The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 02, 1885, Image 2

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i C. HOSMEB, Publisher.
Tiik German East African Society
announces tiiat bv treaties with native
chiefs it has acquired territory in East
Africa extending two degrees of north
Ax application has been made to
Secretary Whitney for a position for
Iilrs. Parnell on account of the services
of her father, the late Admiral Stewart,
in the war of 1812.
The editors of the Monitor, Jkpnhli
cano and C'arrco lc Luness of the City
f t.vinr tnlit!fnl nrisoners. have
i.... " .' ..i ,. ;!.. fmnths-im-'flce,
111:1:11 r-mii Lt:iiiL,w t.vj' .----"
prisonment and fined three hundred
Fkinck Tos.siiimi, the brother of the
IMikado of Japan, was recently in Paris.
Jle was making a tour of the European
capitals, for the purpose of studying
governmental laws. He will return to
Japan by way of New York and San
Caitain Lkk, agent of the Cheyenne
and Arapahoe Indian Reservations,
telegraphed to Commissioner Atkins
on the 'J2d that only twenty-five thou
Fand head of cattle remained on the
reservation and that these would be re
moved bv the end of October.
Pi.eijko-I'N'EKMOnia having been' de
clared as affecting the cattle of David
llrannock. at Fallmouth, Ky., several
days ago, and no effectual means
toeing taken to destroy the disease,
several neighbors slaughtered the dis
eased cattle and burned their carcasses.
Fourteen cattle were disposed of in this
The Canadian Minister of Justice
lias issued orders for the extradition of
Isaac N. Hibbs, the defaulting postmas
ter of Lewiston, Idaho Territory, who
was arrested at Harrison River, 15. C,
in June, to which point he had been
tracked by United States detectives.
Extradition was granted on the ground
of forgery.
C;enekal Miles, it is stated, has filed
a protest against the promotion of
Captain II. J. Farnsworth, of the
Eighth Cavalry, to be Assistant In
speetor Cencral with the rank of Major.
Ccncral Miles charges that Captain
Farnsworth during the Cheyenne In
dian war in Texas, in 1871, showed
cowardice in the face of the enemy.
Tui: directors of the Philadelphia &
Heading Railroad Company have
passed resolutions directing its Presi
dent to meet the President of the
Pennsylvania Hailroad Company in
conference upon a policy of harmony
between the two companies. The in
auguration of peace between the Kead
in"aud Pennsylvania breaks a hostility
which has lasted for nearly twenty
Wall street was interested recently
by a story that Addison Cammaek, the
veteran bear operator, intended to re
lire from business and get married.
lie is sixty-live years old and reputed
to be worth several millions. His in
tended bride, it was said, was an at
tractive young lady of Italtimorc. For
the past year Mr. Cammaek has been
in the confidence of William II. Van
dcrbilt. Caitaix Moxiv.omei:. sailing mas
ter of the yacht Dauntless, which wa
beaten by the KnglNh cutter Cenesta
in .the Hreuton's reef race, recently,
attributed the fact to the light wind
which prevailed during the iir-d half of
the race ami is confident that his yacht
can outsail the Cenesta in heavy
weather. He says that he is authorized
1- Mr. Caldwell II. Colt, owner of the
-Dauntle. to match him against any
yacht afloat for a race across the At
lantic ocean, either way, for a wager of
ten thousand dollars.
A few weeks ago one James A.
Hinehley applied to Jndgu Wallace of
the Washington Court for a writ of
quo warranto commanding the mem
bers of the Civil Service Commission to
sdiow cause why they should exercise
the functions of a commission. At
the same t'.me he Hied a complaint, in
which he charged that the Commis
sioners are divesting the President of
the duties and responsibilities vested in
liim by the Constitution in limiting his
ii'i'io: o iiuuiuiailOIls IOC Ollice IO tier-
Kmis iin...iif..d t, l,;m 1. fi,.....l..A.
and bv prohibUing: him from appoint
in": any other citizen to ollice. The
complaint further averred that the
constitutional rights of the. President
and people are invaded by this act.
After hearing the complaint on the
225th, Judjic Wallace jrranted the writ.
. . I
Jt' IS. Santos, the naturalized
citk'.en recentlv released from prison in
Ecuador upon demand of the United
States Government, backed up by a
man-of-war. arrived at Washininon re
cently and called at the Department of
State to express his thanks for its suc
cessful eflorts in his behalf. He .--aid
mat the Ecuadorian authorities pre
tended to have liberated him in couse
quence of the passage of the act of
iardon by the Ecuadorian Congress,
jut this was mere preteuse and he vva
liberated three days after the arrival of
tie Iroquois wholly in consequence of
the action of the Un't d States Govern
ment. The charge against him. of
having conspired against the Govern
inent of Eeuador, was untrue. He
was imprisoned with some other bus!-
liess men in order that money might be
extorted from them. He had docu-
inontarj- proVf of the willingness of
tlie authorities to release him at any
time upon the pa vmeut of thirty thou
js&nd dollars.
Summary of tfao Daily News.
Till: President recently ordered tho
court-martini which tried ami sentenced
Paymaster Smith to reconvene. The
court-martial sentenced Smith to two
t r s.. k'itrunri
r;ncrl Wnle lunl l'on tried on a sim-
jJar ci)ar.,0 n short time previously and
was sentenced to five years' uspcnion,
and it was understood the President did
not approve of the inconsistency of the
Kixo Humbert, of Italy, recently an
nounced his determination to viiit the
cnolera-stricken di3tnctd of Sicily if the
plague- continued.
Captain William Jo.vks. of the Life
Boat Service at Racine, Wis., was drowned j
recentlv while out practicing ivith hi.-J crew .
under direction of Superintendent lingers
Commissions:!: Si-akks, of the Land Of-
has refused to honor surveyors ac-
counts held by Western bank becausu of
irregularities in land surveys.
United States Coi.i.ectoi: Smallky, of-
the Vermont District, has reduced the sal-
r.;..L- r.t n tiMtnl.up llf Il(TlltV f )1 IlTtOTS
llll':.-) Ul 4. liuillti """I -
200 a vear, and th wages of
a number
paid by the day from & to ?.'. The eltect
is a saving of .'J,000 per annum in his dis
trict. Iua Davenport was nominated for Gov
ernor of New York, in the Republican con
vention held at Saratoga on the 'S'.'l;
Joseph H. Tarr, for Lieutenant-Governor:
Anson J. Wood, of I'ranklm, for Secretary
of State; James W. Wad.sworth, of Liv
ingstone, for Comptroller.
Commodoiie Alexander A. Semmes,
Commandant of the Washington Navy
Yard, died suddenly at Hamilton, Loudon
County, Va., on the :;d.
Chuistini: Nilsson recently gave a con
cert at Stockholm, Sweden. After the
concert a crowd of .7J.O00 gathered before
tho Grand Hotel, to give her an ovation,
and in the fearful crush seventeen persons
lost their lives.
I'kince Jki:ome Napoleon (Plon Plon)
recently issued a manifesto, in which he
saya ho neither desires the restoration of
tho monarchy nor the adoption of Utopian
plans of reform. Ho will withdraw from
participation in tho elections until France
summons a constituent assembly.
The President hns appointed S. M. Stock
slager, of Indiana, to be Assistant Com
missioner of the General Land Ollice.
Governor Hill was renominated for
Governor of New York by the Democratic
Convention at Saratoga on the Uh on the
first ballot.
Secretary Mannino, in a recent letter
to District Attorney Dor.ihcimer nt New
York, requested him to tako hteps to put
an end to the feeing of customs officials by
nassenjiers on tho examination of th-ir
baggage. The feeing was illegal and was
belioved to lead to gross frauds on tho rev
The President has appointed tho follow
ing collectors of customs: Charles C.
Sweeney, for the district of Galveston,
Tex.: Otto L. Threlkeld, for the district of
Snlurn, Tex.; J. J. Cook for the district of
lirnzos do Santiago, Tex.
In tho Now York Democratic Conven
tion nt Saratoga, on tho 'J.'.th, Fred Cook,
of Monroe, was nominated for Secretary of
State; Chapin for Comptroller; Dennis
(J'iJrien, present incumbent, for Attorney
General. Hon. It. P. Flower was reported
as having declined tho nomination for
Lieutenant Governor.
The Pope was reported to hao agreed
to mediate between Germany and Spain
with regard to tho Carolines' question.
The Hilton trophy, worth $r,t000, was
shot for at Creediuoor recently by three 1 William Connelly, J. H. Winning and .Miss
teams of twelve men each a regular armv ' llrayles, of Ashville, received fatal in
team anil tho New York and Pennsylvania juries.
State teams. The regulars won with !17 , Reports were received recently of a cy
outof a possible lJiW points. New York ' clone at Calcutta, in which several ships
State team 1UW and the Pennsylvania team
!C7 points. I reports have been received at I J()HN ji,.,!ISS,:y, of Washington, D. C,
Paris to tho effect that China is massing a ; wns kiIk.(l 1UJ1 lhrt.e 0.j,L,r worj;.n in
large forco of troops on tho Tumiuiu j j,lrc.ti iy n ilyimtiiite explosion r.-coiitly at
frontier. ' York Haven, near Ilarrisburg, i'a.
The Constantinople nevyspnper. La . A STATnMi:NT vnvwd llV Snperintcn-
urqur, oHicinlly anuountvd on the -Jj!d knt .. if ,ht. ,,ori.Ull- Ltu.r MjllIs
...... v . .., . wv. ..-,,. . ., .ws ... - ---
1 1 rrf - . , 1
. ,. ' ' ...
in f:.o-m.iiiv. jnul it. v5is t io!i.-ht. m various
-' " " , , 1
pianeis nun 1110 imn ipw ttinnu oe re
Stored by tho jiowers without blootlshed.
The Xvrtft Herman Gazelle on the 'liA
described as a fable the statement recently
made that Germany was coveting Cuba,
but admitted that in the event of a war be
tween Germany and Spain Cuba would be
an important object of attack. It ridiculed
the idea of permanent annexation of Cuba
by Germany.
At tho session of theCignrniakers' Union
in Cincinnati the report of the President
showed that during the past two years it
had cost tho union over 10,'W to support
members during strikes mid lockouts, of
which there had been l.VJ. Sixty-nine of
these strikes had been successful and
sixty-nine unsuccessful.
A detective recently arrested Albert
Waller, at Nashville, Tenn., who was
wanted for train robbery and murder
committed nt Coolidge, Kan., on the Atch
ison, Topeka & Santa Fe Hailroad, three
years ago. Engineer Hilton was killed
and George Todle, tho fireman, was
wounded in the nlfair.
Tiik boiler in the Fable Soan factorv nt
Louisville, Kv exploded the other dav.
,. , . I, . '. . .'
hdmuud Earnest, the engineer, was 111-
. lJillll Klll-il, UIS Ull HVlilU UllOIl JIJ4U
Li.. . .:,.. r... .,:. -,... .,
...... 1.. i.:n...i i..- i..i.. 1. ..:... .1 :...
' -
10 me uuiiuiug was jdafw.
' '
AnviCES to the Associated Press from
Birmingham, Vt., Ottawa. Ont.. lloudout
and Kingston, X. Y., Milford. Mass.,
., . .. ,. .- .-..-. .
AVoirs. N. H., and Chelsea nnd Chester.
Vt.. reported falls of snow on the .'.U.
A moT broke out against the Chinese re-
cently in Huntiugton, Ore. No one was
killeti, the mob lemg- contented with driv
ing the Celestials out of town.
Bakxum's big tent fell ujion the audience
at Titusville, Pa., recently. The people cut
their way through the cauvas. No one
was seriously injured.
The s?mi-otticial statement was made at
Berlin that the Powers would not look
calmly ou the breaking of tho treaty of
Berliu bv Bulgaria, but would side with
Turkey, and if Russia opposed them sh
would Lh isolated. Ouly after the Bui-
garians had beou restorcsl to common sense
could the Powers decide what t-hould bo
. ,,- .
done with Bulgarian unity. ,
The Genesta won the ,VJ mile yacht raco
and the Bennett international cup. The 1
race iook place through h-avy los and j
storms The time was 4S:o7:03.
Reports have been received of four j
schooners wrecked at various points on
Lake Michigan during the storm of the !
22d, the crew Itelng rescued in each case.
Fears were felt for the safety of a number
of other vessels.
Four miners were drowned on th -23-1 (
i an old uiiue at Houtzdale. Pa. Tlie vie- ,
tims were John Mhan, Peter Folk, Joseph
Hampea, a, and John Forsythe.
The Bankers Convntioa at Chicago, on
the 23.1, passed resolutions condemuatory
L of silver coinage
Eighty miners were recently imprisoned
in the Koane mines, near Rockwood, Tenn.,
' caused by an explosion of fire-damp. They
were all ultimately recu-jd. The damage
1 done was considerable.
The Uuited States steamer Juniata. which
was Kent to inquire into the detention of
c-rtain American Teasels by the Portuguese
custom ntlictals on the '-oat coast of Africa,
has cabled her arrival at-ilozarnbique.
Off the coat of Maine, near Easiport,
during a fearful gale on the -"id, a party of
men, numbering ten or twelve, were
drowned on the wreck of th Spanish
steamer Ilumacoa. lost six weeks pre-
CltETE, the large island in the Mediter-
ranon, Ih-Ioiis"is to Turkey, was rt-ported
in it htaie of revolt.
The schedules iu the assignment of Kos
suth, Adolphus and Jacob Marx, compris
ing th? firm of JCo.-.stith. Marx fc Co., j.w--!ers,
of New York, show liabilities, .-'.';,-
iMfi; n
nomiual assets, a1,770; actual aaeto,
The noted trotter Goldsmith Maid died
at New York recently at the age of
twenty-eight years.
The Bulgarians were reported a- in
censed againat Bus-da, who win reported
. ' i. : .1.. Ia.I lir. ?.T.rk; J t ! rt
n "? u...i..w . -v,,
l'rince Alexander. . f, .
HIE giasworKrs Mriivi ui iicuiiiiv, v.,
, lull .1 t :,
enlei on tue-'uii uy iiiuiu.u cihu-i-siuhs.
Fcktiiei: noting took place at the Olevu-
land (O.) rolling mills on the ilth.
Advices from Pru state that the In
dians are committing fearful atrocities in
the city of Huarez.
Some time since Dorman H. F.aton, Chair
man of the Civil S.rvico Commission, ten
d'lvd his resignation to the Pre-idcnt.
The lattr, in reply, thanked Mr. haton for
his cervices in the cause of civil bervice re
form, and hopd the resignation would bo
deferred until November.
The totvn of Sanborn, Dak., was nearly
totally destroyed the other day by lire,
which was supposed to have been stnrted
by tramps. Tho hotel, live business houses
and several of the best residences were
burned. Loss 7."i,0W, most; of it covered
bv insurance.
The price of wire was advanced recently
by the manufacturers, who m-t in New.
York recently, from 10 to l." per cent.
Peace has been officially announced in
Ecuador, the rebels having been suppressed.
The trial of tho cavalrymen who partici
pated in tho anti-German riots nt Madrid
has been concluded. One sergeant was
sentenced to death, and tho other offenders
were sentenced to various terms of im
prisonment. The court advised the Gov
ernment to pardon the sergeant.
James C. Pcsev, the defaulting clerk of
tho Kansas Penitentiary at Leavenworth,
pleaded gunty to embezzlement and was
sentenced to eight years' imprisonment.
In tho Supreme Court at Doston, on the
2."ith, Franklin J. Moses, ex-Governor of
South Carolina, plead d guilt to an in
dictment charging him with obtaining
money by false pretenses from e.v-Mnyor
Cobb and others, in Februnrv, ISM. He
had but recently served out a term in the
Middb-sex County Jail for a similar offense.
At liattleford, N. W. T., on the .Tith, sev
eral Indians were sentenced to bo hnnged
ami to various terms of imprisonment for
mtirdcrand other crimes committed during
tho recent troubles with Kiel and ins fol
lowers. ItcsiNKts failures throughout tho coun
try for week ended Septemb- r -1 num
bered 1ST against ITS the week previous.
The luinlifr yard of Gardner fc Co., Chi
cago, was r -cully in flumes. For a time
the lire was so threatening, spreading to
adjoining yards, that many persons feared
11 repetition of tho disaster of IST1. Loss,
Three coaches of a passenger train con
taining over I Of) persons were thrown
down a high bank near Warm Springs, N.
(, recently. Twenty people were injured.
foundered and a great many persons were ,
. . . .
i .... .. .!..., ?.-. i......J...-i...- i... r..
of " prn.ted mutt -c increased --.JI'J
pounds. 1 ht cost of ocan mail transit
' . ... . .... . . . i
was. s;, ,!,:, or just ?is..t') less tlian tlie
jusi .?.s..'j less
cost during the preceding year.
Governor Mahmadcke, of Missouri,
1 vetoed tho selection of Hoonville as a site
for the proposed branch pemt Miliary.
A very destructive prairie lire stnrte.!
near Traverse, Dak., on the'JTth. A man
s t fire to som wast straw, and b'foro
the fire was through, houses, barns, hay,
grain and farm machinery, for nines ucrth
wnnl, were d est rove 1.
SheriitJ. C. Fennell was .-hot and
killed recently at Orange. Tex., while ar
resting n wanted fcr murder cotn-mitt-d
iu Nashville, Tenn. Soon after a
, mob orgnnired. marched to tlu jail and!
took the murderer out and hung linn.
The eholnra has appeared at .Nice.
j-ranee, nun eigiu uoatti.s troin tne disease
have ocenrre I th-re. ;
In- the northeastern portion of Lanca- .
shire. Eng.. one hundred thousand spindles I
and fifty ihousnud looms and fifteen thoa- j
sana operatives, are utieinpiuyu.
A rnnis'ir: nrnrv. I -n tlin I'll .!?ii!el.
. . ' ' .. .. .. , .... ' 1
'" " ". " .,.. "-,,..
ton, the otticr night, cause I, it is said, by
., , ,. .. , .. , ,,,"
niiii .v innu pit tiit r.inii iiPir 1 fiririir
, I'll J, .tl. 1 ,.
dMnoiished. and about eighty coal cars
r... .,-... ,.- ... .-,-... .....v , ..... .
iwrc iiilea t:ti in .a confused mass, lhe
, .,-. ti1ii 1M iti fi r-nTifti-jil tnn
....V .'..-- ..,- ... .. .w....... ......
, . , , , -.,- lUV,
loss was prdnblv .wi.OvW.
TnK Heariuc "house returns for week
(,,5cii September i! showetl an average
,t .,.rea 0f 1", comnnrcd with the corre-
on,u,1? Week of last year.
" iOSWKi.t. P. Fiv-wku has addressed a
.t,.tor u, n,.orCe Baines. chairman of the '
.. YorJ; j...ljfl iJt.tnocratie Convention.
isitivelv docl.tiing the nomination of
L.cKtennut Governor.
C.Hi.Eit-vj:s have l-en receivoil at i-t.
I.ouis frmi Ixnd-n. Kac. stating that
s-'nnme! N. Brooks would soon start for St.
Louis to ascertain definitely whether t!
man now held 1:1 jail there n the muni- rT
of C. Arthur PrviUr. and known vr:ousIy
n Hush M. Brooks and Walter H. Le..nox
Maxwell. is his -on.
Tiik ruards at the New Cs:Ie mines.
nenr Seattle. W. T.. were overpowered by
a moi rtfri.ntlv and he Chinamen a, work
,1r:,.., ...v " '
unveii i..y - .
Al)VlcES from Bucharest of the 27th re-
port that f12h:ing oecurresi near Adrian- j
0 Io nncI tha. juriiaj- jhe engagement ,
thirtv Houmelians were kdlel and 5.0'
wounded. i
The yachts Genesta and Dauntless '
started on the ihJth in a match from New
York to Liverpool for the Cape Hay chal-
tenge cup.
James C. Wilsox's Venetian Wind fac
torv. New York, was recentlv dettroved
by tire. The Ios to the truiliing sad its
contents is G)SSi: partially insured.
At uoodes fetation, near Atnia. O.. re
cently, a four-year-old girl was killed aaJ
partially eaten by a ferocious ball -doc.
Tue animal had to be killed before it Toold
leave the mangled remains.
The new elevator at Exeter has a enpac
ity of 1;,03 bushels and will be ready fur
the fall hU4iucs4.
A man named Evans, from Coura i
Bluffs, bought a small farrt.-f lli.Itf) acres
in Lincoln County recently.
F. W. FniTZ. the Madison County Treas
urer, who was short iu hi accouu's, ha
confessed judgmt-nt for 1 3,300. Th- crim
inal action against him will te dtsini !.
TllE town of Ord was consid-raWy dam
ngtl by a recent cyclone. Th l!apti:
church and seating rink w-re compltuiy
demolished. Th-i.ihl brick alU of the
nnv court hou were torn down, and
er buddings snt whirling.
, jiiuvc ui iu7 ciuua ijn iv i aiiinv ....
road,wa, thrown from a ban 1-car an 1 in
falling injure! his head, which, it i
claimed. ."ubsquntly resulted in blind
ness. He brought su.t against th com
pany for .i.V V damage, and on trial of
the case at Madison recently was awarded
?T. 0.
The Chadron stockyards covers a sec
tion of land.
I5LAIR has contracted for .JIT.C'.'O worth
of water works.
North Heni holds out inducemontt for a
llourmg mill.
It is said that the doctors of Crete com
plain of dullness in business and the ceme
tery road Is choked with words.
The Saline County fair felt the effects of
the wet weather, but the manager-, went
down into their pockets and paid all pre
miums iu full.
A respectarle citizen of St. Paul named
Powers, un old man of eighty years, wa
brutally assaulted by some drunken rail-
roauers mo oiuer uav.
Ni-RKOLK claims to have j'.),0U) worth of
improvements under way, besides it 1,000
libel suit.
W. S. Anderson, of Wakefield, has a
colt four months nd twenty .lays old that
weighs (SW pounds. It g.-uned twenty-two
pounds from June ." to September 12.
The young man whos lody was found
near tne Ueloit bettlemfiit, 111 Aiueiope
County, left a note stating that ho was
tirad of life anil hud decided to shoot him-
The ConimissionPM of Sarpv County complaints of ex lis ar.s ng fiom the under
disallowed tho bills, amounting to ?!!!. for j valuation anil appratsemen: of imported
the care and burial of Henry Rhode-, the merchandiso incited Secretary Manning a
tram) shot by tho Sheriff. The latter will short time ago to cointuiss -on three Tinted
bo called upon to pay them. States special agents to make an inwstn:a-
Kimiiroccii, the man who made the tion. The three agents hau heen at work
deadly assault 011 Itnper. near North , iu.r,. for .rioial das, and whisperings of
Iieud, is said to be crar.y and threatens to
kill any 0110 who attempts to come near
A dudish pinrio tuner, who claimed to
be the son of u lord, is reported to have re
cently run away with u Stanton County
lady of refinement, and hitherto of high
standing. The woman was married and
was supposed to bj u happy and contented
The .Illnclc Hills stage was overhauled
by road agents a short distance from Chad
ron the other day. Finding the treasure
box empty tho highwaymen wont throJi
tho pockets of two Chinamen, the only pn
sengers, relieving them of two watches
and a few dollars.
Miss Lamrert, of North Platte, was re
cently knocked down and h"r shoulder dis
located by a. horseman riding recklessly
through the streets.
KidllT thoit-iiud pounds of wool were
marketed at Hartington one day recently.
Durolars raided the depot at IMlovuo
tle other night and got away with the
agent's stock of cigars.
Fremont is said to 1 e the Mecca of run
away women. There are a number of fas
cinating bachelors in the town.
While sitting at the I reakfust tabl- of
her son, Dr. Paul, in Omaha tho other
morning iu apparentlv good health. Mrs.
Fmiline Paul slid lenly fell from her chair
ind when takv-M up was dead. She was
sixty-nine years obi.
Two months ago Klwood,GosperCounty,
was without an iuhab.taut. It now has a
population i.-f "(.
David Citv was severely scorched the
other night. The fire started iu the res
taurant of Spet. fc Honioway and com
municated to the store of Parnell & Man
ning, the meat market of Frank Sudiek, the
carpenter shop of J. M. Wells and th im-
. . - .. -. ,. . . .
0f the Commercial Ibitel. Loss on build-
;m. ,mii stock- -10 XJU to iI. UJ41
mi, aim sun.!., ..iu,w iu .i.i,vj-j.
nnc- small.
Willis Crandall engineer for Oberne,
Ilasick it Co., of South Uuiaha. was found
1 dead 0:1 the Union Pacific track the other
morning, his body being cu-"; clean in two.
It is supposed he had been run over by a
freight train.
An unknown man recently attempted to
lo.ird 11 moving passenger tram at Papil
lion and fell under the cars and was killed.
Thrre is said to be a goo I demand fir
feelers at the Omaha stock vards and
prices are above the Chicago market.
: This is urged as quite nn object for stock
men to ship l Omaha, as they save tho
extra freight and shrinkage, and get b-ntr
1 nrir.s.
The settlers on the reservation in Wnvn
j County have formed a protective as-sorit-
io " , ., ,Illsl.IiariIv with land iu.,,:.-
lirUll'IIOI.' lssi-,'i-
ors A V0UIIC IIian frotll ti,e Kast having
jinj)e(i theclaim of a member of the ass -
ciatiOII th settlers turned out in force,
tore(joun the interloper's and drovo
jjjm awav
' -
Jajie-5 I-OCDO.v, a young man living w ith
..... , .. ..-..-.
u, frowier a lew nine, we. 01 li.iv .en-
... ..
t,r' uot "ns? xaiaiiy 1110 otner .my.
n t, nf th tra-.slv hc oacked his
un tneuav p xat ira-si ne pncAeu ins
triint. wrote a. latter ro tns lirortier. Im-.iI
good-bye to his sister-in-law, and siid h"
was going away. A short time it'terw s.ri;,,
he was found in the hay loft with a buHet
hole through his head. 1 hf letter to h
brother stated that he was in love and us?
tired of life.
Fr.EJio.VT is twenty-nino years old.
C. M. Al.l.E.v.-of North Bead, it is tat-s!.
lost the siii'it of 0110 eye iu a remarkable
manner. While gardening last June he
felt something in his eye. which caused
him excruciating pain. A jwiultic of tlax
loo-aed the object, v-hich proveil to t
1 an insect half an inch long. The insert
fastened itself to the puptl and killed th-t-ight.
Ke.vr.vey. Arapah. Cambridge an!
othr tow-?-. nr maki'ig an elT'yi to scari-
1 the location of th- iI-lhoJ t C 1'ege.
E.ich of tae three places named haverail
the ripiireii atnoua: of fuai.- cn.I aw&u
the d.-c.ion of the Conference.
Tiik Pacific Mutual tel-graj.h lire i le-
Ing extended north tar uzh the State.
S. II. Hcchi.nson. an employe of the B.
& M. at Piatternouth. atteaipti suicide :
the other morning by hanging hiaivjlf :a
his room at the Pacific Houe. He waj
discovered by the proprietor and released,
Hutch." as he is calltd. was black In the
face, and but a abort trine longer would
have snSced to accomplish his purposj
When he recovered his speech he denied
any intent to commit suicide, saying hr
got the rope to bundle up his cloyjing. but
added that he would have been a Iucjtv
man if the pronrietor hail ben a minute
later. He had been on a spree. "
Tincrrs raided the slaughter house of
Rickesy Bros., of Columbus, the otir j
ibt, and carted off $3X1 worth of hides.
T7i Ktnlrxlinc CI.- f tlie I'rnlt raVmrj
l'lrjil. ttuilljutiJ l . ntroctl for I'.ljht
I.i:Ar.uo!tTlt, Kx., September 26.
Contrary to epeeiat;oa Jamc C. Pney.
the drf Au'tinc cl-rk and ctli"ZiJrr of the
Kans State Penitentiary, entered the
court room vesterdav morning sod with-
drew hl pea of "not cu-ity" for that of
"guilty." "Mr. Pitsey. do yoa nitWnw
wmr plea of not guilty ami substitute that
f ru Itv?" asked th" Judrc. Every ear in
tli court room was Usioabt?. antl a Pn5y
mu, m R bu. cJrar VMV ..j do. a
....... ,.. .. .i ,h--.,
. !-,., .? h s.Ht(Wrti
, ... . , , , ,t.
two com, K one of orrery and one of
rwtl-ent. The M-iitenc of the court
! that joh tn? confine! at hard labor in the
Kansas State IVnitenfary for the term
f four rara on eaeh count." Poey
lid not .vein to icn'ie It for a momml.
then his face autniHi hN u?ual Miii.e aI
he wa taken b the jaiior to the couui
tail. The cvclfik wa -ccn at the cou:t y
il a few xuinu: biter, and when surirtMj
a- e!ril it hitcouix; he said: "Well,
its- lv-t. 'I here were two iiHlictmcnts
sc.uii'it nie at'lp-ka. and I plraded guilty
with the uiidetstaiidiiig that all that i to
bcwijH-dout. If I hai been clenrwl hero
I would have bsn taVeti there and sen
tenced, perhaps, to a mueh lonitrr term. It
is hard to ;ay in e insii that long, but
Iain oung and Van stand it. I will he
tli.rt-"sexii next Tu. ?day. The only tie I
har in the v.or.d is my po.r olil mother.
It is not iobable I will ever see her again
a!te. I wdl send her what few thingn I
liiuc left. I go to the penitentiary witluiit
a cent, and the onh money I will Pave
when 1 et out will be what I earn wliiiu in
that institution. If I eer get out I am
. , ,..,., ,., ,,,...:f i
Co'tir to iiiur.0 Munetliiiig o! in-cil. l. h
Uiir, i,t ii.r,; ,M m, ueof crvms ovrrs,41:
nnlk." Pu-ey tok his sentence calmly
and said he had schooled huii-rif to be pre-
pared for the wont H- M.d if Ii.j t--
" iuni. " "
DUrliKiirr of l"r:m s in Hie I'nilrr YIn
llnti ! tuls I iy Net York Importers.
New Yoi:k. September '-?. Numeious
eMr.nidinary d-seNiMires are already heard
among the emp'oesnf the custom hotisr
and the Apptai-er's office. The investiga
tion is hi ing conducted secretly, and Its re
sults, if made public at all. must hrt he
filtered through tho Treasury Depnitinent.
It is not gnu-rally known, but three lare
importing houses of this cit have lately
paid to the Government mote than SPJO.OOl)
each en icappia scinents on goods they had
been aeruscd of uiideia!uiiig. It is proV
ab'e a doen or fifteen New York fu 1115
will be pressed to piy to the rutted
States Tie.isiiry uioiies which the
Government's agents be'ieve sho.dd have
been orgmallv paid iu honest duties.
These sunis will a-cjregate i-l.ouO.noa. A
widelj signed petition is now in ciieulatinu
ai'ioug New York importers asking 'on
gii'ss to siibs'ittite a sjTcihc tin ill for the
existing ad valorem rate, which is subject
to the interpretation ot the several agents.
In his reply to Stfielait Manning's letter
teg.trdnig tins "" of Govetninent
bagcage inspection by tta'.elcis, District
Attorney Dotshriiiier ;i.m: "I leg to as
sere ou 0.1r ui'Miictioiis will bu
zealously earned out. and that dl the
power of this otlii-e wo. tie nseil to 1 reak
up this peinic oils and most d'srcpu'aMc
prhctice. Tlie lust person who sl.a.l be
lounil paving an oilicer nionet. and the fust
oll-.eer Who shall be foi.nd teeeivitig lllotiey
in co 'traen!ion of the laws will in pre-
snrd to the giauil liny, and the Indrct-
iiM-nts against
brought to trial
them vvttl be promptly
The Story of an Atneileati rltien Ittelj'
WAiiiNr.rov, September '.Vi. .Julio K.
Santo-, tlte natural. cd citi.eii, recently re
leased fiom pr.-on in I-'ci.ador iijion demand
of the I'tittcd Slates Government, Imeked
up by a man of war. arrived here to-day in
comiKiny with CoiiKre-siiian McC:nas, of
Maryland, and called at the Depigment of
State to express his thanks for its sitcce
fuleiTctts in his Iwhaif. He said that tho
Kcundoriau authorities pretended to ha-.o
lilM-rated him in consequence of the p:is-ugu
of the act of pardon by the Ecuadorian
Congress, but this was mere pretense and
he was liberated three davs after the arri
val of the Iroquois wholly in consequrncr
of the action of the United Mites Uveni
men:. The ch irge again-t him. of having
conspired against the Government of !:"a
dor. was untrue. Ho was imprisoned with
some other business men In order that
money might be extorted from them. Ho
had documentary proof of the w.llirigness .
of the authorities to him at any time
tijin the payment of 530.000. lie w as con
fined for a tune In an unventilaPii nd
filthy coal hulk, and vv:t5 Ui-n transferred 1
to a prison situated In the oa-euicm m .
yellow fevei hospital.
Mr. Santos will em-
- - - ... . 1 .. .11 a .. -
I ' n?1 ,m,,,,.?.w'-?:.. "' ) "W'''::
p ntin Tur 1 nnit'i4 vi:u 11m olIij a'c-.
incut against the Government of Ecuador.
Kiort an-l Import.
vVAHl.wroy. Fepteml-r 20. The Thief
of the Bureau of Statistics rejrts that the
total value of. the imports of mer
chandise during the twelve months
ended August VA, 1SS3. were $:!.
23.'.9tr'.. and durinr the twelve month
ended Aucist 31. I-'5 1, V.T.sTl.SlG. a de
crease of S-..f7J-.3?:l. The values of te
exjorSs of merchandisf during the twelve
months ended Angnt 31. 1-S1. we.-e 5T22,
7aV.461, and dur:ne the pr-l:ng twelve
months S7S5,0l5,Tt2, a decrc&vs of SI2,-
III Mlnil .l- War-
Mr.vnn. I -!.. Septcnd-er 20. There
was a dramatic scene in court to-Uvy.
BMiop Scott, Andrew Oney and Frank
Poor were on trial for the murder of Wil
liam Hayne. on March 2t. at Uaton.
Bishop Scott shot Hajr.e-t In try,nc to
frishten hinu and Arey and Pt-or are hi
allrgt-d acenrnphee. ott. wbo-e wtfu
gave premature birth to tw m a few dars
mce and whose fath-r lxs gooe ahaost
biind withcrief, was te-tifying. hen wl
dr.'.y hi mind cave way, ami he L-csme
hw"ieslv insane. The cowd sure-1
around. Wvs tter scrraniL and daring
the wildest excitement he was removed to
TVholfsiate Smtmrlng.
WisxirEO. September 2fL At Battle- I
ford to-day. Wandering Spirit was vaten
ei to bang for the murder of Agent Qulan
C Fro? Ike. Some other down Indians
were sent down from focr to fourteen years
for arspn and hor.-e stealing at the of
the rebell.'oa. Dresyraaa and ChArleboi
were conticted of ranicring a vjoa'T and
were sentenced to haa- Gol-on Moczrarvi
as found r-t.lty of xnnrdericg Constable
Cowan a: Fort Pitt, and received a similar
t etitence. Bright Eyes was given twenty
? io" raxnslAuzhte. Wandering Spirit .
?JMoagr2ad e to lu5 .Novctabex 27, at
KfiC. j
rtiralrntn .tj-t r AITIfs li'nmlng
Out of th- Ijte Itock Sprln Itlnt.
Omah.v, Vriu. SepiemVr22. - Th- slta
tion on the t'non liefer l raafcl y be
coming snore serwwis nd t' The
prutramrae. a anranod Saturday, wn
carried o.i to-day at the lUvX Spring coal
in ih, Wjuming. Iter- at the lc
Pa.-ifR' hejdtoartor In iki cit '- that
i4t of th OMno w-nt to war
mora mc st cicn o'clock in accKUir wiih
(nral Manager CallawyN otb-r, in
xh?h )rotctiMi a aoiel u Chiort
au.1 whiu alike All the hIuM lr.
toowerr. refMcl to k U it S. with tw
er-pt Mi of a few rttiin ul mc cax
jvntets. ami wen who wrt at work
un top ol tht proun.1. Jbiwcr Ca!Uwiy
tten te!ecraphel an tnlf to IC-ek Sptmc
to have all the sirffcer pcvM off m t hv
nftrtT!el that he wnM iwaie js &
for one we-k 4, that thy ouuUi If
Uie wished, but if tJ-y remiiKl toorr
Uiau en neck tliey would have U iy tkHr
own f tattaui if Wy wautl Rt
away. I luting the Ut thtec or fuur Ay
Muaer Ca Uiway h.v lectted ly
telrcrim. letter ami In otb wu
Iiumerfi5 threats awl wmtur
of a veneml tr.k ad nlooc the nwL It
:.s not et cowe, twt he fn:iy t?si it.
Hi ha a I received a nmt-?r f .many
:iiou letter cnta.nliii: thmtts of vkiww
toward tnilrwul wrerty am! ftViaK
of dtwaraite K jtrvdrft! ami
IhreatenL One of the letter finl "II.
M. S.." fnn Denver, purports U el' n
f. -rmalloit rTTinh:ic the p!atis ( the lna The writer of the tetter rlmnu
while riding on a train to Cheyenne.
oci!ieard two m-n. sppoMd U be d)n.t
m.ters, talking about a plan U Mow uhi-k-,
tion" of the load. Thrse twv wieti (; oil
at Chejeniie. One of thrm look down :b
Humes of prointneiit raiiwnr ofln-uils In
Omaha and m ng and eteel Uk-ui in
' a 'look. He Instructed the ! ti
1 come to Otuiilia. to work up a r
the rsi'roftd einphes heir atui look orr
, tlie triotllul. Ilegae him $u ami totd
1 him if he wanted more to telegraph ami ho
' ciuld get all he wanted. C-uawity tlimk.-
' tht- letter is straight information and he
bHieves that the dwiar.dters w Ih have
1 been ojtenitmg on the Deer V Itlo
1 Gramte Kdlroad in and around Dettver In
1 tend tt come over l.'ie 1"Ihi I'iritc ml
use ilMiaudle. Th.s moiii.n Ca''awav re
ceived a telegram from Prescient har.'rs
Francis Adams stating that he and the di
rectors of the mad would stand nrmlt by
In tu in the d Itleult. anl that his Course
was niet'.inc their appiox d. The x ill
baek h m throu,h to the iimI. C!lawav
sa.s if the emp!oes of the n-ncr'devie to
go on a strike they can do so now as well
hi any other tune, an I he won d thciit it
out. as tie- isiin li4t to be met pur-lv.
There me nearl I..VM) men intp.tid nt
tin I'titon Pacific shop hi thet. About
otie-lliird receive less than 5 10 a wrk.
These men. it h cla'inrd, ai leudy to .
out if a strike Is ordered, trtil the olhit two
thirds, receiving S"J a da ami upward arr
not an oils tor asMlke. f ul atng Uiem
are a great maiiv Kuiehts of Jjt-r who
would obey the order id the executive eom
m ttee of tlie organ. ratim. It wotitd Im
under protest, beeas. dtiiaittt
workinifftt 11 etttisuli-i tho liht
ri-allv none ot their affair, mut Ui nk tbfV
oitglit not to bo forced Into IL Gettrnil
Mel '00k. who ih at Kock St rutsc with s.x
coiuHHiies of Ins fnn Fort Dong
las, bus telegraphtxl to Piesident Cleveland
that martial law oinrlit to ! deehirel in
Wvoiiiiutr. M. jot-General Sehofte.'tt ar
rives at Kfx-k Sriiig-i tjuk'!.t. Sever d
itieeiiugs ot Kni:hls of La ir were lurid
in Oinitha eteiil.T, . but iiothiog so far bus
been learned regarding their actkMi.
.Iml;m'nt for -.t 000.000 Krn it-1
,V(:liit tlie 'i Voru. CtilcoKo .t si.
I.olll. Itlllllt I'lOlip'IOt .
l'u:vi i.ami. 0.. NptetlKr Tl. JmIk
meid for uetirly ?."..u0".ouo Hut ten terml by
Judge Iloislev in th- I'oiunioti Piio I'ourt
ogiinst tne New ork. I'h'.eaiso .V. M. IhiIi
Udlvvar CompHiiv. Thi- rlwm iti!st tho
raiiroad vas ji-Kentwl iu the bn; f
thii-e 1'guovit notes, the largest of which
Was for SJ.OOO.OIM. it ereod D-
fciidier 1. lvl, to W. 11. VanderWit. Prosb
dent of tie- road. The et lri:et note,
for $?:i,i-i, wr.h innde vbie ti Ue
laile Shoro .V Mcblg.iii .Southern
lUiirood Cotnpniiy. The third
note was for S'!ai00. ami
was drawn n favor of II. It. Holiint. b.r
ing date Mareli ' I, 1V,. Some time ago
the Uidrn Trut Hiiiny of New VorK
aiked the courts here to co-niis-l Ibo Nickel
P.nte to s,.m. for a lame titt'ptoeiil of
rolling s'm-s jureh.-d IIm-im. To-dny
t'e NK-kel Piite made anwer U that iU,
cla iieng tint the rnul w not letralfr or-g.-n
s-t oriuia iy ami that ih em tract
with the Trost (ntpRur w tbifefore
void. The load waiitn th rolbiMC "k
and the proreed dividt-)! pro rata among
all the cilt".
rorcrrr lio Idrnt in Hi- lioll m Twn
.III,. I'fUit.l..
lvii vn vitii ts, .S-jewdir '-i. A new
;JiJise of the Indiana TonnIMp lwml
Kvvimlle wan deve optd here toihiy. Here
tofore It ba Iw-en gnu-mlty iinI-rstoI
that the; warrants were Mtnt fnitMluterit,
that they had In-cn lal In ps) until for
giods that wm ier dellvens;!. and that
Po.iard and the (libHiest tri:s; harrd
in the piei"ds. To-iUy rXar Mark,
Ca-hier of the fiuruiiiatt National
ItanK, carne to the city, bringing
s.'i j0 worth of warrants purport
ing to ! is-n-!! by K'w-s: KitJt. tnt-e of
the township In whHi his rUy Is itMatx!.
The wArrxnts were -tdxuilted to the Inipi-n.
t.on of .Mr. K-tr. ami that irrttUent&n at
urire prfnrreil them forgertts. Tn war
rants are Ddir--tl by IL U. Pollard, an.!
T- i4areil with the I uwnniiAti lUnk a
ci;s.teral by V K. r.ik. t roprietor of thr
ti-pf-rxlcd .lenmngs County Banc of Nortii
enKW. iir. r-tark' retjuiie, a urn of larr
yers in the ltert of bii twtik. bit what
farther step.- will bo taken U not )t
TS,f Walkap f.-
KitptiniA. Ka.v.. StiptemliT 21. AM
d to the. trial of Miftnte Kjluc
V 1 cp for the a Icl tcivolrg of htr
: u and taiinz i4are at Kwxtria w dlv
r!:fsj bv it. l-fifir tikUTti Oil thf ilttrkri of
t:rI.ton Conr-ty Dbtrtrt wrt. Jadr C
B. GrTrs tr.lii?. fr Vt-r m. sj1
thr U-'-art of lloa. VV, W. rlt. Jlr.
Wlkap" mtiify. that ! mi t on
th- c s. r-;n- tnel at lhat time. l'-ta tlte
trif-ciJ'H nl d:fra' will l-- repsijtril
by eiu fw-nt wo-.. lbv. Tdki P. Km-
Ion. of l-aver:b. Knn., lut.rii test- nr
Uinil bv Mr. V.'a.kap U aft Mr. irttli.
awiilr.T. K. IjmUst. of Katporo, Ui
av4ut County Attorney
0 m
yt-rm t7mit.
St. Inris. Spnibfx 22. -A report
comes from Bevier, Ho. that at aa early
cam oc whkh it hod tm tikes to Brr.
There is no doe jet to the jrpetrator. of
rengeanfsv upon Lornou i Scireiy, wba
now employ noae bet aecm rctam. Tiu
iTiirhica wa raJacd at asost S3.090
hour thl raomlnr ma air comrr-or. v Jaj:Ar0 ,a Canol! c-o:r. "
be xal in tie ccj! xaines of looxi .a party of deyUe. td && blW'
Snively it that phce. w Wowa to pieces rr-ashar? uA n,fctrt t - Jf
f dynaalte or wnie other expire. Tha . W to rwt U- ixi - T-!
nuchfce had tot ten united frea IM dtewrtf'! !?&''
tee act. ut it I appo-d to hate te-ea n jijjc 0 ,; tti c&xrr c " -done
by oeie of the utkn; white rn.aer i7,t, jrjjtnisi. nri?. dsii J j
mhn formerly worked at lh mlc- to virni : 4 ...,t. ... tim fJ
Jlorn Crt llri tt I... -'yrr-.t,
Wt I.-! . IHAlf i .in
Ctrv, I: i.. ?-tn!!Hr ?. A tj
CfKtlwTlr rate prrlrf thrwV lb
rmUf la rrt jrtty ! r-f .
nlrSit ate that 'J f4mrm wt m IwrrlWr
on antj 4 Ue i ronniMg hmt
ttvan at sny jirtnfcnw Umm ih- w-rff-lprts
hc bjo turmul f fr
cr v:irksl at tmih Mil L
Mb-titou. Vttm rrrm ht vnt Hi r,
ca,. Kenrs tm it tor tim -' f
noaibr f Tr.'s kaovi to ft
p-Kt. Tw oak ft-hrrni
wii-hrd froM fh wHih prr Hrl
vhrrdj ftrra.t. Th loakt
bf srii(; stAtioa tuw ibmm
tke pfcpf. ad wilij5 Um 4 .
wr In. sumi!sd 'Jma So tr'.ir
M nn iUrotM im himriti.
ptceli n'-oot tfljr yarK
UHPtukxts bf-4cr wha t-.fted h
pin Mid 4s-tHi wpim tfc t-n -erssth
CMTyttg tho ien
Me boot s&ntnt 10 U rrem . .
am ld 11 two sA ;r wb c- i"
i hum Cto b-y td tmm
in hatw te Ui itr .
thrar t fnitw w im
.k i thi-tiffh th UmX
Iv lytaeiwd ffoti thr fruM ...
Jim tmsf iXt Wie.d Nfh.'
Jlrtl f Ol for tlM UflftrHf if .
lite -41.12 enrw. h two 1. .
.-x brtrf bH'.tb llh ttx -m(M
and. nil'HWjfh Uw !.'
datptit MsUTh, :W4r UatW
t r tjs a ruMenn s
EAsrtirr. Mil, jwpti-.
wrrln nco th Spn:l tu rt ) '.
bound fr No Srti. -o;
MniT IlsV HIII11 Utfr Im .- !
Tho owners -osst k ciwm of I :
from &. Jo4in to wrrfc bm.
-. i-rtKoo a tur ixk-nj tb Hiwr
frtsil to U.i: tl 9 turn aidior
v3t- tHrittet.lnfL but they rfrml '
A terr.M rJ lw up r. in fc' -Inc
ml whro It rk-ftrwd 4t th -
(rami Maruui tMiliesil that fo
t!.ssPP-Krs4t ?hI Umo U im Umn .
teau-r r mm. Tfc- t; . '
been broken te pc 4urin4 lb bit !
Mtnk wliti nil on Unini. ft. ? ali b
Ions U St. Johu-x. ."w lt emu b mnt
In nsjl IH to.'.'.:n pws.i f on tjl
the -t(MH-r ! mn Jaui
(iritUths, . Jonn. t tb pun-'.iwf
of the 'nml' boll; Jmi Nb-t. !
land, foreman of th- ffinjt wfkun
Itotvit JhMsxev IVrt'MMd. rttrvr
James SitravhoinH, lfitwd, f dr
J.tHK-i Chukr lNxllnwd. Hrl)wH v "tn
stroii. INkTiUn ! : iiart !tiH tr.
Pott ami; len-m a 1.; Vi
S-i it usr. Portland. It te iwi lM i.- -
m tr ! olfwrrx
1 m ut ri. iiatx I r- r
l,M-, SiitvtobM' ik "s,i. .
HKtun- rrnwil attended Iht- ojtil k
I'hl'nt hi- Miwll t McWlio Ui -'. nr
that sventiu ifrti wsr rr te
ilriith. loiter Tht arpwlewl ormrf.d 'rt
the nKttl atwi white htm. Sitm . m
isinent Ikhb the bnJroiT of Itta pi
lbte. Tin! rrovid iHtMihs'rs4 thrt ; a
mumI at thu liineof th ! nt
Til- ril.tllllMlt It' tt llr, H !,.
r. Ha- in lter--it I'rtH. ,lUuir
lavtfKi. frMtm: ?l n -r
feidtiHr pnvrall n h Nkf" lvr !
da). Uttnmr m rwnm u tb t' t
-inloiM diriter haw rs'tirr-1 Ifc Mx
don i. The ltitaaian rMpa-rii '
th kltontWm In thr tiUlk m bjrwu.!.tf
mori i-rttVaJ m ijr, aat tW mM l
p..lbiU Miminf ih- atfi v--I'riar-
.teiambir hm IwmmiI a rljcnar to
the nwa Iu wbteh h arttwwr ih
uttUm of later ICorwlhi aMt Htir .
Ilr ) he ha snal a ' at mlrr'.i u
In mt hti! p rd to Turkt. I to rrr-t-ffijm
tlie futltajT neraintt aw! hbli
Mnifl; 1 i"iMtaiti!f te-r thr twNw 0ttt-ti.
Ilv ak Uie Mrt to b.tonrm in ortof
that the un'ntt atav W tmitd4
M-roiniw'bdw-U (art, berMi Ih - - '
tr-sssltml ui Ho myihimt that tto Hi thmw
iwiwr to fhrtW th uti'it, 1Trtn ,thm
Mier ba ! int a 4 lrt to Mto mi)U
oJ Titrkrv awlttav hla tu imcxttP'nr th-
umUu At ('HnstotttirMftdn Vh to gtml
eltnirni ih Mfttation. Tito !Hai
lwib-.i at a eHitiri wlurb wmt r!'d "i
sutelav ! U ! lb oni- l-iw ml -f-i-'t'lf
Uo ti ltHinll. rvKif a Hr
sl.M, jwvrral liattlo of Ittw-tm hav t-n
otd'-rr-l ( 'twwwtrato w to tut ,i
!f.itit.-r. !'). eti4at h d.i4t4 IV
iiih-:io f iidin: a to Koaaip' .
Sum- d th lainlator ta 1memt 4'v
(titrliins wrfc Ufif to lbnfvh.
a if-nf-Hrl town oi E'm tZmmmlm. al
of huftyifif brwrt itbrr dttUwHtobf wan
nf Ad.file!Hl UarM.tnla. "Oiw mm
lTi :t the rstittvrt tholf)t that hm rifWW
f the l&r-rln ttsty l-ol-i he -4Mi'tl
tefipi- AM dre .bsil 4tls ! taJtn Th
xn,hAfdiM iu triitT awrr "
tantumpi ! ennmtUiml b & f-mltaa.
otij n$j ai r"-'.n w rir iiwn hm
I ;oKjMaeat M to w ItaC Htrt thwf Ww-n'dv-v
' wtTMIl.. In MTOfltaWte lth M wd-f
IS thT bd Trf.04 ftT fwn htj,
parMi. fi arrnfilaMt Itto u-
:Yw nUnn th- l-n iw Ut iittt!ef
and nrr ttnvr .-twatiuc iala.
PfiiM trr.i.i. ft-T'- Alt Ue
!:unian ifTWs-r In Uu ft!arUa if
I;- f rirfwt nd Ualr plrm fc bam
tl b-4 lr Ifci'Kariaw" Tl rnttr,ry t liMa
jw.(jj'1 at the arlMifi mt lit Ki:a Bait
the fwnpl nr a 4fa"mrais4 Tw f
fs-irnpf-d httfHi i fw'waTwar
rriel uH HII(M. a4 " a-
thli Pmtn. lrr ,Vta4rf. fil "--pet!ag
a brut t tmrv w- mwm aftoal
te iati for tJ- tnntHf m4 br-rt eV
drr-Mi u, ihn itp: timtimlm: a UmUrw'
"Mr tntv. ntvi aa taarr (fc
T'i's. bet ,t i!y iiyte nmt a
wl. fiht Utew U UV aValh Aid
trsi tht I wltl alua- K fM la)
tl.b ' t. Salt!. " Th !"rHtrr l
aA ir-sl hj tfc tr-e tth the '
r rtitbttaaam. TK" twe
;yra ,j-.!r. 3 -. umt mt mg tUtf
AJit? w s Ik mt
,-ehif m tfu st artay. xmd !4a'r
Nnlril vi;t tmtumatml tLm txm H m
Siikxxas. Trx.. .Vawa&aT Naal
th- anar a of a ltia T iifto aa a
for the TaUl SbOaa C mummimm
Six-nil lrBgJ xrt ft4 mm mt
w in t: ' aitaam.
lag Ng Vm ClMaar. Ute mmtdmiwr R, im
I ttm, H.IrI ?
ra m ii.Aid tfc? wi &
tntt !. 1E TU- a.-fst tmmnod a xwa
nun. TV? pnuMtr wdi ilaan AM a
xsai mat i i ttamf. Ta- mmumtmtlS' maar.
vbo -. x t'woau.4. awi enoM ranar
mrml at tfc umml ltr vutimmm !
Ia4Un TrtU7 7 t1 Ctf hm hmmt Ma tJwrta ta imt o
.etty ri.
Irtra Off Hf M,ik"-
.Vwnviur. Trsr.. -!.J"
Iite but nt I " i ,1V
inn .. . i.r-ira limi nm
llll'Uiu i-nt -...
,--1 .r.i Muj.o' tfcU-M7
, kiw.wt. v fc in l
eoaia to IlaattoraViC avt- le ar--
from tLtt: staLloc, frut tatlsi 5cs"
( bun.
'JktY?3Zt&-A&& '