The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1885, Image 6

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    aal f , ito5?? ssT af
ir .asasHss-!-
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SwS: ,y.vBS) MSaaS
. sa C-a&
VAnr nonnn wha take, the nnpcr rem!-
sarir from tho not nftice. whether directed to
Id name or h-tlier ho Is a subscriber or not.
:1a re-pon-ltile fori lie pay.
The courts have ili-cnlctl Hint reftilnp to
take t!ois;itt-cis lroin the jio-t otJice. or re-
mox-Jim- Jitul !' nvu p iti-i unrin- '.
)r).-. ii, nmn
BfornltiK froMy irrow. and cold,
llniwn the Brass on hill and trolil:
Oct a are enwin;: fliurp ami clcar
"Where the i uMliiik' corn j-rnw .-ear;
Musti-riiii; Hockr- of lilhckhlnls call;
Here ntnl llii-ie a few leaves lull.
fu I tie. tiifMil'ttr. laiks him: Hwcct.
Chirp ttie wicket at our feet
In Si-jitetnhcr.
Noons ans mmny. warm and still;
A crol.len hae o ciimium the hill.
AMilu-r Hiiiishine b on the lloor
.lui-t within the oeii door:
.still the cricket." rail and creak
Never louud. though loin: we -euk
Oft eoiuea fmnt tepoit of pun;
Iliisy Jli' htizz. in tlie sun
lit rii-ptember.
Kvctiinip. chilly are. nnd damp, li(;htd ik the lamp:
Kirc tmrirs and kettle sift's.
.Smoke ascend in thin blue rln;rs:
On the ritj.; the children lie;
In the Mt the .-oft lights die:
r'rofii (he elms a roh.u h miiiu'
Kii.rh ouLhweeilv, litr.-eis. Ions
, 111 S',ltClllll.T.
EUzalicth Oilr, in SI. Xicliolnt.
MlsaivoB Sont and Received by
Washington OfUciuls.
nfty Thorasmiri Letter a liny Hicrived by
(lie l'rrtddnnt Alone How the Mall I
Axaortcil, IllHtrllititc.i and An-
Hwernl rust.Oillce Notes.
The AVcsulcnL of the- I'liiled Ftates
receive l:nlv an average of fntv thou
sand, letters, which, as :i rule, aro an
swered or Iheir rece'pl acknowledged
on the day of delivery. 'J'o enable Jiim
to cope with this vast corre-puinleuce,
much of which requires not .-.imply a
formal reply hut cou-idcrnhlc research
nnd .special kunwlc !go, the K.xcculivc
is furnished With about ten thousand
clerks. who, for eonenieuee, are divid
ed into .seven departments, according
sis their work has to do witii our foreign
relations, the army or navy, the li.-cal
machinery of the (lovcniinent. its in
fernal relations, the po-tal -.ervie . or
the admin slrat'on of ju-1 ce. The
heads of these seven pr.iif.pal depart
ments are asked by the l're-:dent to
meet once or twice a week at the While
House and form what is known a-, his
Cabinet. At these conference; ihe
more important husincst of the several
ieiartmeiits is diKc.u-.sed, so that the
work ma)- he done prompll) ami har
moniously; and so well regulated is the
.system that it is 110L liece-.-ary for the
1're.s dent to see personally hut a very
small part of tin K eitlive eorre-poni-:nci.
Two or three .saek-, only, out of
the lotm cif mail matter thai is duni ed
ever)' rno'iiiuirou lh" lloorof the Vah
inlon City posl-ollh-o. oes to the
White Ilnilse
'i'his posl-olliee in the third in thi
TcMintry in oltime of huiuess, though
WnHhinton is only the fourteenth city
in topulaliou. Tli;s is 011 account of
the enormous ofiicia! mail that pas:-.
through l'ost master Count's hands.
Dining Ihe Jisral year which ended .June
C5(, ISt-, the letters received wens in
excess of J.().K).OOJ. or about jttiyi) and of this total it isMatfiBWd
:vbout 70 per cent- go3no dcpifM-Miciil-.
.-0r !
The rcllue5!S tide is oven larger. 9k-
the out-oo'Str delivery includes all t
m - - r . w r
-pulrticatJOns of the tiovcrnment. 5
ti.stics 3u this field would be .starreri)
.1 iicvvwouiu uo on sucti a lui";o sci
th:wihc firiircs would lose their mtMB
Aug. On sotuc days, for instance, dufr
im the bus)- das of Congre.-s. 2.O09
'large yack.s, mostly of Executive docfi
.ments, will pass through the oilice, auC
1 !. il. .
me average io
IKMKW Hacks a
registered, foi
.the work thro
11 j c uvern-ze tor tuu Miuiiuer luoiuiis ia
month. Much of this k
for creater safety, so tbxK
thrown on the city force if
JyrMcntlVt then, tho Washingtc
most oilice is a bti-x nlace. It is in tv
11.11 II. 1I1T1I. lu "
in" oilice ItouriSvAne postmaster is -r..i
f Senator Conf and an aetivo;
.... . ...- --X. fill . a i.
Kenuliliesn tiolitica:i..'i'' clerk in J
-charge of the lnnnipiilalto'iV0 t"-5 iual;
is Mr. Springer. He looks 'hV. ,ac,,i
much like (General Francis A. Wafiiir!!"
ntnl, like that gentleman, lias a knack
at turning oil" bus ness quickly and xvcll.vj
' There are ' crews" of men in the ollici
all the time, night and day, xveek days.";
Sundays and holidays. Otie sectiottt
tvork from saven a. in. to three p. in,. J
one from three to eleven p. in., and omit
jrorn eleven p. in. io seven a. in. i
J he bas:est. time of the day for the laV,
cotnji mail is early in the morning. i
i Jrc ""viing, but the clerks agree t
v ." its contrnctod spaces. dingi-;
-xvv . . i . i-J-
ue.-s ant vermin on an understanding.
with it thainLivont lum ,la t,0""u Jurf
-M-hctt tlte great tught mails arrive. 1 music ami entertainment. The town is
Fiom seven "till nine o'clock the ollSceIuuardod all around and no person is
(HiJicii with activity. Shortly before
i:ne o doc the mail wagons lor t ie
loparlnients and the outlying bureatts,
ai hauled up in the roar of the oiucu,
.-and tho mail is haudod out to them foi'
- distribution. Thc-e vehicles are of
every description, from heavy, red. cii-
cus-iikc vans to neat covered carriages.
vlrch have a strong suspic'on of twilight
.And Suaday excursions about them.
31e heaviest mail generally goes to tha
l'ort-ofiico Dejiartmcnt. due to the rou-
tiac correspondence betxveen the depart
iHCHt and the .'0,00;) postmasters of the
country. Each postmaster has occasion
.to write at least four letters each quarto
.to the department, thus involving av
maM of itK),000 letters every ninety
days, or more than :!.000 a day from
..tiaia cause alone. Then there is am
equal volume of business in the Dead' t
Xetter Bureau, whore all uncalled-for.,
xaisdtrccted or unintelligiblo letters are
sent The other two depavtments that
receive enormous mails are the Interior
-and the Treasury. Tho mail for tuoj
Pension Bureau of the Interior alono
often mounts into the thousands.
AU the department. have a mail
room where the letters arc received and
.sorted. In the larger departments
these rooms have quite a post-oiiiceiook
of their own, aud exceed in the volume;;
of business transacted the figures ot
many towns of considerable size. Here
'the sacks axe opened and the contents
-distributed into trays or boxes which
.represent the office of the Secretary and
the different bureaus. When thus sorted
ihe letters go to the chief clerks, xvho
go through the pile, whether "conti
deatialM or not. Heads of departments
not supposed to have any guilty
creta, and theyrrtaJnly have not the
read all the missives which
te them as confidential matter.
,-& tlte clerk rips open everything, and
Many confidential" letters drop into
;kia waste basket. Communications on
'vkwitasM Blatters the clerk tosses into
-wlekar trays, and these ar borne by
to um taieis ox aivuon &,
of imm knvinr
It howe
mm: ? ?,. Aim ot sWaaatiT
' aW
- s Vatata. laaaM aMlf tat MMtVaTtABt
r- . "mw -a-a w - t - 4 ',
sent up instead of down, and eventual
ly may find it way to the dek of the
Secretary, or even to the Pre-ident. In
the orJinarv routine, however, a letter
gutiicu.i uii.ui.iuiui,-iii- .1- ii jj.ov.-v5.-u-) -
f.a r I n -'. & .- iai'aa...i.
. .. ............... w... ..................'.
dates, circle--, s mares and cro.-e til .
it is finally rin.-il, folded and mailed ,
again, eeeasarny mere is "some r-o j
tape, for unle- a rid system was fol-
iowcu mere wouki o- laiai coniu-ion in
n. week in aM the large departments.
These inyater'.oiis marks all have a ,
me:'n n. as t.e carele-s orstujiid elrk
lind. out -oon enough, for by thin ,
every step is registered and a blunder
trace 1 buck to its -ource.
The last hour or two of each oilice .
i... ,,,.-., f ' ?.
da)- in the dej artnients i levotel to
lmisii ng up tne eone-pond-nce ami
signing it. Ihe latter means great
drudgery to the .Secretaries and
their respon-ible .subord-nat"". Sonit;
davs these ollic -rs -ign their names for
two hours as rapidly its they can write,
with a me-,engr at their elbow to pass
them shoot alter sheet, and blot the
signature as it is scratched oil". Kan-hare
the contents of the letter noticed. It
coiii"i to the de-k through the proper
ehann -Is. an I is a-'-uined to he correct.
ii noi. tne oiii who suuer-, u me crnir ;
will be likely to complain. Of course
the more iinjmrtaut correspondence is
treate I more carefully. :
And now the reply begins its travels.
Again the..'iartiuent wagons, from the
heavy re.l van- to the Misplciou-dy neat
carriages, coin ev the -.aeKs to the city
po-.t-olli(.e. wiiere they ar. emptied and
the lelt -r-hurried from clerk to clerk.
(yiie arranges them in pile-, then the
caticel ng -)t.imp and the p.-t mark ate
put on. and then the lir-t rough di-tri-
f.- .. .. . .. . .... . ...v. i . .1. i
bution by btates and chief eitie- begin-.
At the city pot-ofliro, al-o. a further
iistr.butio:i takes place to ea-e the
strain on the railway po-tal clerks.
About 20. o' po-t omces are locate! by
tlie most direct radway 1 nes. and let
ters are di-tribuled for thc-e line-, tiiu
saving the railvv.iy clerks fiom a va-t
ta-k that would have to bu tlone Ycry
The great ollici d mail goes out to the
North and Wot at ten o'clock at night,
but as much matter as po. hie is -ent
at four o'clock 1 iielp the railway
clerks. There are few bu-ier -pots than
the po-tai ear- -u the '.en o'clock train
between Wa-hinglon and Hallimore.
TheCovernin nl mail con-i-ls almost
entirely of s -a ed pa-kages. -o that lit
tle need be said of the methods of
handling the lower grades of mail mat
ter. Some parcels go open, however,
and these are h-iudleil in connect on
w:iii iiewtji-iper-. -aiupie-. ijooks,
shoe-, honied toads and other bulky
articles. 'Jhesi.c tf th--e aiv:ls doe-
not niimilol a pgeon-ltole Imms tit tlis-
tributitni. Tlie clerks therefore stand
in the arena of a runic atnphilhcatct
of labeled pouchc- rising about them in
overlapping tiers, and to-s the bundle
int the gajiing moiitlis of the sacks.
It looks easv. but it is a special art
One calm elderly clerk, who has spenl
a life shooting pouches, has a perfel
aim. It is as beautiful to walcit him a
he pops the bun lies into th- propel
hole-, as it i to see Dr. t'arvcr break
glass's or Kwing throw to (Scrhartli
:tt second base. -A'. V Sun.
Theylla Tlii.ij- K-tt-r In tit., ..r tl.
There is a lesson to young men in the
preparations that are being matle foi
the meeting between the t'arof Uus-i:i
ami the Km, eror t,f Austria. Nc many young men have :unl.iti..ii.
Instead of one visiting the oilier, a
ordinary men wouid tlo. they agre-tl,
about a year ago, to meet half wax, and
engineers were set to work to take
mca-ur-incuts, ami tiud a town that
wa-exactly half wav between the two
e.ipit us. ihe tow. i ot ixreins er. in
Moravia, was selected, ami 1 eforo
i i.i: !... ..? l
a ii.aue jiiiiHic t n;ii piai e niev'J-j.j
to meet, the town was p)?rftssKin
of by troop- fiom loth gre pciwers.
V.imI sino mde 1 Inuf.o and iinli
tart1; 0 ln:l1 a liou-.e could not get
in or out 'JL-. 'lfe town without being
stoppi'tl on. "1 ten arrangements wen
matle to transport the two groat men
to the meeting place, and rail-
first sow , to the city post-oluce then o c m . woriti . n were. , V? tl,B past lew years tas ,ca ,,xtraclion of teeth a -rrat a BnoIurrb,it i: - not ,n on," .
tlie department, and then, .-'ep by step, balancing ec?aw between uiiTcrcnt or- the fashion of write ' 0:1 5tock-brctf4lint: , . . . ... t , ., " ,u'lu . ,..
,. ti. .i,.f r.l..rl- nf tho iiiir."iti iiin t- t 1 1 t .1 . i i horror a A u-etl to ber a To- j ..,. ao; i l jn ntnr. o
to tlie cinei clerk 01 the ininati. me (,an,,,ns ,n whi.-h each hems the rest . to nrc-pnt the nl "..Mires ant! urohts of ... ... anu uv u
chief clerk of division and the p.rtict,- j cvcJc of :oM w. h tQ a cer. j i.or.c,.Icalll,. sh.cp and fowN J uwcr y1. , ... 2 In-iIU aWMchw- ;n ihrae
lar clerk who is assumed to attend to , . . ' . . . . ... r,lL ."--... , Well.' he .-aid. "there !oen t 1 ,. ..neu, ,i1T, th-t ni.llenniiii.i in fa
its snhWi ni'iiii.r " : tain cxieni uepeniienion eaca otner. n a very attract!. e lorrxi biue 01 ,i. . 'iite ul.. --
it sunjeci mailer. ... . , , . . 1 ?cein to be much change. 1 lc mi.a. wh:i eerr on- wdl adot th
Tln.n in ihtM nrnrrmii tl.o n.nle I he molecules of the t hem have dec a red that fortune and ... . .' .. .. ..t ' n . . . ..
T ' Vt'-S - 1 . ' - ' .11. . . .1 . , , . wh.cli 1 wor-e man i.o uiin j'-h. rUw0, nnU JnHl in dr.s ami .iil t!
goes back, on thick white letter paper , in part help to construct the mu-cle happiness can be --.ecured bv rai-.tng ... , , . , ,, , rrv, .,r . , , .l
ofollicial ai,.. elaborately healed, and ,,1 c s ,,,n- ,r, ,.i ? an f.,r. .... . . e .:,!. - !--- iH ly, conUin 1111U1W horrors for jJnr th wbfc h Mvm lM,t , :H,
In l.-n.n,. .'Mr. .- V r,,,.- Imtil,.. ' ... :.. p., ,.:...,. ., ,. .... ' - s- la 1 ot Ike pig Mil llt-lie- ec-l-
." !.-,..-. u..t ...... gcr .u mis way. nui ai-tt uttteigii ii.e z , -j .,.. f,. ,i mi lar in lh on bi lip-. Lin-i-:x g .o.l in-tan. - ol litit fear . to pr. v.iHj'.lroo. ..aui8 ,
is nothing m it. It is more trouble products of it- tie. ompo-ilion. "ib'fi H-r of la-te" from t.o- lle.-!i of tnc the -uhj.-ct. habrver i- mo- -Uoiu;; tx Sis. wax. A 1I11M Impre-itm e b-tlt-r naUt tk-. farmer to iiurro. - I.
than it is woith. These i wo ini-n, foi iuo-t iuiporlant of these in tins im 1 i"lv of the an inal. lv impre ed on a man- niiml. .vhav- b.- made by tlut'iig it bill- powder, eon-by ta- ea- - tf that wMrli-p
thev are nolhnu' but eimniiin men 1... noil a: e i lie gac- ami ounixia ', y r .,-,,., ., .., ,,.. .-. ..,, ... i, ,.vi-r he :-lsvin-' for. nr trtigglir!r lor. v-snnlion. of III- nin.- fiimwilh.' win, . ( rr-l.t - er tf sr-l ..I
sired to meet each ol her and talk it mvr. i putrcfaciitm. -tich as Ir. drX-,,!-!. . ..?,...... ..,,;, ,t. - ,..'e, ii..: i. pretty apt Jo eonie t tne aurfaex whrh can Ut at. ony fM. at t-(M n,, ..! twint iwi.t- ,, ,'
for protection, for decorations ami for
.iUowed to enter or leave w.thouta pa
ami every tier -on who enters tno town
is under police surveillance, has his
lodgings pointed out to him. antl ho
has to have own thing he owns
searched, to guard again-t dvnamite.
These crowned heads will be ovcicoine
villi nervous prostration, and their
oilies will bo ou nettle- until they
re ance more safe home, and with
in tneir eaties. they are lox-ctl
bv the.r people, and x'et thev ex
iled to be murdered anv in nute. They
t'iil be dre-sed in purple and line linen,
lecor.ttod witii precious stone, and
live on the fat of tho land, after some
lUb'oot ha- tasted of each tl sa to see
it is poisoned, ami thev will seem to
io having a real nicevi-it. tint thev will
Ixpt'ct evorv minute to have their lrnd
:gs Mown oil by dvnamite. or be shot.
lr poi-oneu. u hy slioultl they take all
u-trouble, and run so mam chance--,
nd go to so mueii expense, sunplv to
hlk together for a little while, when for
ipeuny they cou'd send a po-tal card
intauiiug all :l. v want to say. J ho
graph .-r telephone could do the
lork. an I the great men cou'd breathe
ely. xv'ii(.h they can not tlo wheu
lev meet as propo-ed. hai bu-ines
bu in America, or what laboring man
iio is earn ng
: a fair l.ving. woul I
. . .. s .
kattgo place- w
ith the (. ar or I-.mper-
Ainenca has lost two I'rosi.-.ents
asassinat:on. but :t was the xvorkof
Kvon with this record le'orxi
our i're-i-'ents go whore thev p!-;t.-e '
kuld hare to surround the spot where
fished with an armx. and then he .
ould feel that he waa afraid to go
Lt ,(
bite for fear if he nulled on the ttsh it
rould blow up the lake. Poor Knipsc-
van. vt c icci yr ga- rcc t cum
- ar. i t r . - . ."
roads and br.dgcs were guarded for symptoms nroiliucu being lo-s , appe
fcar some enenn would blow them up. titl'- la"t:"of. gr"t headaches, ete.
Millions of dollars ate being expended 'L s'- MUtnys, M. D., in hurpcrs JHwj-
I'T -, ;' - i -'-. , u v..wHi. aim .r ,.tui ..Hitiii ii A v,oo.xvici.. z . a 'i1" 77. . Z . i ,.' .t.s-v. il tu hi mut'lar tiua Ctaal la tnr. aw n, U ai. r-y- ' r"-
ill Tie-i lent rule- abaut the can.tal to hrin--rxut a netr eanan of Ue.-trtie- , : - .... s.. v.;-l. .. (-h: to t a-3mtrl n I9rffiiw. . .-. ...-.
d tho t-ottntry surroamiing it like any tion. obje(.. of te-:ing th. f. -aibttity oi xm , .TtT u'l - .IbA.-Il kl. ho ixh fvnwml tn it ilr rxi The a.att .a
tvate citizen with no tear, while an Ihegoodmaa Returned home and th- Inter.or ci gan- by . ; h- "- -J ' J f '; J of Ufftawiag od Hto -aJ, aa,l Cua: trrat-atof tl. wa m -o - t i
i.peror. to take a rule, has to be sur- divided the Money among ha own mm of .he ei.n'c light. s.s to de-, verr fnwd - ' , "inJ-w ' He SmmI thixt ,t pr- WO. il ml rfc .haU l w'
iindodxvtiananny. iheAnicrcan ch.ldr.iu-an Idea which haiTaltogetlKr , lxl any ,iaw.. ihe susM, of the t-t cjn t . pring the MMsOmi r itowaj-Wir Urr bs-for t'ao- a. ...rn
tokatomatoa;Uofa- Scaped him before. wcre two eigat-inch .u!c load ng - and U Jj mdgAng f t
xxonns .and goes oil to the woods vouxu sun,. Tne Ut w ian-odoce.1 a fe Jc .Cr? Zrtw?u lUbute. " rthas Ut it t,aaifr m - S
htnf with one or txvo compandors. Ka siXomtet h ML-DttsA Krct ! inches with'ui the aiim). am! rellecied. - i ? "" ,jj? Tlte obi r2aa of crar. . .
I ism no more danger than a pnvate PV! bv war of aatrror. .'.own the lv. the ! s!r. nd .c'-a- lua f "8. -A wrd'Knr-ria? wa.- loxi la ii,. M,.i.vL.w.La lv! .-..a. -
Iren. An Kmperor. to go tishing. . nWAUrj, iv tt-B at tho breech n,t troowod w:;a nejvus- i- n . ,, , .. .. ,. .. f"". "-'"' ".". 1.
The Different Method or Their Maltlpl
catlun. a 1 a . . - t
nin mei lor mo:ie power 10 uise
t:cii.. iriiii.j ijiu uvuieien piuuiiiu" Ji
ih..t.. f.JU in tin. fnrr.i nf firl r.n -ifi.i.
,.r,.a, kc. and finally the products of
,jeCompo-ition of these cells, may go
lo construct a new rram of whe-it.
Hut to enable ihe vegetable to make
use of tlie animal cell a- f;od. the lat
ter niti-st be spin up into simpler combination-,
and thi- is elleeted by m.cro
orgau:aiiis"of vailous k.nds. The great
majo.ity of the-e minute being-j are
harm'e-s to man so long a- they are
confined to his -kin and alimentary
canal- in fact, every one carrie- ni 11. on-.
of them on and within him-elf. and it
i doubtful w-htlier he could proper y
digct h:s fool without thc.r help.
There are. however, some form- ot
the,c little grani.e- and rod-, or micro-
cocci ami uac'cria. winch are not -o in
nocent and harmle,?, but which, on ihe
contrary, produee dise.i-e and deith in
many of tho-e to whose ;i stem- they
gain admittance.
So. ne of ti.ese di-e.ise germ- multiply
only w thin the bodie-of l.vnigainmai-.
SOi )(,r ln-tance, tlie-e wiucli ge n-e
to small-po and .e.irle. fev-r. th.-y re-
l:im their vitality for a time when thrown
oil" ir. excretions: but thev do not in-
crc:ise m mmiber until they gain ac-
C,.;JS to i;ving tissue-, and hence thedis-
t.a.ys which thev catisi? ar.- propagated
uv. , o-itagion "only. Other disease
jr(;rrn multiply, so" far a- we know,
,7m(;t exeju-fvely out-ide tlie living
i,l)(jy, and produce'the.r effects n mau
,10t"i vgrow ng witi in him, but by ooi-
.s,(I1i.r ,iJn with their products, ascoin-
,,, ve jy, ,:IV 1, . .,aj,l to be tin- au-e of
tieliriuni tremens through the agency
of the alcohol which it pit luces. Ma
laria is a type of this cla
Atlimi khiii liiuiiijii) .lotn wuitinanii
.... .r- i. . i ..t. ...
without the living body, an I some of
the.-e appear to e-peci.illv mult ply and
llotiri-h in human excreta. A-. yet we
know very'e of the hif lit-ry of
the-e iliiea-'e germs, or as to Low they
jiroduce their eli'eets: we are not even
certain as to whether they are di-tiuet
S' narate species or whether tuey may
not be -onie tf the omiuon
whi-h by over feeding or
othirvvi-e have become abnormal, mi
croscopic mon-lers a it were, protluc
ing evil inst: ol f good.
What we do know i- tiiat 3 very mi
nute quantity of rxeieta from a ca-e f
cholera tir typhoid fever may. when
introduced into the ahinentar. canal
of a hciitiiv I er-tui. iirtidtict. in that
j.r,rm ,i:se-.ise -tin I ir It) the on- from
which tue geim or'ginallv came;
n,i ye a I -so have good rea-oii to be-
;t.v,. tj,al ( ., s(., .rcrH fall Into
ji,(.v. may under certain
a ma-
tif excreta, as in
multiolv very lapidlv antl render the
whole mas- of - tilth infection-, -o that
any pot lion of t will be capable of
convening the die-e.
Their action i closely analogous to
that of ca t. and the disea-e- which
ar: supposed to be tlue t stivh ac ioo
are known as the . untie or ferment
Hence coups one gVMt tlanger of
retaining or storing in the vicinity of
human habitations niiantities of organic
matter sii able for the nourishment of
such orgaui-ms, for the channels
tJ,n),,gh which -Ucll Ctillecttons may
become .lange.oii,ly ititH-uIatctl are
st numerous and. in "the present -tiUe of
our knowledge so impo-.t b'e to guard,
:ig:i'i-t. tiiat ca-.ks of powder or ca-es
of.j,)J;Xj";r!;,ile W,,M b rea"y :l,,'r
"el7.'!!!":';' ; IUlf ,,,,. HMlrpii r ,,,...
animonitim -ulnh jO't-arbon
unl (crl'tin tirga-fjiic van rs ol
very complex con-tijtfior;. ehielly char
acteri.ctl by uiin-jasnut tulors.
NS hen eojjt?ntr:itcd, as in thl ccss
po.ds oafvatilt". the" may produce
sulloiiation and aiino-t imnr-tiiate death.
oj""great ptftration. violent omitiug
ami purging, convulsion, and death in
froni one to two day.
The circ ltu-tanees art rare which
produce -tic-h efl'ccr as the-e: u-ual!y
th- gases are greatly diluted before
be ng breathe-!, and the eilect- aie le-s
Con-taut cvpostire to ucli air im
pairs ho tit h gradually, but dNtinotly.
espeeiaKx- (n infants and ch'Idren. the
1'ublc with
Iim--nt j
a r.trtlcuKtrly
A iximi-neartoii .Man xvno was near- f
:.... l.iu v.,,i .,.,,i i.;- ii,.,,i..mtA
Ill" I." .- s.&l. Mllll'.M It- a tu lint .1. v
Cash ami et out to make sumo one j
Happy. To the lir.-t mau he met he t
I have Aliout '..0-) in Money.
How much of it would make u Co.i-
Only t?i.OJ0? Why I should put
all of that into a Tiooe of 1-tnd aud
have nothing left to build a House!"
was the reply.
The same tibsorvaiion was mad- to
the Second Man. and ho promptly
It is only auout Half ot the uni I
owe, ami as it xvoulil go to my t. re iit-
ors ami slid leave me in Debt xotitl
bettor keep ::."
'llie Th.rd Maa st-ratched bis head
for a moment as if vlroatly Perplexed.
Whi.e Mod-lv xvouui Forbid mo
asking for the Whole Sum. Truth com-
p.Isme to -late-that I xvti!du't want to
open a raro uank on .e uian rix-e
Inotisaml. nor start in tne who cale
. .
ttrocery nu-incs xvTth e- than .JU.- .
The Fourth Man would take tha
money and 1ic!p him in a Ltwsuit
S.- t. .-..-'!
take it to siitc I;s Vife. with Whom he 1
"c- -" r----""- . "
ur-tiitsT -i x.. flr- t.i.. nirrt -.t-.tiii.i
Rabbits aro such a pct in Bucna
ista alley. ev.. that he farmers i
providing the Indiana with powder
shot ia order to kill thaxm oil
r a,i-.-a'.i -- -. ----,,- a- t -. -t a. .a ijr u. .- w - a ..- tw- a-iF-i, . m, -.--- -. in' i 'i.-"ni iri -? - m - t--m MarT- n aUaanm. av
ilrTJilcli Ips-rwp Mor or Vf
Than lie i.mlt.
xhr.n bv a !ot :i"
my ovher puruit-
Kven the life of the eowbov ha- I en
Pented as facinatin-.
On moro
than on ranch are young men whu by
no rever-e of fortune have left elegant
home- to enjov what are cal ed th"
wll i delight.- of the Far Wi-t. Many
cltv gentlemen ot wen'tii and !e -iiw
haveadoptel toc. r:t. .ng n- an ele
gant ur-Mt Th y ha.- pail etra.:
r?.M. prie .- for i e and hrie- a- i,.
ers ha-e for p e.nn ami -ta'.mirv.
ome, who iise uol iniusgen in tier
co-:lv lux-irv of a -toek Iurm as
a means of gr.tifiug the r piea-ur.-..
,13VC .,rc-:,.i ., r, , t-atile t.
,,.,..;.. .a,v-. ti.nn 1-r
thi, .,nr.K). , ,;M.,,t,.,r lr.t-ni..t
,;ou;r, , ,tV .. uhof hnw, j . n,.,.- .,i
lit winds l.avr: . tt fai:-v fowl- In
villages am! cine- tin uiruoer ol u -
try-loiiciers ha- gre itly iucrea--d .hir
ing the pa-t f -vv e r-. .M-; ol ti.e-e
p-r-' :ia wo.iitl ke,-i eat le, lnr-es and
sheep iiat! they -iflieient -pace for tuo
Hut tl tiring :' tune in wh c'a tiio
2sc- of hor-e-. rrtttie. -i.eit. cli. i;ti-
and thick- nave ! eu -ting tew nnvo
-iio'ncii a good u,i rd lor tue pig. A
great mail) bud words ho.vever. naxe
bce.i -pokt'-n. :i declared
to h- unwhole-vjui e'.i-n :n it- i t
e-late. Mativ li:x- been led to b.diex-.s
that the botly f the average pig i- the
rejio-itory ot a !a ge ntnob-r and ere:.
vare'v ol para-.le-v. Tmr eircutu-taii' u
.tl.U ;ilill.l It till lM i . V l ' -it .'
excluded sr.iin -cv oral 1-urop-an toiui-
tries ha- b""en r.-g-irdett by many as
lurn'sliing cone !,-,? evidence that
thev ar." not tit i be e-.iten at 1 oui.-
Tin. li"i...i- .. i....!. Iiv lii' int m:t:."il
til at A (... 1. .. iM1).ll l"k It'll. fla I
. . ....
th:,t j nil,.,. Jin,j (l(.r,a-jv have -, u
led to p! ce restrict tn- o-i ovirpor-. be
cause we placed a hea-v dVit-. u the.r tell
inanufactur. tl "o'ttb . An atiemjn i..v -
heen matle t- revive all tie; i r. u i c"!
entertained by theatrical .lew- aga.n-t
the hog. One liippaut xvr ter lia re-
fened to th- !.og a-, "the animal into
wit, c.i a legion o; wm:. ami ip-m
wiiich thev never came out." .Scn-a-t
oua! acco int.s have been pib!i-hetl .f
the ravage- of certain disease- among
-wine, ami the uuprcs-ou ..a- been
matle on the mini- of man. that the
hog is much more likely to become d.--ueil any kiu1 of aiiimnl or b.r I
i-etl b man lor to. tl.
Still, poik continues to be ch- lead ng
kind til meal among the !iboringel !-
in th otinlrv a well a in u i . t t f th
coutitres of .-itirope. It is th:- k n-l tf
iiiiMt that coiilam- the -ma'le-r. ait.o mt
ot wa-te. It can be cooked ir.-it- own
fat. and, as butter i- not needed to
dre-s it, i- more economical tit in other
.-orL of meat, I'nbke beef ami mutton,
the-f t c-ntained in pork is nicch mote
x':tl'.ible than the tlesh t-elf. Lartl. tir
auv bort of hog fat. i tied ftir- cookirg
lis 1 and Vcg.-lable-. while la-c tat tj
cattle ami sheep i rarely ever uactl a-liuiD.-tii
food. It i employc'l fi- niaK
ing candles ami soap or u.-cd .11 lh
pivparation tf leather. The price 1
tallow i- eons'antiy ticelinng. while
thut of lard i advancing, I'm ide weo
tleeiine to u-e pork as a iegulr atti 1
-------- ---!-.
of lo-id are verx fotnl of it a- a r.-l ii.
A the best re -1.1 11 rant-, np-dl lar-eciUe
bee-; t.f Inetl -alt pork or .th beacon
are- scivctl With ov-t-r-
Ica'A- at-. I
cliojis. Tin
I.c-h ot .'t. tltv'.fi-- icat "1
aunoa' h.i
-o .lei -'.()its l.tXdr a- tint :
llie .tig. .x ia-r o" propot 1 !! tl a l-
tr .-h ;i ifsiile fr in ihet.-tii-.ot 11
ret j n re eot!t lu iliug tor .1- pro i."'
t (ti. It will eat and tiii.x.- on m.tnv
kiiMl- of food that oilier aiiiii.tds r-je-l.
lltrring the slimmer it wdl ga'u in a
-ra-- or clover ia-ture. l:i tlie vv inter
- i
it will live on .- i ige. rool oir -ram. It
will ut.lte th-- -utplti- trmf ainl gaitb-u
vegetable- tiiat are not waiil-tl bv tne
It wdl convert. our ..nd
sk.mni.-d milk ami the bftivir.g- of the
table into a mai-Ket.tbl- protlact. Hg
inere i-e f..ter than any -wiitnai- kei t
on f.-.rms. and on .hat accowtt tney ,ue
of great value tt inriue:- of small
means Tln-ir f- -uudiiy ictt e - i: ea-y
tut oniv to n-iea-e the -t-.'k of them.
nl to improve i-
LEo'"- ran bepr--
pnrcii .or iitir.i-t upteii t
tu cker tnnn
steer- t)r -beep. anl t;ie-a- tie-i cuti lu
mtire e.isih and more iHe:tplv cttr-'tl.
Hog- -npply a larg- jK-"p'rii n of ti.e
; meat co'i-iimed tu farm hei-e. a- well
i s." on in- mimng-ten's ami
; loirir-n- hut-. 'I he -urn of nionev tie-
ri oil irom the pone pr .duels -ent
nj,ro:ld : ,.ortu. tis lit tie- y. ar i-l
it Miioiunteil iii -r.V.i f'.P.-i '..l. ktilentlv
the ni" ,s not tl e. via- of the aim.- it
.....-.. s.... i-h,....,n
I11LIU3 AlUIll i.i.i.i.s WII.UIl !- s....s--ww
Native Animals.
If there is ono-a'iinitl more than an-
other which fits.: major' ty of u-e. it
is the native. The native cow -upplies
nio-t of the nrdk. 1 utter and chee-:
the native -hvo supplies the mutton
antl wool, aa.l the Morgan hor-e. a
native origiyally. with bu vvrs ltt o
bine blood 'tahitii. i- the mot n-c-fu! for
mo-l v.diialv'e t.f all ktnt!- Much .n
iii. ii.i-. ! t'tti ilont; by U -enthu-it.s c
claim.. of t is- k n t. a- nsuy icgr-Mil
inve-or.- in .'cr y attle Ante fotiui U
theiv co-:. 1 h "nutate-- tanner t.tio
ivin 5i3ird 'I nisr s:oiiij bt- niofu- to
---....-...-.---..-. .
t,;,,,,. ,;, f-nex. b ii thx-wo-k nz fnmi
rrh til.ll. cir-ail lvtr he cc-t-pet I
Wl.. ,.,,.- .,.. .... i k.,ruli: o-a-i er
tv his tu -t his lorjev lai-i aga.a-'
.V. r. Ttwts
T'j'e erperiment was fairly
A gavel in ue at S.m Francico
was made of wood from the ship Kfc.xr-tar-ie
and Jcanac.t.
value iijgt.uA. but the head-, h-et and
jr ....
me i.irm llie sntttll- ami tne ro&i. i ' - ... . ?! .n-i.TArlr. tlirii'at ir -n ttia' t. iavtt t tea
... . .t.Bl.a. att.l Tit ' fieiTI Itlll IICI laJi llAawAl J"",
special advocate of the per- - a lithti.t matter. W tJ-x a.e ''' , t4,r w-t-, ilia-ic -Si"t-aa -tn
breed- are ent.rx-Iv j.t.-t h-d in the.l o.e s4.,r ,.1 n-ter te- at --- xim. t m hu lK
claim- i,xr the excellence- c the r tn re ar mxny who tn '-V . i. of xl , j., of anr 3-v-. a mfr u. f1 .ia,,...
vorite. ba.e picia!. ne-. br -. "" '" p" ' ,.i . u .ul n'r-Jr .f tr At--i-f-r. vitfe. a l- mr t rri a J (lt I m tf,
are not iti.tiihett in the r etror.-to zuitKe tet- V. tat tiiii-n t-si -au ..iumi ...... ..... .- ,' i-,t ,!. t , ,, t.Wil iii rr'M-... a. iu -.
fa-iuer- iuiieve that the-e -.imaT are t tat aaiifacirt t. .to.t i as SB,J '.,01. im lla.''.-! ul s i i. ,..-, .. .au-a-f U
..- a - . ... a t ll f S I a a SmX t W
-ti 1 1 rl .! fun T4vr- iit nntl faCri X 1AM i- -"- .-. ... t, -a .rf.a.rf .m . i -.. ..- tk. . ml- tm
1 The IHlTVrent Way In Which IVopI Tc
m Trying Ordeal Stronf Men S"o tli
Leatt ?ere.
rho-e win. are very n"rou. ani the
pro-poet can scarcely U? epycttl to b nfii t. the uot phlemaUo
Who arii the most heroic in thin
t.iii' 'i. m e-.cry in tan . part cu
larlv invalids Vni ee. uuin-.i are ae-eii-toiin-l
t-J tit- er.duranc couder
able pain thnu the worM vt
dream- of. ats-1 fra.I. del ea!e eseatiires
:t down and hava two or :Jir teeth
pullet! out withoMt murinui ng.
iior emotion tl ones u-u iliv .
pres b!e gratit.ide at ;he denu-t 1. on
n i all over, an 1 evcla.m ebvs-ath xi
to their reiief. other- -ay nothing, ai
tho ign th-.r Iiuv- .-.uw il.a; th-. aro
gla.1 eiio.igh to be r-i of tiie touilo-0-ne
U'Ijo are your aiost rufexctory
lireat h-.nlrhv men. who havo- never
li"e:ed an at he or a p:un in their hxe-.
'I i.ev Iidetaml -wear arl be low v'ien
they ae tuc!ied, and tt-iiallv a ui the
tune ta- d-nti-t i- ready luo; crate tkcx
cttneiu le -udtlenly that tiy w II -uller
ic out vrt u-xhde. and thafi it i- not. rve-!--ar
tf have an) thing done. ."key
are porf.-et bai"e- al-0 it liorr U-eth. :val
never .- rm tt think it wucth winle tu
tll-gnl-e ti.eir leaf When ,ii"Vtliiioi:inl
bv Wie- -l-ter-) tiiey are often
laughed, at ltr their own cowardice, bits
Sic, ii'-vt-T change eounieii.inre. I e"
aot :u if the) weie gui.ig to b haiigetl. "
io vou ul'iccl to Ike Use vt uti.e--
f II f 1t-. -
Hivnv, -.
ot irt live IetsL On the cntrirx
I -an in favor tf them, but we detitt-t-
have to be very careful urn-ie we atl-
mini-ter tli-ia. I can u-ul. :ll by a
innn- In .. u beilit'i his will
stand tne :, on tf an.i-tiutie
W ItaU bu- iu-'.ancc, enable-, y-ni to
. A ;i"r-oti's manner and hi-
ance inlicate u. a ph) -ieiau or tl-nti-l
xvhelher or aot lr i-. f an exeeetllngly
ne. vou-teinj-erainent. Any organ. -ni
may be lotnlc :d uervou-. turoii go vtr.
exertion. phv -nt-al tr menial, t
through Mtiue -irixm pio iucetl on. ln
brain bv- trooMir, but the naiuriiL
nervtiti-. trgaiu-iu L- wholly diil-icnt
lr. Til taee li In- U tile latter CoU.-ll-ttitunis
th.i'a we refti-e to apply anav
thet c--. tor tlie re ult i- ce.ta n death.
These pei -on- invanabl) l eg for chlo
roform or -a-. :ui2 when we n-lii-e to
give it ttj Inein, they u-e all the ell'i.rli
111 the r power Ui aitlliee U- lo ch.'iugx
our mind-. They "tr-tt.- tha. tln-ir j
tin- i.poii-ibiiit) n cast- hap
pens, but we know better, and we te-
iu-e to he mutb-eorp-es.
1'eoplit in
iv-pnii-iiiic lor-
bail condition-, til.
m nd of' on come 0 tt-. wn-n tin-re i
llltle the lliattttr Witlv their teeth, -ei'k-
ing. a- we can ea.-tlt ee, oblivion, ear
ing little wtat lolitjws We are ver
war) m -ueh ease-, ami it not inire
tpieiitiy t eeur.- mat we are inn- in-iru-mental
in preventing, or at least po.
poumg. caiaiiuta.-."
I- the cllort pyttUcetl by ail ariws
Uietie uniform?1
"No, N' two pt-ople an?
silillbTiV albteteiL by au t -thetio-.
Sjni- x ert' (pin-t peojilv tirop ea-ily to
.a. .
ja' - ' - leep. but the ma, out) id iiiiiu-ti o
'aiii-in hive :u liaint-to-haud -trug '.
witn their ruling o-ion-. while
-011-atioiL 1- laKin p.--e--
moii ol tiietn. L imm'i" atlin.:i.tcrcli
chltiroioriu to- a. nevv-p ijicr ni-in. antl.
he repeated poetry for lullv half at-
liiur. giving the iiiiiitv with lervor and.
e.xpl'i --loll.
. J -- r
He tin illx. fell asleep witu a couplet:
when hi- outer -eta-.- nre -teepe.l tr
lepo-e When hi uiiiul is awake it p.
tilled with a tenair and iobti.j.1
witn a dc-iio-tv ket-ji it- run-r h or-. nig
sate from tiiu viw ot other uitm.
neti it is under .ii- inlliicuce ol an
ana-'hetic t-'i."- -lifeguard ar- Id
dowi'. siiitl. ptofi-ioiinl men catt-h
many uult-tjipy :-ec-;e.- from their pn-tn-nt
in. tin- nar. I !-- experenee-
mg ilar: tin"-, am I can never fail to.
llltere-l p-)iili"Iog -1.
reopieth nk. oi having their te-th.
drawn rather th-tn nlie I. tlo they not.J '
'".-olilo Vt rv oM-fa-lnoueil pcuj.le otui-sitl-r
it ehi aper aivl more to.
have t rou b.o-on- tt-tii tirnvvn at ouee.
"n n ' nior- piogit--t- . .um.
tiaugiti'TS- preit.i- mi nute run 'm.
matle to Uir ce'h. rather than to
saenhoe thenis Ihe trmib.e .. peoolo
tlo not have tl"ir teeth etmitiel olinn
lu II f.t-V
would hate ti.e p.n-
ht-ul cnviUe- atlembt! to th-) woahl
proiiatii) never sudor f.tmi ..ot.iaeh.-
and. m. iniiii ea.. would r.-vor io.-
their teeth. Then i- a ct rtnin cln 'X
oiiHck. tb-utists vtIio will Irnar a t.Kiib,
that i noaflv -iim 1 lor i- aK- ..
........... .. s.... tr. -ill. ..V..riftil!tl llla.
Vtilllil .- J . - - ...... ---
credit of. the- profe-ioti. It i tur ba-iie-.-
lo pn. .rxe the t-eth. rather l an
to dc-iro. tjiftii. and no tjth ln-ulil
t-v-jr-be driven v. inch can po.-i.'dy W
.-avi-il anti-kdlfoli) matle to htii U
piirpt-- ffcfi' nuuit,r of )uir "
.re ptr-ii hard b-. Jtnt in Svi-e i
- otk -voiild ti ink o. i you -j vat a
iliv .n tht- t-tab i-hm-.r'. If a At--aii-l-eih
haelieen xjarti-uKrl. .ad
lf in-i-- ui.titi i w.t'e-
-Lv o exiH-rit-ne- mucli iroutr.? :n
pukti-tt: chihl-eti"" I'eth '
S'-tEe st r.ll U e nevijr force rh !-tU-'t.
ii: th- cK.r. ami if the. 4vtv
itCi n rvoi;-- t..; r
r;":e:iin bx titling f - titer 'hittaf".
n-i wrfut in- -eud thsaj Lome, telu-ig
iie'ii lo -al! f i-c-ofTow. ad tnra thy
lni teei
eloni i;eir Ii.rir t -eth ull ea ly. rl
i: v4-'n '
... .-. .. . ..
vt.-j. .No, ir. it w fo tttc
nrtnn ami fhil i.t-a -rfco njtke ta
trotble in txv- Ik -. Il t itn-n.
A new -torv is eatitlfd Ta Ed-
. -.. aa rm .
i Itor s talJT, ana tn iowcii u:uc
I thiakj that it stu: fce flat
. .' ... ... ..... t ...v. i. riKo-. -
BtyU That OI.:.a la rplttf
1 -rnni vim kit iiK iv ..
sll- '
r.e. alio rr:o w ie vwrrvw irum .
b any one eNe. It ha- att i:iie ennitf
as yet, anil mrsnn lrle each " do
."Oliiething t In-pi! abg.
In the m!!-r f ' ?taUon-r. the
cr Wl th" i- :r hie a ty'-c of
r,!'i"' ixvn le t carvIiiKr ti -Jf.
zrA. tint anl gerTil Jn-li.n of fr
nr :ud I'Utiliii'i". t ifd mhi pr-ffT,
- .-.2 t m. -- a.
ami n lo;t it a- xuur o'. n . "--t
:?! imt I it h.v-.a-- di-linct -
'lii ! t1.4 t)i. ble ryin ch .
g.4l .MCindard -tvlr nt gT!. a- uv9
ar" p cii-tMtilh in tefc by -I t . lief-,
axtj crtu ala- K fMiut h I :h
-:i-ej nt xiii nr w r' tWh-tir.
the i.-ir u-k- I" lor lrv. Jiie "iiic--.
.J ilg '' tke rri stfit" jafT.
th- ii . - e.rat.e b'li- ;x t rl ' Kl
M li'ii wiueh :j.- lnret t v-rc are
it ;:-!it"uv fin ie rn i ipp .r
af: r a itjotH.H nl re knowrr :i nr.
liie i!nia-r am' iri er Ct- p-xin-r
cho-rii th more elegant- A iiu-eii v
p. r. eream vfete ia tint no! l'ttle
r-'ti !ie.i ! .tu kn -h. i- v rv gt--! ta
a pejf.etiv -ih t . "t in . jda'tf
tin -b. w ich 'Mi'f r-ler a- ar t'
wr.ttiMn. .pia nt"- d
lh pit ii r- -Hivi d let i I rvt 'e--than
littv cent- H-r .pur-, wine i'tkur
tight- and the- icoot-i l.nih nlojli i
no' pl-tie lini'h-tJt lwt I."-.- ntr'.i .-rn-l,
can be bue-J.i at low a- hlfrii
v-m- jn'r juire
I hat i. prov lej on- ttr hav in
jMati'itM. ti not le thin fixe .ior-..xt
a tune, 'lh s i- au -rote the nu I n--xcuient
antl eh-ase-4 w.t. l do t rt
b? -t.nt oner- .Kc th- avert ye
vxoin.iu but - her paper by the -.:'
jtine timet) Inn-- of a hutulted.
an I chatiT - her -tv le v'h erx mr t
Nt'h ng -'io-iM vac th- pi uuiitf- t.J
rlir paper except tt.e atl-lre-, v bieh
may t pijnt-l tr et.grtvxed at th up
tM u e -beet, tir th- iti : and arm it
i x:- .i"- them Tile- ate nllmt ifoe.
hit ruotio.-ram atil hnrv tb -ign- wit
all wt. -lioultl b- trovr"l tlovt n.
TJi ta nun .. titireg --altng wax.
w Et-h hns recent Iv ) ert r-V:ved. is an
ex. .d ng'.v p.e y an I n- ble custoiti
'III. si al u-eti -ho'dd e -ttltll. nbtl
may 1 r one'" t-rct. anii-K tiKMiojfrtm
or i'l a', but never a p"C rttnie or miiv
thing t.f that -ort A- . the wax. it
i- wM! to -eb-ct oin- lavonte color and
it-.-13 habit.iallv. though lanuiv jh oplo
prefer xar.elj ill :'i!5. alltf It l- juried
i-al'owable. A para:rnpli wiiich vvt-nt
Uie rxmiitN of t ir paiH-si-t latt pr.i.
gave the "-cut intent- iK-note-l by th- va
riott-obr- of wax, 5it' thit i pur
ntoit-"'--. eeept tint petipl- in tuoitrii
111" -hfllld tl-e black. '?h cottlllloM
itt.lor i- re-1. though tor- inline Inly
pa'egre. 11. grny i.r blue t very pi-itv.
I 'on 1 u-e t)i- vTaiei- iiuulu ti
Uti nJ. iteal which ' toiii-tiHie-
fee. 'I hex ar- not w'.ial sb-v pret- I
to. . ami -hrr- snoidd aiwat b.
tli"tce.ragetl. "fi e ibit-e'toti- (or iimg
wax an-ouietiiue t-lalHiiatt -iml coin
jdi -at"tl. but it is le-illv vt,rv tiiitpl
mutter: Hod the tiok of wax
tin liame of a lamp on in-,-'. a a
oniid'e 1- apt to mok- ati-l bum th
VI .-VX. When -oft. tol.t-! fat llie-llttl-
op-, and if enoueh doe-, not conic tll
lepeat I he piot'e--, ,Mnlc J ol
vix 1 r mi utl :ut io H.b! if vtiiu m!
1-. rxi"d. and t d- th- "i gentle pit
vir-rtvifh th- linger-tlin t not harm It.
Tketl hold the lett-r -iter t'j- hllitfi.
w vx thivt nwanl. t.ll mi- tl I mii
lav th lett nlntMi, tak.- up ttie .il.
br-ntl- upon it. and pr it tlrtiilx-
upon; the wax. lettoig 1 -tatttl a mo
ineiit to cool. It it vvtjl to- r!ati tk
-"-ii iH-e.-i..nII). ami wnh noinr
-hii. t.rer the -eiil lel-ir- ttMnif If il
hut line n'. how titer, thlt l- apt tr
liil Uieui up and give an i.oouUtfacU'rt
intor-F-tfion. ' HwtitL.
T?n-r taH me yta'.r tilh--a lover ol
p'e-t ry.
"Y. I fore ,,,.,.,-' a 'hir rg.j tlfM.
, ...
afir iiuight
Vt nnt I tour ti-nntiH.ii m poturyr
ri"try. my tl-ar f-ilovtv. m the h-
.line in naUir-. th t-nttit fill ta
iiiiit-ht. "
I -c- the triHg Immiji": of euiMmon
HMj.-sMt ami all Utnt t-irt of l4nj: "
"Kverx man Kio Wx- '- -nniifil
Iia HH-lhiK wt- th-jkwI mi hm tUhl
!' . at titte 't tran yarninjc l '
!lov th- air Tind 1 ft lwj-lf by the
tt trnj Vi. I o t.M.-gal thnt w.ty
axts'U. (in n '
"Poetry i the (.a.rln-:u- of Jif- tie-t
frajjranee t i -, th- hxM-ni of at. I
"And the detraction 'tt e-ry nw-
r-ajM-r man "
-it tIU Ui oil with ndf-, wifa
tb f-t. lual jt mo-intjia ptm. andl
a. .-
..... .a.. r . a
rti l eMiimiif u2fc'
"Hut it t-itt t pay Utvrvnt or put 'Aul- tJe .. .taj uifcI ! I-nwr. -.v
..i ... ... t .... ..
ton on a -'art. ;ni'taci. .it inii a.i :.' ,-
Ter.isp not lt : ran Ml a ralotir n- a Uiuti -'J o-at "il -ajilh
th- n-.c of H xtti ' -nl of t.i- -mr. f r nt tmtpt.rt .
"lVnt it mitt pet ' p- In a piuc
ron't Mi
Th-re V n'i ti- (a'xtin -WH'unc
on toti, iiJ tnnn. i hate , jnetry
atftitt vnis"
M.i'v t not, Uit 1t- got litiJa-
Mowing itiftt. Ton. ta t
laAt t'i r what a -v-4 "in
trur tt'sdar x bl' T
ttii'. . ajT a-' o; ,m
jat Jw "tt tf : it ulkifit. s if
z. I tti l:l brxtih ts '- 1 --
-,f- ;t ia -i- a-r. 1 rm . : a
:m3. At ."t natara)t tcw ay U
&a rtp!f!4i tarawal) nnt fiat. aJMi
Jsn we sH ho-H- It3ml w ars.
Larjcr'i Xatmr.
othr day. an I a vrarch ruaibr for t rt-
nltl in the lindiog of n& let than
oi th S&zer adornment, bu, ttranga
a aak VKa aAM CvlU f i a Ma. .
, -' --' "-o": ": --v cji
., -a.-Vvrtt
! W " ! r m . " w -" a -Ma aaj- -jv-aaBi """ " " r -i - T aa. -
a. j -T---i-aaaa m -ta-r- m - paaa-. -a
TV va(a.a MUtJ, alv. laa VAa-..l t.
. . l . .
Whin eooVinj ban add --,al!
tcapon of (tlera; 7A (l-e r
. Water in vrhwh bwr. tl fc.!
g,vd fr U .nr. ami al to hitfi
the (ac and ha $- -.V. ) I !.
-IV"p rwJtitaS rn ntl x lt -r.r) ' -
t'oa of te oi riv n pwp.H't) -
ti-e of iair and njef r ai-:
lwSTC-,h 'ri' nd p l '
rhcb ru icl lr h"g lr--ie
r.tkv .n a knt Uhm and are of- r -tfjui.t
of hjc cht4a io-l w
- A ru Cure f.r St4t ' ri
tlr7ff erto c ati m ti dr-r
v. nU t lUmpcti n I tt'e c'fe- an I i'
It the torn. Afji r
time- x da) V it a ?to tiw e . ki
in a xv n-L. lt4o'i ti V
W-xl lo.xf !r in t!u -t a
it c re. f.r biiic&c iiim- ' xi"
Jnemd t4 Ciwd trill Xr Iin l : x .
hnv- bt'tTVtl I Mt'A S-
ouier xte aatl utu-i an-l
a .en e.
I'm; hi j. Wiut!
ind ! 1 t -r one Uur r -
Tht Iai.frv T'HtttM. xh'. fH '
:t9ng. '4J N' c irrf tt J i' !'
-.-xhe vz l-pit n ti iut. "
p.IVi" I It to 'lio;lrl hm attn
Ux nop into jr - lirh iwi
lv iie-.tro tnn irlod-t r.lM I TOf
tki-. ver) r- koe; Im.uI4 -n
harr th- run st U plm trfti t
Chi't'jy ' i no.
i v r t-r im Ui JirWA VV
Jorn i." tie lar-t 8&U ttW '! i
thrt ke-d t lh- Itit ht 4-etae "
ejtch leg a W t V el t nl t III
Z two itirt.-. i k -I t fritf .
erampa I'tttu-m-r mj. hA otlr
ti'ght, rv .ng h! ui w.ik hhv.
fountl ,ln- pl.xn :i -ft) mini I
certniu and p-i m-.u tK rt4trf.
I hn-t i iiiorv t-.f-ir the 5 '
crop than lit uiy ChT' btil
Miitlb-r ft?wl enbtx pnfiviwst- ar-
and with tneai Lie ta th
par nerlv or tiiiitt n til . f,..
tHtivt(M-i. vrku-h hixvs ht-t rwar'.- t
tow jtrlce-j the ja te twa
vej;et!tlt'e max b timt) 9-f t .
to the tttet -J.Hrai re .'
Potpie Soavl ux ! r
iMef or ckU-kra tbi-r- iHet '
hour !.' we rvtnK tia-r t at 1
ltter vtith .in .iiuttt mm
fllt t-Jftf. tl- t ll'Mt4 .I1 aaisl t
tiiir hnif t--MMittil of .!a '
lilt -aoitgh with tls-wr u IV r
from a -j-ntn I'owr it ia vvmh i,.
ing mevt. .Hid h ia- ntw
,lie .V. a- A.' iMi tttrmrr
Attettt on !; -ea enlletf m '
tahtiv t'.ti-i lt lime f utm ' t
'iii ni- til 11 nmain
r.4.: f
Ijt-ari ti ilii-t
it m Ik of il
-ari to ida-tratr tk ptvtN-r' p.--
itv-ltni tm.i ir.
pifltiet It ol pi iotu(j .1
.tt'nrwnilk ,n iv lajtlr. in '
lurM-rt- met r ' wi- tnai Uei'
.- -till tktl n. ot.ll tl r ao'
o.r.-. Utit :!itt tk mill., attt r a '
it . Ih-. ttttt b-tif tJ1 it- in
v 1 touch t. ' At. i a Intmr .
v--tHjti (ke a-- aatl a 'i'i
lM'rnU tit itnlv.-ityeti tHifac. t.w
jhhii.1 fiot tvtt;- -,
lk)t ;i
tin I ami itt ! U"inn. .
a t wttMufiil ot htti.iMf i tlr ilt
n to th- Hour, n IHtl.i tit Ikni '
xelrf- tf Ike -'g nal Mir xrr t
ou-blt. tile II tvltl lit illltlM
iM-ilr-n vt Ii Uit t .k-" ."ifsf-
ti tin not batl-r lh- asi
uIhii )hLi1 turn ii .1- ttt.wti ' it
Th -.uivittly itia. thit.t kawi
1. limit.
n.r ru
Hlr. t.Mft f Ha.t M.a.- f 1 1,
ail. X ItftOl.
'J 5r -iirlr fall ikm b-t tia-t
vUist to mk- !. -ltri.t a. "i
corn thn -V t..l r.- k ,.l . t.
ittt is vitabtv -bun mmI ftu - '
tin. Jfirr.i. Iroia Ui?rrnt uax'
I!Ii.ri hjm! (- Htat-. Iin. .
we 1 1 tt t- y matt)' bt-atilt- hi-tv--.-
of greiU m-fit t4 tn l
tid.ii.fel itiKtr -ol aa! t-bwH-
wuit tr :li.Mtt R)T ar-t In-.
fri t'-r r-g',. Wkit I i-m -t
et,trag tr tr aJ ! fum tog a-
r",p; " -M-.ta-tiUag in .
-.. I it 'wm to arat ,rt
ctiltlt iaHt o . wh li
th mmxui i:Jmttl Wimai-W,.,,,
b-air 'tK-nbtx
rl- i t -d froia tl hnt --.j
-.iMt tl thi U -i-H n tJ- irii
"i- .irti.w forth rf,. .,-
er -xf -t-w-tiou itt4tf ft Al ,
t- -rl at4irf. jjiv. ,) i 'Mr t
Ut-fiain- th- r.t-nriilt nr I . I
ttf cHuwu v r- "tttal tlw iviirii l
lit- tttf i ilwN tttr rr r.i. i
Anl lt.i -- nf-vfa yr-a l
iil tv f n't in oti ni tti .
riit. vtH tn groiiic i,
Afav u&nrM" .r.!!- for ?
orlJMrn n jfwn hiiit tamaM0 r-. w
! - f -. n fei-h n .- !-
t-r t- .. xtrtt."-ti tip. a-v I
l"ira; H- a'- vt iigl r.f, 1
. a A ... a
"' rv r !.. -i -
mii''- wl Ir fli - -a
lh- I iiwt h-iajrr hjj.. rtnit.
jj-tfii ytai rm wf ar u itn
tJt oia-d r -fV-tt It $fe
lh f'z - '( xt. -4 f tttn
jtl;-uivf oit! bs ttrm-J aft
pfuvtUf fr-aa
j-ric ng bv
jjaJ." a ir I
Xwit. te-l-r
tfn "r ta-". v m mrm w-i
tear -mt ..-. aavj rx
& tWitL
IVw t a U t vSta. rnn
-ir4 -! tthmUl Utlht aaiti .
tav- ata V-. I ipffe-rfta tit iktu
trra(s, atai- tttut .-- -
mvtr br.-$-H ar U aa 'H rmr .
fcaai f itvfcrtj Ug kW'ar-. a?-rt.
--iM aot i4.-' lav -.
almt-t ewrtiaolv m eeod rjfet I
hkn bttivr tae u4s ot tho etarfc -r- w
wire, jm ia the bntt of m r i I
a. .a A W -
t uptra o?er a tcitica: wi::. .-to, j.
. jfvrrvse.
So &:
l tttziz-:
Jl i.
Jl.t .
amn -?-iC ?v "s . j-
St ' T -ai " j J jJg.Lsi.
aaaaat-r." -.T-.r:i-s-p5-e - r Rjxr..a. - .a