The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1885, Image 2

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i C. HOSMER. PabtisLw.
Tub IJoston Hoard of Health has
ordered quarantine against nil vesseL.
from Canada and Newfoundland.
Tub St. rani's new tation in Mil-
..l-.... Tl-tll fflt flV? hundred tllOU.-ami '
dollars. A double-track iron bridge i eiergynmu m y.i, -. .
wjis sent to the insane a.yluni the other
lav. Th cati-e wa overwork, he lnt-
it.. ..r ....
jug engagi'd. in addition to his pastoral
labors, in writing a historvof the town ;
, . ,,
of .Sudhiirv.
Thk Atehi-oii. Toneka & Santa '
llailroail ib developing a fair trade on
ilu M.fin ,.. i from Ciri-lins
1 ' -1"0,1 J' "L '.- '
,,, lmntlrt-il me! liftv feet Ion" i-s al-o ' the Second Comptnller prnstins aualnnt , "l-"' . f .. , .,
tohundrul .mil llti I ei I n I . ' ' tie,HwIIowanciof wjn w,accoonIil for ' Tnr. ln failures for vrk eudc Lll.,wl!.,k jall2ht, aud Hndinc the tatber
1:hS acroaa the .Munoiuonec , .j,,.,,,. oxpi.BJf.s lncUrrl in th- .tvr- ' I't-mlr JO nun.l.-rl for the I ...U i,i..riy uppo-e.! u-the match. drn.:nl
Kwr- , ' taimnent of certain dignitaries at .New Or- Stat"- IM: for Canada. 19; total. 20B; as So pul :ae o:,i niau ou: f ,h,. WB- by ay-
itnnjj r. compared with l.VMhf prex-jous week. lavim; and -h.itiu him. H-wa-apoor
Ri:v. AI.KKKT S. Hrn-O.v. a Congr.- ; ; fn,n-..n !. ' Tick Tammany Hail tiniiiitt .' nniI .,.. . .. b.s lnark bu. dl4, ,.t.t
MMilli. II lias one .-UMin.-i niiiiiiu n The lilies of Jim and two of; When the I r-ee ot li.:ht the Puritan . niea-ur.n? fourteen feet eiht ioc
the local trade and expects to put ! the notorious I.c-e brothers, do-pr-radoes forced aheal and was leading when the ,!..-; and e:-ht fet to the lowe; Hr.
two more .-liortlv. iLs Souora branch
in .Julv earned $7,WJl, against a deficit
i)f .:i,fi07 last vear.
IN siicakiiiir about the Si'AfKI
(Traill fund, .Mr. Chalice recently Kin
I think it i.- .safe. Mr. Hovt inve-ted
ffilO 000 of it in Xiekel Plate and the
other .S-J00.CHM) was lut in Wabash
, . ... . . At- - '
stock by Hi- Morgan enate. Mr. Mor- ,
ran gave a written guarantee for ten
years to pay tin- interest aud then pay
back the principal.'"
"Willi F l st"linboat was rci.(.ntv I
. "' ' " , .r i- " i the i ennes-ee hnt-r. neai .
tiav.muah, a huge panther, which had
lieen observed swimming the river. Deal, in the Kurdish Channel. Kiht per
Ijuang on briard. The coloidl roust- : sons were believed to be drowned,
tihouts were terribly frightened, when l Mn. Chamkeklai.v. the HnliMi Radical.
!... ;.. :..! .. !...? of l.iw.K-cl.ot ' took a very decided sLund, in a recent
.III t ..tirt.tiii hi(.h .. j..t. .' .. ..........
I , .. . . . ,
into the animal, which sprang into J
the water, and. after .swimming ashore,
disappeared in the brush
Tub recent strike of the switchmen t
on the Pittsburgh, Kort Wane and
Chicago Kail road at Chicago was
caused bi- the action of Thomas Crif
fin, yardniastcr. in giving an inexperi
enced man a job a.s switchman on an
nxtra engine. The .strikers claimed
that there were old switchmen, former . 'venieen, w as ,..s m.y U.i . an. mn -,
, , . , , , teen others were all more or less burned
employes of the road, who were out of , . . . . , ...
1 ' and maugliMl, some fatallv.
employment, one oi wnom ougui, to
have had the job.
It was recently stated at the Treas- '
iirv Deparlment, Washington, that the j
"..... , ,, , i
only signihcaiice of the rocuuL cancel-
' . I
rt.hcates to Urn
latiou of silver vv
amount of about Iilteen million aol- i
lars lies in the fact, as .shown by e-
perieuce. that certificates of large
dc nination are practicallv worthless !
, . .. ., A
sis a circulating medium. 1 he notes,
destroyed we're live hundred and one
thousand dollar certificates.
Db'ltixr. the latter art of September'
le of the most desiraide vacancies in
lint .iitit- ti'ill lin fr.if.if lie fli.i 1'iihrn-
ment of Inspector (.eneral Nelson
Davis. The consequent promotions
...Ml 1 . ... . t . . . I .......
. " '
strong inlllience oil the appointing i
ajipoiutilig i
TlIIKTV-MX Ucd Kiver and lied Clill' ;
Indians visited the Chicago Hoard of
Trade the other d:vv. ivaehin- the cal-
... . i .1 i . .
thiisiasm so excited t lie red men that
,, e ., .
on the spur of the moment a native
, - , i ,- , ,
win leave an ,v.s.s,.s,:ii ,s,.cioi .cn- injureu aim Muue .t-w mo.e or less .n,rl. it ( t,(. Iimo11t (f iSi,ijiW ,l h,s
eral. with rank of Major, to be tilled was thought the damage ... the citv and j m,.m lms (n vltMVtlm Ar,ht.ts wtllllaU,
from tin-Captains Of the line. There vicinity would amount to nearly l.OO..,M . al -
r . l- . r .1 i STUONrt shocks of v.'irthqtiakf were fell Tr... Mi,.!.;.,,,,, K..nti.jnh..r crn r..torf
are over fortv aupbeants for the ap- . .,,,,, ., ,,,i lnh J"l"uin '"I11"1""1- crnP rejort
" ' m the island of Jamaica on the :,...,. ti. i,,ti ,,,,,,,!,.., ,r ,.r..j .f ,.-i...t
o.;i.f.......t .. ( ir nun .ii-.. IiriinrMi.r .. ., .... glVCS the total lllllllliei Of IIITCS Of Wheat
lervi few minute- before the close of .Mnssncuuse.i.s . rouiiniion f . iu lN-;, ,,lill;; then the j.ropeller Pittsburgh. ! careful not to cut a healthy tree with a
U.IN a bu tmnut. Inloi. I ilosc ot CoilVtflIlillIlf ,,,.,,, nt Worcester on the lU.h. f , . .steamers i the world , knife on a diseased one.
tlit; afternoon M'ssion. I heir appear- . Thomas Lathrop, of Taunton, was iiomi- ,"',,.. oi.i.n
- , , . , ,i , , .,' , , . Iier!a. A.v ofucer recently t ok to C hndron a
a nee ill fantastic combinations of garb nnted for Governor bv acclamation. ,. , " . ,
t. . i .m . i. t- - i . r y . iniiiTinvii in m' itp 11 '.eruian, who." name was not learned,
wa- greeted with shouts rivaling in ' Charles It. knight, of Worcester, was APniTlf.NAl. him ATClliw. who w urreMi, tj. r) uNition
vigor their own war whoops. The en- umiiuiiioiialy nominated lor Lieutenant- Nine Aj ache bucks and eleven squaws from tlu. (o.v, rnor of Wisconsin under the
.lance was imiiugco in. iiisi:i,u,v ; in.r charl,, n Travt.r,, Natick: Attor
R most ludicrous scene was inaugtir- nev-tJeneral. Snmuel M. Fairfield. Maiden;
alud. there lieifig given in the wheat Auditor. William Sherman, Lowell.
pit an imitation of the Indian dance.
into the spirit of which all the traders
joined. There was a wild scene for
live minutes- -md then the .'on.-
...'.. I I f .. ,'i " t -t ..I ,i i r "
sounded toi the close and the Indians
tiled from the gallery
Iri;B Hatciikli.kk, of the Interna
tional Tribunal at Cairo. Kgypt. ar
rived at New York on theSth. He was
appointed by (ieueral CJrant ten years
ago. He said in an interview: (en-
ral Cordon brought, about his own t
4letruction by disobeying orders. He
iiuiti n;ii- iciiuaicii w in; ii lie ioiinn ii
....!.! I . ...I ...I. ... 1. . I r-
-ii. .. -i .
......- ...... ... .. . -vm. tov VIWIVIJ1-
, ... -. 5.tM, ,- 7 j i . .
,wt. ...,,,..iuUN UUL vuosL- lu re.
r l it f . im .1
uinm in can ioraio. l nen against
Che wishes of (Iladslone and all the
airmv-ol-iccrs except Cneral Wolsclev
thu tataUxpedition up the. Nile be-an '
i it-.-. :..-.- i r t . r
...... .. w ' '"' "L l"
attempt .to reach tlie Alsh-L He was
in bad health and kokei decidedly
-consunintn-e- He said there it was his
intention :io roturn to the cssun of the "nseot irom -,wo t i-.iwi.
i . j . ,i . I. ,. , , The International Telegraphic Confer-
vropluu- 1 dx not think Pain died bv . .. .. , , , ,r ;.
,,..., , ence at Renin adopted the Ctermau iro-
llntH-hUiIlntsorAralisneaK. He prob- pcal for an iutematioual telephone svs
aihlv did f lever, if he instead at all." i tern.
A"TBI.I-01CAM -was recentlv senl from
Coltmibus. 0 savin" that Mr. Herbert
Tay. of tlat eitv. Iiad been nolificl by
the War lepjirTinent that hra the
-.miiosf nun eiiJisted in the Tnion i
arniy ill any of the. States during tho t
rebellion. It was tlted at the War :
Department that no statement of tlie
nature mentioned had ever been mado
by the department, and no information (
on the subject has ever Jbeen compiled
from the records. The ANar Depart
ment officials say it would involve an
examination of the r.cordi of nearly
three million men to entibfe the de-
partmeut to make such a jttatemeut
With :inv decree of accuracy, and as '
iioUitos: would be iained to the public
service by tlie compilation of suclx in
formation, tin? probability is that tlie
question of who was the youngest soi
4lcr will never bs definitely settled.
,a ' wilOJX XXX linuviAJt
A finmmn nf n.H. M..
A Btimmary Of the Daily NW.
Vice-Piieshient Henouick.h addressed
n meeting at Indianapolis on UieSth, in
behalf of the Pnrnell fund.
General Shkkman euloizf-1 Central
Grant before tho Society of tho Armv of
thu Tc-nne,ee atChicngo on the evening of
the 'uh
KMi-KBOlt WILLIAM at Tarlsruhe on the
11th stood in his carriage and reviewcsl i
ITfWl'l tr.,c I'.w. uuthi.r .-n r-niriv
Aohikal Jocktt has trntlen a letter to
sion oilice, ha- rinH. atrl Mrs. M. A
Mi!Jij;rxti, widow of Colonel Thomas A
Mulligan, has leen ajipointed to the vu
t-t who v.
T UjtAlNKUn. of St. Albans,
a.s kidnaped in I'em!ina re-
i cently by det.-rtives, nrriv-d in St. Paul
' on theifth on the Manitoba thn.uh train. 1
wt.5i. ;f. ti, i:fiinn n...i..t hnndfuired h.-
was aain I:idnapeI bv unknown partie,.
MlM-Ki.u.VKor. i
operating from the Indian Territory, have ;
been brou-ht into (Jaincsvilb., T-x. They ,
were killed near Dexter lit a hlit witli ;
I Detective Thomas and two.oilicer. named i
I Tnvlor mid Settle-. i
J The cricket match between th- Kulish !
' cricket team and the peninsulars, of De-
tnut, resulted iii a vicforv fir the visitors. I
The score was lis to 'JS!, with an inning to I
Mre. j
The second att-mit of the vaehts I'liri-
, f, r ' uf ,.;.,.
1UII I1I1H lit.-IILWIII I'l I'NU'iii !! nn iihmiki- i jjj.; Ollliajl III .IIIIM'IK, n llll IIUI HMl III-
tninal cup was frustrated on thefth by the ilueiice in the Moiiamm-dan world, re
Puritan fouling tho Cenesta. The Captain i Ceiitly olferetl Ins army in the .servico of
of the Puritan was clearly to b'ame, and ( (;reat I.rituin.
the race wouhl have been piven to the I . keck.nt dispatch from (Jenoa roparteI
i ...--...... . . .
'f .. I... L.'la IM, Wiiltit.t I.. I
' tn l"' ' u i
accept it.
TIK ,jnr(iii Ij0chf,.rKlls CoIli.leI with the
steamship Mlewuter the other ni.-lit otf '
t I
sneech.ayainst Parnell's idea of a separate I
I.arlia).nl f(ir WoUlwU j
It was rumored in Loudon on tho !th
that s 'Veial of cholera had occurred
at Mono, Ii-dyiiiin.
Cai-i: Town advices .state that Conyo
caiimb.'ils have attacked several stations of j
tin African As-oci ilion ami roimted and
devoured a number of whites.
As a gang of fourteen miners was corn-
ing out of tho Alta colliery, at Uranchdale, '
Pa., the other morning, a tremendous ex
plosion of gas occurred. John Linn, nged
I . -t. i.:o i .1 ..
TllK otl.r ni lt u Iol, of in,nnr)S
headed by white men, attack 1 a party of
Chiiie-e hop pickers, thirteen mib-.s east of
Seattle, U. T., with clubs and stones, kill-
" w -1"1 o"dins f"r. Iti former
years the Indians had exclusively been
- . , 4 ... .... . J ..
hired to pick hops,
hl-rtM CIlill.1I1118ll.
I uis e;ii nun iiiiii
the .schooner (Guardian Angel, while
beating to windward otT Cape Ilallard,
Newfoundland, capsized tho other inorn-
"k s''1 "" l""i,u ,'sti -eept one
seaman, who was picked oiv tlie wreck bv
. .
- I " r "
The strike of 10,000 operatives in tin
juto mill at Dundee, Scotland, ended in
favor of the employes.
The olllcial report of the Montreal Health j
Olliceof the illh stated that forty new cases i
..r ll .. ...!
i '
three deaths occurred,
Five persons were killed by tin storm at
nshingloii Court House, O., three fatally
- I .... i ..... -.1 . . 1 . I. v i.i.-. ........ ie.-i-.,t. '"
a iiroclniuatiou leinoviii- the tonnace dus
Piir.siHK.NT recently issued
n proclamation removing the tonnage di:-s
from vessels arriving at UniN-d States
i jiorts from Colombia, Central America.
This was done because Colombia had re- ,
moved the tonnage dues from American
tSl,s- ...
i rouiiuuoii oiaie
ouii'hh'i. inu u.iiiiiu tr ui ine -.. in- ih.m-1
, , .. ... .
was made up a.s follows: Secretary of
... ... t- . ot t
State, (teorge kempton, Sharon; I reus-
i t ...... M....H 'ii... I... I.. ...... ..r ii... s;t..... ....i...
It was reported that several hundred
Chinamen had returned to Rock Springs,
Wyo., protected ly the military. Intense
a"imostv 'xjt,,,! nK t" white min-
ors' :,n'1 ,l was ftf"rel lllnt P'ove-
would be used to destroy the mines.
I i he otner nignt an attempt was made u,
blow up with dynamite the hotel, saloon
and residence of Neal & Radwell, in the
village of Westminster, not far from Lima.
O. The saloon had recently been opened,
ami us presence was uotiy opposed ly
Home of the inhabitants.
A recent dispatch from Pesth navs:
Ctiuut Paul Festetico has killed M. Pechy,
son of the President of the Hungarian del-
fL'Minn. in n ililpl. lt ws lirsl reiiort.iI
n . .t- ...
"- ecuv (lieu oi unless
. l.;..t . , .1 .1 .
at x Jiisiiurgn. ra., me outer morning.
Joau McItosh s,ot hu mother through
- . .
the lun. The old lady had called her
oa to shoot a cat in the garden. While he
ent for the gun he weut into the arbor,
n,i he. unaware of this, fired at the cat
and killed his mother.
The aooouiits of the late Charles K. Dc-
moO, receiver of taxes of Hempstead. Long
Island, who die.1 recently, are being inves-
tigated- It is reported that there is a
Tac British i.ainer Auckland collided
with tiieGermau gunboat Klitzaear Copen
,aJ:e', recently. The Auckland wai sunk
at onctaati feftoenot tne seventeen mem-
lerof the crew of that vessel went down
with her. The ICitx was not jeri.-j-v In- "
j. ...
Seventy hore aad much other prop-
ert' w'ro ''nratst in a recent hre at Lester
Bros.' liverv taUec. itsbvitle, Teun.
A oas well wac strack at Cameron.
Y., at a depth of fifty feet while one of th
residents was iKjrinK for water. The gu
flowed with considerable force.
AN uukuowu vessel wac wreck?! at Two
Kivers. Wis., on the 9th about five miles
uorth of Harlvir piers. Xotaing was found
to indicate the name of the rcsel. It was
lvelievel that many other essels went
down in th? storm, resulting iu the loss of
a great niuuber of lives. j
IT was repdrtevi xront Spam on ine loth f
that the Govervment had decided to place
several cities unkr martial law. '
Floods have raia-d the crops in Bengal, i
Several Iand-ltdes hare occurred, damac-
Jng many railways.
Thk Commissioner of Internal Hvenua
report that the amount of distille 1 spirit
' Rone into consumption in the United States
during the fiscal year ended Juu 7t), JWv...
wufilIW CnlIon, and th- amount of
malt liquors on which tax was paid during
the same period waa p.i,is.i,y.-j gallons.
The schedules in th- aMignmeut of Mar-
tin &Co.. leather dealers, of Buffalo. N. Y..
show liabilities of $JO;,!l: nominal asset
"" --"'-'' u7"u""" U4-- -,: , ,
, " ,p Mas"ai.L. Mrs. Inu! and a
J 'y '""' ' drovme.) tho other -
I i"'' - a l calB,7,"H n Ijike 1 raver.-
! 'luri:i- a rto-m. One Idy was recovered.
.-.-.''.-.a-i ..-.. ... .-..'-wa-
- """- -"' i'"-----; t
, i-rnnce. on tne Jittu ureal unmape a
don.-to property and there were many oav
has passed reolutsous conilemuin the
Cvil iscrviee (inriiirion.
M. C. I'.ocKWELL, the ex-banker of
Union, . V.. and his clerk, I). J. I'almer,
were arretl the other dav, hartl with
larceny in the firht dere.. in mis.ippro-
1'riatins 4 WW. Th- c .mplauit
'' iIr- ,,v'?toa' a dejM.sUor.
Ti e .mplauit was ma Ie
THKlin was another failure to j, til th-in-
t.-niat.onal yacht rare at .W V.k u the
,,th Th yachts started, aud th-(.eneta
had thebest of it while :h.. win.I Iribted.
.-even-hour time limit expired and thi race
was ojT for the day.
l iik .Niciani'iiio r.ivi-r is now .vi
filled up by debris and Iicl;eu-i wa-lp-d
down from thi- mine.- worked in lh-puit
year that pa-etier and freight Iwat a can
no longer reach Sacramento. --r
A itKCE.vr telegram from Fredericks
bur-, Tex., say.-, that Ve-!ey Odlier and
.lack IJ-am, murders, had broken jail at
Ma-on and c.-enped.
, , ...
.1 j-. 1 1. ..I'.l.. J.
ll!u loimtieriiij; oi iu si.-.-uuer urn we
Malaya. The crew ba-ely de.-erte.l the
Vvs u,!iVll the pas-en-ers to their fate.
o,,- f sixty iasenj;ers, sixteen were
ilrowned. MAfiflitKlSM is aain reported
rampant in the upper and lower Luzerne,
di.stricts of Pennsvlvania. Nine murders
have recentlv occurred m the northern
(:(ia, ,.,,,, nm, Illllies aro fr,.,,ue.itly tired.
Le .Matin, of Paris, .stnted on tho 1 It h
that a military uprising had occurred at
Madrid, which had been quickly sup
Tiikke sailors of the luig Furness Abbey
were recently arrested in Ito-tou on
a charge of mutiny. The Captain and
Mate were also arresJed on counter charges
of cruelty. Thu vessel was from Hong
Thk Marine Hospital Jlureau at Wash-
ingtou has been informed that, yellow fnver
is epidemic in tae State of Sonorn, Mexico,
and a request has been made for the up-
pointment of a medical inspector at No-
Kales. T-x.
A STATE banquet was given at the lloval
Palace at Copenhagen on the 1 lib, attended
by the Czar and Czirina, tin Prince and
Princess of Wales, King Christian of Den
marl: an 1 King fi-orgc of (Jreece. King
Christian proposed the health of the Car
and all stx 1 up aud sung the Kiissiau Na
tional Anthem.
It was reported in Madrid recently that " construct large stock yards at Ilarnes
the boiler of the Spanish cruiser Castilla, ' ton, nine miles west of Sidn-y.
lying at Cadiz, had exploded. The Cas- . O. W. Chesman, li ing on Dutch Creek,
tilla was the largest cruiser in the Spanish m,;" Ainsworth. recently found on his
Nnvv. Onni two large pieces of petrified wood,
Jacoii Keelv, a leading merchant of which res mile the genuine Wxoming
Rockbridge. III. was found dead in his ,
j,trt. tu. other inoiiung with two luille:
,(lcs in his body. All the circumstances :
pointed to murder, but no clue had been
obtaiued to the perpetrator of th" deed.
.I.C. Weisemiciin, dealer in dry goods, j
Aoi,!eto:i. Wis., has confess...! iudment to !
- I
ti,,.,.;.!,,.,! :is s::,T:'Ks, with a total yield of i
...... .... . .. . -. i..."i...i
I.OI.I,!'..', Ul .ill Ull'lUI' Ul .V 'l-il IIUMlt'IHlU (
the acre.
Ton burse Cyclone, laden from Mar-
,Jll(.lti.t WS1S r.M,ort,.d ashore near Alabas-
,er j .ki. n,irollt :II1,i Wl, pro,(li,iy prove a '
total loss. She was launched at Cleveland
.. .. i .. ..
wero seen recciuiv near iitiisiioro. i. .!..
"" '
evi b-ntlv sl'alni their way back to the
vuir w.i nn .v. iu un
Kan Curio nervation.
Disi-atcmks fn.m Kurope of the 12th
noted tin- steady disappearance r cholera .
from France and Spam.
ri.oous nave oesiroyeo m crops in
Ilene.fl. The Calcutta district is sub- j
mergd and land slips have oc- ,
curred. causing damage to railroads. j
The clearing house returns for week-
ended September VI showed an average in- ,
crease over tne corre.ioniling week oi last
year of '2.. The increase iu New York
was 14.7.
The window.- of the dry goods store of
(Jnrry Uros., New York, were shatter d by
an explosion ot dynamite i-eiiruarv I. and .
the explosion w-ns Mijposel to have been J
instigated bv disaffected dry goods clerks.
Detectives have recently arrested Peter A.
Daly, Thomas Fi'zpatrick and David j
mir itnn. chnriiit. thum nit h liii"- rnn- '
v....... ...... ... p..... ...... ...... n .
r.---i- r. -
cerued ia the explosion.
.. ..- . . .. . . Tl't..
ur. i . a. ouv. me emineni r-ngusu ;
phvsician. is
1 iik Free Thinkers Convention met at
the Lelaud Opera Hou.e, Albany, N. Y.,
on th-!2:h.
Twelve plass tablewan factories of
Pitt-burgh. Pa., which had leen clns-d
since last June for the usual summer vaca-
turn ha resumed operations, giving em-i
pliiyiueut to 2.U00 men. '
The wnury and distillery of th" Freno ;
Vineyard Company at Fresno. Cal., wer
desroyvi by tire recently. The lus- xras
sl"'. : iartially insure.1.
A Ciiinfse loan of in,o.0i3 ha lKen
negotiated at Pari and licriiu for the con
struction of n railroad from Taku t Tun
chow, twelve miles south of Pekin. A
Manchester tirm has oblatn.-l the contract
for the road. !
Emekt A. Stoz-Rs, the well-known Chi- :
rn-n la wver. die.1 at Ottawa. III., recently, i
. ."......,.... :t; ..f r- -I-.
Y MIS ll..t l..-J--tll, tt X .t..-4- J
Jnme Kincannn of MtssU-i:ii and Mr.
Wood of Tenneset has le-en apinted by
the Secretary of the Interior to go out to ;
the Indian Territory and cpn uegotia
tians with the Choctaw. Crt-ek. Cherokee j
anj Seminole Indians for the purpose of
harfjig their undiriiled lands throwa open
.or ttlemcn?
a cojimcnistic nrriiing in the CaaUia
0f Cordova, in the State of Vera Crar. is
j-.yiag great annoyance to the planter- f
that section. The rebels demand a Iivtion
of all property.
The large sugar work of the American
Glucose Company, at Peoria, I. L. huni'd
tae other mornir.g entail. njr a lens of $&),
C0i. The lire originated near the drying
kiln, and, driven br a high wind, spread
lu - itn. rmt ranbiitv. The insnrar.e-. wa
loot known. ' I
J -,. icCook Hanking Company has t
euanj. a .Vatiunal unk. g
The chadrvu .War. a-ert that UrJtn
paCirlc engineer nre viewing the lavjpf
thtf jftnfl ja tJl(A: vicmitv- and expecuttiina
lftr. ji twenty per cent, to th- l"f
reaj Mtnt ., ftcrted that the in-
.jm b ,j,t ,,, lHBl Iom: an,i tl.atk-
. . . . . .
eriJ employe ot in. company are iiVea5-
jn5 , corner lot ia the hope of an early
, nfl
Fred vho for wm1 tiia
hR(1 un in th ,,,.. of IjU,iu ... JCraatz.
B larmer near rrinner. aiieinps-i 10 a-
ya mate his eiunlnvcr a few dnv a so. lor
wblch he w, arre.v.M and jad-1. It ap-
in ja;l.
TnACKi&TlNft has U'-n le'pun on tai
lback Hiili xte-jtion of the Fremont, Klk
horn A: Mt-uri Vallev ilsjlroad. and it is
expected that two anle.t pr day w.H let
jni.j A iHr.z forc oI- ,,K.n ami team- are
t.ncaeti on the -rnde and lrile work.
Thp'tracKiavm ii tt b conUuuetl until
i:frul( tl.ti,. fcrrv-llvo miles out from
Chadrun. ic resched.
Tiicmas CJ.wv.v. a fnrmr lirini; to
nui,., Ilor:Si of AxteM. lec-ntlv exUihite.!
He .said it i- a fair sample of the corn
jrrowin on a ten-acre pi-e- "ii his farm.
The Illair I!'i!JUnn -ays that o far as
threshing had'l in Vahim;toii
County it howtI that I he ield hal tteen
overestimated. Here and there a Held will
turn :! tweity bu-he!s. but the average
will be nB" below that tiyure. 1'rom
snmples rec-ived at the mills of that eitv it
wr.s th op.uion that theipiality will -rad"
i:h la.-t vnrN cr-.p, though there is some
cousideraltle linv.-led wheat,
I'i.l tramps recently encamped near
South Omaha and cui.mI nervou- people
t fear .lej.r-ibitioiiH, as the camper- were
represented to he and crooks who
ii .
nan i-eu urivcn irnm -tiier places.
As th- Chicao. St. Paul. M -nnenpolis Sz
( i,Hha tram was puUnu into Hla.r re. ent-
lv. it was struck bv u Sioux Citv A: Pacitic
construction train and a number o! pa-seu-
j;er.s injured. T.i- two roails cro-s at
ISTair and the accident was caused by th
construction train bein pushed into the
center of the pa--.ii,; passenger at the
(Tn.ssiny. The car stiuck was full of ps
pleiiTid the force of the collision threw the
car trom the track, completely overturning
it. One man had his lug badlv crushed,
and a number of others received severe
cuts and bruises.
Po.ntmasikhs latelv njipoiute I St routs
burw. John A. Trawlev; i'oiica. Isaac Con-
A H. SrnrH.M. the recently-appointed Point Cadet from N-dira-ka, succes-
fully pussed his phvsical examination at
that institution. Sydenham was refused
admittance two years ago from some
claimed defect in ins f.-.-t.
The citizens of Arapahoe have tak:i
hold of the proposition of the Mi-thodist
Kpiscopal Conference to build an acadeinv
there for a bonus of jl.DO'l and n site. The
' propos-d building will cost -.'HKi. Com-
inittee.s have b?eu apioiuted to canvass
the matt r.
Heal estate in and aliout Kwing lis nd
vauciug in prce.
The Ciiiou Pacific Railroad has decided
eoal, except tiu' outside, which clear! v
-hows-it to be a pie-of pin-timber. T
specimens weighed about ,-,o) pounds.
It is said that the refusal of th au-
thonties o. est Point to grant liens s
to "peddlers" has put a stop to the
'"inierous gamming gam-s that had been
so successfully rim on the hi reefs.
A iusesse known as an appl- tree blight
has appeared in portions of the State. It
appears first by the withering and (Irving
of a single le if which extends to other-
until the entire tree is dead. Kxp-riments
i. ..,-.. ..,-..,..... ti...t ;f .-- a.,n. i
- J'.-.i-i Mini. ll. t. 1IMI.1 H i.t inti. 4..-I lit,
and may b" commuuicnted from tree to
tree by inoculation. Tneonlv .s.i
fr recommen 11 is said to "be to lop oi:
'Jiseas.'d branches as fast as they are
affected below the disjased part, le'ing
' charge of obtaining money under fnN t r--'
tense. It is stated that he received .,
! i)) while in Wisconsin from turtle Knst.
which sum wn to be loaned on inn-roved
f.rnH. n,. forged not-s and mortgage;,
a,i forwnr,j,Mi u,,.,,, to tju. prtlrH sending
,,jm ,j momv to satisfy them thnt thdr
monev i,d been nroiierfy olaced .while i...
pck -ted the cash and skipped West.
The Supreme Court has contirmtsl thr
s..nJ..Iir,. 0f death upon Bohanau, the
Omaha murder-r.
A Swede tinned Christianson was re
cently arrested at Hickman and taken tc
Lincoln for trial on the charge of attempt
ing to murder his wife and thre- children.
He is a man alwut fortv years of nge.
When arraigned he amieared unit- nerv
olls n,,,j nctl aa tl.ou"h crar.y or un-
.i.,r , i,,nii,.nr ,.f Ii. ..,-- it., i.n.i i.
j-preeing for some tim-, and ent-ring hi
house fired twice with a ri at his "n jf
ami children, but neither shot took effec.
TllE jewelry tor of S. Jonnon. at
Qmaha. ws recently robbed of diamond.
to tho value of sl.OOO.
Ashland ha organiz-d a ho-ik and lad
der company composed of business m-n.
IICKCLAiis raidel the Central Hou-,
Fremont, on nlcbt recently and made a
clean-up of if) in jewelry and clothing.
Nokth Rend wants a tloar mill.
Mil. Rlt.EV.of Talmage. told Mr. Ewing
if he (Ewiag) w..uid slide down f.-om a
certain hay .-tsck upon which he wan
perched h- might get hurt, and if th- two
should come in coll.siou in a public road
on would go home witli a black ye.
whereujton Ewing had Basly arre-trd and
he was tound over to apjear for trial.
A."Ol Cavpbell. of Summit, cam- n-nr
losing his life recently through blood jk!
ouing. He ran a wire Iwlongmg to a eve
iu his threshinz michino into his band,
and soon hi arm Wgan to -wrH and at one
time it was as large a. a tntn's leg. He
had a narrow escap- from death.
Koo cholera u emptying numeroa ;eti
m Platte County.
Several we-k azo a d
to a
termer namoi liartlett. living eight rails. ,
i-m ... .. . . , ., - -..... ,
northeast of Tolasa, went mad. asd. as it
i-fterwan! transpired, bit a cove belonging j
to If r. Herl and a dog ownl by Charles
L.wis. As soon aa it wa discovered the i
doz was mad h- was shot, bat not before f
he got in his work.
A.v unknown scocn Jrel mixed trych
aine with sngar ia the re-idence of Aog.
Jovmsoa. of Phelp County, during the
absence of tee family from ho.-ie. The
proax,"! arrival of a doctor saved Johnson
&nd his wi e from death.
TaEatw-Odd Fdlows Hall ct ICet-rney
xas receaily dd:c-;tcd vriti a taaquet
-ad ball.
Hrm. Helen K. Hoy:. Wife of ' Vnrk
I'hyalelan. Ilurnfl to I--ti Tliroirli
sptrk Icnitlnc 1It Clitthins 'rro
K.ep- if I. lj rrlrml In llrr KtTirt to
Oiirneti flu lI.tue.
Nr.w Vokk, September 11 -The trngtc
leathof Mrs. Helen K. Hoyt at 3.-1 :
Hil-ticta street wa reported to Coroner
Levy yclcrday. Mrs. Hoyt 'i the wife
)l Ir. V. 1). Hotu They had been mar
led but a short time. The houe In
ahici they ,icti is a Hit on
:hc flr-t fi'Hr, ami 1- farmhel with taste
tnd elegance. .b jet . V ru-day oven-
n Mr-. Hoyt, in the ab-etice of
lu-binJ. undertook to stir
uruacc with a jm:er. A- sae out
with a poker. A- she did
o a spark Ilew out and fell .n Hce jifcjsn, rt Varrflc lUlway s) ur
lrr. In an ln snl the rourii: Itd' rriadi the hs. t,i iitr Ih-Jmw
:lthl'i wa In Jliine-. Her -creams r- rvert V e tanMt. lhefo:..u; s MtUal
chocd througi tne hoasc a- she ran up
to the room- ta trie ecni.l story, 'cm
pied by her friend, Mrs Fraacrs Kuger.
When the lad.- opened the dor Mr.
Hoyt, crazed witn fright and piln. thrw
aer-elf ujhiii her. Mrs. Ruger fell nack
and Mi-. Iloit ran inli tbr iihuu. With
nuc d.Cicitlty Mr- R-igcr threw a heavy
tabic cover over her, hoping thu
to sjnoTfier the iSitiie. Mr-.
Huger het-elf w- clad in a very
light dn.s- aud hod to act with great cau
tion to avoid c itching fire aor-o.f H-t
eiubnrra.ssaiunt wa. incre.i-cd by Mrs.
Hoyt'.s constant endeavor to
her Mr-. Hovt cril. "Help, I am tir
ing I"
Mr.-. Huser caught wp a besvy
tttg that lay b-Ioie the tlrepl ic, but be-
for- she coin. I place, it over the table
c-ut Mrs. Hoyt h.i-I thrown lie litter
aside a; id ran trintictltv frm one rom
to a no -her. the current of aircr-atd ty
her t'gat faiuiiug the time-. Mrs.
Roger cillvd h'-r -en int anil the two
women tried vardv to c mtrot their un
fortunate n. igubo-. I'nev refH. ite.i,
attempted t throw ii'a-ikt. and pit!ts
over ncr. tiutalwivs wl:h ih- ,nn lnck
of siicci s a- Mr-. Hovt r.m through
Mr Roger's apartment- -he set tire t
the carpel in pi ic--, an I al- ignited t ie
Cover ot a bureau ill a b d-rooni. The-e
little t're- were cxti'igui-hed utthou:
niuc'i trouble. Having re.ichc I Mrs
Rugcr's rca'inosi loom, Mr. Hoyi
turned and r.n hick, screaming 'uuir-dt-r!"
Sie di-hed into Hie hill through
the door bv wlpch she had entered Mrs.
linger f illowetl h-r t call for help
Again Mr- Hovt tried to gttisp Mrs
Ku .er. 'Ilr.s time her movement was s
mi ldeii that lr-. linger tiad no eJriiiC' to
i;.i!cc: her-e.f. Sue struggled III the
fieicc gri-p ot hi-r Irieud, whose glow
lug gar in nts almost toiiclied her
own. In the contest both women
moved along the head of the stair-,
Mts Ruger misg to cscipeand Mrs
Hoyt ho'ding tier back with unnatural
strength, and Doth -hneklng Mi.ideulv
Mi. Rugcr's foot caught In h'-r -kirt-and
.s!ie lell down the stair, diaggiug
Mrs. Iot after her. Initio lower h.i'l
Mrs. Hoyt's fiiger- ie a veil their i"i r-
ate loid, and when both lade- -c t'liuS.ed
to thctr ft ct, Mis Rug.-r fr.ed her-e.f.
A- she stijered luick, lntiit and brcattt-b-ss,
against tie wil , Mrs. Ho.t di-hel
mt the street. Iler c othieg bv ilut
time was-almost btpiic.l from her person
sue turned toward Ninth avenue, expect
ing, it is siippisel, to ibid Dr. Hovt In a
drug store on the corner, where he goes
occasional y. In liont of Dr. Livings
ton's ollice, a few door from her own
le-ideuce, Mis llovt tnpp- I an I fell.
teamster, who was iissln;, jump d
down lrom hi s.-ai :inI ciiiclocl
her iu a horse-b atiket. All this bad
hippened iu far les tint ill m It re
quired to tell It. Dr Hoyt came
along as tin- bl-iuket wis thiown
over in r She na eirrb-l to a drug
store, and s.-cril plr. -lci.uis wtio live
In the neighborhood offered their ser
vices They found that Mr HmlS
les, breast and ab Somen wen- hornMv
binned. After the u-uil applications
she was carried hick to h-r Imm"
where she died a' !'.:j vi'-icr-liiv inuri
lug. The il-ccn-ed wis twentv-tfire-ycirs
old, at tactive in per-on, and had
a 'arge cr-.e d friend- 1'r Hoyt I
prostrated with grcf. Mrs Rug-r mi -feied
little, bv her fill, but w i In a nerv
ous, exhausted state vestetd tv.
Iliiiiry Wrlcii Itpnllnr i.fltie
I'eiiitenthirv .M izely A 1 1 o l;ril nn.l I ul
liv it I mil r' I' lie litMer imil er -misly
lViinioleil lv tin- V tiifoi.i-ti-r.
Ji r:i it-o Cnv, M.. SeptcmkH?r 1"
Yesicrd.iy deoig; S. Pa'ton, a coiiv c:,
h!i w i -cut up for four voir In Sc,
tein'ier ISsl. from Jaspr I'ountv. Jor
l.otse stealing, bee: me tinr.ilv while m
the shop. He r-fus-d to work, and
sei. ng a shoe knife, tlouri oh! it lhr.-P-eiiln.Mv.
warning the foreman and
gutuds not to come near him. Captain M
W.H. P.radbury, the Depu.7 Wnrde ,
wa- sent for, and P.itton wi
induced bv him to agree to
go to th? otlke Pattou retained jk
scssioii of the knife, an I a Capta'ti
Rradbury and he were pishing out of th
.hop he ma le a Minge with it at th p-
tnin. lie dod. I, and and aitotaer :; r
wis made bv P.-tiion to
ti'i h.m I i
finding h p-cc-ved three tienw t.ow,
he succeeding mi running out of the tior
Into tne varil Here he wa tired upon
by the yirlimser and hi rltrst thigh-tiim-
w.i- broseti bv the Hili. P.itton h-
been trotib'esoine ever s ncc hi arrira.
iu the prion. t ap'.nin Rradour'
wound ire pronon-n-e l ertou. bit not
iiecesardv fatal There were tbree but
d'ed convict In the iop wnere tMe af
lair took plac. but none of ilirm in.iK-
b-a ted any dtspoJtlon to ski or kle wl.h
A w TarirT Tinker.
Washingtov, I). C. September 11
It is reported that Kpreeatatlc Mill of
1c.a. i.a. been engaged di-rtag the en-
tire summer In the preparation ot a unf.
bill which he j eopoes latrodtcing In th
Iloue -con afl-r Congrcc ineet 'live
measure wi.l proTnl Jor the rclocti n
of li.c revct-Uc to .och arnoact a J
neceary to cover ih- Govcruroeat rx
pcnes merely. It propoe lt3t th
xevenne -tail be derived m the z-la from
that class of t-xabtc article ksons a
Icxnric?, and tae daMes on xecele
of life i:ll tic made a low as puii!d.
The Army of the T-inr.
Citictoo, Ili, September II Tae
adjouratd baslnc meeting of the So
ciety of tne Army of tfte Teaere
u held yterday morning la the Cu,t
Itcard room in the new Roirl of Trade
building, lac meet ng opened br tae
reacllng of cvcr.l telegr.a from oaa
rades and from ocietle, costaisiag
friendly greeting . Tae report fivor
Jng iC.ct ls-ad x the pisce, aai
cptember 15lh and iJj, I.i'-, aa tte
t.m of the cut resnion : adopted,
aad Gtaral Chetlaia cjoseo n. orr
Ge3erl ftberxcaa wa cataiaoiaIy
elected President of tac ZKKlclj ior
tiie ecscioj j;.
ri-c lMitou made another lunge, cutting tlo-, f , v ; tf tabrjr of J. A. J. Crrw. In.lance. .ubqnt iop..t-1
hl acro-s the lines oi the mck. (..v-r.'a t'ounl tef ore the Court of '"tne.. made 3fi; o-aceJlatlor, ., pro,
rKnl threr'mchc "To.- ln" f f AI.bam, Claim, for tfie 'Z,V T"' Vfc
deep and thren chcs . - -J IlMllln .( .Mlffn nlJ U i, .iUh ibal . ol tnpaUon njo th, io4.. W
ouurd then ?lr"J;n; If er- M' due him. Th Hrt tecor.inil, lecalt Ife- lofr .
the head with heavy cine bu. nottr.M. f .T th.. Mf
4rrt of Two Oth-e aapettl rrtlS
Topizka. Kan.. St'tomber . f-umlay
afternoon rreatctotrnirut prevaiL-d around
tnt court h 11 r mt hen Hns-h Mrllenrv and
j, IVfp ,,, bfunh. n!o h?rJi?
rhwil,o on :br rhjrjCP of havMag
tn ,:,.rrj ,n tnr jt - prjoc Mo.,
ttain roMfry, Uk-h o-rurrHl on th XI
hun Iac.Bc iudiow! on :i- n.lit J ip
tritr rs Tli e arrest was nw. jctTljr.
fie t'H'OTs lic S04" t the l.tnr ..'
HuU Mr Hear. h I aNnit fitr ntt!cs
iiojeat wt North frs. tfce jm i
twr-'il Jr3rr tl h waeo ("..-uteA.
her The oSicer. who w tf ! ho!tT !
h km". ivni ORcer 1'ark burst. Marshal
111. 1 t at Jv..m 1'iiMn'l M. - hi 1 .'t
'' , ., . . ',. - ,
nn .,i sUIeil.en: .xs u tli mit .
r.ipturx ami the
Mcllenr : "'Havins S-n
for :st',et.U
eie X !erT1Jf
t h. 1 1 tf e robbrr w . vmkvs Ue car !
Dr. !?' nt. of I iMtefeiMjcnre. Ml Jatt-e-s
IjiTCett. M Kusa- I .t. w, Ual ! Hu
m djsit. tt lS'le-U. !n. et U
Ml'-., hi tiwik. up the trad Jtiwa l
deten1.ire n tho Ms.Miti PUriAc t tl
t n ' Ca.tlixii a. Iwonli e-rht m.s froni
JeUes.a Frum thriw e wtmt ife uu
the PmisIi Ab-uut aue miIws ttttwttta lb
Aft Co, .nt.') jou erer -aw We cum at
litst uixKi n Ug ca. n cst!.nc o?ir ttmia.
It wa t ie home f tte art parents (
IIwrit Piesre. Tie to!wisamfsi : tas
'a.-r 'I liws.t.0 nig!:. tt i; .i i. ght .u
a btfJe iiii!Mi:v. Tlie et it tlili
the) Jetl thr home oi P. r ns parrot
i in fot. Ib (t iei't4e 4m n.' lle
the mK of Howard's rwaipaninn n4 r-
arked I. to u 1 tj snui the d t at
ki.-. w:;eir their mi jihI hi r
W'-r ro n il thet dot not etjwu-t theta
when the om, thev luring lixtrlnl a i
tight. We mmr mxm tbi )iou-e iu ;b-iMi-rn
uz. but r .enrne.1 eir tir!- I-a.!
t!ow ii Tat, nc Ut the tra.l hrte trui el
tbelii -cross tor riMinir to a t.osii
relief Mo-ii' we-t tt t il.'orn t Froot
tf.At iMiilit tlle ' .i tr.vtl kBotri . .So
.'., of the I'leR-.siit 1 1 lit nrt-.tiiinHxiatiiMv.
I he tx-'ijht ticsets a MiMiettn fr
Citv. 'I hey seeinril to tie rer unirli in it
burr when thej mnt..! st P.ant HtiL
The had to .. orr una trim .No. I fr
Ks:i Cl!) Ctuie i-long. 'I f.r ti-. the
ttain there mid arrived u C t Fu
el a IHtlit. S.ttllldav Ihet :..W tfi- I'liiil.
PacilH fot Topek i. From fhrrr tfiej w.tit
tiomr Mliere ,e found tlo m at'wtul i-lmrn
(cli.-k eteld. . Vi e stirfort lrd tfu lMie
nud Drpuly Motilf Dilro, of Mmwihi'
l'oitut. served tfio it thtl ui.ide them
our ptloels. The lobf-ef li als.ut fe
-i:d one h-'f tiiile iiiirthet-: .. Ntotli
"IoeV ncsr what i rallnl CUttowii'i
Itiutl. iei the ilnr between JrlTt-r-.oi and
Nuwiirp ( i i title-. 1 heir totue i- In thr
woi-t o( Ine M.ite. I fiat i nUitit the
Mi'i:.ute of what iii.iv .t ri.ti. ifcttsl
'stem cisa-r. with htp.) i.i i." Me
Hciir is tn o!t uinl well i.vih fnttu-t .
t! I- sei-'.i.iit, having bete eibleel
ehi. lie I- worth aUtut SJ.JXW. xw.1 is .
man of fitintl. Mf pierce aftthun l
llloAii. If. a- seem- bkelv from theatMtte
(li!Mtci'. M4itial P.ii bl b.v k. Hie Hctt
no n. all the otb r men wt -. have been siis.
pi'ii'n ni i;m ioo.'civ n i.i, oi ttur lit
(nut lirru.K in-i. II. mo li-r Itllit tlft .f
It e-i . I'.it.tit ..
Pi;kiis, Kan., NqKcuiber s. A hivy
am sttirm -: m here .stntda night nml lite
a ii continued to poor .om with brief lie
ivals until late ost rd. attritott. Tto
itterM of la rit weir rtrnttl-d 4tll tlo
ater inched tMtoosh tlietn. covet .nc the
dilew.ilks .tinl tioodlttg eell.ifs. TIm creeks
It this -iff inn me nil out f tlK-ir Kn i fot
lie third lime tM ei-i. nod tnriut-i liv
n: on to- lowhuitl- are ugtin ni,entrsl to
'at il'i'inxes iml be--. Ijd t itv ? ait
'and. be llg i rroli'iilrd bv water. wl. It lit
louie p tci is M'triu1 lM.h w ule. Manv
fople bv .ng m tlie -u.iiriis ,ding I.-iette
"ree's have bt'en foreetl to jgain vc.tle
llnr house: and -eck" hlg'ier grMind. the
water iu some ot the Ihhisos l"-ug fnnii tv
'o four feet (Jeep. The Wll.T at ISler
cltek jesietd., ,iitctnM had leneli-tl the
i.'iuie hetiffit as in t'jo grttit ffoo-i of Jwi.
when it roit.MHiris) lo r.-ife -lortly. "vta-1
ttie-k has heeii drowueal. hut ho totlHioi
1 Vis lost. 'I lie C0 S (Ml tlie Inillolft laud.
re a !. Ib km. i t, Fit
-cott iV. (t...' No t'Vo w t'li'itit JUM i4 f
ure nnd ro trin fi'-oi K .'isn- ha II Mir f .it Tu.ol vine I tst i.lghL
! ,e Mv. '.I i t'.e - . 'll 'oImI. Utlt
'1 srv I-I'dtl-s M-t - HI north of l.efe the
wa'er . BWrTTnr-l".tbc tia- k w;! wli
(it- .i'e fft fd -fKOlIlf W5-C I.M '.. I
li K.VN.,.Sejlli"5rrf2i(t- of
and iti-.-t d.satou alMX:rni
fled th; erl on conuiienrat
k himd.-iv night an 1 coittnit
iful fury until late )etrnla?
I'ht whole country 1 under
rat damage to projerty a mi
ouise In fearrd. (.. I- Car
"h nile.wor etl to crm Wolf
t of lnvii, fhr bridge having
. Roth l-ores were drowiie,!.
iJf was ae oy alinosl ut--r-
i. re i
1 i; i ri rprrz. Uke .vjairoun in ii
( -rn.e-lli-j, overllowrd it liJinM and .
. . . .... .. .. .
lU.i " cfaVm front of the Cotntn-tcUJ Ho-
te. i lm, leel under water, o iraitu
J.ave ro ifcl'l on the Ieennw ulvibn of
t e (. IL (;reat Jo of property, tail
even .tie If -If. Is looked for.
!) Vf Ylm M;p.
- O-JO j
tot eiililixi u a axei :ary oi
unum. but that that aJ i
.- limit of Ph, Ul t- aIIow-,1
uialofcAK-. IJeaajaUiat Uie
Jaw r"i;
a lha reirt pn.rld-d UM Uie
Colin-l lHiJd rerrive a rea-
kooab r
lention for eaeh cae tled.
I . I !. ,
"yT'"K ii-H-rw awn rn
j-en.-lr i
I.-L . . -..... Tc. ..r
lW.W- kwr IIIMHIi . r .'.
('-ay. netlerUs! lo fii th
mmf),, n
,.,, jj ,
lU J
"reaaonabt ermrr.t:ii
llly treated that Iteta aa a fiiei
Km at a Jkt'taa.
n. -. OrtHew-ajr .. IM
.Co! H-tOer ia this diatr W.
,a l-"
il tb ;th of June, t pncUcMf
r - rfted
t $nf-rnc btwam live Xiurf'
l f -! '
Iviioua oirrxuT trx hM iu una
C l '
... .
i ;. at hrh B.ttra R di.pnt
srfr f-r
.J flif6ul. TI men
fei t
IA-X g '
f'o.. :
ii. -r
liindi'i vltbpf3Cirai'Jl t Vs-
W htX, whxh r Uoliar p.
Lth-i ojr-,tora rerf tn v.
."iira, aiJ SLI-Js, wl-era ;b
; m it. 1 be eil f tiw tnk ).
'V. "- "" !"-- ..-....- -
I? V-a ll' ----''-- ijrr -- m, .
alraa h-M -fed daring zh
eLen - - t
Edacrv Oier 5i i-sj wew
c - - a - ru
jjtoaf 4 te JaiX.
m. it
fas. AMU SrUtahrr . A
tiday ted tvI"Ue
it yaxfxwJ&oTa atu, aaade aa
cob ca
Co-sty .
allrra pt
mU Use P&Ik boy oemimed it
91 beiaj xii to ffet tbe-a la
b kaacat a !ad tf H t
c - . - - d
rAjre, ti.
Id It ar&aad Us lira. cvIL t-d
. t.t. .t jt .-.j !.-,,
l 5lh coal U zzA ll7-.Jj
Jitrtl 'JM
XOed t'
i frier allta, sgthlsx -.
:aT-et wall f tiw aL Ta
Po-.-J TCZl
is a rcfdlrr la fear sad "
hiTe Lx.
if-eral trhK the. aSalr Lm f
cj - Ksi ;
tmxzbimmii sa-itb-s
v i
w r fi-a (iMn - - -i -a m -ar-ai - a -
a arl Jim l..T-i fnlrifa r I ttJa
ltfil .1 Tt I -t-lr-. Trirnl ?
Ttieir !ttf-f 1 sh-i t lS
W-:Li: rn-I K-w.r.t Hhlf TKrv It.
lerotiaett 1-n lt- lt-c tt,- Knlt(l..l lis
0 vfMCritt r, Tr "T-tinH.
Thi common. tr m t.irUs ! ijt
?ctertltT n-rlag br tt lasnfoi ni
that thi 1-iHHwt I-- trth4r. t Urjs.r
of North Tej... tiAd tctuvllr Wt ttllrt
Tae flt Intimation of ..a wi
tie arrtral of a firm: " v.V.t
on o'clock la ta moraia;. coK'xiMt;
the dead bodies of & atirUKtai trr..
Jim and 11X Lee Tt- orr ot tr k .
Pg l brief, i-wrr lnce 'Jtm brvi .
i-ere of tfte tn Ho" refcr aI ts- -cowpa'Ms
la b la-tlaa Ttrlt..rj .:-.
Ailt lt. vh saiborttlr to.- n. -"
rHtriag tas eoaarr i ea'Ta -! J
I,r. l)i lndr .d W-o trrrrtfet 1 si g
laaaawribt wnd ka le ?e-- l
Jor ue tMptnr. tieal e . f J - ?
hnav l-rsr. TW uxbX rvwar fr .. i
4?;.r0 Ta rrrd. irw a fi 5
i(icttv- u 1- part of I-' oiirr V'
mttmx fortr .Nati-iera At .vr i !
teeltvr t-avtr il'l Ifci- rvghM iIA I . -f
Wffttss t h; feward. U lm. .c l
for a Teva arvuicst tlcdt Tbvw f
I'otib Kurl, to V'i(qtt-r ta- o. -'Hmmai.
hraraett ihfvuv asaaa -
inria-. lht ttl L brskUMrt w i
tbe vtctallf t llarv' 1 ' a-bpv '
h- v.ius "J lvvir. llta wtlrt v
ramrU t.iM. twkiax w;ia him -irtj-sT
i b ate crtMl ''
Jim Txtb r aa Jia vtrHI-, bi .
CMa i aty. m -tor h mm 1
mraia? la 'm i to an
gte. IUcb lt)cer eiilt '.
repeaUiitf WiacaHPsitr, will aa evtta
slang s4t bU $! llNor
wcti- tw. frt-twar ciil'-r 't, a -
tltsa .. tthtkv. T L hnrtfcrr
we l UvKn l ! like tarr wf.o
.fl-r inbug 'owl tn af- d
lag tant rv rrtaIK. ' p
Stfapb t tfce 1-t. ibe 4b-r fi'
I-iird iair v i I i-sMtt al r.
I he Jwhn Wn-hirsto 4re at I
o'i lock ia lb nit ruuoa tbo-aiv
epird tb- nm outlaws, who ar at t -lnotarMt
vacagttt la auia7 WIM '
Jnn jtastai.' (eiM. I be tir- f
err rod up l (via lilt yir-I f t
oHt:av b-le b iattvt aii- t
I hrm. !b tlltu-aalr4 a awl 1t- -C.lbtl
nn Itiri U -mt1d f law
ttntwaits though '! wi. lb . -nn-nrrnl
wnb thru rvvlver, rttu .
detective o-trnctl ftfe w lib tblr l
U mc'ir-ter A llw tkrtrcllVta rl"l t
t'.ro 'o:b d He lres. hf Jla'- wide- .
laid Unl on tii s' l'a 1- w .
sti MCk nl lb it 4rc. il r lined ii
tlu grooirl rrttii.log 4itou..i. ti'O i'i
tiet vtt.try pat .in ellU lf UA afi nn,-s
Jim rriurwe.1 tbilr Ir- r ri . - ,
a! h-.ugft be bd a baol iafi,n.t-.
Alter rinptvtag bl rvii.,.t
JlH CT Hied vr ! wbt
(lead brolber l" aini, c
P.nk'- writtH, U eap.d II
nt Ihe officer- A1mi lolly stMi vr r
!lr. d nt Jim ' luf - be c-d tw to
tint siiaa, v t. tvn btr wr i .
, biiiner'- wtfii wan pit r I
the lit ei- tbr-w tbo btlls urn pi!' l
straw atitt lUitol fir litis ety 1 '
I iiiuiM-i't lnp. t betd ier!t.
nftcrn. .-a. ami be HsmIk or lla ' 1
ro us to ectri tk.t In fit- rWtt
! tiotw.i- nml bl t i-lnols f it
eotiie m. point un of ('uin. Ii toi. i
eiil ii vi n ib tttHltvs nt tttm tan
twn - u' aw, bich ar Ul lltf
the CiMli t lltOlM-.
lerbap no btud ( erMtlam- la I
Cmiett Mvii.s er i tl ae bt.T w rt.
Pi bile I ii poi-! an lit l-e a" ' "
ba'eit b. Jim nml Hi I ami P.aa 1 -V
lililu two ve.ii- frna tb Ort f ' .
Mi, fortv tWftbttKtH ns wrt lk-i
I.. band f ealtlo nrnl hrar 'hi.
'J ttelr priictpnl remtvMis w i In a e
Iteml.ln ibis eoHRti, )(i.4hiM e...
I iitlti Tcrttto I bT t aa . -
ot c-itlle ! drwv iIwwmi at lb Irt'l .
'1 t-rtttorT
Hilt l.ei wn aHrNl Nt Mm? !i'.
with tire other utrta'wr l Mt ,-
and rot oeea tjike.i to Ki sMM b r ,
to s'an.l tr nl f-r tb aalr mi
to )Uttt brotlHtr and a l irtitf I'm
S'Hitt Mtvt-bii IM tV ( Lira. vi t
Hon At lb tiM tbn Hoi aMt "
Men weir cafHwr! lb $
ihur boiag lncal b tse . r
'trirtn, fv., wbr Mt r
tikea It I beli"V4 tlU tb .(
ftrnor of lb rotirtMrt ummt b
.eft lite cteaairr 1 ! emit um aft '
' oil et chapter la Tn i- Iron: r
An Oril-- .r ii-Mit tt-.Wml aatl i
.!.. f .. ... I ..... I .... - . It.
.;, ,.,-.
WMll-. '. . pmt '
The SCfctarF -f ." I'ili'-r tu !-
n ofderrc,p-,,ing tb vr Iwr art- r
Jn cr,a. ,,-,,. .,. ,, imitmtt t.
. . , .,... . ...
a 'o r.iarat ,. irii;ni. in tttbi a
Hon ) -fl ! '' ' nrm I1' .
Xhll, by order t cr - tu tva .r
,PiarT f the Inlert.T. 1.uimm f
icMoti m In re-iI to ! iirr I ,
Todit and Tr-erM Ccr Iir . m w
Concsnlraled at KeI Cr, M- Ihn
rJer conclude a follotl! 1
for the offr of 0ol pf"Oa Mp.-
,.,,., 0i th in-'ln . ce o-n t
,,.,. r--n .- ,. j,ul f rrt.l .!
och nulC0to a,-..r,c., i..! vx
tu. ,.. fls-, t-.i.-. -., t r ,. ,.. i
0rec--,f, , ,b. ,u.t dfrrmwi
tbe. e,t;3i;tln; cl-i. Ortaia t t
mere tenn(cl ojrstn iMaUI jr
,... , ,-..-.-- ,f, I1.!.a. of -.r,r.
Icel Uetr right II ti m oa "? a
.--.-,- -n.
anrcl lo bens by e.O0d9 a
truction ot the nl'la Hw r?ttt u
the- bonveat-d ptlrHere.
A t-a Mtf.
CmC-, ltx-, ?-rpwwrr 3 -."r
fei bca rfrld lht ilw c-Kos- Ad-
. of C6Ss-ro. taylila I'M! a.
cstt: - wStr-J2ted sd eplxai l-t
jito ntu u of JeWysa l-rUr
jiefoo,a lb Ad? & wa l-k ted
. . rM-.-. f,.. (.-,-.
. . -. .. . . - v--i.- ., ..---r--
CHala Panlx-s, fela n4 f?r ?'
ixnvcrt of ii err tok to U5t 7o
tsl --?3 to paK for Jj&d. ..batt-wfft-tt
Tr-J Jrwrc alxne Merr truci ir
- ' - . rF.
..,, . ... . t . t.
er crewsew. TJ-jir & dmuuzj:
Cr; - J thetn town.
ViitlrM Lm' rt-tL.
-vr-a" Yoaa-. vet-EJ.r 10. Virl(ca
j.-,--, sfc la tnXttUat aloat s.tof
UJftz 4rr,SSTj Ul,, 5&m,)3. K;t
..d uc.m.n . i - .,. -.
ute U sLr eostrtet to ppr
wits LeaUr L AJIe-t'a 3ittrv. Tivir-r.
d U xt4r beary bxl u dltk-s &o
ecgagejeeat tcst3 hu CfmrHi tsi
esptfea. 3fr 1
,.. .. . h,t r
aa.-Wy iKflQa-.-sy f "-
-j Trslerdxr zpKXze&F to -MitUtz .
tial 4 wos!- S? it tx',M
Xsd7 alcit, bs:
,cre ut5
rakhte i-iV aaalfc xa-c:t !i r I
f-r f r k t M'.
y . -- 7
vi -w