The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1885, Image 7

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    tv - f VW
yZ -9S?
.- i-
!iil''ifo' ; 751
iJr. x s. jus
try it .., .r --
: j
Till: IMjriHV.
i V.v. ""' ' 'm-cd Wimi-
IJim round in, pntuway elMe.
In. xe net Know tome ( ourt
uin-n- Ix-ilt-v illicit abide?
Some Kiilwloni juito ojlete
m.. Mjiti,if.r,hl.fc '
vvh.-i,- Ii.-ii.ii i.-t hm,,,,,,.
I loin liirtln.r'-iiubl.intf irf..''
A wiii.M,,,,,, JtJlU dots llkJHr,;w
i.til whisper mo-t emphatically- ,, jw,r
Tel! me. thou might v Iif.i"-I- I) II,hw wi.Miai.
i-oiim-ai --.tuny jIIIiU
w Iuto Ixe .- y ,-t m :,j
I ho olln f u im li he litfkx
Wbee t.-e thilt lll-iUuliu,,
Jo -how iniii ut Uii.jr l,.tefca"
.,,,V.',. " UW A,,"r"t lorfetto llov
rfintl take .in ajluluMt j failing :".'o."
And o Cook miifciits nil.
omit .t.ntr lor" irtt tours,
x ho l tin- L.irtti t. tar cml-i
f 'liu- t .-t !..-. li ax. .j.-ri r,
'"li ini'.iiii ii It jmir irntp
Is lllff IHil 'fflHf po-ltjoll,
VV here l lle. Ill 1T III..
M.i, K.i!t x ii'iiiit a Mi-lon?
ml all .ink . nifonelc- in timi.. , .",
it' iiiaik ijiai..ii.iiii utiil piompUy: "Ao
'JVM mi', thou stnrrv-ey..(i,
'llntu (,.!.!,- Know ii nsTiuJli,
Mil I kc -v -Jay at home
.imi ii.!-Iik 1,'lit. lur-oolh?
I- tler i nil. ii clime
'i Iihj - -,iu-ii xx .tii ins oburms;
Thm - vi.riniiir lor the t-in-'i
ant tiii'i" iiim in its nr'ii-.'
Anil Tint I, r. .) t-H, U-r ti.mjs -jiilil not '
Hi-m ;.
I.'i. i.-s -wtli Ik'hiii n;' HjjJlf : "7:ol if Sl
I i ii '
.V. )'. 'ujr.
An I stimuli' l tii.- ! nl ( ami
tin- I'I.k Mi- Will O. i iij.v in Iii-tir.
Irint!ii iii'inori:il sTirs whir-li
vvi-ri- .!! :tt Aiii-l:t. M, t lie or.-ilion
w:t I'lii-r il )y .I:uiju (I. IShimi;, wlio
I'ltli lc J:i-iliiiit r Hii'l jMT"Oiiul -orniw out
lin ili'.itli nl i.i-ik-uiI .nuil !' nut i-idiilncl
ti niif contitK i t A I'luloiimJ ailliiiialiun lui
I'M'.lt till III ll - ,;h Mill IllllIC 'I''IlIMI'l J.'I!!l
I inli-!ii Kii-nt - i . ii- !iti I'iihIh-'I tip lif rl
.i im p. tipie with mi.' -Miiiuith.. nun n-i-i
i-li to 1 1 -lull i- .not I. ills In 1 'u- ii 'l mi ot In -I
, .,. . - , , ' ...
in,- Hit .1 i - hik! lie- iimloiil.ti-.! h' 101-111 with
wlut 1 lie nioi. 11 v oiii- i.'i. .1 a ni-t en.ei ino-.
Tin Mnl.l in .t- ti.-io woi-iitp if, l'
lui" im. I u iii t il. II not. inil. eii. - itfii I on
in -til iiiHl In - m I tan- j.i li '. i-iin-nl-. tin not
lllnn- Ill-Ill. lat IIK l.mie . l.lllliiti:! oiatot
i in lui'iih in- in-.uer- M.tii hi- in-,.i-i aii'l in
hjniinv r It-. Imt ii h - --i ii in- not -in- e
liili ii ! to one poi.iilai ii ei'i'i (-lion In-
ohU i ".mi wi . in- in tin mini hj,, 1. in-.- ..:
oi tin- mult tini" tin- ier moiniii I1..1101-
It Is not eyimniMv klHtWIUlMt Mr Ilnvu-
th,. t.ceomph-, Sec,-, JarTo L,Sr. "3S
XI- well Us u Hnte"Ui:iu .....i .. ', . '" ' ' " l"" '
. cold m-lv II tlimS.hiilf.WT "U Ac
from all pint- .,1 the -l'atcb.i
to ilhsiK.mi,,t7"lh s'l'ii'mJ.' vun'imVi'Yai'at.Miri!" f''(li"M m ,UV "k-'. and thi- is -p:e id- then, the apj ctite one,; he came j (.Ine-thinl mote of the -tulV that put tiM-en velvet .-tripes in bonnet i bb..p
plHteiii'tiH'' r.'t Tit ir-"ttitti lollow " " " I -"-r daily. '1 he fine v ill '(inn come home driuik eveiy uiht. To bh ho snake, in their boots than on the booU wh.Ie piece eoods" for mnk n th
mi iiino imt mi. .m.i."
Jiii'le-io 1..1 tiiciiKi-s ishe wim ha- in en I iiii't loieinost nil. I coiiti-.liiit imr to the
motitl ami pioK,.. to tin-vnim r uioiv oi tie- Mie.i-i.iinv (.eitei.itioti
o'rV;:' o:o'o,:.,:.:,'::;:!;,,,',v' '':;.;::'::
im 1.101.I1. t Him w.iine.1 tl til.- ot ti.e
vis- tiiHt ..if iiini.'imiiiinj- our it. e i...-
l."7.pH VheV,,V; W."';""V,..h'
t.lMllt A.'-IIm - iiltll I WiloPl lll-.t. III till
11. I'ij'iX. '. Iliitv llllll lo-.-e o tin polices
ami pliiUO'lmop inivis.ii- whali l.tiioln
l im .1 in in.- .linnet lot tlie Hvt-iicia .on
an.l -. cm .IV ol the lit polil t 'I he moliopolv
it illllll' III III. lit, Ml l.l- Wot il C'llll. s I M.lll
:.n ill-! .in I pcrJinp- 1 1 em a ill (.- ao 1 ii ci -
r.iv-i Ihhii.iii ii.u u re ll.i.ns can not he
mil tij'ii .1
i i. .i-.i m, i, -i ill' I rl. I .-'III---S
Hinl tin-r p-.w.-i l.v llnir i.imit.eis 'I he mill
ion-nil- mlo tn, units mil, snt
VV tU'iltnt' huw "Htm it inav be ii-!i"l
V I; i ni.irehr.l h .th ln-i mini limn the mount
nlnt.ttiii sci II In. w tli M.-t.le on tin- !
t.iiim-ltt .It.1 (.i tl, -l.'it ' VV im shar. .I w iili
Tli-iitiitK in merlin . ot a-.lix .il.-- Wiiow.-tit
wit r-hcr it t im it iii th" irmlnatnl ti.n.i lis
ii. ttie bttM-at -t.iii,.-.! in.-. '
t ?. s vMt Wi'.t. l c.
t en.-.nil t.rnnt - nniiic u ll-urii" thrutiii'i
tie t initiii a , t ivai'-f il is ni'ti "iiilih c .a' tSe -r.-Ht. -t m.l tiny
ti.l'tli''i ill I I ll - i" . '! the I It.liil -late-
ll tin- an. ic- -.I th" I mini liM'l tilt m.iie.y
lai .si Ite' ms an 1 Im .lell't'iit ! h trii" ol
.-tin we il.l ttn Ihh a ti a trnt ! ,unl he i.tinl't
have I" 'tt l.nowti In hitorv u n -till. -:n in
nml pli.Hintlno. si. w li t .n i In ot im ot im
m n U i In ifi. i I amis w Inch he c m .1
m.l ii .1. in.l . once vc I cntl-w ii , li lie
i I'Ul.l not .m.l ti. a- an in -inc.- lit) n. a
Im-" plaie. tl -it let'. 1 mil .1. "V eletl lis
. i.tinttt. wine i.eii.-iai I.ihiiI wniitil lnic
t his til.ti e t. itli thai loinr nml alwavs m
eit a-lnjt until o! tin n who weie .m nl
want ntc in the siipiem. hmit ol ti ,'t f tut :i
liiKhi'r power cmtioli. il the icsult t.o.l n
111- jji.ic out men li nl iiol ut.-cil tho- men
tor wnrUs w h . h shoii'il .sniie tn nauilil
In ihe e ine.i.ii ... I. me. .hi .. limn in
ftiiiii-el tlevi-etl not ilnl mn.iai "ik
Wi .,,,l,.T .fl,Ml n'.'.'.V.l::. " ..,,,..,,'" !! ."" '
i,i mst It, mmc tli.ui Immati ami
.CV ........... ... -.......'... ,i... ... . , I'ejiioci.-i.i- piainn in, .-is ii uia. pia no in cl.lircu or -clioo
u" tiii..Hk. .1 im ii-it.ii-r iii i.iti.'i in i, :....i...r. r..i....i...r
m il.. th -t'u ioiii'iitniu);ii i he watei-oi the -. a uutaiil vv hat il -aid, instead of what it in- up in inor.-uic. . and are bemjr tit- as an ord.uarv war. and kills more than ,,. . " ,. apiani i . cm i.e.yirn .,! n0 reqUIre ny a.l to kep the bo-srels in i WOMArYTcURffQH
t ii.M.i'i.'.r..iii.M.l iniMi." wi,.. iimi.ii.Hi ,j i.-allv mean, vi.- "We want tin ted for ! e peiiiiciiti:f or trallow,. 1 such a war reii.r dlv do.-. I iiej.-. I n t U !...-.v.iti.-iei to l er . g0odorder shnl 1 tl.f patient Lowever. re- k, " h' 'ku '.!'.' TV. ?uyu?k
lW ":;Z'u.X!ri ..HI. - - I has . far been mi.- .. ... The .iii.r lo- es th.-e Hid 1. The tbrecT cost f ., the m lintenanee. '' n.:i.b..ii of ( ap'am Seth I h. 1P- qBireaeathft.emed.. e .fte rharinuken C ILhUSUSOl ACOi:;:
......1,.Ht.ii.-..r win.,, I M... Ai aim, political h storv thai a pu.elv pe.-onul .... ,,. inc. .table l.eioie them, no of prison, rs and asvl.mis uml m the lu. wa- uith .d.ul Anthonv U at, m at throeor hard .y of t-cTon c. a slnijlc doso Mr ,.. s., ,,, ,; .. .n .r9
;;,Vor.,r.iti,ei:s,w,;V,,i.VU '"-l'-. h..u .rwrt.... loss , bhor isan,ther Horn in llm SU, ,,,,:it- w-t.'ic en- Umbo other ,
w ini'T tto ' - 1. 1 III" Yip- w .ill eoiHpictoi . ,.i ....... '..,.. - - Oe SU.iiC.eC Ult HO OlCCr. I 1'K 111 V i. til im .
..i o.i.v wt.,. . .....i.' ,. m. w.. ...... !..., a stroic' ami co-opcal'ii ' partv at hi- 'n... . imi.... ,. .n .t.-t..L t ..... . t........ .inn. t .i iinmif u-loeh uonbl ! sr? r "l . '
tiii.m:th tlieiii eie.u -al..tiou un- wumht tlie -tccji nml were d row lied ill the se.t.
loi the I imt AS loilir. tlleivlere.:ts tilt Alileli-i i .1. . 1 1 .....-..: i . i non s,ii at.Mi... wr.i, its t.i, is, t lllu' lhi l h-niocr.itic pirty has pro
l.iw anil biietiv, t.iaiit s ii.ime sii j. ic i. mem jrresseil: theoiiwaid stiir t ot the nine-
bcietl with hoiioi A Iniit.- us the f'nvut v ot tceiltll tviltlirv has had some e :,.. ever
hiiutitit Iteiimrs thail lie iitilmi re 1 :nnl th. tiee , - , ,,
tlouiol miiii it ut.-il (.rant - ml' be icca I.hI
wiih nut null', in .1 in thee, .cs.e th. tuitire
t-ph'iubit ,n his wti ercat iintiie ml
t.timt s imi'taty m pi. m.:e wa- imui i-tb
eMiamiiiiisheiti. II. no mtlueime totitue
Ins pimaot on except -neli as wa-
:,::',"; ", ' ,r:: .. , '''.V .."
.... 1 ..
won to liis -tippoit lie to-e tn.-iv t.iptlU
man mix nnium. Je.idv in histur . limn the
-miuiminil ut a smcie iivc ment tothe supreme
tbteoiien ot 11 imilmn oi m.-,. ,i,vi,i,.i into
iiiiuix Kteit ttnnes an.' opcrutui" ..reran
jtieiashireas the , (.eiuiruv uml
i.iuxt s ocxiitii-s in tiik in-t.ti.
He exlittilleil extt-aoniitnli x omil tie-, ut the
Jielil llt-.i..t.x nm.n- Au'cruau olhcer- I-a
rule xt, tiit'h has, liapptlx. liml lew ex,s plums,
hut. tis an eminent to saal, l J runt po--
.se-e,l n mnihix above U ax erv. He lurt ttti
JiL-miMl'ihti loVatiuei. itiptiieiitlx an uncoil-
t-o.i.;istiess;,M.ii lle-itb". lie po-e--c.d
in cxeune.s-o! j.iilcmcut toiitMlepemltsl urott
it sdiish in- tins? in storm Nnpoleoti -a..
Thciai.-t iiui.luteatn.tiis General- istwc
niock in thi'tmutun is'iirisc I mean. V,
nJJtil. iliiprep.iixsi couraye. that xhid
i ms-cs-arx on .in mte eteil occasi.iti,
ami vx huh ut :ile il Jn- niu-t tin
lot seen cxctll.s. it-axes Itjj frtS'tium tif
jmiKtui'iit anil iviiiiipiiie- ,Kf decision
JVo betttr licsiTipttou could l-e kivcu of
the I H-,x!c, .illicit tl-tilffiii-lHsl iJen-cr-.i!
(,iunt Jl s cou-taut ivad.uest to ticlit
xv.utmtht 1 ,imht. :tct ml tin to the
faincm-uni au.'hur.ix.i--tah.lslied k-ts nplit a- a
cotimwiuier (.ctutra.'s, sam tin exile at M.
Helena, "are r.ivl Us 1 ml eater U vise but
tle, tliex iht is, then s.-ition-. eoiv.der the r
ennui mttiou- ami tlieir Iteym-
isiiiauiK. .iniiisi in scrcjitA'-t xiarrKi'oi moii-
ern tutu's. -iiotliuur 1-so.iulicultaa-toijivlde." (."nuit ui liis cri ices m Ihe ti-I.I nev-
erotice exlut. usl ltnlcx'i-.on nml it vie- this
ijttitlex tluuvtne turn In crowtrm- chante I
teritie at a m litiur leiul.f . He ttt-pic.l Ic-.
tin'ii!i;ii,'UH' ol tlieii itivutcbiiix and1
'T.feV.lortihn,i:ui",U- I"ll",w,,w
ti t.eiierai l.rata when he t"-xe,I trout .yua-
tarx toitiv.l xx ii-. marked lv
Lts Mwuir iiuaitues. "
mhii.i: riti.stttr.vr.
S - .... . " .
5iici'iest.ient'x-t ..
own;- 01 macmtuUe in which, it Ms ju.if-
iiieni as -miiei.UH'- vJUCstioiiisj.
a?al tnaloonteiit.s or in the apprehetikti of
Kimiu painuia. iac i moil xvas aved ttx" the
'htoryot the artny conunatid(l bx- General
slrant. No meuiteo or it dctruct:on ha ever
l.s?n hrard fiinto General Grant's victory be
fore tbe ptvple.
Death always holds a titur of truce ox-r Its
own. Fnder that HjIjt friend and foe :t peace
fullv together, p.uwiuns are Milled, benox-o-lence
Is restored, wronna are ju-tico
is done. It is linollile that a career -o lotur.
s provflizcd.o p jMtiveas that of lienerai
43 rant should not have jiroxoked rtnte aud
engendered cflmity. For more than txventy
scars Irom the death of Lincoln to tht? e'ose
of hi own l.fe Gen' a"rant waJ the tuo-t
csar.5p.ouot man i orica. one to xvLom
3eadei-s looJced lor le s 'Lip, upon whom par
trails built their he ' L victory, to whom
jicronal friends br t w 1 thousands ottered
their tincero devotioi cnsaeconl.nirtothe
H v-'takucia ainat the st: ? af hiuuiu nature
sin .vu :ilW!is is.,Ti.s..l.. 11.. ........ - -.. .......... ............ ... ....... ..... .,.., r.iriti.t n.ifhimr .. .I..s t.. . .: .. ... - . 1 t
htyot-tct' after tin" :,,Vr r.lMuruv ch K j P'' U I Uiore e3ect ve ami .citf a- " ,, V ."7 ' ," ".r ', " , V ! i" ' "uowlt;u';ip I u. a.ra
i..- ti-. o.,.,ir ......:... .;; i .".". .'.i . . ... .t . ....... .. ..- Miii.ii nc uor,' tn t'iion.'li ami vroteel rc!ation,h:i an-J r v :nr the n.:nrv v...,r-' r
. ii': "T.'"" :. . . rVar:,ai Ul Ult appoon :i xjv ..r:i- ,,. ..,r Mhm ... ,M,fl!...a . ,, . . ; . - ,u... ;... ......1.. i ' V."!-! -F r to
had beta tor our. x ear- the cau- f ,.,b.i ,KU" ",P ". ""I- II ;,t? f,,1!1 -- he bro. cht into the world, ehauus to a Ihe prostvtas ed'ls.- b -ed the I'io IKxT- '
teml dl-putation. His ection to tlie Prx-i- some tweutV-Iive loot wide It ha beer: ?, ,x, . ,.,.i, ., . ..i . . i J " jnisaivu eu ix.. o eu Wit I lo- ;l: -? -
denox-ptox,H!, aspect a hut, du - into bit - foo o-two in dentb na-. txiti plete con:rv.l of fr-so.-U comnni,are of a uv&sS "
mark in the historx . the country. For i a"- "4 "" " U) ,n ul lna him. i- wor-ethati notliin- to tbem. a.iiure he :n jr'-t know abou: Kvi:-a -"
ffi.?erl4d3 -Between ordai rv rVa nml t'-uet h-i :h.n5 aho caa do w th h. th outc-t. bu: not aV na- g.
thetoij At 1-n.ou i1:l,i nm in .,mic d,-." ;, , ,? , u , kr, .7, V ,, ,' to keep mm ou: of the r Mh:. aad .-o plea-ant tidin-: Attn. i'ia.) Co xj-iiJn m . n
len iu.-ituul. either bx the thr.,is .,f .t ,. ra1! u.lleieUtfi Is tie more -i... ..,!.,, I ,..!..... k.. :.... .. i. . i ' ..... v J s.U.iU. M.dd. nr
thill (otiiifr ino rn"til BltO' M nii"; tint
(M'tn-ral ruit jirifiucy i- it I ! i iial
If tit:il tJint i.. .irt, !, . -I if ! !-ttl
that his ut ii i-.l Ir'-niHiii -.nm il vri
Irnritiil , ol WH"J in in ratik a' '1
l.ittiT 'tn ml in thi- ranW : 'i oj;'!iiit
IJiit itli t!.' - ji..on anil 't ill- r-,-"iit-
ncr i Hri-itur ! m xi.t'tfravi- nt'n ions, t
rwrn ,n. ...- ..',.l.'.'.1',iiMrt.iM
li.- a- a c.uisfi inili-r -.-i-- snt! I ition-
lt oiifiMli'n.:-. ai k" t'ifr t his jx.c-
r! in S'tittii' Hti'l it 3 i:i.i.;r.. int. m !!'
Th.' ".ntro- r-. t, -r IlmIk Wiiin-trHiion
i.,-... Hi). ..KrntittMt i:.-,..jMc.n unit., in;
r'lO't lUrtUiT ll !II Ut lliUfc l 11 III I'tl'O IlCt
u.ii ..v.ry a-j.rutiin an Awm-mi inttrtot.
m m
Tiif Urift f Kiitn linllr itluir :m lrr"rin.
'iialilc llir.iT-in-i' of Opinion lirtwrcn
tli' l'ri-ili nt ii ml Ili Siiiijxirt'Ti.
Tii' gr:ttjti;tl lrift of ":jti -inco
March J h:i- Ih'-'ij in t'n hrf l'on of a
-jiKt l:tw:in C'levi'Ianti stxiI h.- i.rty
Fii.port.-r-j (ir.elti.linz the iiiii;whiiii.j
on me
one ha'itl and the I'ourbon
the I'einofratie nartv ov
'I lie tilings that have o
far i'-nt''d have been, firtt, tliil
( ievelainl va -liri eri'i'ijru t' n-ft.
,.,..,, i, .,
mejhatlheoulhplaiedhiminollif-e, ccLiii by a lib-
-raI, on .L- n-p-i;.'
-nlalive; -econd. ftom the thai
( 'lil-ervee reform
v:ll operate in
laiorol Democrat-in thai eeiioti. a
Lamar lecmtly aeknoy.hdjred; tliirtl. Lome !i-w.i-, to fs:n:.-h her. ot the chtl
1 hat many if leve!and -.uhorditiate-. Jn-p that were to l.e Intra io them, of
f torn Cabinet olliee s doun. h:te not ,jie labor made ole.i-tire bv the aittie.-
carneu mu 11 toea- 01 iftu'iii, inn
ha", e earned ut the
far as the;. we able: lomth. that the
jria5er portion of th" In moeratic -po..
leader- have not abandoned tile hop-
that Ce eland will be compelled to
ield to the.r demand-; and. la-.ll
the Kjiint of b'imi obedience which i.-. a
haraet. n-tie of the tank and file ol
the I)eiuoeratie parly.
1 .Ut the lll'st tWO Ol llie-e cailSe-, llo
not h:iaiiy torcc in the North- as lo
the thud, rb".el:imi is biiiim l.i-
-jm.l-nieii sub iplinati's to acco'int. and
la-down the law that the .-ppit of hi-
Admiui-iration is to be eained out b
them. The lime will soon come when
the alie itly tuixa'eK di-'ii-ted lead, r-
win orcak out m open ietieiiiiii to id-
. I I lit I.:.. -.1
111.-11UMJ-. .1 ii' 1 un- iiiiiiiuini-i m.i-se- hi
. ... . .. .. , .. ,
tint parly will lilimllv lollow the petty
1 (. tilers. becaue the can not under-
stand Cleveland. To them, a chanir
111 Administrations mean- a throwing
tint of even l.'epu bean, im m tt'ei
what ma. be the m- nts of the indivnl -
ted oilii e-holder-. ami the t 11 ti'r of their
plaee-w,tl,Iie,erat- Ai.c.dv th-ie
is wide -pivad. altiioii'rli silent, disat-
1 wiien uie iHimiiiistraiion, 11 it per-i-i;
j in earn iii out ihc iiolicv f reform,
...:n 1 . 1 ..:..... 1 1 11 1
"' have ai raved a-ani-t iMhe bulk d
the partv. at least in t.'i.' North, which
'-i-vt-i it i power
lo the tie tte ob-erver. tin evidenc. -
mnltiplv that we aie to see repeated, in
'V;af - Adin.n.-tralion. the hi-t-r.
ol l v lei s. I i iiiioi'c s ami Amlri'w
.lohn-o.t's A liyin. -trat on-. .Mr. ( b-ve
land sets out to make the dm r.i-ia
tion a in r-oaal one. as did tl-e-c thrct
pied- ce-sni's. lie starts i.n. tract tea I-
h, to in.iiiare a'iair- aeco -.1 nr to he
imliviiliia llieones. ..r. to si-ite lie -aim
f . I l . I
'a''1 Ul oilic eitl JMiast
I e a 'u i!lv
attempts to rarrt oul the pi.un-"s ol a
I. ... 1... ..." ., ...I .... i.r,..,i...;... f .. . t.... .
I ...i, , ...e .'. ......... i.j'.tii.ij....,-. i,t itiii,
, The three ills an is cited abme are ab
eases m po.ut.
The troii .Je, in Mr. ' levehiud s ease,
is not Ihat his methods are wroiif. but
thev are i..r is a lvanceof the ma - ol
his p-iitv. il is m public s.-rvant win
assumes tube (and who i-) vvi-er llcm
his partv. 'Ihe Democratic iia tv is tin
conservative element in oi.r tolities- it
limls it-ideals in the j.ast, and turns t-
face lotiy; ntrlv b.ckvvird. instead oi
lorwani .tioiif Ihe nad ol roress a ii
...ili.r tf., I .1. ..A i. tt..,.,,. .t
, ... ," .iiii. in ...... ii e.i.ii;..! -. ...
-it.liive- t the other wav." linn
T,o with him cont'-utedh if he ."lis m
the backward path il he bovvsdovvu at
the -brine of .lacksou. and makes th:
iii:iim thM to the victors b ion; in-
stioil-'" the thcorv of his duiiii.-tr i-
lion. lint he wd' not: and lo! there tsa
ku i,in"; and r-ipiealinir .".iiioii"- t he hc-.l.
' ' like fli -h was pot sl-.-u s n e t t
dctiitutiol swme of ( Jadnr.i n.-hed ilow u
uron us na lilt", mi suit.iioril left. It
h..s "one forw anl. bu: e.ic i nue e -inco
- v ';7 i"-"- i
oiilv far enough to enable it to pitch it
, t,.t i imn u dct-crled camp n;-iriounn
of ,,K beptlblltMlls. w ho hav e : ,
farther on in the pat 1 of progress and
cnliirlitenmettt. And now comes fleve-
1.....I ..!........ ... .i... .... t ..
lano. hiiu;i.hi ium-i nrvavis 01 tin
' 1 leinocratic tabernacle n rou-id which
: .......:. 1 1... .t. i , .- i-
- occnpietl by the bepub.ic ttis. n.i.
Ctv il-efvice law w is p .ss,-tl and pu: it;
force under a Ib'publicaii A itiuip-tra
it.on. and its vTurk.nirs and itsprncple
are emlor-tMl b tue partv m its ,"a
ti.nal ouncils. It is to. lar forwarl.
'J ue masses of tin- lVmocracv will li.tvt
uiJie of it Thev isll to -;! Hack and s,-
,, ,. .t i . . .
up tlu-r altar-IP the hvqit ot
ami latleil lipop lit" lle-hp-;ts of o.p "e
Which w II svti t 1, x. "im? .,r t'i.
' V "u " , . ... . .
spoilsmen ltonrb':;:-3 1 mi alone w II
tell Cleveland s f etuis tell the coun
try tint he is stu'.it,Arn -th.i. he w b
nevei viehl vvhen k has taken a posi
tion. There will be stay tlioti;h all
..tlior.x.'e-ert him Will lie partv v ic'd
v e do l ot bebeve t Jus" nitelli;ence ti"
K' The leaders it Co-t-rress tlan
not static bv the I'res-nt if the vo er-
tar.ii from him. and we Jt:ilI seei ic ie
tu'tm of tlve strmrrle b T.e n ti ee
1 .. . , ...
etit:ve ana me ie.r imni-' ora'ic ."s o
,it i:.veriMent stu'h -v w, list h-d tr
x!,e V . - . , V , , !
the .! era. .Kcsfv ...
The Itt'-o Lounl-i ('-v.) .frtsV-r
describes a o-in fai I iii :Kji
. , . ' . , . .
l't.Oll. Ill Ks retl Tl'ii
w hte color- it "looks alums J-'iu eiih
-...., t- ..
" ' v :i-:ne -o.ii. ror u- on m
ban Is for removinir dl. t. rras..
nl,... !.,. .1... . e .1 .; :... r '
Ills ii-itr.u .. .....:...,:..' t t.. 1 - -' - " .'-, 'i wiumi
uia lT Ul Kl u , liotnc. and orrv when he returns;. She
what has received the nanifa of thunder . ' ,n ,.i fr- ti, . -i. V .u ti
.., t ,. . it .. - - i i . l cotupeiled. lor the sake of the chil
ram. t.enerallv the raininr cloud must , ' . , , ,i. .... . . ' . -
. -..-.ii . . "., .t uren. to Keep them awav from their
be regarded as a constantlv owin.' , ..l.. 0j -t, ,,.,- t
anTss.r sf .1 ..--. . ii. i lather, ami o he ha to carrv her own
i-',is; I.H.U.1.IH. Jiixrie can xt.- in.
A New York fahion authontv
s.ivs "baus are uow almo-t entitvlv
relegated to factory maids, salesladies'
andservant girls. That arrangement
of the hair has hml it,! ,iav. and! utile-
fahion repeats iL-elf. like history, will
not be in voijue alalia iu thLi peuera
tno o-eAjieu harvest Ii,htninfr v i - . i- ,,
.r.i,- i;,. . mV i. . have possession o: him. W hat is t,. ere
merelv a distant storm. Ilnmr. Uml ?r . ...r . . . . r
s mm-mma- aj aaT
I'll.-on. VAII tif jl I'onr N an.l
,, ,, . ,, , ,. , .. i.
3lotl...r U...- I.i.lMi..l ..l Prink-
Tin" Ti-rrili' C)ni.oU lor II r.rlf ami
If-r "--n I liililr-n.
... , , .. ... ,
o receivi'ij a Ii-tUT tli v ' from
j jj, t.onlaina tby followin-
. v. 0
r ...-. . .. .llp.. tl... TX-1 f.Hr
1 -ronbie i- Kruwr than jeay ever dccrll-xl J
print, but I coiwa! it t- bpit I can for the
iMj,' Of th- rfctlf reit "
Tterc "u more of it. but ;Iii- ss
m . t .r
..oti IP ip me. Kor woznan:
so he trt-urokm. I sure seven
a m 1
ltvl Utor father wti' drink.
,.-. .tk : I. A,i.t.! r.t 1.1
I UWi -J -1 1". lb I .lll.l JIJl 1" I
. . i i
!!ien!ie. Mie came to i:t. man u no '
- i . i m .
i-hT hii-band. an -nnoi'-nt 'iri. ftiil ot ,
hot.e. full of anticipation, m I of Io-.e. t
dreailm nothuiL'. tni-t.nir eientlmiir.
lb-v.a-to stand letue.-i, iier ami f.e I
,.;,, v.orll ,,1C WRS lo ,0 iM.r WoJIian-,
,,,..r- ami le- w., tod, h man'-
II.. v.!.. to st.'irul I etueen her :uid l-.e
- r- I " . l
.n Ul J11(j ,j.(.v i,.j,j tu 'o down i
ii,Mii'--'li bie to the ;tli--v an l" -liadow. '
1.....1 ,. t, .,,1 ,.,.,., ,..1,, -ni.i ,
1 (WW -tic a-f 1. . - .. -U-....--.1.
f ti... ...i,r si. !,.., . .;?., nf tlw
pHt'.ou- of the e.., ! tlrtt. through it. J
'.-.jl- to t ome to them, and nallv. of the
.,.;,,.t.f , n,iin wh.-n tie- '
r.!.s,,r,., th. "'ll.l,ed. o:o, ..eroiis i
v, ar, ,,:ll hluni.hl would b- left :us a
heri'se to tho th. v had rente I in ,
Tiiat'- what
u..,s , l,,. .rv muid when sin -uoo 1 i
tip..n the parlor of her o i home a.-.d .
i.-.i-mm-.I her I te into the I put" of the
, ..UU.Iu. 1'imlui.n Iii r.
hat ha- happened to her?
.., ,liUl. I)U1 -lti-l.-aa U int. ami lnir w..l iti.nK I am -o he it NroUeii."
This is what is the matter. "Tiitir
itithfr iritl fnnk, ml t am .o hr trl-
oJLin. Thai -i-ntence should be ie- '
jieat.-d oer and o r airain. e would '
tna; we coiihl burn it into t-ie very
1 ... . .. :.. . 1 . I .." '
aean o: everv man in me .;iin.. 1
."..- . , . . .
le-it . r 11 thtltlrtii In t.j, nutt ihtr
tullu r will ilrmL. I urn -o litirl-lrtkt ."
I he. r father rot in the h.tbit of fie-
oucutin"; the mi-erable i orner ;ioce-y j
h -h the cupiditv ol th" hiewer e-lab-'
' . i.e tr him. and ti.e I liiu r
happened. i
,b-commem ed in a li-ht way. he
nroercs-ed to ic-ular driukiuir. and the patn-ul, i:nconi la mil";
woman, but imue In. civ he came home I
1 1 " 1 .- . 1 . i
so -odden he was in.-f.tbe ot that
br talitv, but .-implv robed into bed.
:ili -iePt n. ie..p-of :, dnmkcn b..a-L
He rose in the niorni " incapable of
labor, and went, as -non a- po inle.
baek to the i .-.., -Imp. wii.-re h. -tavd '
all 1 1 tv. .- a mnib r oi out-c un
wa- nejhcti'd. thewoik thai via
was tloiie bv tin- woman and ihe
dten. ami the r little en nut
ute-'ed from them to -upplv the never
satts.,., , mi of drink thai bad pos-
-.-,...n . t tin. t-iti
f the pit1 et "ivti.i foot I. fa:'-, i
eohl ani
mnjret iti'ioweii. i tie eft i-
.1 en an- no' well cnouirh clad to lo to
Land lliev are row-
She e-ets up m themorniti"; as tire I as
she went to bed. he jToes to ltd to
si p. but she doe- nui sleep. 'Ihe
drunken brute beside her prevents
slci p. lie has murtiere I sic p. not lor
li ni-clt. im: lor his sutleriu wne. Her
pdlow is wet with tears. She Iims in
her m mi. all nieiit louir. the cln'ilicn.
ill fcii. id- la I and rrowiur in witliout i
proper education, wi. bout proper siir-
roiimiiurs and wnln-nt anv advantaire-.
1 Mere come i e ore I cr vt-ion-ol er
ti.'tr i .it .ill o .f.. I ... 1.- tl... .....!
.-.. ... -. .... - , i- . ... . iiii in i ii-
b,.r- as" dnmkn.d - bov-. t,.l d no-t
ctttain to ijo the wav the r w leicl.ed
i.i'her has eone, ..f thetluee j rls. who. t
iiriior.tnt and tlebi-ed bv the eainple
th t is s betoie them, w 1 tinaliv
tiritt oil into tnat current of vice troin
which there is no reinni. she knows
their fate, and there -no -lecp for her.
She r -e- a'w n s moie t :eil and more
ilri'.,':ril out tliiui wlii'li nIii- -niiht her
pillow. o womler she writes
"'llieir lather wth dr nU 1 am tvi hi art
''n,K,n '
W hat is tliere in life for her? Xo'h-
aisr. or tnther wor-e than tiotlin"-. Ih-t- j
,,,r ,or 'H'r t'1'1 he -hoiil : die and liml
iraltt,T;1; "!he.5RnIe Uml h;,Ur-
crwui nevei trtve her m life. She,
1"'-ob becati-e there s in her in ml ,
some sort ot a nope that -otne';. -he
K '"v- ''ul wJiat, may vet s.ic her lius-
:. ""i V outlook is ilreaty ,
i'n.ii?"M ' ,- .-. ...1.1..J ..
-- -- " . -... ..w...o, - Jll;
,!' cater than can he de-enbed in pi mil
W b it k tl.i.rn fm- li.,.-3 l"..... ),.....
Ji-it 1-iiitn im iiei . l..i". bunker.
c',Ui- '- -oiatiou. tie-par. de tth Noth-
-: m bio for her and worse than noth-1
n-r tor Jirr chihlten when he leaves
mem. i. lotlies she na- ha 1 none for
.,.. km.,. iuou. tiarmi-. .- e (
111- neitlier. She ha- none of the lu
ures of life and falb far short of the
necessities. I here are no carpets o 1 her
1 o r.s o curtains io the windows, if tn
deed s.he has trla.- jn them: onh the
MctviuiuuuuuomM n.-cet Ue- oi 1
lite she jiml her children do not live, j
theyeMst. There .j-e Kood thirjr, in !
life, but tley are nw; for her. There j
a pic.isan; .siirroundinirs. there are!
c-iinlorts. Ui're are hiMiries. bm
a -
thev are not lor her. The Irewerand
-" lie uten mt. the brr-hop k- ep-r. ,
1 . . , . ,
naxc a mou pa peon 11c- uu-iniut s fam
ines, and even on Ii.t-x. anil they take
ail the -rood lo theii.-cive- Their
houses are well fern. -bed. and w v
s! ould tty not he3 Her hu-bantf.
and the husbands of a .ire or mor her. a.e eoutri it u ?11 thev have ! t
lo the.r Use -mil behoof.
T)ie:r f.oher --.-Jl tir.ttk. 1 ,atn 50 heart-
e .on.vak her trouble from her
chi.d :i as Ik--i .-l.e can. tor should sht
1 , : w up what uou'd become vf them3
t,.. ii .'.vi .,..- .1.;,.. -.-.i t.... 1
" "-' -- "- " - -- V...a - .' IvlkU'W a?t 44 1 Vat
i..... i i.:.. . i... x. .r i .
' . m i:ie tor her. a arearv
by day. bare-footed, over s inrp roc:'.
with "the certainty that at theecd sie
shall fall and perish, leaving those she
love- heh.nd her, helpless ami hojieIes.
" Their father will dnnV. 1 mm htart
trokea." And all this time the brewer brews.
and the seller sells. There is a profit of j
oae dollar and liftgr cents oa each bar-1
r'I to th'- l.rc'T. auil irn dollar to
t!i r-'s J"- U it ' tr' ti tv tfnt t'-o
n.n;. t: tvnir r v-h 'i ou n;"ii
.i. b.r i- i r- ail t t. n "n-ia t ,. : oi In
of chiM'ru itid !"-fr-o. t.t r t k-'
Mitt li r 'nc' io -it tnjike : ihi- .:i.Vraal :. .e n:
Iniin lown tin father t ti- tth ant
tir;i jxn iiwn itn- iiwi it-n .m
anti niiKinr thii-.i- of four boy and " l"1 I41'3 Mr-iuiR-t
of thr'f jrirK? What "differ- th-re aloit tb -.ii. oa ow
enr' do it make to th-m that the com
rmmitv i:iti-t .n tinte bury the jwior
nioth'T. ami lnr the e;'a of tho
rnin nali'; of the -- -xi thihiren? Xot
& whit. There i the Lrever? ik.Iar
anl a hu'f. ikJ tJ," mt'"rabl-p r tailer"?
nine !olinr. and the juteon-! iiionti.
Their fth-r will dr t k. 1 am -o
heartbroken." h i- tio in re effect mon
jin.jn ;,au wttult! a taj-r
taj-r watt agatcst
an iron-clad.
l'iiti!r there will n. titiM rntm hen
- - ---- -- --
.1... ....1.1... . ..;. u. il l. . v...i
i"--"--"" ..uiw.-u.8m.-hto
.. ... ,.,'- f rl... ,.n.,... .r,.'
to enoniu:.. oi tne -pine armn
I'..-V.b.V the time Will lOIIKi
''"'" the people ill -.iy to Uie bree:
ami til-tool" "t OH -hall no: Kill till-
,-1l imr till tfU
ami in- toot- -iou -nan no;, kiu mi-
xvomati. ou -h:,il not kill, lwly hihI
-"ill. the-e childn-i." I'o-ibh. -otno
time. tli:-. he ir:-broken plaint will bo
heard, and wilroi:-e i.-n and women
to net on.
'I here 1- a da. ci 11111111; when
-ome -ort 01 action v. hi be taiveti in
self-protection. It i-no: alone thejinr
uomnn in lowa who ii utter.iii: '"'
ii. Tliere i-the same 7latut
i- of the rieh. ( old and
-n the h
hunger e:
the hou
in not re ich them, but di--
e.-L-e. t!:-rrace ami dearh ea:. The lap-
nor liend cares not who h.- '.ictim- are.
ami its law- reach in all direction- It
i- as mercile aid - ;r-My a- n
rrave-yanl it tikes .verlhiiiu that
come- to it. Wine at live dollars ;i Iwt-
tie kilK ju-t :is cert:tinl a- Ixmt at livu
cents a la w 'I here are mothers in
civet ami satin who nio-m ju-t the
-anie as the calico-clad woman in
lowa. It la all the Mime. Tolntu IHuiU.
Its Money Cost in Canada.
The Canadian p o;le spend more for
wh.-kv ami other mtoxicatiisi: drinks
than for anv other c1:l-s of mai'iitact-
Five million more for liquor than
for meat
Si inilli' ns more for liquor than for
i-ither bread or woolen iT'iod-.
I'tiev spend more for Mroiiu drinks
than lor ab the lumber thev aiinualU
u-e for b, ld.n- hou-e-. barn, and
fence-,, ami furniture.
Twice as much for alcohol :u. for cot-
Nearlv three times as much n.s for
li It they .-pend i' o.on i for
clear air t' e.r heads bv eduction, thev
spend thi.-e ami a half t met as mucii
for mt:ddliiir them.
done' A .-injrle vear ot thi- hancf tl epend
ch 1-' iture co-ts as linn h as vvou-d buyout
were tho farms and stock of cither ot the
wealthv count. c-of Ha-t n- an.l r.lj'in.
'i hirtv-iv.o ve.irs of the annual drink
bill vvoi.Id pnreii.ts" the farm-, -lock
ami impii iueiils oi ill" wiiole lfovince
of Oufuio
Li ,uor co-ts the iNirtiinioii a.s much
swen wen i e oiai iiuauc ki ioscati-ci
by the li-jitor tm.'lic to an even more
enormous sum
And the bn.tncial loss, aftr all. is
the .sitt'if ' 'r,l or the wintU
IrLh W'urld
The Man Who Eats " Libber."
Two colored barlcr-. one an old man
ami the oih. r a v ounr one. Thevounj;
..t,,,,L .iiVh.. 'ii.mii .ml simte.! our
of the door.
... . I'll" l'
" ? wn to --1 :l '-'"J?
a-kel the elder.
"Pat's wh it P- evvan to tlo."
"(Jo and jfit to" ilrmk. I oo-t ter
d tie .me tine; when I wti xouii";.
When I wu. ft:-t marrictl tlah vva- a
jrin-null next to thes'inpwh i I wucked
and I -p. lit IlltV and -ebentv (cuts
a dav outer tie dollah 'a Irvlt learned. ,
Wall, -oiii
UriWIIill I Went 'tlto OH
. . .
lut'eiian siiojt. ami win -iiooti cum
bnt tie m.tti vvat kei de likkcr -hop.
"'(.ib me ten or twelve pounds
po'terhoiise -teak.' he -a d.
"He rot it and went out I sneaked
mitotic butch. ih and looked to -co
whal ,,,,,m,.v ' ,,a-1 ,t,r- -,
"'What do vou wan? .-aid the
(, 1. mr. ten cent-
wuf of lib! er.'
wu. mv rem trk.
"It wu all I could pav fur. Now
, 1 . . .- ...
vo 0 al. jr vo .rinK. 1 OH li eat
i libber but de man vvat sell- vo-de
..,,.,.- . . ..'
Utull wll hab h:s po terhott-e steak. De
man btdi.n' de bar cat- po'terhou-e - de
Inan jn front eat- libber. I ain't
touched the -tulV in th rtv veah-. anil
ain ia.,n poterhoiise iinelf.' -ox-
Ooru Acnor.'tr.
Rum Did It.
While William stead, at the aire of
fort v. has ri-en to the editor-hip of the
.i7 d'azttlc, hi- brother, who
. '. 1 ,.i 'i,;i ...
P';1 "I" bil :.
-leeps in a
namele-s prove in the town of
(.. at T. m . .
K layton. Aia. ii wa, m i"- tnal
.tea.l made his appearanc ia Clayton.
Ii wa a Xianip. nut pave evplete of
havmp -een better da.--. IVnniIes and
friendless. 1 e gladly ac epte.l odd jobs,
and soon went to work as a land;.- npy
Jo i rot. .0 iis.n. then a
tt.uherin Civ ton. Stead contide 1 Vie
torr of hi- life It v. a- the oM tale of
, - 1 .1 . 1 -i r 1
... ... ,,.! ft... r.iln 1 l ,1 f .. !-. ......
iliu .ill" ...v. nun ui - i tu U,JI
Hum hatl robbeil Imii of famdv.
tune and fnend-. and made him '3
vaira tii 1 upon t e fate of l:.e earth.
Agate tie demco e'eI him. aud this
time death t ut aa end lo hi- -trurirles
ami templnt.on-. Prof. Johnson wrvt2
to the "jVe tt Loudon editor inform np
hi 111 of Ii.- Iiro'htr's ad fare, and in
t ', T, ;
Peoi'LF. ueed not tell me tnat I a.11 cr-
cited on thee qu.-stions. I know that
I am. I hould I- shamed before Gtnl
and man if 1 was nor. In mv minis-t7
1 meet the horrid fmif.sof tliese whi-Xv's
shons- 1 --ee that men and women ai
tri-hngin these pitfalls- The num-
ter ox in ras is o zrczi taa.
overwh"lms me ilv hru a barning.
mv heart is brenxinV- The chnrch ia
, i .. i . i .
asleep, and the KundJ too; and tber
are hujr2"i,ir eacfi other I am wcarr
with holdia- in. tnius-Jcrr. I would
rather be coasted siEfculsr m Ut
judirment of icea ihxn le taofailbfc!
., . ? .a.. .
the jrduuinttkHl-lcc- Dr. ArraL
I)..tnr.:i-tont.eit ir Inh.'..1 '""
KvTvwher lb
niptly frtu :h a -(U-a iniJii
.. M1. ..ll ..,n.ln.i. .,' i- it .
1 tlllill ni Mu4t.- - " "-
. , . , ,
le- twp tha UK- rU -orrxiuni i i-
jv few acrr of roni whtck r-n:
o xerr ctrikini: rontr-t t th- lira
.r : I....V ..f ,W I..,.',- J .-
tttrf-foertji hul of Vb leelan I
f.trmr. ami at th eaI of the tj-.rd
"land- th ri lr of eil bait ho w
forming ll.f l.xtt. wh h tnfd -.'
the .-unround n countn with :n "f
the iMf-arie- of lift Tre- hiu-
art ir'n-rall' owned bv fore:Br-. and
. ,. - M.t..W
tiii'i nn- u iHI'- iilKii niiiiiMin
. , .
..iirne ' an- who worn, te l:-!i r r-
. . . . , ....,
J-u. inr -...?,...- i-..
jr Dan -n mercnaa; wao may cae
'in-i-ni trauinjr -iaun aionc u.e r.i.
. .7 i , .- '
)'-' wu ihe end uf Mr p "Tr "" IJ,,r,i'-
1 -man larttt can ue ?een umijji ni
Ioh- hih aboe the nater. or ut -otue
it all valley t-etweon the mount., n-.
where none but a Icv-laader o.M
hnk it iM.ble to live. Here, on a
nt that t-att not Le reachel trotn the
-a. eceji m wr c.tlm weaiht-r. and .
h"h i .aacces ble from the i iml '
vera! months, in the vear. th.--e . .-
p!c 1 e. contended aJ Happy, and .
-wean ne I -at.-ttel to Ht.end their d.- '
v.- their father- have done before them. ,
though well aciii.nnttil. In' reading. I
.th other and more inrittn cow ti
int-.- Cor. I't'l'urjh Ii9f,ulck.
Autumn f.illinery.
Felt, ehet and tiaso! embroticrie
nre the lendinir features of the earbe-t
autumn millinery, while the novclu
that i". -een in all kind- of materials for
the mill ncr- ii-e t- the combination of
wool with .lk eootl-. Th.s la-t fd
lowcil naturally on the mucc-- of un t
iur c ttoii and wool with bctt r e,1(!,.
a- in tic c.iiia- fabrics worn dur i
the summer, ami is the lee fma'c p
ut'summer. am. is u,e ,.- nua . .-
-ult f u-inir wool in -umim-r lue-
lliu-trat.on-of th - arc s,.wn , r -
bon- with a stripe of wool, a -trtje ,.f
plu-li ami a '-atm or lailie -tr ; o
el-e open wool -tripes like the alitor i
lace in color- have a j;ilt tbr- nl
vvroueht thioueh them, ami are b
1. linnet have a wool foumiat on-like
loth, or thev are m lace pattern- w th
emhronlerv m tin-el thre.ul- allov.t
ttie -uriyce. n inn in .ins
an im h Aide are plaited in basket p t
tern- with m.uiv thretuls formitij-
. I,..,-, ..nil this f..i'ic i, t.. lu I
cross oars, ami this i.t'ne is to pe u-c
--.-.-......-..'- .... ... .
for the crown or the br in of the bon
inl in combination w th cloth or vdv t
or. if dtsiied. the whole h. timet w II
be made of It. The botlcie eflect-
ntt d lor dies- ";ooi!s are al- to be
s. en in the wool stutls u d for iii.ik.M-;
bonnet-, and in the -trpe- ami bu
tif tue ribbon-, for their trimmm;.'.
Hat'i't r's
r.inl Kiinli in. AtilM'ls l'rar ti
'I n ail."
So im"HtiMti-t vmith is often pivrn t
folly nn I iniii. r-tiou; ami. n.s tesiili,
m-rvtitts, mental nnl organic ileldtitx foi
low, tiH'.'ii.u-,- i? impaired, If-tsmlitbii"
irf lacking; nl nuht li.l dreann mur,
premature olil ae,.. s.-ciuh sfitui,; in. rt.tit li
tn the track. In eotitlilent . von ean. ami
bhouM writ" to Dr. It, V. I'i. rce, .f P.tiTnlo,
.V. V., the author of a tr-ati." for the l-n...
Ut ot that class of wtients, ami 1 1 fieri t hi
your svmptottis nmi stitr.'ruit. II" can
c ire v mi at your tioni. and will sumJ voti
lull Ntrtietilm-s iy mail.
IlosTOV ut'it.l'.ns lovi fjowors. It Is
hnnchiy-ctilture, you know. .V. ). Inde-
VuiiiiC Men. Kelt'l Till-.
Tiif:Vot.TMcH,i.T('o.,of Marilmll.Mich.,
i atr-r toeml tlmir cl-brat"! Ki.KtTHo-Vtit.-
r.tir ill.t T m.l ntlier Ei.t'crmi' Ami'Mam i .
m trial b.r :n .lavs, to m n (vimtt.- or .! I)
rilll.ete.! uttli tn-rvotis .teb.litv .1 .-i-nf vi;l-
it v ijnd till kui'lr'l troubles. 'Al-o fur rheti-
r.i'.:...i. ......r.. . I.. t.r,...t.jf.4 a, ..... ..,'....,.
.--.....,-....... -.....-. ........ .....
r li-..n-e-. t oinjil.'t" re-.torntion to In nltli,
vinr. anil manhoo 1 jtinrfiul"d. No rt-k iu-
curred. n- riiibivs' trial is allow .si. Writ'
tin m nt once for illu-trnteil pamphlft. fr.".
Foot note- Th- palter of the mub'N
iml ."-son the hired man's rib-. Chi-
7'i Tnhtinr.
" Is no balm In CIIohi)?
I- thi-re no phMcniii there?"
Thank; to Dr. I'ltrc". th"re U .1 lihn In
his (."olden Mt-dicai Iiiscovery1' -n Ln!m
for every wound' o health, fr in colds,
co i-hs. con-uitti(ition. hrottchim. and nil
chronic, bl.-o.l, luti"; and liver aiTeetiyns.
Of dnifTKiitts.
Iivr blind, but matrimony l- a Cfat
ccttll-t. .oio.n Conri'r-.fvurn'il
Ar inferior articl" Is dear at any prlc.
lleniemLcr this, and buy Frozer Ax'e Grease,
AuniTioN ta a vacuum that will never
be tilled. Wa'hmgt'jn Hilthfl.
t .mr...... .. . .
Thompson's Eye Water, bniituvi soiYlt. r5c.
1. a.,uu.-i jr-iq nre t.yci, tiw nr. i-aic
Kans vs citv.
CATTLE ?liljip'n- ti.Tt Jt
at xe cow
flMleher- te.r .. X
HOG-? Good ti choice tionvy
Le-ht -
WHEAT -.No J red
No. 3 risj
No. 2 -oil '.".
COUN-No. -; .
.ii-ut 3!
"T. tp. ( .
i.i n"
L-i ,Tn ' N: v"
M.(l lt-iacr. p.-r ncJc
II i v- t . '.
II.U Ur;? DRIm
lTE't (" 3rtaaiorr"
Kjlt.fLrwe er0"
SJu ...
r. n
"a 34 -oMrtiia"Kiiisijdi"
I"OT.TiiK-- nw ..
rT-xt tci....lT" J'1:"1"
----r-F' -.--- . ..
ATn.E-5hip-wcr t.
H. t.spttCkinr and h "ppin?
ct'.'CT-o"" r to cboce
No.3 .'. "'."" '
corx-So. Pr " " :VSt 7?s
o vts .Vo. 5 ; li Of
$5.- -""--III5J- Th
jTnv YOKK.
"wtl'J-?-- ,
-Sr Coaraoo to pool .
Fixir K-,vvi u eacv . .-
rij&vv" n:,J -
bJvTsTwnm tW'.'. '.
PoHK .'."....
, -Jin-f
S . - kK r
Wht 'portlT V-o i:y On.
Car .-: i "-' '
r ., n iifi t
f'i. iir j r
t, ,.ranil i-H-i
.;ru-t.. k x- i
Cia l.
.r- h ;s, Ui fa S
lct:t.l jwtr-.
ktri n lciw.4 rv ! b!-1
Uat Jltri. A JO'iiV o ibii."i -
,Jvnr ci tb m.itti) :y f il rT- ,
trlAM fctv 13 ai. . . w .
rr c-i:
lUtr vn
nx-rr jtivi mor.
i rkapw
a- . r'&ia.
n.. -r it, '.t itirun. o n"i
.... t... t . .,-! K. "rtVTt' lm
Hii,i U. rvT.. r
Ui a l" -it '
J .-mtn
.fr-!' af ic
i-l, a.l vi'J a '"
.r.J -m ita io- ire
, Lta- H'' - 5
1 - !' 11
har-t uv
i arvn --it l
CKll 1 rli.T
1ia 1 tat- :; .v
I '. n tta t' at . Ii.t
ha 1 t!- i
..-. : J-. ir
pro.;.tiv. al
LiVfi thr ircV. ll !
trra I
tl ittUIn)
iru. .i."s-v raiJh mcu
:hi r. my :
n J jft
h ih-v a. a
rt tian
1 v
a ru-t f 1
cHofirnti-l " lr.ttl l ' "
itwiiiio-i 1 w a r t
.nrri.ii lr i Ke ntli. a t fi
sioui : ii'iw, iac- - m
... I .. . V .1
fkai .4a f. -. f r Mfl. ft
im hi nil -!v. wi. ' a!
tun nnln "o. rr4" t ' a'
lv BsfuI
afJU i -
,.v,,M of n ltR. rtR,
t r
fc(ii,i t,. tur du.l i. rl '; 1 1 ' '
J ; 7 I'lwK'watrr m
p,,,, ,l)r h,rr,-, htxitxn fls.':nrt-
,v h, u tb ll rrm. lv f r e. i -, d ar
r-.o'a, r hoi writ ni'.rtii',. tie i.rv .r
lioo.!v-liux : U 1. to 1-r. iW tip oii U lewr
and inUAmmnUirv ntta i. if uiJ r&riy.
Tkk trrpr imu
7 J ije.
. .. 1 .-. k f
-.' ai lBr-ar 5 r
J'i kk,k Tooth . 111 T'U ur'nlMlnuti X r
ttlfMt s .strii-Aitr ..iii.leM.' ami twuaa. V-c
l.itiu( i.M1tlu.ill:Vli.l .4-11.1 Utllitttii.
Fit kiso of t'it'"
al n .th 1 .
'.f t - r )c
. - , . A
I'mitn'rl I nlllri m. TT11TIT1
J1 Q I 111110 ST? M
lli. Ill U UlllU J 1 Ul
The proprietor of tula celr orated medicine
instlvchiimi far it a puDcncrltv over all rem-
edieseveronerea to tue pu-;ic :cr tr.eAfc,
of AcueandKcver.orChtll.and fever.whctl
i . x i
tro: snort or loaj.'itan-'iiiis'
. ....
enttro w- estera ana ajutcera i
htm teitmeny to the truth
that in no case whatevtt
thedtrt'CtionsaretUtctly fo'J
oat. la a ureal ntaav cases a turc't
been suMi:itnt for n cre asi wh-'e famibei
have been cured by a t.iur'e bcttle uith a per
fect restoration of tb general Lealth Itli,
hoxever.pradcnt.and i a evrrycasc n:orc cer
tain to cure, if its utu is continued tn sn?allcr
doses for u week or two after the disease has
been checked, nore especially in di.'tlcult and
Th Popular Rrnmdlrn of tho Dajr.
Prlrripal Offl.-. sl l-In -U. I.ftl Istll I r. KT.
A LIIchiRnn Concern Enjolnod. t
Fnim tti" lt. t'r Vlorti.ti.' lb raM )
The fo.i'inlm; .tcu'irlion h.ev been ol
taiueti by the Hop I'ltters I'omp.-xny, of !
l!iiliit:et. N. Y.. against ('olUttiiits 1). ,
' Warner, of Koati.iuf, Mu-hUan, prohibit ng I
hiiu frooi luanufcttirtn; r .sedln "tr-
win II'V t.Ulrrs.
Thr I'rfklrnl vt Utr I'nittd Stair ut Anvririi
10 ' tjuuiwf. i. iiufwr, Itm-tino. Mh ,
l.z . ... . ..A. . . -.1... .. . .
nw t .'.. i.tMi,i, .mivwwn tvrtu i(Tli,
lUlii rttth ilmi 'tvy iff tUrttt
Wbfifnt, it has lrm re;.rtei.'tit-l unto
the Jtistn-ei of out Cir, ult "rl. the Ho-i.
Stanley Matthew , nml ton Hon. Ib nrv H.
Urown. at Iirtroit. within ami f..r an 1
l"tnn, if tu n- n ('mirt of Chatice'r, I
tlnu tni. i-ilBUnut I. w-irte'r. urenmnufnct '
linn.' nml U.lirf h tnetlleim tiHim-.! t.erm.-in
II. Ip llltt. is. .11 ftXUUlttfttll (IHlt.lwrttf.r till- II p
llu'trs mude atHl mj1 tiy rtitnnliUiMiiit: jmir
itiid tnslieiie ltnc iVru'.. ttlruiittl anil rv
U'uUtllt mi1"Ul :r pull, mlo purcliAiiirf
meii r unitrft tl to-ls iu, tlitj umnufu. ture of
thi x.implii.nntiL
We Uictcforo. In rntilerntIon of Ihe pr-m-It-t-S.
do ttttiy tn?iin XOtl. tin a.l Co htt.rpja
I VVnrt"r. atnl nil tttul ever) tlxi t. nmn I..
lore irniik,! ffm wmj thr trum . llJ'rr"
tm r.nx ttiiHa cotitrui.ttj In t -tittle wj r In
Ouce Ukj l'tief tiiat Mich thi il- are t;.-)e .y
i-ompia.tiMiit. niul fntn tur
Inc. -e line or titter mr r muo iir: I it! -rs. or
(iitiertluids tu the b tth-s am, win, ihi im! s
Kti.l 'rt the cenor J t rn .ti vrhich )i wet.
manuftv-tur '.u ju m u nx the htttera cm.l
b, tiu Gertnn Hot. Intter i.n Ue nl n of
tin' bu.. or 111 an. t.ile-r l4t-. or th jny
Other iHl'sa V"! Or ib tlw: t rcpft--
-lltor llKlnce tliti b lief tbut tle U tt ra or
Uu it-ol.l I y you arc th ir""! of he com-
Ttiirini- ui.l.1 tli unli-r if It...
J""" T . . . " "
Tm H-j' i"U MOHJUSftS R. WUTK,
At lt-a.l It.rt, h 4r ..f j.'r A l .
t- 1 VVa.iv - Utru.C.trt.
ro-ie tlf- Strturllrrm It!
If tlf-jw err-Ha7B"frtbi5f-ir2ltlrt;
oait Lai-.k't tji - It p ti-ut'i' t;ju(m( atrr
1! K"M k.'l.i ikna '.'it sri"'t . t i
vvwaiatlj r aad if fa IU nira T 11. ry f
l -ut taC .ci! it'll! t , Iiai- w! X. -a fjrr
Itatti-'t fur lb t n4 . &d IX -ar4 jot
hf'tit or 'r r-t oe
-- l" s ' a - t..--s st' C D Ki-yf,
r.-llr.t. U h t'! 1. n m. t rtx ard aU.
iTsrit-. id 9Jr 1 -" 'mi-rj
Ji'r b. 1 iiui-i h ft; cxi.
I katr lr-n a Hf
If"s5r' l,sjjf-
Im. .f'a i-4 F 1
Crriaa uaa ta. i' a
Ui' fe'fVX rr-t.. 1z
tli.f'Vk'. lor c 5.
ea. o( -a r .i- t
Msi fV"t V r - ,
aiO-4 ws ' 'y i' t x
aarf ii i. -v. -
ni a ' T - bitt
-XMX 1
""f 7 T r--s ' . ai
r - r--s
C3- t. S.t' - J
-.- ---.
. IH
V a
fa vM
r-X' c B - - i - . . iu.
5 M a - .
"- 'aaaaaaaaaa aaaaa.
, caaaaaaaM maVlrM
F-iik- BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKSmaavnurx. t aakjh.
tk-B.BBKv. a I i:ilX aw.
iwi i :BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSEaWaty XX'A
i v sL.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWfll aaVManaal
.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaWlaH XsMaSaLal
TaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamT WaaaaV'-'aaaaal
i -ikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawTilbJaBaaaaa1
-"' , 7,H& s .SaaaaaaB
d aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam- f 'laaaaaaaal
Did you Sup-
(or lKrs? I: Jnt!amn
Uon of 1 Ooh.
14, 15,
l fin 1
r. vt . an
ok tc till
,Ue r a.n
. vr,
'r.Hl '
T .1.
'5 ' " TK.S,
a C0I1
1 ratrrtr4 frfol .
BTt ccerti
??tt .,
I tm!rU tth'hr.
a tniacbt
. jiii.
t cav.
ItJtutM Ht-ftt. nml Xatiilt,
ft. It yrar. g ,"iO ftm,
n ill ttirl. , l(U irr
3,000 llli..lrlt,i.
. lutlr- i'Ultirr t.nilrr-r,
I.1VI.N UhoIrmU (,Uc
tltrrrt I ill ni..r r . mi nil f;MMta fur '
uo(i'nl tit fotittl) UM-. Ttlta Itut li
tirtl.t, nml $; ! tout r -rrj
Illllll, yuu ttw. tl, ilrlttk, wj, r
tiotr r,i. t-tth. 'riir x; awa iii.h
llOIIK. cut nlu lufor lentluwi (Irniir.t
feint Hlf ftinrUrta f t It nnti.l. Wrr
vtlll tootl i ttipr I'ltt.l l.i mtty tJ
ilrrta tiMtit rrrt ipt of III f li. lo lfr-y
-lwllM- of 11 IK It Inc. I I tta Itrttr fllll4
yuii. I(j-cfully,
27 V K!Unhn.!iArif,l Itlro, U.
."foao l"J'ln' ob IVarlntt tfclt Matfj
Jvl- n l' . Vttft al
I r .44. 1 rrt4(H-'t
ni n CtMtArl wabt
if " t -1 A l-il vf.tA
. ' 1 1 tl Irffa w?t U
I -' U !
II. l' la acy 6u.Ua
r TrrrtiJ-ry
f U.M,I.(K
4 I I 1M-.
r kii".
aklfil rMatto''Kf
Uin, HaliMft.
Itr.l.lintf. r rav - t.F mt -t.j
asv tit c 3 rf 'F ao
P- A t,.V. Turkl.
M aV-h Jki. ..'.
Itli m. rU
Ttir dcidi aT('.AHi:ii . um
mtrlnni W ). lna.ii-rlUr.
Jjh.r-J A tuVfat lagUftax il --lt, a!1.!.
lli."" ' r t'lW. A 1 Hi.4.
1 (tamp It rteUra. Ion. .t trrK.
iso.t.MiiirrA ! ,.! t tvu
f aVt rw 'wt'.fer
:-!?. ifrM.-riiJ
tkl. Ut m Hmt !.
oio fj'sy
r "r . .
-Sfii...v a..w
."W,.'fe unn.t Cah r nf r
JasaaCdiffllx-ir.ta. iBLh
Ulaxti;-.4 PAY'S
K'KVMS..It)i'el 1 MaKrt. of T-IMC
"AI.lJa.a-j: I Ssllil lrl" afru.l r r
at-ta44rwt. t.n'r-life,Httls,r
.mmtTt t DiW- v - .!
liZt4n, y, W. M. rx T A Cif t -&. J
Laiihrd's C!ax Fizz
t-a- a rt? 1 tnj lfct Iy-fU-t
Ua- l.-tnf fc-" ' tfesttrtwra
ttsy i ripplaa-. - i'"" tuiiJfa.w
iuirtiJo!.lJ11' Ajivif
aa A MONTH AM lu)Altl TO
909 Af!i:iTt for a .tr tj& ,,an'.J-n
llfejf GRANT
HmIiI'i t-crt . r itt - .tMH.'
a irt Ikxx tf " ti t - .
r. W. X.tttiUKmt t. CO.. V-. ItttmSm..
r mjtr 3 -i I M
.'0tr(tr fctlr J
ta ' Tr e - -". t I
jatliiiki .j... fM-1 i jmws t?sV-
airrttl--r. VIIITClMM4ai,'4.
TmlM asj car sxtfl4 .
tfi-Wl tii. .
UI-OSO.ICI- AMVft. aUCicCs. .
J AT ?
I" 1
W Ai .' l' '
1 & In
I. Vlv
U V af "V,
6Mi& ?W
aft "" r m .s'T'.
la. orr-cr
jtJSt "" a ll 1 W " T 'I'aw
(Jlf fjifjar