"i -Z i r- "i- .r Vwv L. iii tasr iV- 9 The R-ed Gloud Chief A.C.H03MER, - - Propiletot FRIDAY OCTOBER '2. 1885. Per Cent Farm Loans. The Nebraska Farm Loan Co. will take "you a loan on your farm at straight 9 per cent and furnish the money without any delay. Call on :hem in the Red Cloud National Bank Building. SlilUouetle. Wheee is Mosef, What in he about, Where h Moses, lias hid light gone out? Obituary. If so soon U be done for. What was I ever begun for? Htlmet. EVENTS OP 1HE WEEK. Hoxkv at Hackcr'i. The familiar cry, "Oh! where in he?" The CommiiBiouerii meet October C. -. G. R. Chancy waa in Alma thin " week. The Rv H. McMeekin wad in the dty this week. Geo Oh.koho linn been on the- Hick list for a few day. I). F. Ti:.vkkv h hia new houac ready for tin- jihiteiera. J. II. Smith and wife have returned home from the frontier. A. N. Patmok has our regard k for a f ranmmolh uatermeion. A Ni.w band was organized in Red Cloud last Moiiflay night A. N. Ennv Is too happy over the arrival of an heir to estate. The Qui vive fire department ia now engaged m practicing. The ladies' aid society mer-tq at Mrs. Walsworth B this I'Yiday afternoon. Mu". !. M. I'koctoi: of Chariton, Iowa is in the city visiting relatives. The new M. E. Church pa.stor will e in Red Cloiui in about three weeks. i The ground has been broken lor the new school building i.i the KOtith end. S. P. For, living acron-i the river, is the happy father of a bouncing baby boy. Oust friend. John Fulton, of Riverton taid The Chiek a pleciant call this week. Joiiv Moore, cashier of the First National Bunk, was in Lincoln this " week. IIk has gone to 'that cotintrv from whence no traveler returns," t-uy-i the mugwump. S. Tni'tson, living neir Rivorton, commiitcd sucido last Saturday, we understand. Jim Potteu lost a valuable cow the A other day. It was drowned in the W Republican river. Save money by getting your farm Iorhh from W P Overman. Money furnihhed promptly. The boaid of education are having uumcioiis icpaifs made and preparing fcem rally for wimer. W,M..T, n ......1.. rr.. .. ..swl n. ii I'.U'ir.u iijiiuo iniuin otii ixty dollars by getting hid farm loan from W. P. Overman. Xaviek DkMu.s, of Wheatland, one of Web-tcr county's prosperous faun em, was m Red (."loud Tuesday. Tjik average 'bun driver will be call ing out in stentorian voice next week, 4 "All aboard for the fair grounds, going right out." The machine repairing department of the B it M in this city has made more iepana this month than at any other time for years. A A Pon:, our houUi end implement dealer, m erecting a large storage room on hi lota, at the corner of Second Avenue and Webster street. Rev. 11 a tuns, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church in this city, and now of the North Platte country, was tu the city the latter part of last week. Makk W.mineu was thrown from iin mowing machine on Tuesday and W onsidembly bruised and shaken up, but foitunately not Odiously injured. Btick to the ticket, boys; don't let your angry passions rise, and swear vengeance because the balance of tho boys didn't, play aH you wanted them tj. Don't forget the Webster county fair next week. Everybody in Webster county should come and spend at least me day. A grand good tinio is ex- pected. Hesky Cook's building, which has been standing in front of Till Chief oflice for several months, has weighed anchor and is now harbored north of Abo Kaley's. C. Wiener will be comfortably situ ated in his new and handsome store g room this week. His ouildmg is cer " tainly the very fineRt that we have ever seen in Nebraska. There will be an entertainment for the benefit of ths W. C T. U. next Friday ewning, at the house of Mr. Henry Fulton, two doors north of Mr. Eoby's. All are invited. Comk to the fair and sec the best display that has ever been made. New f grounds, new sheds, and everything new. Premiums large and paid in cash. Come with the crowd and bring your families and articles for exhibi tion. The Oberlin and Republican City branch of the B. &. M. Ry. will be in running order October 1, and through trains will run from Red Cloud to Oberlin. We understand that Red a Cloud wili be the eastern division of this new route. l.v another column of to-day's paper will he found the advertisement of A. Cook, the onlv exclusive boot and hoe dealer in Rod Cloud, and we take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to his advertisement, feeling assured that they will protit by calling g ou him. T OfR friend. W. H. Wheeler, a prominent husines man of Clinton, 111 nois. and Messrs. LeBountv md t Hathaway, of Guide Rock, were pie i ant caliers at these headquarters this week. Mr. Wheeler owns a tinn farm in Beaver Creek precinct, and is out in God's country to look after u OfK enterprising opera house man ' sgere have zone to the expenso of four or five hundred dollars and will light the Opera House with gas. There will be over 40 jets, including the fooiHsht The Opera House will be opened about the 15th of October, we under stand, by one of the Snest theatrical companies in Chicago. Messrs. Mor hartfc tfulton and Mizer are to be congratulated on giving the people a - Kood na- REPORTORIAT POINTS Cranberries at Hacker's. Vint Ludlow m very sick. Mus. M. W. Dickeiwon has returned home. S. F. Spokefsield has returned from Hebron. Buckwheat flour and maple syrup at Hacker's. HI H. LrnLow baa returned home from Indiana. Mrs. F. K. Hatch arrived in the city today from Illinois. A daughtku of Mr. 3. Perkins, from Denver, la in the city. 0 perjeent loans at the Nebraska it Kansw.s Farm Loan Co. Beth A.-ioeh, of Iowa, an early Nebraska hettler. i-in the city. We under.-iand that a new brick block ii to go up soon on the up town block. Loans made with the Nebraska & Kan-iia Farm Loan Co. can be paid at home. Wonder if the Hel met grip contain ed tne "Ohio idee" when it crowed the old bridge. .Jr.UKY Oksduff takes the cake for largepotatt.es. He raised 13 bushels from a peel: o! seed planted. Lost Two bows' coats The finder win ie suuamy lewanieu by leaving them at Mr Hacker'i noie. i Maiikied by S. If'est. Mr Isaac Rechbaugh and Miss Mary K. Bird P. of -"alem, Kansas, September 30. W. Stewakt. of Diller, Nebraska, has been vi-iting T .1. Wright this week. He paid Tin: Cm hi a pleasant call. Mu. Roll and Mi-s Campbell were married on the 2tHh. by ;Rev. George Hummel, at his residence on Ash Creek. Mu. I'MiMtEvnii's little daughter died lant week from diphtheria. The family h.v the sympathy of their many friends. A. IP. Coi-elani) and -on traveled 3f(i miles into Kansas, bmlt two frame houses, and relumed in 1 days. A good record. Kuas'k 15 come, Upland P. O., Kas.. "old bis tine farm to Mr. M. R. Rent ley the other day. The farm is said to be as fine a farm as there is in Jewell county. The "Helmet ha the grip and in tends to hold it, and don't you forget it. -Helmet. Wonder if the "grip" didn't Ivanaa via the old brige? go to Tun lHS.r tax lisi is now in the ha'ida of Treasurer Husebow. All per-nns who pav t uc hould not fail to bring their rrad receip s along and niv the irea-urer a ere.-it deal of trouble. Qpite a demontration was made on our ! reels Saturday bv the lioyn who are theatrically inclined. They had a whole caravan of animal', from mi elephant down to a hippopotamus. We understand thai Mr. Outhwaifc and Or hrer ba traded tore and lots. l)r. Pherer gj.tMng the bt nitd buiMing whre H-ieker': ..tre is, and Ontbwaite get- Sherer's corner and buildings. Ww'Ti'.n. Information concerning the whereabout" f on- King Ms"S supposed, while liihoring under tem porary mental nberaiion. to have wanderrd over tho obi bridge and got lo-it in the wilds f Kanas. Tiieiie are. lot-- of new goods rolling in a us usual at Henry Conk.. Tho peop'o of Red Cloud will have the greitest variety of fine goods for presents, toys, and bonks that ha ever been seen here, and all at prices that cannot be beaten in the stale. Kt) Pa ii res' buggy horse took it in to hi-: head to run' Way Tuesday. In fhe buggy was the Mrs. Fd. and Win. Parke and Miss Lucy Pardo. Thev were all thrown from the vehicle, and seriously bruised and tho buggy was prettv well dilapidated. It was a nar row escape 'I'm: Qui vii" fire depigment were in Guide Rck 'ft Thurdav night where thev rendered their drama. "The fe eran of IS 12 or Ke-iah and the Scout" Through some mi-undcrstanding the people of (Snide Rock did not patron ize the boys very well, but they missed a rare treat. it. r. .MlZFn. the Upera I loir o grocer, is going to reluce his stock t make room for new goods o n call and see him if von want bargains in queensware groceries, provisions, etc. His motto: "Fir.-t class good, more of them, and at lower prices than any other houe in Red Cloud." Don't forget the. fair next week ev erybody in the county should come as it wdl be well worth their while to do so. Everv effort i being made to have a fine time Gov. Dawes, and Hon. James Laird will be present. Fine stock, raring, etc.. will he principal featnies. Com and bring your families ami have a holiday. Rev. C B. Lfsfest. who ha occu pied the pulpit in the M K. Church for two years, departed Monday even ing'for his pew charge at Alexandria. Neb. The people of that town can congratulate themselves. as the Reverend gentle man is not onlv an able man. but annpright and thorough Christian. The Chief wishes him success. The C;TrEF hopes that every republi can in Websser countv will work and use hi influence for harmony in the republican tank:. The ticket nomin ated last Thursday is a good one. and is deserving of the support of every true and honest republican. There are. .t course, kickers, and people who are. never satisfied, in all parties, but aide from that we believe the ticket nominated will give general satisfac tion to the republicans, and be elected by a good majority. Report ot school, district .? for the month beginning August 31 and end ing September 2o: Whole number enrolled. 23: whole number attending. 20; number days taught 2o Those not absent during the month. Frank and Sylvester Frihie; those not tardy. Lottie Parks; those whoso deportment is above yii, Lottie rarks. llomr Starks John Agnes and Edgir Street: bsnrer class Laura Ho -per, Lena Wrench Willie Hetllebower and Oeorge Wrench, Willis Brown, teach er. Mr. Wilt. N. King of the Red Cloud Helmet, was a caller at these head headquarters Thursday. He looks heart v happy and prosperous. Ne braska i evidently doing well for the "good brother,.' both physically and financially. Guide Rock 'Signal Dear Signal, just at the present writ ing the climate of Nebraska is a little too Torrid physically and financially for the "good orother'v It is to be hoped that the geatle zephyrs of the Jay Hawker .etato may .prove more conjeniaK DR. L. D. DENNET'; Waylayod and Brutally Assaulted by W. N. King, Editor of the Red Cloud A Cowardly Act. Helmet. Some four months ago the an nouncement was made in this city by various individuals that Red Cloud wa to have a Simon pure democratic news paper, anrl that one Wid N. King, of Piqua, O., would be its editor. There was nothing peculiarly wrong aloui the annoucetuent, but later ou the great &hcei appeared, and from iu very inception it scored our people rij;ht and left, according to the Oliio idea of journalism, using all sortt of vile in-stuuation-i that bore the ear mirks of numerous malcontenU who seemed to have crowa to pick: and still the people fairly supported the paper, hoping thai in the end the editor would come down to decent journalism. However, it seemed impossible :or his friends to sit down on him. and as fast a.1 one smiabHe wan settled and taken back by this ho cnlled editor, he would .ig:u br-ti up with fcome other boomerang that would set the people e.irsing bun His idea of what people wanted in this country wni !0 far ahead ot all the wants of this country that our enter prising people were unable to gra.p :ns wonderoiid ideas, hence his effort? o civilize the people were noi fully appreciated. King alone was not to blame for his "eu.-iedne-i-.." He, per tliaps wa- made to believe much tha never existed, and wa- always ready, apparently, .to heroine the tool of oth ea.s when it suited ins purpose. He carried his abuse ol the people so far iha he disgusted his party friend-, and to-day many wh) were solid democrat-! are halting between two opiniour, and in many instances take republi can papers in preferenc- to the bust ed'' organ.-4 The Chief has no p.irtic ular desire to kick a Jellow being when he i? down, vet it .-ems to be altogeth er proper to chronicle a short history oflhii man King, whose sliort and ignoble career has brought himself to a fciiddeii climax by hij own cowardly act. THE FACTS IN THE CASE are sulwtantuliy as follows: Ttie prin cipals in the aluir are Will N. King. (ediUir of the Helmet, a vile democratic- sneet, recently started in this place, and wuose principal mis-ion from us fir-t inception to ite early demise, seems tojhavo been to vdhfy and de fame anything and ever thing, any body and everybody that came within it-i reach.) and'Dr benney. one of'our prominent phvsici.uis. rcertly return ed irom a years sojourn i: Cnfiia. Hoth paitiesand their wiv i.'oarded at the Cardner Hoii-e. King see mis to have labored under the imprest ion that he held a warranty deed tor a cer tain .eat at the table, conliary to tho rules of the house. On Monday even ing l)r and Mrs. Denney were seated at "the table, when King enteted the dining room, and witii Irs usual ar rogance and insolence oruered the Doctor to vacate the seat he Wa-, Owcu pving. which he politely but firmly declined to do. Hot words ensued, but the matter was finally dropped. A i short time afterwards, while the Doc tor was walking near McFarland's store King clipped up behind him and dealt him a seveio blow on the head with a loaded cane or club, knocking him down and leaving him m an almost inscu-ihlu .-o-'dition. After felling his victim to the earth the cow.udly assailant took to his heel like a whipped cur. and went to Sheriff Warren and gave himself up, saying: "Istiucka man and want to give my-ell up." He was unwillingly al lowed to go free by the hherill". who -hould certainly have held him until he had dicovcred the cau.o of the t oublc. The doctor was taken to Dr. Heck's office and 'us wounds dressed, after which he was convoyed to the residence, of Mrs Haird, where he is still lying. At present it is hard to determine what the result of his injuries may be. At all events it was a cb.se call and but Irile short of an actual murder. King has inflicted this community with his presence but a short time. His where abouts at present are unknown, how ever warrants are out fr bis arrert and the probabilities are th.it he will he called upon in the near tuture to answer for his eccentric fr ak, in a l c0 irt of justice. .Such murderous con duct cannot be overlooked in any eiwli.ed community. Comments are in order but are unnecessary. A man who strikes another in the face is en titled to some respect, but he who stabs his fellowman in the back is the most despicable thing on earth. It King could have been found on Mon day night the probabilities are that a coat ot tar and feathers would have been copiously applied to his pen-on. as the crowd were very indignant over the affair. King, we understand, tried to borrow a revolver from one of our citizens, but whether it was his intent to use it or not we t.re unable to saw I'vrEU Wedding. On last Friday evening Mr. A. L. Mitchell and wife had been married two years, and to properly commemorate the occasion the happy couple invite I a number of their friends to join them in a proper celebration of the event, which wo must say was one of the mo-t pleasant events that ev r occurred in Red Cloud. The friends of the happy couple let many beautiful souvenir of friendship in the shape of beautiful books, etc . and at a late hour the guest- retired to tneir vsrious nonies after wishing the parties many returns of th happy occasion. The Chief extends its congratulations and like- i wise wishes them tuativ vears of wed ded bliss, James Potter has a number of horses and cattle for sale, consisting of of seven m ires ranging from one to seven years old. described as follows: On gelding, four years old, 5 good Texas maie, and the other a native mare weighing RH pounds. Also, 9 head of cau'e. ci -uprising 2 streer j calves, 1 bull calf, 2 heifer calves. 2 two vear old h. iters and 2 cows. id all be sold ;heap for ca-h. James Pottlr. At B. A M. Freight Depot. To The TEorLE. The people of Webster and adjacent counties are requested to be patient, and our stck ot clothing, dry goods, dress goods, groceries.etc. will be in within the next week, and the Mock will then be complete. We extend a general invi tation to the people of Red Cloud and vicinity to call and seens. Respectfully, VniowJc Vot'NG. For Rest. One good house 6 room good cellar, good well, near new school building. Inquire at the preaiis or hi Miner Bros store. OR ON BOARD. Little Children, De Train Am a Oomia' Around Do Curve. On last Thurfdny the urveyors' corp of the Chicago, Nchraska, K.lns and Son tu western, with Chief Kugmeer Pmmtey in charge, run their lines ioio Red Cloud, lite first hue down VVnluut creek, in Walnut Creek precint, to Ina vale and to Red Cloud, on the north side of the river, and the other from the south aide of the river to a point j near ttie lied uouu .Milling (Jo. s property, and then across the river west ot ttie mill, and strik.ng the first survey at the cemetery, making two good routes from that precinct to R-d Cloud, the latter route being equally as good as the one Via In.tvaie. both routes being perfectly feasible. During ihursday morning Mr. J. D. Hill, of Fort Scott, president of the company, and Dr. Wa-sam, of Kureka. Kaii-a, general manager, arrived in the city, and were driven over a portion of the surveyed hue adjacent to Red Cloud, and were higuly pleaded with the prospect of entrance to the town ami were very much siirpri-ed at our beau tiful little "ity. In the evening a rail road meeting w:ij aim muced to lake place in Mizer's old htand, and al though the meeting was not thoroughly adverti-ed. quite a large crowd wa" present to hear Pre-nbmt Hill die-.i-s the merit. of the route of the prop-ed line into Texas from this city. His remarks were attentively listened o. and his statements very concise and pointed, without auv effort to conceal the ditHcuhies and drawback to such an underuktng He i.- a erv ple--ant speaker and i confident t iat the road will be built, and aid he wa anxious to have the Work commenced h-fore January 1 IS-0. Being an "old railroad contractor and builder be under-tand- hu buune- and kn..v.-. wh.it he is talking about when he ay that tne route from Red Cloud to Texas i? one of the mo-t important railroid lines that could po-ibly be bud'., alfording as it doe- on of the richest agricultural localities in the great west. The road will fir-t he built between Red Cloud and Dodge City. Kans., a distance of 215 on.es. and thence into Texas a planned by the company, entering the great cattle districts of that .state. During the evening Dr. M-K-eby Hon. James Gilham. and A. J. Ken nev in. i b biief speeches, each ben g in favor of the road. In oider to build the road the company will w ut Web ster county, or belter 'iu precinct through which ttie ion! passes to vote them bond- to the amount of from $G0,0!HJ in $S0.t0 payable in fifteen or twenty years. This would certainly be a small enough amount, provided the road is built, and would certainly benefit the pteeincts that it runs through more than that amount in the raise ou property Thecninpmy :No ropose to extend their hue from Red Oil ud to Omaha, takinir un the old rirty hue -fthich the U. l railway made "t this point and follow it up lo Omaha. Lincoln, making a verv ie.-ir.th'ie .-oiite fiom Omaha to Tex i, and a trunk hoe. As soon as it can be arranged a propo-ition will be pr--euted totlm people ' vote the bonds rtqnred in wuioi.'S precincts in aid of this line. TllE UliiT--"' " a.-auteJ that the gentlemen mean business and are vet v anxious to Inve the r.-.d built, and is also assured from resid.-nt Hill and Dr. Il'nhnam. the geei -.l-mansger. ttiat it will he an in-iependnc li- and opnated independent of auv -thei line, and one that will benelH tne country, and especially tMe ci'y ot h d Chaid In all probability within ih.' next twelve, montus the trains wilt be running into Red Cloud over the new hue. We hope they wid, for with the advent of tins road into our city, much may be expected m the growth at.d prosperity of the tJate City of the Re public in Valley and everv cimn in l ted Cloud should aid the coterpr.ie if it is worthy, and we think it is. Hur rah thn,"for the C. N. K. t S. W Ry.. the c ais can't come too soon for us. OLD SETTLERS Hold a Reunion Reunion at Ira Sloopor's Orovo. On last Wcdne-day the old sett ler of Webster county who arrived in the great American Desert previous to 187-4, met at Ir.i Sleeper's grove in this city, for the purpose of again mingling together and recounting the many trial? and Hardships incident to settling up a new country, and at the same time tell of the many funny ir.eident tlia were wont to occur in the early pioneir days when the festive Indian and the romantic butfalo held undi puted sway in this then vast prairie. Tnere were multitudes of intere-ting events hvents that were of especial in terest to all, and at lbn Junes (ill ham. Judge Willcox. 'aptain Munseil. G. W. Ktiuht and others pie i-anliy refilled tuem in their respective, h ippv wavs. the scenes were brought vivtdlv hetore each old settler's men. orv, ami for a time they seemed to be again living oer the early days in the short space which it took to tell the stories. Tne pleasantries and realities were fresh in their minds, and when either of the gemlemer who addres.-eU the crowd alluded to some of the shortcomings of the bov, they were hearhly applauded. Mr. Giihim mid Judge Vtileox wre the first lawyers in Red Cloud. Mr. tiilham made him self enormously rich by his Uw prac tice the first ye ir. his receipts being estimated at To cents Those present were they who had passed through the trying orueai oi me gra-.-nopper scourge, the seasons of no rains, the grand but awful prairie fires of ear y days that swept everythinr before them, ttie days of but little to eat and no mouey. yet with an indomitable will thev stuck to it and to dav are our foremo-t citizen. Tney des-rve all they have Mid much more for making it possible for other to be able .o live in this magnificent state. The day was very pleasant and all had an exeellent lime. Hereifter there wid be an annual meeting of the old settlers. The organ. JMiion was effected by making Mayor Tinker ch.itrm m. and Donald McC.il! urn secretary: W. E. Jackson, G V. knight and 1). McCallura a com mittee of arrangements for next meeting. There were nearly I0( old settler, present. A vote of thank was extended to Ira Sieep-r. and three rousing cheers for his hospitalities. The two first settlers. E. Peters and V. McCallem were on the grourjc. Com and Oats Wanted. Ludlow i Son will tike corn and oats in exchange for bnrk. All per ilous wihtng to make the exchang. will call on them at their vari north ' of KeJ Cloud. 7tf Republican ConTeetkm On latt Thuraday afternoon the re publicans of WeUter county held thetr county corcntion at th court house G. K. McKeely chairman of the cenral com 1 1 tee called the meeting together nod on motion A. J Kenney. wa call ed to the chir and A. C. Hrmer wa ctnwen i-;creury, a ter wiiich a com mittee oncredenlials wa appointel, and the contention then adjourn id until 1 p.m. AITEEOO.V SKSIO.N At half past one the conrention wa again called to ord- r ni-t the rcprte of the -omnmtt:c on crelential w.ia received and accepted. The temporary orgnnizalion whs then perfected and Geo. J Warren was elected as-istai.t secretary after whu ii the convention proceeded to uominateo the following ticket: thk ticket. For Ceuu: (m-nWoaer C. G. 'WIL.S0.V,- For Omn;v f l-rk. JUDSON BAILEY; Fort omit v Traairr. M. B. McNITT. For RtKistT of ril, II D. HAN.VKY. For Ciit) Jutlgr. F. A. .SWKKZY. For3hcrilf, HENRY C. SCOTT. For SutieriMenkut of 1'uMit IntU-sctlou. C. V. sriUNUEK. For urv.'or. F. 1. UEKD. No better ticket could have possibly ieeti selected and eery thing paved -if in ttie most iiaruiutitous manner possible Tne convention wa made up ot 107 delegates and were all repre sentative republicans. On motion tbe .'oiio-ving gentleman were selected delegates to trie state convention to take place ou the Nth. F. R. Gump, E. A. Hull, D. F iriiuicev, W H. Howe, J. ft. Hoover, N. K. Warley.A. J Kenney, A. R. Cau-tit-l.l. On motion the convention selected the tollowi.ig central committee nen tr the ensuing year. Beaver Creek s, Croxton. Batin .James Anderson. Elm Creek Henry .Sheldon. Guidf Rock E. L. Grubb. Garfield J. F. .-mull. G'enwood M Ft-her. Harmony J. V ratten. I nit vale I C- Bmoka. htue J W. Turner. 0k Creek R. M. Jones. Pleasant Hi!!-Dr. C. .Schenck, Potsd tin A. M. Walters. rftiliwater C. A. Tec I walnut Creek M. 0 Fulton linl Cloud 1st ward .S. w. Coon. Jnd ward .S. west. At Jaig J. X. Ciil ham. After ihe central committee had been sVierted the convetuioii adjojrn ed, witii every iiio.ii pledged to sup port the enure tu kel. It was the most harmonious convention evei held in t.ed Cloud, the following resolutions were uuauiiou-ly adopted. Ci. ii U-..i.'. fi. liy ttie rejju-jHrain of Wsl slct C'iiuil in o.ivculieii asn'III!:i1, I. lu.kt rte :vr jipmuI of Hie history anl Hi-lin.-ii'!,,i ntj ot Uic n-jputiinMii piny, and lo)k l.i. .mr its n.ionl till pleasure tor Uic ji.nt ami lijv tur Oio futur. .i.itl tti.C. r re aCiriti Uic tiincilt' a'lt'i'H-t by iiij National ami si.ili. lu'.ooiitKa.s ui l-l. j. 'Iiiat wc .if. oppoM-it to Use removal of Iio:i-i ;vim1 laillitiit iuiitso( i.'it: Kovcrmurui ti Hi iii-,ciit UfiiuH ratio .iiiiiMii;r..t;ou under Uic ti)irucrilical Uutlu of "olluiitoo j'siiNaii snip. 3. That hc cailorse a:iu up;r. the mtialtui. tratioiiof lie tiM'ai'Ht -iveriiur,J.iiai-s U Iu.e. as uim ana ;i.lK'iOU-t 4. I hat wc lirrehy riires our ui:iai.iUfit'l i!l-.iliri.al of the priacitilt's and praclirr ol U(On lioiiiiii.uloii. uia.ie l ltrptlolti all cll ei'.iloii'. -iiu iitiiiiliii; iiidi'p'c'iuti'iil caiultdalcs aiet tie-in.-iovaliKf 10 lue oiKaiiUaUoii ami .i.-s. nicieil. o! lue party, ami ralcuUted lo M. 3iiktUi.li and tniil.t up the dt'iiiocnillc parly aiiti ! afiiu- rais (ouiUlv. 5. r!iut lo me ma Uiai the party In UiU county '"-' !- unit .! aiid all hrouhl into liar :iiuu o!i jKilitlcal U-lloAsUlp. ie will ui our 'lift ei.urt. to iieiuliialc ttu'ii mvii a- unl be ;k-(.c.il.il-Ic to : iav niajerliy or the rvputdit.iu) hi iui joanft . ' when -o iiuiniualvd we pn'iUi thiai oui uiiaiiliiioii- ami iiidomual mi purtTana lo ue J' honoratile nieiini tor their cli-Uluii ii rn.it each ana i-.cry livr-on -cklii :i Boinluaiuiii :il llifh.uiu "' .invention. If pu-.ciil.aud If not tin pr" w,u aiiiumuct-i Lis name, in- lo-niied. I-v.'.' any o:ui..l i. iah ci loriiiui. loopt-u atit pab.i ' iIedu- litui-elt l.siipjnr. Uic numiiit'". of Uif coineiitliMi, Aiinoui rej-anl 10 laeuoiiol or sectlunal lutlu (.'lU'c, iiiteicsl or Ici'Iin. Markikd At the residence pf the bride s mother, 8 miles east of Middle low n, on iueadny. Sept. S, ls&5, ly Rev. T. R. Bowies. Charles L. Ebaiign, of Middietown. to .Miss !saliy Whitts side, ot West Prairie. Aiteiidauts. J. T. Mudd and .Mi. Katiw Chapman; a. A. rat tiling and Mis- Mattie W'.ire, C. Pearson and .Miss Bertha Ebaugh. Only the immediate relatives of ttie parties were in attendance at ttie cere mony, winch loot piace at 5-30 a. m , immediately alter winch tho newly wedded couple lelt for WellsViIle, tu take the atteruooo train for Maukato, K;is., where low groom has a position as principal of the schools. They were accompanied west by Miss Bertha Ebaugh, who will teach in ttie vicinity' ol Red Cloud, Net., this lull and winter. Tne pe iple of this vicinity all know the groom, Frof. C L. Ebaugh, and know linn to be hignly cultured oiiog man, a Christian, and a gentle men in all that the word implies. The bride is one of the must popular young ladies of West l'rairie. and possesses many qualities ot both heart and mind that eiiiiear her to her many friends there and eisewhere. Charley Mid wife carry the ost wishes of "many inends with them, woo trust that theirs may he a life ot unalloyed hap pines. Sliddlrtoum Mo.) Chips. raoOtiM of the Webster countv teachers' association, to be held at Red Cloud, October IU. XOKMR. How to derate public seutiaiect In regard :o our common kuoo.. J'ruf. atuitti. Gu.uo Kool.. AlUIc The 1-uplt- First Year la School, by Mli tas:te rijomtou, B2u HilL liiicnnision. A-TTKK.VOOX. Music. KducaUoa-it Work. Prof. r.ck'.Off. Liu-mare m ciwol, i'ror. Mitb. Blue II1U. MeUid of Cot.dactli-; Recitatioos, MU Laura fluid, fctsd . ioud. Tiw Ncarask Teacher's IVnuIn Circle, C W . S?nu;r. Ml ua Ii. Hbktkjc. ,c. Lumber I Lumbar The Traders' Lumber Company are moing the Reed &. Hawtey stock of iumter, which they purcriased a week or o ago. on to ttie-r new gro unda ou Fourth Avenue, where they have erected new hed. haie And coal house, etc, and will henceforth te ready to give you extremely low fig ure in lumber, building material, coal etc They will put in n, large tock of coal, and have already J car load of luimer on the road for the new yard See the Trader Lumber Co. before you place jour orders, for thev are bound to give you figures that wifi pay you to buy ,of them. Don't buy else where until you me the Tnpsu Lums Co EorroaCHXCj . lk Uir it Bectfy npn ua. and ukM important utton i the selecting of jtood judn in th varioua ciaasea, when tm xnatlar Otf scientific ami impartial jodjpaent de pends upon the luefuloeM and succes of our fair. UnleM Um judge in the artous cla-e s:e pecia!uu in these c!ases. unless their education and experience have made them familiar with the points of rxcellencs ia tbe department over which they are call ed upon to preside, they cannot paa satisfactory judgment. Moreover, tn acknowledged capacity mti't be added honesty, and to hone-ty unp-irtiahty, and to that moral coumcr tod;tnbute the premium wrthoutfear or faor OuSEKVl'K. CITY NEW! B. F. Mizkk. the opular Oper.i Houe grocer, who i now mi i.itrd in his new brick tore. i seihnggroceres, qneensware, provision, etc.. down at prices. A! y ee him before you buy your crocerie1. a it will piy you More cool for oue dollar than any other hou-e Btua grasa. timothy nt Ha:kcr. Evaporated and drieti fruiu, at HacVer's. Lost A Jersey sow with little black spots all over her, with piir. weight about 3Ck pountfi 7iie finder will be rewarded liberally. Aedre-s, D. Kfji.kk. Rc1 Cloud One span of work hor. and one span of young marcs. Inquire at tin o: fice 7-4 w. Monev to loan on chattel mortgage. " F. H IU.nti.ky. Rei Cloml. The I'latt t Free Luml-r Co .are uu'iug liargan- in all kinds of lumber, door-, sa-he.-. blinds, .tc. wanted A girl or woman who nnder-tandi hou3ewo-k. and who i wilh.ii; ti make herci!f ueful and agrceable.can find steady employment, a gorl home and good wge Call at Athow it Youny' dry gooil-j store New irrwxls are arriving daily at the Golden Eacle. and are marked at such low figures that none need go away dissatisfied. If you are in need of boots or shoes go to the Golden Eagle, and vou can save from 10 to "Jo per cent, and get the the celebrated Selz make Now is the tune "to buy in your winter coal Before you do so cab on the Riatt c Frees lumber eompiny. east Webstrr street. Finest line of domestic imported ci ajars in the city at Ferguson A Co'a. All cood delivered, prices a; low an the lowest at M S Ballard V La dim will pleai-e nor read the fo lowing article: AipMoad Jtat-j t .CiMsf pti-J sai-oiiA uij Xuuotd -DJ OHV .'-'lMA MltJ l JJut i-j m utiieSjei- jo .uii -Tj una no. 'it pi:9J oi itMop Jpifdn jaded qi inni oj .ilciotJun 1 1 nou a 4jutA.i ion iim watpr atl .vuu-j 3a uy uJuiiiuaH (, Viouh trimming at Wright 4 Wal laeH'a. I.osT Notice is hereby given to the public not to buy or negotiate one promis-ory note for $7.ri mven to Win (tales by H B Simons and D H Kaley, a- payment has lnn stoppctl on the same. 8w3 Wm Gate. The Nebraska fc Kana. Farm Loan Co, have plenty of money to loan. MtZKit. ttie Opera Hoihq grocer sc'I-s more goods for one dollar than any other hniij-in the city of Red Cloud, oi Webster cnunty. Don't forget that we now have -10.000 I year old apple trer '2 feet and over cou-isling of 35 hlle?cnt vancliei of apples I'le.ise examtuc our stock before buying elsewhere. Loi-emin it Haoax Get your chattel loam ol Fred H. Bentlcy, Red Cloud . A lame invoice of fresh paintt juit received which will be iold at bottom prices at Ferguson it Co's. Lost Henry Cook's roan cow ha strayed. Any party finding, returning or jfiving information of her where abouts will be Mutably rewarded. Hhe had a rope around her horns and lit-d to oue ot her ftet when f;he wm Uh seen. Go to the I'latt it Frees Lumber Co when you want coal, lumber lath, ghiuglcs. tc., at prices that will pay you to buy. 1 1 1. DQ UARTKR for Iwrnbcr. coal, building m-uerials. ic. i at the I'latt t Frees Lumber Co.. Red Cloud. You can cet hargans. New goMls just from the manufac turer. conistin? of everything usually kept in a first elas drug ntore hcKCUfto.v k Co. Notice All persons knowing ihpmelvcs in debted to me are requested to call and settle i in mediately by cash or not. Dk C. C. SCHF.vcs.Cowlea, Neb" Rai.brioa-! hose for ladies in endlcsi quantities at Mrs NewhouseV. 44tf Violin, banjo and guitar string at Wright A Wallace's. Large lineof gloves at Mra New houte's. Call add see them 44tt HtRMoMCAS and all tmall rauaica goods at Wright A Wallace". MoKKT' Monev: Money! Call on Yi 1' Overman lor youriarra loans. Wool Wanted. The highest market pnee in cash paid for ool by D. M. I'latt Wanted We have a good assortment ol fine buggies and fpru g wagons iu stock. N tbiuk we cn plcae you. QrayoOLC a aof. Notice to Xnaurara. Policie V2Z to 12j and renewal 12 to 50 of Home Insurance Company. Nw York h ive leen lot. Xcic hereby given that said company will not be liable lor any Iran occuring under aliove policie- or renem-ala. 7-3t C W. Fokt. Special Ag'u Wilbhr "Little Ilatchet" and "Nick 1 Plate" sour, be: in the marfcet at M 5 Ballard . PBijCLAMATioM to the people of-Red Cloud and vicinity. All persooe pur rhaaing good of Wnght fc Wallace will aave money. Fob Sale A good house and Jot ia outb-wrst part of town. Inquire of M. S. 3Urb. 4tf For Bala. SO acre university lea, cine asilaa frc-m Bed Cloud, aorth-eaat- Good frame houae, it-able and bofc lot; cm under cultivatioo. Only 15 fvt to water. Price IM00. Time will be ztren on f 3X. Addreae. H. B. Bactuns. c35 Red Co-ii, 5etntu. 'v-r Kidney Wo 1a, X" OHhertoti. Tilr ed hia wo4hr i0k-i m day lat fweek. x a E. Wn'cht hW(,l lit Wllianl haN bv sellms W jtnoda ot! bom to a W " Fuller Mr. Wright few ti la New York ataia. whither hk fmilr will follow him hi a few ilayt. Pulbf . Rei are thi wck remo;trt their stock of hardware o Ihe Mllding vacateil by Mr, Wright, Tho. laul ha rented hia reuarant to Mr. Broad wr, who lxk poawloi on Monday bat. Da-fid Franctt and fjimily, hrmrW ofthi vicinity, hate returned from rex,there they have rrided t a few yc-r. thorouirhly conrinced that .Ycbfak.i is a gool -tatr to return m. IjTTtX HaTCMaT. WELLS. Rev. Smith, of Blue Hill, prcachJ m very able rrmo to u. The jiicmc in F. Wheat's grore near WheatNnd . an cujoyable aUair. Dancing pevultv I: t rt-pffrtrtl tht J M Wct tll rent h g farm and move to Blue IfUL We w nnutif very fine apple thai grew m hi orchard John Covah bai returned from hi trip out west. We want to s.iy . few word in ana wer to Ariel McDutf in regard to I.utic the sluci:nl What vou havt said. Hon McDulf. m on'j borrow ei rud wnttn at tne rrcpiest of a prompt er, or rnonstniMty in the hipe of donkey, or known to medical trlem m as genuine quack, one that would ! taken for cro Utnrrn an athancw agnt and monkey 0' how onr heart leaps for one who ha not an! ticient knowletlgc to urv.y hts own ignorance, one who can look back when circumstance would have found Inmjin the ranks f meliv:rily, m d one wttbg retlecti n units : doi would not have brought in question our abi'ity a a reporter. Be careful. Aid McDulf, wiut y-n write, or I will cut yon to ttie quick nrxt time, not that I am o "mart, but tht you are o ti:norant. You wtuld h more competent! to chew gluo ' fur a monkey than to write articles for a county newnpiiper W. H. Hotfmau will start lo Kan-ta City about October I Our roads in this etui of the county will be Kod by ntid by We are working out our po I tax. Can't you dne with one hand? Rustic. WALNUT CREEK. Dr Sutton has returned. Dentil took from wife and littlo one Mr John I.ockhart. September 16. funeral arriite. were held on the 17th at 2 o'clock P. M . Rev. Choeiham otliciating. The burial took place at the Wonier grave yard. The commun ity has lost oue uf its beat christian men. Mra J. W Mclntoah, from Republi can City, ii viitmg friend anil rela tives in our neighborhood Mis Molhe Itinker han lieeu visiting in the east Her sister, Mis Fannie, ha-been visiting at McCiwik. TtioJ. Vaughn has melons wasting. People near Scott ought to know better than to plant melon while there aro such "smart Alecks" around. Tho ladies at the 1 O ara gieat lovcra of Mowers, and haye iodic very nice ones. Bet. Cai'OHT in the act. A man passlnr; hastily down Wcl-ster si. yesterdnjT attracted the attention of every bod), hut his haste was aoou explained, aa he was on his way to purchase lur gains at Wr-ght .( Wallace's Loiiiil Notlco. IN THE .MATTKIl OK THK Ari" U'ATWS vl PaTiilM. I'latt. .!mlniitf-.!orfir tt- . lair r P.tirkl) Ililrnl for Jl-!! li w.1 ftat ctjti to jut li-lil et il-aiil No, in tir .-iUi itnr t hilrmtr. C, this nnltrr rami in fr lii-arUi? nt Ii4tiilr at y nfllrr at Ataia. Ilarlaa nmiitr. Nr(irik,. at Imsinir i.-imtiiril Ui-I'tttlun ! It Hlarn ii. tri tle-rrffiiin thai Iturt l t sfUr.'n ru)il.ii ttAte l'i Xh- Ii4mt uf t artiu!l lur to IAJ oi iiia iuiimniiK aui ilr"M"l 3Jlu ii: 'Tn ' jjj ami Hut It I nectary U) --It lot 'Isj,; iiIii- .ami 1HI0i In liV-rlt ii(;( 'IPiyud ..ml .1. V4M' aItlt iti h'-t"fit W-iar countv. .V.J'EAjfcl'. r-tint ( li n iniuir a ii voi nr avJInnrl- lUCIi ilrlll. 11 i viirrriur-iirii-r ' il that all iK-r'in lntrrrl'il n .l rt rar '-r ifc an al ii. umr.ci muri nmm si nrn loud. Nrbr.eka i!i tnhJa of .N'rml--r. 1-4".. at 10 o c " V a tn.. tb.a lxi - ttia first tav tif etit ufu of ill irwt court U how caW thy a jR-n' iHiiilil not li u'anta lo ! lf H. fUlt. alimrulir of alti rut, aei-l-'lna therrror to til fi tuiK-h of t J rrr le4 rnnl ta a lall b r.cfar7 to ja 14 Octil ami 'Jiwu It l fiifiter orW.fil tht a row of Oil onlr t 'ttibit foir tcrlt. in tie fi"ii l'Mi'l ' m-f. i m'7 tpra of tx wnrd on partle luiTro-d lersla. Datrd VjarmlxTXl. li W'M Oasu Ju-ttft. Kbasjk K. (;uir. A'tir-e-y for -nitlonr. LetftU Notlcsf. fOsr.ri! Y Ifft.lfK WII.I. TiiKK .-VirnCK I trtt -vo-ali K Miilk-s. of WrtHirt1 rwotiljr, Vftip4aa. tllit. on tie rtti Uy of .-tmlr. I-.. nt hr I'titicsi In tt- itltrti rwrt ot WrMter cowity. N'-'ira.'ka. -zalt tolm tTjr Ins for a ili-cr a d'rr" "ii Uw trrnmA nt jirulliaiilonrnfi t ltaml it for th tria of li r.sM, Jti f'r ,rrlty a tl failure U tToti- tt ntrr- -l uf lif The .'! Jrl4 Y ;i .iHk l totihit Uiat U" rr-rilrr.1 ' tVr l nw?r aiit ttltltt on or hrlurr Mf lal .v nt Vi.iil.r IA ' ishm K. HrurK. naintit, K st.tcv Bttos AttororT for alutiS KoUc of Chattel Mortg-afa Saia. UffiKBlCAS. fKKAULT MA.H llf.E MAUK In U" n4lUotis of a certain chl1 nKrUrjfr i.-ut 4 l Ao4rrw .v-rrftvTi Ut WIV Haw (rthr oo th fir: Ctj of JBuarr la. wblrti iwr.tAf.1 ha hrn dutjr tlii la IU tMrn of county trt of wbsi-r rouuty, Nrtraaka. oUr H hr-h7 rlTn Ui&t cki iur4y. tcUjr 16. we,. 1 i:i rli l pubtkr alr. as Vhm erosty of ttb Avo snl WVjr ltrrV. la RJ Qovl, Nab. to trw iixht h'ltrtrr fer o. tfe foBow- , ifii trtn-rty TBP-Ti uh Bwrt. to-u; )a bay hoc '!!Bko! 3a o hcr. 9 yr o?a HHm wjcns: Of dtwtilfSianie. raw Catwi .No fVa EmrMh nri s of at Boss Cantn Stone ant WOB! Estimates ift-ln all KEDCIOCD, w t Xzl -IJ A J