,;' -TjiE - RED. '" faouD, ; Cffl "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS T&E PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.3Q A YEAR IS THE PRICE OFTHE CH1ER T - r V . I L "I -i 'I v V 'I 1 V ' Sr k rllh ! M M K,--iim VOL XII. eiiable Furniture and Undertaking House OpjDositc Postofflce. the LARGEST and MOST COMPLIiTli ever brought to the the RcpuoLcan Valley and my prices can not fail to please. - IX JiJ-.D CLOUD CHlEt i:vi:uv fkiiuv jiy A. C.HOSMER. i:ti.s r suiacitiiTiON": j ojiy.onoyca . Djie copy, sir mor h. jic copy, four mi th. 1 SO - - 7 ih. Kofv'd at the 1 ostoiHce in .' Cloud aa inat i 14 sc'jn'l clu.M. V I B & M. Timo Tabic. WI'JJT Sn 1 a Twain :' v s.Tnim h.vtii 4' n t. 1)0 1 in ; ssR i in . '.... ; Vi u in C j: ,.:-..?. S 0(p in KAST l V 10 70 j jii Mil: P 50 a in ! t;tm 40 a 10 U3 p in io jr. i in ih" OvfonI ;iinl ll:ttifi xpn'ss and Cicte u.nil in:iK ( iiiiic-tiuii- at IIuMiiiks andCn'U llh lit-tiwr. Chicago tlirna:ii train. HatiiiHaiKl )foil ti.tiM hrltni pxsuiigcn luin iliicUKulo Irt-r 'pruwi. A.. I Wi.m;ii. 'Ui'k't Asent. CO I W TV Ob FICVH8. John I'. liiiyhn, County Clerk. I!lm. Huschow, County Trciisuror. It'. O. Yeifrr, County .Judge. 3.W. Wiiii en, Hhcnin C has. W. Springer, Superintendent ol Public Instruction. C. 1. Jtinker, County Surveyor. . fc. Sheivr. County Coroner. jfc Jacob L. Miller, Juo. McCulluiu County Com. & I. II. Hampton, N ;.us?ncss Directory. I NO. B. STA SER, A I cnCNEER. HICKS - - X EM! ASK A LJENRY ANDERSON, SURVEYOR, Onlers left at the Ali&tnul olficc will K-cuive prompt attention. RKD CLOUD - - NEBRASKA 1 W. TULLE YS, M.D., 1I0M(E0PATII 10 PHYSICIAN, U. S. Kxatninniir Surgeon. Ofiick Opposite Fhat v"Nationnl Hunk Kud Cloud. . QR. l. h. bkck, 1HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, AUFA) CLOUD, - 'NEBRASKA Offici: 0er Honry Cook's tlrui; More. Profcsjjumal calls attended l.i ir night. Q E. McKEEBY, M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, FFiCK. -Flint iliwwit ot (Vok's ilnip More. JniriIiimrt(roniitulS:i.iii.. : t" I, nmt 7 U ;.. Ifc'Mtli'nre 3 blocks wit of com t ouc. .tKlMMAlUD. - - - NEUKASKA. o DAMERELL, M. I)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ived Cloud, Nebraska. jrwtctv-Ovn the sew pomoiSoo. . QIL1IAM & RtCKAKDS, ATTORNEYS. Red Cloud, Nebraska. OmcE In Smith Bren. law oftiee. J W. Kai.kv. J. L. Kai.ev. Kaley Bros. A TTORNKYSAT LAW. RED CLOUD, NEB. .Agents for the B. & M. R. K. Lands - - - - ,m O. C. CVsK. J.VS. MCXEXY. Case Sc McNeny, A TJ)RNT.S AND OOr.NSKLORS AT LAW t Will pr.vrtuv in all court of thi ute. C oHrrt.ons n? well as htiirau-d bushier rnroful- ii- ' nricnth attmidod to. Abstntcts fumth iu nap licit ion. rrio - utr First National Bank. Kc.l )R. C. SCUEXCK. THYSCIAN AND SURGEON, Cowles. Nebraska. , rrofessional calls promptly attended. Office: At residence Gowles. $-51 p.E. Afoore. Pres't J. 1. Mlner.V Pnt. Johu Moore, Cashi.r First National Bank RED CLOUD. NEB) Capital. - 75,000. franuct a general bar tins bnnrets, 14 and eU .County warrant. Alo Cautj-. Prt ;inct nad School Diftrits bonds. Boy and ell orei Eicbanc- i DIRQCTOILC: R-g. Moore. John Moore. U. Moshrr. R-aoutealt fv.rf RiciardToi, . RED BUY' YOUR GOODS ! AT TUB OLD iCly stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is RL Neb a ska Lumber Co. V -DE IL.EIiS IjY lumijkk" lath, suinglfs sash, dooks. blinds tc. RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA (o) DRY LUm HER A. SPECIALTY, SOI3 AT THE $4n$HFR'3 MIFAT MARIfFT will. Tr. rfalt Moat, -Frcali Fish, Oysters, Pork, Mutton, hickona, fcc, &b. OLD STAND, RED CLOUD, NEB i ft r'v 'i kC as q L.5r S iraa TOHMISAWS iivkki& i;iiti wi -f s&y&&w. ...... M T-aSWGTfiaiBSW feH&gl, HBlUgllft, ilfSill n jr l .Mvir2c.ctt?a I i SuHVJ ' V.V;i v.'r lrv.v j ix i ": ' v -r.r- K fQ-, . - A.vi?'-'- I -MjfcScaavcis a Rl House and Sign Painter, Grainer and Glasier All kinds of Fancy and Plain wall Decora tions Promptly and Neatly Done. Get my terms before you have your work done. Work guaranteed. . WALKER & BRAKEFIELD, DKVlJCKS IN Pumps, Wind Mills, Well Tubing And Everything in our lino. When wanting anything in tho Pump or Wiudmill lino it will pay you to soo us. Our Pricos aro tho I owost and Work Guarantocd. ' OFFICE On Third Avouuo. Opposite Miner Bros., storo Rod Cloud 'Nobraska. Don't luil to boo us before buying. WILLIAM GATES, RED CLOUD -MEAT MAEKET irt Poor South t ShiT tT'sjDniK Store. FRESH AND SAL MEATS, FISH POULTRY, Oysters, Sausagro, Boloncra, &c, &c Always oi hand. Cn huu bOCi thorn whonoveryc a want tho best and tho swootost meats. Dealer In TV B2K?lBBBflBBv!T-? Ac Re. Kotair:nir a iacxatty. At kmas otSevx lnj; Machine liciairs. Bed Cloud, ftMA m m , -wT"w 5"W, A3IEOY. KEB. f ?5 ' k V . t! WimJM lamensB Cutting Power ! Xl-rv !'i? Pe ttoPe ?Praton of crushmp taiupvlerrflrc: CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB. TINKER TH K BEST IN I E A RmKET AiND LOW JEST jf KlC'fiS. her, Prop. thi: iuit oi I M Mi m T-iVjf ----- J1CRA6JI WM ALWAYS Oli HAKD. i'l x -, , 9i3i .iii- wl'-l '..' JVJ .rl iJL. Ji rKTm -rf-VlJ fl ImT 1 -"--ltte- w ft33ti ss5--a1r'Ti57 n 11&Z53S& ?k. Si rim t. cm m e 0 An O W 12 2f UIUGED a a a fw i a banal tiis aaawaaiam W. BOTS mmwsr BBJBiBBBBBBBBBBTt fBKBsHcfvBBBQ )QGBDHBBBBBvBSlBBBaMfiBavASlvBaiP9b !fc' flMHa!jfBBBBBSaE ni & Repair-Shop gjBBBPfegi VHasBBrBBBBSBft NcbrasJta. Acme Pulverizer, Harrow. Clod, Crasher .int Leveler. ul,txts the sou to the action of a Su-cl Crasher and Lcv- cler, and the cutting, littinr. rurniui: lrocvss of double jmis ol twitftd- ttrrs.the txulfar slje and ar- iu4icnicuiOt WHJCHEIVO are ierfonned at the anittim n. nt,Av eae of siike or srrinc twxh avofd iitJHu- in aud hard day. where other harrowc:tertyf3lL Sdtbf y oursdl by giving the AC31E a trlaL " 1 ! TO ANY PARTIES WANTING WELL Alj)l i jn-'on or ty letter f Can field $ Taring, Blue IFill,JSb.. Hardware and Windmhi Merchants. MOSET 3SATEB AT FORRESTER'S Furniture and Fancy Notion azar, Parties wishinrj Furnituro will savo money by oxaminingr my goodo boloro purchasing elsewhoro. lX-J Arrivinif every clay. In cormoctlon with my furnituro I havo a largo supply cf all kinds of notions with Piicies to Suit the Buyer ! Such as Tinware, Soaps, Glrsswaro, will bo soldcnoapor thau CIIAS. BUSCJIIOW, Prosidont, Robt V SniPwEY", Treasurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS WASBM. M)AK C, C.'llJJTdL,.$-r,0.000. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. PIUKfTOK-: II. n.JJdiir. O.C.Ca-o. 11. V.SInrov, Cli;i. Htchnn, 1M:.Fm!1oii II. !'. Iliir'-iland, (Jco. I), llolhi'ui, " 1). m. l'latt. (5co. J. W.irren. - . irrKT trs AXi.VwXLJ- X u lived liinns in Xchri'sksiiuvl security is approved - .Principle OFFICE IX UBi CI.OL'I) NATIOXAIi 11 yii. DUILDIXG. The Celebrated Stallion I CSLONEL Mil! make the .-ca t n of Ji-Sj, at ou Farm at jmbr,v. J-EMGKEH. Colonel i a Iaik hay, IT hand h:"h. weiuhs 1750 pounds, and is IW eari!l. His sin w:i an Imported VtriluTon-Norman. and lu dam va . thorough-bred .Mrn, winch iiuki Colonel one of the . si Horses for-BreedinR Purposes !; In Wehtcr, ?mit:i TKRmS $10 to insure; Money due when mire i- known to bo with foal 'crsoiiM)arlint: with inures before foalint: wsll be hel.i fir the iuurrnee tnoiH-y '...... ....Tl I. ..!... .., . .. ....:.! . vii- m i'u mixuM iu lucrum. ;iccuil'iiis tn:ti in:iy occur. EASSER BEOS. Spancgl &. Son Dealors In all kinds 411I1II.IFB1, WA8DHS, SEWING MACHINES. ETC. RID (llQD, AtMh& Tv - irx"irv JlTi Ct III Endless "Variety at MRS, NEWHOUSE' Who idaily receiving a Fine and Elegant Lino or Ladies' Dr6ss Goods, of all varieties, Spring Dry Elegant Line of White Such as Hamburgs. .Bvertesur. Torchon Lacoa ecd Bdhis. New lino faS?SSS? !1 ot oad. I DA:iift! Mw U . Hosiery. Notions. &c Iryo Lino of Ladies' Ncckwoar. Bcehea. c- jJ asTiSS?. ho 399 'ii C CKtd VS T - llK V - m -T"w- FRIDAY, JULY 3d, 1885- iiiiro nu i iiipu saj .mm co uiLLirjitKrij OF Jtf.l HIWi, m m i5 Hi w ! JS Hallux Jiailllve jjr tinctf !tw 1 in-ikf a fir-t-rtus ctt luoIintiiiK'trrjil i'2 "0!iij-ttDo nut: r JmI V-imt oloit u to U- xj.i lratal. ijukkyai'l t!- iMrt Lmilt-r ..w -- - ? ; - - ... . A rra-onat ti itHiuctioit will Ih nmrfc to :!. who !tx- an iM writ toioiMniiti w!h. Ui-iiM-iu'-T li.r? ii ii tt lt.VNlhh Kliii ror a GOOD Ii:.L or e V.W . j.mw TilitDf l H TqwoIs, HandkorchiofiJ &c, and UkorcuioiiJ xc, ana Hod Cl6ud .ND, Vico-Prosident, at any ptaco in Rod Cloud 3. F. HIGHLA: w - uw r, v.u t r- a kt r n iWilli-U ICif.ns. Jilouoy furnt-ht,l as soon a-s tl.o :ml inteJe-t paynlilu in Rtj,l Cloud. rv"VJ af5? or Jovrll 0t:iiti ?. . i.... ... .. Ml i uui we win noi uo repoiK-iuie Kr any ibbjih?! Isis oil li I K- li IfcULAj J. S E.MIGH tSBBBBfMKJBr Ki r.iui vi fK ivii?blllft 'i r-M -J . 'ate, -fc, i iK.rr :t .-' f RED CLOUD KE3RASKA. -Fine Office Worha !$pecirdby. LausbSns ?asalwiTfri huL OS's orer Kl t1t ik! atioiuri lUak. -Wi .w' jr ?rt".jrrx'i'"-3vr' r5 4i 1 A "li "."T.J .VlVl k.i 233S! JaS&SdteK Goods, in all variedcs,jtSc?Swn Goods, Trimmings, Scc.,!.;. rf MrwCSS:SS r -- ,- "onoHHno i teji YOUR mm powder id-oai! COKTAXW AMIMOlVIA. TMt"TCST: nr r-i tr dn v Mito'f a"ttt !J.ii Tinr! Nr.T rOTAlX AMM0!I!A. rr UkiLirii3Lii in NEVER QiisioTsa i w aa .'w - ------ --. t . I , .. f ,- . 'nn.r.f nf . MM.r. ft- THE TEST OF THE OVEM. WW' PRICE 1SAK1NG r0WDEItC0.,!i ' -Ul KAkUui ur ! Harri XMe 'TO Dr. Price's Special Flayorlng Eiiracts, ?vy:::;;:;:;:z::::::::::z ' i S n UmiHl.iMl 4W. u4 .il.nl ! Im4 Dr. Prices Lupulln Yeast Gcms;ir",;lrHa -..v ?; .. k. ki-lVK tJ. f. fl.at Prv II I FOR SALE BY CROCER3. CKICACO. ST. LOUIS. - PRIC fiU K - K- aeoM SPECIAL f j vm. n . - Wjcwimci m, m .'"-$ B VfiVt T tf Ufi l! talEXTRACTS: MOST PERFECT MADE Vunilla. itnoii. Ornnsi. At-u:iiJ. !:. itc, tl(iorasi!rllc:i:ilyanilti!iturAjJyMtbrrait. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. 8T. LOL'T. rr rr j ii rt : n : "i (; a i a&sssis fiSn : Ijfl'H H Ui Aw-n S r,r,r nraf.r.rz'j'iraaigKg, nrnvrr -r rTi'rrrj. -w..-w. -w ....-,.r , uunvor ij ivunoaj njfi i5a i tJenvor to uron.a, nivutKaw-y 4 Oma'ia to Chicagcfpvl''"kcr "0i Kansas City to Chicago, i;'',"; "' " ! JJ Oma.ia to St. Louis. V. ... . . E2E5T L!f FOM EST TO EAST J SUR2 COr'-?:CCT2CW3 LOW KATZS EACCACS CHEC5CCD TKROUCH. J Through tickets over iho Curling - ton Routo nro for solo by tro Union ! Pacific, Donvor & Rio CrancJo nnd i 0j other p'rlnc'po j by 0 agont of ', 1 roilwny, nnd tho Burlineton Route. For further information, nnply to any CEOlt, or to p. s. CUiTlS,'"''l'J,,i-'tArt, OiiAIlA. 'KIV -. The Red Cloud Chief A.C.HOSMER, Propiletor FKUAY JULY 31. ISSfi. Farm for Salo. .A vnIiUie f.irm of 2-JO aero, known : a.- Maple Grove Farm," feven miles j sonUiWfe.1 of Rod Cloud. 1 10 ncrca in l.ihijrh itnlcof cnUivation, 16 acre of pasture with three vihe fences. Good hfjj: lot and cattle and sheep corral. mn!l nrnh.inl ftmr.f-il- Strrmrri ofnornr I ,n'nc wator f& by fotirlarjcc aprinpi UXXitinoxlsil the Jarm. Plonlv ot i tl ruber for fuel and bet Win nurnoc of 1 r.niWin?? all new, conVtathv- of frame hou?e, 2Qjc3fi, J j stry, contairn; four rooms awl cellar 14x133. A sooil well ofxjuer30foe: deep nor the door. Frame burn rOr, 12 feel pst. criq and granary; well 20 fwi deep near by Chicken hoi?3 14x2 , hoz shed lOxtS. 5ht ep or catUe shed IG-C0. Tnis isl one 'f the lest ami riehet s;ock Lirm . in srtlhlm N"fiMVa. i'rirp JIT rvr ' are. par. cIt pl in two and part in four year at ten per cent- in tercut. Will pay $100 cah ta anyone ' farninins mc a buvcr ?oon. I AU a farm of 10) tcrv ' in Smith count v, ICana, ten milts souihwe-t of iKedCImtv. htsihxy acr in nluya - .T. iM.VI. r..w. .rl 9-tr lut irtl.-l -. CJond. WeHter coanty; Xeh lion, xnciucins 1 J acre a. uxn-, .ev.ntn r(ylti gtrrhh & Moore d berDyearsoM. rontaim ncany 9XW.",. . im v-..v- r. tre.Vumeof whtch are Mr jncb ;!" to Kcd Cl&cd. ebrwl. pre 1 tltrAiifh antl 'Ai fivt ht-h. Thw a J rntd br C W KaleV, A S Marh, et CorAc JotnLh a, JIN' U Hi I'arJ 1 F W W' 3 t t o t Hi ft :n .1 U 1h:T WIIThcaJ A f ttat vlVT'tLv:w rtI.vW t rXcv.rfs.cr . Krfuu Mrtm , 2 TO I Janice H CIm tn.. .,..... - ol- J..hu KhmlUi .-..... -.. .A p" I i F Hult W ' TWr.M,.S'.,Wh... 5 W I TtHH) Tkj litr... ......... C UnwiMrM ill Hni.lrtinr ........ .... .. 2 1 !l., ilWrtwi ...w...... 2TO I ' .--,.-,. - . - . w ww - . - - fil ' v Hoottr .. ; (n I'darMny ....M TO, M A I'Klicr, ... ..- i fl..n' i .ntTn... .....,. j Sr-- l.'mtiiHiHt t T ui.. AttpMty..... I- ! i: Mmiltcy Sc; ZTO 2 TO. ; io 5 to 5M - i - I ( 'ira.t ,t. u Jirr zfVf. :" ' -1 ft .MHqIihU ..-. -...v- ii, vi.n- " 2 , . U Hirr uJV?... . ? TO i: ft rji'"iim 2 ) i 2 0 7 (n 3 TO i to 1 Cil. 3 TO, 2 tn 3 'II J TO 7 TO 5 TO, 2 m 1 TO 2 TO, i i io, r to ; Itukrr .n lUirJ i':"-;' : A MJry . J Hi-jo).!m " It Tunier V II fW4litaj IJ ii Tienv t ft M I. ta .. . . . KPHiitrliiMttr 1 NKIhrwjr .IAPatIvii 'MMIK-ni i. v i ittwr ' s K i-r M V i ..ti .1 '.n ToJnleVy It ( rswr ' . J A r.nitmHer ' I l f!iA1 3 l ( h. I! 1'uti.am ftL JI(S,tt lnliPJWrt. , j , nH,t . 4 TO m it it) rtr. ii ny. . JV laMlfH 7 TO I ( OHWBiiI. ., . . -- - ' lift 4 lIMillrr t CM" fox .... .fhi) ItarVrr. J Sfn,:1 "' M w I'V'i"" ' ja IniUUou t 5 (rt Wlf.VFjWRt J-TATK Or JimiAfcA Va DAVID ?I'K.IIMAN. , Juhn l.Tatb-n t 3 Ann l'attn J Ifc j KIwr Cllnc.... .... J '-'. j wn lir . 3 'ri, ' Jtrj MrCormal.r. ..M... 3 n. JaUM-t itri'fifinal . .. . . . w. lifW7lft;mai, Jr...... ..j... 3 , K trkV ............'-.. 3" Cw otn ..uw 3 w. I I. IjMilip ..... (nMtHWI .- .... . Oflrj V ltrfllpt 3 HO TarUr ........- 3 A 'JarWr . f ...... ..MU.. . 3 w, Jrw; rrUakir . 3 30 Th f 4ikiwinj: obim-f wcro auditl nntl Ai'-netl and warrant ordurwl to Ik; drawn on county bridcn funl: It 5 Proudfil & Co bndj;o m- toni4 - v j V3 It S Trmidfit & Co, bridge raa- tr .- Nc3rxka Lumber Co. bridge materiil .......12-71 to I.V) T I Johq S Marsh, bridge material At, W to - 2'J - ITcnipIcion Urea A Lo, urw-c watcnaj... .. . . 010 V H Hawyr, labor and brulgc ra&t'erial .. 11 -10 Ilatt c Free Co bridge rnater- ial lo-C-05 to... ........... ...m... 17 . G-' r 5 0 Ilakcr, labor juid bridge niatcrjal.. ... ....... ...... A C Hale, brvlse material ,. 22 00 The followins ciatai were audited d da 'a??: W H wyer, labor on Guide Rok nrcr bride-..-.-..tI76 57 j Alfred Naulteu medical ?em- I ca and expert icsimoar lii CO 1 Petition for the raeaskm of tlc ill J fnnj. f ,&Z ;! throah Uock. . ..1 . Jul .n.ifl.rwl arul "SSIT? 4 "6. 4 d --' --