The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 21, 1885, Image 2

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A. C. KOSHER, PabUsbcr.
Germany's colonization scheme for
Zanzibar is condemned by many of the
German newspaper:.
Torn brokers who acted for Fanju
liarcon, the defaulting manager of the
Dublin Minuter Hank, bare faifcjcl.
Coi.osi:i.FkeiC;kaxt. it is said, in
tends to abandon military aspirations
ami will take a position as civil engin
eer of a railroad.
The artocratic citizens of St
Petersburg an; donating money tor the
purchase of a silver tea. service to be
presented to Mr. Gladstone.
M.IS.-J Josik Choker, an actress at
Chicago, was in court recently charged
with the larceny of the manuscript of
I'.artley Campbell's WJalley Slave."
A corru: ran away and got married
at Birmingham, Ala., the other da
They were both nearly seventy years
old, and eloped so :et rid of the oppo
sition of their children.
Lai-ka Claxtok, the two-year-old
child stolen duly 11 from the sidewalk
near its home in Philadelphia, was re
covered by detectives at Chester, Pa.
Ellen Deary, the woman having the
child in charge, was arrested.
It was estimated in Washington that
not less than ten million acres in addi
tion to the lands mentioned in a long
list recently published by the General
Land Ollice are illegally enclosed, of
the special agents of the depart-
kvc not had time to make ex
pand specific reports.
an reports from nearly
Texas indicate consid-
drouth. In a
plant is reported
ibuiug otherwise
kg this, there
tion which
tield than
I -ex-
pie bar-
Lax on the
F-rejrateai a
been d-
rarho was ra
id that the
first gran tod
Japahoe tribes
en sanctioned
w Secretary of
fr's'tfctt spor'ifieallv
rand incoryorated
report f I8KM(
pi resets ed. the; right
.e cattleaien and re
aver it ibeeanie aces-
own motion or from
rthe Ifctlians. In this
rinuoumvd to At cavrlo-
- I
JC occuiKltiOB proved
rtlie Indiana tin sGovem
riot interluvM vrhh po
; a
Wide-lV3tti b-'lV-f tlf I
t.uim araon; tl nepwes .of At-
. i
anta. !Ium!nas of colowd people
are held under tlirn!dtni U- conjure
!eur. who vow terrible puatfliiufnts
fltrainst their Tictiia: it thev fail to
ch.r .;ts, : ai,,- ,-0:! . i
- a
a asaa IVillU-- la. 4.11. I Mi. I A. IMT
couic up with 'iieir regular vvontribti
tions. Ambrose lielden. a well-to-do
negro of that eity. who was usder the
influence of one of thee wretches, dit
mised him. The conjuror, a revolt
ing looking .spectacle, turned upon
Belden. and shaking his finger at him.
said meuacingry: "For this your en
trails shall burn, and burn, and burn."
The next day Belden felt what he im
agined to be lire burning fiercely with
in him. He has taken to his bed and
Ids case baffles the skill of the doctors,
tvho say that he will surely die.
af the Dailw Kawa.
OX me UOUy 9W&
JL Summary
Mosek, ex-Governor of South Carolina,
was again arretted at Iiojtton for obtaining
money under false pretenses.
A nisi'ATCtf from I'lacerville, Cal., of the
11th saj-fi: James W. Marshall, the dis
coverer of gold in California, died yester
day at his home at Kelsey. He was seventy-four
yours old and died a jrtverty
stricken ami disappointed man, having
lost ail his property by the cupidity of the
early prospectors.
Mrs. Helen Hcnt Jackson, the well
known authoress, died at San Francisco
recently of cancer in the stomach.
Mrs. Mark Pattison, the fiancee of Sir
Charles Dilke, in in India on a edeasure
trip. On learning -of the scandal with
which the name of her intended husband
Ik connected she immediately telegraphed
Sir Charles to announce their engagement
Senator Vest was reported suffering
from neuralgia rit Helena, Mont., recently.
LoiU) Vane Ernest died in England re
cently. He served with distinction in the
Federal army during the late war in
Dysentery wan reported becoming epi
dunlc nt Bridgeport, a mining village of
Pennsylvania. The disease was due to
famine and filth, most of the laboring pop
ulation being out of employment.
Coi.onki.Anoei. Rodriguez of the party
of Limbano Sanchez ami six bundits be
longing to the party of Torre Jiminez have
been shot at Mantanzas. They were cap
tured while negotiating for outward pas
sage. GoiiKUcn, the Anarchist, addressed the
strikers in the public square at Cleveland,
J., again on the 11th. The red ilag was
waved and the use of dynamite recom
mends d.
The Social Pr.rity Society, of London,
was agitating recently for a new trial of
Mrs. Jeffreys, for the purpose of securing
n public disclosure of the names of poli
ticians and noblemen who frequented her
The Smith court martial at Washington
completed its work on the 11th and the
court was temjiorarily adjourned. The
findings would be sent to the President for
his approval or disapproval.
Acting Secretary Fair-child recently
directed that a supplemental competitive
examination bo held at the Treasury for
tho purpose of filling seven vacancies of
the grade of cadets in the Revenue Marine
A terrible explosion of gas took place
in the West End Coal Company mines at
Mockaqua, fifteen miles from Wilkesbarre,
Pa., tho other morning. Twelve miners
were reported killed and several others
dangerously injured.
Dysentery was reported becoming epi-
A destructive cyclone oecarred in
Northern New York on the afternoon of
the l'Jth. Norwood, Kt. Lawrence County,
was greatly damaged and eight lives wero
reported lost,
The Greenwood Iron Work, operated
by the Parrott Iron Company, nt 3reen
wood, N. Y, shot down the other night.
The liabilities are said to be from $100,000
to SIOO.OOO with assets of tf00,0OU. Fiv or
-six thousand dollars are due the employe.
The firm of J. S. Martin & Sen, wbole
sale grocers, 180 Chestnut street, Philadel
phia, have suspended payment.
Letters from Saakim say that the
troops are dying like flies. The officials,
lowover, will not report such a condition
of affairs.
If inxtt young ladies took the veil at the
Mattenckrodt convent, Wilkesbarre, Pa-,
one morning recently, under the direction
af Bishop CFHara. The ladies wre from
-various towns and cities in this country
and Europe.
The family of Daniel Ashbaugk, JrM
near Sew Philadelphia, O., were poisoned
recently by eating toadstools. One toy
died and the mother and a young child
Moore not exjected ito live. Tw girls
named Richardson from the Dayton -Orphans'
Home, avho were visiting tae fam
ily, were also ia a critical condition.
Tux United States Treasury' Department
lias authorized the American Express Cen
psuiy to roceiveiie baggao of passeugens
from Europe uon arrival c'n New Yorh to
be forwarded immediately ki bond witiiont
examination to the principal ports of en
try i" the United States and Canada, wko?e
the duties, if any, will be assessed.
a-a. s.tMI.,u, 4t-, .. u.k
am -. at .t 1 ....a... aa... ..s.v.w.AJ1 aa US.M
Uee-slaanaryncagtv reconu. -,
..HI tli.. l..aA.- ta I hllttimilTl in fu
Uliaiv. tuvr., ... n.
, ..M I,.. U.,1 . .. f.-..- .11.1
"oaM- , - ' 3
.. , t i tr ..,. ,.
Thk Montreal Local Board of Eealth baa
ileclarLHi tlie smallpox epidemic in that... ... .. ... . , . .
. i r jinatt'jn the taJtieincn will le t.'oinjjt.'lletl t
-n .
An obixnious tenant ca a
Ctnl .. IUtt.1 rf t-riKK- Jumln I
., - . . . .. ' . . '
the other nipht In- raiders who fired pistols ,
a tkir deiaarture. !
toacE and Henry Martens, aped tvou-
1one ad twelve ytaa-5, dris-ius ia a
11I'IITI- f .,., .1-.4tTa I..- .-. a Va-s .
--T- -' -- -" - -. -
-. Z ..a IT . aaaaaaa
j.r.mi uottu, -. J., asa ooui taiitM. ,
Cottox croo report fnim nearly every
5fCHOa "l iea iBtiicari cona.erame.oatat jrjtu: the Treasure haw been
uaniatfe irom aroutk witnia tae paat lew
Prof. Riley has received infornatioB
from Motttaua Territory that eraskopprs '
of both tbe niticratory and Bon-migratory
.-pecies are swanninj: ia that section, aad
that they are about moring East in Urg
The record rault of the Coianibat(KaH.)
court House was destroyea by dynamite j
on the morning oi the 13th. The record
had been saturated with coal oil before the
explosion, and the Iom was irreparable,
o clue existed as to th perpetrator.
I AT a meetinj: of the Aiu-ociated Befsctner
ju s,ianuf.-icluren" nt lying: I'ranch re
of! Manufacturer nt lying; I'ranch rv-
ceutly it wan unanimously agreed to re-
'ace tlie I,ro,,,iction of ateol rails, to aa not
to exceed the demand and enable amnu-
! facturern to make raila at reaiuaerative
prices next yvar. ? atroyed everything in ita path. At Onl.
Unite- States Senator Coke innujpira- J the county neat of Valley County, the elc
ted the anti-prohibition camjxdu in Mc- . meats seamed to have spent their fury.
L'-nnoa County, Tex., on the aigh. of the jiany buildings were unroof ed, other
lth. shattered by the hail, wind-mills blown
News from Guayaquil, Ecuador, of July ,j,0wn, crops wholly destroyed, and th
2.1, is to the effect that the volcano of Goto- window ;;las in the south aud wet front
paxie was again in a ft tat; of eruption-
One hundred houses had been destroyed.
The loss of life was not known.
Hoi. Kee & Co-, of Saa Francisco, the
largest wholesale Chinese manufacturers
of boots and shoes on the Pacific coast,
have failed. Their liabilities are :IIU,000;
their assets unknown.
Government agents made another
eizure of crooked at Philadelphia.
The plan adopted to defraud the revenue
was the use of thick staves oijKyite the
hunghol, which prerntel the ganger cer
tifying to as much whisky as the barrel
really contained. Peoria, III., distillers
were some of the parties involved.
At Ithaca. Y., recently, a gnng of
four lnlwrer.s on The Cayuga & Lake M:ore
branch during a heavy ram sought shelter
under an overhanging bluff, when a land
slide fell upon them and buried Mike Mc-
Manns, Pat Mahon and Mike Fahey, all of
whom were killed. The fourth man es-
Ten thousand Mys were thrown out of
employment in the Pennsylvania mines by
recent legislation. Their places were tilled
by Russians and Pols
Advices from St. Paul de Loanda, West
Africa, under date of July l.ri, report that
a petty King, Coanhama Huilla, died re
cently and the natives attributing his
death to witchcraft of the whites,
massacred twenty Europeans, including
thre6 French missionaries.
A cavino-in of one of the lower levels
in shaft "o. f of the Republic, Mich., mine
... . . ...
tiood, and more nioodsuea is expected.
Henry Johnston ami James Rodger,
employes of the new Reading & Pottsvillo
Railroad, wero killed recently at Reading,
Pa., while attempting to bourd a moving
train. Charles P. Dustin, another employe,
had his head blown off by a Hying stone
from a blast.
The schedules of the assets and liabili
ties of John Roach show that his liabilities
aggregate -V-"-'-"" Ids nominal assets,
$.-,10S,0!)0; his actual assets, $1,431,140.
A man who has inspected the district in
Glenville, N. Y., damaged I y the recent
storm, says the farmers have lost 200,(J00.
On some farms heavy deposits of rocks
nnd gravel have forever ruined the fertile
Thomas Hartioan, a bill poster, of Au
rora, III., had for some time lived unhnp-
pily with his wife. The other evening ho
stood in his back vnrd and was seen to
rniso a revolver, take deliberate aim and
send a bullet into his wife's breast. She
fell dead and ho placed the pistol against
his temple and fired, killing himself in
stantly. Whisky aud jealously caused the
Chatto, an Apache scout, and two of
his companions were killed, recently, in
tlie state or onora, oy i.iemenaiu uavis
aiui nis comuiniid. un oiscoveriug in-
dinn signs, Chatto ami his companions
made a rush for tho mountains but their
treachery resulted as alove noted. Chotto
J ,..,,..
irm in tlin Mi( 11111:14 ntfisxnert
nnu Mrprwe n e.ieacu ui. uutuuiUB
1 : 1 u:.. 1.,.:
engaged ns a scout.
The British Parliament was prorogued
on the 14th.
The importation of rags from France has
been prohibited by the Rritish Govern
ment. An excursion boat was upset in the har
bor at Rouen, France, the other day, and
eight persons were drowned.
Serious gales recently on tho Scottish
coast wrecketl fishing vessels and barks.
A bark' crew was gallantly rescued by
tho life boat at Nairn.
All the drapery stuffs used on the funer
al car of New York were given by Under
taker Merritt to the Grant monument fund.
The committeo will cut them into small
bits and sell them.
Attorney General Garland has been
urgetl to discontinue the criminal prosecu
tions instituted against the Oklahoma
boomers, but has declined until he shall re
ceive assurance thnt they have permanent
ly aud in good faith abandoned their at
tempts to enter the forbidden territory.
Two colored children named Dela Jor
dan, aged nine, and George Gibson, aged
eight, were arrested the other dav at
Charleston, N. C, for the murder of Jessie
Jordan, an infant about one year old. The
boy Gibson killed the child with a shot
n. Typhoid fever ha made its appearance
in the New- Jersey asylum for the insane.
A doen of inmates are prostrated with the
Louis Hexke. of Cincinnati, first base
man of the Atlanta Hae Pall Club, died
the other tiny of injuries received in a col
lisi'jn at first base the day previous.
Two cowlny.s named Dick Jones and
Dick Cavitt were killed recently in a tpuar- j
reJ with a ranch owner near Gainesville, '
One of the Sell Pro.' circus wagons i
tipp'd over at Sandusky. O.. recently, kill-
ing Edward Fu'ton. the driver. j
1 ml-Easterbkuok. of Irainbna. O.. was
TH11h1 ?" It' a hUa o IIrits .? tli rnlla
joadin.en ltosxcat-d eoaditn.
iiton. ;
hns instructed j
thM Presidents f
T,;K Swretarv of War
-T.v,, Mil. e t.. ....f.irv.
"v- '" ..t.x-.v.
cxnl pncLnmatlon in region so the cat
ifjlwiou oii X.he Chevenne anfl Arapaho
' , . ... - 9m Mt . , .
lroaioT. their hcnl bv Settnler 4.
-.. ., ., : ,-. . .....
i" "
a. iie cel .nnrsan-i zfzai'-j. iiv
"TI" sEWKtSed
.-rl ' . ,..K. T tmk Um
. , . i i. i:.i ,i...i .
' ' d "
grtn a,!...
Kuss'Lja.ioiA.f Beldtun. i iveu
-iomrtjuctol lr. n-ainp::ouo: ti'tKi!
I.. . .. . , .
of Kur4.f the Ccvac States.
iT u ,v.r:l that a a' vil war has tvroken
sacked, red the Mah."i5 succeor and
if her nfNin1 liiir tasrn Lulled.
Fkitz Fikjj and Julius ".rolff. sailors-be- J
loainj: to the (ierruin Barfcr Morart.
art, froai 1
Haaabur?. fought the other nJt'h: on toard
Ishlu. Fien stabta?i WoliT wir h: heeth
knife, and Wolff In turn ojvned n wound a
jfoot 1'Jayj across the alslomen of k 35.sad-
Bt. kilJJmj; him instantly. Wolff v ill alo
j Dn. Metcalfe. Superintendent of the
jF.ockwood tOnt.) Asylum, who was slabbed
by a lunatic recently, died trora the effects
'of his wound. .
recently causeU lUe instant ueain oi oam- gunn!nK reCeUtK-, and came back minus
uel Darlington and the serious injury of his rJK,t forearm. yc.v tK)k j,0ld of the
Francis Hartele. Darlington was about wt.n,on by th wrong end, with the usual
twenty-five years old anil single. Barteio rt.8l,it.
hail a leg and collarbone broken. j A MXAVy wju,i nn,i ru; gtorm struck
Rooker Pickerell. an insane patient McCook ou tf,e night of the :!d. Three
thirty-live years old, from Seward, Nek, houses were blown off their foundations,
escaped from the asylum at Lincoln the another leveled to the ground, still auotlur
other night and fell under a freight train ia1,y .rUlered v a partiallv finished
while trying to get on. He left a wife and ( )rick W liHJnK lllown over oll jtt n(1 the
three children. residence of John C. Russell was struek bv
C. P. McVet, a farmer living near Oak Uj-htning and burned with most of the con
Grove, Mo., was shot from ambush the tont Mr KlIg8ell was -eVercly shockel
other morning, but was not dangerously ,,y tno ectric jjt.
hurt, the shot being only a flesh wound. , TlJE llHVorof 0mnha has ordered all sa
Much bad feeling exists in the neighbor- , ioons to be closed at midniL-hu
A lively hail florin recently left lt
J footprint in portions of Hall. Gre-dey and
S Valley Counties. Ik'ln Hu Paul and
Scotia the hail, the Ianreat ever seen, !-
of the city destroyed. Cattle utifortunately
provided for went bellowing over the
nrnirin: some were terriblv cut and muti
iaual by the large glass dike piece- of ice
which "fell like canister shot from the
clouds, while quit a number of animal
nre reJrte to have been killed outright,
'o ersoual injury is reiorted, either b
lightning or otherwise.
jnz other morning Perry Shotwell. a
cvt nt the Penitentiarv, wa found in
his cell dead, with his throat cut o that
the windpipe and carotid arterv were cm-
pltdy everei.
Ciiari.:k Campbell, a twelve-year-old
lad, wa drowurd near Crete recently.
There are fields of what near Hruwns-
t,ml ,t cinjm,j ujjl yield as high as
thirty-eight buahels per acre,
A ,',.jLliOAU grader named Regan, who
u.s atrm:k ,JX, the head with a monkev
trench by another grader namd Illnck,
sotI1(. w-,...fcs airo at Gordon, has diel from
the eff-ct.s of the injuries.
The letting of contracts for making the
big ditch that is to drain the Dakota County
slough is po.-tponed until the -7th in-t.
.-r? j
The ditch is four and one-quarter miles
lou js r!,tinatd to contain Vi.'Xfl cubic
yards of excavation, is to be ten feet wide
on the bottom and fifteen feet wide on top,
and from two and one-half to seven and
one-half feet deep, with eight feet burn.
Rids will be received for the entire job, or
for any one of the seventv-four sections
into which the work is divided.
S. Neve, a jeweler at Blair, went out
r:tin nn. nut" fr..rm.. n r..nnl of vV.
v......r ... w .. -........ -- . ... w- - -
for the arrest of Alviii Crutchfield, a forger
who recently broke jail in Mitchell County,
Kan., and is supposed to le tramping
through Nebraska. He is forty years old,
very near-sighted, talks rapidly and grins
( wnj0 talking
I At Rassett, the other day, lightning
struck a telegraph pole and knocked a man
down who was standing close by. Fuiir
men saw him fall and ran to his assistance,
1 when a second stroke of lightning struck
the pole and tdl four of the m-ii. breaking
the leg of one and forcing a bunch of key.
in the jocket of another clear to the lione
of his leg. Two iron bands around the
pole were torn off and could not be found.
At Inst account all the parties were lying
in a critical condition.
Recently Frederick iireede, rno ans
i Cinplu-txl as a lalxirer upon a farm twelve
miles north of West Point, was found dead
in the harvest field. He had eaten a heavy
dinner nnd returned to the field, nnd only n
half hour afterward was found dead under
a tree. The verdict of the Coroner's Jury
was that he came to his death rrom the
effects of the hent and drinking too freely
of cold water. Deceased leiws a young
I wife, who is left a stranger m a strange
,an,,f hcy having just armed from
mnnv unmiiwii months nt-o.
StfCretnrv of tho SlJlt onri of A
nIinoll-nc;j t,mt the c,licKO, Iir.
,. . . . ... ,. , , ,
lington & Qtiincy will make n rate of fare
' . - -
one ami one-third from Creston, Iowa, and
... .... .....
Junction for those desiring to attend the
I State Fair at Lincoln. The St. Joseph &
! Western will give the same rates from sta
! tions on their line to either Marvsville oi
Hastings-, as the case may be, for those at
tending the State Fair.
Post-okkice changes in Nebraska for
the week endeu August S: Appointed
Helvidere, Thayer (County, David Ross:
Burr Oak. Otoe Countv. Mrs. A II. Plvuin
ton; Nelson, Nuckolls, County, Jacob,
(Jntley; Sacramento, Phelps County, H ,
Theo. Wilson: Scotia, Greeley County,
I. J. Irayner; icutiry, Antelope county.
William E. Vickory. Discontinued, Hughes.
Dawes Count-.
For the month of Julj tho deaths in
Owaha exactly doubled the births, thert
were '.Kl deaths and 4 births. Of the death
.' were children under five years of age.
Only two deaths were those of colored per-
A fatient named Booker Pickerell es-
caped from the Insane Asylum at Lincoln
the other night and in attempting to board
n freight train fell under the wheels and
was killed. He had a wife and three chil
dren. recently struck the residence
of John Hanahan, nine miles from Colum
bus, fatally injuring a loy named Boren-
ski. Lightning also killed a span of horse
lwlonKiiiK to Mr. Uunlap, eiKht miles frorr died. On Wednesday erening at Li', uww mipiw n.-Bi. - "-i- UrM, Zm:h) ri.'. it hh .Vk
town. o'clock Miss Healer taken sud "Uc'' 'In draUi rjHl ! ;w;"-- "1 ,r.M.,y m n s,ih M.t-.; U- a.
A Niobrara familv recentlv narrowlv denly and violently ill and vomited until she J.? Ifu', aw,ta"7l ' " J?"'i cr St I"" "'''"' ?--J -
escapetl poisoning. Six of tht; familv ol IM mi hour and a half afterward. Tin nt-Un. acl .. n''"rr- "' ' ' .HI hn im-t. bej. rrtf.-.J
Kev. CampMl ate some meat purch'asec Coroner cave a cert licale of death fri.m "':n '"-1 ': two r.,' tat--t.s r-r4i.r la.- a.
.1 1),. ,Jr ,,,,-taf . .li,! nin fiv nth-, coiice-stion of the brain due to choiera Mead anil 4. ma.npi. ;wo run rnr :tfc ..ic J- t-.t
at the meat market, as did also five other . ,i. i ... ,,.... f . .... nret,: W lilum .iiti. Z"d H. UUt-r ir .. .. ... . . .. , t ."TT
a ? . . lt n Knaa .& al.ia a.lnli.i I
not determtue.
Thk Hussell residenct at McCook war
recentlv struck by lightainR and destroy etl
Loss, -fl ...
Football is popular at Valentine.
A Siat? Convention bar
. been calle-1 to meet nt Lincoln Wednesday
Octolr 14. 1.VC. at cven o'clock p. m.. foi
e iiriH)e of placinc in nomination can-
lates for one Avciate Justice of tht
' Siinrama Pnnrt anil fnr tirn m.mUrt nf th.
v aai aaa. . at a -sa - -- axaaap a a aa x
Board of Hepents. and to perforrn suet
other business as may be presented to th.
A Sweiie loy najacl Sndelek. livinr
near Willnr. was bitten on the hand by i
rattlesnake recently, and although tht
hand an I arm wer-"liadly swollen befort
medical atteerion wan iveH the wound.
the lad is rec-jverin'r.
The Bv-iton "Tea man has been swind
ling farasTs in Madion C-mnty.
A CLOCD-bckst near Cbadron elevatec
Lone Tretr Crerk fifteen feet in a few min
utes recently. The railroad prade for milet
p the creek was well under way, and tbt
camp on every rectwn were pitcned or
the bank of thecrek. 5ot only this, tint ;
" route wa lined witheauipraat, freihi .
c. etc In the Eroding camp, aoppliw
? and food, amountinc to tboaaand.
of grinds had just been laid in. Every-
thins avas destroyed, including fTaia.
camp. baJdin;, ncrse. wagons and tools.
Cc-ttral Cut is talking of a $"i.X
Graat monauient.
Tacax are fcrty-one creameries ia Ke
braska, against 50 ia Iowa and ICC in Kan-
pan.w.....-uu Cu --" .h.rm-er'.s In Phi'adHprna nd was p. 1
ill early in th day. All vomited blood burled at once. The house and corpse e,e
and for a time it was thought that every thoroughly Uninfected. Coroner Peale
one of the eleven would tlie. What was - afterward continued hi hire titrations nd
wronc with the meat the doctor coulc found that the symptoms in the cae were
.StrRe 9tnry frntn thr Cltjr ut ltrrthf
ly I r.
rim.Ai)KtriiiA. Pa.. August ir Jfis
AdrianiiM Psyche Rnnkle hx J:nt Ivcn re
leRse! from the Ftate I.unAtic Aluni,
whore she has Wen confined for twenty
een years on the chrje of
"extravarancc and eccentricity." Sh is
the d.iu;hur of the Into Dr. WUUm
HrinVle, a physicun who nioyel a lanre
jractice and moed in the highr: cir"bv of
tocicty here tlilrty jvars ajo. Mi- Brink le
wa an ncknowKiign! lelle, a woman of
great beauty and accompiihitie:ii5. She
wasexL'cnielvetraacan: and an mifur
uiua.e ciunce in uic nnunci.i i;an la: o:
her father nivle U imp(?;hlc for hitx U
ay her bill- a he had done N.'fre. Adrl
anna w.r unable to ovcrcom her r:ras
gant tastes. and w.thoct Vmwin;
anytiiin? of the law in "uch
cae orderetl a piano and et of funu-
lure, which he sold Nfore ja ing for lh-m.
nus proceflmg M:ilalizel Ue et to
which the Htinkl.s belonged, aivl a it j
Jtatol at the time "to save the f.tmdy
honor," Miss Hnnkle wj vn: L the
aIum. entering tlie tn-.titntioa m Ju!.
1-S). When tlie twelfth national omfer
ence of charities and correct!!. ! im; in
Wrflungton last June on f the delecA"
made the loilouiuj :a:iiHnt "A Ifauti
tul and charming voittic lad v. u.-.l to
w-alth. i evtravairant. and her father bemi
redncci m circuui'taiKVN timU himself uii-
ah to re.-rram her habit of jriuilnc Ho
concludes that she rei,uire a cutHiiaii.
and places her In a hoplUl liccd'e of her
caniet protest. He dies and I-ai hr
there. There she li.i been n-ar!y th'rtv
exr, and is now nearly i.t jear of ace.
and is still Uggiug to be rele-ed, but
the cuModian still thinks she needs care,
and she remains to this day under restraint
of her iers4n;il ! betty." This led to an
investigation, and Mivs Hriukie ni i-itot
at the Mate Lunatic Alum at Harr.hurc.
nnd a committee retHitel that there was no
evidence of insanity In her ca-e. Hut till
no release came, and the unfortunate
woman almost abandoned hoje. The re(
resentatives of the btate Comm'tU'c tin
Lunacy visited her. however, und then the
older came and she was sent out a free
woman, t'pon her arrival in this city, she
was taken to the Coi'VaN-scents' Retirate.
near (ilen Mills, where idle Is being tenderly
c.iretl for. Miss Brmkle is now a gra
hairetl woman of sixty, in the full jtos-ws-sum
of all her faculties and in good bodily
Chittto. an Aparlir Chief. Trlra tu Kej
to 1 1 llodllr bikI U Miot.
Silver Citv, N. M.. August u. A
courier from beyond the Mexican Ix.rdet
brings intelligence which is leoeued with
much .at sfartion here. On the Mil insL
Lieutenant Davis, with Ins company o!
Apache scouts, acouii;inled by two trMp
of the Fourth Cavalry, were operating in
the State of A mora, Mexico, some fifteen
miles .south of San Hcrnariltnti. The com
mand was on a fresh trail, and hot igiis
were growing more noticeable every minute.
It seemed certain that the renegades would
be iiu-rtakeu, when suddenly Chatio. the
chief in command of the scouts, ordered a
halt and called nti the ofiirers for a cninci'.
Lieutenant !:iis piomptly issued orders to
mow forward, when Chatto and live or ?i.v
other Indians drew off to one side and
moved touaul the hills to the north
of the trail, which was leading
almost title wet. I ihui being
commanded to halt Chatto and his men
tatted hi on a run. When the riniiiiimiit t
lire was given, one of the comi-anies of
troop within a two hundred anK' tang.'.
oeiicd lire upon the lleeing -touts a tt!i
splendid effect, killing Cli ttto and two of
li.s men and wounding another ami brmg-
ing the otheis to a sudden hall. The
scouts who iftuaiiied ceeinetl lo lie sHipitied
h the Middcuuc." of the affair, but
after it
had been ascertained that
was killed, thev ail
assumed an air of sullen anger. When the
courier left, the command was again mov
ing forward, but the feeling wa general
amour the troops that the scouts would le
iMt re c'ne wafehng. Chatto w.t. the In
dian who led the murderers of the Mc-
,., famlv tn Mnreli 1SS.T II..
ld always In-eu regardetl as one of the
""l Ul ",t: i .rniK imhu m .pa
dies nnd was with ictorto
his raids from 1ST'. to i.s-j.
He was a sulechlef, ranking with Ilnnito
and Natchez ami had considerable Inlliieji.-e,
not only with his own baud, but among the
Chirtcnhuas. Not a little surprise was ex
prcsstsl on the frontier when It was learned
that General Crook had placed so turbulent
a spirit in command of his Indian scouU.
m m
..,,,,,. of c.m.lrn
N. ?.. Kieltftil Jlvrr
tho Death of a Young IrUh t.lrl.
PlllLADKLPiilA, Pa.. August I.'.. The
jK'OpIe of Camden. N. J., are considerably
alarmed over what appears, to have teen a
death from cholera. The Coroner of Cam-
. who i "w a physician, w at notified
) "ten ay morning that Margaret Hc.iley, a
young Irish domestic on the farm of Kd-
ward P. Hunt, at Wnlte Horse, had died
suddenly on Wednesday evenlnc AirUIng
there at noon the Coroner found the bodv
in an advanced stage of decomposition. So
offensive was it that it had become neces
sary to remove It to an open alntL On tn
vcstigatitiK the case Coroner Reale found
that the dead girl came from Ireland two
weeks mo. Her brother. Michael Healey
of Phladelphla, obtained a place for tier
with Farmer Hunt, ten dajs before !ie
identical with those of Asiatic cholera. Hr.
How man Shivers, of Haddetineid, who was
called in to atieud the cirt did not arrive
until aft-r her death, btit he is Io of the
opinion that It i a case of true cholera.
'1"'n",r -"-
' attij-t-i Wu ., ABp,v,,-,,n,.j
rret. colore., who mumefeii i no.ei nn-
aker in a low dire Here on :iay A was
hanr-i-il nt 1rl7 O Cli-t this &Iten.n. lit
" -. - w -.--.- --
neck is a broken. He retired at one o'rkvfc
last nirht havin-; an.ers-I -alth Hev. .lck-
j his spiritual advi.-r. and hi nv:h-r
and brother. up to that boar,
He aro; at cvcn ockk this
inomlnc. havlnc oJtain-iI ht little res
and sleep. His brrasfjul ?.s Uie s bian
" -w- e aU: a small p-- o, cwrn
one lirlit roll and a cap of eoCt . aTt-
ward rnakmr preisiratKins fnr lite nil
hour. He ? caira anl st-k freeiy of a
a a -
Iteatfti Md Kr.M t.
Empokia, Ka.v Ant 1-V Berzlar
enteral the sleepin;: apartment of Father
Doadnic 3fe!r. superior of the Frxacian
F"athers of Emporia, about
rn.5ti.c't io-
ntgrh, and after Voockinr t
ice Meter tra-
concioas, robfed the afe of ita coent.
cooslitlri of moneys brJonciac t tht" ijl
neighboring rnifcas. The a-o.-.i j
tained ronW sot be xscertajLd to-. :.: jl
Fattier Meier b s:U! usevrnacioes, bo; the
doubtedlr xecorer. There U so cl3 to t&
perpetrators at the outrxja.
iiiuiuii- nil. iv f na . taavsv. m iim mm ..-. -i" Tri '' J " " '- rvmvj avMf
. . . .... ...- a v-. i - '
T - mffa a ia Fsaaaa Lai laT m mmPtsmm I ' .
ramer eci. -v-. i - v-" - for fee.- drUeraee. 4e- ay. ,. 0; cr
cond.t'ot.. aui me aoexor- iaint wj s- wl, . --nio--; o-r 0; Khrol airarxrlait I --
rH!l IJt of r.atl fTHt-l hT rri
rtht' IrNmtln!.
WaHIN.Tin'. Au5uJ li The ?';!
!nj a lit f Ulj!l ncSr of rJic
.and st which ixn (", ;al liti innt Ht
pcciSc Vnw Xlc w h Hi .ve ff"! Ny U
lrrklea: prK,ian.i mt yivJay:
Uts- lTotbr. rtk liitif.
t !
Iha Ko I'tH'h'o Touitr. 'nl
Jhn lirpa''rr. PiMt loiiirtf,
1. 1
L?:Vfnn! IlnMhr rMoCuK7.
K T. . Tuet nliunt. l
'"hn Hua. I"u.:. I utattv. Cat.
n,l Km- IU-r waif 4. ..
I J0 lft ! !' . ...
- IZ mitZrl VT"f 9UmY' :ri
! i-.rl. fW4 ?', KRU.1W,
K l- rt IVmcJ,,. K. !. t.1
V-B .V I . rr oui. i ...
M 1 i Bici. yti. ( nl. -l ...
Iim MJo. L- Ab:i. t :
tVHiwtilr A rr. B--rtJ
i4n!. Mom
Tbarir ItnnU-a. .lt r It .My.
si!ti Jrnn'i:. Jr
I OUMlt . ! . .
Jiwk A ( mt;L Cur MiMi.
' M "rltn. Allti nvntt. Wr
"htfr tr. TVm A Hir HtSKT
ttintt nti't Martyr I unt . Kist .
IV. , tn i)rf.h. 4 BV
rrU toiml rs ,S
llf. A IlrJ9. Lander Cpttatr.
Nev ....
Tritw A Zrtl:r Uw4-r VmmX3
Antnw kiia. llmi Cwjaty,
NVr , .
0 V C'c A Cn, Su Dtttjr.
Dr ! Hnr Coiiny. Stow i'mtj
Nt t.
Vn lhnn-ti Urr StV, I'oaspiMiy.
iHitotK SteV CiMnt. Nli
i'0n A m ,, ( iiustr. Ptalk.
Tiinn Kj. "H m I vittt, 1mS .
I'sir.v I nr. !m I'uuatv. atHU
" "ii li unlr. Mont
jtnrtin StfTfi' l-ll HUM;. I'M..
A lv.k ut t".unt . ii.l
M r Hi.pV.hv M-nl t i.nnf.i,ol
1 .Iuti!..H ttit ( oMUij. MH
Oil it li
II ll.' h.i I'ountf. CVrt .. .
Mel tun tlr . Urn l tttr.(a . .
J...tif ttiMham. lW-nl iOMMJ,rl..
Juiih- IUm. Hn: (Miaif. twt
A J n.l.r-.M. llt rucity. tl .
Huinhri Mt Hrul I rtntr. tt.
It S nW. Itm Counl y. t ol, ...
J 1'i.lfrr H.'Mt tint, t a
I'tm.-i a !it. Iuri.i4 1 tJhir.
v T Hum. Iji t ount..
It K Kuittxrl. Aruth ( ouRty,
I -.1
1 iH'hnfer. ArRht I'oimsj. Col
Suit. have ln-t'li lll-.Utlltr,t 01
uifiidetl In the follow uu cm:
ArViinou VitHet Imm1 imI ChtM
I !
; n
(".'IllIMUM . I ttriMto
I'm rit nil ! oiiipii'i.
1 1 nil A llunin. . ..
J)iiin II Attiter-Mtn. ilnrlt
Join- A 1 1,- -. t .r,il
John llowj-r. .'r.
Mi K'lt"ii Khih 'i. .Nt-i.r-kn .......
K'ti'Hiii n lli-r tf . NVI-rnrlm
Irti Sihn! M ntann
Murri'lii K.-.lh m.t.,
M.irkf A .'ii. l iiicifulu
It ! etiiii!it-d that not trs titan
I -'
tH'O nrre. In .olditioit to the Und" tnnt ih-(
hi tlt ahoVr list Mre ilietralS -M It'.-!
which Hie sp, rial s;rnlj t.f Jir trtAitiuenl
li.Uf not h.ttl time to nutkie ?uunMisttHi
ami nft-ille repot t.
llrtiltMi l".ii In 1 I, en.) Iwnnlrt tl .Mint
C'tu- Ihf liutit til !,
Wm.m st; v.. August IS. -Mimifi
In-fore nMu jiterl iittorinalirti reurrwd
here 1 tlat a terrible e plitsiort of pio I nd
t.ikn plare in th we-t immI if Ihe r-ml
t!5Koi' uiliis at Mrliiina. nfrrn Mbr;
1 1 out hern. It "-eeius that the (anniiiM lhl
Mipphed fresh tur to the '.nt eini to: ho at
.Moekailt:i b'okn, lf(Hilllg til MtllM-rs !
air. 1'iHir -( were bit-tiichl U the surfse and fmir or live tire ai sl,,l In tli
mine niel tan tKt hr rr-v'loil mw Hue to th
impure air. .lust lf.- ihv Mocht h.ft
went off dnt) t!i tan hra. 'the ts
knew of this ;m! w dn lite lt III" liltj
left before the ewterel the imiimi. ImiI wt
w ith-i.-indiiig the rit ti.r. trV niii.r
taking great t'sk. Tbent f.-!:it tlnrtv
men in nit who were
st pri.ii.D wiiii h.u'trrv iamp.
b it wtis well known thr, t the g.ts n-ould
accumulate. AInhiI eeuty-nve men wer
In the mine at the tune !m-i tin work ht
gan. 'I he workmen repair mg the fan wrrr
the first in ermine wit!i tlie t;ai. Aleit .i
hi'tir later the same fate happne! t m.injr
more in ll mine. H'tre the ter; faiily
...t.....l .1.... . I ... ... ....... !.. t . MMl
It , tlt't( .11' II MrtllKI llfl' .HI fc"-.,
were uiiruiioois. 111 imi u.ti mmi
rscape tlid so. up,riiib,ilent .'hi 1i-
Jale and several of his men r-s-rime nn
;onN4iinis anil er viUi tjifjei,lt r
rued. Others went down and in tin faro of
immense diuVultl-s ami in pil .'
being continually oert"ere! with
gis eot out all but ten men. Konr
' ff thove tiriiiilit out were death .Among
those serioiisly onctiiie with gas and
badly injured are Hurt TriKner. Tl'i
Ilutchlnoii. John Andrews. Jdin !'
lale. jr., Hetir) Croup. John Kastlm. 'Vil
luin Goid. hrel Howe antt other wl
names can nottK-Jearne.1 : prrsent writing.
The lioss at the uiiiie ) he nu!ihil th
men lfore they enteral the miw that Uie
fan had stopped, arnl that it nt afe
for them U enter, and the mine w, ftllinjt
with faa. Thl ! leme.l by the luiner nd
lalKirers. Th).on the rontrar), tay that
ha told them U f U work.
that tiii: r was itrt'Kr.t
but rotii'l lr rei.rrd and put in worklni
ordr In an hour. Whn trer miftnl
ever thing appeared lo b all rihl uhttl
the" brgan to mell the fUJ tu!ptiur
fumes, and tfor ther coold jrt 'mt nin
' were overrome and aufTr-ateil "Ih dta
ter is consideritl smfilxr in lt naiur. and
lands Rione and nnpr'e.Jntr! tn tii- Li
tor of miuiiic. It could hate l---n -.ljr
foreseen anl prrventl. but lsnc one nt
ele. .loltn ltd' e,j to. miner aiarMe-l
fie chddeti; Wi!!iin Vtwk. .Urer. a'e
.'u; Fry. i-el 32, ot. mrrW
two cinWreif .Sict'Us fU-rteis. a-ej v
unner. ate rto.dren. Wi'vm Kjwer. "
Z; lattrrr. tnarr.L. t-ocblllre. Am:ioij
IUrasH. arrsl a. iH.n-T. l. J"x
lirofottt-ski. miser. nisrl. tl.r eh:e
Ib.a V. Vwuo.'iii. a?nt i. SMiaar. !
TolUr'a lnal.
Crnrr.o, Ak-j4 It. Ka Veretsry TI
!t. nnw here. ri Ut Ue e. u ta
rattleaaen s 6rt cra: j tfe I Jaesena.
and AraplK- U-tes. 1st 151; la4 rrt bt
actKKietl or reetveni.' Iff tt a Vtr
tar j of tie ImU-zy:. He ' f t
ally lUted a: tfce Urn, and lt-sa-arai (
Uliat: lt hf iff'. mt I . thst las
'rrrrniMmt rTe aVe t.ui to nairr?
vsita tae rnilUrmm xM .'' tkvk !
ever it 'ramie sear. r?Vxr .' M i
taestiS or frM mtmpmi f te- laslitls
In lal rvnurrti !r tatn-adnsl l UW ii
teteen tawt t ru irtst n fttrt4 gr
ahje to tbe J;atarw tiv tn"r
not inter in f t. ?
Iaw X'T.Mt 1.x. "-. Agra's !L T
Beadquarvr. of lie Hvuss aaancsawa; u
G-s-ktU Is ptstiar of ttra-tr nu. ts
Miss Hamet E. Oreeawjr ! saCortaj fra
one of the ttranje: det. err
hh- beiievea ber-if la l Icrwf faT'l'
aat tfcat Use uupbaric iaro ef that to
pira-ton: aid ir nouauii. rrjtif af.
h-r and U at U- et of all axes a.-a -t-arrajed
b-fore her in !i th h-ds-.i .eforni
itr of the deTlI feirnseif. Ta il.siSkoa hxs
audi a strocc hoid c;o rr tis-ii ui .a par
" - - w - - - , VHVV
.'.OT5CE TO - tW
!.nt t H.inMlt.i.'i S-'f.
'HStiTit ' ' 1
Inc r-'-atirt br tf P:s- . ..
ttel smtiwivy
rrMnt r ri--' -
A"r s. ft " &
sn.mtt. fsti p... 4a4 's-
ptfct-. 4-"W !.: to f Mil 4 ..,, r
mt4rf tf artoai mm n m t 4afl fa th t
tt tu( awpi ! itm ? S
m ! ' ar .-.
-r wrru'. to t1 ?m " i.-4
Ire rmXWJ ! f sStk WMf
nt t !
st' Ta aw-f.fv (ft J
M e s tfMt vi i vl i" mtfmmti mf'
th I n tr- - f r f a e ?
pa wk r srd( ntfit. if
tn- 'tr ri ant f: ! Va m--p
tat Trf rt e mi- . -" "-
C'its1 :m lao at t"' - sr n -.
. m sr c-. fj-ral -m-Its.
ftr "i I rtM -re had n r f . -
f t- himJ r j "M Hi a -I fa '-
tn 4rtl r ! (v ,.f sVt -
mo-" ! ft fl l itU -3"r
'.hmrrstt t tN ! aast ISk. .!
iMii tsl y r - 'i .
ltirlv mi m 4l , of -
'nHIri4lllt tfjl - ) .-
,-ti . of iinet tr trnt i" tf
litfWt ewttrr ti ato-n o ! S
jattt'aBoKt t r Gmnr a ) tvsvt .
! la-l it!t t. t mwi f r str
thr puh' e :aV : ' - t..i ve -4
ffs-wi t"t mg e . l-t."t a? .
s1 I r -) - '
SA m s. Ilia" fcfl a 4
, r ' "w T' -
! ! r.J t fcat tvrh
h ! to -i wt
n un safti! . rtra..' n o a ' '
sn.l ', rttir r t at - ar ' -
fc nn-nr ftf ! j-ua
IOMS l r.k . ,
V t :! la un '! -" I
- s- t r'-H --' - h t fi
forM -I . t (r i -'
a a vl thai a. ! ia; rrsiaMir -in
.fsyiisii a 1 1 f'i't
-.Mr t f. rr tkfat n
lxM Ho . Ifcrf
I l.r.rr tr mrd "aV- ef H
I'n isj tat . !
tHt 'l.l . f a fu' - - t
th fjuf't r tH n-ttsa f"1 t-
Hir st'ra nr e-.-ra t -t1 '-
r-) txl I . f r4 t. r" '
aMr fi. l erji.-at trwi t
nf t.4rurlifs bv !.,'." .t N rn ...
t f.vr Itir-! ft r. motat -n "
t rail' t llrr't f "" avajr f' -
ua ivt tat-. -s nr tttrns't' r .
1ito stt nttf pmrf lurk !'. -
tubr t ar aiBxt r
unJri Ifce !. . t tfc I r -i "
r'Mineaftt it r . r mt I -2-t
ft tfce I a tt stat sta
ttuti 'm? - ! r4 IB tht-a M't-r
tnhrt.hv.r-t an 1 a. tN jir -"a nt Ifcw
net nt t egrrt- brrn rtsj t N failk
toll tlfnr4
III t-t m.tat hrHt? I & frtat. !
m haivt s. e'.t the Mvi of 1K I a I it
Si air- tn t aGI i.t
tant at tfc Citv -i Wsslntn IM "
ltt nf Aoit aaa an.' tf ta .lif'iB
rf IK I n'lr- aatt -f AaavrtsMa. tfer -n
NUMdrtstt an.) ivnth
C.a4ta) it ri at. lv
T. ". Itt 4H111, si-rtr ,' "4a
Tlt tini.l t,k. mI l " '' ti
I'rliMi ltllil i4 Injur!
I.r t't Kv. .aaurt It
t)taattuis fife bioaa tMtl lu la ltrtt
xorto Mtinsl m!i lro 4hMt; !Ut t
rlrH last n:i whirl rLSittal n
hw uf ? J7Voa the t Wtl 16
th mI .r uf tw Bit rxiililim
IL dus rnuatii arr stii4tal mJ la mp
.wmI bt hat Maa enuait bj sa,Hsit'
sttuti!ttei "Th rhutMM fras4
k" thr.ttiwjh th r,.ila lA4hHr u taw
grain bins in thelo'f lntia 4 in ft
INHUUr'S lt htitlMNJi biitlni; is
(ante. Atanil this liwtm ttv Uttrx
iipatrtiiif Umi tiptatf ftr -a.
tt and tli Ir-tiit ,,!! Ml wf .'Vtal
Nfrntrn mftxl a n'ln.'-r f erwa ra
rai t4 a lsMr U. Ut upp f i.!..
l th titiw a Ml the nrrafcaat rtrtiti.-l
pretaSt na It wax laal mrtw fast
Ixarn buiitsl rMHiMtUi th (avtliim lnt aiff
lltit"t. n .WM Ha til rltttnl of bu( aiel
ViMtk rmsl a4f tsrflvl IMiHfasI lat
wirrt takrti at U rat , Jnin ,
a Ur-iai. nasrivtal a vt rv! w, ntwl
shd hi Krtirnil btu nl up el it
ttmtvti ta injurt-t lutes?' I y let 4-'ti'f. i
;iit; ;! nhn wiay ataatit( tatth !? '
itr, a . takta mil atl it a tt.iijM
that h miU tt, haig rwrwutal a t'anrf
tMti sp ntMimi aM !akVtiiiaf tbfit. !a
Joi lea. irftKgc Hratty. t twwtaa Ka
tioltih. 1I Shrtaicr att aasr rai
iHhn rrsfukfuai Itijnrtas. Ill rjsjlr
hsitklin? atMm eatMtJ ta
thes jm1 11 ltls Ut a tlllt aV sfwag
tlie nhole !!- uf r-iliitfiWat &t;n,ng
M:d n tmt ih rrtt nf ttw airtfjMPft nt
the hnni) part.lom !' at t . Ii
it).) n.i tftfi tht f-mttni art t't !..
anl s vioa a p.if.;a sfU-t tha hat hmt
iitsults Hten U wft di.iK-tik- In tJar1
ruins. .HlKirtJy ef..fs. Riblnictil Vm trfr
of a ymiriiC sttta sain .iifa p-t V
tet) in )mn. w tkft (lift lit ruins.
The finjiw a rartil lo tl pr kwout
(jii.irtrrs. nbiTf una fieiml tlt U
that ut Kdarl M'"f.lot It . fawsj!
IHW llJl KfMJhl lll
tt fotind in th.- rum, at xfct)
men wll orV all aiat Tan l
meal nitll ws ufe bjr l-l
pony ait rtrlM om n ilea)!" tioa-.
hain eerl tlfge I rtrrumtfll r,tfrt(
ll sit Irtl it llit'r n)M Jraf ! aaWl th
buihlmc lwJ inv li r rat &.". irOU The,
i!t-l. if frs n and I t'-rtt oi tea ia
rstlnt!t at f,'.-fe mallur a tUl ks at
70,a0. on htrh thrfn i If taoaro r
ai-Hit . a .r tou Tbo t--r ami
hi (tlr of ( ak In .1 kM. Jwl,MiJr.
had j tlnfl;-d tj tt. Iml t ll
foreretj by ;nijf,- J: 0iHa h,'i
tslietl eit A .lr tw i'-Ut 'rit. )alr4y
etenini Th' I-aMtf Ul Tttnr Ctrm
ia also on fir mS , ge by !,
dfniit- tvi Ut Uxt tanml nt Jl.t,
which tt also nefl by latrie!i Th
I'rit-nVr hHn ii lref le)tal- l.jratrli
had all th rtTeett awi Hai mtrt fts.
hMrsl frwwi l rm.M nc. It i tlMnct
the U:r at ful by th eiaakak asiaWut
in th rani.
tt -"ii
Tnt. " i ,
I'ttmc Amthttni mA tu aft h i
nreat ia pti fMtf MttA .t li lant'i.t ,?
fnl sawl t he (Mrtar f t fx 1 y. hj-,
Tbe nfArrt r tx.ij rfarl 4.ta.
nr to tMr ttse j art of t naa f,t
MSi' "j$e-srf r.,rmrtUm al'rvMt.
lie i.':t t.. Kai io4,j. im ia yaa.
s .'nai A'trt 4 4aitfl ". mm9t
at MtM- Ma4 tha t a 4riri SatfK, ti
hmu -aaaraVs, ota-r haa day avf Su&xX.
tlMtr ta.
N'rrw Ta. t1 ta TW JfretafafV
,fwsa! Vinat rM- ar Mtauaiav Cs'
aaytWaVe, U Uaa aVbaa ko-t awt a fc-r
tx.e4. U I3 tak piem yfjbhy r. frta?
awit. Mr. Ca. hmm. aaa Vtm OaeiaSr
1; rwasritaai by tt MranaaNar taf Tmgm XI-i.-.
!ar anat iai atatag him (faHa
l. rrV'l wtta (ran aa mmmtm h$ law "
tars. At aW afaa4aarr !? ' Mr "ii
witj frrmt thm .srMi - a mmimt
tike tJhtiQK- af a ts IUkakMaV a raraa
itatat K!i srwal pr,rawaa .-
aaatiaK sra.M raatta. 3kea i;J
lat ?-; iwiar ilm fmtrmai& mi law 5aV
CanrAtM. Atft IL-TW f:iiaj:
natr. takes ;: aOrta! tbUrat c
U B: Trat! Art itve aaaeanXwt eaa
tn tie- I aut4 tasa aaaS aaua -"
tafda. Acft W aa4 Uae ir:aaaiatox rrjiH
er Cri' ta jrria-
e V.'fi-it. im.m.iW Uum4i.
i&erea.. ;:r n tMaUtrls. Cs.
lS-:i tathe, 4-;ea.S U9J1
tah. Oat ; crT t NJWt tirj,
ESI. pa bt.. K)r it. 1.1 Jxisfte,. j&-
cre. ix I &a4-JL Anj ;
ayatzt-A. t.V&9 Vaavlt. TV; jacmtat
aia ac zot m Cata-9 a Six tUe
t u. Wif.t. H,r74.: tfcsl;
j eof-o, TiijiiZ siai. is. i.i,st.: 9tsu,
J rj. S3.1IJ tctiel. ad trfr, i bcaUla a
:: TV