iV HZ: .. ' Er BS. 9 X n ' l V . The Red Cloud Chiei c. HOSMER Proorlctor FKIDAY,Ali;.-5T 1!, iss:.. Republican County Convention. Tlie UcpiiMli-ati electors of Webster i-uuitlt are iiitJ (oscml ilt-'wili-s rroni thr f;r.irpr- itict.- Dim-In. to ue-et In t-otivetiitdu ill Hie Court Huv In Ucil (J-inl. m 'Ihursilar. Oi-lo :cr l.ut U ""clock 'a. m.. Iirrllit; jiurpu.e o! jilar ); In uiiinitiatimi A ciU'nt for County Commissioner. .v t.uidMale for fouulv Clerk. V ciii'U'late for County "lii-ur-r, , cJ.iidJl:tt'i for itvKter of Iveila, .iuil'l-'v fr County J naire, Jj muUIuU- fur Ste-rln. ,'t canJIdate for Suyerlntmliiut o! Public In--liurtin. A iinliJan: for County Sum-yor, A cacULit' for riroii-r. vi. ui'lfctlHcan to Hi StaV Convon jl.m.autl to tranai:t -uh other Ihi.-I'icai a- may rone lielnre tin -ou volition. It i reoii--tMl that I he riniarlt-s for th" -ler-t.-iuotdeuTnti's ti said eon volition he h'-M in t . r'ral r-riViiiJt- on .Salunla;-, SopltHiilivi fi, jr .-T,rral pri'uri arf ntiltVil tj reprc b t'iM'jn lu lh t'oiivi'ttfiou .1 follows: KnltWUil .- ,unle Itork i, ftJlater r, Iffjiri ' rvrk ;, c iak Croi'k . . ; l'itsl:nii 11 I'liilOvk. ........ . n Ilenrant Hill........................ r. J '.ill 11 ... ................... .. i i.-nw'- . .... ........... ...... ....... . .s Hnrnion) ; Inarale , 7 Ualiiul Critlv t.orfirlil 3 .. K. .McK KKiiV. Chalrm.ui. .Ions' Ui.aiNK, Srrnlary. CITY NEWS. iioni. cotntn.ncuri on the 14th. Kki Ci-ocn otilit to have a city hall. TllK political liolil will hoo.i he the f4mj of KreaL Rctivity. .frt lHttHY will kooji start a hutcher i-hop in lower RoI (Jlotnl. TiiKUE will he a public hale at the lVmlviti farm on the 14th. Ma. Hn.i.s. hrta-ze master, i aj;ain on lnty, after his brief illness. PuV.o M 1'i.oin fotnid a ' centipede at his brick 3'Hni the other tlay. $'2000 in premium will be ivon to th- exhibitorrt of the Wehiter county fair this fall. Tin: tmttve sunllower h now in full bloom, and nod-i and betuh in the Ke" tle Xebniska brec7.e. Km I'r.KKiS will locate nt Klwood. oper county, Xcbraska, as :i dectjdc of the jrcHt Hlackstone. Tiik prumtees in the vicinity of the round liotne looks much belter isiuce the pcytho has been Jrcely useJ. Itoii'T. I'ukst will booh iJi)ort a new breach-loailin-j Kun Chickens will mc tbsufrer after September 1. U r. and Mm. Hervice, of Frank in, who hive bceti visiting Henry Steven fon, Iihtc returned to their home. S. A. Kast1"i:iav, Crete ami Ited Hotid It It I' O agent, was w3. this wettk, looking after his homestead. .hfci.v Fakkkll is engaged in building pn house on hit farm on State tVeek, If-.M. Vint Williams is loing the jolt .Mij Cakhik Xkwiioiwi: will go to Iiiuoln in a few days to attend the fa liud winter term of the State Utji- entity. K. It. Shki:j:k and A. T. Onnshy, of IUhI Cloud, called yesterday morning while the editor was out. Jloblnte Jlt pnbliam. A ckiojc temperance mass meeting is to be held at the IJaptist church, August 20, under the au-pices of the .C.T. r. Mr CltoivKV and wife, and Mr IJ.ik eratul wife, of Fairbury, were, the gtusui of V. W. (Jardner, durin tho forepart of the week. Mr. V. Lktsox ami family, of Ila-tuig-, were in Red Cloud this week at .idiugthc funeral of Mr. William Lotson, at this place. Tiik railway commissioners have re quested the B t M to gride their rate o that Cannon City co.il can be sold cheaper in the valley towns. Ttinui-: will he a grand bowery dance at. Melntorth's grove en Saturday night, August '20. Kvcrybody is invited to at tfl. Good order will bo maintained. M. HtiKit, at Red Cloud, August 20. ISS5 by the Row Ceo. O. Yeiser, Mr Cha B. Dunharjfe Ohcrlin, Kansas, hid1 Miss Eva Burkbeck, of Carrll Cit. , Iowa. Tiik hccoiuI nines of Bluo Uill and Rvd Cloud are migh'y anxious to play Wgamo of ball for wealth or fame, but thoy Hro un ihle to decide on tho loca tion of the grounds. 1'Eoi'i.K who are not exports should not attempt to shoot dogs. At leat it is not just the thing tw shoot do'48 by pioco-moal. It a do; is vicious it should be dispatched bj tho easiest method f and not by degrees. Pkok I'ickixo and family go to Ked Cloud this week, where he will enter upon his work in the schools on the 14th of next month. The Heijktcr will bo pleased to learn of his continued succcs in the profession. Sutlon AV7 iVrr. fc We understand that T D Kanna will Ijve the general office of the Xcbras ka Lumber Company and take a posi tion in the wholesale yard at Omaha for the same company. Tiik Chief will be sorry to loso T D from lied Cloud. - The county commissioners should f hire a man during the spring, summer and fall to caro for the court house park. It is too bad to see such a beau- J tiful place go to rack for want of care. ' A court house janitor and overseer of the park could find plenty of work to do if employed so to do. Miss Eva Kixo, who has been visit- (ping with relatives in Vermont since the close of the winter term of school in Red Cloud, returned to this place Tuesday evening. She was accompan ied on her return by a cousin, Mr Frank Myers. Mi- King will take charge of one of the departments of the Red Cloud schools as soon as the chool opens up in that city, which we understand will be the 14th of Septem ber. Miss King met a cordial welcome from her manv triends in this place. Ulue liiil Times. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Tfte weeds should be rut, down. Sale bills apf-cia'ty at this office. T C IlArxxii i- Ituilding a new barn. A S Maicsii was in Omaha this week XoT much stcknt. in the city at present. A.vmt Jo.vks has leased Will Gilberts barber shop. 'J he fence is being built around the fair grounds. Fakmeim are beginning to do their fill plowifg. Mi: I) Coxover and wife are visiting in Red Cloud. A man from Iowa '.want" to p.tart a store in Red Cloud. Jacesox's grove id one of the hand somest in the county. The Farmer's Suite Alliance meets in Lincoln on ine 13th. S. T. Vax IIorx has his new house almost ready to move into. Mil i;o Catks, the new livery man, ha purchased a fine ph:eton. A -.idewalk down Cedar ?ireet to the depot i-s ju-t what is wanted. Mi-. Axauei. Roxai.I) is soj timing at f Irandview, la , for the present. Mi-s IIattik ()i:r, of Rivefton was visiting at 1. X. Taylor's, this week. Comvisioxkii3 mftpl on September I, for the transaction of county busi- I) F S''ott moved this week into the Sterner property on South Cedar fetrct. L If Fort, deputy county clerk, is now busily engaged in making out the tax list! Services were held in the Catholic Church on last Sunday by the Rev. Father Clery. Tin: west bound train w:u behind several hours Tuesday, from a wa.-hout out on the "Q." The political pot, is being filled with name- for the various offices within the gift of the people. The lawn social at .1 C Warner's on Tuesday night was a grand success, and a very pleasant afialr. 1 I) Hutchison will sell his cattle, horses, household goods, etc, on Sep. tember 11. Everybody come. Tin: Congregational church folks will soon build a parsonage for their minihter. A veiy sensible thing to do. FitAHMK schooneis nro again wend ing their way westward and every day from one to a do.e.n touch this point. L I L Waix.we expects to put up a handsome residence on his lots in the north end in the spring. He has a handsome place. The corn throughout the county i doing finely, and was very much aided in it-; gtowth by the copious rainfall of Sunday and Monday. 0 What has become of the Chicago ebra'-ka, Kansas it Southwestern railway? Can Rro. l'ronty. of the Coir Imit, giv us a pointer ? Wr were shown a diagram of th new fioral hall which is to be erected on the fair grounds, and we must say that it will be a hand.-om structure. Roy Hi iviiinox is waiting for the sun to pas over the htie so that he can be on the shady side of hi- resi dence when he gets ready to paint it Mrs Marskex, of Illinois. an elderly lady, relative of our friend l'eter Mars den, of Line precinct, is in tho city and will probably buy a ten thousand dollar farm. Ik city lots were sold a little cheaper in Red Cloud there would be more dwelling go up and the vacant lots here and there would soon be occupied by residences. Tnos Ueax came to Rod Cloud Sat urday evening to vi-it his his relative. (5 R Chancy, and was taken very nek, hut having partially recovered has re returned home. II vkky Foxi). whose smiling counte nance adorns the Meat Market de Moshcr, has been on the sick lit for a week. However he is again able to be around attending to business. The Commercial House will probab ly be moved onto Mr T .1 Mother's lot south of The Chief, and fitted up in first-class trim as a farmer's hotel. It would be a good location for hotel. Rei Ci.oun is said to be visited by more commercial men than any other town in Western Xcbraska, and we gness it is a fact. There is an awful amount of business done in the Gate Citv of the Vallev. Reo Cloud Lodge Xo. 04, IO0F,i the most efficient lodge in the valley, and are now aiming to lank among the best in the state, as far as being perfect in the work is concerned. The membership ia dilligont, and are hard workers. Mr Lew IIemmei.t., of Iowa, a broth er of Fred and Rev. Geo Hummell. of this city, is visiting- hereabouts. Hi wife accompanies hjm. Mr. H. thinks six years absence has created a gro;U change in Red. Just so. and the next six years will make just as many more wonderful changes. The demand to borrow money at lug rates of interest or low ones either, is much smaller than hereto fore. Farmers have lound out that it does not pay to borrow unless actually compelled to do so. This state of af fairs will be a great improvement on their financial condition, and ultimate ly a great benefit. F 1) Hutchison sold his farm in Walnut Creek precincWast week for $2000. Three years ago he paid $1 100 for the farm, clearing exactly $000, be sides selling $1100 worth of wood and making a good living from it. This is extremely good, ire will have a a public sale on the 1 1th of September and will sell of his goods, and then try his fortunes in the far west. The Chief would advise him to settle down in Webster county. EVENTS OFTIIE WEES. Ocite a change in the weather Tue-1 day. Mrs C W Springer has been on the sick liet. I'i.asterixo ha commenced on the opra house block. The fire department dance on the Rnh was a succe?. The I' t M round hono i- kpt the cleanest of any on th e line. II Y Kinsey ha movtd into his dwelling hou?e on Cedar street A X i'atmor and wife go to Iowa on a. f-hort vi-it among friends, this week. J. II. Smith and wife have been so journing in the west for the last few day. Jim Potter s said to be the hand f.omesi yard master on the B. & M. road. John Springer and wife, of Snlem have been very sick during the Ist few daVS. Ml 'I'm: festive youth is now indulging ing in sneaking watermelons from the parent vine. Xew lot of orcans at J S Xoll's. Cuiiie and .-ee them. Eav terms given to purchasers. C W Kaley sold two farms this week to eastern. 'panic, who have come west to grow up with the country A sidewalk has been laid in front of the new opera hou.-e, to the great joy of the average pedestrian. Rev Geo II lirown will preach in the Haptit church at Cuide Rock next Sunday morning and evening. Ri'.iit Rcr (jeorge Worthington I5i-hoi of Xebra-ka will preach in the Kpi'copal church .Sunday, Scptemper Gtli. The melon coVday4 have come tho sadde.-t ot the year, a little too warm for whisky, and a little too cold for beer. QriTi: a number of ladies of Red Cloud vi-ited Inavale la-t Kriday night to be present at a party jivcn at Mr-. W C Knight's. Wiexi.r's new building i boing pu-hed rapidly forward anil will he one of tlnhatnho:n.'-t buildings we-t of Omaha when finished. The Chief office has been author ized by the Lincoln Monument Associ alion to take subscriptions lor a Grant monument at Lincoln. J. L. I 'rami: of Clcvertonsays he is Xo 39 of the "fellers" who want to be come sheriff of Webster county this fall Don't all be afraid to .-peak. At Mr Tout's sale on the 120th every thing .-old at fair figures. Yearling burses Mild for $;'; colts at $'.0: calve-? at an average of I3;cow.s $30; hor.-es, $110. There will be a grand meeting at James Wall's farm acro-r the river on the ."ith and Oth. Several ministers willbopreso.it. IJev Ceo Hummel! will conduct the cervices. Prof PicKiso and family have ar rived in Red Cloud, and are now lo cated here for tho year. The Chief welcomes them to our city and hopes their ojourn maybe ploa--uit. Ceihk street between 3rd and -1th avenues -hould bo graded to a level j and a viaduct put in tho draw. It would he a good place for the trect commissioner to get in some efficient work The little chil lien of Mr A II Drown are, we are pleaded to learn, recover ing rapidly fiom the serious effects of dy-entery The family have the sym pathy of their many friends in their sore afiliction. Rev C W Springer will addres- a temperance maf-s meeting at the Iap-ti-st church next Sunday evening under the auspices of the H'C T U. Xo morn ing services at the church. Sunday school at noon. Red Cloud i -something ov-.r "jOO larg er in population than any other town in the valley. Tints holding the proud distinction of being tho metropolis of tho (Jreat Rcnublican Valley and the Gate city thereto. ,1. W. Pi:;r.'s little child died from diphtheria on Monday and was buried Tue-duy. Two other children are down with the disease, but will probably :o- cover. The family 'nave the sympathy of th comnuriity. The reception given by Mr and Mr, M R Rentiey on last Thursday evening i was one of the m.st pleasant -ocial event? that has transpired in Red Cloud for some time. A large number of guests mere present. Puor Pickin'o purposes grading the high school department up to that point. o excellence that when a pupd has graduated from the course, that thov will be fitted to esiter the second preparatory year of the State Univer sitv. Somethint. must be radically wrong with the little town of Omaha when she kicks because the I Sc 31 gives Red Cloud better rates to Chicago than she docs the quiet burg on the banks of the "big muddy . Verily people are nev er satisfied. To the friends who so kindiy extend ed to myself and family their aid and sympathy h: our hours of distress and bereavement, caused by tho sickness ami death of husband and father. I wish to say that your kind ministra tions will be ever gratefully remember ed. Mrs Alison Lets in Garfield Pest Xo 50 A R paid Rev Geo II Drown a nice compliment for his able representation as the r speak er, before the public on .-cveml occas ions, and unanimously requested him t preach a sermon in his church bear ing on the G A R. The Post promises to turn out in a body. Rev Brown himself being an old soldier can ulk from experience. If he complies with the request the time will be du'y announced. F.EPORTOBIAL, POINT& Gis Lactetir vch and C Wiener have returned from Chicago. Mr. Rout. Hi Ka has our thanks for rome very fine sweet potatoes. M. Rirxey ha.- traded one of hi? black broncho- for a 1kv co't. W. J. Tcexer has the thank of The Chief for a hnndosmo bopjet. Jree of ctiarge. been cm tnesick hat lor a lew unys. , but are all ronvsilocint;. j , larpe invoice of fre.-h paints jut received whi. h will be old at iMittom , prices at Iergu.-on t LOf. I) C Metvi.f will ;o to the Xiobrara country in about two week- where he propo-es to winter on his i.trm. Hexry Rrakemei.d and sUter. Mi' Liliie Hrkelield, of Cricgsville. Illinot-, .-. are vi-itmg relative in Ked Cloud. j There will bea meeting of the build-, ing a-,o.:iation to -ell money, on Thu- ( day, .September 10. Don't forget it. Some necc-.-ary improvemcnt.s are I E necc.-.-ary improxemcnus are ; made to the interior of the beini court-house by our friend John Mur- rav. Dr Haas' hog cholera remedy for hog cholera remedy .or ; .Colling, at 50 cent.- per j snle by C I pound. Kqunlly good lor chicken cnolera. The agricultural society 'nave de cided to offer a premium of $f0 to the ba-e ball lIuIh at the coming fair, and .V) to the be-t bras- band. Any person wanting premium list of th' Web-tor county fair, should ad dre. V R (Jump, Secretary, or J C Warner, Pre.-ident, at Red Cloud. Mr Cofkeani), got a very clo.-e shave from a very serious accidental the new mil! the other day. While rai-ing some timbers one of the pieces tVll and I .-truck him on the sile. and patug on .-truck a two inch plank and - i'e it into. The opera house block i getting the flushing touches fa-t. A few more days and the enterprising men who erctcd the block will bo wafely located within tho magnificent strm ture. Such enterprise should be liberally re war led. Kvery one wishing to bid on the building on tho floral hall, secretary's office and Judge's stand. plae call t the Secretarys office F R Gump ind seo plan and leave bid-?. Iy order of committee. J C Warner. Chairman. The fire department arc rehearsing "The Venteran of 1S12" which they propo-c to put on Rthe Stage in a few weeks. The boys who make up tho ......nviin- ooi-tnjnlv lenrvo credit for their efforts to make tho company ! . j "' toKRlENTi: i a wise teacher. Several Ked Cloud bov- were killing a nei a. bor's ducks the othrr day and were propmptly made to pay 50 cent a head for all that had been killed. It wa- a little expensive, but the hoy had their fun. F. H. Smith of tho Riverton Enir pri. and his undo Georce Smith of Australia, who lately arrived in thi country from the Australian gold mine, paid thc-e heailquarters a very pleasant call on Saturday. Mr. Smith reports gold mining in that country very dull. The fire company will give a theat rical entertainment in the rink on Fri day evening, September IS, entitled, "The Veteran of 1SI2" The prize dis tribution of the company will take place tiic following afternoon and even ing September 19. Every person should have a ticket. One of our town dudes, who was badly gone on his sweetheart, and was about to get married to her, had the misfortune to have a second fellow ap- pear on the field and take her away from him. The ttrst party now wants to settle the matter by having the sec ond fellow pay him $2 that he spem taking the girl buggy riding. Scrum c:u-e. The Chief hopes that all the side- j walks that nave been petitioned for i will be ordered down by the council I notwithstanding funds arc scarce for the present. Such improvements arc of great benefit to the city and arc very much needed. There should he no elfort to retard the progressive spirit of the council in tint direction Public spirited men are what we need. A committee of three have been ap pointed by the agricultural society to see about lettiug contract for bu Idir.g a flora! hall, secretary building, judg es' stand, pens, stalls, etc. The com mittee are J C Warner, L II Ru-t and J II terman. lue association arc bound to not neglect anything that will tend towards the comfort and con venience of the exhibitors and the vis itors. Xot long ago a gentleman well knownjin tnis city, committed the fol ing act at the Baptist church. He went to the church in the absence of the pastor and members and tore away the rough boards over the front and north doors of the church ind put in their stead beautiful ch:ised glass tran- som windows. In deference to the mrxiestv of the gentlemen livm- im- mediately east of tne church we with hold the name. Xo charges have been made by either party, and the mem bers of the church do not seem to feel very badly over the metier by the way they smile at the disappearance of tlie unsightly boards. THEfuneral of Mr. Wm. Let.on was - a rom Bue HlH "- )-- m "Jm very largely attended on Sabbath alter- l . Jgf lwm in rccanl h he bapjjencd to h ?en,!' in l,t '""f '7 - rliwlth compelIel a repttH n0"M- ln ti.A piti.irflfflif: It seem that ?ev- r ,H any pnrt of th, city, at any time of .lay , ,,(gcmL Hotel, -her Mr '":l"f""-V "M '"": . "I i.'iiu oi mk: k i nllv fir.rconie. He Mrlv tiiH I Jfi;r. Gi-mi ha hocn elected sccre-' Thech j r;:, ftmi A ot out of the uryof the agricultural society vice .Jfflr Ktidleman's little boy John Kellogg resigned. i '.. r Jt--?...- r.M wlm was struck The family of Mr Wm Duckcr have -j mr h'v the forA.arj movement FATAL ACCID E4 A Fnrmor nnraod Ja rsai oTer a Littlo Child at 31 n. Wftgo illl with On last Monday uejl reached this citv that a little ar.v lT.r Mr Endleman, of Blue IL.l, bid l run over by a ' farmer at.d mju-eNlt" the extent that ! ,W1, .v.n afier lB. 1 HE CHIEF s J.ihu dr )vi.oiiig on a very )f Jc x fKc Ctil lUHi knocked down, blllgfw,M.g running over him, injui- t , ar. ,a lungs, bruising his face 7 s , . Jltlj br0;lktug his neck. ,. - ... F K 1 tie c5ii i wie soon after- irds carried into thh.efuind medical aid sum in incllt!' ..H.ins of life had de parted whtt llie physician arrived. After drifiiuovr the child Jnlm did lint -JtunUnt coniinued on his journey Uj u xniljJ0 ut.rt KIist uhich he had lou. jfl lVre for priding, and n ;ft arronwl j,v Riuc Hill ffi . , , , in tho c5lv njon, (m Tut,d Ki.ve baii , -r h- ce in c the sum 5.iMt tor in- anncarx ice in tuuu a , , g .-ofresoondent fays "whether the tekm vii unmanagablc or nhulhcr lhc n0 x M intoxicated is hlini problem tool.-o." The little bov wa- buried -n Toe-day The fuu eral was one of the hug -t.that has ev er taken place m Blue Hill. Public enliment i - greatly ng:t sithis man nle public opm' u is said to ich. '1 be fact- are theru is and lor awime DUtiuCOB have run high. '1 be fact- are theru is altogether too much f.istid iviug, not only in Hluc 11 ill but mKl-Cloud, and .-hould bo legislated asTatiHt by our citv fathers. . 5 lN.isoNot Doe. La-t ;'S. turday quite an accident occurred at tin. home of Mr. and Mrs. S 15 Chainbew. who live about five mile -outhwe-tof ttlue Hill, which may yet WMilt in t!iod"Htli of their little baby boy. betwecine and two years oil. Mr- Chambermaid been scrubbing the floor, ami while il. a was at work the little fellow got hok.' r.t ii fonriitt containing lve hb'- had been using, am! drank the contontil The distracted parents, a.- -oon a- t'.ey,! discovered it. immediately .-'nt for Dr. Spiekelmv.r, of this place, who lias been doitig all m hi- power for the lit tle sufferer. It was thought it voul I not survive that night, but at this- writ ing (Tuesday) it i.-iill alive, but ln- in a very critical condition. JUw .' Times. Who Tiiky Are. Since our last is sue we !earn of the following new can did.ttes fcr tho vericu- olfice- in the. county G W Springer, wlio iia filled U.eoMce jf rounty .upetintendent of public instruction for two t'Tms past, ' - candi.late f... r.-rle-tion. Mr. Mirmeer nas mane a. eoou omcer. n al-o notice that our Pleasant Hill cor respondent suggests the name of Mi-J Klla Putnam for the same position. F P Ileed will be a candidate for county surveyor, and with his knowl edge of that bu.-ine-s will make a good officer. Judge Vei?er will al-o te a candidate fir te-election to the office of county judge, while Dr. D.imercllV name ha been -uggcated ty some of his friend- as a good man to fill the of fice of coioner. '1 hat office should cer tainly be filled by a physician, and The Chief would be plea-ed to see lr Damcrell occupying the position. The candidate- mentioned last week by I'm- I'liu-Fmmltn bnvi. met the approbation of the people. Mr Mc Xitt's candidac)- lor tlie treasury port folio seems to have truck the public mind verv favorablv. Xew Lumber Yard. A few week" ago Tn-: Chief announced the fact j thut Red CI. ud would in the near fu ture have the fourth lumber yard. (".n Monday, Mr F K (Job, one of the well known bu-iness men of Led Cloud for maud years, purchn-cd the lots and L.jj,,,.; '' . ,jopo - tne ommercial now stands of Uncle Li ,! ', ' ,, , " and in fo or three week wid Moore, have a lumber vard c-tahli-hed th.Te- It will be remembered that Mr Coble latelv withdrew from the Xebraka Lumber Company and ac societal him self with the Traders' Lumber Com pany, of Nebraska, and was chosen as secret iry, treasurer and general man ager of the new organization. For the past few wer-ks he has been engaced in establishing new yard for hi corpor ation, in Wct?rn Xcbraska, and final ly decided to place one in Red Cloud, which he settled upon l.vt Monday, and consequently purchased the crounds west of Ferguson's drug store for that purpose, which is cer tainly a fine location for the buiness. Mr. Coble has the natural "get up"' and enterprise that always wins in what ever position in life that he ise fit to occupy, and being a thorough going business man will make the new lum ber yard a success, byj so doing he will add another enterprise to those already established in the c:;v. The Chief takes pnde in seeing Red Cloud business men prosper, znd in this par -, -7. l Rraunea 10 ! TT ! i r Prosperity, and bui!dln? "P of a flourishing bnsi- .-ti1- .n ...... r. .'i- t - ! - " . anu coraPJin-r ints cttr. iicre is sacces to the new vard and its manager. If yoa have any sick horses, cattle, j nogs or poultry, use only Raven's food, sold only by Cotting, ;ho live druggist of Red Ootid. Fasseo to Knxxmr. was bom April 27. 184S, i moved to De& Maine, Ij 1875, thence to Kcd C!f May, 1&S2. whtro he Autwt J!,)iS5, of b was a man of sterling wr ter and ever main for honesy find uprig? He was al ays ldcnlifit nes interests of the tol llie M. E. Church in Xew Y. and was careful, amid the change life, to maintain hi? counectton the church of hi-choice. The church has lo-t a faithful niember society a goxl man. and the family an excep tion!! kind and loving hulmnd and father. The "bereaved family have the sincere sympatliy of the community in this, their darkest hour of sjrrow, trusting that He who tempcreth the winds to the shorn lamb will alo care for them. Mr Lctxon was an honor able member of the Masonic fraternity being a Sir Knight ami a member of Cyreno Comma ndery of Ret! Cloud. His remains were followed to the tomb by a large number of so rowing friend and brethren on Sunday evening, and buried with Masonic honors. Thisjs the second tim-? during the past that the fraternity have been calleu on to perform the last .-ml rites over tne body of a departed brother. PKorLK certainly !o make money by. saving it. That is what the Red Cloud' Homestead Rtnlding and Loan A-o-ciatiou is for. If a man can borrow money out-of the association and build a house with it, and stop paying rent, haMviug money, even by paying ?30 premium, which is not exhorbitant. It is the only institution in Rod Cloud that loans money and allows the bor rower the privilege ef paying it back in small amounts if $5, ?10, or $15 uer month. "Xo man feel like fighting for a boarding hou-e." but every man takes a pride in his own premise-, and j through the building association m!h od there is no excuse why he should not have a home of hli own. Goon. Tho Webster county agri fier couui 11511- detl at the'fr ax ' cultural societv dcci meeting that every premium awarded ! at the coming fair thouM be ptild in euth n tfrmand. This will be an incentive for the people of Webster, Smith mid livel counties to bring in their arti ctof for exhibition. Competitor! open tortic world, and from the present prigjiect Webster county will have the' hoitftuid finest dnp!ayf)irgricultural to -'(W4 nnd manufactured articles he-mleS"55tfc?TUleuiMits that go to make up a tir.-t '-I :.- fair, that h ever been seen in we-trn N'brv-ka. lverypr ron "ho'iM enter some articb for exhi bition ami try and compete for some premium. Diei. Aug 'JO IKS.. Jolin RoJla. son of A il ami S. A l?rtn, aged 'I 'er. 7 monthn and If. day-. 1'nnl nf Tlmnk.. ' I'i- difficult to expre- tiur gratitude to the many kind friend- who k gen erously extended their n-- Stance and -ympathy to us during tne illne-s. death and buna! of our little Rollu. ; We shall ever hold you in remain brance. Mn.t.Mn-. A II Hhowii. Persotcai The pr-on or p'r?m that have been engag1! in writing ananymous letters to a certain young gentleuian in regam to the lady's chnr ucter with whom he is keeping rtn- pany, will pbae desi-t as the gentle- m tn has perfect confidence in the lady and their Wlorts are on-drM wo.-e than t:-eh?s by him and if th''V t" fu nd out they will Imj deult with ti the full extent of the law. , Com municntod. Fojtoh Chief: So much . hocn .nid about the purchase bv the city of a enr of lumber in Omaha the.t w: think it due the community iHat it "houid b- informed of the exact ;ncts m the cas hon petitions lor riio walki Ix-iran to iKur in. and wc found that we would neeii "ifc-tderabie lum- h.-r for croHriKS, etc, we sen; the mar- hal tocah of tho thrre lumber yards. -tattr.s: to fbeni tlwit we would need a cniderab!e amount ot lumW and thwr Thfi ww as follow-. I-'mtt & Free- Co. per 100 feet..22 So Uh1& ilAwiyf -iZ W Xebm-ka Lumlr Co, per 1000 ft. '5 percent, ofl 2.i 00 At the next council meeting thee bid wore uimitl, n.n aJ-oone irm C X I Het. ot Oinnht. and one from the IV.ple' Lumber C,,mmiiy. of CowU. ..t. r.."im tf IMrmf'l rt :it?T ftr 111. " '-- '""- "- "'. Haw-ley. and $66 from the Iml of Piatt t Free Co A- cui!inn's of the people money e th'mgiit it to our plain outy to hum ui saving, in o doing we were actuated by no frehng I .. . .-. ... ntn.iihlv tn nr hnnto InnttrtT tifttLlIT and had any of their bid been kw :u ?C0 per foW we would bar bughl the lu mher at hom. We borrowed the mono. onottr :r-dirklual note to pav for this lumber. o thnt what oth; comes into te treasury thi jumraer may used u p-iy othor bil?s as they come in. it Li wk trw thai Uihre are any bill- of long landing agsinst the citv. Up to tho last regniar ineetig. August 13, all bill had beu pnil And a few dollars roranined in the treA-ury. R. I. Ti.veek, Mayor. T. J. Mother, S. W. Cec3. A T. OwiiRr. For Sale. Tne undersigned has fvr w'e H miles south of Citherton 50 head of Cu, CaIv ot, and '1 year old stexrsr, one sn pound, with xa. Prices- xa-on?Ji&. it Kodif oht rWj.kr hverf at RI Cloti.l for M . pjr W r of eriior0l rarni!it,. but th-y ;eet. thu makin a difference ol jS on th-m.frW-.. ad ecm-Ltn w ba Co.. ?72 fmm tne bwl of Red (c J J L ttle We bar can c.ti:v uv kind, by kwtn hat and bdjLnc' tlavs. A Tli' s gns are herr, nnij again make Thrcsliing b' hood last we Geo K awKMi M E Church. v PL! ' 1jo thirsty e cued on Sunday Mr Jacob Cox, Fowlr and Jaco arc visiting in U now rvisiliugSthei Platte country, C C Cox them Tho picnic at Rtchardo:) Friday was a succeed. Quit Mfxembleil. AddrweM by Hampton, Dr Dennoy. nd tiitiLMitlforator of Webntcr CO Dnnnnv'rti: de.Crintioniof l ChnW iui Chinese doings woro very SiUeritkig 1'hejlight fantastic was trippW at " Z& " nwlmil! in Amboyfion fftxl v evening. h Affewra Shirev ?nnd Warron.v -yfh their families were the guetAWff ' ami Mrs John ff oleomb, Jk0ltfr We notice that McNiiTspoken of ae a candid&te ftfr treurer. We will will pligo the o!id vote of Plrnnaot flill for' .Mac" -hoti'.d be be nominat ed. Loogotre wilPrt-coivo hM reward lit the form of tno very nice chrotnd by railing at the Amboy mills. M P R htrad!-y, r,f Ciovertnn, i i--ing P!eiant Hill. Feminine attric- ttoux, ',t know. To the r- ithjHjiAt jumiinit" ventunr (Jive u 17 c)inmiMtion,r, ami Hi -henll. tor c..ni.ty ujj dtthhc instiucti'Ci give Putnam. With the nlKjl ;o:m an cnniUdnti-H, Pltv roll tip a od -ouii.l rt lorttv. Whf re h Spo(j riidvLel l:id timt lie it (...itigml and will unpejtr ,f r'tl e 1 of I .a ura. Mi- Mnrv H.ir 1 bast' to tach tho fa u U nil i.f i, triet l.'t, which tnei 1 !' c Of KX' TKB SUNNY GOU'il McKwav, Trvv A'tin? Ine weather I. a. ii 1 i.t'i warm for the 1r month, but w lmd plenty of rain, and fir r are not injur I any no nt U) barbecue and beaii danco th'.i t dtt It -sh five mib'4 wnt of our i,;if tn n nice hdr gforc. The dancing 11 r was tho motbor arth miOUHtol oif Iat" (noujrb for f;o el to daucf nt onetime. Tlicn it w.i covered nith -ciwdu.'l tvro inch'"! deop. It w;w rtb tr tire-ome Utr the firt few ijnncrt, but ' ! steady work tou ickol it Imp! tt ? in a hcAiitiiu; -hArty grove. anl UJrt cUv b-mg a hlUe rlnndr. Th-y h.-vl a pfendid time. Th lmd a circulnr wing with eight iUi. ami gav tho" comtmiiy a fr-c ride. Phora wa an rlevntl pisiform for the muMcpo. Twoof thorn werw " blrtck a herrc overgrow. Th AlUr wa4 dncttt I nw.cr Uytn V. j plenty of k cm J cul(ir on lh Viarorlv. iliore nam. emonaiIj. an e irmmd. A Ii (.,.,.... ... n I 1 -turn und thinly of water. Ooho - tne h?p wire bax1-eucl anl .1 warm for dinner. Tlicre worn .-' it .VX) penon pr-nt, m a gescrsJ '1 ng vvry tine, inlelhrent lookiirg i! woro wclfdr.ol. My pnrtnjr aid he aw "ome of the hsndorn?t youag i 'ii h ai' ever n. ami I han 1.ma rrt m-rt.M Wat!. !,tfrt Th ITBflf ;, t cf,mtwr,r hvo I . " m.tfur tf The crent MKk atitl implcrnfint tt t Ma pie Grove Farm wH be hfAd on the pr.mi T rniio-h-wc5t of RjkI ' ?T v i; VrX Li , last 11 rt Iiv' i n fitrT rVMl4I ! !. " " -- .----. ingot 0i5 ftawl oj tiCK. -i7i new r b'Hl Merino e &, V wether. If) fmo hunk, 6 full blood Merino bucks. H mileh cw. one rrad- lMf1honi two . &.. 1 - j yir aI bull. ov.n zr&-l yoarhng itS', a. UjlulTtHiitz cattle, x lew ftfc, on-t .jwin of hone. Ih Tir rf two-year omI mnlca tn ebrA.ic.i.. numoer on pair of yeorLng im!?. 1 fuckisn mu!". on-; nw et btizy narnewi 2 wt. d'wiWe kirne i new $ pUt&i vn.-vm: wagon; 2 "urnlwf waroa. I gtnirn mm. wjuj tu.i ouisi wr in. i ' - m m. T i Mrghum, reaper. ra-rert rau CMfUritiOr, COri druH. ire. wbe aieot of everf' cr. HoueIi;d- ioclnding r. new chicken, xnd TC Tcrm All Over fi x crssltt u.n r cerjtiat4in f He. J 74. 5rc una nine. ine;e cri IR