1 "-mwr - R" -,f A ' - - . - Y --?' T- SSm&fr W -"Ww fcTv"' t !! - s..T5i' -.. I .1 II f y n u. r t I u i9 M " z'Sii sr I V I LOCAL PUFFS. Don't liny vour innrhine oils tilf you co to CVUinB's. Price" Rrcatly reduced. m Roomii to rentpver Maryatt'a jewel ry felon. Apply to A H Kaley: 3if All persons knowing themselves in debted to the firm of Hodion & Foe Cowlcs. Neb, will please call and settle the fame. . For Saw: A tfood house and lot in Fouth-west part of town. Inquire of M. S. March. 4tt Invest 3Sc in the grand perfume prize drawing, and win a prize fit to adorn the! finest boudoir, tor partic ulars call at Ferguson & Co. Finest line of domestic finrorteu" cr gar in the city at Ferguson fc Co s. Wastkii A good girl to do general housework in a small family. Inquire at this sffice- W. P. Overman negotiates farm loans ata low rate of interest. .Vitf C. Wiener is bound to have, if possi ble a new stock for his now store there fore fcw cut the life out of clothing. $50,000 to Loan. The Nebraska and Kansas Farm Loan company have plenty of money to loan on real estate. All coods delivered, prices aslcw as the lowest at M S Ballard's. Diamond baking powder, only 2octs per pound at Ballard's up town brick Htore. Ladies-will pleateo read the fo lowing article: AirBiooIs Jiotrj si A"j.wor put soipiUAV ouij iuiuivd -oj'objv w.oovuvaa 'qSAV:yl ic Si FunsJfjvq jo ohm oi uvo no.C ly. poi oj imop opihd jadnd oqi tunj o) Xiisouno qUnouoaDuiAO ion jjiav soipei oifi M0U3I oav sy :u8Ui3rjuo3 o'x Din:i.v; the month of May every thing in the line of silverware we will fcell at 35 per cent, diocount. Wkig;t fc Wallace. Violin trimmings at Wright & Wal lace's. Some of the choicest worics of our best writers for only 1! cents at Cot ting's drug and book store. Don't forget that Cottir.g has the best and cheapest toilet boaps in the city. Far Sale; One second-hand McCormick Iron Mower, one Sulky Hay Hake, one Farm Wagon, cheap. Inquire at J L Miller's harness shop. 51-tf Now is the time to get your bargains on the 5 and 10c counters in hose, col lars, buttons, handkerchiefs, uapkin3 and towels at Forrester's. Itch and scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never fails. Sold by R K Sherer, drug gist, ll2d Cloud. 22-ly Wiluer "Little Hatchet" and "Nick le Plate" Hour, best in the market at M S Ballard's. "Wool "Wanted. The highest market price in rash paid for wool by D. M. Plait Wantod Wi: have a good assortment ot fine buggies and spring wagons in stock. Wc think we can please you. Si'ANor.Li: & Sox. Tkoclamatios to the people of Red Cloud and vicinity. All persons pur chasing goods of Wright & Wallace will save money. Ni:w goods daily at Forrestor's cheap furniture store. Don't fail to examine before purchasing. Fou cheap glassware and tinware go toForrcster's 5 ami 10: counters, two doors south of McFarland's. Balhrioan hose for ladies in endless quantities at Mrs Newhouse's. 4ltf Violin, banjo and guitar strings at Wright & Wallace's. Large lineof gloves at Mrs New house's. Call add see them. 44tl Tremexdoi's stock of lawns at Mrs jJewliouse s. i;onl tail to sec tnem CAUOUT in the act. A ma hastily down Webster ijlyesterd attracted the attentionof everyboti but his haste WjBT explained, he was on biMray to purchase baj gains at Wr Jht fc Wallace's. H.uuKrocAS and all email music goods Atright & Wallace's. 1 Most! Money! Money! Call on "V FOverman lor your iarm loans. I liave two J I Case Agitators and one MasaiMion thresher which I wish 'to efoee out to avoid storage. Bottom , prices and the best of terms. J A. A. PorE. M W Dickerson has butter tubs for sale cheap. 2w2 m A fcll line of John B Alden's pub lications just recived at Cotting's. Straw hats at less than cost at the Golden Eagle. Xylenephoxes are becoming ex ceedingly popular as musical instru ments. For ocular demonstrations call at the Fourth Avenue musical ba zar. Xylenephokes. For further partic ulars call at the bazar of music, Gar ber's new jewelry store. TWO WEEKS MORE ! and the reduction on CLOTHING! w ZlaK WILL STOP ! at the Golden Eagle Clothing Store ! Reductions will not be made on any groods received during the last month. THE GREATEST Harvest Pic-Ntc. HAS opened at WAY'S Hardware Store. v nere me enure hock o naniwnrc, . KED CL0UD, ciuiuj niiu minnic mil lfu I lusiu out at greatly reduced prices. FOR CASH U Violins. Guitars, Accordions, Eta. Wright Wallace. WATCHES WATCHES. Of tho Deat make at Wright &. Wallace Mimra'ssiLE OnMonAj, September 14. 1885. at lOo'oiook a. xn. leB4erKicDileAa4Mtoililnter of the MfWWMJICMPglW. nvveoe voMaetbe irwWMf .will sen WBCITWH 9CWCK. rtr TtfclilBhirrii1ilffr nr tea miles aarlkrMC nf KmI Ctewl, g impii 3. town X nose 11. In Wetote coRMJUMib, to-wlt: 4 RUdi caws, 4 ciItm 3 J8T ItlMW. Ji Stock ton. m ml. fsna tmmtm ,. i -. rvr: - .i - . . -r- ii.wKTtaw omi WKMM tl-W U9, Rjave, and until further notice quote the lollowmg prices: Uo. 10S, Bouquet Range and Hiservoir $:t3.00, former price$38.00. Ho 103. Bouquet Square Range and Reservoir, &2S former price $33. jSfc S Wonder, 4-hole Stove $17 former lrice 20. lm 1SS, Wondcr.llS inch oven 520.00 jriiier price 23.00 Ivanhoe 6 hole, Range $22.00 fir r price $26.00 ese are stoves vre warrant to he the be'iwhat is m the market, and to srive entile satisfaction in every respect, withi35 pieces of furniture, all good wax And of our own make. firstuahty lour tincd llay Fork, 50c fo?Ber pricc,75c: Firsi iality 4 lined Manure Fork.'oOc foiOKr price 75c. Good II iuch Agricultural Wrench 40c fori air price 60c. Good Ilinch Agricultural Wrench 45c formar price 75c. Shot; Jftlorroer price 10c. t asinng Machines 8 former 0.00 der 30c former price 40c. ot tour King ringer $3 door lock and whito knob r price 40c on cans 4oc ionner price Boss, hki Myers 9 Contractors In Stone and Brick WORK Estimates and mater ials all furnished. NEBRASKA Rings, Brooches, Ear Rinff8,&c, tho bost;in tho city at Wright & Wallace Silverware of all kinds, at W & W's a ct4K al Mx mmto wit be thmmitomi awwjeaeeMty,wttklea r wt. iaiecMi ITKn WUr. The be priced Good pt Yourw Goodm 30c foi Large G 60c- ; Goodhia former And all Will rfvi pextiseu. I Pleased As we tl mnili in oJ remember! only. Retv manuikctttk every article-? All parti deeted to aj cash or aata. WIkt not you a windmi money and bei ele in the taTi aoduoladaT the market. I u I IX Wash Boilers, 120 ice $2.50. ler things in proportion. rou more prices in the us a call. sell a large amount of rt time to pay our bilb, e pncea are lor cash iber all we have we irselves, and warrant owing themselves in- 11 call and settle bv burs respectfully. Palmek Way. t that we will cive nd pumn for les r job than any one . e sell the Star , the two best in Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale WHEREAS, DEFAULT ILVS BEEN in the :otuIitioii of a certain Wil Keck- pecta- Jhains, it mtat Wallace's. MADE chatt.l mort:;u:e xecuted by N'.ithan W. Siic' to h;is. II. Totter ami A U Ht-ker on the 'ind tlav of A--tober, la4. wliltfh ttjortpise ha been iliily flll in the offlce o( the comity clerk ot Wcbtef coHn ty. Neb. N'uRce is hereby pl en that on Satur uay, Septembers, IC, me ill offer fur ale at public auctioo. at the croinc ot ith Avenue aud Webster 5trcet. in Red Cloud, b. to the hlshet bidder loreaoh the follow injt property docnt-etl in cv!d inortjcace, to- it: Ouesnanof mules, one har ne. netts. etc, one lurnber waoa, aud other yroierty too numerous to xnentlou. CHA. II. rOTTMU A. U.BSCKCU. By.t. R. Willcox. Attornev. a CALL AND GET BARGAINS AT WRIGHT & WALLACE'S CLOCKS, CLOCKS The Cheapest at Wright i& Wallace's. FMTWU A Epecialtyf! WRIGHT & WALLACE. p B O as a 0 m 0 a w CO BZ CD W 3 hP O CD a CO CD p CD - 0 & 9 o p p,p M U P 0 in w p 3 1 CD Ww s d -i h o 0 CO M P B o CO era o I o CO CD o 0 c - . o r, ir - , coinia on i ' . "'rd to leav . .. - X. n o o p. o 1 o w ? I o t Hz. Pa e P o O w m- B O 5 O o CO o o O to O 9 aaaiv B a CD P 01 CD CD O O O 0 0 (ft H 2 0 G s s .-", F. P. RKBI), County Surveyor, Webster County. OrJr n'.n rrri t ,'vOi atUo. Trfy eaj!fc.-Hrlas i v7. lttrr N W. X-! V-j.l. rna.ft; Kj.4vt rr- aMl 34 ri"!CSI. LOPEMAN & HAGAN, Proprietors of RED gliOUD PURSEKYT, Wo have in inck cnwitii: r'ii-hnlf mil north of Kl (1vl twl thrc--itrihi of a :ni!f : of ;!!.. k a fln Htmni t" "nut. frt .imi orwa- nii'iit.t! trr" 'tH'rpj: hniK in.-v - 'reiii. Af. I'iox re wi c.r i .vnc ' l-yjimw any hrm no try roifuc'-fn'ty ft.V onr patronage. W1R Wilt With High Prices At PEOPLE'S LUMBER COMPANY OF COWI.KS XKHRftSKA. ED GILFORD, Salesman! PflCES HAVE FALLEN and we have bargains for ONE AND ALL In Clothing', Hats, Capst Boots, Shoos and Groceries. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING. J), a I LFOIW. Cotrtrs.XolK. Goo. O. Yoiuor. Goo. W. iir.!l It. I. V ilir. Geo. O. Yeiser & Co., IIAl iE STATE a(h:xts Bed Cloud - Nebraska. 30,000 ucrcti Ltiml for HtJ Ini;irovol Kannti, imlniprovfMl Ian1n. liUHltii'ittt HuitroH, I lo.i M'm, iuhI Town I.otn. Corroapomlonco Invi'.r-J. Geo Y HACiAN rm.intrH or 1 h.ic In tx k RTuwIni; i f ill anir'irijt tr I!r of V. twfj -')l roittlitiHx of Apples, Crabs, Cherres, Good assortment small iruts, & tlllppllIK in liu 111!" r W h..- il t r ill ritM M ' ' r'.' t lft thM. ."ml Sr-' t .i"irt Ir irn Vll . 'i , t l H i.i. r in'-.! . . lii. i.. rr)iMii Kiunnit'il triif to it.ai lt) li'iHf pwtt K wi ! u -.iii tt fn I r.i.tn 'I - 1 nim i i m iw -- v? rN 1 amm ysgg? t I1 .Mn. rrt'I-t. .s:.-i ..irl-r l'r ltit. JJnr-j.' .hir JiwK li.ry. AwfUaOAifr. Capital $50,000 Special Attention Civon to Collections nrrtncroR- .U Carr. R t 'vv-r Iluy an! ?rll K?'han? General Ii.iitkin Bsin. In'rct allowcl on a!l limn l:Hit." -- j -- m "-? iw i arr-". -w ' J? . E 3h.i T- V laPiiS'PFlBni FiiRrilEFS-TT-RDT-IOn ! I hfl.vo tho best stock of Machine Oils in the city and am selling very low, I invite you to examine samples and prices before buying. Druggist and Hookeller C. L C0TTIN6. City Bakery andRestaurant A. LATJTERBACH, Prop. RED CLOUD, - - - NEBRASK . Keeps constAcuy on hand Trcah Qread, Cakes. Cigmrsa ConfectosT, Ac Bread dellTomd to any part of tfca city, i'Jaacl cold zaeala aerved at &U hours. Ica Crwaza aa4 Oysters il N T rt ar.-: ri. i ""t .w"' .v. nuaw, Aucueaecr. " -7 tm y & fy r -&. IT - V -M.-, - - ' r -?"-' ia j t-'rje