7 "' t " "iJJi-1saews S ?& m wf &. ariii! ma TEMPERANCE. 'SCIENTIFICALLY CONSIDERED. TIo- AUi tir Alcohol rpti II,,- .train himI ,tvimih System Tin- Tour Slasri r All-.. In, U,- Disease Tlir Horror, of lc liriiiiu Trniiin. In on: of a series of article, by IYof. A. J,. Palmer, M. I)., LJ,. D.f "j The. U'nc Airak., tlie writer says: The strong resemblance between the, narcois of alcohol :in! thnt of chloro form or ether is. apparent: but thr.i of alcohol is much more likely to become hib'iual. 'I'hi; essential character of i .'.. i-..n,l-ti,., is s, similar i i..'.t !.... I "" ., ur ,ki' te:m may be applied to .".-h. If . h'oroform is a narcotic, so is alcohol; it one in a I'ins-mr, IcUial acnt. no i- i, - ouiei. u 'iiioroionn is a poison, i -, i i, -il, i.lml II... .r.-.. ...... .i:.v. ..... ' ' i' m-M ojiicrU( O iii Ue- r immediate action ic, that tin: . 1ilo'oftirm is more -pecdy in it, effects i -u. I Niniiii-r v-r; :t:iI it.- secondary con- . ,u'!Me, an; l-;s -even. " P.iil ti -tudv inr the eH'ecJs of alcohol . 'i 'lie bran ami nurvfiiii svslem we ! jT'i innoiid tin peedy aclit.ii of a r, oi a lew iio-es ami consider the lit the li; tie miporlaut. because the more p r uieiii, elleejs if its continued ne. 1 i uee.s me varied bv the ,uaiilitv 1. tie length of lime it is co!it.nii'd .... i i.. i... i .hi i ! us-- fiiipei jiiiieiii :mi iiivcr n en ',ir ,. -e of lln; drinker. In il habi'ual 'i-e, 7ir Sajs of al- o' t .( change are reeouicd. mjitc vj oti'i'a'i- in nr.my icspeeis v.ith th ft ur .:.-ule sUi;s that have been d- ri l. i i t-r 5s :t rnihl irsl stajr wlierc rily ' i m i'I tiuaiit ties are ti-ed, 3ts where an o t onal ;'5ass of I dit wine, or 1 r is Ji ti uilh '..he meaN. ;md where -ueh ..!'i ' - are iii.t t-4-, led. 'In thr t!i- ed t ouf the bra u and nerve- i-but ' '.- ehazieeij from th.:r.3-ioloical or.I ovv.n fronf iiher form of ii c.ii.o! i i'ip :.l '. ale. " j i.ni. or "from complication-of other lb-. I Ji re is a (( stride v here : ' .i!i 'eY'vun the iii.irr.Ttl 'tatt: is more. J i f.I bje where the foree and l't'11- lii.t. i' f brain and sr-rvc at-boti is im j. led i m not in any extreme dejtre''; 'li' v 'iere ihe lone ftl the. illtelleelux'. r mil j .rti'-ularly of Hie moral, eharae -r i ike.etl. hut yet " here thf subject -of it l not reaitletl :v ;i drunkard. Tit r is a rl .::e;e where then- i uiKjiieitioualile inempcnriet; or ine- !' ei-. wlcre the sulnVet is called a "hard drinker" or drunkaril"' aeeord- iic tti the decree of iiif.iilvncc ; :mtl ?'it ie is-tdl a mo; ailvaieed or -fourth I ,"'. where the victim i- a roMplctt; oi. ;'iveii up to t-ontimied ami elreme iiiilul'eiiee. uhcni'Vi'l' J In; means are ' wi'hin his reach. v h vrt there i- ihe j h-i'cnI dchnserriiMit. phv-.eal. mental ami mora1. vJierc thcr is adcr.'ieed al- cof.l-lil or alcol fdie di-'ease.-v here the wriltln'tl victim is iotlcriti"; on tin .r;reo! ilexiruc'liou.'Viilil for xny u--elul t en, atioii or rejpi et:ili!e association, a ib i .iv ' h'rnseif ami lrien.s, nud a hi - iiici- to all about him. 'Tit -estates Jli itle off into each oilier v.ith no ab- iu. line oi tictuail .il mil. Mil are oilier ei .hirers of tin .me "vner.il j.rocess ot il.Ti.riii.il ehau'-e. " i! are ready to admit tin very ureal, tin .ibuosi iuexji'r'--ible. eils to the bra n and pervw-j- r.t" iud.vidr.vls, to the h ipp.ie s-, of families, t.i'llri interests o "ointuuiiit.es a. ml Ihe c'lictrv. .if the l t n.l and four h :ave- of habitual alco- l.o'i.- .n iiilenee. The changes of the i I t i n usii.illv dis-ocrablc ii. ils .truet- in e. but vhi h more certainly exist in il tun lions in :Js actions-and teudeu- are most profound: ai.d are al! in the d rcctioii d phy-icai. v.iculal and moral degradation. I he struct iiiv el the brain is changed , i: aiMnis way from its mrmal tate. l! , sometime, hardened Irmn the in iteisc of its tf.uiiectivs is-.in ami sonici incs sol'eut d from : torin of fat- t cisane,.': and in both case the proji er Ifon cells V:e seat of u'tcbral ac-1-..1I of physical an I tiient.sl power -:! mo e or hss uiiiiinidied in number. aite:ed in structure. aiuHmpaircd in ac ta :. The v.'s-els a'-.' otteu found de " i.er.tted. and :tv iia'de lt ureal dis- ' t. niton a'ul ruot'zuo.ct.iistitu'iiiueiuiues ti.tn and apoplcxv Mix met tbraucs of the brain are often found inl ained and lb ckciied. ihe.r "irrtiisparcucv and plia hl'lv unpair.sl and. in -snort, the f whole oruan is ib;ei:cratcvl, enfeebled at'.I penciled. IndiT the iiwnu iliitc effect of the honor tin driiuktrro i reuardV'.ss of his utmes alio )iii;;aiinis in iuki-co. ios faiiuh and to societv lie i in "Hi. ient. imprvident. unthnftv. unndiable; open loleut. dauei".i and e.-iminal. hen deprived .tit lie-, accustomed dram, he is morose, despondent and of u unendurabh wrolclml witn acrav 'g torthe b oior. tvvhhMi n tbe j.'rvert !?i t tte of his braiiv. i.s irivs'.st blc. His tlcpress on and ilepuii -.-oaiet tines lead to suicide, pr.-ee le.i il iinay be.' by the murder of his family, vvifti tJie motive of icheviii"- Iiuist'lf and them troin t . i i.-.r. .. i.: i.:. their lixnudcath. Miulul v itJi this iiepa:r -ire oiten tils .oi mrv wiiicu the dnnl excites. aivJ hicaisclcss and iinieason.nu venue -tnie n ay be intlict Ad !nd'.cnminatclv oa I.inistJf. his fani " i. hi fr.i -lid, or strrnueKr. :t- vvell as on iinauit.' 1 " r.-sl fo s In many ci-cs not.!: ne; :-; too-isurll vr tooth praved fct.h in to do. jr.mi no suffenn; is too socre for him to endure. The drink which for t. time relieved auom.al lenrth fab to do so unless carried to the extent vf alijiefaction and lncoiisci .iisne.ss. Tiii ouantitv is lliei.t'or.-t ikyi. ami thi. increa-inu in g.hiluence. if it does not uithn-c t-oouer on e t.ital toin of ttise.itc. hnn"s nnn .. to the fourth ami oxtmwe .-taue of J1abitu.1l drunk, ni.e-ss. whvat.thoF.uh it intetmes iseut;ur.lf.r a voiisiderablo jieriod. .t'sually toon resuit 11 death. Ics.(b. rendesMiu; other ii-eases v.nd rsccid. nt mu-h more seven1 -unl fauil. ib-.s excit-sive drir.kiuu' pnduetis sever;il jiirticular di-c !.. of the luaiu at-d nervous svstem ie onobe,st kiuvvn tttpep-o&s not tX" tte inedieal prole-snon. because of the striking character of the svinpiums. js j slelirisun tremens. Ln tbis terriivV dis- ' case the braiu beeoiues .so atlc'ci-J bv the alcoholic poison that all U.s iijne- 1 ons. i;ihmcu ami iveimu. aie t'.r- formed ki the most !rreu""itr aed ttar fullv perverted manner. There t fc',ially a prcmouitory sfajn in winch the pattern is res-tless. wakeful and ap prehensive of Minn. violenu nustortune or calamily. v lien aJltenn inu to sleep Jicis awakened with friulrtul oreams ;,riv:ct iitimur 11 unn- u' ci:r- m Wh!ch are so vivid x to av-Pcar to lv l'' " nl "Nutber thieves. realities fora time afteraavakuu- Ti ee r.or ..:'.:. ."tor .irnnkanLs. .nun t and other symptoms may .tause the herit tiie Kiti"d nt ot liod." Can it be ; i):itient to stop bis drink, but i; late to ' . -. .--.. 1 . . irevont us enect-s. in o;ner caes. . . . In other mvte as numerous me premo ,vte as numerous me nreiiwMitorv ;ff.'.,ii(.iin are less rerardiu. au. tlie ,-full deTelopmeut of the disease wmvs - .--,---- - - -- . 11 iii tJ midst ol irros inaulfrenct?. in . . .. -drink-: lut the nlionoaiena 111 eittor ? are efmihir. The face now bo ! . , .- - jonies paler, tiiesunace is coverea witn "f-"1 "' i me inauwi-iin vi u-c io?:r.err liiore us certain sisrniti l profuse sweat, there is tremblinu in ' a "se tl,a.1 e:u's r?. &o ruio of soul aud cance in the fact ii it be a fact -that jvory muscle, he patient looks wildly slwtiit liioi ieen."-in his delusions friTht- ' lul oblects in everr quarter: and ' iet..rh his pulse is weak and Sfufterinu, and hL whole appear- bM zrJL- r- 1 k ot;e indicates great debility, lie sull I move- nb.tit restlessly, and of cr. actively, and he ficjuently exerts him .-elf violently to e-cape from imauiuary 'nu i'i His whole mental function" nro p-nertcd even mop than his lodily n(" The mo-t characteristic mental condilon i- jt'ir. which is always pre nL Hi- '.;r )r-.'tit hallucina tions or morbid ima;o.nmu- of highs, sound and f.-elinu are of a friuh'ful character. He thinks he i- pursued l.y :t in.tu with a, hot poker that "snake's an in hi- 1 oot-." that diui!-lijiu luj: , are crawling over Irin, that jrr'-Rt bat aro t!appinu their -kiiiny wia in h fac-, that vampires are Miekmir hi? ''''J,J ' ur tn:it '"'noii- arc about t M-is him: ami he dies out sn I s'niu- S Uies mi mortal aonv. lie mi; tus..c a lalal leap from hiu w ii(!w, ,r. 'i'"i'ii: Jrom lis ro:n. mat run halt- . naked throiiirh the .tr !. No cou-'i- ! ton "1 horror or mental MtftVrlnj; cati ; .. ....... I !.;. ,...,. ... : . :. . ..t ' ' " "i'1 s,,..,-. I ! .OIUJClll, I'U'Xi o. I 'J'truis and Furie must have been d-- ! rived from c)cr.ciHvn or witn-.'.ui; j ' '"" lw;a- which occR-ionally oc- ' curn-d amo;i I lie wmc-bsbler.-j of tin: Line. ' eve In this d'sea-c. left to itself. sh-sj and r .-'. are ban shed, and death ! .- haut:oit is Hki-Iv to o'-crtr in fr:ii r. few .lays to a week. .Many ca-es, hov.-- ". 5l ?p". Vl''l"r" a'rt-T. eicr. under prot.:r inaija".emenL !.-- col labor and iroiih'e. varo and -er I rom a J'r-t. and ?oiii" lrum a 'co:d ; pt-n-e to ituj It t :he-donimenJ of or ti.ird. attar,. ItwmM -.i:ra Jrom ,,lfr home, an-1 e an; -oiiM-ious of it- f Mieh a vvamiiiK that the JirM attimt t would t: the last ti.j.l the an- would be a-.e:.Ied. iSut tin .b-.,:nvt nrtunt i - u,,r " ,!:irr"u u,r ini'!"- ll ,J "' drinking i st, ontt. the. i-,rce -.,f . tanirib!'- evtdisice of a p.trt c.i our habit so ..troii-'- the -teif.cni wealth, an I we -how how mut h we trol throe irh br'n imtairmeiu feeb'f, ilul indr.Ieiice aiain n:- ur, and ritibvtj ien; attac- ter :i''V bdb.v. Witt: each rectirreinv ot l'' di-ea.e the ebances of reoerv di- inin'sh. atiniil dr.ith clo-c- the evil lily 'ene. Nub-.-Hieiit attai k' f this par- . lr(li!:i 'b-ease may not .iceur. ile tth ea-e-; tut vvlnri the brain is ' lar im jialred -as to proline delP'hnu'.remens perni.rient retorm i al'iio-t hope!- -,s. and tire ictin i.s almost iirv to uit: r diiitiLanl. Dei.Jh to nr natural Jnt'ucts is a fearfr.! thin"; come in what lorm itmav; fearf'il v. hen aui'd friend t.iid family ami loving care: made less appalling by affection eirned by ' r- of self-control, of tin! v done, of ir-'.e. kindness ami love, it is :t terror '-.en when life pit.!"., :ivj:y WltSl t!t-- - lllTotllillill,s in re-'jruaMon an 1 hoj-:, md cea.-t; as gently as f itisie from a -b"mieriiie; har- Mrui";. What then nuct be this dread event -i im. who drive- from hi- death- chamber, or perhaps h. jrloomv cell, by hi rviii"; violen.y or h:s profane mutterm:'-!. his lamili and liu. who may ha-but the tail red r.'iiinant- rrf abused:, t.ect ion, v hile he puiis out Ids last fouJ breath, a tok n of the corr.ip tioii wit'iin. ami nothing remains nit an inin rilnn if puinful meinori. , ami jibl of propen-i.ies vvh eh vaay lead !t! oi.. -priii"; to repeat his cj-eer. an it be uo-si y that an arti -le. w hieh - o often produces the el'eets T.pmi ' .lst l";in nml uerw.us system which I have b en sketched in mere outline, ts. a- a tevirajo.'. even ntnssin, ;hciui or saf . or ndeed entirely innoo. nt, habitn illy usetl in any quantity, ho cveri! oderato? " In tbe SuiuJay-Schoo!. it l- said that fourteen State: h.vro lia.sod law reijuiriii"; that in.stra: lion in fdiAsIcdo'v and hyuiene, with -im cial referr m e to the effect of alcohol end naiveties up n the human body, slvtll ' lKAr'. en in the public schools. s- This siiU''sts the question whether or '.i ot tii.r.' has been auv ade jcate teachiip; of T. mperauce in tin; Mim':ie -clnuds? Is mil SheMate takinu vp tne teaelunu of morals nioie ejlectivea laan tiie. huivli.- If so. all praise to the law makers, but oufrtit u : our Nihfiiiv m'Iio il to take aIeonaitd be jirov ideil wil i some manual suitable for I-ic pur pof of s stciuat:c instruction rein' nc to ihe habits which are a more fruitful sour -e ol cr.me ami mist ry than -:i:iy oths which aiise from liiimui ,n liruntv '.' The simple siumuu ' 'le pledge must be regarded as a vaah in Iitw met od ot piomotiii"; '.L't.'in peraiicc. as compared with -hovvnu Jh. dice's of alcohol upon tec biain. lHcod, nnKle.s, heart, luus stomach. t:o Ittss than -the mind ami morals li tlie peop'e arc siientilic.illv tauuht i'nt in toxieatinu drink is a curse in the biooil and v: M-rcvcr the blood cin ulatcr. this knovxlcj.e will be more powerful tl-an j!edues. however dc-irable ther amiy be. Unity. l Xthjyls Effective Speech. An MTeemcd cleruyncin write tbr.s. "Verv r. i -ltlv a bov in niv pan-h, only six vc.:r of ap. was sent by his mother :lo t'ich his father home fiom-n publicdmux. He found his pat'enl druiki&u with some other in. ir. one tlieni itc.itctl the little fellow to take some beer, lirin'y and at otu-c the. boy replied "No. 1 can't take that, I'm in Lite Uatu! of Hone.' The men looked at one another, but no one vva found to ix')cat the temptation. The ....... . i.... ,i.i !H..ll if 1..H u-nn'i t-iln the her here- a pennv for vou to buv somecan.A-.' Ti:e bov took 'the lu-nnv lll.tli lit 14 .OM -,.xr---"."..- and saul and said: il than.'; vou. but I had rather not il uv cajidv; I shall put it into the savinuv bank. "The men looked at - .11.. -t V.lkf h. aidi lor some nionunt -vere entirely silent At lenuth one ol . i t hem roe ::ul r:iw utterance to his 1, ,-linus in thes-woris -Well. I think tLe -oonor vv siun the pledp and put ot.r s-niip's ii tlie b.u:k the better. The nit.n intmediat-iLv left tbe house. Such w:v-the etleil it the twt: speeches of a b o si ea's nid. How many old peo- plcihave made v.tuoh lonivr but les .f- tcctivc sjn oclnv! A littb child shall 1.....1 .1......' .. lead ihcn:! " !. Otts.r. Chnstians arid th.e Liquor Traffic. .- ,. 1 lheIr:m sell.r s-aei- nqnor to every -nan tnct already sitvcxicateo ) who ap-, .lies fori:. Aatoii-r those i:h. a; ilv are maty t v ho:u ihe .liipior v poison. ani wor-v than pisva. To some ol t.icnt it w.'l br.nu isidiy death, othe s it rill niuMon to i.'k- fotniin-s on of leitrfiil crir.se: others luid in ir. ti at Kliich mini f.imbv it:vre. and to a "i. to oiler fpor romisuously xo ....... ...I..... ; ,,... 1.....I -..! 0 -a.t ' "".o. .iii " ""$ v-. ....., '. .!...-.- . .. l,-.hs ... I...IU "iii.'r m wmuut.'. u-u. icau; wni. Alav tlie ivholejjo tnerchaat lurnis . . . . whisky to the rotajcr to be usetl to -- 1 i.r .. 11 T. !! " punie-ser .vtetfiioi is miu is sold and boiiuht for mattiitaurm iU purposes, ; tnat ot -ri. Is ribi. ltt can it bo , imi i-.ia a w , ,...,, -, .. . , , .-.. r, lvdy? Nati to .umish it! -xations win not allow a neutral munitions of war o ti:e en- . ctay. 1 not the dram-shop drinkaiu of j whisky a weapon of the hvil On?? .May ; ja child o (joirfurnish it? CAriAfV Ob ' server liELIGIOUS READLNU Ji' THY WAY. Have Thou Thy -way wi!hta'?. OOo-l! .!tlion:!i 1 lw my n: i!(il not lb- J"l iKty rry, Ilul Ihtj r.ui wii-Scrtoix," Hmj Th'Mi TUy y tnth mm, OGod! Tht uty .iri eb'ne TlnitiyJi inMorii rrtl if jv"ai imxl Ur'.w'UJt Ji vdtht!uutennr voioe. Hv'n'iTtr -xrr.r wtk tne.O God: Xr lt ui 'irn5 Ute ittr Tt:sitj uiwu -"1 ay m cvto Kr trtL" O.sctj llnof. linv. Ti-AW Tliy -"fiy uitli : 0 04 ! I utH wt I r-:r-t That Xit tbe xtli h toTh3- v.-ill l.4Z S! tf. liit llv Tt-ou TJiy t-. i .:h ni. AfJcd! At!J. tr.y Mi-t. takf are T" liKve ihy lai. mti:il" !n Wi-ejlnif v :U tli t rR.pr! HAPPINESS IN THE NOME. A frt-t Jon I'trxui-s.loii t-Jitl tl'fn It .May! I-- i:.-I:tiit-.l ;!iri-.tlnn l.if t.iil I'rlnrr-uf- Ilir ISi-t anil Mo. I i;;i(liiru I ounilic tioli. L"-u.i 1., if'Wc h:ftv. a jrccro:ii po''1 , Fion vv Io 3ot h't'd ;t li'5 'ly. It f'-f. h ijWVou, thfl-. it sl.tll n-i- , . . . . , . . ., prie it bv our tender v s in it- iiand Ijnjr. r. the p.-oteetin:. we be-tv upn it. an 1 thefm inner u which w- disjilay it to our frmids. 'li't re i- en :nt.i;s 'ible and precious . thiu which may bt a part of our per- . s .'tl wealtii, but wh'ch is ) lit nv a lurT more -ulttt j ami le ea-y oi dt'liuitiou than thv t by vvhus'i we own the material pos-c-nioiis. I j.-fer to our i home iiappllie.s- Kverv hoii-ehold instead of ; should K-: happy. W lie re. l"in po-it.M iv o. tne iiotn.; isoniv inc ' aholetd an indifferent traiuiuilitv. not . 3) a -ta;iiatit i, or. still .or-e. where '3t is tin; sccuifoi asperity, friction ami . pettv atiife, siiiicthinj is ury wroii";. Kven in the Cliri.sl an household it l well ntt tt talv too much for granted. There arc husband- ami wives vvho arr loval to each other's siihte-t into.v-is. v.no make 'daily sacrifice, for eiw;h oth.-r's beiio'ii. ami vvho -.'.ill have ,o j-illen out oi the habit of sweet, low.r- like deiuonsi ration, ot Ia ly petting und -ate-sii!r. ol tend, r coiiipliiueut. That , tfrey would blush and jjrow einbarra--,ed I -ho.dd tliev happen to imlulec in v. hut ouuht t l the cvcn-da fashion i.mi -.n tl their lives. Is there aiiv.hil'U much sadder than to olt-erve neuimf. il not rudeness, jM the nianuei of :t husband to the wife who has been lis life s partner lor half that life. .r to hear that acerb ty of the tones. an(i .-ec cobbles- in the looks of a wife, who should know her u"d man too vj;1I to I ui his love and temper to -o irjinu a tet. Our babies u't their full shrre of his-cs ami peuine;. i" uicir.ieai nine i faces ami helple-.s bands and feet. An iutant's utter helplessness U'vv it a claim on eery heart. I.ut runny a urovvinu lad and la-s, ouitc hevoml the j pr-ttilv interestiuu season of infancy. j aruved at the awkward au' f htwixt and between, when impul-e isafer. i :ui,i experience ..s siuht. and vciltlifu! , con! deuce is overbold, and temptation throuu. would be better for it'ore ot love's expression in the home. V can not err in beinu too affectionate. If love be made a daily iiiiiii.str.iiit ' : :mj one in this world, it should Ij -so to he :iu-d piiunm. who-e way ha Urown lonely, who-e life has tiiken on the neutral tints of sober eve. and 'to whom, by reason of iiilirmit?. the grasshopper is a burden. Kven if old aue be querulous- and exacting, as .soin titiii;- it is. youth and -Crenu h F houhl he patient and ueutle. The happiness of home is coi.-ervcd bv perfect opi-iiiic-s a-j to the -tide of li.niU vvi-ich may be maintained there in. A home which is inanaued in a j-lyle which, though not extras auant. i a tliain upon the family encoine. which keeps -omehody uakf.tul at n uht. 'uhich it is a terrible tniin to maintain hoiiestlv. isinanaui'd in .a mis taken v.i. Hetter narrow qtiartcr iiud plain furnishinu than ample paee nud evirhtstinu vvroiiu- Hettcr the Miiiple.st viands on the tabic than the nieiiaco.of a b 11 at the butcher' t and , the fad of an increa. nu account vith the uri"er. and no money to tay i v.-th. .letter the dress of calico than ! the silken U"wti. if silk cr vrjd out j lnent d comfort and weave itself into wrinkles on the 1 row. Home happ.ness is often imperiled by inctssant fauit-iitidiiiU" A chronic fau.t-tmder in the house is as pitilefs as 1 a ait-storm, and he or she biiuhts the plants, of. affection as surely :us a fro.st destroys the blossoms. rnfottunate are the inter or where the younu peo ple Iiv in dre id of Atmt Mary or I'ucle .lolin. of papa or mamma, who are not only never satisfied, but who -com tt think that dutv d.-inamls that thev-iiall v:ive ami snap a wli p over the Isads ot nil vrth whom thev come niontaet. -. -- - ' It am ol Us j-erce:ve in otir-elves tbe fa.nt beutnninu-of a fault-hndinu ls- Tition. vve should huht auaui-t :uid ivores- tt with alt our strenrth. Home happiness is enlarged whoa the nome is uot too -clfr"enter -d. Nothiuu iVinore dueetly eiIi.cat.onal to c hildreil i.. ..-.. ....... ... . , i. i , i.i.ui u. iuciii inocju-e oi uoncreu anu J"- ed utie-t-, who-brinu vvith them -4 3le:iint In oze from the outer world iind bieak the u-u.ll routine bv intnv- slucinu nevvttopics anL1 inv.tinu excur sions into new tiehL ol thought The amenities of life, wuich h01'.' not be ' ovM,-.laosed ijr shuhtcd vi hen the family . is bv itself. :.re seldom loruotten when iheit: as company under ti-.o roof, and j jtol.-i 'iievs - even cerentiuiiotis polite- j lies is a soc.al ktbricator. '- --t. mot tntltir nr home happi- n,. !s founde.l uion Christian love and innc..i and that is the -y eetc-t carth- ly fia"itation in winch .Ktsvs is owned and p.ic'rj!o- Mnnjarel '. zanyttcr. t'.'i JiUrtMS. NOT THE TRUE REASON. The Imprf.-tiii .f Clwlstlun. A'.r.t a I'reP-it lr ."l-u tVhosr Witt. Are ,s-t .illt . .I,I. A favorite t!,r-fae of iIm sco:jc. ami a stoi:e of t.tti!abliau to th t arnov-mind-el nnbolrevcr, is the iiuperfections of Chr'-tian-. (llarinu as the imivfec t'ons often are in ce live of thoe vho are on the whole honest iu eadeavor to ji.wu.. v mui, iuc a;c vfutuunt- uv i&; ..ll. I T !. .. -k .m... .!..-. l. tL -. vices of ihoe who make no pretense cf Iiviuu a rohu ous hie. Is not fche lat-J ter laci vvonuv oi attention as won h. tcr fact' worthv of attention as well a$ .. .. , .. Z . 7 " . I Chr tL-m neon e as whole nn letter xneu anj women than those who live for themselvo-j and profess to do no more. That this is the taU no candid man has evor questJoneti 1S ;s wortliy of cote, alio, as a com-1 " 1 tact, that nobly has ever el that. ( hri-tian.lv ha inaJe the world wor-i than it ffa. l-fcc Chr.t cfcin. No man was ever d"prarfl by aUciiipl'nr; to lead a hri-:Jn Hi- Ho mn nf-l 1-i mad- e-j?c:ally letter. r he utfty not l. raide -o mii.-Ii l"t:?r as ot!ir jvipje think he oujjht t-i become. bl he i- cert tinly not tnvU- wor-e- A (hri-t:an profe tun encourae;,. the growth of IO vice-; it afford.- no ecusi for -tlrth indu':enc ir for dt-bou-t condmt: Ji ier- n ojitnl to relieve t.te -tl.UC' Oi Olitr4"eI C'inClt-tie; It dot) mt -deba.' the n oral canvv bv cbthiafr-.in i:t the arf t f virtue, tir ?K'erb"oracL In -hurt, -a far a it hxs ini'.n. e at all. a hri-Utt: pr f-s on HTM- a in -.It - mtira. n.iuirc inaxe- iw .: .. -... . .H.lu ..!.ter. Vki C'li".erite mtjj i- i-u'r.. '-'- jfiitaril of duty, and inak- of him lit rwvy way a b-tter maa. , If a p-IiiOus hir nevt?r nxiis twit ai- ; wavs iiejij a man, u nr.-uani.j K -s nt bl.jrhu wiicrtvrrit so-s the liian v.b jkhuL- to thr imprfcctititt. ani 'ncon-.atenrie of t thrt-tian as kis ; r-a-Min lor n; hit ti'Z " -crio i H ( hr:-t co ivi-t- buns- f of th verv n he rcproate5 in ofk?rs - in-:iteerrty. !"or nothing an In I'lainer than tne fact, that he no? jrivl'ah s true rca-on for tefu-al. He is houu-1 to admit he always w.H adm't. Hh-n prest-d that t ere are jui:in "hrstian-. and t hit a tfenmnc rdre;'oiis I fe is a noble .bin";. 'I hut '-thcr. are not kvinir that lite is a lamentable fact, but it has no fc-earinj: whateviT on hi-owt duty. "Viiu ail init that genuine rclte;:in i jron-l; wry well, ui'v not be jrnu nely rel.iou-?" you -a to him. Ami his nplv "I5e-cait-. 'Smith and .Jones as- hyp t rite." The ab-urtlitv and irrelevance of his rea-on ac evident a- evident to Jura-elf. one inii'-t think, as to anyhod.. t tntusparect a Mile teiiuee can not hui"; j k; pose upon az.v one. even on him vv..o ues it to de ceive himself. Tlie man must wake up (o the fact in brief time that hi- answer is not an honest one. His ndiuis-iou s hat "vpuino relijrion is admirable lotvcs him no e-cape front the duty to become him-elf an example of that ad tiiir.iblc th:n"; no ecnpe. that is to miv, but a simple refu-al to do what he acknowledges to be hi dity. Ah! there we have it, at hit. the tnie rca-on why men will not be Christians. The r rea son i- the essence of unrci-uu: a stub born refu-al. ijioumkI on imthiirj of leliicli tlicv iviii five ;ii-colltit In fli.-TII- sitlvu.1 or to others. Their "whv not ' is a will not, nothiuu more. They do not decline to follow Christ beeau-e of the imperfections of ( hristiau. but be- an-e of a settled uiivvillinune-s to sub- uiit thein-elves to a .Ma-ter I h -ir wills an- -et auain-t Goil. They it is of whom the Apostle wrote- "The Huht is come in'o the world, and men loved the darkne-.- rather than the liujit." Ar. 1". k.tiia.Jier. PURE IN MIND AND HEART. riio It.-icreuti.it ami Ki-1Ii;Ioii Slip, ot (.i-nrr-tl tJrant's t h ir.neter. Hev. Ir. Xewmati. in a recent letter, wrote a follow-: "I ln'cani" his pa-tor in lM'.h I have been his jjuest in-iny times, and at all times in. the White House at Washinu ton or at his eottauo in I-oiie; Hrauch. he alvvav had family prayer, in which he usually requested me to lead. I have been with him in private ami in public, ami with all classes of pe iide, vet I never heard hint use a profane won! or imlulue in an improper story, nor have 1 ever -ecu him snide approvmu'v at an iuiniodcs: storv which .sonic person prcsen1 happened to have the auda'iiy to relate lb- was altouether th pur- est m hi hi conver-.ttiou of wh-ni I ever bad know le.Iue. Durinu my pisto-ate oi six years in vv a-mauion. which in- eludes the greater part of his I'reHi- tleiicv. he was a regular attendant at church, hlorm of no kind ever kept hitnaww. He was the mot attentive and appr.vi.it ve listener 1 ever hail. I'ecu rinu to his love of fam lv prayer. I recall a visit to his I.onj r.raiieh coltaue, where daily we had pravers after breakfast. One mnrniuu an Kiijil'sh ucnlh-iuan called while we were at the table. He remaned so hmu that theie was no opportunity that day f. r tuorninu devotions. The tic t morn inu the I'resitlent brouuht the old fami ly I'.ibJe into the breakfast-room with bin. Handinu it over !o me. he sad Doctor, we w-re cheated out of out prayers yesterday, hut. to make uro that it shall not happen ajra-in. we will have devotiouis after this before break fast.' "Once I asked him. I remember. w uai nc coiismeic'i ms iiio-l iio itieu tial experience. Without hesitation he said: ' .My ro-iunation trom the army in l.s"ib was then a Captain. If I had staid in the army I would have been still a Captain on frontier duty at the outbreak of I'm war and would have ........ .u..-;,..i ti... -...!.. .OT..- ..... in vii ur int. u s niv iiliii .v wmi in. i . -I . .1 . ' services voluntarily to the country. That opportunity shape! my future.' "In connection with the sick room 1 have spoken of tlie prayer nl sp rit that pervaded it. I iniuht add that the (Jeneral never allow d spestions for the relief of his intirmitics to interfere I l t 11 I w n,s rocn -nc n.r uic .--aooaui. . u; Sat,,r !:l.v m-ht Iaelj. 'hoii he w.v n rvoiis ami viearv ami verv roue; his son, the Colonel, hopinu to divert h's mind. snuU''-t't2 some amtisem-tit. The (iener.il brightened nt the idea ol 1 fliversion. but presently, with a uravt looii no iniiiron ino r 111 it- 1 t i 1. nci.rly midniuht. Never mind.' the (.ent-nil sad. with perfect resiut.afon, it is too close to the J-abbatli to com- pcrf. icteji-c anv d.veisiou. CHOICE SELECTIONS- Tot failure, but low idm. is crime V. It. Lowell. lVrtee in a sinful conr-e is on oJ tbe ure.ste-t of ctir-e. .u ytn. The achinu head may cea-e to throt vriKMi laid upon that .-oft -si pillow foi hiikuan pain -"God know!' Tln:re i- no leveler like f'hrs:ian- itv. btr i: level? by lift nu to 1 iftv table land accessible only to humanhv. IU only that is humble can rLe. and. ris. nif. iift. It oulv covvanlicc thut -av: l have . nii-crtiblo di-positior.. becaT!k my u rand parents had the -.-.me. An in d'Vdtial to make use of anotrwr indi 1 idtial :t an excuse' Very much of 3 slave L be to liiti s.-'f. .f he allow hir self to t-aploy suck a pretext in pallia tion of bis want of eflort. -Cbnst'aa charitr is too often like larue bank-note wbWh may be tlotir- ishedon occiiun to excite the wonder of by .-slanders, but whieJi js never broken nto small chanue iy meet every- ovfis'nns. 1 iftt. 1.1...- . .1." up into msiU chanue K mwt everr. iJsv nwn'iini. e ., li -. .1.- -..." '"V " --.".- aic uic --. ..... . .. ... Mi."-"- Jit" liiC -aiall chanue into which trik charitv "i wiliinu to be turned for lif-V common nectb iJo no: be content wiih merely wttictt -oa may uet no pooalar ap- Dlattsc & 2uau. tlLscmir?rinc- vour el7-i?-- i,- i..-m .- . - ,-. -- v -i - s ruiiK fACjinnj sf I.K..wi.. 1 . . :. . .,,.., .wjiuo." vr. iiwia.;i. uiil PrOVe li U fsri i those little deed, of mtv and rr-.rt. fo'r c.VU:!-.0 - ' --,- I . Vk Arf.? A BRIGHT BOY. -.,., ,. un'wJ .r??!T.iec. ?1 l.flitnc iiiruiisii to-- ..... ...- - ami Aria. ttra a h-j. can occa:a: uu tt ic V . - an called ujon to f:-l w.thout . tber, al verv few rvalue tb- ftrn: to ifttieVt kniiiia iifenuitr can r.v !e means of comjn-at:..n ia -ueh ra-- S.ttrtetiine- it .--a-5 a. it navurr - t ,., , i crnj. nd vhen tb ibv- . .! Coiiipb-;e:ic-s has Ih-vu deniitl miI.: ;o mnj;H uj the lieticiencv with mure nkn up the ij-lietec, with ii).re iat:tn- tuiht natiira.Ir occur t the 1, .r ;... i.in& u-im w uctiuniated v:tb tJt. ?0a f i. 15. William-. i Meadou. ;js.. w,u wn- oru uitbimt arm-. B(i ..,rs ,i v . ?IK., ;iruntl tht? vl- )a and till-" a worthy plaee in ihe .ititliful -iM-ietv of the town, u.tb rom.-e f an active and u-eful man- ;jutm ill nit .rti- fc' v't.f . . w "... man i- twelve ear- of ajr'. H feat ures arc rather old-lookiu br his car-. and the expn-sion i- bright ami intelligent. Hi lan:J! ! l. indic.ife a belief in his abihtv to take care of him-elf l-"foro a irreat while. He i- nearly qtial tied to enter the h'jh -chool of the town, and his hand writiti"; i- above the average. In ac coinphshiiii: the latter work the n-n i heltl under the clim. and vv.ih the aid of tlie sbntilder the traein' arc matle. He attend- the public school and poes arouud the village without the aid of snv other per-on. but the means to thi.- end wen' not invented tint 1 within .. .....r i mi.i not imil nfii-r -i Inn" tunc of -utdv tqioii the subject and trial of screral aid-, which proved by experiment to be of little, tl-e. He could jet up and down stairs, put on his cap. and roll or throw him-elf from one point in the room to another with out help, but to j;o much outside of the hou-ej it w-a.s neccsary to carry h'.m. Now he came him-elf. For this purpose a pair of wheels Mniilar to thoi-e on a boy's vclociptle were procured and the axle padded. The boy rest. hi chest on the psd and by means of his imperfect lower limb projxl-i htiiKclf around the town It required some practice to learn to al- ame hu.-lf at tir-t. but he -oon over- . ... i mm i i came the ditbeiiltv. I he wheel- were obtained in Detroit, etlorhs to Im.i the kind insurer home havmu been without MieiiasS. "1 can tZ" anywhere I want to.' s.iil tlio lad. "Can g down hill fater than a walk, but liave to re-t on up Urades." He does not complain of any pain or troutue in the stomach from restinu the we uht of his bodv on it so much. In spite of his atlltction and the way he is handicapped m the race for vvorldlv rewards, he iniprc--c-the stranger as one who bids fair to make his mark bv -troiiy; mental attainment..-- Huston tilufir. THEY MOVED IT ON HIM. Ili.w the Ittiral -port I'l.iifil It tn thr ll Iroil llellhit; M:oi. A Helroiter vvho was spendinu -''V-cral davs in a town in the interior -oon discovered that every villauer whom he was introduced to had a fondness for bettinu- Thev'd bet on anvlliiii";. from the color of a hor.-e on the hill a unh and a half avvav to the number of llie- which would lirht on a pane of ula-- J in a "iven time. The Iletroiter kept i clear of any vvauers for a day or two. i and then put up a job. He uot :ij strinu and seeretlv tuea-iireil the dis- . tamv from the hotel steps to a certain hitchinu post, and next day. when the pcttinu lever Oe;aii to rae, tie Miovveil Ins hand. "(lentlemen." sai.l he. "I am not bettinu man. but -eeiuu tiiat von an anxious for a vvauer of some sort I'll hiv twentv-hve dollars that I can uue within a foot of tin distance to that hitchinu !'t." "Hone!" cried the voice of the ami- lord, and the money was put up. "Now. what do vou unc-?" "Ninety-seven feet." Hy his mea-ure it was m inches more. He had measured the stnnu twice over with a rule and he felt that he was twenty-live dollar ahead. ne of the boys ran for a tape-line and the measure was taken m a manner no one could dispute. The fiuures were ninety-nine feet, and the landlord had won. I lllt CiWfc ljttr ?t IC tntttfiriol f tin IMroitf.r hllt a Sl.COI1(j ni,a.ur.tIMMll verified the tiuure.s. It was a full hour before he recovered from the stutinmu blow. Then he walked over to the post ami discovered that some time d.ri.e .h. ,,r..vi(,,, (,.,. ,i ,,ri,. amy soon alter ins measurement, it " '" " had been moved a foot and a half! t..j j r. Detroit tree I res. - It in naid that its Kngl.nnd lovrrn rernln eiiRitKd lrom thre to live yar-. Tbe Knlish lovr, however, d jp-'n't have to buv ice -cream rery wek (or his jjtrl. Chicayo Trihunt. A KorTtss iKh5: I .lt all alone. I sit bv inysHf. I sit all alone." If she would stop writ mj she miht bave maj-s company. THE GENERAL MARKETS. , K'AN-A CiTV. Auirti-t 2 c. 1 ii.r. Mi'ppn;- -tt-er-Nnt.ve con . ft r. U il 4 IO . ;i 3 o CI TA c: 1 c . 6 in 31 tt is. Mi. it hog .-(;,. t m chne heavy H ,,.,. b k-bt . . llutcher t-fr- .1 Ml (It WHEAT- -No i rtsi o. .1 reJ No. sort 1 coi:x-No. - oats-no. . ;.; kve-nh. . . . .:....;.: FUM'lt-Faacr. fcr -nek.... HAV tjtnre lmll itnTK!t--"ho ce crtnimery i;!IRlK-imt cream l-OKK-Ham .."".!."..;!'." "tiu.lr hS.- I.KD . . . ;'.""". I'OTATtiKS Sv ,..., T- Il'l-1- N.A1T1.E shtpptac Wrs itutraers ;tTr. Hi K; -!. v - J .-7 .11 42 1 U 5 li) It M 1 IB .1 A IS .". U 11 -sHKKPr rta i&irit-iTwo. WHEAT N. rrv.1 tiATS No. 2 KYF.-N0. t . . 1 HAKI.KY ur rrrm-i rerotrr, .;;;;.; OJTTtN- MIdhn? '.'.'.'.'.'." --, CHICAGO, t. TTI.r. -hlpptac :r. HtHi- pMUaiu wl -h.pptni .HEEP-Faxr to choice .. whlat-n' tiAii uwoiirr wboai o. r rt-j N.7.3 ' " No. i pr a-- OOk.V-No.r . OATSNo.r KYB voiiK . . ::;;;;;;:;;; r. NEW VOHK A Xx-r. Fj nort- HOtJS .fi o cboic- SHKEi' tosjooa to zr '" uooo to choice o- rtsi. imkk pctixolei'm-i:. era niiicc! ..-. i.,. i PO ti.rourh a part of lif- at lea-- wrtb Ihf g-e SSer tleclarea ffj !,-. of aa arm or a !:. ar.! ast oo. naiTrrwl ..fSktJ can realise in a uwasurv th pr.vaLoa "JjJjjTUii tjl im & ;'n . 3 M t . 01 j ygr U1 tt I Ci ' iD ) f M.Z.4.. 1 f I 1 ... O s (-sSVr'K. 1 J. 9 It it t'. 1- . J fc if ; 3) g, n 10 fc us i r. : 4 oi -A 4i 55 -1 ii A O ti s, V. e -v,s t? cr, j $ ;oi it to 70 ii im 3 tO ft I -5 5 :n a 5 so U 9l i 3S' 10 .vi V. id n v; ! a-tt-i . . TIM EpJdrBile l TVhenweoutestbisepH I f . KlHTU naO u 'T 7 . if to III ' Iuil ina. CDb : . ,wl - . l. flMIlfllUJ"! v? tj iaa ""': , . 1..U, .... ncv t ' lT-cjlj'n1j? vw.thinkrs havo t ii 4ob" ortJlox ch La: obi M.t itrt vrrJf bAve :o taken Vi irTn.tv an 1 diJUatton .irt.li anJ fanaty muruei ( u 0a (citare ccrnaon w tuck crtcits diallnc f ror M(ae U;us llra saijcet -ki. i ivkhh,v ramM this? AH nul et!ica; autbont.eJ tH us tir.. whioh cctiimrS thO Drain 15 aia -rn;.ai ju.uv-11.. -- -- j km td bv arraasawnu r f dicrstwo: tl i- mkI .li -..'.liac i icitxsib. wr.bcut t L.v.i ,..! rr lJ..vl u never knuv a bn the iivcr and ttdnrv arv out of order. J I'ikSt , b orcsni:Ar.c-s, a prvcntv jiafe cure is .t ereica-a tart conceded Ly thf lt aisth .ntir-j m the Innd. and tt u oi.s inllv eommrttird by tbc crloLrald Dr. D.o U-vos. -iz-ckctHr itn.rii. Meteorological Item. 1 1 was ia a -mok.niT-roosa of an At lantic -learnt r that a Kortky Teuton ' wa talkutj: alnMit w cat her loreca.ls "l.tok here." he aid. "I tell you vat it i. Vu letter d-.ttd taice no ; tock in dcin velter prelu turn. Do-e j beoblcs .loud know lauding. L-y can't tell no petter a- 1 can." t "Hut, my dear .sir." -a d a per-on near bv. ,;thcv foretnil the storm j w Inch we have ti.t cncotiaten-.l " i "Veil, dat I'll o." s!u,i the Ten tog; but 1 tell vou vat it I- lnt stort vould haf ctime tit dc same if l ha) not been pieduted." 7' .-.:. ir"'u. "Fur trksi her prentice hnmt on man. A n.l then tn: lurmeU It laau . O . " Whnt Is woiunn'i wrortb" ko.1 a fair j dain-ol of a rtt.sty old bachkr. Mi did not know, io idie saiil; W. O. ninu (doiiMe vou O man). Hut n wtmian ferN worth little if tli.-ea.se han lnraile.1 hvr vtem and in dailv n.iMtun her stremrlb. Kor all t- uia lie wenktit S-en, Ir. It- V. llrrre' " Fuv- ite PreM-nption" utaiid. unrtval.il. l rt?n iJje I'omplAint and Imiels up the on curt? tern. Seiiii two It-ttr tnuiim lor tKimplitfl l . "5r i iM-enry e.u. .v-,. i won, Kullmo, .. i. . A hiU.-knovi .'.'f- YorU tailor rciit ly nttmpwd to Uul Iuh uf, n.l n ni .tit.uiiy c.,iai!iittil suiet'le. This i il-ilr-ntiy not n r.i.tr ot Ihu mrvitiil of tin "tlttHC" . ft. pirrr-r-. riunt rurctiv iviirt.." . positively I'opal.nr; 1'nnoke 1'rnlno; Trovn Priceless': PtH-nliariv Protntil: Percrptihly Potent; Prlii-.ii Pernmneiit Prollt; Pre chnl 111 Plltlplen and Pll-tU.es; ProltlOtlll Piirttv ami Pence. Pun ban.. Prh , P.I ty. f'hnruiaci-iU Patruuutu,; I'lorio Pn c'ufw I'lculy. A Cmeoo linn ts intn'Iirjri: WK!i-n slititixr int.. tin. colliilrv. Ttir m.i 1 kv Is all in n sfni. lor ffar th.it bis in Uh: r I will iniif it into h.-r hHl to buj- n pair. - ) Ilurlwglon brr r".. I'iUK's-TooTM ciir tK.." jiin'la 1 m'titittTM OiVfin ' SuijMtr .i;bt-s nn.l U-utirii'v . (iLIIM.lM.OHN ltBVOt XHklhKl uriX.s k lllll.lollft. " I.onKtvo nt your lrnw Inc Imbtin tn wilu an rtitir fpfr." rmnrkl Sinvfh to .Mi- Lulu lnt .'v.niii. "Iteiiiht to it' sk'i.hui';." quitiv rftpliisl l.iiiu. - iv.itj.Mioi.i r-w;. Usr. the jjre.tt pretfic for "rbl lnhe.nl' und catarrh lr. Sae'ii (,'nturrh i.cmdy 'rein tl.rt. c-'it . iij t thr Is- - . r 11.. !" iii' a. V at in . i' ' r-.. It Is f . I t " pr.' ' np IflUU Dill I JQ '111 JUlin DULL w Smith's Tonic Syraj FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER. AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. The proprietor of thii celebrated radlcia jntly clainm for it a npcrion:y over all rem edies ever offerji! to the public for tbe SAFE, CERTAIN. SPEEDY and PERMANZNT care of Atrnexad Fever.or Cbillt and Fcver.'xheth er of sbort or lonp standing He referi to tbe entire Weitera and Southern country to bear him tottitnony to the troth of the anerttoa that in no case vhatcTcr vtll it fail to csre if the direction! are itrictly folJovredand carried oat. In a great many cites a tingle doie bat been inffictea: for a care, and wbole fas:ilict bave been cared by a tingle bottle, with aper fet rtitoraion of thr? reacri.1 hral'h. It It. bowever.prudeni.and tn every case core cer- tain to care, if tta ne it continued in smaller doses for a -xeek or txo after the disease has beencbecked.noroesprciallyindif5ciiltaad r KfiSSKSJfKSJ.'fKCSiSK mnnA nrA,r. zhnsiA ;k n-.tii.nt. how..Tr.r. 1 nntr.aethartietavHei af'erhTtr.s-takea tbree or foar doiet of tbe Tonic, a smijle dos , of KETIT'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be sufficient. Use no other. OR. JOHN BULL'S SMITHS TONIC SYRUP. BULL'S SARSAPARIUA. BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, Th Popular Remedla of th Day. PrlBelya Olre. ll Sals St.. LOttsTII I.f. T. HAY-FEVER. CATARRH I ran rrr r. rit 1 I T I Tnti .uScrTi. 't "' z la my t-f'sl- S r'- tare cer I r4i ;- - USHx Tr'rr i t '-z. I ?jf fati-.A TT ?T , Kff -Wra.-rrt II H. H5. Mi.ttit-J. t. CREAM BALM tit rts4 s iTt ? WlLHOFT'S FEVER IHD AGUE TOIIC ev by a.srU. iMtt,- o? I r imy 11 I k Xiwr-a-uf Crsst:vav B.xrs.1 i:a'.Vrrr-Tci4 t ' rro-r &!., Gf-ml iMfcOl . . r.w.... ..". . . -v. i.- . . r . CHAS. f. XLE. Prop., Chicago. IU- KAGAX-S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, and '?.v cant telL mSfTcK iv' :-ai . r m , wt a-.. 1 . - .AffKK. av-a ara w m m at. . 1 -mm 1 . t " rwnw-w-m ia - - jmm fc Jl rt""Si. Ar" ' ,l?.USI , UKLvyW lWthfOi. sr .7. irr ... r. i. t,. .. . ...... -r Thi Kliir Bttlf IU St rrrir;r Suf -f Mir. ISuJu, Ml f-..' ONE FARI eh ll r. ' i runi hrr lti. r li v r ;Cw' l t.J T iriB.i. - J t-i Ims Or M r ir. T luia... i 't.c.1 ii' t - 'K.-t Jl T l - J ' cx.uatr KkW . a :iT 'h'' I'll. K. CO Tl. ITeJ ec: Mr !f' m . 3 fcirrtl P.t ICTir .m hm j r.-mm t -H cj. i J lVn!"! r--f tV r-w j 1,, , t -Tj ,' , i u t'n M.rtms:f -t - Mllrl'f j" .zllwO.I ilrll or : 1 l"a-1 h!. Imiphrj", )i(!Un tr n . t r i t'.r, rr ft, if.-aft f 'I Ir.hli. ' an-1 m t . ti.ir 4 k -r t I hfi.Wf n n )t-r- wirry 1. ( h. tv 11 la ... 'iK I 11 t lt t it vi t M.w pnv Kvt. ..? It . i C ueic .u Tin. i w: N "W rtbi tt...f JA- i- .lr3 :rftf 7 f It - )C r. - i l o:, ! . t I '-It r " j c it I. r I. " I ' )'t . ll -i 3l.lll' .vl t I i , j 1 rrf o- .Voce finilnf anlr. iM-arlny M Mk(. i JAKES MEANS' S3 SHOE. t - ' t , IVtf. . t I (' ' I '"I" I ... I r r.'i v. .'... 'in.' o' t A t ' '4 . . . - m . j '-m 7-s. . Toivwi . $50 Reward r ' 1 f H - j IJ.nln t . "to tt.. I ! l'l I- 1 - d.r . i ' IOA tt It .r-.l At..! H. Hff.rHl.r sl llfggrr rmr lnrv4 V .r'Kon.f. Mill "N Y . ift r it mm 'F't I Iki l4 I' it fAAKK ACITIrX C3 . I 3 utnt.. QhUt. IM NOW7HERM WISGONSIH. o acrc m I -. f r f BH ACrrAt r.r :t . - - K.AY TrK5(l XX" r. . tr In j imot.i'r 1 NOOHUUTH1 r CYCLOMtn ' ruivin jt ug'sx.,.. rar.K. AiifM- CUA3. l. cctay. LE PACES LIQUID GLUE. UNEQUALLCO' iC.MfnTIHO WOf O f.U'l fMN. rAH0 I 'I'l'f " A.sOlr t COL''' strrjii. l . V 1 !' lt..t tl ' P. rm f . M' r a . . J' CZJ'tUT f tlC rt Htf.t(i r. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. I rc In IKr wmli). .. ilio s'-t .' - pry Mmrm r Hmm r Ir.rf. ot-1 im m , r.t.l rr.i.r'fc Mll.ll K. lit V VI lit.UC II jgSK R- tl. AWARE Hun Tii.r - ll tr l.mfl" ; rn- Yrnll llF?liS -t " -jws -nU- Jt b; fcl ;bp'V UA.it .MJr- ?aifnirs Piano Primar, lTX.. 1 t r m r" A ." ...- . m. r-r .. ,x i . 1 ... t . t "lw ' r r ...?- 1.1 . -s ., i A.- . H J. I r . ;- rxt y. AFVAI IlftTV--' f?l'HM IIkLAIiV' -u"l tsompwtmm mtamf HAiR ''f'.'XlS.-irOfclTeM i.f 6 9 2!' 'ni.UJilHutyi2r flfmQ T jiljhn ': tux s .i ! c " m. wfrn'm m tt Lr.tKj.uAM nt lainittii KS.U " ' vi ti n jx j-k Ji-j. v... EDUCATIOXAI-. x-h-ool -t Trl--riitjr Jtl -t f " r -r- tT Z4 's 3 "-M I! IV ..!. T lUlun tJ A..V.K.-D. HCX WK1TINO TO JlD lil mniiiiii 1 bv m "i iim mi f Wt f A i m tIS fe vr.lk m i u m, r Jr. iip.ac E5;n,toAk j k. Tiwiiisaar , Mm i lj Oti AND? J vl ' " .sm a S a SVIBA mm, aa . . . c i-4 A I s . 'i ? UI ii i. ? &l .r ltra m j aaw Us JkAwmtl rr. ja