7 L ls f W m W ii m- F ik . w II . I ? hik ''THE RED CLOUD CHIEf - - A. C. HOSMEa, Publisher. RED CLOUD. - "" n"i:pv.;c ICojiiWgM 5'ecurr.L All ltjl,l lUarrtl. Driven From Sea to Sea: ; Or, JUST A C AMPLY. ET C. C. TOST. rnm.TPirr.n bv ri.in-u.aio' or J. K. Downr.r A: Co.. Jtnii.ihni.:th. Chicago. OlAl'Tr.lt .Y.VII -Covriv:--- With his amis about her. tll n her ovi and over aa'n how de-ir .-he was to him, and how it was beoa.ise he J iiujrlit -'in: co-ild not love li:n as ho v.is.o'd.that ho had p-n away, tin two m'-ht have stood lln-rc until the sun had hidden it ---! f fiom sV., behind the mountain, and tue n.irht had come tip in.ti me vatn-y ilow. inn luai me loan ' or.e. in his tlorLs t nil-bleat tfi- ra.- bv tin rond-id. "-kd -o hard up'r the bridle whic i Mrasttn lnld :ini!i hi-, arm as to brinij them baek o a l.nowled-re of tln-Ir ?urrounil- Tin-n they -tait-d slowly jionn-.vard ri'oujr the by -load that wmn i around tin ioJ-. and over ih -ione-. and in :iid iu; stilly-. "vaiiH-d by eeniuri-'S of raiiiv e:i on. So -!o Iv in fart d d they o hi tiiat tin cow.. i!t-y :ii linv wi-:--. ha 1 S"t lioin- :i .d beiMi m li.-l. and Mr.. I'ar rii iiad lood maiiv Lin, in the di r'lio;i from wh eh lhe- eann. and in wii r.i s! c kinw Lucy nad sttited in M'tieSt i.. til in, iiopiti;; lo her eom-iti"- 1 .n-illy. :t 1 lib .vi.rr.t-d at her !; :i -i-iii-)', -in .ii'j-.f ! t !:-r bui lt ud that In ;o un tin mount tin a lit ! u:w mi I call, and m; otliej; lo ttl tin; :il trm. u:i on to- po.nl of ji't ni wiien he s..w tin loir- aji-jiioH'-iin''. tin loan Inr fo 'o.viu- lo lei- th of It" brid.e rcii bt-huid. For a 1.1 M- space .ohn I'ar.oti -to d In doiiti'. titeii r.ii-.'.l his hand to hii .C'. a. if to at'n-r mote of th fa iini; hV'h! ' 'mJv an nsj. mi Jie s,fMi -o. an. I then bri-i-ins h's ha .d down upon hi- th?sh v. ilh a dap. In celn med 1 tviio.ie lke i hint! "Uhm. :ii: l.o it. I kiioweil l.as eouhl 'I hat liim. Marly, that's :tn Lucv he.' itiult- up lon J. ye l.jml. .see.' he'.s a-boldm of her rilAlM'Klt .V.VIII. iiir. firrviK .t tiu: iti.oi :n. A v-n .'ih;jiv little -rtiup it was that :. uu lr tin n-w porch of the shanty until lotij"' ati r tin tar-. came out thai mtrbl So many cuan'o-s ha 1 ti..en place: there was so much lo l ilk alio-it that it was ten o lock before they eno thought hi tin t inc. ami still they l.'lkd on lor another hour beio;-e ictir i.ie; i e family to their 1 eds .mil Mias IUn jo a bunk on tin : urn-. Tin o:ns man renin m-d three das a iti theiii. and diiiiu ; that lime they tad.e.I ier all itntler. telat nir to fuiu iiy a la r- p.iM pr -iit nml futu-.. Mr. and Mr. 1 nr. uis couru ;lad! s-'"" th r e- n-eiit to the en- jr:iit uieill of (lie Miune piople. but It wa. m-ecs-ary to jm-tpone the weddinr until Ivn. Hi. could s"1 hs place irn laled and in shape to produce a li. ins- It -eemed i-r i ar 1 t-i part a'aui -o j-oo;:. but sine be couid not take Liny wit'i h m. every d:i sp-nt awav from hi. own ranch delayed iheir niar-rui'-i' liiat much lb longer. And Jl en there would ii" the p'eas in . of writing Mid ivceiin Idlers, wuieli. of c olll'st. they would ilo evet'V s,v :. at l in lariiiesi ,i 1 be projee ot -eliins the mouulaiu ranch and a'l s' "S to tin Siomjdi to live wa tal' e 1 of. and Mr. and Mr-. 1 ar-oiis aciccd that wht-ii Ir.i.tus so I In. pine iir.s-"-t 'I and was ready to maiTv. f le was s.tti-li. I with the coimlrv and the prospect, ihey would seil th ir own home and buy asam as ...... ! I.i ..r.w.1.1.. ,l..l it I . . .f tl...t would bull -el an I i-i clsevvhete and S i'liv t-, i her. ,.Vmi t'ni-s ail wcM coinfoite I bv the l'liffijlHtt that 1 u.-y's inarnas". when it iioullKSlJ- Wtiuld, iii.te.nl of sejia ratins her frob her parents, reunite tleni all with Kr.t.'Jni. ami it :s pro'n :ii).e that for the.sfi i'tcc dav. tiie in mates oi the .shanty i.;on the u.oiint niti side we iv as happy :.s it. olte.i lulls t.i fin- lot of people to bo. ertainiv John 1. ro:is wis happv. a t Lucy ami Kr.i-tu.swaudcrcti..iboi:i the dace. ami throush the sulch and up the mounta.n sale toe-ether. Tosethcr they went for the covv.-t. as Lucy had done alone the nurlit Krtu-Uis C1U!C s I Knislus heled Mr. Parsons sprout tluN srape-vines. ami Lucv helped Kra.stu.s-, and if oecasionallv, lis tiwiv worked to- i-etber at a vine, their hands met and s. i Lheir lineer- intertwined it was no iroie than the tender tendrils of the vine they were trininiin"' did. s .. . . - - - - I Jf. as thev walked hand in band over tho mountain, or sat to rest in some quiet nook, his lips sought hers and drank tleep of love s nectar, thev only followed the exiunnlo of the hirHs that. near them billed and cooed, and talked of where their net venr's nest should Uv And have not vou. dear reader, done the same? Then hav c yon not known ' e best thinir that tin swtctc.st and th life has to sive? I will noi describe the partins. when nt last the dav and the hour came, and the roan horse stood reatly to be mounted at t ie door. . , Timmc is euousii of sadness and suf- thoir folia sc. forme.! a tajeksru:id that fer ns in this true store without dwell- brought out the cu!oriii;,of a preUy a ins upon the parting of tho-e loving picture of simple home lifc - s one may hearts. " hope to see in a long drivsn 'he mouat- It was noon wiien Krastus started on : -i-1 or foot-hills: ariditlu the in uint his return: it was nisht on the fourth ' l's -l foot-hilU"piat b.-aut fill day when he led the roan into his stall j pictures are to be sough tjr. at tl'o Slough nnd ate supper with ?4r. ' Out-ider.f the inclostift. and a little ami .urs. .lounsoiu xo wnom he xrauKiy told tiie purpose and result of his visit, ami from whom he received hearly con- sraiuiaiion-s , 'i'he next morning he went back to Tvors on the ditch, and if his compan- ions were readv wit'i their iokes. he w.us I . V ItIV slUV.!, M4 - VltllllWtttl- is were readv wit'i their jokes, he w.is I far too sood a humor with the world il all thinss in it to Iv o.lended at in l" :im what he knew was kindly mer.nL ror mouths he worked earlv and lata at the tbtcn, and xvheu it had been completed, and tho water, iu its slow seeping through the soil, had rendered it capablo of sustaining vegetable life, be besan planting trees and vine, and breaking the soil for future crops. When the year closed he found his place be ginoinjto look quite liko living. ue nasTsiuiuuueu going again 10 vxsjj xtey would aid just that mi towards buvms the material towa cottage 'which he had planaed, and temallv decided not to go, bat ins Uptake Lucy and heiximrenta at this time, but I or came with the cbjjfi-ns at feeding j lead ns railroads was bein built his place stUPtatved a dwelling, and j time to the bare bit feftanh near the ! them.and would bo conrnlet.-d sue uiut: ji nuiuu cvst. luuiaku no uiur- i kiiicnen ooor in Tercivaaavae:r nornon nr fnm:. n. ...... ., .. fc tUIB histeiiu and work a month for the l rancher who had ja asturcd hit colt-, dur- inj; two dry -a.oin: and lhu. instead of spend in;; what lilt o he had. nbtfn oiiotih unTie to t-iuible hm So .t tue in.tti-rtal to be;in hu Sd'ui with Wlnu this wit- doi In- procured the nsii-lntn-e of a ncijjhlK-r who had a f-w carp'-nter-' tools and ome kiiuwi-dre of tin trail, anil to.tlnr 'hey frnm.-d and sided uj tin collate Then lie wo.-ki-d at ni-jlit to l'm-h it. Ofii-n when thtiH Miai;cd. after a hard day's work in tin J. rid. wnild he take from lii-j pocket one of Lucy's letters, and s.ttini; upon the work- bench or r Miw-hor-e. re-rea 1 tin- lines in already knew by heart, or lo-e him- n-lf in dreams v.h eh those. 1 ins av rise to. tln-n. rousing himself, take up his tool and w. r'-c far into th. nijrht. that the foliage miht be the .-'loin-r rouipI'tl aint the f.i and form whu: i he now Miiv only in divauis be ever pri-'ut w.tii him in reality. At iaVc :he 'ottae wa-" liniriifd arid ica'iv Ut ' o -ruparify. A plain rot a:'c it w i: not nnhkelhe one on tin; mountain id;. only a l.ttle , ...... " '' mi ni'i'-, .lift ui"ii'-i. Tln-ii- wr. two room-, below and oin- ab ie. an 1 there n- a littl- tiondi over tin; trout door not Jons or br.ad. lull Mifiic cut to shade sin; io'i-ii ftoin the -uu n 1 tl'e and -rive iel ef from the bar; and inho-o table lo- k which a dwelling without any projei lion nlw.is h s. lb m-aiil to add a lamer -trueture in front ilia fw M-ars. win; i hi. ranch should be fully irr.ateil and in cul iv.t- lion, and "o i:produee tin cottar' in tin; foot h 11-. in accoidiinee with the !' :in be had laid tin ii:nt In .Jcot under the s'ms on his hn-tiiv made v. -it the t me he won Loci., con. cut to be hi. wife; but for tho In mu-)t wait il awii b And , with a heart filled with hop nnd co iiac. and running over with atb-cliou for lnr who wastoieturn w.ti liiiu a, h -, bride, he took a Ions look about the cottns. and '-oiiis out. care- fultv clo.ed tin-door behind him ih it it mi-rht not become unfiLstein-d durinir h..s ab-elice. Ma.-i.line- in front of his cottage, he ca.t his ee.s o.cr his ranch vith a fce'.-In-T of pride ami -nt.sfa lion. 'I hat which thice eas before had been it bit of dcM-it wi now a frm, with an fitehard and vmeyard and fer tile In ds none o I hem erv larjrc. t is ''''; -"ll everyihins t '' was the work '' '', uWU banl-. the resuit o his own cucjey ami ecoiiomv, ami .t iv;ts some. th ns td which he m jht well be protnl. When he h-ttl taken it ail ii t!iiot- tae and thi-recn fields and tin yoiins or-h . id and neaul -a. a o'nture wh ch in; could hold .ii h s memory un- id he returned, and could tlo-cr.b- t- Lucv and I'ncle John and Aunt Maltha ami Johnn.. Iieiuriie 1 and walked iaj- nllv away in the d reef ion ol Mr. John- mmis. lb was lo sl-irt earlv tin mt morn- ins. and was to dre lis own team; the i-olts now fully sowii and hardened to work. He hud ib-c'ded upon this after con- ferims bv le'.t r with Lucvand her par- cut.. Mr. and Mrs. Tan-ons dested to sve as nmeh n.s iioss bie f the furii ture nece.sarv to starL tin vouns fo'k- m hou.ckeepliie. and they could do thi.s to soiin- etent out of wliat sldl re- maiiied of that ' roti;ht from the old home in the foot hdls and it was list as cheap and a . ood deal n cer. these lovers thoiisht. ti inakeihe iotirnt'y Ih. s wav. in tier own convey. .nee. with their hou.ehold soo('s packed m the wasoii. titan to 1 1 rM transport lln-m lif- teen in le- to l'lupji-biii s. hi tln-m by boat ami car.-, and tiien s l bnir ilist.im-e after them at the other end of the route. He-ides, in thus S"'lns aero s the country thev would have a wh. ! wees, to .- cud in eae i other's company; in which to ttlk ol the.r love and iay ii'au. for l In- fut me. It would be almo-t as jrood as a real wctt.l ns lour. I.ucy iieeuie.i. And so one aftcruoou the dweller-- on the mountain .iib saw a wasou tbavvn by a pa r of bay horses, wiio-e driver was a tin. I covens 1 yoiius man with a fiin tanned face and samlv mu-tache. weirius a wide ' rimmed traw hat. -m n : up the by -:o id which .d-d at .1... mm . .....I t ....... U .. 1... I ...!.. mmir I ".II-. ami Knew inn tin i.rme Sro un hat! conn-to claim his bride I'lie p'a.e hail chans''d considcrablv since Krasliis iia-l seen it two years be- foie. The addition to liie sh .nty had been ere. ted. ami with the littie porch in lio.it fairly rai-e I it to th d "ii.ty of a cott-ist. Tbe lo-e bushes winch Lucy and her mothc had panic I had srovvn as all thins h- S''w in that climate and soil. hud clambered all over the porch and wcr n full b'tiom. bavins been vva- leivd antl teiuled by lovins hands. Hack of the coitus1 .ud on either ..:.!.. ., ., i.. .ii. i i i. . t. .. ...:.! ei1- 14.14 lit'irj. .lOi lx ii.i.ll s. t.llll I'll.- P ami wh te and yellow blos-oms. s-o-d " th.ck as .,.,ip e in a sliv.-t." and -' "; 10 hw wimlows, :Uid rea.-hins -VV up to tiie eaves. Madeira vines inin:Hctl the.r st)fl. rtven leaves with those -f( the mornins series, iha in the eanv nurs oi me uav were .priiiKie i .1 -a. 1 .r..ii. II.-....1.I... w-ick wiirue.im.iiiu. oeu-snapeu uowers. f In front were tons bctls of pin ..and verlxuia . aiisjlar-sp irs.atnl: eat crnn- 1 -1 ...1 son-neartea u.m,.s. ui:;t linen up tncir fact and blooi.-l ijd uo bled in the bronze: bvnt lov.Wjf UjWihale the fra- jirance of the nnnoueUn t'lat liHiketl t up from the borders of thitids ,i. wh ch th ov all si"OW 'J he rape-vines upoajftho slop n-s JTround above the hou-tj, Md ndiletl tvvo , years of growth to tUi'iif-s'e in- and. although vet ituablt: to -i. I erect with- out the supports lo wuan it.ev wc m m - te.l. their svnimctucaHLnrrans nient in row-, together with iUk rchne s of t 1 r m m "I ,, lurtncr up the xuotinttrpn. tin cow- whicn Lucy In I driviu-V .iu tin tlitil blissful evening two yc-iitj be,.; wl:en r.ra ins nau loi i ncr Ol - love, were ehcw'ng their cuds ben ii :i cr.i;:v. low luraucnctl oa-. --4 " IUV OI.VI a- 'A IJelow. brown in tho sooner un. iay the stubble lleld from xfafcch tee rr.-du hat! been harvested. :tfl w luc.i now stnd in a rick war t n M-M w It re the bor- lit? orchard tr.e3 the food thrown to the by some mem- ber of the fmilv dwel S within the j vine-wreathed cot taw And here, nmn xnorftl a week after e wvxv xnunc ixng : ne r ftvd. . time thev wou'd hae almo.' as 'iln.. i v--ry temrtins rnd harmless to the lit- Knieerbocker. Ihel-l, of thr sar- .w,, .. -cv. . , .t. p'v a ooiood ctk rtwet! Motl-d yond the cotlase5.i the yo-.'ns fruit and veil table ranch w tin. .v-i.( tie mouse, but union lay danger- i,.i Wi. -. i dit t ,ai the toad rouid .... -T t . .'.... .. ls.u Vmi.t.,vrM! tUiri r. .r.tii of ueach. ami afllir. and nt'iiic- . atiorded: for here th.-. tm.? 4-f...-..- ilta!.-.. ltnt-i);i Jloicunl. tn lm. i.er d nnt in .-.- e th-r hi. le-i-s or hi-arm-, .v. L.i... .. . ' .. . .. .. .. . it.- -..i it .i Sa.i .. it 'ii , . . .. . -s.t. .... ,, . t -" ---- -.-. -- - iofji-nui apiTunc?. me tirnur va m twiicr . -as -!- j w.i --- . and overall Uiffclottdless blue , comes, and With a!! fear of drouth ban- ioung lop.c an,i u stood thm the pu tnre of com.- ,h. .l , ii,C ..! ,. ,t-. t-ai .---. .. . More than a hundr.Jurkeys wan- supply of water from the r.ver throush BEN'S SICKNESS. sell him-lf up. and that apparently . . J . oJwVn?l-t :h br tnir' dered at will throat he orchard. , the ixngatlas ditches, prosjrity stretch! the tight appWl. for he wa. Fxvo; waking up to the Tt-a- JVbTuaniU: down into the sttibblo-id. and xar up seemed assured beyond any po-sib.litv A Day spent m -d a uttu nutrr able to move away -lowiy. He fob prance refonn. Ii fru s-1 people, art- ?? - .JnZl kcX. "compan r wI4 on the mountain side. rj)r they clus- of failure. "'"'" ct a Ka.vc.i cur. Io she smalI :oatl ;nto the bus- e is Je pai3?,.r. at ape:gcr fklul ft. St Lr' coapaay ! tered about the shed MB ncc of rrrain. Then to-. sr-r.sv, n ., ,u T io. lt.i. Ur - rrtt;.-!. ;ta r.f - A.r,w..i ,,nr,- ,n.l iroih ili.an.' . ... i-.i. , 1 .i . , . oa -.-- aj - KraMu' coming, a little partr. com- o.-ed of neighbor and their familiek J gat In-red to w.tnen- the marnae of tt'e, voting ronple who Itid plijrhteJ tl-lr j ! truth tv.o ye.trs b.foie. Maud n-r in the I riHi! win!. ihe cow went lailv noiii ' ! without them. , It xv a-not an nsseniblv such as womM have grated a f.i-'donable church in a xre.it city. N'ot one anion: ih"in r II. I neri.ai-. but would have flt ill at ea-e m nr.eh.v furnished parlor of a brown- i ; stone front in NVw Yor or .'htca;o. ! 'Jliy ere common country jM-ople hu-batnis nnd wives who j;a.iied their I j living at John and Martha lir-ons t ;;aiind rin'irs -bvth tillajj. of t e soil ( and the ra ain of fru-t-. an I rr.i a, t ' and poultry. Youn men and m-tiden-. . tin -oils and daughter- of thc-t people 1 in t'f e otuinon walks of life, dre--ed- i tin 'j,'tU .n cln-.ip. l.jjh.-eo!ored 1 ih-. j with mav ! a bit of br.ht nbIonatlh J thro.it or about the wai-t: tue youn j itit-rt .n -n.t- of linen or oin other lidit and not cn-ily fabric, and all of tln-ni w.th liamt- ami Iac" tanneii in ' tie a'in. but with hearts t.iat throbbed :u ,u ckly at whi-penn;- f love, or . "... -, , ,; -..... ,k- i;...tm i .iijiiu.'- ii iniiii- - " - --, of unjiis criticism, a? if tln-y were rot--t in v-lv-t. with d aui'fnd-p:trkIiii"iipon - . . oft. -Ahiie hand I'c'oie tii iriends Luc,, ilrc-ed liiueh and neirhbor-s. a. the f.tiier in ti 1 iii were lr.tl only that her robe o. puie white w:isof finer material, and without ornament ex- ept .otne l 1 . ro s uj.oti ner iiretisi am: ;n uer i.einii ' fill dark hair. Moid up v.it'i Lra-tus and save the ie.;ion-es thalm.itb tln-m hu-huud ami wife as thev Were pro pounded by the rra.-ha red miniMer whoe -erviee-. had been-jectited for tiie occa-ion. Ti.c kis-es and ro.isratulit'ons over, ami the tear, which would conn n .pile o. in-r dete m irit on not o let tin-m diied upon Mi cheek of tin bride. ttn-V all .at down to a me d at which there wa. a br.de s cak. of com -e. and a cold i roa.t turkey, ami sreat ii.e.d. pota-oc, 1 and the mo-t bcautlul bread. I There w.ts Jruit al.o; the lir- born i bv the tre s and nes planted, s nee 1 comine; to tin place, by the hands that ousht out and idin ke I tbe-e. the oe- ' ca-ional lii'.t oilerniL's found ..catteied i here and tm-re amou-r the fobe;e. 1 Ami n terward. there wire kis.e. and hand"ltake, a.iiti. and Joldiii;;- of the br. ib to the ! o om of lather an-i mother. and teats in the e us ol all, and fervent ('od bless you'-". " I And I ieti Lucy was helned to a seat in tile was'n. over wh'ch a catnas covin had be.n -tret bed and into which the little store ot hou.ehold s s wh'ch lormci ln-r dowry had in en jia ked. Then In rhii. band climbed up in her .id and amid waun-js oi hand- keichiets and inoie ("od hi .s you'.." lln-v droe do, n the lane and out upon j the toad whi.-li led away oxer the moiinta'n and tin; foot hills towaids the new cottas wh ch awaited their tout- ins at t. e Slouu. ' 'h. x h-it a h ippv. hanpy 'oun ev was that for ..even wnole bris-t October ! da.; tra'.cluis by ea-y ..las1'- dur.n; ' tin- day. and c.nupins out, and jleeplii- I in the w.i on a n'sht! j What inenior -, of the loiS'r journey ' across the plains when thev weiechil- ' tlt'eti came back to them as thev watched the camp-lire .sinolderins in tin- ilaikncs.s and the twinklins td the .tars ovehi:ul; ami wnat heatit nil e- ciets thev tli.cIoed Ut eiu-h other as proofs of the r mutual love and conli- deuce! And when, on the eveuiii"; of ! the la.t tlav's joiirimr, they tlrove up to tue .ioiiuson .naaiy, wnai a iieany s'e-tuis er-. and Mr. Joaiison save to the youii brnb who had come to make sl-d th' home of her hu.baud ami to be a neighbor ami fr.cnd anions ncijh- , bor. -uul frn-iav. And when, af cr a hearty meal of the best that tilibl be found in th - house. the. went to take a look at their own home, walkins haml in iiand across tin fields, wi ii wiuit pride Kra.'iis p. intetl tint the I oumiir.e-. of hi. own calm: to ' the v.m-vartl. and orch-ud. and fields, in ide fru tful bv tin: water that. con. ins t-ir.-ush the pen ditches cut by nis own h.-.nd. and those of his neishhor.. w.i. lust tin ii.ii" the desert into n jar- den. And the cotl;se; how pleased Lury professed to be reaMv w.is wit'n its appearance an I convcuicut csl What ple.isiuc thev took in ilecid US ni-l i where each me e of furuittiie should be ; placed' "I hev would have a carpel on the larser down -t.i;rs room, and the I bureau and the best chair-, should e0 in I I that: and the simill table, with a few , h.ioks. should siand near the center of j it- Lu '. sn,:r hoti!tl h-tnsou the . with Krastu.' flascolct. and ju-t as ; vi.i:i :is they could they would " afivv ' p'ciur-sto help make the toom -till ' more brisht and tasty. Their bed tln-y would put up stair-, and. until thev , cou'd Iiudtl larger, would eat in the kilchen. or in pleasunt weather, out of do.ir-. ami so ke. p the best room always cozy an 1 nice. And so. still pl:uinins for the future. yet pei feet ly happy in the present, tln-v returned as they came, haml in hau4 Ue tlcs.ro to least ujioii tue new ua-nty. j jltJl js until the had both pu let I them-acfo.s- lots to Mr. Johns n's. where "On, tlear niel" said he. Itckis t'-s , s,.Ie. , lear of tlrni. .-nch om nesan to tin:, were to smui the nieht. n tiie morrow Mr. Johnson helped r-niiiin in iiiiiikiu inn icw neavv arti- t .. . i ...... .t. .. . . ' . i-n- ami pi-te wiciii m tue coivs. anil .... . then they went awav. a ol together tho youus couple put tlown the , ,rpet and arrausc i uu uirn ture. relttrnins -" Mrs. Johnson's to dinner, as tl itisite t th.it they .-Imuiil tlo Indeed, she would have bad mat lady them re- main with h-r.elf and husband for a I week, until they got rested from their , iotirnev," a she said, but to this thev could not think of consent n.j. They were both anxioi.s to fot into the.r own liuiise. that they mieht to- Setb.er 1:im- w the work of im-kin"- still more beautiful and productive tic stmt upon wh'ch thev expected to re- - .1.1-1- ---" --a-- j'-v, ,,. , ( a. ivn ., and health, and the as.nr.ti.ee Hint pov- ert. would be xanpiisliediu afow vears lxiore"J 1: Hcked less than two year- of the t'me when they eon! ! -prove ii'" and S''t a .ovcrniue:if ualen to titer l.-.m! WilflT U'Mt, Vni'lirtV !." lafa rilt llijl TA. lUO near an- evervthin- thov rllr . ai4iuu luuaiis iii iiiisiHiriiiinn inr - ' r -" -a-w-w, ..www w i thcT trees and vines were in full bear- . - . w- "-S- ...m mm .444 4HV.I 4 . , . . I 1 1.1 1. . 1.-111-. ,S . U II llilll" Ultll tllR'SS II O V C I t V til lilt s . ' l. UHtl OIIl-tI . t. t " . . . . .. .. . ' . siisis,.,.j..,i ,1 ... ...'. v ' ,n.i .. . V , , ,' ' ,l , ' ate hab.t ts ten t Wsf-trx'sairr tkaa tbt srowlt-,! a man. a tW nnn M; i stjsi.t'i i'ii '.c v . i . .it . ami no Hroimd tj: lar'e tt ati in the mol tan- , .. . .. . . ....... . CHAITKi: XXIV. soHmerha.l the bt:!. ,,,,.,0 poked hs tJ "ni ma, ne?-. 1 he ",,- toad w,- l T"H" ?7. "'- "5 .! ..,. W,: a whtU xnr. W.k,m w.h,..cp. nose it,:,, the opctiins thati ,t do-ed bnenns Uk a p.r,o cbdW . ZTCl '7il 11 T -'" TV.?" Thevearthrtt followed w.is a vcv -th a sudden spris. ami lol the bttb 3d throush. anil bv and Uy p.okd np " ' T-l Z fa rLrid YTT' 'L X haum one to the x onus couple, work- mouse was eaug..t at la-tl the .k n of the .mall tol.d. and be- TlV dowaw f L -J Vf JTL-. 11' i .2? Mns-away unon'their claifn at the .-N-I dare say. bin: itad 1 ecu given to force it on his W, '1 Jl iX t' XITTX.C?' TJ ? ....Ifl................ I.. .11. ..'UCa... .... a .-........ ... ......... ' . ". . 1 .- . --- -- , - - -- -..- m . . . .--.. -. .- -..-, ... .. ., . , ., ... mwmm - --m-mm .1 . . Mougii. me i mo 10 uiiiiK over ii nit. in.- one ..va5 a ba-tl one. but af.er r-i . . k t ti i.w vu, I True, they were poor, and were thought would have In cu that be w a- inoia..,it. of unce,. ns ?i he .uod At ot rf :Jr .t-ti. it la Cb-'ra-a ktw -l Xrlix.ZZu and cJd'Zn force,! to live very economically: b .: not uch a very wise 1 t:,e nmu-e niter h-vbditated in tbe ratol s.rm.i.u ut 4 J. Uih rrJ Tx I W. ?lTh ZLlZl . unu.-r ih.? lioxncstca.l act. and bv that l-:'- tt" t:rt 1,ie ".i-r iouki-u ihi- In .- ks . :m.;m i tv mu i"". nk4s,.'i , .r-.-r....n- ik.. - ' ,u '' --' --.,. ...w... - . pnp tlw-t . ya IU,Ald,,l?W ' 'flie. tno lutb b-iv. when trW THE RAINY DAY. Tlnr; our j-onth lixi n . tlfVr.z. I.iii r hi iiiurmti? i - n oo; ..ii. Ami tti- iM.in'iu -wilt rfeu.o W urn M lllul tvr.ll .nn 1 lit. Then wli on c a ! U,. jm. AihI I t.! In s to HJ M "V hi r Ihc UH t xi y im;. 1jii t fjrj'l Utt . t..i,- i i'j. Suntliine rnri not lr.?t foeercr. Monn wi.J tnil- nnl wiivit wjic -trtfc Ainl u -ur" w li tinrk eku! ml her n the hor.uMi of l.JV I-t . ti"n. n i.tti rtneHi!T I.l- it uototie Jutiy. Ivr.ht lar; Suit- it iii c-oiHt- tin- lit-ar o--Mnlr, urr will eomc ttoe r.mijr daf. As thelniat tee Joih -.tn-r In lr..'iillmh''r whiIt Uri. F -bM(il u jor lf-' Uir.iV utUir iHriii r tv ! 'vif'or . t -r 1 v. vi'i lil- !. t -W.u iloUt Irare ua.. i -t i tr i e h ! . ..i) !: a i.rf that 'Mm o-r ztr u, v i.ou i.all ivwc the r.i.i.j ij-y i.mI'B IXl.-a. A VISE LITTLE r.OUSE. In Suit .f IIU llrjj utnl Cmiiiln; II V Cnulit t l.-t. He was a vety -uno::. little imu-e. . . . imieeu. ami ha I in- home in the wall ot b.rmer'.- kitc.ieu. .Sow I can't lein to tell you all the rni.chief thi. 1 ill moti.e tl.d. He had enawed hole- ll.lou-'ii the tiuur.i o! the cupboard, and poed ji- no, lime aud axa.n into the cre.nu bowl, and eatn jrteat pii-ce. out ot ti.e ne.v che. -. anil ki.o -ked over a beatitiftil sla.. tire.eie dish and .-dmered it to atom.; but. Hort td all. he had it bblid "real ho!-, in two of Mother prjgtie'a line hm-u tabb'-elollss. Oh, he wa-, imb-el, a naughty, tiatiiity bale mou.s., and he tpit- gloried Hi tiie luiseinef h- d.d. The, Juid -el trap, t: tue an i n-k.n for h m. but w.thout :-.ail. to. hu t.a.s a mo-.: cuiiiiiiis little iinni.e. and ..onie- hov; kejil clear of tbcui .dl. i-.vi-n the debt ioii.s -in U of iii bad fatted to etiti. e bin w.tuni it.o-. t r-.ooKiu-; l.ttle miu.. He l.in-w .ci. etiouru tnal dauber and death were there. .Mi l'u... oo. wiiu ..d her ctmiuu-. Wa. uiiuble to citdi the trisry litil. m.in.e lw h.ui tried tune ami a.i.n. i,k stiatejr a., well as open w.iri nv, hut e.icli alike h. la.lci. .hist wrn-n r,e thoue;..t sin nad ln-r tharp i;!..w3 i;jnn h.m, aw.iy woind .camm r the Jit- tl - iiioiim', lopp.iiy jtist ions '"noiieu t lanci; d- It iut. back at .!. I'tis.. witu a look in ids siiaip ueath little black i-jc. w hicn .c nn-d to .say : ' 1 here! 1 ve i heated oil till, l.mc. old innliscr. ,oii -ce ou .ti not halt as sharp ;. on tuouln sou wie.'' in Mioit, tin nad .-ct so many traps and lormcJ so main pian.. the latoier. Ju. wile and tiie e-iant ' ri. In wmc.i to c.iU-h the little moti.e. .oid ha I m;v i vt Mieceeded, tuat ue was in h-sii s'1"'' over their lei eate.t l.uli.ie-. and o ed piea.ed wi.i. l.ni-!t 1.1 on-e ei.ee, tjia. he had s'oW" lu be.tei. eon- t u.ted hltte inoiise, a. well as a most cuiiiiins one. 'eiy oilen he would taik to himself after tins manner. "Ihcv vsill nic: mtch me. th.. i.s cer.aiu. 1 am to i vuse a little uiou.se not to - tn "U'.i j all their movem ut-. Ti ev nus'-t as well save tucin.seives tin: tioubie ot .--i i. us those Waps. f.r a I the ;outl u ll ,ju uni. 1 wonder il tuey nmu; think am silly emuili to poke my iioti into oue of tnoso holes just to .et a uiobb: at that sciap of ciiece, an.i biho.;tl to death for my pain., uhwu I can sunw my wav into the cnpijo.ud and eat a.- mil h of t .at whole tine cheese a- I want, without an dancer to mv.-It No. iudce-. It is all too plain that I am loo cuuniiis for them, loo wit: a little moilau by tar, ever to b caught til a tiap." However, ..omethins happened one dav that proved ihe mile mouse w.i. not ueany so wi-t as he tho.ight he vva-. oiue fic-h ov-teis were broil rnt into the kitcliuii. In ptep-uui' tJ.ein for supper the S'l'l happ ne l to over.ook one td t.icm, and u w :, lell lyuis in a comer ot the licit th with its sj"ci jnuily op.-n. l hat nisit. wiienj every one hail cone to b-u. and nil vv.is ..i.eut wiilim n.o k.tchen. tills cult toils little nioli-e tlie.iht be iiusht veniir toith on a r.-utl. er soon lie canie to where ti.e ovster w.i- imi.s o still no. mi tin beat III. "Ha.'' said he, cautiously approach ins :im -' u -"- ""'nirp litilc ey es near it, so a- to tane a ood iook at it, v. hat is tnis. now Ano.ner trap, jieihaps: but no. it doe-n'l loik at ail like one. '1 lnre is notn n sii-pn tolls look its about .t. it is t:iic. . m si.il it is best to be c.iut.o.i-, ihcie.'oie I'll lake a closer vie ot it." So ti.e 1 ttic mouse bent down hii lu-iui till his little twinkiiit'j' eve- weie close Lcuie the oyster, and ihen he peered ui throush the halt-open siail ihe oyster lay verv tpnel vit..m. and looM-d so nice ami cool ami ftesii that it tpiile set tue little mouse Irant c with whiskers, 'how nice It smells, and I , " sure it must l.t'ie even better than , u ioo-ss. ti u:u a icum i am so. i . i. . ... i ..i '. U hat a feast 1 am so.ns to nave. 10 ue sure, aim Mini a iaue, uu u to . . ..-. invselt over the sour looks o. the . ser:uit-.rl in i the inornins. who wa-. "o iuut. .ainj tn: tieiicious morsel neiseii. ao savins, this wise I.ttle mouse, who had never vet beer, causut in a trap. : tiJ ho brass. to h.niself coiit.nually ! in coiisetp.eiu-e. poked his -harp little nose tiiroiigh tbe half-opened shc.l of the oy.s et. Now it I hatl been there. I would havb whipticd: 'He very e.ueiui. iitMe Mr. Mouse, lor, vvi.h ab vonr cunning and boa stun' vou mnv set voutselt into a tix ct. ' ... 4l i Little 1kv. litt!" sir!. 1 am very much afraid there am --ome of yoiijitst Ilk- :,is wise (.?) r.U: uioiisc. Oh yes. ou :irc '" - -'"r ' have wi: euoush to ccp ont cf tiatiger. Youa:e toj -narp. -0 yu th'iik. t.ivr .tvo be caught in a ..... s. .. -.- j.S..t.Ww ...V . sehcoL H" asked to stav at home so often, that at, last his mother said she" " - . wouia no1 ,el mm 'to-v at hozac -nl . iaw tar- aw.-. ia ar " w "- he were sick. did not . iry iax- j Now Ben had a friend, who go to senco- Little Joe was very ioiu to h.v ln .tav t LoniP. o that thrv ctiuld nKv to Mther l ' found that Hen nii.thr miM not let lnm tay at houn. put their her.d t ' eilv-r to deceive her Jit think of ' that' AfltT awhile. Joe mid " I'll tell you what to lo. I'en. .n ate kk. hen ou p-t up in the morning. al when it L nine o'eb-ck. mt can v ion f-el U-tter. and th-n we cmi tlv u new kite ' Nl morning, when Ilen' nmwras caun to nake him up. Iv; Mil 'Ob. mamma' I ft e." :ek. Hi niairnm ad rih: iWT lie .-till. Iti-u. I u .ou had l-tlr ?tav tat Ju.ine today." :lu btd little j ly vital not get uji, but had hi bre..k a: in b.d. When he beard th il'k tr ke mn. n- -ai-i l jew iett r now. tnaium.v 1 -ie-, I h.nl h. tt.-r r?t !-' II. mother Ml r.a I th it he win not ? un to h' ict .-o -,.c helKl him o die.-., and he a-v owt o4it hehrtnir Joe lly hi. kit. 1 h- t week, fie th'rt:rht b wtild play tiv x'jra.n. be r;Min told h- lielh-( hf - a MiciC and .t.d in till nine o'clock Now that I'en ha-1 ln ic' twice in one , bi iKo'lnT told hi, father about it. Mr Mav d "it .eeics to un-. H n eat- a pretty wl upper for a -jck ly. I Lei eve he t pla in, ck. -o that In i'n .:av at home to tdv. iThe nevt t tin be .-."a., he i .-ck. kep ' him 'n 1ms ail da. and I nil! han . tin b t t r medicine tived uj. vlneii 1 want von lo s'T hnn Not very lorn.; aft r this talk. Hen had a th'rd attack m .sckne.-.. and tell sud denly letter when nine o'clock cam.. Hut tin t.iin. when In ...id he felt bet ter ami wanted to st up. hi u other would not l.-tbitii but to d him that bed ! W.. tue pl.t -e tor dek bov . o lbu had to .t iv in 1 sl. . j In a i.ttle while. Jo, came to the , s'' .iii'i I 'San twhit'e for Hen. Hut . .dr.. .Mav ti o . no no'ice ot him He then came to the ilmir and a.k.'d to see I.ii but Mrs. Mav .i d that Hen w.v. J -ik in bed and could not see h m ) She was now ..ire th i Hen bl l-on d'. en in ' her; -o -br i-ol the bad med icine and w cut to hi. l-d. "Sit up a minute. Hn andt'ke thi. medicine." "I am wel now. mamma. 1 don't need any n.e lie. ne." Yes on do." ..ail Mrs. May Take tins, and on wil not have thi.s .s.ek feeling another morn i.s " It.-n cr e I. and trd to f)e-s oil"; but In. uio'her in.iiJe hnn take the Iwtter stull. and wi.til-I not sive htm an thins nice to t.ike the :ate o'U of Ins mouth, -o Mitt In- taM'd it all mornns I Hy noon In- was sick and tiled of his led. ami wanted to io lo .school, but hi. in. it'i. r would not let him She j sent up hi. d iiiht of In end and meat; ! :U-'I when Ken he ml that thev br.d p.e. ; he .cut down the s'r" to k it In could not hae a p.eee. Th- si eann up and a"d that h s mamma did not tlt.nk th:.' e vv:is jj.umI for . i k bow In tin afte noon sl1(. t,.f, l,jm ,.t up and tl'e. . but would not bt h.m run out ami iilav. After that much in tier. tlnv, I. en s iiealth wh. it. Vs wii are s-k m tin- moruins and s-t well wmn It is ; too late for shod, can a w.iv s be cured ' by a tlose of bitter iiieilic.iie ami a "day in bed.'' tool nml livme. TOADS DO FUNNY THINGS. The Mnrj' if i Vrnirlnu. IVnnajrlvnn! 4'nri 4ie"ii'l-ii t 'No one knows ihe fuunv tl.inc-s ttiatls will tlo," said a leadins titicii of ibis vi'Iae. "On a icient eJoudy day. aft' r a haul z still, there wr. a rool br ee blow in-.'. I w:is Inokii's overmv eitiden wh n I heanl a peculiar nouml. l.ookins in the tbrect.on fiom uluch it ciiine. I saw two t.ads in an open .pace in tic s:,ri--':i- Om wa ip.ite lar;e. ! ami :iiul the other vva at b-ast a third sin llr. They were Iwith st n lins " their h-nd feet faens t-aeh other. TI- lars1' to.nl hud it- fore feet ou each side of the -m-l cr toad's shoti ib-rs. The sivall toad hul h.. left foieool on the lirs' oiif s rieht lee. s they stin.i in liiat vvay thev ultcr d str.tns S,l!u1- ittitt.l. ... if ;)i.. wi.fe .Ii.iii. ii" ..itit. subert'betw.en the.ll.elves. .S7l.eiilv the -itin.I to.ul ihrtist ,t-. rsht forefoot. or rand, r'sauisi the l.-irs' one . stom ach, and the not in-t.u t th- lull r threw the lor in -r to the sround. .oid a lively wie-tle was S'"HS on 1-urIns the .iiussb' on the srotir.tl tin .k u of loth toad, bur.t open ou tin1 back, and I supposed 1 wa ab'uit to si-e the inti-ie-tine process of toad, lak ii.S od' tee r o.tl f o it-, ndifis thcin up in i.ttle I all. and sw allow. ns tin m. ns nitutaii-'s sjty thev do. I t,t w Inc.. tin: r n; -. of -In tldins the .sin. but .timet ins mm h iuoieins'dar th in tin .vvadow ms ii:r:dcnt t curie I. A- I said, the day was ijiiite law and col-i, and afler the toads had rubbed their skins in a comical wav tow an! "heir ,,V. r verv t..-rc. i.tii.K-w.th th. cold. Suddeny the small toad hop ed m:ick- i.- to where the ak.n of tbe b i- one Int. autl. n ckinir it no in Iii-iiiouui. Ini ti-d a.,j ,, eki:isf it up in In. uiouiii. Inn pd - 4 4 I Suav s.venl feet Tin bis ton I looked aft,f tin .urlo.ner of in-ca-t o t cloih- looked m". ami s:v'' two or tliie- appeahns eronk.. but ma le nn utteiniil to rccipt- rt. tj. ,?,len ".mils. When the small tnail saw that he was not fol owed, he d'd'bcrat-dT et to work to don the ski.i he hail taken. It took him -t-nn t.m to tlo it. but he tinallv accomplished j hi pur oc and went ma pieratl- "S arounti in un m -nt- exactlv like a nil-tit gar- clown ;n a taircu wear.ns the his. bassv cos- times i.ai.o'. uneui.tppea. ,n. ,..r I .1 .... . : 'C llllle 11 low eeictsi io eii.t-v iii- b. miitittul.V" eo:niaiin-:i. ft t 'f. fee: t; ih b-s skin oa tb? H t ; ;sl had befii to'tilt-ai. 'hat of th. 1 tile -k.n tn the t s toed wa .nch wore The .l--xes on ib co it. -o t sjxat-. onlv t note ba.f-w-ty down tha; arm, and the h-i- of the iron-r's co-rwd ....... ..T.S .imm...... - - - ---.-,- pe"-- " - inc ouicorae oi mu t-u- P011 chnM of cloth ts W.-'A nvr l-- T Ii.7.. 1-W -- V i..uizsi jju.ir' a & i wt , -.- - -:.-: , The potato, intxoduced in Enjrlan- j in 1C0 was first eaten as a aweetr-e-t, stewed in s-ckwinc and eugar. J . k mi ..... .- nit-; 1:11 t 2uiais' i-.-rns n- ioi4mE4tr. fiL taoiritifF it a.ia&r-t4j .ati.4s..iraair TK MPKKAXCE. IOWA JUDGE'S REBUKE. AN IVI.nt tin -.l Uhrn rtnc limn 2w!.tra of til !. .ff th' tl-. Hox V. M tlih kiM. Ih-rrJci Jnlr of the Kihth Judu-ia! llltrtcl Iowa, in jni:i en:ence nion KMor dealer for v,ola:.on of the I'rolubitury law. d the U. .! "Wkilu there ai rrnaier enntea known to the law which ar ponlanaWc with p-ejtl eeri:y. :hr ar none which tnvoiio rr.or uf tbi ,:iibtt KtHwn jt UcMnvnbir matn au . . sudacitv than tbr Hia? o! ixUiv.cnt- in It ,tt.,-. Ihrr i- mthiR mi the taking o' human bfe o intaa:aoH.it that it 4uk and tcrr.tM tn m tul o all and -' e luitk upun tb man " ta. human t !e qti e ix -urrh. tnit b a 4w. ltofr n ir. if u 'ithout romtrnituitiuo. at )rzmi, w tl.t marrl to h m at tue arty aje. uf thir horrwr. i ou wno and Wfwr tbr ! ar. ctmrt r -eaJetKV a- in ever, natural i-n- itturdcrr. i xoti wv Uhtn .,! ' ?ir l ' " U K-.'.rr. jC.i ot in tn-iaiicnier; nr me law vars ma; dii"-MT .cver..Ur-. tin duh ol a bo- m :.n U.mc; uniSMfuh t ctiiUv of lor rr.im i our beatrsl irtau iij-m the w tn- v stand, and w tto ntAd.Mibteath coiuimtte I per,un to iee m ir m .bs la, not ottly nbibiLnnUv :e f . that on nn acr-flrrattste; tUath. tt th .: veti are imluems nvni to o-tutnit t.H greater cr m s titan i-ir tn i uu till maiiil.-.H the jtpfitMtnu-et' .of rr-'o-.-t.tiiittv. t t how moral Utntts tnl M-mfn'iiii o ar uiwnntl I be inn. povertv an I idlrne winch Vou ire m lietins UHn ihi- .s.jnniu'iitv .le Ijre a. r :n the liuiix'.iiii iUx' mm ire l-:ns in hllene. nnd eat.n ih read ot iT, bans aat- rel wh hmIow J..tr. tt rfie st-.iithii k lbos r . Hiiii.. and tmmienns the pc" ! utdiisin ot the community, and then by coiivertms haj p. indusi-ioii.. ionics into nuto. jiertT. ami ngy. Anv-oiis wi. . ami mother, wntch ami pray in tears njrhth, vviih lel -. heart . for th.- .-..iii !t. k..:ti.t nl .,ir vi, t ms. whom vou are lurin with lb. wile, :,.! sinde's of the tlcvil inttj uiN alsht tle'-aiicliei v '. hie can h.v no ade.,nat" eooct-fn thin of a cn'nrnct tintd be has een Masai n. i or o tho ternbh lnrv and jrnnd. ur of a itorm in malHean uaUl he has witnesetl one s4, .) on,, can know the utter d-;raUt on ami UHal b-praity to which his sj.en- an be hrotisht'iiut I In looks upon tha tlrs- latr rii.n causal bv jmir lHlILsh trallic. You are pes .lent, dem.nt U-rrak- ers. ami sh:iiui-)I loat that m tleti- :tlt(s of the law Mlltt ttiortl H)i. ot the rouimuiiitv itou w.il couliuoe in .ottr wicke I nml c. iniiual pnn t ct. I: ha., therefore, now be ome the imjiemtive dntv of this coin l to let fall upon im -o heavily the arm ot the Jaw that vou shitl! cither In' driven from your nefatioii tiaitic. or in ned m tHir fortunes or wicked prosperity You have lx-come a .tench to the ii...tril-- of the communilv. and nil Soot I men ar pravins that iimi by -need.lv refonuetl or -Miuiiiartiv d. - 'troved. Ity the provnlenc- tit i.oti and I ue lav or oi th: court these prnyets .'in!! l-e sinediv an.wered bv msuhI and cat '"slice for olir CIMiies. Antl tinally. let me eiitrt at you, if you are not lo.t to every s,'iit meut of huniaiiitt. to dc-dst from your cr.minal vusuImiimI traiie and Ix'take ytnirs.lvet to -onni honest callms for a liv.bhou.l. tfnt toll III vet become itttnl!. Useful C.tieiis .nml entitled to the n p ct of a t urisi.au touimutoiy u you pert ;n this wav. oiir nun i certain, am you wil r.-ceive. a. you ib-scrve, tin' cxeeiat on of mankind. Yimi mnv think thut the sentence of the toutl t hiirsh ami iin'u-t'y -i-uti'. Imt th court asiue-v -u ihaf. i mp:.rtd with vomi crimes ami the de-tdatmu von tAte nl re.itly bnnisht ujxu the community. :t ... m. hi in the extreme INTEMPERANCE. A Itr.ilo-ti-llr.trlfil Wife W'ti.. I!iiImii.I II. is Itrroll... I lk- l.ll I'li'it lll.-.I IStt. Not uintty year- as- a ,,'huijj tu i,,,,. oi me ii sue; p:omt.e ami iMnnii' an oied tiaun h s prof., on Ihviis ,,,:,t of n la'T. H1il.il 10 ttl.imajfi ',, '"" J'! hvel'e-t f Ikt " livery one pro-cut at tin: w.il lins fent lemarked "What a r 11 ant future." Nothiiis -eenietl want ns to o:npiiSe his worblly blis. Hut u'a! mu m-p.-rance t atne Jkn a th ef in tbe nish' Miictjor he wa. a siHret tlrnkor nt l.r-ti an I roMn-d hnn of hi kottor. h nnence. .. Xin.iuiiT. iranionnii 1.,..-. ..!.. ,.a.l n.a.l I. . . L ........ 1 fliill tilktf il t-il4 ilIt " irr.tlli(J wife, w th .ldiU.M-d f'nr. watitd ami vva. ted for th tsui''S of b-r b.; IovimI one, -trivitie bv ev. rv killftil le vice 'ii. as liable to hnbl h.m fnt the uti'e.-l iz wt-rltl. Only n few day s. I icoeic, a letter I we were cbe. iuat.s written by her own haml. ami lnr word- of ni'n- stifiT.ns u'' tlespa r haunt tin "My frentl. my Jnirl i broken. My once k'.nd hii.banl is no kifiscr a man of feel in s . action remind nn nl an untamed beat In mtr littl- povertv stricken noun U hnl shall I do. oh' what t-liall I dov' Ah' Men in their tlallv walk of lifn know but rry litlb in regard to the wort feafur f inteniierauce. It i. the j txir wife h iiiu-t witoev 1U bor ror and endure it cure I.ok at the ymiav men of to dav. ' witirnj? tln. t!ub-( chL. N-Kire. too. their nervous. nnJendy baad and oh-erve their walrrv mi't "a stitB-wti' nroof Qj lj,c f,f in!oxi-alins lbww. .:..- l -t,.-.,.i- t. -. i .i.- .. sfil- J4 . -l" in. fi. "J . WaSfJI 4.1 A..n.1U, m..rh ' '' '".... ..-r,. tR.k .bow '.bat tbt umu. ol aoHis aiflc-r uu i.p tae dr of tbe bs,x?9t.ear mu1 al: tivre aaythms b-r ?' Alt t . m Mrrh araoos boiea rod trua tt Itasras- master nd cd out a kz of mi .. Ayx...s m'-' a.tl It . nowr -its. att tar b rrarenii. .... wJ.C. HU C WaTC J.". W fllC 3 arcrasr one to each one hundred and five ieop! throushout the counlrr. . w m - r ninrr .iti.t; J , The Colosne GaztUc ay that lO.fjro person-i die every year ia'Ccraaay by i dcl" trwrnesa, j - . ! personal and litchahy. . -Th- nm in which I'nttf w dW ror-el jv that whrrrin ho w mr- -Victor Mh-o pcn oi ... -.--ins: a an auitKr in buying cahroen h.w for i wtft -Mr- Ij:rT. th" ctn?. l t t p-iv her hufnd a monthly Alry fur ketjp.nr. a w.y from htr -t;.nral N W. t'rawfonl. on of liv thre ttrvimc wwerr oi ' K'r rioa s rjt iHiivr hx o'mpleldl book of oiiUc.1 and RiiHtarT rcn- nc,o,v - Joln C KrHnt, nrrr rentv ... ..,.,. Tatrri r-x in aaivx iiiiu ... i l - k-n. 4 'KI fc " - . .. T , i ..... ,.. I HAJIIvii A HI1 ft fr-r al: Iit CftT . Urfurv tber -, a, j t 99m - t M- -J' - - am bv.i0 at ot cr pac Xtnt.i Anna wIow, blh: and MMttr b!iJ Kr-1. iall t rwitcnii k.- tin .nml ABtl k4 lUllff. 1 HI hrtur m li ttv ! .UKf. "" -Je-tjM Wlm., lrtct (fn4h at Un ; ni t hnm Irvd a4 tHtT-to U laaonn.W irum M. Jjh Mo . x a co.i. tar ; n W at' rirt l of (len- ml W hmzuit - 4al. alttrto- tx ,'rvolnt t. MA AtltIe Ka.k!pK. of t'lm--Un I. ( . h I- r,.tHl by tint IV.anl of Kfrou . :h Lrxtin prt l"Kr aI tl s?aU Lner,lT of Ka- i-. Mt.sa KmUdpk fca a U aVS tl Mil-. UarflVtl t'i iaif I r. Ir. K. J. i.athafc. ot Hn.rtord.vvho iMVenril the fitMvaa tiatilnj jrn. i .1 UMit novo u.th a rbuhbt tav ;wl lubbt ura Uaanl H -vs avt t.tU vnd ij:iiot. ttj-ii.inc tue u ( atrotaf cr.- to aid le'i Vt- do oT i U P;lhl.i.st m t ll-ilii t-UtUlittar tt Dm 'b-f-nvns ot AiMa-r.e. KortWni i'tptnin Iti -hanl J. Liwe. ! tile! at Ynny.trvl Haen. Max . it4te. mus. during h ld. at k.i M mt'tw. r nvrh tw. wi. -i. caih. r lnall in "Sfv Itlford .t brrtrU f )m4 imL. n.0 ol perm .!. ad oti.tvj ixeitid of wna'r'b.M. aal W i l,iUUl .tk "P ' ur-v -t,,;'- -' m 'in) iab- fc" '! f tiabr.!li thtl whn btj "ilt Htt.R i w ( ntb-n vWit aje" Her me. for -.-.fee ti.i -Hi?U . d.nanabHl a nlr of vo 1mmhi1 IwcaU. - I ar lo muck." "a " I'.n-ai. ant-wml Wky. " wir' ib I jai. iuv i!tl mnr " " " l W M or bld inarahnli .-g fr yni." wa Un -.-a.ft r-rjoUttbt lfa" "K r Om lg1H AM. h Pr.a-rs. of Walrs with br tbrH d gator lrT uj; Ul Kotleii low the i4her dir. itil lad't.1 the lain what Air mini nm A pla'n cr.y Twrk atiN fw a. nut-.- tightly Vo U hplle, Imen rdlar ami Ctill. u whit, strau bonnet tniiiuuHl with back tltnR iti- n, a elner ( crtuMtn pop- m ptatunl up Uy tbo thr n . No at oi tuantb-. no lv- inond. im jetiry d an 'trt. "Hio turn- RirU .. r dre-ed nl-k. In imev bin- a-lon.j.-. u.th i-d sptk it;..l hat of while tinu, tr turned wah Wnir voivtt nntl a lnl id fnturr. ' -. IIUMOHOU! - Tb (Imi'p'nr of tbe St.at Pr4on oiiffbt to b )Hti d. torn tuau with i or o shl hiitidreil felon on ki Unml i tltviM of aympatby -IahU Ctt- ifl.m A man In Lihjj Wo. "n.. i reniJv itM'itatie I a weekly paper Uvt a mile I hu tr!e wn hh laan ut t Kiale a it wo tbl -rm ai fr4 I biaK. I'hrv ate itolh i-Irvalota of tb- ItlitiMvn I nee. k" Jmt . Art vmi ii'rl'ltou, my Jmi1" Ki'il ili4 ftir.he jlfl, nriK to n atfwly arrivrtl .trjiuj,er in AnttM to wav mi she bad ltrM enjdftl. "Not n bt. but why do yon ak rrpiied ttw youth "Nothlns etc pt im arw Um thirt"Mth yi.ua.' jjrnM. man wbom I have iHrn eiljsv4' " " ' ti . A man claim'Hj; U b a !. t,t waaU Millie one to b oe ib o.ulli it prtrvent .t leir.iin We ar n frnr-ttl Who We thlllk would be abb' U do it. I'p tt thi little in ha iit-t.t-d all tU lmriu enrrxio lo o. aal hu ibt b glad Ut n m try it tm .ho r t of tec .-a rib. - fo.'on l'uL A 1 tlb Ih-v wa lobl that lie uiut never ak for nnvt dn; nt ib taWn. a it nit. i.ot jjoo I miit-r to tlo nv 'IT (.M"pt m. wa tnat be wa fr-apM! Iv or. i ',. ok..l ( if Any b' (ati. or .nJ; "Joi.uav. et in a rb-nu a't for mt 'ttuc Takt mine, pa H ebna. ' nw-l Btt-bnl. with n -h "'Ilntra h.h'l . ,u an-lb ng put i It ytfU" 'Jrxn ift.m;i. . I!. , a Wl tf a blu ny-fil ? rl. wa ttb-mt U go w.tb her Httl to .7le at a frind' Hot .n t forgot yowr inauin-T Ha.e." ! Iit rnoib er. "IU. or, to Mf jf. r n. mtr.' and yt, nm am ami 'mimn'mi' a-ji any one apeak to yot " At tbe t.t tbtt i.it pmt oil aS4l rr tr: "fts. . vvill you bate ani- M.tm." "Yo. air no. r. e. mn am. nu. ma'am,' nl I5itie. ituuliy. wllJo 'eryll burst ont Inugb ns (inri. iMif. HocUir- Have you st the b-Htr ol tin nj,-m- yet' I'atnttt- N, nir ,M.i an wv wife a bnI aa ior, -or. Ioi tor I'M you e,,t that btky and pib nine I prrerl I atn-nt Yi r; bnt it bI no . i n. aU nt x)m Dcxa. tir Th-t ranje' j ou took it ru crtl ng to lntrntoni. I iip I'aAit Yi. r. v known mnti xhI n H.-' 3' N"- I'o-Jor Wbut ha tbal to tlo w.th l'alje,t - Wdl. - "- r I"i re one lWit. I itdk iHm i,i. .. .i ..-.-.. tt.t.i. i. i. mmmwmm ..M. ..U-. . . . f tfSt.td'. I'kf l.lttk -- -r- "YiMi U-n"l to afa lb; 4rb rir v tnmnimv;. bUx m -j-a t wt! I nt! j tbi toh cmtUn t St; vme vUtffK- ztjr C.1-1 " -'.Muu'e uw. . . . . , , , A ra-.Udooi Coored Uioy. "UD It fl l -i S T 4 ' ,- mum tt don't tpoc I'd bm . Ji ..S VxVaads 2r-?M. rryf.. --- "r , --?- w-ckf' . i.i w .1 ?? ? "" cira ?a Str?'.''. -. T-s- a-va " i rr t i7T -( Baa ava-k j j! eomp-ar wJ4 Voa'd U prij4." vr 1 oitu. "" " & a. ax w. a . & ".. m, .w. j - trntm-m ip m - ctaa Hmta-tttttttttm . w w ,--- oa iMsad-Mav wOwwd, rc- 4.-. I.lu 4. .In. .mF Iv..-.. mm WL. 61 tins t TO BK COXTlXCEwiJ f i- a A i N v ! t f .1 .- Xvj I --