!3 : v.t? rrvi -JF" : X t -: ' -JJ fr jpm aukiitsnvfmif rfH i) f WlW , 5- The Red Cloud Chihf A. C. HOSMER, - - Propilotoi kkida'y. .skitkmijek fa issn. -1 1 0 If il ' HI f ' J t S. I 'Jltflli'.!:m We :u; author. 7il to ..iuiu!tv tlie 'ijune of .1. I'.Al.I.a. .ic;i!Kii.!.il.' for the otltrcol filer ill ot Vtt't uui.t. Hilijift to tli: !cci-j!t of the ltujdihllcan oiihty eoiiienlloii. .1 II l'i:J!.MAN uiUl-:t camli'iate for tie- ot Slif-rJlt ot Webster "OHMtv. uH'l to t:- u'-:l' f the l!"iuM!Mi nih;. eo.i:nita. to be litU! (.-toi.-r 1. im5. ):k;im!'.i: i m.j:i-. ltv ijtiiit ! m-oiy iiifiti v.e are :iwllxr-li'-'l to :iii!i(uii( the liciiK' : J'ilIN 1'. HA VIIA a a eaielhlat.- :.r the : nt lei-i-ta I ilvl of Wlil"i eoint. siibjert to til' -v'tlon of tl' n-jHitiii-;iii 'iiHty otr.t'tttiii t- t-j held lti it.-J CloieJ. October i. J&. riitxn f-LiMifj.": i:nhnt. t V.'. hl'IClNOlCi: v.iIIJk? a randltUtte helore lb'. !-jiiill!-uiioiitj Hr.'ntJiii tolie lieM m Itot ('iihkI. (tto1i-r l. 1-.'.. Jor ollire of Stijei Ii teiali'til ol i'ubnc Instiucikrii ol V.slt4Jt muiay. j'oit iei.AStJti:t:. Vt'circ atltJHirJ" to amioiiacu tiieaiiw o 11. li.iloNI'ri" a- a rauaitlatc for tlir oke ot tll,t tniiMIMT lf Vf!itT coimtv. ti-.'t to Mi-a'llo:i ol !'n rfpuMivn:! touuty tmncntioa. lolnr 1, 1kC. rollC'il.Nl V Jt'IHllL P. A. sVKirA.iri!lii.- lllll.vstll lw a miMll-!kU-J'r tin- o::lc- of I'oiititv .IiHtRc of V.VlrtJ-r oimi'..ul.j-i't .to tJi ili-cl-ilim of Uiu lUHwWicnu .OUUlV COllfC.tloll, OcttjK"r 1. l."3J. TOU ro.MUIHIuNhK. '. IfijlH-Ht of IlUIMlTOUS otTH Of IJas3Ilt UIU ir'rjwt v.'l an; autliorircil to aimoutirt; lli i .iai"of 1. I- TKt'NKilV as a t-amtitlati-TortLf ulllf' of county noiiittiMlMm r ot Wi-liMt-r countj sul.Jirt to th- action of tit- tfii:lJkaii county t'onwntloti, October 1. JfS. ron cor.N" I . sritvri on. I r -ijiccifullj aiiiioinic' nns'-H a camliilat'- tor tl:v oflW of f'oMHty Sur.ejor. -.iibji-r-t to the ae tloii of the ii'iul)llean county i'oiientloii. r. r. Ki:i:i. Oar J'rctin'tniis. Our friend i xhonld not forgot tliat Tmi: Cnri:r oJIVt." to all nuw nbHctibor-. tor onn yc.ir in utfrancu, and all old trim wbo pay back accounts and a year in advance tbree premium', viz. one silver wnteb, oik; silver ca-tor, om not of silver forkd. Kitber of the pte ininms is beveral timed tlie value of a yeans mbficription. Tbe diuwini; of premiums will take place January J, 1 Sf)G. Don't for-t. CITY NEWS. En. You.v; baa j;one west. Tiik fair rotind-s are now fenced. F. ItuAimiiuoK liart returned from Inwa. Mu. F It. Gi'Mf in on tbe ick list tbis week. A t..K(JE number citizens Are goini: to tbe .-tate tair tbis week. V. II. Fi.aus was in Beatrice last week, uttendini; tbe reunion. A: soTHKi: watermelon added to'llli: Ciiikf's outfit by Ellsworth Tbenuas, of Elm Cii-ck. Tiik unti-monop. brethren bave le -Vled to bold a county convention, October 2, ISS5. piunk: Vtkins, of The Times, IMue II ill, toppd over Saturday in tbe capitol.enioute for Indianola. C. H. lIosroKD has Rone to Lincoln. wber' be will bave on exhibition borne f.no l'l mouth Kock poultry. E. F Ft:us lost his pension certifi cate. If any one has found il they win please leave it :il this otlice and oblige. They bave been excavating tbis week lor a cellar' where Henry Cook will put his veneered brick btote. north of Vbo Ealey's. Hikam Hicks, whilo at Ucatriec, was -obbed of $7 and his ticket, by pick- ockcts. The rest of Red Cloud ol imo all ri:ht. .'im Minp.h has returned home from 'ahfurnia. While in Utah, Jim is said o have broken bread with the Mor mon Elders. How is it, Jim ? Tip: CiUKF would suggest the name J II. Kemshcrg as a candidate tor io office of county coroner. Mr. emsberg would make a good officer. T:trs"KKY fc Scott will sell seventy i oiul of cattle on the 24th. at their -anch near Atnboy. Terms, ix tnonth. lime. See their advertisement in this ue. Fkok. Smith, who nssissted in hold ing the teachers institute recently, was in Ked Cloud Saturday. He has been MigageJ as principal of the Guide Hock school. Mus L. M. Pierce, of Medina, Ohic, .ie tnotiier of Mrs". Howard, Mrs. Sher- fl' Warren, and A. 1. Tierce, who was ported as dying, is recovering,, we e glad to learn. '.' H. PorrEi: and wife, and Chas. lviscbow and wife, and A. Lauterbaeh d wife, were in Lincoln this week 'tending the state fair. L- 11. ltust ' iNo in Lincoln. : x ; another place in to-day's Cn:r.F oe ftiuud a call for the precinct : - -naries. Every voter should be out Lnke part in the election and se- iv n of delegates. Mks. C. E. Wood lost her gold watch Friday evening, but fortunately tyered it on Saturbay morning near e residence of Mr. C. E Kcnahon rm :re sue nan ueeu attending the ; ..ptist social. .4 Tiik people of Webster county are 'ious for township org.mtz.ition. and n. petition will be gotten up to submit :'i proposition to the people at the ' ning election. In some counties of f -.t-ttc the proposition has met with t..ior and in other counties it is no ; "y rpreciated" How the people ac-IvI iike the change m Webster cr.mty, an only be found out by a tnrti of the supervisor system. It will jp e an expense of something liko $-J0v to make the change. EVENTS OP IKE TCSSK. Re: Ci.orn was well represented at Beatrice this hot wwt. Mit?. B. F. Mizi.lt Ihis been (i th bi.l: li.t fur a fun da;..s. Cli. r.u.V Foi'.T, :i brother of L. If., is is in tho city on busmen. A. W. Coi-i.MM) and o are' its Kan-a pro-pecing for laud. Miss Kmm Brown, of Chicago. U- linois i vishinj; Mrs. A. L. Mitchell. I.Kv: Mooitn. "uu h.ae Iieen in Iov.ti for ruveriti week.-, rcittrnud home thi- wo'-fc. Mi:.--. V.'x. iicrrxuncLn.of Ijeariaton, Ii!a.. is vi.sitinjj tier brother II. V. Hr'j'.v'cr. Tin: new chool boildiajj will soon bo cicct'il, :bu brick work having beon Jet to II. t Co. Don't furjjc: that f-'auirday i jmy day in tijo Homestead, lUtihling and Loan A--ociatiin. Tiik IlHptiat roeiablu at Mrs. C. Jl i'eru-on'a was a very pleasant, event last Frida evening. Il:y. E. iJoKssr, of nine Hill preaebed in the Presbyterian church !aM Sunday morning. Ki.v. J. L. Lowke, u? Harvard, oc cupied the pulpit of the I'rehbyterian cburcb last Sunday evening. Uev. llv&KU of Urd, 'cb.,de!ivereI an excellent lecture on the life of Grurt at the eour'.-botHe Mond.ty nignt. I' 11. LvxY, wlio has been repairing the Gregg & Kyer elevator at tbe depot, lot-, about oom;!cie-J tbe job. Iti.v. J. L. Lowti:. of Harvard, will preach in the I'rc-byterian cburcb next Sunday, morning and evening. W. .Jo-sj:i.vv( our genial train agent, wbo has been on a bunting expedition for about two week.-, bus returned home. It Micni' to us that the rents in Reil rioud hbould be lowered a trifle to keep in pace with tbe condit'on of the money market. A.T. Avkiw and wife, of Tennessee are again in ebraska after an absence of about onejvear. They will remain in Xebia-ka about two months. IloitKirr Gi.; and Mr-;. Lina M. Frot, were united in marriage by llev. (Jen. Yeier, on the I (th of September, Ihf, all of U-iborne count , Kas. S. A- LK.(.fi: ami I). l Sheeka. old vel'. at pre-ent ivsi lents of Hitchcock county took in the sights of Id Cloud while homeward bound from the Ke union. W11.1. Mosnnn has sold his residence on Sewaid .-.Meet to Mr. .1. F. Winter and will go west to hunt up a location to go into business. Tin: C'iiikf wishe him succes.-. Fi:iiy and Saturday tlio firemen's enteitainmentH lake place, September LS and I'J. Tbe boys are making strenuous elfoils to bae tb fine.-t en tertainments that has ever been ivon to the Ked Cloud public. Lvr Sunday Til : Cm r,r and family visited John Parke? and family at their handsome farm four miles west of the ( ity. John is settmg his farm into nice .shape and will soon bave as fine a farm a? there is in Webster tvtintv. Tin: farmer.s are rejoicing over the prospects for excellent crop. Everv place you may go you will find an abundance, and consequently the farmer is happy, and Tin: Ciukk i pleased to see the farmers on tbe high road to wealth. Two or three genuine cowboys, suen as used to haunt the Republican Val ley a few years back, were in the city on Friday. A real cowboy ba-j become quite a novel ight in Red Cloud, al though it has been but a btt!o while since they moved west. Tin: gnnd lodge of Qdd Fellow meets in Ila-ting on October 23. !:-io. Tbis is expected to be one- oi the larg gest attended lodges ever held in the state. Red Cloud Lodge So. G-l will probably attend in a body, as will tbe other lodges in the county. Vrr.sTi:i: county will have one of the best fair- that has ever taken place in the Yallev. on the 7th. Sth and 9th of October. Everything is being done to make it a success that possibly can be. Let the people do their part ami the county will have had a fair that they can look back upon with pride. Shorty Watkins, of the lUue Hill limes, was in the citv this week j Shorty wont duck hunting while here and bagged a couple of Colorado rab bits. He say- be is harder to fill up than n democratic, editor Thomas, of the Holdrege Republican, ami King, of the Red Cloud Helmet, take notice. lieiikelmmi Pioneer. School opened Monday with an un usually large attendance, there being fully 360 children on the first day. I: will be the aim of Prof. Picking to give the children every opportunity to ad vance and become efficient in their studies, and his experience for many vears in the school room especially fits him for that purpose. Tiik following suggestive lines were found on the door of a dugout on an abandoned claim in Scott county, Kan. IVot to Water. M .MIlos to Ffl. Inches to H I. U0l Hul-sOci: IIoms. J. H. Smith and wife, of Red Cloud, have been in our county for -everd days, visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Kim sey. Mr. Smith has been kind enough to accomodate the real estate firm of Presson it K;r with his team to trans port emigrants to Eureka Park, Col. Mrs. Smith is a sister of T. C. and of course upon her arrival T. C. by her request, slaughtered the fatted calf, and the Prodigal, not tipping the scales at any less than 325 lbs. partook heart ly of the proffered element to sustain j life. Benkclman Flower. ! P.DPOP.TORIAI. POINTS Hon. J. S. Qiuhxv. was in Lincoln tin-. week. Mr. M wnk. of lowa. h visiting C. IJ. C'roni thJ vrack. John AMnn tlio CAthcrioti Ulii inj, ua.-. in toKii tin wi-eV. T. J. Htvi.vj:hoi;:. of Illinoi:, ait oU! fHffiI f I'ruf. l'ickitii:. j? in Uju city. The U t .M jmv cir ul :he litirti of Ui nulronl 1mt happy oi ;be i4th. j VMtmA McXKsr hare Wight the j Jr.ke SeJJcrs iisot ittiii lire irnproyuig j il. H J. W'alkkh hu! it $75 hore kiiUJ : on V.'cJaesday, by boin hooked 13 si j cow. j K. W". Ca.ck, of 2"ew York, brother j o Hot. 0- C. Gis;, i- visiting in the j city. j Thi: social l Mrs. Geo. i:. (.Jntes on i Mmdy evening win ft srAJ SRC cest. V. W. CAKPMtie and wife, zwl Geo. Holland ami "ft tie, were in Lincoln this week. 1;. W. Sttto"? who has been oa the sick list for some two or thro week pt U recovering. Joiissr YotJVi, the onierp"uing merchant of ki?ertou. was in l!d Cloud Wednesday. Rkv. G. L. Lmvcit will nreach morn ing and evening in tbe Congregational church. Everybixly invited. Mas. M. Albbimit returuc-! from i in-worth thk week, where nbe has been visiting her son, Lew Albright. II rry Feiuiit, J. S. Rothroek, W. X. Richardson, A. A. Pope, and many other Rrd Cloud people are in Lincoln this week. Rev. IlA'vVf.r.r bought the Commer cial house and will move it onto his lot.- wc st of the Traders Lumber yard on Fourth Avenue. Hon. .J. L. Ku.ey and wife, who been visiting in the east .'or several weeks, have returned to Gmi's country, and very glad to get home. Rev. G. W. Hcmmem. went to con ference this week. The goxl brother baa been preaching for the Methodists south of the river for .-ix year. 1). C. Sa-h, one of the editors of the defunct Holdrege Equity, w,is in tbe city on Wednesday before the pension board, as an applicant for a pension. II . Pvok and Peter kasquire, of Alma, I). C. Nash, of Holdrege, and a Mr. Douglas, of Nu-kolls county, were before the pension board Wednesday. The Baptist A.-sociatiou and Sunday cbool convention have been in se-ion this week in Red Cloud, at the Baptist Church. Tbe-ie meetings are always ol great interest to the church, and its membership. ). G. Wu.kku and family go in a mouth or thereabout., to Victoriv British Columbia, to io,ide for at lea.-t I a ear, to vi.sit iri ' uher, who is na val inspector for Her rii;sty 3 gov ernment at that point. Tin: Qui rjv fire Jenarlmeut l."ve had some line scenery painted fo4 their entertainment entitled: "The veteran of 1S!2, or ICe-iah and the scout." Everybody should turn out ami help the boys out on their fir.st ap pearance. H. I. Coxvkkss formerly with the Jones tt Magee lumber Company of Red Cloud, was in the citv this week on a plea-ure tour, while his visit in Kan.-.i.-. Mr Converse is now ea-hier in the Pi.;tt Valley Bank at F.eUwnod. Nebraska. He thinks Red Cloi 1 h ts made --ome wonderful changes. Tin: Republican voter nf Red Cloud pre :inct are hereby notified tli.it the primary election for said precinct will take place at he court-house in Red Cloud, on Saturday, September 26. 1SS5, and the transaction of such other busine-ri as may come- before such meeting. J. S. Gii.iiam, Committeeman. Hon. W. ;. Tvn.01:, of (Julhertson who has represented Hitchcock county in the st ite legislature for the past two or three terms, tairied in Red Cloud a short time while on hi way homeward from the Beatrice Re union. .Mr. Taylor is a 'ypical western gentleman ami justly popular xith the people of the western fionticr. The Chief takes pleasure thi- week in ushering tne "Hughes Boys" of De Witt muniy. Illinois, into the news papurworld the luung purchased the Clinton tlilinoi-) lirflisirr. The boys are old time friends of The Chief and w wish them success in the newspaper world, knowing that they have the ability to get up a first class news paper, the only o! jection is the bovs belong to the democratic party. John M. Snowdilv an old time Pitts burger and a veteran of the late un pleasantness, having served his coun try honorably during the war of the Rebellion, visited this city last week. Mr. S. is a fine scholar and i excel lent pensinan. We learn lie is a can didate for the otlice oi Recorder of Deeds in Hitchcock county the county of his adoption. We trust the peonle oi t hat rapidly crowing part of the stute uill cast their ballots in his favor as he ;is eminently qualified to fill the position to which he aspires. The teachers of Webster county met at the school house in Red Cloud k-u-t Saturday. Bu: a few were present. Th e exorcises were interesting oeing made so by the presence of Prof Smith of the Guide Rok Schoo's. Several topics of interest were discu-sod and arrangements tor the next meeting were made. Miss Myra Brewer w.ia elected secretary and Miss Eva J. King was added to the executive commute. The next meeting will bj held at Red Cloud the second Saturday in October, at which the principals of our graded schools will be present and a rich treat i expected. GEHEP. AMITIES. y.iu I. KxiBtc i- vw.ng in Gute. Go 10 J. N. Rirkard for farm lon Go t? J- . R:ckrdVtor farm lout.- Jim Potteh is abdotit on n un dvi snipe htm; Fmxk Quioijet, dcpair P. M, was in lancoln tht week. Oi.iveu Dowxs cot back afire (rout the reunion, on ilwulay, ?Air.unr WjiRars UttAt a esmty man to Lincoln 0:1 Monday mgaL A. 1. PAmoft ud wif $tre expocted iiuine Uib Week foin bw. AxoTHl.a lo4 of fresh gfvictrks .S Biii bird's tip town hiu-k &tm. Thi. iargpt Uxrk of tindervar xn the comity at tbe Goklen E;le. Rev. Cuiss will preadi at the Metbndit chnrch next Sunday fit 1 1 oclH'k. The GoldfnS-gledomif store will goon move to tbe new store bail; by iu proprietor. A. CaKF8LL. Kc public n Valley Biviicn Superintendent of she B. A. M.. wa in the city Monday. J. I. U'.tjia. our genial count? clerk and a candidate Ur Register .f Deeds was doing tbe itate fair this week. Ki. T'akess ha- r tamed from Council Blulls, Iowa. briitKiuR with him his wife's sister, Mies Lucy Par- doo. W. IIorcuTox, A neon Higby. D. Zerwekh, Geo. ycng, and L. II. Wal lace weiQ doing the state lair this Week. Divini: service will !e held in the! Catholic church, at Red Cloud, on Sunday, the 20 instant, Joseph Clery, Pastor. f I. Si'anooi.k. treasurer of the Western Implement Company, of Ked Cloud. Xen., wa? iu the city IVday. Omifi-i Brr. Wtareg?ad m le&m thut J. Hi Remilerg's bearing w slightir improv ing. Tbis will lie gratifying news to his ninny friends in this county. Tiik young ladies who go water mel on "conning" and making a peep show of other people's houses ought to be ashamed of themselves. Tats should not happen again. The Chicago, Nebraska, Kansas it .Southwestern lias been surveyed through PlainvilL, an 1 by next spring the cars will be running to our city. I'htinville i linole th.) Rrr-.L Or:: genial friend Jul. Wiener 'nan embarked in the news and stationery business with Walter Kleeman. The firm arc enterprising young men and possess the necessary vim to win sue- cess. Tiikrj: will be a Sunday sch ool con cert and necktie social at the Ash Creek school house under tbe au.-pices of the M. K. Church, Friday evening, September 25. Refreshments will lc served. Ocii fiiend, W. H. Ludlow, senior proprietor of tbe Red Cloud brick yards, h.s gone ba'k to Indiana on a four weeks vi-it after a stay in Nebras ka of many yers. Tin: Ci:rK ni-los hiiu a very pie tiant journey aud visit. I). IS. .I'nk;i.e. president of i'm Western Implement Conit'iny. recent ly organized in this city, l?0. f.-r tiie '.vest this wei-K, to e.-tal.hsh --: ra' ... i. e. new m.us- lor li.s rump my. on "-W Obrrlin branch of the B. it il". . In our columns to-day we announce the name of F. A. Sweery. of Blue !J:!l as a candidate for county Judge. Mr. Swee.y is 1 well known gentleman of tliat city, .and a gKHi iawynr. W e aho pree.it the name of D. F. Trunkey, ol Pleasant Hill precinct, by request of a number of voter of that precinct, for county commissioi.er. Mr. Trunkev will make a good olli.:r. Wk take pleasure this week in call ing the attention of our readers to the new aihertisunet.t V)fG. A. Duck er, proprietoi ot tbe new dry good and notion stoic, which appears in another column of today's paper. The new store will be opened about October 1, in the room occupied by 0. Wiener. it will pay our readers to wait for the openi ng or the new store, as they will make monev bv 0 doing. k C. Wiener's ikjv brick is fast ap-1 proachiug completion ,and in n few days more he will be ready to move equipped! stores 1:1 tlc wt-t. TnRCittur wi-hes him prosperity. See hn new advertisement in today's paper. A. S. M vi:-h, who (or a number of years has been one of' Red Cloud's foremost busixuKs men, ha- sold his dry goixls store in thw city to Athow it Young, af Riverton, and will now re tire from busiues-. The Chief is sorry to Use Mr. M ir.-h from tne circle of ac tive business men of Red Cloud, as he was one of our mo?; liberal advertis ers, but in nlutover business he cm burks in, in the fuuire, we shall alwavs le pleasetl to hear of his success. A Fat Take. On List Friday night Marvin Jiarsh received wonl from tbe Louisana Lottery that hi- one fifth ticket No. tl,059 had drawn one of the principal prizes, amounting to $1 ,20J. The or iginal priz was $6.X)0 and .Varvin hebl one-fifth of the tickot, the brtlance of the ticket having been sold in variou- parts of the United Suites, atxi we undertlstand that some fellow in Central America held one of the other tickets to the same prize. Marvin is to be congratulated on his extremely good hick. Now, if the lottery company would strike some :oor editor with $1300, what reioietng there wxmhl be among the fraternity. stocks of clotldmr. eet fe;w " J" K!y PPr heading of ..rl other K! Cloud g.:.;.- m r io; . miilj i alii HiItt 11 1 mi Mirtiimei 1 . roo,lS. iKMit- and di' ,!., I.-, h" C r "tKK,t W rt'k hnt ' " MP h V k. W ' '" "' ' -c. ! ,-.: 1 ., ..-.. .1 . .. , r t 1 . -. - Tm .1 been seen in the 1Uni.,.!b.n vu 1 "'"" '-" "! i.i navai nas Hi qnot-i ri c. lev hm.! tvill i.,.v r .u 1..-. braves of a little transaction that oe- firtberilT. Ml . " UI IMTi C9t .. t i .... .1 1 j ItToojca T-EUa but Tt:riKLT ir iv.u-herty. hrjf nmx Kw pott office, mb;i MMkioxiMof fire- ntc Ue mm i t!tA.WL and n it eon Mtteuce bo u now miam a bts: toer hnqornt pcruaal prporty wlach Dr. Darll npuUi tm but j ta ! tiuii th. mt jray ..hi Thnndar rntnC atjo; t o'clork. lx .Norem.w nr4. !V. az he Tbe wound ws fntw eriof far a ? W! bcvpe"el to cftJlect the - lii:J; wbik- hm n iow betJinr hd in t h? 4 rJ f pn-mrte AIjni. jjii1 -bap-. ni he i!l eoon bav the me of his fct a f yr. Jui HrRDFLL, wh lb.- marr yrt has been connected ith tne e2artr hustns in Rrd tlt.lt will ouw tan f a bank in Goide Kock. . a Wv ma'v,e can rne iim coirter wel come (all burglar take notice,) ar.d though only an Oriental JVtoca in name, be 1? certain!? one' of lha jet Iiet and aiot bo5e u:ed felbWi we have ever met. and hne ha will mkeaiuni of w.ne in his ne venture in Guide Rock. PtsMtD' I'jp Birk came try j near ascending the G..klen Satlr tbe ot!er day wbdr bauimg bay. It teems that Pap, while dr.vr aloug with r preuy large lead aboanl. U.l tbe kmr belt gave away and let Ue wagon dtwn. and while lie was down nnder the load trying to repi tbe break, tbe J ,i W!J do.ni, catehin bis head J betwen the noUter and the hay-rark. and it a with great difficulty that he j Hat i all timr own way in the con nas r!easil, nd it was ttiaighs for a ennn. We can meet them at tbo time that be would not Ret out. How- eTer, i.e wtia anally r:eae.i ana t urounu again as uuial, with a few !es te-th aud the bark off his ooe. A New Stoke On Wednesday af ternoon Mr. John Young, of tbe firm of Athow A Young, one of the most flourishing btmin&ei bise of Rieer ton, purchase! A . i Marah's utock of goils in thn city, and wi 1 at once put in one of tbe finest and largest efcocks of general merchandise thn; is to be seen west of Lincoln. Mr. Young i not unknown to our Red Cloud people having made fr e.jtient rinits to Web ster county's capitot. He is a gentle man of ertenive btuiue-- mulinVa tions and experiences, and The Cjhu warmly welcomes him to Red Cloud Our bet wistu.- are extended to Mr. Young for a generous patronage and a succe-v fu! business career in this city. We e.uend our AeaV to th- new firm. Srtl.i. They CoMK. All the returiN being in, (. xcepi from Kan.sa wo find that tbe quota for toe sheriffalty is now tided, bot wo learn that J. H. Remuberg will be a candidate lor cor- oner. In ibis connection Tub Chief would say that there U no better man in the county for I'aat position. The fMjople from the j utii side of the river will bring up the nme of our friend, Geo. W. Hummel! for county conuuis si.ner. Mr. Hummed is well knoun in Welstur county, ami has re sided here since the county has been orgnniatl. Wo also understand that tiu pei :'.e ' f the north part of the county aie desirous of bringing Prof A. h. Funk out as a candidate for treasurer. It nominated, Prof. Funk would make a good run. Next week wa bhal! search Ka:i$as for candidates rr sner.1:. u Mrs. 5 :;ah Wiu.hms, living ai f river, on the live,- road, about cro.- four i m".1 wet of Red C!iid, has been 1110- ' Ic-.teoK.jJate b; s me lo.iftr who ha ' been mnkn' Hr-i'rrit attempts to j gain a.lmi:tatceVp her residence ui:seouHte m.urerve otner ninl the fedow came around. ahJ as Mrs W-lliam had become tired of fiijut a once. !ie firs.l a revolver at !. wbk b caui d bim t . t..L-.. n .u..Vi',Pftp much more until aft imuon uti nf aa io learc in imrrv Mrs. Williams is widow lady, and -.: ,.. lives alone, and the galoot who a ould take advantage of a deferiaeleas wo man should be dalt with severely. The uext morning Mrs. Williame pick ed up some insurance papers and let ters supposed to hava iieionged Ut tiie party, which he will make use of if his visit are noi stoppexl, and If he pers"i be propoeea to give him a lit tle powder and lead on sight, which he wuld be perfectly jtietined in doing, we should say. Ths Wicked Fx-ca. curred in the vicinity of Indian creek last Tair-liy evening. we befie. j It siens Unit some of our loan broker held a chattel mortgage on -om cauie belonging to a (Jerma.i. we of Ke-J Chaid about seven milus or more, and the instrument having become du, j and defau.t liaving been mad in tbe jwym-nt of the ame. the two geatie- men, armoii with a derringer, ami in j company with Constable Chamber 1 salliei forth in search of the mn who j I owed the mor'gage. and not finding ; lllfn llf1 t-TJ- .yw-.IM n..Wn. . ..t. I ,-. "" kv"-"'1 o a-. and were driving the ame to the city out wnen tney arnvou at Jntltan Ueefc 1 the German met them with a donble j trre:ei shot gun. whim he leveled in l in such a manner as to make the Soys i beiieve tnat he meant business, and I while the men took h.utv live of tbe i ... . r, . ,;.. . , . v - 1 tor hnMn wKa-m ;Kt T-.-r. .,.,.. ..ft .-. ,., .,... .. ..v za . i 'at- iiwxvi ot iv wic omcer and 1 hi at;als a! hro....t t Pi I Thi.. ,- I 0 tf IK I " xo. i iorgBi ;na; e now nave40.t Tk.. r- . .1 . - i 1 year old apple tree.-. 2j fot and over consisung of 35 dtiferesi vanfctsea of appias Ploasc examine our stock before bayltog eisewbere. Cloud. Jt i- 5cid that the bov actual- ? 'KWl'" f - ' ly made a mile in ll&, ittdudmg .top- i Jrege nred nere one day Dares. " "QZ."'' They oonu . t t3frg he-Rr?: 1 2otico to Tax Payora TwC"nrt itetisurr hbv inform I imiconr t? .t,or-r le. tiHOfnm 1 " fuyr of t oIhW cwtnlr n iu tj nour ;o mn Miru to priie wb ha not y4 jwI tase tt the.r mil i.Ut. roll and L - . .,-.- . imme.liteiy. nd fimcy Mt addt- ttonI cm?i. a 4M1 trraunr cm- pitted under an of tbe hm It!- tore toedteiit .linn-the muoU t4 Ocobe.-. ull land and lut on hcb the uxe reean unpaid. FARMaea grhsk:. Beautiful rain. Farmer are dooo baia. nlnwtne baa eooitoeoeed CVxn u good. jfa!J Mr. Aiiowy ha pmt io to loeate. k-" .T. ,T. ntm r w iMTnew, rer u, caie tht fctJl. Ui them .come. There ia room Titr alt 1 joiin Btbbey ke4 a fine cow the oth er day. Too much green corn. Toliucs .piteL Wo know it ic no ite (tr ue up here Otren think far oar j selves, as the people ot tbe "Hub" will poib. We .ugjet thai tbe rentral committee turet again and have "evert ruler in the crmniy a delegate to the coontv convent hmi. We would ng geat lb anme of Wm. Cather, of R,I Clond, for county cimtmiaa toner, and Cha. Cather for treaanrer. Tbe rr publicnns mut bring out a goud -trong Vdtet or tnere atll be sum audible Ittektng doo around here TarAY Ojck, COWLES. Splendid weather A. A. Peak ank C. W. Knife y axe taking in the state fair this week. Dr. Sherman, of Cherokee. I. after shot t vi-it with bi relative heie. lett on Monday lat for hw hotn m U.e Hawkeje -tnte. Hon. .1. K. Terry mde a bhort vk-it thi week, with his .n Douglas Tt;ry. Our drugi-i. Mr. Mtnicham. had re turned from a (aw weeks' visit in Min nesoto. looking much bettor than when hp -t.irtfn.1. J. H. P.ruwn ti bu tiding an addition to his hotel. The ml pleasant ufl'air ol the week w.ii a surprise party at David Paul's on TueHlay ovening, it being the S3.I anniversary of his birthday A cotnlly number were present, and a number of pre-enis were given, among which waa a meenehaum pipe, priecntel by T. J. Ward in a very nice little apuech on butialfot of the donors. Drs. A. H. Liu burger is "pending this week in Red Cloud. Aii I lord's ick children are recov ering. Father Waller xnd C. T. Chirk aru on the fck I;l this week. In my communication Inet week 'Ilie Chief makes me say "the rams of the past few days h," & m ftn,i "rt.Mil proprietor.'' I am quite sure that the manuscript did not contain such fla grant error?. Don't let th printer make this rend "fragrant" error, or you will bear from LrrrLr. ILuchet TNAVALB. Politic are at tract -ng our at tenth n so much it is itftpoamblo to writ f r a rr I t- Viftf.n ci- (watermelon ami ,o,ne ..the- thing? eomsSUebatfe given u . ii spell of siekneaw. y J Several from aroun're-i..r'ae I the reunion. t'mte h h-.- n to the tate fair :vi .. .ij'tg whom are J. 0. Cnaud" r a . $i f' Knight and btdy. M I Tlie PeopleV Lumber ( r : tea i what we talk of now. Yi . - i id ent 1 very anxkxu f r it. k h. jdi Io build a building to s fi.I. Hi ties desiring to know what f r w. ' 10. to write ns pri vilely i Charley Halt. T. J. M r nkl lov. T" T f item UltCJ Tbe genial, srmling faee (, ; Tcl- logg w j njsn on our s-trt id ar List week. m 1 r ii-.u ftf 1 ''J hi. j. . ikiiiKv., ir.fnj''i.ij' uh coo-m. Mu Kinker. : r- o?t to McCook Ui wek, to be g time. iome Allen Arer and !aiv, fj oldu-t itUer. but ') ?iAve ticating in tbe Uickwoodi r' for the past year, hx.e r .ar ki!1 cbse ool their nrvtr:v rnc&ftce ,rriiey public sale soc. ami return v, v. -. tiquat . 1 f . - . ei aou rejufi;erej n-Tte n he sun- ny Kwtb. where tbe n.o- n :Urd U hasA and the ducts t ec. wiol- Aatboav Arnieon i 1 :-T' n -ore bund. It is .--e.led J; its abnormal iz. . . zw yoctrg genterner. e6t wnose names we eou.i are stopmng wub Jlr I.-V.4.j A P'1-7 Cr4 f 4 I father. I .GAkV4f 554jr atMi Mjfi i 11 JV l m- A 1 n. . . A Z - - . T I Jioi wk lmve " r.. . n . ijjt wni ine lnavoJe corret: wag iger a tw not vrtu anva I Lhxl he can tuts the axxt sued ! iraxtJcsl desiring to avail thenue!. ponenkr -niU do vtll tj Gd, CATHXP.TON x'K"aHuni i 'imnit l tMi in Llnctiliu VAimr Kimr. ol lht lieimvu, n ! riUMf Ue bt of oar rtrh tanin, j Ir'J ,xPtin,ea l ?t ' : p w, aj &mt I , ).TV . Mm Ida Unlian i vHtfap atf I 2UifH- I .V m ft "r " 'J Fl -1 1 r 1 .....t.x. . tMlnT ind' j trtit4wc M lh fm-.. 3 mr in the fat wet. Tbrr nt itl itb Wchtrr OowMy. 'c neomi Ut!" 4.. w 1 ti fmmit tj- M jt,. i L Fraane t ffeliC r d(we. W fk CrmeT"t entire rrop of M aeerae -S W!xk prt mrwm. WTlnat. IT TMf neore ewr el iei nlt I cotUrbtW. Uor raae are veeavnox oet niMw ikmnnder tbo aufwn letua Ti Hf W. 8. rajorr KWdCraeaH .4 Red tlraMS, It Wfc tbe brotet a rtne Ui (Mire If Clod nuAjenr itxk u- Hoo-bkler rvwoeb. IiV j mfcy Shoni fntc a WeHa no bait 1 Satoroay, a tKmra. Ct wmrv. VHEUi. Xtenty of rota C4d woatber- luddy moda Mifnt4ai tbo robfcie of ltH Brown lat wek two cooole firoaa ! Hill. Their natu bat ooi yei oooit) leariel J4n RaOMrtl ha hi mtfU aH roaw and Ml) n wet a mknx m Vk$ weaber atti fHratt Mdt Kndalt and ." A!catnOfonMofo taken uk io da lt . MiU fei - a 1.1 t nrtattel bit Sooncor bi till in hi utt! brd Mr. C. C Stre) b born on tfeontefcr Ik-t ToWohtr orrantrathwi tbo to be Titled upon at next eleeUoo. Kv HarrtM took He toada oflt bog to Red Comi I tda. A traii)l? noi t itr rd io th feteift rorj iff grandma Urkbail' :4arO It' a bov m weigh u powodb Ui tfio HT il M Dntf!.! R Mouer belpal Sawt Sj m 'f bin w4er mio neirb wMi the toe of hi boot, that bad on lb bmt F'tttveUine and StckoaII llimir were vUittrt; withVVdiMiWi UieliafdHi btt week and UikMt: d gvt.eiil rbicVen nnnt Itrvrac WALKOT CRHfKH. September i MtHtnt an Skimliv r hi. li(Ul n. ptrmr in the Oieethmii, Rf..ve atal inviti! lb nrreindtnai th.Hj Spaker Rev. J, Gbeihai, Rev J Annitste4. Uev A. miloHy, ami Ml- Tximhteof KmI (1ou1. Tb" txnni Mia Trtmr !e upoke tun tnt be i.ril by tle who in n r toaid Utyf I hr pu'fcniik dinner w ! h hijtb day dinner, tbe otng tcni. Cj rl? HiHiper agnd 10 ami Chit!A RebaM ageii IT We were honored br the nreen e of Rev Ho;r uriababin MiMideY and Snoke yo -itn Wed their chicken wings with u will An eventful hour Mr Frank Tnorn ton and. wiiU, w Tibitthy Mjurs wiwo the hnppy couple. The m;Ih)I of Ditrtc. No ,1 pxmii monret September Tib Mr. John Myers traebitr District 6'J 1mm htreil Mim Bonn feuit Red Chanl. Mm C D Kounan and her dnibt er I'.i'nc are iti'ig rcitviivr ni-.r Jott ir.Ti T'AXTT? TVTnrT1Tm?T j. r-a ia -j x V X VJJlU Athow it Yo''Hrf hnvlrjr I'ute1 chiiHOil tho ntoek of uoKln viioyt by A. H. Mureh, ono t'o' r nortiTof tho Hod Cloud r-ntir-rwil B'inJf' 'rllJ roopon Uio Htoro rtu j i ly fljrVjtom bor 10, ivmt will hvvo u hirwTiatock: ot k'oodn on hruid next woVjk. Ho iitombor thin nnd ronvrjjii your' or dorn. Tho nUiro will Roronftor-. known nu t-.o Cluciilfo Storo'"' 5 Cora nndOtn tfoutod. L'i'i:.w h verC.il i-t ,.. -.i .i'T, XCbf,, fr ,in,ji AJ w. j-" " - '.u a fk 11 Aftjiii ;w nT 7i .,.... ,i.'.i , .. 7 .i! (Zmi - vW Lwmbor I L -.. . . LunVoor The Trailer' Lfindr Ominsnv arrf mo vi 115 the R,.ed i INwiey too' of lumber, which they p-irebacd a weok or m ago, on to ther new ground on Fourth Avenue, where 'her haro erected ncrr hed Unto aiwl orwl housed, eic . ami wBl herrccforth be ready to give you extromnly low fig- wa in HtmUn. building material. ., etc Tliey a ill put in a largo tok of coal, and have already 0 car load of himlKsr on tbe rOad for the new yrd. Se the Trader' Lumber "o. btfore a pace your ordnr, for they aru ml tO give you figure Uiat Will Dai ' to buv of them Ion't buy cbia iHro until you ej tito TvLXhr.vX Ijsuaai Co, New good are arriving dadr at the . Golden Eagle, and are markrl at nuah. low figure. that nono e4rd go away diMatwficd. Ir yon an in need of boot or h9er go to the Golden Hcle, and rou can " frim 10 Ui 20 per cent, and get th the celebrated Sclz make Sixty cow.t ami hvt&r fnr wile o time Will exchange (or Uml. tl .1. f. UrcKtx. A large invoice of freh paint jmi received which will be okl at bottont price at Ferguson 4c Co. jFW Sate. One tpan of 'work" home, and one vpti of young -Korea, inqmro at ink ou fice. T-4w. Go to C. A. Owen for chHp window" hadffl and wall paoer. If e ha marke-j hl gooj$ down to a rrr low Sgre nd w bound ty ucll them. 4fe buo0 Oppmhe March's. One fine Durham bl, z wUt north-wc?t of Bei CIotkL 7w4 G.JL Corxi-s. Vt Ilaaa' hog cholera renofw'r lor .-i 1 t f r..:-. . rjn. ,j: . r- ns w VU VW4I, Mir t cote NT ptxtod. qilT 'A ior citokon. cholera, , jf" J? t htxtr crws ami beiferv f h .' l'?M . .. .rf". .... Z 15 bto: tW9 ypar VI Mmz. he j . T. ztMmtmf niftmtt Of CW&M ' . ' - Tr&m, m a V ''j . S&4 . Om mr - -J ,v- ".! -i M xm ZF?l ; ' ' s -fe l -km"- .?-e.J- " - .- . .. . s. -r r u r9 h. sj- ' .S. , -Sb - sls-rr