The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 02, 1885, Image 6

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    -, k
. fl
.SZIH!??"? taac re
ncr rera-
.kiB name or whether he is itsn
IB responflMc Tor the ,a" "
. 7 he court- have. ,!,.,-i,t.i ,i
:ti. "'wpnfl-OH'w.uJwt
directed to
nt refusing J
'.k aeH-pi.,ra fro:n ,j.en,wt niP.,. or
-Ti. ? a."l ,nv"1s krti uncii'teil for.
Vi " i1 t,,f' ,KH,k'5 ' wo-l-1 ciin hoast,
J lie lunik im-ii rriitui'z the must
is not ui llri, nor 'metr.
ot nivdijin,.. r.or :i!cli.inv.
t hcu.-4ii , Kiiti not elii-slc lore,
-yil .-oaiiuici w.tli it- liveml more.
-ot travels o'er the liirnl or main.
jW V, Aiilcli will ruck I ho lirAlu,
jv t live if hi'itKi unall or ki-ciI
lis Suit Ui rt'M. n lull's of Mute.
I'jl :w. i.or yet tlieuloxy,
J'li!'osoihy, nor lu-lor,
These imiv lCMr.jrnc without a look,
Uut :ill men rcjul t Ii9 ioiJ:cl-lni!:!
This Is the Im.i J; which most tnen crave,
V.'ou'ii r-irr with tliein to tho yravc,
Is all the I H)k tin v !":ini to re:;l
J'o coiiiforl in t!.e tune of nu'fl;
Thi- n in' .r co-pel aii'l tho r l.iw,
I'ioiii which they em-i!:it.tii lntw;
Tin;y huve no other ei.-I than tiilH -
To .rii-erj or eternal hi P-:
"No Oracle for tlicin 1 v iron
lint Miiiiumiii whii h this ho'ilc enshrines;
It ih to them I'll 'lunik illv.uc.'
Tho 'inecioti-' trca-urc, thou art mine."
Z i poi ket-li'-'ik there niiiv itp.our
t a:1h - e-wte a litlf ei ar,
S. JlilSiJlOrt to Klv h-uii liolil
"."'.it; ni'i-' waiifl o!jij liurr wi'-IiN,
To h"'Bhtj of :.inl M'nts ol joy,
jii iiupp neis v.tlioiit. alloy.
it Is a hook which inotui'-ii prize,
1 St j t who iilone on this ici es
"U I! ilinl I ha: mi n3 - o! men itfji re.
Ami -"on! ha- InifinT
'I'll an ":; can npprchcii J who look
.Never hi'joiul ilio jioel.etlKtok.
There t hey v. 11 -eek In vul:i to llntl
True Mil!! 'CUoii liirt'ic m nl
V. hen iiikI.t weight o! pain riul Krief,
j Mini irom Mir- Mi'I.-n-lji-f;
J'or vou-c !! i here i- fo:iul no uem.
"loin .n and is li't iec:e-e.
."in! tlionjih it to lntf-t Ineath,
.'mi liar,fui!i can Im- ni.ulc uit i ImIIi.
Th" iK-ket-hoo!. - who rea-l it well
V'ill hnMcii uieatiuis rir. u -! leil,
"or Ihe"e llppeiSI tl li-inel ;iei
To teiid the in r!t in-twe -n tit- line-.
j oiihaiii ti- tr- ami widows uioitM,
Tin1 itii'i of wan! an 1 dUn:?
The trick h of tr ide. di-'i ne-: vain.
With all their evils in tlus.r traiu;
ir otherwise, mid Ihi inuy l.e,
'twceii the iine- ! ilnii ili;
Tile Jfciieroi: ifid lioh'e deed, m.w li- f iliim 1. 1 d -eed.
V':h live- in iviry eiateinl thought.
.. J .s iiitti lieavciuy Irayraiiio Irauj'ht.
Thouii-anlnsr of the p-wkid-hook.
If joii jui on the sin lace look.
J- much the smue in t a-di am! all:
Tlie deeper iiicniiiiiir oii lecall,
jnd then iiiH-:.r tne lisrht ami .'hade.
Ami -evelatioiiH Mrau;; are made.
"The "marks of trade" these hooks all lierir,
CdI uia'iy poeki: houkrt there aio
In which no content-can le iound
Zieiieatli the lids In which they're hound,
.A- Hat a- under ue ht ol lead.
r ueath an clephaiitliie tread;
Ami empty, "o Hint nought iiitriide.s
JIon; thaii'iilcas in heart of dudes.
.Make not onr lihrary one hook.
ivi' IhiK hut ju-t one little nook;
I'ut oilier voIuiihmoii your taml
And have them teiuly at command.
Ami lent ii tine manhood is not made
.Iii!-.t of commercial -tockin trade.
And you w.'il 11ml man shi;;hc-t need
Js not ju-t nn-hft-ini)tK tii rem!.
J. It. .Smith. It. I) , in H'tsUni W'ultlmian.
A Charity That la Novol in Con
ception and Noblo in Aim.
'Tim linrrimliitliii; Philanthropy of
I.orin .IcnkK, a I'rartlcal Man anil a
I'lilloMipluir Ameliorating the Con
dition (if thp Mciidacluus.
My I)i:ak 1 i:ii:ni: You will no doubt
lie irl:id to hear about the ncvvlv-c-dab-.lislied
inlirmary at Luville, 1 visited
jl a few days ay;o in company with Mr.
Merklc. a I tost on lawyer, whom I hap
pened to meet upon the Iran. On the
wa down ho ;ave me a most interc-t-ine;
account of the endowment of this in
stitution ly the late Ijoriu denks, to
whose discriiiiinatinr philanthropy the
world owes a charity that is not le-s
jiovcl in its conception than noble and
practical in its aim.
Mr. I.orin Jcnks, as you know, was
l'rcsident of the Saco Stocking and
bock mills, lie was a baehelor, and a
very remarkable man. He made- a
million dollars one day by olserviu"
omen ai thev purchased hose in -i
'ip stop in Treniontrow. Mr. Jcnks I
,mVd tint females who hoated a !
'Svhilu about paving l;tv cents a
P1!1; " plain white stock.1!,. eaerlv
paid ! t ,riyix9&tm .-:. - r, .
a-fcFv i.f-':
"-invrirrnc Ies.
nT'iited with red clock- at
II cost twentv-ivvo cents a
liair to manufacture the stocking-. The
red filoselle for the clocks cost a quarter
of a cent.
-That observation," said Mr. Merkle,
was the foundation of Jcnks' great,
fortune. The Saco mills immediately
Mopped making plain hosiery. From
that time forth Jcnks manufactured
nothing but stockings with red clocks.
wcetncss ami light "
Pardon me. It shows that Jenks
was a practical man. as well as a phil
osopher. Utisy as he w:ts during Ins
life, he took great interest in politics.
like all sensible citizens. He was also
summer he left the .-locking mill to J
1. r:ithcr sharp-
iey made in reu-
'oncord windmill
for a summer phil-
said Jcnks. and I
smile around the eor-
rh. 'It isn't Uie Con-
lit to endow, although
Jre may be certain ex-
ia around the orchard.
money in t iT: "-7T.
A'nH .TTrr "r ""
!U noble pl&n for tho
n no 11 nu lUL.i.n.-o hl .-i.i va,-iii-. 1 am v eiiaiuiv 1101, imt 111 j iooh - --. ' t ...
tol.l thm there i ..nt .'ivnn.Hm.mU .L- .''Pi... nf t ho lake is 1 could till niauv more pages than I n .arger seise, the light wa-a pani-an
t-tl . . . t .. . . ..I . ... .!.:...! I..MI1.I II TrilMIII t' .1. I.I tm..inl nn
...-.-." , . ,. ' ". ' '.-... r I,..,., t. it-t-tti. m-;i ! .1. ..-,.. ;..!;..,.. ..- ...i..,, one. and wa- crrieii on in all parts of
Nixiv-iive m -viassacnuseii-. evv lianip- a seive a -ort ot .-ciiisiose ieve lorma- . m.1i1i,.,iuii- ,. .i.... -- , .,
.shire, Maine or Vermont who does not tion-and all li-ii smaller than the liftv I .-aw m the Inlirmary. Intelligence ltc couiury where Demoeniev wa- a
own at least half a dozen pairs of poor pounders fail through." :'l1 tkorougnncss were apparent in all s.nonvm .or treason and r belnoii. A
Jenks' sixtv-cent red dockers." -Wi.v doesn't the water drop through, of tne arrangements. 1 encountered part of the w-.r vv .sio.igh in the -lr -et--
Thar, fact." said 1. -would interest too?" a"-ked the stout patient, in a tri- and conversed with liars of more varie. , ot .New 1 or (. i.y. wii-n . outnern
Tvi Ai..tii.... a .i.i w -i,.. ti...t i i ties and degrees of men 'acitv than vou prec ii tated lliedr it. r ots
a tnctaphvsician. He closely followed ' men Lars." he sa:d. "are among the , the prohtau.e aiternoon winch 1 spent :uu. ine .-.,, u. .vtr.auo i.i.oe L.
ooatemporarv speculative thought, in- I mildest and most easilv cured cases at Lngville that chrome niendat ity i- a litni aim yictorot.s ighu A. so int.
elining. untir shortly before his death, that come here. We send them away : l5.eaM'. -ns the A-i.-tant M.penntendent . iiom Suintor to ApMmi:itf wa th..,e
to the llee,i!i',n school. I-Verc mM. hi, fr,,n, Jv t.i nin.. weeks' lime, with said, ami Uiat it i- amenable, in n great any.lo.iot of thea.titudeornuqH.-eo.
1111 lu-eu, aim repaired joviunv - 111 von- u.-u or mini anv moie- xtiv umo now .------ -1 -- ',; , . ..a... ,-.( ., .. . t;nn "' i.irou.c.-i. nue inri. nu- jri-vini 01 To .Junl.-n lie elosK- ;i wJie ". mi ..-.., .. -.
:ord to listen to the lectures in the apple 'lies ab ,ut !he"rih ho has caught, or that is being earned on at Lngville w:th .' ioii.hut.ic.. .1 .xation ; -nnta.,,,. t-orici,i0: ;,,. ,iraw.. -aSaJ,. w.. hnvo a wotnai to i nt t.lam Pncln .Ink- H, h rhuo. a . II-
...1 1 1. -.... ..-.- . .i 1 -t .... .ii? e t.: 1 ....... -o mneli enere-v :m:I -loieirent .-urees-. . corner l-JIV 01 XTHlCil w5 .... . .... ...,.., ... .. 1 1. ... - . . ...... 1 ... ,.1 . ..r . .....
ivuaru. it is mv piivaic op'iiiou 111:11 aootll me mieiugeuce in iu 1 unti r-. 11 1 , , t .. ti t t . ti rn' ' n" ar.u an-er vvn i.u m- n 2nd Will- wrvr vn uh'ib i 1 .ra;.o uw impm t wi .ixt-
Ide-rs. Halo. Kant vV Co. bled him dog. i often in all other respects a it is not ue.v-sary to dilate. , n.tnian .-a.e.... i u u-iea. o. tn reo- h)- !t:l.,.nl,.lL, xn j ,h..,,KIB..i -ci .llv ;.r.. tr' wb- lJ "- W.f f !! f foU, :-iUv l,r Li.
prettv heavilv for the privilege. Hut trustworthy citizen. Yet Mich case- I -ineerelv hope that you will not ( " a" "j Ul' "! ' ,' ' J J1" ltl, LJ '-ht be J-ae. To ackaonled-e ihe f .ct-s Le; a,,,. ,.. ;v,i; twt .mwr: Ihev hat-i chor t'.t. w trtral UaU'i
kit Concord denks acquiredujr ideas form nearfv fortv per cout. of all our ' mi-cnstnie my motives in laying the , " .J th ,, " '"" ir 1 , , " f"f,,. tini-t that i: i-.blb to xpt" t .iga.u..l no h.aU r.(-rns. no f..t. Tnr n la. -Hit vn o'rkHk. to Xm
to his duty to thojy Hy patients." ' matter before you; ami I can not too J'r -t.iii in. uru.t r .-..idi ''-. ' J nt u,,. j, Io s:iV that the co intrv mu-t e2Veiord in i-iiwr mia-'ia. ami Sfet crod burloti: In ..b ayl -sifc"
lr. Mtrkb'KU-ft jrfiii his ticket "What are the most obstinate ' strongly urge you to go down to Ui'- ' P ' l.l V 'v-.,,,, I "i, " ., "t ' k... make r. cowanll; -ubmi.ion to a im.n- n ,.' An fa.-v' d vv . e t a., all ahot?
Mie coiiductolB " case-?'' vile vourself at the earliest opHr- ,. "V,,." - l -V "-1- -J "--l -trrs wrong. Men l jr:r will itn , .Vh-tt ritn tie form do thai aicfee. Whi. o.e ot thrv onsiav.ti fel an' yal-
BaaBaUaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV' years of his Undoubtedly those which you will t unity. Yen ought to sec with your V';.,,, no-'hing of the r-.rt 'Jh-ywi'l rrx- out ; hr . lni,w,rtat u xct trad-'- ler .nt,' -Lurr lur.
MKnoun to be se- in the Travelers' and Politicians' own eyes how- admirably I.onn .Knk- , ; " A .;,,... '., ' l-ehl d tint the w-i "W "- Trey wdl arraign .-(-ftrni. vow h--r-xtoed . " c .uo K&b ura,gj rh.
Kil without a wards of the Inlirmary. The more be- bluest is adm-m-tere 1 and what a " I ' ' c -oval n.H,nle h '-' '"me agvimt frr -tiflras- in t K -haU woman h.nd-. I.-.L , Mitrr ,t-h.nK U ei 'the itlto.
k't by poo- nign cases, such as the fishermen liars, prosper of retorm and regeneration . " ', ofi r" lvt '.H.LX-v,,n tlJl "--th wouid .irra ,- a mxlnr nn. y;a ,i not ftn - - xxs'l w uhT 'ad J-i-. W
m hi vari- I the society liars, the lady-killer or the Inlirniarv s v -tern noliN out to tin- Jr., wo I -".l" .. "r n "aA- "-----nS '-r'-"'r -" Y-fc r,- I.n. twasMn.. : -ih wyvmuc -. br in Job;-. . bar bo wU ymt m
tion of thefto-MiwortKii liars, the Rocky Mount- fortuuates. Ine regular M-.tor- iVuealhnce-, " tM,-r nin -a--w-r. - :: from - ,.,,... itT , m,(t..bni, A Ptf-a ri... a,T VK .,:-, nKk: through. dlte.
LsmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVrc he dL-d am and frontier liars (except ng le.xas is .Hine-day. o .loiibi thov w iiw . r- - 0, N-mh ibci m! flpwl to th .-n- i rw, it-i i t:trpiH . hrr sr haw ar- Ji... i-.. fj. b. b bl. jg. hnkeav
M cases), ihe lailroad prospectus liars, admit you at any time A. i. .-n. : , ,mH,m.S ,,f ,. ,r, ,apT -i-'h ' fr.rjdar a u. .iwtb. j,OWr to drr.w ihe vftmK nj6ilLrrto .Vr mi'.m un t nn'i ji at a-irn."
nnt you tc the psychical rese-.rch 1 ars and the ' " liue'nt oier hots drleatcd. : U! am'; .bt-nt nu-d tr wmplr n. 3 c,oii :o :h b.x t a.fig. j0 nn ? jnthttmr Ta- Uh. ht.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVi.. t't.av .. m'seeliatiei us 1 ars of xarious classes. iw,1,rian.r to a .-or-esno:idpnt of lu.. .,...: 1... .1... ,k ..t.i uu: nation, an I as spp-i. r. ing con V i'.-ta-tn t ora. Ui io aJ tix- i, . " W.J.n., fc,t
mMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi j uiw . -- ... r .vv.v.-.. - t -- ui- v.i.r..iii.ii ua ilic- uiuii
foundation of an Infirmary for the Men
dacious. '
The tram was haulin"; up at the plat
form of thi I.ii"-vtiI!i t:it.nn.
"A few lnv later.' continued the the c-tabli-hinent of the Inlirmarv lie f
lavvvcr. a.s we arosj from o ir eat.s. came he:. like a sensible man. and put
Ih.s far-seeing and puhlic-.-pirited eiti- h.m.self under our care. He !- I
-en died. I'.v the terms of his will, the .-plendidly. When he found that Iils
income of I,.'0).0-'0 in Covernme'iH. reminiscences of Heaeon-neid and l';
M.ij..ehiis'fi klvi-i. Itfi-tim :md Al-i marek and Victor- llurro er. a:-d no
li.inv srok. and .-ounil fir-t mort''a'e-
Son 5Cevv Knirland propertv, is devoli d
to the Inlirniarv. under tin; direction of m..i....- l?.,Trr iIk. tni.! Iim-ii
been .-idriiinrster.-d von will .see for
lllll fcVV II HUH'l- i'O'l .. .-. -
yourself in a few minutes."
We were met at the door of the In
firmary by a p!eaant-fnced gentleman,
who .spoke w ill a dcrmau acient. and
int'-odiiced him-elf as the Asi-stant
llcu-e me." -aid he. nolitelv. "but
which of vo.i is the patient:"' "
'Oh. neither, replied .Merkle. with a
I .1. ..: ..... . t. ........ ..1 f..n tl.n ' .....1
I .Hi "it. i HJ ll'-Vltl ! " hjw .-J.i.'.,
I did
-o. anil lea turned to
. .
. ,f i i i . .ii ti
speak to Merkle, but the lawver had
.v-te:ii,'' paid the A--.!stant
S'liiierin'endeiit. "is V(TV pillltde. The!
and this r-utleman U merely a vi-ilor r-moved and i:o d dib:. .-u:ic:on. nor :hl, wu an) :a.-er. We me: u I ro-ohi. : .- j . j ,' ;hnu . familiar nam. Wkh: and the p!.,
wh is intereited in the workings ot the ' even vvomler beme; eMirc--ed at an v of M':Ht ibai h.. ii.i witwaii- on ib- !. "-. -. itv.t.rf...11.i1
vvn ih oner ,i.a mi, ..n,M.,iN. i... f.. . ,.;,.. hick throiprh iv-niiKiiva ii,..,d.-nt wK-iidi: .& sm-i Irom ep-r eiseo we in-:t t'int trea-on- h r the -s,It , mvtt.fnotufiHl cam
Jn.stiti.tion. hi-:nel,Io?e hel :on. biek throiin Ut ,..,.,.,. 8lur u. u,mwr ,v. .lWt. m ernme- and trea onable i::rn to be kuowa a- wrh-. Iro;r
"Ah. -re." ad the A-i-tant Sup'-r- olt.ure and V. i ham the Sib nt to Tome v.; r-i-.i.? tne -poi-. 'and - au,t L "i i H ,. p-,1--,,., vvich '.r ex mode "wi- -i,nr.IIv -rh
inii-iih-tiL -Will vou kindlv w-ilk ih:s ( liailema"!ie and -o on. There hap- m-l 10 tak-iM iau. our ... u h md-. ar eneiMir.!- -d by Jie i e :.,srnit.c par- u Hh. .or . x tmpl. . w.i- . iLuialI uch HlouKiiiuo w.K ui..- '"- 1,J'-"-.; ;': ,,;.. .Mn .mi. .,- -- t.s! urovcrt ..v.:d are! Kf are on tv. The unlv men :n ;hu South tV-4 nw.4 i. H-eth.dr.torduen ait
wsV.- ! I,(, ' " " ititJL on i t tilH t Ut. sUfouilM troot,, uv thesrat - hono-,. j bv tl. t.xMjn.- I lemocrate w aid nt t e tin :n Wrf iam l
We entered the Sic... and hohanded . l i TcSl ett ' "-,Ue:ae." -.., ,. ,! w a v,. and ! Admin -trafon an t:.o-e who were not r,, conrnn-ioner, dr. .,.
mo a liuok and a pen. -1'i.Mse msi-nlje j . " . u.cri.ioii., in u 'i- niit.ii n.,nc.1H .,-,no!l:,..a Thr - -leh a tine-.- . ; onlv cllVc in re ellion lt who hne t'.e r creat -urx. v for Dome-Hav i'ook.
your n-ime." Miid he, -in he Victor.,' i "on. a..d .-nch tm, to force the o.ner ,.,t,.:,, ti,t ?wni nu ta- -tu.-:; , - V. ,. wn p ' ,,.nw nf ,tnvn r :ih:1. Utll ihe , M, ,. v-.-oin- rni'. aal t-
theorv of the Institution is Mint the I'"". 'It wa the mrht ihey -:ave u-the
habit' of mendaeitv, which in many boar head tu!lid witn jroo-e -iblet.-.
ca-e-become- chronic. L a iiioriI ilis"-, " !. U;U ddicou-tlry Ojomiau mu-ca-e.
lik.- habitual incbrictv. and that it . eaildie!
can eneralh be eme.l. 'e tike the' "AyU. I a.-ke.; '".vhat u: Vur.r pro.-;-
!i e ht. olim!-iriv -iibniit'i him-elf to HOa ill tJli.S C.iSe?"
our tieal nient, :.nd for ix mouths we
.submit him to the fore'ii"; pres-.
'J'iiaL i-, we encourage him in hint;, through ancient hi-tory a! t:.e rate of
8iiiTouud him wilh liar-, hii ciniaks and j time centuries a week. The Hood i-nt
j-ut erior-in -kill, and cram him with ! lik lv lo .-to- them. Hefon- 1-niv: tliey
falsehood until he i-. fairly .-aturated. w:U be matching remiui-i ene - of tho
It; th'.s time the reaction ha- .set in. and an'ediluvian patrian-ht. an ' t.i n th y'll
the natient i- u-ua:h -tarved for tin br:njr uji - rtre ,n Ad. im. Th can't
truth. He is prepared to w-lcume the , 'o any than Adam. i'y that
'ccond course of treatmea:. l-'or the time tl:ev will !; ready for the truth
next half ear the oppo.-ite inelhod is cure procei-; and after a few weeks
pursued. The .satiated and di-u:ed spent in an atmo.-ph -re of -trict veraei
liar is Mirrounded by truthful attend- ty in the oth r wine; f the Ii: .rmary.
anLs. encourar.'d to peru-e veracious , they'll o -nt. into the world a:..n per
liti rature. and by force of lecture-, ex- fectly cured, and much more u-.. in! citi
:iuiile and moral inllueuce broti";ht to .ens than before they came to u-.'
undcr-dnnd how much moie creditable ' ",. went ;i; tairs and saw the ru
it i-, to .say the tiling which i- than the pidoti-Iv neat ncdrooms which the pn-
hill' which i not. Then v.-e send iiim
jack into the world; and I must .-ay ,
that cases of relapse are inIropieni.'' .
vou lind no
Ves," .-aid the A"!;t:iiit Snperin-
tendent, "once in a while. Htit an in-
curable liar Ls bt'tler oil hero in the in- t
lirmary than outside, and it is heller
for the outside coininunily to have him
Somebody came in. brinirinif a new j
patient. After -eiitltii": for the Super-
intendetit, the A-s slant invited me to
lollow him. "I will show vou how our
patients live, antt how they amii-e
iiiuni-t;i ti -, in; .-." i. . .1 in -i
' . , , . wr
hr-t, it vou please, through the lett
win", where the .saturatiu!' process xnav
be .mserved." '
He led tin: way acro-s a hall into a
thom-eivc-. he sail. vv e will iro
large room, comfoitably furni.-hcil and
occupied by two dozen or moie trenl I. -
ly tunimg tne leaves ot'i
men some readiii"" some wrilitir while i-ugviue ior ireaimeni. 1 am giau to cigars u-iiti namiv Knnn my u-aniow uie 1 u on. un- i.ejiuoiicau panv n.i or stood'in groups engaged :ivejou ee him for he is a good ex- "jv" ihaniM,,. the-moKe,,, I ,M,.n as -that it -I..,.ld b- a true
in animated talk. Indeed, had it not ample of a radical cure. We -hull be ,i,oor.nce thai thctoel; uv iikker will m-v. r ,' ' -' and reaUy. It has
been for the iron bars at the windows read v to discharge him by the first of runout. Uet.t me and thed -t tl.-rv 1- tne -tood leadv to unite with the South in
T , e It a e fmcld ,v-e If i . the nexMveek." t.,-.-oMto uhich vve yo;-t to h.enr n-er-an 1 I Mld, J,. .,:ltioM ...! iu.U pnbbe pdicv
I iiiiglit. nave lauded invseii m tne "' -l . thec.iriit-hav,'i;ei- uv the -..rtii wicn cum to ,, . ' ,
loun"iiig room of a respectable club. 1 The cured liar was about to pass m, ihe Com -1- iih th.-i di-turh.11 and a- wounl promote the pm-
Mv I'ni.Te -tonned to sneak to ai inm il" but the A-ust-mt Siinennteiidei.t J"- '; ' l'i,:-' to th.- nt.-. 1-the ident.kie , ..r tv nf th ,t seclion. 1 be hope and
'J goon- -loppi u io sjm.i.x 10.1.1 !tiiii.uv inn tin. v-.-1-.i.uiL . ii i in . in u 1. 1 j.,,,,, ,,.,. , ,, ,- lv.t : -hot a Not t het n man , ' . .. , f .. ,..,,.,,. t,.,, .-,,.,,, iv .,,,
a well-thun be I cop' of liaron Mt.n- he -aid, "let me make you aeipiainied
chausen, an I hdt me standing near , with this gentleman, who has been in
enough to one of the groups to over- j .-pccllug our sy.-tem."
hear parts m die conver.-alin. I "I am glad to meet you, Mr. Van
Mv rod creaked and bent double." '
a stoii. red-laced gentleman was say-j H'' rai.-ed his hat and made mean
ing. "a-.d the bui-h pun like a teeto- unexceptionable bow. -And I." he re
turn. I ted vou. 'if Pierre Uhaveau ' plied, with a Mule of charming cour
hadn't l.a i :h "sn-seinc of iiiin-i to .-no ! '.-y. -Mm neither giatl nor .-orrv to
the mo-t convenient pan of invtroii-ers
will, llieloat hook. I should have been
dragged into tne lake in two .-ecouds
orles,. Well. sir. welottght sijv-nine
, 1 .- . 1 1
mi'intcs by actual ir.n- tikmg. and ,
v,iieii 1 had I "un in asd hatl "ot Ii'in '
back to the hotel, he tipped the -eale.
...,-.-- - -- , ! -
the speiklcd b aul did. at thirtv-s.-ven
in. I eleven-sixteenths, whether
you believe it or not." 1
"Nonsense." .-aid a Muiet little,
gentleiuan who .-at opposite. "That is
Hnpo-sible." !
The Iir-t speaker looked Haltered at
this, and colored with plea-iire.
Never'hcles-," lie retorted
fact, on 1113' honor as a. sport-man. Why
do you say it's impos-ible?"'
ltecause." said the other, calmly,
it is an ascertained scientilic fact, as
every line lisheiman in tin-room knows
perfectly well, that there are no trout
in .Moo-eleniagunticook weighing under
half a hundred.
' It u-ed to," replied tho quiet
f-entleman. "ravel v. until the Maine
lllir it
-ed an
act prevent-.
xi :.i.. ::.....! ... ...,.i -. u-.mi
.nv iin.ue iciuiiic.t ii. i. .imi " ..v...
- r- . ....
the room, these sport- .
the habit broken up, and pledged ii"t to '
through wiucli e ni euiereu, vvucu
,tefiebed phrase,
uttered bv a ?irn-teil mv rt-
. jh ..i i if3
can bite it, we permit during the lirst tage of u,e j:liUUOre St. n. an old lintel pro- ;0iue tl.vx iullv an i freeiv acknow
treaiuuio j- ""' , ' "" ;-" i.r.etor ays no srawr num. ug ex:.-i- the logic ol wa.-acd r.-rogn .70 tha the . (-ow- n.e x.0, u,. fr-rte' rdi tree
, b it now. ! other. The eiiect is goot llhit w e c.-ep . hott.i.keop:g than the - brdal- lVon W!l, n Mlitx - 7,ne. vvethin.. JXJ. LJp., , !
, the Travelers and Politicians Mnctly ehsLmW bu.-.noss. ami ,0 tar rv- he ij wU (io. v tha: t v :. 5. ;vh,r wa fpBhl j ?t :a
devote mv isolated. con erneo. be proposes :o aoolin ali mer I the Sor.ta wd! not Uiat rtir-,,r. T , -t-"-h I... n
nient of ai ' He "-' bxoxlt lo fconduct ,U-': ",1 :l atich arrun-jcrueata for the future. Ho it ,r. uied :uea v vear- ago. an! ba, ' t '?JT0 ,St Wii w5
11 . . 1- -i il.ifir iiimnsire th nf , - t t 11 .-. :.. .. ...1..... . . . - - . l- 9.e. i"". iiuiwi,.i i .frj
eh occurred tne mom , ; , :-- ;-- - - says onuai coupie uiii.tM j "- , so: l eon sottltat since, notti ng nmam- i ,.;rv , ,, -. to ,. -,,,, n., an,i
pompous gumi-i"." .- ( are too mucn occupicu wu.i ukium-ho j l nion wa.- ttorth blool ami treasure i ;. w .,;. Tnir rremf It in
tention: n(WWW1,r.,. .' to take any note of their siirrouud:ngs. from 1l lo 1- it : worth somefn ng CjUnii:n,h Mo tcTa I-lan.S. in Snov-
jjcipio aincauio "
There could n t bo a oetter ex-
ample," said my guide, as we passed
out of the room, "oi nai - -" luu
forcing system in tne treatiucm oi.uii.u-
dacitv: Tnat patient came to -
t-irii- niit two moutns ago. -n.-.
tarilv about two mou.
irVZi J ,.r; o., i a common one.
LS"L "1.,.. -Ti tb..r respects. .
' u can" not resist th teuipUUon w
claim j);i-onal acquaintance anti even
intimacy With dj.stsngui-lie'l individuals.
111$ friends laughed at him o mueh for
this wtikncM that vv!ien he heard of
t .-.nsat.on her
but we:e. on the con-
' trary. at once mat lied and capped by
! -tid more remarkable experience nar-
lati-d liv other inmates, he w as at hr-t a
- m -
' httle sta-'eretl. Uut the hab.t is o
.-tronjr. and the peculiar vanity lixit
crave- atiimration on tiii- 3' ore i.. -o i'
aetinjr. that he bewail to extend h.i ac
quaintance, jradually and cant oti-ly,
baei. into the :l-U .-oon we had him
"vni"; reminiscences ol I alleyran-l. of
J homa.- .:!:. -raon and f Lord ' orn-
vvallis. Obv-rvc the p- Uioloie etiect
i ol our - stem. J lie onimarv nec- on
I t'i.. ,...i-Ti.rri-it!i. it ! I . r ho tn
j-... -rj
t . .- i-k . i.i- v t iitwr Mifik i
ii vi r
'' oi.-n, i .... i. .w..u .. .
he-ir." .-ir ii-einl in here d.-eriti ' one "'""""'''"''' " u i;w i uiukht.-',
, ".; ."Jr --." r --u ; o it . .Ui,..llia. r ,.-,,., ,,.. w e,i -he. it t--:
' Ileht.aba.u-- banul.e'-. vvincn he ;t irtu it iiio:nia:hiis mumti.;. Iti-com
. . . . '. . .....
ro alii-mie. :i- mi honorei '((.,,:.
an horioreu .iie..;.
too'' cr' d the other
Wliv, I v.a- tln're.
-lii-t niiv.' the livn ivi r-onri! renitnl--
cnee liar-an driving each other back
- '
tient.s occupy: through the separate
wards when the i-olate.l aie
uva. d acros to the r.hl winir ot the
a buildiii"; and into a IeeT.u re-room where
'.he com ale-cent liar- were "atiiere . to
In ar a mo-t iutere-t-ii"; ilitertat'oii on
"The Inexpediency ot l'al.-eh 1 from
the I.eal Point of View." 1 w.:- :oL
surpris-d to recognize in th ! etur. r
my railroad acjiia-'ntance, the l5o-to:i
I lawver. M -rkh
Mi our vva-back to the rccept'on
room, or oliic. we met a ph:t.-:iut-io-k
iui; "; nth man about for'y ! o d
"lie :- a well Known .-ocictv i,. . '
A--i taut ."-ujii riiitendent vv hi-perci a
ine inmate not loaeheii, 'anil lie was
tin .ii.j i u. ii ii ii, .ion nt i.-
. , , '
iornierly ihe most poht-Iy ins.neer.. per- ,
son in America. Nobodveould tell when
he waj ittteri.." the truth, or, indeed.
win n he ever did nit r the truth. His
ludiit Jecame so exaggerated that hi
ndatives indiued him. to come to
Kan-evoort. I -aid.
meet you, sir. I .-imply don't care a
Ihe somewhat -tartling candor of h-s-
words wa- so much at vanance w,tn ,
it... 1 ,..f..,.t ..l.t. ,. 1,1 ..,,. ti..,.
' I 'i lei t polite ue-o! In- main ei th.u
w'-s taken aback. I slauiuiered some-.
.!'!,' "!,ot rot dedrmg io intrude.
ui as iicmiii .s.i 0:1 meie as 11 expeci-
ing the couver.-atam lobe coiil:nue;l, I
"I supj o-e you are lookm
to your reh ase next week?
-"I e.-. s.r.' he replied. !
rr lnrvwiri.
Ves, s.r." he replied. "I -hall In
rather glad to get out again, but my
wife will be .-orry."
I looked at the A-sistant Superin
tendent. He returned a glanc lull of
profes-ioual "Well, good -by.
.Mr. Van Kansevoort," I said. "1'iV
haps I .-had have the plea.-dirc of mcc.
ing oti again."
I hope not. sir: it's rather a bore."
said ho. .-baking my hand mo-t cordial
ly, anil g.ving tne A-sistant Miperin-
would believe had distinct exist, nee.
The majority of the cases wen common-
place enougn. i.iars ol real genius
seem to be as rare inside the estab!i-h-
nient as inev are oiitsaie. l oceanic
... - .
:....! ....... ..... ..I. ,..... . .1 :
-' -' " ui. oo-ei .u.ou- u.ii.ij ,
number of cas--s. to proper trea'ment
yQU hv ti,eni. and will submit to ai-.
.1 . ...:.l. .:.,...-.1.- .
:ltiyiiiinKwi:ioiii:iiuui;iii. .'
... - :.i. .... . . - '1... 1
lt ,s tnc people, ne ?ax. bo nae i-yu
jlonex moon. and in the intervals oi
fu?i-:":g xvilh themselves fuss with every-
one around, who give tne botci-Keerers
fue trouble j
-The last boo: read by v.enerri j
(Jrant was "The lail of a KepuWic"-
. 1. i.
teil linn. 'Mr. an Kan-eviort. tlno the kdi..-- nu t'e.- -tin tn liurmi.n tur , " "r-" " " !''".' "'" .-r.... .......
Infnrlatri! by tlif rrr-ldrnt4 IUjr. Mr.
'Mly itnd Il! Krlnid T.ik ri.rln
of tho Ioi-l!!lr at tlir t ornor.
U'tum tbeT-ie-Io Il'a.Ir.
fovrr:KKrT X Itovrw. )
ftVJch ! In the sm: iiv Kni u ky.- -e!Kemler
I. l
Tlic"rei'd.a: h"I ftuniwl trnn the Ad
Irondi. hut tay couil-hrn hid no! wrnie Ihiy
niter oav I wulkf-d ra the eot o!a. aih! -w
thro the w nier tmtt nrernjl ius-?fr I.nMK-k.
ttin cH!n:y a: h.-. t-ue. dr.u iii - hour-,
am! then cio-.ta the coicern and uaixm home I
inhh himv in tlie tiisj uv t v mw. w
cihii then-after with hi trite to th'i pravr
int-et.n uv li.- ehssreh. or tu a!onn-heii part..
it wiihla uv t'lf srt, n-ver tp;i:i in Ua.
com - to -t "tn tin for tter !h r-ty de- wien
1- aliiiit there vmtin lor them unich -,v
i:-;o;n .'lUMhI hi t.-vth every tlaie he -avr
h in. "I'tie -at try xutxi tlmt :nter.or !e.u
iror-. from a lH-.i.o,-rai e Lovorniwcnt l.n
Ik-ii .nil V iln.iv. It Woar-to
,e bu-1 I -ii.-i hevu heil we u iT...dem
til-t he. t..e - ite
eouvwMti-doo totneiu!
inehcs-t d n.n
1 Ui leei.I! Kl'
imirp ntiil more m,efl-e.
a --rial if i liti uv Tiiru it- HXiL iiiu
nreui... .
I'l-c a ,.,-er l.tildK-k i- a part uv the Cov-
liMt'et IiiMwck "o on. and me sjifum
''!")' N) Iw !.
liier v.n.c u uwitreut v !-) ,k'lK-. hut a
! p:iji t 4w i.s i- i iii iun i t.c-i .,.'.....
.1 l.H .. . . . . ... 1...... I . ......I .....a. .
l-rii.totle liuy to take tlie i
tOIIe.-(e,.. I
i. . t t- ... . tr i t t
t. i, . ...... . .. .. i....
J e-r. iio-iiiii lino m'ii Hrui innii.i imil
letenn.n- dly over I tae iiust oift-
ani ;
V'aiK'-.I into the pottntrf-ter d j
I am en in.
:h - od. .
1 -ihI. "to take iKi-yeahii uv
li v vou u coiiuni-hiir' u-keil the leead,
i'liiiniii a .-aidon ',. vrm.
"1 liev no e,jiiiniiin. nor am I -o n to Mate
!! v.-t.i:, Wat ...hi wait to do i-to .t o..t.
'. he j eej.Ie tlnti t want yoo here, and onr mot
tu - liir;ii(Ji,ririVi,'!
I n Mi vK n to7-i! : ;r.!, niireupoii we
( ui took ii'in ii l.dily nad p tenet! nun out
on In- no-c ii t!i- - dcMu'k
'liien i -ot down m in? plticaml a ooiil
).u-zTrj:w.ur ;is
1'ie-nlt i wii. r. ver-ettie i ctiii-dct iz.uia nv
tile iH'fllle
. , , . , ...
(jili't to lie -elll
I'heie wit, u male on th
out n:ti I e-f-!Iil tie.l it
- -
'i'ner v. only
t.iiee tt'-r- and tno ii v cm via- ai:re-1 i I
ti.e l.'.oe.tner l.nttery a: Ne t rlenn-. I ami
on; i I'd on pniK pfe to lioitrio-. and I tifi it
'i dontv to le-eoo ttie na'ohn t victim-uv I
' l.o Ir, liulut Irom tlie evil oe-eke'ice- ,
UV Mer;to!l 1 -e I lo m -ell III It niotiev j
hliei not jro to th milliliter- m Nun I ) leeils tl I
kwe I ther colter-. and I i outi-tiUat-I the
letter- on ihe ,-iHit e coii:ri.''and.
1'tiey eontaneil .ich a tiv e-dollar hill I put
I'M'- u tli 1 ti.i:- in my ve-t pot kit, uiki
!ia ided tae other to Il-.-eom. -ayin tt ti.iu to (
j'.' me t..r it on account '
hernevei wur.auii re -arjin-ed'T iiiaii on
II vv il. tlie lut monev lie iio I licit IIV
iMe-eucei;ranil,i-t.,l uie out uv the ,.is .ii
t.-. and ;t ulteciid Ii'in Vl-ld. !! -aul. I u K
m a chare. oeicom with' eiiioiiun. and
n.o.l it i,-.t. .1.. .i.. I f -l tint -. nil i .. tk.n,, c.xl-. t-..ttttl' ;i" t -tlH l'f IllillC-. iltCV Lr3Iilrrl U) 3I!D LaT
wept tear-lot "i-atitoo.! t -( tin' d nu.mosit v. No partv vieton-
baSir .', 'm;";! L?VZ .var..v.r,!..;,.laels....irim..l,.ra.
lii-t drou-uv the raetohau -noner v.ich i-to lion or -tlidl eai'lie-t pttriio-e to obi t-...iii.-
Theri-inv -alery and iIht i- 1. ts-r- t.r.t:.. stll ilUt'nft.oil-s. It 'lro!ii;ilh If-,-vi-n
d.-i contan.ii reia.taai -to the l.oit-' , , .... ' ,.
tuier l.tltrv. A heller dav he, dawned onto move I every d xiputll.iealii II whicu r--t-
lle- Cornci-."
--- ... . . !
i.iiM-mti rnnir inv liifiil foul . tt.'' out '
,.,...,.,," ;,,,"; Nt"1, m ni" , taie ,,,. i
the noie. wn-h I tiniiiejiti put in
' ; lZi$ InllZ'" 'm .nv ..M i
p;,v el .-v. rvtinn-.- 1- -eien.-. lu-coiii-1-!
?-;,.;. 'l;;;- ; ,lV;.V"ld,!l",,!ll,!ri:I'i,,"n,i-!
f ,,;,;, ol, Ill utili- .and' a lio.x uv live
In- road, and it 1- hut a -:epover I
irat't 'I !: r .vu n uicirer -no'il-hou-e Ji-t to
tlielelt, wan ue hut lied lu ! . and I am now
vvearui tin it -.v the lied te-eher. m leh vie
hui:. To - t .!! dior the -ulari uv po-t-ni.i-ter
with ii 1 the-e hl-tor:e piaci s. with the ,
other com cine :iec v.lthll! -de. I- too -"olfll'i
tnr iit:ithi i l'i.e Vooni nu i-aved at l.i-t. j
ami thet'ovi rniii"u: 1- trooly in the hand- uv
It- tljen -
.l! - pee:e with :n A!t"r hiitteiiin on tie
"mr. en u. .'. !,, i ..!! de t all the- di-eerv
veer-, it , a -v. d.'lite to tie wen-: more
uv .hh-io-: , it-:- .:'.
JjX XZ , U u "mU !Z
:akin an ..i...a . s.nd ui! to win,-: send me
le 'dm nt ! ! s.: j.ri- hv the riiniuu viaters
mv toinui.-iiuu.
We -h'l in .veou oi'ier iiv 1 olli-i next
M c. , te -ame a.. t.h- auth..r t.e- at
w-i-nunrion are iihi-i-i v inr thi- pmvre ivi
; -Vo nv tni- orn.-r- want what o lit
I'KTItOI.I.I-V! V. N'vsnv. V M.
nit la-t ami trniia'ant.)
Itillll'o"ili- No Ctiolce iCxrept to I'ontiniie
tlie '-riirlif I ntil ('.it rlotl-iii r.fninii'i
ii- lliiiicir.iiil- as Trea-on.
Tn I' :ui i Tii-t v mine ii to
ev-ente unlit nr Hie South, am! it cannot
iiU.:. .V. 1' U"i; W.
TJc !'or'. is right, in one re-pect at
1.. T .. I- m..,!u..o, o.,rtt- wis born
. ... a " l.'l,l.-" of the making f 'which ,
.. . . ,? i
h ...m no l.a... i ue n-iiw oa- .-ei.- ,,. jj. M.r,tH..ri.rol power in th.
tional. because the South was poi-otied KNecut:vc department- and in th
with slavery and .saturated with that Hou-e of Io-pre.-entatives i- iv to ;le
bane of the Nation. State- right-. In
or IN'n. Ilo-Ioval p ople ii inuana
!ept on .'::: arms durmg the war. in
!e:r ol !nd:ana I'l'mo-rats. wl: . were
c. . i. . i .
I . ltl. 1.1 l.ll
no le-s treasonable but onlv le bold
than the n'bels in the 1 eld. Th
.I. . i .i c
oomifio n-irtv -leeoo iil the !ifr, of
- :. v ,--- - -.-- -
Republican p-.rty.
div tied
but for the Kennblican parts to go on J
. . . . -. .. .. . s ...
lvitii the " if.V. ' until It s. :: ice.
r ..... .
to-day. Th oft-proclainictl -ent.ments
aclualitv. Precisely
men's p'reva'd to-tlav among such nn
as General Grant said had not got
cnougb ot nght-ng. "nue the new
South turns to industry and is making
giant strides in wealth and progrcii.
... . I.. ..1.1; . . .. .. .1 .......
me r.cie.ioiienii o-iiiv. ii- uc-.i.i.
ri rervmrm ni' t?.ii - n-nv- inuiiiiruti i . . i - :. i r-. .. :
in before the war did much to hasten. p JVKJr.c-,iatt- from Zanzibar"- Chi- ! rom lhts -sv,hrr' s-ntly. i, , printed on a Mt-r and a
the v.r and to make it a b!oour M -V-V-til t valuaa!; to u. that we paid, her - aroaad lb krd p,jt.
the oM South, the .Ic:T Davi. the
I-ama-. the Keileys and other, ins-t
that the war for the lni n wsj a'
and that the pr n ipl for which
the South foil .ht are too - cre 1 to evn
be all i.v. d to d o. It i- : i:-l th'-e
fellows and the thtry tench that
the Kepubliean party :nu-t eons.nueth"
,'iirht" They re the "in'in e ol
pee the ,-ovver- of d -cord a.d
dsnc;T. o lonj a-tv,ey ran pr clatm
th -e beliefs w.;h ut U-ir.i: r.uki-I
by men of ali
doin ' inc-slritlabl'
ifirru. ll.i'V are
hnrm. Aecrd-
intr to Kepubl'cnn doctnne .t is danger-
oil to eneourari any one in -jH'tk-n4'
a-.tint tne t nion. The iNs'ioe. ha-
isd a -' tiv e pericnee in this directiou.
i n,j the Hepubi;can partv vv.mi
' its reet.t.on. It t e Ivepn d.C
u'' in sa"inr that t!ie.-
vvotihl -pare
can partv
i- wr-nr u .-axmr ".nai iae.-e -eH..-
. -
,.,. hive been nfiurl-'nUtl with the
-ent.- nai ik-.i iroiui i.iihi i.ii un.
eir-ent and encouragement of the
jjijjnorra'ie panv. .1 ouht to lie an
! .. ..;..., .. -.,.- 5; It id nl.ri mi
t.- .i.w- -..-,., .w ..
: v '"" , -- -
...,.,.,.. .- w, .;..,,.
uouett uie aeie- in .-uio- - it-iit....
The llejiubhca:! nartv ha-no choic but
m i i iotov w
i,. ,...,t t,ti tK. --fi.-lir ' nut I 05.rrtnt1-.1s1
! v.,.tjj be,-.. me a- Iwsor ;b!e as treason.
. ...v .. r -
'f t- l'"--' "
I All 1 kV 'I4 ll'H - ' W4' ....... -...
j hecome a-''pina: as tno-e ul tne toiiu-
, (i ,j nf t,,. rt.i,el'i. Mltjnapolt
. f
uurn li.
) "
itfpnlt'iican Tarty Not lc-lrtnn ol
Kifiin;' .tie -oiitliero .Vol n;iiiii.Mi.
It i-one t'dn to perpetuate the aui-
mo-tic-of the war and another to ob-
jeet to th reward and rder-h:p
of tiio-e vvho wajxeil the iviveiiion. It
i on- tlrnr to wave the bI(H! .-hirl
and another to demand free and hon -t
I. , 111
I It I llV'll 1 tfc !. 4 XI '
carefully d-ciMuiuate l.etween the-n
; jWo enttrelv ihHerent t rono-it
: irm hand. .....7..M...nvB,. a...i
' Democratic paper eoulouud- the two
!.... I ti.iiv ,.....,.. .r- tl... itl-J l'....lil.l tt
I.llillIII !. 1 111 alii 'K, Akiiriiaiii.ii
i at: 1 ini-i. pie-eui'
' '
I condeiunal on ot an cxi-t.ii"; vvnui as
an uiiju.-li'iable revival of jad diller
enco ami i--ue. No critic d" en
ator .-l.erinan i:a- dared to face tlie di
rect (jue-tiou vvnieh he pr tits. Tie
only way in wlrch he can be a.--ai!ed
i- lo d -tort an ! pervert h - po-itiouuud
to aeti-e him of -aviu-r what
le doe-
not -a at all.
The !h-publican partv doe not -eek
to keep alive the:::iti";oiii-m- ami i.-ues
ol ihe war. It ha- no lc-uv to pr.-
j-)t. ,.. ,:,!, :UIV ,.,., ,, ,,:,rlI,..
. . ' in" t i
.ltinr HI the :elieIl:on It cheri-ne-no
1 ...1 niion the rebel.-, and iv-tored them to
" "J - -..... ..........
. . .i - ... , ,,,,
5'' " .'.. "i ''ltien-lnp. Iheeom-
pletu freedom and the great opportttuil e
vj'"' hv theo!he, p-ople an- .he
-ni. of l.epiiblu-an liberal. tv. .No
bar li or ill beral spirit ha- been shown
!,t :i"
-ta"e. re-e-tabh-hed
th" pr.'giv ;ve char .cter w inch v.: en
it ha- fullilleil one mi- -ion. ha- niaile it
n'ive and alert tor the nexL I'ut whil.
it has removed every disab bty and
ha- welcomed the rebel- back to fnii
participation in all nolitical right-, it
can not look with complacence upon
the extraoidinury revoiut 0:1 which
phi' ei litem iiicuit'o! of tho ('ovrn-
:uent. lli-torv na- never iieior
never iieion pre-
seated -uei a s;i.
I .cie. 111 ev ci v in "
vious w.'i the p irty wiio-e -vmoatlie s
were ag.tin-t tin co.tnt'V .-Iir.veieil and
' di-uppcared w th t..e ovi-rhrow of il-.
uupatrotu hope-. Thi lories w.-ie
I never heard of alter the Kevolutioiiarv
j coutlict. The Federal st- broke to
' pieces after tho war of 1-d.'. Piii novv
i we have the remarkable fact that not
J merely the party which ie-i
' ob-tnicted the 'ovcrnillfllt in
t. d and
1 -trug-
g!e lor it- verv ei-.tciiee. but the verv
; men vvho -truck down the Hag are rul
ing the iiepilblie they sought to dc-
.stroy. Senator .-.liennaii referred toil
, as an a-!on;-lrng tunl di-ereditable
truth, and w'io .-had di-pute hunt
I be re-tllt i- ob'iox O'lt. t.'.O mean
tluh nl,'i;' il Uri:,tV,,,;i,,T.i'!,-',,lia,?;
-t 11 more odlou- I In euthron.-ment
uein .nste ami lorciole i
ine .rancii'-e ui tin ."-outii. -o ctiuini
man ilenie. th:- truth No hon t man
d:-pu.e- i-sa the Democratic ptrty i.-in
no-.e-,ion of t'uirtv-ei'hl elec oral voti-
and thirtv-eight feote-entative.- bn.- I
utiou a vole is utterly -ttt!l.
TU:s :- the coti-ummatio:i of ti cdo--al
frati I aJil the c ntiuued pe-p.-tratiou
ot a great national wrong. It s-
to -av that a prote-t acain-t tlr.s
. .
.......... .. ... ......... .w , i... ....... ... .... .... ..,,.,-
V.lll.l 1-- 11 llllll ill'; .11 l.--ll "--l.i .1 . -
. i . i . . . i.
liriT HO fJlOOIll "li IU 1L l Il'Ji. II L
open- do oue-tions of the pa-: and aje
peal to no war pa .ion-, lt-al.ving
v it'll. pn-ent 1 ue. and it nm-t remain
the -npretne i tie -olong a- tli -u-urpa-
tionof jjower continues. The 1 'eui'ier.ilr
and .Magv.iimp pa:r may. .-ail -'n-
ator Sherinan. lull thev ilare not tni'i't i
tbe trata n.l no. be m vun r.haujc ,
a.- an adulterant- The ckve :-e
- - -
rr.r ., ,-:- tn -,. (.i,l.
'ifca.a' , - 44.. k
. in tril:.Kt , .f.lcnient-. in 7n j
It ? nnfea-j3ab!e and unwhole .
1... i 1.1 . . 1. .
couinrv. a . , , , .. - , . ,.. ' v . . r .. 1 . it ,...M ,. I;.ai
the same s- ntv- I J peat-a wa:Ie -be wu awav. a jif 7re al Xrienii kird the txt
sonie in i.i months tha. have nt an r our hon.-e Uodox. wet', by our form cats a victim to tho dcar. It wat
in their nam -. to eat an oyster." Thai t a-i any concern, and we jare a ooi a tb only co In the place, and hec f".hy
wrote Butler, in hi- Dvei' Drv ill- 1 one a tivrt b tn'Xew York." Jr. X. . ician bliere the atfeecoa wi coa
ner," ai ion s0 -13 -r
Th ttrird-fp ny from which Tint
Connlry Olilln llr tippll-
Onr Kaci:-h --alt .'upjdj i rh:cUr d-
rived from the t heshire and Worrf.r-
-h:ro sB;t rcn. wh,r'i are of tr --.c
ire Mnnv of the plrcs at w,- Ur"
ai,. .miiuj. j
.-ah is mined have nxroe nd nj: in
iri.. such a- Xorthwk-h. MuMW-wh h.
X.tntwwh. Droit Nethrrwich aoI
Shrlevwich. 'lhs UTiuinxiion ir A is
it-elf cur.oa-lv n t ran!, ns Mr i-ar
Tav !or ha ,1kiwii, of the nsce-nry -i-nTt
on bvtween w!t and tb ca. lb--arl
et known wuy of prodrn sjUt
iv.v of eour-e in -hallow pan- on thf
e--hore. at th lwtim of a 'ho! bay.
called in Not and earlr Kahh a
k or w h: and th martai JHX-
lM ; .,!. K,
dnee. i- .-ul known in .rnJe iu tar
sail ly and m. wrjra .pie c to
di-eover the inland bHnc u.t and lt
- . .
- .i- -
,.i,ri..r.i....-.....i,.i . w...- ... k..
j' " . . .h - - ,.......-,... .....
mlnnd wnhr had iroUb: no Ura
i - t: ev we-e n-allv mm tnilv ar Mi.
ut ba-. an i tba" tht
- .- - ----.- - .- -----
salt iIwt
'-V-1 fr' ;r ,HU .ia, Rrn-WN
-. -- ..--- .-.-. v-.- ----- .. .. ..
ancjeiu rav .au. ine mp,t i an
o!d inttnd s-n cv aixrat4 bv Xw U-
.i . '..'..... I.
, Ric- a r-mour", immiir. ot ar. new.
r act ly a- im IWI ia. ami tre trr;
S.dt T :ikf are petttnvvaporaUHl in out
own tune.
M'eh. ue vert hell-. t- actust'r th
cae. A KMl-Med an u-ei to
'. ih1 lmrl , fl( hvland in irto. nxnra.
prea I ar:u-4- Ihe ernfrr i t n'Iand
K.u::de i here and then. n we'd a. Dr
1 lull can innkeut. b the Wel-h ilo-int-
ain-. the hevior-and tin Done.i Hih,
l,.,! ".!,h,lhe !Vnk '.,f 1,,,r,,.v,!,iw Antl rJ "
t- ' t'l.lll -'iiiin" rM ;- I'ni.iiv
.... ... ...
i-l to i- tr tin i- tilee iiHii-e Itir.
i;i . .,. .lfh,. :..,,,.. v4,-, -Ki. ...rW
. I!flt l. I1l,.lt1 lk.lfV.ltl 111 1.. ABIMKl
and to -hnvei nvvav to ever !a'br d--
In Devonshire, w? nre it a-
. . , i .
i. i . t i i .i t .
-:dt. lait onlv fil mail, w.tli here and
there a ciibse-1 .a-t. ndine; a lto one-
ii. -i. ii .. j. .. . -
oecupatl bv nc:.-alt. thou.rh tne i'r-
, . .- , , . - ,.
Cilat on ot the rn II ha lone; nee melt
, , .t . . t .i . i . i
ed ont that verv -olno.e -'il-tanet anI
, , -. . i i ,i i
replaced it bv a nie-e mold in the char-
. . s i. .
neieri-tie jiiii-i !i:uh of -nil rnt.nN.
lint W.r tershire and t'lu hir." t-.-r.
the at of the initiid -ea when it had
eotitraeted to the d.iu-n- on- ., a mere
w.,l! l-.L,. ,., 1 ,, to throw down it,
iiis-olve! saline uiateri.iK. i 'li'' ol tni
("hc-hip be I-I- -onietin.e- a huudrd
feetll. i k nf n'mo-l pure ind cr. -lalline
rock -ait. 'I he ab-enceof I"o-iI. -hovv
that an nri!- iiiu-t have had a- bad a
titiie.f it there a- in the Dead Sea or
our modern Pah slim.
The Dnrtvv eh br ne p'tt have b-en
triiiuti form nv telitlirie- - lll-i IHcV
Known iur m..iiv u 1110111 -. - m im.t
w,.n,ork.,, (. tixedi eve Wore ihe
lrMl m ro., .!M.- a- wep nrmv o'her
n . ,Yi.lU.U.'h,.r,.. H.tlhe actu-
.t, , f pn-k alt, n -mh. m Kn-
known for m.. nv eiituric. - nee titer
glaiul. date- back onlv a- tnr : the reitm
of King baric- II.. or more delinitelv
to the very ear in which the Pilgrim-
Progn--" was 1 oncetved sitd
wrilt -n by John Ilttnvan. During that
part'cul'ir -uttimer. an enterpr-fng
per-oti at Nantvvieh had siinV a -haft
for coal, which he faid to tut !; but
on b;- wav do 11 he cameunexpeete 1 1 v
aero-- the bed of rock -at. then for the
I r-t lime d;-. ovcreil a a na ve nuner-
:.. forttinale areid-nl. the
hells hare been - etiergeticallv wrkeI
ami the en rtrei eal'v pmnpel
that ..ouie of the towns built n top of
them have tot undermined. atnl now
threaten irom year to u-ar. in the tn t
literil -en-e. to cave in In f.u'. in
or two -n'ideiices of i!inbial ! --;
.,..., ... ,.ir..d.- 1..1 .... ..u.... .lo
H-IO il.l !-. ,.,. ..."-.I ....- ,.-.-
part, no doubt, to Ihe di-.filvmg ae ion
f nin water, but in part ! U toe
m-'de of w.,rng. Ihe tuine- an ap
proached bv ti -haft. nd whHti vou gt
down to the h vel of the old -ea bottom.
vou lind vourdf in a nort ol art hcial
"al'erv. vvh-e roof, with n!I th world
on ton of it. i- -npported every ben mid
there'l.r pilltr. sh-mt litiii
feet th eJc. 'em-'deriiig that the alt
hes often a hondted nnl liftv yard-.
deep, and that the pdlnr. have to
I ear ffee w-jgh t.f all thm depth of Mtlbl
rock, it is not .-.urpr .-ng that ibi
diices kboii d ouidiias 01 nr in
alnndoiu-I -haft-, where the water i
allowed to eolleet. and -lowiy tl.olve
Hivav tin iippoitiug eiJuintii. ('urn-
A TV.. in in Vlii Iiim "i.'l H'jc1"' I'ut
tins oil "Hi"' uriifiit".
FJverr afternoon at live o'cloi II a
nidilv x:?ireI woman emerge- from a
dovvn-tcwn cloak UiliiiiMnt. Ib'r
tigon i jwrfect on. 1 er fa- m boatiti
ful and h.-reair age 5- gne-efid.
Oh' -he i- onr form." "idd owe of
thir proprietor
when aikwl afc-m h-r.
Voiir form'"
"V-. I -ee voiViarp not nc;iitlntd
wiSb trad term-. Ki form it mdia'n-
,!.-i cloak e-t.ibiL-hmeiit'. 'Ih nio
of iok- dpnd-cn t.iiir rtrat.vo-
n,.. 'I"he buvin 'forth fall ami wia-
it.r kKlin has egnn. and entrv
tnervhant-are m. Viwn or ar em ag
to j.urcha-e tiwir ktock-.. W.? nin:
.-.fttf mem h-.v. the ar-'at U..k.
fc. tf vt rb tc. -a;t a.l Mra. to
Hit' fu.uinw wb iu w - iB.w
sIjlJ air.
In pcttiig tni ckak aa-l xlX. :n;
arinntl and pA.g bforoxour ca-toni-
r all thai xoisr torm do-
'e. and u arw might glad Jo !.
her without iking 2Lnt:b:ng moe- cj
'What do you have to ttay brr?"
We pa v bier thirty d Ilcr' a r .i,
the vesr aroun I- We l?t br b tc a
vacatbin in the ananer- b: r
far for the dree which ae wear in
A Canadian flTsrvman rcnUy
p'faclr 1 hve h-XI' on ft tpFJ U f
eonjrreaUon whwh pnfc.:Jy -iwl
Nrfr a hnif In nmir m I l-
t .. . . . ,
nwtMfr tf ikm worki w trti in
ContlraiitHHi4 f trfc rorI. a.
Tlie Vtcnr of U'fcW fnr ma
jj-k? -rr.. ( rbl nrTr,hrr' tHK
iS jablihl in lxwuioa.
Juiwawl Kremrtt Hnla rUrmnt
H!wrr artiii ibai rhree bmr A
dni t bria work m noik! w je iian
a zujut th Wt tbn in bini.
A er blnil Ui " bugbmi
Smith. K aa.'' botfewr tW &m
ton p-tmaier orer t.u bhI ISfc
forwjx!U U U Cne Aaav Axtfwa
Iran -npL
Ma-on .ViUbeIlL aa art. jit Ua
Kat iTa-ctoa t hit t t ght ia tbr
Rirf rrtwi'.km aal ui!kL I h mom
-an! thai h itLtii Iwnaw mi artrvai
had Jiitrd b m.
-Tb ibMth i a aicrd Qhm
ratMiI by the bok a UM-oToriiiif thai
br wa- only a n;y n!s 4i, tetal!
if beiajj n rt?arurtl ac h bai mr
pot-l. I " itmt LtuUr.
Th rnrnmm Kmma itlf v!',,vti
- ..
tttft- i,nijut Air
Km km Alb. f'Juaan,
-; -
KmBwTUttr.Hy.lj kt-
Ma owh. an i.
niton Juete and Kw-
bib xttfraniw, imm! nil
occr(uL ia..o Initr i .
Kraak- J. Rlara. lbt erm aJ au.l
. , - v -- -
iniiuia, jwibj: ynnii 'i w,
abtMlt K)h!s. v 4 thW ai aVr ht-
.!... ...... . ..l...- 111
u- iuu."K ru- . - . . -
lata sreo.B-;. wrr c iimiiki
vinn "fa. .-ri !' .
:. neral litK-ker t9 io lb Mt-
feilerntti Anair ltini..ol b fwuntrv
wlh ihnv KVi-l bc !'-
vr. who ' lvw Mi-h o u4 Krutock.
II arri. li. vtpal M ci e;a. aat a.!uU.
Ht-hH 1 Tifa A, i -
liawath.' t.dd i a Ari K Mr.
Ioajff llow. k bctn put at. i ai'tni
wod br V intbrup lr-. nrti t. at ih
l n new h ue i t .r.t Afttr, K
Norwieh. 'in. Mr .atr mhru d
about tl .iH''" frm fallr. !
jnt. .!. ". for ibeb-nclil ol uUi
ern frsJro. . IiirirU ...
t I i . rf t ital i .!! ..m mm. m m. I f.iii
Iter. litmll ...,. i ,.. r. r. "
Henry invinjr e.tftv' that. iwn in
, ".- , . , . , ,, ,
. M .. . , ., , u .
b. mtiiuiu fr. etuis. ilr ill rr a-
. . . .w i -
that owee n tnmilr of the l.trriuii
" ' , . .
I neuter MitniiBin laisiil an hour itm
.. , . , - .. ,..
rim nbrtii dranml.e nwvtlep. uptoiB
, . , , , v. . V-
h.m to Im hi cnp!i.r .. J. .-ni
n.of the neb. -i -uimmln lraP
1 !"h-.i W niren. ..( whom m.
"' h i "" r t:.ii .tto e brr uar
na-'e with lb. handium- m,nl gdtml
., .t
Me'hod wt otenehiT Mu trw a
thi- lalv Teiii to D.-nvrr a mmr. hanl
uitrkui' neutn); jjirl. IIr ! w lr
fol'tlll.e. lor .11 Iivcl pltrl hr
trad' -In- wii- wnnl nod vv..ii l ik
I! ll". 11 tinner, .in I v iti h hindh !il
he left iter a fottitiu of .-verl m-li.oli
doliu'. Mr II. Ii vv.i n l-vMit A4tb
ilt-:. and louver o--ip i.-ll thai r?ttp
MmpMiu et Ihbop W arren Ui thtl mi urpoe u many tb mitlln
.tiie widovi. I heir ivetlditij; wiv n Hi
lar om. ev.-r 'blh -4lt it DHir
heine; tiivite.i
i'kt uyi Tntun.
Hie ijtmlo'i t- lns-jM.iiilv akMh
What e a ilude l" U' u. iu-ijfli
to th.ii a do le i 'i'lmt noihtnic.
Oil (.'tt't I'errt'k.
l.ghtn mjf wnti'hed aromrt irom.
the hand oi an mowtoor prfo mer l:
itbr d-v at LatH-nttcr. P.u Vt thttra
miv eople xbi. il4M t li UiiU,ag. -
-' frjo A. r
(iumt W.itfr. dbl vmi any tibli
win ninne turtle Mip' Wair Ym.
mr. ,1 wm mail ' oil il th watrr of tv.
jon f nrar hr in hbh turtUt m-
kepi in I ufmrr A,'rrr f mm.
.Muhr t Li't! bor-Wlwit msn
. h Bi. k 1 t .
vuti iivior f-.f' Bov I MMukd n.y
tnsr' Mib.r Ua? l Vnav
u.r,uy. Mthr Why did a t yntt rrt
w ay
'( a 1
1 hen .' Iktjr
. ..!.!
H IM pM (II Alf
ilHIA l I.nift .ir mm tnirmarr.
-Have vou niir wiUrii a''"
iiskml a huh viit wa Uiokmg mi m raw
ml Mrdiu;f plara br hr taaailv.
W.-IJ." A.d tbr Ian4lalv. batii".
jftit iiMt: j Hum; UAk- bwu t a-okud
(or U bun an'ikg.t it for yjut tanuly if
yu want it
-Marj. lajila-Tti. hot difrfU4) -"Jobnm.
1 irpr.I that ioi
bHild "m ptwtiMMH " It aagbrr.
,)obn t?nl aiv. bnt iiwim
Whin hutd I Mrr (lofttfyj
a '1k Uiun by the bntrg' '
CflttUffO litrttd'i.
A Tnnn"e yomii; niaa nmmtiiy
.. .- . t -.
c4tt 't to bi (' kiin
her looiiop. 'I nu 'd mail. bum
gunnled h i to tanrfullr thaft ab wm.
tiitabU to u Hi: 4 irvunl toi
1 ind bun a awe mtwkmim. Tho
"caaleUvyi t;iil h.m jnt IwiW uiaUaxw-
i .lo.l
, In ordv-r lo c-iuJkiu its, la audi
dnii i cinnr the ai 'itt f nafc,
lat njj 'ur rom'iii-l by iieanl itujiti
nrd. u v bJrnar kt a ?tijri Mbati
:be oii.t to do th Im. vtlkli K
vent. "-iiiM-tinM" Iat xtiu irtt.iuji.
too 0vv. -idl t.'' WMVth iUUiiMi&U
repm. A ). hvirjrjtr-tiL
-I 01
.x .iml i-t ' l ' wmi
it mtui riti ati
IV- i.v.t .hi iiti" tinf --fcfO'LLr;
TU rM ,t Irii7 ta
Willi t tunl itl m m f-.
.Via' It kwl lyiwl k IMH ,f 1k.
Awl ali. til U-" 'ftimn i"- ..rif
''.her- no r Jrit-jf a tbai. Yvj
RMun U Jf6Br Itra. ai JcaAv;
laji nuv -& .ou rvu t aif hU .a-n
nuv a .ou rou
irytiTK. tM UktV Ctt it UfA KOr.
j. mii.
Contagion b- Mail.
The. Watortovrn (K. V.) Ttna :Irxs
tilt rate of a little girl who wxt tyte
ttih carIt-feTcr- ;?h moU 'tlylaz
k to a httl5 frn'i which wa icj-
arcle dna
Tbrf "iitti'j
rhen thr ItUeT
wa rceiTel and ahortly afrrward b-
I miuticated through itm miU,
-- - " w. w -- ,-. - -. - V.