The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1885, Image 3

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4. fi. aaSKFR. Potto.
RKi -.;. - 't-:i:i .-:;
CopyrigKl Seeumt. U IUqM livtrrA.
jfrivcn From Sea to Sea;
ppnusifr.n nv I,niiMi?ioM or J. E. Dowkbt
k Co., Pt;ci.!.HiiKftri. Chicago.
rn.M'TT.i: .Xlv.-c.)NTi.vmi.
And they had goo ! neighbors, which
Vj.'ded nincli to lln: pleasantness of their
ji.rr-ii nonius for though neer content
t. be separate from each other, even
for a lay. our young friends enjoyed
Laving their ncquainfinve-i drop in on
and oft'-n viiteI among
liltorii. Micndiuir liie eveninir
h. miay ait -moon
Thcv heard ivjrnlarlv from I.ucv's
j-srei:!s, zint piit fn .iicntly from .in-
i if and i:-r iiubaud. who wtc till :u
y( iingo and doing wdl. At h-a-t ICii
. 'ii had -t'-a Iv employment, anil they
v.t-if cosuiori
anl nappy.
ir. and Mr-. 1 'arsons had now fullv
di-ciile I to 'di the'r Jioine on theinounl
:t n at the invi ojiportimity. and move
'c the ni:h their ouL-of-lhe-wav lo-
iti..i a'oae op Tat'n against the ivr.ily
'ti . e p. !.
l-lrate.s and Luev worked
'I lie ?! of or hard ami vineyard was
i:n'r-a d bv tae d:iiitiutr of olh'-r lie-s
. nd .in--. Kos-- biii'iei wt -et out at
tin- cormr- of tne poreli and bi-n-'ath
tin v.'!idoxv, and e.ergre ns and
lliv.-r.j:g 'linilfH m the front yaid
'! he in ..u iriig.ttinir diten haing
l CJI itlJ.l il tin etr before, the
uork .f carrying the water wherever
i.edcd. In iii'Mtis of small iIe diteiies.
v. an ielv -a-3- and rapid. o
t'.r.t iw pirttv i mill ticlds of i r.:in
and 'IMS-" were beginning Jo -livtch
iv. av on very nidi of then 'ot'age.
I'.ut now ciiiii' a Jeinlee rumor
It v:t told doiil.tinglv at lir-t. as
oii.;' mi .' that coultl hardly !w p'.-,i-
l!e that a r:i'ro:nl company la'd elanii
to tin- land-, about tin- Jslough. and
would ci.inp 1 pi m Mit of the V present
murki t value, all improvement, ir.clud-
d. or ej-t the homestead' rs from pos-
The ,'5'!er-: j'cnerallv laughed al the
1 de. as 1m-ng taitetl Jy . "ic ne for
l'..e mil . f ui; in tifin a fniric
"V:i::!" lhey :i !, ' tic lairoad
"omjiaii'. i-'ai'ii our I n .-.' by. the
l-4ii i v. a absidue'y aluel"-s. th'ught
no Jo he paving t 'is ci. itnt 1
a" I'Xiercti lo vcarssiuci
-oad is no! built yet."
It -clued absurd for any bo iv tt talk
iImhiI a r.i lr eid om mtn having a
.-liimi to t'c'.r lands. wImmi they iiad re
leei.ii'd them from the ile vi'I. :il. I were
iln.ost read i to pi ove up on then,
under the lloiu-t ' d and I're cmptioil
Vet th'ie were tho-e who were less
nilv d'siirnie I of tear
V T.'ey knew that in Iowa a railroad
out; a'iv Irid d spos i-ed .settlers who
bat :ictu:i Iv I up and re eived
loc.U to their homes from the (lovern
uicnl Tip-re were those among them. too.
ivho had -u'lered fioni the overllow ot
hvi.r.tul .-i.iiiits. others from the Mi-col
incaus or loiil.
When Kra-tus lSeinniingway heard
the rumor hi- heart sunk, lor he had
een too much of the hearl'ssnes :nd
giee.l of corporations not to fear the
worst, and he at once took -lep to as
certain the truth.
He wrote to the headquarter-of the
company, repeating what he had heard,
and askinir if there wa anv truth in the
Meanwhile, the letter went on to saw
the settlers could 1)3 a-sured tiiat in no
-ase should they be the losers, as. if it
-.hould eventually lc determined that
the land which they occupied was
xvithin the limits of the grant to the
road, the company pledged it.-elf to
trnn-fer it to the occupants on pay
ment of the ('overniik'nt price, ami at
tention was called to the accompanying
circular, copies of which, the letter
sid, were being issued and dis'ribuled
5ll over tip. State for the purpo-o of
inducing people lo take up land at 'lm
Slough. This "iroular also contained a
pledgv? that if found to lie within the
grant of Congress to the roid. the com
pany would transfer the land to who
ever had improved it. immediately on
payment of the (iovernment price.
Hits letter, taken m connection with
the circulars, which were scattered
freely among the settlers, if it did not
remove all feeling of fear from the
minds of Krastus and a few others, did
serve to allay the general alarm, which
was before on the increase, aud improve
ments went on as n-ual.
The circulars of the company sent to
sirod effect, and very soon other' faml
lies began to come in in coimderablo
numbers, all taking np claims and re
Jying upon the printetl pledges of the
-company tliat in no case should the land
cost more than the price asked by Gov
ernment for wild lauds,
fo time sped on.
And now those who earae first to thf
Slough began to reap abundantly ofiihe
iruit of their labor and perseverance.
The work of turning a verihf iieert
into a garden had beeaiXbapiishea.
It had been done, too, Without capital,
and by men who wer forced to support
themselves and their.iamilies while th
transformation was fcfeing made
Orchards and vmfyrds were loaded
with trait. Oiives a4d apples, pesekea.
plnms, apricots, peari, pine-apple, lem
ons pomegranateSjMfectarmes tOl the
and some which
stow nowhere
itside of the tropics
tbemfelTe, were
found n Ml
.ir g.u,. r :, ,,:,, . anu pL - .- , - - m : emir.-iv iree i.oin , .- ,a. maue.s lir!ig u op.-ra glas-c "ure.y. he Pom.,:i(Jour muslins have -kirl, made , -", ' (rilf ... ..,. . ., ,.
oiii:rl.s :upI vup-vaiils i" i . ...... .. .. , ' ,t.... ..,.. t ..... nearly all conta'ii .-mall .luantilic- ol thought, "ciinping out '.in not be so t itli it tdtiatrd nuiN se-arai.-d In In. h " ... n.
Itcide.. ihela..dgr...:.yr.,,msc '"'I-,.ih, ,o-i ..Key u u, , ... . - .. ... ., ,. .. ,, - M. , 111i;ril,.,.:i ., ir,Ml ,..,,. rare an oe.ur.vnee in this eanvon. vet winch n.ouiite.l ove r S .on tl.ecoior ;" '''" ' "
. . :... ..i their ends -mv ohcia wio .stoo. in the i let him have the place. .. . ... ...7 . ., ... - . - wmtii 1- iiioum. u . 1 . .11 in health wa- oo..r. the imv." sinnll and tin
was jiupie 10 a eoii.ieiMv v. iios.; 1-11:11 m-i , - -. . 11, 1 . w .. ., f. ,.t ,t.. tl... !,,. h .1 .-., -v... stance- wiiicii ma. ue coiiMiicicii nan..- me-c people lake ail liileresi in mv ,,, ,,, Mu net I he bod ce- of th--e, '.'. it
:i,d,hcb,r..fh.i,rr;.admorcU,in . wy f their plans tor whole-a!e rob- . It I , m. I. U t th.u.a n .as , . , . , ,J m ;, M. Jxbmvtl Wlil haw -l; u "n
l.u,,d,vd,udesav.ay.o il,- other side O - ..,. e m,!lt howler render the nearer and examine ,t if camping be tlI,.t,.,;,., of V(.,v... or r ,,bou ,0 .vV
,f '; f "'"'.-: V",!7,,H S()(., a ,d o i tea i es " iie nl 1 he got home! "-.a1"1" ob-i0,t;'",:,,,! '.."f Jrs.' :""1 H. a nov.-lty ... il, ,,:irl..r. I'.ut n th ,sl ... t!lt. bra.c- c and ...... n ; " .
,.,t the ..on.panv.a, -orf ,ted long m. a.t ' ' ,;., f ,,,.. Thev could all live comfor.abiv in the also more or I inl.t lor v iri.e.- ap- h..y d,d not. nor .I..I Mr. 1-errymai, ,e left -ide fall-on the skirt with a
,,. ....,, uh, , lli, rn;i-l :, .0 iJ1;,;11,;:;; i ,.oU:l.,;. u,(.hl.r. aIll, ,,; as .,, li:ioi.s a. was.. ,.g :u,.l .1,.-. ,lm...U put ... .... a, ai-an.c 'I he .., Ilf ,,,,. OILL NYE.
Im- hui t in onlr l nht:i n I In- .ami av- ,- l,lf- ""- iij.i " u ' i -, f r. - It i niL' (it strain :iti:tr:ilu. U next i!:iv lh- rruiiP r inii k tt'iit niu i..r- .. i.-i ... ,!-.... i t i... ... ..t.. .f
a. .-' I II -- il niin ... -I I -:i..i tt.i. iMiirril. i c.omhi .mih " ' s ..-... ...-.- . , . . .,. t . . .
fron.en.-.o.u.hmcit.ot . oiporat-ons in , "''- 'would .-,,,1 more l....-.y ..... . ! . ' The ' l,i, wP.h a-toni-h.n.nt. n " eel moving gracefully about in the to s ,p a.n- .e U.ieov. rliin.I into 1 o.-
.th .Mates and il, r port'ons of this ever whe, the pla. e wa-no longer th.,r r. tar. .1 h. .. r. ."" ; V' most frequent ,o,vc of danger comes- -(heat ipaw-u-! Have vou caught water. It attracted attention because orado there ., grow up .th t he .. ,..-
M.11-. :.d il. were prcpa to be- owi. , . a... evidently fro... the ptv-e,,ce of orgatuc the infection. 1.....' Ye-, a cabin. What ,t ... not a comm ce. ,u.h - "" J 'J h' "J.."
i.,-..e that was too prep istcrous I.L- I; t ong wodd delay I... '' tj '.l . V ,;mt . matt -r. " indie Umg,?, bv about it!"' as mav be hobbe I tor anv dav at low- ;''",l'- HWl dc mhI an ntu hmeut f or
lor,heradro..on,p:.y, their coining, if they sold, was John- .l. -- -- , ,,(.,:ui :itum:nr v.gofable ,ub- "Why. no wonder the people stared tide in Newtown ( 'reek. A hatdwlook- " ' " ; Tu I t 'I
...ticers thongiit there wa-the icmo'ct nylu-vMu , o stances." Wells are not inf.e picntly at vo... n.:it raid., h a giant powder inghsherman. who had probabh .-aught 1'-;ad au oheer at hand u. il...
,.1,.,,,. .......remir i. either bv i.tir 1 1 lie b.,y lad not been as wed as you to -av it c.e.i of all in. 111.1- ,'. f . . . ., 'T.... . ...1 T i-s i.i. , ' 1-...I tr m..?L. nt
ifi'ii. ,"' "-- ...--.- ... ., . . l i r. i- .' i ii.iir" iiuis i.iiiiT i.l. niikiiii op -i hi oiioi ii.iiv ii." im l i i ii ii ii in l n-'Tiiiiiii" ---- ---- -. ---.. -- -- - -
-talement tha' the cunpiny professed I eoup.e wno w. ic ... -, ,.,- ... ..a- , - ... . .. ...; .... 1 . . .- .u ,.... 1. .. .,. s ... ... unpleasantness if we should meet lv. but. with a sharp ...xplo-inn of bias- J"' l"r; " J"r -..
Jo have anv c'ai.n to the land in the vi- mg their parents near them. ! for tn - p, ,c.;. I he ,: nil gage .-..em-li. and w.nter dresses, hor woolen cos- , I . e,, co-U of the .-..urt and a, w.. act-
,:uv of the Slough. Lucy was cspec ally- anxious for t. e have b.-en give , by Mr. lilako to a .dr. lmm,5 lWokintI, of Wll.,i will be chosen. I "yrnr oSt it to the 1,,. The ,... th-d up and hxed th. Ui I W
I,,-iep!v he received a and also pre-cnec of her mother at tins .1 on j I an l-rnBi-wo ami- plain, and the other , 1.J. Ii wn around indiflerentk. Ithadevi- bll Ih.nn ng how he deu.npl ... .Ic-
. .:,.f.i.,:. and hastened to rcph. urgiig that thev ut he lul not conclude the senten -e. . . ', r .... - .... fernlanl while we made ... Jheathdavll
Th ."l.ivr wis signed bv tbe Fre- it thcv could g,a am thing; like a ' for at that instant the two men at the r.ped or in mall ,et hgure-- 1 he . A SILVER-SHOD. HORSE. de.itly grovvn ccu-tormnl to sue , ev f Jim.ttl
den ,f t ic ra io-ul o 1 .a v and was fair priceand that '.lev come at once, desk 1 card a groan, ami turning. ,aw j newest stripes show:, are rough boucle ; per cm ... Ihe i-nau luuun M .1 ..v rwUwt. .,,H,C.- ,a, Wm.
oil,, e- tl, the" Ibitwhen the detennination of the .John ,.,1. to tl. t!....-:,s ifdead. ' or A, cloths, alternating whh , Tl.r iv., iv.,i.y v...m. i.i.P.-,i ... vyith his eve- "It -ting ... ha I. vvn waggin-whe.1 ".. hrbl
io me e'.eei in. .1 nie . o.i.ii.tiiv iopi u 10 I .. . . . . ii , , . , . I ;rt .f il-r nri.Mir. th. onlv explanation he caret to . . . "" .
be allowed t he ..rig.nal gr int of lands : nulroa.l corporaf,,-. to ro . then, of I hey picked h.m up an I la.d ...m on sm0other .-tuffs, which, however, are, v;,5.or to .,,,' uv'fi Ul u-e s-ibles 1I.0 LX"i"rllo Ju.tll.Hn onto the axb-vr th a tg nut .No wag
made bv Cong, vin aid of the road. tMr own home became known to bench, and one ,he. ran lor the om1v Mnoolh bv comPari.,on. a-thev are , . , F , V, . T o . wh I In lov 7-i,e up and like " km go any length of lime w,t out
but the' of the gran, had not ' ;"'. they felt it won id be better for o,tor. whue 1 1... other attempted to - twilled or in"-uch wide diagonal i " J 1I",,1 ' '"onjr n array X X-r" "v WH.k- ,hal '-'W m tl.- axle. WHL
U.en .letermincd -md nroliihlv w.l.i their parents not to sell, at least for the pour some wlu-ky down his throat from l aviiy iwuitu. o in . im. on.u (lf inni,uin,. l,l00ded hir ne of p.. Iv "' '.'" UCI,J" ll,i Mr ,,H,N v.h..n 1 il .kiw-rcd that what, hi name
lot icor ' , e Li e P ' !,.. t; am! Luev again wrote, telling a .'a-k. lines that each lm stands out l.ken . . I mg at , jm,, ..... n UM
---------- . . a .a a. .a I .... . . A 1. ..- a . ft I. ... . -II. .. ....!.. ftftAllllft.-.ftllftft.lIl- ftftftliaftlllAftllBlftftll
hearing upon the irrigated lands of the
cttler.s at Mu-sel Slough.
("rceii fields grew broader and green
er. Lit tie Hocks ami herd, of cattle
and sheep were to le seen f-eding on
th' vegetation which came with
the water that overspread the land
from the HV-tein of .rr.gating ditch--;
nnd :s the "result of all this. :p-w and cotta'es v.'ff taking the place ef :
tiie wretched Init-J in wirch nearly all ,
ha'l been forced to live during the t.rst i
years of tln-ir residence: and it was in
the mid-t of this pro-!jerity. wi.n want
had 1 een banished by year of pati-nt, i
This was no rumor from an unknown
source that M.tli'i th',rcar-. awaking
doubt in .-one and ridicule in others.
I: wa-i not lie- fnint murmuring of a
distant sto'-m that miglit never reach
them, but tlie sudden rush of the whirl-
win i
fa!l:ii'r of the UiumJeri oil trom a sunn
r t .1 1 1 t .. . ......
.skv. It came a- a no'.iie f'om tne rail
jo'id comnanv toei'di .s"ttle.-, inform
ing him that he was a Pes; a cr on the
laud1 ol the company, aim nun', iinnie
diateh vaeat" unless lr; w:i prepared
to uav the value of the land-, occupied
bv him. which had lcen earef'illy ap-
jitahed, fi the notice read, by om-J
pe'.ent judge, who.e estimate of the
value of earn ouarter-scc'ion acconi
p lined the notice.
This apprai-enie'it ranged from ten
to thirty-tive dollars p t acre; that of
Fra-tiis llemniingw:i be'-ng thirtv dfI-
lars n. r acre, or a total of four thou-and i
eigtu hundred dollars, which he was t
asked lopavti tiie railroad company
for the lauifiie had redecmetl from the,
or tailing therein was ordered .
ce vaeatithe preini-s. 1
to at once vacate me i
The cxcitemciil which the receipt of
thes notices caii-e I can I e imagine 1.
T'iic its of vengeance upon the olli- crs
of the company were both loud and fre
I'uent, and had they been pres-nt, ther
is no Mite-lion a to th- r fate
would have been. l)e:.lh in some form
wouhl uippi -stionably have been meled to tin. in.
de.sperate. and it is small wonder, wh
iu every dwe.l ng at the blough were
women who-'c eyes were red with weep
ing, that tlp-ie should be men whose
lips titleied ciir.s s. and whose museles
t twitclp'd with cagencss t .ay hand
upon the authors of their woe.
Onlv a few days before the notices to
pay or vacate reached the seflers,
Krastus and Lucy had received a le'ter
trom Mrs. Parsons saving tiiat
at last tound a probable pnreha-er tor
tneir jilace
Thcv would know in a .'ew da.s. siu
wrote, ami if they mU1 they s miu'kI pack
up and t:irt for the Hough at once, as
thev did not wsh. even ii the purchi-er
ot "the property would permit. Jo re-
" . ... T .
on the mountain through th- win-
common tin pa-t summer, and
been unite sick icceiilly, but was
t ng belter 11 iw. and -he t'ioiighl w
be able lo be moved, an I if they
he would take him a-ul start at once
by boat, leaving Mr. Fais-.n- to
across with th -.r household go ils. a.
Kra-4us and I.uey had don--.
The leec.p i.u'i of this news ha 1
'. . . ..
caused much measure to the voting
her parents ot the dillieultv thev were
in. and that if they had not .-old. it
might be bett.-r not to do so.
It was a hard thing to do, and the
poor young wife hail ofi.-n to pau-e and
wipe awa the tears that bl mled her
.... .. .1 .1 .!..: . ..11.
eves as -ne wioie 01 meir ironmcs
tntning. too. ot the sorrow it wouhl
to a terrible fear of what the fultire
nrghl have in store for them ail.
Knisfus had not been loud in his
threats, ns had other-'. Indeed he had
not thtea'encd at all: hut he was not a
man of mauv words. And she ha I not
forgotten Low at the Snseol hn;h.
' when but a lio. he had taken her nioth-
er and Mis Kitoh.e with the children,
of which a!e wa one. lo a place of
safety and then returned to defend the
cottage with his l-f. And now the
t.oi'rht kept c i.ning to "Wnat .f
tl'e company -hould actually
the ev ict-i:i of the .-t tiers ai.d
r.ra-s Us
ould again tlefend :h. ir horn-, ami
slpj'il ti put t'.e thought from
her.3it:t kept coniiiig hack, each tn-.c
wlrfiSk-r.ea-'iug s'retigth, until it came
aimosVlHj a o:n ct.ou. She knew.
or thotvRJh-' knew, that if efforts
xvjf scam
her huslmid
"would call u;
is neighbors lo de-
ith tlie r lives, and
feuli their lintnofi
would set them theSiii)
it was a horribl
ght. Hut it
Bui it
came and it clung to
though she
tried hard not to make
ir to her
parents be without a cleam
'. sho
yet felt w hen it was written
that she had failed, aad was still
ec depressed by the thought of the
feet it would hare uoon those to whom
it was to be sent; and especially unoa J
her father, who she knew would Det-
the blow evea less stoutly than her
Meaati-M the Terbal sale of
ft-aouataiB raach had beem conclud
ur.i.v..nnr mi . unci m v wfn- imiu- . hum ia.rtv; mu munuu win1-" ii.; . . . . ,
. .! --.. .. ,. .. 4 I. . .u.. il.n a li . . Ik 1-lMl'k
g ov, troubles pa. and the thought gav to K,r,ons when he bo.Sh , h;; . JrUiin
that for thereat of tli-tr day. mj-v prop -rty. having be-n shown a proo. .L
could take I,f easv. that the nroke . of that faet when m.-o r,t on, for li.o I ; - bii.inS s.-i I w.,:.r
earn..- wh.' 1. lurii-l al Iwir joy into, .""hae and ,ale w,re J.r-t lmi ; , f wn,UH.lin:r nM
mourning, nml changed the .-unt o i h, ,k;. looked :loudv and thr.-at.-n- J ' I - ; ot -j,,,
tl, blood from the pear, ul Mow o ,ng wh.-n , Jelt iiomc. Dii .u v.oui no. , . infiUwJoa, aad oth..ri
fIls.. happy h.;arts to a .seethm- flood do to fad of nein- at tin- 3,,, .oint.- . " ,hi:innjor::k of c:w ...,!U.f:nor
in heart.-, made hot with tear and place on time, and he ki-il hn crip- 'V '::..r..ii:i..i.. .. ..'-
Hut iVv wire i-in-fiil liol to li .iv- if..:il! ""' , ., .....a ............,. ,..,., ...... .,,,.- ,Mm i,r.a.l...l in .mull ,m,.,, H, .urn in l.ln.
i ... . ., . i,. 11 i. ..:..!. ii i .'.....' giee oi uieir u.ii uiiuiin .-- o.ii.e u.1.11 - an uiiea-v gl.iu e over u.- -iiouiucr aul I'ltiie worked in "reeii and ', ,!,t , .. .,
ciiimiii" to come within reacn ot tiieir , he should il e right tiicie, ami , ,f ., , i , , - , . , , "u" ,"h.', nl" " " -" ' j,. ,.,, i-la'
uiniiii t nil. viiuiii n.M i .......?. I.-... ,u... However, th analv -is then ran as if pur-u.-d bv a gr,.lv. p.,;,. i.l,,,. ,.,,.,, .....I n,o re torm-n ..? . . . . ......
xt., .-..-- oiii'iit oil. i nor r. mi .i t u e ip i' e ' .. '. ..!. ...i-t..m.. . --hi. . i i .a n
v.ctiu.s while h. not uusu oi ngiu- , w . ... w .. . - -s . - -.-. . - ,. ,,,.,,.,, , ,r :ilI pr:i; ,.:.irlv :icU 'murillUi, hti c:,!lip;r wa- ....: . Ull tt I he Po nted Imli e tu r,w 'T T , " V T aii-M-r was uiMiii them. a drp.ken iirtn. ut he iallulal on o , ' . , , - - i . ' ' -,l,u l" ll "' i" i-i"n . j j jj j r j ,,j,M. ,, jj,,,
:,7. ". . ...V.:' ,V...:-- i,,nl,..ui.l,ni,1v,l. purpose-, a- revealing the pierce of ralll..r su.pis.d at the mteie-t tne ,., v.-r a hmg chcmie:te of cn-pe " !.rL ".it " ..! ' i .. .......
thev ihdiPit fear the court-oT-the State !r.ou..t.iiu -.dc was sUIl th-ir,. and " ' XihtUUlm1 teatious little o. lit. 1 ho t-.p-ot the uf crepe tlounce,. wl at the -,dc are ....... M ,
liev i hi iioi lear tlie courts 01 i iu siaie n.oii'ii.iiii -iue ;ii .sen .n-u.-, .him , , . , ,-,,... . . ... -.-,. ., ,.,.,. ' l lie -linfTV Kl ciis ii w a
tior i" .,!.! n.WI.-.i.uai Inn. " -alw sin- of tvo cl -s-es-mineral various lulls which . on.mandc.l a v.ew ..,, (lf IIllire. ,..,.. a .Imp. ry .,f j L.wV
iiiiioni.. . ...... I ,...., .....:... :...i! .......;..., and organic, lew waters are f his camp were tenanted, and -..nie ,.r. t... l.v ih.i.s i m.i-.j Hblmn " . . W''"r " ., ....... ...
-a. . j ... i ii - v .Liia-iiii i(.iiiiiiiii liii ii . .iiio --. ..'..-...-- - - - - . . ... . ...i .... . v - ft aiv'iii! ;ikiak Birim w a w w
:.. nie inn no it iififiTiiii-iiiiii-iiiiiiiii-.tii''-j-iiiiii-: . . - - - -------- --,.--.... - - ..,..... aeK-.b i . nil iiiitiniti m i iii
i -. .-..i !...: . ;...!.....( , win iiiij i i ii i i i miii ni'?inii :uu 'i -. u nil r . - - i mm .i uuhi iu' iiimi'ioi" m " . ... i.m.. .,M i twiiikt liii n iirrurn I
!! iaa-'..aa t-- ---.-. -- --- ,.--- -- i..m.bk4a v &.. aaiakTkar.a - til.' ! . ....... a . I .......
- I ... 1 1 I. . . l.-.aa ' T ! . J T T f I 1 n 111 klllaT lt Sl a ..aa .... 1 I I 1111 ,1.1111 irIITI lT" IIIVIITIIII I w mm v .-.--v--. ..-.- ..,.... . w -..--- -- - . .1.11. . .... . . .. m . mm ft... I ..&
bring to the hearts of the old people "' show- to tnoc pre-ent a fa - .-o hag- 0f manv dre-s patterns, and tl e-e are ! .. j f ".,. ..... Vlt ., ,,. .."" .
upon the mountain sde. gard that not one among all o( brnti-le sIrjh- broad . iiough to In? I f " U Ia V ,"lU; 0 ' n ! -L ' u 1
M.c wa. exi .-fmg to become a mo:h- r.Vngn,e,l it as the f:ll.. of .iiin . a Ju or a.- front of 1 ,';"', 1 tf , "1 ,V ,
er soon, ami all the sweet ioy with o.w. the owner of the mountain ranch. m combinat.on u tl. the plain ,1nlhnl a V1 urn mt the finest in
which she had been looking forward to The doctor advanced and laid a hand 00lu Ten var.1- of double-width tm' ., ,y . lor "J"a, 4j,d to ',:u,,
the coining of the babo had given place upon the wrist of tlw stricken man. a.s woolen n.mU are -old a j pre-s pat- r'"1! nu income ol !.,".. p. r ve:,r
between Mr. and Mr-?. Tarpons and the
gentleman of whom Mrs. Parson1 had
Thev were to receive two thousand
dollar.s cah down and to give imui-di
ate tioeion: and on the mornin ' but
t- . ....
one following that on wh en Luc. -see-
i i. ...,. . .., 1...1 i,.:.., i..- ,
wuu itiivs . i". '. "" """" . onist m an ample -.uppiv oz l'hi e:
started to town , with thedecd made oiitl;., j,nrtv Q, ?h. vMe. . ,of a
and .-;gned hi
lie w:is to i
and .-;gned bv Jin wife.
mc-t the purchaser at tho
court-house, in l'lutip-mirg. .leaver t w
deed and receive the money, provided
the ti
lijc mi'j was icuiiu 10 neciear. 01 wiie-n
. . . . . . t . i m
vm no doubt in the minds of
nlcd 1kv a .il his wile and left wi good -
.-pint-., promising to li back bv dnr. ,
'll c;;i;,;iii' Lii j imw 'nit -
,". i ' i i
Jior-e, saw that he wa- projierh fed.
, i .i . t
and t .en -tarted for the co irt hou-e
.; ... , , .-
Vol Ills v.av llic-ro lie iiau to u.'-
' ",. - i . . , ;.. ,.; ;,-
post-otbee. and. .-tot)ti eg to iimuip it
1 i' s .. ..... i.., i i
there wa-anv mail lor iiiin. was liKnl'-u
i i . ". i . . .i.
Luev s letter to her mother.
He rc'ognicd tiie jo-l mark and
opened it at one- not a common pro
cee ling with him, for hi- eyes were no
loiiger good, and een wm ere li-tter-eatue
addreed to him-eif in-tea I of
hi.- wife, he iisiiallv preferred to wa t
until he go' home, and then h;e lp-r I
read tiem aloud while he atu suj.per or
ainoked his j ipe and re-te.J.
liiit now
Mmuiieg niipiu en ji :u
with tiie thougiit that he had better
J.eil til- letter. lie ...-ill a feeb.lg
perhaj.s all wa- not r'giit at ti.e blougn.
I'enrip- it was becau-e it had 1 een
onlv a few days ince they had reiie I
n li-ter from there, ami so were not vx-
pe ting another so -o.)ii. oil' the envelop- he b gan to
read, but had not jiroceed-'d far before
hi- hand trembled so tha. he could not
hold t e paper still enough to -ei
ictler-, and he folded it up and ppt it
into h .s pocket.
.I i i i i. i ..
understand what JiadVfnllcn his rhil-
Me knew that thev
were to !. dri. n
from their home, as lie and tle-v hail .
oiien been before, b. themereih .- greed
won'.l a-M.rd au asviumfoi theeiiiidien.
io him -.nd I e vvi-1 -teniii"
i iiiviii in; linn; Himi un i .-
i. ai :.. ...i..i.. i. i.... .i ....
. m m m . . .
1 Untie to vcanil bv them l. close j.p.,r
, eyes when thev il.ctl. a-i.f no one wotim
...... i.
d sturb them on the mountain side.
Welch was -o -"eluded and hmeiy that,
hardly anybody appealed to want to
live ti.ere. Ye--, it was very fortunate
that the bargain had not b en e'o-cd.
and he won d jciy tie pia'i lor his
ttou' le and ask lo be rc-e:i-"d.
Knter ng the court house lie went di
rectly to the I recorder's oilice.
The gentleman whom he expected to
meet was already tl ere. and iu conipa-
i ".t 1 I ..t 1
' ny wuu me i.eoorucr was loocing over
the records.
j Wi'';out -o much as bidding them
' g od morning. .John 1'ar-on- began to
. --av teat he had . lungeil his m.iid and
' brancc
I " -a mortgage!"
J The woids came iu a wli'sper from that were blo-tdies.-, which the other
, id not, :or ins eves were upon
did not uollce. tor h
. the volume oi ice, and he
j Ve. A morigage or lifteen hun-
, dred dollars with inter- l for six v.-ars.
....t... . :. 1... . , .: i 1 . . 1
. mncs- o n:is njen iia;..: n.aKiur a ioiai
the doctor came running in, followed bv
c-ow.l oi" 1,1, ;w. ,.,i, .,..1 ;.n .-
C.OWU Ol lUI-IUes nien :tl.l i.l ei-.
wa- sittuirui witii his head le.-uiimr
.- .:ti;...- .... ...::. 1.:. 1. 1 1 ?..
J "l' his hands, his elbows upon his
i-a t ---.-------....
1 .-1 mi 1 t .. . i nit uii'k v. 1 itfiii. 1 irniik. riir Ti!iff!iT iiriTit. iir Mrii iiiit'i"i ir niuinr u ... . . . c
... .. mi'iiii. in 11.- itinrii. .iiiii nun -.epiii.iiv ..... ... ....... ..., ' .,
knees. As the ciovvif entered he looked pervious to dampness. : ml are not
I... f.v.. .. :........ I ...! ... . 1 !... . r V ..
............ ...s,.llM. .,,.,, ,,,.-,, n.Miiura ins
; i.'imer po-uion. u.u mat lii.-iant suiiicea
if to feel his
Then John Parsons again ra'sed his
head, and with an effort aro.-e to his
I: ain't no u-e. roc." lie said, recog
nizing the pnvs cian as oae who had a.-
lend'd .Totmnv
.11 ni- recent tPne-.
lin't no use.
he reoei'i. ! ..Ii' fc.,..
heart that's
medicine that 11 do it any good; least
wise uothin' you k:n gie. The chi!-
tlren is bem" rob. ed ot t e r h .me u-t
a the.r parents hts I ,. 1, afo-,. ,.,
' :UKl t!,''-, :m auvth.tig Ietl to kvefor.
i .! . 1.......... ...;... 1 ... 1 .1 1 . . ..
i.:.ii..k ni.i-j. 1 a-... .;.i; iciier cs;
r.ovv tat we could all live togx-ther
s-om 'iiow on our own lit'lc rancii. bu:
I 't pears that it is t0 le tuck from us
! to tho igh I don't know how- it
1 come-. 1 have an ab-lract that 1 got
. out of thi-very oi:c when 1 bought
' tiie place and it -avs there weren't 110
:nt.rtgage ot'to it then, but now t.ero
j 'pears to l one for all it's w.Vth.
an they'll take it of course, an there
, am i no place ieit where an honest man
K' tavo mem as is uependent on him.
i. ,.-..1.1 ,. !...,... :t . .ii . i
' l c t - .,n i.
..-,... ..,... - ...
ine rauroaa company it turn
Erastu-J an' Lucy out, a'u the girl'll
ae. may be. for want of a helter.
.Wh n her Pliv- mniM tn lv. Km-v.
,- -- .- ..... - ... . .--.a... . - .v. ., l
father won't have anv ,-helter to
er; feref they were mean enough,
go the Place and then sellit.
v-.- - cuu ia iu iuxu aa oia
-1..'. u .. . -. a
iMsuan aa a crippled boy out
f want possessioa.
' they'll
Kist I tie aaiaaiftVBt
1n or thn rirt lir'fitilrrmrnt of SnrrMi
on .- firm.
On of the lir.-t rcmir.-m. nls of, ue-
v? on a farm, sit.- t'.-e re:ort of the
Ia,:ie!it.-.ett-J Iai' -rim -it'.al M-it ;..
. " .
si;plv of ikM
Jrinkhig in oartii 'ilar. i ot vit'.lini-
portanee. Cities and town usually
niv their or '.mirations for tl)- siltitdv
-jf water, and thev exac: certain guar-
mteea nrgarding lit quality furnished
satisfactory uppiv of n, irood
drinking water depe;ii-. in a control-
. , , .
l:ii" de Te. on a ill 1 cou.- -election of
'," . ",. ,,-,.. ., m i .,.. , ,-
the location ot tip- well i:e-.gtiel lor
l" J"v -
t'.eu-eof th- famtlv and tor the live
, . ,, . 1 .. .- 1
atck. and on the Mjr-onal attention be
, , ' .- ..
-tov.vd from time lu tniic on tlie oindr
. , , . ... ,
tion of the lattirand its -urruitnilinj-
,,. ., ... ... ....... ., ... ....
cl is mav oe nauiv in me
start, or may become opo-eJ p coti
tamina'ion by sub-eipient change- in
tin-.surroundings. (ood well- ap lia
ble to ciriuge for the wr-e at any time,
j on account of cJreiim-t.iiices too nu
merous to .-'ate iu this connection. To
neriodicallv a-evruin tip' exact cn i.-
lion of the well wh: h stipidics tlie
wants of the fauii'v and of tip
.-lock is a ta-k .vhich no farmer can
' tor any length, of
incurring a --rioti
me discard, without
n-k in health and
oro-peritv. Tiie si:."cet re'eini-
it te
fre-pientl.v. b it little att'-ution on ac
count of the fact that the ha: mini
ipialitie-. which an apparently good
water may contain, are d'-gui-e.l be
voiid ri-eognitioii b thetin.tii d -en-es.
t'ertain delicate chemical te-t-. aided
ar times by iincro-copn al obctva:ions.
arc. in th" maioril. of . a es. the onlv
i reliable mean-, in o ir pre-ent state of
tlie -c cure, . bv which desirable uifor-
, u,;!1!0". K'tnhii? the true character of
a uiiMMuu .i ii i .oi .!- ooi iiiini.
Tlie-e te-ts. it Itltl-t tie a.
alfho'.ign of the gr ite3
from a general -tand-point. have thir
'"e : w'" ;' ": ' , " ",,m "
"' ' -;" .-
!... jiTriir . .- wi-iii-ii -i:iii "i-ii
I I.l 'IIIIIM :IIIII1' -.-lI-'TllVtl'llir'l-
. . r j . ...-.., ... -..-
. . t l I
4V1 .lll..fMIPll. Vl'llllMl ll'lVt lllll fllllTlll
; ;"; .;... ....... -
tn ilnilk'llli' Water Is Hie 1 -a I. lis
""":""...,. , ', ,
ence is iisii:..i iiuc io me ii-c o. n-.m
pipes for conducting the water from ti
well to the juitnp and cu-where Kcad
i-a trea -herons and dangerous po.-on.
i- - ! .--!! l . . "
. f 1 . . "
lor couilucting the latter tor cither of
the above tatcd purims"- -uouid le
-tri.-tlv prohibited by bt ite law. Ar-enic
and copper are rarely met with in
natural waters; yet a careless handling
of pari- green is at any time apt : be
come most daugcrou- m thi.s direct on
Thee thre meial- lead, copp.-r and
ar-entc -ire direct poi-on- to the ani
mal system, ami therefore arc the ino-t
cnianating trom -uin.-. privp-
pools and farm-yards.
Aci; hn.jlun'l
Tho I.:itr-t H-!un stIK!i
rombir.atiotis of plain anil fi'Mired
strine- are vorv effective, and vvill r.;- .
, . ... ,1 ..
i.... .Imi .. .iTi..r. to... lu.p.iiKi. tn..v r..
liUU IIIUII ,...".......vv .......... ...v. .... ,
... t 1 .?... .1.. 1
,...1 .. ...r - or Lihk ..f li.rhtK -
1111 llll II "I va-s as.vr... s , ...--.,
twisted threads of mohait that are im-
eas.IV cnisiietl mil 01 sinpe. v oven
Inmlers near a single -el ve.lge are part
pre- p
tern, and in the new combix. nt:ons there
. , .. 1 . . 1
ritwoandahalfvanlsoflancystnpet 1
or ligurcl -t- tl w: Ii .-ever- and a I. Il of
iiiam maieriai. 1 in- jh.t.i ici:ia..i .
-. - J M t . .
miui ui "nu; ....... v.v .... v.,.-
"? , . ,i r .. - .-,. ,
ti-'iircd ma'er-ai lo the lower s rt. and
.'itri sit'i't- :ni!i lii.iir i i . .ii.uuiiiiL' iiiT'
. -. .. ... . i .... ..., .
trout breadth, or else the entire trout
. . .
and -ide breadth.-, an.- to Ik- ma !e of
the figured goods. :nd if a -ah of the
material is u-ed. the figured fabri.
forms tiie end of the wide sa-h of the
plain .-tuff. On the hn-i;:c there are
iigured -tripe 1 bretelles. or reers. or a
pi isiron. and in many cases ai entire
est in the fa-dii m of ti.e prc-er.t .-
.son. i lie verv n:g.i ianu or
cidlar aatl t;.e -mai enff-
mav b.' ot
xelvet or -lii-h entirely differ nt
the other part.- of tr.e dru-s. bu
. are. al.o made of the t:gured or -trmed
goods. Flounce- are n . u-ed oj these
heavy fabrics, ami plaits of -kirts are
x-ery scant, with all their breadtn
, inrown on tne ou::ue to loos wnie.
...ii.. ......... i.:.. i... . i. .. g . t
.:.i... ..;.?.. ,.i...- .:.- ..T;. ... :..
.u. .. Ij-.! -, r......
'"- --- wi.r ao-..
The Mexican Government ha re-
...". .. .. .
solved on undertaking a geological snr-
!.. rf a-a.-k H - I afk f .. a Aa m- . fai aa
- .i ;,. .! :
1 KTZZ?:! .r "i-T "' 4 ""
SU'.vw tor tne pretiminarv e.xpen.e-i.
A survey on an extensive scale can not
fail to have an important influence ia
developing Mexican mineral rsainrcea
.mu a trace .-iioiiiu oe iii.ej.ii.u in peeituar.iy anon; mv gei-up auraci-drink'ng-water.
The u-e of lead pines . eurio-itv of these good people ,J"
.1.,.,. ....... .k.:...k.'..l it.i.iiiiMt;... ; ilr-inl . ' .....:.w.. .,tv f- i.:.,. ...i .- i..... lini ;m iin nnu.'iritini wntrlim' :i l:iri
j nnj wrurriiir liuril i-iiro r-.-vs
! lit riit;iin Knlf- In Tlp-T..p nlT.
i ..- 1 . . . . ..... - ...
I k .1.: , . r .i... -.-... t.t
At this -csson oi the v-ar to :int a
country fn :u who h:u, d-imb c a:j-.n-iu;
faciht.e- on 1 p v- oni.l-
ered the very l-et of go.1 luck. stn-H
uiirr .ir. rein m.ui. vi iniMi
:.. t f i tr.-1-.J-..
This jr-ntlerian i a lord f the aiaar.
who-o pof- .oa, range frrm the ftr.-.-
peroiu va.lev in IS- ife ghorhoc'l of
the station n tmclin h - honor to th. -
top of tho lofty liills clad in clerad
bom.? day- ag Mr. K-rrman per-
ceivitl a lnend on thebai I"h fnead
had bianket-. tent and fry tag-pan with
li.rn. ruiui-takably he wa- bouud :or
the 'A-tHtds.
'Where an you l-und for?" .-il tln
JJerkel- - ,uire. genially.
di. n.where in pariwiiln-." repliel
w Nt-Kc- atPT nirnt tieiigni-. -itt-i
mra! illigh
going to lav out for a night or twtj. "
itl jiour tamily along?' imjutred
Mr. Fern man.
y. the whole lot of Vm," .-ahl the
Well. then, why no: come and camp
in th-canvori in the rear of iiiv hotte"
.-aid .Mr. Ferryman. "Then"- wood
and water and good -hade, ami if ou
.-hould want ;ny thing fnmi the hou-o
you ve onlv got to ak lor it "
Th sii.tcd the camper, and with the
ho-pitabh' Ferr2u:in le- piir-u d hd
tortuous patu up the rniiii. The air
wa- b ilmy ami the place came up to nil
it- proprietor had clr.inieil lor it n a
camping ground.
"Now lure is a good place to hall,
just ii tl:s cabin ' .-aid the friend,
dropping ii.- blankets.
.ir I errv m.ui glanced unea-ily at the
cabin. -Well, "ti- pretty g.od. he A .tnking tod.-i of Iwight catiarv
jaid. "but 1 th.nk you might tind a more ;ntin. d.voraPsl uith ervUa:tsl ni- he-suit-ible
place h.gher up." ,( .jmny co!oicl -dk-. attract- much at
"i an: get ain thing better than this." t,.nnon"
said the friend. " hat - in the eab:r..
1 a padlock on Up;
t)h. nothing of any particular value.
Still I realiv th nk vou might come lar-
ther :in:i - tl.c i a:iou.
. '-Why. confound it. ...a'., you dt.n't
cms i m going io iireak. iiuo wiurnm
No, i -lav right hire."' and he
proc. iHfd to
et up hi- i.-nt ami col-
jet wood
Io " a
When the axe
various inns w men . oniman.ic.i a v icw
. - a,kBBmk.a. ..... ... . w v
u m- e.i.uji ei- innin.-u, ;iiiu -i.iue
I I III I'l Tl ill I I I I b bllTIBII
itiifiist. - .-'
was mcr. a-ed
. " . . .
I.l- .......! 11 , It.. a. !. .!... .. ......!.. il...
v ........... .. . ... ,..j ..: ....
.iee.ittiM:i(i:ei inn lnt n .I'iIiiim lit it 1 1. 1
- i --...-... ............ .
not come ne ir nun. an ioi.owiiil' ai
mhiic di-tauce.
"The most remarkable experience I
havecver had." lie said. "I wonder what
a a.
( n tl,.. ear.s he met an acpiaiuiauce
and expiamc'i to trm the mid manner
iu which the Iterkeleyans had arte I.
And turthernioie," he said, "I never
have caught a glimpse of Fcrv matt
Where did he put you".''
('Iosu by a little cabin in the ean
von '
A cabin!
ulated the friend.
, at wood and tire, must have
01 a mail caniiiinir in 11 ami naiiiineriUL:
. ....... ........!.. t. I . . .. 1 1 .... ....
I imjire .'it them with the pi-pet llml he
! wa- a lunatic. And I appeal to your-elf
if they hid nl good ground-lor -such a
I supposition."
I The cimperfelt for chopping-kniv.
! "I s.. it alt now." he -aid with a Msii.
! " If Ferryman tome-this vvav. ju-t hold
mis tiai'K.wiu in; t iiijiik intro xuiirni
1 . i .. .:.i -1 - v . ". - 1 1 .
I a-uat notice is qua-Kcned into close
1 m-peciion wncu 11 is nouce-i inai me
' horse never moves. JleHtlead. I hough
lifeless, he is. perhaps, the onlv hor-e
;n America t-dav which wears .1 full
. '
.,,. ()f H.di.l silver shoes. Mr- (J
111 pin-money upon her. he j- a
oi anis. e i.imc ami a wa
. t
. hoj. w..h fftu ,n
r.f nrt'? f t -1 f . nml n ..r nun itn. .In
nowv manes,
CfW)t 1 OP.ii tf.t l j tn a. n ! nr
" " '- aw a a. s,
,K.3USi?I i Ult ylTK We-tinghouse. noth-
trig .tatinte... -et arrou: : pro -ure ttiem.
, , .. ..,'....,
." ac.u were empiove.i. anu pir
-ian is am -iiMfC-:.iniis iv, rw rar.irKni
to tind th -ilver-t'ppi-d hr-es. Atla-t
: he team was turn.! over to tkeir .!-
Ip'hJe.1 m.-tP's-- Tliev co-t lrtit c"..0 ii.
Im: the expen of g.' ting them was
enormous. Mrs. WesunglpHi.e. .sr'y
In the use of her nw nc.tiis.tio u 1-
came cot. eracd as to what .-b -hould
d. if one of them di'. Ta
agents who -ecurr-l the Lrst nir were
j -enl out t. -.-csre a thrd. 'iWy wore
, successful. nd the thre. U'.m:i. wr
oon on n-n.I.x term-. Ihe-trangej;
jvart o" th- -lory i-, jv-rhas. that what
..Mrs. West.nghoe f'a.l. the death i
.one of the org nal ptir. oc urretl but
two week- after the thir had ln a.-
; rjuired. o much had Mr-. Westng-hou-e
become attached to the hor
. that -he onlert-d htm cnt ti New Ttork
to a well-nnown
taxidermi-t to be
. -UltTed.
There he was treated to silver
.-hoes, and given as near a po-siblo a
look t i recognition. o that whn his
i mitres enter the stable none appears
more glad to see hr than he The
hor.-e is groomed, blanketetl and at-
tended as careiullr a if alhe. Hi bed
:- i .. i. I.i t.-. i. i
o dim.. uMue, oau uis nuatr l ai-
rays full of har. Piltsburyk Ur. kii-
dtlpki Scte
: iv... . ..!....... . .1... 1 ... ,.4 .t. !...
Hit of Information trnm th Ctr of
U'wle liu of elvet ?rr now in
Iid'e gown ar" trimnirt! wth pv.rl
sir t.I Hiixirn l t s fintr m?nril
j .j-. - w-- .........
fr tra gown.
verr dioy I an evening wrap of
bright teel gnne
' rr -a iKi.u-r - .e
attn ami neh Urteaii
Krati fi-ataers bonlei a novel utaath
of r.t h -.c 1 enue
A --th-h ereain-dre of black tUi
j, jrhiil ith goUl thi-tlc-.
r,.w. 4j chine is one of the iot pn-
alar material-bret:ing dr-.-i-.
,:uie fan- are !i-cora:-l Ian!
.cajKl, a:ui mounted ou e'- u tiok-
an ,.f pale pink -atln is citu-ifc!v
hand-t.:ui!ll in briirhl oolori! :Iw rr-.
nrtgftl oolorH! ,.rrrs
dr-.- iMiUcra oi d:5:
in small -H r father-
K.ui...tii i. a
-at in. brtkcadisl
iiait" braid i- one of lh novU:i-
in irr! tr nmung for fall awl wnnUr
lield tlower llountt-vI oM
-tm- trim .vrdfn iwirtv dr-es and
W h:t- lac; e:nlrWerI in odorvd
sdK- art u-d to tini-h silk nml xlm
( ritam nnva-s workrd with Mar-gui-nte
ia bright tfovs sdk- form a
prrtty c-tume.
ide nbbo-
and -f: -ilk- of all
-ort.s are much u-l for sabt and
-n-h dr.ijH-r.i'-
The new moire ant que ribbons are
preferred to all otaers for loops and
end- on thin French dres-e-.
A butter-colored dre . etnbmlderwl
w.tJi -iher MATguerite-. is tnuiinetl
with trail- of Hank-ia ro-'-.
lia.n crer.m white organdie mit-lin
form- a ilaintv lre , which i- tun -hoi
with a multitude of rurtle- edgwd wltii
Valenciennes Ince.
The tiewe-i ; hmI for evening wear i
formed tif pink -dk, cover-tl with cream
lace aiiA oin.tmcuted at the top of the
head and at the Iwick of the neck with
ribbon bo.vs Tlie -:mIs are eros-esl
and an' thrown ovc the -houhler-.
Ileally novel i- a lea gown of cenm
,. j, ttt ,oire. a .Irap.ry ol
. am
cr. te. -cureil lv ois ol tiioi-e riiiou
ivh.te water, d silk, br.M aded .n
.t t
,.,r.r,. rat p signs
fie train will lw
. .... I i .1... I -.;.......
,.IWo :. .,-.., ,,o...o.. .,.
f....t.! l.. i......i .-..... r.-,i ... t .-it
nothing will do but the dull whit-ap-
., ar;lM,.,. ,,( Mv p,r jch a dre--, and
,,r thi-purpose there are to be spe.i.d
purpose there are io ix- sp
bead- of cold-looking Irosled unntal.
I'hilaili ll'n i I im s.
An KrI That .nil.ln'1 Hi Ilrlil Cvru a.
Well ii- tin (nliiiury lI.
" 4ny one who lift, that eel out of
tip- tank mav haw, it. .all I.ugi-tie
r.lackford ye-terd.iy to a crowd of per
-on- who stood in Fulton Market be.
f. v .. 1 It I.,, aa ... aaa . aa.& a. . I fr..ira a
ioiu u ne ,i- 10 i-.iiii-si. . miir;
-url that the offer wa- made in good
taitl. he uickcu up up- sleeves o; m-
pilot- aek.t and alter or.eily explaining
to the crowd Vie precise manner in
which au eel -ho'ild lie gripped to pre
vent it gl:d. ng through tip- l.ner- he
plunirel h.- hands inti the ater P
, I
practically illu-trat how the thing wn.
11 . ..: 1 1 -i ...M& u., !..!
nnw ii,,unj uir ri -i niuiuu
him.' he siid. contcmp:uou-ly.
kcicneti ogger one- man mai
ay.roti. ai I t.e ii-lieruian. strucK
with an !.!. "p't-n tha eel out of tip
tank and follow me down to i-outh
street with it. and I'll give vou a quar
ter "
Without -topping to make anv in
quiries as to the legitimacy of th offer,
the indepen lent lad grapd the "l.
Hel-lierated it jnl uttered
a ydl that brought in the pohceman
who twirl- hi- Iu just o't de the Jjh
market to what Wie matter wa-. in the day inanv person.
tr.nrhr.1 fie -"! and tetrd it cnr'
power-. After the contact on c
' TL. . 1- ... 2 ....... la.MnW.ul ! . .oha
4i 4 "X ' ' ""' " ,. a- - -aft
lo' k d fRghtnol. but nnn -ared t
... . . - .
mxltSie vv t.. .t a -ecoa-: im w
. ... . .. .-, ..
coni'T. coaimn'.! io .ouc j u, nnu .ir.
---! - - -- r.-- - - -
tant. ami pa-'ed m..-Vgol ufxjit th.
-n-- --l.viniv.iit-. or r3srtrir Ket."
fimiii.i inn ii m: n iip'i. rifm-ii
"ffce tank roatainei! -floral hd!-
bnd'jr. and tha -H horkel ihrm
, verv much d ranl iboai U jriag
xr-iad in t!e jr. 1 . - ntannr I: wa
given t- Kh ''immK. nor i4acvf. rd
hy Mr. Doaa'd Hums, who r-rtdt. it
early r terJar moaning frrni th" Ara.x-
ZftnH'iT. Cip-'a. 1-nr brought i
: w:th his: ia :'r eamh Fmxarc H
'$ rah-r a h-.--Hije cr'.t'-. aad a
rren! ix.ial in k fa ..-'. that it k-t
is- mouth !wnv- -hn:. except at Meal
tim;--. an 1 -ia- to breathe through
two row- of hole- on it- hnd and nrck.
It is sb-.ut two and oo-hilf feet long,
ar.d rather dKpropon.oaaSelr thick. It
ha a heavv re. like the kcd of a boat,
running along the bellv the entire
l..n"th of the bod.. TIv throat i ol
r-rsne-e crdor. and the head, though
hort ami clunnr. i- ornamented with
two httl- t3a that look hk? rs. It
can adminivr aa electric jthock a '
powerful a that of a small battery. A
man vestrrdav touched it with a" steel
- . -'- . ..... . .
t n-a-aaii. ana ne ten toe saocm; a. xor
ciblr as if he had touched it with ai
hare liagers. Jf. J'. . -
a W-Jlh7 HxlonUn't ijiflw
(nr of I'-ftnn' nrJics. .inl mot n-
..w.-.! rtirI nwrrhnt own a larp?
country eat in th" nAr uborb. l"h
r- m, -. - -" -
0tirr ."wmlny mom-n; be ro' i "r
t- i . .. fl. rtmln?r Iowr "
q fioc, iwu -. . v
w-alkmg orwr Ju UosmI acn la :hU
p.ttJar ik-ci- h drr w tuon?
lalatir.i of a tr -- ' ro'"
Kooivu, o w.iil u go to an au-
wiig BoW to . a irra we.., ....
bt-i-akfao. tiote oat wIS ic tfe" mid
(IW h (Hib.rm4;r rin t nm-t ono
in JJe patch nnd Kar--d to ranXo hi
wav.MiL A k jpI otrr .- tno
wall nnd wa aUrtit i enter tbf h'gl
w ar. nuif rtt imm tk" renr ni-hxl up
1.1-t- a tcn.I . nod grji.p n hi- d!r
. with icroll taad, c'.m4 whW
hakiajr ik 1I maw -Ik a virr.r that
mftiJ lal 0 o! hl, c0ol.
, j.
;.,j.l y a,fcMKt ,j vri-tf. vrr old
tramp. Ut i' o a rr-pvWhi niuu
thi- waj bimlim; meUu. n c
Weil. iu wwi't iai mot thu
w-.. you iwitmptibi ol I afrnnt. 1
doa't waBt u hnr any 4 rt ulf; 1
caught that's njrt U .'
'IWn. 5SttlMT -ak- that lunduhi
MrUiu' teth UVtT with Iv'. h
made track fur plkr aainjrir-.
On the wjtv ltw ld frner r-vuvn-d
in a lej-p-' bi- s!!-piKi e-i.t and ii
urvl u rem.n.l.nJ hit t.:lwart
oonipnn on.
"Hom dan yM atwmp -nch a
th ag." -pttlUTl lh irnte lu-l n a h
wko fortl uvtr th rvl. rfanlb
o! mud t.r vatr. ! io th ui Til
stnmi it? Xu, I won t," he hnl.
I'retty onin' tW-. If man ent
pick a m-Un on hi own held I iy
tlwre. Mr- Ji, tm her and h4p
me' ' he yelled n h in tratl.n;
pal n ueighUr hi at an extra
ord nary rate oj spr- t
nh. -hut Mp." Hrl the -t'tnlj po
liceman, a- he trieit to bre "h - tuivu
j ahmg at a faster jnt. "'lliat gaj
( don't work in the- rts."
udtb alt the copper-" chin
dropiel until it Mieniod t innch hl
w alst-lmnd.
A w. an. trubbi -or: f an oath e.
taM'd hi- lip-. Neigh lr Jne- bad
r.-jHipIcd With al cnty t hi Ir'nl
eidt. Mtut .-cuJn;: a cn.Hmtr. cin dwn
Wlirii lip Wi. VV.rlnc ll llrn.lii.
I wa- once a .Iit-t.ce of th INnicr.
. . ,, , .....,..
occurred w bile I he'd that ollbv. I do
not al.ude to my othcial life here in or
.1,-r to call attention to niv irlow nt .
reer. (or thmiitnd- of other no doubt
could have admiui-tere.l the a 'fair- of the
otlh-en well as I did. bill rather to
of one incident which took plate while
I vvn- n .1. I.
m night after I hitd retired and
gone to sleep, a !iitlkmtt cn'hni Hill
i .. Pnll., .u.. ,..!! nn.l ..t im uut
" is ----s --- -' r-
f h,. Then he t.d.j in thl a man
who owed him a milk, bill of t'jirty-'iw
dollars wa all loaded up and j repurmt
Hut.' ad I. a- I wrafj
. , , , . . .- 1 .... ,
" ih.'-'.' ", s,....
IOI.- IJlMl.ill M.IIV. t.F. .... , .... r..
w lib wt onvere tgeili-r w i not
winging his way down the va'Jcv of tho
Pardee '
'Never mind that, .!edg" nay
William; you jut li the d,y mniu
and I'll tend to the defendant. "
In au hour It. II returned thirty.
I tjk the J.lxirtv to lirrowone o then
there nut- fur a kind of memento, n it
were, and I kept that In my jKnket till
we -erve.I the writ and he paid mv bdl
and came to hi milk, if jot. II allow nr?
that cipreiun. and then 1 !! U hint:
Partner. ' ay I. you are oing fr.
far awav. where I rnar never ee jiu
again. Take thi here ant, a) I. nd
put il onto the axle of the oft hind
wheel of your waggin, and whev-r
you loc at it le-rcalicr. think of i.r
old Hill Dunning, the mdkrnan. "
.V. i'. Mcrtxirtj.
A Prolific Compour.
In lhl.', Schubert v rot nearly a 1 un-
tl ong. lhle, U .yntplwn. and
o'.h'-r compftlio. Kr-ry thing h
tooch'Ml torneJ to niwc. f rtjm the i.itt
hvelr ;em- Ut the xay-t wortMo.
ver-; the text xialtf-l Btti-5 U him
if oalr he cotih! t ii u mtr. It wat
dnnng tW T'ar Umt h- wntrte V l-
mu- "Krl-k'ng." through vhieli h
M"t U'cntce known u thi jHc.
Whn I anih on oar." he . . I
Utm t th ncit-' lie trr- w-.h th
gr?atet . an 1 n-xr rorn-rte.1 hi
worse- W? ar told that oar. drng
a tro! ti;r'cgh a JuJe Tili-e, ; ha-
-d Jo y.- a r.4anj? ot hak-flirr.
ad on reading -nar:. tu. tf? iars
at ibjaTcn'4 : .Mar..' H a.d ih.
5h i itchjv ha coroe into my "-f;
it nlj had muspap- at itmd:"
mv one drnw im :ar- oa a b91 ol
-a- ae thenr. amid tlie ot.c and cwa-
fiton of tux ina. he wrote th luivly
ng that bear thai till-- SchuUer?
wa-' obliged to upp'irt buodf from al
.-oag. aod 3- Jw ot th-m were ct
publbbcd. i: i a mytcrr ho he ever
awaag'd to Ixtc Aya&a TutU, it.
According to a Bwtoa papT that
has jRTea special atteata lo tin: mV
ter. saore thaa twestr cra.cmarUaa
have Uea broaght to pahlhi KAim U
the last three awctlu. -
ed a w-
. J
Nj--r -.
. -.-f-tv.-w':
;slt. '
Ti t A
vSX: 1
Si2dT - : "?j-rtr:
.-v ..-1r-- 'Ji- -r