The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 07, 1885, Image 7

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Tlio l'arinrMll an.J Olhrr,?pCm
I.ntnos K,.r.. to Carry th,. MnlU. Whirl,
Can tin, l'..nltnantor ;.-nrrnl l 8tt
Some IMain Fiicln.
Waviiixi.iox, August 1. Five Amen
can steam-nip companies the Pacific- Mall,
San I'ruiicitto to Australia: the Hed "j '
New York to Yene.uela; thy Civile, V.v
Toik loT-.nk's Island; the New Yoifc, Ha
vana & Mexico and the New York and
Cuba, iUcs have declined to carry t.V
rnltwl States mails after to-day. In ro-u-inwitiiur
u:.nn this anion IMstmartur Cen
tral Vilas said: "CeiUin Ameiican steam-
fcnij. im,-,, probably under the lead of
-a'e coitipeiisation
for carrying the mail.-
?o:n.-of them wrote to thr Jvt-olllce Uc-
Tinment, desiring to know what terms
woiihi he i:ivi. I pro-iow-i '.n wh of the
fomimi, t ro to the full limit ihat ir-a
law could allow, and
a vv .ii . to them Loth
sea and inland postage. Tliis i about tlrre.;
times what they had In-en leceivinc; for the
xime service duiiii' the past twelve y-jars.
Jt jS
'imir.r. -iimis v.-a, J3 i.aj
f'Trarriieca'-iossUitt Atiai.tie, r.nrt Jt Js
P'ohahi) in most c-Rses all that Pli.n.ld be
r.d for enrrym- the maiis. The eomj.anieS
w.-ie till aotinjr in ronwit, and in con-e-j,--e
of tiieir '-oiiibiiiatiou, r-fus.-d to ar
rej.t th.-veteiius. whiel, v.eie so liberal as
'ouipur.v with tln.M- tlac-y had had. The
feei. j M.(Misf. tl.:.t they can drivi'thf (Jo--imiieit
wit of the .motion u hail taken he
left.iiS Jo can- the mait.s few ii rom;.ei'-
Wltloll otlelfd. The 'OIIiijt'B M'l-llled to
think taut if they icfusi-.i to rany the
Jiuids theie would be. no other cour-e It
to :i..- (roveMiiui-iit but to make eoiitraeis
iwiii them ami distribute ihe e onev. S0-.-OflU,
ae.idinlj. A ri.iii.hte whednle f.'r
be ti-ausp-iitation f mails ha, been ixr
rat -ei. and the will all eo ,Vitn ei litllc
!ib-teiK-e m point of time Vt the jHiint of
Ie-,t nation. A statement hrm L.e-ti
made in Um iiew-paiier-. to the etb :t
Ihat the Tin:...! hiat. s ;cri)iiieiit i
not as Iibeil sin (.reat 1'iitaui in mmit. u
satm:; steaiif-hip J me. In noint ot la'-,
the niJi- which has ln-cn olloied t our line.
veiy iinieh even-its the rate i.nid by :ieiit
J.utam. I he tte wi Oileiedisahntilosxl-
tl.iec ernt iiK.rethan llntish lino 11-
eeivo from their Co-. eminent. It was a
'.f.'.e Mail,. C. , ' ", . .' " . !""'"'' , ,- , :....m1 n- ,' nn.l .
:..., , ,. i"-.;j, uv'i gr.-iomi orlec.iMng, and tie f-MiIt of """ ," ",'"'," , m ,J '
it .i coiiwi-naliuii wills the mirjKi-e of ' nw.,1 of the m-.v JVenc:. gon h tm-ir ' "( ' ,nib-r " vcIopa-dia have it
fonimithedistiihution anion-; Lliein of the , siWn: of elegattt drap- v a crviug I"Jm""'1- j
lOcMHji) nppiopriated by fonKrs for mile- n motJ.-rn d.-.-,-. It i, "th .-liffn - I)r- I'OJMn, Cml'-d States .Minister
iate i;iih-,!i!i dil I a rue. mon- than nu-rhl to
be j..od mit. The iJoM-sument h-em-it -t
a fan to jjo to the utmost lenlh win h
law and k-.isu:i atluv.eii. m older to aoid
a-i, ditleieuei with the American .steam
hinp eoiiimi:ies until Coin.'! csrdHillid lliret.
The deiaiimi-nl has made mi-Ii airane
meiits that the public sillier no inconveni
ence WulU of meiiliuii 111 lesprct tocatr
in4 the mads and in .-nine cases notab!
the (.'iiimn mails w II he expedited." The
Siipoimteii hut of the I'oreijrii .Mails said
the Amciieait comiianies hail teliixed an
oiler ol !-1.iW pe: pomnl for earrjmj; the
mail. This is what if known as the omi
f billed
m.Avn avi nr. ro-rxor.,
and U equal to S",-eu per ton that thov le
et-IVe at (lie plesellt late, or -t J cents pel
pound, 'lie- I'ostiunstci Ceneial h.i di-
ieei d the to'lowiinr hani'es to he made m
tite dispatch ot i-oiiespoudeiu e foi I'ou-Jirn
eiiuntiies. t take ellfs't on the 1-t of All-
yn-.t- Mails fn Ciih.i. Iieietufiiie (ii-pntched
b um tiuii. i'v "oili, to he Iii u.u!cd to
v "v Wi-st, I la., vi. 1 Ttmpa. I'la., ioi
V'bpatch loin Key West pi l! bv
'ntcHiiici. which leaves K'ej West for l!aau.i
eT edlies.I.i all. I I'lldill. (one
spondence fii New Zealand and the Aiis-
tialMII colonies, heletoloro included III the
mails made nn at San Kia.a i-co, foi dis-
patch to those colonic-, t. be lm waided e-
c!us!vel vi. 1 (ileal I.i ititti; in mails made
ial Now iiil. its v.fll :H Jsan l'i.tncisc(.
'ijien ! eii m onlv one disp.itch dining
August nei, on the 1-t pioMino, ti.HM an
I i.uiei-o tor China and Japan ibiect, corre
polldcllce Ioi (htu.i. .I.ipan and the l!.ist
Indies lo be al-o tot warded until Almost
V.i. 1mI ( Itr.talu. in mads rrmn New
N oik, as well as Nm I'tain'l-en iimiN. made
ij at New 'oik, to contain all iciii-teieil
oiiespoitdcitce foi destinations above
liamcil. .
SELL BEFORE LY.MCHBURC. Tsriily Vein- .ller 1IU Itoily Is
.ox.timI in it l..;ne llilloek.
l)i Moimk-,.1 v., Aiuiust 1. A vciv' ie
maikablc cate of the liiulimr and nleiilift.
cation of 'the leiuaiu- of a I'liion soldier
twenty j.irs alter he fell has just comic to
luiht. Ilutimi the war a In other of !r.
Coiiwav, of, enlistel in a IV1111
svlvauia leuinient and went to the (unit,
lie was cnnnufil in .Illot of the battle-in
ticinia, ami finally fell before l.ynchb'iiii.
In those davs., when the dead almost equal
ed the livinjr. he was buned witlimit beiiai
lecoiinied and aptcaitsl on Hie limstei-ioll
Tfftei the battle a.- "mit-im:." " oimn
Coiiwav. ho far as the fainilv could
le.nni. was .-een to fall in the limit of a
rL.irii acam-t tJie rebel biea-t work-and
then all trace of him was hist. The war
pa cd by, ami despite the nin-t eaieltil in-
juine-, no trace 01 the Skj ctnld be loiuid. mitiitl I'r. ronw.iv .atteudeil a Na
tional Medhiil Convention in IVnn-ylvaiiia.
and. when it- session had c'o-cd. extended
his jotiinev into itim.i to search for the
rywaiu-of Ins oIiherbiothcr. After visit
i'mauy Kittle-field- lie (inr.Ily went to
l.vnclilmi'i. xiul llieie ui-coeieu aniim 111.11
bad been a iuemtcr ol the -.oue icmmcnt
as the deceased and who had seen In 111 tall
Jitter the battle the man had been a mem
ber of the initial part. oiniti I011
vay had mil been buried in the
tretiche- but m a separatv croiuid
on a hillock neai by. and which the
man said he t2ieii(iht he could lecmiine.
Addinn him to Ches-earclimii party the bat-
Vl-irroimd was .aietullv .-coined iiuul Hie
lone crave di-c.ireied. Of cmir-e. the nY-h
had lisapcaicLtliiit troin a peculiarity ot
the teeth Oi. t-.-vvRy vas lully aiile to
identify the leiuxhis. Auioiiti the reiiriants
of clothimi wa-fanil a -mall vial tuhtlv
corked, iuelo-iim av.lip of p.ijer on vhieh
va written his hriAher- name. Whet, he
vent to cite arui h told the. family th:he
had a )ie-entiuein Ihe would not
olive !' tiuit. llii Ki'.i:uiti(ili to sis'llli She
v'entttieation of his body. The i-
wre elmiiusl ami icri.teried in the fauii.y
luirial gioLiid m lVimbf lvauui.
Tli CHtlleQiiefH" Knelivt.
-..... . i.. -. . c..t... ,i..
v mi .t. i'. ;i i.,.i5UN i. .i-. .", ot j
iucliidi ti an al;iil di.tuwv.d mvk.aiv.
3earl eainnes, -and a silver -noou with an
aliened diamond in jhe IhiwL Theii vale.t
iisa - cl ly :i jevT4er. luuniuued to -It.
he uit.-it .variable trticle beimjihe tuivi
Slotted Jlaxk Crituc.
Hactok. Atuittst 1. Gcenre Hntrfiint
vlio Iiad bivu misstir: and who. ii was
-fhouzht.wii:liibetho.wn whose ttfeI
tody was found in the Ohirles Kiver Jrdv
4, has up alive ajid .veil, so tho rive
has two iimtJorous secret. Several i;r
0lJs who were passum orir the
on the
iai wiiit-i - i'"vj .ii uuvui.w;ed--Oittleg,ieeawfiIoiustol:.Te.x..-S ..... c.---... .. , , 1 ! iijt :.r-t me am! enoviu- onelr! by tl.e pn)pr.etora- detti-
incidental ot ncr of foir hime innehes. I,of- Iolm &'Wl M:u'k:c. ai the ' XervV.u:rh. V,"e -ire in excetle-it lu-tl'h. ,:K':ilal sf n: h-struetive. ITms we
Sl-:O0O wurti of -took, auifi diumxids to 1'rcrsii,, u-irKr!y. say: -V the Thel.iyi-ai. crawl :ti out on 'all f,mr ' are t",,"l"' . -!V"i- nntong the
thoAalueof ?r.,000. who i,a.s Wen attract- rfi-4iplinary value of i-l:i ic.-l learnin- Sloping tiu the :ie can b said 4,f .n" an" tird cl:t-- the unused
,,uUu.r1heilSii!m"b at.! that tor four rca-oas. I :h, m-: - -atihcally -peaking. y; -
f jewel- and Inv trunk a- colmteml foi an 1'k"'. I "ll not I lit think that Wi - "f "V. L . J r1 "' : ctv.wc sJx.UHrrk.u::u, pro.!nrEt
moiaid bill areiritinir 5T.V 'the mimeiiv n.-ir:ieiilsr irMie 1-is K-.-m .-i,.!, ",c"- n -Ml.wl mtnner that so et.cit FT.t4
i - j- - .,-.----..-- . ..,... .... -.. - W 1V !.. ,-.. . T .
jiin "-- - -j j --....;, i. 411 U.V uv.uaiu u: iiei
..!.,. nt twenty roughs pursue t-'e man. Ksan- rai'ms ! c?t- i I.-,... mi..
..:!. r ..f flirt 1-ntHIII SSV Il!tV VT !1 mil!'' ilf
jsnock bim down, beat him bniully and 0 e anv pureJv aiseiplinarv ir lie in
S.- throw hint mto the river, luey ore all Greek or Latiu which is no: found ?
If x .r:iietl and nm for their lives. As th.'re is ,,.,, ,, . .,.- . ' ,uu" ,a
A Si V io c -.fwslnc the dead man U uppol to ; iVi",-' , ' I !' " C1 ".
9V4'. . ... ,...n n vr-.tii'pr m mt ruv i . .. .-uvauu ju-
styles That Io Not IiinVr Materially from
TImmc of 1'ormrr V:tr.
Now thai the summer fashions have,
oecoine not a prophet, but a fulfill
ment, it Ik rather difficult to M'c how
they d-fler very saliently from those of
last year. True, in the l:tt",t drc-cs
from J'aris there are strange innova
tions, vr, rather, revival-., of long past
models -padded pau'.ers, -lulling out
the hip a la Loin- XV., and .skirt-
lightly tied round the knees aft-r the
manner allotted idil veitri :iro.
of lold and pU.t in kirt :hi- mire-
tio;in ' t g.itn-vr of
''to",e ,,ot l",h' ,,,,,m3,1 :
iotl "-, l.tliti"'
orm thvine. but
the V-ifl.,- f tJ,J7. ..... ..'..Z-i'.i-, . 1 '? middle name was Kdward. -'Lit-'
to the tlr.-,sni.ik;r'-5 trave-lv tuen-of - , ci ll- honor from tluil -..-at of Iearn-wh.i-h
r-mJT th- more ittitrammeled " Cuc-i'o Inter Uo"in.
"r:if if l':i rf.v.-A. fittr! tfilf.f.i- lifltur. !r ( iMi!!iri( 5 .!! tft v n mi.
Jnir fronts if mini! fw otierdrcSiCa, so
v.-. :eome to tin- .
Tne tea ov.'n now is being traus-
muted iii'i a dinner in .-omo
as -, ami on th -l:.". a-tn--"i have
ladiV v.'.-.foijfcn it tor its jiicturevjue
piUir and of the wearer -j movements
and am. In truth ,-ome actresei
e.irr; thei: appreciation f the ba own
too tar. ami the ovrd:v."-.,n, wii ch is
the fault of the rta both on and oil" the
.-tajre, reaehes an cvr.5 when a Ja.l-appear-,
in a mo lern eonn-dj' in her
own hoit-e at eleven a. in., in
a jrray ;md ittt.n embroidered witn .-1!-
er. and with tulle .-le.d .'jianprlc I front
and transparent sleeves.
ronnet- Inue "row 11 ever hihur and
hijr'ier, liki- the wei tl-, in the -lujr.ird
rardi-n: so, foJIowm the J.iw whic!i
rule- fashion a-, well a- otiwr human
matter-,, we may h.iddeiily eject to ve
them lowered as bv one .-troi.o of an
e-eiitioners sword. A- it K all
t,ir.n ha'e neartv d appeared, the
l,,.i"Jit of tin-bonnet ab .v.-the brow i.e-
-- - " ' - v
in fo.tiid -insularly imbecomin when
uomb ned with a bow under the chin.
Whellier the pre-ent mania lor trans
parent lnxtd-jj-ar v. ill I.t-t i-a matter of
quest on. Nervous and old-fa -hnmed
motht is tak; alarm at it, and predict
either .-uu-strnke or iieurah.a to the
wearer.- theieof, jtrovidm a- the wind
blow.- hot or colli. T11 at tne -hape- of
this ear's hats are almost universally
U!ibeew!iiin' is jjcimralh allowed, and i.ein,, who r-rtt more fr
th- charm of their appearance than for
mere novelt,, elin prelt eo piet-ti-h
little Spani.-Ji wh.eli are
neer old-fashumed, and eschew the
hih-erowneil airetu-d mon-tro-ities.
which nearly alva.s call attention to
their own nodding spleiidors, and not
to the t.sce b-nejith, of . hn-h tin; head
gear -hoiilii if but the frame.
As a frame, lew leits are more be
eomiii"; to younjr faces tiiau the .sailor,
which, after heiii unseen anion"; 11- for
n-arlv ten ear-. four ear- a-o Mid
denh -prauj; into life. a the most
sensible, p ainest and prettiest hat tor
e-irl- deoted tf tennis. The attempt
i turn its -impliitv into a suitable
hcad-"jear for letes or town bj
adoriiiii'r it with ribbon- or llower-..
proved, a it de ered to be, an ijjno-minioii-
failure. The -.ador"- hat -hows '
it- oniriu too tilaiulv to be d sri.i-cd '
alter -neb a la-h.oii. and ob-tmatelv re-
Ju-etl to look rood form" out of its
proper .sphere Nut in that sphere it,
ha-no rii.ii, ami it' ivnat--ance ha -
ated lat-eeh n the whole -tvle of ten-
111-frock-, vrh-cli have rnvvn .steadily1
prctt er and more -eiisible. j
Not onlv .-ibbou-, MirbelowK and 1
lice-, let alviue tho-e mu-Liu "jovvn- mi
dear to the heart of painters of nver-,-ide
scenes -uue few vear- since; not
only the-e are now tabooed a.- unsuit
able to boatmjx or it kii.dred delights,
but women have discovered that cot
tons. I roes-, etc., on t .e water lose
their fresh net- uircctly. et erca-ed and
I mil and tleje ted. and that lor 11-. a.s
for men. Ihv.mel and its kindred '
.-lull'-an the only Jit river and tennis
wear. The di-covery ha.- been lol
lowed bv a bold raid mi ma-ctiline
ossessiius it the form oi th- ipia nth
ami bright h -triped cricket in"; lian-nel-.
and by r. certain .-t.proim.-ttiou to
ma-riilme ecar in the ta-hi mill"; of
-kirt, jacket and loo-eh tied s Ik -c.irf.
The -kin- -of Mich frock- may be
made a- plainly as tin wearer 'will.
thoii";h vvoiu-u would do we 1 to iv
ineiiii'er thai J he lerlecth unailorucd
hou-e-maid -J. rt if be. oiuin toverv
tew. and thiC a laven-e or ti-hw.te
tunic and oj u jacket o jdai:: tlannel
over a -tnped -kirt and -..irt are pret
tier than a complete .ebra cosiume. -
peci.iliy when die tit ripe- of tiie -tull
are rather vuvutit in color ri.e. T .e
red and blue in nwre popular than ever.
0111 10 our niitiu .1 1- 100 not lor sum
mer; -ea ejeiif atid dull Line- are a
-ofter eonidnatiou -a harmouv in-'eal
of coiitra-l. and quite a- serviceable.
(. "otton :iviv ir more u-ed this ear
than ever IJtre. aid Js now made in
manv dull shade., that, together witti
it.- wrinkled surface. rive it the .-oil
charm of aa Ka-tern Jabnc. It ha-
the a.lvaii'aire. anil always pos-o?-eil uv
couou sin.:-. n lootxiiie; .wen made up (
with -ilk nr ci'ti damask or velvet; '
but laee. except co:u Greek p nt. or j
any tr.mnnn list.nctively We-t-Tii m
appearanc . ti.-tnu-its beaut v at once.
o material - -o tiv.'tul tor everv-day
white die e-. c"tc. a it neetl onlv n
wa-hed throu::i am! n'ruii out. then
hlt to drv and -haken out into crinkle-
lt hs own vviliT without bemr
ironed nr j;ot ip iu auy way. .V. i.
. ...
nve:.-tated by the intortetcti chu-s of
purely cla-sieal t ;ieher-. In the --(
oiul jilace. it is certain li-ai the dis-;
c value of a language deneajs ,
::iueh 4uore on the teacher ihac on th-. '
tomjtifc. Tne meio K-arning of a
language i- a verv poor d.-eiphne vvheu
u impart d by a man w ho iias not a
,,inn hi-tric:il. philosophicst and ph:-
- '' ? i,om OI iu uw third place.
for the important branch of educ-uiou.
whieJi eotis-i-t- in the :t ctt at - oh-erva-tion
of fact-, and a habit of just gen
eralization, it is certain that the ua
tural hmouccs atl'ord a d scinlinc as
"" ' I . - - "J,"-f11- iuHiiig as ,
ciit.fti tt .i- i;,..-t,t -- fc ..r.: .??.
111- III'IIIII -. T VTI Xlkk . J-X . m ... ..
.1 1
ne. the indium it allow-of move- br ,. Ui..iti. . .. ,,. ,.f Uerne tne.r support irom emre ren- to iu '.N hile itt ihe who e couotnr U
ment. sml the r:ef it atffnl from tii.-j iv:--f .tr.t.:. ... ' T-..-i ... i;e. dcn-il to them, in tne w ay oi ; fai-il.tat.nir 1 intKrtion of w.uneu chii liva ' S
.sti!!iie, 0f the froe.,-5 at Mmna Althof. a poorxomi" Axm-nraii l,,c 'torchaa-e of roic" or of per- , anionj: wa-eanwrs t 0. m trade "Jf Kn
jre.eiitinvo(., :t,,d wl.nh. with their art.-4, at 'lahe-ton. TeC. ivc nhv. i f""""1? ,(L",la".1 p-r-ual service tor ,,,! trac.-iwrtt.on it Ls only !. but Wmr, m licwumg.
:tlK.nci of trn 11. amiditmleof iwrnure. 11,, ,-n,.t the wmii" Irulv muk or :. " auu lw :. iru.n-ru 01 1 u, prueikual naU p r.tiai cnice it dawnoi imtt
vi.' irt?-il vv.nt f .f.i,.:!,hli.ii.t" .... ,1. ,.....f.. :, fn ... .1 tiii-irown ineiii!ur. I .ie proporuou I u 710 or uearlv three- fourth of iho warain
1 i... 1. ...... t- a- f .t... . ,. . 1 J of ihee toiio- ar- nearlv a ffMlowa: f uttt.. ! frll.i- ihn.(in tKt tt thi cirao,iU
u itn rMi iiitii i 11- rijri . in t jiiT "- it. f- f . i ..'... . .v.-. - . . ... ... .. .
t . .- -. ...
It is estimated that &HM was
?pent for 'lowers at the funeral of Vic
tor Hugo.
It i stated that the Atorj have
paid at the rate of fi.0.''-0 pr acre
for land in Wall street, New York. S.
'. .4-M7.
Mis- Caroline Whiting recently t-ci-ebrated
the liftieth or golden anniver
sary of her connection as principal of
Public t-ehool o. 1 , .New i ork Utv
A". Y. Tri'mnt.
The Atlanta Constitution ha ti
tled the fact that General liobert K.
I to ( nl1- w" 't;l', ree:vel tie d-jrree 1
''o-ioro: i.-.i. irom tnt- t mver-iiy oi
' 'aiitiajro. ii th- hr-t ion-truer to re-
. jvaran'-e acd maun -r- th inaniation
' of implicit', though n-ally one ot the
;hrwd-t of v.omeu carryinj; out her
ni-laid"ft li-a in her rnt:on with
oth-r- and -ouimiltinjja blunder.
The late Charles O'Corio". after a
v":: to Irel-iml, bee:;i t sin his n.uiie
w.Jh a hin";Jo t--becd,i-.e. : .Judije
Dalv fujr,:e-.ted when akiili'r ry..t-K3i).
U'n voval foros'.uTt lu.i
d.)ne mi.
-Vc-," sairl a bytianoer, "the IrUh
Kii'i had ahvav- Ihmmi so jioor a never
ltl j(. :l,;,. t( ,,j:i.:i, j;0lj, nn meet.'"
A". . Mnd.
Dr. William J'erry, of Kefr. 2..
II.. in b's n.nety .o.'enth year, and t lie
oldest Iii!i radtiate oi Ha'Vitd. ae
eo.nnanied Koberl l'ulton on the trial
trip 01 the lir-t -teamboat, Aiiut 10.
l-o;. 'J"j,.. uUl doctor, wiio i-jxrlrayed
in h- 'randdau-rhter - (Sarah Orne
.lewett ) -'O-y,
in-.Nt- that th
ine ocniry in.cior,
name of the rr:ift w.-t-,
Katherine of Clermont. bosLn -lour-
"V TIUilL .ilt4-llil I III .r 1 Ifll I1IN 1 F..1TI- .
f 4 I . !... ... II I.I
--A rinr was made by :t Air. (iennet, read 1 1; admit that the tieures them
of K e!imiiid, Va.. for Mr. .Jacob K.e- m-1.cs are not infallible. The jrroupin";
!..'., .,n the occa-ion of hi-marriaee to of fn-o in the ceiiu; returns aie im-
.Miss a herine de Castro .ler-
lo, "'.i. When the twain ce!e!iratil
thMri!ver weh!iiir. in js.;ot .Mr. Ccn-
net added or welded ano'her rin"; on
the iirst one. and lately the two were
-eul to Uichmond from Cincinnati,
where .Mr. I..ekiel re-ides, for Mr. (en-
net to attaeii the third rintoth-other-'
lor tne polite : weit Jinr. .-.. u. Jtiitt
Tw years mjio ( harls T. lJ-' mond.
a o ir clerk i-i New Yor.. -1 crctly mar
r. d a ilauhti r if ex-Maor Kl. a
iii'ilio'-Tiv. of .-s.iutli Nor, alk. N. .).
Since then t'l-v hae In ed a-tmmairied
people, and the oun; lidy h.i-r ceive I
mtieb attention fiom other ireiitiemen.
The - erel b came kn mn recentix. am!
th yijimr In ly bean etioa for a di
vorce in the New or!; courts, but the
mi! iona're has became reconciled, tin
-ul 1-Withdrawn, um! Mr. and Mr-.
I'avmoml went on an extended wed
! no; tour.- .V. '. -.
K'e.. Jacob Hood am! his wife, ot
l.vuiiiield. rec-ntly ob-ered ihe -ity-lilth
anuiver-ary of tin r marriage.
Mr. Hood is n nety-three year-old and
his wife i- e!Lrit-eirh:. "Master"
llool. a- he is knnn to hundred- ol
people of in. it ure from l.'i to
.. ..
i ls:i.i wa n li'teher m the imiilie elio..l-
, of ."-ab'ni. and for littee.i vears more
ho t uiirlit a !sinirnir -hoed. Tin
! generation was repn-t tiled at the
I Mtheriii"- :tt the re-iden.e of the ared
coiin e. I neie are livtne-twentv "r.ind-
1 - r
ind ciirht irreat-raiidch hlreu.
and there was a plea-:mt reunion of re
latives and triend- iluriii"; the -ifler-noon.
- Huston .Uirrrfistr.
N"o intention h .s vet been mani
fe-ted by p- ople who ue the hlephom
cu-tojiiaiv exchimatiou
shcolo"' Huston Lin-
Fohii. what is the best thine; to
feed a parrot on '" a-kctl ;n el ierh
!ad of her b ichelor brother, who ha'ed
parrot-, r-enii." ";r:Hy an.vvered
.John. .V. )'. liu'n jicmicuL
- 1 ra.k showed the jdcture on his
slate -It'- awful bad." -aid tea-iur
Ivute. "Ju-t like t!ie small-tiox.'
... M.a . . . .. -
Kounu'ic younir 1 d"c- who open
their ea-eni nt- at uiht .uid :.i.e pen-si-.elv
U'on tin moon are er fo.ili,b
! The moon i-i'lo.oiM miles d -taut, ami
j if there w - a m -n in it they couhln't
j eet him. h t'- the u-e of beiii" tin
j rea-o i.ible? A". '. l'o.f.
I .Lu t'uba. when the ovrrnment
i wautr. tod -e plmeaneil.tor. it Mispends
' i. - paper tor tortv dav-. Thi- i- "le-itf
.1111 I'M the editor. He e;ets ;: iroe-li-h'n";.
ha- a irood t m psicrallyaud
in- ub-criber- can't leeover a c;i:it for
t!ie paper? they didn't reL --Hnrimgton
e in v.
1 irit h
n :
ere come- the
i wonixn to dnve us out of the rarVn.
.-c.rsil lieu: "It-, :uid -lie is piekini:
up a .-itme. too! Let us lly out. .ja-ek"
No. tw. -Jay here." -iiu: -he lfj m
inir richt for us.' "Ye-, and if we
should x:toe we mieht get hit-'" .."
i'i; 'fa' -.
A or.!i; motiier. travelinir with iter
infant ch. Id. wrote the tollowinc letter
to tier liiuanimi at hme: - e sr.. -. 11
?l Hpon u ae...nt ehe,-tnic
.uott the negro uuc lnh' rolnto I !.
ill.' -ri"ii i...rriii i.. .....I..... ..... . ..
i . . - . i..r .
eausx he wa- -,r.i .
work is uc worth .of
Mich art f is
No-aii. - J.otceJ
'There.' a;l a wonm:: V? atramu.
15 a nice limner: but I -hall
you tt sivv a little vvod for it.r
tamly. nadam. pohtt-lv reoXtM the
tramp, au.aek:ng the dmcer vv itb loth
haiid-. "luit yoa w.ll panioa sie. I
tni-t. if 1 i .future to iorrec vottr En-gli.-li."
-31 r what?" -Your Engb'-h
Some modiYU authorities e'aim ti-n:
b..lU1m.w ., , w. -vhmu. 1 AZIOW DCUI.T.
TSIMIOa K' J,'l'..l .. r 1
Tllt, Wonj ,5 a vorb. j jj j
." '
riii" tt.ti.VL iiiiiiiJT- liiii j iiirir-tr TTf
- t ( makVis A . 1 ... W - - m. A
. -
i You can not sav: ! shall e.o
i ..-...
.. - - ---.- ..r,-v..w .UJv.
Lpectyou to
i .-aw woou. -i stiaii exiHJct vou to see
woon is tvrreet. It you will mdientd
... ,v', -n n,.. I mit n.v- 11- .. i. 1 t):e iu me i wut now look az it as I i
-u la f a-ked he. -l.ecr.u- it s ample, is the airricultural j,'roup. v. 1 ich.
sketcmn, don t vou stw?" loA-cra a: the inot hiieral i -timaTe. can not be
(oi :.t. . nppo-ed to con-ume more than half of
Teacher 10 little pupil: "Where aie' it- pro rata of drink. It is in the rural
yim eotnir;. Nellie'" "I'ajia i- :'!"; coiiinnmilis that ab-tin,ti"e i-the rule
tot '.ke 11- to Florida -iaiiu"' -(.'an rather than the exception, the farmiii;
v mi ttrll what th Cap. Ml of Florida is.''" da-.- iH-iiir in fai t the sheet anchor of
Ves'm It s the money they rrct Temperamv reform It is even doubt
from bo iider-."i'.s6'ryt Cir- ui u. lul vvhether the farmers u-e -o much a-
Motion Transcrtpt.
flcnrr -hat I"niittrat tli Unorrutlj
nt tti Drlnlt :nJ Tilrrr Vatr, tti the
Country, :tnl l.'pon Vliofn llif Ituritru
l'.rr lli-iitirt.
The economic aipect of tha drink and
tobart-o wa.te, already proenteI in
thee column'. ?how tha the direct
burden thu- ttnne.cfeariy laiti upon
labor i sometljinr inomtou As al-
i rendv stated it amounts to fnllv one-
rivth of the entire productive labor of
the Unite itats, i that tne wonder is
not ihat we o e.rional!y havu hard
tkur-, Lm that e (tr bare anrthitu:
el-e- When we divkl the coniutitnity
i'tto its representative group-, or units
of commercial relation, we kwl that we
have four-the "agricultural,''' the
- e m. -I ! ;.
-manmaciurutg. inrciiauu-i ami mm
ing."' the '! ant' iKOidklMil
-erct." antl tbr "trade and trans
portation Attootitui: to these more
mmuely we liml tha. the lirst two
gioups furnish the substance of com
merce, and that the eroad two groups
airricuUurat. !; manufacturing, etc..
, .: per-otiaI ami prof iona! -ervii-e.
. h. trade and tr.tnprtai'o:i. -5. In the
third jrroitp m-m-h of the ejht are in
-nice or n -cmi-enile r lations and
do not earn to exceed an a, erajre of
-rO a the i-ijhtn i a proJe.--.ioii-al
man whoc value we ma lully c-t -mate
at $1.k a jear. o. aNo. in the
fourth ;roup Uiere are three in trade, at
an a timed income of -, and one in
t f."-'r a ion at not to exceed $im a
' ear. U ha' there i.- of neosarr
haid time- must lx traceable in the
....minion of the.-e elennntarv relation-.
:m( ,f t-,. drink and tobac-o"waste have
,,.,,. inhn-ion, iiiIIiii-imm unoii i-ommer-
( c;-tj j,ro-pentv it mii-t Ijc jHi-Mble to
: j.,,,,- i,,,,.. .,mi wlmre. The t.-thle lrt
pre.-enle 1 already Io thi- to -ome ex
tent, but largely Jr.- inference. We
1 erfeet, and no don -t tiie asiirtv; it--s
are wanting la accuracy. There i- no
rea-on. ho.eer, to -upp -e that tl:e-e
imperfections afieel one part of the
conclusio'is more than anotner. Some
of tin- po- tioii- are wholly reliable, e.
j-.ceialh the following
,,m the aera-o. the tot.-il annual
produetiou if the farms wiil not exceed
.( per i.i ail for each worker. 'Ihe
watres in manufacturing ranire from
M'(io in -ome lines totfloo in oilier.-, the
average for tie whole eountr. bein
j--:'.. . The aera;e on.-iiunilion of
farm products i- -' per head for every
man. f hmmi and child, or -rlso ner
vear for ever pei-oii eiir:i''ed in w:ire-
eartiiii' occupation. 1 ne :ie;jive;:ite ot
maimla. tilled products of all kmd
amouuts to an average of Khi :i head
for every man, woman and child ol the
population, or .-:':.0o a vear for every
worker. It is plain from the fuel- ai
readv jriven that certain larre claes
of worker-, do not and can not take and
pay for t eir ipiota ot mauufacturt d
piMtK. The imu-ed -urplus must be
worked oft" a- -'luxury ami extrav
ajratiee' by the favored few. or lie in
waichoti-es a- overproduction. We
mav al-o add that in the on .--nt state
'd things t e mauufactuniiir operative
'"'" notexpe.t an mera.-e ot w:i";es. for
the rea-on that mauufai ttuvrs are not
makinrx moiiev. Tee-e are the e.sen-
'nl conditions ot the indti-trinl -ltuat.on
a.s It exist-.
The fatal di-turbanee which wa-te
brings into th - commercial world i- iu-
1 ten-. tied bv its unopial di-tr.bulion.
. I'ufortunalely it i- ,uilo ceriaiu that
1 the expenditure for drink and tobacco
amount- to - or -' I per year for
even 111:1:1. woman and child in the
count rv Thi-. too, in ihe of a
jrrowin": prohibitory -entmieiit which in
many localities amounts to .ub-taufial
uiiau ui'ty. Twentv didlats a vear is
not tie drink tix upon the laborer, but
only a third of it. for, since every work
er has tw. ottier per-ons dependent
upon him hi- has to pay .-'(iooreven
I 7.: a y ar for thi- wa-te. wh'eh if even
ly il'-trib'.ited would be a tno-t bui-deii--ouie
tax but when unequally di--
l tributed beeome- ruin. Hen for e-
"" ...... ....... ...... .v. ..
lialf of the.r pro rata of dr nk: but
whatever amount they may leave, it
mu-t be charired over to the account of
the other cla--e-. the amrrenate amount
of the on-umpt.on re.-tinjr upon evi
dence which does not admit of ourdis
countiuir n at all.
We have, therefore, in our table of
t'lementary commercial relation an er
,or !n t,''' dr.nk estimate equal to a
half quota for -:een :ie;ricultur:ili-t.s.
which must K ndih d to th" con-iimjv.
tion of the other clas-es. Now it is evi
dent that the trade and transportation
class can hardlv 1 epici! to do
more than to drink iLs average, al
thouirh po--iblv it ni'ir'nt smoke consid
erably K'youd th pro rata. Dnuk i
r.ot tne iee of thi- cla-s. One-fourth
of i's member are rai.way ojmraiivc
and emp!v-. who upon many roads
are ah-tamer- by contract if not upon
principle. The remaining three-fourths
are the retail merchant.- of every- sort
and their emploves who dnuk but little.
the habit of drinking Ivinir gcneraJiy
Ji! i :i-Uli;KioH " -I- lr-us
tt Ji5?0
iinai; ami loOatx-o sU bait ntin. SU;
jira- Morkrr -t'O
I'rv rata oi manufacture...
f 4.(1-0
: cut otT
Here we see that drnk
enough f the manufacturer market
to employ one additional worker or
abotil every" thirty-two farmer-, or meet
than 2ol.ui worker in thi oountrr.
What this nvatv! mav b inferred from
the fact that tiie number of operator- I
in b-SO .-niplcKreti in makin-- arieuh- J
,,--1 ffntiT.m..nt2 r-ic l ..-J. J I ..
-7 E
va. vtv iiaV --.- -r-i - v 4 Bf
l - uw- - 1m " .V' MlIU
. .. . .
rarons Jo..Mit. i-or ttie i.irrn.r i.s
if .irit- -.i v.. -.,ti.i i.-i ..
,t.. .. . .i..i.j .. . ,
-v' ..A.U 11,-i.M -V ..UIIIU l.42llC
.- I i . n i L , r
tr!e3 an,i 5tl" haVC tJUOOffh left OVCr tO
.. t.i . .u , - .
Klr-bt njunatacturine prnlac
ft. Mfn tmrn
Fo.l for then avd tbe.r lfcjd-
VjjVr aJ tutmcco t IS t
rata Si 2i
profesfckal aad perocai
?n kr rive-
Srp !lO
1M'4Mk ... .
hrmV. cid fajtawcix'.
In place of zM.iCQ rhJrh this cl.-.
should nse for manufacturra.
Trade and transportation.:
Ciw u ir-rtfcme fs i !W. ...
Jirtwk ajti tnUawW
j !
- , ivo rata for
ITius w see Aa;Uife dww U lh oaly
one that comes oat ck the oompariiOB
in a solvent condition.
'1 he burden wh ch ilHttk la-, s WPm
the thrxi cla. i. err. f eater a
here shown. o:a: to th larrcr nam-
oeroi women au-i rniwira leiunjrsn
Thu L in Of 5?. 'CO which w-tuld ioa aadV-Mrcte tully lrw, 4lJy .-al "J1 JJT Jv .' mSE
1 the pro rata of rn.MbcC.nHl gooU, j -; n wWaoi SJl, l5W wit
ljrlt til
cla-.s drinks tin th'ms; like the ajflEftv- 1 ,mmmr "w
crate we hate coroputcl the reult of , An ArzoBa iUir ,;, hl!, ,tt
:l must be well u eh totallv detrctfc . fntm th ,holl,,fer ,.w ,,,,-uo.!
to the men who brl.mjf U it , th mtmtdr pQrJk Jm ntH
lhu5allthecon-uit.rat.on Utkrr waat, u lMJi Ww b
liirtto the cnems,.n that the drmk hjU a iutrntMk L
ami tobuce-) .- di-arranc e- . , 1? .r .-.
, . , . . low a- to tolerate a n i-tm !...rr
chanes. cut ol the roami'acturet - ,k- r. . ..,. ti . 1
.n. i 1 . t .i Ihiel an IKtfttW. II llce Is ill an
markets anil condemn onixtn of lm . , . r ijk , . .L .
wa-enriH-r, of the eoumrv to a conUi- ,m l,h. R J "?? ! '
ti-n of absolute muH-n-. ami another I d " ". "
s.xth to acoml.ti.n t t little betu r ' gtWttn f, ww ) - r;-throu-h
the unfair diversion of their ' ; ntJ U!.w b' " r"
cirninj;. fur lm in-focal ami fuel for
the uiT'rtnnte Cietim, ot drink. -
L'jttvii tiujunl.
A Vietory Wliirh Itrins- i:ie...lne. mill
l'ro-MTiO Tcmpcralire Iteeitatittii lr
Triend-: It i- my pli.i-ait duty to
explain to um the ob'cet of our coming
together and ban linir oiir-ehe- into a
soi iu'y called "Th Band of Hop."
1 ir-: of all. we are 0Iu11t -er-, and they
are always the happie-t and readie -
-ohliers. (me brave, willing recru.t ls
... . fv- , ,
worth ten pressed men. We do not
wear an uniform. ecejt tho uniform
de-ire to do jiHil
'Hir bands are not
otten ot lira-.-, bttl aiwav.s ot Hope.
Our music 1.- not particularly man nl. '
but when we stand b sin m martial
order the mchxlics are more heartily
and earue-tlv n-ndercd than those pr
fornied at militarv revhws and sham
tie-ht-. The oath of alh'jrmnee in our
pledge. We have no teulatioii- about
lieiL'ht or a-e. Nothing ili-ualilies tor
-erviee exi ept ile-ertiou.
Our warfare is against no man. but
for the benelit of all men. Ve lip;ht
the foe- of di-ea-e and enme. of poierty j
and wretchedness. The only arms we '
u-e are the weapons of facts and truth. '
ami a-piments for sobrietv, economy, '
health and happine-s. We nmther k 11
nor wound an v vie only -cek to anni
hilate :'ie fins that -lav our count rv men
by llioii-auds :ml till our ho-pilal- with
the -ick and woumbd. W'eiouteud f r ,
peace. Oi.r victory brings ble elne-j'
ami pro-peritv a- -urelv a- the morning
-iiiishine ban. -he- the darkness of niht
N not o'Ms a Honoiis warfare? Will
you enlist with us to entry it still fur-
tlier on?--LfirtiUinn at Work:
Tttr.Ki: is a Temperance
Companv in Scotland, and bv it- rejjtt
lations a to'al ab-l tiuer can obtain in
surance at ten per cent, le pieiuium
than a moderate drinker.
.Iiin Mil.inv -aid Keformers look
small in the eye- of the world, they aro
so far in a ivance. but large iu the eves
of ("ml. they are -o much nearer Him;
for all real reform ss dud v aid."'r drink, treat or be treated.
. o man ev- r made an ounce of reputa-
tion or money bv doing it, am! enough
has been h,-t to make ataradi-e of the
i- c ....i Ii... . i
i um: i .-i..i-. aim I'iio: irn.- -in ei- witn
Told. - Amioi u r.ilwn'or.
Tin: Hriti-h Women's Temperance
A oc ation have projected a large
work thi- new vear. It i- the e-tnbl.-h-ment
of a Home pr Inebriate Women,
and the current expen-e- of siica n
home were guaranteed at their Mav
Tiikki: are. at the very latest account-.
11.27 total abstainers in the
Ur tisli Army in India. The Duke of
('onnautrht. in a letter to Jlev. Mr.
("ii'ir-on who is the founder of tin Sol
diers" Total Abt."nence A oei.ttion.
sav-: "Expetienee Uu taught me how
much of the crime in the army iu India
i- either cau-cd or aggravate I by
drink, and one can not too often im-jire-s
thi- upon the men them-ehts"
Evident!; the men are being impic--cd.
Thk Indon 'lemperance Hot tal,
which ha- .'.-t celebrated its miniver-
.-arv Hint- a rate durinir the a-t
ve-ir of nly live per cen'. The num
ber cared lor in the ho-pitnl vva.- ..
of wh ch Ii"! left the iu-;iliitiou cured
ami 1("U had been rel cved. Abt;uning
and n-.n-ab-tn ninir pat-enls aro r
ceeivd in about e ,ual numlers. jtnd ii;
only two cae.s -into e-lab!i-hment a- j
alcohol liven admini-Sered. A new
wing, witli accommodation for seventy
patienLs. ha- been adde! during tin
A nkw IHngkk. Some people and!
medical p ople a? that have be.: nn to
compute the danger to public hetlth
from the brewtnj: bn-iness. It is -aid
that the verv alm.-phn? i- loin. rrcon--tructl
on a ditfcrent plan from thnt
of the Creator, and of c ur-e to th
great detrment of the rreatnre. bv tin
diiVuskm of carbonw acid as from in
t h iek ly scat tor- I br- erk--. ut " -fiv-
h 1,'mhs i- the round number of g-i -Ions
of th - x o.-onoc- sxs -et fre bv
the brewrrie- of i -n n-.' xi-n"
Hovr .on: the b.tst-il a.r ot He t n"'
can this -rt cf thmtr md- fair Ui
become a qu- st;op ( ,i ttjM .
Ml n attention is now 1 einr attract
ed to the now remedy. oca nc. a a
sjH-citic for overcoming the drink and j
morjdime appeL;te. ome t.irimcnts
have been matle. and with encouraging '
5'tcexs. 4A few drops ejecd under j
the skin in the neig borhood of the
: 5t5mach have b-vn ehectnal in nbdn- i
mc the mo: intcx-o cravin"-: of
confirmed inebriir f.- .C, -t
lea-'lT ,
- ' , -V - ,
pcon. IliaLiOjIaimed thjt it-ai;i
,'afitrashon t:me. etfiect a prmanc-nt
cure, if applied whenever :hr thir-t i
expert ?ncd, and that the era :ncs will
soon c.i.e entirely. Many eminent
physicist. 5 beUere thi-. and tha: it lea-, a
no deleiczvus eStx-la u:oa the rjiets
A tUjr I-ftrt1cH.
The Hon. Joba KHlr.Ut-.Ad n.l front t,-a tt i T JlJTS?
It. an inJcasiaU Ur. wr . JM rws. "f1 '." J?-.', Tll"i
r - ,a T Til ill -w u t; z.bkba & t ajbb wrwm v -- -- -
..! -. a i unci fMMara uaaBic w, r - bpi '
m at rglar am: r HAW oc-cu-m t - '. "T'.'TT"
M.-V, W V rv w - --- w .... 1.a mmLi .AJ ftjfe i
; ivS bVct-Ai estatxir tui bu ;-hy
JainL T rr t orOr a. l hav
kunxniii nl tjt& ar sow la Um Ma Oi
It I not work fiat 7e4l mm. It trrr-
aUrttr ut h.iUu aai aaUi 'tt. Nj
nuti ti ixl kWUi fmt M bt t Of
tad bv wtim AbAalcoC ttor
povd. mk! l-6y U k wuod'rwg: UJ
I6r drla; dv cotw, -vt,r
ran lid j fadruui or otrl frl wUi
uicwMirc mntJ (fiT, by wnKw
.)(.. i .j -...-7- ;i.,ik..iw
W,.l MKjrTTlKM- V.r-T. o.laM.i tA
p w rw r -v ? - - v - - - m
rv ittut
rHttT xrTr ti--U in a drrao4
M Wtil.kaowo ffc t4lftt u,,, 00,, wbt A
um ujbo nd utw aIki14 rucif l
iW bluod, f twft trtaw t tatf-eka ib.
hfot af ue ua -rt aa4 Tijconaa.
jy i a .fe M u nr .:.
curcuUitoclT g rnt talor tin -
aM nxn cma bv iaiu unht stroata v 1.1
Um Imbor oaJjt put cpoa
ifiwiMi, we
aa w bav aakt, a trrx-
tarr. Hm cwhp aftoafci U .
othf who, Mtr?to n hk
cprtaiolr rck a Ua rMutu
T1a, k. j.. ft -
"-T "M "" VT OTr"
I"1 ' " Iter want. -
le.ivo town be kno hn to ttml tr
! "A liu ar la qutvkir trMtd4t not
w aich. beaiy i-,ari-l.
t rvb yHt 9t time,
JiMi acaaaMt
Irocratmatiutt uuit
Imi; bv increaMHl dUiiree
up the In: but if It robvut'f lf ti
los is trri msliRl4. If .ur boaiib u
dfiicat. yuur Mi'tMptit ttck.r, vuor -
' broken, your inin.l drpol, ymir wbul
b--.n .it of aorta, l-i-al n t ymt mrm
4riKjlr llwi. In all urh cn I .
i ifiwi .uun jsriiinu MM-MTwy mm
ltty Hl'H-t n jjiu;n, rnticml rare -
I. . t .... t.l . -.. T. ...
make 11 mw mn o( yon aatt ur you
t "" th turtvrcs f Ungcruts
. Fra.w haH show hk-
, ukma.-rA,C4y Trthmmr.
' (SkUHAS Um Mjuiovxu tu.wt 'vnmu Hu Ina
t -
Thk lrbrr's trn.I U tb beat iraJ. fur
it' aiwavs at tb lcL
irallv curl. of irticaiar two Wrt
ump. U .r. lttpaarT Mdlc4
i'luu 21 .., 1 .-u-2. . .t-
Ing tti cradle- I'Utl idrtykt-i C'.i.
IKI ililHHHV N . n WH'MJIf v r"
S.vva yor vvjoi!, ytmrhnnm am! Ytxtr
IHitunca bj- tuiujc Kr,,- Ai Qrmij.
A iiratoataT lwa': -rlt- for moory m
jnsi fr ttw fun f it.
Ir r.31tr:l wltii v?9 Rr-. Pr. ltc
nor.i;ini's !' Wier. liruariM s-U K. Stc.
"T.t i in t! t-ili,-ht
cveiiin l.-lt.
Ihe MhUth
K N- s CtTV Auait
VTTI.i: fhtpp nif -ter-
ri4ti e i me
lino hi r t f
MOC iUm-X to rbokf hvHY
! I. i.'t
i whot-Nh. s rt
I .no. rr
; No Z-oft .
(OKV-No 2 ....'.
O.vr-No 'Z
kyi: No r:
I'l.'M'lt-J'iiMer. ter Miek
H..W Ijirs-e t.aleri
Ml rt'KK - hu croijry.
, CHKKi-IC ruUcnmm
KilJ ( Uoice
34 nt
:i st
IO fc
Iff it
! .6
& )
piTA'rulfc- .n-h-
jn lx!?.
r. iu
4 Nl
4 H
4 U
4 U,
"4 ,
to v.
. ti
CATTM: Shlppta ter
lttttcher- tjer
4 r.
4 :i
I 40
74 Ol
offS Put !
.-HKr.l JHir t ckoit
J but lt-l ht.lce
tt'HBAT-Nii 2rel
( i!N-No. 2
OAT- No 2
ItVK-So 2
in'Tn:n crwiMMTj-. . ..
O TI y.V MkWUiijt
4WTTI.I5 sh'pir -O'er-.
IHMiS I'ack'tMf nt! 4o;rtiu-.-IIKKI'--Fior
lo eh4e
VXftVH- Winter !iwut .
WHKAT-No rre!
No. J
t. - priHir
COllS -So. Z
rATTI.IV- Kxfort
HOfl.s ;hm! to f hMcr
MIKKl' oinwtin to xxA
VU) It ;mm1 t rbrt-WHKAT-No.Srwl
fit u
4 :
4 a
2 io
4 -A
4 '
4 .
S 4.
10 14 tt Mf 7
t c
: n
4 OJ
i zn tt
4 Is 4
iS tt
ST tt
coitN.Vn. r
rn inlj-d
fe 11 '
Man and Beast.
Mustang Liniment i- , U: than
ioSifc men, ".
more c cr,' vc-r.
tore and
- re .jl m
L Ul U. K" OS' Li i
f-.;t -- - :t t-a" x?t s r
hittrjr..' 'S' - WiT .i.
I- ..,
ic r crrft nirl tn K.rtitt-
i r it , r
I Many a ladyowes herfresn-
ness to it, who would rath
not tell, 2Jidjcn cant telj
i ii I I hi i w j i
Z. I ! I 1 A I i
i oi -t r. ' Vi . . t
iv ti . , ls7t1. T
a ii f. 4 oi f , "l"r'
iK ' -
IPS m 9$ oa ?$.
iLwH& r& FSB
ja VOe va
JM 4V"--i M II3
U rt m l -W f I
-W ftJd r
vtk ft
&y l
"Hir" Ihri " t"r '
i - vfciirT - Mr
Ibx )nwtiy taf aM
tmtmtto tl tt !.! A aflMi-Uw-"a
rcsaadj an awTrala-l.
i afeBT K lJiW -
. - . 4 . K
Vm,c M Mi T.
T k VtT k- But r.. Mmt Aa. J .
t k Bci.f d Etacf r Arf
miKMr !, aHiCr '
HiM-itara4.ijr ' 't
- ! aii .wtrl MVMiVim-
. rraT'i
r lir -
i si - riwiraH
i-rf e,liukkii. 1 . tfuAr4. ?nr'
4 t
thv ur- r' ft 1
.' t
TV ptsyntr f tie lVi?rJ at-;
jaUj- aUia U it a taavrtmty ? ;
c4t r :! : tit? fhli IwumMI
eSSTAlX. IFttflT aa4 FEUt A!IET
f Ar- rr.r Ctlia4 I9Twt.
vt ? t.eit er ta ttaad&af S fttm t '
tatim Wei;r8a 3invawy t' i
ki ati7 ti Irata of vut '
tAiit im a ea Uti wxil tt lb
. .
iaa4utioerc ttricUf f5!4.
at. la frt aiaay cw a ta.
Wa a&ja. I-v a c t a4 aJ
w aBar4 bva ttaf ! to tti
rttoratia ef U rJ a
Uta u twr. if tu a tt eUa4 K
1 far a wk f twj fcfit U tta. '
ach:V4.r puUly lt.4Um. i
lajr-i&faUaf m. Ocaally tak -
irtllBet rcqau ar a.t lk ita
ti rAat lliaa'i t nallsst ket
lr sr iaardMn of t. Tau a '? i'
wii! to xaAcuat. " s thr
JDFt. JO IT Pi 2SXJ1X.'&
ami's wofttf ocsi Harm,
Th-e Iomi' K4t o' t" Oaf.
!'rUryt OS. -11 Bml -. lot !VI t.l'. KT
- Friffhtfu! CciZB Of
- '
-s r , -. J r iff ri
t . .-J J. 'mm n.
tl rl.l I !. lrifr:r.f
i 'i.i - 1 n : r . f U-r
j ,j..fc v ,.;,,.
k ' . . ,'il A4 ' .
ftkf 4rl ll. k l ' . - tiui
; Ia ji ,.f f . t .-,.. . . , r. .?
: ":?. .r ?: ?, ' "m, . ."'? -.
Hrt4r 't w -?. t .1' f gt . S fe. . 1
J tmrat I idd 1 i brai ! - - . 1
' Jff
mmm - im M H!
LlM ytf ''' B I Ur-ft, . "' fS. f
C ari? ' j I ' ' "m I "
lkalnit'(twi.vilw .ne ! ,
a i ;!' .- , . v,
Tr. . . ' -.' ii... t . .9 lnvMntMH.4 f
1.f i ... t'i S. iktlaMM, w
V V . i . i .- -
-S If tr Ul m.,m- 4 f
A. j . ' .V'ieiwi,i aiRt-t!
VS. I Mll-ilIMrliW'
an 1 at tur t,T ruimtgvil '
l'-t r b-arr, u.
r . :;cct,Ft, fo., c"agyt i.i.
5 1 000 REWARD
victor 8 mr 4,,:n
hull t a XVAiVtTffcjIfc
KACIIl.M IO,.l-i-U . ..
.tirellls ""iMIltt t I I. .,f
M.- M.
nol li'il wC
cut.o i .
. A.
l HU.
B Ijr b.. f .
J.l ' V ,- .
wl ! Ifti rfmm'.l ft, ,' t i
.- . .
. - I . .
lttr I rf
V(IJ ( llplti in
1 ina
u'r i(((,rt i ii: r
lri -, iluruhlr t It 1"I 4 I f
- xlrrl..l - v . .4
t.- , rt, Vev Jt. I.ll .t. . , J.
Palmer's Piano Primer,
Him - .. j .. . .
A. r.. ,i f.
is . . . o
a -v- -.j PJ
.- ;-
&c."4Xii :... . 4 . tx
- - .w . tkAMvt -- "ncr" 'lJf
Apr- V
SOD :.;..
if v vovtii wnnoiKD'
; 4- - . a -
:kt.-A v.. .-.,
A.N JC-tt
X. UMtt
itli's i oaiG bymj
m I I I
Wi ldl,'r..
X, CMAb.
ff Tji
Ufa U
ll24- vrKJTTO TO AtrC4TZajcx.
i r f
m-Mw-m ,rau l- - - - .- tnntr..-" k..j vmw
Wjjolen zo&ds.
BVIljAV llwf I "
1 wiiatever.
?i- mx jet (l lb A.4rWaiM &
BV ' . m i.- V Sis
H f 7" -
"-.' B. a V
f'aBBBir I - " S- 4 r?Tw':5J?A' .
UK li v iaik!lfe " "r--v
JBTBTBTPrl ( f - y V -i Ag!!-y-tfjrMfcBM Jm