4VjCf5Pi&mZ, r - -, jtfrT" fc, 11 - Kf gr-A.r. JK?- i:aKT 5K TSrtJKVSF. - W, J$ .!. - - 4r?jmBmn7zr . t at jhj. i '5.. i. " . V H..'iii- -. .- k" A&4i'Kite.- i -Cw -.JfJsV TO"- v? r- . -r -- CX-yrh-, f Sii fc5r- ' JSr. r&r-iS V w .- ' .-.M . :; - "l - JTT; sgst-jfsrjr- -ta.-rzri-r---,--r 3 5-t?. , -? f . .- c. 5. yww5-t -vlw!!BBBSSflpffSSSppSBSSsH IHBmSssWP&W PTWSFT"-?.."- - vwfS 3? - -Mmmmma ?i.Tfr.-- ' - - 7ri) 2: , J Kss: "-. "2S!!"9! Sr;;2siic?r V&&Q ' . - . -. . i-r 1 t t- T v y r r j-""f 1 3Sv J Si a? : j - r . A.y. U5MtK. L- . -. T d o,, rin ' a nr. i.iii7 vjluuj unir - - - .. w. - 1 . - .-. -... 7--.. 1 " - -- - siaiJA'i-1' ' r - ..jTi V-rr iTf' I ProptU'.tor WALKER &BR4KEFIELD, DKALKHS IX phjday 'a(k;i;r af. iw,.t'i ; Pumps, Wind Mills, Well Tubing A Beinarkablc Escape ifr. Mnry A D.illuy nfTunklmnnot-k r.i was .illlictcil rr ?ix ri!- with Astlmia :(ml hrnni'liitis lMrw which liiiHtho hcit )hici:ttin coultl pvo no relief. IUt life was ciVj):iir:'l of. until in h-tOrtohp r .-ho procured hot tit of DrKinjrs Xtw I)icover , when iiutno di.ito relief v;i felt . and by continne ini; it use for a chort time was co:n jiletelyjcun'd. jjiiininjjii A f0H5 in n few month. Krcc tial bottles of this certain cure of alljflirnat and Innj: ili.-f at Henry Cok'js (ling fetore. J.ar'e bottle $1.00. Thcso'arojSolidiFaccs Thn4iet blood purifier aod M'Steni rcul itor'ever placed within the 'reach ofuffertnir hum.iniiy truly is Kiectric Hitter--. Inactwjity of 'he liver, bil Iionsne. .bind ice Conaiip.ition or any li?eae of the urinary origin-, or wlio ever rqniiei" an appetier tonic, or nuliLftiistuhint v.ill alway- find ICb'c tric DitiiMi- the best and 'Only certain cure kuvwn. They act -urely ami t quickly, every bottle guaranteed t jiive entire atif:ictiou or money refunded.- Sold at 5)c a bottle by Jleury Cook. SJTni: secret of .uttainini; a iood rep uation, always has and always will de pend upon the rjuality (f the eommo difA IIAA.L.I DeLaml A Co. of Kairport, Xow York, the ieat manu lac .irtM-8 of .-alt:atiH and soda realize tlfH.t itK'fullcpt'.t''nt. and th thou-f-air.l-i'of j)itroim who'use Dehand.- sal .eralus and foda testify to its. wondcilul purity and s'rnj;ih, always unifoim always relialilc and full weiuht. .'iiidcii Anui'ahalvi-. The bot.j-alve in the world for cut- bruises " Wire1-, ulcer.-, Halt iheuin . fever i-oro. totter, -happ-d hand " cliilbl:iius,.corns and alUkiu eiuplious and positively cures pile.", or no pav rentiircd. It is "iiranteed to give jer- ect satisfaction, or money .ulun ed. J rice :!."ets per box. Advico to Mothers. A r yu : li 'nil-l ;tt nirlit ami lnokcn of you rt-st l) a slel; rliiM nirTin.' am! iTiiK v.uh i:tin H muUiU UKii" If m srml at nu-.i:iii .'Halcittli-or Mi. WlnslovvS MM.thin -"Hil iv.t i-i.h lr.-ii J.'cililn ' lis .il..f ! iiii-a!ru!.i1il( "xlVlti nil uiMiti it inntliiTo. Hit-re ts no inlstaKe alioiit'Jt. It-ciiiVNilwnloT :nil H:u 1 Ii'far r.u utati-H tin- sioncieli :inu inivm-h -iiii" ujih. o:r jiV' Itiiif ami eiii'iv to tin- wlinU- siu. Mrs Wiiiiliiw'-.MHrtli.nuMriiji forflul'iun l-HiSnjr N lli-:is.int to tin- iat. anil is tin- . "U'oii ofoiifot tin ctlU--t .nnll'i--J ti-iu.il.i liiuso ami ii!iMi"i.Mi' in the I nlti-it stati"" am! i. for sal' l.v all ItnK-ii'.t--. thto.l-'iiout tmsuoihl. 1'rivc 'ft vuv nor nottlc. 1 hi " 1J mmiQ Bile SirGBlorvi - imiwmww NEW STORE And E very thin c in our lit: e. Wh&n vantiny anything in the ?uipor WindruiU lmo it will pay you to eca us. Our Priced aro tho I GvireBt act Work GueranUKsd. OFFICE On Third Avenue. Ooposlte Miner Eroe., HtoreiRQd Cloud Nebraska. Don't fail to soo us before buying. - . " . . W " m. f u fM " ri & $ Cowies Websier Co., Nebraska. & r.'S ? s2. -rniB n?22Sin n i zwmm u JfW -s sola ngeaz tor tho cotvaty, for J $ lb Cii'ili felta IiiiSs Il-Mepelaaat-Tailerjk Spancgle & Son -t A flrst-ciass mill in every -ospect amI c:aninteevi to rrivo witifaction 1 - itrmsannot un mi'-riT) that r.o otar mill has. r.ud therforo ! savo3 tno --oat strain 0:1 pjmpi. I3 .Uo ij at f Jr tho Dealers In ail kinds HlflMBIlK, Hi, ,11 RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. Clcths, Ciirsies. Keiicns. Well-known Trahern Pumps ! . Custom work neatlv done and ai ter the most approved fashions, outline and nucina a specialty, prices reasonable. Old StftiKl Cast Sld V.rebtr Strict. ..nisis the best pump on tho market. Also sell tho Enter prise wind mill. Soe him before you buy a mill or pump as it will moro tnan ;ay you Tlemembor a truurantee ire with ?v.rv h! ; - mm 1 soil jau on or acUtross d W. H. Howe, Cowes, Neb. i? . PED gkLiD, o ; .REB, 4" . . jDxses 0 J)EA.ERS LY rr GO f '-" - r- 'r r --,- -L- r rf w ll C 0 o V: Li- rr c (D But n otwithstanciln these important improvemouca . ffi S -S. k S M lt - 1 1 PiiP r a a .. ssu o in.rv o n (y; w p '. c c d .- rr f5 o z cr 2 r. -' c h f ( O w a Si s ' "-r-r LJ . Or? . - r-r n cr. C m Z - - O - CD (D y-,1 - Red Cloud, tsbraska. .jm . v. . i -3 r X n : - a CA. r 'SI O . D q o r. - rr- IA . J M ' " o 3 5; E n G -. 5 lOc 2 2-CTQ " T rr jf 7? 2 3 ro " O r CL. t-t z: cr, v - r"5 ' - 1 - "i " on o -J CD i?Iatt B.3D OIiOiJB BOOMS ' i JMEW;BU!LDIN3S.! fJEW ENTERPRISES-, yORHART & 1.'I.;LTC)J Hardware Merchants r;r in: j cwri). Havo tho LaJROSST and Must Complete stock of wkm Eto, ton, httlsry, BirlffirB, ; Nails, Rope, Window Screens, &c. 1 the Republican VUlov. V k.mp only t: BH-rfT ckJh and .-ell na SSillil IT i ifS Fl & 3 H 'IF P flTilf cheap as uioso rrmt, Uiat carry an intV-ior Ht.xk O-u our j fj g& H iK i 6 H M f j 15 f fH i " i! W? 4 i H If V prititta boforo vou ouy anil you will save money. ' 1 i; if ? J ti 3 7 2m U 1 1 U j 2 iu J U C 8 fL V U J I A V O-ood slock and line v.rk is t.r ij.oU.m 41 1111 iC'ICV ? ' and prices to suit the times. If ,m need c L, b . anything in our ilie do noztail to call and ' ' . J. S. Noll, Proprietor, Red Cloud, examine our specimens. OHlcoWIth A. I Funk opp dIo th I lutt iz Fn i Lunbor Co 11 HWi. f, t 3j3 - SIS ftV rfa fc MM 05 s Ea OFFICR AKH YAHD. Corner mm St, and Fourth A . dUd Mmm 3119 ctutu Lock box ; 22 , RED CLOUD ISTB jVI S Ballard j In Webster county, Nebraska, hkc! r ith and Jvwdl cjuutifj, Kt:i ! sao, on roasonab'o c'.uit iona. i i S h n dS PR s a Srn s W y&i di.ai.li: i 3-roceries. provisions, t&as, cofiees, candies . nuts, snpjar. cigars, tobacco, Hour, etc. AY DOWN PRICES !i IHPrOLl&lii lawv&il B wmw u.. . : . u i. :j i i. i l i 14 easy icerms. Efflorhart & Fqitcni HAM:i-"rAr.i.ism:i a- Hardware store AT "ELLS n.rMir.-HTOMHifMiuniii'jr ','" - f t,U ti-lniiv. '1Im ni'Kil'v,r.,li"'H,,I'v,,,":' iivi.Ik of V -'' m.lM.-ln.U Jntwlt:U tliov wi.it i He !!:. tf Hardvar'e'; ' " TiiiTvate, Stoves, Iron, Nails, j .Ami i: f:ft ovor.tljiim vMxhc found :it, r.r -toio that t" umiuUv lu-jit u ji Hrst-ct.'- Iko.m "Vc"h1i11k'1i1,:"imJ to 1i::m.' jcojiJc r.iil o us -litt in !! or linnlw.in'. our jmhis wi. iw:i - Im n-iu! 5r :'l w K n''' w tlicih'iiciiitlof iheli.no-. f" Wowrv rt'-livtfiillx Mi:cj: oiir tnulo hiiil.i: l.:it It will pro.c Kni'lh-Ml tu Imtli. aiOKiiAirr.fruMox. 1X)0C0 Acres Wild ImDioved, and' "UnlmDroved faT'm' for sale on : i Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Sirups, ; Fruits, Bacon, Ham, Dried Beef ii7fl 7 !H. 1r fe&- 4 HA JI Ik ' (Tirwi AIM l rCl. Ttfefccc, nKi. lit W. KcJ. i'.lmm mm! Uiin . , I will make it an advantage to you ' W-H- ' 4 l" i -'" '-wk"r- to call and see me in the ; AT iOSriESTiUH'S ! ''' .-... -I".. i..u.ff...,.i.I.,.rM. nwa H KnnV dmro i , - , . . IN FBATEEBIYS BUILDING. uj. j.j. i-j.v. n-s. jlsj- 'j. v Fi . . ...., ..-;.. ., . . ..s w . .v . . r -.... . h , . . r in ! h r'!i if si r. m , nr nH r, . .n- .- - -v.. v. j ; u t r j w --v. ; . 'i w ri t . w y umjvtjit Li irt z. w i u , ; Xiiisrooxiisr s. roEEvMedical Institute and Water Cure. lmsw Partios wibhinir Fumituro will savo monoy by oxam'.ninK my joodw bjtore pii'-iiU3.:s' clt.wL.ro. T70iici:is un.T.r.v r.ivr.v thatakt;- 1 ciis-i im-oriHM ttion ;i. ltrt-ji llh'ii in tli ltroiu i uliu-o-. Tl liuiiif of -.tlil -irjor::;ioji 1 The 'luasK.i I.iimluTComii:M. Its'vriJfnwl il::coof ti-iiisai-tii! Ini-nic. Itol C!mh1. o liravkn. Oiinm'l fr tlw '4u:r;oi of tr.iuxjn t ir.ir :i ui'tii'nil liitnlwr IhKiii'--. .nut in Urn :ua ;itul rellins: ::11 klinN ol immh :uui uhivii:uhi:v jht- 1 & ' 3 v.vsfefel&ij :. ow: Arriving e vox y day P . Z1-1-! f?- PvfATN l "5VT"!T TV.fA.rnT AT7n .' C..ASrV& . iuuj ajyyiu.uo ;itr I.i ccrii.t c-ricu with nr furjiituro I havo a lanje OSjj. "r .. ... ...11I-I..l,..y.... f.L I ..r--Wf.j ?-r - ?1 suppiy ci mi :.i:::.i o. notions v. i.n L'S jJri z&r3Sw 'ClU i:;iices to buiu .the uyer : Such as Tinware-J-oan3. OI i-- w. .- , 1 T-,r. ;I u I'i:-r"hifN &c, anil a III bo .oii.i 'p tli .n i .i jin in Kod Cloud ---- -A-.. - - ,cwsffi&v? S V LUDOLW W. DA-NY'S epeirSliai) rs gte Donler In I... .rt ' Tim LINCOLN- Mi:i)K'L INuini TI .P Vn:it VI UK i oncl. contmlled.niv! mna. "?" n wutivin) hi jiiij-ji -.sum n. iii n:iiia u i.um i.h: rc.irr : fTrifn i- . Mriti.it' in tljoir iyjvctio tlrimrttncm. Tli'' Vml Miw t ih t.iock irow tiif- fdmtol awl on t:-t m lii.a. rrom iiHiouorcnn ioen tu iihm:i:- nu-'iiutlo - til. St tr.v.m '-. th.- untl-t- ltv of I.!nrrtu nl u.iiuiiiiiiit;cNiiiiry. ti isuifinrci'-i.imK ininms'iiy i M-nfj-si.;).,' M.vriit-i-t'T urri:i-.-HHiHdin In the itt lor the intttiacni ol iii,w. It contftiti f tu-,ix ro.ai- for the .-.c -o: unxl-ittoa ii pt tit'iit". boiilcs jwirlop.. olTii- n, jcrt.l t. wrnit mut la!-r;if..rv K-.trv'h n? ti iuik lil t't,nt:it ant t'tijiiiihlu!t:rin treiitineiil tnvti provnhi jJ '!': oni.i.n.':nii.-iu. nninu' sytn.iuli ami ImttMiis:. rort'iemminseiiieiit of ohnn'o cn which h. n rv.r:.-.! th.. .r!i.'.-i- .r.'.. .if treatment, now a'nl ln.jr.A.sl merho - have In on rU'.-l. Tlu re p.i thoinz. Not rHTriswtioljun tak- ti f,'iuon. of drnv nt ;U"it niylle.n Ithp'jt Vm-M n-'ul tlew-s uith lnj irv. FrMch v.y., titiii-i -tiun i' iviL-i. nu iiiysr i-n M:iiei-.ivi ,n , a '? wio M;oa ho to .nrf'ni n thite of iiliscrihinu -.?iie. :iml imwer to ,n -n.i't 2.:" a.1 '" ',"is, ,c M'.Scnng. In the trw. .ent ol .-11 X A!, rfitv TlkK A: UFrOp H1 V F MthlMiiMlHio-Kt.t..l-imlr.'i! Jlumsuut hi!-j ' ",- f r.hl .l i ina. our I -tltnto oiler- melal mlv:um. bfeot.. uf Uws KYK. F..J itself '.i.ill he one halt the amount of e:tit:il Moek jiaul in. .ThohiiMinxs of .iM c orponttioii li:ll he romluetfii l :i honnl ol m: uu tllurtor l'ehruaryi:.. Fl. 1L I). .UiM. rtvaiilvitt. Cook&Meacham Cowies, Kebras.c . PEALEHS IN Drugs, iPamts, " Oh4s . "Books. Stationers. Etc., Etc. Etc. Prescriottons carefully ciunpoinuleil at n!l 1 u.::. Harness ShoD5 nil mlnt and wilt cot you nothing to i-:t our In-Utiitenr.r. n it-wori. jht. nrcwSivrv rt;j,i riii iiiir matter on special !io.vc eut five on nwhmtiou. M-vlirine 'ent u nil iWirt-ol ;hror:ntrr. after examination or othorw e hy letter, when it can he loi :laactornr. Mcaitcra : th stall will, la it.clal caiea, visit a:icu:s at t!.x.r home o .it of tho cl'.r. eft: JhFatzi 3 lo VVH j , VC7i r Ci nut. ik . t -i i . Yt hi (t.shtt mt srs-A AVt- " B. rt1 ' IR.tf&l. -lJ. . - AAaKST w. . ' . "? : - . rfij .leidicIj stapp: ! Sterling, Packard & w esternO oUage Organs CHAS. S. HABT, A.M., M.D. Surgery. JO Pinnns Canq HTirl .PVn TIP" 7vTq ph in P M. H. GABTBN, B.S., M.D.-Diseaso? of tho Eye, Ear, Thr-a, and i uiLo' i to11 aiiU - v 111 LidLIllUca. iNoSai Uavit;o. : NTfiniTVfl.17 U'Phovfr oric P'.cmnc I wish to inform the people 6t Wnbiter arfd ajjciainif pountids thai I ?la, & Pianos j and Sewing rnachine3, which will be sold aa cheap as can be boocrht - west of tho -'Bitf Muddy," oitJber for cah or for easy Tizymoni. Before iWAfJ i i Tf O AKY PARTIES WELLS.. Awicd liiLLlfsbfiAm, PUT DOWN MS Ti'Bl'LAR VSLIrS ! y M.i'1 O f)lf - i " '!- '?, 4.V410.1& VUllklUI. J. E. BEED, M.D. Disease of Wnnien and of the ITervou? Svsteni. J. VANCE EEGHTOI., M.D., Diseases of the Chest, Skin, and . l WiSn to inr- e People 6t w obiter arfd aujczaistr rounUds tba CKjuffo-Urinary Orcans and Phvs- ' "avo openod a niusto store on-Webster Avenue, opposite ?la, cian in Charge ' ' i Freo6 liernber yard where will be found a supply, of Organs, PUn ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO Lincoln Medical Institute and Water Cure, Southwest Cor. 13th and K Sts., Lincoln, Neb. ouying elsewhero cell and see me.k easy pay J S. NOLL A... .",.,. yt i j ,,-;t,r, ,-,.. t.ltrt bM jtx . m Frls fcr i H. ?s3p ;c zXL -& 3C pufe te; r- r .' V ij 4urt It! ?J" P to tl ' ' In' ..-'! i.tM i. KttU I Cr .S Purli's. Mti Uill.Xth.. Hardware and Windmill Merchant CHA3. BUSCSOW, Prosuleni, Bobt V SHIRE?. TrJrT 2 F. ;::CnLA.;D, V:'V-Irdi. ! I M id Id Drugs I JJrugs'l ! JD THE HAYWARD fifiiLLSF I m- V M.9 1QCG0 AGRESiHENRLy!!1 !HK'D : GRENADE - FIRE irvtnieuisiier ! i RRilwPvl onric I !W!U8rdilllO,ll5! llMjUfJ'ljEaUiJMU i Notions. Wall Paper, 4c Red Clo ud. -Nebraska 'JWebstei Ccuntratfrcca 55 to SIO ! M W&tiifMMS fn.1 Jbeyiverc still Attention Teachers. w, imorovea anc Tjnimi-.rnT'P.r? -ot V"T I V- . . - fc . I - .... ..rl -.. ... JmmtiJt CV "axch. un when o,,r ;.,u Banches at bar-nTc h -- . v-iir 1 1 1 it " vv -------- --" Fr r--v?r riTPv 1 ioi!iMinuceata,ih. miuc a-k ir icii li. CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, BEST. JJ noi Burst! Will Xot Frcezr! MuZujx Heady! Jluwjs Rdinbie i --- . KtvfcAatiti m; b U r.n- TKfertMu. Itturar. (.r.ir rt.v4r. !&. !4k ,. ,. p.. i NEBRASKA & KANSAS f ai'J'fJL.'KWO. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. MONEY LCANhp ftnipdTe-l una-m .'! v fc i.Kli turn '. :be tiayward Hand-Grenade Company. Usui OSct ;r sd vs IL-xadxaT. 'e YV. SM te lied CTwcA. VA rf . H. j LSIj Mo7'har $ Fusion, flaadicara Heal r, -".- 4 DENHST. RED CLOUO K3RtKA. iV r7 rM a Simeinltij. r2 i" WBi " MX , . je new home to - et arrived, i