,''f?VtiS&li 'pr-Vr -,rt-v;y: Vv t A p. 7 ( v 'rv The Red Cloui HIEF ) "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.50 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. . VOL XIII. RED CLOUD WEBSTER COUNTY NEB. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 18 1885- NO 7 ffciTlVil C in in, v 'A 8 &ED CLOUD CHIEF nvi:itY riMUAY uy A. C. HOSMER. ImTks ok arnsciniTio.: tjte wJ. "fc i"" 51 .vj Ouii iuiy, (It tiimittit - - One oi Jw initln '" K'lili-xv'il :t the ioit office J:i Itctl J"i'jml a mat ri nf tlifSl'ttitlilt'124. E fcM. Time Table. ArrUc. Leaw. TVJ.M Nu 3 u. " i'J A ?: u Gil Si: 7 u". a m :n ill .Vi p ' . j) in ; : r " c i: j in e tj p in HAST 4 t !0 20fll NJ" ' c .vnm yio.'tin & a ..l) i5 in lu IT. in jUtOxliJ-autl llaMint! vxjr'SH ninl Civic i.i:ill iiiuku oiiii'--lli.ns at HanliiiKS auiH.i'te With P'-uwr. 'lil-a tlinuiKli train. XlaltimH uutl tUnd train lr:n- w.iUJ Trmn Chliajfo to le'i xjin-si. A.. I Wi.i.uii. 'JirJxrt ASCII CO LWT y OFFIWUS. John P. Briyha, County Cli-rlr. I'luiri. IiiHtfiow, County TntHf-nrer. w i'.-o. O. Yfiscr, County Judgo. O.W. Witrruti, ShcriH'. I'luirt. W. Springer, Superintendent of l'uMic IiiHlrtu'tioii. V. I. Heed, County Surveyor. It. It. Slu:rT. County Coroner. iiict! L. Miller, '. Jno. McCulluni County Com. 1. IJ. Uiiiiiptou. S Business Directory. I NO. B. STANSKK, -AUCTIONEER. 'HICKS - - NKBBASKA l:.NRT ANDERSON, H SURVEVOR, Orders left ut the Aliitract oHioe will receive prompt attention. RKI CLOUD - - NEBRASKA i W.TULLEYS, M.D., HOMfEOPATHic physician, OKnci-"opp'o,ite rirst" National Bank. Red Clud. rU. 1,11. BECK, . I'HYSICIAN AND SliKCEON. RED Cl.OCD, - NEBRASKA On km: Over Hnry Cook' drui; tre. lrofes.sion'nl ealld attended chiy uiht. p E."fcK EEBY, M.liT.T " THYSICIAN AND SKC.Et'N, itii"k. I'Imi i1io,-"i of r.ViV" ilr.'i: btiin", .IIIcclmiiis triirft'.Mii l n. in.. : tot. :im:T to p, in. K.-lilfiice 3 Mik-K.i i-t Ct -iui( us.' NKMtj'ASKA. ti:in.tiLi. tv DAMERELL. M. I)., PHYSICIAN AND 8URCE0N, Red CliAul, Nebraska. jvrtct: Over tho nrw pnitntSrn. j D." DENNEYf MIYoICIAN & HURilEON -x RED CLOUD, - NKBPJriSKA. OrncK Over CooU'h dri."ji; store. Culls promptly attended to dfty or jiihL yyU. C. SCIIENOK. niVSCIAS" AND SURGEON, Oowlcs. Nebraska. I'rofejionnJ ealls piomptly attended. Office : At residence Cowles. 8-51 . . i .. QILHAI & RIGKARDS, AITORNES. m Kcd Cloud, Nebraska. T j, ' Oi'KiCK In Smith Bros, law oftiee. fT t3 V. KAI.KY. . J. L. ikALKY. Kaley Bkos. A TTORNKYS AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NEB. Agents for the B. & M. R. K. Land? pat AN K R. Gt'MP, ATTORNEY .IT LAHV, REDCLOUiy, - - NEB Office Over th6 Tost OBScc. tl. C. Cask. .Tas. Mi:Xk. Case & McNeny, A TTORXF.YS AXI) rOl'XSELOTW AT LAW ( Will jirartictj In :H,cturt ot thi Matr rollivtlonas WflluNlltidttfit tuL-ino.s carvful- v ! -"Ick'Htlyatttrnilffl to. Abstract furotsb- s''n.ap HcatioH. i Mi-. .-Over First Natloual lt:ink. licit !. ..ob. yyTLL r. OVERMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA Ofkick. Over Ferguson fc Co's drug Ftore. Colltx-t inns prompt iy ait.-mUil to MulcorrRt ponili'4iH Milirited. Vrttv or iiiottvy to luau at low nt ! Interest. No cunmlskui clian;! tli' tKirroxT. tHK.MOT.Vrm't J. I. Mluer.V Pent John 3Sit, Cashier FirJNational Bank RHfeLOUD. NEB Capital, V. 75,000 frsntact general ear iltutnc. bar aad M fftl County varraau AtevCoaatT. Pre nci sua xbooi umnet a. V'rvita zehaax. mhI M RECTO KA Joka Jfevra. Nebraska rDE ILEUS Itf LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES SASH, Dobhi. BLINDS AC. RED CLOUD - NEBRASKA DRY LUmBER A SPECIALTY, THE BE.JT IN THE MARKET AND KOI,3 AT TIIK LOHfeKT jltlCKSV MASHER'S MEAT MARKET T. J. fttOSHER, Prp. " 1 Salt Moat, FroBh Piah, Oystora, Pork, Mutton, hickens, ifec, &b. OLD STAND, RED CLOUD, NED i AUDI MM it, JKafeAjg; ' "i"!fe Aw PAWS House and Sign Painter, Grainer and Glazier All kinds of Fancy and Plain wall Decora- tions Promptly Qet my temisbefore . done. Work -1i In Kndleiss m$ B readies' Dress Goods, of fPix'xiv v jt :rnr r . I3.s n : . 1 f, Fall Drv Goods, in all varieties, Elegant Line ot White Goods, 7 rimmings, Sec, ifJileniii all Su ,q s, VlaBl time togs I cheap la teas. x ?3 RBilr ;S5 mZs ms Jrfc?1 iW aiT .Tn'. .. p ftWWk.. ."- JOHN BOESOp, Agent, AM150Y. Xgi: Sola (in Red Cloui bai.r.iii aT.. arr? .avr iiwmr avy jr-j 2lS2 laaTK JYfiiiiiV BT Xar' .. . 4ffias!rfil'-l1?i- ..'--'. --si - ILIIAii GATES, Proprietor of ME Air MARKET First Hour South ot Kb' er's DrtisMur. FRESH AND SAT 1 M"l? A rpcj I; POULTRY Oysters, Sansag-o, Bolonga, &cu, St Always oi haQ( Ct4& tMiu oo thai w c never yc a watt hn est and thi 8wee cr meats, h 1 4 f 5ST- S??. i 3S3KS:la. I ct'?i2W7'c.tS2iiK'. a w iui. . w. tw.mM Bi" i.uh3 .-aar-.-L .ar Siiancgrle c5j Son v; Dealers in i ! BIT! 1 Ifiilll SEWING MACHINES. ETC l 'i mberCo'ThirteenthAxmual gf ( Mj always on Hand, jj owe: ist, HANOER ana in eax. y ione. you have your work , fijiiarantQea. i: v .. I. 7r,w '?: w J rf Vaiiefcy at all varieties, at titer goods. Yoiu is the Acme Pulverizer Marrow. rioitr:if!'fr ami LctH'T. Miliiort- tin- !.' to Hie :u!lCi of : Stcrl rriiMii-r ami l.- iIim". ai.t tin" (Jttum. litr tuir. tiirnius irH-".'. uf .loulitt' a.i'JS". of jrr!-ouI- teiH. tin I'lvuliar 5wji ami ar- raiuti'iiiktitot wliicli xlw Immense Cutting Power ! Tin tlin'i op-nilionsof iT'iHiutm limiji-i.Ji'VPilm: tin p-otiiui. ami tliopMiJily puIfri7inKtlif -oil arv iTftiriiii'i! at thi" iim1 tii.t Tin ii'Iio aU n'.uv of -pint". r :n. let t;- :iMs pi.Uiii up nitili.-P. it ;-".poi,'...I .ilapti-il to iuwni'il od ami Iianl i!av. wln'ivojiuTli..t"o-. utterly tail. Nitifv vouiVclf In jiivin tho AC.MF. a tnal. by A. "A fcOPE. the Red Cloud. a!! kinds I!S, 115, 3PM! yxr- ?rv-v-v2 r'A'iTv k I r. u r'l- f 1 irl (1 rriiai i nrV"'0Tf fiT fr - ! BBBBBBBaVBtBaBBlBHBTaBaBBVMnr J J TvEaBdilBaaBSXy ,VliVjVv rf i II li iPi ' IM P riW.r.,t MSLQiHaaKa&HlBvaWYB.VHP''B J3"5"""1' FAIR Will to R ed Cloud, - - Nebraska, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. OCTOBER l 9, 1885, Positively the best fair that has ever been hekl in Western Nebraska Competition owen ' to the World. 2000 Dollars in prelninms to be paid to exhibitors. : lU'inij in toitr fistv Horses, i . iioys iirni i'rotftict At. ami help to make the fair a framt sa evess. Permmms paid in cash on demand' $00 fur thcbfst Ihtsc Dull club. $o 0 for best Bra as JJa n d. , Good purse for Hun n$ each dcuj. Plenty of shade and iculcr for all. . 'eir (h'ou n ds A 'etc Sh ids. . 'etc Ha lis. Jnd linest race tract: in the ruth it. Jjont joi'ilet that tit PAID IN CASH. F R J, C. WARNERPres. hot Proaidont o r Sjsroary . Medical Institute . TIIC MNT0I.N MKDICAL INPTITl'Ti: AVI) WATI'It C'Ki: f o;vr ! yt.f.ilc:.r.nil irftn Acd by a compnuy of physiciHnHiul ii'i-'iu. wliolmve liH'l yrnrs of rxK"!- ' rs j-riaiiiA in iiieir rejKciivc ofpnnmum-v in nun tin? i one ih.k-k ion iik np'.ioi nij'l on tr"'t cat iwtot From 1L tower cnii le t-rcn nil the ctiit lastlititlc . wiWi trro'in ! th- vu'Jrv city of Llnco'ii hih! ' 6tirrotim!inK country. It i. thclnn.t m"M thorouehly i o,'i'p;'l.aml r invtnivnt'y nfunxi l.uiMln? In tht Wert lor tho trrntmentot iIim-am'. It rontnln.- t'fty-s'T room for the nci-oiai.-.O'lHtion os jn tlcuth. b.-lilfs pnrlor. oUiws remlluc hkiui. hik! iHboratrry Kvt-ryth n? t' nink IKi" ;l4-ant a:i! ' Cnjiynble lurinK trwitmfnt hns N-ti proviiks!- p',na:ittX'inpHny. raiic rtmltiu- cyuinastir.ii:j Iinthlns. For the mannemt'nt ot rhroulf c.r which htr- hmx rf.i:xl the onllnnry courw? of tn'.nlmcnt. nctr and improrii) n1ctho-l hre fn mMI. There nre tliotivtu lof ;. riijhohv(j taken pillous of lrUR and pii'cnt meiIieint-5 without 1-eneJ.t and h tim" w.th injurv. For?wh rtws the bet re5ulu oro ntitalnetl by MAPAlE. 8J.KCTUICITY. MINKIttL AXI JlKniCATKO . ilATHS. nd theSWKDISH MOVKMhlXT rt'KK. the lat of which I the wond-r-w rklnjjc'tre which hns been o gratefully rw'l7tI by ;atieut. Uith In Kuroe anl America. In d!er.- of women a prclal department ha lcen prorhle!, and patient will ilnd here a hotje where tp'nttaent ! con ducted with en.o, Nth to physicians and pt!ut. Wlih lartre ;ir!or an t airy roc.m a patient mar onjoy either ftcliiMon or mctety. all under ihc Mipt'rvljlon of a ladr w hi knows how to enfr'aln at wr.-H an to aslt thcfuflerlnjr. In the trcaiincnt of SI'INAf. CfiA'ATfRi: AND IKKOItMITY OF THE FRET AND I.I.MItS, our Injtitutc offer ipcrlal flTantAs. IH'eavjji of the EYK, KAR. THROAT. AND NASAI. CAVITIES; ar under the care Of a specially of rar of exr-Tience. and QATAKRII. that terrible diw?a.. is trcati-d and permanently rjrvd bv an entirely new pre rfeltMA radically cured by a new operation, without pain or dajjtr. 1'II.I-S clfectually and ier mmientlv cured, and Invite corrvjpnndencc In thit pArtlcuIar. IJnco'.n 1 noted for it MINERAL WATEItf and hopi:ab!e eltlrent. It i cy of acce from all points and will oot you nothing to vMtour IntltutcandlcArnitworkinev Circular and rend ing matter on special dlvm wnt free on application. MVdlcine ont to all part of the ronntrr. after examination or otberwir by letter, when it can be done tLifactoriljr. Members of the haS 7ilL is special cases, Tilt patients at their homes out of tfcc city. CHAS. S. HART, A.M., M.D. Surgery. M. H. GABTETN, B.S., M.D. Diseaaos of tho Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nasal Cavities. J. E. REED, M.D. Disease of Women and of tho Nervous System. J. VANCE BEGHTOL, M.D., Diseases of tho Chest, Skin, and Gcnito-TJrinary Organs, and Physi - cian in Charge. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO Lincoln Medical Institute and Water Cure. Southwest Cor. 13th and K 8ts., Lincoln, Nsb. " H. HIRSfflERgs" m r aLsSBatta. 1VT iaaaaBfci aw TAT Bl JU3M .-! The Out it E.vui:tive Clou J. f J'edci ut e prt miums will he GUMP, Secretary. b mY'flt'j and Water Cure. Dr 0. S KMIGFI DENTIST, RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. Fine Office Wort: a Specialty. L-ult: ..3 alwa- on Jnr-' !T.? oeri:el C tc id at .j! 1 ii . fcwelri: Store in lied' I1 rES-T TOUR BASKN'G POWDER T9-DAT! coxrAisr .va:aftcj:v.x.sv. THE TEST: . e . ..! mp t Jw .. .1 Ulf UOIN NOT CO.NTAIV AMMONIA. ITl UttLTuM i.UM IT. KtCVCR lty tfXH1t!L In a n N wr. f , , nr jf rrt. j .1 !.u THE TEST OF THE OVEM. PRICE ISAKI.NCi t'fMVnKKCO., o.tiM u ill. xliW; iUjiidl IliHUliiiJ LAiiL.ti, Tl t rf e m( . fl ) . I Dr. Prict's Lopalin Yast dtms Vr.it ia it- . - , FOR SALE BY CROCERS. CHtCACO. ST. LOUIS 1 ,toPR : fcfliWW SPECIAL ru,Ht!' xnziv. syoRi IM d?i; EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE l'imsirt ! Vnn;ivt Nat tin! VrJl 1 U..r. iinJ'o. It.ii iirt'.r A'nKHiil Ibvw-. ftr., tiror ii 1- !c.-ttc:ya:i'li.att.r.r y m. titr (n.t. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., I ClUCW.i, lv r: O c r. 4 . CO i i - Z3 - a. J. v; " r s .-. r. - CTD - a H 3 o r. -2 b s i.'. i - VA - u ak 3-1 Ii.HKtiSt, I II4llr l'ffT T pr f I f WT UUltlfi 1 A t tl. :lr.i.r.Ri.,r Nursery Stock! A I hatf ba.1 r.rrrrArr la ta- N. . Hw-. i tas-uk. I ni. :nn v tik ia mh , r f . trna . ! Heme drown Xiirscrirs! ! Aiwi wo"4 x-V 'hair t thy I rsAr t :$5tf REWAIH $50 ? Vrft arar a -... , - - PLOC TOBACCO. -& lteB-t-" i ttnZv7c-Joa&WcZ i v- XI mr hrmx. EJ CUnA, ytrikj. A i Mara i l!fCOB4 ta, II Hairy . j ' Vhwicjtami by EayaMMNl Rt Z: Co. Lincpts. ' v- K . .. ,. . . . . . ai? s.- Ca'Sashgr.Oaaate. ybrsLtiatKCcr' ' TLOYK'SHAHEr Hm RRD Ci.tj: Ciiihp -r - 1 h.i r;rarirt lrllAfrint. In ( of tb bdi UMto o' SUi IJSCQ. . .. rrniut hood uit b vtn h wa. i4 ! rriT. tr a UndQ . -. . . . wt'v t kfe Mrviii . iiMUuktulrrvr. tKth hiivU Anvtu mi U w ami UU'r! at tW fxMlL. 'Ilk fitaMr .! j.i Uuihi an.) TrwiMii:. ciWri :h.- r thrv&r. l xm to inj; I'Wy jn.. into tb ktmn to ;' (rfT. tli t :. It f ;tt ltM ffc.jlCMM. St -hi.! Jnoi her mtrl (Krul. Hr j rtt fur wu n n! ftutv. aim! ktr Jin vrr wrkia orilt4r STi it urn.' lu fcr nlo part, tt . ttawtk. l!.i ittitir ukl ik4 mIm ikmtt r. Uf t-vyr.,;Alit.o rraat tWir rwld : the .L.nf. tl U. .!. T hm&n i Kr;')WB tMubi h ! nvv i hu UvHnm1 ntMt trU l"b ctxr ' hu : --i " '-.lamJlMitu jrririk-n ir xr MaH4n At .t.t, nith ul k. e) Ut rt,r i.wtii tikjn AH.f - . fcw : ; ! .--..-... -- tc w- i? vww.r fa raj kici Uwi Juwi tJwa fcwnt ( inp.. tzzj i u kn), bcr bp. Uiuft." fl Ism .ki -;mjt hr t. .S fWrt. UIA3 M!r(f . Hm Vw l -. " tNMrtdhul tJt HM( t -j',! tv nn liru. - iinrtf f ti.iA Itlu;;r.ttiy I'tttni;. r tl "! " vn hm atUiaxnl n ttMUn . ition wSlrb jiiti.l. a ( .TV Bttt)Ht U trt.ttHU tit tl i .'ir nl U.miUMtittgt mmK ) . iMMtrr mm! Jb bu Mvm :r private pa pro kbwtM Wtum : ft pWnmnt ut.il. tti tWir m i m- with frV n.U mtt nttnUkl r :kl !1 t! Ktpjor' mm! 4 t ' r tli 'it lbrbf ft iVht to jMltet tv t.'x. init l-t 't 9 tftUtim dwfr4f "hnntv. r.v Hip rt oj tM-tt; ntM, tin v ! lift aulh.rizf falj tUnrrtv Ut b taV. R wtlb 1m ir ix rnal muitk . .. . . .. T . . Jmij of tin lHiMfr,.pnr hII m. fu. i.ufH-'itli oliI 1 1 i miii i. iMi:nl li'H-rrUuaj a la 'aa; Irkiay to . tho imblk ami what. U tMie Um jatifc- not !. to fal. :iUll-u' than t hi j M. TU" hl t'.2T4t arw tu ; t)iM wLi-.h p iut muuu p.krUeiUpra. j uyl fu!Ur th Utrt-ry thai ovvrt(4. rbmiiii 1m utl. kaviiHC Uf twtimr h j ItiM uwo ULM.rtuimaUu.l aJ to jmm kla oh ti jtMij;mii. I w tfil th Wrj l u Ct'fttt m.ttt ttlr la a Jjlr, mrr4t mm(. imiri"Jr.. tasMOfr. it i fltr aa oMti Uui to Jtttno "nln Utltf (M a It, to put u'Ttaia ttm m. &L wprttft (lUtix- tH .HcruL i nil.r mt f" mxntnt. wkleh tonat . h; i W-arwol aa k kiiMtltAl. If wh , pra t tin an nl ail. t r rva,miir. ii..nn-r At taM ltrwi - ecrtaitt tutm ut eating. th U-apNja.il of ai. U i!".-riaiu uf ol bt MUlru, alt ot nhirh iull U (4tttnt!T p(artit. in i-r-h r t lfir twtorat. b ia pen- i ral MMit-l. tb ti ttt briar agrwif bl, I'm .:.' jrrf at UUa1 al la. Tca ti: nt'i r ; ..tiat,M4 n.nrr44kia) n fiJL'.'I -r wuiut'-rt.ti tifcMSfr; UtA W n-r umhI 10 the i.aru,4a tj4eaw t),,. .-rii.u ! j- rnal arttUaytllaa a uii in neb fU. r- -ttr) Ij l uf j Ih it Cholsrn. I The alvu h'Muiiinu m hoowatn: fit nuiMr Th 'lwiic f Uwj oaft ''m! "n In ItUol U Cll, ujnI ki , W..t Vtnrtniu, IVnn.j!m Mi MM!ti Of the MHlih. .luni.ff th Mr uiiMr .tml 'jirhiz. h?vo ouch cI1h) il(Hi, Imm t !uv 1.'om Lrnroti to ktrril mtlaa ! Whonovor lrfwol cmUunt Ua rul it h?j ortrti o vi4mt aa bo I Mfl'.rt.JkalAa . la..lwiM a III! W . -- (Stcnutxti arr th4t it rtH ! :Aru asafi mnti Uuan l tinHn vhli xa)a(rr L?rj Iwmilv fWniid h u;m tw f n. h'fi tHMbi; Dfttt u i"lwinr I rultr, U!h. atxt diawrWH wfcu ktiv; bofi mtroil hy it; biMs H l plin44it to lk U W ; wi Wi S9 c?t fen ci ni yrffr Ufttflft-. Sulrf I Ur tirtHtato A Wodorrul iiujovory. ronurnrtivoa awl ,H w4 t42Tcr from any atlflrtion of the throat antl Uu?z: cn fitxl a :rum cmc in !, , Kinu's no- ihcovry fce- comum;?" 1 Ikmjjim1 ff jrmniftt cw rofift' the trtiUt of iIim uiKiml o m !! ' m- ran hOTf tch i renrt! oi -il'Tf I tlr Thoo'30i- ct a0 WfW ! htlJ'f wnr yr4Btl-r rwal I tlicjr c thr hr to tia nar dl'- coT-rv. iiniJ(tnt m lao&liine to v'' fl rVc 1 inttrln a if rr L'txti, iri Ur?: Ijw-)-iht, ii ) Vry Hom&rkn,biQ P.ofrr3. Mr. Ocn. V. Vilhs, f JLrts Mich , nrj; "Mj nlf h twsft rnt Hlfi3. fr S h', i fc"lp ? th; ht c.il tk tr mrin i4l kf. 5ii- a! tw fc-i- f Klft twi?ttcr. nc! i rt mtpflowt inat tlft in aL! nw W 4o kr awn -rV: r3cUv- Ilrr UJ4 Utet UmimtHthxt " $? C? CVUbWVe V.r. Onlrttyw ttfc at Ilfv Look . , . - .rv t rsfi.t '. A7TCVri f . . Th? !ci altc tn ta ?- for $ut brui-f orc. ulcer. alt rhfW fevrr &tz. !4A?r. eiwtl&l hand end poiuylv 2J4 p2, or aopay. RED (MID, BSB . C.2icfitr. k.C.04tkaJ W!?-C'tart 9- fi 5' O. H. MARTATT.-. f xsi (iUCxci on. or laone ztUmiod, !i f: rv.ji - K r