil That AH fhintiiuen
! I iKiliurfil I'riiiii liii' Si-rviri' ot tin
I'ulnii t'.ie-tie.
(mi.iia. Ni:i:., PepSemlter "I. t'eneral
M.'iuiiscr Fallav.ay, of the Fn on F.ieilie,
has riveiv.-d a loruial demand in vviitin
lroiu the Kniizhls of I.n!or, that tlieCItmese
he at oiuv disi-hami'd from the cinplov of i
tlieeoiuj'anv : the cotitru-l Feek
vvitn. i,iiinii iV Co., contiactiiig aireitts, he
eatieellcil. and that (ieuetal SuperinSeu- '
dent Fhuk, it the coal department, lie dts
uiis.Md iiom theeoiupanv's service. CliiitS"
are niaile asauist Clttk that he eoti
sptied With the iit-ne hoss, to -ell the best
rooms to the ('hiu.uiieii, and to commit
other itrcsiilarttics. all bcinc a-anist she ,
white miners. 'I lies- cluue1-. Manage!
Fallawav si-i. wti. t-e investtiiatcd. ami
pi oof ilc mam'cil. hut so far r.sauy tlemamis
made hv the Knights ate coucerned, tin1
Futon Facitie will not i erode from its pu-s-
cut tKisition. This brunrs niii:t"ts sijua.-clv
toan issue, and it rcniitiiis to be seen what
thu knulit.s will do when they irt the
"forntiil answer. Il ik believed
by ta'lway otlicials that they will
not the dctiintiiK and tfiat
the council of the cooler headed
leaders will aveit a uenenil '.rike. These
demands aie simply considered a a feeler,
and when it is found that the I'nion Pacii'u-p-cjMise,
tu stand linn for the present the '
Kv hts will, tti al! piohidiiiity. let liuittets
take their course. i
'Uiis.iiiiintiis nt vv':oit..(l.
V'iu.1 iiMfou-j. September J4. AM the
M....i ,. ... .1 !i:.:.. i.
.'ihiiuii.ui.w mi in i. it- iiiiiih. i ut itiiu-
, , ..,,.... .f ...,.,... .......
a. a. a. ..-,. t m fltllf l - . X4 HU" U,U"
the Su!taa -an ml y to the MijyHVt uf his
cJujiis in i,..iiinii.:ia.
Hie true lan.Ltt ari.stcrty of tha '
tatcs : t u'npo-eil of the
Ult'IL I hen; ; re :t:Mi::t ''il, -.. Ituli .ii
-- '
:iJ iJi"J rtx-ervjt:o:is anuuiut :o
::io.u l7.'.o,' s juarv .uiiles. 1-lich I:-'
d ;m hs-. thcn'.ore. a little mo:u thun '
u.,. j.jrtj Qf a na mi.c of .;l,H,
. ,, .....:" . ".. . . m ".
lic . v V4.': ' I- '-' '
-!. I i laaa .. ... la
..i... . ij.w .-Hi v-iiiiy.i niiiitiiiM i..o.- .
; v vy U-l.- n::lc -. o
U:ied bv aijixi !
1 ' . IKi a I T. " II.: i l.l .a.aa -.!
------ - - --. - tv.v .aii u;it
' Jr-
I IwJ.l .
li li-.tau: u Ine ji-.r Xiii?c. L'rvo-lii.
liv th-. end of l.-sfl :!,p rei-.-a;.-,.
r l ...---....
co;; wn:c" W'M therefore be
-" -- j
(XAMKU fniucs.
"" '
It is an interesting fact that tho i
city of Chicago is only a couple of
I.ily Clrrkt In th llrujrtm'nt at
Ingtun. "Flic t n n'c-ookmi: irJ. r. very
nire-looViii; trsrl." and the j oaker
threw hii head on one siIf ami -.!
the "nt-ejr reilective a r of r. coi.noi--
jerx)n tbu.5 eriticiHi
f trippel along through th i-orrHlor of
, one ot meuexr:m-ni a-iauiajs. apjMtr
..iiflf nef t 1- iMitl'ifim! Tit.
-"."" -' ...... , .
i ble cr.tte!nt. but tincon?ciotis th; she
MV tli.hl.
W1LS being looked at. Fhe wore a dainty
; summer tir-. and looked ai feminine
XD'i sweet. a- n ujiii., nn:in i;.i imji
f j. ftI
. .."
. r.iHlconqteiitiy t ie tar repre-
e could uol forbtr rcuarktat:
to t'" watchman, a-; niorercd tienrtue
uoor for a moment. h-t -ne wa a
..r.iMe rr Tn: fi!liei?ll Hfieit! f! tJ4
Jl ' "-"' - - "-: r,
. . - , ....... .
ui.r a on. r.i. mi o per.uut-.o. swi
of wav. and thfn. rj the intlucai'f of
. . .
th i nm- m-ati:v lKneirs'e! h:t$
oul. h- rela ed from hh o;l'c:al inl.f
fer -n.'-e and t:t:erHl tin aliove i hj
Hiem:i d not ent.!U:aViie eonvicLon
Tlie AO'ing lady. houc. er. whs not
uv.are" that .-lie hail icn oflieial.y
stxmped. a- it were, as far as t!:'. in-llucl-H
and of the wateh fore"
went, but eou'-mied on her way to the
de-k where the Government laim-.I
her -ervico.
"'lltere are a gool many pretty girl
emphned in tin-, dep-trtnteiii. ' '
.erved the .str man a.-, tlie watchman:!
ee, returned from fo'lowin fie re
trealinz form, and a- hi eountenanee
e-itmed the grnv tv of oilteial posiiiou.
"Ye-, there are." was th.- rather
bri-f answi.-r. :ts if the matter wi hard
ly wor.hy ol further
1 s ipj oie that they all marry and
have joii?" said the tar man, in a
iliatter-o!" tone of vole.
"Itt'le.-d they don't." replied the
watchman, with reMirn'mr animation.
"Il i very seldom any of ihem gel mar-
"Why. how h that:'" a-keil the Star
man. wit,!" i:rea. m er-:.
"I Ion"l know that 1 can epla;n it."'
was the re-pon-e, "lint at an rat- tttal
is th- fact, a- far as my information
goes. I have b. en in the ("ovetnnietit
eiiiploymetr for thirteen or
yearj. and I don t ie-ode-t in ail that
tune ot more titan four or live of the
Iadie emplovel in thi department pet
ting married. You evidently think that
because that young lady is ptetty that
-he wilt b- married, but in a('orn
nienl department tie lair ;:?id plain
seem to have about tlie same t..te."
"WIiv aren't I key tn.irricd?'' per.s.steil
the listener, as he thoeght tit the ab
surdity ol such lair .-.ers b.-iug al
lowed to waste their irairratiic iu v" i
tu le. "'1 hey ha.e o;.po!tnnitic.s. They
arc thrown conlir.uaily in contact With
m?:i. and vou know that dep irimenl
clerks g, t marred, and they cidom
many rich"
"..s 1 told vou." answered th- wa'eh
man.wtih -ome trritat on at the attempt
to draw him into an argument. "1 don't
know the reason why, but I know the
fact, becau.-e it is tin- icsu't of mv own
personal observat on. U hen the clerks
marr.v they hooe a wife outside of tae
dejiattm- ut. an I they may no: be t-h
or half as pr tty and smart as the la
dies he up ets in the department, but
verlhe!e-s that is what She depart
ment dork docs, and has alwavsdoue
.since J have b en hoie-'"
As he concluded with the above, the
watchman took up a nuw-papcr. and t
wis evident that the d's'it-don was at
an end as tar as he was concerned.
The '!. man. howevr. wa not ;t'
Ig'ied wish his conclti-iot), and the more
he tliouht about it the more he was
convinced that tlie watchman v.a
wrong. The matter began to grow m
intere.-t. and the lar man. as lie met
with pi ople who would be likely to
throw light on ihe subject, consulted
)ne of these per-oits said: "I t'dnk
that, il is true but fi-w ladies in the de
partments marry, and the ica-on for is,
in my opinion, is thai they have ac
quired an independence and they don't
e.'.re about re. n.jui-h tiir it. H course.
t! an opportunity sluudd be picpenled
of mak tig a Im'lianl m.irri.iue and a1
ouiiing po-itiott and wealth. I
think that in a n.a orily of cims the
ladies av uld a jit it. Fut when a
woman is earning iier own living ar.d
has an income wnich she can u-e : sj.,.
jde iscs :tn average marriage thus not
present She ind. 'cements thu .t does to
ti woman who is d ileretitly .s.tualcd
lU'sidcs. such a woman's ideas are more
practical attd her appreciation of the
size of a dollar in every-Uay life does
not need the experience of mariiage on
a .-mall income. "'
Another person, in discussing thu
.same matter, said -' I think that wliile
a great many ladles m the depart
ments do r.ol desire to marry utiles
thev can better the.r condition. till :S
uiny he l.-.iii down a-ii p-ucrnl
plc thnt thev are apt to .o-o tneir at
tractiveness in the eyes of men Their
constant as-nc-ation with men evcrv
duv. the r occtijution. which i- not.
."tnctlv speaking, leniuiin -. anses :he:n
.o lose 'hat t-tmnitic i;r:ice :i".il charm
which is s :ntn:i;ihlc that it is leit
lit her than epr-s;cd. .Men arc at
tracted to women because they nrc sri
ditlcrent. It is we meat: when we
s mak ot a vvonrtnlv wouiaii, and it i
i ;Jpso ipialit cs of mind and heart that
rnI their bt tievolopn)-nt in the du-
. -... .- . i . .-
, lUUsl.CiiV Ol a IlltlipV lllillie. VV OtlV tl
nrictieal .tntl sillv. Hut s'JH I iu,. .,,.,
J" '" " ' . ' ' " 'i.
tji-xt ino-t men. aud the In.,; n,en.
lit:., fetti nine wonicti: v I whii.. !? i.
not alwa-.s the case. ;i. J thmR the
nia orily of women in the departments
.Taiii:aIly lo?e this quality of their nat
The Stur man did not pursue his :n
(i r.os aur lurther. ftir. while not ex
actlv S'lti-iie I. -fstii! it "as rethxnl that
the oid ndac. " Many men. ninnv
muds," was slill true, ..'aikutjton
ScnilJar's Likeness.
A lon-lost p-irtrwt of Schiller V-satd
. "" . . . . . -
to I; Lit'n utsuovcre.l bv Adtn.iii" Trink-. of Me.uinsron. in the old
Iilrima?e report of Urimmenthal. ceat
own opinion. It is a chsJk draw.nsr.
and was by the w. II known ...ei'n-
inpin paintvr. uctnhard. in 17-SI. when
Schiller w a .t.-xinc with L-s;;tcra:
Meiningcn. 3?u f.tce is aot o meaner
r -
Tin- w tjle irim.liT.of Mrrhattlrl I'rr-
lrl. ll.
Two sia in- the bow window of a
Harciar street denier iu Mirgicnl appli
ances reads n follows: "Old lyle" ami "New i-ttle Ig." Tbor
show that thre i n fashion m artuVial j
leg-. The oId-llt leg coa- sUh! of a j
short wooden -ittinp and socket, i
wn.-to be fastened to the renwuoingi
wirt. on of U iis.;ug tninb.'r by n j
iiiMir broad trap. It wr- ol to same
,-tvle u-uallv exhibit in picture books j
and on the" comic opera stare The j
ihw Mrle leg was n tich-colorel coy
of a human leg awl ivoi, hghL rsl
apparently a comfortable a r cripple
ncud its pure. ,
"The old -tvie leg." -aid the the pro-
jrietr. "i- a clumsy arTaT, is rhedy :
worn by those who are nut proiwl of!
their p'r-otial apj .trance and b pH
in who are unable to par tiW pnew j
deutandel for liner work. We still have
large order- for them anil always ex- j
pect to have. They c-t from live dol- '
lars to twenty-live dollar?, accord- .
iug to the workmanship Tin new .
st vie of leg co-ts from sevent-!
live dollars to two hundred dol-f
lars. The former price is for a leg ;
from the knee downward, while the '
latter take- in the whole leg. from the
hip joint to the big toe. The leg
are verv light. They are hollow nut!
are made of a if real tuaitr later? '
of wood, as thin Xs wail paper. '
cemente I ttigether. They are !niot
a tu.igh as .roii. Thy are coniform- '
bie to the stump, ami the springs in j
thetn give their owner tin almost '
natural ga t. There i- a spring joint ,
at the toe-, one at the ankle,,
enables the foot to bend up and down,
and also a lateral joint at the same
place, that allow? the foot to turn from
side to sjtle. i
"It i.s iu arm-, however, that this
business has made the mo-l rapid ad
vancement." continued the the dealer. ,
"The min who invented the art licial
arm and hand was a practical phdan- ,
thropi-t. When I was :t boy a man
who lo-t hi- arm was obliged to wear a
wooden stump with a -crew -ocket at
the end. lu'o tins he could screw a
knife, spoon or fork to help him while
eating, and a hook for use at other
tunes. Now we can give him a wr -t.
hand and lingers which work Willi
spring", and almost completely take
tlie place of the missing members. He
can put a knife, spoon ami fork between
his lingers, vvh'ch w.ll hold them with
a grip of stapl. ni.d thus p may cat
w.thout di-eomfort. He can also put
a pen between his lingers and write al
most as well as he could with lu-
natural hand. Ten years ago this
would ha.e been regarded as u m. ru
de. This stvle of arm s -lis for one
hundred dollars. They make nrsilicial
portions of a man's bodv now almo-i
n- .serviceable as the real ones." A.
. Sun.
Foreign Colonies in Gr.-at Cities.
In ovorv large eitv of the world are
found foreigners who occupv neighbor- i
hoods where their language and nn-
plovments remind thetn of home, i
Thus there is an American colonv in '
London and Pari-, a French colony in
New York and Chinese ipiartets in :-;u
Franc'seo. One of the sights of the
latter city which travelers vt-it is the
location where these pagans 1 ve. In i
London ecrtiin can'tiilijt jjti- u-ed
this foreign colony business In orau-'.
iing a .lapatiese and an In-,
tliau village, both of which are'
accurate reproductions of what '
is actually to be seen in Japan
and Hindustan. The Indian v-Mage in
London cost Iift thousand dollars of
our money to br ng into existence. It
occupie- some twenty thousand sijunre
feet, and within the undo -tire are found
a roal'stic reproduction of the house-,
occupations, attire and amusements of
the H.udoos. Artincers of all kinds
are found at v ork. and the wares are
sold to visitors; in -hor!, persons who
can not a fiord or do not care to go to
India can sec a Hindoo village in full
operation iu Loudon The educa
tional val'-e of llie-e exhibitions is wry '
gteaS. as it limki the v s.tor- ac- ,
ijuninti-il with the occupnt oils, hab.ts, i
amusements, customs and appearance '
ot people who live in distant climes.
iJnuurrts Non'hl'i.
Kcv. Samuel I.owry. a colored
clerirvuiati at Huntsville. Ahi.. 1m
tw'een twelve and liftecn hundred inul
berrv trees planted, and i plnntiti"; a
coi-fionery itiat will protect it luillion
worms, and to teach voimr colored
people how to rn'v the cocoon-, and
weave the He received a j;o!d
medal a: the New Orleans ipos.tio
for the best, display of cocoons, raw
silk, sdk worms and mulberry leave 3.
(.Jticajo V ii lit..
- a.
in Koine. (Ja.. there i- not a man
on the pojicc force who u-s intoxicat
ing liipiors. and all eccp: one are
church member.". -M. 'y.
?rrr,p.l.ATiVK j.oin''s mtis. li rj-7
hard on the linn, f r, you knew, thi ojJ
K-ntrallv die y.iua. -l,ut.'ve.
CATTI.K ?h t;ti Ui':
N: vt OK
liiiti hers' .ii-i-r. ..
Hf)fl ilnoi! to cli.itcu li.'it i
, WHIiAT-Ni. 2 r.-l
Nn 3 i-mI
N. i:."OU
(ri:NNo r
Ai"-:..i. it.
kyi:-.o i
Ylw-H K-Ymaer, ii.jr "ck ...
HAV-lAnri-twIfn! .. .
IM"rrKli- Mv ctr rrtmtmwr..
niKVKaU mnmm
vvtml-vf -.our. un-AMshtsti
..rr. CT- t-OU.$.
CATTLE nhlppliKr sti'ri ...
Ittltchfj-s' -taspr- .
, i-HKKI' Kart etooac.'....
: yui k (.iiihcc
! MlHAT-.So.rnsj. .. '.
HN-Nu. -. ..
OATS No r. "
ItYK-No. 2
CJ1'4:. M i ntr ."..'.
r. LtlUWCii,.
CATTT.r. ?hifip;r ii4r-
Hi."" l'acVtnnirt sh.jjpin-.
SHKi:i'-rs.r to ckoacss . .
lI)fK-VVmter wheat .
WHEAT-NO. red .
No. 3
No. Z
aP.N-No.r . ..
88?-8i" ::-:""
m(nr.ii-. -:::::;::
.fw NEW YoltS.
CATTLC Httort-
' ,1--ex0 to
MiKKi- Common :o iroi
KtVlL'ft ; to cbo,c
VI1 BAT-.No. r red . ".
aKN Nar....
OATSWesicrn sUxoti
io!:k... j
pCTit0Laeii-L-o',Vtd:' ::;.::
SilitetntKr 2
H ,u ,: j M
z -Si .-. :i i
3 ot -.; . 1 ,
.1 '. . i
3 Ol 3 31
Tvi if. il
70 TI
x mi z.:
i h :&
4 lit iv :, v.
iu $ u
- w
- n :
r. u v.
ej ft. :
n fc .-. :i
:a t
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r Ti t 3 21
5 0 d'l
et k
si wt :-,
4ai il-.
h r:
J-" 4l fSw
3 ST. t ft.
3. tg. 2J
:iu v. n to
4 a-l (W
.-t v. .y
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Ci ,
2 p 42.,
i- fei .4-,
13 e a
5 Si to s TU
4 fO ft (O
4 73 it 5r,
3 O) ft 4 SI
I () j to
9 75 10 5
e i to
"XVhnt Citiv H- S.wn l-'or niw Al
mWn:i tf l'Sv C-ntc.
Pm 5:1 ;" -t. IyH Kt'f. rir fvto
!r VJ 4I roaso4-. 't 4 f" '" '
!srl 'M a-h pm:a t. V- ' 1H- ?!
mn-.x fr -thJ.:4s- f ji.t. rt .
-h-p -.: .! l-'tt'trr Vil-'rr Mr
hak-i hj'I ImlwtfJ d T't. VV.-V f
A-t. Tettllr lr. r-:or. lrK. 'l
x fsfftuhW. UQloil lJ rb l "psl-
Hujctt. entire-n-1 mr
Th clr on of W i.d Wt-. T.irt- al
Tr t !- o th l.rnKh! J tij "t.B
sttifir- UttH-nHit w'th JT rti.'nt' tl
suit tr. hmy t-!! 4.UH t- r-.nnr 'n ! m fw'l m -r s
(-rir-. y n"i Ilor'- ""! v o
.all- hMi f-I !. '
w.&.... nH K.4 .mLi... 4hn f t s
lor suttis or !V- i -atsl b m v n !."
Trxiimc ! '""": ,l"" ,i,,n
Tlv bsr- riMitrm It a tela "' rci i
litiMom ytNvrwv.
.. .11 h 1II..M..M .11 h 14. 141 r4 .h
trainirlr4 Hh hn- .i-"4 t cuirtam. lm afc
jV eat tut ! -tn.- Iirto:.
rstuit -iMriii.r rmrwr
Oa :h- niht or Tae!i. tn-oher th t
r'aiv! .nnun" ' atvl 4fnt i
-Vl.ll l'l l'Hl!ll T." cojr4H ! rt
Utr -. 'U " 'V" l i"n
itutk-ti No' .lotlar-.
.!- I Vl-"l.
ntithenirMMf Tli:Tsd,T. Ort er -th t -
Tui!s,M.1.wr il srv f' r
jiDlinrt ot lilu-tmt.ncr l' lfltrt-. "trallli
-UH-s i.vKnic
sUVVV"5 CAItl'Jtx." i" worl-t ") fntj
will jHn tr-- to ll i-itor .Iuhiut ic
week, tbrott' the -a. r.Rii3r ol or.
mir r.rii ilvtk-.
All ttv Iromt nl tMl evrnii
ha rriirri-ilv ma ! t rnt . tine Ur
the ruund trip tlurliM t! t-mtr
. iTnif HiiUini'.
T-y .-. l. t.....,M-. W-V- i.V4il t
l ii-- ii... .. .- ...... r. ........... -. . - - - - -
ttecUrr Thurli f lmrvvr n. Mu hv to
nil I too nii H.!il t Mitd Ir TV.M ""Ii
Imve bion jimvldtsil Ir at really rlue.l
Tlie VIi-rcliHit-' I'MtO-i. VVo., .t.!!n!.-s
ami .: l Ij-litr K HM.-i-". villi t. I
tr.- to all vi.-ttir l.hlt.Uir-. : oul'l n; v
for "iMc. -laii, i.r -ii ut o iw !'. r to
t.i-irr a li-lrt,.!i I.Kiitlf.n ilt-i II"
It's J W uih. xc:-t.irv. TisCiiestt. ii stiB' :
St. l'Hi. Mo.
Tin im.'im . tin ia mi Kit.v ha lit. tin film
O lntl-U UiK-f!." u ai-n:to.- tAif-.i I
I "I'lrr. I
I It Not !
that ts-vnsutninlvrs shiHil I l th" .nst np-)
pr their o.vo rjR.Iltliil. lulnl
nil thi' r lr!.Mi.b a-o ii.-m axil l'.sh-
lit them :o le more rarcful tilu: ex -tire
and ovi-rluiii4? It umv i-ll U'uu
sidured one ( thu uiOiit nlnrtinii symp
toms of the liiM'itse, wli-rt tbi patient Is
rceklif. nitd will not lltiv thnt Un in In
liittigi r. Ifader, if vou nr in tliln condi
tion, do nt: neli-el th miiy tmntttii of m
coverv. Avoi'l 'jHiirf mid futitie. lu
uvular in viMir IkiIU. and ue f.itlirid'v
if Dr. l'L-rCf's "iii.!. Inn MtvlUivl lit..r-
ry." It Inn sjwi-d Uiouuntla uhi worn
atuadily fulling.
A IIosto.v iltil"r lint's of nn oystr in
Ills Jiu.s-issi.iii ciht-.! ymr nl. Ah,
thiTC, stay tl:cr! iij i .VrtJ.
v nuiiir vi. it, u.'i. i riii.
Tit: Voltaic Hklt '.., of Mrhll. Mich ,
otr-r tsi'tnl th.'ir C"li-lfitl Ki..-rR-Vi.-1.MC
lint.Tmid "th-r Kl.KlTHIC Aeri.lANCI' s
ontn.kl for ; .l.ivn, t. tucti (miii- or Ii
ntllictixi with iii-rnts dflniitv . ! if v ital
itv mid all kttiIr -! tr.til I-. Aii tr tin n
nititisiii. iniiriiliH. par nl tsin 1 iimiiv itii
r di.s. asi-i. 'otttpirt'- r- sturiittiiit in ie tilth,
viiror. mid ihjiiiIi'mhI t'iurnnt"-d .Nonk in
ciim-d. us .S ilrt -' tritd is alkivl. V nti
lie tti ut once Iiirtl!tuUatd pmupttlrt. frM-.
Hi: ii n mii tiidi-1 voulh who iUtr
i-"rvtliinj; hi ii'lhwnr:iik4 liiiti Unlo.
Itnpliirr, llri'ifti or Kcrnli.
X)vv gnnrant.'i'd cure for virormi cnis
without iiitt! of ktnf". 'I here 1 no lon-r
nnv ih'isJ of cr.earut awkward, cii'mNt
.siiuii. truso'S. fsn 1 two Ietl- ktatttpi f' r
jutiiiplili-f and rtsi'cr"iiee.4. ortl's Jim
peniarv .M"iical AuClatlun, WS3 ilum iL,
hutfalo. .N. V.
Tiik to'.Sr of a in irnintr .vvipaj-.r
w-U tip in tl. tn stiri'-H of ti; iiiUt f
lr.U r. l I'-juI IZrmUl.
forf'T hawk, hn-.vV. Mow, ft atiI-;Hr.-
I'.... Illlini., llil.. m, -(III ""-"'
ut lis.. Iir. .Sace'i Catarrh Kmidv jfnj
It vi- .'mi uvup lirnnl n iwrml v. i-r
No, lut I've hH:n ttcru-iu." "'.. i.n'i ' i
l'i 'aTikwii imr IIviiM ri!nln I 'ii(''-iti ''.-
'-- - -
.iViin'iii;Jnr . "!!' iftaiaaw! Nwntilt-- .
i.t '. . v C.di Ihtuuvtu llll.l i.rn.1 lluilimi.
-k. ...... ..- v -jr. .....-- - --. -
I Tlir- f-irl lrin liti WlltlM m. n .1- a
I '. ." "-
, lur to LxH. brr U.I. - !tn..l r-"-t.
Ir ttRHctil w:h ?orv ?trn. n Dr. I-nnc
11iuinj)ii's Ryw Wmr. lrjcrifc M.-U !t- Ac
MlsritT A -ul wi'h ii nn .!rri njil no
j lace to n '.-- .1 ir '."... ii !h i'i.l-nt
Save yi-ir w nn, r-'ur 'i.-- nu-1 ymir
patmn by uaiu Fi-ixe Aii Ur--iue.
fs Tonic Srn
The proprietor of thi? cc!evratcd rrrriicisa
jni:!y cla:s:sfsriia ipcrnnijor: ail :-c!-cdiescTcr
offered to the ??K:2 fertile SATE..
of Airne &ad Fevcr.or Ch:!i tsii Fevcr.xheth
er of hor: crlosij iundia He refen tDtt?
entire v. esters sa Soathera cc -.'.zj to ber
h:a tet:no27 to the trath of the anerticn
that is so civ whatever and it iv:I :acre if
bsez jaScteat for a csre, sd vhele
have heacsreclbya.sisi'iebcttle.'S'tthicr-
feet reitsratios of th" graeral health. Itl.
Utnlrn ta ?b- WoH'l. ; lll .' ff-i rr t fLY'S jT . .-. . w m 1 W
to .l t ,.er to t: - la r - " ' ' n n- 1 1 Dili t Vs A A KKH
mdKbn - 4M rcrirteta IHt 4-1-'-. iw- iS i,YSSM
m:- tMrrit!T o mi c.t !- . Clcs?ci H Kczi kjTTlr t rMKal
hsever.pr2deat.jvni xs eTerrciKasrccer- "-"; "" l -wi3tocre.ifiteiic:tised;ssaa.:tr
' : v w " " t! - X.;c;xliT:G.fficw:td
lor-itd:3? cv-es. Utaally thu rssdictse
ill 30: require x-y aid te keep the ! e!i 13
psod crdsr. Shas'd the ji::ct. hs-rtTir rc
catreacitiarticsecirr iftfrLwistTUfces
three cr fair deie of tie 7s3:c. x lisfjl'- dote
will be s-c:3t. Utt eo ether.
!ar BcmKJ'.-r c? tho D37.
Tne Fopuisr KtrnMi) ci tno ouj
. . wwww--.
Did you Sup-
pose Mostaa- Liajacnt onir -ood
for horses? It is for iafiaaana-
doa of ail flesh.
" -i -aL.
A Clear Skin
is only a p"rt of bcauiy;
but it h a parL IIvcr y
mav have it; at least, what
looks like it. Magnolia
Halm both freshens and
bean tines.
naij j,., :ma WriJrvlD r"
Ujf.. h?" j 2tc f-SXfiyrfU Ur
Rl0f " S
Hrrrrp r.) &;
. .-2:'v,
. . .1
JCi c' Ii.
, I sg anil pne.i
'A Qw f.'uc!
. rK
. ., .
j i
' fc ;
e. . i . ,
Frightful Case of
. p. m
2 LfJ OrRn IWlHn.
W" -i r w -- m - M m m m w
i r ' ''.. .J .:,. MA.
4.1 lr Kft .. !.. -i0&
l -I i f ; .. ' I m ' U 4kt
irl. llv- H Ml ,-M4 ll. m tn
Mn mt -. ..jf 1'iin i 4 fl li
. r ars 4w iu a rwiiM wi mmf
ptr '! !- I -Itf I. x4 '4k l 44W
- f i4 rr tfc m,e 'Tgh- f' fc K-l i
i-m MrO.4
I tk UTimi f
' V"-' - .., -. ,,, .m . 1Mw
i M-t . ..L. . .. ..- . m' m .
i M,b"f w 4tl 4 ir m B i
Ms.n i h. ..- v .uim
A'iR.i.. i-.. :
( t--.- . n n.i ivd -. r. u ! ?
t-s.r-iii I . - .v..kv 4Jv.
Tiir in i--'tH' r.i tin: t
Iftalir.l Srjit. unit M..rl,
mill fiat. -i.1rt lm,
s til t tin ti. lit. t. r
3,000 l!liltluii
u liutr I'l.tlllr (.allrl-.
.IV KM XV l'rl.r
.firm t roii...... r. .... .11 C...l. f..r
M-rtml or fiiiltj- tiM-. IflWIiu t
urilrr, anil j:tf tfl ol of r-
Ulllil you ur, rat, ilrlnk. r. .r
im.r f.n itii. ii"K i ai.i n:.K
imilltM inlln litfiiriiiatli... K.u...l
fnnit H.r maiknor u...ul.l.
. lit malt a ' 'I'' ' I'11 '" "T ''"
itrr rrtrljit of lllili. Ii. Ufra-clM-n.r
i.f iiilltl)t. tVt lis tirat ft u lit
yoil. ltrp- trull;,
The Rod School House Shoe.
II) .. t.. gf"
'l ni'.fl . .tf
I T ' 'I It wl
.. ta4 r
. 'i .,
t i4 ft. .1
l I ''ht.jlHrtil,
. r
r t !' Wa.twllho
Lite Red S-JseclHrmc
f . . r 1 141 'hi. m 1-iMl
.,r.'v- -imr t JJ i. .. h... .naitu
&frLT4t '.SS. I r V.u a m ! I"
ViVsitri??r llFl.DntSn?J linn
c - . '-r.sxr.rsr
tlOto t M ' . t ' r . .,i t N-l'whWf
II MtV3""J f f Id I ll r.J aaftr
M..lJi ,.t-jn Wltr,t. J vh.. llraru.
.r. ffrt -t , t J . - I 4. Hni in Tttr uitr.snn:t .trt mommo. tot yrT w pi"' ! a ".w Wf &
wt uitl ' t..r.l -m.tiit. wi ' ljf. as llrni
ftit l.-.. ,..(,,. t . .iyl.iiw .1. ,n.'ir.. ) arf a.i at, Jt m.l,..Hi l. It ?.,..i. ta I
r H-. i . i ..! i c- . i, .
T" - (I - ... i I'f. .. Mr'
iMMii.. ... vi ;ri4 I ii inir1 1 maa
Vno G"lna nnlrtt l-irlnir Mil. Miap
ft" S.'C ' ' !", IVwirra. a-J
li J . - 1 f.flli I r..l4
t X '- ". '-v'w 4
2 - -. ;t-it - . A jMt;.l
If" U, tr . '.hi II fTag ;u la-
V w ' ' " ' 1
iS'fti- MX " ' 'N.-' ,r,,1"" ,v '
4T '.V.'-wi "
t r" P
V?fli!5tL ' SHO'lkf
5..a, w
, mm.imr
V T' X tYw 45 Va
jTj y, ffl. tf
. ., - .- .. ww .-. ww m m I .Mj
s 1
. g. i4t JK Alk
F. n jT. W r V xcm. m. . t m mm
LfiWWfifcl VaVlaUii P&
I.7t?"'' "7" '" "''?' ' " TO A
oolo7i , i , rw, ' J , i ovc "1
r , .. t-Ur-H l til
ILU . ".".,'i XT', ' ''V-'Nt
3 V " I V'Sanrlljtl.-ful ti-tTWfrm
) i- p ! , S l.l'l. Il tl. Kll'i-.
Ilmtl iv. it H i-niin I ctl 'JUrtfli
''- r . r r fr JtfT A )- - Thi k44
llM ra s mrf. w rtm y t I a i in
T'J C O t". f, 'J I - I ' ' 'UlUllM-l aa-al
lis I I.HI1 L nn nil a. ir m.irliln-., -ar
f .! A irfT .- ! i. !i i..f lt.i.
I-Flr. HI l.l. ...Ml;iiil. s-..t VVnMla-4.
F" yww.w 'fa i T .!'' aa t' 'faMl aaa4 t1 I tla na
-.I'. L. itu; r r a II.. 21 a ni. c. b.&ak
No Rspa Is C&t SH Horses' Ksaes. V
.r .4 -r. 1. 1 !.. i- rt i.t- -T'tsrv
. 1T J V9 1
fl R. U. AVARE
Ha f
'.4 ' . ' . m
aSt a
N"i7 ' !ipi- ' ' "
"' " '"li
l a r a : . - r
',' ,,tll.
x -..
--. .
SLsTOVClty Ru'fT Tlaciifi
t a.
S. '-. ,- "
VrA. S.fTi. taan ...IV
I U SlIttWX.K "
I'll-' rjalli-l y-WS2&.
S-..V'7. II. --.fa .r. ! - - Yvflt'f W
T'-t zr - f ' '- ' yy- i V '
J t Lls.Kr'.- .. Ke--I . ' -" 9
. , a .-
-. .i4-sSs,,1
!;.. .v t b
A bis offer. ;:Av;rw'
VJA ' "-" s? 4uau 41m. w. if yaM t .
C-i - -' V 1- ., ' i. a4 --aawatto 4
c -- Tha K jtKMUU Co .2irW4mt.T.
2 r TDJ-,7
Uf lii'--jrrt:;'7r;
" --a.-. !.- Jit . iii.
U "JV f. f :$
Ilw.aafc r - .. 4
x aiaa-
s -. "T s-t -. j ,i. t ircttVai frt.
Utx:;S-as lOLtOr. KtTiav .-, x,
tYA?IT fc STlAnOTS Ibrte
" a. - -. - rmjfij. JxiaM
-. &mA V i
A Momi. A4TTriHU
SIS-ITV i-rlSwww- mTJil a wijv . .
,Viirta JAT WiOSt.tTTT. Jticatv
7;l" L&nESgi
, nnAfm T ,S55ra
Trra4 t&J -?-'
Ife a tf Mis si I
A.N. K--D.
Il-4v 4tjr jro saw Iter
O A"