The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1885, Image 7

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Town XVIp-U Out In Ohio and Mnnr I.l
LieU Utrrt Hill, M.i., IterrJvr a raral
A litatlt.ll.
Si'KiNf.Kini.i). 0.. ScptenilxT 1). -A tcrr
hie cyclone struck Washington Court
Houh. a city of 4.000 Inhabitants, tw
unlet nest til here, at eizht o'clock Iv-t
uncut, and almost literally swept it fiom
the esrtli. It came from the northwest and
broke uik:i the town sudden!, carry e
even thine, '"'fore it The tornado whim-d
up ( ourt street tlje mam business
ouch'are, and ruined almost every biiMii-s-oik
on it or al least lorty or lift in .ill.
TI. rli a private ic.-i(enrc in the town e
t.,iii Hilly four huu'lreii bu i Mint's t nr
" 'I he IS.ipt ,t, I'reshvtft.aii aifl
: '..i, e Churches aJ! snared itmj
totiuijon f.tte. Tlie Ohto Soufi-
I'rntretlac Clilnaaa
Slat Troop
Hone Si-kino's W. T.. September 10.
Sotwithctatidiii: the fact that the Union
I'acific announced a few days azo that they
nmi1i riti lfinr-w rirrinit Iteckwith. Ouinn i
A A Open I.ttrr lo tjif I'r-iilrnt
To Grover Cleveland. Pre dent of the
United htatsi, Adirondack Forests.
X. Y.- 1 dnci of that party in re-p-ri to vita!
.r: I have been tliinkinrr for otne public question-, is m the la: de7
The Poller of IWmorrarr It.
llt-lrrl to Vital aaa!i'tti.
It i? x:r-d bj reprentiive oran
of the democratic partv that the con-
I tVimtttrii' prat eontrarlors. tn work Chi-
naniKi in their mines, and would hip them - "" " " wuW address you a few fooh-h. It 5, quarreiltn:: all the time Jl41l Union,
autof trie rouiitrv. 4vwi hundred tVlestiali ' n'"- ''" "'ed that xa the niul.:plc:ty ' about Gril-S-rvic- reform, ab .ut the The average 5
our official duties vou would not
DatMavt ti
ef ritr x. krr iadao. intnlUr. j
Out of S- tca-h-:- cmoloved la. lioristlr and jnnnrnUy cra. Com- (
rear tn Cne-fr County. I'ea&-ilv&ntA. I-hc-- dotua:.eaaf blo ItaiaSa, j
v7 ,. i...,.-!..., oWn, cvtu-a-turtio-c-s unnatural dicharrc.
rxhau;-' TitAiitT. prro.ari" drci,
More than thr" million of rh idrea ctch, ns-cia., aai trcamc dl.t..v.
haT b-vn leathered into hi"' for th rancxi, fcydrv-c.. di' : p?ti
tti.t- f th. v-,.-,?T... rt.i.,... (.., kiJam nd U44r. . S:aU
....... ,. ...V ....J....... ,,-i.M... -.... ,.' . .i ..i ..'t
.... f- - " - - - - - - "
res- oaaTs of the American unJv-
Did you Sup-
of twfiv rrert -la4lt :a cajjai t-
arrived at four o'clock jeaterdaj aftenuKin
from Kvan-ton. They were accompanied
hy four companies of troops. Incieamc the
force f -o.ji'rs at this .iit u mix compa
nave time to "ve mo uv
As vou an now out of W
tarin. anu alsul tha -ilrer qmUon.
sUuntiun. H quarrelhn tiiu. it both
aad dLsirrac: !t.-Jf. fiila to cam m.;
?undav nlate nIls
t--oa of Hot. Newmaa Hall - rhon-h a
'ra l'ai:li,oi!I-. Narrow liat:
-M .i . 1 itxilroitd depots were ! n
ir. s ..tlieii-its, and ever bnildmc incite
-r i, n his carried av.av. mttkio inert
an tuiH almost iuiposAibif. As mr
'Rae vvithRi a circle oJ two iuils js do'-.n
it is i.tWI iiiipost-ihie to el atftira:- f
2t s of ttnstrojif Ttte ou!v r"!Kjts
t! a '.in bfcotten are thrnueh an oj.t-rx'or nim-s- mu-
uies. The Ch nameu will be domicilii tn ! vchfre yon have plenty of l'-Uuru. I will it-pledge-to the people, and rentier
the swo of th- It'-ptibltcan periy
i-recfl-r altoetner jirobablts. 1: the
Democratic leader- vvonld develop
-onie rtl jol ci'j-. aad A the party
would lop fttarreKiaz and cuecealmiw
xt- t'Sbrt- uja!Uth j uttca . tie orra
thzak ir would tm laueh :ur; l.kely to
s li
t I
1 -!'
t:ijriM'I a nire twtf ttiHes vvt-l f Uii
nl is ittuie ni a htv sUinuCo v.wl.
-t Hiueiit-. The pnnic ttneJt H-p
Ukeii cjiiiil.S'h tuiKwatt ami t -'
t e Utiiio.nm tiiimliiis in fv-rj tlir
ti.Kttieli tlie imtrkv dan,iH-u. Ana!
. -tiusi ft -rftrt tiielti nwl il t-
. hither suni :hitU-r in tn'-rr wild :
the freichl turn-' until their cabins art- re
built. Tlie amiounreiiM-nt vs made las:
nie-Jt that the fliui'-se will co to work in
the mine t'.is morning 3ml that white men
v.i.u.d noC te triiiittd ti HorVt any more.
1 hf plan is to prtt-ct the hmt v. .th
troop until ttie vsnit" nit-n nre fort-d lt
lHVf town, when the troops t-m tx- v.iUi
Jnivvn. No deiiionsiratmn apamx; me ('
Jf.slial ?ias bt-en m.Mi ayt't, imi it i- safe
to say that vinous tntiibk will en-iue a
o'tii s toe opportunity atlord. Th
jut ace of w larre a biJy !
oidt;rs will prevent wnv i;'ii act of vr-len-
hut the white iui5-r a erl tliat lip
,'t fj !.tt of UnHe haw's
prrti'-et'tm. Hundrdnf riimorx wi-rfiKKi;
la meiit retailmi; the p.ans. ami tlitV'rs
,inc. c.tjfie arj in s !'.Ht of -up;re-ii ex
"ixneit iiKHiit-titarilv evperliiit; an totit
ItreRf. o some sort. The (oi:it-M fjurier-
Iteen urro!!!tii4f tt a -iiiu: jnsekfl
Imf, ami Hil Utf ltu!liii'ji trf.oiiR: to
lit i .tfiiifi?it l"i. ifli riiimri . ( f, ".. kti.r.
.. IilU-J.iiMntj; wmUier Um wr- sjM. l0M!er"iii ffaiint- ami the emnMt to
1-tfle.i, ImmIi.-s have 1-eti ta.-. Ul. ,;r,.r..nt mi art. a mi.Jt-r L'naid. as
i:e nine jiimI oCJmth m !.- ItHiii-l. ,. Ml,j Uh. .n,... ,,av,. threi-uetl to
it Iliu- .Mo., .S-jtieiuh-r s.-.Jiu.t lt- Ib!w t., ,, 7j. MU,ttion Hn.n-. in
tiiiiri:t la-t i.j:lit t'.is town v.ns uhe t.treme, and ihe f.-eiiiu prevao-everv-
i oiieof tl,r Jitnt-st w.ji.I. ttt.kwftl ..,.,. ,i,.,t ., ..-.,.,, ,.i ,.. i.. -...,.. ,'.
ta.e fie Idert.v of pri-:atinjr to vou
, zi t,houj;hti in th iop:u i.-tter I ivih to
1 ask o-j h hv it is that v ou nave -o uittca
' iron :iif t tint! s.utah t- men in- ofli
ou are riuiitn our tar! ii, t m- fatal
'rr.)r in vour appointaiei- "i ttur Ad-nun.-tratton
na- nva a j.roniin'tit jk-
- turn in V a-ht;ton t a aiaa uin-- j
1 1 t'-UK v no .s licno iiicul a- a -cma-drt-1
by f-orj:e Wilhsm nrt - d all
ur Indt-jteiuJeatluwtmi' frv-uds. aad
in- JiimJs no de.i'Ier aKa ou- own ,
part jajH'ri. .Mulrov aad O'l onaor. ,
u- hviiir; -;r?-.l a v-rm in t worn-'
h.u? n- sieaiia; s i!f apd tne other
a tfnn ia tht? jieniifatia y for rwi
.arei'a-. lsave rv.-e.ved .tn, ortaat fed
eral po-ii on- ia Ciacmnat Mr Iun
tou. a I) nr-crnt of !:t . re-t - s:I an
ujtp-uitmt nt troai you a fMisttnaler
tvuJ' !i- ws-i artu-ilk ut ja ! for :m
trtui'l tiv: fnja the . e-y j -o!isfO
to pr-side over v.'hu h vn: ap
p Ms.te'1 ii:i&. ou mal- u '.ry 11
j-H in th- matter of Mr ('. 1. .idJ. .
fie ha- been in the p"i:' twiet
tradaBC. cuatl tu'.jac Ik" at 't root:
ar-jaaixatta oi zal rnl &ad arrtcA.l
ia Amoric. Sl hiU-T r sa- ai &.t
.4 . n .I'.rt .. .1 .t.kl. ..4 .i.v.4..
He-uaa-ter Bridge Rowt LoihUki. 3r WtviV lnnirr llical A
SlT. and of Her ( II fros' csauoa, Buaio, N. Y.
ronirrecat.on. ia the rnat Taiwrnacic. -
The fktttnri I r.Ullt4?rnrer dtshke
the -nMtlimkia of "-xas" tr "mia
cl?-" ia tb4 ltnd NVw TtMaawat
".M rael--. it -v "b, zm k pieiiiat Prnw.inr.t m thr iMir-um-
word than -irraa. both to tao tuoJe and na. cattail br art of ! or f-ro
i'ST.1' for horses? It is for fcto
tr- rood
tton of i!I Sosh.
OscdtiTr - twist a tior wl a
tbun a& la ; .1 i h 1 .w it l;t
boa .i a U.. maa uwt auC .V 3
drpm rut
the ear.
A Mohammlaa HitrT-i:v aia-
Th:-. true, but ;at better could 1m hundred year oItKr than OxftrI r- -t.ll
cxr-et -d ' The party i-, wfant tt .-. It
quarrel-. a'rKi'.it the u.ot -vivl qitc-:oa
of jHiblic roy. icait- 't dot-j n-t
airret- It app-ar- to n- two. U-cau-e
it j- not oatj. A trreat rnaav of it- meat-btjr-
are .-iact-re:v xad 7ealuuJv ia fa-vo-
of "a clean svp "' bect:.-e taey cT ilepu I.caa i- a nt-cal.
tht-y p ant the pu-dic erv it e ihomurrhly
refornietl. und m U-'ir iiraoraaee b -
I -i- t.iat it taa not i doa- ecept ty th-e unfornaate- ia exUU'ncr a: $aJ.-
the a.'encv of J'eaiK-raU oc- Wj. Oiicji i Curr ni.
cnpy.ajr all
(T(r-iUaj, a tiraipCooi : d4-. 1.
It : accwtaai be rc. d' .
hoaJacifj, Kw uf app4UV. ctnatMd t-n.o
tai -.ttia cux4x.u, to UMt.y lr r
ttoat vb are e2,ra tram Ui . t 1
csarqttl d'raoc-t-ia c Ut : r a h
aad JokU. !r. !r, " !at - -S'Tf
PeLfU' art? a r rttr f r a., a -mcfllt
of tan aSr. TaT cIimmp b-.J
There are .7 la-titouoa- in the jorf r the blxi aud roitvv the ditMat
woriti for the eduto of denl-ntnt-. "
(termaay h'v of the-e. Fraaee
MXtv evea. (jnat Hnta.a fortv-si. aad
the Un:t'-d tte th'rtr-e:ht I?eejt
careful ttaiate- p!are the aumb-T ui
Smiilfs Tonic Spj
uoitn-hiasr at a- ia thedat-trf
AraSixa c-a itte'. It coataia- but
one ro m. the Utor i- pTd aad th
rouf i- -upporu-d by 4u rolismnv
)7 it rt'po'tMl thai i-Mal tttHtUtti
jrauua; rroaad ia lfBaaav. Tj
o t- taasa; rout la ti evcatry. -
t Us iJrrrtejL-
the .fti e. At
tlie -aie time, - ;a ot-er Demo
crat beiwve iu rr.J-vr.rv.ce reform,
aad know that the -, rvice ha- Iwen
more inn aad eliej'nt under the laier
Aeeonliaj; to their JV'ir IUk iJierr
CAaTLra iv itrnifi tar "-1 'nan ..- .
a-..i , Mrder arrest lo- hor-- t.a;u- . ' . ,," . , "' . .. V . . pm-nMi- iinday-cta wi
UT- .. - . , .,..-. , V -i . ' Itll M,
iiuhc Mm, IJ-'t T"ll.
TIC Ki Trx,af Mara til. MH
agr in aJ ttr raJbrnlMti Ki ttfmi- . n
ha- been rat d mw. h m the K-inrmrtl TAtrBst.Tad 4ar kU.ucrmj ArruiA .-
Kpt-'iipal Charoh during the pt-l eint ootnai !r At Uat . u arm r
vtatr. it n ten ni-not-. lo rr-rtr- t--7 iip'iiimi,i.iu. ,
tf.T aad dero:t-. 7.i4. ommua rnnu,
Hv aad all Ktatrwd UMiak. Ai iir rfo'
Ht.ltn te.iimkl(-,M M.kl.i.afi,linftHV nfk
Knl ChntTIl unliwb. I 'wtlt tLlM-&I hi tj.ha.)t
Tat arcr.f r f ti. ct; Vi4 niia
jstViT tirs-tia nr.ty 8Tr2ter?-e4?rTfrtf-W
la t j.i arta SATE
CEK7AX5 SriI.1T fe&c rOUCAJfrXTnir
fAcs'aaFrr- r Ci.liJ a.3l rrr.acli
er f iart r.i juaiisf IU rti uie
eatirc Uetras.a Sata-r-TUaCtrT t iar
k:a teiuaiay to tie tra ? tie rfUa
ta&t t& sacatr 'K-a&tever i :.'. tear tf
tataifWUaaarrttncUTfa. .-! 4 searriea
est la ftrt-it avaay kui . r.asj'r dot V
brs taStetra: far a tart aa v. ?;!?
bar ea tarr4 bTa:ia;!e '.'. t vitaay
fct riratja la rra: ar&lla Ul,
o-mbr ram st.irm ever .,.-.mi hi this hma:eii hart, toe dr.truct.on of ;,ro;M.rtv , liU .-h-vat. d to tlie Mn,iti u , r . i - -f eit-meni- .iroM.rM XRhii : 4?l.-'l.A6:i visor, aad rrtt N o rt ifc t.vcrer racat ui fvtrj.a.e a.rc wr-
ibe sjoritt came np from . hv hie and evpKiMV.-.s sure to U.h.w. and f N .,al ja .'' -t Hi Nevada '1 Mu 8!;r U 1A2,n- M,me 1h'1' -In the V.1U--of Slate H! Oraa-e "d. a.' truU ad W r-le u: t. . tf it . mt.i t .aUer
.d e lirsi ..-rtdiwe struct , Is not ......Keiy that a general riK, ,..v J, w .. o , ' tt thM:?rTt r' W a a rob- roI,.v V V J V II. iii iw"h um at!MUUfr.. do. a wk : after U 41.-
me eiHl o: Ut- t(Wi was ttr- en.iie a the en plove- all al..o-.e line of ," , " 1 . , ,,n ber.' of Americin imiiivr.. In their ',IU-V' N .l ., ? la, "' l. ""r' " sarMeiaI.rtaSaUa4
l.'.iriv ou-a,- -ii,.i (.rciit.Ml .. . 'I" n- a"'-,.t ' u tw:w coadcted t - v!at lir tne iVa- ., u... ,.,...,.. .;.... .,. . wim-n w- built m l4.-5.i- It - verv vrurK K ,,,,- hR. i, .. iv eat4 Ci4.r lau sa.iicaat-
..-.. i.n-i .n(t iKT-ojiiiti 1 th-load ate 111 svinitnf!i with lisa miners. 11 . ignorance tat, eouee.v; tint sue . . , , , ,. w men a ima. aa ia iim iv a r .
.:: 1...lj.c i.d fa ion -7,. j:i .aws. and iiidH-tiiie..t 1-iiov. ham:- TiR the " -n-t rmv of in- 'r,:nl1 Vt" nvK, an I ia the calerv prtMj. u,. v .,: p..pi .p,v .f hit, UiaS't ay aii Mac ir Vev.Utn
lititi- uk- coiHttlelelv ivrr .!: . .' oviT lulu lorthe -Jin- oJiff-c .i',! ' ' .. ..,i ".' .:."i i .' ha- a pew hictt w. land- et-luirelt n i.riR; &iimiul ie ta b'ar. axw poo crdr Ewiid U jaUH UwetcT.n-
t . MieeAr.oM mm. lliyLiU, RECIPROCITY WITH COLOMBIA. y..: WiU ,ut.y aJipo llUnI him to 1- w"in '1 T 7 for -lave, bol-.ani: to member- of the Uu ,iW.ib.rucr4. - .rirrkatriua
, . .. ... ' . . 1 i r T- leiiir sui'-i r- and tanie-'.. tne-e trev- , 1 . 1 tarer o- !aarat m! tbTns a tiarlf
. -i-o,l d.tHtfhte7 Lien, were ban-d . .. , .. ... , tMr"i;tl IVu-iOli 1 :iiiiiiii'. 1. I. ,,,. m, ,...,.. ,,. ,. . ..... ? ,.., , cM!:reat:oa. which oce numberfti n, rvVT.s n'nmnir vtv vtx
. .ti.... Ij-. .. 1 .. T,,p I rridrnr. I'rtirlHiiiwtlon feai.jieiHl.ii- ,l , . . ... liieir C'n ICt'oiJ ill out ttt . ". - . , ., , Pinr'Tifrt-ii rHt riBir (Hirntalatlnoo JT-- r tL.si9 v iOCTASLJ. 1 AtM ritl
. 'U!it. lH4i i?i- .Pmmiius: on : . Ai:n.n who ha been arrleI U tie . , , . Jive hundred I ii church - a Teiit "" " ,l nl- "ir- cirom iwnHHi .- ., .,... .. ,. .. .
tlooi Tl- f,.i.,e- -Aa kili. m if.iii.Mr- inn.. " , , ", , , , t -ea-on. and tiold tnat no mattfir.w, "l ""w,-rr" ' " 1 nurui 1-n m, (,M . y, w . bMiua il a taSieleat. Uw eti.r
SitKH::;;. ..w ptemher ii.-The,w ; ;; :ni r'j.r"n.S,;t;: "? - a ,,,: :;;l:;n: rW;j;;tca "may ctamKi JOKIC .
tin- uiMt:,eK reoeiviil The lar.-e i(,,,,,: h-s ui,t'(1 t,,t; ifv""-' P'ociaiiu- .".' m 1 w 1 n .ippo.i.u u Wllfr .. la.,.. tf li;irfK,j .,.. and ever. 8''t..-e. 1. ..imcw. - - M.t.,.- .t..
owned hy "lav lor v
al-4 wrecked Tho rnf
er.niii.-:ej jcrti off. and tit Hire h u
1 .
Zl 1 .
' Vt
I. -v:
10. 1
r 1 now in very Imu -tiiuiH'. The, J tin
t v,:! inn in hili. AbtHtt lif.) smaii
it s ,ji nee, we ie ai-4 inor" or le.s- -ertoii-'v
l maiiv j.ei-tin-bHns kerHvlv inn;
I !' l.i lliu tuiif--)N. Complete detaiis ate
it . : t4laui.itie, it i Mhiwii that at
I .i :wclveft-iH-. wi-rc injured.
f.t 11 whctl ioilnweti. did nlmir-'t as llitieii
i ni.i'e lo .itertv m the wind toim
Wi pieeedeil IT All f-tllliatf o! tJ.e
t.a.n.i'e i- uiii.tis! imjM..ljlt- ax tin- hoiir.
lot tit-- Kt.ln.ip nitcl llltid it
Mini Itrui III ti. Aero- tin' I. lie
INSII-I ".. M N.. eptelftlfl S. - A -4'l-
Atii-f. tit
it' hi lia Ih-i'P Cle.lleil heie hv the kl(IU.t;
11m 'if I.awteiiee Itiauit-td. I're-ul-nt of Itv
M A.t-aii- (t. Ituik. vvho te chat get!
t"!ius the ItiuUof 111:111-. hundred
I!.. 's.omIh of dollars, and who two year- per ton
vea il'h di-camj fd. iv mouth sum' h
ami 1-wife i-Aiiie h'n, rcsi-teihiM at the
itv Holfl uiidfi the uaiiic of .Ine..
4ii 'Ihiei iiiouth- Liter a uetective
soiTii U lefiitN ,V- Virwl- at-iie .
l.i s ni uaoie.l H.tvi-. came here but cmi
a.i. hi- nleuutv. IUei another riei-e
livi ane. nod toethei the two men shad
fvvi.l llranierd. One was intioUiC'isl to
7iii, ,uid 4'iiltiv.tled hisaciiiamtaiKe. finallv
WiiritKt.. tltfierorr fVil'-w ha .ren
reeelttl tlir.v upon eN-el. arr vim; nt tie
j.oit ut ISm-ndiel T010. I nlti il Mill of
I o.ornliut no lutv i mil. -!, t the ton u
Io!iniu lux or us Isyht inoitev. and Ilnil m.
oilier tllt aietii tux on e--el- oJ tlie I'n'ti-d
-inti - I- iiii).o-d a: mi d port li tlie t'oloin
I111111 1. ot eronit'iit . unil
Wiii:itit- lit the tirnvt-ifint. al ct on H
of an lie HiipriiVed .In tie . I-M. "To remove ,
eerlHOi Imriff 11-on the Arnerietn imti'mhii:
miir lie anil eneotiriu'e rhi Anier enti ft.-e ten
eiirrt nit' trinle Mini tot other purpo-i-. tlie
!r- dent of the I n I! -tx.i 1- authorized
to -ii-peti'l Tolit et tin 01 port' or the I'nilitl
-late- IromveM-1- arr vnii' from mih porl
in eniriil Aineric i. ilott n 1" titid lot ii'd'ii.
A-plnntl itH'l i'uiuinin of mi iniieh ot the
dlltj- Ml the rate t tiiiee leiit- pi-r loll :t
ma leinexte of tin tomiai't ami .ij,li;
hoti-e due-ot other efjinvitleiit tat lnio-ril
on merienn v'--e' li. Hi i.overimieii! or
tlie torelk't: countr 111 wlileil -Ueli port iri
.o tiififore. I. Crover levelmid. l'rei
ileilt of the t idled S of Allieriejt. 07
virtue ot the initlioritt ve-tiil in mete tie
Hi't mid -eetion here:nte!ire mentiiiiel. lo
herein ileel.tre nilil priH'tll'ltl. IllHt on Hll.l
titter till-'.Ithilltv of .'-etitem'.er. IS-.S. the citj. .
i-eIion oJ -aid totllliltfe lut ol tiiree eiMits
shall le -ii-ieiiilI n- re?nrd- all
v ,...,. i in Mtiv j.iirt it Hie i 111I11I 't.ite- trom
Ihe port of i.oea-llel '1'oro, l"llIet.l Mutes nj
I 11I0111I 'II
In ie-t.moitv uheroI. 1 hnve hereunto -et
mv tin ml and eini-ed the -eal or the rnitetl
Mate- lo lit alltvi 1
lion'- at the -it ol Washington, this tth
lat of SepO-nil.ei. !-.". ami ot the iuilepii-ilem-e
uf tlie I n:Iei Mate- of America, the
one hundred 1111, i teutli
(.110v1.11 Ci.i:vm..vM.
Hi the I'retddent
T. K. II vv vim. Seeretarv ot State.
totina-t- at alh'V 1 all- .11 tnat t.ttt
Aii'diier rreat vou have u.a ie
vi a - if appo'ul air that man luiiev a
Mitiitcr to It..h. You uitirht ii.nve
found onii Demo mt who con d h.tve
lepre-ca'ed lis. Tne HtyU'ni-ati- here
-.i he 1- :t Hfiinaa ( atiiol.c. aud
thitt you .-. re li.rceil to appoint him to
plea-t-the i 'ope of Home. lie inu-t b'
a very ni an man if they went have
ium in Italv a:nd Au-tria. and ou
oii";hf now to keep him home Then,
ajr.tiu. bv votir own atlmi -.oti ..u
liav apK)inle I a dt.srepi.taule Deio
helped at
form or! deirree ot !iiaotolv
which, it l- -aid. the few an
the epi:i-c f the man . utbe-Demot-
rats, havinp broatler knowledge
or rmder he.K's. know i-ttr Tiie-e
si- sjueereh bel eve that .1 wo'ild be
ru nous to the count rv, and e-peciall.
h.rm:u! to it- mdu-iri-.s. to t.t- down
the protective s -tm. How is it po--ble
lor the-e petip.e to aree3 If they
are both hones"., t .c mti-t be lrrecou
ci.ablv ho-tue to e ich other. And it i-,-y.
moreove-. about the - her '.tie-t on.
41 .11 ItlllllH 4 l II .1,1 11. 4. 4144. 4 '-!- ,. . .lf.
. ' ' . ' t , , A trtvat proportion f the Democrat-
n-rat to a position on a I ede-al 1 t ' .. .1 , ..
11..- 1 sincere!. tn'ii've that tae t-r.mtrv ii"ed-
j n"h. but lor roine ren-oa vou Ji.ive , , .
1 ejlecjeti to "ri'M to the nuhlic
name of the man. You profe el tn iv .'
more monev ami ehe:;
that di-u-e of s lver ro!-
mone . and
the tie .tor
verv tudii;::aut when '.on learm-d
lit'- c.i-e. and :it-vour-e'f
bv writ.nir
km ha J done 111
temiited to eeu-i
the 1 enetit of
which emb-ne"- the m:iti.
creditor c!a
(nil n' him that he too w.t- crooked.
Pi. tntiiiuw ripened ani thev fietiueiit'.
4 n' on exclusion- inetlier (in Mttur-i.iv
1 1 iv - .iomi-is1 a luc -shooting epeiii,-on
sin 1 t 11 p.iu dtove into the touuliy, Hve
in Ie- font the citv in a lonelv' place. Th
ntlier tleiective and a lriem joined the
lief, Hitd overMvvcied Hmineid. telluii:
1 mi thev must t ike hill, to the Mates bv
si.iti m. Miis or Ion! Thev b.uuid Imu. and
flinve vv.tli nil hiiste miles, until tl
Im.iumi.uv iiue w.ts cios-e'i. ltraiiietil's
wii. l.eisniiiui. mien-, co'iimuuictted !
the i dice V, liea tin tatter re.i ietl that a
. 1
Itrport of the
of Aerlcul-
Ilepxrt mriit
W.v-ulvoTox.Veptemher II. Tlie iej
tembei report of the DepaituiPiit of An
itltuie says: Tli' comiition 'if sprtn
wheat has lieen nr.pain'd snee tlie 1st oi
Auii-. ... tie Northwest di-trict of princi
pal piotliict.ou-, the heavv rains, loltoutil
bv eMicnie luMt irt'twcen the hr-t and
me hail been nlavcd 011 them, a special middle of Aiurii-t. jtt-d before harvc-t, never Iwen ni mil and arc as "oo.I
nam whs secuied and late Mindav mslit -miveium tlie triam tritt caii-tt.-; ru-t
tl.e polwe starleil out t mteieepi He.iv wind storms prostrated aud injured
111 Acnra-ka itien
a -titi'jiii'.'ly -an-astic letter to on- of
tt:' men vvi-o had -incd tin man -petition.
If you ha I nowntten that
lett r nb nlv have known that
you hail made -itch a in -take. A- it
1-. you have advertised urelf as a
tiitpt We have nit. howi-,cr. he ird
of ;. i-iir ivmo mir th.s in.'ompi'tt'iit
Jude from the beach, a- vou certa niv
-iiotthl have tlon. The pe . jI- in th
.sect m of the t ot.ntrv are - yhiir ali
manner of unc uiipliuieutarv liiin
aiutou for tin-appo.ntitionL The.
sav you liotiltl have itr.e-t: I'etl the
man's record and no appo nted him un
til you v. civ -at -lied that In v. a
worth', of the j.!:: e Now. Mr. l'tv--fl-lit.
je.M- lor the Ki-e of the juirty
dnti'l make another -.ich :! stake.
VvV elected vou 1're-i lent with the
lope that vuti would "turn the ra-cals
out." an 1 we did nit cxpec you to
hunt up other and vv.e.p ni-c-il- t j.ut ,
in Yon ouht tn uml i-tan lour du-
t cs Im tr. :t yuu trv. I believe you
tan I'm! men in our par" v who i-ave
1 1 inocnit- as tin v .v ho ha-.' b 'i
The panlou of I' Mii ertitoadeiit
wh ch cmlirace. the few. Other- kuo.v
b-tter. but iiow cm the-e two sreca
'I'hc-e quarrel-v ithiu ti e Demo rattc
party are the onlv red .alle thmi:
abou it. Thev prove that, though tin
party a- a win le can not be -aid li,
have any honest a. in-or bcd tonvi .
tion-. maavot it- members have It 1
mhn.teh mor- cretl '.b. to them t 1
Usajree. and to combat each tir
ojen.v. thai ;. al.emp: ativ tb-cptive
or fraudulent pre ei- of unity or etl
for reform. Won! 1 it be more d 1 nt.
do the oran- real y t'. nk. for the Democrat-
fai-elv lo pie en I to Ik icvc vviutt
they do not beleve? WUmd it in mo 1
cr ilitatile lor tl.e p iry o imitate -unit
of it-journal-. :n iiavine; no ptiucuile
evcept a tlestru l.r -uc - and tn
ipod- U'ouul t ' count rv be a- l.kely
to trim a pa itv which ua thtls c 11
hcioti-it :u"d mtei'tiouallv Iiviti"; a lie'
A. J'. Tni'uii.'.
cur.ou- ine deat oc-urred ia the
I ' Utturch. horncl tie. Kairlnntl.
cm a rc'-ent Stindav It wu- found that
the chur'h wa- bii-'ejetl bv varmu1
kintl- of b.rtls. prui'-tpally swa'low..
Kverv efl'ort wa- made to d -lol:e
them, but wit'mui eiect and at la-l
some sold-cr- were nhl fjed t tire a voi
lev of blank c-trtr de-. which com
pletely routed them am! the church
bemi; .-oon vacattl. the .-ervic; wits
At f'ambrde. -nv the Lomiun
Tru'h. the 4.rl uatlr:railuite- have
beea d-cnb.ilv 'ctini'tii on " Iu l.t-t
year"- Math-mat cal TntK- thev had n
wranirle-- at all. ami the.r Ik-: man"
vv:i.s only cjual to the fort v-four It on
the h-t Thi- yiiir thev liave tvo
wrauejler-. one (sim.nj; b 'tween the
tvventy -fourth and the tvvvntv -fifth on
the li-t. th other Imj.iij; equal to the
Tiie p-ople of Trinltv 1'ari-ii. Htif
falo. N. Y.. moved into their new
church the other tiav. and It -hop Uoxe
held a -ervice of -collar .it ion" in
th old churc'i. declarmi; it -eular
ami .incon -crated, ami 110 !. !i'cr
vv.lhiu mir j::r - I ct on. but "xiven back
-)!! v to tin prti.ect on of the laws of
the land, mil to none other than -uch
common u-e and control as by sit d
laws are recoirm.ed and allowed.'
llu'fnlo Es:rcs.
"Goon -erne-iotas," aid Umi Sva, wB-n
nbcdis ovrMl ta prfm rn wr
urt, "I .hall U a tru iuvyrr aru"
Thc lavenUir of a fivta; niarklar. I' bt
dofstt'l si.r v r y htch, hn t ati'a--ttou
of tii-C arr when br drops.
At what ac- tltr a man cet tttM Ths
dfp-ad jltofcth-r tn the MMrv nl hi
t if o. KtHtncJC) aXf .Imirhmt.
Srrrnt. ,Ttvr roodm-ns iwb4 1 verv
Lr.rd 00 tbr hair. f,y ka- , lh- cj..l
ecaeraily die u.i ,Jm-Oj.
- a
Ir rvVlrted with 5otv Ke. tlf Pr t-anc
rtotup-on t Eye Waicr. Druiirl m1 ii.
TrMt fteme(.4 o tM Od.
r-rlaripat nt-. s:i rut s. lottsvtt ti,sr.
15 tCTTVX TWX 33 It.
"TIm1 T's,. iti-d il r nr-"'
Ki ( ... n. ft era i f
tet t a- . t .11 Hir ! iv 1 nt 1
'. 1 . BJar',ii. '.
ttwrit tf
rt.4, Kaji
.1 Mfc.."
A W ladv
".Stifolen" tulca.J
nou- ml. brr p-t cat
of Htlja.- iVi i fyt
Trrllic: to I'llill l.t lalfiire t I liipcarll It
pul.licuii lateritt.
Th aniev of the new Democratic
of: at Wa-h.n.'ton to l:nl -onie-th!i:-
on to mtteac.i tit iiIct
"I dolovedress" exel-t ined a vonnr.
o -ittv lielie Then I -- ml.I think vou
woul 1 wear nio-e of it." retorted the
cv meal bachelor friend of mublii: ae.
X. Y. Ii I .'..'.
"Hie tran-sf'irntiition- f nature are
vvondc-ful. I'ut aherri'i"; in a tin Imix
vv.tli Mime eotton--eed ot! arul it iitiiue
tl at'dv turn- into a anl ne t.'4-'-Aicx
"Yn- it a fortrery" asks a nmt-
W e are iinabb
roncKt.sts tla-;cr-rinc re tJti- 'latent
fnf.on Ttiev urr prolblt iRtrmlr! to? luttt-it.
Catna-vtcar. ' uw ". ' " ' It , .- i-- tw-r
. ttattte 1- to inekrt, n i t Hattn ufwt
tiW re . SjU ..tiot K.t 1 mtti li m. VI urr t
Vlinv all ;o-calld remt-dle fall, Dr. jtiwr irtm?iito Vocwi if "i.i i r. 'a (.
iittc't. Catarrn Itiaisly cures. c. mjmt: .h lhnt tt o..r-r-i Mm
ot) lit li rr-aHi II ilttt A t" ti Mpl
I. 1 1 m l h.. ' im. 1 tin Wi.iS'tMkl.M U. ut
lr . rt'i it tit 1 f iru.t
Ttr Jll X tr-lH t.l IIK ta
lulirtl Nrpt. Kttil .IJ.
mill j-tl. ' i'.C I'tM:".
S 111 tiki I.e. utllixlt
M.flOO m.
will If I'll 1 14 r .Hrjr.
t.tV ttt V.iltalr )'rUM
tltt-rfi t tnut f oft all i.l Tw
MTtMitinl or family mm. I'll !
lltilrr, ami glvrm rintl it ftf trf
lliliifr j-.ti n.r, rat. itrloV. ,
liatc C .. ttltlt. 'Ilif.. 1NV M.t .
IlllOtC rmitnlli lltftit ihoIIhu nt.m.t.1
from lli- iiiutLrl. of il. . t l.t XV
t.ll leall op7 fill I to 4
tlrr.t. tiMii rrcrtpt iT 111 t. t
rp-tr .f tttatlllts l""t i4 htm frum
j-ini. ItjrtrMllf ,
J-7 t ,,.-r W iihn.h ,l"linf t hlrar. tit.
The Red School House Shoe.
" "As norm n rnprt-it-ntcd." U -hat
ever., tody ay of I'ruz-r' Axl (Irrako.
K N-- ITV. s,.ltmK.r )
CA i m pp'Mk- -tettr- t ti ta
Nut it e cov. y la m
itulche r- t...r 8 ti
l) (itMMl It. t ht4e heat . ' 4
i. i-iit a 10 t
WHKAl -No 5 rrt r M
No .. r-l Pi r
No S -tt . .
rtit n r . B h.
tlAT-- No s a
ItVr.-No 2 ... M-
ri.iirK-'Htct ptrSHeV, 1 ! i
ll. V-Irt-e haieU t) M a
ltrrn:K-ocewery v
CHI:K.s.- FtttlrriMHa t
!!(.. tliotsr ia m
ICVCON-Hawt ... II
-ulr-. ... S .
M4l " tt
i. k: a
VVm1-vj -,.Hrt aaHM-tttal Vt tt
I'OrATiilfc New tt
i a
3 tVi
i it.
r o-
. ... . l I.. ...- -. 1 !i- ii(fiitw in -v iiTir ,, i, in ic vnttia 1I..I1 .r x .... 1
1 ' ta 1 i-t zjv .11 111- iiiiinni.i. 1. i i' -- wr ----. ..' , r .. ki i'i;i.ri i-i-i. ita t ... a .
I.....I. .,. lto.m li,.- w.n roni,.,,.: "f -m ami littl,- i IlaSota. , (,i ,.,,r.,. I.,. .1 ,l'r,W,t in im, r" ,. Sv c,l Ihe I vpiil.1 c:...- v tVn 1. S...1 ' '"V '' ' r' ."-'" "nw- lo -a CATn.ll-aJjjrij. J " 5 &&? -'
J'O ire iioin rcaciiin .lien i.i-iiimi. uii. ... ...... .... ,...,,., ... ,r.,,. ...I,,. .. .,..i ... ,.,,,.. .1... I .....k1 11 I- l. . 1 iJ ZJ ' - tl i.i.r r ar to car . a ! . i v-f-. - j r '-r -.-ry , c
..... i ... s., i s...,.,i., LM.-aiet iii AiiMi-t tii.m in .hi.v. Ti...e..... ? v o vv anted lo v ote the i.-imbl. - ble lor y c ir- tne Dem icr.its prr1. r-i ,. sham btisioe -oe.-n bitt..n V V i iju itt h.... n. . t VG r. : .rSfe? ty-T? &
.iidi..iiii.lllietlete!iv- witn Hniineid cm! avetaL'e for a!! the sunns wh.jai H ,'' l tM ! """, .Ilr '-W' tt "; a btiniitifr dc-ir to e,.t ,,,, 0 j.t.Ti M j ,..,, r. vvjikat-Nu s rd .,.. . ro3KS g
tl.coM.c -de otthe bne. Th detc-tive- -fi , acaiiisi .-.r. m An-ist of the cio,. of " hir .ii- v.-,. :uit -rv cc-. U' for lijo c:ii:,rie-. the honor- ami f? - You mu-t not .pst to ealeh a We oaTs'n.V i '. T iZ . 3WW -r
...... ......i... ....... .i .,...! ...i.o.. ti.. Int ...ii l.-.i. nii.1 tn n l.itslud- I!tiirn5 uf l-'ellio 'Hit . of th 't-t mi Intiriiiv in- .....' .. - .. . .. - ... . . C3ZitJrJrVl7 r
ic.ii-.-ii ti ti-.nci imu... i-4... ...... ........... .--.. .. nmver ! tit fur tin nun ... of ,.v ,. It-kJiv stni'dv ifro'tn ii" vour t l.-kle tti it i. .' . .. .. ait -yv". Ts- r-f,,r' trsrfl
t. .. wcie emleavommto take steps to w mtet wheat :ue alnio-t identical in rc-ulls dor-.d .Mullen - alius and :muiar !,ow .' ,'" ,r " .. 5,nr' . 'x x-- " , i, , v litTTI.U-i r.-r . K r. , xgRgfa J V r a
".... ......,' A... ...,:..,., ,...!. f.lulv. The ee.,eml:iv our-elve UV . Meed t L-n-.te ,1.... 1.7. Hlr the Iwok-. I he I ook, il a ( been t he VVV M I pall n- t up llff I'll O'l -SUCK VCO !.. "'KiWOVASSGO
of spn.iL-m.t ch.iu':e the pies-nt exp.v:a- v. oul 1 have beet, b-tt r lor tlie part if " H ' cap tai tor thc cxamin- w il imn-.-'ti-h a- to v.u.r -...h! rATnK5 ? . r. ... V"M" . ' '" -
THE ABSCONDING TRUSTEES. of the winter wheat aiea it may be vn. !.,!,. ,t , 1, ,, .,l ...... .....Ti ........ ''I'5- I rca-UPT .Jordan wry o-tcnta f.i'th - irt ot v. nv,v our- lf mtn In H( M. 1'acliliii and -a ,.v- M a ti. r ""' w ' '
fkX H
y a
it S:atl?vr
AT iiuri(i.
m .... a
r.M .
. ( hUl.
1 liet Heclarr Jl I'luiiuo VI in to he tl.e uf Then ttusi alit.
W -iiim.iox. I ml. September 'J. There
ar some new ileve!oiiiieit!' in the Divies
( tiiiutv trtittee traud-. (.riaislev. IIiovvu
and (laik. the abscoiidnm tiiistees, h.tve
U-en seen and interviewed in llaitutloa.
Out. .1. T r.ililieuuei. one of theattoiii"V-.
of Washington, went to Cainda -Imrt'v
nftei thev tli-appeaicd. and came acn
theiii in il.tiiiilt.ttt. I'.i Iheimer ha-jtt-t n
turiied. ..mi sns. "Uhea I arrived tn
Hampton, tint, I found three of th
cIiHiiuicst trusiees I ever saw in mv life
placed at ! bu-liel-. and the re- '.,..,. , ..t,.i,.. ,.i , " t. : i i i', ' ,
man,,,,-area at alnmr ...... MM. uin. If the ,,A "A. .'l,.,U- T "l ,lV
injuries repoited ... .sI,K-k shots H prove to 1'1' t-er vole apin-t u-. and I
be-reater than at pre-ent ai.pmeiit a few ".' l will make -nie of the
tlou-'v mot eetletl to t omit the inoitev eon uleu". as it wi,.
in the 'I re t-urv. and made a irivitt b a! .w'' ) t'l-t-n.1
.ti.Mik- Si KKI'-Ik rtuituHM
' 4 I'lnl'll .. ...-.....
. ... ....' .ttm.
ne -reaier tiian at present appui
miilious of icduction luiht -till accrii".
1 he condition of corn still con'inucs Inch,
ranum from '.( to KM in Mate av erases.
Tl.e cey ral aveia-e i- H.i acanist !(" ut Au
ipist. It was i4 last m September.
I'm -is have wrought verv little injurv and
Metiio ii-t- wh tm we t.opi'd wou d vol
fur Dr. Lemi.tid -tick lthe i'e, ublican
partx m-t io '-oudemn vmi.
Ativv. Mr. !'ie-ide::t. I ara a life-ions'
of no.-. aliotu it until the hnal foot in,: -hflvved
tiiat not .i fenny wa- in -.nt:.
when noth.iijj more w.t- -aid on the
.-ub ect.
At the pre-ent timn the who!. Demo-
Woman. (!d ble her hY'jjht et w.
nan make pi-e- bliHim in thede.ert, ivttl
tenio -rai vvno mile- a
iiaie s o:-on. and l hot
u;: tioticiiu a-
j cratic and .Mugwump ctiorti? a-e hold- evebrow- -he can't ti-r
w ui.AT-Nti .
.Ne 2
.Vol 4fHlll."
rv i it ::.. ?
when so tniiiile'l s'n can v tn Vv ATN. S ...
mo-t enmaiiiMidacf a-rir- of life mthur H I
much of n nvnltow look but to save her
- rfMarjfrjr.
Z o
will b? capable of littli if deterred ten days. 0j.J; con-lde
i lie piospivt I- spii taviir.iale tor a crop
slifthtlv above the avemce.
vou wi 1 s
niv ol - Tvation-.
a t-:i witmuif
m7 their iio-es over a stippo-ed tIi--ov- ,.;; ;. ,ik on her hnr-r- anv mo-e
itiMiii.i to rii.t.'iim. eptetut'er 11. It is stattnl tlial
Thev looked sad and forsaken, but ollered the paiu-h comiiiauder at Manilla te!s
no apo...-ies ot expl.itMii.u.s conrerniii!: cra,, t,,at. when it was found the
the.- schemes The blamed ''- (u-rman lla-hnd Isvn ho.stcd at Yap. tht
nam tor a j-oihI pait of the misratet. 1 ,. ..... , ....
don't K-licvc the three tnistee 'n.or of the Car.ilmes, s.otIor Itabn les,
have miicli left but I think the (.'hsca-i visited the commander of the ('ennan pin-
man beat them out of aUtut all th-v it. .1 twiat Iths. and accused Ium of p.t.tcv atuJ rcfe.
raised on the irauiltilent warrant-, bc.-atis, breach ot luteruttional law. 1 he (.mtiii.ui
the lam1; was made out to his oi.iei. a'.-
he m.ide no iiiumtse to hand over tit obeved onler-. A hot argument eiisiusl
t. a....? . V
tuiit- to in a iu to unci uemocrat- to
hll all the oll'ces without eoiui: tJ the
.ia !- ami the jienttcutiar.e-. If vou
rati not. then you houid leave the 'Re
publican o.iicc-ho tier- nnt ! honest
I 'emoerats are loan i '1 noum. Juhn
i.o:t. m Ctciciunii J.ftulsr.
than -ie can remtub r the tlitv
month otiL r. stutfjunan.
of tm
erv f rottenne-s in the t. of ( o n-
iiii-s:iuier- ot Alabama ( lain)-, 'i'hat
court, it l- allege I. ha- too many men -
in it- cmplov. an! K.r-: ('oiiiiitniiler IM'tif l V. '.I I' 111- V ! TJ WI'M."
- i it't',i ii i, x'e a f -
in st. i.ons.
A well-known firm of booksellers
in the Mrand." s ,Vs th,. ',ill Mall o-
iiaveonview what tun-; be
monev io then: as he dl-posed of the j..i etidui: in a sctillle. when the (.erman com
ners. It i-a f ict howeve:. that neither id mantlet reined to hi--hip. The (.overnot
men uoamed me
hoilld th Ilk. (tne of T li .. Pint-... .....I
commander rei.he.l that he had Mmpl m -t cMiensive. extr:t i l..s-..7.i Li,
m ex.stenc. . It is a enpv oi I'ovde'.r.s
Durham h-- indu-triou-ly 'z die over it-account-
tli-a'lovviue- item- at d -cte-tiou.
Anion": the charjres are
-nlare- to- an m-uranc ep rt ami
three a-- -taut- aiuounliti'7 in all to
cl,2i''. Tne court ha- tiad claims
brouiriit lMtore it to the amount ot .-;.'-.-p-h-.o-h
and their ad rdu-ation .nvolvetl
the mo-t complicated ami dilticult que
fun- of in-tirance tliat can Ik- rai-ed. If
eve. a co irt nei'iled the crvtce- of in-
Willi! C'.tl I tl" fi-tJ l'"or f 'lie i -
Ill-4tt lf l'""4lX lIt-.
I'JltN -
'Int.. i.tnml 2j'.f
lir.lCl' t " ?
ril It Cr lo. . - ..
vv m r Ni, r r.i Z--
( OK'.- N.i
OvT- wclirnni ti T
lit ITI.I c r'Mtnrv
liilCK i r
i'lnitnl tt v( 1 u
l M
41 '
- "
I 9 jk
al aa aa V aa aa aaH te att
" JP
Llaa. e
rr s . rhr u
t z.
4 Z
I Uv,
"? H-s .-.-... " J
COLO M .-(. 1
CANCER ef the TONGUE. Sr".
. oki
1 Hhr- 'a.ri
!. i: Vs ?.
rr v
them c:t approximate how much ;ia;ci
thev had issued." The total amount cat
mil In- less than 5-0.iW0 fr three town-
Spanish man-of-war -.ti.
t di ton of hake-peare's
bv tlie iu-erl on of m:nv
work-, which
yiientin and requested the Captain to tin xu: v" U:l" b:en '''tentled to th rtv
im !. lti.s 'rii.. ( ...'-3... ,M.w..i ti.. volumes Some idea ot f.tstn
i lid:
he lths. The ( aptam tefii-cl. tht X'-'-iuies Nune idea o: f e v.n-t qtian-
K ' ...., . . .. .i i ....... , , .
tdiips Tins and the fact that I'osev ( ouutv governor o. me i'liuipuie- iiavut onieml '";" -" piaies mm uir laimr 'iivoived
has di-ctivettil an apiurentlv illcital i ur him to avoid a coutbet. Habrilles ordeni! m the r collect tin ma be ir:i, fron,
of Mmj.OJIO of certiticate-bv a former tnistee 'be crew to fne. whcruuiion thc Cantair the pn. e o. tin
has cans...! cnustcrnatioa auioni; the peon t ",w a revolver and threatened to stitn.t thc -a d t!.:'t ;!t - bv
of tins -eetion. and mav ic-u.l m an extra
jM-.ssni of the'.'iture tor thc piirs.-
of amcuihu: the law which at pre-ent a"
low town-h.p trust. ss almost uuliniite.
lHtwer m niis.ns money for winch value ie
reived dues not cuter as a consideration.
fir-t inai. vv ho olej ed or re;itated the order
I'abrules aatti onierisl tlie men to tire,
when the Captain shot him tu the shoulder.
:abnlles was afterward taken as a pri-oac-to
Aliiulla, wiiere his proccedm;.
ttie onrtnal co-t prne "
book. T.."i)'t It i
:o mean- reprc-ciiLs
All the nion-'v foumi in th jio
-ion of convict- at -mi Uueatin. tal.
m v.olation of nri-oti
t'ttttle oil the VIni,
Wa'him.ton, September 9. 1 ml mn
CoititntsstiKivr Atkins ha- receivctl a tc e
eram from Cajitam areat at the Clicv
eatie and Araiwthoe Indian reservation, ir
which he states that up to the pre-ent tntit
60.iiK cattle have been driven off the re-er
vati-.u. AtHtut .Ml.tHlO vet remain, but thev
are ah uiov m;- w uh a -mcle ecepiioii wiiei.
the owner has not vet Ik-cii able to mpii'
another ranch. The asreiit believes that t.n
individual means to it-aw but 5avs that i:
his siuceritv w- doiibteti lu- st,x-k will Ik re
itinved by tlie l.ov eminent. AlticePie.
Coiiiuu toner Atktu- says he is sati-tits.
with thc condition of aitairs on the n-na
Ij-vvlnr on the ll.imiihal st. .Ii.
Ka.ns'vs Cit, .Mo., September li.- P . lionin-
Quite a little tinrrv of excitement was i
ciMoned ve-tenta alternooii m thc Il.uml
lial V St. Jo-eph j-ards. when Count Co!
lector K. .1. Wil-on. accuiipaiiitsl by twe
ieputies and bv two attomcv-. J. IL Wad
p;i and K. A. Andrew-, levietlon llaun.b.i'
nvlinis" -ttck to -ati-fy m .te and eoinitv
taxes aiiiiiitutiii toj-'i'.OPi. or :doui SIC.(HK3
when the pcnaltie- are added. Th- taxer
on the Mi-s.iun liiwr bruise are in amars
lor two v e its. and the :axes en thu llattui
bai inls nave no; Ik-cu pud torttiur wars.
The attorney for the nxid -tattsl that tht
iaxe- would le Uid a- mmh a the tuattej
na.- adjatt-4L
r w i.l b.
niie-. ami -hall Ik- forfeit 'ii bv th.. W-ir.
ilea to ttie fund lor the hem-tit of the
TliLi order repeal, the
ro.-oai onler. mid- .lulv i'7. lsv.
tuud ha- betui e-tabl -he ;n which all
mone. m the p --t iju of a eouv ct.
or vvhuh he -nay earn, i- to y tl-po-it-ed.
.in I to ic paid over onlv on If- ti
etiar-re. or tm conv.ct iify-n.l h.s
earn urr- to hi.- ta.nii,. 'r.i ;:"
Medical item.
-ome part- of
Iter "Vlttrtlrrt-n.
Foirr SvtiTU. Am.., Septembers. Ibitler
lteiuin;tou and George Welh-, a-ed respect
ively s:teea and sev cntefii year-, were
.1i...m? on trtttl it tit. Ttif.? Ct..t... n..
x-sterdav afternoon, dianns- ti,- ,n,,r". pf S"nv!n to the Caroline Islands, and dt
.-- - -- - .. ...... .-
Th piti.Uh Trt.itldf.
Mapiup, Scptentter 11. Kin? Alphorts
presidetl at the Cabinet Council yesterdav-.
An elaborate answer was drawn up in the
tmi friendly tenns. cxplatiuntr the clattas
South America pop! to W over
one hundred vctr- oUI. Ta ere are no
tloctor- there a: a'l. I-nt tn-tt won ier
tuiJ ' "It l-no; a. vvoaderiul a- it i
here iu Texas." :row2tHl Colonel
IVlerby --Here in Texas there are
hundred of doctors, and nevertheless
a man occasionally to b-j one hun
dred year- old. That xs -till
woaderfu." Tern ZtrUmjs.
-urance e ert- t'r- court
Comptro'ler Durham lu.ld-
arc aaunaece arvetrav.i"7i:icc:tnd re-
tu-e- to allow them the pay they have
'I h" life of thi- c -urt is a -hort one.
hr.vini: Uc:i created ia 1-M to lL-po-i-of
the undi-tributed tiortion of t-e Ala
bama award, and it- fnie rxynres on
December .1 1 next. Work ha- b'n
tione ty t ucler hrh pre ure. It ha-accompli-h
d much, but mu it yet re
mam- to be done u: order to complete
its ta-k. Comptroller Durham apparent
ly jr.iHjje, jts nere tie- bv the reu:re
ments of a county - pure"- otlice in Ken
tucky. Ex-i.-tma-ter-("eaernl Cre
well, who i- coun-el for the United
State. t fore t..e cs.urt. -hows that it
expen-e- are only protortwiual to its
need- and its ex-traivrtbaary labor-, aad
that the Demo -:atic cr. of thief i- a
ba le and wanton in th .- in-taacx a
it hx- b-ea in every oth--.
T..e who! outcry i- due to theece--of
enthi:sta-m witn whh'h certain .-ma.'l
men n larce places are playing the rof"
?d detect:",-. A- -oo'i as ;..e ;..: ri
what ttey sup: o to be a cIik tiwy
iraniedtatclv j-i.e the ataiin. nrj-I thi
-If London and Parts event ttallv
der of a Kau-as lanuly natned Hlil some aduiir tluit Germany reeocntze them, keep clear of the cholera, or d as we:l
months aso. The lathers of both prisoners The Government has just despatched
ni 1
lieact tJit jurL-diction of ae HderaUourt requests Gennatty to renounce ail inttn- Switzerland. Some of them cost as
iiciv. me inai win occupy ivi com; o
who.e ctut:try attead- wane thy fol
low wti their cue. only to tiad a laare-ue-t
at the other end. These rentle
men mav mean well, but thev are en
tirely too --iresh' and too plainly be
trav :h-ir dt-ai)po.ntnient at not aad-
in? the Government departments a-ad- .JSaaVS
n: nistcred -y the Kepublicans thc dea a rrauc n.ui.u.
oi tnieve- :aev nan atwavs mauitained
?" I'd . -t. -tn Fa'r
rr 34b and -.atti.- r .Imj - T" tt1 .-
l..1 ,a rnh p-fn!t3W t h- tttrlr '
rHtT-r ih ex.. ib ir- tt fr.r. t .: .
-li--!.. -tl.- ai-d I'ftiiltrv Ustetit -r Vti;
eli'inl a' and inilt-:ral il"f4av WtsrU '
A t Tftll- f"arre- Prttrtoi rn! wl
vtfttM-. l.suio.k-l mtl OmKr.1 -p-i
m r.
7trifcrs:r,i nun.n r.j oiinrtii
'ITt -ltllr'o of W t Itea-te. lUrd -n 1
I5e-t !- oa In C.sstii ni thf -r'n.' .
rotafsnrf. frt-4r-ttlv wtth anv Zit! i'
rr la tK H'wM and irlll br nt"! r-t-
ad t rtt'iw to ; - I'n'r v ijf-ra- a '"
tit-- r ,r hir rnrdf to :- - Irnvtat-nt
aa ! it U ritw cotJit4-t la at: It- I- ia '-.
Me ivtra.rxtrxT- us rtia na.M'ir
-CV?X '-t-rrs I are JiffTi aodi-d to t .
Urrca : ar.d a i r-xpeadf-t Its ta:;.r
nm sna prr-t-tttir a fall nllr a f
c'.c,;" r llcr fc-.r st '." e
ftlls si. - - .Lu. Vtrrta a 1 c
1 1, f-r Itv . i'oa'i- tiBSt efcra: 4i I
' Shtilow Hp airei lavttt- vptatsi ti:
Uz -tat or lea- - o il 1 be mm at uir
"It-fUn:: -.I IVH; llnt-. Ittrt It.
Tttr '.r. rMli.ii 'ac trtMtarr tfar aOet e
rtrn't '. .n tbr tnasrv.
tiavvf. iuratiTMK.
lerrmff :b i-attrt- wi- ; -trtv f -
4-'t tli ar Hnfiita:- i.'a t - -terttt"'
v. it a htn-d t-aaritiaK la
'- -ai an ! arr IB4"-ri Itcit-,
vitrtKi. t-Knrn-trr- rnnvz
fo tr a." t'T--l.r. CHr t -h-r
-. t iti'-fc mtb3 fmaata; f -
VKJLEI rCO-HCT.- i. -:
te --. wtM rtv(T al aa ubi- of
iiiaaau- o'. 'Irttir-
r -.- o' Th'-r-Tatv w-t -ai a
-IKvIil.- !. WT .: trrtra ur
porr- .' 1 't.tranas t tdr.-trv., calih
aHl r-toarr-- V ;le- M .-tppl X a icy.
KtW- i.taURs
--HW- a a KIHCN" ."nt rM -. fasae.
trUi hr vb It to all ri-tute-- tartar .ite
aetrk. ikrTarr itc smezny tti :-. ocr.
ittLr rvaa avm.
All ra lmad aad -:an.le cutoaaal
bav m-roo-lr axtf a ra j;e ter .
:ir vc
A Cus Rcsimbtia-j That tl Grneral Grin I
SflTir trn y- ir I hj! i. er'a'm rr "it
f.snt .iwl. jet w t . ..ut tia. !-' nti t ,.')
e? a IjtL. IC t-w. t tn .T urm a4
raatrra-- t w-t ettlivr ts.ii. -nr rte-K u,
ta" Utf rur j?ft r.e kittap',! ; .,
1 oa h;vi. a4 v- urf c .r
tm I en i atstt. s lv4 tr.t. . I c--afr4--; Op" : llitk th"
tms .- .'jr-. 4 a .j nas. l M (.
fe.rtl ifrurr ta nit rasr. Ut fc-.a t mjt4
."air c:it: ! A a-' ev4 ii l. r-.
f-r.iar. IMI U -n (tt s - ! ut 'c a ww
utcf I ra t.t v iun jui f- 'xj. c r-. ? as
irr: rv. M cn i.u . ... m ' 1 ,
'l! r-r- 11 n J a H T'-r-f. " S' m p
ot ;i.l. CJt.-'-t.4v&s' Ir- t4 -. '
t MRk MAUI L (.vMLTs
I.r-tar f. . ii. .
T-r . . -w IVtl -v T".M". D'v l! '-4
lik" -fi ,ru. t .4-Tr-J, . a-k. Oa.
.Vort G.4Ib? ccl- trlnr thlt a?
1x4' 'a Pa- -w, Cve' t
ACC AI i ' fil. i ft
B P.ilVfci, -"- ir4
i r-
f ?-
. f -a srx Eiau
"T"- i7
Miei. r..
I I 'VBi K-
. 11m .
r W n)Kg
- . .,k.
....... ... --
"i nrt- --- Z, T. - . -r... -.
" "f. 4T " r
l-B nt .-' . ...
iii?" "" r '- t. v. ....
" e. I v . -,mr,
.VO.I ll'HTr.U .-!-. t. .
. 'a yr 3 -"Ur yen
k -j 1. Ur
1 I
It u
t" v
af Vtr
f ,-ao fcO hf V
aaK th V . n "taV.
fc -?4T-s
. . - . .... i , r .
I. tot . to I ... .
f m t i- - -. .. . - .
i ' IT. I Hi.T
Ns ftcpe tj Cui u.i Hcfk U
i itx
(Xiuu: t
l e- J
'K af B
taa eJ .. - t y -I
h - '.ntyt' "
Tr f.. fk ..(
I---- s .
7-4H trivi .
J . L3T" ,
JL- aNIU r
m- l
f T -gL
a..... -J W....A rizr
Knii.lHr.h.l,.lir If v t Tl
. X.I., ts.I. i I. r -' r -4 f
tlramtt. 4an.l. UU'll KICkV
r. i..rUI
- s?t. Wll l.tli.l'i - .-. -
-- ix a r fta Sej- taat LrfKann
livt I-.I 5VCI.' UILnrJ.r
-aT t lirviac. anf tttat UnartX -aaSa-r
.iTii. c T i ; Ut J
trt. rr-zurt
tAaiT a. CTBiTTnH'Q h - a5
- ' ' '. ''' IsA-w.
t -m J
ff , i Carfvsv. r- l
a1. 1 nll.llil. m mm . ii ...ii a. -ta. I
A Clear Skin CM-taH?
-rtnc tx
j v I T 4S.
.fc..V.V J. . -
Tac nrsnlrtptU xatboni-. aar- act-
vs Pari-did in 1nS4. the les-on of the and apparentlv believed" them to b- --'' Tr--iT Ka-x w a M? u
i.-ntirHT, will 1. ti'n.nlt t ;?.. ..r..-- ' U".. ... ,,. twt . ..,.1 .i.r " ' " - an-J t. Kxirt Jr -tJ r-t
tircseni. iiieri nr. twelve u i!iw.vm cn.u..l ..... ...... , i ..... -.. ... .
. -. ----. -. ........ -... pi'vLiui .itimtri ... I M T it. u:t i. -it, iiiTi. ... . ... ... ... .......... ....,.A. .i.ri . .... uu.rv .!.. , v&.m ..,. j. .i.'r- ..-- T,-.. , . .. . ... ... . .. .
the Government and twelve for the de- t,ona! not., m P..r-tnv ,-......- 7k' j. hard aad keep clean." That i the dt-cessors br" their fccotrW of ti,- rote-. F " rrtaij .tc-ceo
a. AH of them are xveh-to-tlo cmreiiR ... . .' watchword of modem c;;o- fin-r, -..-Vnes-i -r.. xc-,U -.-.r-IT -,w.i t . ctrvtr:nctiL nciiwczi
xibette County. Kan., where the b.ns ."; wween ttie two uov- r.,w, i l,; ""-, .1.1 'T..V- .--" Ta-Mm. r :. vv m,-
ide. Hid lived near the line of the Ter- nnwnta. This note, xv nich was approved . ukw .. . FKaa-wa aaO lc-i ,., Ln,. . w or-.-,.
rilir- -oul u-j t.u.w! n-sr nrrn-s tl.e l.i ti me council o: XliriisT..rM h?t .-..t-.. Xl.-wr.. ..- .. V.:..a j. r .-...- --.... - .v . i.uo- , ..- . .k-ws unioiar .nntna ibwt
" - "
crural ts.iys
tion of establish"! ns a &uzerainty over the ?h f500?, attd axe ai large as Mortrrarre is from the French, njean j SLiiirMiK
Caroline and i'clew slands. plana w nz "death ripi."IIartjerd Jxc-a. J
larc -til- r ta at 4a- la ar-r :o
-en a vicK4Me lra:. Atatoft- lTi-
; J vv .xiMt, ticrstsry, lis trtret.
Onlv a Dart of hnnrt-
but it is a part. Ever lady
may have i: ; at least,' wha't
looks like il Magnolia
Bairn both freshens and
beau tines.
jUrrv C ra ...rmi.U
9ka4!4Vif WED C-i- T.l t
" tu-. - --
a4Jr ' X.T Wlirrl. t.
T-ta 4?p- s-aa .
!..- urn tt .. A,
-ix iti-t
WHK5 WKiTia to nrtrrx!injcs,
-' j aw ii Aa ttr'itT n I iu
f -i- "
n r v-
r.; -